diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/annotations.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/annotations.mli
index f255ff01310a4bf30814439a93f04858423f1333..e546d25b13e9bc5a76b1cbff9bf497dfbe954c8e 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/annotations.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/annotations.mli
@@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ val funspec:
   ?emitter:Emitter.t -> kernel_function -> funspec
 (** Get the contract associated to the given function.
     If [emitter] is specified, return only the annotations that
-    has been generated by this [emitter]. If [populate] is set to [true]
-    (default is [true]), then the default contract of function declaration is
-    generated.
+    has been generated by this [emitter].
     @raise No_funspec whenever the given function has no specification
     @before Frama-C+dev the optional parameter [populate] was meant to generate
     missing spec. Use {!Populate_spec.populate_funspec} instead. *)
@@ -87,7 +85,7 @@ val behaviors:
 val decreases:
   ?emitter:Emitter.t -> kernel_function -> variant option
 (** If any, get the decrease clause of the contract associated to the given
-    function. Meaning of [emitter] and [populate] is similar to {!funspec}.
+    function. Meaning of [emitter] is similar to {!funspec}.
     @raise No_funspec whenever the given function has no specification
     @before Frama-C+dev the optional parameter [populate] was meant to generate
     missing spec. Use {!Populate_spec.populate_funspec} instead. *)
@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ val decreases:
 val terminates:
   ?emitter:Emitter.t -> kernel_function -> identified_predicate option
 (** If any, get the terminates clause of the contract associated to the given
-    function. Meaning of [emitter] and [populate] is similar to {!funspec}.
+    function. Meaning of [emitter] is similar to {!funspec}.
     @raise No_funspec whenever the given function has no specification
     @before Frama-C+dev the optional parameter [populate] was meant to generate
     missing spec. Use {!Populate_spec.populate_funspec} instead. *)
@@ -103,7 +101,7 @@ val terminates:
 val complete:
   ?emitter:Emitter.t -> kernel_function -> string list list
 (** Get the complete behaviors clause of the contract associated to the given
-    function. Meaning of [emitter] and [populate] is similar to {!funspec}.
+    function. Meaning of [emitter] is similar to {!funspec}.
     @raise No_funspec whenever the given function has no specification
     @before Frama-C+dev the optional parameter [populate] was meant to generate
     missing spec. Use {!Populate_spec.populate_funspec} instead. *)
@@ -111,8 +109,7 @@ val complete:
 val disjoint:
   ?emitter:Emitter.t -> kernel_function -> string list list
 (** If any, get the disjoint behavior clause of the contract associated to the
-    given function. Meaning of [emitter] and [populate] is similar to
-    {!funspec}.
+    given function. Meaning of [emitter] is similar to {!funspec}.
     @raise No_funspec whenever the given function has no specification
     @before Frama-C+dev the optional parameter [populate] was meant to generate
     missing spec. Use {!Populate_spec.populate_funspec} instead. *)