From 52bc0082e9fd4edb1459d0eb6ad6431537475fda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andre Maroneze <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 18:38:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [Doc/Eva] user manual: fix some typos, add section about

 doc/value/main.tex | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/value/main.tex b/doc/value/main.tex
index 772bffef6b8..1b0c79cddf0 100644
--- a/doc/value/main.tex
+++ b/doc/value/main.tex
@@ -1748,8 +1748,10 @@ For instance, the first of these warnings is:
 Then \Eva{} is run on the program.
 In the example at hand, the analysis finds problems at lines 5 and 7.
-[eva:alarm] se.c:5: Warning: undefined multiple accesses in expression. assert \separated(&x, &x);
-[eva:alarm] se.c:7: Warning: undefined multiple accesses in expression. assert \separated(&x, p);
+[eva:alarm] se.c:5: Warning: undefined multiple accesses in expression.
+  assert \separated(&x, &x);
+[eva:alarm] se.c:7: Warning: undefined multiple accesses in expression.
+  assert \separated(&x, p);
 At line 5, it can guarantee that an undefined behavior exists, and the analysis
 is halted.
@@ -1879,7 +1881,7 @@ they do {\bf not} use the word ``assert''.
 These messages
 are intended to help the user trace the results of the analysis, and
 give as much information as possible in order to help 
-em find when and why the analysis becomes imprecise.
+them find when and why the analysis becomes imprecise.
 These messages are only useful when it is important to analyze the application
 with precision. \Eva{} remains correct even when it
 is imprecise.
@@ -1909,6 +1911,45 @@ Note that a few messages are prefixed with \verb|[kernel]| instead of
 \verb|[eva]|, for technical reasons, but it is the analysis by \Eva{}
 which causes them to be emitted.
+\subsection{Analysis summary}
+By default, at the end of the analysis \Eva{} produces a summary such as the
+[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  6 functions analyzed (out of 44): 13% coverage.
+  In these functions, 588 statements reached (out of 626): 93% coverage.
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  No errors or warnings raised during the analysis.
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  143 alarms generated by the analysis:
+      71 integer overflows
+      64 accesses to uninitialized left-values
+       8 illegal conversions from floating-point to integer
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Evaluation of the logical properties reached by the analysis:
+    Assertions        0 valid     0 unknown     0 invalid      0 total
+    Preconditions    11 valid     0 unknown     0 invalid     11 total
+  100% of the logical properties reached have been proven.
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+It contains:
+\item semantic coverage metrics;
+\item total number of errors and warnings;
+\item total number of alarms, grouped by kind;
+\item total number of property statuses evaluated by \Eva{}.
+The summary provides a quick glance at the analysis, being especially useful
+for side-by-side comparisons of different parametrizations. It also allows
+one to quickly determine whether there remain issues to be resolved.
 \section{About these alarms the user is supposed to check\ldots}
 When writing a Frama-C plug-in to assist in
@@ -5260,7 +5301,7 @@ evaluating \lstinline|if| or \lstinline|switch| conditionals (but it is consumed
 by them, which can be confusing for the user).
 Both approaches do have a minor drawback, in that they do not allow to observe
-a specific iteration step of the loop. The main advantage of these options are
+a specific iteration step of the loop. The main advantage of these options is
 that they leave the source code unchanged.
 The Frama-C kernel has an option \lstinline|-ulevel|, which performs a
@@ -5293,7 +5334,7 @@ perform a choice over what may happen after dereferencing
 \lstinline|NULL|. It is possible to give some new information to the tool
 so that analysis can continue after a true alarm. This technique is called
 debugging. Once the issue has been corrected in the source code under
-analysis ---~more precisely, once the user has convinced emself
+analysis ---~more precisely, once the user has convinced themselves
 that there is no problem at this point in the source code~--- it
 becomes possible to trust the alarms that occur after the given point,
 or the absence thereof (see next question).
@@ -5329,7 +5370,7 @@ proceeds with the analysis, the plug-in detects that line 8 is safe, and
 that there is an alarm on line 9. These results must be interpreted 
 thus: assuming that the array access on line 7 was legitimate, then
 line 8 is safe, and there is a threat on line 9. As a consequence, if
-the user can convince emself that the threat on line 7 is false,
+the user can convince themselves that the threat on line 7 is false,
 they can trust these results ({\it i.e.} there is nothing to worry
 about on line 8, but line 9 needs further investigation).