diff --git a/.Makefile.lint b/.Makefile.lint
index 69b506b6c4e6dcb894a746aed704839d6e5b8ee3..32f6011d23d63b935665a9f6d15f91a0adefdced 100644
--- a/.Makefile.lint
+++ b/.Makefile.lint
@@ -196,9 +196,6 @@ ML_LINT_KO+=src/plugins/aorai/aorai_dataflow.ml
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly
index 0da0b7020349f1bf7f3646cddf230055b094af86..87325decb88c1c7056de3787504affb710d37af0 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly
@@ -161,6 +161,18 @@ let doDeclaration logic_spec (loc: cabsloc) (specs: spec_elem list) (nl: init_na
       DECDEF (logic_spec, (specs, nl), loc)
+let in_ghost =
+  let ghost_me = object
+    inherit Cabsvisit.nopCabsVisitor
+    method! vstmt s =
+      s.stmt_ghost <- true;
+      Cil.DoChildren
+  end
+  in
+  List.map
+    (fun s -> ignore (Cabsvisit.visitCabsStatement ghost_me s); s)
+let ghost_global = ref false
 let doFunctionDef spec (loc: cabsloc)
                   (lend: cabsloc)
@@ -170,6 +182,7 @@ let doFunctionDef spec (loc: cabsloc)
   let fname = (specs, n) in
   let name = match n with (n,_,_,_) -> n in
   Extlib.may (fun (spec, _) -> check_funspec_abrupt_clauses name spec) spec;
+  let b = if !ghost_global then { b with bstmts = in_ghost b.bstmts } else b in
   FUNDEF (spec, fname, b, loc, lend)
 let doOldParDecl (names: string list)
@@ -279,17 +292,6 @@ let no_ghost_stmt s = {stmt_ghost = false ; stmt_node = s}
 let no_ghost = List.map no_ghost_stmt
-let in_ghost =
-  let ghost_me = object
-    inherit Cabsvisit.nopCabsVisitor
-    method! vstmt s =
-      s.stmt_ghost <- true;
-      Cil.DoChildren
-  end
-  in
-  List.map
-    (fun s -> ignore (Cabsvisit.visitCabsStatement ghost_me s); s)
 let in_block l =
   match l with
       [] -> no_ghost_stmt (NOP cabslu)
@@ -440,15 +442,19 @@ file: globals EOF			{$1}
   /* empty */                           { [] }
 | global globals                        { (false,$1) :: $2 }
-| LGHOST ghost_globals globals          { $2 @ $3 }
+| ghost_glob_begin ghost_globals globals          { $2 @ $3 }
 | SEMICOLON globals                     { $2 }
+| LGHOST { ghost_global:=true }
 /* Rules for global ghosts: TODO keep the ghost status! */
-| declaration ghost_globals                           { (true,$1)::$2 }
-| function_def ghost_globals                          { (true,$1)::$2 }
-| RGHOST                                              { [] }
+| declaration ghost_globals             { (true,$1)::$2 }
+| function_def ghost_globals            { (true,$1)::$2 }
+| RGHOST                                { ghost_global:=false; [] }
 /*** Global Definition ***/
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml b/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
index 4cfcf1a6dbc2fb12b9cd97f28067f0579f2c34a1..b14ad59df17dc996dabd4f936fafaebc2d1bebc5 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
@@ -857,10 +857,17 @@ type envdata =
                                          * declared labels. The lookup name
                                          * for this category is "label foo" *)
-let env : (string, envdata * location) H.t = H.create 307
+let env  = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.create 307
+(* ghost environment: keep track of all symbols, in the order
+   in which they have been introduced. Superset of env *)
+let ghost_env = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.create 307
 (* We also keep a global environment. This is always a subset of the env *)
-let genv : (string, envdata * location) H.t = H.create 307
+let global_env = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.create 307
+(* ghost global environment: superset of global and subset of ghost *)
+let ghost_global_env = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.create 307
+(* maps a C label to the ghost environment of variables in scope
+   at this program point. Used for typing \at() terms and predicates. *)
 let label_env = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.create 307
 let add_label_env lab =
@@ -870,8 +877,9 @@ let add_label_env lab =
       Datatype.String.Map.add v vi map
     | _ -> map
-  let lab_env = H.fold add_if_absent env Datatype.String.Map.empty in
-  Datatype.String.Hashtbl.add label_env lab lab_env
+  let open Datatype.String.Hashtbl in
+  let lab_env = fold add_if_absent ghost_env Datatype.String.Map.empty in
+  add label_env lab lab_env
 let remove_label_env lab =
   Datatype.String.Hashtbl.remove label_env lab
@@ -879,50 +887,59 @@ let remove_label_env lab =
 (* In the scope we keep the original name, so we can remove them from the
  * hash table easily *)
 type undoScope =
-    UndoRemoveFromEnv of string
+    UndoRemoveFromEnv of bool * string (* boolean indicates whether we should
+                                          remove from ghost env only, or both.*)
   | UndoAlphaEnv of location Alpha.undoAlphaElement list
 let scopes :  undoScope list ref list ref = ref []
 (* tries to estimate if the name 's' was declared in the current scope;
    note that this may not work in all cases *)
-let declared_in_current_scope s =
+let declared_in_current_scope ~ghost s =
   match !scopes with
-  | [] -> (* global scope: check if present in genv *) H.mem genv s
+  | [] -> (* global scope *)
+    let env = if ghost then ghost_global_env else global_env in
+    Datatype.String.Hashtbl.mem env s
   | cur_scope :: _ ->
     let names_declared_in_current_scope =
-        (function UndoRemoveFromEnv _  -> true | UndoAlphaEnv _ -> false)
-          | UndoRemoveFromEnv s -> s
+          | UndoRemoveFromEnv (ghost',_)  -> ghost || not ghost'
+          | UndoAlphaEnv _ -> false)
+        (function
+          | UndoRemoveFromEnv (_, s) -> s
           | UndoAlphaEnv _ -> assert false (* already filtered *)
         ) !cur_scope
     List.mem s names_declared_in_current_scope
 (* When you add to env, you also add it to the current scope *)
-let addLocalToEnv (n: string) (d: envdata) =
-  (*log "%a: adding local %s to env\n" d_loc !currentLoc n; *)
-  H.add env n (d, CurrentLoc.get ());
+let addLocalToEnv ghost name data =
+  let v = data, CurrentLoc.get() in
+  Datatype.String.Hashtbl.add ghost_env name v;
+  if not ghost then Datatype.String.Hashtbl.add env name v;
   (* If we are in a scope, then it means we are not at top level. Add the
    * name to the scope *)
-  (match !scopes with
-   | [] -> begin
-       match d with
-       | EnvVar _ ->
-         Kernel.fatal ~current:true
-           "addLocalToEnv: not in a scope when adding %s!" n
-       | _ ->
-         H.add genv n (d,CurrentLoc.get()) (* We might add types *)
-     end
-   | s :: _ ->
-     s := (UndoRemoveFromEnv n) :: !s)
+  match !scopes with
+  | [] -> begin
+      match data with
+      | EnvVar _ ->
+        Kernel.fatal ~current:true
+          "addLocalToEnv: not in a scope when adding %s!" name
+      | _ ->
+        (* Adding a type with local scope *)
+        Datatype.String.Hashtbl.add ghost_global_env name v;
+        if not ghost then Datatype.String.Hashtbl.add global_env name v
+    end
+  | s :: _ -> s := UndoRemoveFromEnv (ghost, name) :: !s
-let addGlobalToEnv (k: string) (d: envdata) : unit =
-  (*  ignore (E.log "%a: adding global %s to env\n" d_loc !currentLoc k); *)
-  H.add env k (d, CurrentLoc.get ());
-  (* Also add it to the global environment *)
-  H.add genv k (d, CurrentLoc.get ())
+let addGlobalToEnv ghost name data =
+  let open Datatype.String.Hashtbl in
+  let v = data, CurrentLoc.get () in
+  add ghost_env name v;
+  if not ghost then add env name v;
+  add ghost_global_env name v;
+  if not ghost then add global_env name v
 (* Create a new name based on a given name. The new name is formed from a
  * prefix (obtained from the given name as the longest prefix that ends with
@@ -966,12 +983,15 @@ let is_same_kind kind info =
   | "", EnvVar _ -> true
   | _, _ -> false
-let find_identifier_decl name info =
+let find_identifier_decl ghost name info =
   match info with
-  | UndoRemoveFromEnv name' -> name = name'
+  | UndoRemoveFromEnv (ghost', name') ->
+    (ghost || not ghost') && name = name'
   | _ -> false
-let newAlphaName (globalscope: bool) (* The name should have global scope *)
+let newAlphaName
+    ghost
+    (globalscope: bool) (* The name should have global scope *)
     (kind: string)
     (origname: string) : string * location =
   let lookupname = kindPlusName kind origname in
@@ -1001,10 +1021,15 @@ let newAlphaName (globalscope: bool) (* The name should have global scope *)
       let info =
         if !scopes = [] then begin
-          fst (H.find genv lookupname)
+          let env = if ghost then ghost_global_env else global_env in
+          fst (Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find env lookupname)
         end else
-        if List.exists (find_identifier_decl lookupname) !(List.hd !scopes)
-        then fst (H.find env lookupname)
+        if List.exists
+            (find_identifier_decl ghost lookupname) !(List.hd !scopes)
+        then begin
+          let env = if ghost then ghost_env else env in
+          fst (Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find env lookupname)
+        end
         else raise Not_found
       if not (Kernel.C11.get () && kind = "type") then
@@ -1045,51 +1070,39 @@ let constrExprId = ref 0
 let startFile () =
-  Datatype.String.Hashtbl.clear label_env;
-  H.clear env;
-  H.clear genv;
+  let open Datatype.String.Hashtbl in
+  clear label_env;
+  clear env;
+  clear ghost_env;
   H.clear alphaTable;
-  lastStructId := 0;
+  lastStructId := 0
 (* Lookup a variable name. Return also the location of the definition. Might
  * raise Not_found  *)
-let lookupVar (n: string) : varinfo * location =
-  match H.find env n with
+let lookupVar ghost name =
+  let env = if ghost then ghost_env else env in
+  match Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find env name with
   | (EnvVar vi), loc -> vi, loc
   | _ -> raise Not_found
+let only_ghost_symbol name =
+  try ignore (lookupVar false name); false
+  with Not_found ->
+  try ignore (lookupVar true name); true
+  with Not_found -> false
-let lookupGlobalVar (n: string) : varinfo * location =
-  match H.find genv n with
+let lookupGlobalVar ghost name =
+  let env = if ghost then ghost_global_env else global_env in
+  match Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find env name with
   | (EnvVar vi), loc -> vi, loc
   | _ -> raise Not_found
-let _docEnv () =
-  let acc : (string * (envdata * location)) list ref = ref [] in
-  let doone fmt = function
-      EnvVar vi, l ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "Var(%s,global=%b) (at %a)"
-        vi.vname vi.vglob Cil_printer.pp_location l
-    | EnvEnum (_item), l -> Format.fprintf fmt "Enum (at %a)" Cil_printer.pp_location l
-    | EnvTyp _t, _l -> Format.fprintf fmt "typ"
-    | EnvLabel l, _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "label %s" l
-  in
-  H.iter (fun k d -> acc := (k, d) :: !acc) env;
-  Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"@\n"
-    (fun fmt (k, d) -> Format.fprintf fmt "  %s -> %a" k doone d)
-    Format.std_formatter
-    !acc
 (* Add a new variable. Do alpha-conversion if necessary *)
-let alphaConvertVarAndAddToEnv (addtoenv: bool) (vi: varinfo) : varinfo =
-  ignore (E.log "%t: alphaConvert(addtoenv=%b) %s" d_thisloc addtoenv vi.vname);
+let alphaConvertVarAndAddToEnv addtoenv vi =
   (* Announce the name to the alpha conversion table *)
-  let newname, oldloc = newAlphaName (addtoenv && vi.vglob) "" vi.vname in
+  let newname, oldloc =
+    newAlphaName vi.vghost (addtoenv && vi.vglob) "" vi.vname
+  in
   (* Make a copy of the vi if the name has changed. Never change the name for
    * global variables *)
   let newvi =
@@ -1122,12 +1135,7 @@ let alphaConvertVarAndAddToEnv (addtoenv: bool) (vi: varinfo) : varinfo =
                  because of previous occurrence at %a"
                 vi.vname newname Cil_printer.pp_location oldloc;
-      end else begin
-        (* We have changed the name of a local variable. Can we try to detect
-         * if the other variable was also local in the same scope? Not for
-         * now. *)
-        copyVarinfo vi newname
-      end
+      end else copyVarinfo vi newname
   (* Store all locals in the slocals (in reversed order). *)
@@ -1136,9 +1144,9 @@ let alphaConvertVarAndAddToEnv (addtoenv: bool) (vi: varinfo) : varinfo =
   (if addtoenv then
      if vi.vglob then
-       addGlobalToEnv vi.vname (EnvVar newvi)
+       addGlobalToEnv vi.vghost vi.vname (EnvVar newvi)
-       addLocalToEnv vi.vname (EnvVar newvi));
+       addLocalToEnv vi.vghost vi.vname (EnvVar newvi));
   ignore (E.log "  new=%s\n" newvi.vname);
@@ -1163,7 +1171,7 @@ end
 let constFoldType (t:typ) : typ =
   visitCilType constFoldTypeVisitor t
-let get_temp_name ?(ghost=false) () =
+let get_temp_name ghost () =
   let undolist = ref [] in
   let data = CurrentLoc.get() in
   let name = if ghost then "g_tmp" else "tmp" in
@@ -1177,7 +1185,7 @@ let get_temp_name ?(ghost=false) () =
 (* Create a new temporary variable *)
 let newTempVar ~ghost loc descr (descrpure:bool) typ =
   let t' = (!typeForInsertedVar) typ in
-  let name = get_temp_name ~ghost () in
+  let name = get_temp_name ghost () in
   let vi = makeVarinfo ~ghost ~temp:true ~loc false false name t' in
   vi.vdescr <- Some descr;
   vi.vdescrpure <- descrpure;
@@ -1208,19 +1216,18 @@ let compInfoNameEnv : (string, compinfo) H.t = H.create 113
 let enumInfoNameEnv : (string, enuminfo) H.t = H.create 113
-let lookupTypeNoError (kind: string)
-    (n: string) : typ * location =
-  let kn = kindPlusName kind n in
-  match H.find env kn with
+let lookupTypeNoError ghost kind name =
+  let kn = kindPlusName kind name in
+  let env = if ghost then ghost_env else env in
+  match Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find env kn with
   | EnvTyp t, l -> t, l
   | _ -> raise Not_found
-let lookupType (kind: string)
-    (n: string) : typ * location =
+let lookupType ghost kind name =
-    lookupTypeNoError kind n
+    lookupTypeNoError ghost kind name
   with Not_found ->
-    Kernel.fatal ~current:true "Cannot find type %s (kind:%s)" n kind
+    Kernel.fatal ~current:true "Cannot find type %s (kind:%s)" name kind
 (* Create the self ref cell and add it to the map. Return also an indication
  * if this is a new one. *)
@@ -1256,28 +1263,28 @@ let createEnumInfo (n: string) ~(norig:string) : enuminfo * bool =
 (* kind is either "struct" or "union" or "enum" and n is a name *)
-let findCompType (kind: string) (n: string) (a: attributes) =
+let findCompType ghost kind name attr =
   let makeForward () =
     (* This is a forward reference, either because we have not seen this
      * struct already or because we want to create a version with different
      * attributes  *)
     if kind = "enum" then
-      let enum, isnew = createEnumInfo n n in
+      let enum, isnew = createEnumInfo name name in
       if isnew then
         cabsPushGlobal (GEnumTagDecl (enum, CurrentLoc.get ()));
-      TEnum (enum, a)
+      TEnum (enum, attr)
       let iss = if kind = "struct" then true else false in
-      let self, isnew = createCompInfo iss n ~norig:n in
+      let self, isnew = createCompInfo iss name ~norig:name in
       if isnew then
         cabsPushGlobal (GCompTagDecl (self, CurrentLoc.get ()));
-      TComp (self, empty_size_cache (), a)
+      TComp (self, empty_size_cache (), attr)
-    let old, _ = lookupTypeNoError kind n in (* already defined  *)
+    let old, _ = lookupTypeNoError ghost kind name in (* already defined  *)
     let olda = typeAttrs old in
     let equal =
-      try List.for_all2 Cil_datatype.Attribute.equal olda a
+      try List.for_all2 Cil_datatype.Attribute.equal olda attr
       with Invalid_argument _ -> false
     if equal then old else makeForward ()
@@ -2200,7 +2207,7 @@ type loopstate =
 let continues : loopstate list ref = ref []
 (* Sometimes we need to create new label names *)
-let newLabelName (base: string) = fst (newAlphaName false "label" base)
+let newLabelName ghost base = fst (newAlphaName ghost false "label" base)
 let continueOrLabelChunk ~ghost (l: location) : chunk =
   match !continues with
@@ -2209,14 +2216,14 @@ let continueOrLabelChunk ~ghost (l: location) : chunk =
     if !doTransformWhile then
         if !lr = "" then begin
-          lr := newLabelName "__Cont"
+          lr := newLabelName ghost "__Cont"
         gotoChunk ~ghost !lr l
     else continueChunk ~ghost l
   | NotWhile lr :: _ ->
     if !lr = "" then begin
-      lr := newLabelName "__Cont"
+      lr := newLabelName ghost "__Cont"
     gotoChunk ~ghost !lr l
@@ -2237,21 +2244,21 @@ let exit_break_env () =
   ignore (Stack.pop break_env)
 (* In GCC we can have locally declared labels. *)
-let genNewLocalLabel (l: string) =
+let genNewLocalLabel ghost l =
   (* Call the newLabelName to register the label name in the alpha conversion
    * table. *)
-  let l' = newLabelName l in
+  let l' = newLabelName ghost l in
   (* Add it to the environment *)
-  addLocalToEnv (kindPlusName "label" l) (EnvLabel l');
+  addLocalToEnv ghost (kindPlusName "label" l) (EnvLabel l');
-let lookupLabel (l: string) =
+let lookupLabel ghost l =
-    match H.find env (kindPlusName "label" l) with
+    let env = if ghost then ghost_env else env in
+    match Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find env (kindPlusName "label" l) with
     | EnvLabel l', _ -> l'
     | _ -> raise Not_found
-  with Not_found ->
-    l
+  with Not_found -> l
 class gatherLabelsClass : V.cabsVisitor = object (self)
   inherit V.nopCabsVisitor
@@ -2297,7 +2304,9 @@ class gatherLabelsClass : V.cabsVisitor = object (self)
              (* Mark this label as defined *)
              H.replace localLabels lbl (Some (CurrentLoc.get())))
         with Not_found -> (* lbl is not a local label *)
-          let newname, oldloc = newAlphaName false "label" lbl in
+          let newname, oldloc =
+            newAlphaName s.stmt_ghost false "label" lbl
+          in
           if newname <> lbl then
             Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true
               "Duplicate label '%s' (previous definition was at %a)"
@@ -2946,8 +2955,14 @@ let makeGlobalVarinfo (isadef: bool) (vi: varinfo) : varinfo * bool =
       Kernel.debug ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_typing_global
         "makeGlobalVarinfo isadef=%B vi.vname=%s(%d), vreferenced=%B"
         isadef vi.vname vi.vid vi.vreferenced;
-      (* This may throw an exception Not_found *)
-      let oldvi, oldloc = lookupGlobalVar vi.vname in
+      (* This may throw an exception Not_found
+         Note that we always search in all the context, including ghost *)
+      let oldvi, oldloc = lookupGlobalVar true vi.vname in
+      if oldvi.vghost <> vi.vghost then
+        abort_context "Inconsistent ghost specification for %s.@ \
+                       Previous declaration was at: %a"
+          vi.vname Cil_datatype.Location.pretty oldloc ;
       Kernel.debug ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_typing_global
         "  %s(%d) already in the env at loc %a"
         vi.vname oldvi.vid Cil_printer.pp_location oldloc;
@@ -3118,8 +3133,9 @@ let setupBuiltin ?(force_keep=false) name ?spec (resTyp, args_or_argtypes, isva)
+(*  builtin is never ghost *)
 let memoBuiltin ?force_keep ?spec name proto =
-  try fst (lookupGlobalVar name)
+  try fst (lookupGlobalVar false name)
   with Not_found -> setupBuiltin ?force_keep ?spec name proto
 let vla_alloc_fun () =
@@ -3812,7 +3828,8 @@ struct
   let find_macro _ = raise Not_found
   let find_var ?label ~var =
     let find_from_curr_env test =
-      match H.find env var with
+      (* logic has always access to the ghost variables. *)
+      match Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find ghost_env var with
       | EnvVar vi, _ when test vi -> cvar_to_lvar vi
       | _ -> raise Not_found
@@ -3831,7 +3848,8 @@ struct
         (Datatype.String.Map.find var
            (Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find label_env lab))
-  let find_enum_tag x = match H.find env x with
+  let find_enum_tag x =
+    match Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find ghost_env x with
     | EnvEnum item,_ ->
       dummy_exp (Const (CEnum item)), typeOf item.eival
     | _ -> raise Not_found
@@ -3840,10 +3858,10 @@ struct
   let find_type namespace s =
     match namespace with
-    | Logic_typing.Typedef -> let t,_ = lookupTypeNoError "type" s in t
-    | Logic_typing.Union -> findCompType "union" s []
-    | Logic_typing.Struct -> findCompType "struct" s []
-    | Logic_typing.Enum -> findCompType "enum" s []
+    | Logic_typing.Typedef -> let t,_ = lookupTypeNoError true "type" s in t
+    | Logic_typing.Union -> findCompType true "union" s []
+    | Logic_typing.Struct -> findCompType true "struct" s []
+    | Logic_typing.Enum -> findCompType true "enum" s []
   include Logic_labels
@@ -3902,8 +3920,10 @@ let exitScope () =
   scopes := rest;
   let rec loop = function
       [] -> ()
-    | UndoRemoveFromEnv n :: t ->
-      H.remove env n; loop t
+    | UndoRemoveFromEnv (ghost, n) :: t ->
+      Datatype.String.Hashtbl.remove ghost_env n;
+      if not ghost then Datatype.String.Hashtbl.remove env n;
+      loop t
     | UndoAlphaEnv undolist :: t ->
       Alpha.undoAlphaChanges ~alphaTable ~undolist;
       loop t
@@ -4500,15 +4520,16 @@ let rec doSpecList ghost (suggestedAnonName: string)
       TBuiltin_va_list []
     | [A.Tnamed "__fc_builtin_size_t"] -> Cil.theMachine.typeOfSizeOf
     | [A.Tnamed n] ->
-      (match lookupType "type" n with
+      (match lookupType ghost "type" n with
        | (TNamed _) as x, _ -> x
        | _ ->
          Kernel.fatal ~current:true "Named type %s is not mapped correctly" n)
     | [A.Tstruct (n, None, _)] -> (* A reference to a struct *)
       if n = "" then
-        Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true "Missing struct tag on incomplete struct";
-      findCompType "struct" n []
+        Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true
+          "Missing struct tag on incomplete struct";
+      findCompType ghost "struct" n []
     | [A.Tstruct (n, Some nglist, extraAttrs)] -> (* A definition of a struct *)
       let n' =
         if n <> "" then n else anonStructName "struct" suggestedAnonName in
@@ -4518,8 +4539,9 @@ let rec doSpecList ghost (suggestedAnonName: string)
     | [A.Tunion (n, None, _)] -> (* A reference to a union *)
       if n = "" then
-        Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true "Missing union tag on incomplete union";
-      findCompType "union" n []
+        Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true
+          "Missing union tag on incomplete union";
+      findCompType ghost "union" n []
     | [A.Tunion (n, Some nglist, extraAttrs)] -> (* A definition of a union *)
       let n' =
         if n <> "" then n else anonStructName "union" suggestedAnonName in
@@ -4529,14 +4551,15 @@ let rec doSpecList ghost (suggestedAnonName: string)
     | [A.Tenum (n, None, _)] -> (* Just a reference to an enum *)
       if n = "" then
-        Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true "Missing enum tag on incomplete enum";
-      findCompType "enum" n []
+        Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true
+          "Missing enum tag on incomplete enum";
+      findCompType ghost "enum" n []
     | [A.Tenum (n, Some eil, extraAttrs)] -> (* A definition of an enum *)
       let n' =
         if n <> "" then n else anonStructName "enum" suggestedAnonName in
       (* make a new name for this enumeration *)
-      let n'', _  = newAlphaName true "enum" n' in
+      let n'', _  = newAlphaName ghost true "enum" n' in
       (* Create the enuminfo, or use one that was created already for a
        * forward reference *)
@@ -4589,14 +4612,14 @@ let rec doSpecList ghost (suggestedAnonName: string)
         (* add this tag to the list so that it ends up in the real
          * environment when we're finished  *)
-        let newname, _  = newAlphaName true "" kname in
+        let newname, _  = newAlphaName ghost true "" kname in
         let item = { eiorig_name = kname;
                      einame = newname;
                      eival = i;
                      eiloc = loc;
                      eihost = enum }
-        addLocalToEnv kname (EnvEnum item);
+        addLocalToEnv ghost kname (EnvEnum item);
         (kname, item) :: loop (increm i 1) rest
@@ -4653,7 +4676,7 @@ let rec doSpecList ghost (suggestedAnonName: string)
         enum.ekind <- ekind;
       (* Record the enum name in the environment *)
-      addLocalToEnv (kindPlusName "enum" n') (EnvTyp res);
+      addLocalToEnv ghost (kindPlusName "enum" n') (EnvTyp res);
       (* And define the tag *)
       cabsPushGlobal (GEnumTag (enum, CurrentLoc.get ()));
@@ -4775,8 +4798,8 @@ and doAttr ghost (a: A.attribute) : attribute list =
           (** See if this is an enumeration *)
             if not foldenum then raise Not_found;
-            match H.find env n' with
+            let env = if ghost then ghost_env else env in
+            match Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find env n' with
             | EnvEnum item, _ -> begin
                 match constFoldToInt item.eival with
                 | Some i64 when theMachine.lowerConstants ->
@@ -5083,7 +5106,7 @@ and doType (ghost:bool) isFuncArg
         (* Add the formal to the environment, so it can be referenced by
            other formals  (e.g. in an array type, although that will be
            changed to a pointer later, or though typeof).  *)
-        addLocalToEnv vi.vname (EnvVar vi);
+        addLocalToEnv ghost vi.vname (EnvVar vi);
       let make_noopt_targs ghost args =
@@ -5245,7 +5268,7 @@ and makeCompType ghost (isstruct: bool)
     (a: attribute list) =
   (* Make a new name for the structure *)
   let kind = if isstruct then "struct" else "union" in
-  let n', _  = newAlphaName true kind n in
+  let n', _  = newAlphaName ghost true kind n in
   (* Create the self cell for use in fields and forward references. Or maybe
    * one exists already from a forward reference  *)
   let comp, _ = createCompInfo isstruct n' norig in
@@ -5450,7 +5473,7 @@ and makeCompType ghost (isstruct: bool)
   cabsPushGlobal (GCompTag (comp, CurrentLoc.get ()));
   (* There must be a self cell created for this already *)
-  addLocalToEnv (kindPlusName kind n) (EnvTyp res);
+  addLocalToEnv ghost (kindPlusName kind n) (EnvTyp res);
   (* Now create a typedef with just this type *)
@@ -5622,7 +5645,8 @@ and doExp local_env
         (* Look up in the environment *)
-          let envdata = H.find env n in
+          let env = if ghost then ghost_env else env in
+          let envdata = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find env n in
           match envdata with
           | EnvVar vi, _ ->
             let lval = var vi in
@@ -5659,13 +5683,18 @@ and doExp local_env
           | _ -> raise Not_found
         with Not_found -> begin
             if isOldStyleVarArgName n then
-              Kernel.fatal ~current:true
+              Kernel.abort ~current:true
                 "Cannot resolve variable %s. \
-                 This could be a CIL bug due to the handling of old-style variable argument \
-                 functions"
+                 This could be a CIL bug due to \
+                 the handling of old-style variable argument functions"
+            else if only_ghost_symbol n then
+              Kernel.abort ~current:true
+                "Variable %s is a ghost symbol. \
+                 It cannot be used in non-ghost context. \
+                 Did you forget a /*@@ ghost ... /?" n
-              Kernel.fatal ~current:true "Cannot resolve variable %s" n
+              Kernel.abort ~current:true "Cannot resolve variable %s" n
     | A.INDEX (e1, e2) -> begin
@@ -6446,7 +6475,7 @@ and doExp local_env
                 | _ -> n
-              let vi, _ = lookupVar n in
+              let vi, _ = lookupVar ghost n in
               let reads =
                 if Lval.Set.mem
                     (var vi) local_env.authorized_reads
@@ -6459,6 +6488,11 @@ and doExp local_env
                new_exp ~loc:f.expr_loc (Lval(var vi)), vi.vtype)
             (* Found. Do not use finishExp. Simulate what = AExp None  *)
             with Not_found -> begin
+                if only_ghost_symbol n then
+                  Kernel.abort ~current:true
+                    "Function %s is a ghost symbol. \
+                     It cannot be used in non-ghost context. \
+                     Did you forget a /*@@ ghost ... /?" n ;
                 Kernel.debug ~level:3
                   "Calling function %s without prototype." n ;
                 let ftype = TFun(intType, None, false,
@@ -6831,7 +6865,8 @@ and doExp local_env
                (* Lookup the prototype for the replacement *)
                let v, _  =
-                 try lookupGlobalVar "__builtin_stdarg_start"
+                 (* builtin is not ghost *)
+                 try lookupGlobalVar false "__builtin_stdarg_start"
                  with Not_found ->
                      "Cannot find __builtin_stdarg_start to replace %s"
@@ -7380,7 +7415,7 @@ and doExp local_env
     | A.LABELADDR l -> begin (* GCC's taking the address of a label *)
-        let l = lookupLabel l in (* To support locally declared labels *)
+        let l = lookupLabel ghost l in (* To support locally declared labels *)
         let addrval =
           try H.find gotoTargetHash l
           with Not_found -> begin
@@ -7704,7 +7739,7 @@ and compileCondExp ~ghost ce st sf =
       (* If sf is small then will copy it *)
       try (true, sf, duplicateChunk sf)
       with Failure _ ->
-        let lab = newLabelName "_LAND" in
+        let lab = newLabelName ghost "_LAND" in
         (false, gotoChunk ~ghost lab loc, consLabel ~ghost lab sf loc false)
     let st' = compileCondExp ~ghost ce2 st sf1 in
@@ -7714,7 +7749,7 @@ and compileCondExp ~ghost ce st sf =
          after the else part. This prevents spurious falls-through warning
          afterwards. *)
       let sf' = duplicateChunk sf1 in
-      let lab = newLabelName "_LAND" in
+      let lab = newLabelName ghost "_LAND" in
       let gotostmt =
         if st_fall_through then gotoChunk ~ghost lab loc else skipChunk
@@ -7736,14 +7771,14 @@ and compileCondExp ~ghost ce st sf =
       (* If st is small then will copy it *)
       try (true, st, duplicateChunk st)
       with Failure _ ->
-        let lab = newLabelName "_LOR" in
+        let lab = newLabelName ghost "_LOR" in
         (false, gotoChunk ~ghost lab loc, consLabel ~ghost lab st loc false)
     if not duplicable && !doAlternateConditional then
       let st' = duplicateChunk st1 in
       let sf' = compileCondExp ~ghost ce2 st1 sf in
       let sf_fall_through = chunkFallsThrough sf' in
-      let lab = newLabelName "_LOR" in
+      let lab = newLabelName ghost "_LOR" in
       let gotostmt =
         if sf_fall_through then
           gotoChunk ~ghost lab loc
@@ -8613,7 +8648,7 @@ and createLocal ghost ((_, sto, _, _) as specs)
   | _ when isProto ndt ->
     let vi = createGlobal ghost None specs init_name in
     (* Add it to the environment to shadow previous decls *)
-    addLocalToEnv n (EnvVar vi);
+    addLocalToEnv ghost n (EnvVar vi);
     LocalFuncHook.apply vi;
@@ -8623,7 +8658,7 @@ and createLocal ghost ((_, sto, _, _) as specs)
     (* Now alpha convert it to make sure that it does not conflict with
      * existing globals or locals from this function. *)
     let full_name = !currentFunctionFDEC.svar.vname ^ "_" ^ n in
-    let newname, _  = newAlphaName true "" full_name in
+    let newname, _  = newAlphaName ghost true "" full_name in
     (* Make it global  *)
     let vi = makeVarInfoCabs ~ghost ~isformal:false
@@ -8638,7 +8673,7 @@ and createLocal ghost ((_, sto, _, _) as specs)
     H.add staticLocals vi.vname vi;
     (* Add it to the environment as a local so that the name goes out of
      * scope properly *)
-    addLocalToEnv n (EnvVar vi);
+    addLocalToEnv ghost n (EnvVar vi);
     (* Maybe this is an array whose length depends on something with local
        scope, e.g. "static char device[ sizeof(local) ]".
@@ -8677,7 +8712,7 @@ and createLocal ghost ((_, sto, _, _) as specs)
     let vi = createGlobal ghost None specs init_name in
     (* Add it to the local environment to ensure that it shadows previous
      * local variables *)
-    addLocalToEnv n (EnvVar vi);
+    addLocalToEnv ghost n (EnvVar vi);
   | _ ->
@@ -8822,7 +8857,7 @@ and createLocal ghost ((_, sto, _, _) as specs)
           [], [(Var vi,NoOffset)], Cil_datatype.Lval.Set.elements r), ghost)
-and doAliasFun vtype (thisname:string) (othername:string)
+and doAliasFun ghost vtype (thisname:string) (othername:string)
     (sname:single_name) (loc: cabsloc) : unit =
   (* This prototype declares that name is an alias for
      othername, which must be defined in this file *)
@@ -8845,7 +8880,7 @@ and doAliasFun vtype (thisname:string) (othername:string)
   ignore (doDecl empty_local_env true fdef);
   (* get the new function *)
   let v,_ =
-    try lookupGlobalVar thisname
+    try lookupGlobalVar ghost thisname
     with Not_found -> abort_context "error in doDecl"
   v.vattr <- dropAttribute "alias" v.vattr
@@ -8882,7 +8917,7 @@ and doDecl local_env (isglobal: bool) : A.definition -> chunk = function
                Cil_printer.pp_location (CurrentLoc.get ());
              ignore (createGlobal ghost logic_spec spec_res name)
            end else
-             doAliasFun vtype n othername (s, (n,ndt,a,l)) loc
+             doAliasFun ghost vtype n othername (s, (n,ndt,a,l)) loc
          | _ ->
            Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true
              "Bad alias attribute at %a" Cil_printer.pp_location (CurrentLoc.get()));
@@ -8961,7 +8996,7 @@ and doDecl local_env (isglobal: bool) : A.definition -> chunk = function
       (* Make the fundec right away, and we'll populate it later. We
        * need this throughout the code to create temporaries. *)
       currentFunctionFDEC :=
-        { svar     = makeGlobalVar ~temp:false n voidType;
+        { svar     = makeGlobalVar ~temp:false ~ghost n voidType;
           slocals  = []; (* For now we'll put here both the locals and
                           * the formals. Then "endFunction" will
                           * separate them *)
@@ -9012,7 +9047,7 @@ and doDecl local_env (isglobal: bool) : A.definition -> chunk = function
        * environment for the original name as well. This will ensure
        * that all uses of this function will refer to the renamed
        * function *)
-      addGlobalToEnv n (EnvVar !currentFunctionFDEC.svar);
+      addGlobalToEnv ghost n (EnvVar !currentFunctionFDEC.svar);
       if H.mem alreadyDefined !currentFunctionFDEC.svar.vname then
         Kernel.error ~once:true ~current:true "There is a definition already for %s" n;
@@ -9380,7 +9415,8 @@ and doTypedef ghost ((specs, nl): A.name_group) =
     let tattr = fc_stdlib_attribute tattr in
     let newTyp' = cabsTypeAddAttributes tattr newTyp in
     checkRestrictQualifierDeep newTyp';
-    if H.mem typedefs n && H.mem env n then
+    let env = if ghost then ghost_env else env in
+    if H.mem typedefs n && Datatype.String.Hashtbl.mem env n then
       (* check if type redefinition is allowed (C11 only);
          in all cases, do not create a new type.
          TODO: if local typedef redefinitions are to be supported, then the new type
@@ -9390,7 +9426,7 @@ and doTypedef ghost ((specs, nl): A.name_group) =
           Kernel.failure ~current:true
             "redefinition of a typedef in a non-global scope is currently unsupported";
         let typeinfo = H.find typedefs n in
-        let _, oldloc = lookupType "type" n in
+        let _, oldloc = lookupType ghost "type" n in
         if areCompatibleTypes typeinfo.ttype newTyp' then
             let error_conflicting_types () =
@@ -9413,7 +9449,7 @@ and doTypedef ghost ((specs, nl): A.name_group) =
                  which are invalid)
                - redefinition via a typedef of a struct/union/enum IS allowed;
                - other types are allowed. *)
-            if declared_in_current_scope n then
+            if declared_in_current_scope ghost n then
                 match newTyp' with (* do NOT unroll type here,
                                       redefinitions of typedefs are ok *)
@@ -9440,13 +9476,13 @@ and doTypedef ghost ((specs, nl): A.name_group) =
                   if not (Kernel.C11.get ()) then error_c11_redefinition ()
-        else if declared_in_current_scope n then
+        else if declared_in_current_scope ghost n then
           Kernel.error ~current:true
             "redefinition of type '%s' in the same scope with incompatible type.@ \
              Previous declaration was at %a" n Cil_datatype.Location.pretty oldloc;
     else (* effectively create new type *) begin
-      let n', _  = newAlphaName true "type" n in
+      let n', _  = newAlphaName ghost true "type" n in
       let ti =
         { torig_name = n; tname = n';
           ttype = newTyp'; treferenced = false }
@@ -9459,7 +9495,7 @@ and doTypedef ghost ((specs, nl): A.name_group) =
       let namedTyp = TNamed(ti, []) in
       (* Register the type. register it as local because we might be in a
        * local context  *)
-      addLocalToEnv (kindPlusName "type" n) (EnvTyp namedTyp);
+      addLocalToEnv ghost (kindPlusName "type" n) (EnvTyp namedTyp);
       cabsPushGlobal (GType (ti, CurrentLoc.get ()))
@@ -9508,7 +9544,7 @@ and doOnlyTypedef ghost (specs: A.spec_elem list) : unit =
 and doBody local_env (blk: A.block) : chunk =
   let ghost = local_env.is_ghost in
   (* Rename the labels and add them to the environment *)
-  List.iter (fun l -> ignore (genNewLocalLabel l)) blk.blabels;
+  List.iter (fun l -> ignore (genNewLocalLabel ghost l)) blk.blabels;
   (* See if we have some attributes *)
   let battrs = doAttributes ghost blk.A.battrs in
@@ -9852,7 +9888,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : A.statement) : chunk =
     C_logic_env.add_current_label l;
     (* Lookup the label because it might have been locally defined *)
     let chunk =
-      consLabel ~ghost (lookupLabel l) (doStatement local_env s) loc' true
+      consLabel ~ghost (lookupLabel ghost l) (doStatement local_env s) loc' true
     C_logic_env.reset_current_label (); chunk
@@ -9860,7 +9896,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : A.statement) : chunk =
     let loc' = convLoc loc in
     CurrentLoc.set loc';
     (* Maybe we need to rename this label *)
-    gotoChunk ~ghost (lookupLabel l) loc'
+    gotoChunk ~ghost (lookupLabel ghost l) loc'
   | A.COMPGOTO (e, loc) -> begin
       let loc' = convLoc loc in
@@ -9888,7 +9924,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : A.statement) : chunk =
             Kernel.fatal ~current:true
               "Non-empty chunk in creating temporary for goto *";
           let switchv, _ =
-            try lookupVar "__compgoto"
+            try lookupVar ghost "__compgoto"
             with Not_found -> abort_context "Cannot find temporary for goto *";
           (* Make a switch statement. We'll fill in the statements at the
@@ -9956,7 +9992,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : A.statement) : chunk =
         let asm_gotos =
             (fun label ->
-               let label = lookupLabel label in
+               let label = lookupLabel ghost label in
                let gref = ref dummyStmt in
                addGoto label gref;
@@ -9992,7 +10028,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : A.statement) : chunk =
               ~ghost ~isformal:false ~isglobal:false ldecl spec (n,ndt,a)
-          addLocalToEnv n (EnvVar vi);
+          addLocalToEnv ghost n (EnvVar vi);
           !currentFunctionFDEC.slocals <- vi :: !currentFunctionFDEC.slocals;
@@ -10165,8 +10201,10 @@ let convFile (path, f) =
   H.clear enumInfoNameEnv;
   H.clear staticLocals;
   H.clear typedefs;
-  H.clear env;
-  H.clear genv;
+  Datatype.String.Hashtbl.clear env;
+  Datatype.String.Hashtbl.clear global_env;
+  Datatype.String.Hashtbl.clear ghost_env;
+  Datatype.String.Hashtbl.clear ghost_global_env;
   IH.clear callTempVars;
   H.clear alpha_renaming;
   constrExprId := 0;
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/infer_annotations.ml b/src/kernel_internals/typing/infer_annotations.ml
index 2bc549d5caf779a1dcc81ebca20143fe31af2de7..f6e46efb0ca2b4d2b6f9e2082646691e76ee5654 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/infer_annotations.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/infer_annotations.ml
@@ -142,9 +142,10 @@ let assigns_from_prototype kf =
       (fun (g, t) acc -> if g then acc else t :: acc) inputs []
   let inputs = List.map (fun (_g, t) -> t) inputs in
+  let inputs g = if g then inputs else inputs_no_ghost in
   let arguments =
-      (fun (g, content) -> content, From (if g then inputs else inputs_no_ghost))
+      (fun (g, content) -> content, From (inputs g))
   match rtyp with
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ let assigns_from_prototype kf =
     (* assigns result from basic args and content of pointer args *)
     let loc = vi.vdecl in
     let result = Logic_const.(new_identified_term (tresult ~loc rtyp)) in
-    (result, From inputs_no_ghost):: arguments
+    (result, From (inputs vi.vghost)):: arguments
 let is_frama_c_builtin name =
   Ast_info.is_frama_c_builtin name
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
index 924ce6b3312eb3ca4ef719345d7ee2d22a087794..d52be341225739de126ccc744555a101393a6d96 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
@@ -5236,8 +5236,8 @@ let makeLocal ?(temp=false) ?referenced ?ghost ?(formal=false) ?loc fdec name ty
 (* Make a local variable and add it to a function *)
-let makeLocalVar fdec ?scope ?(temp=false) ?referenced ?(insert=true) ?loc name typ =
-  let vi = makeLocal ~temp ?referenced ?loc fdec name typ in
+let makeLocalVar fdec ?scope ?(temp=false) ?referenced ?(insert=true) ?ghost ?loc name typ =
+  let vi = makeLocal ~temp ?referenced ?ghost ?loc fdec name typ in
   refresh_local_name fdec vi;
   if insert then
@@ -5251,8 +5251,8 @@ let makeLocalVar fdec ?scope ?(temp=false) ?referenced ?(insert=true) ?loc name
-let makeTempVar fdec ?insert ?(name = "__cil_tmp") ?descr ?(descrpure = true) ?loc typ : varinfo =
-  let vi = makeLocalVar fdec ~temp:true ?insert ?loc name typ in
+let makeTempVar fdec ?insert ?ghost ?(name = "__cil_tmp") ?descr ?(descrpure = true) ?loc typ : varinfo =
+  let vi = makeLocalVar fdec ~temp:true ?insert ?ghost ?loc name typ in
   vi.vdescr <- descr;
   vi.vdescrpure <- descrpure;
@@ -5338,8 +5338,8 @@ let makeFormalVar fdec ?(ghost=fdec.svar.vghost) ?(where = "$") ?loc name typ :
 (* Make a global variable. Your responsibility to make sure that the name
  * is unique *)
-let makeGlobalVar ?source ?temp ?referenced ?loc name typ =
-  makeVarinfo ?source ?temp ?referenced ?loc true false name typ
+let makeGlobalVar ?source ?temp ?referenced ?ghost ?loc name typ =
+  makeVarinfo ?source ?temp ?referenced ?ghost ?loc true false name typ
 let mkPureExprInstr ~fundec ~scope ?loc e =
   let loc = match loc with None -> e.eloc | Some l -> l in
@@ -6450,12 +6450,15 @@ let uniqueVarNames (f: file) : unit =
                 newname Location.pretty oldloc ;
             v.vname <- newname
-          (* Do the formals first *)
-          List.iter processLocal fdec.sformals;
+          let ghost vi = vi.vghost in
+          let formals_ghost, formals = List.partition ghost fdec.sformals in
+          let locals_ghost, locals = List.partition ghost fdec.slocals in
+          List.iter processLocal formals;
+          List.iter processLocal locals;
+          List.iter processLocal formals_ghost;
+          List.iter processLocal locals_ghost;
           (* Fix the type again *)
           setFormals fdec fdec.sformals;
-          (* And now the locals *)
-          List.iter processLocal fdec.slocals;
           (* Undo the changes to the global table *)
           Alpha.undoAlphaChanges gAlphaTable !undolist;
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
index 38039b32d1f24f359acf784da5d35d5bc1a8628d..cfd3cfef66b89fc3b4f84c2bd77806a852451cbb 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
@@ -697,10 +697,11 @@ val makeFormalVar: fundec -> ?ghost:bool -> ?where:string -> ?loc:Location.t ->
     a fresh name will be generated for the varinfo.
     @modify Chlorine-20180501 the name of the variable is guaranteed to be fresh.
+    @modify Frama-C+dev add ghost optional argument
 val makeLocalVar:
   fundec -> ?scope:block -> ?temp:bool -> ?referenced:bool -> ?insert:bool ->
-  ?loc:Location.t -> string -> typ -> varinfo
+  ?ghost:bool -> ?loc:Location.t -> string -> typ -> varinfo
 (** if needed, rename the given varinfo so that its [vname] does not
     clash with the one of a local or formal variable of the given function.
@@ -718,14 +719,19 @@ val refresh_local_name: fundec -> varinfo -> unit
     If [insert] is true (the default), the variable will be inserted
     among other locals of the function. The value for [insert] should
     only be changed if you are completely sure this is not useful.
+    @modify Frama-C+dev add ghost optional argument
-val makeTempVar: fundec -> ?insert:bool -> ?name:string -> ?descr:string ->
-                 ?descrpure:bool -> ?loc:Location.t -> typ -> varinfo
+val makeTempVar: fundec -> ?insert:bool -> ?ghost:bool -> ?name:string ->
+  ?descr:string -> ?descrpure:bool -> ?loc:Location.t -> typ -> varinfo
 (** Make a global variable. Your responsibility to make sure that the name
-    is unique. [source] defaults to [true]. [temp] defaults to [false].*)
-val makeGlobalVar: ?source:bool -> ?temp:bool -> ?referenced:bool -> ?loc:Location.t -> string ->
-  typ -> varinfo
+    is unique. [source] defaults to [true]. [temp] defaults to [false].
+    @modify Frama-C+dev add ghost optional arg
+val makeGlobalVar: ?source:bool -> ?temp:bool -> ?referenced:bool ->
+  ?ghost:bool -> ?loc:Cil_datatype.Location.t -> string -> typ -> varinfo
 (** Make a shallow copy of a [varinfo] and assign a new identifier.
     If the original varinfo has an associated logic var, it is copied too and
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_utils.ml b/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_utils.ml
index 1480c68e82977d189855c1f94b3d42061162df72..89ca04df020047bdd206c208d7e6693006ab8e2c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_utils.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_utils.ml
@@ -32,44 +32,44 @@ open Cil_datatype
 open Promelaast
 open Bool3
-let func_body_dkey = Aorai_option.register_category "func-body" 
+let func_body_dkey = Aorai_option.register_category "func-body"
 let action_dkey = Aorai_option.register_category "action"
 let rename_pred v1 v2 p =
   let r =
-  object
-    inherit Visitor.frama_c_copy (Project.current())
-    method! vlogic_var_use v =
-      if Cil_datatype.Logic_var.equal v v1 then Cil.ChangeTo v2
-      else Cil.JustCopy
-  end
+    object
+      inherit Visitor.frama_c_copy (Project.current())
+      method! vlogic_var_use v =
+        if Cil_datatype.Logic_var.equal v v1 then Cil.ChangeTo v2
+        else Cil.JustCopy
+    end
   Visitor.visitFramacPredicate r p
 (** Given a transition a function name and a function status (call or
     return) it returns if the cross condition can be satisfied with
     only function status.
- *)
 let isCrossable tr func st =
   let rec isCross p =
     match p with
-      | TOr  (c1, c2) -> bool3or (isCross c1) (isCross c2)
-      | TAnd (c1, c2) -> bool3and (isCross c1) (isCross c2)
-      | TNot c1 -> bool3not (isCross c1)
-      | TCall (kf,None) when Kernel_function.equal func kf && st=Call -> True
-      | TCall (kf, Some _) when Kernel_function.equal func kf && st=Call ->
-        Undefined
-      | TCall _ -> False
-      | TReturn kf when Kernel_function.equal func kf && st=Return -> True
-      | TReturn _ -> False
-      | TTrue -> True
-      | TFalse -> False
-      | TRel _ -> Undefined
+    | TOr  (c1, c2) -> bool3or (isCross c1) (isCross c2)
+    | TAnd (c1, c2) -> bool3and (isCross c1) (isCross c2)
+    | TNot c1 -> bool3not (isCross c1)
+    | TCall (kf,None) when Kernel_function.equal func kf && st=Call -> True
+    | TCall (kf, Some _) when Kernel_function.equal func kf && st=Call ->
+      Undefined
+    | TCall _ -> False
+    | TReturn kf when Kernel_function.equal func kf && st=Return -> True
+    | TReturn _ -> False
+    | TTrue -> True
+    | TFalse -> False
+    | TRel _ -> Undefined
   let cond,_ = tr.cross in
   let res = isCross cond <> False in
   Aorai_option.debug ~level:2 "Function %a %s-state, \
-    transition %s -> %s is%s possible" Kernel_function.pretty func
+                               transition %s -> %s is%s possible" Kernel_function.pretty func
     (if st=Call then "pre" else "post")
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ let isCrossable tr func st =
 (** Returns the lval associated to the curState generated variable *)
-let state_lval () = 
+let state_lval () =
   Cil.var (get_varinfo curState)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
@@ -87,23 +87,23 @@ let find_enum, set_enum =
-         let name = "ltl_states_enum"
-         let size = 17
-         let dependencies = (* TODO: projectify the automata
-                               and depend on it.
-                             *)
-           [ Ast.self;
-             Aorai_option.Ltl_File.self;
-             Aorai_option.Buchi.self;
-             Aorai_option.Ya.self
-           ]
-       end)
+        let name = "ltl_states_enum"
+        let size = 17
+        let dependencies = (* TODO: projectify the automata
+                              and depend on it.
+                           *)
+          [ Ast.self;
+            Aorai_option.Ltl_File.self;
+            Aorai_option.Buchi.self;
+            Aorai_option.Ya.self
+          ]
+      end)
   (fun n ->
-    try H.find n
-    with Not_found ->
-      Aorai_option.fatal
-        "Could not find the enum item corresponding to a state"),
+     try H.find n
+     with Not_found ->
+       Aorai_option.fatal
+         "Could not find the enum item corresponding to a state"),
   (List.iter (fun (n,item) -> H.add n item))
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
@@ -122,148 +122,148 @@ let isCrossableAtInit tr func =
       let bool3_res dft test =
         match test with
-          | True -> bool_res true
-          | False -> bool_res false
-          | Undefined -> dft
+        | True -> bool_res true
+        | False -> bool_res false
+        | Undefined -> dft
       let is_true t =
         match t with
-          | TConst(Integer(i,_)) ->
-            Bool3.bool3_of_bool (not (Integer.is_zero i))
-          | TConst(LChr c) -> Bool3.bool3_of_bool (not (Char.code c <> 0))
-          | TConst(LReal r) -> Bool3.bool3_of_bool (not (r.r_nearest <> 0.))
-          | TConst(LStr _ | LWStr _) -> Bool3.True
-          | _ -> Bool3.Undefined
+        | TConst(Integer(i,_)) ->
+          Bool3.bool3_of_bool (not (Integer.is_zero i))
+        | TConst(LChr c) -> Bool3.bool3_of_bool (not (Char.code c <> 0))
+        | TConst(LReal r) -> Bool3.bool3_of_bool (not (r.r_nearest <> 0.))
+        | TConst(LStr _ | LWStr _) -> Bool3.True
+        | _ -> Bool3.Undefined
       let rec aux t =
         match t.term_node with
-          | TConst (LEnum ei) ->
-            aux (Logic_utils.expr_to_term ~cast:false ei.eival)
-          | TLval lv ->
-            (match aux_lv lv with
-              | Some t -> t
-              | None -> t)
-          | TUnOp(op,t1) ->
-            let t1 = aux t1 in
-            (match op,t1.term_node with
-               | Neg, TConst(Integer(i,_)) ->
-                   { t with term_node = TConst(Integer(Integer.neg i,None)) }
-               | Neg, TConst(LReal r) ->
-                   let f = ~-. (r.r_nearest) in
-                   let r = { 
-                     r_literal = string_of_float f ;
-                     r_nearest = f ;
-                     r_upper = ~-. (r.r_lower) ;
-                     r_lower = ~-. (r.r_upper) ;
-                   } in
-                   { t with term_node = TConst(LReal r) }
-               | LNot, t1 ->  bool3_res t (is_true t1)
-              | _ -> t)
-          | TBinOp(op,t1,t2) ->
-            let t1 = aux t1 in
-            let t2 = aux t2 in
-            let rec comparison comp t1 t2 =
-              match t1.term_node,t2.term_node with
-                | TConst (Integer(i1,_)), TConst (Integer(i2,_)) ->
-                  bool_res (comp (Integer.compare i1 i2))
-                | TConst (LChr c1), TConst (LChr c2) ->
-                  bool_res (comp (Char.compare c1 c2))
-                | TConst(LReal r1), TConst (LReal r2) ->
-                  bool_res (comp (compare r1.r_nearest r2.r_nearest))
-                | TCastE(ty1,t1), TCastE(ty2,t2)
-                  when Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty1 ty2 ->
-                  comparison comp t1 t2
-                | _ -> t
-            in
-            (match op, t1.term_node, t2.term_node with
-              | PlusA, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
-                { t with term_node =
-                    TConst(Integer(Integer.add i1 i2,None))}
-              | MinusA, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
-                { t with term_node =
-                    TConst(Integer(Integer.sub i1 i2,None)) }
-              | Mult, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
-                { t with term_node =
-                    TConst(Integer(Integer.mul i1 i2,None)) }
-              | Div, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
-                (try
-                   { t with term_node =
-                       TConst(Integer(Integer.c_div i1 i2,None)) }
-                 with Division_by_zero -> t)
-              | Mod, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
-                (try
-                   { t with term_node =
-                       TConst(Integer(Integer.c_rem i1 i2,None)) }
-                 with Division_by_zero -> t)
-              | Shiftlt, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+        | TConst (LEnum ei) ->
+          aux (Logic_utils.expr_to_term ~cast:false ei.eival)
+        | TLval lv ->
+          (match aux_lv lv with
+           | Some t -> t
+           | None -> t)
+        | TUnOp(op,t1) ->
+          let t1 = aux t1 in
+          (match op,t1.term_node with
+           | Neg, TConst(Integer(i,_)) ->
+             { t with term_node = TConst(Integer(Integer.neg i,None)) }
+           | Neg, TConst(LReal r) ->
+             let f = ~-. (r.r_nearest) in
+             let r = {
+               r_literal = string_of_float f ;
+               r_nearest = f ;
+               r_upper = ~-. (r.r_lower) ;
+               r_lower = ~-. (r.r_upper) ;
+             } in
+             { t with term_node = TConst(LReal r) }
+           | LNot, t1 ->  bool3_res t (is_true t1)
+           | _ -> t)
+        | TBinOp(op,t1,t2) ->
+          let t1 = aux t1 in
+          let t2 = aux t2 in
+          let rec comparison comp t1 t2 =
+            match t1.term_node,t2.term_node with
+            | TConst (Integer(i1,_)), TConst (Integer(i2,_)) ->
+              bool_res (comp (Integer.compare i1 i2))
+            | TConst (LChr c1), TConst (LChr c2) ->
+              bool_res (comp (Char.compare c1 c2))
+            | TConst(LReal r1), TConst (LReal r2) ->
+              bool_res (comp (compare r1.r_nearest r2.r_nearest))
+            | TCastE(ty1,t1), TCastE(ty2,t2)
+              when Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty1 ty2 ->
+              comparison comp t1 t2
+            | _ -> t
+          in
+          (match op, t1.term_node, t2.term_node with
+           | PlusA, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+             { t with term_node =
+                        TConst(Integer(Integer.add i1 i2,None))}
+           | MinusA, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+             { t with term_node =
+                        TConst(Integer(Integer.sub i1 i2,None)) }
+           | Mult, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+             { t with term_node =
+                        TConst(Integer(Integer.mul i1 i2,None)) }
+           | Div, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+             (try
                 { t with term_node =
-                    TConst(Integer(Integer.shift_left i1 i2,None)) }
-              | Shiftrt, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+                           TConst(Integer(Integer.c_div i1 i2,None)) }
+              with Division_by_zero -> t)
+           | Mod, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+             (try
                 { t with term_node =
-                    TConst(Integer(Integer.shift_right i1 i2,None)) }
-              | Lt, _, _ -> comparison ((<) 0) t1 t2
-              | Gt, _, _ -> comparison ((>) 0) t1 t2
-              | Le, _, _ -> comparison ((<=) 0) t1 t2
-              | Ge, _, _ -> comparison ((>=) 0) t1 t2
-              | Eq, _, _ -> comparison ((=) 0) t1 t2
-              | Ne, _, _ -> comparison ((<>) 0) t1 t2
-              | LAnd, t1, t2 ->
-                bool3_res t (Bool3.bool3and (is_true t1) (is_true t2))
-              | LOr, t1, t2 ->
-                bool3_res t (Bool3.bool3or (is_true t1) (is_true t2))
-              | _ -> t)
-          | TCastE(ty,t1) ->
-            let t1 = aux t1 in
-            (match t1.term_type with
-                Ctype ty1 when Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty ty1 -> t1
-              | _ -> { t with term_node = TCastE(ty,t1) })
-          | _ -> t
+                           TConst(Integer(Integer.c_rem i1 i2,None)) }
+              with Division_by_zero -> t)
+           | Shiftlt, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+             { t with term_node =
+                        TConst(Integer(Integer.shift_left i1 i2,None)) }
+           | Shiftrt, TConst(Integer(i1,_)), TConst(Integer(i2,_)) ->
+             { t with term_node =
+                        TConst(Integer(Integer.shift_right i1 i2,None)) }
+           | Lt, _, _ -> comparison ((<) 0) t1 t2
+           | Gt, _, _ -> comparison ((>) 0) t1 t2
+           | Le, _, _ -> comparison ((<=) 0) t1 t2
+           | Ge, _, _ -> comparison ((>=) 0) t1 t2
+           | Eq, _, _ -> comparison ((=) 0) t1 t2
+           | Ne, _, _ -> comparison ((<>) 0) t1 t2
+           | LAnd, t1, t2 ->
+             bool3_res t (Bool3.bool3and (is_true t1) (is_true t2))
+           | LOr, t1, t2 ->
+             bool3_res t (Bool3.bool3or (is_true t1) (is_true t2))
+           | _ -> t)
+        | TCastE(ty,t1) ->
+          let t1 = aux t1 in
+          (match t1.term_type with
+             Ctype ty1 when Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty ty1 -> t1
+           | _ -> { t with term_node = TCastE(ty,t1) })
+        | _ -> t
       and aux_lv (base,off) =
         match base with
-          | TVar v ->
-            (try
-               Extlib.opt_bind
-                 (fun v ->
-                   let init = Globals.Vars.find v in
-                   let init = match init.Cil_types.init with
-                       None -> Cil.makeZeroInit ~loc:v.vdecl v.vtype
-                     | Some i -> i
-                   in
-                   aux_init off init)
-                 v.lv_origin
-             with Not_found -> None)
-          | TMem t ->
-            (match (aux t).term_node with
-              | TAddrOf lv -> aux_lv (Logic_const.addTermOffsetLval off lv)
-              | _ -> None)
-          | TResult _ -> None
+        | TVar v ->
+          (try
+             Extlib.opt_bind
+               (fun v ->
+                  let init = Globals.Vars.find v in
+                  let init = match init.Cil_types.init with
+                      None -> Cil.makeZeroInit ~loc:v.vdecl v.vtype
+                    | Some i -> i
+                  in
+                  aux_init off init)
+               v.lv_origin
+           with Not_found -> None)
+        | TMem t ->
+          (match (aux t).term_node with
+           | TAddrOf lv -> aux_lv (Logic_const.addTermOffsetLval off lv)
+           | _ -> None)
+        | TResult _ -> None
       and aux_init off initinfo =
         match off, initinfo with
-          | TNoOffset, SingleInit e ->
-            Some (aux (Logic_utils.expr_to_term ~cast:false e))
-          | TIndex(t,oth), CompoundInit (ct,initl) ->
-            (match (aux t).term_node with
-              | TConst(Integer(i1,_)) ->
-                Cil.foldLeftCompound ~implicit:true
-                  ~doinit:
-                  (fun o i _ t ->
+        | TNoOffset, SingleInit e ->
+          Some (aux (Logic_utils.expr_to_term ~cast:false e))
+        | TIndex(t,oth), CompoundInit (ct,initl) ->
+          (match (aux t).term_node with
+           | TConst(Integer(i1,_)) ->
+             Cil.foldLeftCompound ~implicit:true
+               ~doinit:
+                 (fun o i _ t ->
                     match o with
-                      | Index({ enode = Const(CInt64(i2,_,_))},_)
-                          when Integer.equal i1 i2 -> aux_init oth i
-                      | _ -> t)
-                  ~ct ~initl ~acc:None
-              | _ -> None)
-          | TField(f1,oth), CompoundInit(ct,initl) ->
-            Cil.foldLeftCompound ~implicit:true
-              ~doinit:
+                    | Index({ enode = Const(CInt64(i2,_,_))},_)
+                      when Integer.equal i1 i2 -> aux_init oth i
+                    | _ -> t)
+               ~ct ~initl ~acc:None
+           | _ -> None)
+        | TField(f1,oth), CompoundInit(ct,initl) ->
+          Cil.foldLeftCompound ~implicit:true
+            ~doinit:
               (fun o i _ t ->
-                match o with
-                  | Field(f2,_) when Cil_datatype.Fieldinfo.equal f1 f2 ->
-                    aux_init oth i
-                  | _ -> t)
-              ~ct ~initl ~acc:None
-          | _ -> None
+                 match o with
+                 | Field(f2,_) when Cil_datatype.Fieldinfo.equal f1 f2 ->
+                   aux_init oth i
+                 | _ -> t)
+            ~ct ~initl ~acc:None
+        | _ -> None
       aux t
@@ -282,15 +282,15 @@ let isCrossableAtInit tr func =
     let rec comparison t1 t2 =
       match t1.term_node,t2.term_node with
-        | TConst (Integer(i1,_)), TConst (Integer(i2,_)) ->
-          Bool3.bool3_of_bool (comp (Integer.compare i1 i2))
-        | TConst (LChr c1), TConst (LChr c2) ->
-          Bool3.bool3_of_bool (comp (Char.compare c1 c2))
-        | TConst(LReal r1), TConst (LReal r2) ->
-          Bool3.bool3_of_bool (comp (compare r1.r_nearest r2.r_nearest))
-        | TCastE(ty1,t1), TCastE(ty2,t2) when Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty1 ty2 ->
-          comparison t1 t2
-        | _ -> Bool3.Undefined
+      | TConst (Integer(i1,_)), TConst (Integer(i2,_)) ->
+        Bool3.bool3_of_bool (comp (Integer.compare i1 i2))
+      | TConst (LChr c1), TConst (LChr c2) ->
+        Bool3.bool3_of_bool (comp (Char.compare c1 c2))
+      | TConst(LReal r1), TConst (LReal r2) ->
+        Bool3.bool3_of_bool (comp (compare r1.r_nearest r2.r_nearest))
+      | TCastE(ty1,t1), TCastE(ty2,t2) when Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ty1 ty2 ->
+        comparison t1 t2
+      | _ -> Bool3.Undefined
     comparison t1 t2
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ let isCrossableAtInit tr func =
   let (cond,_) = tr.cross in
   match isCross cond with
-    | Bool3.True | Bool3.Undefined -> true
-    | Bool3.False -> false
+  | Bool3.True | Bool3.Undefined -> true
+  | Bool3.False -> false
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
 (** {b Expressions management} *)
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ let mk_int_exp value =
 (** This function rewrites a cross condition into an ACSL expression.
     Moreover, by giving current operation name and its status (call or
     return) the generation simplifies the generated expression.
- *)
 let crosscond_to_pred cross curr_f curr_status =
   let check_current_event f status pred =
     if Kernel_function.equal curr_f f && curr_status = status then pred
@@ -334,41 +334,41 @@ let crosscond_to_pred cross curr_f curr_status =
     (* Lazy evaluation of logic operators if the result can be statically
        computed *)
     | TOr  (c1, c2) -> (*BinOp(LOr,convert c1,convert c2,Cil.intType)*)
-        begin
-          let (c1_val,c1_pred) = convert c1 in
-          match c1_val with
-            | Bool3.True      -> (c1_val,c1_pred)
-            | Bool3.False     -> convert c2
-            | Undefined ->
-                let (c2_val,c2_pred) = convert c2 in
-                match c2_val with
-                  | Bool3.True      -> (c2_val,c2_pred)
-                  | Bool3.False     -> (c1_val,c1_pred)
-                  | Undefined -> (Undefined,Logic_const.por(c1_pred, c2_pred))
-        end
+      begin
+        let (c1_val,c1_pred) = convert c1 in
+        match c1_val with
+        | Bool3.True      -> (c1_val,c1_pred)
+        | Bool3.False     -> convert c2
+        | Undefined ->
+          let (c2_val,c2_pred) = convert c2 in
+          match c2_val with
+          | Bool3.True      -> (c2_val,c2_pred)
+          | Bool3.False     -> (c1_val,c1_pred)
+          | Undefined -> (Undefined,Logic_const.por(c1_pred, c2_pred))
+      end
     | TAnd (c1, c2) -> (*BinOp(LAnd,convert c1,convert c2,Cil.intType)*)
-        begin
-          let (c1_val,c1_pred) = convert c1 in
-          match c1_val with
-            | Bool3.True      -> convert c2
-            | Bool3.False     -> (c1_val,c1_pred)
-            | Undefined ->
-                let (c2_val,c2_pred) = convert c2 in
-                match c2_val with
-                  | Bool3.True      -> (c1_val,c1_pred)
-                  | Bool3.False     -> (c2_val,c2_pred)
-                  | Undefined -> (Undefined,Logic_const.pand(c1_pred, c2_pred))
-        end
+      begin
+        let (c1_val,c1_pred) = convert c1 in
+        match c1_val with
+        | Bool3.True      -> convert c2
+        | Bool3.False     -> (c1_val,c1_pred)
+        | Undefined ->
+          let (c2_val,c2_pred) = convert c2 in
+          match c2_val with
+          | Bool3.True      -> (c1_val,c1_pred)
+          | Bool3.False     -> (c2_val,c2_pred)
+          | Undefined -> (Undefined,Logic_const.pand(c1_pred, c2_pred))
+      end
     | TNot (c1)     -> (*UnOp(LNot,convert c1,Cil.intType)*)
-        begin
-          let (c1_val,c1_pred) = convert c1 in
-          match c1_val with
-            | Bool3.True      -> (Bool3.False,pfalse)
-            | Bool3.False     -> (Bool3.True,ptrue)
-            | Undefined -> (c1_val,Logic_const.pnot(c1_pred))
-        end
+      begin
+        let (c1_val,c1_pred) = convert c1 in
+        match c1_val with
+        | Bool3.True      -> (Bool3.False,pfalse)
+        | Bool3.False     -> (Bool3.True,ptrue)
+        | Undefined -> (c1_val,Logic_const.pnot(c1_pred))
+      end
     | TCall (f,b) ->
       let pred = match b with
@@ -390,41 +390,41 @@ let crosscond_to_pred cross curr_f curr_status =
   snd (convert cross)
-(* Translate a term into the correct expression at the location in argument. 
+(* Translate a term into the correct expression at the location in argument.
    Be careful if you wish to re-use this function elsewhere, some cases are
    not treated generically.
    Used in crosscond_to_exp. *)
-  let rec term_to_exp t res =
-    let loc = t.term_loc in
-    match t.term_node with 
-    | TConst (Integer (value,repr)) -> Cil.kinteger64 ~loc ?repr value
-    | TConst (LStr str) -> new_exp loc (Const (CStr str))
-    | TConst (LWStr l) -> new_exp loc (Const (CWStr l))
-    | TConst (LChr c) -> new_exp loc (Const (CChr c))
-    | TConst (LReal l_real) ->
-      (* r_nearest is by definition in double precision. *)
-      new_exp loc (Const (CReal (l_real.r_nearest, FDouble, None)))
-    | TConst (LEnum e) -> new_exp loc (Const (CEnum e))
-    | TLval tlval -> new_exp loc (Lval (tlval_to_lval tlval res))
-    | TSizeOf ty -> new_exp loc (SizeOf ty)
-    | TSizeOfE t -> new_exp loc (SizeOfE(term_to_exp t res))
-    | TSizeOfStr s -> new_exp loc (SizeOfStr s)
-    | TAlignOf ty -> new_exp loc (AlignOf ty)
-    | TAlignOfE t -> new_exp loc (AlignOfE (term_to_exp t res))
-    | TUnOp (unop, t) ->
-      new_exp loc (UnOp (unop, term_to_exp t res, Cil.intType))
-    | TBinOp (binop, t1, t2)->
-      new_exp loc
-        (BinOp(binop, term_to_exp t1 res, term_to_exp t2 res, Cil.intType))
-    | TCastE (ty, t) -> new_exp loc (CastE (ty, term_to_exp t res))
-    | TAddrOf tlval -> new_exp loc (AddrOf (tlval_to_lval tlval res))
-    | TStartOf tlval -> new_exp loc (StartOf (tlval_to_lval tlval res))
-    | TLogic_coerce (_,t) -> term_to_exp t res
-    | _ ->
-      Aorai_option.fatal
-        "Term %a cannot be transformed into exp."
-        Printer.pp_term t
+let rec term_to_exp t res =
+  let loc = t.term_loc in
+  match t.term_node with
+  | TConst (Integer (value,repr)) -> Cil.kinteger64 ~loc ?repr value
+  | TConst (LStr str) -> new_exp loc (Const (CStr str))
+  | TConst (LWStr l) -> new_exp loc (Const (CWStr l))
+  | TConst (LChr c) -> new_exp loc (Const (CChr c))
+  | TConst (LReal l_real) ->
+    (* r_nearest is by definition in double precision. *)
+    new_exp loc (Const (CReal (l_real.r_nearest, FDouble, None)))
+  | TConst (LEnum e) -> new_exp loc (Const (CEnum e))
+  | TLval tlval -> new_exp loc (Lval (tlval_to_lval tlval res))
+  | TSizeOf ty -> new_exp loc (SizeOf ty)
+  | TSizeOfE t -> new_exp loc (SizeOfE(term_to_exp t res))
+  | TSizeOfStr s -> new_exp loc (SizeOfStr s)
+  | TAlignOf ty -> new_exp loc (AlignOf ty)
+  | TAlignOfE t -> new_exp loc (AlignOfE (term_to_exp t res))
+  | TUnOp (unop, t) ->
+    new_exp loc (UnOp (unop, term_to_exp t res, Cil.intType))
+  | TBinOp (binop, t1, t2)->
+    new_exp loc
+      (BinOp(binop, term_to_exp t1 res, term_to_exp t2 res, Cil.intType))
+  | TCastE (ty, t) -> new_exp loc (CastE (ty, term_to_exp t res))
+  | TAddrOf tlval -> new_exp loc (AddrOf (tlval_to_lval tlval res))
+  | TStartOf tlval -> new_exp loc (StartOf (tlval_to_lval tlval res))
+  | TLogic_coerce (_,t) -> term_to_exp t res
+  | _ ->
+    Aorai_option.fatal
+      "Term %a cannot be transformed into exp."
+      Printer.pp_term t
 and tlval_to_lval (tlhost, toffset) res =
   let rec t_to_loffset t_offset = match t_offset with
@@ -433,36 +433,36 @@ and tlval_to_lval (tlhost, toffset) res =
     | TIndex (t, t_off) -> Index (term_to_exp t res, t_to_loffset t_off)
     | TModel _ -> Aorai_option.fatal "TModel cannot be treated as exp."
-  match tlhost with 
-  | TVar l_var -> 
-    let v_info = 
+  match tlhost with
+  | TVar l_var ->
+    let v_info =
         match l_var.lv_origin with
-          | Some vinfo -> vinfo
-          | None -> Aorai_option.fatal "TVar not coming from a C Variable"
+        | Some vinfo -> vinfo
+        | None -> Aorai_option.fatal "TVar not coming from a C Variable"
     (Var v_info, t_to_loffset toffset)
   |TMem t -> mkMem (term_to_exp t res) (t_to_loffset toffset)
   |TResult _ ->
     (match res with
-       | Some res -> Var res, t_to_loffset toffset
-       (* This should not happen, as we always pass a real variable when
-          generating body for a post-function when the original function
-          has a non-void result. pre-functions and functions that return void
-          should not see \result. *)
-       | None -> Aorai_option.fatal "Unexpected \\result")
-(* Translate the cross condition of an automaton edge to an expression. 
+     | Some res -> Var res, t_to_loffset toffset
+     (* This should not happen, as we always pass a real variable when
+        generating body for a post-function when the original function
+        has a non-void result. pre-functions and functions that return void
+        should not see \result. *)
+     | None -> Aorai_option.fatal "Unexpected \\result")
+(* Translate the cross condition of an automaton edge to an expression.
    Used in mk_stmt. *)
-let crosscond_to_exp curr_f curr_status loc (cond,_) res = 
+let crosscond_to_exp curr_f curr_status loc (cond,_) res =
   let check_current_event f status =
     if Kernel_function.equal curr_f f && curr_status = status then
       Cil.one loc
     else Cil.zero loc
-  let rel_convert = function 
+  let rel_convert = function
     | Rlt -> Lt
     | Rgt -> Gt
     | Rle -> Le
@@ -489,11 +489,11 @@ let crosscond_to_exp curr_f curr_status loc (cond,_) res =
       (match Cil.isInteger e1 with
        | None -> Cil.new_exp loc (UnOp(LNot, e1,Cil.intType))
        | Some i when Integer.is_zero i -> Cil.one loc
-       | Some _ -> Cil.zero loc)    
+       | Some _ -> Cil.zero loc)
     | TCall (f,_) -> check_current_event f Promelaast.Call
     | TReturn f -> check_current_event f Promelaast.Return
     | TTrue -> (Cil.one loc)
-    | TFalse -> (Cil.zero loc) 
+    | TFalse -> (Cil.zero loc)
     | TRel(rel,t1,t2) ->
         loc (rel_convert rel) (term_to_exp t1 res) (term_to_exp t2 res)
@@ -515,25 +515,25 @@ let initFile f =
   Globals.Vars.iter (fun vi _ -> set_varinfo vi.vname vi);
     (fun kf ->
-      let fname = Kernel_function.get_name kf in
-      List.iter
-        (fun vi -> set_paraminfo fname vi.vname vi)
-        (Kernel_function.get_formals kf);
-      if not (Data_for_aorai.isIgnoredFunction fname) then
-        begin
-          try
-            let ret  = Kernel_function.find_return kf in
-            match ret.skind with
-            | Cil_types.Return (Some e,_) ->
-              (match e.enode with
-              | Lval (Var vi,NoOffset) ->
-                set_returninfo fname vi (* Add the vi of return stmt *)
-              | _ -> () (* function without returned value *))
-            | _ -> () (* function without returned value *)
-          with Kernel_function.No_Statement ->
-            Aorai_option.fatal
-              "Don't know what to do with a function declaration"
-        end)
+       let fname = Kernel_function.get_name kf in
+       List.iter
+         (fun vi -> set_paraminfo fname vi.vname vi)
+         (Kernel_function.get_formals kf);
+       if not (Data_for_aorai.isIgnoredFunction fname) then
+         begin
+           try
+             let ret  = Kernel_function.find_return kf in
+             match ret.skind with
+             | Cil_types.Return (Some e,_) ->
+               (match e.enode with
+                | Lval (Var vi,NoOffset) ->
+                  set_returninfo fname vi (* Add the vi of return stmt *)
+                | _ -> () (* function without returned value *))
+             | _ -> () (* function without returned value *)
+           with Kernel_function.No_Statement ->
+             Aorai_option.fatal
+               "Don't know what to do with a function declaration"
+         end)
 (** List of globals awaiting for adding into C file globals *)
 let globals_queue = ref []
@@ -543,17 +543,17 @@ let flush_globals () =
   let before, after =
       (fun (b,a) elem ->
-        match elem with
-        | GFun(f,loc) as func ->
-          (* [VP] if address of function is taken, it might be
-             used in a global initializer: keep a declaration at this point
-             to ensure ending up with a compilable C file in the end... *)
-          let b =
-            if f.svar.vaddrof then GFunDecl(Cil.empty_funspec(),f.svar,loc) :: b
-            else b
-          in
-          b, func :: a
-        | other -> other :: b, a)
+         match elem with
+         | GFun(f,loc) as func ->
+           (* [VP] if address of function is taken, it might be
+              used in a global initializer: keep a declaration at this point
+              to ensure ending up with a compilable C file in the end... *)
+           let b =
+             if f.svar.vaddrof then GFunDecl(Cil.empty_funspec(),f.svar,loc) :: b
+             else b
+           in
+           b, func :: a
+         | other -> other :: b, a)
       ([], [])
@@ -566,10 +566,10 @@ let mk_global glob = globals_queue := glob :: !globals_queue
 (* Utilities for global variables *)
 let mk_global_c_initialized_vars name ty ini=
   let vi = (Cil.makeGlobalVar name ty) in
-    vi.vghost<-true;
-    mk_global (GVar(vi,ini,vi.vdecl));
-    Globals.Vars.add vi ini;
-    set_varinfo name vi
+  vi.vghost<-true;
+  mk_global (GVar(vi,ini,vi.vdecl));
+  Globals.Vars.add vi ini;
+  set_varinfo name vi
 let mk_global_var_init vi ini =
@@ -596,11 +596,11 @@ let mk_int_const value =
-       CInt64(
-         Integer.of_int (value),
-         IInt,
-         Some(string_of_int(value))
-       )))
+        CInt64(
+          Integer.of_int (value),
+          IInt,
+          Some(string_of_int(value))
+        )))
 (* Utilities for global enumerations *)
 let mk_global_c_enum_type_tagged name elements_l =
@@ -615,11 +615,11 @@ let mk_global_c_enum_type_tagged name elements_l =
   let l =
       (fun (e,i) ->
-        { eiorig_name = e;
-          einame = e;
-          eival = mk_int_const i;
-          eiloc = Location.unknown;
-          eihost = einfo})
+         { eiorig_name = e;
+           einame = e;
+           eival = mk_int_const i;
+           eiloc = Location.unknown;
+           eihost = einfo})
   einfo.eitems <- l;
@@ -709,23 +709,24 @@ let is_state_pred state =
   if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get () then
     Logic_const.prel (Req,state_term(),int2enumstate state.nums)
-    Logic_const.prel 
-      (Req,one_term(), 
+    Logic_const.prel
+      (Req,one_term(),
        Logic_const.tvar (Data_for_aorai.get_state_logic_var state))
-let is_state_stmt (state,copy) loc = 
-   if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get () 
-   then
-     mkStmtOneInstr (Set (Cil.var copy, int2enumstate_exp loc state.nums, loc))
-   else mkStmtOneInstr (Set (Cil.var copy, Cil.one loc, loc))
+let is_state_stmt (state,copy) loc =
+  if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get ()
+  then
+    mkStmtOneInstr
+      ~ghost:true (Set (Cil.var copy, int2enumstate_exp loc state.nums, loc))
+  else mkStmtOneInstr ~ghost:true (Set (Cil.var copy, Cil.one loc, loc))
 let is_state_exp state loc =
-  if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get () 
+  if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get ()
       loc Eq
       (int2enumstate_exp loc state.nums)
-      (Cil.evar ~loc (Data_for_aorai.get_varinfo curState)) 
+      (Cil.evar ~loc (Data_for_aorai.get_varinfo curState))
       loc Eq (Cil.evar (Data_for_aorai.get_state_var state)) (Cil.one loc)
@@ -734,24 +735,24 @@ let is_out_of_state_pred state =
   if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get () then
     Logic_const.prel (Rneq,state_term(),int2enumstate state.nums)
-    Logic_const.prel 
-      (Req,zero_term(), 
+    Logic_const.prel
+      (Req,zero_term(),
        Logic_const.tvar (Data_for_aorai.get_state_logic_var state))
 (* In the deterministic case, we only assign the unique state variable
    to a specific enumerated constant. Non-deterministic automata on the other
    hand, need to have the corresponding state variable explicitly set to 0. *)
-let is_out_of_state_stmt (_,copy) loc = 
+let is_out_of_state_stmt (_,copy) loc =
   if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get ()
       "Deterministic automaton sync functions can't have out-of-state stmt. \
        Maybe this should use `is_out_of_state_exp' instead."
-  else mkStmtOneInstr (Set(Cil.var copy , mk_int_exp 0 , loc ))
+  else mkStmtOneInstr ~ghost:true (Set(Cil.var copy , mk_int_exp 0 , loc ))
+let is_out_of_state_exp state loc =
-let is_out_of_state_exp state loc = 
-  if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get () 
+  if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get ()
       loc Ne
@@ -780,42 +781,44 @@ let mk_global_states_init root =
     (fun state ->
-        let init =
-          if is_possible_init state then mk_int_exp 1 else mk_int_exp 0
-        in
-        let init = SingleInit init in
-        let var = Data_for_aorai.get_state_var state in
-        mk_global_var_init var { Cil_types.init = Some init})
+       let init =
+         if is_possible_init state then mk_int_exp 1 else mk_int_exp 0
+       in
+       let init = SingleInit init in
+       let var = Data_for_aorai.get_state_var state in
+       mk_global_var_init var { Cil_types.init = Some init})
 let func_to_init name =
-      Some(SingleInit(
-        new_exp ~loc:(CurrentLoc.get()) (Const(func_to_cenum (name)))))}
+     Some(SingleInit(
+         new_exp ~loc:(CurrentLoc.get()) (Const(func_to_cenum (name)))))}
 let funcStatus_to_init st =
   {Cil_types.init=Some(SingleInit(new_exp ~loc:(CurrentLoc.get())
                                     (Const(op_status_to_cenum (st)))))}
 class visit_decl_loops_init () =
-  inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
+  object(self)
+    inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
-  method! vstmt_aux stmt =
-    begin
-      match stmt.skind with
+    method! vstmt_aux stmt =
+      begin
+        match stmt.skind with
         | Loop _ ->
           let scope = Kernel_function.find_enclosing_block stmt in
           let f = Extlib.the self#current_func in
           let name = Data_for_aorai.loopInit ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int stmt.sid) in
-          let var =
-            Cil.makeLocalVar f ~scope name Cil.intType
+          let typ =
+            Cil.typeAddAttributes
+              [Attr (Cil.frama_c_ghost_formal,[])] Cil.intType
+          let var = Cil.makeLocalVar ~ghost:true f ~scope name typ in
           Data_for_aorai.set_varinfo name var
         | _ -> ()
-    end;
-    Cil.DoChildren
+      end;
+      Cil.DoChildren
+  end
 let mk_decl_loops_init () =
   let visitor = new visit_decl_loops_init ()  in
@@ -829,59 +832,59 @@ let change_vars subst subst_res kf label pred =
       method! vterm t =
         match t.term_node with
-            TLval (TVar { lv_origin = Some v},_) when v.vglob -> add_label t
-          | TLval (TMem _,_) -> add_label t
-          | _ -> DoChildren
+          TLval (TVar { lv_origin = Some v},_) when v.vglob -> add_label t
+        | TLval (TMem _,_) -> add_label t
+        | _ -> DoChildren
       method! vterm_lhost = function
         | TResult ty ->
           (match kf with
-              None -> Aorai_option.fatal
-                "found \\result without being at a Return event"
-            | Some kf ->
-              (try
-                 ChangeTo (TVar (Kernel_function.Hashtbl.find subst_res kf))
-               with Not_found ->
-                 let new_lv =
-                   Cil_const.make_logic_var_quant
-                     ("__retres_" ^ (Kernel_function.get_name kf)) (Ctype ty)
-                 in
-                 Kernel_function.Hashtbl.add subst_res kf new_lv;
-                 ChangeTo (TVar new_lv)))
+             None -> Aorai_option.fatal
+                       "found \\result without being at a Return event"
+           | Some kf ->
+             (try
+                ChangeTo (TVar (Kernel_function.Hashtbl.find subst_res kf))
+              with Not_found ->
+                let new_lv =
+                  Cil_const.make_logic_var_quant
+                    ("__retres_" ^ (Kernel_function.get_name kf)) (Ctype ty)
+                in
+                Kernel_function.Hashtbl.add subst_res kf new_lv;
+                ChangeTo (TVar new_lv)))
         | TMem _ | TVar _ -> DoChildren
       method! vlogic_var_use lv =
         match lv.lv_origin with
-          | Some v when not v.vglob ->
-            (try
-               ChangeTo (Cil_datatype.Logic_var.Hashtbl.find subst lv)
-             with Not_found ->
-               let new_lv =
-                 Cil_const.make_logic_var_quant lv.lv_name lv.lv_type
-               in
-               Cil_datatype.Logic_var.Hashtbl.add subst lv new_lv;
-               ChangeTo new_lv)
-          | Some _ | None -> DoChildren
+        | Some v when not v.vglob ->
+          (try
+             ChangeTo (Cil_datatype.Logic_var.Hashtbl.find subst lv)
+           with Not_found ->
+             let new_lv =
+               Cil_const.make_logic_var_quant lv.lv_name lv.lv_type
+             in
+             Cil_datatype.Logic_var.Hashtbl.add subst lv new_lv;
+             ChangeTo new_lv)
+        | Some _ | None -> DoChildren
   in Visitor.visitFramacPredicateNode visitor pred
 let pred_of_condition subst subst_res label cond =
   let mk_func_event f =
     let op = tat (mk_term_from_vi (get_varinfo curOp),label) in
-      (* [VP] TODO: change int to appropriate enum type. Also true
-         elsewhere.
-       *)
-    let f = 
-      term 
+    (* [VP] TODO: change int to appropriate enum type. Also true
+       elsewhere.
+    *)
+    let f =
+      term
         (TConst (constant_to_lconstant (func_to_cenum f)))
-        (Ctype (func_enum_type ())) 
+        (Ctype (func_enum_type ()))
     prel (Req,op,f)
   let mk_func_status f status =
     let curr = tat (mk_term_from_vi (get_varinfo curOpStatus),label) in
     let call =
-      term 
+      term
         (TConst (constant_to_lconstant (op_status_to_cenum status)))
         (Ctype (status_enum_type()))
@@ -891,28 +894,28 @@ let pred_of_condition subst subst_res label cond =
   let mk_func_return f = mk_func_status f Promelaast.Return in
   let rec aux kf is_or = function
     | TOr(c1,c2) ->
-        let kf, c1 = aux kf true c1 in
-        let kf, c2 = aux kf true c2 in
-        kf, Logic_const.por (c1, c2)
+      let kf, c1 = aux kf true c1 in
+      let kf, c2 = aux kf true c2 in
+      kf, Logic_const.por (c1, c2)
     | TAnd(c1,c2) ->
       let kf, c1 = aux kf false c1 in
       let kf, c2 = aux kf false c2 in
       kf, Logic_const.pand (c1, c2)
     | TNot c ->
-        let kf, c = aux kf (not is_or) c in kf, Logic_const.pnot c
+      let kf, c = aux kf (not is_or) c in kf, Logic_const.pnot c
     | TCall (s,b) ->
       let pred = mk_func_start (Kernel_function.get_name s) in
       let pred =
         match b with
-          | None -> pred
-          | Some b ->
-            Logic_const.pands
-              (pred :: (List.map Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred b.b_assumes))
+        | None -> pred
+        | Some b ->
+          Logic_const.pands
+            (pred :: (List.map Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred b.b_assumes))
       kf, pred
     | TReturn s ->
-        let kf = if is_or then kf else Some s in
-        kf, mk_func_return (Kernel_function.get_name s)
+      let kf = if is_or then kf else Some s in
+      kf, mk_func_return (Kernel_function.get_name s)
     | TTrue -> kf, ptrue
     | TFalse -> kf, pfalse
     | TRel(rel,t1,t2) ->
@@ -943,7 +946,7 @@ let mk_deterministic_lemma () =
             (fun _ lv acc -> lv :: acc) subst []
         let quants = Kernel_function.Hashtbl.fold
-          (fun _ lv acc -> lv :: acc) subst_res quants
+            (fun _ lv acc -> lv :: acc) subst_res quants
         (* [VP] far from perfect, but should give oracles for
            regression tests that stay relatively stable across vid
@@ -969,25 +972,25 @@ let make_enum_states () =
     List.map (fun x -> (x.Promelaast.name, x.Promelaast.nums)) state_list
   let state_list =
-      if not (Aorai_option.Deterministic.get ()) then state_list
-      else
-        (*[VP] Strictly speaking this is not needed, but Jessie tends
-          to consider that a value of enum type can only be one of the
-          tags, so that we must add this dummy state that is always a
-          possible value, even when a contract concludes that curState
-          is none of the others. Note that ISO C does not impose this
-          limitation to values of enum types.
-         *)
-        (get_fresh "aorai_reject_state", -2)::state_list
+    if not (Aorai_option.Deterministic.get ()) then state_list
+    else
+      (*[VP] Strictly speaking this is not needed, but Jessie tends
+        to consider that a value of enum type can only be one of the
+        tags, so that we must add this dummy state that is always a
+        possible value, even when a contract concludes that curState
+        is none of the others. Note that ISO C does not impose this
+        limitation to values of enum types.
+      *)
+      (get_fresh "aorai_reject_state", -2)::state_list
   let enum = mk_global_c_enum_type_tagged states state_list in
   let mapping =
       (fun (name,id) ->
-        let item =
-          List.find (fun y -> y.einame = name) enum.eitems
-        in
-        (id, item))
+         let item =
+           List.find (fun y -> y.einame = name) enum.eitems
+         in
+         (id, item))
   set_enum mapping
@@ -1045,17 +1048,17 @@ let initGlobals root complete =
   (match Data_for_aorai.abstract_logic_info () with
-    | [] -> ()
-    | l ->
-      let annot =
-        Daxiomatic
-          ("Aorai_pebble_axiomatic",
-           List.map
-             (fun li -> Dfun_or_pred(li,Cil_datatype.Location.unknown)) l,
-           [],
-           Cil_datatype.Location.unknown)
-      in
-      Annotations.add_global Aorai_option.emitter annot);
+   | [] -> ()
+   | l ->
+     let annot =
+       Daxiomatic
+         ("Aorai_pebble_axiomatic",
+          List.map
+            (fun li -> Dfun_or_pred(li,Cil_datatype.Location.unknown)) l,
+          [],
+          Cil_datatype.Location.unknown)
+     in
+     Annotations.add_global Aorai_option.emitter annot);
   mk_global_comment "//* ";
   mk_global_comment "//* END Primitives generated for LTL verification";
   mk_global_comment "//****************";
@@ -1072,20 +1075,20 @@ let automaton_locations loc =
         (fun state ->
-          Logic_const.new_identified_term 
-            (Logic_const.tvar 
-               (Data_for_aorai.get_state_logic_var state)), FromAny)
+           Logic_const.new_identified_term
+             (Logic_const.tvar
+                (Data_for_aorai.get_state_logic_var state)), FromAny)
         (fst (Data_for_aorai.getAutomata()))
      (Logic_const.tvar ~loc
         (Data_for_aorai.get_logic_var Data_for_aorai.curOpStatus)),
    FromAny) ::
-    (Logic_const.new_identified_term
-       (Logic_const.tvar ~loc
-          (Data_for_aorai.get_logic_var Data_for_aorai.curOp)),
-     FromAny) ::
-    auto_state
+  (Logic_const.new_identified_term
+     (Logic_const.tvar ~loc
+        (Data_for_aorai.get_logic_var Data_for_aorai.curOp)),
+   FromAny) ::
+  auto_state
 let automaton_assigns loc = Writes (automaton_locations loc)
@@ -1100,7 +1103,7 @@ let aorai_assigns state loc =
       (fun _ (_,_,b) acc -> Data_for_aorai.merge_bindings b acc)
       merged_states Cil_datatype.Term.Map.empty
-  let elements = 
+  let elements =
       (fun t _ acc -> (Logic_const.new_identified_term t,FromAny)::acc)
       bindings []
@@ -1116,85 +1119,85 @@ let action_assigns trans =
   let treat_one_action acc =
-      | Counter_init (host,off) | Counter_incr (host,off)
-      | Copy_value ((host,off),_) ->
-        let my_var =
-          match host with
-            | TVar ({ lv_origin = Some v}) -> v
-            | _ -> Aorai_option.fatal "Auxiliary variable is not a C global"
-        in
-        let my_off =
-          match off with
-            | TNoOffset -> TNoOffset
-            | TIndex _ -> TIndex(Logic_const.trange (None,None), TNoOffset)
-            | TField _ | TModel _ ->
-              Aorai_option.fatal "Unexpected offset in auxiliary variable"
-        in
-        add_if_needed my_var
-          (Logic_const.term (TLval(host,my_off))
-             (Cil.typeOfTermLval (host,my_off)))
-          acc
-      | Pebble_init(_,v,c) ->
-        let cc = Extlib.the c.lv_origin in
-        let cv = Extlib.the v.lv_origin in
-        add_if_needed cv (Logic_const.tvar v)
-          (add_if_needed cc (Logic_const.tvar c) acc)
-      | Pebble_move(_,v1,_,v2) ->
-        let cv1 = Extlib.the v1.lv_origin in
-        let cv2 = Extlib.the v2.lv_origin in
-        add_if_needed cv1 (Logic_const.tvar v1)
-          (add_if_needed cv2 (Logic_const.tvar v2) acc)
+    | Counter_init (host,off) | Counter_incr (host,off)
+    | Copy_value ((host,off),_) ->
+      let my_var =
+        match host with
+        | TVar ({ lv_origin = Some v}) -> v
+        | _ -> Aorai_option.fatal "Auxiliary variable is not a C global"
+      in
+      let my_off =
+        match off with
+        | TNoOffset -> TNoOffset
+        | TIndex _ -> TIndex(Logic_const.trange (None,None), TNoOffset)
+        | TField _ | TModel _ ->
+          Aorai_option.fatal "Unexpected offset in auxiliary variable"
+      in
+      add_if_needed my_var
+        (Logic_const.term (TLval(host,my_off))
+           (Cil.typeOfTermLval (host,my_off)))
+        acc
+    | Pebble_init(_,v,c) ->
+      let cc = Extlib.the c.lv_origin in
+      let cv = Extlib.the v.lv_origin in
+      add_if_needed cv (Logic_const.tvar v)
+        (add_if_needed cc (Logic_const.tvar c) acc)
+    | Pebble_move(_,v1,_,v2) ->
+      let cv1 = Extlib.the v1.lv_origin in
+      let cv2 = Extlib.the v2.lv_origin in
+      add_if_needed cv1 (Logic_const.tvar v1)
+        (add_if_needed cv2 (Logic_const.tvar v2) acc)
   let empty = (Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Set.empty,[]) in
   let empty_pebble =
     match trans.start.multi_state, trans.stop.multi_state with
-      | Some(_,aux), None ->
-        let caux = Extlib.the aux.lv_origin in
-        add_if_needed caux (Logic_const.tvar aux) empty
-      | _ -> empty
+    | Some(_,aux), None ->
+      let caux = Extlib.the aux.lv_origin in
+      add_if_needed caux (Logic_const.tvar aux) empty
+    | _ -> empty
   let _,res = List.fold_left treat_one_action empty_pebble (snd trans.cross) in
   Writes res
 let get_reachable_trans state st auto current_state =
   match st with
-    | Promelaast.Call ->
-      (try
-         let reach = Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find state current_state in
-         let treat_one_state end_state _ l =
-           Path_analysis.get_edges state end_state auto @ l
-         in
-         Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_state reach []
-       with Not_found -> [])
-    | Promelaast.Return ->
-      let treat_one_state end_state (_,last,_) l =
-        if Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.mem state last then
-            Path_analysis.get_edges state end_state auto @ l
-        else l
-      in
-      let treat_one_start _ map l =
-        Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_state map l
-      in
-      Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_start current_state []
+  | Promelaast.Call ->
+    (try
+       let reach = Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find state current_state in
+       let treat_one_state end_state _ l =
+         Path_analysis.get_edges state end_state auto @ l
+       in
+       Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_state reach []
+     with Not_found -> [])
+  | Promelaast.Return ->
+    let treat_one_state end_state (_,last,_) l =
+      if Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.mem state last then
+        Path_analysis.get_edges state end_state auto @ l
+      else l
+    in
+    let treat_one_start _ map l =
+      Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_state map l
+    in
+    Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_start current_state []
 let get_reachable_trans_to state st auto current_state =
   match st with
-    | Promelaast.Call ->
-      let treat_one_start start map acc =
-        if Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.mem state map then
-          Path_analysis.get_edges start state auto @ acc
-        else acc
-      in
-      Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_start current_state []
-    | Promelaast.Return ->
-      let treat_one_state _ map acc =
-        try
-          let (_,last,_) = Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find state map in
-          Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.fold
-            (fun start acc -> Path_analysis.get_edges start state auto @ acc)
-            last acc
-        with Not_found -> acc
-      in Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_state current_state []
+  | Promelaast.Call ->
+    let treat_one_start start map acc =
+      if Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.mem state map then
+        Path_analysis.get_edges start state auto @ acc
+      else acc
+    in
+    Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_start current_state []
+  | Promelaast.Return ->
+    let treat_one_state _ map acc =
+      try
+        let (_,last,_) = Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find state map in
+        Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.fold
+          (fun start acc -> Path_analysis.get_edges start state auto @ acc)
+          last acc
+      with Not_found -> acc
+    in Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_state current_state []
 (* force that we have a crossable transition for each state in which the
    automaton might be at current event. *)
@@ -1202,29 +1205,29 @@ let force_transition loc f st current_state =
   let (states, _ as auto) = Data_for_aorai.getAutomata () in
   (* We iterate aux on all the states, to get
      - the predicate indicating in which states the automaton cannot possibly
-     be before the transition (because we can't fire a transition from there).
+       be before the transition (because we can't fire a transition from there).
      - the predicate indicating in which states the automaton might be, outside
-     of the reject state
+       of the reject state
      - a list of predicate indicating for each possible state which condition
-     must hold to have at least one possible transition.
-   *)
+       must hold to have at least one possible transition.
+  *)
   let aux (impossible_states,possible_states,has_crossable_trans) state =
     let reachable_trans = get_reachable_trans state st auto current_state in
     (* we inspect each transition originating from state, and maintain the
        following information:
        - a typed condition indicating under which condition a transition
-       can be crossed from the current state
+         can be crossed from the current state
        - a flag indicating whether a transition that
-       does not lead to a reject state can be crossed.
-     *)
+         does not lead to a reject state can be crossed.
+    *)
     let add_one_trans (has_crossable_trans, crossable_non_reject) trans =
       let has_crossable_trans =
         Logic_simplification.tor has_crossable_trans (fst trans.cross)
-      let crossable_non_reject = 
+      let crossable_non_reject =
         crossable_non_reject ||
-          (isCrossable trans f st 
-           && not (Data_for_aorai.is_reject_state trans.stop))
+        (isCrossable trans f st
+         && not (Data_for_aorai.is_reject_state trans.stop))
       in has_crossable_trans, crossable_non_reject
     let cond, crossable_non_reject =
@@ -1251,13 +1254,13 @@ let force_transition loc f st current_state =
       let possible_states =
         (* reject_state must not be the only possible state *)
         match st with
-          | Promelaast.Return ->
-            if Data_for_aorai.is_reject_state state then possible_states
-            else  Logic_const.por ~loc (possible_states,start)
-          | Promelaast.Call ->
-            if crossable_non_reject then
-              Logic_const.por ~loc (possible_states, start)
-            else possible_states
+        | Promelaast.Return ->
+          if Data_for_aorai.is_reject_state state then possible_states
+          else  Logic_const.por ~loc (possible_states,start)
+        | Promelaast.Call ->
+          if crossable_non_reject then
+            Logic_const.por ~loc (possible_states, start)
+          else possible_states
       impossible_states, possible_states, has_crossable_trans
@@ -1269,7 +1272,7 @@ let force_transition loc f st current_state =
     if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get() then
       possible_states (* We're always in exactly one state, among the possible
                          ones, no need to list the impossible ones.
-                       *)
+                      *)
     else (* requires that the cells for impossible states be '0' *)
       Logic_const.pand ~loc (possible_states, impossible_states)
@@ -1277,7 +1280,7 @@ let force_transition loc f st current_state =
 let partition_action trans =
   let add_state t st map =
-    let old = 
+    let old =
       try Cil_datatype.Term_lval.Map.find t map
       with Not_found -> Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.empty
@@ -1286,11 +1289,11 @@ let partition_action trans =
   let treat_one_action st acc =
-      | Counter_init t | Counter_incr t | Copy_value (t,_) -> add_state t st acc
-      | Pebble_init _ | Pebble_move _ -> acc (* moving pebbles can occur at
-                                                the same time (but not for
-                                                same pebbles)
-                                              *)
+    | Counter_init t | Counter_incr t | Copy_value (t,_) -> add_state t st acc
+    | Pebble_init _ | Pebble_move _ -> acc (* moving pebbles can occur at
+                                              the same time (but not for
+                                              same pebbles)
+                                           *)
   let treat_one_trans acc tr =
     List.fold_left (treat_one_action tr.start) acc (snd tr.cross)
@@ -1303,21 +1306,21 @@ let disjoint_states loc _ states precond =
   let states = Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.elements states in
   let rec product acc l =
     match l with
-      | [] -> acc
-      | hd::tl ->
-        let pairs = List.map (fun x -> (hd,x)) tl in
-        product (pairs @ acc) tl
+    | [] -> acc
+    | hd::tl ->
+      let pairs = List.map (fun x -> (hd,x)) tl in
+      product (pairs @ acc) tl
   let disjoint = product [] states in
     (fun acc (st1, st2) ->
-      Logic_const.new_predicate
-        (Logic_const.por ~loc 
-           (is_out_of_state_pred st1,is_out_of_state_pred st2)) :: acc)
+       Logic_const.new_predicate
+         (Logic_const.por ~loc
+            (is_out_of_state_pred st1,is_out_of_state_pred st2)) :: acc)
 forces that parent states of a state with action are mutually exclusive,
 at least at pebble level.
@@ -1331,8 +1334,8 @@ let incompatible_states loc st current_state =
   List.fold_left aux [] states
 let auto_func_preconditions loc f st current_state =
-  force_transition loc f st current_state @ 
-    incompatible_states loc st current_state
+  force_transition loc f st current_state @
+  incompatible_states loc st current_state
 let find_pebble_origin lab actions =
@@ -1381,79 +1384,79 @@ let pebble_post ~loc pebble_set aux_var guard =
 let add_behavior_pebble_actions ~loc f st behaviors state trans =
   match state.multi_state with
-    | None -> behaviors
-    | Some (set,aux) ->
-      let name = Printf.sprintf "pebble_%s" state.name in
-      let assumes =
-        List.fold_left
-          (fun acc b ->
-            let assumes = List.map pred_of_id_pred b.b_assumes in
-            Logic_const.por ~loc (acc, Logic_const.pands assumes))
-          pfalse behaviors
-      in
-      let assumes = [ Logic_const.new_predicate assumes ] in
-      let set = Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at set Logic_const.here_label in
-      let treat_action guard res action =
-        match action with
-          | Copy_value _ | Counter_incr _ | Counter_init _ -> res
-          | Pebble_init (_,_,v) ->
-            let a = Cil_const.make_logic_var_quant aux.lv_name aux.lv_type in
-            let guard = rename_pred aux a guard in
-            let guard =
-              Logic_const.pand ~loc
-                (Logic_const.prel
-                   ~loc (Req,Logic_const.tvar a,Logic_const.tvar v),
-                 guard)
-            in
-            Logic_const.term ~loc
-              (Tcomprehension (Logic_const.tvar a,[a], Some guard))
-              set.term_type
-            :: res
-          | Pebble_move(_,_,s1,_) ->
-            let a = Cil_const.make_logic_var_quant aux.lv_name aux.lv_type in
-            let guard = rename_pred aux a guard in
-            let in_s =
-              mk_sub ~loc
-                (Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at s1 Logic_const.pre_label) a
-            in
-            let guard = Logic_const.pand ~loc (in_s,guard) in
-            Logic_const.term ~loc
-              (Tcomprehension (Logic_const.tvar a,[a], Some guard))
-              set.term_type
-            :: res
-      in
-      let treat_one_trans acc tr =
-        let guard = crosscond_to_pred (fst tr.cross) f st in
-        let guard = Logic_const.pold guard in
-        List.fold_left (treat_action guard) acc (snd tr.cross)
-      in
-      let res = List.fold_left treat_one_trans [] trans in
-      let res = Logic_const.term (Tunion res) set.term_type in
-      let post_cond =
-        [ Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate (Logic_const.prel (Req,set,res))]
-      in
-      Cil.mk_behavior ~name ~assumes ~post_cond () :: behaviors
+  | None -> behaviors
+  | Some (set,aux) ->
+    let name = Printf.sprintf "pebble_%s" state.name in
+    let assumes =
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun acc b ->
+           let assumes = List.map pred_of_id_pred b.b_assumes in
+           Logic_const.por ~loc (acc, Logic_const.pands assumes))
+        pfalse behaviors
+    in
+    let assumes = [ Logic_const.new_predicate assumes ] in
+    let set = Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at set Logic_const.here_label in
+    let treat_action guard res action =
+      match action with
+      | Copy_value _ | Counter_incr _ | Counter_init _ -> res
+      | Pebble_init (_,_,v) ->
+        let a = Cil_const.make_logic_var_quant aux.lv_name aux.lv_type in
+        let guard = rename_pred aux a guard in
+        let guard =
+          Logic_const.pand ~loc
+            (Logic_const.prel
+               ~loc (Req,Logic_const.tvar a,Logic_const.tvar v),
+             guard)
+        in
+        Logic_const.term ~loc
+          (Tcomprehension (Logic_const.tvar a,[a], Some guard))
+          set.term_type
+        :: res
+      | Pebble_move(_,_,s1,_) ->
+        let a = Cil_const.make_logic_var_quant aux.lv_name aux.lv_type in
+        let guard = rename_pred aux a guard in
+        let in_s =
+          mk_sub ~loc
+            (Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at s1 Logic_const.pre_label) a
+        in
+        let guard = Logic_const.pand ~loc (in_s,guard) in
+        Logic_const.term ~loc
+          (Tcomprehension (Logic_const.tvar a,[a], Some guard))
+          set.term_type
+        :: res
+    in
+    let treat_one_trans acc tr =
+      let guard = crosscond_to_pred (fst tr.cross) f st in
+      let guard = Logic_const.pold guard in
+      List.fold_left (treat_action guard) acc (snd tr.cross)
+    in
+    let res = List.fold_left treat_one_trans [] trans in
+    let res = Logic_const.term (Tunion res) set.term_type in
+    let post_cond =
+      [ Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate (Logic_const.prel (Req,set,res))]
+    in
+    Cil.mk_behavior ~name ~assumes ~post_cond () :: behaviors
 let mk_action ~loc a =
   let term_lval lv =
     Logic_const.term ~loc (TLval lv) (Cil.typeOfTermLval lv)
   match a with
-    | Counter_init lv ->
-      [Logic_const.prel ~loc
-          (Req, term_lval lv, Logic_const.tinteger ~loc 1)]
-    | Counter_incr lv ->
-      [Logic_const.prel ~loc
-          (Req, term_lval lv,
-           Logic_const.term ~loc
-             (TBinOp (PlusA,
-                      Logic_const.told ~loc (term_lval lv),
-                      Logic_const.tinteger ~loc 1))
-             (Cil.typeOfTermLval lv))]
-    | Pebble_init _ | Pebble_move _ -> [] (* Treated elsewhere *)
-    | Copy_value (lv,t) ->
-      [Logic_const.prel ~loc
-          (Req, term_lval lv, Logic_const.told t)]
+  | Counter_init lv ->
+    [Logic_const.prel ~loc
+       (Req, term_lval lv, Logic_const.tinteger ~loc 1)]
+  | Counter_incr lv ->
+    [Logic_const.prel ~loc
+       (Req, term_lval lv,
+        Logic_const.term ~loc
+          (TBinOp (PlusA,
+                   Logic_const.told ~loc (term_lval lv),
+                   Logic_const.tinteger ~loc 1))
+          (Cil.typeOfTermLval lv))]
+  | Pebble_init _ | Pebble_move _ -> [] (* Treated elsewhere *)
+  | Copy_value (lv,t) ->
+    [Logic_const.prel ~loc
+       (Req, term_lval lv, Logic_const.told t)]
 let is_reachable state status =
   let treat_one_state _ map = Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.mem state map in
@@ -1461,21 +1464,21 @@ let is_reachable state status =
 let concat_assigns a1 a2 =
   match a1,a2 with
-    | WritesAny, _ -> a2
-    | _, WritesAny -> a1
-    | Writes l1, Writes l2 ->
-      Writes
-        (List.fold_left
-           (fun acc (loc,_ as elt) ->
-             if List.exists
-               (fun (x,_) ->
-                 Cil_datatype.Term.equal x.it_content loc.it_content)
-               l2
-             then
-               acc
-             else
-               elt :: acc)
-           l2 l1)
+  | WritesAny, _ -> a2
+  | _, WritesAny -> a1
+  | Writes l1, Writes l2 ->
+    Writes
+      (List.fold_left
+         (fun acc (loc,_ as elt) ->
+            if List.exists
+                (fun (x,_) ->
+                   Cil_datatype.Term.equal x.it_content loc.it_content)
+                l2
+            then
+              acc
+            else
+              elt :: acc)
+         l2 l1)
 let get_accessible_transitions auto state status =
   let treat_one_state curr_state (_,last,_) acc =
@@ -1487,7 +1490,7 @@ let get_accessible_transitions auto state status =
     Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_state map acc
   let previous_set =
-    Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold 
+    Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold
       treat_start_state status Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.empty
@@ -1495,7 +1498,7 @@ let get_accessible_transitions auto state status =
 (* Assumes that we don't have a multi-state here.
    pebbles are handled elsewhere
- *)
 let mk_unchanged_aux_vars trans =
   let my_aux_vars = Cil_datatype.Term_lval.Set.empty in
   let add_one_action acc = function
@@ -1503,7 +1506,7 @@ let mk_unchanged_aux_vars trans =
       Cil_datatype.Term_lval.Set.add lv acc
     | Pebble_init _ | Pebble_move _ -> acc
-  let add_one_trans acc tr = 
+  let add_one_trans acc tr =
     let (_,actions) = tr.cross in
     List.fold_left add_one_action acc actions
@@ -1522,103 +1525,103 @@ let mk_behavior ~loc auto kf e status state =
   if is_reachable state status then begin
     Aorai_option.debug "state %s is reachable" state.Promelaast.name;
     let my_trans = get_accessible_transitions auto state status in
-    let rec treat_trans 
+    let rec treat_trans
         ((in_assumes, out_assumes, assigns, action_bhvs) as acc) l =
       match l with
-        | [] -> acc
-        | trans :: tl ->
-            let consider, others =
-              List.partition (fun x -> x.start.nums = trans.start.nums) tl 
+      | [] -> acc
+      | trans :: tl ->
+        let consider, others =
+          List.partition (fun x -> x.start.nums = trans.start.nums) tl
-            in
-            let start = is_state_pred trans.start in
-            let not_start = is_out_of_state_pred trans.start in
-            let in_guard, out_guard, assigns, my_action_bhvs =
-              List.fold_left
-                (fun (in_guard, out_guard, all_assigns, action_bhvs) trans ->
-                  Aorai_option.debug "examining transition %d" trans.numt;
-                  let (cond,actions) = trans.cross in
-                  Aorai_option.debug "transition %d is active" trans.numt;
-                  let guard = crosscond_to_pred cond kf e in
-                  let my_in_guard,my_out_guard =
-                    match state.multi_state with
-                      | None -> guard, Logic_const.pnot ~loc guard
-                      | Some (_,aux) ->
-                        let set =
-                          find_pebble_origin Logic_const.here_label actions
-                        in
-                        pebble_guard ~loc set aux guard,
-                        pebble_guard_neg ~loc set aux guard
-                  in
-                  let out_guard =
-                    Logic_const.pand ~loc (out_guard, my_out_guard)
-                  in
-                  let in_guard, all_assigns, action_bhvs =
-                    match actions with
-                      | [] ->
-                        (Logic_const.por ~loc (in_guard,my_in_guard),
-                         all_assigns,
-                         action_bhvs)
-                      | _ ->
-                        let name =
-                          Printf.sprintf "buch_state_%s_in_%d"
-                            state.name (List.length action_bhvs)
-                        in
-                        Aorai_option.debug "Name is %s" name;
-                        let assumes = [
-                          Logic_const.new_predicate
-                            (Logic_const.pand ~loc (start,my_in_guard))
-                        ]
-                        in
-                        let post_cond =
-                          Normal,
-                          Logic_const.new_predicate (is_state_pred state)
-                        in
-                        let treat_one_action acc a =
-                          let posts = mk_action ~loc a in
-                          match state.multi_state  with
-                            | None ->
-                              acc @
-                                List.map
-                                (fun x ->
-                                  (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate x))
-                                posts
-                            | Some (_,aux) ->
-                              let set =
-                                find_pebble_origin
-                                  Logic_const.pre_label actions
-                              in
-                              acc @
-                                List.map
-                                (fun x ->
-                                  (Normal,
-                                   Logic_const.new_predicate
-                                     (pebble_post ~loc set aux x)))
-                                posts
-                        in
-                        let post_cond =
-                          List.fold_left treat_one_action [post_cond] actions
-                        in
-                        let assigns = action_assigns trans in
-                        let all_assigns = concat_assigns assigns all_assigns in
-                        let bhv =
-                          Cil.mk_behavior ~name ~assumes ~post_cond ()
-                        in
-                        in_guard, all_assigns, bhv :: action_bhvs
-                  in
-                  in_guard, out_guard, all_assigns, action_bhvs)
-                (pfalse,ptrue,assigns, action_bhvs) (trans::consider)
-            in
-            treat_trans
-              (Logic_const.por ~loc
-                 (in_assumes, (Logic_const.pand ~loc (start, in_guard))),
-               Logic_const.pand ~loc
-                 (out_assumes,
-                  (Logic_const.por ~loc (not_start, out_guard))),
-               assigns,
-               my_action_bhvs
-              )
-              others
+        in
+        let start = is_state_pred trans.start in
+        let not_start = is_out_of_state_pred trans.start in
+        let in_guard, out_guard, assigns, my_action_bhvs =
+          List.fold_left
+            (fun (in_guard, out_guard, all_assigns, action_bhvs) trans ->
+               Aorai_option.debug "examining transition %d" trans.numt;
+               let (cond,actions) = trans.cross in
+               Aorai_option.debug "transition %d is active" trans.numt;
+               let guard = crosscond_to_pred cond kf e in
+               let my_in_guard,my_out_guard =
+                 match state.multi_state with
+                 | None -> guard, Logic_const.pnot ~loc guard
+                 | Some (_,aux) ->
+                   let set =
+                     find_pebble_origin Logic_const.here_label actions
+                   in
+                   pebble_guard ~loc set aux guard,
+                   pebble_guard_neg ~loc set aux guard
+               in
+               let out_guard =
+                 Logic_const.pand ~loc (out_guard, my_out_guard)
+               in
+               let in_guard, all_assigns, action_bhvs =
+                 match actions with
+                 | [] ->
+                   (Logic_const.por ~loc (in_guard,my_in_guard),
+                    all_assigns,
+                    action_bhvs)
+                 | _ ->
+                   let name =
+                     Printf.sprintf "buch_state_%s_in_%d"
+                       state.name (List.length action_bhvs)
+                   in
+                   Aorai_option.debug "Name is %s" name;
+                   let assumes = [
+                     Logic_const.new_predicate
+                       (Logic_const.pand ~loc (start,my_in_guard))
+                   ]
+                   in
+                   let post_cond =
+                     Normal,
+                     Logic_const.new_predicate (is_state_pred state)
+                   in
+                   let treat_one_action acc a =
+                     let posts = mk_action ~loc a in
+                     match state.multi_state  with
+                     | None ->
+                       acc @
+                       List.map
+                         (fun x ->
+                            (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate x))
+                         posts
+                     | Some (_,aux) ->
+                       let set =
+                         find_pebble_origin
+                           Logic_const.pre_label actions
+                       in
+                       acc @
+                       List.map
+                         (fun x ->
+                            (Normal,
+                             Logic_const.new_predicate
+                               (pebble_post ~loc set aux x)))
+                         posts
+                   in
+                   let post_cond =
+                     List.fold_left treat_one_action [post_cond] actions
+                   in
+                   let assigns = action_assigns trans in
+                   let all_assigns = concat_assigns assigns all_assigns in
+                   let bhv =
+                     Cil.mk_behavior ~name ~assumes ~post_cond ()
+                   in
+                   in_guard, all_assigns, bhv :: action_bhvs
+               in
+               in_guard, out_guard, all_assigns, action_bhvs)
+            (pfalse,ptrue,assigns, action_bhvs) (trans::consider)
+        in
+        treat_trans
+          (Logic_const.por ~loc
+             (in_assumes, (Logic_const.pand ~loc (start, in_guard))),
+           Logic_const.pand ~loc
+             (out_assumes,
+              (Logic_const.por ~loc (not_start, out_guard))),
+           assigns,
+           my_action_bhvs
+          )
+          others
     let my_trans = List.filter (fun x -> isCrossable x kf e) my_trans in
     let in_assumes, out_assumes, assigns, action_behaviors =
@@ -1632,7 +1635,7 @@ let mk_behavior ~loc auto kf e status state =
             ~name:(Printf.sprintf "buch_state_%s_in" state.Promelaast.name)
             ~assumes:[Logic_const.new_predicate in_assumes]
-            [Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate (is_state_pred state)]
+              [Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate (is_state_pred state)]
         in behavior_in :: action_behaviors
@@ -1645,16 +1648,16 @@ let mk_behavior ~loc auto kf e status state =
       else begin
         let post_cond =
           match state.multi_state with
-            | None -> mk_unchanged_aux_vars my_trans
-            | Some (set,_) ->
-              let set =
-                Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at set Logic_const.here_label
-              in
-              [Normal,
-               Logic_const.new_predicate
-                 (Logic_const.prel ~loc
-                    (Req,set,
-                     Logic_const.term ~loc Tempty_set set.term_type))]
+          | None -> mk_unchanged_aux_vars my_trans
+          | Some (set,_) ->
+            let set =
+              Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at set Logic_const.here_label
+            in
+            [Normal,
+             Logic_const.new_predicate
+               (Logic_const.prel ~loc
+                  (Req,set,
+                   Logic_const.term ~loc Tempty_set set.term_type))]
         let post_cond =
           (Normal, (Logic_const.new_predicate (is_out_of_state_pred state)))
@@ -1675,15 +1678,15 @@ let mk_behavior ~loc auto kf e status state =
     let name = Printf.sprintf "buch_state_%s_out" state.Promelaast.name in
     let post_cond =
       match state.multi_state with
-        | None -> []
-        | Some (set,_) ->
-          let set =
-            Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at set Logic_const.here_label
-          in [Normal,
-              Logic_const.new_predicate
-                (Logic_const.prel ~loc
-                   (Req,set,
-                    Logic_const.term ~loc Tempty_set set.term_type))]
+      | None -> []
+      | Some (set,_) ->
+        let set =
+          Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at set Logic_const.here_label
+        in [Normal,
+            Logic_const.new_predicate
+              (Logic_const.prel ~loc
+                 (Req,set,
+                  Logic_const.term ~loc Tempty_set set.term_type))]
     let post_cond =
       (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate (is_out_of_state_pred state))
@@ -1695,16 +1698,16 @@ let mk_behavior ~loc auto kf e status state =
 let auto_func_behaviors loc f st state =
   let call_or_ret =
     match st with
-      | Promelaast.Call -> "call"
-      | Promelaast.Return -> "return"
+    | Promelaast.Call -> "call"
+    | Promelaast.Return -> "return"
     "func behavior for %a (%s)" Kernel_function.pretty f call_or_ret;
   let (states, _) as auto = Data_for_aorai.getAutomata() in
-    (* requires is not needed for pre_func, as it is enforced by the
-       requires of the original C function itself (and the call to pre_func
-       by definition the first instruction of the function).
-     *)
+  (* requires is not needed for pre_func, as it is enforced by the
+     requires of the original C function itself (and the call to pre_func
+     by definition the first instruction of the function).
+  *)
   let post_cond =
     let called_pre =
@@ -1725,11 +1728,11 @@ let auto_func_behaviors loc f st state =
               (Data_for_aorai.get_logic_var Data_for_aorai.curOp),
-                          (Data_for_aorai.func_to_cenum 
+                          (Data_for_aorai.func_to_cenum
                              (Kernel_function.get_name f)))))
-                  (Ctype Cil.intType))))
+               (Ctype Cil.intType))))
-      (* let old_pred = Aorai_utils.mk_old_state_pred loc in *)
+    (* let old_pred = Aorai_utils.mk_old_state_pred loc in *)
     [(Normal, called_pre); (Normal, called_pre_2)]
   let requires =
@@ -1750,30 +1753,31 @@ let auto_func_behaviors loc f st state =
   global_behavior :: (List.rev behaviors)
-let act_convert loc (_,act) res = 
-  let treat_one_act = 
-  function
-  | Counter_init t_lval -> 
-    Cil.mkStmtOneInstr (Set (tlval_to_lval t_lval res, Cil.one loc, loc))
-  | Counter_incr t_lval -> 
-    let my_lval = tlval_to_lval t_lval res in
-    Cil.mkStmtOneInstr
-      (Set 
-         (my_lval,
-          (Cil.mkBinOp
-             loc
-             PlusA
-             (Cil.new_exp loc (Lval my_lval))
-             (Cil.one loc)), 
-          loc))
-  | Copy_value (t_lval, t) -> 
-    Cil.mkStmtOneInstr
-      (Set (tlval_to_lval t_lval res, term_to_exp t res, loc))
-  | _ ->
-    Aorai_option.fatal "Peebles not treated yet." (* TODO : Treat peebles. *)
+let act_convert loc (_,act) res =
+  let treat_one_act =
+    function
+    | Counter_init t_lval ->
+      Cil.mkStmtOneInstr
+        ~ghost:true (Set (tlval_to_lval t_lval res, Cil.one loc, loc))
+    | Counter_incr t_lval ->
+      let my_lval = tlval_to_lval t_lval res in
+      Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ~ghost:true
+        (Set
+           (my_lval,
+            (Cil.mkBinOp
+               loc
+               PlusA
+               (Cil.new_exp loc (Lval my_lval))
+               (Cil.one loc)),
+            loc))
+    | Copy_value (t_lval, t) ->
+      Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ~ghost:true
+        (Set (tlval_to_lval t_lval res, term_to_exp t res, loc))
+    | _ ->
+      Aorai_option.fatal "Peebles not treated yet." (* TODO : Treat peebles. *)
   List.map treat_one_act act
 let copy_stmt s =
   let vis = new Visitor.frama_c_refresh (Project.current()) in
   Visitor.visitFramacStmt vis s
@@ -1784,32 +1788,32 @@ let copy_stmt s =
    If state is reachable, generates a "If then else" statement, else it is
    just an assignment.
    Used in auto_func_block. *)
-let mk_stmt loc (states, tr) f fst status ((st,_) as state) res = 
+let mk_stmt loc (states, tr) f fst status ((st,_) as state) res =
   if is_reachable st status then begin
     let useful_trans =  get_accessible_transitions (states,tr) st status in
-    let exp_from_trans,stmt_from_action = 
+    let exp_from_trans,stmt_from_action =
-           (function trans ->  
-             (Cil.mkBinOp 
-                loc 
-                LAnd 
-                (is_state_exp trans.start loc) 
-                (crosscond_to_exp f fst loc trans.cross res)),
-             (act_convert loc trans.cross res)
-           )     
+           (function trans ->
+              (Cil.mkBinOp
+                 loc
+                 LAnd
+                 (is_state_exp trans.start loc)
+                 (crosscond_to_exp f fst loc trans.cross res)),
+              (act_convert loc trans.cross res)
+           )
     let mkIfStmt exp1 block1 block2 =
-      Cil.mkStmt (If (exp1, block1, block2, loc))
+      Cil.mkStmt ~ghost:true (If (exp1, block1, block2, loc))
     let if_cond =
-      List.fold_left 
-        (fun acc exp -> Cil.mkBinOp loc LOr exp acc) 
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun acc exp -> Cil.mkBinOp loc LOr exp acc)
         (List.hd exp_from_trans)
         (List.tl exp_from_trans)
-    in  
+    in
     let then_stmt = is_state_stmt state loc in
     let else_stmt =
       if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get () then []
@@ -1818,7 +1822,7 @@ let mk_stmt loc (states, tr) f fst status ((st,_) as state) res =
     if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get () then
         (fun acc cond stmt_act ->
-           [mkIfStmt cond 
+           [mkIfStmt cond
               (mkBlock (copy_stmt then_stmt :: stmt_act)) (mkBlock acc)])
         (List.rev exp_from_trans)
@@ -1846,9 +1850,9 @@ let auto_func_block loc f st status res =
     ~dkey "func code for %a (%s)" Kernel_function.pretty f call_or_ret;
   let (states, _) as auto = Data_for_aorai.getAutomata() in
   (* For the following tests, we need a copy of every state. *)
   let copies, local_var =
     if Aorai_option.Deterministic.get () then begin
       let orig = Data_for_aorai.get_varinfo curState in
@@ -1865,17 +1869,16 @@ let auto_func_block loc f st status res =
   let equalsStmt lval exp = (* assignment *)
-    Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ( Set ( lval , exp , loc) )
+    Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ~ghost:true (Set (lval, exp, loc))
-  let stmt_begin_list = 
+  let stmt_begin_list =
-    [ 
-      (* First statement : what is the current status : called or return ? *) 
-      equalsStmt 
+    [
+      (* First statement : what is the current status : called or return ? *)
+      equalsStmt
         (Cil.var (Data_for_aorai.get_varinfo Data_for_aorai.curOpStatus)) (* current status... *)
         (Cil.new_exp loc (Const (Data_for_aorai.op_status_to_cenum st))); (* ... equals to what it is *)
       (* Second statement : what is the current operation, i.e. which function ?  *)
         (Cil.var (Data_for_aorai.get_varinfo Data_for_aorai.curOp)) (* current operation ... *)
@@ -1883,7 +1886,7 @@ let auto_func_block loc f st status res =
   (* As we work on copies, they need to be set to their actual values *)
   let copies_update =
@@ -1898,12 +1901,12 @@ let auto_func_block loc f st status res =
   (* For each state, we have to generate the statement that will update its copy. *)
-  let main_stmt = 
+  let main_stmt =
-      List.fold_left 
-        (fun acc state -> (mk_stmt loc auto f st status state res)@acc )
-        []
-        copies
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun acc state -> (mk_stmt loc auto f st status state res)@acc )
+      []
+      copies
@@ -1920,7 +1923,7 @@ let auto_func_block loc f st status res =
              (Cil.evar ~loc copy))
-  let ret = [ Cil.mkStmt (Cil_types.Return(None,loc)) ] in
+  let ret = [ Cil.mkStmt ~ghost:true (Cil_types.Return(None,loc)) ] in
   let res_block =
        ( stmt_begin_list @ copies_update @ main_stmt @ stvar_update @ ret))
@@ -1929,12 +1932,12 @@ let auto_func_block loc f st status res =
   Aorai_option.debug ~dkey "Generated body is:@\n%a"
     Printer.pp_block res_block;
 let get_preds_wrt_params_reachable_states state f status =
   let auto = Data_for_aorai.getAutomata () in
   let treat_one_trans acc tr = Logic_simplification.tor acc (fst tr.cross) in
-  let find_trans state prev tr = 
-    Path_analysis.get_edges prev state auto @ tr 
+  let find_trans state prev tr =
+    Path_analysis.get_edges prev state auto @ tr
   let treat_one_state state (_,last,_) acc =
     let my_trans =
@@ -1951,7 +1954,7 @@ let get_preds_wrt_params_reachable_states state f status =
 let get_preds_wrt_params_reachable_states state f status =
   let merge_reachable_state _  = Data_for_aorai.merge_end_state in
   let reachable_states =
-    Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold 
+    Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold
       merge_reachable_state state Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.empty
   get_preds_wrt_params_reachable_states reachable_states f status
@@ -1968,22 +1971,22 @@ let treat_val loc base range pred =
   let add term =
     if Cil.isLogicZero base then term
     else Logic_const.term
-      (TBinOp (PlusA, Logic_const.tat (base,Logic_const.pre_label), term))
-      Linteger
+        (TBinOp (PlusA, Logic_const.tat (base,Logic_const.pre_label), term))
+        Linteger
   let add_cst i = add (Logic_const.tinteger i) in
   let res =
     match range with
-      | Fixed i -> Logic_const.prel (Req,loc, add_cst i)
-      | Interval(min,max) ->
-        let min = Logic_const.prel (Rle, add_cst min, loc) in
-        let max = Logic_const.prel (Rle, loc, add_cst max) in
-        Logic_const.pand (min,max)
-      | Bounded (min,max) ->
-        let min = Logic_const.prel (Rle, add_cst min, loc) in
-        let max = Logic_const.prel (Rle, loc, add max) in
-        Logic_const.pand (min,max)
-      | Unbounded min -> Logic_const.prel (Rle, add_cst min, loc)
+    | Fixed i -> Logic_const.prel (Req,loc, add_cst i)
+    | Interval(min,max) ->
+      let min = Logic_const.prel (Rle, add_cst min, loc) in
+      let max = Logic_const.prel (Rle, loc, add_cst max) in
+      Logic_const.pand (min,max)
+    | Bounded (min,max) ->
+      let min = Logic_const.prel (Rle, add_cst min, loc) in
+      let max = Logic_const.prel (Rle, loc, add max) in
+      Logic_const.pand (min,max)
+    | Unbounded min -> Logic_const.prel (Rle, add_cst min, loc)
   Aorai_option.debug ~dkey:action_dkey "Action predicate: %a"
     Printer.pp_predicate res;
@@ -2012,13 +2015,13 @@ let update_to_pred ~start ~pre_state ~post_state location bindings =
   let pred =
     match post_state.multi_state with
-      | None -> intv
-      | Some(set,aux) ->
-        (* [VP 2011-09-05] In fact, not all the pebble come from the considered
-           pre-state. Will this lead to too strong post-conditions?
-         *)
-        let set = Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at set Logic_const.here_label in
-        pebble_post ~loc set aux intv
+    | None -> intv
+    | Some(set,aux) ->
+      (* [VP 2011-09-05] In fact, not all the pebble come from the considered
+         pre-state. Will this lead to too strong post-conditions?
+      *)
+      let set = Data_for_aorai.pebble_set_at set Logic_const.here_label in
+      pebble_post ~loc set aux intv
   let guard =
     Logic_const.pand ~loc
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_utils.mli b/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_utils.mli
index 1d1fabbe7a9b3510055097ca014d3e62f52ff489..7c85d31d0f52dfc0e767a53c2fa485d2b51b0bea 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_utils.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_utils.mli
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ open Promelaast
 (** Given a transition a function and a function status (call or return)
     it returns if the cross condition can be satisfied
     with only function status.
- *)
 val isCrossable:
   (typed_condition * action) trans -> kernel_function -> funcStatus -> bool
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ val isCrossableAtInit:
 (** This function rewrites a cross condition into an ACSL expression.
     Moreover, by giving current operation name and its status (call or
     return) the generation simplifies the generated expression.
- *)
 val crosscond_to_pred:
   typed_condition -> kernel_function -> funcStatus -> predicate
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ val initGlobals : Cil_types.kernel_function -> bool -> unit
 (** base lhost corresponding to curState. *)
 val host_state_term: unit -> Cil_types.term_lval
-(** Returns the predicate saying that automaton is in 
+(** Returns the predicate saying that automaton is in
     corresponding state. *)
 val is_state_pred: state -> predicate
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ val is_out_of_state_exp: state -> location -> Cil_types.exp
     in the function.
     @since Nitrogen-20111001
     @since Neon-20140301 adds kf argument
- *)
 val aorai_assigns:
   Data_for_aorai.state -> Cil_types.location -> Cil_types.assigns
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ val force_transition:
   Cil_types.location -> kernel_function -> Promelaast.funcStatus ->
   Data_for_aorai.state -> Cil_types.identified_predicate list
-(** return list of preconditions for the given auxiliary function 
+(** return list of preconditions for the given auxiliary function
     (f_pre_func or f_post_func). *)
 val auto_func_preconditions:
   Cil_types.location -> kernel_function -> Promelaast.funcStatus ->
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ val possible_states_preds:
 (** Possible values of the given auxiliary variable under the current path,
     [start]ing from the given point
     @since Neon-20140301 add logic_label argument
- *)
 val update_to_pred:
   start: Cil_types.logic_label ->
   pre_state:Promelaast.state -> post_state:Promelaast.state ->
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ val update_to_pred:
     the function, guarded by the fact that we have followed this path, from
     the given program point
     @modify Neon-20130301 add logic_label argument
- *)
 val action_to_pred:
   start:Cil_types.logic_label ->
   pre_state:Promelaast.state -> post_state:Promelaast.state ->
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ val action_to_pred:
 (** All actions that might have been performed on aux variables from the
     given program point, guarded by the path followed.
     @modify Neon-20140301 add logic_label argument
- *)
-val all_actions_preds: 
+val all_actions_preds:
   Cil_types.logic_label ->
   Data_for_aorai.state -> predicate list
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_visitors.ml b/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_visitors.ml
index 165990df1ce1bf35fe8b81f022bcd9820cd24d98..ff4000cb4d52e9b4baaa634c054c1c06075ea127 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_visitors.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_visitors.ml
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ let get_acceptance_pred () =
   let (st,_) = Data_for_aorai.getAutomata () in
     (fun acc s ->
-      match s.acceptation with
-          Bool3.True -> Logic_const.por (acc, Aorai_utils.is_state_pred s)
-        | Bool3.False | Bool3.Undefined -> acc)
+       match s.acceptation with
+         Bool3.True -> Logic_const.por (acc, Aorai_utils.is_state_pred s)
+       | Bool3.False | Bool3.Undefined -> acc)
     Logic_const.pfalse st
 let get_call_name exp = match exp.enode with
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type func_auto_mode =
                                    the automaton when f is called. *)
   | Post_func of kernel_function (* Post_func f denotes a function updating
                                     the automaton when returning from f. *)
 (* table from auxiliary functions to the corresponding original one. *)
 let func_orig_table = Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Hashtbl.create 17
@@ -75,27 +75,27 @@ let kind_of_func vi =
   try Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Hashtbl.find func_orig_table vi
   with Not_found -> Not_auto_func
-(* The following functions will be used to generate C code for pre & post 
+(* The following functions will be used to generate C code for pre & post
    functions. *)
 let mk_auto_fct_block kf status auto_state res =
   let loc = Kernel_function.get_location kf in
   Aorai_utils.auto_func_block loc kf status auto_state res
 let mk_pre_fct_block kf =
-  mk_auto_fct_block 
-    kf 
-    Promelaast.Call 
+  mk_auto_fct_block
+    kf
+    Promelaast.Call
     (Data_for_aorai.get_kf_init_state kf)
 let mk_post_fct_block kf res =
-  mk_auto_fct_block 
+  mk_auto_fct_block
-    Promelaast.Return 
+    Promelaast.Return
     (Data_for_aorai.get_kf_return_state kf)
    This visitor adds an auxiliary function for each C function which takes
    care of setting the automaton in a correct state before calling the
@@ -104,86 +104,88 @@ let mk_post_fct_block kf res =
 class visit_adding_code_for_synchronisation =
-object (self)
-  inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
+  object (self)
+    inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
-  val aux_post_table = Kernel_function.Hashtbl.create 17
+    val aux_post_table = Kernel_function.Hashtbl.create 17
-  method! vglob_aux g =
-    match g with
-    | GFun (fundec,loc) ->
-      let kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in
-      let vi = Kernel_function.get_vi kf in
-      let vi_pre = Cil_const.copy_with_new_vid vi in
-      vi_pre.vname <- Data_for_aorai.get_fresh (vi_pre.vname ^ "_pre_func");
-      vi_pre.vdefined <- true;
-      Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Hashtbl.add func_orig_table vi_pre (Pre_func kf);
+    method! vglob_aux g =
+      match g with
+      | GFun (fundec,loc) ->
+        let kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in
+        let vi = Kernel_function.get_vi kf in
+        let vi_pre = Cil_const.copy_with_new_vid vi in
+        vi_pre.vname <- Data_for_aorai.get_fresh (vi_pre.vname ^ "_pre_func");
+        vi_pre.vdefined <- true;
+        vi_pre.vghost <- true;
+        Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Hashtbl.add func_orig_table vi_pre (Pre_func kf);
         (* TODO:
            - what about protos that have no specified args
-           (NB: cannot be identified here because of implem of Kernel_function).
+             (NB: cannot be identified here because of implem of Kernel_function).
            - what about varargs?
-         *)
-      let (rettype,args,varargs,_) = Cil.splitFunctionTypeVI vi_pre in
-      vi_pre.vtype <- TFun(Cil.voidType, args, varargs,[]);
-      vi_pre.vattr <- [];
+        *)
+        let (rettype,args,varargs,_) = Cil.splitFunctionTypeVI vi_pre in
+        vi_pre.vtype <- TFun(Cil.voidType, args, varargs,[]);
+        vi_pre.vattr <- [];
         (* in particular get rid of __no_return if set in vi*)
-      let arg =
-        if Cil.isVoidType rettype
-        then []
-        else ["res",rettype,[]]
-      in
-      let vi_post =
-        Cil.makeGlobalVar
-          (Data_for_aorai.get_fresh (vi.vname ^ "_post_func"))
-          (TFun(voidType,Some arg,false,[]))
-      in
-      Kernel_function.Hashtbl.add aux_post_table kf vi_post;
-      Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Hashtbl.add func_orig_table vi_post (Post_func kf);
-      let fun_dec_pre = Cil.emptyFunctionFromVI vi_pre in 
-      let fun_dec_post = Cil.emptyFunctionFromVI vi_post in
-      (* For a future analysis of function arguments, 
-         we have to update the function's formals. Search 
-         for LBLsformals. *)
-      Cil.setFunctionTypeMakeFormals
-        fun_dec_pre (TFun(Cil.voidType, args, varargs,[]));
-      Cil.setFunctionTypeMakeFormals
-        fun_dec_post (TFun(voidType,Some arg,false,[]));
-      (* We will now fill the function with the result
-         of the automaton's analysis. *)   
-      let pre_block,pre_locals = mk_pre_fct_block kf in
-      let post_block,post_locals =
-        mk_post_fct_block kf (Extlib.opt_of_list fun_dec_post.sformals)
-      in
-      fun_dec_pre.slocals <- pre_locals;
-      fun_dec_pre.sbody <- pre_block;
-      fun_dec_pre.svar.vdefined <- true;
-      fun_dec_post.slocals <- post_locals; 
-      fun_dec_post.sbody <- post_block;
-      fun_dec_post.svar.vdefined <- true;
-      let globs = [ GFun(fun_dec_pre,loc); GFun(fun_dec_post,loc);] in
-      fundec.sbody.bstmts <- Cil.mkStmtOneInstr
-        (Call(None,Cil.evar ~loc vi_pre,
-              List.map (fun x -> Cil.evar ~loc x)
-                (Kernel_function.get_formals kf),
-              loc))
-      :: fundec.sbody.bstmts;
-      Globals.Functions.replace_by_definition
-        (Cil.empty_funspec()) fun_dec_pre loc;
-      Globals.Functions.replace_by_definition
-        (Cil.empty_funspec()) fun_dec_post loc;  
-      (* Finally, we update the CFG for the new fundec *)
-      let keepSwitch = Kernel.KeepSwitch.get() in
-      Cfg.prepareCFG ~keepSwitch fun_dec_pre;
-      Cfg.cfgFun fun_dec_pre;
-      Cfg.prepareCFG ~keepSwitch fun_dec_post;
-      Cfg.cfgFun fun_dec_post;
-      ChangeDoChildrenPost([g], fun x -> globs @ x)
-    | _ -> DoChildren
+        let arg =
+          if Cil.isVoidType rettype
+          then []
+          else ["res",rettype,[]]
+        in
+        let vi_post =
+          Cil.makeGlobalVar ~ghost:true
+            (Data_for_aorai.get_fresh (vi.vname ^ "_post_func"))
+            (TFun(voidType,Some arg,false,[]))
+        in
+        Kernel_function.Hashtbl.add aux_post_table kf vi_post;
+        Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Hashtbl.add func_orig_table vi_post (Post_func kf);
+        let fun_dec_pre = Cil.emptyFunctionFromVI vi_pre in
+        let fun_dec_post = Cil.emptyFunctionFromVI vi_post in
+        (* For a future analysis of function arguments,
+           we have to update the function's formals. Search
+           for LBLsformals. *)
+        Cil.setFunctionTypeMakeFormals
+          fun_dec_pre (TFun(Cil.voidType, args, varargs,[]));
+        Cil.setFunctionTypeMakeFormals
+          fun_dec_post (TFun(voidType,Some arg,false,[]));
+        (* We will now fill the function with the result
+           of the automaton's analysis. *)
+        let pre_block,pre_locals = mk_pre_fct_block kf in
+        let post_block,post_locals =
+          mk_post_fct_block kf (Extlib.opt_of_list fun_dec_post.sformals)
+        in
+        fun_dec_pre.slocals <- pre_locals;
+        fun_dec_pre.sbody <- pre_block;
+        fun_dec_pre.svar.vdefined <- true;
+        fun_dec_post.slocals <- post_locals;
+        fun_dec_post.sbody <- post_block;
+        fun_dec_post.svar.vdefined <- true;
+        let globs = [ GFun(fun_dec_pre,loc); GFun(fun_dec_post,loc);] in
+        fundec.sbody.bstmts <-
+          Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ~ghost:true
+            (Call(None,Cil.evar ~loc vi_pre,
+                  List.map (fun x -> Cil.evar ~loc x)
+                    (Kernel_function.get_formals kf),
+                  loc))
+          :: fundec.sbody.bstmts;
+        Globals.Functions.replace_by_definition
+          (Cil.empty_funspec()) fun_dec_pre loc;
+        Globals.Functions.replace_by_definition
+          (Cil.empty_funspec()) fun_dec_post loc;
+        (* Finally, we update the CFG for the new fundec *)
+        let keepSwitch = Kernel.KeepSwitch.get() in
+        Cfg.prepareCFG ~keepSwitch fun_dec_pre;
+        Cfg.cfgFun fun_dec_pre;
+        Cfg.prepareCFG ~keepSwitch fun_dec_post;
+        Cfg.cfgFun fun_dec_post;
+        ChangeDoChildrenPost([g], fun x -> globs @ x)
+      | _ -> DoChildren
-  method! vstmt_aux stmt =
-    match stmt.skind with
+    method! vstmt_aux stmt =
+      match stmt.skind with
       | Return (res,loc)  ->
         let kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in
         let vi = Kernel_function.get_vi kf in
@@ -201,7 +203,8 @@ object (self)
                 Kernel_function.pretty kf
           let call =
-            mkStmtOneInstr (Call (None,Cil.evar ~loc aux_vi,args,loc))
+            mkStmtOneInstr
+              ~ghost:true (Call (None,Cil.evar ~loc aux_vi,args,loc))
           let new_return = mkStmt ~valid_sid:true stmt.skind in
           let new_stmts = [call; new_return] in
@@ -210,21 +213,21 @@ object (self)
       | _ -> DoChildren
+  end
 (* update from formals of original C function to one of the auxiliary
    function (f_aux or f_pre)
- *)
 class change_formals old_kf new_kf =
   let old_formals = Kernel_function.get_formals old_kf in
   let new_formals = Kernel_function.get_formals new_kf in
   let formals = List.combine old_formals new_formals in
-  inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
-  method! vlogic_var_use lv =
-    match lv.lv_origin with
+  object
+    inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
+    method! vlogic_var_use lv =
+      match lv.lv_origin with
       | None -> SkipChildren
       | Some vi ->
@@ -232,24 +235,24 @@ object
           ChangeTo (Cil.cvar_to_lvar vi')
         with Not_found -> SkipChildren
-  method! vvrbl vi =
-    try
-      let vi' = List.assq vi formals in
-      ChangeTo vi'
-    with Not_found -> SkipChildren
+    method! vvrbl vi =
+      try
+        let vi' = List.assq vi formals in
+        ChangeTo vi'
+      with Not_found -> SkipChildren
+  end
 (* update \result to param of f_post when it exists. Must not be called if
    f_post has no parameter (original f returns void). *)
 class change_result new_kf =
   let v = List.hd (Kernel_function.get_formals new_kf) in
-  inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
-  method! vterm_lhost lh =
-    match lh with
+  object
+    inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
+    method! vterm_lhost lh =
+      match lh with
         TResult _ -> ChangeTo (TVar (Cil.cvar_to_lvar v))
       | _ -> DoChildren
+  end
 let post_treatment_loops = Hashtbl.create 97
@@ -257,33 +260,33 @@ let update_loop_assigns kf stmt state vi code_annot =
   let loc = Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt in
   let assigns = Aorai_utils.aorai_assigns state loc in
   let assigns =
-    Logic_utils.concat_assigns 
+    Logic_utils.concat_assigns
          [Logic_const.new_identified_term (Logic_const.tvar ~loc vi), From []])
   let new_assigns =
     match code_annot.annot_content with
-      | AAssigns (bhvs,old_assigns) ->
-          Logic_const.new_code_annotation
-            (AAssigns (bhvs, Logic_utils.concat_assigns old_assigns assigns))
-      | _ -> Aorai_option.fatal "Expecting an assigns clause here"
+    | AAssigns (bhvs,old_assigns) ->
+      Logic_const.new_code_annotation
+        (AAssigns (bhvs, Logic_utils.concat_assigns old_assigns assigns))
+    | _ -> Aorai_option.fatal "Expecting an assigns clause here"
   Annotations.add_code_annot Aorai_option.emitter ~kf stmt new_assigns
 let get_action_post_cond kf ?init_trans return_states =
   let to_consider pre_state int_states =
     match init_trans with
-      | None -> true
-      | Some init_trans ->
-        try
-          let possible_states =
-            Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find pre_state init_trans
-          in
-          not (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.is_empty
-                 (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.inter
-                    int_states possible_states))
-        with Not_found -> false
+    | None -> true
+    | Some init_trans ->
+      try
+        let possible_states =
+          Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find pre_state init_trans
+        in
+        not (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.is_empty
+               (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.inter
+                  int_states possible_states))
+      with Not_found -> false
   let treat_one_path pre_state post_state (int_states,_,bindings) acc =
     if to_consider pre_state int_states then begin
@@ -329,9 +332,9 @@ let needs_zero_one_choice states =
     with Exit -> true
-  if needs_choice then 
-    List.map 
-      Logic_const.new_predicate 
+  if needs_choice then
+    List.map
+      Logic_const.new_predicate
       (make_zero_one_choice states)
   else []
@@ -365,34 +368,34 @@ let neg_trans kf trans =
   let auto = Data_for_aorai.getAutomata () in
   let rec aux l acc =
     match l with
-      | [] -> acc
-      | (start,stop) :: l ->
-        let same_start, rest =
-          List.fold_left 
-            (fun (same_start, rest) (start', stop' as elt) -> 
-                  if Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.equal start start' then 
-                    stop' :: same_start, rest
-                  else
-                    same_start, elt :: rest)
-            ([stop],[]) l
-        in
-        let cond =
-          List.fold_left
-            (fun cond stop ->
-              let trans = Path_analysis.get_edges start stop auto in
-              List.fold_left
-                (fun cond tr -> 
-                  Logic_simplification.tand 
+    | [] -> acc
+    | (start,stop) :: l ->
+      let same_start, rest =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun (same_start, rest) (start', stop' as elt) ->
+             if Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.equal start start' then
+               stop' :: same_start, rest
+             else
+               same_start, elt :: rest)
+          ([stop],[]) l
+      in
+      let cond =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun cond stop ->
+             let trans = Path_analysis.get_edges start stop auto in
+             List.fold_left
+               (fun cond tr ->
+                  Logic_simplification.tand
                     cond (Logic_simplification.tnot (fst tr.cross)))
-                cond trans)
-            TTrue same_start
-        in
-        let cond = fst (Logic_simplification.simplifyCond cond) in
-        let cond = Aorai_utils.crosscond_to_pred cond kf Promelaast.Call in
-        let cond = 
-          Logic_const.por (Aorai_utils.is_out_of_state_pred start, cond)
-        in
-        aux rest (Logic_const.pand (acc,cond))
+               cond trans)
+          TTrue same_start
+      in
+      let cond = fst (Logic_simplification.simplifyCond cond) in
+      let cond = Aorai_utils.crosscond_to_pred cond kf Promelaast.Call in
+      let cond =
+        Logic_const.por (Aorai_utils.is_out_of_state_pred start, cond)
+      in
+      aux rest (Logic_const.pand (acc,cond))
   aux trans Logic_const.ptrue
@@ -415,18 +418,18 @@ let get_unchanged_aux_var loc current_state =
   let treat_one_action pre_hyp possible_states t action_states acc =
     if not (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.is_empty
-              (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.diff 
+              (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.diff
                  possible_states action_states))
     then begin
       let post_hyp =
           (fun st acc ->
-            Logic_const.pand ~loc (acc,Aorai_utils.is_out_of_state_pred st))
+             Logic_const.pand ~loc (acc,Aorai_utils.is_out_of_state_pred st))
           action_states Logic_const.ptrue
       let pred =
-          (Logic_const.pimplies ~loc 
+          (Logic_const.pimplies ~loc
               Logic_const.pimplies ~loc
@@ -434,18 +437,18 @@ let get_unchanged_aux_var loc current_state =
       (Normal,pred) :: acc
     end else acc
-  (* all possible states will update this lval, no need to
-     make a special case here.
-   *)
+    (* all possible states will update this lval, no need to
+       make a special case here.
+    *)
   let treat_one_pre_state start map acc =
     let pre_hyp = Logic_const.pold ~loc (Aorai_utils.is_state_pred start) in
     let actions_map, possible_states =
-        partition_action map 
+        partition_action map
         (Cil_datatype.Term.Map.empty, Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.empty)
-    Cil_datatype.Term.Map.fold 
+    Cil_datatype.Term.Map.fold
       (treat_one_action pre_hyp possible_states) actions_map acc
   Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold treat_one_pre_state current_state []
@@ -478,7 +481,7 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
              (fun _ _ b -> if b then raise Exit else true)
              possible_states false);
-      with Exit -> 
+      with Exit ->
     let treat_one_state s =
@@ -492,7 +495,7 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
         end else begin
           (* We can only be in one state. Since we must be in at least one
              state, the invariant is quite simple.
-           *)
+          *)
           predicate_to_invariant kf stmt (Aorai_utils.is_state_pred s)
       end else begin
@@ -544,11 +547,11 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
           (treat_one_start_state state) my_state Logic_const.ptrue
       if Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.cardinal my_state = 1 &&
-        not (Logic_utils.is_trivially_true out_states)
+         not (Logic_utils.is_trivially_true out_states)
       then acc (* we only have a single entry state: we can't possibly be
                   out of it, or another annotation above is invalid. No need
                   to put an implication with a false lhs.
-                *)
+               *)
           (out_states, Aorai_utils.is_out_of_state_pred state)
@@ -582,7 +585,7 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
         let end_states =
             (fun _ (int_states,_,_) ->
-              Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.mem state int_states)
+               Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.mem state int_states)
         if Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.is_empty end_states then equivs
@@ -598,26 +601,26 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
       (* NB: The assigns for a statement contract is a bit overapproximated,
          (includes assigns of the whole function), but we don't really have
          a better information at this point.
-       *)
+      *)
       let assigns =
         Aorai_utils.aorai_assigns (Data_for_aorai.get_kf_return_state kf) loc
       match ki with
-        | Kstmt stmt -> (* stmt contract *)
-            if bhv.b_assigns <> WritesAny then begin
-              let bhv_aorai = Cil.mk_behavior ~name:bhv.b_name ~assigns () in
-              let spec = Cil.empty_funspec () in
-              spec.spec_behavior <- [ bhv_aorai ];
-              let ca = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AStmtSpec ([],spec)) in
-              Annotations.add_code_annot Aorai_option.emitter ~kf stmt ca
-            end
-        | Kglobal -> (* function contract *)
-	  Annotations.add_assigns
-	    ~keep_empty:true
-	    Aorai_option.emitter
-	    kf
-	    ~behavior:bhv.b_name
-	    assigns;
+      | Kstmt stmt -> (* stmt contract *)
+        if bhv.b_assigns <> WritesAny then begin
+          let bhv_aorai = Cil.mk_behavior ~name:bhv.b_name ~assigns () in
+          let spec = Cil.empty_funspec () in
+          spec.spec_behavior <- [ bhv_aorai ];
+          let ca = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AStmtSpec ([],spec)) in
+          Annotations.add_code_annot Aorai_option.emitter ~kf stmt ca
+        end
+      | Kglobal -> (* function contract *)
+        Annotations.add_assigns
+          ~keep_empty:true
+          Aorai_option.emitter
+          kf
+          ~behavior:bhv.b_name
+          assigns;
     List.iter update_assigns spec.spec_behavior
@@ -638,13 +641,13 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
     let possible_states =
         (fun _ map acc ->
-          Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold
-            (fun st _ acc -> Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.add st acc)
-            map acc)
+           Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.fold
+             (fun st _ acc -> Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.add st acc)
+             map acc)
         return_state Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.empty
     let action_post = get_unchanged_aux_var loc return_state in
-    if 
+    if
         Data_for_aorai.is_reject_state possible_states
@@ -653,8 +656,8 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
       let cond =
           (fun st acc ->
-            if Data_for_aorai.is_reject_state st then acc
-            else Logic_const.por (Aorai_utils.is_state_pred st,acc))
+             if Data_for_aorai.is_reject_state st then acc
+             else Logic_const.por (Aorai_utils.is_state_pred st,acc))
           possible_states Logic_const.pfalse
       (Normal,Logic_const.new_predicate cond) :: action_post
@@ -670,7 +673,7 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
       match equivs with
       | [ e ] -> (* we just have one possible case, no need to generate
                     assumes and a negative behavior
-                  *)
+                 *)
         let name = "Buchi_property_behavior" in
         let s = fst (List.hd e) in
         let reachable_states =
@@ -691,7 +694,7 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
               let preds = make_zero_one_choice reachable_states in
                 (fun acc p ->
-                  (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate p) :: acc)
+                   (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate p) :: acc)
                 post_cond preds
           else post_cond
@@ -707,65 +710,65 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
         let _,bhvs =
             (fun (i,acc) equiv ->
-              let (case_start, case_int) = List.hd equiv in
-              let assumes_l =
-                List.map (possible_start kf) equiv
-              in
-              let name = "Buchi_behavior_in_" ^ (string_of_int i) in
-              let assumes =
-                [Logic_const.new_predicate (Logic_const.pors assumes_l)]
-              in
-              let reachable_states =
-                Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find case_start return_state
-              in
-              let reachable_states =
-                Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.filter
-                  (fun _ (int,_,_) ->
-                    Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.mem case_int int)
-                  reachable_states
-              in
-              let (multi_choice, reachable, _) =
-                pred_reachable reachable_states
-              in
-              let post_cond =
-                [Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate reachable]
-              in
-              let post_cond =
-                if multi_choice && not (Aorai_option.Deterministic.get()) then
-                  begin
-                    let preds = make_zero_one_choice reachable_states in
-                    List.fold_left
-                      (fun acc p ->
-                        (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate p) :: acc)
-                      post_cond preds
-                  end
-                else post_cond
-              in
-              let infos = Aorai_utils.get_preds_post_bc_wrt_params kf in
-              let post_cond =
-                if Logic_utils.is_trivially_true infos then post_cond
-                else (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate infos) :: post_cond
-              in
-              let init_trans =
-                List.fold_left
-                  (fun acc (start, int) ->
-                    let set =
-                      try Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find start acc
-                      with Not_found -> Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.empty
-                    in
-                    Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.add
-                      start
-                      (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.add int set)
-                      acc)
-                  Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.empty
-                  equiv
-              in
-              let post_cond =
-                post_cond @
-                  (get_action_post_cond kf ~init_trans return_state)
-              in
-              (i+1,
-               Cil.mk_behavior ~name ~assumes ~post_cond () :: acc))
+               let (case_start, case_int) = List.hd equiv in
+               let assumes_l =
+                 List.map (possible_start kf) equiv
+               in
+               let name = "Buchi_behavior_in_" ^ (string_of_int i) in
+               let assumes =
+                 [Logic_const.new_predicate (Logic_const.pors assumes_l)]
+               in
+               let reachable_states =
+                 Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find case_start return_state
+               in
+               let reachable_states =
+                 Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.filter
+                   (fun _ (int,_,_) ->
+                      Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.mem case_int int)
+                   reachable_states
+               in
+               let (multi_choice, reachable, _) =
+                 pred_reachable reachable_states
+               in
+               let post_cond =
+                 [Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate reachable]
+               in
+               let post_cond =
+                 if multi_choice && not (Aorai_option.Deterministic.get()) then
+                   begin
+                     let preds = make_zero_one_choice reachable_states in
+                     List.fold_left
+                       (fun acc p ->
+                          (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate p) :: acc)
+                       post_cond preds
+                   end
+                 else post_cond
+               in
+               let infos = Aorai_utils.get_preds_post_bc_wrt_params kf in
+               let post_cond =
+                 if Logic_utils.is_trivially_true infos then post_cond
+                 else (Normal, Logic_const.new_predicate infos) :: post_cond
+               in
+               let init_trans =
+                 List.fold_left
+                   (fun acc (start, int) ->
+                      let set =
+                        try Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.find start acc
+                        with Not_found -> Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.empty
+                      in
+                      Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.add
+                        start
+                        (Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Set.add int set)
+                        acc)
+                   Data_for_aorai.Aorai_state.Map.empty
+                   equiv
+               in
+               let post_cond =
+                 post_cond @
+                 (get_action_post_cond kf ~init_trans return_state)
+               in
+               (i+1,
+                Cil.mk_behavior ~name ~assumes ~post_cond () :: acc))
@@ -793,9 +796,9 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
             let my_trans =
                 (fun acc equiv ->
-                  if select_equivalence_class equiv then
-                    acc @ equiv
-                  else acc)
+                   if select_equivalence_class equiv then
+                     acc @ equiv
+                   else acc)
                 [] equivs
             let assumes = neg_trans kf my_trans in
@@ -819,11 +822,11 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
     (* If this is the main function, we should exit in at least one
        acceptance state.
-     *)
+    *)
     let bhvs =
       if Aorai_option.ConsiderAcceptance.get () &&
-        Datatype.String.equal
-        (Kernel_function.get_name kf) (Kernel.MainFunction.get())
+         Datatype.String.equal
+           (Kernel_function.get_name kf) (Kernel.MainFunction.get())
         let accept = Logic_const.new_predicate (get_acceptance_pred()) in
         let post_cond = [Normal, accept] in
@@ -863,243 +866,240 @@ class visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops =
       Cil.mk_behavior ~name ~post_cond () :: bhvs
     end else bhvs
+  object(self)
-  inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
+    inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
-  (* We have to update assigns whenever a call occurs in the scope of
-     a statement contract (function always update the automaton's state,
-     so assigns there have to be changed anyway.) *)
-  val has_call = Stack.create ()
+    (* We have to update assigns whenever a call occurs in the scope of
+       a statement contract (function always update the automaton's state,
+       so assigns there have to be changed anyway.) *)
+    val has_call = Stack.create ()
-  method private enter_block () = Stack.push (ref false) has_call
+    method private enter_block () = Stack.push (ref false) has_call
-  method private call () = Stack.iter (fun x -> x := true) has_call
+    method private call () = Stack.iter (fun x -> x := true) has_call
-  method private leave_block () = !(Stack.pop has_call)
+    method private leave_block () = !(Stack.pop has_call)
-  method! vfunc f =
-    let my_kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in
-    let vi = Kernel_function.get_vi my_kf in
-    let spec = Annotations.funspec my_kf in
-    let loc = Kernel_function.get_location my_kf in
-    (match kind_of_func vi with
-    | Pre_func _ | Post_func _ -> ()
-    | Not_auto_func -> (* Normal C function *)
-      let bhvs = mk_post my_kf in
-      let my_state = Data_for_aorai.get_kf_init_state my_kf in
-      let requires = needs_zero_one_choice my_state in
-      let requires =
-        Aorai_utils.auto_func_preconditions 
-          loc my_kf Promelaast.Call my_state
-        @ requires
-      in
-      let post_cond = needs_post my_kf in
-      match Cil.find_default_behavior spec with
-        | Some b ->
-            let behavior = b.b_name in
-	    Annotations.add_requires
-              Aorai_option.emitter my_kf ~behavior requires;
-	  Annotations.add_ensures
-            Aorai_option.emitter my_kf ~behavior post_cond;
-	  Annotations.add_behaviors Aorai_option.emitter my_kf bhvs
-        | None ->
-          let bhv = Cil.mk_behavior ~requires ~post_cond () in
-	  Annotations.add_behaviors Aorai_option.emitter my_kf (bhv :: bhvs));
-    let after f = update_assigns f.svar.vdecl my_kf Kglobal spec; f in
-    ChangeDoChildrenPost(f,after)
-  method! vglob_aux g =
-    match g with
-    | GFun(f,_)  ->
+    method! vfunc f =
       let my_kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in
-      (* don't use get_spec, as we'd generate default assigns,
-         while we'll fill the spec just below. *)
       let vi = Kernel_function.get_vi my_kf in
+      let spec = Annotations.funspec my_kf in
+      let loc = Kernel_function.get_location my_kf in
       (match kind_of_func vi with
-      | Pre_func kf ->
-        (* must advance the automaton according to current call. *)
-        let bhvs = mk_pre_fct_spec kf in
-        let vis = new change_formals kf my_kf in
-        let bhvs =
-          Visitor.visitFramacBehaviors vis bhvs
-        in
-        Annotations.add_behaviors Aorai_option.emitter my_kf bhvs;
-        f.sbody <- Visitor.visitFramacBlock vis f.sbody;
-        SkipChildren
-      | Post_func kf -> 
-          (* must advance the automaton according to return event. *)
-        let (rt, _, _, _) =
-          Cil.splitFunctionTypeVI (Kernel_function.get_vi kf)
-        in
-        let bhvs = mk_post_fct_spec kf in
-        let bhvs =
-          (* if return type is not void, convert \result in the formal
-             arg of current kf. Otherwise, there's no conversion to do. *)
-          if Cil.isVoidType rt then bhvs
-          else (Visitor.visitFramacBehaviors 
-            (new change_result my_kf) (* LBLsformals : change_result must not be called 
-                                         if f_post has no arguments, ie no formals for a 
-                                         function declaration.
-                                         That's why we had to update sformals. *) 
-            bhvs;)
+       | Pre_func _ | Post_func _ -> ()
+       | Not_auto_func -> (* Normal C function *)
+         let bhvs = mk_post my_kf in
+         let my_state = Data_for_aorai.get_kf_init_state my_kf in
+         let requires = needs_zero_one_choice my_state in
+         let requires =
+           Aorai_utils.auto_func_preconditions
+             loc my_kf Promelaast.Call my_state
+           @ requires
+         in
+         let post_cond = needs_post my_kf in
+         match Cil.find_default_behavior spec with
+         | Some b ->
+           let behavior = b.b_name in
+           Annotations.add_requires
+             Aorai_option.emitter my_kf ~behavior requires;
+           Annotations.add_ensures
+             Aorai_option.emitter my_kf ~behavior post_cond;
+           Annotations.add_behaviors Aorai_option.emitter my_kf bhvs
+         | None ->
+           let bhv = Cil.mk_behavior ~requires ~post_cond () in
+           Annotations.add_behaviors Aorai_option.emitter my_kf (bhv :: bhvs));
+      let after f = update_assigns f.svar.vdecl my_kf Kglobal spec; f in
+      ChangeDoChildrenPost(f,after)
-       in
-        Annotations.add_behaviors Aorai_option.emitter my_kf bhvs;
-        SkipChildren
-      | Not_auto_func -> DoChildren (* they are not considered here. *))
-    | _ -> DoChildren;
+    method! vglob_aux g =
+      match g with
+      | GFun(f,_)  ->
+        let my_kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in
+        (* don't use get_spec, as we'd generate default assigns,
+           while we'll fill the spec just below. *)
+        let vi = Kernel_function.get_vi my_kf in
+        (match kind_of_func vi with
+         | Pre_func kf ->
+           (* must advance the automaton according to current call. *)
+           let bhvs = mk_pre_fct_spec kf in
+           let vis = new change_formals kf my_kf in
+           let bhvs =
+             Visitor.visitFramacBehaviors vis bhvs
+           in
+           Annotations.add_behaviors Aorai_option.emitter my_kf bhvs;
+           f.sbody <- Visitor.visitFramacBlock vis f.sbody;
+           SkipChildren
+         | Post_func kf ->
+           (* must advance the automaton according to return event. *)
+           let (rt, _, _, _) =
+             Cil.splitFunctionTypeVI (Kernel_function.get_vi kf)
+           in
+           let bhvs = mk_post_fct_spec kf in
+           let bhvs =
+             (* if return type is not void, convert \result in the formal
+                arg of current kf. Otherwise, there's no conversion to do. *)
+             if Cil.isVoidType rt then bhvs
+             else (Visitor.visitFramacBehaviors
+                     (new change_result my_kf) (* LBLsformals : change_result must not be called
+                                                  if f_post has no arguments, ie no formals for a
+                                                  function declaration.
+                                                  That's why we had to update sformals. *)
+                     bhvs;)
-  method! vstmt_aux stmt =
-    let kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in
-    let treat_loop body_ref stmt =
-      let init_state = Data_for_aorai.get_loop_init_state stmt in
-      let inv_state = Data_for_aorai.get_loop_invariant_state stmt in
+           in
+           Annotations.add_behaviors Aorai_option.emitter my_kf bhvs;
+           SkipChildren
+         | Not_auto_func -> DoChildren (* they are not considered here. *))
-      let possible_states =
-        Data_for_aorai.merge_end_state
-          (all_possible_states init_state) (all_possible_states inv_state)
-      in
-      let loop_assigns =
-        Annotations.code_annot ~filter:Logic_utils.is_assigns stmt
-      in
-      (* varinfo of the init_var associated to this loop *)
-      let vi_init =
-        Data_for_aorai.get_varinfo
-          (Data_for_aorai.loopInit ^ "_" ^ string_of_int stmt.sid)
-      in
+      | _ -> DoChildren;
-      (*    1) The associated init variable is set to 0 in first position
-            (or in second position if the first stmt is a if)*)
+    method! vstmt_aux stmt =
+      let kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in
+      let treat_loop body_ref stmt =
+        let init_state = Data_for_aorai.get_loop_init_state stmt in
+        let inv_state = Data_for_aorai.get_loop_invariant_state stmt in
-      let loc = Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt in
-      let stmt_varset =
-        Cil.mkStmtOneInstr
-          (Set((Var vi_init,NoOffset), Cil.zero ~loc, loc))
-      in
-      stmt_varset.sid<-(Cil_const.Sid.next ());
-      stmt_varset.ghost<-true;
-      begin
-        (* Function adapted from the cil printer *)
-        try
-          let rec skipEmpty = function
-          [] -> []
-            | {skind=Instr (Skip _);labels=[]} :: rest -> skipEmpty rest
-            | x -> x
-          in
-          match skipEmpty !body_ref.bstmts with
-          | {skind=If(_,tb,fb,_)} as head:: _ ->
-            begin
-              match skipEmpty tb.bstmts, skipEmpty fb.bstmts with
-              | _, {skind=Break _}:: _
-              | _, {skind=Goto _} :: _
-              | {skind=Goto _} :: _, _
-              | {skind=Break _} :: _, _ ->
-                !body_ref.bstmts <-
-                  head :: stmt_varset :: List.tl !body_ref.bstmts
-              | _ ->
-                raise Not_found
-            end
-          | _ -> raise Not_found
-        with Not_found ->
-          !body_ref.bstmts<-stmt_varset::!body_ref.bstmts
-      end;
+        let possible_states =
+          Data_for_aorai.merge_end_state
+            (all_possible_states init_state) (all_possible_states inv_state)
+        in
+        let loop_assigns =
+          Annotations.code_annot ~filter:Logic_utils.is_assigns stmt
+        in
+        (* varinfo of the init_var associated to this loop *)
+        let vi_init =
+          Data_for_aorai.get_varinfo
+            (Data_for_aorai.loopInit ^ "_" ^ string_of_int stmt.sid)
+        in
-      (*    2) The associated init variable is set to 1 before the loop *)
-      let new_loop = mkStmt ~valid_sid:true stmt.skind in
-      let stmt_varset =
-        Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ~valid_sid:true
-          (Set((Var(vi_init),NoOffset), Cil.one ~loc, loc))
-      in
-      stmt_varset.ghost <- true;
-      let block = mkBlock [stmt_varset;new_loop] in
-      stmt.skind<-Block(block);
+        (*    1) The associated init variable is set to 0 in first position
+              (or in second position if the first stmt is a if)*)
-      (* Overcome WP limitation wrt LoopEntry. See bug 1353 *)
-      new_loop.labels <- 
-        [ Label ("aorai_loop_" ^ string_of_int stmt.sid,
-                 Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt, false)];
-      let loop_entry_label = StmtLabel (ref new_loop) in
+        let loc = Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt in
+        let stmt_varset =
+          Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ~ghost:true ~valid_sid:true
+            (Set((Var vi_init,NoOffset), Cil.zero ~loc, loc))
+        in
+        begin
+          (* Function adapted from the cil printer *)
+          try
+            let rec skipEmpty = function
+                [] -> []
+              | {skind=Instr (Skip _);labels=[]} :: rest -> skipEmpty rest
+              | x -> x
+            in
+            match skipEmpty !body_ref.bstmts with
+            | {skind=If(_,tb,fb,_)} as head:: _ ->
+              begin
+                match skipEmpty tb.bstmts, skipEmpty fb.bstmts with
+                | _, {skind=Break _}:: _
+                | _, {skind=Goto _} :: _
+                | {skind=Goto _} :: _, _
+                | {skind=Break _} :: _, _ ->
+                  !body_ref.bstmts <-
+                    head :: stmt_varset :: List.tl !body_ref.bstmts
+                | _ ->
+                  raise Not_found
+              end
+            | _ -> raise Not_found
+          with Not_found ->
+            !body_ref.bstmts<-stmt_varset::!body_ref.bstmts
+        end;
-      (*    3) Generation of the loop invariant *)
-      let mk_imply operator predicate =
-        pimplies
-          (prel(operator,
-                Aorai_utils.mk_term_from_vi vi_init,
-                Aorai_utils.zero_term()),
-           predicate)
-      in
-      (* The loop invariant is :
-         (Global invariant)  // all never reached state are set to zero
-         & (Init => Pre1)      // external pre-condition
-         & (not Init => Post2) // internal post-condition
-         & counter_invariant   // values of counters.
-         (init: fresh variable which indicates if the iteration is the first
-         one). *)
-      condition_to_invariant kf possible_states new_loop;
+        (*    2) The associated init variable is set to 1 before the loop *)
+        let new_loop = mkStmt ~valid_sid:true stmt.skind in
+        let stmt_varset =
+          Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ~ghost:true ~valid_sid:true
+            (Set((Var(vi_init),NoOffset), Cil.one ~loc, loc))
+        in
+        let block = mkBlock [stmt_varset;new_loop] in
+        stmt.skind<-Block(block);
-      let init_preds =
-        impossible_states_preds Logic_const.pre_label possible_states init_state
-      in
-      let treat_init_pred pred =
-        let pred = mk_imply Rneq pred in
-        predicate_to_invariant kf new_loop pred
-      in
-      List.iter treat_init_pred init_preds;
-      let invariant_preds =
-        impossible_states_preds_inv loop_entry_label possible_states inv_state
-      in
-      let treat_inv_pred pred =
-        let pred = mk_imply Req pred in
-        predicate_to_invariant kf new_loop pred
-      in
-      List.iter treat_inv_pred invariant_preds;
+        (* Overcome WP limitation wrt LoopEntry. See bug 1353 *)
+        new_loop.labels <-
+          [ Label ("aorai_loop_" ^ string_of_int stmt.sid,
+                   Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt, false)];
+        let loop_entry_label = StmtLabel (ref new_loop) in
-      let action_inv_preds =
-        Aorai_utils.all_actions_preds loop_entry_label inv_state
-      in
-      List.iter (predicate_to_invariant kf new_loop) action_inv_preds;
-      List.iter
-        (update_loop_assigns kf new_loop inv_state (Cil.cvar_to_lvar vi_init))
-        loop_assigns;
+        (*    3) Generation of the loop invariant *)
+        let mk_imply operator predicate =
+          pimplies
+            (prel(operator,
+                  Aorai_utils.mk_term_from_vi vi_init,
+                  Aorai_utils.zero_term()),
+             predicate)
+        in
+        (* The loop invariant is :
+           (Global invariant)  // all never reached state are set to zero
+           & (Init => Pre1)      // external pre-condition
+           & (not Init => Post2) // internal post-condition
+           & counter_invariant   // values of counters.
+           (init: fresh variable which indicates if the iteration is the first
+           one). *)
+        condition_to_invariant kf possible_states new_loop;
+        let init_preds =
+          impossible_states_preds Logic_const.pre_label possible_states init_state
+        in
+        let treat_init_pred pred =
+          let pred = mk_imply Rneq pred in
+          predicate_to_invariant kf new_loop pred
+        in
+        List.iter treat_init_pred init_preds;
+        let invariant_preds =
+          impossible_states_preds_inv loop_entry_label possible_states inv_state
+        in
+        let treat_inv_pred pred =
+          let pred = mk_imply Req pred in
+          predicate_to_invariant kf new_loop pred
+        in
+        List.iter treat_inv_pred invariant_preds;
-      (*    4) Keeping in mind to preserve old annotations after visitor end *)
-      Hashtbl.add post_treatment_loops (ref stmt) (ref new_loop);
+        let action_inv_preds =
+          Aorai_utils.all_actions_preds loop_entry_label inv_state
+        in
+        List.iter (predicate_to_invariant kf new_loop) action_inv_preds;
-      (*    5) Updated stmt is returned *)
-      stmt
-    in
-    self#enter_block ();
-    let after s =
-      if self#leave_block () then
-        let annots = Annotations.code_annot stmt in
-        let _, specs = List.split (Logic_utils.extract_contract annots) in
-          (update_assigns
-             (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt) 
-             (Extlib.the self#current_kf)
-             (Kstmt stmt))
-          specs;
-        s
-      else 
-        s
-    in
-    if treatloops then
-      match stmt.skind with
-      | Loop (_,block,_,_,_) ->
-        ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt, after $ (treat_loop (ref block)))
+          (update_loop_assigns kf new_loop inv_state (Cil.cvar_to_lvar vi_init))
+          loop_assigns;
-      | _ -> ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt, after)
-    else
-      ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt,after)
+        (*    4) Keeping in mind to preserve old annotations after visitor end *)
+        Hashtbl.add post_treatment_loops (ref stmt) (ref new_loop);
+        (*    5) Updated stmt is returned *)
+        stmt
+      in
+      self#enter_block ();
+      let after s =
+        if self#leave_block () then
+          let annots = Annotations.code_annot stmt in
+          let _, specs = List.split (Logic_utils.extract_contract annots) in
+          List.iter
+            (update_assigns
+               (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt)
+               (Extlib.the self#current_kf)
+               (Kstmt stmt))
+            specs;
+          s
+        else
+          s
+      in
+      if treatloops then
+        match stmt.skind with
+        | Loop (_,block,_,_,_) ->
+          ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt, after $ (treat_loop (ref block)))
+        | _ -> ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt, after)
+      else
+        ChangeDoChildrenPost(stmt,after)
-  method! vinst = function
-  | Call _ | Local_init (_, ConsInit _, _) -> self#call (); DoChildren
-  | _ -> DoChildren
+    method! vinst = function
+      | Call _ | Local_init (_, ConsInit _, _) -> self#call (); DoChildren
+      | _ -> DoChildren
+  end
 let add_pre_post_from_buch file treatloops  =
   let visitor = new visit_adding_pre_post_from_buch treatloops in
@@ -1108,21 +1108,21 @@ let add_pre_post_from_buch file treatloops  =
      Variant clause has to be preserved at the end of the annotation.*)
     (fun old_stmt new_stmt ->
-      let new_s = !new_stmt in
-      let old_s = !old_stmt in
-      let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf old_s in
-      (* Erasing annotations from the old statement before attaching them with
-         the new one *)
-      let annots = 
-        Annotations.fold_code_annot
-          (fun e a acc -> 
-            Annotations.remove_code_annot e ~kf old_s a;
-            if (Logic_utils.is_assigns a) then acc else (e, a) :: acc)
-          old_s
-          [];
-      in
-      List.iter (fun (e, a) -> Annotations.add_code_annot e ~kf new_s a) annots)
-   post_treatment_loops
+       let new_s = !new_stmt in
+       let old_s = !old_stmt in
+       let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf old_s in
+       (* Erasing annotations from the old statement before attaching them with
+          the new one *)
+       let annots =
+         Annotations.fold_code_annot
+           (fun e a acc ->
+              Annotations.remove_code_annot e ~kf old_s a;
+              if (Logic_utils.is_assigns a) then acc else (e, a) :: acc)
+           old_s
+           [];
+       in
+       List.iter (fun (e, a) -> Annotations.add_code_annot e ~kf new_s a) annots)
+    post_treatment_loops
 let add_sync_with_buch file  =
   let visitor = new visit_adding_code_for_synchronisation in
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/assigns.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/assigns.0.res.oracle
index d4dfd5db8dd4c6ebbea9033d37489c1118508643..6c66a3027f5e460bd9c2f940af4e5161e5b44de4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/assigns.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/assigns.0.res.oracle
@@ -18,111 +18,117 @@ int X;
 /*@ ghost int S_in_f = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int Sf = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int in_main = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
-            in_main;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Sf;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Sf;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ in_main;
- */
-void f_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S_in_f_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int in_main_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S_in_f_tmp = S_in_f;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  in_main_tmp = in_main;
-  in_main_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  if (Sf == 1) S_in_f_tmp = 1; else S_in_f_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S_in_f = S_in_f_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  in_main = in_main_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
+             in_main;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Sf;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Sf;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ in_main;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S_in_f_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int in_main_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S_in_f_tmp = S_in_f;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    in_main_tmp = in_main;
+    in_main_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    if (Sf == 1) S_in_f_tmp = 1; else S_in_f_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S_in_f = S_in_f_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    in_main = in_main_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ S_in_f ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ in_main;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
-            in_main;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S_in_f;
-      ensures 1 ≡ in_main;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S_in_f;
-      ensures 0 ≡ in_main;
- */
-void f_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S_in_f_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int in_main_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S_in_f_tmp = S_in_f;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  in_main_tmp = in_main;
-  if (S_in_f == 1) in_main_tmp = 1; else in_main_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S_in_f_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S_in_f = S_in_f_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  in_main = in_main_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ S_in_f ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ in_main;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
+             in_main;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S_in_f;
+       ensures 1 ≡ in_main;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S_in_f;
+       ensures 0 ≡ in_main;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S_in_f_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int in_main_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S_in_f_tmp = S_in_f;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    in_main_tmp = in_main;
+    if (S_in_f == 1) in_main_tmp = 1; else in_main_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S_in_f_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S_in_f = S_in_f_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    in_main = in_main_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S_in_f ∧ 0 ≡ in_main;
@@ -133,117 +139,123 @@ void f_post_func(void)
 void f(void)
-  f_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(); */
   X ++;
-  f_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
-            in_main;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ in_main;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S_in_f_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int in_main_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S_in_f_tmp = S_in_f;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  in_main_tmp = in_main;
-  in_main_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S_in_f_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S_in_f = S_in_f_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  in_main = in_main_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
+             in_main;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ in_main;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S_in_f_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int in_main_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S_in_f_tmp = S_in_f;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    in_main_tmp = in_main;
+    in_main_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S_in_f_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S_in_f = S_in_f_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    in_main = in_main_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ in_main ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S_in_f ∧ 0 ≡ Sf;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
-            in_main;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ in_main;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ in_main;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ in_main;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S_in_f_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int in_main_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S_in_f_tmp = S_in_f;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  in_main_tmp = in_main;
-  in_main_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S_in_f_tmp = 0;
-  if (in_main == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S_in_f = S_in_f_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  in_main = in_main_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ in_main ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S_in_f ∧ 0 ≡ Sf;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
+             in_main;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ in_main;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ in_main;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ in_main;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S_in_f_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int in_main_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S_in_f_tmp = S_in_f;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    in_main_tmp = in_main;
+    in_main_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S_in_f_tmp = 0;
+    if (in_main == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S_in_f = S_in_f_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    in_main = in_main_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S_in_f ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ in_main;
@@ -260,14 +272,14 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   /*@ assigns X; */
   X ++;
   /*@ assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S_in_f, Sf,
               in_main, X;
-  main_post_func(X);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(X); */
   return X;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/assigns.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/assigns.1.res.oracle
index b52a02ae3106afe0e4d7e496dc7f81726e40bb3b..2434556b05d580bac96d12dfa195f2e84cc9ee09 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/assigns.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/assigns.1.res.oracle
@@ -32,76 +32,82 @@ int X;
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_ListOper aorai_CurOperation = op_main; */
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_OpStatusList aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates = S1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
- */
-void f_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (3 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S_in_f;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (3 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S_in_f;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S_in_f;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S_in_f;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ in_main;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
- */
-void f_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (2 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = in_main;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S_in_f;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S_in_f;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ in_main;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (2 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = in_main;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
@@ -110,82 +116,88 @@ void f_post_func(void)
 void f(void)
-  f_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(); */
   X ++;
-  f_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ in_main;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ in_main;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (4 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S2;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ in_main;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ in_main;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in_f_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S_in_f;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_in_main_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ in_main;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (4 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S2;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
     assigns X, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
@@ -198,12 +210,12 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   /*@ assigns X; */
   X ++;
   /*@ assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates, X; */
-  main_post_func(X);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(X); */
   return X;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/bts1289.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/bts1289.0.res.oracle
index c7cdce1675eca5b5f360f6b59e68b5ea7f68c998..97ad07ce779b14e27de99125e07e9e9b2bd71f11 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/bts1289.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/bts1289.0.res.oracle
@@ -14,42 +14,48 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_ListOper aorai_CurOperation = op_main; */
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_OpStatusList aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called; */
 /*@ ghost int S = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
- */
-void a_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+   @/
+  void a_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
- */
-void a_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+   @/
+  void a_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires \false;
@@ -57,47 +63,53 @@ void a_post_func(void)
       ensures 0 ≡ S; */
 void a(void)
-  a_pre_func();
-  a_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost a_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost a_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
- */
-void main_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires \false;
@@ -105,8 +117,8 @@ void main_post_func(void)
       ensures 0 ≡ S; */
 void main(void)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_4;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_4; */
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   int i = 0;
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_4 = 1; */
@@ -120,7 +132,7 @@ void main(void)
     i ++;
-  main_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(); */
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/bts1289.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/bts1289.1.res.oracle
index c9699d26a614ecc8c606734d4a103b7e45029c70..566b9dc7ab47ef19917278a6e3bc53664b0d291a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/bts1289.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/bts1289.1.res.oracle
@@ -17,124 +17,130 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int init = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S, T,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0, init;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_T_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
- */
-void a_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  T_tmp = T;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  T_tmp = 0;
-  S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  T = T_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S, T,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0, init;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_T_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+   @/
+  void a_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    int T_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    T_tmp = T;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    T_tmp = 0;
+    S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    T = T_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    init = init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0) ∧
-      0 ≡ S ∧ 0 ≡ T ∧ 0 ≡ init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S, T,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0, init;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_T_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T;
-    behavior buch_state_T_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
- */
-void a_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  T_tmp = T;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  init_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) T_tmp = 1; else T_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  T = T_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0) ∧
+       0 ≡ S ∧ 0 ≡ T ∧ 0 ≡ init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S, T,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0, init;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_T_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T;
+     behavior buch_state_T_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+   @/
+  void a_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    int T_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    T_tmp = T;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    init_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) T_tmp = 1; else T_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    T = T_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    init = init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ S ∨ 1 ≡ T) ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
@@ -169,117 +175,123 @@ void a_post_func(void)
 void a(void)
-  a_pre_func();
-  a_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost a_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost a_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S, T,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0, init;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_T_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  T_tmp = T;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  init_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  T_tmp = 0;
-  if (init == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  T = T_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S, T,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0, init;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_T_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    int T_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    T_tmp = T;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    init_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    T_tmp = 0;
+    if (init == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    T = T_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    init = init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ S ∧ 0 ≡ T ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S, T,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0, init;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_T_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
- */
-void main_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  T_tmp = T;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  init_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  T_tmp = 0;
-  if (S == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  T = T_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ S ∧ 0 ≡ T ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S, T,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0, init;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_T_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    int T_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    T_tmp = T;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    init_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    T_tmp = 0;
+    if (S == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    T = T_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    init = init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ init ∧ 0 ≡ S ∧ 0 ≡ T ∧
@@ -293,8 +305,8 @@ void main_post_func(void)
 void main(void)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_4;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_4; */
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   int i = 0;
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_4 = 1; */
@@ -316,7 +328,7 @@ void main(void)
     i ++;
-  main_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(); */
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/declared_function.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/declared_function.res.oracle
index 785558db321c01527dcb2e890c70aa8c8b61b395..f30827619507d6a1d3244f24cb2af9416e749eb3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/declared_function.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/declared_function.res.oracle
@@ -45,52 +45,58 @@ lemma I_deterministic_trans{L}:
         \at(aorai_CurOpStatus,L) ≡ aorai_Terminated ∧ __retres_f ≡ 0));
 /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates = I; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_I_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
-    behavior buch_state_I_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ I;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ I;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = I;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_I_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
+     behavior buch_state_I_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ I;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ I;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = I;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_I_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
-    behavior buch_state_I_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ I;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ I;
- */
-void main_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = I;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_I_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
+     behavior buch_state_I_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ I;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ I;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = I;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ I;
@@ -99,9 +105,9 @@ void main_post_func(void)
 void main(void)
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
-  main_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(); */
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/deterministic.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/deterministic.res.oracle
index 5cf565f5e56aac1d286c5e2c0656161ad4a132a4..37d537ca5af54b6e147169cb5a78c9903dc749fb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/deterministic.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/deterministic.res.oracle
@@ -62,108 +62,114 @@ lemma S0_deterministic_trans{L}:
        \at(aorai_CurOpStatus,L) ≡ aorai_Called ∧ c ≡ 0);
 /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates = Si; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S3 ∧ x ≡ 4;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S3 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S3 ∧ x ≡ 5;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S3 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 5);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Si_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
- */
-void g_pre_func(int x)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (3 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (x == 5) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S5;
-  if (3 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (x == 4) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S4;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S3 ∧ x ≡ 4;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S3 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S3 ∧ x ≡ 5;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S3 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 5);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Si_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+   @/
+  void g_pre_func(int x)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (3 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (x == 5) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S5;
+    if (3 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (x == 4) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S4;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S4 ∨ aorai_CurStates ≡ S5;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S5;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S4;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Si_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
- */
-void g_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (4 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S3;
-  if (5 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S1;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S4 ∨ aorai_CurStates ≡ S5;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S5;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S4;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Si_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+   @/
+  void g_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (4 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S3;
+    if (5 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S1;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S3;
     requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S3 ⇒ x ≡ 5 ∨ x ≡ 4;
@@ -178,104 +184,110 @@ void g_post_func(void)
 void g(int x)
-  g_pre_func(x);
+  /*@ ghost g_pre_func(x); */
   Y = x;
-  g_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost g_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S1 ∧ x ≡ 4;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Si_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
- */
-void f_pre_func(int x)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (1 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (x == 4) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S3;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S1 ∧ x ≡ 4;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Si_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(int x)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (1 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (x == 4) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S3;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
-    requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S1 ⇒ res ≡ 0 ∧ X ≡ 5;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S1 ∧ res ≡ 0 ∧ X ≡ 5;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S1 ∨ ¬(res ≡ 0 ∧ X ≡ 5);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Si_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
- */
-void f_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (1 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (res == 0) 
-      if (X == 5) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S2;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
+     requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S1 ⇒ res ≡ 0 ∧ X ≡ 5;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S1 ∧ res ≡ 0 ∧ X ≡ 5;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S1 ∨ ¬(res ≡ 0 ∧ X ≡ 5);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Si_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (1 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (res == 0) 
+        if (X == 5) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S2;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
     requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S1 ⇒ x ≡ 4;
@@ -287,112 +299,118 @@ void f_post_func(int res)
 int f(int x)
   int __retres;
-  f_pre_func(x);
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(x); */
   X = x;
   X ++;
   __retres = 0;
-  f_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_real_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S0 ∧ c ≢ 0;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S0 ∨ c ≡ 0;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S0 ∧ c ≡ 0;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S0 ∨ ¬(c ≡ 0);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Si_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
- */
-void real_main_pre_func(int c)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_real_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (0 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (c == 0) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S2;
-  if (0 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (c != 0) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S1;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_real_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S0 ∧ c ≢ 0;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S0 ∨ c ≡ 0;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S0 ∧ c ≡ 0;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S0 ∨ ¬(c ≡ 0);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Si_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+   @/
+  void real_main_pre_func(int c)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_real_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (0 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (c == 0) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S2;
+    if (0 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (c != 0) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S1;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_real_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Si_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
- */
-void real_main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_real_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (2 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_real_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ S2;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Si_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+   @/
+  void real_main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_real_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (2 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S0;
     requires aorai_CurStates ≡ S0 ⇒ c ≡ 0 ∨ c ≢ 0;
@@ -403,101 +421,107 @@ void real_main_post_func(int res)
 int real_main(int c)
   int __retres;
-  real_main_pre_func(c);
+  /*@ ghost real_main_pre_func(c); */
   if (c) f(4);
   __retres = 0;
-  real_main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost real_main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ Si;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Si_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int c)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (7 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S0;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ Si;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Si_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int c)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (7 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = S0;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Si_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (6 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Si_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Si;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (6 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ Si;
@@ -507,9 +531,9 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int c)
   int tmp;
-  main_pre_func(c);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(c); */
   tmp = real_main(c);
-  main_post_func(tmp);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(tmp); */
   return tmp;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/formals.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/formals.res.oracle
index 2aa1667c2d9f80f1459a3841b4d9206007a7c2a3..2e24eb7f8a7502ffb36cad5f670b90fc673a2b01 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/formals.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/formals.res.oracle
@@ -76,151 +76,159 @@ lemma aorai_intermediate_state_deterministic_trans{L}:
          \at(aorai_CurOpStatus,L) ≡ aorai_Terminated) ∨
       \at(aorai_x,L) ≢ 1));
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_x_0, aorai_x, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation,
-            aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in_0:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ main_0 ∧ x ≡ 1;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures aorai_x ≡ \old(x);
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 1);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures aorai_x ≡ \old(aorai_x);
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in_0:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ main_0 ∧ x ≡ 3;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-      ensures aorai_x_0 ≡ \old(x);
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-      ensures aorai_x_0 ≡ \old(aorai_x_0);
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
- */
-void f_pre_func(int x)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (7 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (x == 3) {
-      aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-      aorai_x_0 = x;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_x_0, aorai_x, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation,
+             aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in_0:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ main_0 ∧ x ≡ 1;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures aorai_x ≡ \old(x);
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 1);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures aorai_x ≡ \old(aorai_x);
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in_0:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ main_0 ∧ x ≡ 3;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+       ensures aorai_x_0 ≡ \old(x);
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+       ensures aorai_x_0 ≡ \old(aorai_x_0);
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(int x)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (7 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (x == 3) {
+        aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+        aorai_x_0 = x;
+      }
+    if (7 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (x == 1) {
+        aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+        aorai_x = x;
+      }
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨
+       aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     requires
+       aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ⇒
+       aorai_x ≢ 1 ∨ aorai_x ≡ 1;
+     requires
+       aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ⇒
+       aorai_x_0 ≢ 3 ∨ aorai_x_0 ≡ 3;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_in:
+       assumes
+         aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ aorai_x_0 ≡ 3;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_out:
+       assumes
+         aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨
+         ¬(aorai_x_0 ≡ 3);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
+       assumes
+         aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ aorai_x ≡ 1;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       assumes
+         aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ ¬(aorai_x ≡ 1);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes
+         (aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ aorai_x_0 ≢ 3) ∨
+         (aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ aorai_x ≢ 1);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes
+         (aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨
+          ¬(aorai_x_0 ≢ 3)) ∧
+         (aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ ¬(aorai_x ≢ 1));
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (4 == aorai_CurStates) {
+      if (aorai_x_0 != 3) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+      else goto _LAND;
-  if (7 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (x == 1) {
-      aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-      aorai_x = x;
+    else {
+      _LAND: ;
+      if (1 == aorai_CurStates) 
+        if (aorai_x != 1) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
-/*@ requires
-      aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨
-      aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    requires
-      aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ⇒
-      aorai_x ≢ 1 ∨ aorai_x ≡ 1;
-    requires
-      aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ⇒
-      aorai_x_0 ≢ 3 ∨ aorai_x_0 ≡ 3;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_in:
-      assumes
-        aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ aorai_x_0 ≡ 3;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_out:
-      assumes
-        aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨
-        ¬(aorai_x_0 ≡ 3);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ aorai_x ≡ 1;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      assumes
-        aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ ¬(aorai_x ≡ 1);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes
-        (aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ aorai_x_0 ≢ 3) ∨
-        (aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ aorai_x ≢ 1);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes
-        (aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨
-         ¬(aorai_x_0 ≢ 3)) ∧
-        (aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ ¬(aorai_x ≢ 1));
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
- */
-void f_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (4 == aorai_CurStates) {
-    if (aorai_x_0 != 3) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject; else goto _LAND;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND: ;
     if (1 == aorai_CurStates) 
-      if (aorai_x != 1) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+      if (aorai_x == 1) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    if (4 == aorai_CurStates) 
+      if (aorai_x_0 == 3) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
-  if (1 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (aorai_x == 1) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  if (4 == aorai_CurStates) 
-    if (aorai_x_0 == 3) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ main_0;
     requires aorai_CurStates ≡ main_0 ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ x ≡ 1;
@@ -281,144 +289,152 @@ void f_post_func(int res)
 int f(int x)
-  f_pre_func(x);
-  f_post_func(x);
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(x); */
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(x); */
   return x;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_y, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_0:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures aorai_y ≡ \old(y);
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures aorai_y ≡ \old(aorai_y);
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
- */
-void g_pre_func(int y)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (5 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  if (2 == aorai_CurStates) {
-    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    aorai_y = y;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_y, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_0:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures aorai_y ≡ \old(y);
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures aorai_y ≡ \old(aorai_y);
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
+   @/
+  void g_pre_func(int y)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (5 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    if (2 == aorai_CurStates) {
+      aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+      aorai_y = y;
+    }
+    if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
-  if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
-/*@ requires
-      aorai_CurStates ≡ OK ∨
-      aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    requires
-      aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ⇒
-      aorai_y ≢ 2 ∨ aorai_y ≡ 2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_in:
-      assumes
-        (aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ aorai_y ≡ 2) ∨
-        aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_out:
-      assumes
-        (aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∨ ¬(aorai_y ≡ 2)) ∧
-        aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes
-        aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject ∨
-        (aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ aorai_y ≢ 2);
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes
-        aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject ∧
-        (aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∨ ¬(aorai_y ≢ 2));
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
- */
-void g_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (5 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  else 
-    if (3 == aorai_CurStates) 
-      if (aorai_y != 2) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  if (3 == aorai_CurStates) {
-    if (aorai_y == 2) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK; else goto _LAND;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND: ;
-    if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       aorai_CurStates ≡ OK ∨
+       aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     requires
+       aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ⇒
+       aorai_y ≢ 2 ∨ aorai_y ≡ 2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_in:
+       assumes
+         (aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ aorai_y ≡ 2) ∨
+         aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_out:
+       assumes
+         (aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∨
+          ¬(aorai_y ≡ 2)) ∧
+         aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes
+         aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject ∨
+         (aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ aorai_y ≢ 2);
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes
+         aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject ∧
+         (aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∨
+          ¬(aorai_y ≢ 2));
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
+   @/
+  void g_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (5 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    else 
+      if (3 == aorai_CurStates) 
+        if (aorai_y != 2) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    if (3 == aorai_CurStates) {
+      if (aorai_y == 2) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK; else goto _LAND;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND: ;
+      if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK;
+    }
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
 /*@ requires
       aorai_CurStates ≡ OK ∨
@@ -451,105 +467,111 @@ void g_post_func(int res)
 int g(int y)
-  g_pre_func(y);
-  g_post_func(y);
+  /*@ ghost g_pre_func(y); */
+  /*@ ghost g_post_func(y); */
   return y;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ init;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (6 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = main_0;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ init;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (6 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = main_0;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_OK_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (5 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_OK_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ OK;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ init;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ main_0;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (5 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    if (0 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = OK;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires aorai_CurStates ≡ init;
     ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ OK;
@@ -581,11 +603,11 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   __retres = 0;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/generate_assigns_bts1290.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/generate_assigns_bts1290.res.oracle
index d0d19c2132d071d68dad1c4f0f1b53af2cab99ec..f256e74d9cbfec7dfa9e9d2917fffe6deff0149e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/generate_assigns_bts1290.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/generate_assigns_bts1290.res.oracle
@@ -12,52 +12,58 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_ListOper aorai_CurOperation = op_main; */
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_OpStatusList aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called; */
 /*@ ghost int S = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  if (S == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    if (S == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ S;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S;
-    behavior buch_state_S_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S;
- */
-void main_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S_tmp = S;
-  if (S == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
-  S = S_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ S;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S;
+     behavior buch_state_S_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S_tmp = S;
+    if (S == 1) S_tmp = 1; else S_tmp = 0;
+    S = S_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ S;
@@ -67,8 +73,8 @@ void main_post_func(void)
 void main(void)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_2;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_2; */
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   int i = 0;
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_2 = 1; */
@@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ void main(void)
     /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_2 = 0; */
     i ++;
-  main_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(); */
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/goto.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/goto.res.oracle
index 094b941a28b8b2a98dc33e32fb7fdcaadaa48190..0043d14bb25bf9672874239bd7375191989faa0d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/goto.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/goto.res.oracle
@@ -27,141 +27,147 @@ int rr = 1;
 /*@ ghost int accept_S6 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_all = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_init = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opa_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opa_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opa_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S3 == 1) accept_S4_tmp = 1; else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opa_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S3 == 1) accept_S4_tmp = 1; else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧
@@ -180,147 +186,153 @@ void opa_post_func(void)
 void opa(void)
-  opa_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_pre_func(); */
   rr ++;
-  opa_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opb_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S4 == 1) accept_S5_tmp = 1; else accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opb_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S4 == 1) accept_S5_tmp = 1; else accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S5;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opb_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S5 == 1) accept_S6_tmp = 1; else accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S5;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opb_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S5 == 1) accept_S6_tmp = 1; else accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -335,134 +347,140 @@ void opb_post_func(void)
 void opb(void)
-  opb_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_pre_func(); */
   status = 1;
-  opb_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opc_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opc_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opc_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opc_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires \false;
@@ -489,147 +507,153 @@ void opc_post_func(void)
 void opc(void)
-  opc_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opc_pre_func(); */
   rr = 60000;
-  opc_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opc_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_init == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_init == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S6;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S6 == 1) accept_all_tmp = 1; else accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S6;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S6 == 1) accept_all_tmp = 1; else accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -651,7 +675,7 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   if (rr < 5000) goto L;
   L4: goto L5;
@@ -667,7 +691,7 @@ int main(void)
   L5: opb();
   goto L6;
   return_label: {
-                  main_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/hoare_seq.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/hoare_seq.res.oracle
index c4de6d08ef21404b9a739cc1e376b7cce1bb661c..9025e381a6c817d1455ffe392d0de9f1382755bc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/hoare_seq.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/hoare_seq.res.oracle
@@ -19,158 +19,164 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_reject = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
- */
-void f_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_reject_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_reject_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_reject_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_reject_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_reject = aorai_reject_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_reject_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_reject_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_reject_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_reject_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_reject = aorai_reject_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_reject;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
- */
-void f_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_reject_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_reject_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  if (aorai_reject == 1) aorai_reject_tmp = 1; else aorai_reject_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_1 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_reject = aorai_reject_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_reject;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_reject_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_reject_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    if (aorai_reject == 1) aorai_reject_tmp = 1; else aorai_reject_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_1 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_reject = aorai_reject_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
@@ -215,187 +221,194 @@ void f_post_func(void)
 void f(void)
-  f_pre_func();
-  f_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S0 ∧ c > 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S0 ∨ ¬(c > 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S0 ∧ c ≤ 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S0 ∨ ¬(c ≤ 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int c)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_reject_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_reject_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  aorai_reject_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  if (S0 == 1) 
-    if (c <= 0) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S0 ∧ c > 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S0 ∨ ¬(c > 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S0 ∧ c ≤ 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S0 ∨ ¬(c ≤ 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int c)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_reject_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_reject_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    aorai_reject_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    if (S0 == 1) 
+      if (c <= 0) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
+      else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
     else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_reject = aorai_reject_tmp;
-  return;
+    if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_reject = aorai_reject_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨
-       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2) ∧
-      0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    requires 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ⇒ res ≢ 0 ∨ res ≡ 0;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ res ≡ 0) ∨
-        1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨ ¬(res ≡ 0)) ∧
-        0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes
-        1 ≡ aorai_reject ∨
-        (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ res ≢ 0) ∨
-        1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes
-        0 ≡ aorai_reject ∧
-        (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨ res ≡ 0) ∧
-        0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_reject_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_reject_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) aorai_reject_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) {
-      if (res != 0) aorai_reject_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
-    }
-    else {
-      _LAND: ;
-      if (aorai_reject == 1) aorai_reject_tmp = 1; else aorai_reject_tmp = 0;
-    }
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) Sf_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) 
-      if (res == 0) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
-    else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_reject = aorai_reject_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨
+        1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2) ∧
+       0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     requires 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ⇒ res ≢ 0 ∨ res ≡ 0;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ res ≡ 0) ∨
+         1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨ ¬(res ≡ 0)) ∧
+         0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes
+         1 ≡ aorai_reject ∨
+         (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ res ≢ 0) ∨
+         1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes
+         0 ≡ aorai_reject ∧
+         (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨ res ≡ 0) ∧
+         0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_reject;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_reject_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_reject_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) aorai_reject_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) {
+        if (res != 0) aorai_reject_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      }
+      else {
+        _LAND: ;
+        if (aorai_reject == 1) aorai_reject_tmp = 1;
+        else aorai_reject_tmp = 0;
+      }
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) Sf_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) 
+        if (res == 0) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
+      else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_reject = aorai_reject_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
@@ -424,10 +437,10 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int c)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func(c);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(c); */
   if (c <= 0) f();
   __retres = 0;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/incorrect.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/incorrect.res.oracle
index aff805d14e96b5d866f917331cbf3858a2035a4f..ebe6f07db4c9567f195bde9895293748e61bd6a4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/incorrect.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/incorrect.res.oracle
@@ -22,48 +22,54 @@ int f(void);
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_ListOper aorai_CurOperation = op_main; */
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_OpStatusList aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates = s0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_s0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ s0;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_s0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ s0;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_s0_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ s0;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_s0_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ s0;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires \false; */
 int main(void)
   int tmp;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   tmp = f();
-  main_post_func(tmp);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(tmp); */
   return tmp;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/loop_bts1050.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/loop_bts1050.res.oracle
index 6c2ded3fb12e815c4a12db213eb99fba710f34df..a6f3f8f7d8a6c963688ebbb9b7231ae346ab2944 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/loop_bts1050.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/loop_bts1050.res.oracle
@@ -21,163 +21,170 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_counter = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_counter, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_0:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ aorai_counter < 5;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter) + 1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_1:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ 1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨ ¬(aorai_counter < 5)) ∧
-        0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter);
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void f_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) 
-    if (aorai_counter < 5) aorai_counter ++;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_counter = 1;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_counter, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_0:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ aorai_counter < 5;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter) + 1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_1:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ 1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨ ¬(aorai_counter < 5)) ∧
+         0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter);
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
     if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) 
-      if (aorai_counter < 5) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
+      if (aorai_counter < 5) aorai_counter ++;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_counter = 1;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) 
+        if (aorai_counter < 5) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
+        else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
       else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-    else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void f_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_1 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_1 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0) ∧
@@ -207,152 +214,159 @@ void f_post_func(void)
 void f(void)
-  f_pre_func();
-  f_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void g_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void g_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void g_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_3 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void g_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_3 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
@@ -368,155 +382,161 @@ void g_post_func(void)
 void g(void)
-  g_pre_func();
-  g_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost g_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost g_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int c)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int c)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0) ∧
-      0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes
-        1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes
-        0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) Sf_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0) ∧
+       0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes
+         1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes
+         0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) Sf_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
@@ -541,9 +561,9 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int c)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_13;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_13; */
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func(c);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(c); */
   if (c < 0) c = 0;
   if (c > 0) c = 5;
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_13 = 1; */
@@ -581,7 +601,7 @@ int main(int c)
     c --;
   __retres = 0;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/monostate.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/monostate.res.oracle
index 9d20f728baa6537ef95e2ec1fd374534fdd6742a..e4e6c64f81a3e62fcd37119fae12ca6dd86062c6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/monostate.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/monostate.res.oracle
@@ -38,70 +38,76 @@ lemma Init_deterministic_trans{L}:
         \at(aorai_CurOpStatus,L) ≡ aorai_Called));
 /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates = Init; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_Init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes
-        aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject ∨
-        aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes
-        aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject ∧
-        aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
- */
-void f_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (2 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  else 
-    if (1 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_Init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes
+         aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject ∨
+         aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes
+         aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject ∧
+         aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (2 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    else 
+      if (1 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_Init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
- */
-void f_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  if (2 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_Init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_in:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≡ aorai_reject;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       assumes aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    if (2 == aorai_CurStates) aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_reject;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires \false;
@@ -116,63 +122,69 @@ void f_post_func(void)
 void f(void)
-  f_pre_func();
-  f_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_Init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_Init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
-    behavior buch_state_Init_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
-      ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
- */
-void main_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_CurStates_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
-  aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, aorai_CurStates;
+     behavior buch_state_Init_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_reject_out:
+       ensures aorai_CurStates ≢ aorai_reject;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    aorai_CurStates_tmp = aorai_CurStates;
+    aorai_CurStates = aorai_CurStates_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires \false; */
 void main(void)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_3;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_3; */
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_3 = 1; */
   /*@ loop invariant Aorai: aorai_CurStates ≢ Init;
@@ -183,7 +195,7 @@ void main(void)
     /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_3 = 0; */
-  main_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(); */
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/not_prm.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/not_prm.res.oracle
index c936e1183e0c1e85b5412805bc751887b1b80c83..ba7d90bbeced0d8b23285c47292b045b98b3e073 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/not_prm.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/not_prm.res.oracle
@@ -13,68 +13,74 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_OpStatusList aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called; */
 /*@ ghost int S0 = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int Sf = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S0 ∧ x ≥ 4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S0 ∨ ¬(x ≥ 4);
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
- */
-void f_pre_func(int x)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  if (S0 == 1) 
-    if (x >= 4) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S0 ∧ x ≥ 4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S0 ∨ ¬(x ≥ 4);
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(int x)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    if (S0 == 1) 
+      if (x >= 4) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ S0;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Sf;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Sf;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
- */
-void f_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  if (Sf == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ S0;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Sf;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Sf;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    if (Sf == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf;
     requires 1 ≡ S0 ⇒ x ≥ 4;
@@ -88,8 +94,8 @@ void f_post_func(int res)
 int f(int x)
-  f_pre_func(x);
-  f_post_func(x);
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(x); */
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(x); */
   return x;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/other.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/other.res.oracle
index 705124879237fa436ae0719bc00a243fe0eeefb2..91b4e2cc2ad540571330772e709520258a653f9b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/other.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/other.res.oracle
@@ -17,181 +17,187 @@ int x = 0;
 /*@ ghost int init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int last = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int step1 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
-    behavior buch_state_init_in:
-      assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_last_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_last_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
-        (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ step1;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ step1;
- */
-void f_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int last_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int step1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  last_tmp = last;
-  step1_tmp = step1;
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_0: ;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
+     behavior buch_state_init_in:
+       assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_last_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_last_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
+         (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ step1;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ step1;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int init_tmp;
+    int last_tmp;
+    int step1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    last_tmp = last;
+    step1_tmp = step1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND_0: ;
+      if (last == 1) {
+        if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      }
+      else {
+        _LAND: ;
+        if (step1 == 1) 
+          if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
+        else step1_tmp = 0;
+      }
+    }
     if (last == 1) {
-      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      if (x != 4) {
+        if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+      }
+      else goto _LAND_1;
     else {
-      _LAND: ;
+      _LAND_1: ;
       if (step1 == 1) 
-        if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
-      else step1_tmp = 0;
+        if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
+      else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (last == 1) {
-    if (x != 4) {
-      if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-    else goto _LAND_1;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_1: ;
-    if (step1 == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
-    else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_2: ;
-    if (last == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
-    else init_tmp = 0;
+    else {
+      _LAND_2: ;
+      if (last == 1) 
+        if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
+      else init_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    init = init_tmp;
+    last = last_tmp;
+    step1 = step1_tmp;
+    return;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  last = last_tmp;
-  step1 = step1_tmp;
-  return;
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ init ∨ 1 ≡ last ∨ 1 ≡ step1;
-    requires 1 ≡ last ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ (x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3) ∨ x ≡ 4;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
-    behavior buch_state_init_in:
-      assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_last_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_last_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
-        (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ step1;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ step1;
- */
-void f_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int last_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int step1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  last_tmp = last;
-  step1_tmp = step1;
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_0: ;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ init ∨ 1 ≡ last ∨ 1 ≡ step1;
+     requires 1 ≡ last ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ (x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3) ∨ x ≡ 4;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
+     behavior buch_state_init_in:
+       assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_last_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_last_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
+         (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ step1;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ step1;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int init_tmp;
+    int last_tmp;
+    int step1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    last_tmp = last;
+    step1_tmp = step1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND_0: ;
+      if (last == 1) {
+        if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      }
+      else {
+        _LAND: ;
+        if (step1 == 1) 
+          if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
+        else step1_tmp = 0;
+      }
+    }
     if (last == 1) {
-      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      if (x != 4) {
+        if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+      }
+      else goto _LAND_1;
     else {
-      _LAND: ;
+      _LAND_1: ;
       if (step1 == 1) 
-        if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
-      else step1_tmp = 0;
+        if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
+      else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (last == 1) {
-    if (x != 4) {
-      if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-    else goto _LAND_1;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_1: ;
-    if (step1 == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
-    else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_2: ;
-    if (last == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
-    else init_tmp = 0;
+    else {
+      _LAND_2: ;
+      if (last == 1) 
+        if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
+      else init_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    init = init_tmp;
+    last = last_tmp;
+    step1 = step1_tmp;
+    return;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  last = last_tmp;
-  step1 = step1_tmp;
-  return;
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ init ∨ 1 ≡ last ∨ 1 ≡ step1;
     requires 1 ≡ last ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ (x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3) ∨ x ≡ 4;
@@ -251,187 +257,193 @@ void f_post_func(void)
 void f(void)
-  f_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(); */
   x = 3;
-  f_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
-    behavior buch_state_init_in:
-      assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_last_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_last_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
-        (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ step1;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ step1;
- */
-void g_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int last_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int step1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  last_tmp = last;
-  step1_tmp = step1;
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_0: ;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
+     behavior buch_state_init_in:
+       assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_last_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_last_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
+         (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ step1;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ step1;
+   @/
+  void g_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int init_tmp;
+    int last_tmp;
+    int step1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    last_tmp = last;
+    step1_tmp = step1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND_0: ;
+      if (last == 1) {
+        if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      }
+      else {
+        _LAND: ;
+        if (step1 == 1) 
+          if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
+        else step1_tmp = 0;
+      }
+    }
     if (last == 1) {
-      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      if (x != 4) {
+        if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+      }
+      else goto _LAND_1;
     else {
-      _LAND: ;
+      _LAND_1: ;
       if (step1 == 1) 
-        if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
-      else step1_tmp = 0;
+        if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
+      else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (last == 1) {
-    if (x != 4) {
-      if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-    else goto _LAND_1;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_1: ;
-    if (step1 == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
-    else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_2: ;
-    if (last == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
-    else init_tmp = 0;
+    else {
+      _LAND_2: ;
+      if (last == 1) 
+        if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
+      else init_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    init = init_tmp;
+    last = last_tmp;
+    step1 = step1_tmp;
+    return;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  last = last_tmp;
-  step1 = step1_tmp;
-  return;
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ init ∨ 1 ≡ last ∨ 1 ≡ step1;
-    requires 1 ≡ last ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ (x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3) ∨ x ≡ 4;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
-    behavior buch_state_init_in:
-      assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_last_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_last_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
-        (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ step1;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ step1;
- */
-void g_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int last_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int step1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  last_tmp = last;
-  step1_tmp = step1;
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_0: ;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ init ∨ 1 ≡ last ∨ 1 ≡ step1;
+     requires 1 ≡ last ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ (x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3) ∨ x ≡ 4;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
+     behavior buch_state_init_in:
+       assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_last_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_last_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
+         (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ step1;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ step1;
+   @/
+  void g_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int init_tmp;
+    int last_tmp;
+    int step1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    last_tmp = last;
+    step1_tmp = step1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND_0: ;
+      if (last == 1) {
+        if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      }
+      else {
+        _LAND: ;
+        if (step1 == 1) 
+          if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
+        else step1_tmp = 0;
+      }
+    }
     if (last == 1) {
-      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      if (x != 4) {
+        if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+      }
+      else goto _LAND_1;
     else {
-      _LAND: ;
+      _LAND_1: ;
       if (step1 == 1) 
-        if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
-      else step1_tmp = 0;
+        if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
+      else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (last == 1) {
-    if (x != 4) {
-      if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-    else goto _LAND_1;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_1: ;
-    if (step1 == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
-    else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_2: ;
-    if (last == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
-    else init_tmp = 0;
+    else {
+      _LAND_2: ;
+      if (last == 1) 
+        if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
+      else init_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    init = init_tmp;
+    last = last_tmp;
+    step1 = step1_tmp;
+    return;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  last = last_tmp;
-  step1 = step1_tmp;
-  return;
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ init ∨ 1 ≡ last ∨ 1 ≡ step1;
     requires 1 ≡ last ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ (x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3) ∨ x ≡ 4;
@@ -491,139 +503,145 @@ void g_post_func(void)
 void g(void)
-  g_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost g_pre_func(); */
   x = 4;
-  g_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost g_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
-    behavior buch_state_init_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_last_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ step1;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int last_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int step1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  last_tmp = last;
-  step1_tmp = step1;
-  step1_tmp = 0;
-  last_tmp = 0;
-  if (init == 1) 
-    if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
-  else init_tmp = 0;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  last = last_tmp;
-  step1 = step1_tmp;
-  return;
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ init ∨ 1 ≡ last ∨ 1 ≡ step1;
-    requires 1 ≡ last ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ (x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3) ∨ x ≡ 4;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
-    behavior buch_state_init_in:
-      assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_init_out:
-      assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ init;
-    behavior buch_state_last_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_last_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ last;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
-        (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
-      ensures 1 ≡ step1;
-    behavior buch_state_step1_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
-      ensures 0 ≡ step1;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int last_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int step1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  init_tmp = init;
-  last_tmp = last;
-  step1_tmp = step1;
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
+     behavior buch_state_init_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_last_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ step1;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int init_tmp;
+    int last_tmp;
+    int step1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    last_tmp = last;
+    step1_tmp = step1;
+    step1_tmp = 0;
+    last_tmp = 0;
+    if (init == 1) 
+      if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
+    else init_tmp = 0;
+    init = init_tmp;
+    last = last_tmp;
+    step1 = step1_tmp;
+    return;
-  else {
-    _LAND_0: ;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ init ∨ 1 ≡ last ∨ 1 ≡ step1;
+     requires 1 ≡ last ⇒ x ≡ 3 ∨ (x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3) ∨ x ≡ 4;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, init, last, step1;
+     behavior buch_state_init_in:
+       assumes (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_init_out:
+       assumes (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ init;
+     behavior buch_state_last_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≡ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_last_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≡ 4)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4 ∧ x ≢ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ last;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ step1 ∧ x ≢ 4) ∨ (1 ≡ last ∧ x ≡ 3) ∨
+         (1 ≡ init ∧ x ≡ 3);
+       ensures 1 ≡ step1;
+     behavior buch_state_step1_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ step1 ∨ ¬(x ≢ 4)) ∧ (0 ≡ last ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ init ∨ ¬(x ≡ 3));
+       ensures 0 ≡ step1;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int init_tmp;
+    int last_tmp;
+    int step1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    init_tmp = init;
+    last_tmp = last;
+    step1_tmp = step1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND_0: ;
+      if (last == 1) {
+        if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      }
+      else {
+        _LAND: ;
+        if (step1 == 1) 
+          if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
+        else step1_tmp = 0;
+      }
+    }
     if (last == 1) {
-      if (x == 3) step1_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+      if (x != 4) {
+        if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+      }
+      else goto _LAND_1;
     else {
-      _LAND: ;
+      _LAND_1: ;
       if (step1 == 1) 
-        if (x != 4) step1_tmp = 1; else step1_tmp = 0;
-      else step1_tmp = 0;
+        if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
+      else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (last == 1) {
-    if (x != 4) {
-      if (x != 3) last_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_1;
+    if (init == 1) {
+      if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-    else goto _LAND_1;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_1: ;
-    if (step1 == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) last_tmp = 1; else last_tmp = 0;
-    else last_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  if (init == 1) {
-    if (x != 3) init_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_2;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_2: ;
-    if (last == 1) 
-      if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
-    else init_tmp = 0;
+    else {
+      _LAND_2: ;
+      if (last == 1) 
+        if (x == 4) init_tmp = 1; else init_tmp = 0;
+      else init_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    init = init_tmp;
+    last = last_tmp;
+    step1 = step1_tmp;
+    return;
-  init = init_tmp;
-  last = last_tmp;
-  step1 = step1_tmp;
-  return;
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ init ∧ 0 ≡ last ∧ 0 ≡ step1;
     requires 1 ≡ init ⇒ x ≢ 3;
@@ -644,12 +662,12 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
-  main_post_func(x);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(x); */
   return x;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/seq.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/seq.res.oracle
index 0feb9f18cabb9294676350b02e034d635ecd5b76..6640fa2d480d2331da9cf76d2b78ae199029d41d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/seq.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/seq.res.oracle
@@ -21,147 +21,154 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_counter = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void f_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void f_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_1 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_1 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
@@ -178,176 +185,183 @@ void f_post_func(void)
 void f(void)
-  f_pre_func();
-  f_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_counter, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in_0:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ aorai_counter < 2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter) + 1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in_1:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ 1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in_2:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ 1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨ ¬(aorai_counter < 2)) ∧
-        0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter);
- */
-void g_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) 
-    if (aorai_counter < 2) aorai_counter ++;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) aorai_counter = 1;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_counter = 1;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_counter, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in_0:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ aorai_counter < 2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter) + 1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in_1:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ 1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in_2:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ 1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨ ¬(aorai_counter < 2)) ∧
+         0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter);
+   @/
+  void g_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) 
+      if (aorai_counter < 2) aorai_counter ++;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) aorai_counter = 1;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_counter = 1;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
-      if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) 
-        if (aorai_counter < 2) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
+      if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
+      else 
+        if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) 
+          if (aorai_counter < 2) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
+          else aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
         else aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-      else aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void g_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_3 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void g_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_3 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨
@@ -387,154 +401,161 @@ void g_post_func(void)
 void g(void)
-  g_pre_func();
-  g_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost g_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost g_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int c)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int c)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    requires 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ⇒ 1 ≤ aorai_counter;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 1 ≤ aorai_counter;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨ ¬(1 ≤ aorai_counter);
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) 
-    if (1 <= aorai_counter) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     requires 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ⇒ 1 ≤ aorai_counter;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 1 ≤ aorai_counter;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∨ ¬(1 ≤ aorai_counter);
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) 
+      if (1 <= aorai_counter) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
@@ -558,12 +579,12 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int c)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func(c);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(c); */
   if (c) f();
   if (c) g();
   __retres = 0;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/seq_loop.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/seq_loop.res.oracle
index d846ff2ed1de631698bceb91738be087d1911bb9..b71bd8809d29cfc3d80253833fb03a144991aa1f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/seq_loop.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/seq_loop.res.oracle
@@ -21,163 +21,170 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_counter = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_counter, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_0:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ aorai_counter < 5;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter) + 1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_1:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ 1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨ ¬(aorai_counter < 5)) ∧
-        0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter);
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void f_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) 
-    if (aorai_counter < 5) aorai_counter ++;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_counter = 1;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_counter, aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_0:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ aorai_counter < 5;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter) + 1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_in_1:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ 1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨ ¬(aorai_counter < 5)) ∧
+         0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures aorai_counter ≡ \old(aorai_counter);
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void f_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
     if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) 
-      if (aorai_counter < 5) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
+      if (aorai_counter < 5) aorai_counter ++;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_counter = 1;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) 
+        if (aorai_counter < 5) aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 1;
+        else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
       else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-    else aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void f_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_1 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_f;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void f_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_f;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_1 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0) ∧
@@ -207,152 +214,159 @@ void f_post_func(void)
 void f(void)
-  f_pre_func();
-  f_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost f_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost f_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void g_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void g_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_2 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void g_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state_3 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_g;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void g_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_g;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state_3 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧
@@ -368,155 +382,161 @@ void g_post_func(void)
 void g(void)
-  g_pre_func();
-  g_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost g_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost g_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int c)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int c)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0) ∧
-      0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧
-      0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
-            aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes
-        1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes
-        0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) Sf_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0) ∧
+       0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1 ∧
+       0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state, aorai_intermediate_state_0,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_1, aorai_intermediate_state_2,
+             aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes
+         1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∨ 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes
+         0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0 ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_1;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_2;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state_3;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp = 0;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) Sf_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (aorai_intermediate_state_0 == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_0 = aorai_intermediate_state_0_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_1 = aorai_intermediate_state_1_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_2 = aorai_intermediate_state_2_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_3 = aorai_intermediate_state_3_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧
@@ -545,9 +565,9 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int c)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_14;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_14; */
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func(c);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(c); */
   if (c < 0) c = 0;
   if (c > 5) c = 5;
   /*@ assert 0 ≤ c ≤ 5; */ ;
@@ -592,7 +612,7 @@ int main(int c)
     c --;
   __retres = 0;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/single_call.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/single_call.res.oracle
index 5f8d466d22424908feb54148ff330348025086b0..cfb4234eb0cc7b8041bf606a33047a0e78c41e62 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/single_call.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/single_call.res.oracle
@@ -14,83 +14,89 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int S0 = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int Sf = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
-  else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    if (S0 == 1) aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 1;
+    else aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
-            aorai_intermediate_state;
-    behavior buch_state_S0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S0;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
-    behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S0_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Sf_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S0_tmp = S0;
-  Sf_tmp = Sf;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
-  aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
-  if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
-  S0_tmp = 0;
-  S0 = S0_tmp;
-  Sf = Sf_tmp;
-  aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state ∧ 0 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S0, Sf,
+             aorai_intermediate_state;
+     behavior buch_state_S0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S0;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_Sf_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Sf;
+     behavior buch_state_aorai_intermediate_state_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S0_tmp;
+    int Sf_tmp;
+    int aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S0_tmp = S0;
+    Sf_tmp = Sf;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = aorai_intermediate_state;
+    aorai_intermediate_state_tmp = 0;
+    if (aorai_intermediate_state == 1) Sf_tmp = 1; else Sf_tmp = 0;
+    S0_tmp = 0;
+    S0 = S0_tmp;
+    Sf = Sf_tmp;
+    aorai_intermediate_state = aorai_intermediate_state_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ S0 ∧ 0 ≡ Sf ∧ 0 ≡ aorai_intermediate_state;
@@ -104,9 +110,9 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   __retres = 0;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_acces_params.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_acces_params.res.oracle
index d703a2229a90e7ba6cce9b3d66bbb5b708c753d5..3e646c93b8ae727e15a415e503375931b43eb550 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_acces_params.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_acces_params.res.oracle
@@ -23,128 +23,134 @@ int rr = 1;
 /*@ ghost int S4 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int SF = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int mainst = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
-            mainst;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ i ≥ 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ ¬(i ≥ 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_SF_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ SF;
-    behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
- */
-void opa_pre_func(int i, int j)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int SF_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int mainst_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  SF_tmp = SF;
-  mainst_tmp = mainst;
-  mainst_tmp = 0;
-  SF_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) 
-    if (i >= 0) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
-  else S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  SF = SF_tmp;
-  mainst = mainst_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
+             mainst;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ i ≥ 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ ¬(i ≥ 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_SF_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ SF;
+     behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
+   @/
+  void opa_pre_func(int i, int j)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int SF_tmp;
+    int mainst_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    SF_tmp = SF;
+    mainst_tmp = mainst;
+    mainst_tmp = 0;
+    SF_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) 
+      if (i >= 0) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
+    else S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    SF = SF_tmp;
+    mainst = mainst_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ SF ∧
-      0 ≡ mainst;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
-            mainst;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_SF_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ SF;
-    behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
- */
-void opa_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int SF_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int mainst_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  SF_tmp = SF;
-  mainst_tmp = mainst;
-  mainst_tmp = 0;
-  SF_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  if (S2 == 1) S3_tmp = 1; else S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  SF = SF_tmp;
-  mainst = mainst_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ SF ∧
+       0 ≡ mainst;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
+             mainst;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_SF_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ SF;
+     behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
+   @/
+  void opa_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int SF_tmp;
+    int mainst_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    SF_tmp = SF;
+    mainst_tmp = mainst;
+    mainst_tmp = 0;
+    SF_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    if (S2 == 1) S3_tmp = 1; else S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    SF = SF_tmp;
+    mainst = mainst_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ SF ∧
@@ -162,135 +168,141 @@ void opa_post_func(void)
 void opa(int i, int j)
-  opa_pre_func(i,j);
+  /*@ ghost opa_pre_func(i,j); */
   rr = i + j;
-  opa_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
-            mainst;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S3;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_SF_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ SF;
-    behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
- */
-void opb_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int SF_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int mainst_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  SF_tmp = SF;
-  mainst_tmp = mainst;
-  mainst_tmp = 0;
-  SF_tmp = 0;
-  if (S3 == 1) S4_tmp = 1; else S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  SF = SF_tmp;
-  mainst = mainst_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
+             mainst;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S3;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_SF_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ SF;
+     behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
+   @/
+  void opb_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int SF_tmp;
+    int mainst_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    SF_tmp = SF;
+    mainst_tmp = mainst;
+    mainst_tmp = 0;
+    SF_tmp = 0;
+    if (S3 == 1) S4_tmp = 1; else S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    SF = SF_tmp;
+    mainst = mainst_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ SF ∧
-      0 ≡ mainst;
-    requires 1 ≡ S4 ⇒ res > 0;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
-            mainst;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_SF_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S4 ∧ res > 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ SF;
-    behavior buch_state_SF_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S4 ∨ ¬(res > 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ SF;
-    behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
- */
-void opb_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int SF_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int mainst_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  SF_tmp = SF;
-  mainst_tmp = mainst;
-  mainst_tmp = 0;
-  if (S4 == 1) 
-    if (res > 0) SF_tmp = 1; else SF_tmp = 0;
-  else SF_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  SF = SF_tmp;
-  mainst = mainst_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ SF ∧
+       0 ≡ mainst;
+     requires 1 ≡ S4 ⇒ res > 0;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
+             mainst;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_SF_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S4 ∧ res > 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ SF;
+     behavior buch_state_SF_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S4 ∨ ¬(res > 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ SF;
+     behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
+   @/
+  void opb_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int SF_tmp;
+    int mainst_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    SF_tmp = SF;
+    mainst_tmp = mainst;
+    mainst_tmp = 0;
+    if (S4 == 1) 
+      if (res > 0) SF_tmp = 1; else SF_tmp = 0;
+    else SF_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    SF = SF_tmp;
+    mainst = mainst_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ SF ∧
@@ -305,133 +317,139 @@ void opb_post_func(int res)
 int opb(void)
   int __retres;
-  opb_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_pre_func(); */
   status = 1;
   __retres = status * 3;
-  opb_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost opb_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
-            mainst;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ mainst;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ mainst;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_SF_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ SF;
-    behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int SF_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int mainst_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  SF_tmp = SF;
-  mainst_tmp = mainst;
-  mainst_tmp = 0;
-  SF_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (mainst == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  SF = SF_tmp;
-  mainst = mainst_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
+             mainst;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ mainst;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ mainst;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_SF_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ SF;
+     behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int SF_tmp;
+    int mainst_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    SF_tmp = SF;
+    mainst_tmp = mainst;
+    mainst_tmp = 0;
+    SF_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (mainst == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    SF = SF_tmp;
+    mainst = mainst_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ SF ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧
-      0 ≡ mainst;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
-            mainst;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_SF_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ SF;
-      ensures 1 ≡ SF;
-    behavior buch_state_SF_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ SF;
-      ensures 0 ≡ SF;
-    behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int SF_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int mainst_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  SF_tmp = SF;
-  mainst_tmp = mainst;
-  mainst_tmp = 0;
-  if (SF == 1) SF_tmp = 1; else SF_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  SF = SF_tmp;
-  mainst = mainst_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ SF ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧
+       0 ≡ mainst;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, SF,
+             mainst;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_SF_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ SF;
+       ensures 1 ≡ SF;
+     behavior buch_state_SF_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ SF;
+       ensures 0 ≡ SF;
+     behavior buch_state_mainst_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ mainst;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int SF_tmp;
+    int mainst_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    SF_tmp = SF;
+    mainst_tmp = mainst;
+    mainst_tmp = 0;
+    if (SF == 1) SF_tmp = 1; else SF_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    SF = SF_tmp;
+    mainst = mainst_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ mainst ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧
@@ -445,11 +463,11 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   if (rr < 5000) opa(rr,300);
   rr = opb();
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_acces_params2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_acces_params2.res.oracle
index 92799624f78e869afade5563e14186da7e789a43..a45dd2a4943de29c09a912eaecf6499f6a60da54 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_acces_params2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_acces_params2.res.oracle
@@ -24,145 +24,151 @@ int rr = 1;
 /*@ ghost int S5 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int S6 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int S7 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
-            S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S2 ∧ r ≥ 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S2 ∨ ¬(r ≥ 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S7;
- */
-void opa_pre_func(int r)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S7_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  S5_tmp = S5;
-  S6_tmp = S6;
-  S7_tmp = S7;
-  S7_tmp = 0;
-  S6_tmp = 0;
-  S5_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  if (S2 == 1) 
-    if (r >= 0) S3_tmp = 1; else S3_tmp = 0;
-  else S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  S5 = S5_tmp;
-  S6 = S6_tmp;
-  S7 = S7_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
+             S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S2 ∧ r ≥ 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S2 ∨ ¬(r ≥ 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S7;
+   @/
+  void opa_pre_func(int r)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int S5_tmp;
+    int S6_tmp;
+    int S7_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    S5_tmp = S5;
+    S6_tmp = S6;
+    S7_tmp = S7;
+    S7_tmp = 0;
+    S6_tmp = 0;
+    S5_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    if (S2 == 1) 
+      if (r >= 0) S3_tmp = 1; else S3_tmp = 0;
+    else S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    S5 = S5_tmp;
+    S6 = S6_tmp;
+    S7 = S7_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ S5 ∧
-      0 ≡ S6 ∧ 0 ≡ S7;
-    requires 1 ≡ S3 ⇒ res ≤ 5000;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
-            S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S3 ∧ res ≤ 5000;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S3 ∨ ¬(res ≤ 5000);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S7;
- */
-void opa_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S7_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  S5_tmp = S5;
-  S6_tmp = S6;
-  S7_tmp = S7;
-  S7_tmp = 0;
-  S6_tmp = 0;
-  S5_tmp = 0;
-  if (S3 == 1) 
-    if (res <= 5000) S4_tmp = 1; else S4_tmp = 0;
-  else S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  S5 = S5_tmp;
-  S6 = S6_tmp;
-  S7 = S7_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ S5 ∧
+       0 ≡ S6 ∧ 0 ≡ S7;
+     requires 1 ≡ S3 ⇒ res ≤ 5000;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
+             S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S3 ∧ res ≤ 5000;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S3 ∨ ¬(res ≤ 5000);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S7;
+   @/
+  void opa_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int S5_tmp;
+    int S6_tmp;
+    int S7_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    S5_tmp = S5;
+    S6_tmp = S6;
+    S7_tmp = S7;
+    S7_tmp = 0;
+    S6_tmp = 0;
+    S5_tmp = 0;
+    if (S3 == 1) 
+      if (res <= 5000) S4_tmp = 1; else S4_tmp = 0;
+    else S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    S5 = S5_tmp;
+    S6 = S6_tmp;
+    S7 = S7_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ S5 ∧
@@ -183,146 +189,152 @@ void opa_post_func(int res)
 int opa(int r)
   int __retres;
-  opa_pre_func(r);
+  /*@ ghost opa_pre_func(r); */
   __retres = r + 1;
-  opa_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost opa_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
-            S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S7;
- */
-void opb_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S7_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  S5_tmp = S5;
-  S6_tmp = S6;
-  S7_tmp = S7;
-  S7_tmp = 0;
-  S6_tmp = 0;
-  if (S4 == 1) S5_tmp = 1; else S5_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  S5 = S5_tmp;
-  S6 = S6_tmp;
-  S7 = S7_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
+             S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S7;
+   @/
+  void opb_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int S5_tmp;
+    int S6_tmp;
+    int S7_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    S5_tmp = S5;
+    S6_tmp = S6;
+    S7_tmp = S7;
+    S7_tmp = 0;
+    S6_tmp = 0;
+    if (S4 == 1) S5_tmp = 1; else S5_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    S5 = S5_tmp;
+    S6 = S6_tmp;
+    S7 = S7_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ S5 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧
-      0 ≡ S6 ∧ 0 ≡ S7;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
-            S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S5;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S5;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S7;
- */
-void opb_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S7_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  S5_tmp = S5;
-  S6_tmp = S6;
-  S7_tmp = S7;
-  S7_tmp = 0;
-  if (S5 == 1) S6_tmp = 1; else S6_tmp = 0;
-  S5_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  S5 = S5_tmp;
-  S6 = S6_tmp;
-  S7 = S7_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ S5 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧
+       0 ≡ S6 ∧ 0 ≡ S7;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
+             S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S5;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S5;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S7;
+   @/
+  void opb_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int S5_tmp;
+    int S6_tmp;
+    int S7_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    S5_tmp = S5;
+    S6_tmp = S6;
+    S7_tmp = S7;
+    S7_tmp = 0;
+    if (S5 == 1) S6_tmp = 1; else S6_tmp = 0;
+    S5_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    S5 = S5_tmp;
+    S6 = S6_tmp;
+    S7 = S7_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S5 ∧
@@ -340,134 +352,140 @@ void opb_post_func(void)
 void opb(void)
-  opb_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_pre_func(); */
   if (rr < 4998) rr += 2;
-  opb_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
-            S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S7;
- */
-void opc_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S7_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  S5_tmp = S5;
-  S6_tmp = S6;
-  S7_tmp = S7;
-  S7_tmp = 0;
-  S6_tmp = 0;
-  S5_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  S5 = S5_tmp;
-  S6 = S6_tmp;
-  S7 = S7_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
+             S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S7;
+   @/
+  void opc_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int S5_tmp;
+    int S6_tmp;
+    int S7_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    S5_tmp = S5;
+    S6_tmp = S6;
+    S7_tmp = S7;
+    S7_tmp = 0;
+    S6_tmp = 0;
+    S5_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    S5 = S5_tmp;
+    S6 = S6_tmp;
+    S7 = S7_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
-            S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S7;
- */
-void opc_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S7_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  S5_tmp = S5;
-  S6_tmp = S6;
-  S7_tmp = S7;
-  S7_tmp = 0;
-  S6_tmp = 0;
-  S5_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  S5 = S5_tmp;
-  S6 = S6_tmp;
-  S7 = S7_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
+             S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S7;
+   @/
+  void opc_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int S5_tmp;
+    int S6_tmp;
+    int S7_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    S5_tmp = S5;
+    S6_tmp = S6;
+    S7_tmp = S7;
+    S7_tmp = 0;
+    S6_tmp = 0;
+    S5_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    S5 = S5_tmp;
+    S6 = S6_tmp;
+    S7 = S7_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires \false;
@@ -497,146 +515,152 @@ void opc_post_func(void)
 void opc(void)
-  opc_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opc_pre_func(); */
   rr = 600;
-  opc_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opc_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
-            S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S7;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S7_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  S5_tmp = S5;
-  S6_tmp = S6;
-  S7_tmp = S7;
-  S7_tmp = 0;
-  S6_tmp = 0;
-  S5_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  S5 = S5_tmp;
-  S6 = S6_tmp;
-  S7 = S7_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
+             S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S7;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int S5_tmp;
+    int S6_tmp;
+    int S7_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    S5_tmp = S5;
+    S6_tmp = S6;
+    S7_tmp = S7;
+    S7_tmp = 0;
+    S6_tmp = 0;
+    S5_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    S5 = S5_tmp;
+    S6 = S6_tmp;
+    S7 = S7_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ S6 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧
-      0 ≡ S5 ∧ 0 ≡ S7;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
-            S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S3;
-    behavior buch_state_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S4;
-    behavior buch_state_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S5;
-    behavior buch_state_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S6;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S6;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S7;
-    behavior buch_state_S7_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S6;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S7;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S7_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  S3_tmp = S3;
-  S4_tmp = S4;
-  S5_tmp = S5;
-  S6_tmp = S6;
-  S7_tmp = S7;
-  if (S6 == 1) S7_tmp = 1; else S7_tmp = 0;
-  S6_tmp = 0;
-  S5_tmp = 0;
-  S4_tmp = 0;
-  S3_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  S3 = S3_tmp;
-  S4 = S4_tmp;
-  S5 = S5_tmp;
-  S6 = S6_tmp;
-  S7 = S7_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ S6 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧
+       0 ≡ S5 ∧ 0 ≡ S7;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6,
+             S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S3;
+     behavior buch_state_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S4;
+     behavior buch_state_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S5;
+     behavior buch_state_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S6;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S6;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S7;
+     behavior buch_state_S7_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S6;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S7;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int S3_tmp;
+    int S4_tmp;
+    int S5_tmp;
+    int S6_tmp;
+    int S7_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    S3_tmp = S3;
+    S4_tmp = S4;
+    S5_tmp = S5;
+    S6_tmp = S6;
+    S7_tmp = S7;
+    if (S6 == 1) S7_tmp = 1; else S7_tmp = 0;
+    S6_tmp = 0;
+    S5_tmp = 0;
+    S4_tmp = 0;
+    S3_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    S3 = S3_tmp;
+    S4 = S4_tmp;
+    S5 = S5_tmp;
+    S6 = S6_tmp;
+    S7 = S7_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S3 ∧ 0 ≡ S4 ∧ 0 ≡ S5 ∧
@@ -652,13 +676,13 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   if (rr < 5000) rr = opa(rr);
   goto L6;
   L6: __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle.res.oracle
index 538051ad5514f5e1aab1dcdc5290e4b4e14bae4f..a418b2f7c9e83d32274eff23ee3173ea9cba90cf 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle.res.oracle
@@ -21,82 +21,90 @@ extern int call_to_an_undefined_function(void);
 /*@ ghost int T0_S2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int T0_init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S1 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void a_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void a_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void a_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
     if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_a;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void a_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_a;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
 /*@ requires (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
     requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
@@ -111,88 +119,96 @@ void a_post_func(int res)
 int a(void)
   int __retres;
-  a_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost a_pre_func(); */
   __retres = 1;
-  a_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost a_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_b;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void b_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_b;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_b;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void b_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_b;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_b;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void b_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_b;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_b;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void b_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_b;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
     requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
@@ -207,87 +223,95 @@ void b_post_func(int res)
 int b(void)
   int __retres;
-  b_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost b_pre_func(); */
   __retres = 2;
-  b_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost b_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
     requires \true;
@@ -302,9 +326,9 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_7;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_7; */
   int tmp_1;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   int x = a();
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_7 = 1; */
@@ -327,7 +351,7 @@ int main(void)
   tmp_1 = a();
-  main_post_func(tmp_1);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(tmp_1); */
   return tmp_1;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle1.res.oracle
index 272eb96f193a91897513bc49f4b1c74bdfd49a99..4fd824e2ad33bdb3a46508999084d5f048ad25a6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle1.res.oracle
@@ -24,112 +24,118 @@ int status = 0;
 /*@ ghost int accept_S3 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S4 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_init = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_commit_trans;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void commit_trans_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_commit_trans;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S4 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_commit_trans;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void commit_trans_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_commit_trans;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S4 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_commit_trans;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void commit_trans_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_commit_trans;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_commit_trans;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void commit_trans_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_commit_trans;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧
@@ -148,128 +154,134 @@ void commit_trans_post_func(int res)
 int commit_trans(void)
   int __retres;
-  commit_trans_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost commit_trans_pre_func(); */
   __retres = 1;
-  commit_trans_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost commit_trans_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_init_trans;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void init_trans_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_init_trans;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_init_trans;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void init_trans_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_init_trans;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
-    requires 1 ≡ accept_S2 ⇒ status ≢ 0 ∨ status ≡ 0;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_init_trans;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ status ≡ 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ ¬(status ≡ 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ status ≢ 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ status ≡ 0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void init_trans_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_init_trans;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) 
-    if (status != 0) accept_S4_tmp = 1; else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) 
-    if (status == 0) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
+     requires 1 ≡ accept_S2 ⇒ status ≢ 0 ∨ status ≡ 0;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_init_trans;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ status ≡ 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ ¬(status ≡ 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ status ≢ 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ status ≡ 0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void init_trans_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_init_trans;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) 
+      if (status != 0) accept_S4_tmp = 1; else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) 
+      if (status == 0) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -291,128 +303,134 @@ void init_trans_post_func(int res)
 int init_trans(void)
   int __retres;
-  init_trans_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost init_trans_pre_func(); */
   __retres = 1;
-  init_trans_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost init_trans_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_init == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_init == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧
@@ -436,9 +454,9 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_7;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_7; */
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   cpt = 3;
   status = 0;
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_7 = 1; */
@@ -466,7 +484,7 @@ int main(void)
   goto return_label;
   label_ok: __retres = 1;
   return_label: {
-                  main_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle2.res.oracle
index 4f101eb24f62cff6ab0f08b9c9604dd83e0869dc..4b6cca74dbc83f17871fb61da2e0b92b388a9e8a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle2.res.oracle
@@ -23,133 +23,139 @@ int rr = 1;
 /*@ ghost int accept_S4 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S5 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_all = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void opa_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void opa_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ rr ≡ 51;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ ¬(rr ≡ 51);
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void opa_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) 
-    if (rr == 51) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ rr ≡ 51;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ ¬(rr ≡ 51);
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void opa_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) 
+      if (rr == 51) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -170,132 +176,138 @@ void opa_post_func(void)
 void opa(void)
-  opa_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_pre_func(); */
   rr ++;
-  opa_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void opb_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S3 == 1) accept_S4_tmp = 1; else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void opb_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S3 == 1) accept_S4_tmp = 1; else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void opb_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S4 == 1) accept_S5_tmp = 1; else accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void opb_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S4 == 1) accept_S5_tmp = 1; else accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧
@@ -309,132 +321,138 @@ void opb_post_func(void)
 void opb(void)
-  opb_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_pre_func(); */
   status = 1;
-  opb_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S5;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  if (accept_S5 == 1) accept_all_tmp = 1; else accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S3, accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S5;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    if (accept_S5 == 1) accept_all_tmp = 1; else accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -453,9 +471,9 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_7;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_7; */
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_7 = 1; */
   /*@ loop invariant 0 ≤ rr ≤ 50;
@@ -479,7 +497,7 @@ int main(void)
   /*@ ghost int tmp = 1; */
   /*@ ghost tmp = 0; */
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle3.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle3.res.oracle
index 02a0be5d77b163a9623bba2d62f8b846fed48f61..611da850e54cd7f992ea6c81baa61527aff85002 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle3.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle3.res.oracle
@@ -22,122 +22,128 @@ int rr = 1;
 /*@ ghost int T1_S2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S3 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_all = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void opa_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (T1_S2 == 1) T1_S2_tmp = 1; else T1_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S4 == 1) T0_S4_tmp = 1; else T0_S4_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void opa_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S4_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (T1_S2 == 1) T1_S2_tmp = 1; else T1_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S4 == 1) T0_S4_tmp = 1; else T0_S4_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ T0_S4 ∨ 1 ≡ T1_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_all;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void opa_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (T1_S2 == 1) T1_S2_tmp = 1; else T1_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S4 == 1) T0_S4_tmp = 1; else T0_S4_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ T0_S4 ∨ 1 ≡ T1_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void opa_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S4_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (T1_S2 == 1) T1_S2_tmp = 1; else T1_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S4 == 1) T0_S4_tmp = 1; else T0_S4_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ T0_S4 ∨ 1 ≡ T1_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -176,120 +182,126 @@ void opa_post_func(void)
 void opa(void)
-  opa_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_pre_func(); */
   rr ++;
-  opa_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1_S2 ∧ rr ≡ 51;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1_S2 ∨ ¬(rr ≡ 51);
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void opb_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  if (T1_S2 == 1) 
-    if (rr == 51) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T1_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S4_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1_S2 ∧ rr ≡ 51;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1_S2 ∨ ¬(rr ≡ 51);
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void opb_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S4_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    if (T1_S2 == 1) 
+      if (rr == 51) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T1_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S4_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1_S2 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_all;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void opb_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T1_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S3 == 1) T0_S4_tmp = 1; else T0_S4_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1_S2 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_all;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void opb_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S4_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T1_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S3 == 1) T0_S4_tmp = 1; else T0_S4_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ T1_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -304,123 +316,129 @@ void opb_post_func(void)
 void opb(void)
-  opb_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_pre_func(); */
   status = 1;
-  opb_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) T1_S2_tmp = 1; else T1_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S4_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int T0_S4_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) T1_S2_tmp = 1; else T1_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S4_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ T0_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_all;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
-            accept_S3, accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  if (T0_S4 == 1) accept_all_tmp = 1; else accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  T1_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S4 == 1) T0_S4_tmp = 1; else T0_S4_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ T0_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_all;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S4, T0_init, T1_S2,
+             accept_S3, accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S4_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S4_tmp = T0_S4;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_S2_tmp = T1_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    if (T0_S4 == 1) accept_all_tmp = 1; else accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    T1_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S4 == 1) T0_S4_tmp = 1; else T0_S4_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S4 = T0_S4_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1_S2 = T1_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ T1_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -437,10 +455,10 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_15;
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_7;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_15; */
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_7; */
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_7 = 1; */
   /*@ loop invariant 0 ≤ rr ≤ 50;
@@ -469,7 +487,7 @@ int main(void)
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle_rechercheTableau.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle_rechercheTableau.res.oracle
index 70269ff32b3aa4575dba0f72d54792b415c86e0a..4b0631f98f1d319c24ddf6be7b3fbfd24241c367 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle_rechercheTableau.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_boucle_rechercheTableau.res.oracle
@@ -20,90 +20,96 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int End = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int Idle = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void isPresent_pre_func(int *t, int max, int val)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
-  End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void isPresent_pre_func(int *t, int max, int val)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
+    End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    requires 1 ≡ Idle ⇒ res ≡ -1 ∨ res ≢ -1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≢ -1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1);
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≡ -1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1);
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void isPresent_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  if (Idle == 1) 
-    if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (Idle == 1) 
-    if (res != -1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     requires 1 ≡ Idle ⇒ res ≡ -1 ∨ res ≢ -1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≢ -1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1);
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≡ -1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1);
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void isPresent_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    if (Idle == 1) 
+      if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (Idle == 1) 
+      if (res != -1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
     requires \valid(t + (0 .. max));
@@ -126,9 +132,9 @@ void isPresent_post_func(int res)
 int isPresent(int *t, int max, int val)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_2;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_2; */
   int __retres;
-  isPresent_pre_func(t,max,val);
+  /*@ ghost isPresent_pre_func(t,max,val); */
   int i = 0;
   /*@ ghost aorai_Loop_Init_2 = 1; */
@@ -154,86 +160,93 @@ int isPresent(int *t, int max, int val)
     goto return_label;
   __retres = -1;
-  return_label: {
-                  isPresent_post_func(__retres);
-                  return __retres;
-                }
+  return_label:
+  {
+    /*@ ghost isPresent_post_func(__retres); */
+    return __retres;
+  }
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void foo_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (WillDoFoo == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void foo_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (WillDoFoo == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ End;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ End;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void foo_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ End;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ End;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void foo_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle;
@@ -243,85 +256,91 @@ void foo_post_func(void)
 void foo(void)
-  foo_pre_func();
-  foo_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost foo_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost foo_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
-  End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
+    End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ End;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ End;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ End;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ End;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
@@ -335,12 +354,12 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   int tab[4] = {10, 20, 33, 15};
   int r = isPresent(tab,3,33);
   if (r == -1) foo();
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_factorial.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_factorial.res.oracle
index 016b305d9ce280df11073170b4f7b4fd35e645af..bc2b324895728405c00ffa43fcb51fd18cd6c681 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_factorial.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_factorial.res.oracle
@@ -16,87 +16,93 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int accept_S1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_init = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_decode_int;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void decode_int_pre_func(char *s)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_decode_int;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_decode_int;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void decode_int_pre_func(char *s)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_decode_int;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_decode_int;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void decode_int_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_decode_int;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_decode_int;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void decode_int_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_decode_int;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
@@ -108,10 +114,10 @@ void decode_int_post_func(int res)
 int decode_int(char *s)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_5;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_5; */
   int __retres;
   char c;
-  decode_int_pre_func(s);
+  /*@ ghost decode_int_pre_func(s); */
   int intmax = ~ (1 << (sizeof(int) * (unsigned int)8 - (unsigned int)1));
   int cutlim = intmax % 10;
   int cutoff = intmax / 10;
@@ -171,99 +177,106 @@ int decode_int(char *s)
   __retres = value;
-  return_label: {
-                  decode_int_post_func(__retres);
-                  return __retres;
-                }
+  return_label:
+  {
+    /*@ ghost decode_int_post_func(__retres); */
+    return __retres;
+  }
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_factorial;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void factorial_pre_func(int value)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_factorial;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_factorial;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void factorial_pre_func(int value)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_factorial;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires (1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_factorial;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void factorial_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_factorial;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires (1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_factorial;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void factorial_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_factorial;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires (1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
     requires 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
@@ -281,98 +294,104 @@ void factorial_post_func(int res)
 int factorial(int value)
   int tmp_0;
-  factorial_pre_func(value);
+  /*@ ghost factorial_pre_func(value); */
   if (value > 0) {
     int tmp;
     tmp = factorial(value - 1);
     tmp_0 = tmp * value;
   else tmp_0 = 1;
-  factorial_post_func(tmp_0);
+  /*@ ghost factorial_post_func(tmp_0); */
   return tmp_0;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
-            accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S1, accept_S2,
+             accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
     requires argc ≡ 2;
@@ -388,7 +407,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
   int value;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   if (argc != 2) {
     __retres = 1;
     goto return_label;
@@ -408,7 +427,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   __retres = 0;
   return_label: {
-                  main_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_factorial2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_factorial2.res.oracle
index 709a03bb33cd884daad37670ce28cbce30677c0b..13d491bf7faf1f26825db7ca0ca991ba715d9315 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_factorial2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_factorial2.res.oracle
@@ -16,85 +16,91 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int S1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int S2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int main_0 = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_decode_int;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void decode_int_pre_func(char *s)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_decode_int;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_decode_int;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void decode_int_pre_func(char *s)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_decode_int;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_decode_int;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 1 ≢ 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ 0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void decode_int_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_decode_int;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_decode_int;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 1 ≢ 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ 0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void decode_int_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_decode_int;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
@@ -107,10 +113,10 @@ void decode_int_post_func(int res)
 int decode_int(char *s)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_5;
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_5; */
   int __retres;
   char c;
-  decode_int_pre_func(s);
+  /*@ ghost decode_int_pre_func(s); */
   int intmax = ~ (1 << (sizeof(int) * (unsigned int)8 - (unsigned int)1));
   int cutlim = intmax % 10;
   int cutoff = intmax / 10;
@@ -170,97 +176,104 @@ int decode_int(char *s)
   __retres = value;
-  return_label: {
-                  decode_int_post_func(__retres);
-                  return __retres;
-                }
+  return_label:
+  {
+    /*@ ghost decode_int_post_func(__retres); */
+    return __retres;
+  }
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_factorial;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S2 ∨ (1 ≡ S1 ∧ 1 ≢ 0);
-      ensures 1 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S2 ∧ (0 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void factorial_pre_func(int value)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_factorial;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (S2 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_factorial;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S2 ∨ (1 ≡ S1 ∧ 1 ≢ 0);
+       ensures 1 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S2 ∧ (0 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void factorial_pre_func(int value)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_factorial;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (S2 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires (1 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ S2) ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_factorial;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S2 ∨ 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S2 ∨ (1 ≡ S1 ∧ 1 ≢ 0);
-      ensures 1 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S2 ∧ (0 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void factorial_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_factorial;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (S2 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (S2 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires (1 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ S2) ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_factorial;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S2 ∨ 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S2 ∨ (1 ≡ S1 ∧ 1 ≢ 0);
+       ensures 1 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S2 ∧ (0 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void factorial_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_factorial;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (S2 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (S2 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires (1 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ S2) ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
     requires 1 ≡ S1 ⇒ 1 ≢ 0;
@@ -279,96 +292,102 @@ void factorial_post_func(int res)
 int factorial(int value)
   int tmp_0;
-  factorial_pre_func(value);
+  /*@ ghost factorial_pre_func(value); */
   if (value > 0) {
     int tmp;
     tmp = factorial(value - 1);
     tmp_0 = tmp * value;
   else tmp_0 = 1;
-  factorial_post_func(tmp_0);
+  /*@ ghost factorial_post_func(tmp_0); */
   return tmp_0;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ main_0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ main_0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (main_0 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ main_0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ main_0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (main_0 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 1 ≢ 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ 0;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S2;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  S2_tmp = S2;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  S2 = S2_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, S2, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 1 ≢ 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ 0;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S2;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int S2_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    S2_tmp = S2;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S2_tmp = 1; else S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    S2 = S2_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ main_0 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ S2;
     requires argc ≡ 2;
@@ -385,7 +404,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
   int value;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   if (argc != 2) {
     __retres = 1;
     goto return_label;
@@ -405,7 +424,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   __retres = 0;
   return_label: {
-                  main_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion1.res.oracle
index 6b08217bc0250b174eec5f55e629d0d21844f0c5..bcd5caca7e911c3bfa1d4622186c5f95c7ed4f95 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion1.res.oracle
@@ -50,80 +50,88 @@ predicate valid_string{L}(char *s) =
 /*@ ghost int T0_S2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int T0_init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S1 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void countOne_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void countOne_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
     requires valid_string(argv);
@@ -137,7 +145,7 @@ int countOne(char *argv)
   int __retres;
   int tmp;
-  countOne_pre_func(argv);
+  /*@ ghost countOne_pre_func(argv); */
   int r = 0;
   if ((int)*(argv + 0) == 0) {
     __retres = 0;
@@ -147,86 +155,95 @@ int countOne(char *argv)
   tmp = countOne(argv + 1);
   r += tmp;
   __retres = r;
-  return_label: {
-                  countOne_post_func(__retres);
-                  return __retres;
-                }
+  return_label:
+  {
+    /*@ ghost countOne_post_func(__retres); */
+    return __retres;
+  }
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void count_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void count_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
@@ -240,96 +257,104 @@ void count_post_func(int res)
 int count(int argc, char **argv)
-  count_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost count_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   int s = countOne(*(argv + 0));
   if (argc > 1) {
     int tmp_0;
     tmp_0 = count(argc - 1,argv + 1);
     s += tmp_0;
-  count_post_func(s);
+  /*@ ghost count_post_func(s); */
   return s;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
@@ -350,11 +375,11 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   int somme = 0;
   if (argc > 0) somme = count(argc,argv);
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion2.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion2.0.res.oracle
index 4a1cd28e828892d2cb196a7c0473bb40362d2273..efa580f6bc6e5aae0b60ae36c26c5fc05bdf1b01 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion2.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion2.0.res.oracle
@@ -66,100 +66,106 @@ int global_argc = 0;
 /*@ ghost int T0_init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int T1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_T2 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes (1 ≡ T1 ∧ global_argc > 0) ∨ 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes (0 ≡ T1 ∨ ¬(global_argc > 0)) ∧ 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void count_pre_func(char *argv)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (T1 == 1) 
-      if (global_argc > 0) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-    else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes (1 ≡ T1 ∧ global_argc > 0) ∨ 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes (0 ≡ T1 ∨ ¬(global_argc > 0)) ∧ 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void count_pre_func(char *argv)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (T1 == 1) 
+        if (global_argc > 0) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+      else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void count_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void count_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires (1 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T1) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
     requires 1 ≡ T1 ⇒ global_argc > 0;
@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ int count(char *argv)
   int __retres;
   int tmp;
-  count_pre_func(argv);
+  /*@ ghost count_pre_func(argv); */
   if ((int)*(argv + 0) == 0) {
     __retres = 0;
     goto return_label;
@@ -184,101 +190,107 @@ int count(char *argv)
   tmp = count(argv + 1);
   __retres = 1 + tmp;
   return_label: {
-                  count_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost count_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_sumOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void sumOne_pre_func(char *t, int length)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_sumOne;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_sumOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void sumOne_pre_func(char *t, int length)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_sumOne;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_sumOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void sumOne_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_sumOne;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_sumOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void sumOne_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_sumOne;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
     requires valid_string(t) ∧ length ≥ 0 ∧ length ≡ string_len(t);
@@ -290,8 +302,8 @@ void sumOne_post_func(int res)
 int sumOne(char *t, int length)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_11;
-  sumOne_pre_func(t,length);
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_11; */
+  /*@ ghost sumOne_pre_func(t,length); */
   int sum = 0;
   int i = 0;
   i = 0;
@@ -310,105 +322,111 @@ int sumOne(char *t, int length)
     sum += (int)*(t + i);
     i ++;
-  sumOne_post_func(sum);
+  /*@ ghost sumOne_post_func(sum); */
   return sum;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  if (T1 == 1) accept_T2_tmp = 1; else accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    if (T1 == 1) accept_T2_tmp = 1; else accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
@@ -429,7 +447,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
   int length;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   int sum = 0;
   global_argc = argc;
   if (argc > 0) {
@@ -437,7 +455,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
     sum = sumOne(*(argv + 0),length);
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion2.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion2.1.res.oracle
index 9eac73a1ce5a1e766fa963d6ddfe89c38f985f05..8b5a200aeaa8f8ae1ec8d1f931528ee7fdc52242 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion2.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion2.1.res.oracle
@@ -66,100 +66,106 @@ int global_argc = 0;
 /*@ ghost int T0_init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int T1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_T2 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes (1 ≡ T1 ∧ global_argc > 0) ∨ 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes (0 ≡ T1 ∨ ¬(global_argc > 0)) ∧ 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void count_pre_func(char *argv)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (T1 == 1) 
-      if (global_argc > 0) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-    else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes (1 ≡ T1 ∧ global_argc > 0) ∨ 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes (0 ≡ T1 ∨ ¬(global_argc > 0)) ∧ 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void count_pre_func(char *argv)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (T1 == 1) 
+        if (global_argc > 0) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+      else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void count_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void count_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires (1 ≡ S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T1) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
     requires 1 ≡ T1 ⇒ global_argc > 0;
@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ int count(char *argv)
   int __retres;
   int tmp;
-  count_pre_func(argv);
+  /*@ ghost count_pre_func(argv); */
   if ((int)*(argv + 0) == 0) {
     __retres = 0;
     goto return_label;
@@ -184,101 +190,107 @@ int count(char *argv)
   tmp = count(argv + 1);
   __retres = 1 + tmp;
   return_label: {
-                  count_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost count_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_sumOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void sumOne_pre_func(char *t, int length)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_sumOne;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_sumOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void sumOne_pre_func(char *t, int length)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_sumOne;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_sumOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void sumOne_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_sumOne;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_sumOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void sumOne_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_sumOne;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
     requires valid_string(t) ∧ length ≥ 0 ∧ length ≡ string_len(t);
@@ -290,8 +302,8 @@ void sumOne_post_func(int res)
 int sumOne(char *t, int length)
-  int aorai_Loop_Init_11;
-  sumOne_pre_func(t,length);
+  /*@ ghost int aorai_Loop_Init_11; */
+  /*@ ghost sumOne_pre_func(t,length); */
   int sum = 0;
   int i = 0;
   i = 0;
@@ -310,107 +322,113 @@ int sumOne(char *t, int length)
     sum += (int)*(t + i);
     i ++;
-  sumOne_post_func(sum);
+  /*@ ghost sumOne_post_func(sum); */
   return sum;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
-            accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_T1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T1 ∧ res ≡ 1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_T2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T1 ∨ ¬(res ≡ 1);
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_T2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  T1_tmp = T1;
-  accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
-  if (T1 == 1) 
-    if (res == 1) accept_T2_tmp = 1; else accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  else accept_T2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  T1 = T1_tmp;
-  accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, T0_init, T1,
+             accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_T1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T1 ∧ res ≡ 1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_T2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_T2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T1 ∨ ¬(res ≡ 1);
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_T2;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int T1_tmp;
+    int accept_T2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    T1_tmp = T1;
+    accept_T2_tmp = accept_T2;
+    if (T1 == 1) 
+      if (res == 1) accept_T2_tmp = 1; else accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    else accept_T2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T1 == 1) T1_tmp = 1; else T1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    T1 = T1_tmp;
+    accept_T2 = accept_T2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_T2;
@@ -432,7 +450,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
   int length;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   int sum = 0;
   global_argc = argc;
   if (argc > 0) {
@@ -440,7 +458,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
     sum = sumOne(*(argv + 0),length);
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion4.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion4.res.oracle
index 3a5ab9e3cd38f9dd3e5446296ccb6c34b9caca92..09a6e371c266a733e453905cbb7c6d3a06323cbe 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion4.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion4.res.oracle
@@ -17,108 +17,114 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int End = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int Idle = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void isPresent_pre_func(int *t, int size, int val)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
-  End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ End ∨ 1 ≡ Idle ∨ 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    requires 1 ≡ End ⇒ res ≢ -1;
-    requires 1 ≡ Idle ⇒ res ≡ -1 ∨ res ≢ -1;
-    requires 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ⇒ res ≡ -1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes (1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≢ -1) ∨ (1 ≡ End ∧ res ≢ -1);
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1)) ∧ (0 ≡ End ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1));
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ res ≡ -1) ∨ (1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≡ -1);
-      ensures 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ WillDoFoo ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1));
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void isPresent_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  if (Idle == 1) {
-    if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void isPresent_pre_func(int *t, int size, int val)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
+    End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
-  else {
-    _LAND: ;
-    if (WillDoFoo == 1) 
-      if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-    else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  }
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (End == 1) {
-    if (res != -1) End_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_0: ;
-    if (Idle == 1) 
-      if (res != -1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-    else End_tmp = 0;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ End ∨ 1 ≡ Idle ∨ 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     requires 1 ≡ End ⇒ res ≢ -1;
+     requires 1 ≡ Idle ⇒ res ≡ -1 ∨ res ≢ -1;
+     requires 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ⇒ res ≡ -1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes (1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≢ -1) ∨ (1 ≡ End ∧ res ≢ -1);
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1)) ∧ (0 ≡ End ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1));
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ res ≡ -1) ∨ (1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≡ -1);
+       ensures 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ WillDoFoo ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1));
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void isPresent_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    if (Idle == 1) {
+      if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND: ;
+      if (WillDoFoo == 1) 
+        if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+      else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (End == 1) {
+      if (res != -1) End_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND_0: ;
+      if (Idle == 1) 
+        if (res != -1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+      else End_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
     requires \valid(t + (0 .. size - 1));
@@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ int isPresent(int *t, int size, int val)
   int __retres;
   int tmp;
-  isPresent_pre_func(t,size,val);
+  /*@ ghost isPresent_pre_func(t,size,val); */
   if (size == 0) {
     __retres = -1;
     goto return_label;
@@ -160,86 +166,93 @@ int isPresent(int *t, int size, int val)
   int r = 1 + tmp;
   if (r == 0) r = -1;
   __retres = r;
-  return_label: {
-                  isPresent_post_func(__retres);
-                  return __retres;
-                }
+  return_label:
+  {
+    /*@ ghost isPresent_post_func(__retres); */
+    return __retres;
+  }
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void foo_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (WillDoFoo == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void foo_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (WillDoFoo == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ End;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ End;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void foo_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ End;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ End;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void foo_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle;
@@ -249,85 +262,91 @@ void foo_post_func(void)
 void foo(void)
-  foo_pre_func();
-  foo_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost foo_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost foo_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
-  End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
+    End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ End;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ End;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ End;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ End;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
@@ -341,12 +360,12 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   int tab[4] = {10, 20, 33, 15};
   int r = isPresent(tab,4,33);
   if (r == -1) foo();
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion5.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion5.res.oracle
index 40cd2510d3380e743b2f80074c35e9e7b539dc8f..b5c3e5aa9304fc5c42d1db1f402c63097c595463 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion5.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_recursion5.res.oracle
@@ -22,127 +22,133 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int Idle = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresentRec;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
-            WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void isPresentRec_pre_func(int *t, int i, int max, int val)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresentRec;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
-  if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
-  End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ Idle ∨ 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∨ 1 ≡ WillDoFoo) ∧ 0 ≡ End;
-    requires 1 ≡ Idle ⇒ res ≡ -1 ∨ res ≢ -1;
-    requires 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ⇒ res ≢ -1;
-    requires 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ⇒ res ≡ -1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresentRec;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
-            WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ res ≢ -1) ∨ (1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≢ -1);
-      ensures 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1));
-      ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_in:
-      assumes
-        (1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ res ≡ -1) ∨ (1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≡ -1);
-      ensures 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      assumes
-        (0 ≡ WillDoFoo ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1)) ∧
-        (0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1));
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void isPresentRec_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresentRec;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  if (Idle == 1) {
-    if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND: ;
-    if (WillDoFoo == 1) 
-      if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-    else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresentRec;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
+             WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void isPresentRec_pre_func(int *t, int i, int max, int val)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresentRec;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+    if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
+    End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
-  if (Idle == 1) {
-    if (res != -1) IgnoreFoo_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
-  }
-  else {
-    _LAND_0: ;
-    if (IgnoreFoo == 1) 
-      if (res != -1) IgnoreFoo_tmp = 1; else IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
-    else IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ Idle ∨ 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∨ 1 ≡ WillDoFoo) ∧ 0 ≡ End;
+     requires 1 ≡ Idle ⇒ res ≡ -1 ∨ res ≢ -1;
+     requires 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ⇒ res ≢ -1;
+     requires 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ⇒ res ≡ -1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresentRec;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
+             WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ res ≢ -1) ∨ (1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≢ -1);
+       ensures 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1));
+       ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_in:
+       assumes
+         (1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ res ≡ -1) ∨ (1 ≡ Idle ∧ res ≡ -1);
+       ensures 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       assumes
+         (0 ≡ WillDoFoo ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1)) ∧
+         (0 ≡ Idle ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1));
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void isPresentRec_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresentRec;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    if (Idle == 1) {
+      if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND: ;
+      if (WillDoFoo == 1) 
+        if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+      else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    if (Idle == 1) {
+      if (res != -1) IgnoreFoo_tmp = 1; else goto _LAND_0;
+    }
+    else {
+      _LAND_0: ;
+      if (IgnoreFoo == 1) 
+        if (res != -1) IgnoreFoo_tmp = 1; else IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+      else IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+    }
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
@@ -172,7 +178,7 @@ int isPresentRec(int *t, int i, int max, int val)
   int __retres;
   int tmp;
-  isPresentRec_pre_func(t,i,max,val);
+  /*@ ghost isPresentRec_pre_func(t,i,max,val); */
   if (*(t + i) == val) {
     __retres = i;
     goto return_label;
@@ -183,114 +189,121 @@ int isPresentRec(int *t, int i, int max, int val)
   tmp = isPresentRec(t,i + 1,max,val);
   __retres = tmp;
-  return_label: {
-                  isPresentRec_post_func(__retres);
-                  return __retres;
-                }
+  return_label:
+  {
+    /*@ ghost isPresentRec_post_func(__retres); */
+    return __retres;
+  }
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
-            WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void isPresent_pre_func(int *t, int max, int val)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
-  if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
-  End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
+             WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void isPresent_pre_func(int *t, int max, int val)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+    if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
+    End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∨ 1 ≡ WillDoFoo) ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle;
-    requires 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ⇒ res ≢ -1;
-    requires 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ⇒ res ≡ -1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
-            WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ res ≢ -1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1);
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ res ≡ -1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ WillDoFoo ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1);
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void isPresent_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  if (WillDoFoo == 1) 
-    if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (IgnoreFoo == 1) 
-    if (res != -1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∨ 1 ≡ WillDoFoo) ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle;
+     requires 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ⇒ res ≢ -1;
+     requires 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ⇒ res ≡ -1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_isPresent;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
+             WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ res ≢ -1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∨ ¬(res ≢ -1);
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ res ≡ -1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ WillDoFoo ∨ ¬(res ≡ -1);
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void isPresent_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_isPresent;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    if (WillDoFoo == 1) 
+      if (res == -1) WillDoFoo_tmp = 1; else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    else WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (IgnoreFoo == 1) 
+      if (res != -1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
@@ -315,103 +328,109 @@ void isPresent_post_func(int res)
 int isPresent(int *t, int max, int val)
   int tmp;
-  isPresent_pre_func(t,max,val);
+  /*@ ghost isPresent_pre_func(t,max,val); */
   tmp = isPresentRec(t,0,max,val);
-  isPresent_post_func(tmp);
+  /*@ ghost isPresent_post_func(tmp); */
   return tmp;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
-            WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void foo_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (WillDoFoo == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
+             WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void foo_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (WillDoFoo == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
-            WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ End;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ End;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void foo_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_foo;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
+             WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ End;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ End;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void foo_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_foo;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ WillDoFoo ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
@@ -422,102 +441,108 @@ void foo_post_func(void)
 void foo(void)
-  foo_pre_func();
-  foo_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost foo_pre_func(); */
+  /*@ ghost foo_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
-            WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
-  if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
-  End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
+             WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 1 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ Idle;
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+    if (Idle == 1) Idle_tmp = 1; else Idle_tmp = 0;
+    End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
-            WillDoFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_End_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ End;
-      ensures 1 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_End_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ End;
-      ensures 0 ≡ End;
-    behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
-    behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
-    behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int End_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int Idle_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int IgnoreFoo_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int WillDoFoo_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  End_tmp = End;
-  Idle_tmp = Idle;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
-  WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
-  IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
-  Idle_tmp = 0;
-  if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
-  End = End_tmp;
-  Idle = Idle_tmp;
-  IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
-  WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, End, Idle, IgnoreFoo,
+             WillDoFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_End_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ End;
+       ensures 1 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_End_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ End;
+       ensures 0 ≡ End;
+     behavior buch_state_Idle_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ Idle;
+     behavior buch_state_IgnoreFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo;
+     behavior buch_state_WillDoFoo_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int End_tmp;
+    int Idle_tmp;
+    int IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    int WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    End_tmp = End;
+    Idle_tmp = Idle;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = IgnoreFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = WillDoFoo;
+    WillDoFoo_tmp = 0;
+    IgnoreFoo_tmp = 0;
+    Idle_tmp = 0;
+    if (End == 1) End_tmp = 1; else End_tmp = 0;
+    End = End_tmp;
+    Idle = Idle_tmp;
+    IgnoreFoo = IgnoreFoo_tmp;
+    WillDoFoo = WillDoFoo_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ Idle ∧ 0 ≡ End ∧ 0 ≡ IgnoreFoo ∧ 0 ≡ WillDoFoo;
@@ -532,12 +557,12 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   int tab[4] = {10, 20, 33, 15};
   int r = isPresent(tab,3,33);
   if (r == -1) foo();
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_struct.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_struct.res.oracle
index d958a05da1c12e6610283cd831a8ee2f8f652a44..485f555e125d20c2ae094c7edfeb9fb49284ef75 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_struct.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_struct.res.oracle
@@ -20,71 +20,77 @@ int myAge = 0;
 /*@ ghost enum aorai_OpStatusList aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called; */
 /*@ ghost int S1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int main_0 = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_increment;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ ¬(nobody.Age ≡ 1);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void increment_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_increment;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) 
-    if (nobody.Age == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_increment;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ ¬(nobody.Age ≡ 1);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void increment_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_increment;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) 
+      if (nobody.Age == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
-    requires 1 ≡ S1 ⇒ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_increment;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ ¬(nobody.Age ≡ 1);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void increment_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_increment;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) 
-    if (nobody.Age == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
+     requires 1 ≡ S1 ⇒ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_increment;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ ¬(nobody.Age ≡ 1);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void increment_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_increment;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) 
+      if (nobody.Age == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
     requires 1 ≡ S1 ⇒ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
@@ -96,78 +102,84 @@ void increment_post_func(void)
 void increment(void)
-  increment_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost increment_pre_func(); */
   (nobody.Age) ++;
   myAge ++;
-  increment_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost increment_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ main_0 ∧ nobody.Age ≡ 0;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ main_0 ∨ ¬(nobody.Age ≡ 0);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (main_0 == 1) 
-    if (nobody.Age == 0) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ main_0 ∧ nobody.Age ≡ 0;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ main_0 ∨ ¬(nobody.Age ≡ 0);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (main_0 == 1) 
+      if (nobody.Age == 0) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
-    requires 1 ≡ S1 ⇒ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, main_0;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ ¬(nobody.Age ≡ 1);
-      ensures 0 ≡ S1;
-    behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int main_0_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  S1_tmp = S1;
-  main_0_tmp = main_0;
-  main_0_tmp = 0;
-  if (S1 == 1) 
-    if (nobody.Age == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
-  else S1_tmp = 0;
-  S1 = S1_tmp;
-  main_0 = main_0_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ S1 ∧ 0 ≡ main_0;
+     requires 1 ≡ S1 ⇒ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, S1, main_0;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ S1 ∧ nobody.Age ≡ 1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ S1 ∨ ¬(nobody.Age ≡ 1);
+       ensures 0 ≡ S1;
+     behavior buch_state_main_0_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ main_0;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int S1_tmp;
+    int main_0_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    S1_tmp = S1;
+    main_0_tmp = main_0;
+    main_0_tmp = 0;
+    if (S1 == 1) 
+      if (nobody.Age == 1) S1_tmp = 1; else S1_tmp = 0;
+    else S1_tmp = 0;
+    S1 = S1_tmp;
+    main_0 = main_0_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ main_0 ∧ 0 ≡ S1;
     requires 1 ≡ main_0 ⇒ nobody.Age ≡ 0;
@@ -183,11 +195,11 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   nobody.Age = 0;
   __retres = 0;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch2.res.oracle
index 35483e014d7cded359bb73ff0d110f517a90116e..cf43cbba6f083bd3c2f9f92301ec727ef15d74fe 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch2.res.oracle
@@ -29,141 +29,147 @@ int rr = 1;
 /*@ ghost int accept_S6 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_all = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_init = 1; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opa_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opa_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S3_tmp = 1; else accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S3;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opa_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S3 == 1) accept_S4_tmp = 1; else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opa;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S3;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opa_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opa;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S3 == 1) accept_S4_tmp = 1; else accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧
@@ -182,147 +188,153 @@ void opa_post_func(void)
 void opa(void)
-  opa_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_pre_func(); */
   rr ++;
-  opa_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opa_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S4;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opb_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S4 == 1) accept_S5_tmp = 1; else accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S4;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opb_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S4 == 1) accept_S5_tmp = 1; else accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S5;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opb_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S5 == 1) accept_S6_tmp = 1; else accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opb;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S5;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opb_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opb;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S5 == 1) accept_S6_tmp = 1; else accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -337,134 +349,140 @@ void opb_post_func(void)
 void opb(void)
-  opb_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_pre_func(); */
   status = 1;
-  opb_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opb_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opc_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opc_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void opc_post_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_opc;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void opc_post_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_opc;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires \false;
@@ -491,147 +509,153 @@ void opc_post_func(void)
 void opc(void)
-  opc_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost opc_pre_func(); */
   rr = 9000;
-  opc_post_func();
+  /*@ ghost opc_post_func(); */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void main_pre_func(void)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_init == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(void)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_init == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
-      0 ≡ accept_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
-            accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S6;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S6;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S3_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S4_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S5_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S6_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_all_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_init_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
-  accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
-  accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
-  accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
-  accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
-  accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
-  accept_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S6 == 1) accept_all_tmp = 1; else accept_all_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S6_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S5_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S4_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S3_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
-  accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
-  accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
-  accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
-  accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
-  accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S6 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_S4 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S5 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_all ∧
+       0 ≡ accept_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, accept_S2, accept_S3,
+             accept_S4, accept_S5, accept_S6, accept_all, accept_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S3_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S3;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S4_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S4;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S5_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S5;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S6_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S6;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_all_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S6;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_all;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_init;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    int accept_S3_tmp;
+    int accept_S4_tmp;
+    int accept_S5_tmp;
+    int accept_S6_tmp;
+    int accept_all_tmp;
+    int accept_init_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S3_tmp = accept_S3;
+    accept_S4_tmp = accept_S4;
+    accept_S5_tmp = accept_S5;
+    accept_S6_tmp = accept_S6;
+    accept_all_tmp = accept_all;
+    accept_init_tmp = accept_init;
+    accept_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S6 == 1) accept_all_tmp = 1; else accept_all_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S6_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S5_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S4_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S3_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    accept_S3 = accept_S3_tmp;
+    accept_S4 = accept_S4_tmp;
+    accept_S5 = accept_S5_tmp;
+    accept_S6 = accept_S6_tmp;
+    accept_all = accept_all_tmp;
+    accept_init = accept_init_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ accept_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S3 ∧
@@ -653,7 +677,7 @@ void main_post_func(int res)
 int main(void)
   int __retres;
-  main_pre_func();
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(); */
   switch (rr) {
     case 1: opa();
@@ -662,7 +686,7 @@ int main(void)
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3.res.oracle
index 73b974a6b584a4ebbcd52e273c906b33a073284d..7c650ba0861a05cd096cf028417e699e2328cf20 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3.res.oracle
@@ -17,99 +17,105 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int T0_init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S2 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void countOne_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void countOne_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ void countOne_post_func(int res)
 int countOne(char *argv)
-  countOne_pre_func(argv);
+  /*@ ghost countOne_pre_func(argv); */
   int r = 0;
   switch ((int)*(argv + 0)) {
     int tmp;
@@ -132,122 +138,129 @@ int countOne(char *argv)
     tmp = countOne(argv + 1);
     r += tmp;
-  countOne_post_func(r);
+  /*@ ghost countOne_post_func(r); */
   return r;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void count_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧
+       0 ≡ T0_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void count_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
-      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+      else 
+        if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
@@ -264,7 +277,7 @@ void count_post_func(int res)
 int count(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
-  count_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost count_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   if (argc > 0) {
     int tmp;
     int tmp_0;
@@ -275,112 +288,118 @@ int count(int argc, char **argv)
   __retres = 0;
   return_label: {
-                  count_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost count_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
@@ -398,10 +417,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
   int somme;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   somme = count(argc,argv);
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_et_recursion.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_et_recursion.res.oracle
index a11dd2f6e1ce4ef4303150e1748e376c5c62cf4d..36ea60d0a6ebc872ec3f26d8f37a0aa53d8a46a6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_et_recursion.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_et_recursion.res.oracle
@@ -18,75 +18,83 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int T0_S2 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int T0_init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S1 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires \false;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void countOne_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires \false;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void countOne_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
@@ -101,7 +109,7 @@ void countOne_post_func(int res)
 int countOne(char *argv)
-  countOne_pre_func(argv);
+  /*@ ghost countOne_pre_func(argv); */
   int r = 0;
   switch ((int)*(argv + 0)) {
     int tmp;
@@ -110,84 +118,92 @@ int countOne(char *argv)
     tmp = countOne(argv + 1);
     r += tmp;
-  countOne_post_func(r);
+  /*@ ghost countOne_post_func(r); */
   return r;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void count_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void count_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
@@ -198,7 +214,7 @@ void count_post_func(int res)
 int count(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
-  count_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost count_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   if (argc > 0) {
     int tmp;
     int tmp_0;
@@ -209,90 +225,98 @@ int count(int argc, char **argv)
   __retres = 0;
   return_label: {
-                  count_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost count_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires 1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
@@ -309,10 +333,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
   int somme;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   somme = count(argc,argv);
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_if.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_if.res.oracle
index cf8462c802b3110588ac392456a0e231cd3a0c0a..d0d98a3a8d87ccdcc08c916ad90c03ecdb9c8459 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_if.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_if.res.oracle
@@ -17,99 +17,105 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int T0_init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S2 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void countOne_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void countOne_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ void countOne_post_func(int res)
 int countOne(char *argv)
-  countOne_pre_func(argv);
+  /*@ ghost countOne_pre_func(argv); */
   int r = 0;
   if ((int)*(argv + 0) != 0) {
     int tmp;
@@ -130,122 +136,129 @@ int countOne(char *argv)
     tmp = countOne(argv + 1);
     r += tmp;
-  countOne_post_func(r);
+  /*@ ghost countOne_post_func(r); */
   return r;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void count_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧
+       0 ≡ T0_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void count_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
-      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+      else 
+        if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
@@ -262,7 +275,7 @@ void count_post_func(int res)
 int count(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
-  count_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost count_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   if (argc > 0) {
     int tmp;
     int tmp_0;
@@ -273,112 +286,118 @@ int count(int argc, char **argv)
   __retres = 0;
   return_label: {
-                  count_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost count_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
@@ -396,10 +415,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
   int somme;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   somme = count(argc,argv);
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_return.res.oracle b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_return.res.oracle
index 32c5aecfa35383c854ecabf90a6bede3087d20bd..e3f099446489b1a2263da75cbaf33a37c1ef68fe 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_return.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/tests/aorai/oracle/test_switch3_return.res.oracle
@@ -17,99 +17,105 @@ enum aorai_OpStatusList {
 /*@ ghost int T0_init = 1; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S1 = 0; */
 /*@ ghost int accept_S2 = 0; */
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void countOne_pre_func(char *argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void countOne_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_countOne;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void countOne_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_countOne;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1;
@@ -123,7 +129,7 @@ void countOne_post_func(int res)
 int countOne(char *argv)
   int __retres;
-  countOne_pre_func(argv);
+  /*@ ghost countOne_pre_func(argv); */
   int r = 0;
   switch ((int)*(argv + 0)) {
     int tmp;
@@ -134,124 +140,132 @@ int countOne(char *argv)
     r += tmp;
   __retres = r;
-  return_label: {
-                  countOne_post_func(__retres);
-                  return __retres;
-                }
+  return_label:
+  {
+    /*@ ghost countOne_post_func(__retres); */
+    return __retres;
+  }
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void count_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void count_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
-  else 
-    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S2) ∧
+       0 ≡ T0_init;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_count;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void count_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_count;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1;
-      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+      if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S2_tmp = 1; else accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+    else 
+      if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1;
+      else 
+        if (accept_S2 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       (1 ≡ T0_S2 ∨ 1 ≡ accept_S1) ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
@@ -268,7 +282,7 @@ void count_post_func(int res)
 int count(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
-  count_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost count_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   if (argc > 0) {
     int tmp;
     int tmp_0;
@@ -279,112 +293,118 @@ int count(int argc, char **argv)
   __retres = 0;
   return_label: {
-                  count_post_func(__retres);
+                  /*@ ghost count_post_func(__retres); */
                   return __retres;
-/*@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (T0_init == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Called;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ T0_init;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void main_pre_func(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Called;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (T0_init == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
-/*@ requires
-      1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
-    ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
-    ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
-    assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init, accept_S1,
-            accept_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
-    behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
-      assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
-      assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
-    behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
-      ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
- */
-void main_post_func(int res)
-  /*@ ghost int T0_S2_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int T0_init_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S1_tmp; */
-  /*@ ghost int accept_S2_tmp; */
-  aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
-  aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
-  T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
-  T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
-  accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
-  accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
-  accept_S2_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
-  T0_init_tmp = 0;
-  if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
-  T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
-  T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
-  accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
-  accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
-  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires
+       1 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+     ensures aorai_CurOpStatus ≡ aorai_Terminated;
+     ensures aorai_CurOperation ≡ op_main;
+     assigns aorai_CurOpStatus, aorai_CurOperation, T0_S2, T0_init,
+             accept_S1, accept_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_S2_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_S2;
+     behavior buch_state_T0_init_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ T0_init;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_in:
+       assumes 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 1 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S1_out:
+       assumes 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S1;
+     behavior buch_state_accept_S2_out:
+       ensures 0 ≡ accept_S2;
+   @/
+  void main_post_func(int res)
+  {
+    int T0_S2_tmp;
+    int T0_init_tmp;
+    int accept_S1_tmp;
+    int accept_S2_tmp;
+    aorai_CurOpStatus = aorai_Terminated;
+    aorai_CurOperation = op_main;
+    T0_S2_tmp = T0_S2;
+    T0_init_tmp = T0_init;
+    accept_S1_tmp = accept_S1;
+    accept_S2_tmp = accept_S2;
+    accept_S2_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) accept_S1_tmp = 1; else accept_S1_tmp = 0;
+    T0_init_tmp = 0;
+    if (accept_S1 == 1) T0_S2_tmp = 1; else T0_S2_tmp = 0;
+    T0_S2 = T0_S2_tmp;
+    T0_init = T0_init_tmp;
+    accept_S1 = accept_S1_tmp;
+    accept_S2 = accept_S2_tmp;
+    return;
+  }
 /*@ requires
       1 ≡ T0_init ∧ 0 ≡ T0_S2 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S1 ∧ 0 ≡ accept_S2;
@@ -402,10 +422,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int __retres;
   int somme;
-  main_pre_func(argc,argv);
+  /*@ ghost main_pre_func(argc,argv); */
   somme = count(argc,argv);
   __retres = 1;
-  main_post_func(__retres);
+  /*@ ghost main_post_func(__retres); */
   return __retres;
diff --git a/src/plugins/variadic/generic.ml b/src/plugins/variadic/generic.ml
index af1f6658b94062ea666141de0224163252757e8b..23f35effb9b94adc3d88b253d37c38f26a1f8b76 100644
--- a/src/plugins/variadic/generic.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/variadic/generic.ml
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ let translate_va_builtin caller inst =
 (* Translation of calls to variadic functions *)
-let translate_call ~fundec block loc mk_call callee pars =
+let translate_call ~fundec ~ghost block loc mk_call callee pars =
   (* Log translation *)
   Self.result ~current:true ~level:2
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ let translate_call ~fundec block loc mk_call callee pars =
   let add_var i exp =
     let typ = Cil.typeOf exp
     and name = "__va_arg" ^ string_of_int i in
-    let res = Cil.makeLocalVar fundec ~scope:block name typ in
+    let res = Cil.makeLocalVar ~ghost fundec ~scope:block name typ in
     res.vdefined <- true;
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ let translate_call ~fundec block loc mk_call callee pars =
   (* Build an array to store addresses *)
   let addrs = List.map Cil.mkAddrOfVi vis in
-  let vargs, assigns = Build.array_init ~loc fundec block
+  let vargs, assigns = Build.array_init ~loc fundec ~ghost block
     "__va_args" Cil.voidPtrType addrs
   let instrs = instrs @ [assigns] in
diff --git a/src/plugins/variadic/standard.ml b/src/plugins/variadic/standard.ml
index 8d5b77be6e5907ec979ed47cdc5193dfea4f554b..4d3350970a03b8f7d79e90669a398adbea9d04e3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/variadic/standard.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/variadic/standard.ml
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ let find_null exp_list =
 let aggregator_call
-    ~fundec {a_target; a_pos; a_type; a_param} scope loc mk_call vf args =
+    ~fundec ~ghost {a_target; a_pos; a_type; a_param} scope loc mk_call vf args =
   let name = vf.vf_decl.vorig_name
   and tparams = Typ.params_types a_target.vtype 
   and pname, ptyp = a_param in
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ let aggregator_call
     name a_target.vorig_name;
   let pname = if pname = "" then "param" else pname in
   let vaggr, assigns =
-    Build.array_init ~loc fundec scope pname ptyp args_middle
+    Build.array_init ~loc fundec ~ghost scope pname ptyp args_middle
   let new_arg = Cil.mkAddrOrStartOf ~loc (Cil.var vaggr) in
   let new_args = args_left @ [new_arg] @ args_right in
diff --git a/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/called_in_ghost.i b/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/called_in_ghost.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5526129011507eacfdd38c4dc89734cc8958e40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/called_in_ghost.i
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* run.config
+   OPT: -load-script tests/declared/called_in_ghost.ml -print
+/*@ assigns \nothing ; */
+void function(int e, ...);
+void foo(void){
+  //@ ghost function(1, 2, 3, 4);
+/*@ assigns \nothing ; */
+int function_wr(int e, ...);
+void bar(void){
+  //@ ghost int x = function_wr(1, 2);
+  //@ ghost x = function_wr(1, 2);
diff --git a/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/called_in_ghost.ml b/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/called_in_ghost.ml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f7f6383d20b8aadc71520d60afb92e081300b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/called_in_ghost.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+open Cil_types
+class print =
+  object
+    inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
+    method! vglob_aux g =
+      begin match g with
+      | GFun(fd, _) ->
+        Kernel.feedback "%a is%s ghost"
+          Cil_datatype.Varinfo.pretty fd.svar
+          (if fd.svar.vghost then "" else " not")
+      | GFunDecl(_, vi, _) ->
+        Kernel.feedback "%a is%s ghost"
+          Cil_datatype.Varinfo.pretty vi
+          (if vi.vghost then "" else " not")
+      | _ -> ()
+      end ;
+      Cil.DoChildren
+    method! vstmt_aux s =
+      Kernel.feedback "%a is a%s ghost statement"
+        Cil_datatype.Stmt.pretty s
+        (if s.ghost then "" else " non")
+      ;
+      Cil.DoChildren
+    method! vvdec vi =
+      Kernel.feedback "%a is a%s ghost %s"
+        Cil_datatype.Varinfo.pretty vi
+        (if vi.vghost then "" else " non")
+        (if vi.vformal then "formal"
+         else if vi.vglob then "global"
+         else "local") ;
+      Cil.DoChildren
+  end
+let run () = Visitor.visitFramacFileSameGlobals (new print) (Ast.get())
+let () = Db.Main.extend run
diff --git a/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/oracle/called_in_ghost.res.oracle b/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/oracle/called_in_ghost.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d66c6a41ea99002a90858d315f8e28c160fcd49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/variadic/tests/declared/oracle/called_in_ghost.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/declared/called_in_ghost.i (no preprocessing)
+[kernel] function is not ghost
+[kernel] function is a non ghost global
+[kernel] e is a non ghost formal
+[kernel] __va_params is a non ghost formal
+[kernel] foo is not ghost
+[kernel] foo is a non ghost global
+[kernel] __va_arg0 is a ghost local
+[kernel] __va_arg1 is a ghost local
+[kernel] __va_arg2 is a ghost local
+[kernel] __va_args is a ghost local
+[kernel] /*@ ghost
+    {
+      int __va_arg0 = 2;
+      int __va_arg1 = 3;
+      int __va_arg2 = 4;
+      void *__va_args[3] = {& __va_arg0, & __va_arg1, & __va_arg2};
+      function(1,(void * const *)(__va_args));
+    }
+  */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost int __va_arg0 = 2; */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost int __va_arg1 = 3; */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost int __va_arg2 = 4; */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost void *__va_args[3] = {& __va_arg0, & __va_arg1, & __va_arg2}; */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost function(1,(void * const *)(__va_args)); */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] return; is a non ghost statement
+[kernel] function_wr is not ghost
+[kernel] function_wr is a non ghost global
+[kernel] e is a non ghost formal
+[kernel] __va_params is a non ghost formal
+[kernel] bar is not ghost
+[kernel] bar is a non ghost global
+[kernel] x is a ghost local
+[kernel] __va_arg0 is a ghost local
+[kernel] __va_args is a ghost local
+[kernel] __va_arg0_6 is a ghost local
+[kernel] __va_args_8 is a ghost local
+[kernel] /*@ ghost int __va_arg0 = 2; */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost void *__va_args[1] = {& __va_arg0}; */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost int x = function_wr(1,(void * const *)(__va_args)); */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost
+    {
+      int __va_arg0_6 = 2;
+      void *__va_args_8[1] = {& __va_arg0_6};
+      x = function_wr(1,(void * const *)(__va_args_8));
+    }
+  */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost int __va_arg0_6 = 2; */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost void *__va_args_8[1] = {& __va_arg0_6}; */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] /*@ ghost x = function_wr(1,(void * const *)(__va_args_8)); */ is a ghost statement
+[kernel] return; is a non ghost statement
+/* Generated by Frama-C */
+/*@ assigns \nothing; */
+void function(int e, void * const *__va_params);
+void foo(void)
+  /*@ ghost
+    {
+      int __va_arg0 = 2;
+      int __va_arg1 = 3;
+      int __va_arg2 = 4;
+      void *__va_args[3] = {& __va_arg0, & __va_arg1, & __va_arg2};
+      function(1,(void * const *)(__va_args));
+    }
+  */
+  return;
+/*@ assigns \nothing; */
+int function_wr(int e, void * const *__va_params);
+void bar(void)
+  /*@ ghost int __va_arg0 = 2; */
+  /*@ ghost void *__va_args[1] = {& __va_arg0}; */
+  /*@ ghost int x = function_wr(1,(void * const *)(__va_args)); */
+  /*@ ghost
+    {
+      int __va_arg0_6 = 2;
+      void *__va_args_8[1] = {& __va_arg0_6};
+      x = function_wr(1,(void * const *)(__va_args_8));
+    }
+  */
+  return;
diff --git a/src/plugins/variadic/translate.ml b/src/plugins/variadic/translate.ml
index 6e7e7c7212514305affbbdb957b0f0facbb6de33..09765262adc9e10e8988d90531e5c9c387fc9c6a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/variadic/translate.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/variadic/translate.ml
@@ -140,19 +140,20 @@ let translate_variadics (file : file) =
       let fundec = the self#current_func in
       let loc = Cil_datatype.Instr.loc i in
       let block = self#enclosing_block () in
+      let ghost = (the self#current_stmt).ghost in
       let make_new_args mk_call f args =
         let vf = Table.find classification f in
           let call_translator = match vf.vf_class with
             | Overload o -> Standard.overloaded_call ~fundec o
-            | Aggregator a -> Standard.aggregator_call ~fundec a
+            | Aggregator a -> Standard.aggregator_call ~fundec ~ghost a
             | FormatFun f -> Standard.format_fun_call ~fundec env f
             | _ -> raise Standard.Translate_call_exn
           call_translator block loc mk_call vf args
         with Standard.Translate_call_exn ->
-            ~fundec block loc mk_call (Cil.evar ~loc f) args
+            ~fundec ~ghost block loc mk_call (Cil.evar ~loc f) args
       begin match i with
       | Call(_, {enode = Lval(Var vi, _)}, _, _)
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ let translate_variadics (file : file) =
         if is_variadic then begin
           let mk_call f args = Call (lv, f, args, loc) in
           let res =
-            Generic.translate_call ~fundec block loc mk_call callee args
+            Generic.translate_call ~fundec ~ghost block loc mk_call callee args
           File.must_recompute_cfg fundec;
           Cil.ChangeTo res
diff --git a/src/plugins/variadic/va_build.ml b/src/plugins/variadic/va_build.ml
index a5852d4a84d93ea6f773325fb1ed5b2bfa2fccb3..6084f167b9355dda50cfaf1115313ad5c14da2ae 100644
--- a/src/plugins/variadic/va_build.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/variadic/va_build.ml
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ let function_declaration ?vattr ~loc name typ mk_spec =
 let vi_init ~loc vi exp = Local_init(vi, AssignInit (SingleInit exp), loc)
-let array_init ~loc fundec scope name elem_typ values =
+let array_init ~loc fundec ~ghost scope name elem_typ values =
   let size = max (List.length values) 1 in (* In C, Array size >= 1 *)
   let esize = Cil.integer ~loc size in
   let typ = TArray (elem_typ, Some esize, Cil.empty_size_cache (), []) in
-  let vi = Cil.makeLocalVar fundec ~scope name typ in
+  let vi = Cil.makeLocalVar fundec ~ghost ~scope name typ in
   let initl =
     match values with
       | [] -> [ Index (Cil.zero ~loc, NoOffset), Cil.makeZeroInit ~loc elem_typ]
diff --git a/tests/cil/insert_formal.i b/tests/cil/insert_formal.i
index d6222ef953c9ff024b70b15790c0599661a69875..5b30c58d98030efe6ba865ee764fc5e8b7140d86 100644
--- a/tests/cil/insert_formal.i
+++ b/tests/cil/insert_formal.i
@@ -102,3 +102,40 @@ void a_ghost_b_c_a ( int a )/*@ ghost (int b, int c) */ {
 void b_ghost_a_c_a ( int b )/*@ ghost (int a, int c) */ {
+/*@ ghost
+  //                     v
+  void g_void_circumflex( void ) {
+  }
+  //                      v
+  void g_void_dollar( void ) {
+  }
+  //                  v
+  void g_a_circumflex( int a ) {
+  }
+  //                    v
+  void g_a_dollar( int a ) {
+  }
+  //               v
+  void g_a_a( int a ){
+  }
+  //                    v
+  void g_a_b_c_a (int a, int b, int c) {
+  }
+  //                           v
+  void g_b_a_c_a (int b, int a, int c) {
+  }
diff --git a/tests/cil/insert_formal.ml b/tests/cil/insert_formal.ml
index 0a0a7e013955303b51259055161c3e30a9526836..a4796d9b33bb2fdf068980b0230a25f860cba669 100644
--- a/tests/cil/insert_formal.ml
+++ b/tests/cil/insert_formal.ml
@@ -20,12 +20,16 @@ let update_func f =
   let circ_g_list = [
     "void_circumflex_g" ;
     "a_circumflex_g" ;
-    "ghost_a_circumflex_g"
+    "ghost_a_circumflex_g" ;
+    "g_void_circumflex" ;
+    "g_a_circumflex"
   ] in
   let dollar_g_list = [
     "void_dollar_g" ;
     "a_dollar_g" ;
-    "ghost_a_dollar_g"
+    "ghost_a_dollar_g" ;
+    "g_void_dollar" ;
+    "g_a_dollar"
   ] in
   let a_list = [
     "a_a" ;
@@ -37,7 +41,10 @@ let update_func f =
     "ghost_a_a" ;
     "all_ghost_a_b_c_a" ;
     "all_ghost_b_a_c_a" ;
-    "b_ghost_a_c_a"
+    "b_ghost_a_c_a" ;
+    "g_a_a" ;
+    "g_a_b_c_a" ;
+    "g_b_a_c_a"
   ] in
   if List.mem f.svar.vname circ_list then ignore(insert_circ f) ;
   if List.mem f.svar.vname dollar_list then ignore(insert_dollar f) ;
diff --git a/tests/cil/oracle/insert_formal.res.oracle b/tests/cil/oracle/insert_formal.res.oracle
index faefb89b04774d031958731f2df0f3da1dc8176c..06fe54925388a880fa643e2d843b97244abc567e 100644
--- a/tests/cil/oracle/insert_formal.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/cil/oracle/insert_formal.res.oracle
@@ -100,4 +100,53 @@ void b_ghost_a_c_a(int b) /*@ ghost (int a, int x, int c) */
+/*@ ghost void g_void_circumflex(int x)
+          {
+            return;
+          }
+/*@ ghost void g_void_dollar(int x)
+          {
+            return;
+          }
+/*@ ghost void g_a_circumflex(int x, int a)
+          {
+            return;
+          }
+/*@ ghost void g_a_dollar(int a, int x)
+          {
+            return;
+          }
+/*@ ghost void g_a_a(int a, int x)
+          {
+            return;
+          }
+/*@ ghost void g_a_b_c_a(int a, int x, int b, int c)
+          {
+            return;
+          }
+/*@ ghost void g_b_a_c_a(int b, int a, int x, int c)
+          {
+            return;
+          }
diff --git a/tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i b/tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i
index 1d80a03ba031afea73f4f4f1b3e9d306078df4e5..c42249060c9e8008387b530cc9fbdcd83a1fc92b 100644
--- a/tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i
+++ b/tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void function_with_ghost(int x) {
-/* @ ghost TODO: reactivate this test when ghost-functions are supported
+/*@ ghost
     requires P(x) && x > 0 ;
     ensures P(x) ;
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ void function_with_ghost(int x) {
-/* @ ghost TODO: reactivate this test when ghost-functions are supported
+/*@ ghost
   void function_declaration(int variable) ;
 void reference_function(void){
-  // @ ghost function_declaration(42) ;
+  //@ ghost function_declaration(42) ;
diff --git a/tests/pretty_printing/oracle/annotations.res.oracle b/tests/pretty_printing/oracle/annotations.res.oracle
index e0259ac8679d28eb2dc45f1e187766a9979c90c7..1f621523d2d90cd6714bc1aa9c3021d60034e538 100644
--- a/tests/pretty_printing/oracle/annotations.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/pretty_printing/oracle/annotations.res.oracle
@@ -66,8 +66,43 @@ void function_with_ghost(int x)
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires P(x) ∧ x > 0;
+     ensures P(\old(x)); @/
+  void ghost_function(int x)
+  {
+    int y = 0;
+    /@ loop invariant 0 ≤ y ≤ x;
+       loop assigns y;
+       loop variant x - y; @/
+    while (y < x) {
+      /@ assert y < x; @/
+      ;
+      y ++;
+      /@ assert y ≤ x; @/
+      ;
+    }
+    /@ assert y ≡ x; @/
+    ;
+    /@ requires y ≡ x;
+       ensures y ≢ x;
+       assigns y; @/
+    {
+      y --;
+      y *= 2;
+    }
+    /@ requires y ≥ 0; @/
+    y /= y;
+    return;
+  }
+/*@ ghost void function_declaration(int variable); */
 void reference_function(void)
+  /*@ ghost function_declaration(42); */
@@ -78,8 +113,10 @@ void reference_function(void)
   def'n of func function_no_ghost at tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i:13 (sum 9297192) conflicts with the one at tests/pretty_printing/result/annotations.c:12 (sum 14988159); keeping the one at tests/pretty_printing/result/annotations.c:12.
 [kernel] tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i:43: Warning: 
   def'n of func function_with_ghost at tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i:43 (sum 9297192) conflicts with the one at tests/pretty_printing/result/annotations.c:38 (sum 14988159); keeping the one at tests/pretty_printing/result/annotations.c:38.
+[kernel] tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i:80: Warning: 
+  def'n of func ghost_function at tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i:80 (sum 9297192) conflicts with the one at tests/pretty_printing/result/annotations.c:71 (sum 14988159); keeping the one at tests/pretty_printing/result/annotations.c:71.
 [kernel] tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i:111: Warning: 
-  dropping duplicate def'n of func reference_function at tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i:111 in favor of that at tests/pretty_printing/result/annotations.c:68
+  dropping duplicate def'n of func reference_function at tests/pretty_printing/annotations.i:111 in favor of that at tests/pretty_printing/result/annotations.c:102
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
 /*@ axiomatic A {
       predicate P(ℤ x) 
@@ -147,8 +184,43 @@ void function_with_ghost(int x)
+/*@ ghost
+  /@ requires P(x) ∧ x > 0;
+     ensures P(\old(x)); @/
+  void ghost_function(int x)
+  {
+    int y = 0;
+    /@ loop invariant 0 ≤ y ≤ x;
+       loop assigns y;
+       loop variant x - y; @/
+    while (y < x) {
+      /@ assert y < x; @/
+      ;
+      y ++;
+      /@ assert y ≤ x; @/
+      ;
+    }
+    /@ assert y ≡ x; @/
+    ;
+    /@ requires y ≡ x;
+       ensures y ≢ x;
+       assigns y; @/
+    {
+      y --;
+      y *= 2;
+    }
+    /@ requires y ≥ 0; @/
+    y /= y;
+    return;
+  }
+/*@ ghost void function_declaration(int variable); */
 void reference_function(void)
+  /*@ ghost function_declaration(42); */
diff --git a/tests/spec/assigns_array.c b/tests/spec/assigns_array.c
index ae1e717e53bed3b7d2436d784cf0f4187a56a93d..c044389fd8aa335d00ecff39d25c189c94955b29 100644
--- a/tests/spec/assigns_array.c
+++ b/tests/spec/assigns_array.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   assigns ghost_loctable;
-void acquire_lock(int m) { ghost_loctable[m]++; }
+void acquire_lock(int m) { /*@ ghost ghost_loctable[m]++; */ }
 // The specification above should be accepted
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ void acquire_lock(int m) { ghost_loctable[m]++; }
   ensures !ghost_loctable[m];
   assigns ghost_loctable[..];
-void release_lock(int m) { ghost_loctable[m]--; }
+void release_lock(int m) { /*@ ghost ghost_loctable[m]--; */ }
diff --git a/tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i b/tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i
index cf8f4228ed4bbb3f61a637e1508e6d97315ecbd9..1def9b69986ada84b2f0ffe0a1ba1544ac89120d 100644
--- a/tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i
+++ b/tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i
@@ -12,8 +12,17 @@ void something_ghost(void) /*@ ghost (int* p) */;
 int something_non_ghost_r(int *p);
 int something_ghost_r(void) /*@ ghost (int* p) */;
-void both(int* p, int x) /*@ ghost (int* gp, int gx) */;
-int both_r(int* p, int x) /*@ ghost (int* gp, int gx) */;
+void both(int *p, int x) /*@ ghost (int* gp, int gx) */;
+int both_r(int *p, int x) /*@ ghost (int* gp, int gx) */;
+/*@ ghost
+  void g_nothing(void);
+  int g_nothing_r(void);
+  void g_something_non_ghost(int *p);
+  int g_something_non_ghost_r(int *p);
+  void g_both(int *p, int x, int *gp, int gx);
+  int g_both_r(int *p, int x, int *gp, int gx);
 void reference(void) {
@@ -24,4 +33,13 @@ void reference(void) {
   something_ghost_r() /*@ ghost (0) */;
   both(0, 1) /*@ ghost (0, 2) */;
   both_r(0, 1) /*@ ghost (0, 2) */;
+  /*@ ghost
+    g_nothing();
+    g_nothing_r();
+    g_something_non_ghost(0);
+    g_something_non_ghost_r(0);
+    g_both(0, 1, 0, 2);
+    g_both_r(0, 1, 0, 2);
+  */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/spec/oracle/assigns_array.res.oracle b/tests/spec/oracle/assigns_array.res.oracle
index 4a571e41bf10b05c1f1fcdd69cf45181decc140a..6e4846e218d9c35e30edec7a74b34aa5e7f1492c 100644
--- a/tests/spec/oracle/assigns_array.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/spec/oracle/assigns_array.res.oracle
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 /*@ ghost int ghost_loctable[100]; */
 void acquire_lock(int m)
-  (ghost_loctable[m]) ++;
+  /*@ ghost (ghost_loctable[m]) ++; */
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ void acquire_lock(int m)
 void release_lock(int m)
-  (ghost_loctable[m]) --;
+  /*@ ghost (ghost_loctable[m]) --; */
diff --git a/tests/spec/oracle/assigns_from_kf.res.oracle b/tests/spec/oracle/assigns_from_kf.res.oracle
index ac10b7070c2d88b55fd1b456f5a3a9ac30099cdf..1f02fd47e908d4d2eef0496fb797738d2723bb46 100644
--- a/tests/spec/oracle/assigns_from_kf.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/spec/oracle/assigns_from_kf.res.oracle
@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
 [kernel] Parsing tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i (no preprocessing)
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:18: Warning: 
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
   Neither code nor specification for function both, generating default assigns from the prototype
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:18: Warning: 
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
   Neither code nor specification for function both_r, generating default assigns from the prototype
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:18: Warning: 
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
+  Neither code nor specification for function g_both, generating default assigns from the prototype
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
+  Neither code nor specification for function g_both_r, generating default assigns from the prototype
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
+  Neither code nor specification for function g_nothing, generating default assigns from the prototype
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
+  Neither code nor specification for function g_nothing_r, generating default assigns from the prototype
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
+  Neither code nor specification for function g_something_non_ghost, generating default assigns from the prototype
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
+  Neither code nor specification for function g_something_non_ghost_r, generating default assigns from the prototype
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
   Neither code nor specification for function nothing, generating default assigns from the prototype
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:18: Warning: 
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
   Neither code nor specification for function nothing_r, generating default assigns from the prototype
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:18: Warning: 
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
   Neither code nor specification for function something_ghost, generating default assigns from the prototype
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:18: Warning: 
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
   Neither code nor specification for function something_ghost_r, generating default assigns from the prototype
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:18: Warning: 
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
   Neither code nor specification for function something_non_ghost, generating default assigns from the prototype
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:18: Warning: 
+[kernel:annot:missing-spec] tests/spec/assigns_from_kf.i:27: Warning: 
   Neither code nor specification for function something_non_ghost_r, generating default assigns from the prototype
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
 /*@ assigns \nothing; */
@@ -55,6 +67,40 @@ void both(int *p, int x) /*@ ghost (int *gp, int gx) */;
 int both_r(int *p, int x) /*@ ghost (int *gp, int gx) */;
+/*@ ghost /@ assigns \nothing; @/
+void g_nothing(void); */
+/*@ ghost
+/@ assigns \result;
+   assigns \result \from \nothing; @/
+int g_nothing_r(void); */
+/*@ ghost
+/@ assigns *p;
+   assigns *p \from *p; @/
+void g_something_non_ghost(int *p); */
+/*@ ghost
+/@ assigns \result, *p;
+   assigns \result \from *p;
+   assigns *p \from *p; @/
+int g_something_non_ghost_r(int *p); */
+/*@ ghost
+/@ assigns *p, *gp;
+   assigns *p \from *p, *gp, x, gx;
+   assigns *gp \from *p, *gp, x, gx;
+ @/
+void g_both(int *p, int x, int *gp, int gx); */
+/*@ ghost
+/@ assigns \result, *p, *gp;
+   assigns \result \from *p, *gp, x, gx;
+   assigns *p \from *p, *gp, x, gx;
+   assigns *gp \from *p, *gp, x, gx;
+ @/
+int g_both_r(int *p, int x, int *gp, int gx); */
 void reference(void)
@@ -65,6 +111,12 @@ void reference(void)
   something_ghost_r() /*@ ghost ((int *)0) */;
   both((int *)0,1) /*@ ghost ((int *)0,2) */;
   both_r((int *)0,1) /*@ ghost ((int *)0,2) */;
+  /*@ ghost g_nothing(); */
+  /*@ ghost g_nothing_r(); */
+  /*@ ghost g_something_non_ghost((int *)0); */
+  /*@ ghost g_something_non_ghost_r((int *)0); */
+  /*@ ghost g_both((int *)0,1,(int *)0,2); */
+  /*@ ghost g_both_r((int *)0,1,(int *)0,2); */
diff --git a/tests/syntax/ghost_local_capture.i b/tests/syntax/ghost_local_capture.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32c520c6903772d10c42df68b0d1d6003273b101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/ghost_local_capture.i
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+void titi() {
+  int c = 0; {
+    L0: ;
+    /*@ ghost int c = 1; */
+    L1: ;
+    c = 2;
+    /*@ assert c == 1; */
+    /*@ assert \at(c,L0) == 0; */
+    /*@ assert \at(c,L1) == 1; */
+  }
+  /*@ assert c == 2; */
+void toto() {
+  /*@ ghost int c = 1; */ {
+  L0: ;
+    int c = 0;
+  L1: ;
+    c = 2;
+    /*@ assert c == 2; */
+    /*@ assert \at(c,L0) == 1; */
+    /*@ assert \at(c,L1) == 0; */
+  }
+  /*@ assert c == 1; */
+/*@ ghost int x; */
+/*@ ghost void f() { x++; } */
diff --git a/tests/syntax/ghost_local_ill_formed.i b/tests/syntax/ghost_local_ill_formed.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3d786b2880f1a69d94a0826f3379c43ea25f692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/ghost_local_ill_formed.i
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+void titi() {
+  int c = 0;
+    L0: ;
+    /* ill-formed: in ghost mode, we have two local c in the same scope. */
+    /*@ ghost int c = 1; */
+    L1: ;
+    c = 2;
+    /*@ assert c == 1; */
+    /*@ assert \at(c,L0) == 0; */
+    /*@ assert \at(c,L1) == 1; */
+  /*@ assert c == 2; */
+void toto () {
+  //@ ghost int c = 0;
+  // ill-formed: the instruction should be ghost as well
+  c++;
diff --git a/tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c b/tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a3aa44011c7c8c8bfa1693b57631cdc8f5b5f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* run.config
+OPT: -cpp-extra-args="-DNON_GHOST_DECL_GHOST_DEF"
+OPT: -cpp-extra-args="-DGHOST_DECL_NON_GHOST_DEF"
+OPT: -cpp-extra-args="-DGHOST_DEF_NON_GHOST_DECL"
+OPT: -cpp-extra-args="-DNON_GHOST_DEF_GHOST_DECL"
+void function(void) ;
+/*@ ghost void function(void){ } */
+void user(void){
+  function();
+/*@ ghost void function(void) ; */
+void function(void){ }
+void user(void){
+  function();
+/*@ ghost void function(void){ } */
+void function(void) ;
+void user(void){
+  function();
+void function(void){ }
+/*@ ghost void function(void) ; */
+void user(void){
+  function();
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/arg_type.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/arg_type.res.oracle
index 8fe99704dddfeb6373d5662d551a2cf3d4a27bd6..6115193a5c10236f87e3870997085ea9c3cd53a8 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/arg_type.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/arg_type.res.oracle
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 [kernel] tests/syntax/arg_type.i:15: User Error: 
   Declaration of g does not match previous declaration from tests/syntax/arg_type.i:13 (different integer types:
   'int' and 'short').
-[kernel] tests/syntax/arg_type.i:15: Failure: Cannot resolve variable x
+[kernel] tests/syntax/arg_type.i:15: User Error: Cannot resolve variable x
 [kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/arg_type.i" that has errors.
 [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.0.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.0.res.oracle
index 9824fc415ba8a6638ce69e45071d9feaaffb3cf8..f6f03be6c14ed3c35391fa7938fb7d3ddebec501 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.0.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 [kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel:CERT:MSC:38] Warning: 
   assert is a standard macro. Its definition cannot be suppressed, see CERT C coding rules MSC38-C
-[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:25: Failure: Cannot resolve variable assert
+[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:25: User Error: 
+  Cannot resolve variable assert
 [kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c" that has errors. Add
   '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
 [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.3.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.3.res.oracle
index e7e3e470dbc12dbddfdfa9b61a0552e0c6caa953..f85b07111ff8c9a4ee739e586920a7ccaf5427f4 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.3.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.3.res.oracle
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 [kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel:CERT:MSC:38] Warning: 
   va_start is a standard macro. Its definition cannot be suppressed, see CERT C coding rules MSC38-C
-[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:42: Failure: 
+[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:42: User Error: 
   Cannot resolve variable va_start
 [kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c" that has errors. Add
   '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.4.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.4.res.oracle
index 47e5a66d0b30560faa89927c75d1b68a891c2297..e8c0de5ba19c8a5268c8afd7424d7798582d8ece 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.4.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.4.res.oracle
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 [kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel:CERT:MSC:38] Warning: 
   va_copy is a standard macro. Its definition cannot be suppressed, see CERT C coding rules MSC38-C
-[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:46: Failure: Cannot resolve variable va_copy
+[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:46: User Error: 
+  Cannot resolve variable va_copy
 [kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c" that has errors. Add
   '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
 [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.5.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.5.res.oracle
index 84140cf482f8f33089ab52ebbbedadda5cc7d1b3..7d12efef5671c40bc453c63227ae6e853fa92584 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.5.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.5.res.oracle
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 [kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel:CERT:MSC:38] Warning: 
   va_arg is a standard macro. Its definition cannot be suppressed, see CERT C coding rules MSC38-C
-[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:50: Failure: Cannot resolve variable va_arg
+[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:50: User Error: 
+  Cannot resolve variable va_arg
 [kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c" that has errors. Add
   '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
 [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.6.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.6.res.oracle
index c90f405e1df64605330a7cc7a9e68daaf5bbc7be..cbd86b6a84b58691348f42db7f3a6910952c20de 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.6.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/cert_msc_38.6.res.oracle
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 [kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel:CERT:MSC:38] Warning: 
   va_end is a standard macro. Its definition cannot be suppressed, see CERT C coding rules MSC38-C
-[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:54: Failure: Cannot resolve variable va_end
+[kernel] tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c:54: User Error: 
+  Cannot resolve variable va_end
 [kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/cert_msc_38.c" that has errors. Add
   '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
 [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/ghost_local_capture.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/ghost_local_capture.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ec3c5e8a407511204a83f21caa661beb0f7c832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/ghost_local_capture.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/ghost_local_capture.i (no preprocessing)
+/* Generated by Frama-C */
+void titi(void)
+  int c = 0;
+  {
+    L0: ;
+    /*@ ghost int c_0 = 1; */
+    L1: ;
+    c = 2;
+    /*@ assert c_0 ≡ 1; */ ;
+    /*@ assert \at(c,L0) ≡ 0; */ ;
+    /*@ assert \at(c_0,L1) ≡ 1; */ ;
+  }
+  /*@ assert c ≡ 2; */ ;
+  return;
+void toto(void)
+  /*@ ghost int c_0 = 1; */
+  {
+    L0: ;
+    int c = 0;
+    L1: ;
+    c = 2;
+    /*@ assert c ≡ 2; */ ;
+    /*@ assert \at(c_0,L0) ≡ 1; */ ;
+    /*@ assert \at(c,L1) ≡ 0; */ ;
+  }
+  /*@ assert c_0 ≡ 1; */ ;
+  return;
+/*@ ghost int x; */
+/*@ ghost void f(void)
+          {
+            x ++;
+            return;
+          }
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/ghost_local_ill_formed.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/ghost_local_ill_formed.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1017ea0fd6d2995e921f0f11b879852e02a5d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/ghost_local_ill_formed.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/ghost_local_ill_formed.i (no preprocessing)
+[kernel] tests/syntax/ghost_local_ill_formed.i:5: User Error: 
+  redefinition of 'c' in the same scope.
+  Previous declaration was at tests/syntax/ghost_local_ill_formed.i:2
+[kernel] tests/syntax/ghost_local_ill_formed.i:17: User Error: 
+  Variable c is a ghost symbol. It cannot be used in non-ghost context. Did you forget a /*@ ghost ... /?
+[kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/ghost_local_ill_formed.i" that has errors.
+[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.0.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.0.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a6ff7363d29f6dc41109ee9f63bf417d1cd00bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.0.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c (with preprocessing)
+[kernel] tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c:11: User Error: 
+  Inconsistent ghost specification for function.
+  Previous declaration was at: tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c:10
+  9     
+  10    void function(void) ;
+  11    /*@ ghost void function(void){ } */
+        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  12    
+  13    void user(void){
+[kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c" that has
+  errors. Add '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
+[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.1.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.1.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f44d69202405c7ad9edec60736f181877f8dc38d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.1.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c (with preprocessing)
+[kernel] tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c:22: User Error: 
+  Inconsistent ghost specification for function.
+  Previous declaration was at: tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c:21
+  20    
+  21    /*@ ghost void function(void) ; */
+  22    void function(void){ }
+        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  23    
+  24    void user(void){
+[kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c" that has
+  errors. Add '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
+[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.2.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.2.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce9a25fb88246f4983f60c6aff87c3dc00ddd89c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.2.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c (with preprocessing)
+[kernel] tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c:33: User Error: 
+  Inconsistent ghost specification for function.
+  Previous declaration was at: tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c:32
+  31    
+  32    /*@ ghost void function(void){ } */
+  33    void function(void) ;
+        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  34    
+  35    void user(void){
+[kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c" that has
+  errors. Add '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
+[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.3.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.3.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70bc963d684bac791353879db43ce3a7d2421e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.3.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c (with preprocessing)
+[kernel] tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c:44: User Error: 
+  Inconsistent ghost specification for function.
+  Previous declaration was at: tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c:43
+  42    
+  43    void function(void){ }
+  44    /*@ ghost void function(void) ; */
+        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  45    
+  46    void user(void){
+[kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/inconsistent_global_ghost_spec.c" that has
+  errors. Add '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
+[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.