diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/fc_float.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/fc_float.ml
index 3fd653052056c4e4aede01aaa7a01b37fc20652c..748e227d2dd83dd709a9d36b08724a06029ebbd5 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/fc_float.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/fc_float.ml
@@ -58,11 +58,8 @@ let cmp_ieee = (compare: float -> float -> int)
     are also considered, e.g. "if x < 0.0" is equivalent to "if x < -0.0",
     which is also equivalent to "F.compare x (-0.0) < 0".
     This 'compare' operator distinguishes -0. and 0. *)
-(* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
-[@@@ warning "-3"]
-external compare : float -> float -> int = "float_compare_total" "noalloc"
+external compare : float -> float -> int = "float_compare_total" [@@noalloc]
 let total_compare = compare
-[@@@ warning "+3"]
 let of_float round prec f = round >>% fun () -> round_to_precision prec f
@@ -74,10 +71,7 @@ let is_finite f = match classify_float f with
   | FP_nan | FP_infinite -> false
   | FP_normal | FP_subnormal | FP_zero -> true
-(* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
-[@@@ warning "-3"]
-external is_negative : float -> bool = "float_is_negative" "noalloc"
-[@@@ warning "+3"]
+external is_negative : float -> bool = "float_is_negative" [@@noalloc]
 let round_to_precision round prec t =
   if is_single prec
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/fval.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/fval.ml
index 8bd884baf257cd2d9b9d7af27fd10e6b8337a536..a3771a9b86e7d65a30c5a5fdd7c2dcab18d3c45a 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/fval.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/fval.ml
@@ -59,10 +59,7 @@ module F = struct
       are also considered, e.g. "if x < 0.0" is equivalent to "if x < -0.0",
       which is also equivalent to "F.compare x (-0.0) < 0".
       This 'compare' operator distinguishes -0. and 0. *)
-  (* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
-  [@@@ warning "-3"]
-  external compare : float -> float -> int = "float_compare_total" "noalloc"
-  [@@@ warning "+3"]
+  external compare : float -> float -> int = "float_compare_total" [@@noalloc]
   let equal f1 f2 = compare f1 f2 = 0
   (* The Caml version of compare below is fine but the C version above is
diff --git a/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.ml b/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.ml
index 04d1facd71e8c7df8b9a21aef7b9b054ff26f70b..1877cb944df416118f4d499324ec6dfaa41a3b25 100644
--- a/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.ml
@@ -330,10 +330,7 @@ let xor x y = if x then not y else y
 (** {2 Performance} *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
-(* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
-[@@@ warning "-3"]
-external address_of_value: 'a -> int = "address_of_value" "noalloc"
-[@@@ warning "+3"]
+external address_of_value: 'a -> int = "address_of_value" [@@noalloc]
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
 (** {2 Exception catcher} *)
diff --git a/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli b/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli
index 7a1204e843cf57bea0b27b12844c5a73774360b1..391de576362035a40b73ea78cfb7f9acabaef5fb 100644
--- a/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli
+++ b/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli
@@ -331,10 +331,7 @@ val format_string_of_stag: Format.stag -> string
 (** {2 Performance} *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
-(* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
-[@@@ warning "-3"]
-external address_of_value: 'a -> int = "address_of_value" "noalloc"
-[@@@ warning "+3"]
+external address_of_value: 'a -> int = "address_of_value" [@@noalloc]
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
 (** {2 Exception catcher} *)
diff --git a/src/libraries/utils/floating_point.ml b/src/libraries/utils/floating_point.ml
index 63c67cd7a57612bf07140f07269a0442f07bf13f..e86a8df5f1b6cb8e8f746abd8f2ea87dcffac109 100644
--- a/src/libraries/utils/floating_point.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/utils/floating_point.ml
@@ -29,17 +29,12 @@ let string_of_c_rounding_mode = function
   | FE_Downward -> "FE_DOWNWARD"
   | FE_TowardZero -> "FE_TOWARDZERO"
-(* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
-[@@@ warning "-3"]
-external set_round_downward: unit -> unit = "set_round_downward" "noalloc"
-external set_round_upward: unit -> unit = "set_round_upward" "noalloc"
-external set_round_nearest_even: unit -> unit = "set_round_nearest_even" "noalloc"
-external set_round_toward_zero : unit -> unit = "set_round_toward_zero" "noalloc"
-external get_rounding_mode: unit -> c_rounding_mode = "get_rounding_mode" "noalloc"
-external set_rounding_mode: c_rounding_mode -> unit = "set_rounding_mode" "noalloc"
-[@@@ warning "+3"]
+external set_round_downward: unit -> unit = "set_round_downward" [@@noalloc]
+external set_round_upward: unit -> unit = "set_round_upward" [@@noalloc]
+external set_round_nearest_even: unit -> unit = "set_round_nearest_even" [@@noalloc]
+external set_round_toward_zero : unit -> unit = "set_round_toward_zero" [@@noalloc]
+external get_rounding_mode: unit -> c_rounding_mode = "get_rounding_mode" [@@noalloc]
+external set_rounding_mode: c_rounding_mode -> unit = "set_rounding_mode" [@@noalloc]
 external round_to_single_precision_float: float -> float = "round_to_float"
 external sys_single_precision_of_string: string -> float =
diff --git a/src/plugins/value_types/cvalue.ml b/src/plugins/value_types/cvalue.ml
index 4d817854fc534d2de8746f3568c46352a94f8707..6647c539acf0696c7c8f7f84eda30496e9ffe98f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value_types/cvalue.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value_types/cvalue.ml
@@ -714,10 +714,7 @@ module V_Or_Uninitialized = struct
   let mask_init = 2
   let mask_noesc = 1
-  (* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
-  [@@@ warning "-3"]
-  external get_flags : t -> int = "caml_obj_tag" "noalloc"
-  [@@@ warning "+3"]
+  external get_flags : t -> int = "caml_obj_tag" [@@noalloc]
   let is_initialized v = (get_flags v land mask_init) <> 0
   let is_noesc v = (get_flags v land mask_noesc) <> 0