diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8c50dcd33285417a0de749dd2cf8105a5d0229fd..422f3709cbabf495152eeb0e5d56ae39d225388e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -483,8 +483,7 @@ FIRST_CMO= src/kernel_internals/runtime/fc_config \
 	src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/log \
 	src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline \
 	src/libraries/project/project_skeleton \
-	src/libraries/datatype/datatype \
-	src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal
+	src/libraries/datatype/datatype
 # project_skeleton requires log
 # datatype requires project_skeleton
@@ -794,7 +793,7 @@ PLUGIN_ENABLE:=$(ENABLE_CALLGRAPH)
-PLUGIN_CMO:= options journalize subgraph cg services uses register
+PLUGIN_CMO:= options subgraph cg services uses register
 ifeq ($(HAS_DGRAPH),yes)
diff --git a/doc/developer/advance.tex b/doc/developer/advance.tex
index 73cc5d5d77990e09a6e63e77a6b78ace38cdbd80..9204bb9d459298dcf9cd7461bca7afa7e7b695a3 100644
--- a/doc/developer/advance.tex
+++ b/doc/developer/advance.tex
@@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ contains the type itself, the type value corresponding to this type, its name,
 functions \texttt{equal}, \texttt{compare}, \texttt{hash} and \texttt{pretty}
 which may respectively be used to check equality, to compare, to hash and to
 pretty print values of this type. It also contains some other values (for
-instance required when marshaling or journalizing). Whenever possible, a
+instance required when marshaling). Whenever possible, a
 datatype implements an extensible version of \texttt{Datatype.S}, namely
 For a type $\tau$, this extended signature additionally provides modules
@@ -1830,7 +1830,6 @@ simple sum type.
@@ -1867,31 +1866,11 @@ module AB =
        let pretty fmt x = 
          Format.pp_print_string fmt
           (match x with A -> "a" | B n -> "b" ^ string_of_int n)
-       (* printer which must produce a valid OCaml value in a given
-          context. It is used when journalising. *)
-       let internal_pretty_code prec_caller fmt = function
-         | A ->
-           Type.par 
-             prec_caller 
-             Type.Basic 
-             fmt 
-             (fun fmt -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "A")
-         | B n ->
-           Type.par 
-             prec_caller 
-             Type.Call 
-             fmt 
-             (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "B %d" n)
-       (* A good prefix name to use for an OCaml variable of this type. *)
-       let varname v = "ab" ^ (match v with A -> "_a_" | B -> "_b_")
 Only providing an effective implementation for the values \texttt{name} and
-\texttt{reprs} is mandatory. For instance, if you know that you never journalize
-a value of a type \texttt{t}, you can define the function
-\texttt{internal\_pretty\_code} equal to the predefined function
-\texttt{Datatype.pp\_fail}\scodeidx{Datatype}{pp\_fail}. Similarly, if you never
+\texttt{reprs} is mandatory. For instance, if you know that you never
 use values of type \texttt{t} as keys of hashtable, you can define the function
 hash equal to the function
 \texttt{Datatype.undefined}\scodeidx{Datatype}{undefined} , and so on. To ease
@@ -2224,7 +2203,7 @@ previously registered with \texttt{Dynamic.register}.
 The signature of \texttt{Dynamic.register}\scodeidx{Dynamic}{register} is as
-val register: plugin:string -> string -> 'a Type.t -> journalize:bool -> 'a ->
+val register: plugin:string -> string -> 'a Type.t -> 'a ->
 The first argument is the name of the plug-in registering the value and the
@@ -2234,11 +2213,8 @@ name, binding name) must not be used for value registration anywhere else in
 (see next paragraph). The third argument is the \emph{type value}%
 \index{Type!Value} of the registered value (see
 Section~\ref{type:type-value}). It is required for safety reasons when accessing
-to the registered value (see the next paragraph). The labeled fourth argument
-\texttt{journalize} indicates whether a total call to this function must be
-written in the journal\index{Journalization} (see also
-Section~\ref{adv:journalization}). The usual value for this argument is
-\texttt{true}. The fifth argument is the value to register.
+to the registered value (see the next paragraph). The fourth argument is the
+value to register.
   Here is how the function \texttt{run} of the plug-in
@@ -2252,7 +2228,6 @@ let () =
     (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    ~journalize:true
 If the string \texttt{"Hello.run"} is already used to register a
@@ -2332,10 +2307,6 @@ dynamically registered functions).
 \section{Project Management System}\label{adv:project}
@@ -3165,9 +3136,8 @@ tightly coupled with handling the command line parameters.
 The parsing of the command line parameters is performed in several
 \emph{phases} and \emph{stages}
 \index{Command Line!Parsing}, 
-each one dedicated to specific operations. For instance,
-journal replays should be performed after loading dynamic plug-ins, and so
-on. Following the general rule stated at the beginning of this section, even
+each one dedicated to specific operations.
+Following the general rule stated at the beginning of this section, even
 the kernel services of \framac are internally registered as hooks routines to
 be executed at a specific stage of the initialization process, among plug-ins
@@ -3201,25 +3171,21 @@ their execution order.
   Plug-in developers cannot customize this stage. In particular, the module
   \texttt{Cmdline}\codeidx{Cmdline} (one of the first linked modules, see
   Figure~\ref{fig:architecture}) performs a very early configuration stage,
-  such as checking if journalization has to be activated
-  (cf.~Section~\ref{adv:journalization}\index{Journalization}), or setting the
-  global verbosity and debugging levels.
+  such as setting the global verbosity and debugging levels.
 \item \label{stage:early} \textbf{The Early Stage:} this stage initializes the
   kernel services. More precisely:
-  \item first, the journal name is set to its right value (according to the
-    option \texttt{-journal-name}) and the default project is created;
-  \item then, the parsing of command line options registered for the
+  \item first, the parsing of command line options registered for the
     \texttt{Cmdline.Early}\sscodeidxdef{Cmdline}{stage}{Early} stage;
-  \item finally, all functions registered through
+  \item then, all functions registered through
     \scodeidxdef{Cmdline}{run\_after\_early\_stage} are executed in an
     unspecified order.
 \item \label{stage:extending} \textbf{The Extending Stage:}\index{Linking} the searching and
-  loading of dynamically linked plug-ins, of journal, scripts and
+  loading of dynamically linked plug-ins, scripts and
   modules is performed at this stage. More precisely:
@@ -3232,7 +3198,7 @@ their execution order.
     \scodeidxdef{Cmdline}{run\_during\_extending\_stage} are executed. Such
     hooks include kernel function calls for searching, loading and linking the
-    various plug-ins, journal and scripts compilation units, with respect to
+    various plug-ins and scripts compilation units, with respect to
     the command line options parsed during stages~\ref{stage:early}
@@ -3289,8 +3255,7 @@ their execution order.
 \item \textbf{The Loading Stage:} this is where the initial state of \framac
   can be replaced by another one. Typically, it would be loaded from disk
-  through the \texttt{-load} option\index{Loading} or computed by running a
-  journal (see Section~\ref{adv:journalization})\index{Journalization}. As
+  through the \texttt{-load} option\index{Loading}. As
   for the other stages:
diff --git a/doc/developer/changes.tex b/doc/developer/changes.tex
index 3f385775d1636b5f4ccba779ca8d0bde3119fbeb..28243898984e95fb7e2eddd4779693ec13c04e8f 100644
--- a/doc/developer/changes.tex
+++ b/doc/developer/changes.tex
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
 This chapter summarizes the major changes in this documentation between each
 \framac release, from newest to oldest.
+\item \textbf{Journalisation}: Journalisation has been removed.
 \section*{25.0 Manganese}
 \item \textbf{Testing}: Document new directives (\texttt{PLUGIN}, \texttt{SCRIPT} and \texttt{LIBS}) and new predefined macros for \texttt{ptests}.
@@ -142,10 +147,10 @@ introduced loop extensions.
 \item \textbf{Makefile} \texttt{WARN\_ERROR\_ALL} variable.
 \item \textbf{Log}: Debug category (\texttt{\~{}dkey} argument).
 \item \textbf{Visitor}: \texttt{DoChildrenPost} action.
-\item \textbf{Testing}: document the need for directories 
+\item \textbf{Testing}: document the need for directories
   to store result and oracles.
 \item \textbf{Project Management System}: Fine tuning of AST dependencies.
-\item \textbf{Testing}: added \texttt{PTESTS\_OPTS} and 
+\item \textbf{Testing}: added \texttt{PTESTS\_OPTS} and
   \texttt{PLUGIN\_PTESTS\_OPTS} Makefile's variables.
 \item \textbf{Type}: document the \texttt{type} library.
 \item \textbf{Logical Annotations}: fully updated.
@@ -154,7 +159,7 @@ introduced loop extensions.
   in \emph{Reference Manual}.
 \item \textbf{Website}: refer to CEA internal documentation.
 \item \textbf{Command Line Options}: explain how to modify the default behavior
-  of an option. 
+  of an option.
 \item \textbf{Command Line Options}: fully updated.
 \item \textbf{Project Management System}: fully updated.
 \item \textbf{Plug-in Registration and Access}: \texttt{Type} replaced by
@@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ introduced loop extensions.
-\item \textbf{Tutorial of the Future}: new chapter for preparing a future 
+\item \textbf{Tutorial of the Future}: new chapter for preparing a future
 \item \textbf{Types as first class values}: links to articles.
 \item \textbf{Tutorial}: kernel-integrated plug-ins are now deprecated.
diff --git a/doc/developer/examples/callstack.ml b/doc/developer/examples/callstack.ml
index c08cff551558f36f7cf49ad7982fb0b8dd4f7a49..e5b5380a728743447d19e0a4a823b685b52712f8 100644
--- a/doc/developer/examples/callstack.ml
+++ b/doc/developer/examples/callstack.ml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-module P = 
+module P =
       let name = "Callstack"
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ type callstack = (Kernel_function.t * Cil_datatype.Stmt.t) list
 let empty = []
 let push kf stmt stack = (kf, stmt) :: stack
 let pop = function [] -> [] | _ :: stack -> stack
-let rec print = function 
-  | [] -> P.feedback "" 
-  | (kf, stmt) :: stack -> 
-    P.feedback "function %a called at stmt %a" 
+let rec print = function
+  | [] -> P.feedback ""
+  | (kf, stmt) :: stack ->
+    P.feedback "function %a called at stmt %a"
       Kernel_function.pretty kf
       Cil_datatype.Stmt.pretty stmt;
     print stack
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module D =
 (* Dynamic API registration *)
 let register name ty =
-  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Callstack" ~journalize:false name ty
+  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Callstack" name ty
 let empty = register "empty" D.ty empty
 let push = register "push" (Datatype.func3 kf_ty stmt_ty D.ty D.ty) push
diff --git a/doc/developer/hello_world/hello_world.ml b/doc/developer/hello_world/hello_world.ml
index 0c87e8eaacc363d3cc1ac984a75269a9c91bdf69..8fb440417ed1112b2367dfb47252b70e249cbf8f 100644
--- a/doc/developer/hello_world/hello_world.ml
+++ b/doc/developer/hello_world/hello_world.ml
@@ -39,17 +39,15 @@ let print () = Self.result "Hello world!"
 (** The function [print] below is not mandatory: you can ignore it in a first
     reading. It provides an API for the plug-in, so that the function [run] is
-    callable by another plug-in and journalized: first, each plug-in can call
+    callable by another plug-in: each plug-in can call
     [Dynamic.get "Hello.run" (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)] in
-    order to call [print] and second, each call to [print] is written in the
-    Frama-C journal. *)
+    order to call [print]. *)
 let print =
     ~comment:"[Dynamic.get \"Hello.run\" (Datatype.func Datatype.unit \
 Datatype.unit)] calls [run] and pretty prints \"Hello world!\""
-    ~journalize:true
     (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
diff --git a/doc/developer/refman.tex b/doc/developer/refman.tex
index 5194764b5854c12159d772fffd483b5cf8eca37d..e8b4e3bcad586027f605d4bca45c8695a93ff9c8 100644
--- a/doc/developer/refman.tex
+++ b/doc/developer/refman.tex
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ one for regular tests (if more than one \verb|OPT|).\\
 \verb|PTEST_SCRIPT| & current list of plugins defined by the \verb|SCRIPT| directive\\
-\verb|PTEST_DEFAULT_OPTIONS| & the default option list: \verb|-journal-disable| \verb|-check| \verb|-no-autoload-plugins|\\
+\verb|PTEST_DEFAULT_OPTIONS| & the default option list: \verb|-check| \verb|-no-autoload-plugins|\\
 \verb|PTEST_LOAD_MODULE| & the \verb|-load-module| option related to the \verb|MODULE| directive\\
diff --git a/doc/developer/tutorial.tex b/doc/developer/tutorial.tex
index 832fee3fcc70f60857c2526e8fe0df54c365887e..2d4de400ff47375e3eac228c48c5d777aae64816 100644
--- a/doc/developer/tutorial.tex
+++ b/doc/developer/tutorial.tex
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ platform. This tutorial focuses on specific parts of this figure.
        \node (dynamic) {Dynamic};
        \node (plugin)  {Plugin};
        \node (type)    {Type};
-       \node (journal) {Journal};
        \node (project) {Project};
@@ -202,14 +201,13 @@ platform. This tutorial focuses on specific parts of this figure.
    ($(options.west -| main-pt)+(-0.4\bigpadding,-\padding)$);
    \draw (implem-pt -| implem.west) -- (implem-pt);
    \draw[-Latex] (implem-pt) |- (type.east);
-   \draw[-Latex] (implem-pt) |- (journal.east);
    \draw[-Latex] ($(plugin-dir.west |- implem-pt)+(0,-\padding)$)
       -- ($(implem-pt)+(0.2\bigpadding,-\padding)$) |- (project.east);
 \caption{Plug-in Integration Overview.}\label{fig:overview}
@@ -704,7 +702,7 @@ implementation, we explain some of \framac APIs such as how to visit
 an AST\footnote{Abstract Syntax Tree}, to hook a plug-in, to interface
 a plug-in with other plug-ins, to extend the
 GUI\footnote{Graphical User Interface}, to make a plug-in usable by
-others, to make write a plug-in into the journal, to configure a script,
+others, to configure a script,
 and to make a plug-in usable in a multi-projects setting.
 This section assumes the reader is already familiar with the basics of plug-ins
@@ -1104,27 +1102,6 @@ Here is the listing for the different modules:
 % TODO: A script that uses "dump_function" of the CFG plug-in
-\subsection{Writing your Plug-in into the Journal}\label{tut2:journal}
-% TODO: Journalize dump_function.
-% La journalisation, c'est le fait d'avoir la GUI rajouter des entrees
-% dans le journal, pour pouvoir les rejouer. Ca permet, quand on
-% paufine des analyses, de refaire ce qu'on a fait dans la gui
-% automatiquement; apres on peut utiliser load-script pour rejouer le
-% journal.
-% Pour journaliser, il faut enregister la fonction pour qu'elle soit
-% accessible de l'exterieur. Apres il y a un argument journalize qui
-% permet de journaliser. Si je fais ca pour ma fonction dump_function,
-% je vais recuperer une fonction dump_function_journalized; et c'est
-% celle ci-qu'il faudrait que j'utilise dans la GUI; comme ca a chaque
-% fois que je fais un "show-cfg", ce serait enregistre. La ce n'est
-% pas tres interessant parce que je ne fais pas de modification de
-% l'AST, mais dans le cas general ca l'est.
 \subsection{Writing a Configure Script}\label{tut2:configure}
diff --git a/doc/userman/user-changes.tex b/doc/userman/user-changes.tex
index 9a37650c699bfc7fbc81aa44272d09940a92b29a..60d058461dc268df9b646252cfbd1e0525314e8e 100644
--- a/doc/userman/user-changes.tex
+++ b/doc/userman/user-changes.tex
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
 This chapter summarizes the changes in this documentation between each \FramaC
 release. First we list changes of the last release.
+\item Removed Journalisation
 \section*{24.0 (Chromium)}
 \item \textbf{Standard library (libc):} Section added
@@ -132,9 +137,9 @@ in using the Frama-C OPAM package.
 active by default.
 \item \textbf{Normalizing the Source Code:} added section about macros
 predefined by \FramaC (Section~\ref{sec:predefined-macros}).
-\item \textbf{Normalizing the Source Code:} document new option 
+\item \textbf{Normalizing the Source Code:} document new option
   \texttt{-custom-annot-char} (Section~\ref{sec:normalize})
-\item \textbf{Normalizing the Source Code:} document handling of 
+\item \textbf{Normalizing the Source Code:} document handling of
   new file suffix \texttt{.ci} (Section~\ref{sec:preprocessing})
 \item \textbf{Preparing the Sources:} option \texttt{-warn-undefined-callee}
   changed to \\ \texttt{-implicit-function-declaration warn}.
@@ -158,14 +163,14 @@ predefined by \FramaC (Section~\ref{sec:predefined-macros}).
-\item \textbf{Getting Started:} fixes list of requirements 
+\item \textbf{Getting Started:} fixes list of requirements
   for compiling \FramaC.
 \item \textbf{Preparing the Sources:} new option \texttt{-aggressive-merging}
 \item \textbf{General Kernel Services:} change the default name of the journal.
-\item \textbf{Getting Started:} 
+\item \textbf{Getting Started:}
   new options \texttt{-config} and \texttt{-<plug-in shortname>-config}, as
   well as new environment variable \texttt{FRAMAC\_CONFIG}.
-\item \textbf{Getting Started:} 
+\item \textbf{Getting Started:}
   new options \texttt{-session} and \texttt{-<plug-in shortname>-session}, as
   well as new environment variable \texttt{FRAMAC\_SESSION}.
 \item \textbf{Getting Started:} document option \texttt{-unicode}.
@@ -188,7 +193,7 @@ predefined by \FramaC (Section~\ref{sec:predefined-macros}).
-\item \textbf{Analysis Option:} better documentation of 
+\item \textbf{Analysis Option:} better documentation of
 \item \textbf{Preparing the Sources:} better documentation of \texttt{-pp-annot}
 \item \textbf{Preparing the Sources:} pragma \texttt{UNROLL\_LOOP} is
diff --git a/doc/userman/user-services.tex b/doc/userman/user-services.tex
index 24aca42be20f94c4c5714a43cd1ca11ecbb66cc6..838b5974d334a8ad6200e619d374bbea35f2273c 100644
--- a/doc/userman/user-services.tex
+++ b/doc/userman/user-services.tex
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This chapter presents some important services offered by the \FramaC platform.
 A \FramaC project groups together one source code with the states (parameters,
-results, \etc) of the \FramaC kernel and analyzers. 
+results, \etc) of the \FramaC kernel and analyzers.
 In one \FramaC session, several projects may exist at the same time, while
 there is always one and only one so-called \emph{current} project in which
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ loading another project file.
 \paragraph{Special Cases}
 Options \optionuse{-}{help}, \optionuse{-}{verbose},
-their corresponding plugin-specific counterpart) 
+their corresponding plugin-specific counterpart)
 as well as \optionuse{-}{explain}, \optionuse{-}{quiet}\xspace and
 \optionuse{-}{unicode}\xspace are not saved on disk.
@@ -137,53 +137,3 @@ analysis $A_2$. Whenever the results from $A_2$ change, \FramaC automatically di
 results from $A_1$. For instance, slicing results depend on value analysis
 results; thus the slicing results are discarded whenever the value analysis
 ones are.
-Journalisation logs each operation that modifies some parameters or results
-into a file called a \emph{journal}\index{Journal|bfit}. Observational
-operations like viewing the set of possibles values of a variable in the GUI
-are not logged.
-By default, the name of the journal is
-\texttt{SESSION\_DIR/frama\_c\_journal.ml} where \texttt{SESSION\_DIR} is the
-\FramaC session directory (see Section~\ref{sec:var-session}). It can be
-modified by using the option \optiondef{-}{journal-name}.
-A journal is a valid \FramaC dynamic plug-in. Thus it can be loaded by using
-the option \optionuse{-}{load-script} (see Section~\ref{sec:use-plugins}). The
-journal replays the very same results as the ones computed in the original
-Journals are commonly used for the three different purposes described
-\item Easily replaying a given set of analysis operations in order to reach a
-  certain state. Once the final state is reached, further analyses can be
-  performed normally. Beware that journals may be source dependent and thus may
-  not necessarily be reused on different source codes to perform the same
-  analyses.
-\item Acting as a macro language for plug-in developers. They can perform 
-  actions on the GUI to generate a journal and then adapt it to perform
-  a more general but similar task.
-\item Debugging. In the GUI, a journal is always generated, even when an error
-  occurs. The output journal usually contains information about this
-  error. Thus it provides an easy way to reproduce the very same
-  error. Consequently, it is advised to attach the journal when reporting an
-  error in the \FramaC BTS (see Chapter~\ref{user-errors}).
-By default, a journal is generated upon exit of the session only whenever
-\FramaC crashes in graphical mode. In all other cases, no journal is
-generated. This behavior may be customized by using the option
-\optiondef{-}{journal-enable} (resp. \optiondef{-}{journal-disable}) that
-generates (resp. does not generate) a journal upon exiting the session.
-\paragraph{Special Cases}
-Modifications of options \optionuse{-}{help}, \optionuse{-}{verbose},
-\optionuse{-}{debug}\xspace (and their corresponding counterpart) as well as
-\optionuse{-}{explain}, \optionuse{-}{quiet}\xspace and
-\optionuse{-}{unicode}\xspace are not written in the journal.
diff --git a/doc/userman/user-start.tex b/doc/userman/user-start.tex
index 96c072ccf509912b50cb84e58663248213775d2f..0810f44626e3c42cd861c0b98f0c68eaa91c6cd3 100644
--- a/doc/userman/user-start.tex
+++ b/doc/userman/user-start.tex
@@ -189,11 +189,8 @@ for using the Unicode character set in messages has an opposite option
 a name of the form \texttt{-<plug-in name>-<option name>} have their opposite
 option named \texttt{-<plug-in name>-no-<option name>}. For instance, the
-opposite of option \optionuse{-}{wp-print} is \optionuse{-}{wp-no-print}. When
-an option name by \texttt{-no} is meaningless, the opposite option is usually
-renamed. For instance, the opposite option of \optionuse{-}{journal-enable} is
-\optionuse{-}{journal-disable}. Use the options \texttt{-kernel-help} and
+opposite of option \optionuse{-}{wp-print} is \optionuse{-}{wp-no-print}.
+Use the options \texttt{-kernel-help} and
 \texttt{-<plug-in name>-help} to get the opposite option name of each
 parameterless option.
diff --git a/headers/header_spec.txt b/headers/header_spec.txt
index e34347acdd061e025cfff74a0507b0f5dfac4d46..e635e42c3a12a14c3fd985f486d40ecff5b48673 100644
--- a/headers/header_spec.txt
+++ b/headers/header_spec.txt
@@ -657,8 +657,6 @@ src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.ml: CEA_LGPL
 src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.mli: CEA_LGPL
 src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml: CEA_LGPL
 src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.mli: CEA_LGPL
-src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal.ml: CEA_LGPL
-src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal.mli: CEA_LGPL
 src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.ml: CEA_LGPL
 src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.mli: CEA_LGPL
 src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/log.ml: CEA_LGPL
@@ -826,8 +824,6 @@ src/plugins/callgraph/cg.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/callgraph/cg.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/callgraph/cg_viewer.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/callgraph/cg_viewer.yes.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
-src/plugins/callgraph/journalize.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
-src/plugins/callgraph/journalize.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/callgraph/options.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/callgraph/options.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/callgraph/register.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
diff --git a/man/frama-c.1 b/man/frama-c.1
index 969afd9eac24f67f59b967eef0e51b17082bed4c..cab04ada2a14a815fa490e0f537193f47d4ca80f 100644
--- a/man/frama-c.1
+++ b/man/frama-c.1
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 .TH "FRAMA-C" "1" "" "2021-06-18" ""
-.\"  This file is part of Frama-C documentation                            
-.\"  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               
-.\"    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              
-.\"         alternatives)                                                  
+.\"  This file is part of Frama-C documentation
+.\"  Copyright (C) 2007-2021
+.\"    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies
+.\"         alternatives)
 .\"  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 .\"  CC-BY-SA 4.0 license
@@ -293,21 +293,6 @@ Use \f[B]\[at]inline\f[R] to select all functions with attribute
 Recursive functions are inlined only at the first level.
 Calls via function pointers are not inlined.
-do not output a journal of the current session.
-See \f[B]-journal-enable\f[R].
-on by default, dumps a journal of all the actions performed during the
-current Frama-C session in the form of an OCaml script that can be
-replayed with \f[B]-load-script\f[R].
-The name of the script can be set with the \f[B]-journal-name\f[R]
--journal-name \f[I]name\f[R]
-sets the name of the journal file (without the \f[I].ml\f[R] extension).
-Defaults to \f[B]frama_c_journal\f[R].
 -json-compilation-database \f[I]path\f[R]
 use \f[I]path\f[R] as a JSON compilation database (see
 <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html> for more
diff --git a/man/frama-c.1.md b/man/frama-c.1.md
index 3d7aabda6cd921a3a8a6801f53049016bdd1671f..fb1a43b2009baed522145559583248f0b2dbe6a8 100644
--- a/man/frama-c.1.md
+++ b/man/frama-c.1.md
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ header-includes:
 - |
-  .\"                                                                        
-  .\"  This file is part of Frama-C documentation                            
-  .\"                                                                        
-  .\"  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               
-  .\"    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              
-  .\"         alternatives)                                                  
-  .\"                                                                        
+  .\"
+  .\"  This file is part of Frama-C documentation
+  .\"
+  .\"  Copyright (C) 2007-2021
+  .\"    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies
+  .\"         alternatives)
+  .\"
   .\"  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
   .\"  CC-BY-SA 4.0 license
@@ -248,19 +248,6 @@ Use **@inline** to select all functions with attribute *inline*.
 Recursive functions are inlined only at the first level.
 Calls via function pointers are not inlined.
-: do not output a journal of the current session. See **-journal-enable**.
-: on by default, dumps a journal of all the actions performed during the
-current Frama-C session in the form of an OCaml script that can be replayed
-with **-load-script**. The name of the script can be set with the
-**-journal-name** option.
--journal-name *name*
-: sets the name of the journal file (without the *.ml* extension).
-Defaults to **frama_c_journal**.
 -json-compilation-database *path*
 : use *path* as a JSON compilation database
 (see <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html>
diff --git a/ptests/ptests.ml b/ptests/ptests.ml
index cbd6875ae3dfa21c5c8fb22eafd9e53097703f1e..d797d5076b8c73de467757745cc1896a91b2452c 100644
--- a/ptests/ptests.ml
+++ b/ptests/ptests.ml
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ let exclude s = exclude_suites := s :: !exclude_suites
 let macro_post_options = ref "" (* value set to @PTEST_POST_OPTIONS@ macro *)
 let macro_pre_options  = ref "" (* value set to @PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS@  macro *)
 let macro_options = ref "@PTEST_PRE_OPTIONS@ @PTEST_OPT@ @PTEST_POST_OPTIONS@"
-let macro_default_options = ref "-journal-disable -check -no-autoload-plugins"
+let macro_default_options = ref "-check -no-autoload-plugins"
 let macro_frama_c_cmd = ref "@frama-c-exe@ @PTEST_DEFAULT_OPTIONS@"
 let macro_frama_c     = ref "@frama-c-exe@ @PTEST_DEFAULT_OPTIONS@ @PTEST_LOAD_OPTIONS@"
diff --git a/share/Makefile.config.in b/share/Makefile.config.in
index c6d808f04e906cb195778fae19e2a20e7a9070a1..cab716c2a9744582c940695436017801e308f71c 100644
--- a/share/Makefile.config.in
+++ b/share/Makefile.config.in
 # test directories for ptests configuration
 # Non-plugin test directories containing some ML files to compile
-  dynamic journal saveload spec misc syntax cil \
+  dynamic saveload spec misc syntax cil \
   pretty_printing builtins libc value
 ifeq ($(HAS_PYTHON36),yes)
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/rmtmps.ml b/src/kernel_internals/typing/rmtmps.ml
index 3b3eaadd34889a78bfab20890733789dd0e0e407..160f27ea9dc56848e41658d3ba06084c20865827 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/rmtmps.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/rmtmps.ml
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ let removeUnmarked isRoot ast reachable_tbl =
                 let kf = Globals.Functions.get vi in
-                Kernel.debug ~dkey "GFunDecl: %a@." Kernel_function.pretty_code kf
+                Kernel.debug ~dkey "GFunDecl: %a@." Kernel_function.pretty kf
               with Not_found ->
                 Kernel.debug ~dkey
                   "GFunDecl: %a (no associated kernel function)@."
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/abstract_interp.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/abstract_interp.ml
index 31de26b07b835d03c23d07fc916ecd04baf279a0..64798a80127fd5ffecae59774b474a6e3f3a4cf8 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/abstract_interp.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/abstract_interp.ml
@@ -222,9 +222,7 @@ module Make_Generic_Lattice_Set
          let hash = hash
          let rehash = Datatype.identity
          let copy = Datatype.undefined
-         let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
          let pretty = pretty
-         let varname = Datatype.undefined
          let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
        end) :
        Datatype.S with type t := t)
@@ -364,9 +362,7 @@ module Make_Lattice_Base (V:Lattice_Value):(Lattice_Base with type l = V.t) = st
          let hash = hash
          let rehash = Datatype.identity
          let copy = Datatype.undefined
-         let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
          let pretty = pretty
-         let varname = Datatype.undefined
          let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
        end) :
        Datatype.S with type t := t)
@@ -517,8 +513,6 @@ module Bool = struct
                let rehash = Datatype.identity
                let copy = Datatype.identity
                let pretty = pretty
-               let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
-               let varname = Datatype.undefined
                let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
              end) :
              Datatype.S with type t := t)
@@ -677,9 +671,7 @@ struct
                let hash = hash
                let rehash = Datatype.identity
                let copy = Datatype.undefined
-               let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
                let pretty = pretty
-               let varname = Datatype.undefined
                let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
              end) :
              Datatype.S with type t := t)
@@ -777,9 +769,7 @@ struct
          let hash = hash
          let rehash = Datatype.identity
          let copy = Datatype.undefined
-         let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
          let pretty = pretty
-         let varname = Datatype.undefined
          let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
        Datatype.S with type t := t)
@@ -947,9 +937,7 @@ struct
         let hash = hash
         let rehash = Datatype.undefined
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty = pretty
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
   let () = Type.set_ml_name ty None
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/base.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/base.ml
index 2ebe0f3efa129c9d60576ec84dd1b4d5d105eb40..e0b94048054efd2e308450022bdc9a7c79de202d 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/base.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/base.ml
@@ -99,10 +99,8 @@ module Validity = Datatype.Make
       let pretty = pretty_validity
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.pp_fail
       let rehash = Datatype.identity
       let copy (x:t) = x
-      let varname _ = "v"
 type cstring = CSString of string | CSWstring of Escape.wstring
@@ -450,10 +448,8 @@ module Base = struct
         let pretty = pretty
         let hash = hash
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.pp_fail
         let rehash = Datatype.identity
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
   let id = id
   let pretty_debug = pretty
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_Base.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_Base.ml
index 2aab074ee278371a381fbfc68e825606eef557bc..be9b6f846f68956a664b31fe84728c64323092c2 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_Base.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_Base.ml
@@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ include Datatype.Make
       let hash = hash
       let rehash = Datatype.identity
       let copy = Extlib.id
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let pretty = pretty
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_interval.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_interval.ml
index f1eb54dada1209a83225a2b0b5017fb34e7be71b..1b1979547e273dc830d327270dd7f025520da255 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_interval.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_interval.ml
@@ -94,10 +94,8 @@ include Datatype.Make_with_collections
       let hash = hash
       let pretty = pretty
       let rehash = Datatype.identity
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.pp_fail
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
 (* ------------------------------ Building ---------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_set.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_set.ml
index 1d5a7fad690e76287ed21e296371fcd9b25df308..69bf59a6a0284764997b8876a959acdfb4f02a99 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_set.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_set.ml
@@ -130,10 +130,8 @@ include Datatype.Make_with_collections
       let hash = hash
       let pretty = pretty
       let rehash x = x
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.pp_fail
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
 (* ---------------------------------- Utils --------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_val.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_val.ml
index 8fb7cf1b226f052663ef9f58979897e86792d1da..b8e450700314d6eeff3276db67085973a11765cd 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_val.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/int_val.ml
@@ -75,10 +75,8 @@ include Datatype.Make_with_collections
       let hash = hash
       let pretty = pretty
       let rehash x = x
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.pp_fail
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
 (* ------------------------------- Constructors ----------------------------  *)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/ival.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/ival.ml
index 2384610cb9f8af4512699f51a1cbc2421bf6f758..2ff6f24df697f122f27a031ceb72af5d645c87a0 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/ival.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/ival.ml
@@ -824,10 +824,8 @@ include (
       let hash = hash
       let pretty = pretty
       let rehash = rehash
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.pp_fail
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
     Datatype.S_with_collections with type t := t)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/lmap.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/lmap.ml
index afe85f50c5b901176bd733b5884258627c85ea3e..dfc598b3c3d670b8ee5862b3f08230206535680c 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/lmap.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/lmap.ml
@@ -591,10 +591,8 @@ struct
         let compare = compare
         let hash = hash
         let pretty = pretty
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let rehash = Datatype.identity
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
   let () = Type.set_ml_name ty None
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/lmap_bitwise.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/lmap_bitwise.ml
index ee6e25cad0d1d230c328933d10ed64192b07ae5e..a9a113e386729a4281e618da8cea4bd2ed4c8498 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/lmap_bitwise.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/lmap_bitwise.ml
@@ -238,10 +238,8 @@ struct
         let equal = equal
         let compare = compare
         let pretty = pretty
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let rehash = Datatype.identity
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/map_lattice.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/map_lattice.ml
index 28d864d5708fe0c885895909eb9cd45193c83429..26b609c52adad23cb0aa013707ce137321acf806 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/map_lattice.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/map_lattice.ml
@@ -498,10 +498,8 @@ module Make_MapSet_Lattice
          let hash = hash
          let rehash = Datatype.identity
          let copy = Datatype.undefined
-         let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.pp_fail
          let pretty = pretty
          let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-         let varname = Datatype.undefined
        end): Datatype.S_with_collections with type t := t)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/offsetmap.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/offsetmap.ml
index 98a53b5f61d76d9e3d6b63eb55c9e7a11188c812..509c41f0d5043f682f8a64c36d5fdbdbb18a5b4c 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/offsetmap.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/offsetmap.ml
@@ -229,9 +229,7 @@ module Make (V : module type of Offsetmap_lattice_with_isotropy) = struct
             let compare = compare
             let rehash x = !rehash_ref x
             let copy = Datatype.undefined
-            let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
             let pretty = pretty
-            let varname = Datatype.undefined
             let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
       include D
@@ -2460,8 +2458,6 @@ module Int_Intervals = struct
                 Int.packed_descr; Int.packed_descr |] |]
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-      let varname _ = "i"
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/origin.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/origin.ml
index c31e62808d56c7b8072205110d01fd31041f417f..6622574bd63cefd2cc86ffc06a580bc478ea2370 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/origin.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/origin.ml
@@ -135,9 +135,7 @@ include Datatype.Make
       let hash = hash
       let rehash = Datatype.undefined
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let pretty = pretty
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/alarms.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/alarms.ml
index ce0c8902d6ff10d013c553f57e394948600fe0bd..7f7451c7ae1a27ba1a73ccba3fe01ef2e5607efb 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/alarms.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/alarms.ml
@@ -240,7 +240,6 @@ module D =
       let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_abstract
       let rehash = Datatype.identity
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
       let pretty fmt = function
         | Division_by_zero e ->
@@ -308,7 +307,6 @@ module D =
         | Invalid_bool lv ->
           Format.fprintf fmt "Invalid_bool(@[%a@])" Lval.pretty lv
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/globals.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/globals.ml
index cc79e169f7a5eec485c4d144ac0dad50bbf343c3..06f17de617ad1c311b46ac76127c933f0f423cd4 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/globals.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/globals.ml
@@ -91,17 +91,6 @@ module Vars = struct
   let get_astinfo vi = !get_astinfo_ref vi
-  let pp_varinfo p fmt v =
-    let name, loc = get_astinfo v in
-    let pp fmt =
-      Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo@;%S@;%a@]"
-        name
-        (Cil_datatype.Localisation.internal_pretty_code Type.Call) loc
-    in
-    Type.par p Type.Call fmt pp
-  let () = Varinfo.internal_pretty_code_ref := pp_varinfo
   let iter_globals f l =
     let treat_global = function
       | GVar(vi,init,_) -> f vi init
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/property_status.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/property_status.ml
index 552171036e72d27253e46c4999b8122a5dd54f35..46c82aeca51a4f89ebbc231346f44927c49b4da1 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/property_status.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/property_status.ml
@@ -80,9 +80,6 @@ module Emitter_with_properties =
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
       let pretty fmt e = Usable_emitter.pretty fmt e.emitter
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
-      let varname _ = assert false (* unused while [internal_pretty_code]
-                                      unimplemented *)
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ast_diff.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ast_diff.ml
index c7551b0733be41b396abf71790e09045a5c16ef7..ffa3ca42bd6e2993e9d6151e8c80e019c8297c6d 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ast_diff.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ast_diff.ml
@@ -59,17 +59,9 @@ struct
   let map f = function
     | `Same x -> `Same (f x)
     | `Not_present -> `Not_present
-  let mk_internal_pretty_code pp prec fmt = function
-    | `Not_present -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "`Not_present"
-    | `Same x ->
-      let pp fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "`Same %a" (pp Type.Call) x in
-      Type.par prec Call fmt pp
   let mk_pretty pp fmt = function
     | `Not_present -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "N/A"
     | `Same x -> Format.fprintf fmt " => %a" pp x
-  let mk_varname v = function
-    | `Not_present -> "x"
-    | `Same x -> v x ^ "_c"
   let mk_mem_project mem query = function
     | `Not_present -> false
     | `Same x -> mem query x
@@ -111,12 +103,6 @@ let compare_pc pc1 pc2 =
   | _, `Callees_changed -> 1
   | `Callees_spec_changed, `Callees_spec_changed -> 0
-let string_of_pc = function
-  | `Spec_changed -> "Spec_changed"
-  | `Body_changed -> "Body_changed"
-  | `Callees_changed -> "Callees_changed"
-  | `Callees_spec_changed -> "Callees_spec_changed"
 let pretty_pc fmt =
   let open Format in
@@ -163,25 +149,11 @@ struct
     | `Partial(x,pc) -> `Partial(f x,pc)
     | (#correspondance as x) -> Correspondance_input.map f x
-  let mk_internal_pretty_code pp prec fmt = function
-    | `Partial (x,flags) ->
-      let pp fmt =
-        Format.fprintf fmt "`Partial (%a,%s)"
-          (pp Type.Call) x (string_of_pc flags)
-      in
-      Type.par prec Call fmt pp
-    | #correspondance as x ->
-      Correspondance_input.mk_internal_pretty_code pp prec fmt x
   let mk_pretty pp fmt = function
     | `Partial(x,flags) ->
       Format.fprintf fmt "-> %a %a" pp x pretty_pc flags
     | #correspondance as x -> Correspondance_input.mk_pretty pp fmt x
-  let mk_varname f = function
-    | `Partial (x,_) -> f x ^ "_pc"
-    | #correspondance as x -> Correspondance_input.mk_varname f x
   let mk_mem_project f p = function
     | `Partial (x,_) -> f p x
     | #correspondance as x -> Correspondance_input.mk_mem_project f p x
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_builtins.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_builtins.ml
index 4d0545f91f3f05c0e4251f395a25a5748f373bbe..9a825e39a8e08641d6d7de780e0b363fbed8d1cc 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_builtins.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_builtins.ml
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ module Builtin_template = struct
         let hash b = Datatype.String.hash b.name
         let equal b1 b2 = b1.name = b2.name
         let copy = Datatype.identity
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt b =
           Format.fprintf fmt "%s %s(%a%s)"
             b.rettype b.name
@@ -169,7 +168,6 @@ module Builtin_template = struct
         let rehash = Datatype.identity
         let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_abstract
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-        let varname b = "_cb_" ^ b.name
 module Builtin_templates =
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.ml
index 31b139bdd6bd451ebf2f4fedcb10d11c8cb89481..fc0cb69ce023145ce2fe1f9c6b60ce97aaace365 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.ml
@@ -48,9 +48,7 @@ module Make
        type t
        val name: string
        val reprs: t list
-       val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
        val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-       val varname: t -> string
      end) =
@@ -69,9 +67,7 @@ module Make_with_collections
        val reprs: t list
        val compare: t -> t -> int
        val equal: t -> t -> bool
-       val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
        val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-       val varname: t -> string
        val hash: t -> int
        val copy: t -> t
      end) =
@@ -160,8 +156,6 @@ module Cabs_file = struct
         let name = "Cabs_file"
         let reprs = [ Datatype.Filepath.dummy, [];
                       Datatype.Filepath.dummy, [ true, Cabs.GLOBANNOT [] ] ]
-        let varname (s, _) = "cabs_" ^ (Filepath.Normalized.to_pretty_string s)
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt cabs = !pretty_ref fmt cabs
@@ -199,9 +193,7 @@ module Position =  struct
         let hash = Hashtbl.hash
         let copy = Datatype.identity
         let equal: t -> t -> bool = ( = )
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty = Filepath.pp_pos
-        let varname _ = "pos"
   let pp_with_col fmt pos =
     Format.fprintf fmt "%a char %d" pretty pos
@@ -224,9 +216,7 @@ module Location = struct
         let hash (b, _e) = Hashtbl.hash (b.Filepath.pos_path, b.Filepath.pos_lnum)
         let copy = Datatype.identity (* immutable strings *)
         let equal : t -> t -> bool = ( = )
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt loc = !pretty_ref fmt loc
-        let varname _ = "loc"
   let pretty_long fmt loc =
@@ -274,9 +264,7 @@ module Instr = struct
         type t = instr
         let name = "Instr"
         let reprs = List.map (fun l -> Skip l) Location.reprs
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt x = !pretty_ref fmt x
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
   let loc = function
@@ -300,7 +288,6 @@ module File =
             globinit = None;
             globinitcalled = false } ]
       include Datatype.Undefined
-      let varname _ = "ast"
 module Stmt_Id = struct
@@ -321,15 +308,7 @@ module Stmt_Id = struct
         let hash t1 = t1.sid
         let equal t1 t2 = t1.sid = t2.sid
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code p_caller fmt s =
-          let pp fmt =
-            Format.fprintf fmt
-              "@[<hv 2>fst@;@[<hv 2>(Kernel_function.find_from_sid@;%d)@]@]"
-              s.sid
-          in
-          Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp
         let pretty fmt s = !pretty_ref fmt s
-        let varname _ = "stmt"
   let id stmt = stmt.sid
@@ -378,20 +357,10 @@ module Kinstr = struct
           | Kglobal -> 1 lsl 29
           | Kstmt s -> s.sid
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code p fmt = function
-          | Kglobal ->
-            Format.fprintf fmt "Kglobal"
-          | Kstmt s ->
-            let pp fmt =
-              Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>Kstmt@;%a@]"
-                (Stmt.internal_pretty_code Type.Call) s
-            in
-            Type.par p Type.Call fmt pp
         let pretty fmt = function
           | Kglobal ->
             Format.fprintf fmt "Kglobal"
           | Kstmt s -> Stmt.pretty fmt s
-        let varname _ = "ki"
   let loc = function
@@ -617,9 +586,7 @@ module Attribute=struct
         let hash = hash_attribute config
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt t = !pretty_ref fmt t
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -642,9 +609,7 @@ struct
         let hash = hash_type M.config
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt t = !pretty_typ_ref fmt t
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -736,9 +701,7 @@ module Label = struct
         let name = "Label"
         let reprs =
           [ Label("", Location.unknown, false); Default Location.unknown ]
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt l = !pretty_ref fmt l
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let hash = function
           | Default _ -> 7
           | Case (e, _) -> Exp.hash e
@@ -767,7 +730,6 @@ end
 module Varinfo_Id = struct
   let pretty_ref = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
-  let internal_pretty_code_ref = ref (fun _ _ _ -> assert false)
   let dummy =
     { vname = "";
       vorig_name = "";
@@ -798,9 +760,7 @@ module Varinfo_Id = struct
         let hash v = v.vid
         let equal v1 v2 = v1.vid = v2.vid
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code p fmt v = !internal_pretty_code_ref p fmt v
         let pretty fmt v = !pretty_ref fmt v
-        let varname v = "vi_" ^ v.vorig_name
   let id v = v.vid
@@ -835,9 +795,7 @@ module Compinfo = struct
         let hash v = Hashtbl.hash v.ckey
         let equal v1 v2 = v1.ckey = v2.ckey
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt f = !pretty_ref fmt f
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -878,9 +836,7 @@ module Fieldinfo = struct
         let hash f1 = Hashtbl.hash (fid f1)
         let equal f1 f2 = (fid f1) = (fid f2)
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt f = !pretty_ref fmt f
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -1155,9 +1111,7 @@ module Block = struct
         let reprs =
           [{battrs=[]; blocals=Varinfo.reprs; bstatics = [];
             bstmts=Stmt.reprs; bscoping=true}]
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt b = !pretty_ref fmt b
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
   let equal b1 b2 = (b1 == b2)
@@ -1224,9 +1178,7 @@ module Lval = struct
         let equal = equal_lval
         let hash = hash_lval
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt x = !pretty_ref fmt x
-        let varname _ = "lv"
@@ -1240,9 +1192,7 @@ module LvalStructEq_input = struct
   let equal = Datatype.from_compare
   let hash = StructEq.hash_lval 13598
   let copy = Datatype.undefined
-  let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
   let pretty fmt x = !Lval.pretty_ref fmt x
-  let varname _ = "lv"
 module LvalStructEq = Make_compare_non_strict(LvalStructEq_input)
@@ -1260,9 +1210,7 @@ module Offset = struct
         let equal = equal_offset
         let hash = hash_offset
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt x = !pretty_ref fmt x
-        let varname _ = "offs"
@@ -1276,9 +1224,7 @@ module OffsetStructEq_input = struct
   let equal = Datatype.from_compare
   let hash = StructEq.hash_offset 75489
   let copy = Datatype.undefined
-  let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
   let pretty fmt x = !Offset.pretty_ref fmt x
-  let varname _ = "offs"
 module OffsetStructEq = Make_compare_non_strict(OffsetStructEq_input)
@@ -1311,9 +1257,7 @@ module Logic_var = struct
         let hash v = v.lv_id
         let equal v1 v2 = v1.lv_id = v2.lv_id
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt t = !pretty_ref fmt t
-        let varname _ = "logic_var"
@@ -1333,9 +1277,7 @@ module Builtin_logic_info = struct
         let hash i = Hashtbl.hash i.bl_name
         let equal i1 i2 = i1.bl_name = i2.bl_name
         let copy = Datatype.identity (* works only if an AST is never modified *)
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt li = !pretty_ref fmt li
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -1351,9 +1293,7 @@ module Logic_type_info = struct
         let equal t1 t2 = t1.lt_name = t2.lt_name
         let hash t = Hashtbl.hash t.lt_name
         let copy = Datatype.identity (* works only if an AST is never modified *)
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt lt = !pretty_ref fmt lt
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -1371,9 +1311,7 @@ module Logic_ctor_info = struct
         let equal t1 t2 = t1.ctor_name = t2.ctor_name
         let hash t = Hashtbl.hash t.ctor_name
         let copy = Datatype.identity (* works only if an AST is never modified *)
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt c = !pretty_ref fmt c
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -1386,9 +1324,7 @@ module Initinfo = struct
         let reprs =
           { init = None } ::
           List.map (fun t -> { init = Some (CompoundInit(t, [])) }) Typ.reprs
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt i = !pretty_ref fmt i
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -1412,9 +1348,7 @@ module Logic_info = struct
         let equal i1 i2 = Logic_var.equal i1.l_var_info i2.l_var_info
         let hash i = Logic_var.hash i.l_var_info
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt li = !pretty_ref fmt li
-        let varname _ = "logic_varinfo"
@@ -1497,9 +1431,7 @@ module Logic_info_structural = struct
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let hash i = Logic_var.hash i.l_var_info
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt li = !Logic_info.pretty_ref fmt li
-        let varname _ = "logic_varinfo"
@@ -2084,9 +2016,8 @@ module Logic_constant = struct
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let hash = hash_logic_constant
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt lc = !pretty_ref fmt lc
-        let varname _ = "lconst"
@@ -2108,9 +2039,7 @@ module Term = struct
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
         let hash = hash_fct hash_term
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt t = !pretty_ref fmt t
-        let varname _ = "term"
@@ -2128,9 +2057,7 @@ module Identified_term = struct
           (* NB: Term.copy itself is undefined. *)
           { it_id = x.it_id; it_content = Term.copy x.it_content }
         let hash x = x.it_id
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt t = !pretty_ref fmt t
-        let varname _ = "id_term"
@@ -2153,9 +2080,7 @@ module Term_lhost = struct
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let hash = hash_fct hash_tlhost
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt h = !pretty_ref fmt h
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -2170,9 +2095,7 @@ module Term_offset = struct
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let hash = hash_fct hash_toffset
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt t_o = !pretty_ref fmt t_o
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -2198,9 +2121,7 @@ module Logic_label = struct
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
         let hash = hash_label
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt l = !pretty_ref fmt l
-        let varname _ = "logic_label"
@@ -2219,9 +2140,7 @@ module Logic_real = struct
           11 * Datatype.String.hash r.r_literal
         let equal r1 r2 = compare r1 r2 = 0
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt t = !pretty_ref fmt t
-        let varname _ = "logic_real"
@@ -2232,9 +2151,7 @@ module Global_annotation = struct
         type t = global_annotation
         let name = "Global_annotation"
         let reprs = List.map (fun l -> Daxiomatic ("", [],[], l)) Location.reprs
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt v = !pretty_ref fmt v
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let rec compare g1 g2 =
           match g1,g2 with
@@ -2323,9 +2240,7 @@ module Global = struct
         type t = global
         let name = "Global"
         let reprs = [ GText "" ]
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt v = !pretty_ref fmt v
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let compare g1 g2 =
           match g1, g2 with
@@ -2478,15 +2393,8 @@ module Kf = struct
           | Declaration (_, v, Some args, _) ->
             !set_formal_decls v args;
-        let get_name_kf kf = (vi kf).Cil_types.vname
-        let internal_pretty_code p_caller fmt kf =
-          Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt
-            (fun fmt ->
-               Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>Globals.Functions.find_by_name@;%S@]"
-                 (get_name_kf kf))
         let pretty fmt kf = Varinfo.pretty fmt (vi kf)
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-        let varname kf = "kf_" ^ (get_name_kf kf)
   let () = Type.set_ml_name ty (Some "Kernel_function.ty")
@@ -2506,9 +2414,7 @@ module Code_annotation = struct
         let equal x y = x.annot_id = y.annot_id
         let compare x y = Datatype.Int.compare x.annot_id y.annot_id
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt ca = !pretty_ref fmt ca
-        let varname _ = "code_annot"
   let loc ca = match ca.annot_content with
@@ -2530,9 +2436,7 @@ module Predicate = struct
           [ { pred_name = [ "" ];
               pred_loc = Location.unknown;
               pred_content = Pfalse } ]
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt x = !pretty_ref fmt x
-        let varname _ = "p"
@@ -2544,9 +2448,7 @@ module Toplevel_predicate = struct
         let name = "Toplevel_predicate"
         let reprs =
           [ { tp_statement = List.hd Predicate.reprs; tp_kind = Assert }]
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt x = !pretty_ref fmt x
-        let varname _ = "p"
@@ -2562,9 +2464,7 @@ module Identified_predicate = struct
         let equal x y = x.ip_id = y.ip_id
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
         let hash x = x.ip_id
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt x = !pretty_ref fmt x
-        let varname _ = "id_predyes"
@@ -2582,9 +2482,7 @@ module PredicateStructEq = struct
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
         let hash = hash_fct hash_predicate
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt x = !pretty_ref fmt x
-        let varname _ = "p"
@@ -2650,7 +2548,6 @@ module Fundec = struct
         type t = fundec
         let name = "Fundec"
-        let varname v = "fd_" ^ v.svar.vorig_name
         let reprs = reprs
         let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_abstract
         let compare v1 v2 = Datatype.Int.compare v1.svar.vid v2.svar.vid
@@ -2659,7 +2556,6 @@ module Fundec = struct
         let rehash = Datatype.identity
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty fmt f = !pretty_ref fmt f
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
@@ -2676,9 +2572,7 @@ module Lexpr = Make
       type t = lexpr
       let name = "Lexpr"
       let reprs = [ { lexpr_node = PLvar ""; lexpr_loc = Location.unknown } ]
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let pretty = Datatype.undefined (* TODO *)
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
@@ -2692,19 +2586,6 @@ module Localisation =
       type t = localisation
       let name = "Localisation"
       let reprs = [ VGlobal ]
-      let internal_pretty_code p_caller fmt loc =
-        let pp s kf =
-          Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt
-            (fun fmt ->
-               Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%s@;%a@]"
-                 s
-                 (Kf.internal_pretty_code Type.Call)
-                 kf)
-        in
-        match loc with
-        | VGlobal -> Format.fprintf fmt "Cil_types.VGlobal"
-        | VLocal kf -> pp "Cil_types.VLocal" kf
-        | VFormal kf -> pp "Cil_types.VFormal" kf
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.mli
index 807648fbb378e86a9e0df39f6810bc800242db47..08df42ea3ba4c412ea73d224d7f01fcc7f5c329f 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.mli
@@ -268,9 +268,6 @@ module Varinfo: sig
     val self: State.t
   val dummy: t
-  (**/**)
-  val internal_pretty_code_ref:
-    (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit) ref
 module Kf: sig
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/file.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/file.ml
index 7bb60f13bd74e576c7e6f0eec94738a0bcbc9879..b3fa4fca000d301cbed097f3017df518d490e658 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/file.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/file.ml
@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ open Cil_datatype
 type cpp_opt_kind = Gnu | Not_gnu | Unknown
-let pretty_cpp_opt_kind fmt =
-  function
-  | Gnu -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Gnu"
-  | Not_gnu -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Not_gnu"
-  | Unknown -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Unknown"
 type file =
   | NeedCPP of
       Filepath.Normalized.t (* Filename of the [.c] to preprocess. *)
@@ -62,22 +56,6 @@ module D =
       let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_abstract
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
       let copy = Datatype.identity (* immutable strings *)
-      let internal_pretty_code p_caller fmt t =
-        let pp fmt = match t with
-          | NoCPP s ->
-            Format.fprintf fmt "@[File.NoCPP %a@]" Filepath.Normalized.pretty s
-          | External (f,p) ->
-            Format.fprintf fmt "@[File.External (%a,%S)@]"
-              Filepath.Normalized.pretty f p
-          | NeedCPP (f,cmd,extra,kind) ->
-            Format.fprintf
-              fmt "@[File.NeedCPP (%a,%S,%S,%a)@]"
-              Filepath.Normalized.pretty f
-              cmd
-              (String.concat " " extra)
-              pretty_cpp_opt_kind kind
-        in
-        Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp
 include D
@@ -1894,24 +1872,6 @@ let init_from_cmdline () =
     Kernel.fatal "@[<v 0>Cannot initialize from C files@ \
                   Kernel raised Bad_Initialization %s@]" s
-let init_from_cmdline =
-  Journal.register
-    "File.init_from_cmdline"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    init_from_cmdline
-let init_from_c_files =
-  Journal.register
-    "File.init_from_c_files"
-    (Datatype.func (Datatype.list ty) Datatype.unit)
-    init_from_c_files
-let prepare_from_c_files =
-  Journal.register
-    "File.prepare_from_c_files"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    prepare_from_c_files
 let () = Ast.set_default_initialization
     (fun () ->
        if Files.is_computed () then prepare_from_c_files ()
@@ -1924,21 +1884,8 @@ let pp_file_to fmt_opt =
    | None -> Kernel.CodeOutput.output (fun fmt -> pp_ast fmt ast)
    | Some fmt -> pp_ast fmt ast)
-let unjournalized_pretty prj (fmt_opt:Format.formatter option) () =
-  Project.on prj pp_file_to fmt_opt
-let journalized_pretty_ast =
-  Journal.register "File.pretty_ast"
-    (Datatype.func3
-       ~label1:("prj",Some Project.current) Project.ty
-       ~label2:("fmt",Some (fun () -> None))
-       (let module O = Datatype.Option(Datatype.Formatter) in
-        O.ty)
-       Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    unjournalized_pretty
 let pretty_ast ?(prj=Project.current ()) ?fmt () =
-  journalized_pretty_ast prj fmt ()
+  Project.on prj pp_file_to fmt
 let create_rebuilt_project_from_visitor
     ?reorder ?last ?(preprocess=false) prj_name visitor =
@@ -1952,7 +1899,7 @@ let create_rebuilt_project_from_visitor
     let cout = open_out (f :> string) in
     let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel cout in
-    unjournalized_pretty prj (Some fmt) ();
+    pretty_ast ~prj ~fmt ();
     let redo () =
       (*      Kernel.feedback "redoing initialization on file %s" f;*)
       Files.reset ();
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline.ml b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline.ml
index 99d2ff53a95b3d6d32c165ea7918406f6c021160..2c79c7550cc7202859a342c271d64bbcf0e02a90 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline.ml
@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ module Kernel_log =
 let dkey = Kernel_log.register_category "cmdline"
 let quiet_ref = ref false
-let journal_enable_ref = ref !Fc_config.is_gui
-let journal_isset_ref = ref false
 let use_obj_ref = ref true
 let use_type_ref = ref true
 let deterministic = ref false
@@ -379,15 +377,9 @@ let parse known_options_list then_expected options_list =
 let non_initial_options_ref = ref []
 let () =
-  let set_journal b =
-    journal_enable_ref := b;
-    journal_isset_ref := true
-  in
   let first_parsing_stage () =
-      [ "-journal-enable", Unit (fun () -> set_journal true);
-        "-journal-disable", Unit (fun () -> set_journal false);
-        "-no-obj", Unit (fun () -> use_obj_ref := false);
+      [ "-no-obj", Unit (fun () -> use_obj_ref := false);
         "-no-type", Unit (fun () -> use_type_ref := false);
         Unit (fun () ->
@@ -418,16 +410,10 @@ let () =
   if not !use_obj_ref then use_type_ref := false;
   if not !use_type_ref then begin
     Type.no_obj ();
-    if !journal_enable_ref then begin
-      Kernel_log.warning "disabling journal in the 'no obj' mode";
-      journal_enable_ref := false
-    end
 let quiet = !quiet_ref
-let journal_enable = !journal_enable_ref
-let journal_isset = !journal_isset_ref
 let use_obj = !use_obj_ref
 let use_type = !use_type_ref
 let deterministic = !deterministic
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline.mli b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline.mli
index b30852478e34e2fdafdaeb776ec461b80a1a478c..be3762b11cb77aa4587f19a17d06241c83298c09 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/cmdline.mli
@@ -360,13 +360,6 @@ val kernel_debug_atleast_ref: (int -> bool) ref
 val kernel_verbose_atleast_ref: (int -> bool) ref
 (** @since Boron-20100401 *)
-val journal_enable: bool
-(** @since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
-val journal_isset: bool
-(** -journal-enable/disable explicitly set on the command line.
-    @since Boron-20100401 *)
 val use_obj: bool
 (** @since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_builder.ml b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_builder.ml
index 85a68644f91dc5a599f153ed68fdf8dd959c320d..440d90c04a79cfcf10513351b9fd8c873ba2f127 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_builder.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_builder.ml
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ struct
       if is_dynamic then
         let plugin = empty_string in
-          ~plugin X.option_name Typed_parameter.ty ~journalize:false p
+          ~plugin X.option_name Typed_parameter.ty p
       else p
     let add_aliases ?visible ?deprecated list =
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ struct
       if is_dynamic then
         let plugin = empty_string in
-          ~plugin X.option_name Typed_parameter.ty ~journalize:false p
+          ~plugin X.option_name Typed_parameter.ty p
       else p
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ struct
       if is_dynamic then
         let plugin = empty_string in
-          ~plugin X.option_name Typed_parameter.ty ~journalize:false p
+          ~plugin X.option_name Typed_parameter.ty p
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ struct
       if is_dynamic then
         let plugin = empty_string in
-          ~plugin X.option_name Typed_parameter.ty ~journalize:false p
+          ~plugin X.option_name Typed_parameter.ty p
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_customize.ml b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_customize.ml
index 26a72c9253e3a7803b76946e8c7ea78407175b02..be8b8888d95dc65708e2314b9a5fbf31953c9f88 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_customize.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_customize.ml
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ let empty_string = ""
 let cmdline_stage_ref = ref Cmdline.Configuring
 let set_cmdline_stage s = cmdline_stage_ref := s
-let journalize_ref = ref true
-let do_not_journalize () = journalize_ref := false
 let negative_option_name_ref = ref None
 let set_negative_option_name s = negative_option_name_ref := Some s
@@ -107,7 +104,6 @@ let add_function_name_transformation f =
 let reset () =
   cmdline_stage_ref := Cmdline.Configuring;
-  journalize_ref := true;
   negative_option_name_ref := None;
   negative_option_help_ref := empty_string;
   unset_option_name_ref:= empty_string;
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_customize.mli b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_customize.mli
index 2d2d03cc876ed18a95b05afd0f0e1a012a1163dd..4576d52168e884dcbbf452272a03faa9fbabd770 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_customize.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_customize.mli
@@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ val set_cmdline_stage: Cmdline.stage -> unit
     recognized. Default is [Cmdline.Configuring].
     @since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
-val do_not_journalize: unit -> unit
-(** Prevent journalization of the parameter.
-    @since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
 val do_not_projectify: unit -> unit
 (** Prevent projectification of the parameter: its state is shared by all the
     existing projects. Also imply {!do_not_save} and {!do_not_reset_on_copy}.
@@ -190,7 +186,6 @@ val find_kf_by_name: (string -> Cil_types.kernel_function) ref
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
 val cmdline_stage_ref: Cmdline.stage ref
-val journalize_ref: bool ref
 val negative_option_name_ref: string option ref
 val negative_option_help_ref: string ref
 val unset_option_name_ref: string ref
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_state.ml b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_state.ml
index 8eb52c61979378a7ff7e22feb97b37b92219a047..1b7b59d67f06eb6aaac438a4d54c5c1f1d4512c6 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_state.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_state.ml
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ struct
   let reset_on_copy = !Parameter_customize.reset_on_copy_ref
   let must_save = !Parameter_customize.must_save_ref
   let is_visible = !Parameter_customize.is_visible_ref
-  let module_name = !Parameter_customize.module_name_ref
   let group = !Parameter_customize.group_ref
   let stage = !Parameter_customize.cmdline_stage_ref
@@ -187,29 +186,14 @@ struct
          let new_ = !x in
          if not (X.equal old new_) then f old new_)
-  let gen_journalized name ty set =
-    let name =
-      if is_dynamic then
-        Dynamic.Parameter.get_name X.functor_name name X.option_name
-      else
-        "Kernel." ^ module_name ^ "." ^ name
-    in
-    if !Parameter_customize.journalize_ref then
-      Journal.register ~is_dyn:is_dynamic name (D.func ty D.unit) set
-    else
-      set
   (* like set, but do not clear the dependencies *)
-  let unsafe_set =
-    let set x =
-      Is_set.set true;
-      let old = Internal_state.get () in
-      if not (X.equal x old) then begin
-        Internal_state.set x;
-        Set_hook.apply (old, x)
-      end
-    in
-    gen_journalized "unsafe_set" X.ty set
+  let unsafe_set x =
+    Is_set.set true;
+    let old = Internal_state.get () in
+    if not (X.equal x old) then begin
+      Internal_state.set x;
+      Set_hook.apply (old, x)
+    end
   let force_set x =
     let old = Internal_state.get () in
@@ -232,20 +216,15 @@ struct
     Internal_state.set x;
     Set_hook.apply (old, x)
-  let journalized_force_set = gen_journalized "set" X.ty force_set
   let set x =
     Is_set.set true;
-    if not (X.equal x (Internal_state.get ())) then journalized_force_set x
+    if not (X.equal x (Internal_state.get ())) then force_set x
-  let unguarded_clear =
-    gen_journalized "clear" D.unit
-      (fun () ->
-         force_set (X.default ());
-         Is_set.set false)
+  let unguarded_clear () =
+    force_set (X.default ());
+    Is_set.set false
   let clear () =
-    (* write this call in the journal if and only if there is something to do *)
     if Is_set.get () || not (is_default ()) then unguarded_clear ()
   let equal = X.equal
@@ -256,7 +235,6 @@ struct
         (Dynamic.Parameter.get_name X.functor_name name X.option_name)
-        ~journalize:false
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_state.mli b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_state.mli
index aabe1efd6e247cf30a70a9d670d57dd2477bb5fa..1329f9bff5f0deab8a912e1f22c3db725177eed0 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_state.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/parameter_state.mli
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ sig
   val is_dynamic: bool
   val register_dynamic:
     string -> 'arg Type.t -> 'ret Type.t -> ('arg -> 'ret) -> 'arg -> 'ret
-  val gen_journalized: string -> 'arg Type.t -> ('arg -> unit) -> 'arg -> unit
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/typed_parameter.ml b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/typed_parameter.ml
index b875e86a8eb7dc94a283f42cbcce934da6730568..fd25643d8bb4f583c0840baeb97f8823f31207d3 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/typed_parameter.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/cmdline_parameters/typed_parameter.ml
@@ -67,9 +67,6 @@ include
       let hash x = Datatype.String.hash x.name
       let copy x = x (* The representation of the parameter is immutable *)
       let pretty fmt x = Format.pp_print_string fmt x.name
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
-      let varname _ = assert false
-      (* unused if internal_pretty_code undefined *)
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.ml b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.ml
index aa88f10322091cd8ea4672057d06ec95299aa840..64e5c108ab5c3840e18f335d49f175bf582864d0 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.ml
@@ -24,28 +24,15 @@ open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
 open Extlib
-type 'a how_to_journalize =
-  | Journalize of string * 'a Type.t
-  | Journalization_not_required
-  | Journalization_must_not_happen of string
-let register how_to_journalize r f =
-  match how_to_journalize with
-  | Journalize (name, ty) -> r := Journal.register ("!Db." ^ name) ty f
-  | Journalization_not_required -> r := f
-  | Journalization_must_not_happen name ->
-    r := Journal.never_write ("!Db." ^ name) f
+let register r f = r := f
 let register_compute name deps r f =
   let name = "!Db." ^ name in
-  let f = Journal.register name (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit) f in
   let compute, self = State_builder.apply_once name deps f in
   r := compute;
-let register_guarded_compute name is_computed r f =
-  let name = "!Db." ^ name in
-  let f = Journal.register name (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit) f in
+let register_guarded_compute is_computed r f =
   let compute () = if not (is_computed ()) then f () in
   r := compute
@@ -202,29 +189,13 @@ module Value = struct
   let fun_get_args () = FunArgs.get_option ()
-  (* This function is *not* journalized *)
-  let fun_set_args =
-    let module L = Datatype.List(Cvalue.V) in
-    Journal.register "(failwith \"Function cannot be journalized: \
-                      Db.Value.fun_set_args\" : _ -> unit)"
-      (Datatype.func L.ty Datatype.unit)
-      (fun l ->
-         if
-           not
-             (Option.equal ListArgs.equal (Some l) (FunArgs.get_option ()))
-         then begin
-           !initial_state_changed ();
-           FunArgs.set l
-         end)
-  let fun_use_default_args =
-    Journal.register "Db.Value.fun_use_default_args"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      (fun () ->
-         if FunArgs.get_option () <> None then
-           (!initial_state_changed (); FunArgs.clear ()))
+  let fun_set_args l =
+    if not (Option.equal ListArgs.equal (Some l) (FunArgs.get_option ())) then
+      (!initial_state_changed (); FunArgs.set l)
+  let fun_use_default_args () =
+    if FunArgs.get_option () <> None then
+      (!initial_state_changed (); FunArgs.clear ())
   (* Initial memory state of the value analysis *)
   module VGlobals =
@@ -235,27 +206,19 @@ module Value = struct
         let dependencies = [Ast.self]
-  (* This function is *not* journalized *)
-  let globals_set_initial_state =
-    Journal.register "(failwith \"Function cannot be journalized: \
-                      Db.Value.globals_set_initial_state\" : _ -> unit)"
-      (Datatype.func Cvalue.Model.ty Datatype.unit)
-      (fun state ->
-         if not (Option.equal Cvalue.Model.equal
-                   (Some state)
-                   (VGlobals.get_option ()))
-         then begin
-           !initial_state_changed ();
-           VGlobals.set state
-         end)
-  let globals_use_default_initial_state =
-    Journal.register
-      "Db.Value.globals_use_default_initial_state"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      (fun () -> if VGlobals.get_option () <> None then
-          (!initial_state_changed (); VGlobals.clear ()))
+  let globals_set_initial_state state =
+    if not (Option.equal Cvalue.Model.equal
+              (Some state)
+              (VGlobals.get_option ()))
+    then begin
+      !initial_state_changed ();
+      VGlobals.set state
+    end
+  let globals_use_default_initial_state () =
+    if VGlobals.get_option () <> None then
+      (!initial_state_changed (); VGlobals.clear ())
   let initial_state_only_globals = mk_fun "Value.initial_state_only_globals"
@@ -319,10 +282,8 @@ module Value = struct
         let dependencies = [ self ]
-  let mark_as_computed =
-    Journal.register "Db.Value.mark_as_computed"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      Table_By_Callstack.mark_as_computed
+  let mark_as_computed () =
+    Table_By_Callstack.mark_as_computed ()
   let is_computed () = Table_By_Callstack.is_computed ()
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.mli b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.mli
index 0c37f844ea026f80172eb505e9d567e5c5d63b7d..a3619aec348d0cc83547ec00ec64e13d5d6955a9 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.mli
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
    Modules providing general services:
    - {!Dynamic}: API for plug-ins linked dynamically
-   - {!Journal}: journalisation
    - {!Log}: message outputs and printers
    - {!Plugin}: general services for plug-ins
    - {!Project} and associated files: {!Kind}, {!Datatype} and {!State_builder}.
@@ -53,22 +52,7 @@ open Cil_datatype
 (** {2 Registering} *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
-(** How to journalize the given function.
-    @since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
-type 'a how_to_journalize =
-  | Journalize of string * 'a Type.t
-  (** Journalize the value with the given name and type. *)
-  | Journalization_not_required
-  (** Journalization of this value is not required
-      (usually because it has no effect on the Frama-C global state). *)
-  | Journalization_must_not_happen of string
-  (** Journalization of this value should not happen
-      (usually because it is a low-level function: this function is always
-      called from a journalized function).
-      The string is the function name which is used for displaying suitable
-      error message. *)
-val register: 'a how_to_journalize -> 'a ref -> 'a -> unit
+val register: 'a ref -> 'a -> unit
 (** Plugins must register values with this function. *)
 val register_compute:
@@ -77,9 +61,10 @@ val register_compute:
   (unit -> unit) ref -> (unit -> unit) -> State.t
 val register_guarded_compute:
-  string ->
   (unit -> bool) ->
   (unit -> unit) ref -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+(** @before Frama-C+dev there was a string parameter (first position) that was
+            only used for Journalization, that has been removed. *)
 (** Frama-C main interface.
     @since Lithium-20081201
@@ -188,8 +173,7 @@ module Value : sig
       [fun_use_default_args] is called, when the ast is changed, or
       if the options [-libentry] or [-main] are changed. *)
-  (** Specify the arguments to use. This function is not journalized, and
-      will generate an error when the journal is replayed *)
+  (** Specify the arguments to use. *)
   val fun_set_args : t list -> unit
   val fun_use_default_args : unit -> unit
@@ -212,8 +196,7 @@ module Value : sig
       the option [-libentry]) is used when [globals_use_default_initial_state]
       is called, or when the ast changes. *)
-  (** Specify the initial state to use. This function is not journalized,
-      and will generate an error when the journal is replayed *)
+  (** Specify the initial state to use. *)
   val globals_set_initial_state : state -> unit
   val globals_use_default_initial_state : unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.ml b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.ml
index 8ca60609d5e03713020c43c70223417c5c2b9c47..7e6fa5480075aea0ca8ceca8f94efe99fdfccbca 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.ml
@@ -359,29 +359,9 @@ let load_module m =
 let dynamic_values = Tbl.create 97
 let comments_fordoc = Hashtbl.create 97
-let register ?(comment="") ~plugin name ty ~journalize f =
+let register ?(comment="") ~plugin name ty f =
   if Cmdline.use_type then begin
     Klog.debug ~level:5 "registering dynamic function %s" name;
-    let f =
-      if journalize then
-        let comment fmt =
-          Format.fprintf fmt
-            "@[<hov>Applying@;dynamic@;functions@;%S@;of@;type@;%s@]"
-            name
-            (Type.name ty)
-        in
-        let jname =
-          Format.fprintf
-            Format.str_formatter
-            "@[<hv 2>Dynamic.get@;~plugin:%S@;%S@;%t@]"
-            plugin name
-            (Type.pp_ml_name ty Type.Call);
-          Format.flush_str_formatter ()
-        in
-        Journal.register jname ty ~is_dyn:true ~comment f
-      else
-        f
-    in
     let key = plugin ^ "." ^ name in
     Tbl.add dynamic_values key ty f;
     if comment <> "" then Hashtbl.add comments_fordoc key comment ;
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.mli b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.mli
index ae7cb6424ba157e60f331e76f20496aa7a95b018..57422faed10585232c41154fbb7e135fd921bcd0 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/dynamic.mli
@@ -30,11 +30,13 @@
 val register:
   ?comment:string ->
   plugin:string ->
-  string -> 'a Type.t -> journalize:bool -> 'a -> 'a
+  string -> 'a Type.t -> 'a -> 'a
 (** [register ~plugin name ty v] registers [v] with the name
     [name], the type [ty] and the plug-in [plugin].
     @raise Type.AlreadyExists if [name] already exists. In other words you
     cannot register a value with the same name twice.
+    @before Frama-C+dev there was a labeled argument [journalized], that has
+            been removed when Journalization has been removed.
     @plugin development guide *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
@@ -155,7 +157,8 @@ end
 val load_packages: string list -> unit
-(** Load the module specification. See -load-module option. *)
+(** Load the module specification. See -load-module option.
+    @modify Magnesium-20151001 new API. *)
 val load_module: string -> unit
 (** Sets the load path for modules in FRAMAC_PLUGIN, prepending it with [path].
@@ -173,7 +176,8 @@ val is_loaded: string -> bool
 val load_plugin_path: unit -> unit
 (** Load all plugins in the path set with [set_module_load_path].
     Must be invoked only once from boot during extending stage.
-    @since Magnesium-20151001 new API. *)
+    @since Magnesium-20151001 new API.
+    @modify Phosphorus-20170501-beta1 changed signature. *)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml
index 43d4b82ef8d8a26eec2b40b0bc2bb48636354b04..0349a71692e9d42ea2aefbe5fbb1453c10155f4a 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml
@@ -103,9 +103,6 @@ module D =
       let hash x = Datatype.String.hash x.name
       let copy x = x (* strings are immutable here *)
       let pretty fmt x = Format.pp_print_string fmt x.name
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
-      let varname _ = assert false (* unused while [internal_pretty_code]
-                                      unimplemented *)
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
@@ -149,9 +146,6 @@ module Usable_emitter = struct
             Format.fprintf fmt "%s (v%d)" name x.version
             Format.pp_print_string fmt name
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
-        let varname _ = assert false (* unused while [internal_pretty_code]
-                                        unimplemented *)
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal.ml b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c81ac38b9cd345d4a0ffa98eaff99af3c4dc2bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(* Disclaimer
-   ----------
-   This module uses very unsafe caml features (module Obj).
-   Modify it at your own risk.
-   Sometimes the caml type system does not help you here.
-   Introducing a bug here may introduce some "segmentation faults" in Frama-C *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-open Cmdline.Kernel_log
-(** Journalization of functions *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(** {2 Journal management} *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(* [started] prevents journalization of function call
-   inside another one. It is [true] iff a journalized function is being
-   applied. *)
-let started = ref false
-module Sentences = struct
-  type t =
-    { sentence: Format.formatter -> unit;
-      raise_exn: bool }
-  let sentences : t Queue.t = Queue.create ()
-  let add print exn =
-    Queue.add { sentence = print; raise_exn = exn } sentences
-  let write fmt =
-    let finally_raised = ref false in
-    (* printing the sentences *)
-    Queue.iter
-      (fun s -> s.sentence fmt; finally_raised := s.raise_exn)
-      sentences;
-    (* if any, re-raised the exception raised by the last sentence *)
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s@]"
-      (if !finally_raised then "raise (Exception (Printexc.to_string exn))"
-       else "()");
-    (* closing the box opened when catching exception *)
-    Queue.iter
-      (fun s -> if s.raise_exn then Format.fprintf fmt "@]@]@]@;end")
-      sentences
-  let journal_copy = ref (Queue.create ())
-  let save () =  journal_copy := Queue.copy sentences
-  let restore () =
-    Queue.clear sentences;
-    Queue.transfer !journal_copy sentences
-module Abstract_modules = struct
-  let tbl: (string, string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 7
-  let () = Type.add_abstract_types := Hashtbl.replace tbl
-  let write fmt =
-    Hashtbl.iter
-      (fun k v ->
-         Format.fprintf fmt
-           "@[<hv 2>let module %s=@;@[<hv 0>Type.Abstract\
-            (struct let name = %S end) in@]@]@;"
-           k v)
-      tbl
-  let tbl_copy = ref (Hashtbl.create 7)
-  let save () = tbl_copy := Hashtbl.copy tbl
-  let restore () =
-    Hashtbl.clear tbl;
-    Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> Hashtbl.add tbl k v) !tbl_copy
-let save () =
-  Sentences.save ();
-  Abstract_modules.save ()
-let restore () =
-  Sentences.restore ();
-  Abstract_modules.restore ()
-let now () = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ())
-let default_filename = "frama_c_journal.ml"
-let filename = ref default_filename
-let get_session_file = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
-let get_name () =
-  let f = !filename in
-  if f == default_filename
-  then !get_session_file f
-  else Datatype.Filepath.of_string f
-let set_name s = filename := s
-let print_header fmt =
-  let time = now () in
-  Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* the outermost box *)
-  Format.fprintf fmt
-    "@[(* Frama-C journal generated at %02d:%02d the %02d/%02d/%d *)@]@;@;"
-    time.Unix.tm_hour
-    time.Unix.tm_min
-    time.Unix.tm_mday
-    (time.Unix.tm_mon+1)
-    (time.Unix.tm_year + 1900);
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[exception Unreachable@]@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[exception Exception of string@]@;@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[[@@@@@@ warning \"-26\"]@]@;@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt (* open two boxes for start *)
-    "(* Run the user commands *)@;@[<hv 2>let run () =@;@[<hv 0>"
-let print_trailer fmt =
-  let name = Format.asprintf "%a" Datatype.Filepath.pretty (get_name ()) in
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[(* Main *)@]@\n";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>let main () =@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt
-    "@[<hv 0>@[<hv 2>Journal.keep_file@; (Datatype.Filepath.of_string@; (\"%s\"));@]@;"
-    name;
-  Format.fprintf fmt "try run ()@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>with@;@[<hv 2>| Unreachable ->@ ";
-  Format.fprintf fmt
-    "@[<hv 2>Kernel.fatal@;\"Journal reaches an assumed dead code\"@;@]@]@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>| Exception s ->@ ";
-  Format.fprintf fmt
-    "@[<hv 2>Kernel.log@;\"Journal re-raised the exception %%S\"@;s@]@]@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>| exn ->@ ";
-  Format.fprintf fmt
-    "@[<hv 2>Kernel.fatal@;\"Journal raised an unexpected exception: %%s\"@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "(Printexc.to_string exn)@]@]@]@]@]@\n@\n";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[(* Registering *)@]@\n";
-  Format.fprintf fmt
-    "@[<hv 2>let main : unit -> unit =@;@[<hv 2>Dynamic.register@;~plugin:%S@;\"main\"@;"
-    (String.capitalize_ascii (Filename.basename name));
-  Format.fprintf fmt
-    "@[<hv 2>(Datatype.func@;Datatype.unit@;Datatype.unit)@]@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "~journalize:false@;main@]@]@\n@\n";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[(* Hooking *)@]@\n";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>let () =@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt
-    "@[<hv 2>Cmdline.run_after_loading_stage@;main;@]@;";
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>Cmdline.is_going_to_load@;()@]@]@.";
-  (* close the outermost box *)
-  Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
-let preserved_files : Datatype.Filepath.t list ref = ref []
-let keep_file s = preserved_files := s :: !preserved_files
-let get_filename =
-  let cpt = ref 0 in
-  let rec get_filename first =
-    let name_fp = get_name () in
-    let name = (name_fp:>string) in
-    if (not first && Sys.file_exists name) || List.mem name_fp !preserved_files
-    then begin
-      incr cpt;
-      let suf = "_" ^ string_of_int !cpt in
-      (try
-         let n =
-           Str.search_backward
-             (Str.regexp "_[0-9]+")
-             name
-             (String.length name - 1)
-         in
-         filename := Str.string_before name n ^ suf
-       with Not_found ->
-         filename := name ^ suf);
-      get_filename false
-    end else
-      name_fp
-  in
-  fun () -> get_filename true
-let write () =
-  let write fmt =
-    print_header fmt;
-    Abstract_modules.write fmt;
-    Sentences.write fmt;
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@]@]@;@;";
-    print_trailer fmt;
-    Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()
-  in
-  let error msg s = error "cannot %s journal (%s)." msg s in
-  let filename = get_filename () in
-  feedback "writing journal in file `%a'."
-    Datatype.Filepath.pretty filename;
-  try
-    let cout = open_out (filename:>string) in
-    let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel cout in
-    Format.pp_set_margin fmt 78 (* line length *);
-    (try write fmt with Sys_error s -> error "write into" s);
-    try close_out cout with Sys_error s -> error "close" s
-  with Sys_error s ->
-    error "create" s
-let () =
-  (* write the journal iff it is enable and
-     - either an error occurs;
-     - or the user explicitly wanted it. *)
-  if Cmdline.journal_enable then begin
-    Cmdline.at_error_exit (fun _ -> write ());
-    if Cmdline.journal_isset then Cmdline.at_normal_exit write
-  end
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(** {2 Journalization} *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-module Binding: sig
-  val add: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> string -> unit
-  (** [add ty v var] binds the value [v] to the variable name [var].  Thus,
-      [pp ty v] prints [var] and not use the standard pretty printer.  Very
-      useful to pretty print values with no associated pretty printer. *)
-  exception Name_already_exists of string
-  val add_once: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> string -> unit
-  (** Same as function [add] above but raise the exception [Already_exists]
-      if the binding previously exists *)
-  val find: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> string
-  val iter: ('a Type.t -> 'a -> string -> unit) -> unit
-end = struct
-  let bindings : string Type.Obj_tbl.t = Type.Obj_tbl.create ()
-  let add ty v var =
-    Type.Obj_tbl.add bindings ty v var (* eta-expansion required *)
-  (* add bindings for [Format.std_formatter] and [Format.err_formatter] *)
-  let () =
-    add Datatype.formatter Format.std_formatter "Format.std_formatter";
-    add Datatype.formatter Format.err_formatter "Format.err_formatter"
-  exception Name_already_exists of string
-  let check_name s =
-    let error () =
-      Format.eprintf "[Type] A value of name %s already exists@." s;
-      raise (Name_already_exists s)
-    in
-    Type.Obj_tbl.iter bindings (fun _ _ s' -> if s = s' then error ())
-  let add_once ty x s =
-    check_name s;
-    add ty x s
-  let find ty v = Type.Obj_tbl.find bindings ty v (* eta-expansion required *)
-  let iter f = Type.Obj_tbl.iter bindings f (* eta-expansion required *)
-  (* predefined bindings *)
-  let () =
-    add Datatype.formatter Format.std_formatter "Format.std_formatter";
-    add Datatype.formatter Format.err_formatter "Format.err_formatter"
-(* JS 2012/02/07: useful only for BM introspection testing ;-) *)
-module Reverse_binding = struct
-  module Tbl = Type.String_tbl(struct type 'a t = 'a end)
-  exception Unbound_value = Tbl.Unbound_value
-  exception Incompatible_type = Tbl.Incompatible_type
-  let tbl = Tbl.create 97
-  let fill () = Binding.iter (fun ty v name -> Tbl.add tbl name ty v)
-  let find name ty = Tbl.find tbl name ty
-  let iter f = Tbl.iter f tbl
-  let pretty fmt () =
-    iter
-      (fun name ty v ->
-         Format.fprintf fmt "%s --> %a@." name (Datatype.pretty ty) v)
-exception Not_writable of string
-let never_write name f =
-  if Cmdline.journal_enable && Cmdline.use_type then
-    if Obj.tag (Obj.repr f) = Obj.closure_tag then
-      Obj.magic
-        (fun y ->
-           if !started then Obj.magic f y
-           else
-             let msg =
-               Format.asprintf
-                 "a call to the function %s has to be written in the journal, \
-                  but this function was never journalized."
-                 name
-             in
-             raise (Not_writable msg))
-    else
-      invalid_arg ("[Journal.never_write] " ^ name ^ " is not a closure")
-  else
-    f
-let pp (type t) (ty: t Type.t) fmt (x:t) =
-  assert Cmdline.use_type;
-  try Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (Binding.find ty x);
-  with Not_found ->
-    let pp_error msg =
-      Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>(failwith @[<hov 2>\"%s:@ running the journal will fail.\"@])@;@]" msg
-    in
-    let pp = Datatype.internal_pretty_code ty in
-    if pp == Datatype.undefined then
-      pp_error
-        (Format.asprintf
-           "no printer registered for value of type %s"
-           (Type.name ty))
-    else if pp == Datatype.pp_fail then
-      pp_error
-        (Format.asprintf
-           "no code for pretty printer of type %s"
-           (Type.name ty))
-    else
-      pp Type.Call fmt x
-let gen_binding =
-  let ids = Hashtbl.create 7 in
-  let rec gen s =
-    try
-      let n = succ (Hashtbl.find ids s) in
-      Hashtbl.replace ids s n;
-      gen (s ^ "_" ^ string_of_int n)
-    with Not_found ->
-      Hashtbl.add ids s 1;
-      s
-  in
-  gen
-let extend_continuation f_acc pp_arg opt_label opt_arg arg fmt =
-  f_acc fmt;
-  match opt_label, opt_arg with
-  | None, None (* no label *) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@;%a" pp_arg arg;
-  | None, Some _ -> assert false
-  | Some _, Some f when f () == arg ->
-    (* [arg] is the default value of the optional label *)
-    ()
-  | Some l, _ (* other label *) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@;~%s:%a" l pp_arg arg
-(* print any comment *)
-let print_comment fmt pp = match pp with
-  | None -> ()
-  | Some pp -> Format.fprintf fmt "(* %t *)@;" pp
-let print_sentence f_acc is_dyn comment ?value ty fmt =
-  assert Cmdline.use_type;
-  print_comment fmt comment;
-  (* open a new box for the sentence *)
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>";
-  (* add a let binding whenever the return type is not unit *)
-  let is_unit = Type.equal ty Datatype.unit in
-  if not is_unit then
-    Format.fprintf fmt "let %t=@;"
-      (fun fmt ->
-         let binding =
-           let varname = Datatype.varname ty in
-           match varname == Datatype.undefined, value with
-           | true, _ | _, None ->
-             "__" (* no binding nor value: ignore the result *)
-           | false, Some value ->
-             (* bind to a fresh variable name *)
-             let b = gen_binding (varname value) in
-             Binding.add ty value b;
-             b
-         in
-         Format.fprintf fmt "%s" binding;
-         (* add the return type for dynamic application *)
-         if is_dyn then Format.fprintf fmt "@;: %s " (Type.name ty)
-         else Format.fprintf fmt " ");
-  (* pretty print the sentence itself in a box *)
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%t@]" f_acc;
-  (* close the sentence *)
-  if is_unit then Format.fprintf fmt ";@]@;"
-  else Format.fprintf fmt "@;<1 -2>in@]@;"
-let add_sentence f_acc is_dyn comment ?value ty =
-  Sentences.add (print_sentence f_acc is_dyn comment ?value ty) false
-let catch_exn f_acc is_dyn comment ret_ty exn =
-  let s_exn = Printexc.to_string exn in
-  (* [s_exn] is not necessarily a valid OCaml exception.
-     So don't use it in OCaml code. *)
-  let comment fmt =
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>exception %s@;raised on: @]%t" s_exn
-      (fun fmt -> Option.iter (fun f -> f fmt) comment)
-  in
-  let print fmt =
-    (* open a new box for the sentence *)
-    Format.fprintf fmt
-      "@[<hv 2>begin try@;@[<hv>%t@[<hv 2>raise Unreachable@]@]@]@;"
-      (print_sentence f_acc is_dyn (Some comment) ret_ty);
-    (* two opened boxes closed at end *)
-    Format.fprintf fmt
-      "@[<v>with@;@[<hv 2>| Unreachable as exn -> raise exn@]@;";
-    Format.fprintf fmt
-      "@[<hv 2>| exn (* %s *) ->@;@[<hv>@[(* continuing: *)@]@;" s_exn
-  in
-  Sentences.add print true
-let rec journalize_function: 't.
-  (Format.formatter -> unit) -> 't Type.t -> bool ->
-  (Format.formatter -> unit) option -> 't -> 't =
-  fun (type t) (type a) (type b) f_acc (ty: t Type.t) is_dyn comment (x:t)
-    ->
-      assert Cmdline.use_type;
-      if Type.Function.is_instance_of ty then begin
-        (* [ty] is a function type value:
-           there exists [a] and [b] such than [t = a -> b] *)
-        let ty: (a -> b) Type.t = Obj.magic (ty: t Type.t) in
-        let f: a -> b = Obj.magic (x: t) in
-        let (a: a Type.t), (b: b Type.t), opt_label =
-          Type.Function.get_instance ty
-        in
-        let opt_arg = Type.Function.get_optional_argument ty in
-        let f (y: a) : b =
-          if !started then
-            (* prevent journalisation if you're journalizing another function *)
-            f y
-          else begin
-            try
-              (* [started] prevents journalization of function call
-                 inside another one *)
-              started := true;
-              (* apply the closure [x] to its argument [y] *)
-              let xy = f y in
-              started := false;
-              (* extend the continuation and continue *)
-              let f_acc = extend_continuation f_acc (pp a) opt_label opt_arg y in
-              journalize_function f_acc b is_dyn comment xy
-            with
-            | Not_writable name ->
-              started := false;
-              fatal
-                "a call to the function %S cannot be written in the journal"
-                name
-            | exn as e ->
-              let f_acc = extend_continuation f_acc (pp a) opt_label opt_arg y in
-              catch_exn f_acc is_dyn comment b exn;
-              started := false;
-              raise e
-          end in
-        (* cast back the closure of type [a -> b] into [t] *)
-        (Obj.magic (f: a -> b): t)
-      end else begin
-        if not !started then add_sentence f_acc is_dyn comment ~value:x ty;
-        x
-      end
-let register s ty ?comment ?(is_dyn=false) x =
-  if Cmdline.journal_enable then begin
-    assert Cmdline.use_type;
-    if s = "" then
-      abort "[Journal.register] the given name should not be \"\"";
-    Binding.add_once ty x s;
-    if Type.Function.is_instance_of ty then begin
-      let f_acc fmt = pp ty fmt x in
-      journalize_function f_acc ty is_dyn comment x
-    end else
-      x
-  end else
-    x
-let prevent f x =
-  let old = !started in
-  started := true;
-  let res = try f x with exn -> started := old; raise exn in
-  started := old;
-  res
-Local Variables:
-compile-command: "make -C ../../.."
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal.mli b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index f9be3ee7a31b714322c560bbe4e62871328f29e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/journal.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(** Journalization of functions.
-    @plugin development guide *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(** {2 Journalization} *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-val register:
-  string ->
-  'a Type.t ->
-  ?comment:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
-  ?is_dyn:bool ->
-  'a ->
-  'a
-(** [register name ty ~comment ~is_dyn v] journalizes the value [v]
-    of type [ty] with the name [name]. [name] must exactly match the caml
-    long name of the value (i.e. "List.iter" and not "iter" even though the
-    module List is already opened). Journalisation of anonymous value is
-    not possible.
-    If the [comment] argument is set, the given pretty printer will be
-    applied in an OCaml comment when the function is journalized.
-    Set [is_dyn] to [true] to journalize a dynamic function. *)
-val never_write: string -> 'a -> 'a
-(** [never_write name f] returns a closure [g] observationally equal to [f]
-    except that trying to write a call to [g] in the journal is an error. If
-    [f] is not a closure, then [never_write name f] raises
-    [Invalid_argument]. *)
-val prevent: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
-(** [prevent f x] applies [x] to [f] without printing anything in the
-    journal, even if [f] is journalized. *)
-module Binding: sig
-  val add: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> string -> unit
-  (** [add ty v var] binds the value [v] to the variable name [var].  Thus,
-      [pp ty v] prints [var] and not use the standard pretty printer.  Very
-      useful to pretty print values with no associated pretty printer. *)
-  exception Name_already_exists of string
-  val add_once: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> string -> unit
-  (** Same as function [add] above but raise the exception [Already_exists]
-      if the binding previously exists *)
-(* JS 2012/02/07: useful only for BM introspection testing ;-) *)
-module Reverse_binding: sig
-  (* Raised by [find] *)
-  exception Unbound_value of string
-  exception Incompatible_type of string
-  val fill: unit -> unit
-  val find: string -> 'a Type.t -> 'a
-  val iter: (string -> 'a Type.t -> 'a -> unit) -> unit
-  val pretty: Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(** {2 Journal management} *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-val get_name: unit -> Datatype.Filepath.t
-(** @return the filename which the journal will be written into. *)
-val set_name: string -> unit
-(** [set_name name] changes the filename into the journal is generated. *)
-val write: unit -> unit
-(** [write ()] writes the content of the journal into the file set by
-    [set_name] (or in "frama_c_journal.ml" by default);
-    without clearing the journal. *)
-val save: unit -> unit
-(** Save the current state of the journal for future restoration.
-    @since Beryllium-20090901 *)
-val restore: unit -> unit
-(** Restore a previously saved journal.
-    @since Beryllium-20090901 *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-(** {2 Internal use only} *)
-(* ****************************************************************************)
-val keep_file: Datatype.Filepath.t -> unit
-(** This function is not to be used explicitly. Only offers functions
-    retrieving when running a journal file. *)
-val get_session_file: (string -> Datatype.Filepath.t) ref
-Local Variables:
-compile-command: "make -C ../../.."
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.ml b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.ml
index 3ef630f87377615d376089c541fcb003c681f604..9c2da0653eaf6df1e10fd9afc4c02432d4322fe4 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.ml
@@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ module Kernel_function_set(X: Input_with_arg) =
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group help
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Exiting
-let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ()
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_negative_option_name ""
 module GeneralHelp =
@@ -335,7 +334,6 @@ let () = GeneralHelp.add_aliases [ "-h"; "-help"]
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group help
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Exiting
-let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ()
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_negative_option_name ""
 module ListPlugins =
@@ -445,7 +443,6 @@ module PrintConfigJson =
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group help
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Exiting
-let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ()
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_negative_option_name ""
 module AutocompleteHelp =
@@ -474,7 +471,6 @@ let _ =
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group help
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Extending
-let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ()
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_negative_option_name ""
 module Explain =
@@ -498,7 +494,6 @@ let () =
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group messages
 let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_projectify ()
-let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ()
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Early
 let () = Parameter_customize.is_reconfigurable ()
 module GeneralVerbose =
@@ -520,7 +515,6 @@ let () =
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group messages
 let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_projectify ()
-let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ()
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Early
 let () = Parameter_customize.is_reconfigurable ()
 module GeneralDebug =
@@ -548,7 +542,6 @@ let () = Parameter_customize.set_negative_option_name ""
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Early
 let () = Parameter_customize.is_reconfigurable ()
 let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_projectify ()
-let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ()
 module Quiet =
@@ -563,7 +556,6 @@ let () =
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group messages
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Extended
-let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ()
 let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_projectify ()
 module Unicode = struct
   include True
@@ -573,9 +565,7 @@ module Unicode = struct
         let help = "use utf8 in messages"
   (* This function behaves nicely with the Gui, that detects if command-line
-     arguments have been set by the user at some point. One possible improvement
-     would be to bypass journalization entirely, but this requires an API
-     change in Plugin *)
+     arguments have been set by the user at some point. *)
   let without_unicode f arg =
     let old, default = get (), not (is_set ()) in
     off ();
@@ -906,45 +896,6 @@ let bootstrap_loader () =
 let () = Cmdline.load_all_plugins := bootstrap_loader
-module Journal = struct
-  let () = Parameter_customize.set_negative_option_name "-journal-disable"
-  let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Early
-  let () = Parameter_customize.set_group saveload
-  let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_projectify ()
-  module Enable = struct
-    include Bool
-        (struct
-          let module_name = "Journal.Enable"
-          let default = Cmdline.journal_enable
-          let option_name = "-journal-enable"
-          let help = "dump a journal while Frama-C exit"
-        end)
-    let is_set () = Cmdline.journal_isset
-  end
-  let () = Parameter_customize.set_group saveload
-  let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_projectify ()
-  module Name =
-    String
-      (struct
-        let module_name = "Journal.Name"
-        let option_name = "-journal-name"
-        let default =
-          let dir =
-            (* duplicate code from Plugin.Session *)
-            if Session.is_set ()
-            then
-              (Session.get () :> string)
-            else
-              try Sys.getenv "FRAMAC_SESSION"
-              with Not_found -> "./.frama-c"
-          in
-          dir ^ "/frama_c_journal.ml"
-        let arg_name = "s"
-        let help = "set the filename of the journal"
-      end)
-  let () = Name.add_set_hook (fun _ s -> Journal.set_name s);
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Extending
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group saveload
 let () = Parameter_customize.do_not_projectify ()
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.mli b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.mli
index b58ecaa79ad262e327b13fb21811893d43e33080..ab6ff6dd95dbce1b514fdc89d174d1864e74da84 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/kernel.mli
@@ -370,17 +370,6 @@ module LoadModule: Parameter_sig.String_list
 module AutoLoadPlugins: Parameter_sig.Bool
 (** Behavior of option "-autoload-plugins" *)
-(** Kernel for journalization. *)
-module Journal: sig
-  module Enable: Parameter_sig.Bool
-  (** Behavior of option "-journal-enable" *)
-  module Name: Parameter_sig.String
-  (** Behavior of option "-journal-name" *)
 module Session_dir: Parameter_sig.Filepath
 (** Directory in which session files are searched.
     @since Neon-20140301
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/plugin.ml b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/plugin.ml
index 493cea1aaf76821266d0ebe68c52c132dbc5a7a5..c7ff75869fc85686e3b5c56cd5a6a3c2a6ad9306 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/plugin.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/plugin.ml
@@ -453,11 +453,6 @@ struct
         let visible_ref = !session_visible_ref
-  let () =
-    if is_kernel ()
-    then
-      Journal.get_session_file :=
-        (fun s -> Session.get_file ~mode:`Create_path s)
   module Config =
@@ -513,7 +508,6 @@ struct
   let output_mode modname optname =
     Parameter_customize.set_group messages;
     Parameter_customize.do_not_projectify ();
-    Parameter_customize.do_not_journalize ();
     Parameter_customize.is_reconfigurable ();
     if is_kernel () then begin
       Parameter_customize.set_cmdline_stage Cmdline.Early;
diff --git a/src/libraries/datatype/datatype.ml b/src/libraries/datatype/datatype.ml
index 0db6b38c6c5659189e009ccf723ca23329f88d65..73a64e236999349175c7d5a58230654659ced653 100644
--- a/src/libraries/datatype/datatype.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/datatype/datatype.ml
@@ -29,10 +29,7 @@ type 'a t =
     compare: 'a -> 'a -> int;
     hash: 'a -> int;
     copy: 'a -> 'a;
-    internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit;
-    pretty_code: Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit;
     pretty: Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit;
-    varname: 'a -> string;
     mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool }
 type 'a info = 'a t
@@ -51,10 +48,7 @@ module type S_no_copy = sig
   val equal: t -> t -> bool
   val compare: t -> t -> int
   val hash: t -> int
-  val pretty_code: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
   val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  val varname: t -> string
   val mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
@@ -82,11 +76,7 @@ let equal ty = (internal_info "equal" ty).equal
 let compare ty = (internal_info "compare" ty).compare
 let hash ty = (internal_info "hash" ty).hash
 let copy ty = (internal_info "copy" ty).copy
-let internal_pretty_code ty =
-  (internal_info "internal_pretty_code" ty).internal_pretty_code
-let pretty_code ty = (internal_info "pretty_code" ty).pretty_code
 let pretty ty = (internal_info "pretty" ty).pretty
-let varname ty = (internal_info "varname" ty).varname
 let mem_project ty = (internal_info "mem_project" ty).mem_project
 let info ty = internal_info "info" ty
@@ -99,8 +89,6 @@ let undefined _ = assert false
 let identity x = x
 let never_any_project _ _ = false
 let from_compare _ _ = assert false
-let from_pretty_code _ _ = assert false
-let pp_fail _ _ _ = assert false
 module type Undefined = sig
   val structural_descr: Structural_descr.t
@@ -109,9 +97,7 @@ module type Undefined = sig
   val hash: 'a -> int
   val rehash: 'a -> 'a
   val copy: 'a -> 'a
-  val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
   val pretty: Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
-  val varname: 'a -> string
   val mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool
@@ -120,9 +106,7 @@ module Partial_undefined = struct
   let compare = undefined
   let hash = undefined
   let copy = undefined
-  let internal_pretty_code = undefined
   let pretty = undefined
-  let varname = undefined
   let mem_project = undefined
@@ -143,11 +127,6 @@ end
 (** {2 Generic builders} *)
 (* ********************************************************************** *)
-let valid_varname s =
-  let r = Str.regexp "[^A-Za-z0-9_]+" in
-  let s = Str.global_replace r "__" s in
-  String.uncapitalize_ascii s
 let check f fname tname fstr =
     (if f == undefined && Type.may_use_obj () then begin
@@ -168,9 +147,7 @@ module Build
        val hash: t -> int
        val rehash: t -> t
        val copy: t -> t
-       val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
        val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-       val varname: t -> string
        val mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
      end) =
@@ -186,29 +163,7 @@ struct
   let hash = T.hash
   let rehash = T.rehash
   let copy = T.copy
-  let internal_pretty_code = T.internal_pretty_code
-  let pretty_code =
-    if T.internal_pretty_code == undefined then undefined
-    else if T.internal_pretty_code == pp_fail then pp_fail Type.NoPar
-    else fun fmt x ->
-      (*    Format.printf "pretty code %s@." name;*)
-      let buf = Buffer.create 17 in
-      let buffmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
-      Format.fprintf buffmt "%a@?" (T.internal_pretty_code Type.NoPar) x;
-      let f =
-        Scanf.format_from_string (String.escaped (Buffer.contents buf)) ""
-      in
-      Format.fprintf fmt f
-  let pretty =
-    if T.pretty == from_pretty_code then pretty_code
-    else T.pretty
-  let varname =
-    if T.varname == undefined then undefined
-    else fun x -> valid_varname (T.varname x)
+  let pretty = T.pretty
   let mem_project = T.mem_project
   let info =
@@ -216,10 +171,7 @@ struct
       compare = compare;
       hash = hash;
       copy = copy;
-      internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code;
-      pretty_code = pretty_code;
       pretty = pretty;
-      varname = varname;
       mem_project = mem_project }
   let () = Infos.add info_tbl T.ty info
@@ -261,9 +213,7 @@ module type Make_input = sig
   val compare: t -> t -> int
   val hash: t -> int
   val copy: t -> t
-  val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
   val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  val varname: t -> string
   val mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
@@ -353,14 +303,9 @@ module type Polymorphic2_input = sig
     ('a -> 'a -> int) -> ('b -> 'b -> int) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t -> int
   val mk_hash: ('a -> int) -> ('b -> int) -> ('a, 'b) t -> int
   val map: ('a -> 'a) -> ('b -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
-  val mk_internal_pretty_code:
-    (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
-    (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
-    Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
   val mk_pretty:
     (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
     Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
-  val mk_varname: ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('a, 'b) t -> string
   val mk_mem_project:
     ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool) ->
     ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'b -> bool) ->
@@ -423,14 +368,7 @@ module Polymorphic2(P: Polymorphic2_input) = struct
                   else*) P.map f1 f2
             build mk T1.copy T2.copy
-          let internal_pretty_code =
-            let mk f1 f2 =
-              if f1 == pp_fail || f2 == pp_fail then pp_fail
-              else fun p fmt x -> P.mk_internal_pretty_code f1 f2 p fmt x
-            in
-            build mk T1.internal_pretty_code T2.internal_pretty_code
           let pretty = build P.mk_pretty T1.pretty T2.pretty
-          let varname = build P.mk_varname T1.varname T2.varname
           let mem_project =
             let mk f1 f2 =
               if P.mk_mem_project == undefined then undefined
@@ -475,19 +413,11 @@ module Polymorphic3
          ('a -> int) -> ('b -> int) -> ('c -> int) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> int
        val map:
          ('a -> 'a) -> ('b -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
-       val mk_internal_pretty_code:
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'c -> unit) ->
-         Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> unit
        val mk_pretty:
          (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'c -> unit) ->
          Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> unit
-       val mk_varname:
-         ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('c -> string) ->
-         ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> string
        val mk_mem_project:
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool) ->
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'b -> bool) ->
@@ -554,17 +484,7 @@ struct
                   else*) P.map f1 f2 f3
             build mk T1.copy T2.copy T3.copy
-          let internal_pretty_code =
-            let mk f1 f2 f3 =
-              if f1 == pp_fail || f2 == pp_fail || f3 == pp_fail then pp_fail
-              else fun p fmt x -> P.mk_internal_pretty_code f1 f2 f3 p fmt x
-            in
-            build mk
-              T1.internal_pretty_code
-              T2.internal_pretty_code
-              T3.internal_pretty_code
           let pretty = build P.mk_pretty T1.pretty T2.pretty T3.pretty
-          let varname = build P.mk_varname T1.varname T2.varname T3.varname
           let mem_project =
             let mk f1 f2 f3 =
               if P.mk_mem_project == undefined then undefined
@@ -619,21 +539,12 @@ module Polymorphic4
        val map:
          ('a -> 'a) -> ('b -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'c) -> ('d -> 'd) ->
          ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t
-       val mk_internal_pretty_code:
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'c -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'd -> unit) ->
-         Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> unit
        val mk_pretty:
          (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'c -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'd -> unit) ->
          Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> unit
-       val mk_varname:
-         ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('c -> string) -> ('d -> string) ->
-         ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> string
        val mk_mem_project:
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool) ->
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'b -> bool) ->
@@ -704,20 +615,7 @@ struct
                   else*) P.map f1 f2 f3 f4
             build mk T1.copy T2.copy T3.copy T4.copy
-          let internal_pretty_code =
-            let mk f1 f2 f3 f4 =
-              if f1 == pp_fail || f2 == pp_fail || f3 == pp_fail || f4 == pp_fail
-              then pp_fail
-              else fun p fmt x -> P.mk_internal_pretty_code f1 f2 f3 f4 p fmt x
-            in
-            build mk
-              T1.internal_pretty_code
-              T2.internal_pretty_code
-              T3.internal_pretty_code
-              T4.internal_pretty_code
           let pretty = build P.mk_pretty T1.pretty T2.pretty T3.pretty T4.pretty
-          let varname =
-            build P.mk_varname T1.varname T2.varname T3.varname T4.varname
           let mem_project =
             let mk f1 f2 f3 f4 =
               if P.mk_mem_project == undefined then undefined
@@ -763,16 +661,9 @@ module Pair_arg = struct
     if x == y then 0 else let n = f1 x1 y1 in if n = 0 then f2 x2 y2 else n
   let mk_hash f1 f2 (x1,x2) = f1 x1 + 1351 * f2 x2
   let map f1 f2 (x1,x2) = f1 x1, f2 x2
-  let mk_internal_pretty_code f1 f2 p fmt (x1, x2) =
-    let pp fmt =
-      Format.fprintf
-        fmt "@[<hv 2>%a,@;%a@]" (f1 Type.Tuple) x1 (f2 Type.Tuple) x2
-    in
-    Type.par p Type.Tuple fmt pp
-  let mk_pretty f1 f2 fmt p =
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" (* Type.par put the parenthesis *)
-      (mk_internal_pretty_code (fun _ -> f1) (fun _ -> f2) Type.Basic) p
-  let mk_varname = undefined
+  let mk_pretty f1 f2 fmt (x1, x2) =
+    let pp fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a,@;%a@]" f1 x1 f2 x2 in
+    Type.par Type.Basic Type.Tuple fmt pp
   let mk_mem_project mem1 mem2 f (x1, x2) = mem1 f x1 && mem2 f x2
@@ -819,10 +710,7 @@ let pair (type typ1) (type typ2) (ty1: typ1 Type.t) (ty2: typ2 Type.t) =
     let compare = compare X.ty
     let hash = hash X.ty
     let copy = copy X.ty
-    let internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code X.ty
-    let pretty_code = pretty_code X.ty
-    let pretty = from_pretty_code
-    let varname = varname ty
+    let pretty = pretty X.ty
     let mem_project = mem_project X.ty
@@ -848,9 +736,7 @@ struct
     let hash = undefined
     let rehash = undefined
     let copy = undefined
-    let internal_pretty_code = undefined
     let pretty = undefined
-    let varname _ = "f"
     let mem_project = never_any_project
     let reprs =
       if Type.may_use_obj () then Type.reprs ty else [ fun _ -> assert false ]
@@ -890,12 +776,8 @@ module type Polymorphic_input = sig
   val mk_compare: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
   val mk_hash: ('a -> int) -> 'a t -> int
   val map: ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
-  val mk_internal_pretty_code:
-    (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
-    Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
   val mk_pretty:
     (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
-  val mk_varname: ('a -> string) -> 'a t -> string
   val mk_mem_project:
     ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool) ->
     (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
@@ -958,15 +840,7 @@ module Polymorphic_gen(P: Polymorphic_input) = struct
               (*if f == identity then identity else*)
               fun x -> P.map X.copy x
           let rehash = R.rehash
-          let internal_pretty_code =
-            let mk f =
-              if f == pp_fail then pp_fail
-              else fun p fmt x -> P.mk_internal_pretty_code f p fmt x
-            in
-            build mk X.internal_pretty_code
           let pretty = build P.mk_pretty X.pretty
-          let varname = build P.mk_varname X.varname
           let mem_project =
             let mk f =
               if P.mk_mem_project == undefined then undefined
@@ -1014,12 +888,9 @@ module Poly_ref =
       let mk_compare f x y = if x == y then 0 else f !x !y
       let mk_hash f x = f !x
       let map f x = ref (f !x)
-      let mk_internal_pretty_code f p fmt x =
-        let pp fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>ref@;%a@]" (f Type.Call) !x in
-        Type.par p Type.Call fmt pp
       let mk_pretty f fmt x =
-        mk_internal_pretty_code (fun _ -> f) Type.Basic fmt x
-      let mk_varname = undefined
+        let pp fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>ref@;%a@]" f !x in
+        Type.par Type.Basic Type.Call fmt pp
       let mk_mem_project mem f x = mem f !x
@@ -1038,10 +909,7 @@ let t_ref (type typ) (ty: typ Type.t) =
       let compare = compare ty
       let hash = hash ty
       let copy = copy ty
-      let internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code ty
-      let pretty_code = pretty_code ty
-      let pretty = from_pretty_code
-      let varname = varname ty
+      let pretty = pretty ty
       let mem_project = mem_project ty
@@ -1073,16 +941,13 @@ module Poly_option =
           | Some x, Some y -> f x y
       let mk_hash f = function None -> 0 | Some x -> f x
       let map f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-      let mk_internal_pretty_code f p fmt = function
+      let mk_pretty f fmt = function
         | None -> Format.fprintf fmt "None"
         | Some x ->
           let pp fmt =
-            Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>Some@;%a@]" (f Type.Call) x
+            Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>Some@;%a@]" f x
-          Type.par p Type.Call fmt pp
-      let mk_pretty f fmt x =
-        mk_internal_pretty_code (fun _ -> f) Type.Basic fmt x
-      let mk_varname = undefined
+          Type.par Type.Basic Type.Call fmt pp
       let mk_mem_project mem f = function None -> false | Some x -> mem f x
@@ -1102,10 +967,7 @@ let option (type typ) (ty: typ Type.t) =
       let compare = compare ty
       let hash = hash ty
       let copy = copy ty
-      let internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code ty
-      let pretty_code = pretty_code ty
-      let pretty = from_pretty_code
-      let varname = varname ty
+      let pretty = pretty ty
       let mem_project = mem_project ty
@@ -1146,21 +1008,18 @@ module Poly_list =
                  (0,1) l)
         with Too_long n -> n
       let map = List.map
-      let mk_internal_pretty_code f p fmt l =
+      let mk_pretty f fmt l =
         let pp fmt =
           Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>[ %t ]@]"
             (fun fmt ->
                let rec print fmt = function
                  | [] -> ()
-                 | [ x ] -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (f Type.List) x
-                 | x :: l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a;@;%a" (f Type.List) x print l
+                 | [ x ] -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" f x
+                 | x :: l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a;@;%a" f x print l
                print fmt l)
-        Type.par p Type.Basic fmt pp (* Never enclose lists in parentheses *)
-      let mk_pretty f fmt x =
-        mk_internal_pretty_code (fun _ -> f) Type.Basic fmt x
-      let mk_varname = undefined
+        Type.par Type.Basic Type.Basic fmt pp (* Never enclose lists in parentheses *)
       let mk_mem_project mem f = List.exists (mem f)
@@ -1180,10 +1039,7 @@ let list (type typ) (ty: typ Type.t) =
       let compare = compare ty
       let hash = hash ty
       let copy = copy ty
-      let internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code ty
-      let pretty_code = pretty_code ty
-      let pretty = from_pretty_code
-      let varname = varname ty
+      let pretty = pretty ty
       let mem_project = mem_project ty
@@ -1234,22 +1090,19 @@ module Poly_array =
       let map = Array.map
-      let mk_internal_pretty_code f p fmt a =
+      let mk_pretty f fmt a =
         let pp fmt =
           Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>[| %t |]@]"
             (fun fmt ->
                let length = Array.length a in
                match length with
                | 0 -> ()
-               | _ -> (Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (f Type.List) a.(0);
+               | _ -> (Format.fprintf fmt "%a" f a.(0);
                        for i = 1 to (length - 1) do
-                         Format.fprintf fmt ";@;%a" (f Type.List) a.(i)
+                         Format.fprintf fmt ";@;%a" f a.(i)
-        Type.par p Type.Basic fmt pp (* Never enclose arrays in parentheses *)
-      let mk_pretty f fmt x =
-        mk_internal_pretty_code (fun _ -> f) Type.Basic fmt x
-      let mk_varname = undefined
+        Type.par Type.Basic Type.Basic fmt pp (* Never enclose arrays in parentheses *)
       let mk_mem_project mem f a =
           for i = 0 to (Array.length a - 1) do
@@ -1274,10 +1127,7 @@ let array (type typ) (ty: typ Type.t) =
       let compare = compare ty
       let hash = hash ty
       let copy = copy ty
-      let internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code ty
-      let pretty_code = pretty_code ty
-      let pretty = from_pretty_code
-      let varname = varname ty
+      let pretty = pretty ty
       let mem_project = mem_project ty
@@ -1304,9 +1154,7 @@ module Poly_queue =
       let mk_compare = undefined
       let mk_hash = undefined
       let map = undefined
-      let mk_internal_pretty_code = undefined
       let mk_pretty = undefined
-      let mk_varname = undefined
       let mk_mem_project mem f q =
         try Queue.iter (fun x -> if mem f x then raise Exit) q; false
         with Exit -> true
@@ -1327,10 +1175,7 @@ let queue (type typ) (ty: typ Type.t) =
       let compare = compare ty
       let hash = hash ty
       let copy = copy ty
-      let internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code ty
-      let pretty_code = pretty_code ty
-      let pretty = from_pretty_code
-      let varname = varname ty
+      let pretty = pretty ty
       let mem_project = mem_project ty
@@ -1375,27 +1220,6 @@ struct
           (*      if E.copy == identity then identity
                   else*) fun s -> S.fold (fun x -> S.add (E.copy x)) s S.empty
-        let internal_pretty_code p_caller fmt s =
-          if is_empty s then
-            Format.fprintf fmt "%s.empty" Info.module_name
-          else
-            let pp fmt =
-              if S.cardinal s = 1 then
-                Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%s.singleton@;%a@]"
-                  Info.module_name
-                  (E.internal_pretty_code Type.Call)
-                  (Caml_list.hd (S.elements s))
-              else
-                Format.fprintf fmt
-                  "@[<hv 2>List.fold_left@;\
-                   (fun acc s -> %s.add s acc)@;%s.empty@;%a@]"
-                  Info.module_name
-                  Info.module_name
-                  (let module L = List(E) in L.internal_pretty_code Type.Call)
-                  (S.elements s)
-            in
-            Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp
         let pretty fmt s =
           let pp_elt pp fmt v =
             Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" pp v
@@ -1404,7 +1228,6 @@ struct
             ~pre:"@[<hov 2>{@ " ~sep:";@ " ~suf:"@ }@]"
             S.iter (pp_elt E.pretty) fmt s
-        let varname = undefined
         let mem_project p s =
           try S.iter (fun x -> if E.mem_project p x then raise Exit) s; false
           with Exit -> true
@@ -1424,10 +1247,7 @@ struct
   let equal = P.equal
   let compare = P.compare
   let hash = P.hash
-  let internal_pretty_code = P.internal_pretty_code
-  let pretty_code = P.pretty_code
   let pretty = P.pretty
-  let varname = P.varname
   let mem_project = P.mem_project
   let copy = P.copy
@@ -1459,28 +1279,6 @@ struct
         let mk_equal = M.equal
         let mk_hash = undefined
         let map = M.map
-        let mk_internal_pretty_code = undefined
-        (*f_value p_caller fmt map =
-          (* [JS 2011/04/01] untested code! *)
-          let pp_empty fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "%s.empty" Info.module_name in
-          if M.is_empty map then
-            Type.par p_caller Type.Basic fmt pp_empty
-          else
-            let pp fmt =
-              Format.fprintf
-                fmt "@[<hv 2>@[<hv 2>let map =@;%t@;<1 -2>in@]" pp_empty;
-              M.iter
-                (fun k v ->
-                  Format.fprintf
-                    fmt
-                    "@[<hv 2>let map =@;%s.add@;@[<hv 2>map@;%a@;%a@]@;<1 -2>in@]"
-                    Info.module_name
-                    (Key.internal_pretty_code Type.Call) k
-                    (f_value Type.Call) v)
-                map;
-              Format.fprintf fmt "@[map@]@]"
-            in
-            Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp*)
         let mk_pretty f_value fmt map =
           Format.fprintf fmt  "@[{{ ";
@@ -1490,9 +1288,6 @@ struct
                  f_value v)
           Format.fprintf fmt  " }}@]"
-        let mk_varname _ =
-          if Key.varname == undefined then undefined
-          else fun _ -> Format.sprintf "%s_map" Key.name
         let mk_mem_project =
           if Key.mem_project == undefined then undefined
@@ -1570,9 +1365,7 @@ struct
           let h2 = H.create (H.length tbl) (* may be very memory-consuming *) in
           H.iter (fun k v -> H.add h2 k v) h;
-        let mk_internal_pretty_code = undefined
-        let mk_pretty = from_pretty_code
-        let mk_varname = undefined
+        let mk_pretty = undefined
         let mk_mem_project =
           if Key.mem_project == undefined then undefined
@@ -1624,7 +1417,6 @@ struct
         let descr = Descr.of_type ty
         let packed_descr = Descr.pack descr
         let reprs = Type.reprs ty
-        let pretty_code = undefined
     in M.ty
@@ -1729,7 +1521,6 @@ module Simple_type
        val reprs: t list
        val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
        val copy: t -> t
-       val varname: t -> string
        val compare: t -> t -> int
        val equal: t -> t -> bool
      end) =
@@ -1748,10 +1539,7 @@ struct
          let hash = FCHashtbl.hash
          let rehash = identity
          let copy = X.copy
-         let internal_pretty_code =
-           if X.pretty == undefined then undefined else fun _ -> X.pretty
          let pretty = X.pretty
-         let varname = X.varname
          let mem_project = never_any_project
       (struct let module_name = module_name end)
@@ -1770,7 +1558,6 @@ module Unit =
       let compare () () = 0
       let equal () () = true
       let pretty fmt () = Format.fprintf fmt "()"
-      let varname = undefined
 let unit = Unit.ty
@@ -1784,7 +1571,6 @@ module Bool =
       let compare : bool -> bool -> int = Stdlib.compare
       let equal : bool -> bool -> bool = (=)
       let pretty fmt b = Format.fprintf fmt "%B" b
-      let varname _ = "b"
 let bool = Bool.ty
@@ -1798,7 +1584,6 @@ module Int = struct
         let compare : int -> int -> int = Stdlib.compare
         let equal : int -> int -> bool = (=)
         let pretty fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%d" n
-        let varname _ = "n"
   let compare : int -> int -> int = Stdlib.compare
@@ -1814,7 +1599,6 @@ module Int32 =
       let compare = Int32.compare
       let equal : int32 -> int32 -> bool = (=)
       let pretty fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%ld" n
-      let varname _ = "n32"
 let int32 = Int32.ty
@@ -1828,7 +1612,6 @@ module Int64 =
       let compare = Int64.compare
       let equal : int64 -> int64 -> bool = (=)
       let pretty fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%Ld" n
-      let varname _ = "n64"
 let int64 = Int64.ty
@@ -1842,7 +1625,6 @@ module Nativeint =
       let compare = Nativeint.compare
       let equal : nativeint -> nativeint -> bool = (=)
       let pretty fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%nd" n
-      let varname _ = "native_n"
 let nativeint = Nativeint.ty
@@ -1856,7 +1638,6 @@ module Float =
       let compare : float -> float -> int = Stdlib.compare
       let equal : float -> float -> bool = (=)
       let pretty fmt f = Format.fprintf fmt "%f" f
-      let varname _ = "f"
 let float = Float.ty
@@ -1870,7 +1651,6 @@ module Char =
       let compare = Char.compare
       let equal : char -> char -> bool = (=)
       let pretty fmt c = Format.fprintf fmt "%c" c
-      let varname _ = "c"
 let char = Char.ty
@@ -1884,7 +1664,6 @@ module String =
       let compare = String.compare
       let equal : string -> string -> bool = (=)
       let pretty fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%S" s
-      let varname _ = "s"
 let string = String.ty
@@ -1900,9 +1679,7 @@ module Formatter =
       let hash = undefined
       let rehash = undefined
       let copy = undefined
-      let internal_pretty_code = undefined
       let pretty = undefined
-      let varname _ = "fmt"
       let mem_project = never_any_project
 let formatter = Formatter.ty
@@ -1919,17 +1696,8 @@ module Integer =
       let hash = Integer.hash
       let rehash = identity
       let copy = identity
-      let internal_pretty_code par fmt n =
-        let pp fmt =
-          Format.fprintf
-            fmt
-            "Integer.of_string %S"
-            (Integer.to_string n)
-        in
-        Type.par par Type.Call fmt pp
       (* TODO: this should take into account kernel's option -big-ints-hex *)
       let pretty = Integer.pretty
-      let varname _ = "integer_n"
       let mem_project = never_any_project
 let integer = Integer.ty
@@ -1944,7 +1712,6 @@ module Filepath = struct
         let compare = Filepath.Normalized.compare
         let equal : t -> t -> bool = (=)
         let pretty = Filepath.Normalized.pretty
-        let varname _ = "p"
   let dummy = Filepath.Normalized.empty
   let of_string ?existence ?base_name s =
@@ -1977,21 +1744,11 @@ module Triple_arg = struct
       else n
   let mk_hash f1 f2 f3 (x1,x2,x3) = f1 x1 + 1351 * f2 x2 + 257 * f3 x3
   let map f1 f2 f3 (x1,x2,x3) = f1 x1, f2 x2, f3 x3
-  let mk_internal_pretty_code f1 f2 f3 p fmt (x1, x2, x3) =
+  let mk_pretty f1 f2 f3 fmt (x1, x2, x3) =
     let pp fmt =
-      Format.fprintf
-        fmt "@[<hv 2>%a,@;%a,@;%a@]"
-        (f1 Type.Tuple) x1
-        (f2 Type.Tuple) x2
-        (f3 Type.Tuple) x3
+      Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a,@;%a,@;%a@]" f1 x1 f2 x2 f3 x3
-    Type.par p Type.Tuple fmt pp
-  let mk_pretty f1 f2 f3 fmt p =
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a)@]"
-      (mk_internal_pretty_code
-         (fun _ -> f1) (fun _ -> f2) (fun _ -> f3) Type.Basic)
-      p
-  let mk_varname = undefined
+    Type.par Type.Basic Type.Tuple fmt pp
   let mk_mem_project mem1 mem2 mem3 f (x1, x2, x3) =
     mem1 f x1 && mem2 f x2 && mem3 f x3
@@ -2042,10 +1799,7 @@ let triple
     let compare = compare X.ty
     let hash = hash X.ty
     let copy = copy X.ty
-    let internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code X.ty
-    let pretty_code = pretty_code X.ty
-    let pretty = from_pretty_code
-    let varname = varname ty
+    let pretty = pretty X.ty
     let mem_project = mem_project X.ty
@@ -2086,22 +1840,11 @@ module Quadruple_arg = struct
   let mk_hash f1 f2 f3 f4 (x1,x2,x3,x4) =
     f1 x1 + 1351 * f2 x2 + 257 * f3 x3 + 997 * f4 x4
   let map f1 f2 f3 f4 (x1,x2,x3,x4) = f1 x1, f2 x2, f3 x3, f4 x4
-  let mk_internal_pretty_code f1 f2 f3 f4 p fmt (x1, x2, x3, x4) =
+  let mk_pretty f1 f2 f3 f4 fmt (x1, x2, x3, x4) =
     let pp fmt =
-      Format.fprintf
-        fmt "@[<hv 2>%a,@;%a,@;%a,@;%a@]"
-        (f1 Type.Tuple) x1
-        (f2 Type.Tuple) x2
-        (f3 Type.Tuple) x3
-        (f4 Type.Tuple) x4
+      Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a,@;%a,@;%a,@;%a@]" f1 x1 f2 x2 f3 x3 f4 x4
-    Type.par p Type.Tuple fmt pp
-  let mk_pretty f1 f2 f3 f4 fmt p =
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a)@]"
-      (mk_internal_pretty_code
-         (fun _ -> f1) (fun _ -> f2) (fun _ -> f3) (fun _ -> f4) Type.Basic)
-      p
-  let mk_varname = undefined
+    Type.par Type.Basic Type.Tuple fmt pp
   let mk_mem_project mem1 mem2 mem3 mem4 f (x1, x2, x3, x4) =
     mem1 f x1 && mem2 f x2 && mem3 f x3 && mem4 f x4
@@ -2157,10 +1900,7 @@ let quadruple
     let compare = compare X.ty
     let hash = hash X.ty
     let copy = copy X.ty
-    let internal_pretty_code = internal_pretty_code X.ty
-    let pretty_code = pretty_code X.ty
-    let pretty = from_pretty_code
-    let varname = varname ty
+    let pretty = pretty X.ty
     let mem_project = mem_project X.ty
diff --git a/src/libraries/datatype/datatype.mli b/src/libraries/datatype/datatype.mli
index fb520585b8f4155b5c48fc2210699e5c7f033c87..50a1588d6d588434f49419d9ed3c414d71d9253c 100644
--- a/src/libraries/datatype/datatype.mli
+++ b/src/libraries/datatype/datatype.mli
@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@
 (* ********************************************************************** *)
 (** Values associated to each datatype.
-    Some others are provided directly in module {!Type}. *)
+    Some others are provided directly in module {!Type}.
+    @before Frama-C+dev there was additional fields only used for Journalization
+            that has been removed.
 type 'a t = private
   { equal: 'a -> 'a -> bool;
     compare: 'a -> 'a -> int;
     hash: 'a -> int;
     copy: 'a -> 'a;
-    internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit;
-    pretty_code: Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit;
     pretty: Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit;
-    varname: 'a -> string;
     mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool }
 (** A type with its type value. *)
@@ -48,7 +48,10 @@ module type Ty = sig
   val ty: t Type.t
-(** All values associated to a datatype, excepted [copy]. *)
+(** All values associated to a datatype, excepted [copy].
+    @before Frama-C+dev there was several additional values only used for
+            Journalization that has been removed.
 module type S_no_copy = sig
   include Ty
@@ -74,21 +77,9 @@ module type S_no_copy = sig
   val hash: t -> int
   (** Hash function: same spec than [Hashtbl.hash]. *)
-  val pretty_code: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  (** Pretty print each value in an ML-like style: the result must be a valid
-      OCaml expression. Only useful for journalisation. *)
-  val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  (** Same spec than [pretty_code], but must take care of the precedence of the
-      context in order to put parenthesis if required. See {!Type.par}. *)
   val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
   (** Pretty print each value in an user-friendly way. *)
-  val varname: t -> string
-  (** A good prefix name to use for an OCaml variable of this type. Only useful
-      for journalisation. *)
   val mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
   (** [mem_project f x] must return [true] iff there is a value [p] of type
       [Project.t] in [x] such that [f p] returns [true]. *)
@@ -111,11 +102,7 @@ val equal: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
 val compare: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> 'a -> int
 val hash: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> int
 val copy: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> 'a
-val internal_pretty_code:
-  'a Type.t -> Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
-val pretty_code: 'a Type.t -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
 val pretty: 'a Type.t -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
-val varname: 'a Type.t -> 'a -> string
 val mem_project: 'a Type.t -> (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool
 (* ********************************************************************** *)
@@ -135,22 +122,17 @@ val from_compare: 'a -> 'a -> bool
 (** Must be used for [equal] in order to implement it by [compare x y = 0]
     (with your own [compare] function). *)
-val from_pretty_code: Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
-(** Must be used for [pretty] in order to implement it by [pretty_code]
-    provided by the datatype from your own [internal_pretty_code] function. *)
 val never_any_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool
 (** Must be used for [mem_project] if values of your type does never contain
     any project.
     @plugin development guide *)
-val pp_fail: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
-(** Must be used for [internal_pretty_code] if this pretty-printer must
-    fail only when called.
-    @plugin development guide *)
 (** Sub-signature of {!S}.
-    @plugin development guide *)
+    @plugin development guide
+    @before Frama-C+dev there was several additional values only used for
+            Journalization that has been removed.
 module type Undefined = sig
   val structural_descr: Structural_descr.t
   val equal: 'a -> 'a -> bool
@@ -158,9 +140,7 @@ module type Undefined = sig
   val hash: 'a -> int
   val rehash: 'a -> 'a
   val copy: 'a -> 'a
-  val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
   val pretty: Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
-  val varname: 'a -> string
   val mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool
@@ -187,7 +167,11 @@ module Serializable_undefined: Undefined
 (** Input signature of {!Make} and {!Make_with_collections}.
     Values to implement in order to get a datatype.
-    Feel free to use easy builders (see above) for easy implementation. *)
+    Feel free to use easy builders (see above) for easy implementation.
+    @before Frama-C+dev there was several additional values only used for
+            Journalization that has been removed.
 module type Make_input = sig
   type t (** Type for this datatype *)
@@ -215,9 +199,7 @@ module type Make_input = sig
   val compare: t -> t -> int
   val hash: t -> int
   val copy: t -> t
-  val internal_pretty_code: Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
   val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  val varname: t -> string
   val mem_project: (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
@@ -366,7 +348,11 @@ module type Polymorphic = sig
 (** Functor for polymorphic types with only 1 type variable.
-    @plugin development guide *)
+    @plugin development guide
+    @before Frama-C+dev the functor had several additional values only used for
+            Journalization that has been removed.
 module Polymorphic
     (P: sig
        include Type.Polymorphic_input
@@ -374,12 +360,8 @@ module Polymorphic
        val mk_compare: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
        val mk_hash: ('a -> int) -> 'a t -> int
        val map: ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
-       val mk_internal_pretty_code:
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
-         Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
        val mk_pretty:
          (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
-       val mk_varname: ('a -> string) -> 'a t -> string
        val mk_mem_project:
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool) ->
          (Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
@@ -393,7 +375,11 @@ module type Polymorphic2 = sig
 (** Functor for polymorphic types with 2 type variables.
-    @plugin development guide *)
+    @plugin development guide
+    @before Frama-C+dev the functor had several additional values only used for
+            Journalization that has been removed.
 module Polymorphic2
     (P: sig
        include Type.Polymorphic2_input
@@ -404,14 +390,9 @@ module Polymorphic2
          ('a -> 'a -> int) -> ('b -> 'b -> int) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t -> int
        val mk_hash: ('a -> int) -> ('b -> int) -> ('a, 'b) t -> int
        val map: ('a -> 'a) -> ('b -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
-       val mk_internal_pretty_code:
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
-         Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
        val mk_pretty:
          (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
          Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
-       val mk_varname: ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('a, 'b) t -> string
        val mk_mem_project:
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool) ->
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'b -> bool) ->
@@ -428,7 +409,10 @@ end
 (** Functor for polymorphic types with 3 type variables.
     @since Oxygen-20120901
-    @plugin development guide *)
+    @plugin development guide
+    @before Frama-C+dev the functor had several additional values only used for
+            Journalization that has been removed.
 module Polymorphic3
     (P: sig
        include Type.Polymorphic3_input
@@ -443,19 +427,11 @@ module Polymorphic3
          ('a -> int) -> ('b -> int) -> ('c -> int) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> int
        val map:
          ('a -> 'a) -> ('b -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
-       val mk_internal_pretty_code:
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'c -> unit) ->
-         Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> unit
        val mk_pretty:
          (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'c -> unit) ->
          Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> unit
-       val mk_varname:
-         ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('c -> string) ->
-         ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> string
        val mk_mem_project:
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool) ->
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'b -> bool) ->
@@ -474,7 +450,10 @@ end
 (** Functor for polymorphic types with 4 type variables.
     @since Oxygen-20120901
-    @plugin development guide *)
+    @plugin development guide
+    @before Frama-C+dev the functor had several additional values only used for
+            Journalization that has been removed.
 module Polymorphic4
     (P: sig
        include Type.Polymorphic4_input
@@ -493,21 +472,12 @@ module Polymorphic4
        val map:
          ('a -> 'a) -> ('b -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'c) -> ('d -> 'd) ->
          ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t
-       val mk_internal_pretty_code:
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'c -> unit) ->
-         (Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'd -> unit) ->
-         Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> unit
        val mk_pretty:
          (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'c -> unit) ->
          (Format.formatter -> 'd -> unit) ->
          Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> unit
-       val mk_varname:
-         ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('c -> string) -> ('d -> string) ->
-         ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) t -> string
        val mk_mem_project:
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'a -> bool) ->
          ((Project_skeleton.t -> bool) -> 'b -> bool) ->
diff --git a/src/libraries/project/project.ml b/src/libraries/project/project.ml
index 846407b26e1ddf5773036e0fb42a7ba7a713575c..691c2a71679150a14e37fffcab248713a8604bb0 100644
--- a/src/libraries/project/project.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/project/project.ml
@@ -51,14 +51,7 @@ module D =
       let hash p = p.pid
       let rehash x = !rehash_ref x
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
-      let internal_pretty_code p_caller fmt p =
-        let pp f =
-          Format.fprintf
-            f "@[<hv 2>Project.from_unique_name@;%S@]" p.unique_name
-        in
-        Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp
       let pretty fmt p = Format.fprintf fmt "project %S" p.unique_name
-      let varname p = "p_" ^ p.name
       let mem_project f x = f x
 include (D: Datatype.S_no_copy with type t = Project_skeleton.t)
@@ -249,8 +242,6 @@ let guarded_feedback selection level fmt_msg =
     Pretty_utils.nullprintf fmt_msg
-let dft_sel () = State_selection.full
 module Q = Qstack.Make(struct type t = project let equal = equal end)
 let projects = Q.create ()
@@ -283,20 +274,14 @@ module Mem = struct
 module Setter = Make_setter(Mem)
-let unjournalized_set_name p s =
+let set_name p s =
   feedback ~dkey ~level:2 "renaming project %S to %S" p.unique_name s;
   Setter.set_name p s
-let set_name =
-  Journal.register
-    "Project.set_name"
-    (Datatype.func2 ty Datatype.string Datatype.unit)
-    unjournalized_set_name
 module Create_Hook = Hook.Build(struct type t = project end)
 let register_create_hook = Create_Hook.extend
-let force_create name =
+let create name =
   feedback ~dkey ~level:2 "creating project %S" name;
   let p = Setter.make name in
   feedback ~dkey ~level:3 "its unique name is %S" p.unique_name;
@@ -305,18 +290,6 @@ let force_create name =
   Create_Hook.apply p;
-let journalized_create =
-  Journal.register
-    "Project.create" (Datatype.func Datatype.string ty) force_create
-(* do not journalise the first call to [create] *)
-let create =
-  let first = ref true in
-  fun name ->
-    let p = if !first then force_create name else journalized_create name in
-    first := false;
-    p
 let get_name p = p.name
 let get_unique_name p = p.unique_name
@@ -328,7 +301,7 @@ module Set_Current_Hook = Hook.Build(struct type t = project end)
 let register_after_set_current_hook ~user_only =
   if user_only then Set_Current_Hook_User.extend else Set_Current_Hook.extend
-let unjournalized_set_current =
+let force_set_current =
   let apply_hook = ref false in
   fun on selection p ->
     if not (Q.mem p projects) then
@@ -350,16 +323,8 @@ let unjournalized_set_current =
       apply_hook := false
-let journalized_set_current =
-  let lbl = Datatype.optlabel_func in
-  Journal.register "Project.set_current"
-    (lbl "on" (fun () -> false) Datatype.bool
-       (lbl "selection" dft_sel State_selection.ty
-          (Datatype.func ty Datatype.unit)))
-    unjournalized_set_current
 let set_current ?(on=false) ?(selection=State_selection.full) p =
-  if not (equal p (current ())) then journalized_set_current on selection p
+  if not (equal p (current ())) then force_set_current on selection p
 let set_current_as_last_created () =
   Option.iter (fun p -> set_current p) !last_created_by_copy_ref
@@ -367,12 +332,7 @@ let set_current_as_last_created () =
 (** Indicates if we should keep [p] as the current project when calling {!on p}. *)
 let keep_current: bool ref = ref false
-let unjournalized_set_keep_current b = keep_current := b
-let set_keep_current =
-  Journal.register "Project.set_keep_current"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.bool Datatype.unit)
-    unjournalized_set_keep_current
+let set_keep_current b = keep_current := b
 let on ?selection p f x =
   let old_current = current () in
@@ -415,7 +375,7 @@ exception Cannot_remove of string
 module Before_remove = Hook.Build(struct type t = project end)
 let register_before_remove_hook = Before_remove.extend
-let unjournalized_remove project =
+let remove ?(project=current()) () =
   feedback ~dkey ~level:2 "removing project %S" project.unique_name;
   if Q.length projects = 1 then raise (Cannot_remove project.unique_name);
   Before_remove.apply project;
@@ -435,15 +395,6 @@ let unjournalized_remove project =
   (* clear all the states of other projects referring to the delete project *)
   Q.iter (States_operations.clear_some_projects (equal project)) projects
-(*  Gc.major ()*)
-let journalized_remove =
-  Journal.register "Project.remove"
-    (Datatype.optlabel_func
-       "project" current ty (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit))
-    (fun project () -> unjournalized_remove project)
-let remove ?(project=current()) () = journalized_remove project ()
 let remove_all () =
   feedback ~dkey ~level:2 "removing all existing projects";
@@ -456,19 +407,11 @@ let remove_all () =
   with NoProject ->
-let journalized_copy =
-  let lbl = Datatype.optlabel_func in
-  Journal.register "Project.copy"
-    (lbl "selection" dft_sel State_selection.ty
-       (lbl "src" current ty (Datatype.func ty Datatype.unit)))
-    (fun selection src dst ->
-       guarded_feedback selection 2 "copying project from %S to %S"
-         src.unique_name dst.unique_name;
-       States_operations.commit ~selection src;
-       States_operations.copy ~selection src dst)
 let copy ?(selection=State_selection.full) ?(src=current()) dst =
-  journalized_copy selection src dst
+  guarded_feedback selection 2 "copying project from %S to %S"
+    src.unique_name dst.unique_name;
+  States_operations.commit ~selection src;
+  States_operations.copy ~selection src dst
 module Before_Clear_Hook = Hook.Build(struct type t = project end)
 let register_todo_before_clear = Before_Clear_Hook.extend
@@ -476,31 +419,16 @@ let register_todo_before_clear = Before_Clear_Hook.extend
 module After_Clear_Hook = Hook.Build(struct type t = project end)
 let register_todo_after_clear = After_Clear_Hook.extend
-let journalized_clear =
-  let lbl = Datatype.optlabel_func in
-  Journal.register "Project.clear"
-    (lbl "selection" dft_sel State_selection.ty
-       (lbl "project" current ty (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)))
-    (fun selection project () ->
-       guarded_feedback selection 2 "clearing project %S" project.unique_name;
-       Before_Clear_Hook.apply project;
-       States_operations.clear ~selection project;
-       After_Clear_Hook.apply project;
-       (*Gc.major ()*))
 let clear ?(selection=State_selection.full) ?(project=current()) () =
-  journalized_clear selection project ()
+  guarded_feedback selection 2 "clearing project %S" project.unique_name;
+  Before_Clear_Hook.apply project;
+  States_operations.clear ~selection project;
+  After_Clear_Hook.apply project
-let unjournalized_clear_all () =
+let clear_all () =
   Q.iter States_operations.clear projects;
   Gc.full_major ()
-let clear_all =
-  Journal.register
-    "Project.clear_all"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    unjournalized_clear_all
 (* ************************************************************************** *)
 (* Save/load *)
 (* ************************************************************************** *)
@@ -540,36 +468,16 @@ let save_projects selection projects filename =
   end else
     abort "saving a file is not supported in the 'no obj' mode"
-let unjournalized_save selection project filename =
+let save ?(selection=State_selection.full) ?(project=current()) filename =
   guarded_feedback selection 2 "saving project %S into file %a"
     project.unique_name Filepath.Normalized.pretty filename;
   save_projects selection (Q.singleton project) filename
-let journalized_save =
-  let lbl = Datatype.optlabel_func in
-  Journal.register "Project.save"
-    (lbl "selection" dft_sel State_selection.ty
-       (lbl "project" current ty (Datatype.func Datatype.Filepath.ty Datatype.unit)))
-    unjournalized_save
-let save ?(selection=State_selection.full) ?(project=current()) filename =
-  journalized_save selection project filename
-let unjournalized_save_all selection filename =
+let save_all ?(selection=State_selection.full) filename =
   guarded_feedback selection 2 "saving the current session into file %a"
     Filepath.Normalized.pretty filename;
   save_projects selection projects filename
-let journalized_save_all =
-  let lbl = Datatype.optlabel_func in
-  Journal.register "Project.save_all"
-    (lbl "selection" dft_sel State_selection.ty
-       (Datatype.func Datatype.Filepath.ty Datatype.unit))
-    unjournalized_save_all
-let save_all ?(selection=State_selection.full) filename =
-  journalized_save_all selection filename
 module Descr = struct
   let project_under_copy_ref: project option ref = ref None
@@ -655,7 +563,7 @@ module Descr = struct
           (fun () ->
              (* Local states must be up-to-date according to [p] when
                 unmarshalling states of [p] *)
-             unjournalized_set_current true selection p;
+             force_set_current true selection p;
              Before_load.apply ();
              Descr.t_list tbl_on_disk)
@@ -738,56 +646,39 @@ let load_projects ~project_under_copy selection ?name filename =
        temporarily. *)
     let true_current = current () in
     Q.add last projects;
-    unjournalized_set_current true selection true_current;
+    force_set_current true selection true_current;
     Q.remove last projects;
     After_global_load.apply ();
   end else
     abort "loading a file is not supported in the 'no obj' mode"
-let unjournalized_load ~project_under_copy selection name filename =
+let load_with_copy
+    ?project_under_copy ?(selection=State_selection.full) ?name filename =
   guarded_feedback selection 2 "loading the project saved in file %a"
     Filepath.Normalized.pretty filename;
   match load_projects ~project_under_copy selection ?name filename with
   | [ p ] -> p
   | [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> assert false
-let journalized_load =
-  let lbl = Datatype.optlabel_func in
-  Journal.register "Project.load"
-    (lbl "selection" dft_sel State_selection.ty
-       (lbl "name" (fun () -> None)
-          (Datatype.option Datatype.string) (Datatype.func Datatype.Filepath.ty ty)))
-    (unjournalized_load ~project_under_copy:None)
-let load ?(selection=State_selection.full) ?name filename =
-  journalized_load selection name filename
+let load = load_with_copy ?project_under_copy:None
-let unjournalized_load_all selection filename =
+let load_all ?(selection=State_selection.full) filename =
   remove_all ();
   guarded_feedback selection 2 "loading the session saved in file %a"
     Filepath.Normalized.pretty filename;
     ignore (load_projects ~project_under_copy:None selection filename)
   with IOError _ as e ->
-    unjournalized_set_current false selection (create "default");
+    force_set_current false selection (create "default");
     raise e
-let journalized_load_all =
-  let lbl = Datatype.optlabel_func in
-  Journal.register "Project.load_all"
-    (lbl "selection" dft_sel State_selection.ty
-       (Datatype.func Datatype.Filepath.ty Datatype.unit))
-    unjournalized_load_all
-let load_all ?(selection=State_selection.full) filename =
-  journalized_load_all selection filename
 module Create_by_copy_hook = Hook.Build(struct type t = project * project end)
 let create_by_copy_hook f =
   Create_by_copy_hook.extend (fun (src, dst) -> f src dst)
-let unjournalized_create_by_copy selection src last name =
+let create_by_copy
+    ?(selection=State_selection.full) ?(src=current()) ~last name =
   guarded_feedback selection 2 "creating project %S by copying project %S"
     name (src.unique_name);
   let filename =
@@ -797,10 +688,7 @@ let unjournalized_create_by_copy selection src last name =
   save ~selection ~project:src filename;
-    let prj =
-      unjournalized_load
-        ~project_under_copy:(Some src) selection (Some name) filename
-    in
+    let prj = load_with_copy ~project_under_copy:src ~selection ~name filename in
     Extlib.safe_remove (filename:>string);
     if last then last_created_by_copy_ref := Some prj;
     Create_by_copy_hook.apply (src, prj);
@@ -809,19 +697,6 @@ let unjournalized_create_by_copy selection src last name =
     Extlib.safe_remove (filename:>string);
     raise e
-let journalized_create_by_copy =
-  let lbl = Datatype.optlabel_func in
-  Journal.register "Project.create_by_copy"
-    (lbl "selection" dft_sel State_selection.ty
-       (lbl "src" current ty
-          (Datatype.func2
-             ~label1:("last", None) Datatype.bool Datatype.string ty)))
-    unjournalized_create_by_copy
-let create_by_copy
-    ?(selection=State_selection.full) ?(src=current()) ~last name =
-  journalized_create_by_copy selection src last name
 (* ************************************************************************** *)
 (** {2 Undoing} *)
 (* ************************************************************************** *)
@@ -834,15 +709,11 @@ module Undo = struct
   let clear_breakpoint () = Extlib.safe_remove (!filename:>string)
   let restore () =
-    if Cmdline.use_obj then begin
-      try
-        Journal.prevent load_all !filename;
-        Journal.restore ();
-        clear_breakpoint ()
-      with IOError s ->
-        feedback ~dkey "cannot restore the last breakpoint: %S" s;
-        clear_breakpoint ()
-    end
+    try
+      clear_breakpoint ()
+    with IOError s ->
+      feedback ~dkey "cannot restore the last breakpoint: %S" s;
+      clear_breakpoint ()
   let breakpoint () =
     if Cmdline.use_obj then begin
@@ -851,8 +722,6 @@ module Undo = struct
           (try Extlib.temp_file_cleanup_at_exit short_filename ".sav"
            with Extlib.Temp_file_error s ->
              abort "cannot create temporary file: %s" s);
-      Journal.prevent save_all !filename;
-      Journal.save ()
diff --git a/src/libraries/project/state.ml b/src/libraries/project/state.ml
index c714007a60e0bc233cdcb00a4653c4661e4f3a64..011a5bfe5cdc8bada235b36ae5f1338ac7f8e193 100644
--- a/src/libraries/project/state.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/project/state.ml
@@ -104,13 +104,7 @@ include Datatype.Make_with_collections
       let hash x = Hashtbl.hash x.unique_name
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
       let rehash = Datatype.undefined
-      let internal_pretty_code p_caller fmt s =
-        let pp fmt =
-          Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>State.get@;%S@]" s.unique_name
-        in
-        Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp
       let pretty fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "state %S" s.unique_name
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/libraries/project/state_selection.ml b/src/libraries/project/state_selection.ml
index 1b47451c304629169556911d8dfe05cb382a6880..b24af0f01b80dca77c9a2099ab4ba78a72e6ba22 100644
--- a/src/libraries/project/state_selection.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/project/state_selection.ml
@@ -84,26 +84,6 @@ include Datatype.Make
       type t = state_selection
       let name = "State_selection"
       let reprs = [ full; empty; singleton State.dummy ]
-      let internal_pretty_code p_caller fmt (s, _) = match s with
-        | Full -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[State_selection.full@]"
-        | Subset sel ->
-          match Selection.fold_vertex (fun s acc -> s :: acc) sel [] with
-          | [] -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[State_selection.empty@]"
-          | [ s ] ->
-            let pp fmt =
-              Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>State_selection.singleton@;%a@]"
-                (State.internal_pretty_code Type.Call)
-                s
-            in
-            Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp
-          | l ->
-            let module D = Datatype.List(State) in
-            let pp fmt =
-              Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>State_selection.of_list@;%a@]"
-                (D.internal_pretty_code Type.Call)
-                l
-            in
-            Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp
 let transitive_closure next_vertices s =
diff --git a/src/libraries/utils/hptmap.ml b/src/libraries/utils/hptmap.ml
index 2a29fcb5437f90b027183178cc4279b67ca55df2..6a722557d67e9a3fc127bc5cc0249e7da5158051 100644
--- a/src/libraries/utils/hptmap.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/utils/hptmap.ml
@@ -680,9 +680,7 @@ struct
           else fun x -> !rehash_ref x
         let copy = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.pp_fail
         let pretty = pretty
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
   let () = Type.set_ml_name D.ty None
diff --git a/src/libraries/utils/rangemap.ml b/src/libraries/utils/rangemap.ml
index 867f43b8443c24d327c065a841f9373a0b700318..d59ee5c547bb5bcc7fcdf7356b342a92f22340b7 100644
--- a/src/libraries/utils/rangemap.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/utils/rangemap.ml
@@ -533,9 +533,7 @@ module Make(Ord: Datatype.S)(Value: Value) = struct
                 create l x d r
             in aux
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty = Datatype.undefined
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let mem_project =
           if Ord.mem_project == Datatype.never_any_project &&
              Value.mem_project == Datatype.never_any_project then
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_register.ml b/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_register.ml
index e2f73a54e0f0fc7adc6380f3d43fdf63785f96dc..fc14083f9095118082fadeba09c794c68e9da12e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/aorai_register.ml
@@ -323,7 +323,6 @@ let run =
     (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    ~journalize:true
 let run, _ =
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/data_for_aorai.ml b/src/plugins/aorai/data_for_aorai.ml
index 2fb166151250623148259f3b087a508891f3ef4c..bf0f05f91967628ee7717176885947da9bdd75e2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/data_for_aorai.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/data_for_aorai.ml
@@ -45,10 +45,7 @@ module Aorai_state =
     let rehash = Datatype.identity
     let compare x y = Datatype.Int.compare x.nums y.nums
     let copy = Datatype.identity
-    let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
     let pretty fmt x = Format.fprintf fmt "state_%d" x.nums
-    let varname _ =
-      assert false (* unused while internal_pretty_code is undefined *)
     let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
@@ -67,9 +64,7 @@ module Aorai_typed_trans =
     let rehash = Datatype.identity
     let compare x y = Datatype.Int.compare x.numt y.numt
     let copy = Datatype.identity
-    let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
     let pretty = Promelaoutput.Typed.print_transition
-    let varname _ = assert false
     let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
@@ -1815,7 +1810,6 @@ module Range = Datatype.Make_with_collections
           Bounded(Datatype.Int.copy c1, Cil_datatype.Term.copy c2)
         | Unbounded c1 -> Unbounded (Datatype.Int.copy c1)
         | Unknown -> Unknown
-      let internal_pretty_code _ = Datatype.from_pretty_code
       let pretty fmt = function
         | Fixed c1 -> Format.fprintf fmt "%d" c1
         | Interval (c1,c2) ->
@@ -1825,7 +1819,6 @@ module Range = Datatype.Make_with_collections
             Cil_datatype.Term.pretty c2
         | Unbounded c1 -> Format.fprintf fmt "[%d..]" c1
         | Unknown -> Format.fprintf fmt "[..]"
-      let varname _ = "r"
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/plugins/callgraph/cg.ml b/src/plugins/callgraph/cg.ml
index 5daf8249498f3ebf1ed13cff9c0a9929fd05e3cb..c1a42ab458a316647efacfecb124afe183f459f2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/callgraph/cg.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/callgraph/cg.ml
@@ -277,16 +277,6 @@ let dump () =
   let g = Subgraph.get () in
   Options.dump GV.output_graph g
-include Journalize.Make
-    (struct
-      let name = "Cg"
-      let dump = dump
-      let compute = compute
-      type t = G.t
-      let ty = D.ty
-      let get = get
-    end)
 Local Variables:
 compile-command: "make -C ../../.."
diff --git a/src/plugins/callgraph/journalize.ml b/src/plugins/callgraph/journalize.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a8231294d3e528393897852946db9def1501ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/callgraph/journalize.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module Make
-    (C: sig
-       val name: string
-       val dump: unit -> unit
-       val compute: unit -> unit
-       type t
-       val ty: t Type.t
-       val get: unit -> t
-     end) =
-  let name = "Callgraph." ^ C.name
-  let unit_unit = Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit
-  let dump = Journal.register (name ^ ".dump") unit_unit C.dump
-  let compute = Journal.register (name ^ ".compute") unit_unit C.compute
-  let get =
-    Journal.register (name ^ ".get") (Datatype.func Datatype.unit C.ty) C.get
-Local Variables:
-compile-command: "make -C ../.."
diff --git a/src/plugins/callgraph/journalize.mli b/src/plugins/callgraph/journalize.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c89a0ff8fdcb700a4a8f41bd3ea6c31c715f95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/callgraph/journalize.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(** Journalize the API of a callgraph *)
-module Make
-    (C: sig
-       val name: string
-       val dump: unit -> unit
-       val compute: unit -> unit
-       type t
-       val ty: t Type.t
-       val get: unit -> t
-     end):
-  val dump: unit -> unit
-  val compute: unit -> unit
-  val get: unit -> C.t
-Local Variables:
-compile-command: "make -C ../.."
diff --git a/src/plugins/callgraph/services.ml b/src/plugins/callgraph/services.ml
index c281d5027b21fc09b4e4c04ab20f8337ffd5ab7a..6ff1bb2aa2f462c83e3dadb1b559943c41152dd2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/callgraph/services.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/callgraph/services.ml
@@ -111,16 +111,6 @@ let dump () =
   Service_graph.frama_c_display false;
   Options.dump S.output_graph sg
-include Journalize.Make
-    (struct
-      let name = "Services"
-      let dump = dump
-      let compute = compute
-      type t = S.Service_graph.t
-      let ty = S.Service_graph.Datatype.ty
-      let get = get
-    end)
 Local Variables:
 compile-command: "make -C ../../.."
diff --git a/src/plugins/callgraph/uses.ml b/src/plugins/callgraph/uses.ml
index 98be81c862733550f75b86003253d1f1c9adc272..a4b6931b84b78193287ac24a94b80af2b5134273 100644
--- a/src/plugins/callgraph/uses.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/callgraph/uses.ml
@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ let _iter_in_rev_order =
     Datatype.(func (func Kernel_function.ty unit) unit)
-    ~journalize:false
 let iter_on_aux iter_dir f kf =
@@ -132,7 +131,6 @@ let _accept_base =
     Datatype.(func2 Kernel_function.ty Base.ty bool)
-    ~journalize:false
     (fun kf b -> accept_base ~with_formals:true ~with_locals:true kf b)
 let nb_calls () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/constant_propagation/api.ml b/src/plugins/constant_propagation/api.ml
index 58e6e1fad7e4643ee0c661f0671d35671cf417c4..b493138ca518026cddf832ade9121294518784d2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/constant_propagation/api.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/constant_propagation/api.ml
@@ -350,33 +350,21 @@ module Result =
 let selection_command_line_option =
   State_selection.singleton PropagationParameters.SemanticConstFolding.self
-let journalized_get =
-  let get fnames cast_intro =
-    Result.memo
-      (fun _ ->
-         Eva.Analysis.compute ();
-         let fresh_project =
-           FC_file.create_project_from_visitor
-             (PropagationParameters.Project_name.get ())
-             (fun prj -> new propagate prj fnames ~cast_intro)
-         in
-         let ctx = Parameter_state.get_selection_context () in
-         let ctx = State_selection.diff ctx selection_command_line_option in
-         Project.copy ~selection:ctx fresh_project;
-         fresh_project)
-      (fnames, cast_intro)
-  in
-  Journal.register
-    "Constant_Propagation.get"
-    (Datatype.func2
-       Cil_datatype.Fundec.Set.ty
-       ~label2:("cast_intro",None)
-       Datatype.bool
-       Project.ty)
-    get
 (* add labels *)
-let get fnames ~cast_intro = journalized_get fnames cast_intro
+let get fnames ~cast_intro =
+  Result.memo
+    (fun _ ->
+       Eva.Analysis.compute ();
+       let fresh_project =
+         FC_file.create_project_from_visitor
+           (PropagationParameters.Project_name.get ())
+           (fun prj -> new propagate prj fnames ~cast_intro)
+       in
+       let ctx = Parameter_state.get_selection_context () in
+       let ctx = State_selection.diff ctx selection_command_line_option in
+       Project.copy ~selection:ctx fresh_project;
+       fresh_project)
+    (fnames, cast_intro)
 (** Constant Propagation *)
@@ -395,15 +383,11 @@ let compute () =
 let compute, self =
   let name = "Constant_Propagation.compute" in
-  let journalized_compute =
-    Journal.register name (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      compute
-  in
   let deps = [ PropagationParameters.SemanticConstFold.self;
                Result.self ]
-  State_builder.apply_once name deps journalized_compute
+  State_builder.apply_once name deps compute
 let main () =
   let force_semantic_folding =
@@ -411,7 +395,6 @@ let main () =
     || not (Cil_datatype.Fundec.Set.is_empty
               (PropagationParameters.SemanticConstFold.get ()))
-  (* must called the function stored in [Db] for journalisation purpose *)
   if force_semantic_folding then compute ()
 let () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_datatype.ml b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_datatype.ml
index 99645c1fefece09541eeab47ee7f74a0e3412235..7d518f77beeadbf5e13922fef48ee097164f6ec1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_datatype.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_datatype.ml
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module Pred_or_term =
         | PoT_pred p -> Printer.pp_predicate fmt p
         | PoT_term t -> Printer.pp_term fmt t
-      let varname _ = "pred_or_term"
 (** [Ext_logic_label] associates a statement to a label when necessary. For
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/main.ml b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/main.ml
index a050b44b6e0bfb6549cfe4063923a9ce4179c293..949b0a3a927bc9b4404c3514cc904b8d672426c1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/main.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/main.ml
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ let generate_code =
 let generate_code =
-    ~journalize:true
     (Datatype.func Datatype.string Project.ty)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/test_config_dev b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/test_config_dev
index 0ce872fd8895a63e08ee03b78a2810b1d85955cf..f2563a6a21328fa04b3b2d0ef5260f2a637d142a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/test_config_dev
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/tests/test_config_dev
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ COMMENT: Default options for `e-acsl-gcc.sh`
 MACRO: ROOT_EACSL_GCC_MISC_OPTS -q -X --no-assert-print-data
 COMMENT: Default options for the frama-c invocation
-MACRO: ROOT_EACSL_GCC_FC_EXTRA -journal-disable -verbose 0
 PLUGIN: E_ACSL eva,scope,variadic rtegen
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/callwise.ml b/src/plugins/from/callwise.ml
index 0538e56b092f8ab3c20d58f1d2d0d317cc6492d5..4891f63d8760583be27bb554abdaccb5c4690a77 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/callwise.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/from/callwise.ml
@@ -202,7 +202,6 @@ let force_compute_all_calldeps ()=
 (* Registration for call-wise from *)
 let () =
-    "From.compute_all_calldeps"
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/register.ml b/src/plugins/impact/register.ml
index b78599c9a0505c0da9aea5f58d858b423ca83cd2..6dfc46429bd86b280c90ba5418fb0e552a2314bb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/register.ml
@@ -148,25 +148,9 @@ let compute_pragmas () =
-let compute_pragmas =
-  Journal.register
-    "Impact.compute_pragmas"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.unit (Datatype.list Stmt.ty))
-    compute_pragmas
-let from_stmt =
-  Journal.register
-    "Impact.from_stmt"
-    (Datatype.func Stmt.ty (Datatype.list Stmt.ty))
-    compute_from_stmt
-let from_nodes =
-  Journal.register
-    "Impact.from_nodes"
-    (Datatype.func2 Kernel_function.ty
-       (Datatype.list PdgTypes.Node.ty)
-       (PdgTypes.NodeSet.ty))
-    compute_from_nodes
+let from_stmt = compute_from_stmt
+let from_nodes = compute_from_nodes
 let main () =
   if Options.is_on () then begin
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/register_gui.ml b/src/plugins/impact/register_gui.ml
index 7bab54731cca8a0cea1b44c18d227f15e00d86c8..5146cb4a509f753a2e4ef66c8eac70c68377cf11 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/register_gui.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/register_gui.ml
@@ -203,7 +203,6 @@ let impact_statement =
           (Datatype.list Cil_datatype.Stmt.ty)))
-    ~journalize:true
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/cwe125.sarif b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/cwe125.sarif
index 3769a8fc34c9937c920179b4cc011f400febe713..2492553138546f46918a6768c6ba357925416d2d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/cwe125.sarif
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/cwe125.sarif
@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
       "invocations": [
-            "frama-c -journal-disable -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report cwe125.c -save ./cwe125_parse.sav",
+            "frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report cwe125.c -save ./cwe125_parse.sav",
           "arguments": [
-            "-journal-disable", "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins",
-            "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
+            "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins", "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
             "-load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report", "cwe125.c",
             "-save", "./cwe125_parse.sav"
@@ -28,10 +27,9 @@
-            "frama-c -journal-disable -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report -load ./cwe125_parse.sav -eva -save ./cwe125_eva.sav",
+            "frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report -load ./cwe125_parse.sav -eva -save ./cwe125_eva.sav",
           "arguments": [
-            "-journal-disable", "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins",
-            "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
+            "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins", "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
             "-load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report", "-load",
             "./cwe125_parse.sav", "-eva", "-save", "./cwe125_eva.sav"
@@ -40,10 +38,9 @@
-            "frama-c -journal-disable -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report -load ./cwe125_eva.sav -then -mdr-out ./cwe125.sarif -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-no-print-libc -mdr-sarif-deterministic",
+            "frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report -load ./cwe125_eva.sav -then -mdr-out ./cwe125.sarif -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-no-print-libc -mdr-sarif-deterministic",
           "arguments": [
-            "-journal-disable", "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins",
-            "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
+            "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins", "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
             "-load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report", "-load",
             "./cwe125_eva.sav", "-then", "-mdr-out", "./cwe125.sarif",
             "-mdr-gen", "sarif", "-mdr-no-print-libc",
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/std_string.sarif b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/std_string.sarif
index 289318d160e25da79dfcb8918643ebccb0bd5b0c..f5cfcd6dea5dc27f0acfa63b9387f2f4b924a661 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/std_string.sarif
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/std_string.sarif
@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
       "invocations": [
-            "frama-c -journal-disable -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report std_string.c -eva -then -mdr-sarif-deterministic -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-out ./std_string.sarif",
+            "frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report std_string.c -eva -then -mdr-sarif-deterministic -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-out ./std_string.sarif",
           "arguments": [
-            "-journal-disable", "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins",
-            "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
+            "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins", "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
             "-load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report", "std_string.c",
             "-eva", "-then", "-mdr-sarif-deterministic", "-mdr-gen", "sarif",
             "-mdr-out", "./std_string.sarif"
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif
index 959696dfba7c771680aa1d287e4cf7e9b4fd3d3f..42708bf75372a88ed5ac6e0dd75257c9dd2f3dd1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif
@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
       "invocations": [
-            "frama-c -journal-disable -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report -eva -eva-no-results -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-sarif-deterministic libc.c -mdr-out ./with-libc.sarif",
+            "frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report -eva -eva-no-results -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-sarif-deterministic libc.c -mdr-out ./with-libc.sarif",
           "arguments": [
-            "-journal-disable", "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins",
-            "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
+            "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins", "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
             "-load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report", "-eva",
             "-eva-no-results", "-mdr-gen", "sarif",
             "-mdr-sarif-deterministic", "libc.c", "-mdr-out",
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif
index 23babca6ce70631edc4076a7a4ee4f1705e533c4..00f3d299424eb204322729e64d0831c86c96458c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif
@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
       "invocations": [
-            "frama-c -journal-disable -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report -eva -eva-no-results -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-sarif-deterministic libc.c -mdr-no-print-libc -mdr-out ./without-libc.sarif",
+            "frama-c -check -no-autoload-plugins -add-symbolic-path :. -load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report -eva -eva-no-results -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-sarif-deterministic libc.c -mdr-no-print-libc -mdr-out ./without-libc.sarif",
           "arguments": [
-            "-journal-disable", "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins",
-            "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
+            "-check", "-no-autoload-plugins", "-add-symbolic-path", ":.",
             "-load-module=eva,from,scope,markdown_report", "-eva",
             "-eva-no-results", "-mdr-gen", "sarif",
             "-mdr-sarif-deterministic", "libc.c", "-mdr-no-print-libc",
diff --git a/src/plugins/metrics/register.ml b/src/plugins/metrics/register.ml
index 349543839aea2274c7a6926dd1a3d0efb93f2af9..92e2daf9f3777637f83fdd884cd6b04a5121ec6c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/metrics/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/metrics/register.ml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ let syntactic ?(libc=Metrics_parameters.Libc.get ()) () =
     match AstType.get () with
     | "cil" -> Metrics_cilast.compute_on_cilast ~libc
-    (* Cabs metrics are experimental. unregistered, unjournalized *)
+    (* Cabs metrics are experimental. unregistered *)
     | "cabs" -> Metrics_cabs.compute_on_cabs ()
     | "acsl" -> Metrics_acsl.dump()
     | _ -> assert false (* the possible values are checked by the kernel*)
diff --git a/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_kind.ml b/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_kind.ml
index 4cf3258f806d50e1e1d39be7292142a129296d32..92896d1c8af3e71feb2c632c29bc5884c63cf722 100644
--- a/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_kind.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_kind.ml
@@ -85,8 +85,7 @@ include Datatype.Make_with_collections
       let hash (k:k) = Hashtbl.hash k
       let equal (k1:k) k2 = k1 = k2
       let compare (k1:k) k2 = Stdlib.compare k1 k2
-      let varname _ = "k"
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let copy = Datatype.identity
       let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_abstract
       let rehash = Datatype.identity
diff --git a/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_register.ml b/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_register.ml
index d51b878bd548fe63463c00e4e83a3438860d237f..0361178598aed44a764873c1ce4724a1b2b8d2cb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_register.ml
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ let force_run =
     (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    ~journalize:true
 let run () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/occurrence/register.ml b/src/plugins/occurrence/register.ml
index a1a465e163fdb4ae82dca62bf0e6246eae3b283c..bd78fc766d3b73356947fd2c133532ad0d8caee1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/occurrence/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/occurrence/register.ml
@@ -241,24 +241,8 @@ let print_all () =
 let self = Occurrences.self
 let get_last_result = Occurrences.get_last_result
-let get =
-  Journal.register
-    "Occurrence.get"
-    (Datatype.func
-       Varinfo.ty
-       (* [JS 2011/04/01] Datatype.list buggy in presence of journalisation.
-          See comment in datatype.ml *)
-       (*(Datatype.list (Datatype.pair Kinstr.ty Lval.ty))*)
-       (let module L = Datatype.List(Occurrence_datatype) in L.ty))
-    get
-let print_all =
-  Journal.register
-    "Occurrence.print_all"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    (* pb: print_all should take a formatter as argument *)
-    print_all
+let get = get
+let print_all = print_all
 (* ************************************************************************** *)
 (* Main *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/occurrence/register_gui.ml b/src/plugins/occurrence/register_gui.ml
index dca96b2801708b3d86462a2d10a3c4da18cca3a9..7373045d1acdcbf4c410eabf22cc2e818c463fb5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/occurrence/register_gui.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/occurrence/register_gui.ml
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ let filter_accesses l =
 let _ignore =
-    ~journalize:false
     (Datatype.func Datatype.bool Datatype.unit)
@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ let _ignore =
 let _ignore =
-    ~journalize:false
     (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.bool)
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml b/src/plugins/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
index afbaaced4783c835beed71eb744ce1d972674fdd..0618c1e4bcb34020ea772071d4db3b2d624e8ffa 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
@@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ end
          let pretty = print_id
          let rehash = Datatype.identity
          let copy = Datatype.undefined
-         let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
-         let varname = Datatype.undefined
          let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
      : Datatype.S_with_collections with type t := t)
diff --git a/src/plugins/print_api/print_interface.ml b/src/plugins/print_api/print_interface.ml
index 51e2949bd621997395bbb3cb64725a1cdb4cb4eb..5e38cda7e38e1aabd56a31996018080b0260388f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/print_api/print_interface.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/print_api/print_interface.ml
@@ -362,7 +362,6 @@ let print =
                It takes the path where to create this file as an argument."
-    ~journalize:true
     (Datatype.func Datatype.string Datatype.unit)
diff --git a/src/plugins/qed/Makefile b/src/plugins/qed/Makefile
index 1e228735cfdbda735e556a1f34cd89d87b909053..873a5f150ab8c404495b75ace852464303a0796c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/qed/Makefile
+++ b/src/plugins/qed/Makefile
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FRAMAC_SHARE  :=$(shell frama-c -journal-disable -print-path)
+FRAMAC_SHARE  :=$(shell frama-c -print-path)
-FRAMAC_LIBDIR :=$(shell frama-c -journal-disable -print-libpath)
+FRAMAC_LIBDIR :=$(shell frama-c -print-libpath)
diff --git a/src/plugins/report/csv.ml b/src/plugins/report/csv.ml
index 2ed83a86b0a0f81a85364ad77bcfccf153d44a4b..f38d3827e8c69d7bf1c2ff430ad7b5e8ee625e6b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/report/csv.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/report/csv.ml
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ let output file =
 let print_csv =
-    ~journalize:true
     (Datatype.func Datatype.string Datatype.unit)
diff --git a/src/plugins/report/register.ml b/src/plugins/report/register.ml
index 7c1388c121a55c9a0e105573b52e9022b71dbbc0..50da909d0040d34c73cf47824a9f4cb73bf56159 100644
--- a/src/plugins/report/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/report/register.ml
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ let print () =
 let print =
-    ~journalize:true
     (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/register.ml b/src/plugins/rte/register.ml
index f1bb9f659395303290045c7132f16e4d2d08d656..12af98e3b6dcb4ed74098961dd63be4c80a2e86b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/register.ml
@@ -56,49 +56,40 @@ let compute () =
     (fun kf -> if include_function kf then !Db.RteGen.annotate_kf kf)
-(* journal utilities *)
-let journal_register ?comment is_dyn name ty_arg fctref fct =
-  let ty = Datatype.func ty_arg Datatype.unit in
-  Db.register (Db.Journalize("RteGen." ^ name, ty)) fctref fct;
-  if is_dyn then
-    let _ignore =
-      Dynamic.register ?comment ~plugin:"RteGen" name ty ~journalize:true fct
-    in
-    ()
-let nojournal_register fctref fct =
-  Db.register Db.Journalization_not_required fctref (fun () -> fct)
 let () =
-  journal_register false
-    "annotate_kf" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.annotate_kf Visit.annotate;
-  journal_register false "compute" Datatype.unit Db.RteGen.compute compute;
-  journal_register true
-    ~comment:"Generate all RTE annotations in the \
-              given function."
-    "do_all_rte" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.do_all_rte do_all_rte;
-  journal_register false
-    ~comment:"Generate all RTE annotations except pre-conditions \
-              in the given function."
-    "do_rte" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.do_rte do_rte;
+  Db.register Db.RteGen.annotate_kf Visit.annotate;
+  Db.register Db.RteGen.compute compute;
+  Db.register Db.RteGen.do_rte do_rte;
+  Db.register Db.RteGen.do_all_rte do_all_rte;
+  let _ignore =
+    Dynamic.register
+      ~comment:"Generate all RTE annotations in the given function."
+      ~plugin:"RteGen"
+      "do_all_rte"
+      (Datatype.func Kernel_function.ty Datatype.unit)
+      do_all_rte
+  in
   let open Generator in
   let open Db.RteGen in
-  nojournal_register get_signedOv_status Signed_overflow.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_divMod_status Div_mod.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_initialized_status Initialized.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_signed_downCast_status Signed_downcast.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_memAccess_status Mem_access.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_pointerCall_status Pointer_call.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_unsignedOv_status Unsigned_overflow.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_unsignedDownCast_status Unsigned_downcast.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_pointer_downcast_status Pointer_downcast.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_float_to_int_status Float_to_int.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_finite_float_status Finite_float.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_pointer_value_status Pointer_value.accessor;
-  nojournal_register get_bool_value_status Bool_value.accessor ;
-  nojournal_register get_all_status all_statuses;
+  let register_getter fctref fct =
+    Db.register fctref (fun () -> fct)
+  in
+  register_getter get_signedOv_status Signed_overflow.accessor;
+  register_getter get_divMod_status Div_mod.accessor;
+  register_getter get_initialized_status Initialized.accessor;
+  register_getter get_signed_downCast_status Signed_downcast.accessor;
+  register_getter get_memAccess_status Mem_access.accessor;
+  register_getter get_pointerCall_status Pointer_call.accessor;
+  register_getter get_unsignedOv_status Unsigned_overflow.accessor;
+  register_getter get_unsignedDownCast_status Unsigned_downcast.accessor;
+  register_getter get_pointer_downcast_status Pointer_downcast.accessor;
+  register_getter get_float_to_int_status Float_to_int.accessor;
+  register_getter get_finite_float_status Finite_float.accessor;
+  register_getter get_pointer_value_status Pointer_value.accessor;
+  register_getter get_bool_value_status Bool_value.accessor ;
+  register_getter get_all_status all_statuses;
 (* dynamic registration *)
@@ -109,7 +100,6 @@ let _ =
-    ~journalize:false
 (* retrieve list of generated rte annotations for a given stmt *)
@@ -122,7 +112,6 @@ let _ignore =
        (let module L = Datatype.List(Cil_datatype.Code_annotation) in L.ty))
-    ~journalize:true
 let _ignore =
@@ -133,7 +122,6 @@ let _ignore =
     (Datatype.func2 Kernel_function.ty Cil_datatype.Stmt.ty
        (let module L = Datatype.List(Cil_datatype.Code_annotation) in L.ty))
-    ~journalize:false
 let _ignore =
@@ -144,7 +132,6 @@ let _ignore =
     (Datatype.func3 Kernel_function.ty Cil_datatype.Stmt.ty Cil_datatype.Exp.ty
        (let module L = Datatype.List(Cil_datatype.Code_annotation) in L.ty))
-    ~journalize:false
 let _ignore =
@@ -153,7 +140,6 @@ let _ignore =
     Datatype.(list (triple string (func2 kf bool unit) (func kf bool)))
-    ~journalize:false
 let main () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/scope/datascope.ml b/src/plugins/scope/datascope.ml
index 479ed60f40766d58b89b0f80a9f57b1c5ef50e40..571263696fd43639f7b508b5d6aef3f0785c5230 100644
--- a/src/plugins/scope/datascope.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/scope/datascope.ml
@@ -639,48 +639,9 @@ let rm_asserts () =
     CA_Map.iter aux to_be_removed
-let get_data_scope_at_stmt =
-  Journal.register
-    "Scope.Datascope.get_data_scope_at_stmt"
-    (Datatype.func3
-       Kernel_function.ty
-       Cil_datatype.Stmt.ty
-       Cil_datatype.Lval.ty
-       (Datatype.pair
-          Cil_datatype.Stmt.Hptset.ty
-          (Datatype.pair Cil_datatype.Stmt.Hptset.ty
-             Cil_datatype.Stmt.Hptset.ty)))
-    get_data_scope_at_stmt
-let get_prop_scope_at_stmt =
-  Journal.register
-    "Scope.Datascope.get_prop_scope_at_stmt"
-    (Datatype.func3
-       Kernel_function.ty
-       Cil_datatype.Stmt.ty
-       Cil_datatype.Code_annotation.ty
-       (Datatype.pair
-          (Cil_datatype.Stmt.Hptset.ty)
-          (Datatype.list Cil_datatype.Code_annotation.ty)))
-    get_prop_scope_at_stmt
-let check_asserts =
-  Journal.register
-    "Scope.Datascope.check_asserts"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.unit (Datatype.list Cil_datatype.Code_annotation.ty))
-    check_asserts
-let rm_asserts =
-  Journal.register
-    "Scope.Datascope.rm_asserts"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-    rm_asserts
 let () =
-  Db.register
-    (Db.Journalize
-       ("Value.rm_asserts", Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit))
-    Db.Value.rm_asserts rm_asserts
+  Db.register   Db.Value.rm_asserts rm_asserts
 let rm_asserts =
@@ -688,7 +649,6 @@ let rm_asserts =
     Datatype.(func unit unit)
-    ~journalize:true
diff --git a/src/plugins/scope/defs.ml b/src/plugins/scope/defs.ml
index 5011918f24e5533ee5c2c2a578eb6ec135e7aab0..2e7fbdbdf8694c5424314143013f4681865576b5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/scope/defs.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/scope/defs.ml
@@ -225,22 +225,6 @@ let compute_with_def_type kf stmt lval =
-module D = Datatype.Option
-    (Datatype.Pair(Stmt.Hptset)(Datatype.Option(Locations.Zone)))
-module DT = Datatype.Option
-    (Datatype.Pair
-       (Stmt.Map.Make(Datatype.Pair(Datatype.Bool)(Datatype.Bool)))
-       (Datatype.Option(Locations.Zone)))
-let get_defs =
-  Journal.register
-    "Scope.Defs.get_defs"
-    (Datatype.func3 Kernel_function.ty Stmt.ty Lval.ty (D.ty))
-    compute
-let get_defs_with_type =
-  Journal.register
-    "Scope.Defs.get_defs_with_type"
-    (Datatype.func3 Kernel_function.ty Stmt.ty Lval.ty (DT.ty))
-    compute_with_def_type
+let get_defs = compute
+let get_defs_with_type = compute_with_def_type
diff --git a/src/plugins/security_slicing/components.ml b/src/plugins/security_slicing/components.ml
index 7786adf110e9fb15a44296b8944471e838fee245..629fa05f3835588deac0848a4d24514a7f93b89f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/security_slicing/components.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/security_slicing/components.ml
@@ -734,7 +734,6 @@ end
 let register name arg =
-    ~journalize:true
     (Datatype.func Stmt.ty (Datatype.list Stmt.ty))
@@ -752,7 +751,6 @@ let impact_analysis =
-    ~journalize:true
     (Datatype.func2 Kernel_function.ty Stmt.ty (Datatype.list Stmt.ty))
     (Component.forward Component.Impact)
@@ -841,7 +839,6 @@ let () =
 let get_component =
-  ~journalize:true
   (Datatype.func Kernel_type.stmt (Datatype.list Kernel_type.stmt))
   (fun s -> compute (); Components.find s)
@@ -880,7 +877,6 @@ let slice ctrl =
 let slice =
-    ~journalize:true
     (Datatype.func Datatype.bool Project.ty)
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/Slicing.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/Slicing.mli
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 3b17ef709fdb50f3f6dc147f12c5f42151d6542f..1751112ca3dacd3a63e01d2f1598308c41fdc705
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/Slicing.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/Slicing.mli
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ module Api:sig
     type t
     val dyn_t : t Type.t
-    (** For dynamic type checking and journalization. *)
+    (** For dynamic type checking. *)
     val make : data:bool -> addr:bool -> ctrl:bool -> t
     (** To construct a mark such as
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ module Api:sig
     (** Internal selection. *)
     val dyn_t : t Type.t
-    (** For dynamic type checking and journalization. *)
+    (** For dynamic type checking. *)
     type set
     (** Set of colored selections. *)
     val dyn_set : set Type.t
-    (** For dynamic type checking and journalization. *)
+    (** For dynamic type checking. *)
     (** {3 Journalized selectors} *)
@@ -264,8 +264,6 @@ module Api:sig
        kernel_function -> set)
     (** To select the annotations related to a function. *)
-    (** {3 Selectors that are not journalized} *)
     val select_func_zone :
       (set -> Mark.t -> Locations.Zone.t -> kernel_function -> set)
     (** To select an output zone related to a function. *)
@@ -306,7 +304,7 @@ module Api:sig
         - mark the node with a spare_mark and propagate so that
           the dependencies that were not selected yet will be marked spare. *)
-    (** {3 Not for casual users and not journalized} *)
+    (** {3 Not for casual users} *)
     val get_function : t -> kernel_function
     (** May be used to get the function related to an internal selection. *)
@@ -410,7 +408,7 @@ module Api:sig
     (** Abstract data type for function slice. *)
     val dyn_t : t Type.t
-    (** For dynamic type checking and journalization. *)
+    (** For dynamic type checking. *)
     val create : kernel_function -> t
     (** Used to get an empty slice (nothing selected) related to a
@@ -497,7 +495,7 @@ module Api:sig
     val add_persistent_cmdline : unit -> unit
     (** Add persistent selection from the command line. *)
-    (** {3 Not for casual users and not journalized} *)
+    (** {3 Not for casual users} *)
     val add_slice_selection_internal:Slice.t -> Select.t -> unit
     (** May be used to add a selection request for a function slice
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/api.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/api.ml
index 4f188601176098412d2a35e81ffbae854fbc8c2e..bdc35b91066fc7c4fca741519f497a7dfdd21702 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/api.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/api.ml
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 open Cil_types
-open Cil_datatype
 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (** Global data management *)
@@ -45,24 +44,12 @@ let self = SlicingState.self
 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** {2 Functions with journalized side effects } *)
 let set_modes calls callers sliceUndef keepAnnotations () =
   SlicingParameters.Mode.Calls.set calls ;
   SlicingParameters.Mode.Callers.set callers ;
   SlicingParameters.Mode.SliceUndef.set sliceUndef;
   SlicingParameters.Mode.KeepAnnotations.set keepAnnotations
-let set_modes =
-  Journal.register "Slicing.Api.set_modes"
-    (Datatype.func4
-       ~label1:("calls", None) Datatype.int
-       ~label2:("callers", None) Datatype.bool
-       ~label3:("sliceUndef", None) Datatype.bool
-       ~label4:("keepAnnotations", None) Datatype.bool
-       (Datatype.func
-          Datatype.unit
-          Datatype.unit))
-    set_modes
 let set_modes ?(calls=SlicingParameters.Mode.Calls.get ())
     ?(callers=SlicingParameters.Mode.Callers.get ())
     ?(sliceUndef=SlicingParameters.Mode.SliceUndef.get ())
@@ -78,49 +65,16 @@ module Project = struct
   (** {2 Values } *)
   let default_slice_names = SlicingTransform.default_slice_names
-  let () =
-    Journal.Binding.add
-      (Datatype.func3
-         Kernel_function.ty Datatype.bool Datatype.int Datatype.string)
-      default_slice_names
-      "Slicing.Api.Project.default_slice_names"
-  (** {2 Functions with journalized side effects } *)
-  let reset_slicing = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Project.reset_slicing"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingState.reset_slicing
-  let extract f_slice_names = SlicingTransform.extract ~f_slice_names
-  let extract = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Project.extract"
-      (Datatype.func2
-         ~label1:("f_slice_names",
-                  Some (fun () -> default_slice_names))
-         (Datatype.func3
-            Kernel_function.ty Datatype.bool Datatype.int Datatype.string)
-         Datatype.string
-         Project.ty)
-      extract
+  let reset_slicing = SlicingState.reset_slicing
   let extract ?(f_slice_names=default_slice_names) new_proj_name =
-    extract f_slice_names new_proj_name
-  let print_dot = PrintSlice.build_dot_project
-  let print_dot = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Project.print_dot"
-      (Datatype.func2
-         ~label1:("filename", None) Datatype.string
-         ~label2:("title", None) Datatype.string
-         Datatype.unit)
-      print_dot
+    SlicingTransform.extract ~f_slice_names new_proj_name
   let print_dot ~filename ~title =
-    print_dot filename title
+    PrintSlice.build_dot_project filename title
-  let change_slicing_level =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Project.change_slicing_level"
-      (Datatype.func2
-         Kernel_function.ty
-         Datatype.int
-         Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingMacros.change_slicing_level
+  let change_slicing_level = SlicingMacros.change_slicing_level
   (** {2 No needs of Journalization} *)
@@ -162,195 +116,15 @@ module Select = struct
   type t = SlicingTypes.sl_select
   let dyn_t = SlicingTypes.Sl_select.ty
-  type set = SlicingCmds.set
   module S = Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Map.Make(SlicingTypes.Fct_user_crit)
   let dyn_set = S.ty
-  (** {2 Journalized selectors } *)
-  let empty_selects = Journal.register
-      "Slicing.Api.Select.empty_selects"
-      dyn_set
-      Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Map.empty
-  let select_stmt set spare = SlicingCmds.select_stmt set ~spare
-  let select_stmt = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Select.select_stmt"
-      (Datatype.func4
-         dyn_set
-         ~label2:("spare", None) Datatype.bool
-         Stmt.ty
-         Kernel_function.ty
-         dyn_set)
-      select_stmt
-  let select_stmt set ~spare =
-    select_stmt set spare
-  let select_stmt_ctrl set spare = SlicingCmds.select_stmt_ctrl set ~spare
-  let select_stmt_ctrl = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Select.select_stmt_ctrl"
-      (Datatype.func4
-         dyn_set
-         ~label2:("spare", None) Datatype.bool
-         Stmt.ty
-         Kernel_function.ty
-         dyn_set)
-      select_stmt_ctrl
-  let select_stmt_ctrl set ~spare =
-    select_stmt_ctrl set spare
-  let select_stmt_lval_rw set mark rd wr stmt eval =
-    SlicingCmds.select_stmt_lval_rw set mark ~rd ~wr stmt ~eval
-  let select_stmt_lval_rw = Journal.register
-      "Slicing.ApiSelect.select_stmt_lval_rw"
-      (Datatype.func4
-         dyn_set
-         SlicingTypes.dyn_sl_mark
-         ~label3:("rd", None) Datatype.String.Set.ty
-         ~label4:("wr", None) Datatype.String.Set.ty
-         (Datatype.func3
-            Stmt.ty
-            ~label2:("eval", None) Stmt.ty
-            Kernel_function.ty
-            dyn_set))
-      select_stmt_lval_rw
-  let select_stmt_lval_rw set mark ~rd ~wr stmt ~eval =
-    select_stmt_lval_rw set mark rd wr stmt eval
-  let select_stmt_lval set mark lval before stmt eval =
-    SlicingCmds.select_stmt_lval set mark lval ~before stmt ~eval
-  let select_stmt_lval = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Select.select_stmt_lval"
-      (Datatype.func4
-         dyn_set
-         Mark.dyn_t
-         Datatype.String.Set.ty
-         ~label4:("before", None) Datatype.bool
-         (Datatype.func3
-            Stmt.ty
-            ~label2:("eval", None) Stmt.ty
-            Kernel_function.ty
-            dyn_set))
-      select_stmt_lval
-  let select_stmt_lval set mark lval ~before stmt ~eval =
-    select_stmt_lval set mark lval before stmt eval
-  let select_stmt_annots set mark spare threat user_assert slicing_pragma loop_inv loop_var =
-    SlicingCmds.select_stmt_annots set mark ~spare ~threat ~user_assert ~slicing_pragma ~loop_inv ~loop_var
-  let select_stmt_annots = Journal.register
-      "Slicing.Api.Select.select_stmt_annots"
-      (Datatype.func4
-         dyn_set
-         Mark.dyn_t
-         ~label3:("spare", None) Datatype.bool
-         ~label4:("threat", None) Datatype.bool
-         (Datatype.func4
-            ~label1:("user_assert", None) Datatype.bool
-            ~label2:("slicing_pragma", None) Datatype.bool
-            ~label3:("loop_inv", None) Datatype.bool
-            ~label4:("loop_var", None) Datatype.bool
-            (Datatype.func2
-               Stmt.ty
-               Kernel_function.ty
-               dyn_set)))
-      select_stmt_annots
-  let select_stmt_annots set mark ~spare ~threat ~user_assert ~slicing_pragma ~loop_inv ~loop_var =
-    select_stmt_annots set mark spare threat user_assert slicing_pragma loop_inv loop_var
-  let select_func_lval = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Select.select_func_lval"
-      (Datatype.func4
-         dyn_set
-         Mark.dyn_t
-         Datatype.String.Set.ty
-         Kernel_function.ty
-         dyn_set)
-      SlicingCmds.select_func_lval
-  let select_func_lval_rw set mark rd wr eval =
-    SlicingCmds.select_func_lval_rw set mark ~rd ~wr ~eval
-  let select_func_lval_rw = Journal.register
-      "Slicing.Api.Select.select_func_lval_rw"
-      (Datatype.func4
-         dyn_set
-         Mark.dyn_t
-         ~label3:("rd", None) Datatype.String.Set.ty
-         ~label4:("wr", None) Datatype.String.Set.ty
-         (Datatype.func2
-            ~label1:("eval", None) Stmt.ty
-            Kernel_function.ty
-            dyn_set))
-      select_func_lval_rw
-  let select_func_lval_rw set mark ~rd ~wr ~eval =
-    select_func_lval_rw set mark rd wr eval
-  let select_func_return set spare =
-    SlicingCmds.select_func_return set ~spare
-  let select_func_return = Journal.register
-      "Slicing.Api.Select.select_func_return"
-      (Datatype.func3
-         dyn_set
-         ~label2:("spare", None) Datatype.bool
-         Kernel_function.ty
-         dyn_set)
-      select_func_return
-  let select_func_return set ~spare = select_func_return set spare
-  let select_func_calls_to set spare =
-    SlicingCmds.select_func_calls_to set ~spare
-  let select_func_calls_to = Journal.register
-      "Slicing.Api.Select.select_func_calls_to"
-      (Datatype.func3
-         dyn_set
-         ~label2:("spare", None) Datatype.bool
-         Kernel_function.ty
-         dyn_set)
-      select_func_calls_to
-  let select_func_calls_to set ~spare =
-    select_func_calls_to set spare
-  let select_func_calls_into set spare =
-    SlicingCmds.select_func_calls_into set ~spare
-  let select_func_calls_into = Journal.register
-      "Slicing.Api.Select.select_func_calls_into"
-      (Datatype.func3
-         dyn_set
-         ~label2:("spare", None) Datatype.bool
-         Kernel_function.ty
-         dyn_set)
-      select_func_calls_into
-  let select_func_calls_into set ~spare =
-    select_func_calls_into set spare
-  let select_func_annots set mark spare threat user_assert slicing_pragma loop_inv loop_var =
-    SlicingCmds.select_func_annots set mark ~spare ~threat ~user_assert ~slicing_pragma ~loop_inv ~loop_var
-  let select_func_annots = Journal.register
-      "Slicing.Api.Select.select_func_annots"
-      (Datatype.func4
-         dyn_set
-         Mark.dyn_t
-         ~label3:("spare", None) Datatype.bool
-         ~label4:("threat", None) Datatype.bool
-         (Datatype.func4
-            ~label1:("user_assert", None) Datatype.bool
-            ~label2:("slicing_pragma", None) Datatype.bool
-            ~label3:("loop_inv", None) Datatype.bool
-            ~label4:("loop_var", None) Datatype.bool
-            (Datatype.func Kernel_function.ty dyn_set)))
-      select_func_annots
-  let select_func_annots set mark ~spare ~threat ~user_assert ~slicing_pragma ~loop_inv ~loop_var =
-    select_func_annots set mark spare threat user_assert slicing_pragma loop_inv loop_var
-  (** {2 No Journalization} *)
-  let select_func_zone = SlicingCmds.select_func_zone
-  let select_stmt_term = SlicingCmds.select_stmt_term
-  let select_stmt_pred = SlicingCmds.select_stmt_pred
-  let select_stmt_annot = SlicingCmds.select_stmt_annot
-  let select_stmt_zone = SlicingCmds.select_stmt_zone
-  let select_pdg_nodes = SlicingCmds.select_pdg_nodes
-  (** {2 No Journalization} *)
-  let get_function = SlicingCmds.get_select_kf
-  let merge_internal = SlicingSelect.merge_db_select
+  let empty_selects = Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Map.empty
+  include SlicingCmds
+  let get_function = get_select_kf
+  let merge_internal = SlicingSelect.merge_db_select
   let add_to_selects_internal = SlicingSelect.Selections.add_to_selects
   let iter_selects_internal = SlicingSelect.Selections.iter_selects_internal
   let fold_selects_internal = SlicingSelect.Selections.fold_selects_internal
@@ -381,22 +155,14 @@ module Slice = struct
   type t = SlicingTypes.sl_fct_slice
   let dyn_t = SlicingTypes.dyn_sl_fct_slice
-  (** {2 Functions with journalized side effects } *)
   let create =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Slice.create"
-      (Datatype.func Kernel_function.ty dyn_t)
-      SlicingProject.create_slice
+    SlicingProject.create_slice
   let remove =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Slice.remove"
-      (Datatype.func dyn_t Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingProject.remove_ff
+    SlicingProject.remove_ff
   let remove_uncalled =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Slice.remove_uncalled"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingProject.remove_uncalled_slices
+    SlicingProject.remove_uncalled_slices
   (** {2 No needs of Journalization} *)
@@ -454,108 +220,50 @@ end
 (** {1 Slicing request} *)
 module Request = struct
-  (** {2 Functions with journalized side effects } *)
   let apply_all propagate_to_callers =
     SlicingCmds.apply_all ~propagate_to_callers
-  let apply_all = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.apply_all"
-      (Datatype.func
-         ~label:("propagate_to_callers", None) Datatype.bool
-         Datatype.unit)
-      apply_all
   let apply_all ~propagate_to_callers =
     apply_all propagate_to_callers
   let apply_all_internal =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.apply_all_internal"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingCmds.apply_all_actions
+    SlicingCmds.apply_all_actions
   let apply_next_internal =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.apply_next_internal"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingCmds.apply_next_action
+    SlicingCmds.apply_next_action
   let propagate_user_marks =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.propagate_user_marks"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingCmds.topologic_propagation
-  let copy_slice = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.copy_slice"
-      (Datatype.func
-         Slice.dyn_t
-         Slice.dyn_t)
-      copy_slice
-  let split_slice = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.split_slice"
-      (Datatype.func
-         Slice.dyn_t
-         (Datatype.list Slice.dyn_t))
-      split_slice
-  let merge_slices ff_1 ff_2 replace =
-    merge_slices ff_1 ff_2 ~replace
-  let merge_slices = Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.merge_slices"
-      (Datatype.func3
-         Slice.dyn_t
-         Slice.dyn_t
-         ~label3:("replace", None) Datatype.bool
-         Slice.dyn_t)
-      merge_slices
+    SlicingCmds.topologic_propagation
+  let copy_slice = copy_slice
+  let split_slice = split_slice
   let merge_slices ff_1 ff_2 ~replace =
-    merge_slices ff_1 ff_2 replace
+    merge_slices ff_1 ff_2 ~replace
   let add_call_slice caller to_call =
     SlicingSelect.call_ff_in_caller ~caller ~to_call
-  let add_call_slice =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.add_call_slice"
-      (Datatype.func2
-         ~label1:("caller", None) Slice.dyn_t
-         ~label2:("to_call", None) Slice.dyn_t
-         Datatype.unit)
-      add_call_slice
   let add_call_slice ~caller ~to_call =
     add_call_slice caller to_call
   let add_call_fun caller to_call =
     SlicingSelect.call_fsrc_in_caller ~caller ~to_call
-  let add_call_fun =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.add_call_fun"
-      (Datatype.func2
-         ~label1:("caller", None) Slice.dyn_t
-         ~label2:("to_call", None) Kernel_function.ty
-         Datatype.unit)
-      add_call_fun
   let add_call_fun ~caller ~to_call =
     add_call_fun caller to_call
   let add_call_min_fun caller to_call =
     SlicingSelect.call_min_f_in_caller ~caller ~to_call
-  let add_call_min_fun =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Api.Request.add_call_min_fun"
-      (Datatype.func2
-         ~label1:("caller", None) Slice.dyn_t
-         ~label2:("to_call", None) Kernel_function.ty
-         Datatype.unit)
-      add_call_min_fun
   let add_call_min_fun ~caller ~to_call =
     add_call_min_fun caller to_call
-  let add_selection = Journal.register "Slicing.Request.add_selection"
-      (Datatype.func
-         Select.dyn_set Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingCmds.add_selection
+  let add_selection =
+    SlicingCmds.add_selection
   let add_persistent_selection =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Request.add_persistent_selection"
-      (Datatype.func
-         Select.dyn_set Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingCmds.add_persistent_selection
+    SlicingCmds.add_persistent_selection
   let add_persistent_cmdline =
-    Journal.register "Slicing.Request.add_persistent_cmdline"
-      (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
-      SlicingCmds.add_persistent_cmdline
+    SlicingCmds.add_persistent_cmdline
   (** {2 No needs of Journalization} *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/api.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/api.mli
index b489bb90605a8bc465dc42b3ac37f82ca83ed428..2a0af61952fbb5e2b4ef8ed5550aed059a351773 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/api.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/api.mli
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ val self : State.t
 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** {2 Functions with journalized side effects } *)
 (** Set the used slicing modes. *)
 val set_modes :
   ?calls:SlicingParameters.Mode.Calls.t ->
@@ -42,8 +40,6 @@ val set_modes :
 (** {1 Slicing project management.} *)
 module Project : sig
-  (** {2 Functions with journalized side effects } *)
   (** Init/reset a slicing project. *)
   val reset_slicing : unit -> unit
@@ -102,7 +98,7 @@ module Mark : sig
   (** Abstract data type for mark value. *)
   type t = SlicingTypes.sl_mark
-  (** For dynamic type checking and journalization. *)
+  (** For dynamic type checking. *)
   val dyn_t : t Type.t
   (** {2 No needs of Journalization} *)
@@ -158,13 +154,13 @@ module Select : sig
   (** Internal selection. *)
   type t = SlicingTypes.sl_select
-  (** For dynamic type checking and journalization. *)
+  (** For dynamic type checking. *)
   val dyn_t : t Type.t
   (** Set of colored selections. *)
   type set = SlicingCmds.set
-  (** For dynamic type checking and journalization. *)
+  (** For dynamic type checking. *)
   val dyn_set : set Type.t
   (** {2 Selectors.} *)
@@ -429,8 +425,6 @@ module Slice : sig
   type t = SlicingTypes.sl_fct_slice
   val dyn_t : t Type.t
-  (** {2 Functions with journalized side effects } *)
   val create : Cil_types.kernel_function -> t
   val remove : t -> unit
@@ -474,8 +468,6 @@ end
 (** {1 Slicing request} *)
 module Request : sig
-  (** {2 Functions with journalized side effects } *)
   val apply_all : propagate_to_callers:bool -> unit
   val apply_all_internal : unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.ml
index 849167e818a6e85c001f7a2a84a342583d24898c..4169f6937d3d208c157d24e958faf9d96b4aea93 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.ml
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ and criterion =
 (** {2 Internals values} *)
-(** {3 For the journalization of these internals types} *)
+(** {3 For the datatypes of these internals types} *)
 let dummy_pdg_mark = {m1 = Spare ; m2 = Spare }
 (** The whole project. *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.mli
index e7e9074c4f76f3f46dde2de8ee60591b0164c680..0e6dc51a49ccfd353bbe3d0e3c6729e68a48eb96 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.mli
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ and criterion =
 (** {2 Internals values} *)
-(** {3 For the journalization of these internals types} *)
+(** {3 For the datatypes of these internals types} *)
 val dummy_pdg_mark : pdg_mark
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.ml
index f7aec3942446d5c1085b06b1c40b82f132023dbb..343d08a8f13a70053957f7cbb3de2133a0394a8c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.ml
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ module Fct_user_crit =
       let reprs = [ SlicingInternals.dummy_fct_user_crit ]
       let name = "SlicingTypes.Fct_user_crit"
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-      let varname _ = "user_criteria"
 (** Function slice *)
@@ -74,8 +73,6 @@ type sl_fct_slice = SlicingInternals.fct_slice
 (** Marks : used to put 'colors' in the result *)
 type sl_mark = SlicingInternals.pdg_mark
-(** {3 For the journalization of values of these types} *)
 let pp_sl_project p_caller fmt _p =
   let pp fmt =
     Format.fprintf fmt
@@ -90,8 +87,6 @@ module Sl_project =
       type t = sl_project
       let reprs = [ SlicingInternals.dummy_project ]
       let name = "SlicingTypes.Sl_project"
-      let internal_pretty_code = pp_sl_project
-      let varname _s = "sl_project_"
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
@@ -105,7 +100,6 @@ module Sl_select =
           (fun v -> v, SlicingInternals.dummy_fct_user_crit)
       let name = "SlicingTypes.Sl_select"
-      let varname _s = "sl_select"
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
@@ -113,7 +107,7 @@ let pp_sl_fct_slice p_caller fmt ff =
   let pp fmt =
     Format.fprintf fmt
       "@[<hv 2>!Db.Slicing.Slice.from_num_id@;%a@;%d@]"
-      (Kernel_function.internal_pretty_code Type.Call)
+      Kernel_function.pretty
@@ -127,13 +121,12 @@ module Sl_fct_slice =
       type t = fct_slice
       let name = "SlicingTypes.Sl_fct_slice"
       let reprs = [ dummy_fct_slice ]
-      let internal_pretty_code = pp_sl_fct_slice
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
 let dyn_sl_fct_slice = Sl_fct_slice.ty
-let pp_sl_mark p fmt m =
+let pp_sl_mark fmt m =
   let pp = match m.SlicingInternals.m1, m.SlicingInternals.m2 with
     | SlicingInternals.Spare, _ -> None
     | _, SlicingInternals.Spare -> None
@@ -163,7 +156,7 @@ let pp_sl_mark p fmt m =
       fun fmt ->
         Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>SlicingInternals.create_sl_mark@;~m1:%a@;~m2:%a@]"
           pp m.SlicingInternals.m1 pp m.SlicingInternals.m2
-  in Type.par p Type.Call fmt pp
+  in pp fmt
 module Sl_mark =
@@ -177,10 +170,8 @@ module Sl_mark =
       let hash = Hashtbl.hash
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
       let rehash = Datatype.undefined
-      let internal_pretty_code = pp_sl_mark
-      let pretty = Datatype.from_pretty_code
+      let pretty = pp_sl_mark
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
 let dyn_sl_mark = Sl_mark.ty
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.mli
index fa1b7086ea0894379223e283aeebab93f1db5a51..9f8fd66d1779e3fd1b53de195a08b4b7eef5171f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.mli
@@ -65,8 +65,6 @@ type sl_fct_slice = SlicingInternals.fct_slice
 (** Marks : used to put 'colors' in the result *)
 type sl_mark = SlicingInternals.pdg_mark
-(** {3 For the journalization of values of these types} *)
 val pp_sl_project : Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
 module Sl_project : Datatype.S with type t = sl_project
@@ -80,9 +78,6 @@ module Sl_fct_slice : Datatype.S with type t = SlicingInternals.fct_slice
 val dyn_sl_fct_slice : Sl_fct_slice.t Type.t
-val pp_sl_mark :
-  Type.precedence -> Format.formatter -> SlicingInternals.pdg_mark -> unit
 module Sl_mark : Datatype.S_with_collections with
   type t = SlicingInternals.pdg_mark
diff --git a/src/plugins/sparecode/register.ml b/src/plugins/sparecode/register.ml
index f446712652869570f8f842ce390501f68b4e551d..b684d758b6bc1fcc216d63385568821a4f334c92 100644
--- a/src/plugins/sparecode/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/sparecode/register.ml
@@ -49,28 +49,16 @@ module P = Sparecode_params
 (** {2 State_builder} *)
-let unjournalized_rm_unused_globals new_proj_name project =
-  P.feedback "remove unused global declarations from project '%s'"
-    (Project.get_name project);
-  P.result "removed unused global declarations in new project '%s'" new_proj_name;
-  Project.on project Globs.rm_unused_decl new_proj_name
-let journalized_rm_unused_globals  =
-  Journal.register
-    "Sparecode.Register.rm_unused_globals"
-    (Datatype.func2
-       ~label1:("new_proj_name", None) Datatype.string
-       ~label2:("project", Some Project.current) Project.ty
-       Project.ty)
-    unjournalized_rm_unused_globals
 let rm_unused_globals ?new_proj_name ?(project=Project.current ()) () =
   let new_proj_name =
     match new_proj_name with
     | Some name -> name
     | None -> (Project.get_name project)^ " (without unused globals)"
-  journalized_rm_unused_globals new_proj_name project
+  P.feedback "remove unused global declarations from project '%s'"
+    (Project.get_name project);
+  P.result "removed unused global declarations in new project '%s'" new_proj_name;
+  Project.on project Globs.rm_unused_decl new_proj_name
 let run select_annot select_slice_pragma =
   P.feedback "remove unused code...";
@@ -93,21 +81,10 @@ let run select_annot select_slice_pragma =
   Project.copy ~selection:ctx new_prj;
-let journalized_get =
-  Journal.register
-    "Sparecode.Register.get"
-    (Datatype.func2
-       ~label1:("select_annot", None) Datatype.bool
-       ~label2:("select_slice_pragma", None) Datatype.bool
-       Project.ty)
-    (fun select_annot select_slice_pragma ->
-       Result.memo
-         (fun _ -> run select_annot select_slice_pragma)
-         (select_annot, select_slice_pragma))
-(* add labels *)
 let get ~select_annot ~select_slice_pragma =
-  journalized_get select_annot select_slice_pragma
+  Result.memo
+    (fun _ -> run select_annot select_slice_pragma)
+    (select_annot, select_slice_pragma)
 let main () =
   if Sparecode_params.Analysis.get () then begin
diff --git a/src/plugins/users/users_register.ml b/src/plugins/users/users_register.ml
index 40f1eb7c2d98cca4f390ac3296444570ecbc268d..08352196ad61bedfaea29ad2190ac501cd69f6ba 100644
--- a/src/plugins/users/users_register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/users/users_register.ml
@@ -93,12 +93,6 @@ let get kf =
     find kf
-let get =
-  Journal.register
-    "Users.get"
-    (Datatype.func Kernel_function.ty Kernel_function.Hptset.ty)
-    get
 let print () =
   if ForceUsers.get () then
     result "@[<v>====== DISPLAYING USERS ======@ %t\
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/engine/analysis.ml b/src/plugins/value/engine/analysis.ml
index 11e429d42db8d613075e2221437624747db08395..2b63e58b9f02008b7c7a865bc8a44dc2e540140a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/engine/analysis.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/engine/analysis.ml
@@ -226,8 +226,7 @@ let compute () =
 let compute =
   let name = "Eva.Analysis.compute" in
-  let f = Journal.register name  Datatype.(func unit unit) compute in
-  fst (State_builder.apply_once name [ Self.state ] f)
+  fst (State_builder.apply_once name [ Self.state ] compute)
 (* Resets the Analyzer when the current project is changed. *)
 let () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/gui_files/gui_callstacks_filters.ml b/src/plugins/value/gui_files/gui_callstacks_filters.ml
index 6c8486e8d674f3c033bfd079851c29d30addff7c..2da98a86a74e4e4591ccf43ac50cbd9df9ca3047 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/gui_files/gui_callstacks_filters.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/gui_files/gui_callstacks_filters.ml
@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ let () =
       ~comment:"Evaluation of a l-value on the callstacks focused in the GUI"
       ~plugin:"Value" "lval_to_zone_gui"
       (Datatype.func2 Stmt.ty Lval.ty Locations.Zone.ty)
-      ~journalize:false lval_to_zone_gui
+      lval_to_zone_gui
   let _eval_tlv =
       ~comment:"Evaluation of a term, supposed to be a location, on the callstacks focused in the GUI"
       ~plugin:"Value" "tlval_to_zone_gui"
       (Datatype.func2 Stmt.ty Term.ty Locations.Zone.ty)
-      ~journalize:false tlval_to_zone_gui
+      tlval_to_zone_gui
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/partitioning/split_strategy.ml b/src/plugins/value/partitioning/split_strategy.ml
index 33b8e743fd5d16fa920731f70e1ad17d317a23be..7c3c134055a3c6764fedab223454580c58a04802 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/partitioning/split_strategy.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/partitioning/split_strategy.ml
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ include
       | SplitEqList l ->
         List.fold_left (fun acc i -> acc * 13 + 57 * Int.hash i) 1 l
     let copy = Datatype.identity
-    let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
     let pretty fmt = function
       | NoSplit -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "no split"
       | SplitAuto -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "auto split"
@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ include
       | SplitEqList l ->
         Format.fprintf fmt "Split on \\result == %a"
           (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:",@ " Datatype.Integer.pretty) l
-    let varname _ = "v"
     let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/values/offsm_value.ml b/src/plugins/value/values/offsm_value.ml
index 51399e2b4ac008502951e6f7ef380ed865846fab..556c2f74059fbd23cd95678c3ce0c285aa348d3a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/values/offsm_value.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/values/offsm_value.ml
@@ -372,11 +372,9 @@ module Datatype_Offsm_or_top = Datatype.Make_with_collections(struct
       | Top -> 7895
       | O o -> V_Offsetmap.hash o
     let copy = Datatype.undefined
-    let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
     let pretty fmt = function
       | Top -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "TopO"
       | O o -> Format.fprintf fmt "O @[%a@]" V_Offsetmap.pretty o
-    let varname _ = "o"
     let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/plugins/value_types/cvalue.ml b/src/plugins/value_types/cvalue.ml
index 61fc238db742832bc5ad2a2a42e13f2acd0cfbb8..81499fcb019d20eff6a1d509133411602f532993 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value_types/cvalue.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value_types/cvalue.ml
@@ -857,8 +857,6 @@ module V_Or_Uninitialized = struct
          let copy = Datatype.undefined
          let rehash = Datatype.identity
          let pretty = pretty
-         let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
-         let varname = Datatype.undefined
          let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
      : Datatype.S with type t := t)
diff --git a/src/plugins/value_types/function_Froms.ml b/src/plugins/value_types/function_Froms.ml
index dae6e569a3daee127b6787b0e120a77e630df317..f2399b16e49b2c03ed9cde711e01d1c173531187 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value_types/function_Froms.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value_types/function_Froms.ml
@@ -57,9 +57,7 @@ struct
       let rehash = Datatype.identity
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-      let varname _ = "da"
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
@@ -178,9 +176,7 @@ module DepsOrUnassigned = struct
       let rehash = Datatype.identity
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-      let varname _ = "d"
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
@@ -625,10 +621,8 @@ include Datatype.Make
       let compare = Datatype.undefined
       let equal = equal
       let pretty = pretty
-      let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
       let rehash = Datatype.identity
       let copy = Datatype.undefined
-      let varname = Datatype.undefined
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
index 7869f466d863f94344ca26fb4337f80d7d76551e..da36a8c6b302de96b3695ce9f8473d2c74616e21 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
@@ -682,9 +682,7 @@ struct
         let compare = Datatype.undefined
         let hash = Datatype.undefined
         let copy _old = QZERO.create ()
-        let varname = Datatype.undefined
         let pretty = Datatype.undefined
-        let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
         let mem_project _ _ = false
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ctypes.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ctypes.ml
index 8a6ede3e75a66dd8af63d1a1a707833f5b853c3c..8aca9f47467408d9c852a8a268ae2b120c872d07 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ctypes.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ctypes.ml
@@ -582,10 +582,7 @@ module C_object = Datatype.Make(struct
     let copy = Datatype.Undefined.copy
-    let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.Undefined.internal_pretty_code
     let mem_project = Datatype.Undefined.mem_project
-    let varname _ = "co"
 let rec compare_ptr_conflated a b =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_call_pre.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_call_pre.c
index 857b5f629686bc3537b9b3eb40c6692caae44d76..be7bf59d67146f3d3d65471808eca4672969106a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_call_pre.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_call_pre.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ OPT: -wp-model Hoare -wp-no-simpl -wp-fct double_call
 /* run.config_qualif
-OPT: -journal-disable -wp -wp-par 1
+OPT: -wp -wp-par 1
 int G = 3;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_strategy.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_strategy.c
index 258fd478c999f79a898eb2077da01abdc6ee063a..d7e6a4845b0fe23c8bfc8154f30b84e718bf7dcf 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_strategy.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_strategy.c
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 /* run.config
-OPT: -journal-disable -wp-model Hoare -wp-verbose 2
-OPT: -journal-disable -wp-model Typed -wp-verbose 2 -wp-prop @assigns
+OPT: -wp-model Hoare -wp-verbose 2
+OPT: -wp-model Typed -wp-verbose 2 -wp-prop @assigns
 /* run.config_qualif
-OPT: -journal-disable -rte -wp -wp-model Hoare -wp-par 1 -wp-msg-key shell
+OPT: -rte -wp -wp-model Hoare -wp-par 1 -wp-msg-key shell
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/struct_use_case.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/struct_use_case.i
index e9839c540db66f3c0f415e8d452163fbcbbee579..2707e0e0d25fd6cfac29632876df3613e6698d11 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/struct_use_case.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/struct_use_case.i
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-OPT: -journal-disable -wp -wp-model Caveat -wp-par 1 -wp-prop="-ko"
-OPT: -journal-disable -wp -wp-model Caveat -wp-par 1 -wp-prop ko -wp-steps 50
+OPT: -wp -wp-model Caveat -wp-par 1 -wp-prop="-ko"
+OPT: -wp -wp-model Caveat -wp-par 1 -wp-prop ko -wp-steps 50
 /* run.config_qed
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ struct {
 /*@ ensures ko: var == { \old(var) \with .b[1] = x } ;
   @ ensures ok: var == { \old(var) \with .b[1] = x, .b[0] = y } ;
-  @*/   
+  @*/
 void f(unsigned int x, unsigned int y){
     var.b[0] = y;
     var.b[1] = x;
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void f(unsigned int x, unsigned int y){
 /*@ ensures ko: var == { \old(var) \with .b[1] = x } ;
   @ ensures ok: var == { \old(var) \with .b[1] = x, .a = y } ;
-  @*/   
+  @*/
 void g(unsigned int x, unsigned int y){
     var.a = y;
     var.b[1] = x;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wpPropId.ml b/src/plugins/wp/wpPropId.ml
index b11a73f320de7ae2c6d42da2e0ea491449ab13d0..605913c9317af03cb1621fb32ea8176ab259f1f0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wpPropId.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wpPropId.ml
@@ -260,10 +260,8 @@ module PropIdRaw =
     let copy = Datatype.undefined
     let rehash = Datatype.identity
-    let internal_pretty_code = Datatype.undefined
     let pretty = Datatype.undefined
     let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
-    let varname = Datatype.undefined
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml b/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
index fbc6df714458fb2357f53853a004f26b9a58f82c..9d50a7ad9f4a4d2982aea40ca6a65d596b1a2b55 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
@@ -490,13 +490,13 @@ let () = Type.set_ml_name ResultType.ty (Some "Wpo.result")
 let get_gid =
-    ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.get_gid" ~journalize:false
+    ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.get_gid"
     (Datatype.func WpoType.ty Datatype.string)
     (fun g -> g.po_gid)
 let get_property =
-    ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.get_property" ~journalize:false
+    ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.get_property"
     (Datatype.func WpoType.ty Property.ty)
     (fun g -> WpPropId.property_of_id g.po_pid)
@@ -827,12 +827,12 @@ let is_passed g =
     is_proved g
 let get_result =
-  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.get_result" ~journalize:false
+  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.get_result"
     (Datatype.func2 WpoType.ty ProverType.ty ResultType.ty)
 let is_valid =
-  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.is_valid" ~journalize:false
+  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.is_valid"
     (Datatype.func ResultType.ty Datatype.bool) VCS.is_valid
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -920,7 +920,6 @@ let iter ?ip ?index ?on_axiomatics ?on_behavior ?on_goal () =
 let iter_on_goals =
   Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.iter_on_goals"
     (Datatype.func (Datatype.func WpoType.ty Datatype.unit) Datatype.unit)
-    ~journalize:true
     (fun on_goal -> iter ~on_goal ())
 let goals_of_property prop =
@@ -934,11 +933,10 @@ let goals_of_property prop =
 let goals_of_property =
   Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.goals_of_property"
     (Datatype.func Property.ty (Datatype.list WpoType.ty))
-    ~journalize:false
 let prover_of_name =
-  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.prover_of_name" ~journalize:false
+  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.prover_of_name"
     (Datatype.func Datatype.string (Datatype.option ProverType.ty))
@@ -953,7 +951,7 @@ let get_logfile w prover result =
   DISK.cache_log ~pid:w.po_pid ~model ~prover ~result
 let _ignore =
-  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.file_for_log_proof" ~journalize:false
+  Dynamic.register ~plugin:"Wp" "Wpo.file_for_log_proof"
        WpoType.ty ProverType.ty
        (Datatype.pair Datatype.string Datatype.string))
diff --git a/tests/dynamic/abstract.ml b/tests/dynamic/abstract.ml
index 9d1b774785f80359788fd30cf123071c66ad49dd..54a14984bb33114aa4d2d04a2f500c3fc8ddb40a 100644
--- a/tests/dynamic/abstract.ml
+++ b/tests/dynamic/abstract.ml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module A : sig end = struct
   let mk () = 1.05
   let _ = B false
   let f = function A n -> n | B false -> min_int | B true -> max_int
-  module T = 
+  module T =
       type t = tt
       let name = "A.t"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module A : sig end = struct
       include Datatype.Undefined
   let t = T.ty
-  module U = 
+  module U =
       type t = float
       let name = "A.u"
@@ -25,42 +25,42 @@ module A : sig end = struct
   let u = U.ty
   let mk =
-    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" ~journalize:false "mk"
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "mk"
       (Datatype.func Datatype.unit u)
   let _ =
-    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" ~journalize:false "f"
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "f"
       (Datatype.func t Datatype.int)
   let _ =
-    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" ~journalize:false "g" 
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "g"
       (Datatype.func u Datatype.int)
       (fun x -> Format.printf "%f@." x; int_of_float x)
-  let v1 = Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" ~journalize:false "v1" t (A 1)
-  let _ = Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" ~journalize:false "v2" t (A 2)
+  let v1 = Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "v1" t (A 1)
+  let _ = Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "v2" t (A 2)
   let _ =
-    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" ~journalize:false "h"
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "h"
       (Datatype.func t (Datatype.func u Datatype.bool))
       (fun x y ->
 	 match x with A x ->
 	   Format.printf "params = %d %f@." x y;
 	   x = int_of_float y | B _ -> false)
   let _ =
-    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" ~journalize:false "succ"
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "succ"
       (Datatype.func Datatype.int Datatype.int) succ
   let _ =
-    Dynamic.register ~journalize:false "ho" ~plugin:"A"
+    Dynamic.register "ho" ~plugin:"A"
       (Datatype.func (Datatype.func Datatype.int Datatype.int) (Datatype.func t u))
       (fun ff x -> float (ff (f x)))
   let _ =
-    Dynamic.register ~journalize:false ~plugin:"A" "ppu" (Datatype.func u Datatype.unit)
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "ppu" (Datatype.func u Datatype.unit)
       (fun f -> Format.printf "ppu %f@." f)
   let ho2 =
-    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "ho2" ~journalize:false
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "ho2"
       (Datatype.func (Datatype.func t Datatype.int) (Datatype.func t u))
       (fun f x -> float (f x))
-  let _ = 
+  let _ =
     ignore (Dynamic.get ~plugin:"A" "mk" (Datatype.func Datatype.unit u) ())
   module UA = Type.Abstract(struct let name = "A.u" end)
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ module A : sig end = struct
     Dynamic.get ~plugin:"A" "mk" (Datatype.func Datatype.unit UA.ty) ()
   let _ =
-    Dynamic.register ~journalize:false ~plugin:"A" "poly"
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "poly"
       (Datatype.list u) [ 1.; 2.; 3. ]
   let _ =
-    Dynamic.register ~journalize:false ~plugin:"A" "poly2" (Datatype.list u)
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"A" "poly2" (Datatype.list u)
       [ mk (); ho2 (function A n -> n | B _ -> min_int) v1; ho2 f v1 ]
@@ -132,4 +132,3 @@ module B = struct
       (Dynamic.get ~plugin:"A" "ppu" (Datatype.func ty' Datatype.unit))
       (Dynamic.get ~plugin:"A" "poly2" (Datatype.list ty'))
diff --git a/tests/dynamic/abstract2.ml b/tests/dynamic/abstract2.ml
index ac9898d9235f8c7bbdfb762d3c818f792c21c078..461f2dfbfc15096526e514857aafdddc475ee34a 100644
--- a/tests/dynamic/abstract2.ml
+++ b/tests/dynamic/abstract2.ml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module AA : sig end = struct
   let ty =
     Type.register ~name:"AA.t" ~ml_name:None Structural_descr.t_unknown [ "" ]
   let _mk =
-    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"AA" ~journalize:false "mk"
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"AA" "mk"
       (Datatype.func Datatype.unit ty)
       (fun () -> "a")
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module BB : sig end = struct
   let ty =
     Type.register ~name:"BB.t" ~ml_name:None Structural_descr.t_unknown [ 1.0 ]
   let _print =
-    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"BB" ~journalize:false "print"
+    Dynamic.register ~plugin:"BB" "print"
       (Datatype.func ty Datatype.unit)
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ let main () =
   let module B = Type.Abstract(struct let name = "BB.t" end) in
   let _b =  B.ty in
   let _s = Dynamic.get ~plugin:"AA" "mk" (Datatype.func Datatype.unit a) () in
-  (* is now statically checked and no more dynamically *) 
+  (* is now statically checked and no more dynamically *)
 (*  Dynamic.get ~plugin:"BB" "print" (Datatype.func b Datatype.unit) s;*)
 let () = Db.Main.extend main
diff --git a/tests/journal/abstract_cpt.ml b/tests/journal/abstract_cpt.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fa827630f94eaf5dbe1f35e9b81d3248fa3640f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/abstract_cpt.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-let mk () = ref 0
-let incr c = incr c; !c
-include Datatype.Make(struct
-  (* order of lines below does matter *)
-  include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
-  include Datatype.Ref(Datatype.Int)
-  let varname _ = "cpt"
-  let name = "Abstract_cpt.t"
-let mk =
-  Dynamic.register
-    ~journalize:true
-    ~plugin:"Abstract_cpt"
-    "mk"
-    (Datatype.func Datatype.unit ty) mk
-let incr =
-  Dynamic.register
-    ~journalize:true
-    ~plugin:"Abstract_cpt"
-    "incr"
-    (Datatype.func ty Datatype.int)
-    incr
-let pretty =
-  Dynamic.register
-    ~journalize:true
-    ~plugin:"Abstract_cpt"
-    "pretty"
-    (Datatype.func ty Datatype.unit)
-    (fun n -> Format.printf "%d@." !n)
diff --git a/tests/journal/control.i b/tests/journal/control.i
deleted file mode 100644
index ec7902161dda42107bb8d9219dca2ccd293a1079..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/control.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* run.config
- COMMENT: the following CMD redefinition omits adding @PTEST_FILE@ on purpose (due to -load)
- CMD: @frama-c@ @PTEST_OPTIONS@
- COMMENT: do not compare generated journals since they depend on current time
-   EXECNOW: BIN control_journal.ml @frama-c@ @PTEST_FILE@ -journal-enable -eva -deps -out @EVA_OPTIONS@ -main f -journal-name @PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal.ml > @DEV_NULL@ 2> @DEV_NULL@
- SCRIPT: @PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal.ml
-   OPT:
- SCRIPT: @PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal_bis.ml
-   EXECNOW: BIN control_journal_bis.ml cp %{dep:@PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal.ml} @PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal_bis.ml > @DEV_NULL@ 2> @DEV_NULL@
-   OPT: -calldeps
- MODULE: abstract_cpt use_cpt
-   EXECNOW: BIN abstract_cpt_journal.ml @frama-c@ -journal-enable -journal-name @PTEST_RESULT@/abstract_cpt_journal.ml > @DEV_NULL@ 2> @DEV_NULL@
- SCRIPT: @PTEST_RESULT@/abstract_cpt_journal.ml
-   OPT:
-int x,y,c,d;
-void f() {
-  int i;
-  for(i=0; i<4 ; i++) {
-    if (c) { if (d) {y++;} else {x++;}}
-    else {};
-    x=x+1;
-    }
diff --git a/tests/journal/control2.c b/tests/journal/control2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9570c6dd3afb3e59c787a9f04594244b196b4e0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/control2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* run.config
- COMMENT: the following CMD redefinition omits adding @PTEST_FILE@ on purpose (due to -load)
- CMD: @frama-c@ @PTEST_OPTIONS@
-   EXECNOW: BIN control_journal2.ml @frama-c@ -journal-enable -eva -deps -out -main f -journal-name @PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal2.ml @PTEST_FILE@ > @DEV_NULL@ 2> @DEV_NULL@
- SCRIPT: @PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal2.ml
-   EXECNOW: LOG control2_sav.res LOG control2_sav.err BIN control_journal_next2.ml @frama-c@ -journal-enable -lib-entry -journal-name @PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal_next2.ml @PTEST_FILE@ > @PTEST_RESULT@/control2_sav.res 2> @PTEST_RESULT@/control2_sav.err
- SCRIPT: @PTEST_RESULT@/control_journal_next2.ml
-   OPT:
-int x,y,c,d;
-void f() {
-  int i;
-  for(i=0; i<4 ; i++) {
-    if (c) { if (d) {y++;} else {x++;}}
-    else {};
-    x=x+1;
-    }
diff --git a/tests/journal/intra.i b/tests/journal/intra.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ae163e21ff0267076ad57e04d8ddcfc17e1bc2e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/intra.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-/* run.config
- COMMENT: the following CMD redefinition omits adding @PTEST_FILE@ on purpose (due to -load)
- CMD: @frama-c@ @PTEST_OPTIONS@
- PLUGIN: @EVA_PLUGINS@ sparecode
-   EXECNOW: BIN intra_journal.ml @frama-c@ -eva-show-progress -journal-enable -journal-name @PTEST_RESULT@/intra_journal.ml @PTEST_FILE@ > @DEV_NULL@ 2> @DEV_NULL@
- SCRIPT: @PTEST_RESULT@/intra_journal.ml
-   OPT:
-/* Waiting for results such as:
- * spare code analysis removes statements having variables with
- * prefix "spare_"
- *
- * slicing analysis removes statement having variables with
- * prefix "spare_" and "any_"
- */
-int G;
-int tmp (int a) {
-  int x = a;
-  //@ assert x == a ;
-  int w = 1;
-  //@ assert w == 1 ; // w is not spare or else
-                      // the assertion should be removed !
-  int spare_z = 1;
-  int spare_y = a+spare_z;
-  return x;
-int param (int a, int spare_b) {
-  return a;
-int spare_called_fct (int a) {
-  return a;
-int two_outputs (int a, int b) {
-  G += b;
-  return a;
-int call_two_outputs (void) {
-  int x, spare_y;
-  int any_b = 1;
-  int any_a = 2;
-  int a = 1;
-  int b = any_b;
-  x = two_outputs (a, b);
-  G = 1; /* don't use b = any_b; */
-  b = 2;
-  a = any_a;
-  spare_y = two_outputs (a, b);
-      /* don't use spare_y so don't use a = any_a */
-  return x;
-void assign (int *p, int *q) {
-  *p = *q ;
-int loop (int x, int y, int z) {
-  int i = 0;
-  //@ assert i < z ;
-  //@ loop invariant i < y ;
-  /* should keep y in sparecode analysis even if it is not used in the function */
-  while (i < x) {
-    i ++;
-  }
-  return i;
-void stop(void) __attribute__ ((noreturn)) ;
-int main (int noreturn, int halt) {
-  int res = 0;
-  int spare_tmp = 3;
-  int spare_param = 2 + spare_tmp;
-  int spare_ref = 3;
-  int x = 1;
-  int y = 2;
-  res += param (2, spare_param);
-  res += tmp (4);
-  spare_called_fct (5);
-  res += call_two_outputs ();
-  res += loop (10, 15, 20);
-  assign (&x, &spare_ref) ; /* <- Here, best can be done for spare analysis */
-  assign (&x, &y) ;
-  if (noreturn) {
-    if (halt)
-      stop () ;
-    else
-      while (1);
-    //@ assert \false ; // What should be done with
-                        // assertions related to dead code?
-    }
-  return res + G + x;
-struct { struct { int x; int y; } a; int b; } X10;
-int Y10;
-int f10 (int x) {
-  //@ slice pragma expr X10;
-  //@ slice pragma expr X10.a;
-  //@ slice pragma expr X10.a.x;
-  //@ slice pragma expr Y10;
-  //@ assert X10.a.x >= 0;
-  return x;
-int main2 () {
-  Y10 = 0;
-  X10.b = 0;
-  X10.a.y += f10 (3);
-  return X10.a.x + X10.a.y;
diff --git a/tests/journal/intra.ml b/tests/journal/intra.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0962a71402273c161496fe0885c0c5879589ef9d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/intra.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-let () =
-  Db.Main.extend (fun _ ->
-      ignore (Sparecode.Register.get ~select_annot:true
-                ~select_slice_pragma:true))
diff --git a/tests/journal/oracle/control.0.res.oracle b/tests/journal/oracle/control.0.res.oracle
deleted file mode 100644
index 8191206632c5a2badf8b201659e3bc09e88640bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/oracle/control.0.res.oracle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-[kernel] Parsing control.i (no preprocessing)
-[eva] Analyzing a complete application starting at f
-[eva] Computing initial state
-[eva] Initial state computed
-[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
-  x ∈ {0}
-  y ∈ {0}
-  c ∈ {0}
-  d ∈ {0}
-[eva] control.i:24: starting to merge loop iterations
-[eva:alarm] control.i:27: Warning: signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva] Recording results for f
-[eva] done for function f
-[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
-[eva:final-states] Values at end of function f:
-  x ∈ [0..2147483647]
-  i ∈ {4}
-[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 function analyzed (out of 1): 100% coverage.
-  In this function, 9 statements reached (out of 12): 75% coverage.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No errors or warnings raised during the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 alarm generated by the analysis:
-       1 integer overflow
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No logical properties have been reached by the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[from] Computing for function f
-[from] Done for function f
-[from] ====== DEPENDENCIES COMPUTED ======
-  These dependencies hold at termination for the executions that terminate:
-[from] Function f:
-  x FROM x (and SELF)
-[from] ====== END OF DEPENDENCIES ======
-[inout] Out (internal) for function f:
-    x; i
diff --git a/tests/journal/oracle/control.1.res.oracle b/tests/journal/oracle/control.1.res.oracle
deleted file mode 100644
index ae023e8b8226ac8ac7a2e86a190dc09f5e2bcd72..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/oracle/control.1.res.oracle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-[kernel] Parsing control.i (no preprocessing)
-[eva] Analyzing a complete application starting at f
-[eva] Computing initial state
-[eva] Initial state computed
-[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
-  x ∈ {0}
-  y ∈ {0}
-  c ∈ {0}
-  d ∈ {0}
-[eva] control.i:24: starting to merge loop iterations
-[eva:alarm] control.i:27: Warning: signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva] Recording results for f
-[eva] done for function f
-[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
-[eva:final-states] Values at end of function f:
-  x ∈ [0..2147483647]
-  i ∈ {4}
-[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 function analyzed (out of 1): 100% coverage.
-  In this function, 9 statements reached (out of 12): 75% coverage.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No errors or warnings raised during the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 alarm generated by the analysis:
-       1 integer overflow
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No logical properties have been reached by the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[from] Computing for function f
-[from] Done for function f
-[from] ====== DEPENDENCIES COMPUTED ======
-  These dependencies hold at termination for the executions that terminate:
-[from] Function f:
-  x FROM x (and SELF)
-[from] ====== END OF DEPENDENCIES ======
-[eva] Analyzing a complete application starting at f
-[eva] Computing initial state
-[eva] Initial state computed
-[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
-  x ∈ {0}
-  y ∈ {0}
-  c ∈ {0}
-  d ∈ {0}
-[eva:alarm] control.i:27: Warning: signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva] Recording results for f
-[from] Computing for function f
-[from] Done for function f
-[eva] done for function f
-[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
-[eva:final-states] Values at end of function f:
-  x ∈ [0..2147483647]
-  i ∈ {4}
-[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 function analyzed (out of 1): 100% coverage.
-  In this function, 9 statements reached (out of 12): 75% coverage.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No errors or warnings raised during the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 alarm generated by the analysis:
-       1 integer overflow
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No logical properties have been reached by the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[from] entry point:
-  x FROM x (and SELF)
-[from] ====== END OF CALLWISE DEPENDENCIES ======
-[inout] Out (internal) for function f:
-    x; i
diff --git a/tests/journal/oracle/control.2.res.oracle b/tests/journal/oracle/control.2.res.oracle
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c9d316b3d61cb2542d43b9dcd9eea66d30c10b0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/oracle/control.2.res.oracle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/journal/oracle/control2.res.oracle b/tests/journal/oracle/control2.res.oracle
deleted file mode 100644
index 97fb53bb8f67b370c1e94911f5b7ef2df89199fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/oracle/control2.res.oracle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-[kernel] Parsing control2.c (with preprocessing)
-[eva] Analyzing a complete application starting at f
-[eva] Computing initial state
-[eva] Initial state computed
-[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
-  x ∈ {0}
-  y ∈ {0}
-  c ∈ {0}
-  d ∈ {0}
-[eva] control2.c:14: starting to merge loop iterations
-[eva:alarm] control2.c:17: Warning: 
-  signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva] done for function f
-[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
-[eva:final-states] Values at end of function f:
-  x ∈ [0..2147483647]
-  i ∈ {4}
-[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 function analyzed (out of 1): 100% coverage.
-  In this function, 9 statements reached (out of 12): 75% coverage.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No errors or warnings raised during the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 alarm generated by the analysis:
-       1 integer overflow
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No logical properties have been reached by the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[from] Computing for function f
-[from] Done for function f
-[eva] Analyzing an incomplete application starting at f
-[eva] Computing initial state
-[eva] Initial state computed
-[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
-  x ∈ [--..--]
-  y ∈ [--..--]
-  c ∈ [--..--]
-  d ∈ [--..--]
-[eva:alarm] control2.c:15: Warning: 
-  signed overflow. assert y + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva:alarm] control2.c:15: Warning: 
-  signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva:alarm] control2.c:17: Warning: 
-  signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva] done for function f
-[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
-[eva:final-states] Values at end of function f:
-  x ∈ [--..--]
-  y ∈ [--..--]
-  i ∈ {4}
-[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 function analyzed (out of 1): 100% coverage.
-  In this function, 12 statements reached (out of 12): 100% coverage.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No errors or warnings raised during the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  3 alarms generated by the analysis:
-       3 integer overflows
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No logical properties have been reached by the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[from] Computing for function f
-[from] Done for function f
-[from] ====== DEPENDENCIES COMPUTED ======
-  These dependencies hold at termination for the executions that terminate:
-[from] Function f:
-  x FROM x; c; d (and SELF)
-  y FROM y; c; d (and SELF)
-[from] ====== END OF DEPENDENCIES ======
-[inout] Out (internal) for function f:
-    x; y; i
diff --git a/tests/journal/oracle/control2_sav.err b/tests/journal/oracle/control2_sav.err
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/tests/journal/oracle/control2_sav.res b/tests/journal/oracle/control2_sav.res
deleted file mode 100644
index 1734f9bb5372539b42ca6899a554625e521d5272..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/oracle/control2_sav.res
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-[kernel] Parsing control2.c (with preprocessing)
-[eva] Analyzing a complete application starting at f
-[eva] Computing initial state
-[eva] Initial state computed
-[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
-  x ∈ {0}
-  y ∈ {0}
-  c ∈ {0}
-  d ∈ {0}
-[eva] control2.c:14: starting to merge loop iterations
-[eva:alarm] control2.c:17: Warning: 
-  signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva] done for function f
-[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
-[eva:final-states] Values at end of function f:
-  x ∈ [0..2147483647]
-  i ∈ {4}
-[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 function analyzed (out of 1): 100% coverage.
-  In this function, 9 statements reached (out of 12): 75% coverage.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No errors or warnings raised during the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 alarm generated by the analysis:
-       1 integer overflow
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No logical properties have been reached by the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[from] Computing for function f
-[from] Done for function f
-[kernel] Warning: ignoring source files specified on the command line while loading a global initial context.
-[eva] Analyzing an incomplete application starting at f
-[eva] Computing initial state
-[eva] Initial state computed
-[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
-  x ∈ [--..--]
-  y ∈ [--..--]
-  c ∈ [--..--]
-  d ∈ [--..--]
-[eva:alarm] control2.c:15: Warning: 
-  signed overflow. assert y + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva:alarm] control2.c:15: Warning: 
-  signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva:alarm] control2.c:17: Warning: 
-  signed overflow. assert x + 1 ≤ 2147483647;
-[eva] done for function f
-[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
-[eva:final-states] Values at end of function f:
-  x ∈ [--..--]
-  y ∈ [--..--]
-  i ∈ {4}
-[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  1 function analyzed (out of 1): 100% coverage.
-  In this function, 12 statements reached (out of 12): 100% coverage.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Some errors and warnings have been raised during the analysis:
-    by the Eva analyzer:      0 errors    0 warnings
-    by the Frama-C kernel:    0 errors    1 warning
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  3 alarms generated by the analysis:
-       3 integer overflows
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  No logical properties have been reached by the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[from] Computing for function f
-[from] Done for function f
-[from] ====== DEPENDENCIES COMPUTED ======
-  These dependencies hold at termination for the executions that terminate:
-[from] Function f:
-  x FROM x; c; d (and SELF)
-  y FROM y; c; d (and SELF)
-[from] ====== END OF DEPENDENCIES ======
-[inout] Out (internal) for function f:
-    x; y; i
-[kernel] writing journal in file `control_journal_next2.ml'.
diff --git a/tests/journal/oracle/intra.res.oracle b/tests/journal/oracle/intra.res.oracle
deleted file mode 100644
index 052f7084beaf919d15fdb51263abd24d850c2459..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/oracle/intra.res.oracle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-[kernel] Parsing intra.i (no preprocessing)
-[sparecode] remove unused code...
-[eva] Analyzing a complete application starting at main
-[eva] Computing initial state
-[eva] Initial state computed
-[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
-  G ∈ {0}
-  X10 ∈ {0}
-  Y10 ∈ {0}
-[eva] computing for function param <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:83.
-[eva] Recording results for param
-[eva] Done for function param
-[eva] computing for function tmp <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:84.
-[eva] intra.i:22: assertion got status valid.
-[eva] intra.i:24: assertion got status valid.
-[eva] Recording results for tmp
-[eva] Done for function tmp
-[eva] computing for function spare_called_fct <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:85.
-[eva] Recording results for spare_called_fct
-[eva] Done for function spare_called_fct
-[eva] computing for function call_two_outputs <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:86.
-[eva] computing for function two_outputs <- call_two_outputs <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:50.
-[eva] Recording results for two_outputs
-[eva] Done for function two_outputs
-[eva] computing for function two_outputs <- call_two_outputs <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:54.
-[eva] Recording results for two_outputs
-[eva] Done for function two_outputs
-[eva] Recording results for call_two_outputs
-[eva] Done for function call_two_outputs
-[eva] computing for function loop <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:87.
-[eva] intra.i:65: assertion got status valid.
-[eva] intra.i:66: loop invariant got status valid.
-[eva] intra.i:68: starting to merge loop iterations
-[eva] Recording results for loop
-[eva] Done for function loop
-[eva] computing for function assign <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:88.
-[eva] Recording results for assign
-[eva] Done for function assign
-[eva] computing for function assign <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:89.
-[eva] Recording results for assign
-[eva] Done for function assign
-[kernel:annot:missing-spec] intra.i:92: Warning: 
-  Neither code nor specification for function stop, generating default assigns from the prototype
-[eva] computing for function stop <- main.
-  Called from intra.i:92.
-[eva] using specification for function stop
-[eva] Done for function stop
-[eva] Recording results for main
-[eva] done for function main
-[eva:summary] ====== ANALYSIS SUMMARY ======
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  8 functions analyzed (out of 10): 80% coverage.
-  In these functions, 58 statements reached (out of 59): 98% coverage.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Some errors and warnings have been raised during the analysis:
-    by the Eva analyzer:      0 errors    0 warnings
-    by the Frama-C kernel:    0 errors    1 warning
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  0 alarms generated by the analysis.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Evaluation of the logical properties reached by the analysis:
-    Assertions        4 valid     0 unknown     0 invalid      4 total
-    Preconditions     0 valid     0 unknown     0 invalid      0 total
-  100% of the logical properties reached have been proven.
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[pdg] computing for function main
-[from] Computing for function param
-[from] Done for function param
-[from] Computing for function tmp
-[from] Done for function tmp
-[from] Computing for function spare_called_fct
-[from] Done for function spare_called_fct
-[from] Computing for function call_two_outputs
-[from] Computing for function two_outputs <-call_two_outputs
-[from] Done for function two_outputs
-[from] Done for function call_two_outputs
-[from] Computing for function loop
-[from] Done for function loop
-[from] Computing for function assign
-[from] Done for function assign
-[from] Computing for function stop
-[from] Done for function stop
-[pdg] done for function main
-[pdg] computing for function call_two_outputs
-[pdg] done for function call_two_outputs
-[pdg] computing for function assign
-[pdg] done for function assign
-[pdg] computing for function loop
-[pdg] done for function loop
-[pdg] computing for function tmp
-[pdg] done for function tmp
-[pdg] computing for function param
-[pdg] done for function param
-[pdg] computing for function two_outputs
-[pdg] done for function two_outputs
-[pdg] computing for function f10
-[pdg] Warning: unreachable entry point (sid:79, function f10)
-[pdg] Bottom for function f10
-[pdg] computing for function main2
-[pdg] Warning: unreachable entry point (sid:87, function main2)
-[pdg] Bottom for function main2
-[pdg] computing for function spare_called_fct
-[pdg] done for function spare_called_fct
-[pdg] computing for function stop
-[pdg] done for function stop
-[sparecode] remove unused global declarations...
-[sparecode] result in new project 'default without sparecode'.
diff --git a/tests/journal/test_config b/tests/journal/test_config
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b4e9a8bdd2b7dce5f1cd2d18923ecc5f7519b56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/test_config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/journal/use_cpt.ml b/tests/journal/use_cpt.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index f19b3e11a7f79e8c8981f2c3f73aff992e5fedd7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/journal/use_cpt.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-let main () =
-  let module T = Type.Abstract(struct let name = "Abstract_cpt.t" end) in
-  let c = 
-    Dynamic.get
-      ~plugin:"Abstract_cpt" "mk" (Datatype.func Datatype.unit T.ty) () 
-  in
-  let incr = 
-    Dynamic.get
-      ~plugin:"Abstract_cpt" "incr" (Datatype.func T.ty Datatype.int) 
-  in
-  let pretty = 
-    Dynamic.get
-      ~plugin:"Abstract_cpt" "pretty" (Datatype.func T.ty Datatype.unit) 
-  in
-  let incr_and_pretty c = ignore (incr c); pretty c in
-  for _i = 1 to 3 do incr_and_pretty c done
-let () = Db.Main.extend main
diff --git a/tests/slicing/combine.ml b/tests/slicing/combine.ml
index bbe23a110edfb1fe818977e138123364b920b55c..55fef497d923a4e9cba21e14e64d1b0174829bc4 100644
--- a/tests/slicing/combine.ml
+++ b/tests/slicing/combine.ml
@@ -6,15 +6,6 @@ let f_slice_names kf src_called fnum =
   if (fname = "main") || (fnum = 1 && not src_called) then fname
   else (fname ^ "_s_" ^ (string_of_int (fnum)))
-(* To be able to build framac-journal.ml *)
-let f_slice_names =
-  Journal.register
-    "Combine.f_slice_names"
-    (Datatype.func Kernel_function.ty
-       (Datatype.func Datatype.bool
-	  (Datatype.func Datatype.int Datatype.string)))
-    f_slice_names
 let main _ =
   Slicing.Api.Project.reset_slicing ();
diff --git a/tests/sparecode/test_config b/tests/sparecode/test_config
index 40e3a32e1141194ae21aebe0470c76bca948bc06..f891b735a90856bbb735f6c53a50fef19542b9f6 100644
--- a/tests/sparecode/test_config
+++ b/tests/sparecode/test_config
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-OPT: -journal-disable @EVA_OPTIONS@ -sparecode-debug 1
+OPT: @EVA_OPTIONS@ -sparecode-debug 1
diff --git a/tests/spec/test_config b/tests/spec/test_config
index 6f16db895cb99190e93d744819de7c21e7358ebe..486cfa4b0f8caaaad2e1e03e663d2df6e32f5563 100644
--- a/tests/spec/test_config
+++ b/tests/spec/test_config
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ COMMENT: for now, this directory mainly tests the annotations syntax,
 COMMENT: no analysis is performed.
 COMMENT: we continue on annotation errors, as this allows to put
 COMMENT: various variations of the same test in one file.
-OPT: -pp-annot -print -journal-disable -kernel-warn-key=annot-error=active -check -machdep x86_32
+OPT: -pp-annot -print -kernel-warn-key=annot-error=active -check -machdep x86_32