diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/taint_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/taint_domain.ml
index 8431bf7e3175c9dd5ef2f93254077320db65c189..d47a91fead62634a17647c2a20cd59754f8c6dea 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/taint_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/taint_domain.ml
@@ -20,4 +20,157 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-include Inout_domain.D
+open Locations
+type taint = Zone.t
+module LatticeTaint = struct
+  (* Frama-C "datatype" for type [taint]. *)
+  include Datatype.Make_with_collections(struct
+      include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
+      type t = taint
+      let name = "Value.Taint.t"
+      let reprs = [ List.hd Zone.reprs; ]
+      let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_record [| Zone.packed_descr; |]
+      let compare = Zone.compare
+      let equal = Datatype.from_compare
+      let pretty fmt c = Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov>%a@]" Zone.pretty c
+      let hash = Zone.hash
+      let copy c = c
+    end)
+  (* Initial state at the start of the computation: nothing is tainted yet. *)
+  let empty = Zone.bottom
+  (* Top state: everything is tainted. *)
+  let top = Zone.top
+  (* Join: keep to over-approximate. *)
+  let join = Zone.join
+  (* The memory locations are finite, so the ascending chain property is
+     already verified. We simply use a join. *)
+  let widen _ _ c1 c2 = join c1 c2
+  let narrow c1 c2 = `Value (Zone.narrow c1 c2)
+  (* Inclusion testing: pointwise. *)
+  let is_included = Zone.is_included
+module TransferTaint = struct
+  (* No update about taint wrt information provided by the other domains. *)
+  let update _valuation state = `Value state
+  let assign _ki _lv _exp _v _valuation state = `Value state
+  let assume _stmt _exp _b _valuation state = `Value state
+  let start_call _stmt _call _valutaion state = `Value state
+  let finalize_call _stmt _call ~pre:_ ~post = `Value post
+  let show_expr _valuation _state _fmt _exp = ()
+module QueriesTaint = struct
+  let top_query = `Value (Cvalue.V.top, None), Alarmset.all
+  let extract_expr _oracle _state _expr = top_query
+  let extract_lval _oracle _state _lv _typ _locs = top_query
+  let backward_location _state _lval _typ loc value = `Value (loc, value)
+  let reduce_further _state _expr _value =
+    [] (* Nothing intelligent to suggest *)
+module ReuseTaint = struct
+  let relate _kf _bases _state = Base.SetLattice.empty
+  let filter _kf _kind _bases state = state
+  let reuse _kf _bases ~current_input:_ ~previous_output = previous_output
+module InternalTaint = struct
+  type state = taint
+  type value = Cvalue.V.t
+  type location = Precise_locs.precise_location
+  type origin
+  include (LatticeTaint: sig
+             include Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = state
+             include Abstract_domain.Lattice with type state := state
+           end)
+  include (QueriesTaint: Abstract_domain.Queries
+           with type state := state
+            and type value := value
+            and type location := location
+            and type origin := origin)
+  include (TransferTaint: Abstract_domain.Transfer
+           with type state := state
+            and type value := value
+            and type location := location
+            and type origin := origin)
+  include (ReuseTaint: Abstract_domain.Reuse with type t := state)
+  let name = "taint"
+  let log_category = Value_parameters.register_category "d-taint"
+  (* Logic. *)
+  let logic_assign _assign _location _state = top
+  let evaluate_predicate _ _ _ = Alarmset.Unknown
+  let reduce_by_predicate _ state _ _ = `Value state
+  (* Scoping and Initialization. *)
+  let enter_scope _kind _vars state = state
+  let leave_scope _kf _vars state = state
+  (* Initial state: initializers are singletons, so we store nothing. *)
+  let empty () = LatticeTaint.empty
+  let initialize_variable _ _ ~initialized:_ _ state = state
+  let initialize_variable_using_type _ _ state  = state
+  (* Misc. *)
+  let enter_loop _ state = state
+  let incr_loop_counter _ state = state
+  let leave_loop _ state = state
+  let storage () = true
+include Domain_builder.Complete (InternalTaint)