diff --git a/headers/header_spec.txt b/headers/header_spec.txt
index ec689685fd2bca4b2d4bbccc5c6a0a52487960c1..521c59e7b330755a939d281b7d4cb5c62941bf10 100644
--- a/headers/header_spec.txt
+++ b/headers/header_spec.txt
@@ -1464,10 +1464,6 @@ src/plugins/wp/ProofScript.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProofScript.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.Why3.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.None.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml: CEA_WP
@@ -1476,10 +1472,8 @@ src/plugins/wp/ProverSearch.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverSearch.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverTask.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverTask.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.mli: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/REVISION: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/RefUsage.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/RefUsage.mli: CEA_WP
@@ -1563,8 +1557,6 @@ src/plugins/wp/ctypes.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ctypes.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/why3_api.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/why3_api.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/doc/MakeDoc: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/doc/coqdoc/Makefile: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/doc/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty: .ignore
@@ -1830,8 +1822,7 @@ src/plugins/wp/semantics/Typing.v: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/semantics/Values.v: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/semantics/coqide.sh: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/share/.gitignore: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.headers: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.coqwp: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/ArcTrigo.v: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Bits.v: CEA_WP
@@ -1857,7 +1848,7 @@ src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Exponentiation.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Int.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/MinMax.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Power.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
-src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
+src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/map/Map.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/map/Const.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/real/Abs.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
@@ -1893,6 +1884,7 @@ src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Vset.mlw: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/bool.Bool.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.Abs.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerDivision.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
+src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.Int.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.MinMax.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/map.Map.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
@@ -1910,66 +1902,6 @@ src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Square.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Trigonometry.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Truncate.mlw: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/install.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/.gitignore: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/.merlin: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Bits.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/BuiltIn/bool.mlw: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cbits.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cfloat.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cint.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cmath.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Makefile: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Memory.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qed.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qedlib.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vlist.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vset.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/Zbits.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/alt_ergo_realize.ml: MODIFIED_WHY3
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/cbits.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/cint.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/cmath.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/coq-own-realization.drv: CEA_PROPRIETARY
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/filter_axioms.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/lemma_about_mod.txt: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/qed.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/realization.conf: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/tests/import.why: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/tests/import/import_T_G_1.v: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/tests/import/why3session.xml: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/upper.ml: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/vlist.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/vset.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/why3-realize.drv: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Bits.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cfloat.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cfloat.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cint.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cint.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ExpLog.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ExpLog.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qedlib.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vset.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vset.why: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Zbits.v: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/why3/coq.drv: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cbits.mlw: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cfloat.mlw: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cint.mlw: CEA_WP
@@ -1979,9 +1911,6 @@ src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/qed.mlw: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vlist.mlw: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vset.mlw: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/share/wpcoqdoc.zip: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mli: MODIFIED_WHY3
-src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mll: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/wpAnnot.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/wpAnnot.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/wpPropId.ml: CEA_WP
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
index 4786a43ee71db5e57fa73753b172fc97a7e9719c..57257f3a473f37f47275477c31d6aff6a4437b8a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
@@ -239,11 +239,6 @@ class behavior
           Task.spawn server thread ;
           Task.launch server in
         match prover with
-        (*
-        | VCS.Why3ide ->
-            let iter f = Wpo.iter ~on_goal:f () in
-            schedule (ProverWhy3ide.prove ~callback:result ~iter)
-        *)
         | VCS.Tactical ->
               match mode , ProverScript.get w with
@@ -303,12 +298,7 @@ class behavior
       match popup_target with
       | Some(w,Some p) -> (popup_target <- None ; self#prove ~mode w p)
       | _ -> popup_target <- None
-    method private popup_why3ide () =
-      match popup_target with
-      | Some(w,_) -> (popup_target <- None ; self#prove w VCS.Why3ide)
-      | _ -> popup_target <- None
     method private add_popup_delete popup =
         popup#add_separator ;
@@ -333,13 +323,6 @@ class behavior
           [ "Run",BatchMode ; "Open Altgr-Ergo on Fail",EditMode ; "Open Altgr-Ergo",EditMode ] ;
         self#add_popup_proofmodes popup_coq
           [ "Check Proof",BatchMode ; "Edit on Fail",EditMode ; "Edit Proof",EditMode ] ;
-        (*
-        List.iter
-          (fun menu ->
-             menu#add_item ~label:"Open Why3ide" ~callback:self#popup_why3ide ;
-             self#add_popup_delete menu ;
-          ) [ popup_qed ; popup_why3 ; popup_ergo ; popup_coq ] ;
-        *)
     method private popup w p =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in b/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
index d2a8825069c6922c0994b6b0949290c38fdba193..cc19d6ae68d9ba547a44823fcb719bccd3b0e145 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@ ifneq ("$(FRAMAC_INTERNAL)","yes")
 include $(FRAMAC_SHARE)/Makefile.config
-# Why3 API Available
 # Coq Resources Installation
 include $(PLUGIN_DIR)/share/Makefile.resources
@@ -90,9 +87,8 @@ PLUGIN_CMO:= \
 	TacRewrite TacBitwised TacBitrange TacShift \
 	TacCongruence TacOverflow Auto \
 	ProofSession ProofScript ProofEngine \
-	why3_xml \
 	ProverTask ProverErgo ProverCoq \
-	filter_axioms why3_api \
+	filter_axioms ProverWhy3 \
 	driver prover ProverSearch ProverScript \
 	Generator Factory \
 	calculus cfgDump cfgWP \
@@ -104,8 +100,8 @@ PLUGIN_GENERATED:= \
    $(PLUGIN_DIR)/script.ml \
    $(PLUGIN_DIR)/rformat.ml \
    $(PLUGIN_DIR)/driver.ml \
-   $(PLUGIN_DIR)/why3_xml.ml \
@@ -120,8 +116,7 @@ PLUGIN_DISTRIB_EXTERNAL:= \
 	                    $(ALL_UNMODIFIED_WHY3_RESOURCES) \
-CEA_WP_GENEREATED=why3_xml.ml script.ml rformat.ml driver.ml
+CEA_WP_GENEREATED= script.ml rformat.ml driver.ml
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --- Tests                                                              ---
@@ -150,7 +145,13 @@ else
-$(Wp_DIR)/Makefile: $(Wp_DIR)/Makefile.in $(Wp_DIR)/share/Makefile.resources $(CONFIG_STATUS_DIR)/config.status
+	$(Wp_DIR)/Makefile.in \
+	$(Wp_DIR)/share/Makefile.coqwp \
+	$(Wp_DIR)/share/Makefile.resources \
+	$(CONFIG_STATUS_DIR)/config.status
 	@cd $(CONFIG_STATUS_DIR) && ./config.status --file $@
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -227,23 +228,16 @@ clean::
 ## All relative to share/
-WP_COQ_SOURCES= $(addprefix coqwp/, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA) $(COQ_LIBS_INRIA))
-WHY3_COQ_SOURCES= $(addprefix why3/, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA))
+ALL_COQ_SOURCES= $(addprefix coqwp/, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA) $(COQ_LIBS_INRIA))
 ALL_WHY3_SOURCES= $(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/, $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA))
-ALL_WHY3_API_SOURCES= $(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/, $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA))
 	wp.driver \
-	why3/coq.drv \
-	why3/why3.conf \
 INSTALL_SHARE=@$(Wp_DIR)/share/instwp $(INSTALL_OPT)
@@ -261,55 +255,17 @@ $(Wp_DIR)/share/instwp: $(Wp_DIR)/share/install.ml
 # --- Pre-Compiled Coq Libraries                                         ---
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.PHONY: wp-coq wp-why3 wp-coq-all wp-coq-clean wp-coq-install wp-coq-uninstall
-wp-coq-all: wp-coq wp-why3
-wp-coq: coqwpcompile
-	@echo "Run 'make wp-coq-install' to install all precompiled libraries"
-wp-why3:  why3compile
-	@echo "Run 'make wp-coq-install' to install all precompiled libraries"
-include $(Wp_DIR)/share/Makefile
+ifeq ($(WP_COQC_ENABLED),yes)
-	$(PRINT_INSTALL) "Coq Libraries"
-	$(INSTALL_SHARE) -f -p -s \
-		-i $(Wp_DIR)/share \
-		-d $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp \
+include $(Wp_DIR)/share/Makefile.coqwp
-	$(PRINT_RM) "Coq Libraries"
-	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/why3/*.vo
-	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/coqwp/*.vo
-	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/coqwp/*/*.vo
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Why3 configuration
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+byte:: coqwpcompile
+opt:: coqwpcompile
+clean:: wp-coq-clean
-byte:: $(Wp_DIR)/share/why3/why3.conf
-opt:: $(Wp_DIR)/share/why3/why3.conf
-$(Wp_DIR)/share/why3/why3.conf: config.status $(Wp_DIR)/Makefile.in
-	$(PRINT_MAKING) "extra-config for why3"
-	$(RM) $@
-	@printf "[prover_modifiers]\n" >> $@
-	@printf "name=\"Coq\"\n" >> $@
-	@printf "option=\"-Q $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/why3 ''\"\n" >> $@
-	@printf "driver=\"$(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/why3/coq.drv\"\n" >> $@
-	@printf "\n"  >> $@
-	@printf "[editor_modifiers coqide]\n" >> $@
-	@printf "option=\"-I $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/why3\"\n" >> $@
-	@printf "\n"  >> $@
-	@printf "[editor_modifiers proofgeneral-coq]\n" >> $@
-	@printf "option=\"--eval \\\\\"(setq coq-load-path (cons '(\\\\\\\\\\\\\"$(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/why3\\\\\\\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\") coq-load-path))\\\\\"\"\n"  >> $@
-	$(CHMOD_RO) $@
+endif #($(WP_COQC_ENABLED),yes)
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --- Installation                                                       ---
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
index 600dcc6aa68c9ceee193a916fda9a6da8a1f1a1f..83e0c580858007d53dbac44bff19edd3bf717fac 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
@@ -20,17 +20,10 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Prover Why3 Interface                                          --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-open Cil_types
-open Qed
-open Lang
-open Definitions
+[@@@ warning "-40-42"]
 let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "prover"
-let why3_goal_name = "WP"
+let dkey_api = Wp_parameters.register_category "why3_api"
 let option_file = LogicBuiltins.create_option
     (fun ~driver_dir x -> Filename.concat driver_dir x)
@@ -40,137 +33,694 @@ let option_import = LogicBuiltins.create_option
     (fun ~driver_dir:_ x -> x)
     "why3" "import"
+let config = VCS.why3_config
+module Env = Model.Index(struct
+    include Datatype.Unit
+    type key = unit
+    type data = Why3.Env.env
+  end)
+let get_why3_env =
+  Env.memoize (fun () ->
+      let config = Lazy.force config in
+      let main = Why3.Whyconf.get_main config in
+      let ld =
+        (Model.directory ())::
+        (Wp_parameters.Share.file "why3")::
+        (Why3.Whyconf.loadpath main) in
+      Why3.Env.create_env ld
+    )
+type context = {
+  mutable th : Why3.Theory.theory_uc;
+  env: Why3.Env.env;
+type convert = {
+  th : Why3.Theory.theory_uc;
+  env: Why3.Env.env;
+  subst: Why3.Term.term Lang.F.Tmap.t;
+  pool: Lang.F.pool;
+  polarity: Cvalues.polarity;
+  in_goal: bool;
+  mutable convert_for_export: Lang.F.term Lang.F.Tmap.t;
+(** The reason for the rebuild *)
+let specific_equalities: Lang.For_export.specific_equality list ref =
+  ref [Vlist.specialize_eq_list]
+(** get symbols *)
+let get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p =
+  let th = Why3.Env.read_theory cnv.env f l in
+  let ls =
+    try
+      Why3.Theory.ns_find_ls th.th_export p
+    with Not_found ->
+      Wp_parameters.fatal "The symbol %a can't be found in %a.%s"
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) p
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) f l
+  in
+  ls
+let get_ts ~cnv ~f ~l ~p =
+  let th = Why3.Env.read_theory cnv.env f l in
+  let ls =
+    try
+      Why3.Theory.ns_find_ts th.th_export p
+    with Not_found ->
+      Wp_parameters.fatal "The type %a can't be found in %a.%s"
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) p
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) f l
+  in
+  ls
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Making Goal File                                                   --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let cluster_file c =
-  let dir = Model.directory () in
-  let base = cluster_id c in
-  Printf.sprintf "%s/%s.why" dir base
+let t_app ~cnv ~f ~l ~p tl =
+  Why3.Term.t_app_infer (get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p) tl
-let theory_name_of_cluster c =
-  let base = cluster_id c in
-  String.capitalize_ascii base
+let t_app' ~cnv ~f ~l ~p tl ty =
+  Why3.Term.t_app (get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p) tl ty
-let theory_name_of_pid pid = "VC" ^ WpPropId.get_propid pid
+(** Conversion *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Exporting Formulae to Why3                                         --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** why3 1.3
+    let const_int (z:Z.t) =
+    Why3.(Term.t_const Number.(int_const (BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)))) Why3.Ty.ty_int
-type depend =
-  | D_file of string
-  | D_cluster of cluster
+    let const_real ~cnv (q:Q.t) =
+    let mk_real_int z =
+    let c = Why3.Number.real_const (Why3.BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)) in
+    Why3.(Term.t_const c) Why3.Ty.ty_real
+    in
+    if Z.equal Z.one q.den
+    then mk_real_int q.num
+    else
+    t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"] [mk_real_int q.num;mk_real_int q.den]
-let engine =
-  let module E = Qed.Export_why3.Make(Lang.F.QED) in
-  object(self)
-    inherit E.engine as super
-    inherit Lang.idprinting
-    method infoprover p = p.why3
-    val mutable goal = false
-    method set_goal g = goal <- g
+let const_int (z:Z.t) =
+  Why3.(Term.t_const Number.(const_of_big_int (BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)))) Why3.Ty.ty_int
-    method private is_vlist polarity a b =
-      goal && self#mode = polarity &&
-      (Vlist.check_term a || Vlist.check_term b)
+let const_real ~cnv (q:Q.t) =
+  let mk_real_int z =
+    let rc_negative = Z.sign z < 0 in
+    let z = Z.abs z in
+    let rc_abs = Why3.Number.real_const_dec (Z.to_string z) "" None in
+    let c = Why3.Number.ConstReal { Why3.Number.rc_negative; rc_abs } in
+    Why3.(Term.t_const c) Why3.Ty.ty_real
+  in
+  if Z.equal Z.one q.den
+  then mk_real_int q.num
+  else
+    t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"] [mk_real_int q.num;mk_real_int q.den]
+(** fold map list of at least one element *)
+let fold_map map fold = function
+  | [] -> assert false (** absurd: forbidden by qed  *)
+  | a::tl ->
+      List.fold_left (fun acc a -> fold acc (map a)) (map a) tl
+let empty_context name : context = {
+  th = Why3.Theory.create_theory (Why3.Ident.id_fresh name);
+  env = get_why3_env ();
+let empty_cnv ?(polarity=`NoPolarity) ?(in_goal=false) (ctx:context) : convert = {
+  th = ctx.th;
+  subst = Lang.F.Tmap.empty;
+  pool = Lang.F.pool ();
+  env = ctx.env;
+  polarity;
+  in_goal;
+  convert_for_export = Lang.F.Tmap.empty;
+let lfun_name (lfun:Lang.lfun) =
+  match lfun with
+  | ACSL f -> Qed.Engine.F_call (Lang.logic_id f)
+  | CTOR c -> Qed.Engine.F_call (Lang.ctor_id c)
+  | Model({m_source=Generated n}) -> Qed.Engine.F_call n
+  | Model({m_source=Extern e}) -> e.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
+let coerce ~cnv sort expected r =
+  match sort, expected with
+  | Qed.Logic.Bool, Qed.Logic.Prop -> Why3.Term.(t_equ r t_bool_true)
+  | Qed.Logic.Int, Qed.Logic.Real ->
+      t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"FromInt" ~p:["from_int"] [r]
+  | _ -> r
+let name_of_adt = function
+  | Lang.Mtype a -> a.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
+  | Mrecord(a,_) -> a.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
+  | Comp c -> Lang.comp_id c
+  | Atype lt -> Lang.type_id lt
+let tvar =
+  let tvar = Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.create 10 in
+  fun i ->
+    Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.memo tvar i
+      (fun i ->
+         let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Printf.sprintf "a%i" i) in
+         Why3.Ty.create_tvsymbol id
+      )
+(** Sharing *)
+let shared (_ : Lang.F.term) = false
+let shareable e =
+  match Lang.F.repr e with
+  | Kint _ | Kreal _ | True | False -> false
+  | Times _ | Add _ | Mul _ | Div _ | Mod _ -> true
+  | Eq _ | Neq _ | Leq _ | Lt _ -> false
+  | Aget _ | Aset _ | Rget _ | Rdef _ | Acst _ -> true
+  | And _ | Or _ | Not _ | Imply _ | If _ -> false
+  | Fun _ -> not (Lang.F.is_prop e)
+  | Bvar _ | Fvar _ | Apply _ | Bind _ -> false
+let subterms f e =
+  match Lang.F.repr e with
+  | Rdef fts ->
+      begin
+        match Lang.F.record_with fts with
+        | None -> Lang.F.lc_iter f e
+        | Some(a,fts) -> f a ; List.iter (fun (_,e) -> f e) fts
+      end
+  | _ -> Lang.F.lc_iter f e
-    method! pp_equal fmt a b =
-      if self#is_vlist Qed.Engine.Mpositive a b
-      then Qed.Plib.pp_call_apply "vlist_eq" self#pp_term fmt [a;b]
-      else super#pp_equal fmt a b
+(* path splitting *)
+let regexp_col = Str.regexp_string ":"
+let regexp_com = Str.regexp_string ","
+let regexp_dot = Str.regexp_string "."
+let cut_path s = Str.split_delim regexp_dot s
+(* conversion *)
+let rec of_tau ~cnv (t:Lang.F.tau) =
+  match t with
+  | Prop -> None
+  | Bool -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_bool
+  | Int -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_int
+  | Real -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_real
+  | Array(k,v) ->
+      let ts = get_ts ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["map"] in
+      Some (Why3.Ty.ty_app ts [Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv k); Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv v)])
+  | Data(adt,l) -> begin
+      let s = name_of_adt adt in
+      match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ts (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
+      | ts -> Some (Why3.Ty.ty_app ts (List.map (fun e -> Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv e)) l))
+      | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find type [%s] in why3 namespace" s
+    end
+  | Tvar i -> Some (Why3.Ty.ty_var (tvar i))
+  | Record _ ->
+      Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "Type %a not yet convertible"
+        Lang.F.pp_tau t
+let rec full_trigger = function
+  | Qed.Engine.TgAny -> false
+  | TgVar _ -> true
+  | TgGet(a,k) -> full_trigger a && full_trigger k
+  | TgSet(a,k,v) -> full_trigger a && full_trigger k && full_trigger v
+  | TgFun(_,xs) | TgProp(_,xs) -> List.for_all full_trigger xs
+let rec full_triggers = function
+  | [] -> []
+  | ts :: tgs ->
+      match List.filter full_trigger ts with
+      | [] -> full_triggers tgs
+      | ts -> ts :: full_triggers tgs
+let rec of_trigger ~cnv t =
+  match t with
+  | Qed.Engine.TgAny -> assert false (** absurd: filter by full_triggers *)
+  | Qed.Engine.TgVar v -> begin
+      try Lang.F.Tmap.find (Lang.F.e_var v) cnv.subst
+      with Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Unbound variable %a" Lang.F.pp_var v
+    end
+  | Qed.Engine.TgGet(m,k) ->
+      t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["get"] [of_trigger cnv m;of_trigger cnv k]
+  | TgSet(m,k,v) ->
+      t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["set"] [of_trigger cnv m;of_trigger cnv k;of_trigger cnv v]
+  | TgFun (f,l) -> begin
+      match lfun_name f with
+      | F_call s ->
+          let ls = Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) in
+          Why3.Term.t_app_infer ls (List.map (fun e -> of_trigger cnv e) l)
+      | _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun in triggers"
+    end
+  | TgProp (f,l) ->
+      begin
+        match lfun_name f with
+        | F_call s ->
+            let ls = Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) in
+            Why3.Term.t_app_infer ls (List.map (fun e -> of_trigger cnv e) l)
+        | _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun in triggers"
+      end
-    method! pp_noteq fmt a b =
-      if self#is_vlist Qed.Engine.Mnegative a b
-      then
+let rec of_term ~cnv expected t : Why3.Term.term =
+  Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api
+    "of_term %a %a@."
+    Lang.F.Tau.pretty expected Lang.F.pp_term t;
+  let sort = Lang.F.typeof t in
+  let ($) f x = f x in
+  let r =
+    try coerce ~cnv sort expected $ Lang.F.Tmap.find t cnv.subst
+    with Not_found ->
+    match Lang.F.repr t, sort, expected with
+    | (Fvar _, _, _) -> invalid_arg "unbound variable in of_term"
+    | (Bvar _, _, _) -> invalid_arg "bound variable in of_term"
+    | Bind((Forall|Exists) as q,_,_), _, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv Prop expected $
+        let why3_vars, t = successive_binders cnv q t in
+        let quant = match q with
+          | Qed.Logic.Forall -> Why3.Term.Tforall
+          | Qed.Logic.Exists -> Why3.Term.Texists
+          | _ -> assert false
+        in
+        Why3.Term.t_quant quant (Why3.Term.t_close_quant why3_vars [] t)
+    | True, _, Prop -> Why3.Term.t_true
+    | True, _, Bool -> Why3.Term.t_bool_true
+    | False, _, Prop -> Why3.Term.t_false
+    | False, _, Bool -> Why3.Term.t_bool_false
+    | Kint z, Int, _ -> coerce ~cnv sort expected $ const_int z
+    | Kreal q, Real, _ -> coerce ~cnv sort expected $ const_real ~cnv q
+    | Times(z,t), Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix *"] [const_int z; of_term cnv sort t]
+    | Times(z,t), Real, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix *"]
+          [const_real ~cnv (Q.of_bigint z); of_term cnv sort t]
+    | Add l, Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app_fold ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix +"] ~cnv sort l
+    | Add l, Real, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app_fold ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix +"] ~cnv sort l
+    | Mul l, Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app_fold ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix *"] ~cnv sort l
+    | Mul l, Real, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app_fold ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix *"] ~cnv sort l
+    | Leq (a,b), _, Prop ->
+        int_or_real ~cnv
+          ~fint:["int"] ~lint:"Int" ~pint:["infix <="]
+          ~freal:["real"] ~lreal:"Real" ~preal:["infix <="]
+          a b
+    | Div(a,b), Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"ComputerDivision" ~p:["div"]
+          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
+    | Mod(a,b), Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"ComputerDivision" ~p:["mod"]
+          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
+    | Div(a,b), Real, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"]
+          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
+    | Lt (a,b), _, Prop ->
+        int_or_real ~cnv
+          ~fint:["int"] ~lint:"Int" ~pint:["infix <"]
+          ~freal:["real"] ~lreal:"Real" ~preal:["infix <"]
+          a b
+    | Leq (a,b), _, Bool ->
+        int_or_real ~cnv
+          ~fint:["qed"] ~lint:"Qed" ~pint:["zleq"]
+          ~freal:["qed"] ~lreal:"Qed" ~preal:["rleq"]
+          a b
+    | Lt (a,b), _, Bool ->
+        int_or_real ~cnv
+          ~fint:["qed"] ~lint:"Qed" ~pint:["zlt"]
+          ~freal:["qed"] ~lreal:"Qed" ~preal:["rlt"]
+          a b
+    | And l, _, Bool ->
+        t_app_fold ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["andb"] ~cnv expected l
+    | And l, _, Prop ->
+        fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) Why3.Term.t_and l
+    | Or l, _, Bool ->
+        t_app_fold ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["orb"] ~cnv expected l
+    | Or l, _, Prop ->
+        fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) Why3.Term.t_or l
+    | Not e, _, Bool ->
+        let cnv = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["notb"] [of_term ~cnv expected e]
+    | Not e, _, Prop ->
+        let cnv = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
+        Why3.Term.t_not (of_term cnv expected e)
+    | Imply (l,e), _, _ ->
+        let e = (of_term ~cnv expected) e in
+        let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
+        let fold acc a =
+          let a = of_term ~cnv:cnv' expected a in
+          match expected with
+          | Prop -> Why3.Term.t_implies a acc
+          | _ (* Bool *) ->
+              t_app ~cnv:cnv' ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["implb"] [a;acc]
+        in
+        List.fold_left fold e (List.rev l)
+    | Eq (a,b), _, Prop -> begin
+        match Lang.F.typeof a with
+        | Prop | Bool ->
+            Why3.Term.t_iff (of_term cnv Prop a) (of_term cnv Prop b)
+        | tau ->
+            match List.find (fun spe -> spe.Lang.For_export.for_tau tau) !specific_equalities with
+            | spe when cnv.polarity = `Positive -> of_term cnv expected (spe.mk_new_eq a b)
+            | exception Not_found -> Why3.Term.t_equ (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
+            | _                   -> Why3.Term.t_equ (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
+      end
+    | Neq (a,b), _, Prop ->
-          Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>not@,(" ;
-          Qed.Plib.pp_call_apply "vlist_eq" self#pp_term fmt [a;b] ;
-          Format.fprintf fmt ")@]" ;
+          match Lang.F.typeof a with
+          | Prop | Bool ->
+              Why3.Term.t_not (Why3.Term.t_iff (of_term cnv Prop a) (of_term cnv Prop b))
+          | tau ->
+              match List.find (fun spe -> spe.Lang.For_export.for_tau tau) !specific_equalities with
+              | spe when cnv.polarity = `Negative ->
+                  Why3.Term.t_not (of_term cnv expected (spe.mk_new_eq a b))
+              | exception Not_found -> Why3.Term.t_neq (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
+              | _                   -> Why3.Term.t_neq (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
-      else super#pp_noteq fmt a b
+    | Eq (a,b), _, Bool ->
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["qed"] ~l:"Qed" ~p:["eqb"] [of_term' cnv a; of_term' cnv b]
+    | Neq (a,b), _, Bool ->
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["qed"] ~l:"Qed" ~p:["neqb"] [of_term' cnv a; of_term' cnv b]
+    | If(a,b,c), _, _ ->
+        let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = `NoPolarity} in
+        Why3.Term.t_if (of_term cnv' Prop a) (of_term cnv expected b) (of_term cnv expected c)
+    | Aget(m,k), _, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        let mtau = Lang.F.typeof m in
+        let ksort = match mtau with
+          | Array(ksort,_) -> ksort
+          | _ -> assert false (** absurd: by qed typing *)in
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["get"] [of_term cnv mtau m;of_term cnv ksort k]
+    | Aset(m,k,v), Array(ksort,vsort), _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["set"] [of_term cnv sort m;of_term cnv ksort k;of_term cnv vsort v]
+    | Acst(_,v), Array(_,vsort), _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app' ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Const" ~p:["const"] [of_term cnv vsort v] (of_tau cnv sort)
+    (* Generic *)
+    | Fun (f,l), _, _ -> begin
+        let t_app ls l r  =
+          Why3.Term.t_app ls l r
+        in
+        let apply_from_ns s l sort =
+          match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)), expected with
+          | ls, (Prop | Bool) ->
+              coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+              t_app ls l (of_tau cnv sort)
+          | ls, _ ->
+              coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+              t_app ls l (of_tau cnv sort)
+          | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
+        in
+        let apply_from_ns' s l =
+          apply_from_ns s (List.map (fun e -> of_term' cnv e) l)
+        in
+        match lfun_name f, expected with
+        | F_call s, _ -> apply_from_ns' s l sort
+        | Qed.Engine.F_subst _, _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun with subst"
+        | Qed.Engine.F_left s, _ | Qed.Engine.F_assoc s, _ ->
+            let rec aux = function
+              | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Empty application"
+              | [a] -> of_term cnv expected a
+              | a::l ->
+                  apply_from_ns s [of_term' cnv a; aux l] sort
+            in
+            aux l
+        | Qed.Engine.F_right s, _ ->
+            let rec aux = function
+              | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Empty application"
+              | [a] -> of_term cnv expected a
+              | a::l ->
+                  apply_from_ns s [aux l;of_term' cnv a] sort
+            in
+            aux (List.rev l)
+        | Qed.Engine.F_list (fcons,fnil), _ ->
+            let rec aux = function
+              | [] -> apply_from_ns fnil [] sort
+              | a::l ->
+                  apply_from_ns fcons [of_term' cnv a;aux l] sort
+            in
+            aux l
+        | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (s,_), Bool | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (_,s), Prop ->
+            apply_from_ns' s l expected
+        | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (_,_), _ ->
+            Wp_parameters.fatal "badly expected type %a for term %a"
+              Lang.F.pp_tau expected Lang.F.pp_term t
+      end
+    | Rget(a,f), _ , _ -> begin
+        let s = Lang.name_of_field f in
+        match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
+        | ls -> Why3.Term.t_app ls [of_term' cnv a] (of_tau cnv expected)
+        | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
+      end
+    | Rdef(l), Data(Comp c,_) , _ -> begin
+        (* l is already sorted by field *)
+        let s = Lang.comp_id c in
+        match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
+        | ls ->
+            let l = List.map (fun (_,t) -> of_term' cnv t) l in
+            Why3.Term.t_app ls l (of_tau cnv expected)
+        | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
+      end
+    | (Rdef _, Data ((Mtype _|Mrecord (_, _)|Atype _), _), _)
+    | (Rdef _, (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)), _)
+    | (Aset (_, _, _), (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Neq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Eq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Not _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Or _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (And _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Lt (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Leq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Div (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Mod (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Mul _, (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Add _, (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Times (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Kreal _, (Prop|Bool|Int|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Kint _, (Prop|Bool|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (False, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (True, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Acst (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+      -> assert false (** absurd: by typing *)
+    | (Bind (Lambda, _, _), _, _)
+    | Apply _ , _, _
+    | Rdef _, Record _, _ ->
+        Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented
+          "Can't convert to why3 the qed term %a of type %a"
+          Lang.F.pp_term t Lang.F.pp_tau sort
+  in
+  r
+and t_app_fold  ~cnv ~f ~l ~p expected lt =
+  let fold acc a =
+    t_app ~cnv ~f ~l ~p [acc;a]
+  in
+  fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) fold lt
+and of_term' cnv t =
+  of_term cnv (Lang.F.typeof t) t
+and share cnv expected t =
+  let l = Lang.F.QED.shared ~shareable ~shared ~subterms [t] in
+  let cnv,lets = mk_lets cnv l in
+  let t = of_term ~cnv expected t in
+  let t = List.fold_left (fun t (x,e') ->
+      Why3.Term.t_let_close x e' t
+    ) t lets
+  in
+  t
+and mk_lets cnv l =
+  List.fold_left (fun (cnv,lets) e ->
+      let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = `NoPolarity} in
+      let e' = of_term cnv' (Lang.F.typeof e) e in
+      match e'.t_ty with
+      | None -> ({cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e e' cnv.subst},lets)
+      | Some ty ->
+          let x = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.basename e) in
+          let x = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x ty in
+          (* Format.printf "lets %a = %a : %a@."
+           *   Why3.Pretty.print_vsty x
+           *   Why3.Pretty.print_term e'
+           *   Why3.Pretty.print_ty (Why3.Term.t_type e'); *)
+          let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e (Why3.Term.t_var x) cnv.subst } in
+          let lets = (x,e')::lets in
+          cnv,lets
+    ) (cnv,[]) l
+and successive_binders cnv q t =
+  match Lang.F.repr t with
+  | Bind((Forall|Exists) as q',tau,t) when q' = q ->
+      let x = Lang.F.fresh cnv.pool tau in
+      let x' = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.Tau.basename tau) in
+      let x' = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x' (Why3.Opt.get (of_tau cnv tau)) in
+      let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add (Lang.F.e_var x) (Why3.Term.t_var x') cnv.subst} in
+      let t = Lang.F.QED.e_unbind x t in
+      let why3_vars, t = successive_binders cnv q t in
+      x'::why3_vars, t
+  | _ ->
+      [], share cnv Prop t
+and int_or_real ~cnv ~fint ~lint ~pint ~freal ~lreal ~preal a b =
+  match (Lang.F.typeof a), (Lang.F.typeof b) with
+  | Int, Int ->
+      t_app_fold ~f:fint ~l:lint ~p:pint ~cnv Int [a; b]
+  | Real, Int | Real, Real | Int, Real ->
+      t_app_fold ~f:freal ~l:lreal ~p:preal ~cnv Real [a; b]
+  | _ -> assert false
+let convert cnv expected t =
+  (** rewrite terms which normal form inside qed are different from the one of the provers *)
+  let t, convert_for_export = Lang.For_export.rebuild ~cache:cnv.convert_for_export t in
+  cnv.convert_for_export <- convert_for_export;
+  Lang.For_export.in_state (share cnv expected) t
+let mk_binders cnv l =
+  List.fold_left (fun (cnv,lets) v ->
+      match of_tau cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var v) with
+      | None -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Quantification on prop"
+      | Some ty ->
+          let x = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.Var.basename v) in
+          let x = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x ty in
+          let e = Lang.F.e_var v in
+          let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e (Why3.Term.t_var x) cnv.subst } in
+          let lets = x::lets in
+          cnv,lets
+    ) (cnv,[]) (List.rev l)
+(** visit definitions and add them in the task *)
+module CLUSTERS = Model.Index
+    (struct
+      type key = Definitions.cluster
+      type data = int * Why3.Theory.theory
+      let name = "ProverWhy3.CLUSTERS"
+      let compare = Definitions.cluster_compare
+      let pretty = Definitions.pp_cluster
+    end)
-    method! pp_fun cmode fct ts =
-      if fct == Vlist.f_concat
-      then Vlist.export self ts
-      else super#pp_fun cmode fct ts
-  end
 let filenoext file =
   let basename = Filename.basename file in
   (try Filename.chop_extension basename
    with Invalid_argument _ -> basename)
-let regexp_col = Str.regexp_string ":"
-let regexp_com = Str.regexp_string ","
-class visitor fmt c =
+class visitor (ctx:context) c =
     inherit Definitions.visitor c
-    inherit ProverTask.printer fmt (cluster_title c)
-    val mutable deps = []
-    (* --- Managing Formatter --- *)
+    (* --- Files, Theories and Clusters --- *)
-    method flush =
-      begin
-        Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
-        List.rev deps
-      end
+    method add_builtin_lib =
+      self#add_import2 ["bool"] "Bool" ;
+      self#add_import2 ["int"] "Int" ;
+      self#add_import2 ["int"] "ComputerDivision" ;
+      self#add_import2 ["real"] "RealInfix" ;
+      self#on_library "qed";
+      self#add_import2 ["map"] "Map"
-    (* --- Files, Theories and Clusters --- *)
+    method on_cluster c =
+      let name = Definitions.cluster_id c in
+      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api "Start on_cluster %s@." name;
+      let th_name = String.capitalize_ascii name in
+      let thy =
+        let age = try fst (CLUSTERS.find c) with Not_found -> (-1) in
+        if age < Definitions.cluster_age c then
+          let ctx = empty_context th_name in
+          let v = new visitor ctx c in
+          v#add_builtin_lib;
+          v#vself;
+          let th = Why3.Theory.close_theory ctx.th in
+          if Wp_parameters.has_dkey ProverErgo.dkey_cluster then
+            Log.print_on_output
+              begin fun fmt ->
+                Format.fprintf fmt "---------------------------------------------@\n" ;
+                Format.fprintf fmt "--- Model '%s' Cluster '%s' @\n"
+                  (Model.get_id (Model.get_model ())) name;
+                Format.fprintf fmt "---------------------------------------------@\n" ;
+                Why3.Pretty.print_theory fmt th;
+              end ;
+          CLUSTERS.update c (Definitions.cluster_age c, th);
+          th
+        else
+          snd (CLUSTERS.find c)
+      in
+      let th = ctx.th in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.open_scope th name in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.use_export th thy in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.close_scope th true in
+      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api "End  on_cluster %s@." name;
+      ctx.th <- th
-    method add_dfile f =
-      let df = D_file f in
-      if not (List.mem df deps) then deps <- df :: deps
+    method section _ = ()
     method add_import ?was thy =
-      self#lines ;
-      match was with
-      | None     -> Format.fprintf fmt "use %s@\n" thy
-      | Some was -> Format.fprintf fmt "use %s as %s@\n" thy was
+      match Str.split_delim regexp_dot thy with
+      | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "empty import option"
+      | l ->
+          let file, thy = Why3.Lists.chop_last l in
+          self#add_import4 file thy (Why3.Opt.get_def thy was) ~import:true
     method add_import2 file thy =
-      self#lines ;
-      Format.fprintf fmt "use %s.%s@\n" file thy
+      self#add_import4 file thy thy ~import:true
     method add_import3 file thy name =
-      self#lines ;
-      Format.fprintf fmt "use %s.%s as %s@\n" file thy name
-    method on_cluster c =
-      self#lines ;
-      let name = (cluster_id c) in
-      Format.fprintf fmt "use %s.%s@\n"
-        name (String.capitalize_ascii name) ;
-      deps <- (D_cluster c) :: deps
-    method add_extlib file =
-      let thy = filenoext file in
-      let path = LogicBuiltins.find_lib file in
-      self#add_import2 thy (String.capitalize_ascii thy) ;
-      self#add_dfile path
+      self#add_import4 file thy name ~import:false
+    method add_import4 ~import file thy name =
+      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api
+        "@[use@ %s@ @[%a.%s@]@ as@ %s@]"
+        (if import then "import" else "")
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list (Why3.Pp.constant_string ".") string) file
+        thy name ;
+      let thy = Why3.Env.read_theory ctx.env file thy in
+      let th = ctx.th in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.open_scope th name in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.use_export th thy in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.close_scope th import in
+      ctx.th <- th
     method on_library thy =
+      let copy_file source =
+        if Filepath.normalize (Filename.dirname source) <>
+           Filepath.normalize (Wp_parameters.Share.dir ())
+        then
+          let tgtdir = Model.directory () in
+          let why3src = Filename.basename source in
+          let target = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" tgtdir why3src in
+          Command.copy source target
+      in
       let iter_file opt =
         match Str.split_delim regexp_col opt with
         | [file] ->
             let filenoext = filenoext file in
-            self#add_import2 filenoext
-              (String.capitalize_ascii filenoext) ;
-            self#add_dfile file
+            copy_file file;
+            self#add_import2 [filenoext]
+              (String.capitalize_ascii filenoext);
         | [file;lib] ->
-            self#add_import2 (filenoext file) lib ;
-            self#add_dfile file
+            copy_file file;
+            self#add_import2 [filenoext file] lib;
         | [file;lib;name] ->
-            self#add_import3 (filenoext file) lib name;
-            self#add_dfile file
+            copy_file file;
+            self#add_import3 [filenoext file] lib name;
         | _ -> Wp_parameters.failure ~current:false
                  "Driver: why3.file %S not recognized (theory %s)"
                  opt thy
@@ -193,414 +743,359 @@ class visitor fmt c =
     method on_type lt def =
+      match def with
+      | Tabs ->
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let map i _ = tvar i in
+          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
+          let id = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
+          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_ty_decl id in
+          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+      | Tdef t ->
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let map i _ = tvar i in
+          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
+          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+          let t = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv t) in
+          let id = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args (Alias t) in
+          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_ty_decl id in
+          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+      | Tsum cases ->
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let map i _ = tvar i in
+          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
+          let tys = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
+          let tv_args = List.map Why3.Ty.ty_var tv_args in
+          let return_ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app tys tv_args in
+          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+          let constr = List.length cases in
+          let cases = List.map (fun (c,targs) ->
+              let name = match c with | Lang.CTOR c -> Lang.ctor_id c | _ -> assert false in
+              let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
+              let targs = List.map (fun t -> Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv t)) targs in
+              let ls = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr id targs return_ty in
+              let proj = List.map (fun _ -> None) targs in
+              (ls,proj)
+            ) cases in
+          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [tys,cases] in
+          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+      | Trec fields ->
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let map i _ = tvar i in
+          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
+          let tys = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
+          let tv_args = List.map Why3.Ty.ty_var tv_args in
+          let return_ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app tys tv_args in
+          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+          let fields,args = List.split @@ List.map (fun (f,ty) ->
+              let name = Lang.name_of_field f in
+              let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
+              let ty = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv ty) in
+              let ls = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol id [return_ty] ty in
+              Some ls,ty
+            ) fields in
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let cstr = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr:1 id args return_ty in
+          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [tys,[cstr,fields]] in
+          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+    method on_comp c (fts:(Lang.field * Lang.tau) list) =
-        self#lines ;
-        engine#declare_type fmt (Lang.atype lt) (List.length lt.lt_params) def ;
-      end
-    method on_comp c fts =
-      begin
+        let compare_field (f,_) (g,_) =
+          let cmp = Lang.Field.compare f g in
+          if cmp = 0 then assert false (* by definition *) else cmp
+        in
+        let fts = List.sort compare_field fts in
         (*TODO:NUPW: manage UNIONS *)
-        self#lines ;
-        engine#declare_type fmt (Lang.comp c) 0 (Qed.Engine.Trec fts) ;
+        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.comp_id c) in
+        let ts = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id [] Why3.Ty.NoDef in
+        let ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app ts [] in
+        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.comp_id c) in
+        let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+        let map (f,tau) =
+          let ty_ctr = of_tau ~cnv tau in
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.name_of_field f) in
+          let ls = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id [ty] ty_ctr in
+          (Some ls,Why3.Opt.get ty_ctr)
+        in
+        let fields = List.map map fts in
+        let constr = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr:1 id (List.map snd fields) ty in
+        let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [ts,[constr,List.map fst fields]] in
+        ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
     method on_dlemma l =
-        self#paragraph ;
-        let kind = if l.l_assumed then "axiom" else "lemma" in
-        engine#declare_prop ~kind fmt
-          (Lang.lemma_id l.l_name)
-          l.l_forall l.l_triggers
-          (F.e_prop l.l_lemma)
+        let kind = Why3.Decl.(if l.l_assumed then Paxiom else Plemma) in
+        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.lemma_id l.l_name) in
+        let id = Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol id in
+        let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+        List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) l.l_forall;
+        let cnv, vars = Lang.For_export.in_state (mk_binders cnv) l.l_forall in
+        let t = convert cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop l.l_lemma) in
+        let triggers = full_triggers l.l_triggers in
+        let triggers = Lang.For_export.in_state (List.map (List.map (of_trigger ~cnv))) triggers in
+        let t = Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars triggers t in
+        let decl = Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl kind id t in
+        ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
     method on_dfun d =
+      let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+      List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
-        self#paragraph ;
         match d.d_definition with
         | Logic t ->
-            engine#declare_signature fmt
-              d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) t ;
-        | Function(t,mu,v) ->
-            let pp = match mu with
-              | Rec -> engine#declare_fixpoint ~prefix:"fix_"
-              | Def -> engine#declare_definition
-            in pp fmt d.d_lfun d.d_params t v
-        | Predicate(mu,p) ->
-            let pp = match mu with
-              | Rec -> engine#declare_fixpoint ~prefix:"fix_"
-              | Def -> engine#declare_definition
-            in pp fmt d.d_lfun d.d_params Logic.Prop (F.e_prop p)
-        | Inductive dl ->
-            engine#declare_signature fmt
-              d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) Logic.Prop;
-            List.iter self#on_dlemma dl
+            let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
+            let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+            let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+            let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args (of_tau ~cnv t) in
+            let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
+            ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+        | Function(t,mu,v) -> begin
+            match mu with
+            | Rec -> (* transform recursive function into an axioms *)
+                let name = Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun) in
+                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
+                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+                let result = of_tau ~cnv t in
+                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+                let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+                List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
+                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
+                let t = share cnv t v in
+                let t =
+                  Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars []
+                    (Why3.Term.t_equ
+                       (Why3.Term.t_app id (List.map Why3.Term.t_var vars) result)
+                       t)
+                in
+                let decl =
+                  Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Why3.Decl.Paxiom
+                    (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh (name^"_def")))
+                    t in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+            | Def ->
+                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
+                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+                let result = of_tau ~cnv t in
+                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
+                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
+                let t = share cnv t v in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.make_ls_defn id vars t in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_logic_decl [decl] in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl
+          end
+        | Predicate(mu,p) -> begin
+            match mu with
+            | Rec ->
+                let name = Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun) in
+                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
+                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+                let result = None in
+                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+                let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+                List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
+                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
+                let t = share cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop p) in
+                let t =
+                  Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars []
+                    (Why3.Term.t_equ
+                       (Why3.Term.t_app id (List.map Why3.Term.t_var vars) result)
+                       t)
+                in
+                let decl =
+                  Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Why3.Decl.Paxiom
+                    (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh (name^"_def")))
+                    t in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+            | Def ->
+                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
+                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args None in
+                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
+                let t = share cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop p) in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.make_ls_defn id vars t in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_logic_decl [decl] in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl
+          end
+        | Inductive _dl ->
+            Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "inductive"
+            (* engine#declare_signature fmt
+             *   d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) Logic.Prop;
+             * List.iter self#on_dlemma dl *)
-let write_cluster c =
-  let f = cluster_file c in
-  Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Generate '%s'" f ;
-  Command.print_file f
-    begin fun fmt ->
-      let v = new visitor fmt c in
-      let name = theory_name_of_cluster c in
-      engine#set_goal false ;
-      v#printf "@[<hv 2>theory %s@\n" name;
-      v#lines ;
-      (** TODO add them only when needed *)
-      v#add_import "bool.Bool" ;
-      v#add_import "int.Int" ;
-      v#add_import "int.ComputerDivision" ;
-      v#add_import "real.RealInfix" ;
-      v#on_library "qed";
-      v#add_import "map.Map" ;
-      v#vself ;
-      v#printf "@]@\nend@\n";
-      v#flush ;
-    end
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- File Assembly                                                      --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-module CLUSTERS = Model.Index
-    (struct
-      type key = cluster
-      type data = int * depend list
-      let name = "ProverWhy3.CLUSTERS"
-      let compare = cluster_compare
-      let pretty = pp_cluster
-    end)
-let assemble_cluster e =
-  let rec assemble = function
-    | D_cluster c -> assemble_cluster c
-    | D_file path -> assemble_userlib path
-  and assemble_cluster c =
-    let (age,deps) = try CLUSTERS.find c with Not_found -> (-1,[]) in
-    let deps =
-      if age < cluster_age c then
-        let deps = write_cluster c in
-        CLUSTERS.update c (cluster_age c , deps) ; deps
-      else deps in
-    List.iter assemble deps
-  and assemble_userlib source =
-    if Filepath.normalize (Filename.dirname source) <>
-       Filepath.normalize (Filename.concat (Wp_parameters.Share.dir ()) "why3")
-    then
-      let tgtdir = Model.directory () in
-      let coqsrc = Filename.basename source in
-      let target = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" tgtdir coqsrc in
-      Command.copy source target
-  in
-  assemble e
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Goal Module                                                        --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-type goal =
-  {
-    file : string;
-    theory : string;
-    goal : string;
-  }
-module Goal =
-  type t = goal
-  let compare = Transitioning.Stdlib.compare
-  let pretty fmt g =
-    Format.fprintf fmt "[%s]%s.%s" g.file g.theory g.goal
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Assembling Goal                                                    --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let sanitize_expl fmt title =
-  for i = 0 to String.length title - 1 do
-    match title.[i] with
-    | '\n' | '\t' -> Format.pp_print_char fmt ' '
-    | c -> Format.pp_print_char fmt c
-  done
-let assemble_goal ~id ~title ~theory ?axioms prop fmt =
-  (** Also create the directory *)
-  let goal = cluster ~id ~title () in
-  let deps =
-    let v = new visitor fmt goal in
-    engine#set_goal false ;
-    v#printf "@[<hv 2>theory %s@\n" theory ;
-    v#add_import "bool.Bool" ;
-    v#add_import "int.Int" ;
-    v#add_import "int.ComputerDivision" ;
-    v#add_import "real.RealInfix" ;
-    v#on_library "qed";
-    v#add_import "map.Map" ;
-    v#vgoal axioms prop ;
-    let libs = Wp_parameters.WhyLibs.get () in
-    if libs <> [] then
-      begin
-        v#section "Additional Libraries" ;
-        List.iter v#add_extlib libs ;
-        v#hline ;
-      end ;
-    v#paragraph ;
-    engine#set_goal true ;
-    engine#global
-      begin fun () ->
-        v#printf "@[<hv 2>goal %s[@expl:%a]:@ %a@]@\n@\n"
-          why3_goal_name
-          sanitize_expl title
-          engine#pp_prop (F.e_prop prop) ;
-      end ;
-    engine#set_goal false ;
-    v#printf "end@]@.";
-    v#flush
-  in
-  List.iter assemble_cluster deps
-module FunFile = Model.Index
-    (struct
-      type key = kernel_function
-      type data = int (* age *)
-      let name = "ProverWhy3.FunFile"
-      let compare = Kernel_function.compare
-      let pretty = Kernel_function.pretty
-    end)
-let assemble_wpo wpo =
-  let dir = Model.directory () in
-  let index = Wpo.get_index wpo in
-  let goal = match index with
-    | Wpo.Axiomatic _ ->
-        begin match wpo.Wpo.po_formula with
-          | Wpo.GoalAnnot _ | Wpo.GoalCheck _ -> assert false
-          | Wpo.GoalLemma vca ->
-              let lemma = vca.Wpo.VC_Lemma.lemma in
-              assemble_cluster (D_cluster lemma.l_cluster);
-              let file = cluster_file lemma.l_cluster in
-              let theory = theory_name_of_cluster lemma.l_cluster in
-              let goal = Lang.lemma_id lemma.l_name in
-              { file ; theory ; goal }
-        end
-    | Wpo.Function (kf,_behv) ->
-        let model = Model.get_model () in
-        let file = Wpo.DISK.file_kf ~kf ~model ~prover:(VCS.Why3 "") in
-        let age = try FunFile.find kf with Not_found -> -1 in
-        begin if age < Wpo.age wpo then
-            let age_max = ref (-1) in
-            let on_goal fmt wpo =
-              (** iter on all the goal of a kf unfortunately not just
-                  the one of the current model *)
-              let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
-              let model = Model.get_model () in
-              if Model.S.equal wpo.Wpo.po_model model then begin
-                age_max := max (!age_max) (Wpo.age wpo);
-                match wpo.Wpo.po_formula with
-                | Wpo.GoalAnnot vcq ->
-                    let prop = Wpo.GOAL.compute_proof vcq.Wpo.VC_Annot.goal in
-                    if Lang.F.p_true != prop then
-                      let id = WpPropId.get_propid pid in
-                      let title = Pretty_utils.to_string WpPropId.pretty pid in
-                      let theory = theory_name_of_pid pid in
-                      assemble_goal ~theory ~id ~title prop fmt
-                | Wpo.GoalLemma _ | Wpo.GoalCheck _ -> assert false
-              end in
-            Command.print_file file
-              (fun fmt ->
-                 let fun_index = Wpo.Function(kf,None) in
-                 Wpo.iter ~index:fun_index ~on_goal:(on_goal fmt) ());
-            assert (!age_max >= Wpo.age wpo);
-            FunFile.update kf (!age_max);
-        end;
-        let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
-        {
-          file ;
-          theory = theory_name_of_pid pid ;
-          goal = why3_goal_name ;
-        }
-  in
-  [dir], goal
-let assemble_tactic wpo vcq =
-  let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
-  let axioms = vcq.Wpo.VC_Annot.axioms in
-  let goal = vcq.Wpo.VC_Annot.goal in
-  let dir = Model.directory () in
+let goal_id = (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh "wp_goal"))
+let why3_of_qed ~id ~title ~name ?axioms t =
+  (* Format.printf "why3_of_qed start@."; *)
+  let goal = Definitions.cluster ~id ~title () in
+  let ctx = empty_context name in
+  let v = new visitor ctx goal in
+  v#add_builtin_lib;
+  v#vgoal axioms t;
+  let cnv = empty_cnv ~in_goal:true ~polarity:`Positive ctx in
+  let t = convert cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop t) in
+  let decl = Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Pgoal goal_id t in
+  let th =   Why3.Theory.close_theory ctx.th in
+  if Wp_parameters.has_print_generated () then begin
+    let th_uc_tmp = Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl in
+    let th_tmp    = Why3.Theory.close_theory th_uc_tmp in
+    Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:Wp_parameters.cat_print_generated "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_theory th_tmp
+  end;
+  th, decl
+(** Prover call *)
+let prove_prop ?axioms ~pid ~prop =
   let id = WpPropId.get_propid pid in
-  let cluster = cluster ~id () in
-  let file = cluster_file cluster in
-  let prop = Wpo.GOAL.compute_proof goal in
   let title = Pretty_utils.to_string WpPropId.pretty pid in
-  Command.print_file file (assemble_goal ~theory:"VC" ~id ?axioms ~title prop) ;
-  [dir] , { file ; theory = "VC" ; goal = why3_goal_name }
-let assemble_check vck =
-  let module Check = Wpo.VC_Check in
-  let id = Printf.sprintf "Qed-%d-%d"
-      (Lang.F.QED.id vck.Check.qed) (Lang.F.QED.id vck.Check.raw) in
-  let goal = cluster ~id () in
-  let file = cluster_file goal in
-  Command.print_file file
-    (assemble_goal ~title:"Qed Check" ~id ~theory:"Check" vck.Check.goal) ;
-  let dir = Model.directory () in
-  [dir], { file ; theory = "Check" ; goal = why3_goal_name }
-let assemble_goal wpo =
-  match wpo.Wpo.po_formula with
-  | Wpo.GoalCheck vck ->
-      Some (Model.with_model wpo.Wpo.po_model assemble_check vck)
-  | Wpo.GoalAnnot vcq ->
-      let goal =
-        Model.with_model wpo.Wpo.po_model
-          Wpo.GOAL.compute_proof vcq.Wpo.VC_Annot.goal in
-      if goal == Lang.F.p_true then (** The wpo is trivial *) None
-      else
-      if WpPropId.is_tactic wpo.Wpo.po_pid then
-        Some (Model.with_model wpo.Wpo.po_model (assemble_tactic wpo) vcq)
-      else
-        Some (Model.with_model wpo.Wpo.po_model assemble_wpo wpo)
-  | Wpo.GoalLemma _ ->
-      Some (Model.with_model wpo.Wpo.po_model assemble_wpo wpo)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Running Why3                                                       --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-open ProverTask
-let p_goal = ".* [a-zA-Z0-9_]+: "
-let p_valid = p_goal ^ "Valid (" ^ p_float ^ "s\\(,[^)]*\\)?)"
-let p_limit = p_goal ^ "Timeout"
-let p_error = "File " ^ p_string ^ ", line " ^ p_int ^ ", characters "
-              ^ p_int ^ "-" ^ p_int ^ ":\nsyntax error"
-let re_valid = Str.regexp p_valid
-let re_limit = Str.regexp p_limit
-let re_error = Str.regexp p_error
-type error =
-  | Error_No
-  | Error_Generated of Lexing.position * string
-class why3 ~timeout ~prover ~pid ~file ~includes ~logout ~logerr =
-  object(why)
-    initializer ignore pid
-    inherit ProverTask.command (Wp_parameters.Why3.get ())
-    val mutable files = []
-    val mutable error = Error_No
-    val mutable valid = false
-    val mutable limit = false
-    val mutable time = 0.0
-    method private time t = time <- t
-    method private error (a : pattern) =
-      let lpos = ProverTask.location (a#get_string 1) (a#get_int 2) in
-      error <- Error_Generated ( lpos , "why3 " ^ a#get_after ~offset:1 4 )
-    method private valid (a : pattern) =
-      begin
-        valid <- true ;
-        time <- a#get_float 1 ;
-      end
+  let name = "WP" in
+  let th, decl = why3_of_qed ?axioms ~id ~title ~name prop in
+  let t = None in
+  let t = Why3.Task.use_export t th in
+  Why3.Task.add_decl t decl
-    method private limit (_a : pattern) =
-      begin
-        limit <- true ;
-      end
-    method result r =
-      let why3_cmd = (Wp_parameters.Why3.get ()) in
-      if r = 127
-      then VCS.kfailed "Command '%s' not found" why3_cmd
-      else
-        match error with
-        | Error_Generated(pos,message) ->
-            let source = Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos pos in
-            Wp_parameters.error ~source "%s" message ;
-            VCS.failed ~pos message
-        | Error_No ->
-            if r = 0 || r = 1 then
-              let verdict =
-                if valid then VCS.Valid else
-                if limit then VCS.Timeout else
-                  VCS.Unknown in
-              VCS.result ~time verdict
-            else
-              begin
-                if Wp_parameters.verbose_atleast 1 then
-                  begin
-                    ProverTask.pp_file ~message:"Why3 (stdout)" ~file:logout ;
-                    ProverTask.pp_file ~message:"Why3 (stderr)" ~file:logerr ;
-                  end ;
-                VCS.kfailed "Why3 exits with status %d." r
-              end
-    method prove =
-      why#add [ "prove" ] ;
-      if Wp_parameters.Check.get () then why#add ["--type-only"] ;
-      let time = ProverTask.timeout timeout in
-      why#add ["--extra-config"; Wp_parameters.Share.file "why3/why3.conf"];
-      why#add (Wp_parameters.WhyFlags.get ()) ;
-      why#add [ file.file ] ;
-      why#add ["-P";Why3.Whyconf.prover_parseable_format prover];
-      why#add ["-T";file.theory];
-      why#add ["-G";file.goal];
-      why#add_positive ~name:"-t" ~value:time ;
-      if Wp_parameters.ProofTrace.get () then
-        (* [VP] This also keeps temp files. To be changed with FB's new option
-                 when it is implemented. *)
-        why#add ["--debug"; "call_prover"];
-      why#timeout time ;
-      why#add_list ~name:"-L" includes;
-      why#add ["-L";Wp_parameters.Share.file "why3"];
-      why#validate_time why#time ;
-      (* The order is important. Warning are detected as error
-         which they are not. *)
-      why#validate_pattern ~logs:`OUT re_limit why#limit ;
-      why#validate_pattern ~logs:`ERR re_error why#error ;
-      why#validate_pattern ~logs:`OUT re_valid why#valid ;
-      why#run ~logout ~logerr
-  end
-open VCS
-open Wpo
-open Task
-let prove_file ~timeout ~prover ~pid ~file ~includes ~logout ~logerr =
-  let why = new why3 ~timeout ~prover ~pid ~file ~includes ~logout ~logerr in
-  why#prove () >>> function
-  | Task.Timeout t -> Task.return (VCS.timeout t)
-  | Task.Result r -> Task.call why#result r
-  | st -> Task.status (Task.map (fun _ -> assert false) st)
-let prove_prop ~timeout ~prover ~wpo =
-  match assemble_goal wpo with
-  | None -> Task.return VCS.no_result
-  | Some (includes,file) ->
-      Wp_parameters.print_generated file.file;
+let task_of_wpo wpo =
+  let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
+  match wpo.Wpo.po_formula with
+  | Wpo.GoalAnnot v ->
+      let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
+      let axioms = v.Wpo.VC_Annot.axioms in
+      let prop = Wpo.GOAL.compute_proof v.Wpo.VC_Annot.goal in
+      (* Format.printf "Goal: %a@." Lang.F.pp_pred prop; *)
+      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
+  | Wpo.GoalLemma v ->
+      let lemma = v.Wpo.VC_Lemma.lemma in
+      let depends = v.Wpo.VC_Lemma.depends in
+      let prop = Lang.F.p_forall lemma.l_forall lemma.l_lemma in
+      let axioms = Some(lemma.l_cluster,depends) in
+      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
+  | Wpo.GoalCheck v ->
+      let prop = v.Wpo.VC_Check.goal in
+      let axioms = None in
+      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
+let altergo_step_limit = Str.regexp "^Steps limit reached:"
+let call_prover ~timeout ~steplimit prover task wpo =
+  let steplimit = match steplimit with Some 0 -> None | _ -> steplimit in
+  let config = Lazy.force config in
+  let env = get_why3_env () in
+  let prover_config = Why3.Whyconf.get_prover_config config prover in
+  let command = Why3.Whyconf.get_complete_command prover_config ~with_steps:(steplimit<>None) in
+  let drv =
+    Why3.Whyconf.load_driver (Why3.Whyconf.get_main config) env prover_config.driver prover_config.extra_drivers in
+  let limit =
+    let def = Why3.Call_provers.empty_limit in
+    { def with
+      Why3.Call_provers.limit_time = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time timeout;
+      Why3.Call_provers.limit_steps = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time steplimit;
+    } in
+  let remove_for_prover =
+    if prover.prover_name = "Alt-Ergo"
+    then Filter_axioms.remove_for_altergo
+    else Filter_axioms.remove_for_why3
+  in
+  let trans = Why3.Trans.seq [remove_for_prover; Filter_axioms.trans; Filter_axioms.def_into_axiom] in
+  let task =
+    if prover.prover_name = "Coq"
+    then task
+    else Why3.Trans.apply trans task in
+  let task = Why3.Driver.prepare_task drv task in
+  let file = Wpo.DISK.file_goal ~pid:wpo.Wpo.po_pid ~model:wpo.Wpo.po_model ~prover:(VCS.Why3 prover) in
+  (* This printing is currently just for debugging *)
+  let _ = Command.print_file file (fun fmt -> Why3.Driver.print_task_prepared drv fmt task) in
+  if Wp_parameters.Check.get ()
+  then (** Why3 typed checked the task during its build *)
+    Task.return VCS.checked
+  else
+    let call =
+      Why3.Driver.prove_task_prepared ~command ~limit drv task in
+    Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey
+      "@[@[Why3 run prover %a with %i timeout %i steplimit@]@]@."
+      Why3.Whyconf.print_prover prover (Why3.Opt.get_def (-1) timeout) (Why3.Opt.get_def (-1) steplimit);
+    let ping _ (* why3 seems not to be able to kill a started prover *) =
+      match Why3.Call_provers.query_call call with
+      | NoUpdates
+      | ProverStarted -> Task.Yield
+      | InternalFailure exn ->
+          Task.Return (Task.Result (VCS.failed (Format.asprintf "%a" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn)))
+      | ProverInterrupted -> Task.Return (Task.Result (VCS.failed "interrupted"))
+      | ProverFinished pr ->
+          let r = match pr.pr_answer with
+            | Timeout -> VCS.timeout (int_of_float pr.pr_time)
+            | Valid -> VCS.result ~time:pr.pr_time ~steps:pr.pr_steps VCS.Valid
+            | Invalid -> VCS.result ~time:pr.pr_time ~steps:pr.pr_steps VCS.Invalid
+            | OutOfMemory -> VCS.failed "out of memory"
+            | StepLimitExceeded -> VCS.stepout
+            | Unknown _ -> VCS.unknown
+            | Failure s -> VCS.failed s
+            | HighFailure ->
+                let alt_ergo_hack = prover.prover_name = "Alt-Ergo" &&
+                                    Str.string_match altergo_step_limit pr.pr_output 0
+                in
+                if alt_ergo_hack then VCS.stepout
+                else VCS.failed "Unknown error"
+          in
+          Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey
+            "@[@[Why3 result for %a:@] @[%a@] and @[%a@]@."
+            Why3.Whyconf.print_prover prover
+            (* why3 1.3 (Why3.Call_provers.print_prover_result ~json_model:false) pr *)
+            (Why3.Call_provers.print_prover_result) pr
+            VCS.pp_result r;
+          Task.Return (Task.Result r)
+    in
+    Task.async ping
+let add_specific_equality ~for_tau ~mk_new_eq =
+  specific_equalities := { for_tau; mk_new_eq }::!specific_equalities
+let version = Why3.Config.version
+let prove ?timeout ?steplimit ~prover wpo =
+  try
+    let do_ () =
+      let task = task_of_wpo wpo in
       if Wp_parameters.Generate.get ()
-      then Task.return VCS.no_result
-      else
-        let model = wpo.po_model in
-        let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
-        let logout = DISK.file_logout ~pid ~model ~prover:(Why3 prover) in
-        let logerr = DISK.file_logerr ~pid ~model ~prover:(Why3 prover) in
-        prove_file ~timeout ~prover ~pid ~file ~includes ~logout ~logerr
-let prove ?timeout ~prover wpo =
-  Task.todo (fun () -> prove_prop ~timeout ~wpo ~prover)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+      then if Wp_parameters.Check.get ()
+        then Task.return VCS.checked
+        else Task.return VCS.no_result
+      else call_prover ~timeout ~steplimit prover task wpo
+    in
+    Model.with_model wpo.Wpo.po_model do_ ()
+  with exn ->
+    let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
+    Wp_parameters.fatal "Error in why3:%a@.%s@."
+      Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn
+      (Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string bt)
+let parse_why3_options =
+  let todo = ref true in
+  fun () ->
+    if !todo then begin
+      let args = Array.of_list ("why3"::Wp_parameters.WhyFlags.get ()) in
+      begin try
+          Arg.parse_argv ~current:(ref 0) args
+            (Why3.Debug.Args.[desc_debug;desc_debug_all;desc_debug_list])
+            (fun _ -> raise (Arg.Help "Unknown why3 option"))
+            "Why3 options"
+        with Arg.Bad s -> Wp_parameters.abort "%s" s
+      end;
+      ignore (Why3.Debug.Args.option_list ());
+      Why3.Debug.Args.set_flags_selected ();
+      todo := false
+    end
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli
index fdd9bd567f98defc6a7499b6458cad575f783211..4325d11117e6c5920d61c9ebebf4bb594afa14f9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli
@@ -20,40 +20,15 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-open Task
-open VCS
+val add_specific_equality:
+  for_tau:(Lang.tau -> bool) ->
+  mk_new_eq:Lang.F.binop ->
+  unit
+(** equality used in the goal, simpler to prove than polymorphic equality *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Why3 Multi-Theorem Prover                                          --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val version : string
-type goal =
-  {
-    file : string;
-    theory : string;
-    goal : string;
-  }
+val prove : ?timeout:int -> ?steplimit:int -> prover:VCS.Why3_prover.t -> Wpo.t -> VCS.result Task.task
+(** Return NoResult if it is already proved by Qed *)
-val assemble_goal: Wpo.t -> (string list (* includes *) * goal) option
-(** None if the po is trivial *)
-val prove : ?timeout:int -> prover:Why3.Whyconf.prover -> Wpo.t -> result task
-(** The string must be a valid why3 prover identifier
-    Return NoResult if it is already proved by Qed
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Why3 Multi-Theorem Prover                                          --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-module Goal :
-  type t = goal
-  val compare : t -> t -> int
-  val pretty : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-val option_file: LogicBuiltins.doption
-val option_import: LogicBuiltins.doption
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val parse_why3_options : unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f351e761e9a7cc7669b1c44bef71e37652d6ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Task
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Prover Why3 IDE Interface                                          --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-class why3ide ~includes ~files ~session =
-  object(why)
-    inherit ProverTask.command "why3"
-    method start () =
-      why#add [ "ide" ] ;
-      why#add ["--extra-config"; Wp_parameters.Share.file "why3/why3.conf"];
-      why#add (Wp_parameters.WhyFlags.get ()) ;
-      why#add_list ~name:"-L" includes;
-      why#add ["-L";Wp_parameters.Share.file "why3"];
-      why#add [session];
-      why#add files;
-      why#run ~echo:true ()
-  end
-let run ~includes ~files ~session =
-  List.iter Wp_parameters.print_generated files;
-  if Wp_parameters.Generate.get ()
-  then Task.return false
-  else
-    let why = new why3ide ~includes ~files ~session in
-    Task.todo why#start >>= fun s -> Task.return (s=0)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Why-3 IDE Session                                                  --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-module Files = Set.Make(String)
-module Goals = Map.Make(ProverWhy3.Goal)
-module Xml = Why3_xml
-type env = {
-  mutable files : Files.t ;
-  mutable includes : Files.t ;
-  mutable goals : Wpo.t Goals.t ;
-  mutable provers : (string * VCS.prover) list ;
-  session : string ; (* session directory *)
-  callback : Wpo.t -> VCS.prover -> VCS.result -> unit ;
-let add env wpo =
-  match ProverWhy3.assemble_goal wpo with
-  | None -> ()
-  | Some (includes,goal) ->
-      let open ProverWhy3 in
-      begin
-        env.includes <- List.fold_right Files.add includes env.includes ;
-        env.files <- Files.add goal.file env.files ;
-        env.goals <- Goals.add goal wpo env.goals ;
-      end
-let parse_prover env e =
-  let open Xml in
-  try
-    let id = List.assoc "id" e.attributes in
-    let name = List.assoc "name" e.attributes in
-    let version = List.assoc "version" e.attributes in
-    let prover = VCS.Why3 {
-        Why3.Whyconf.prover_name = name;
-        Why3.Whyconf.prover_version = version;
-        Why3.Whyconf.prover_altern = "";
-      }
-    in
-    env.provers <- (id , prover) :: env.provers
-  with Not_found ->
-    Wp_parameters.warning "[why3] Skipped %a" Xml.pretty e
-let parse_result env wpo vcs e =
-  let open Xml in
-  try
-    match e.name with
-    | "result" ->
-        let time =
-          try Some(float_of_string(List.assoc "time" e.attributes))
-          with _ -> None in
-        let steps =
-          try Some(int_of_string(List.assoc "steps" e.attributes))
-          with _ -> None in
-        let verdict =
-          match List.assoc "status" e.attributes with
-          | "valid" -> VCS.Valid
-          | "unknown" -> VCS.Unknown
-          | "timeout" -> VCS.Timeout
-          | _ -> VCS.Unknown in
-        let result = VCS.result ?time ?steps verdict in
-        env.callback wpo vcs result
-    | _ -> ()
-  with Not_found ->
-    Wp_parameters.warning "[why3] Skipped %a" Xml.pretty e
-let parse_goal env wpo e =
-  let open Xml in
-  try
-    match e.name with
-    | "proof" ->
-        let pid = List.assoc "prover" e.attributes in
-        let vcs = List.assoc pid env.provers in
-        List.iter (parse_result env wpo vcs) e.elements
-    | _ -> ()
-  with Not_found ->
-    Wp_parameters.warning "[why3] Skipped %a" Xml.pretty e
-let parse_theory env file theory e =
-  let open Xml in
-  try
-    match e.name with
-    | "goal" ->
-        let goal = List.assoc "name" e.attributes in
-        let gid = { ProverWhy3.file ; theory ; goal } in
-        let wpo = Goals.find gid env.goals in
-        List.iter (parse_goal env wpo) e.elements
-    | _ -> ()
-  with Not_found ->
-    Wp_parameters.warning "[why3] Skipped %a" Xml.pretty e
-let parse_file env file e =
-  let open Xml in
-  try
-    match e.name with
-    | "theory" ->
-        let thy = List.assoc "name" e.attributes in
-        List.iter (parse_theory env file thy) e.elements
-    | _ -> ()
-  with Not_found ->
-    Wp_parameters.warning "[why3] Skipped %a" Xml.pretty e
-let parse_session env e =
-  let open Xml in
-  try
-    match e.name with
-    | "prover" -> parse_prover env e
-    | "file" ->
-        begin
-          let file = List.assoc "name" e.attributes in
-          let path = Filepath.normalize ~base_name:env.session file in
-          let file = Filepath.relativize path in
-          List.iter (parse_file env file) e.elements
-        end
-    | _ -> ()
-  with Not_found ->
-    Wp_parameters.warning "[why3] Skipped %a" Xml.pretty e
-let parse env xml =
-  let open Xml in
-  let root = xml.content.name in
-  if root <> "why3session" then
-    Wp_parameters.warning
-      "Don't find why3 session root element (found %S)" root ;
-  List.iter (parse_session env) xml.content.elements
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Running Why-3 IDE on a selection of goals                          --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let register callback wpo vcs result =
-  Wpo.set_result wpo vcs result ;
-  match callback with
-  | None -> ()
-  | Some f -> f wpo vcs result
-let prove ?callback ~iter =
-  let output = Wp_parameters.get_output () in
-  let session = output ^ "/project.session" in
-  let env = {
-    files = Files.empty ;
-    includes = Files.empty ;
-    goals = Goals.empty ;
-    provers = [] ; session ;
-    callback = register callback ;
-  } in
-  let () = iter (add env) in
-  let includes = Files.elements env.includes in
-  let files = Files.elements env.files in
-  if files = [] then Task.nop else
-    run ~includes ~files ~session >>=
-    begin fun ok ->
-      if ok then
-        begin
-          let file = session ^ "/why3session.xml" in
-          if Sys.file_exists file then
-            let xml = Why3_xml.from_file file in
-            parse env xml
-          else
-            Wp_parameters.result "[why3] empty session"
-        end ;
-      Task.return ()
-    end
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.mli b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 04144226000fe0c14c17942edd512adb605b08b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-val run :
-  includes:string list ->
-  files:string list ->
-  session:string ->
-  bool Task.task
-val prove :
-  ?callback:(Wpo.t -> VCS.prover -> VCS.result -> unit) ->
-  iter:((Wpo.t -> unit) -> unit) ->
-  unit Task.task
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
index 637c3bdd523d4e41c4fa985f21aae1c83059ccf3..5118efccbcfd128a4172e3a9bd1cf7e1000d09b5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ end
 type prover =
   | Why3 of Why3_prover.t (* Prover via WHY *)
-  (* | Why3ide *)
   | NativeAltErgo (* Direct Alt-Ergo *)
   | NativeCoq     (* Direct Coq and Coqide *)
   | Qed           (* Qed Solver *)
@@ -120,19 +119,16 @@ let prover_of_name = function
   | "native:coq" | "native:coqide" -> Some NativeCoq
   | "script" -> Some Tactical
   | "tip" -> Some Tactical
-  (* | "why3ide" -> Some Why3ide *)
   | "why3" -> Some (Why3 { Why3.Whyconf.prover_name = "why3";
                            Why3.Whyconf.prover_version = "";
                            Why3.Whyconf.prover_altern = "generate only" })
   | s ->
       match Extlib.string_del_prefix "why3:" s with
       | Some "" -> None
-      (* | Some "ide" -> Some Why3ide *)
       | Some s' -> Some (Why3 (Why3_prover.find s'))
       | None -> Some (Why3 (Why3_prover.find s))
 let name_of_prover = function
-  (* | Why3ide -> "why3ide" *)
   | Why3 s -> "why3:" ^ (Why3_prover.print s)
   | NativeAltErgo -> "alt-ergo"
   | NativeCoq -> "coq"
@@ -140,7 +136,6 @@ let name_of_prover = function
   | Tactical -> "script"
 let title_of_prover = function
-  (* | Why3ide -> "Why3" *)
   | Why3 s -> (Why3_prover.title s)
   | NativeAltErgo -> "Alt-Ergo"
   | NativeCoq -> "Coq"
@@ -168,7 +163,6 @@ let sanitize_why3 s =
 let filename_for_prover = function
   | Why3 s -> sanitize_why3 (Why3_prover.print s)
-  (* | Why3ide -> "Why3_ide" *)
   | NativeAltErgo -> "Alt-Ergo"
   | NativeCoq -> "Coq"
   | Qed -> "Qed"
@@ -176,7 +170,6 @@ let filename_for_prover = function
 let language_of_prover = function
   | Why3 _ -> L_why3
-  (* | Why3ide -> L_why3 *)
   | NativeCoq -> L_coq
   | NativeAltErgo -> L_altergo
   | Qed | Tactical -> L_why3
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/configure.ac b/src/plugins/wp/configure.ac
index 69f373c615afd64a8874297995b1fcf3db024ffe..0185710fc06bd4478f98512440485f6f39409277 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/configure.ac
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/configure.ac
@@ -42,13 +42,6 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(
-  wp-why3,
-  [  --enable-wp-why3        Wp precompiled Why3-Coq libraries (default: yes)],
-  WPWHY3COQ=$enableval,
-  WPWHY3COQ=yes
@@ -105,49 +98,6 @@ if test "$ENABLE_WP" != "no"; then
-  ## Configuring for WHY3-COQ
-  if test "$COQC" = "yes" -a "$WPWHY3COQ" = "yes" ; then
-    AC_CHECK_PROG(WHY3COQC,why3,yes,no)
-    if test "$WHY3COQC" = "yes" ; then
-      WHY3VERSION=`why3 --version | sed -n -e 's|.*version *\([[^ ]]*\)$|\1|p' `
-      case $WHY3VERSION in
-        1.*)
-          AC_MSG_RESULT(why3 version $WHY3VERSION found)
-	  WHY3LIB=`why3 --print-libdir`
-	  if test -f $WHY3LIB/coq/BuiltIn.vo ; then
-	    AC_MSG_RESULT(why3 compiled coq libraries found)
-	  else
-            AC_MSG_RESULT(why3 compiled coq libraries not found in $WHY3LIB)
-	    WHY3COQC="no"
-          fi
-          ;;
-        *)
-          AC_MSG_RESULT(why3 unsupported version $WHY3VERSION)
-          WHY3COQC="no"
-          ;;
-      esac
-    else
-      AC_MSG_NOTICE(rerun configure to make wp using why3 (1.0.0+))
-    fi
-  else
-    WHY3COQC="no"
-  fi
-  ## Configuring for WHY3-API
-  WHY3API_VERSION=$($OCAMLFIND query why3 -format %v)
-  case $WHY3API_VERSION in
-    1.*)
-        AC_MSG_RESULT(why3 api $WHY3API_VERSION found)
-        WHY3API="yes"
-        ;;
-    *)
-        AC_MSG_RESULT(why3 api not found (no why3 prover detection))
-        WHY3API="no"
-        ;;
-  esac
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml b/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
index dcc6c95ef19656aaf4b66cda2975da55faf78b77..85b63a14b2b84270803e45dccbb3e8484ae01766 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
@@ -30,18 +30,15 @@ open Task
 open Wpo
 let dispatch ?(config=VCS.default) mode prover wpo =
-  let why3 prover =
-    Why3_api.prove
-      ~timeout:(VCS.get_timeout config)
-      ~steplimit:(VCS.get_stepout config)
-      ~prover wpo
-  in
     match prover with
+    | Qed | Tactical -> Task.return VCS.no_result
     | NativeAltErgo -> ProverErgo.prove ~config ~mode wpo
     | NativeCoq -> ProverCoq.prove mode wpo
-    | Why3 prover -> why3 prover
-    | Qed | Tactical -> Task.return VCS.no_result
+    | Why3 prover -> ProverWhy3.prove
+                       ~timeout:(VCS.get_timeout config)
+                       ~steplimit:(VCS.get_stepout config)
+                       ~prover wpo
 let started ?start wpo =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/register.ml b/src/plugins/wp/register.ml
index 0c2117f250be3f3a6002cd0087ea63702c5a7883..2a4a6c5f31c89de9db5affe7f55382a3d78e963f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/register.ml
@@ -513,10 +513,6 @@ let compute_provers ~mode =
       (fun pname prvs ->
          match VCS.prover_of_name pname with
          | None -> prvs
-         (*
-         | Some VCS.Why3ide ->
-             mode.why3ide <- true; prvs
-         *)
          | Some VCS.Tactical ->
              mode.tactical <- true ;
              if pname = "tip" then mode.update <- true ;
@@ -628,10 +624,6 @@ let do_wp_proofs_iter iter =
   let spawned = mode.why3ide || mode.tactical || mode.provers <> [] in
     if spawned then do_list_scheduled iter ;
-    (*
-    if mode.why3ide then
-      launch (ProverWhy3ide.prove ~callback:do_why3_result ~iter) ;
-    *)
     spawn_wp_proofs_iter ~mode iter ;
     if spawned then
@@ -845,7 +837,7 @@ let () = Cmdline.run_after_setting_files
        if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_shell then
          Log.print_on_output pp_wp_parameters)
-let () = Cmdline.run_after_configuring_stage Why3_api.parse_why3_options
+let () = Cmdline.run_after_configuring_stage ProverWhy3.parse_why3_options
 let do_prover_detect () =
   if not !Config.is_gui && Wp_parameters.Detect.get () then
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/.gitignore b/src/plugins/wp/share/.gitignore
index c2552132a1cd74d94aae607ec90a7dcc7875639f..b4928767a3aee4ccf044d41181f91359c950cc59 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/.gitignore
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/.gitignore
@@ -1,18 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.coqwp
similarity index 60%
rename from src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile
rename to src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.coqwp
index 57918128474924a30fe2a54c2c991a133e093b3f..d6e8c6d0ce9745b34f4945b644f56f4f8a1b4991 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.coqwp
@@ -21,69 +21,18 @@
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---  Coq Compilation
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.PHONY: all why3compile coqwpcompile clean depend wp-coq-clean
-	find $(Wp_DIR) \( -name "*.vo" -or -name "*.glob" \) -print -delete
-	rm -f $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/.depend $(WPLSHARE)/why3/.depend
-clean:: wp-coq-clean
-clean:: wp-coq-clean
-## For why3 directory ##
-ifeq ($(WP_WHY3COQC_ENABLED),yes)
-byte:: why3compile
-opt:: why3compile
-why3compile: $(addprefix $(WPLSHARE)/why3/, $(addsuffix o, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA)))
-WHY3LIB:=$(shell why3 --print-libdir)
-WHY3INCLUDES= -R $(WHY3LIB)/coq Why3 -R $(WPLSHARE)/why3 ''
-$(WPLSHARE)/why3/%.vo: $(WPLSHARE)/why3/%.v
-	echo "Coqc         $@"
-	echo coqc -w none $(WHY3INCLUDES) $<
-	coqc -w none $(WHY3INCLUDES) $<
-$(WPLSHARE)/why3/%.ide: $(WPLSHARE)/why3/%.v
-	echo "Coqide       $@"
-	@coqide $(WHY3INCLUDES) $<
-$(WPLSHARE)/why3/.depend: $(addprefix $(WPLSHARE)/, $(WHY3_COQ_SOURCES))
-	echo "Coqdep for $(WPLSHARE)/why3"
-	@coqdep $(WHY3INCLUDES) $(WPLSHARE)/why3/*.v $(WPLSHARE)/why3/**/*.v > $@
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),distclean)
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),smartclean)
-sinclude $(WPLSHARE)/why3/.depend
-endif # ($(WP_WHY3COQC_ENABLED),yes)
-## For coqwp directory ##
-ifeq ($(WP_COQC_ENABLED),yes)
-byte:: coqwpcompile
-opt:: coqwpcompile
-coqwpcompile: $(addprefix $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/, $(addsuffix o, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA) $(COQ_LIBS_INRIA)))
+.PHONY: coqwpcompile
+coqwpcompile: $(COQWPBINARIES)
 $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/%.vo: $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/%.v
 	echo "Coqc         $<"
@@ -94,9 +43,39 @@ $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/%.ide: $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/%.v
 	coqide $(COQWPINCLUDES) $<
 $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/.depend: $(addprefix $(WPLSHARE)/, $(WP_COQ_SOURCES))
-	echo "Coqdep for $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp"
+	echo "Coqdep       $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp"
 	@coqdep $(COQWPINCLUDES) $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/*.v $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/**/*.v > $@
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---  Additional Targets
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+.PHONY: wp-coq-compile wp-coq-clean wp-coq-install wp-coq-uninstall
+wp-coq-compile: coqwpcompile
+	@echo "Run 'make wp-coq-install' to install all precompiled libraries"
+	find $(Wp_DIR) \( -name "*.vo" -or -name "*.glob" -or -name ".*.aux" \) -delete
+	rm -f $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/.depend
+	$(PRINT_INSTALL) "Coq Libraries"
+	$(INSTALL_SHARE) -f -p -s \
+		-i $(Wp_DIR)/share \
+		-d $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp \
+	$(PRINT_RM) "Coq Libraries"
+	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/why3/*.vo
+	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/coqwp/*.vo
+	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/coqwp/*/*.vo
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---  Coq Dependencies
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
 ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),distclean)
 ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),smartclean)
@@ -105,11 +84,4 @@ endif
-endif #($(WP_COQC_ENABLED),yes)
-# End of file
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: makefile
-# End:
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.headers b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.headers
deleted file mode 100644
index e48d5f78831683203dcfc6075d1f7536394c2f0a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.headers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#                                                                        #
-#  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           #
-#                                                                        #
-#  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               #
-#    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              #
-#         alternatives)                                                  #
-#                                                                        #
-#  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   #
-#  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       #
-#  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              #
-#                                                                        #
-#  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 #
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
-#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   #
-#                                                                        #
-#  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 #
-#  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            #
-#                                                                        #
-#not distributed
-include Makefile.resources
-HEADACHE	?= headache -c $(HEADERS)/headache_config.txt
-# target used by developers of wp/share directory
-.PHONY: headers.wp_share_src
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: makefile
-# End:
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
index 6a99a1c03614d1cba45c39e869f6383cf7903fc5..4c153ff60070b9b23a2ad5e5833375629a4f1f2e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 # ---  Why-3 Libraries
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# See also COQ_LIBS_CEA
 ## Used in share/why3
@@ -46,7 +44,8 @@ WHY3_API_LIBS_CEA:= WHY3_LIBS_CEA
 # ---  Coq Libraries
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-## Used in share/coqwp and share/why3
+## Used in share/coqwp
  ArcTrigo.v     \
  Bits.v 	\
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ COQ_LIBS_CEA:=	\
  Vlist.v	\
-## Used in share/coqwp only
  BuiltIn.v 	\
  HighOrd.v 	\
@@ -71,6 +69,7 @@ COQ_LIBS_INRIA:=\
  int/Abs.v 	\
  int/ComputerDivision.v	\
  int/EuclideanDivision.v \
+ int/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v \
  int/Exponentiation.v	\
  int/Int.v 	\
  int/MinMax.v 	\
@@ -85,14 +84,14 @@ COQ_LIBS_INRIA:=\
  real/Square.v \
  real/ExpLog.v \
  real/PowerReal.v \
- real/Trigonometry.v \
- for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v
+ real/Trigonometry.v
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---  Alt-Ergo Libraries
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Used in share/ergo
  ArcTrigo.mlw   \
  Cbits.mlw 	\
@@ -106,11 +105,11 @@ ERGO_LIBS_CEA:= \
  Vset.mlw	\
-# Used in share/ergo
  bool.Bool.mlw 	\
  int.Abs.mlw 	\
  int.ComputerDivision.mlw \
+ int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw \
  int.Int.mlw 	\
  int.MinMax.mlw \
  map.Map.mlw 	\
@@ -138,14 +137,13 @@ WP_SHARE_SRC_CEA_RESOURCES:= \
 	wp.driver \
 	why3/coq.drv \
 	$(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/,  $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA)) \
-	$(addprefix why3/,  $(COQ_LIBS_CEA)) \
 	$(addprefix coqwp/, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA)) \
 	$(addprefix ergo/,  $(ERGO_LIBS_CEA))
 	install.ml \
 	Makefile.resources \
-	Makefile \
+	Makefile.coqwp \
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cbits.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cbits.v
index 52a69988a9a130470c49071c138587e26bba7f08..2cedd5c8b5680e15bfc34b0923a5b05ab2e3b00f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cbits.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cbits.v
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ Require int.Int.
 Require int.Abs.
 Require int.EuclideanDivision.
 Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
 Require real.Real.
 Require real.RealInfix.
 Require real.FromInt.
-Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
 Require Cint.
 (* Why3 goal *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qed.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qed.v
index a33a18a82068891fb8c8204e0383ce5f9b1267fc..a9371b2a5a84b464a8ff783f7477a2bb7f795cef 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qed.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qed.v
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ Require int.Int.
 Require int.Abs.
 Require int.EuclideanDivision.
 Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
 Require real.Real.
 Require real.RealInfix.
 Require real.FromInt.
-Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
 (* Why3 goal *)
 Definition match_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : bool -> a -> a -> a.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v
similarity index 100%
rename from src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v
rename to src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw
similarity index 58%
rename from src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw
rename to src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw
index 0aa5d7cf4388ad8697bab8deb6a982c84029b6ae..ab250caabbfa9ce388e6699ec584ccd4e0fd172b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
+(*  Copyright 2010-2019   --   Inria - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
+(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
+(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux        *)
+(*                        énergies alternatives).                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
 (* this is the prelude for Alt-Ergo, version >= 0.95.2 *)
 (** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/ArcTrigo.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/ArcTrigo.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d72f2e3db30aafb5c393c3a40359cffc9119a16..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/ArcTrigo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require Reals.R_sqrt.
-Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
-Require Reals.Rtrigo_def.
-Require Reals.Rtrigo1.
-Require Reals.Ratan.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.Abs.
-Require real.Square.
-Require real.Trigonometry.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition asin : R -> R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition acos : R -> R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma Sin_asin :
-  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
-  ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.sin (asin x)) = x).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma Cos_acos :
-  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
-  ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.cos (acos x)) = x).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cbits.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cbits.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d7b383376a108fe39da0e3e5c71947a29eebe78..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cbits.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1899 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require Qed.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-Require int.Abs.
-Require int.EuclideanDivision.
-Require int.ComputerDivision.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.FromInt.
-Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
-Require Cint.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_bool : ((Cint.lnot 0%Z) = (-1%Z)%Z) /\
-  ((Cint.lnot (-1%Z)%Z) = 0%Z).
-  split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_idemp : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land 0%Z x) = 0%Z).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x 0%Z) = 0%Z).
-  intro.
-  rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land (-1%Z)%Z x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x (-1%Z)%Z) = x).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_bool : ((Cint.land 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.land 0%Z
-  1%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.land 1%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ ((Cint.land 1%Z
-  1%Z) = 1%Z))).
-  split;split;split;Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_idemp : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor (-1%Z)%Z x) = (-1%Z)%Z).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x (-1%Z)%Z) = (-1%Z)%Z).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor 0%Z x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x 0%Z) = x).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_bool : ((Cint.lor 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.lor 0%Z 1%Z) = 1%Z) /\
-  (((Cint.lor 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z) /\ ((Cint.lor 1%Z 1%Z) = 1%Z))).
-  split;split;split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_nilpotent : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x x) = 0%Z).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor (-1%Z)%Z x) = (Cint.lnot x)).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x (-1%Z)%Z) = (Cint.lnot x)).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.lxor_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor 0%Z x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x 0%Z) = x).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.lxor_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_bool : ((Cint.lxor 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.lxor 0%Z
-  1%Z) = 1%Z) /\ (((Cint.lxor 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z) /\ ((Cint.lxor 1%Z
-  1%Z) = 0%Z))).
-  split; split; split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
-Require Import Qedlib.
-Open Local Scope Z_scope.
-Require Import Zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition bit_testb : Z -> Z -> bool.
-exact (bit_testb).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition bit_test : Z -> Z -> Prop.
-exact (fun x i => (bit_testb x i) = true).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lnot : Z -> Z.
-  exact (lnot).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition land : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (land).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lxor : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lxor).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lor : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lor).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lsl : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lsl).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lsr : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lsr).
-(** * Bit extraction *)
-(** Tacticals *)
-Local Ltac omegaContradiction := cut False; [contradiction|omega].
-Ltac unfold_bit_testb h := 
-  unfold bit_testb; unfold Zbits.bit_testb; 
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h).
-(** Some useful properties *)
-Remark Zlt_bool_true_Zlt: forall (b:bool) (x y: Z),
-  (b = Zlt_bool x y)  <-> ((b = true) <-> x < y).
-  intros.
-  split; case_lt x y; intros; try rewrite H0.
-  + split; intro G; auto.
-  + split; intro G; [discriminate G| omega].
-  + auto.
-  + destruct b; try auto.
-    destruct H0. assert (x < y) by (by (apply H0)).
-    omegaContradiction.
-(** ** Definition of bit_test predicate *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_def :
-  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), ((bit_testb x k) = true) <-> (bit_test x k).
-  intros x k.
-  unfold bit_test.
-  reflexivity.
-(** * Link between Bit extraction and bitwise operators *)
-(** ** Some properties of bit extration *)
-(** ** Logical operators *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
-  ~ ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = 0%Z) <-> (bit_test x k).
-  intros x k h1.
-  unfold land.
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
-  unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
-  split.
-  (** 1st impl *)
-  + intro NEQ.
-    apply Bool.not_false_is_true.
-    contradict NEQ.
-    rewrite Zbits.Zbit_extraction.
-    assumption.
-  (** 2sd impl *)
-  + intro EQ.
-    contradict EQ.
-    rewrite Bool.not_true_iff_false.
-    rewrite <- Zbits.Zbit_extraction.
-    assumption.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_eq :
-  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
-  ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = (lsl 1%Z k)) <-> (bit_test x k).
-  intros x k h1.
-  unfold land.
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
-  unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
-  rewrite Zbits.Zbit_extraction_true.
-  split; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_1_0 : ((lsl 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis :
-  forall (x:Z), ~ ((land 1%Z x) = 0%Z) -> bit_test x 0%Z.
-  intros x.
-  rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
-  intro.
-  apply bit_test_extraction.
-  + omega.
-  + rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
-    auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis_eq :
-  forall (x:Z), (bit_test x 0%Z) -> ((land 1%Z x) = 1%Z).
-  intros x h1.
-  rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
-  rewrite <- Zbits.land_commut.
-  apply bit_test_extraction_eq; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lnot x) i) = (Init.Datatypes.negb (bit_testb x i))).
-  intros x i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  apply Zbits.lnot_extraction.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lnot x) i) <-> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros x i h1.
-  unfold bit_test. rewrite lnot_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  destruct xb; simpl; split; intros; auto.
-  discriminate H.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (land x y) i) =
-   (Init.Datatypes.andb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
-  intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  apply Zbits.land_extraction.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (land x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) /\ (bit_test y i)).
-  intros x y i h1.
-  unfold bit_test. rewrite land_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
-  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lor x y) i) =
-   (Init.Datatypes.orb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
-  intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  apply Zbits.lor_extraction.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) \/ (bit_test y i)).
-  intros x y i h1.
-  unfold bit_test. rewrite lor_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
-  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lxor x y) i) =
-   (Init.Datatypes.xorb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
-  intros x y i h1. 
-  unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  apply Zbits.lxor_extraction.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lxor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) <-> ~ (bit_test y i)).
-  intros x y i h1.
-  unfold bit_test. rewrite lxor_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
-  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; repeat (split; intros; auto).
-  discriminate H. 
-  destruct H; contradiction H; auto.
-  discriminate H0.
-  destruct H; apply H0; discriminate.
-(** ** Shift operators *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_1_two_power :
-  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((lsl 1%Z n) = (Cint.two_power_abs n)).
-  intros n h1.
-  unfold lsl. rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by auto. 
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def. rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift. 
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs. ring.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_1_lsl_1 :
-  forall (a:Z) (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (a < (lsl 1%Z n))%Z ->
-  (((2%Z * a)%Z + (land 1%Z x))%Z < (lsl 1%Z (1%Z + n)%Z))%Z.
-  intros a x n h1.
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl.
-  case_leq 0%Z (1 + n)%Z ; intro.
-  case_leq 0%Z (n)%Z ; intro.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg by auto.
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg by auto.
-  rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add by omega.
-  pose (n0:=Z.to_nat n); fold n0.
-  replace ((Z.to_nat 1%Z)%nat) with (1%nat) by auto.
-  rewrite Bits.two_power_nat_plus.
-  replace ((two_power_nat 1)%Z) with (2%Z) by auto with zarith.
-  replace ((1 * two_power_nat n0)%Z) with ((two_power_nat n0)%Z) by auto.
-  replace ((1 * (2 * two_power_nat n0))%Z) with ((2 * two_power_nat n0)%Z) by ring.
-  intro.
-  cut((land 1 x < 2)%Z) ; auto with zarith.
-  case_eq ((land 1 x)%Z) (0%Z); intros.
-  rewrite bit_test_extraction_bis_eq; [omega|].
-  apply bit_test_extraction_bis. 
-  auto. 
-(** ** Shift operators *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m - n)%Z)).
-  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
-  unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool 0 (m - n)) by omega.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_extraction.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
-  case_leq n m.
-  intros.
-  reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lsl x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m - n)%Z).
-  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_sup_bool; auto; reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = false).
-  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
-  unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_extraction.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
-  case_leq n m.
-  intros.
-  reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
-  ~ (bit_test (lsl x n) m).
-  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_inf_bool; auto; reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsr_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lsr x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m + n)%Z)).
-  intros x n m h1 h2.
-  unfold lsr. unfold Zbits.lsr. 
-  unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
-  rewrite Zbits.lsr_extraction.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
-  case_leq 0 (m+n).
-  intros.
-  reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsr_extractionl :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lsr x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m + n)%Z).
-  intros x n m h1 h2.
-  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsr_extraction_bool; auto; reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl1_extraction_bool :
-  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lsl 1%Z i) j) = (Qed.eqb i j)).
-  intros i j h1 h2.
-  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl.  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1).
-  unfold_bit_testb h2.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i))
-  with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
-  unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def; rewrite Bits.Zbit_power.
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg; auto. 
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg; auto. 
-  case_eq i j.
-  (** i = j *)
-  + intro EQ; rewrite EQ; rewrite <- beq_nat_refl.  
-    symmetry. apply Qed.eqb1 ; auto.
-  (** i <> j *)
-  + intro NEQ.
-    assert (Qed.eqb i j = false) as EQB.
-    { apply Qed.eqb_false. assumption. }
-    rewrite EQB.
-    rewrite -> beq_nat_false_iff.
-    contradict NEQ.
-    rewrite Z2Nat.inj_iff in NEQ; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl1_extraction :
-  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lsl 1%Z i) j) <-> (i = j).
-  intros i j h1 h2.
-  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl1_extraction_bool; auto. apply Qed.eqb1.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma pos_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z -> (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j).
-  intros x i j h1 h2.
-  unfold lsl ; unfold bit_test.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
-  intros.
-  rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos ; auto.
-  + assert (HB:(Bits.Zbit x (Z.abs_nat j) = false)).
-    {(apply (Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail  (Z.abs_nat i) (Z.abs_nat j) x); auto).
-      apply Zabs_nat_le; omega. }     
-    unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-    rewrite HB; discriminate.
-  + omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (forall (j:Z), (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j)) ->
-  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z.
-  intros x i h1 h2.
-  unfold lsl.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
-  apply Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail_inv.
-  intros k h.
-  generalize (h2 (Z.of_nat k)); clear h2; intro h2.
-  unfold bit_test in h2; rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos in h2.
-  + assert (Zbits.zbit_test_def x (Z.of_nat k) <> true) as h3.
-    { apply h2. clear h2. rewrite <- (Zabs2Nat.id k) in h. 
-      rewrite <- Zabs2Nat.inj_le in h; auto.
-      apply Zle_0_nat. } 
-    clear h2.
-    unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def in h3. rewrite Zabs2Nat.id in h3. 
-    destruct (Bits.Zbit x k).
-    * contradiction h3. auto.
-    * auto.
-  + apply Zle_0_nat.
-(** * Link between Bit extraction and C type conversions *)
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_sup :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
-  (Cint.is_uint n x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros n x i h1 h2.
-  assert (H:(Bits.Zbit x (Z.abs_nat i) = false)).
-  { unfold Cint.is_uint in h2.
-    apply (Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat i) x).
-    + apply Zabs_nat_le. omega.
-    + unfold Cint.two_power_abs in h2.
-      trivial. }
-  assert (I:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb I; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  rewrite H; discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range.
-  simpl.
-  replace (x - 0) with x by (auto with zarith).
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs. 
-  rewrite Zbits.Zbit_uint_mod_two_power_nat.
-  rewrite (leb_correct_conv k (Z.abs_nat n)).
-  + trivial.
-  + apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  intros n x i (h1,h2);
-  unfold bit_test;
-  rewrite to_uint_extraction_inf_bool by auto;
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
-  destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_ext :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
-  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
-  { intros.
-    case_lt i n; intro.
-    + apply h4; omega.
-    + assert (~ bit_test x i).
-      { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
-      assert (~ bit_test y i).
-      { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
-     intuition. }
-  clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
-  unfold bit_test in H.
-  unfold bit_testb in H.
-  apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
-  rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
-  apply H; auto.
-Local Ltac uint_extraction_inf_bool to_uint :=
-  intros; rewrite to_uint; 
-  apply to_uint_extraction_inf_bool;
-  omega.
-Local Ltac uint_extraction_inf to_uint :=
-  intros; rewrite to_uint; 
-  apply to_uint_extraction_inf;
-  omega.
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (8%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 8); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_8.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_8.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
-  apply (is_uint_ext 8); (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (16%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 16); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_16.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_16.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
-  apply (is_uint_ext 16); (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (32%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 32); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
-  apply (is_uint_ext 32); (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (64%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 64); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
-  apply (is_uint_ext 64); (auto with zarith).
-(** ** Signed conversions *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_sup :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
-  (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros n x i h1.
-  unfold Cint.is_sint.
-  intro h2;
-  assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  assert (Z.abs_nat n <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat.
-  { apply (Zabs_nat_le); omega. }
-  rewrite <- Zlt_bool_true_Zlt; 
-  apply (Zbits.Zbit_trail (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat i) x); auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
-  unfold Cint.to_sint; unfold Cint.to_range.
-  rewrite Z.sub_opp_r; rewrite Z.sub_opp_r.
-  rewrite Z.add_opp_l.
-  replace (Cint.two_power_abs n + Cint.two_power_abs n) with (2 * Cint.two_power_abs n) by (auto with zarith).
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
-  replace n with ((n-i)+i) by (auto with zarith).
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.inj_add by omega.
-  apply Zbits.Zbit_sint_mod_two_power_nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  intros n x i (h1,h2).
-  unfold bit_test;
-  rewrite to_sint_extraction_inf_bool by auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
-  destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_ext :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= n)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
-  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
-  { intros.
-    case_leq i n; intro.
-    + apply h4; omega.
-    + assert (0<=n<=n) by omega.
-      specialize ((h4 n) H1).
-      generalize ((to_sint_extraction_sup n x n) H1 h2).
-      generalize ((to_sint_extraction_sup n y n) H1 h3).
-      clear H1; intros.
-      rewrite h4 in H2. rewrite H2 in H1. clear H2.
-      assert ((bit_test x i) <-> x < 0).
-      { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
-      assert ((bit_test y i) <-> y < 0).
-      { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
-      rewrite H2.
-      rewrite H3.
-      auto. }
-  clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
-  unfold bit_test in H.
-  unfold bit_testb in H.
-  apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
-  rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
-  apply H; auto.
-(** Tactical *)
-Local Ltac sint_extraction_sup is_sint vn vz :=
-  intros x i h1;
-  unfold is_sint;
-  intro h2;
-  assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def;
-  assert (Z.abs_nat vz <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat 
-  by (assert (vn = Z.abs_nat vz)%nat by (auto with arith);
-      apply Zabs_nat_le; omega);
-  rewrite <- Zlt_bool_true_Zlt; 
-  apply (Zbits.Zbit_trail vn (Z.abs_nat i) x); auto.
-Local Ltac unfold_hyp h :=
-  match goal with 
-    | h:(?X1) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ ) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _ _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | _ => idtac
-  end.
-Local Ltac sint_extraction_inf_bool to_sint :=
-  intros; rewrite to_sint; 
-  apply to_sint_extraction_inf_bool;
-  omega.
-Local Ltac sint_extraction_inf to_sint :=
-  intros; rewrite to_sint; 
-  apply to_sint_extraction_inf;
-  omega.
-(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (7%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 7); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_8.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_8.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 7%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 7) ; (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (15%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 15); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_16.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_16.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 15%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 15) ; (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (31%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 31); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 31%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 31) ; (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (63%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 63); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 63%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros; apply (is_sint_ext 63); (auto with zarith).
-(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are distributive *)
-(** Tacticals *)
-Local Ltac is_uint_bitwise f n :=
-  intros x y Rx Ry; unfold_hyp Rx; unfold_hyp Ry; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-  apply (Zbits.Z_bitwise_in_uint_range f n x y Rx Ry); by compute.  
-Local Ltac lsr_in_uint_range n :=
-  intros x y Ry Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-  split;
-  [ (apply (Zbits.lsr_lower_bound 0 _ _ Ry); omega)
-  | (apply (Zbits.lsr_upper_bound n _ _ Ry); omega)].
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_lor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint n x) (Cint.to_uint n y))).
-  intros n x y.
-  apply Zbits.zbit_test_ext. intro.
-  rewrite Zbits.lor_extraction.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
-  repeat (rewrite Zbits.uint_mod_two_power_extraction).
-  rewrite Zbits.lor_extraction.
-  pose (c:=(leb (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat n0))); fold c.
-  destruct c; auto.
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint8 x) (Cint.to_uint 8%Z y))).
-  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply to_uint_lor.
-(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint16 x) (Cint.to_uint16 y))).
-  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply to_uint_lor.
-(** ***  Cast to uint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint32 x) (Cint.to_uint32 y))).
-  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply to_uint_lor.
-(** ***  Cast to uint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint64 x) (Cint.to_uint64 y))).
-  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply to_uint_lor.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lxor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intro n; is_uint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are identity *)
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intro n; is_uint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_land :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intro n; is_uint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsr :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intro n; lsr_in_uint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros n y (h1,h2);
-  (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
-    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith));
-  clear Ry.
-  assert (Z.abs_nat y < (Z.abs_nat n))%nat as A by
-   (apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega);
-  clear h1; clear h2;
-  pose (M := Z.abs_nat y); fold M; fold M in A.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  rewrite Zmod_small; trivial.
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs; pose (N:=(Z.abs_nat n)); fold N; fold N in A.
-  generalize (Bits.two_power_nat_is_positive M); intro Pos.
-  generalize (Bits.two_power_nat_increase_strict M N A) ; intro.
-  omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= y)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros n y h1.
-  (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
-    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith));
-  clear Ry.
-  assert (Z.abs_nat n <= (Z.abs_nat y))%nat as A by
-   (apply Zabs_nat_le; omega);
-  clear h1;
-  pose (M := Z.abs_nat y); fold M; fold M in A.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  rewrite (le_plus_minus (Z.abs_nat n) M A).
-  replace (Z.abs_nat n + (M - Z.abs_nat n))%nat with ((M - Z.abs_nat n) + Z.abs_nat n)%nat by (auto with zarith).
-  rewrite Bits.two_power_nat_plus.
-  apply Z_mod_mult. 
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16. apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** ** Signed conversions *)
-(** Tacticals *)
-Local Ltac is_sint_lnot b :=
-  intros x Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-   apply (Zbits.lnot_in_range (-b) b x Rx); omega.
-Local Ltac is_sint_bitwise f n :=
-  intros x y Rx Ry; unfold_hyp Rx; unfold_hyp Ry; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-  apply (Zbits.Z_bitwise_in_sint_range f n x y Rx Ry); by compute.  
-Local Ltac lsr_in_sint_range n :=
-  intros x y Ry Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-  split;
-  [ (apply (Zbits.lsr_lower_bound (-n) _ _ Ry); omega)
-  | (apply (Zbits.lsr_upper_bound n _ _ Ry); omega)].
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lnot :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  intros n; is_sint_lnot (Cint.two_power_abs n).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lxor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intro n; is_sint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intro n; is_sint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_land :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intro n; is_sint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsr :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intro n; lsr_in_sint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros n y (h1,h2).
-  apply Cint.id_sint.
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1);
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
-  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
-   with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith)).
-  unfold Cint.is_sint.
-  generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive y);
-  generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive n);
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs; intros.
-  split; [omega|].
-  apply Bits.two_power_nat_increase_strict.
-  apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n < y)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros n y h1.
-  assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega;
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
-  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
-    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith)).
-  pose (M := two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)); fold M.
-  unfold Cint.to_sint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  pose (N:=(Cint.two_power_abs n)); fold N.
-  rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique_pos (M + N) (N + N)
-                               (Cint.two_power_abs (y - (n + 1)))
-                                N).
-  + auto with zarith.
-  + generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive n); fold N; omega.
-  + rewrite Z.add_cancel_r. 
-    replace (N + N) with (2 * N) by (auto with zarith); unfold N. 
-    rewrite <- Cint.two_power_abs_plus_one by omega.
-    rewrite <- Cint.two_power_abs_plus_pos by omega.
-    replace (n + 1 + (y - (n + 1))) with y by ring.
-    auto.
-(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lnot :
-  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  is_sint_lnot 128.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise xorb 7%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise orb 7%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise andb 7%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  lsr_in_sint_range 128.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 7%Z) = 128%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 7%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lnot :
-  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  is_sint_lnot 32768.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise xorb 15%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise orb 15%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise andb 15%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  lsr_in_sint_range 32768.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 15%Z) = 32768%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lnot :
-  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  is_sint_lnot 2147483648.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise xorb 31%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise orb 31%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise andb 31%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  lsr_in_sint_range 2147483648.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 31%Z) = 2147483648%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lnot :
-  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  is_sint_lnot 9223372036854775808. 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise xorb 63%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise orb 63%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise andb 63%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  lsr_in_sint_range 9223372036854775808.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 63%Z) = 9223372036854775808%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** * Range of some bitwise operations *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma uint_land_range :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  (0%Z <= (land x y))%Z /\ ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
-  intros x y h1.
-  apply Zbits.uint_land_range; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma uint_lor_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((-1%Z)%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (x <= (lor x y))%Z.
-  intros x y h1 h2.
-  case_leq 0 x; intro.
-  + apply Zbits.uint_lor_inf; trivial.
-  + replace x with (-1).
-    { rewrite Zbits.lor_1; omega. }
-    omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sint_land_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x <= 0%Z)%Z -> (y < 0%Z)%Z -> ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
-  intros x y h1 h2.
-  cut (-(x+1) <= -((land x y)+1)).
-  { omega. }
-  fold (Bits.zlnot x).
-  fold (Bits.zlnot (land x y)).
-  repeat (rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
-  rewrite Zbits.lnot_land_de_morgan.
-  repeat (rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
-  apply (uint_lor_inf (Bits.zlnot x)); unfold Bits.zlnot; try omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sint_lor_range :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  (x <= (lor x y))%Z /\ ((lor x y) < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros x y h1.
-  cut (0 <= -((lor x y)+1) <= -(x+1)).
-  { omega. }
-  fold (Bits.zlnot x).
-  fold (Bits.zlnot (lor x y)).
-  rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
-  rewrite Zbits.lnot_lor_de_morgan.
-  rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
-  apply (uint_land_range (Bits.zlnot x)).
-  unfold Bits.zlnot; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lor_distrib :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  (Cint.is_uint n (lor x y)) <-> ((Cint.is_uint n x) /\ (Cint.is_uint n y)).
-  intros n x y; split.
-  + unfold Cint.is_uint ; intros.
-    destruct H.
-    rewrite <- Zbits.lor_sign in H.
-    destruct H.
-    generalize H0; clear H0.
-    assert (h1:((-1) <= x)) by omega.
-    generalize (uint_lor_inf x y h1 H1).
-    rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
-    assert (h2:((-1) <= y)) by omega.
-    generalize (uint_lor_inf y x h2 H).
-    unfold lor;
-    pose (z:=(Zbits.lor y x)); fold z; intros.
-    omega.
-  + intro H; destruct H.
-    rewrite <- (is_uint_lor n) by trivial.
-    apply Cint.is_to_uint.
-(** * Link between bitwise operators and addition *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_addition :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lor x y)).
-  intros x y h1.
-  apply Zbits.lor_addition; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_addition :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lxor x y)).
-  intros x y h1.
-  apply Zbits.lxor_addition; trivial.
-(** * Link between land and cast operator *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_land_edge :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n x) = (land ((lsl 1%Z n) - 1%Z)%Z x)).
-  intros x n h1.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
-  rewrite Zbits.pos_mod_two_power_nat_land_edge.
-  unfold land; f_equal.
-  unfold lsl; rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by omega; unfold Zbits.lsl_def. 
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  auto with zarith.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cmath.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cmath.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7e1c4b11750571643e887c179e45e121de9f8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cmath.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require int.Int.
-Require int.Abs.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require Import RIneq.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma abs_def :
-  forall (x:Z),
-  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
-  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
-exact int.Abs.abs_def.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Makefile b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4470d7dddd2311d7f2ac18e27100045bd154aad2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-#                                                                        #
-#  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           #
-#                                                                        #
-#  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               #
-#    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              #
-#         alternatives)                                                  #
-#                                                                        #
-#  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   #
-#  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       #
-#  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              #
-#                                                                        #
-#  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 #
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
-#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   #
-#                                                                        #
-#  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 #
-#  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            #
-#                                                                        #
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Generation of Coq and Alt-ergo files from Why3 one
-# --- Developer only
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.PHONY: all realize headers
-all: realize
-	mkdir -p stamp
-	mkdir -p aux
-# performs realization and adds headers
-realize: stamp/headers.stamp
-# To add headers without doing more...
-	@echo "Apply headers (on all wp/share directory)"
-	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.headers -C .. headers > /dev/null
-	@touch stamp/headers.stamp
-# Dependency needed to allow make -j
-stamp/headers.stamp: stamp/realizationtools.stamp stamp/coqrealization.stamp \
-     stamp/altergorealization.stamp stamp/coqlib.stamp
-	@echo "Apply headers (on some files of wp/share directory)"
-	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.headers -C .. headers.wp_share_src > /dev/null
-	@touch $@
-WHY3_SHARE:=$(shell why3 --print-datadir)
-WHY3_LIB:=$(shell why3 --print-libdir)/coq
-WHY3_VERSION:=$(shell opam info -f version why3)
-# When installing why3, "make install-lib" is required to be able to find the package
-.PHONY: info help
-help info:
-	@echo "Info about targets:"
-	@echo "- headers        -> adds headers to all necessary files"
-	@echo "- realize        -> updates all share/prover directories from source files of share/src"
-	@echo "- compile        -> compiles Coq files"
-	@echo "- plugins        -> builds Why3 plugins used for the realizations"
-	@echo "- File.coqide    -> runs CoqIde on File.v"
-	@echo "- import_why3_coq > import resources from why3 source"
-	@echo "- tests          -> runs tests"
-	@echo "- clean          -> cleaning the directory"
-	@echo "- all (default)  -> idem realize"
-	@echo "About why3 configuration:"
-	@echo "  WHY3_PACKAGE= $(shell ocamlfind query why3)"
-	@echo "  WHY3_SHARE= $(WHY3_SHARE)"
-	@echo "  WHY3_LIB= $(WHY3_LIB)"
-#-- The little plugin that define the meta and transformation keep_it and the
-#-- printer that do the realization for altergo
-PLUGINS=filter_axioms alt_ergo_realize why3printer_realize
-PLUGINS_FILE= $(addsuffix .cmxs, $(PLUGINS)) $(addsuffix .cmo, $(PLUGINS))
-plugins: $(PLUGINS_FILE)
-	touch plugins
-%.cmxs: %.ml
-	ocamlfind ocamlopt -package why3 -shared -o $*.cmxs $*.ml
-%.cmo: %.ml
-	ocamlfind ocamlc -package why3 -c -o $*.cmo $*.ml
-#-- Library realization (Coq and Alt-ergo) --
-#Realized libraries
-WHY3_FILE= qed cmath cint cbits memory vset cfloat vlist
-WHY3_REALIZE=why3 realize --extra-config realization.conf
-stamp/%.why3_api.stamp: %.mlw Makefile
-	@echo "Installing Why3 API Library for $*"
-	install -m 444 $@ $^
-	@touch $@
-stamp/realizationtools.stamp: plugins coq-realize.drv alt_ergo-realize.drv realization.conf stamp/REALIZATION_DIR.stamp
-	@touch $@
-stamp/coqrealization.stamp: import_why3_coq $(addprefix stamp/, $(addsuffix .coq.stamp, $(WHY3_FILE)))
-	@touch $@
-#file written directly in coq
-WPCOQLIB=Bits.v Zbits.v Qedlib.v
-stamp/coqlib.stamp: $(WPCOQLIB) stamp/REALIZATION_DIR.stamp
-	@echo "Installing Coq Libraries"
-	@$(foreach file, $(WPCOQLIB),\
-		install -m 444 $(file) $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp;\
-		install -m 444 $(file) $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3;)
-	@touch $@
-stamp/REALIZATION_DIR.stamp: stamp
-	@echo "Create share sub-directories"
-	@mkdir -p $(REALIZATION_DIR)/ergo
-	@mkdir -p $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3
-	@mkdir -p $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3_api
-	@mkdir -p $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp
-	@touch $@
-stamp/%.coq.stamp: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) stamp/realizationtools.stamp
-	@echo "Realizing Coq Library for $*"
-	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do\
-	 $(WHY3_REALIZE) -D coq-realize.drv -T $*.$$theory -o . 2> logs/$$theory.coq.err.tmp;\
-	 sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$$theory.coq.err.tmp > logs/$$theory.coq.err;\
-	 rm -f logs/$$theory.coq.err.tmp;\
-	 install -m 444 $$theory.v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp;\
-	 install -m 444 $$theory.v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3;\
-	done;
-	@touch $@
-coq.drv: $(addprefix aux/, $(addsuffix .coq.aux, $(WHY3_FILE)))
-	@echo "Making Coq driver"
-	@echo "(* generated automatically at developer compilation time *)" | cat - $^ > $@
-coq-why3.drv: $(addprefix aux/, $(addsuffix .coq-why3.aux, $(WHY3_FILE)))
-	@echo "Making Coq-Why3 driver"
-	@echo "(* generated automatically at developer compilation time *)" | cat - $^ > $@
-	install -m 444 $@ $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3/coq.drv
-coq-realize.drv: $(WHY3_COQ_REALIZE_DRIVER) coq.drv coq-why3.drv
-	@echo "Making Coq realization driver"
-	@echo "(* generated automatically at compilation time *)" > $@
-	@echo "import \"coq.drv\"" >> $@
-	@echo "import \"$(WHY3_COQ_REALIZE_DRIVER)\"" >> $@
-	@echo "import \"coq-own-realization.drv\"" >> $@
-aux/%.coq.aux: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile aux
-	@echo "Auxiliary Coq files for $*"
-	@rm -f $@.tmp;
-	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do\
-	 echo 'theory $*.'"$$theory"' meta "realized_theory" "$*.'"$$theory"'", "'"$$theory"'" end' >> $@.tmp;\
-	 done;
-	@mv $@.tmp $@
-aux/%.coq-why3.aux: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile aux
-	@echo "Auxiliary Coq-Why3 files for $*"
-	@rm -f $@.tmp;
-	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do\
-	 NAMELOWER=`ocaml lower.ml "$$theory"`; \
-	 echo 'theory '"$$NAMELOWER"'.'"$$theory"' meta "realized_theory" "'"$$NAMELOWER"'.'"$$theory"'", "'"$$theory"'" end' >> $@.tmp;\
-	 done;
-	@mv $@.tmp $@
-#-- Why3 Import
-	bool.Bool \
-	map.Map map.Const \
-	int.Int int.Abs int.MinMax int.ComputerDivision int.EuclideanDivision int.Power int.Exponentiation \
-	for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision \
-	real.FromInt real.Real real.RealInfix real.Abs real.MinMax \
-	real.Square real.ExpLog real.PowerReal \
-	real.Trigonometry
-	real.Truncate real.Hyperbolic real.Polar
-.PHONY: import_why3_coq
-import_why3_coq: stamp/why3.$(WHY3_VERSION).stamp
-	@echo "Why-3 Coq Sources up-to-date"
-stamp/why3.$(WHY3_VERSION).stamp: stamp/REALIZATION_DIR.stamp Makefile
-	@echo "Importing Why-3 Coq Sources"
-	@rm -fr $(WHY3_SRC)
-	@opam source $(WHY3_SRC)
-	@install -m 444 $(WHY3_SRC)/lib/coq/BuiltIn.v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp/BuiltIn.v
-	@install -m 444 $(WHY3_SRC)/lib/coq/HighOrd.v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp/HighOrd.v
-	@$(foreach file, $(subst .,/,$(WHY3_STDLIB_REALIZED)), \
-	   install -m 444 $(WHY3_SRC)/lib/coq/$(file).v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp/$(file).v;)
-	@rm -fr $(WHY3_SRC)
-	@touch $@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---  Alt-Ergo Realization
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	$(addprefix stamp/, \
-	$(addsuffix .altergo.stamp, $(WHY3_FILE)) \
-	$(addsuffix .altergo.stdlib.stamp, $(WHY3_STDLIB_USED)))
-	@touch $@
-stamp/%.altergo.stamp: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) stamp/realizationtools.stamp
-	@echo "Realizing Alt-Ergo Library for $*"
-	@$(foreach theory, $(shell cat $*.why_theory),\
-	 $(WHY3_REALIZE) -D alt_ergo-realize.drv -T $*.$(theory) -o $(REALIZATION_DIR)/ergo 2> logs/$(theory).altergo.err.tmp;\
-	 sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$(theory).altergo.err.tmp > logs/$(theory).altergo.err;\
-	 rm -f logs/$(theory).altergo.err.tmp;)
-	@touch $@
-stamp/%.altergo.stdlib.stamp: Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) stamp/realizationtools.stamp
-	@echo "Realizing Alt-Ergo Std-Library for $*"
-	@mkdir -p tmp; rm -rf tmp/$*; mkdir tmp/$*
-	@$(WHY3_REALIZE) -D alt_ergo-realize.drv -T $* -o tmp/$* 2> logs/$*.altergo.stdlib.err.tmp
-	@sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$*.altergo.stdlib.err.tmp > logs/$*.altergo.stdlib.err
-	@rm -f logs/$*altergo.stdlib.err.tmp
-	@mv tmp/$*/$(subst .,,$(suffix $*)).mlw $(REALIZATION_DIR)/ergo/$*.mlw
-	@rm -rf tmp/$*
-	@touch $@
-alt_ergo-realize.drv: $(addprefix aux/, $(addsuffix .altergo.aux, $(WHY3_FILE)) $(addsuffix .altergo.stdlib.aux, $(WHY3_STDLIB_USED)))
-	@echo "Generating Alt-Ergo driver"
-	@echo "(* generated automatically at compilation time *)" > $@
-	@echo 'theory BuiltIn meta "realized_theory" "BuiltIn", "BuiltIn_" end' >> $@
-	@echo 'theory BuiltIn meta "realized_theory" "Bool", "Bool_" end' >> $@
-	@cat $^ >> $@
-	@echo "printer \"alt-ergo-realize\"" >> $@
-	@echo "filename \"%t.mlw\"" >> $@
-	@echo "transformation \"remove_for_altergo\"" >> $@
-	@echo "transformation \"inline_in\"" >> $@
-	@echo "transformation \"def_into_axiom\"" >> $@
-	@echo >> $@
-	@echo "import \"alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv\"" >> $@
-	@echo >> $@
-	@echo "(* From why3 alt_ergo.drv except import *)" >> $@
-	@cat $(WHY3_ALTERGO_DRIVER).drv | grep -v -e "^import" >> $@
-	@echo "(* From why3 alt_ergo_common.drv except printer *)" >> $@
-	@cat $(WHY3_ALTERGO_DRIVER)_common.drv | grep -v -e "^printer" -e "^filename" -e "^ *use " >> $@
-#We put the realized theory meta un BuiltIn so that it always appears
-aux/%.altergo.aux: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) aux
-	@echo "Auxiliary Alt-Ergo files for $*"
-	@rm -f $@.tmp
-	@$(foreach theory, $(shell cat $*.why_theory),\
-	 echo 'theory $*.$(theory) meta "realized_theory" "$*.$(theory)", "$(subst .,_,$(theory))_" end' >> $@.tmp;)
-	@mv $@.tmp $@
-aux/%.altergo.stdlib.aux: Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) aux
-	@echo "Auxiliary Alt-Ergo stdlib for $*"
-	@echo 'theory $* meta "realized_theory" "$*", "$(subst .,_,$*)_" end' > $@;
-%.why_theory: %.mlw
-	@echo "Why Theory $<"
-	@grep -e "^theory" $< | sed -e  "s/^theory[ ]*//" > $@
-#why3 realization
-why3.drv: $(addprefix aux/, $(addsuffix .why3.aux, $(WHY3_FILE)))
-	@echo "Generating Why-3 driver"
-	@echo "(* generated automatically at compilation time *)" | cat - $^ > $@
-aux/%.why3.aux: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile aux
-	@echo "Auxiliary Why-3 files for $*"
-	@rm -f $@.tmp;
-	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do \
-	  NAMEUPPER=`ocaml upper.ml "$*"`; \
-	  echo 'theory $*.'"$$theory"' meta "realized_theory" "$*.'"$$theory"'", "'"$$NAMEUPPER"'.'"$$theory"'" end' >> $@.tmp;\
-	  done;
-	@mv $@.tmp $@
-	$(addprefix stamp/, $(addsuffix .why3.stamp, $(WHY3_FILE)))
-	@touch $@
-stamp/%.why3.stamp: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) stamp/realizationtools.stamp why3-realize.drv why3.drv
-	@echo "Realizing Why-3 Theory $*"
-	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do \
-	   $(WHY3_REALIZE) -D why3-realize.drv -T $*.$$theory -o $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3 2> logs/$$theory.why3.err.tmp;\
-	   why3 prove --type-only -L $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3 $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3/$$theory.why 2> logs/$$theory.why3.check.err.tmp;\
-	   sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$$theory.why3.err.tmp > logs/$$theory.why3.err;\
-	   sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$$theory.why3.check.err.tmp > logs/$$theory.why3.check.err;\
-	   rm -f logs/$$theory.why3.err.tmp logs/$$theory.why3.check.err.tmp;\
-	   done;
-	@touch $@
-COQLIBS:= Qed Qedlib Bits Zbits Cint Cbits Memory Cmath Cfloat Vlist ArcTrigo ExpLog Vset
-COQDEP:= $(addsuffix .coqdep, $(COQLIBS))
-COQDEP_STAMPS:= $(addprefix stamp/, $(COQDEP))
-COQVO:= $(addsuffix .vo, $(COQLIBS))
-%.vo: %.v
-	coqc -w none $(COQINCLUDE) $<
-stamp/%.coqdep: %.v stamp
-	@coqdep $(COQINCLUDE) $< > $@ 2>/dev/null
-	@(cmp $@ $(subst stamp/,,$@) 2>/dev/null) \
-	|| (cp $@ $(subst stamp/,,$@)  \
-	&& echo "Updating $(subst stamp/,,$@)")
-stamp/coqdep.stamp: Makefile $(COQDEP_STAMPS)
-	@echo "Coq dependencies updated"
-	@touch $@
-# a non-empty rule is needed for the first make
-%.coqdep: stamp/%.coqdep
-	@true
-sinclude $(COQDEP)
-stamp/%.coqdep: stamp
-stamp/compile.stamp: Makefile stamp/coqdep.stamp $(COQVO)
-	@echo "Coq compilation done"
-	@touch $@
-.PHONY: compile
-compile: stamp/compile.stamp
-.PHONY: clean
-	@echo "Cleaning"
-	@rm -f $(COQVO)
-	@rm -f filter_axioms.cm* filter_axioms.o
-	@rm -f alt_ergo_realize.cm* alt_ergo_realize.o
-	@rm -f why3printer_realize.cm* why3printer_realize.o
-	@rm -f *.stamp stamp/*
-	@rm -f *.aux aux/*
-	@rm -f *.glob *.coqdep
-.PHONY: %.coqide
-%.coqide: %.v
-	coqide $(COQINCLUDE) $<
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---  Coq Documentation                                                 ---
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-COQSRC= $(addsuffix .v,$(COQLIBS))
-COQGLOB= $(addsuffix .glob,$(COQLIBS))
-html: compile $(COQDOC)/coq2html
-	@mkdir -p $(COQHTML)
-	@rm -fr $(COQHTML)/*
-	@cp $(COQDOC)/frama-c.png $(COQHTML)/
-	@cp $(COQDOC)/coq2html.css $(COQDOC)/coq2html.js $(COQDOC)/index.png $(COQHTML)/
-	@cat $(COQDOC)/head.html >> $(COQHTML)/index.html
-	@for a in $(COQLIBS) ; \
-        do echo "  <li> Module <a href=\"$$a.html\">$$a</a></li>" >> $(COQHTML)/index.html ; \
-	done ;
-	@cat $(COQDOC)/foot.html >> $(COQHTML)/index.html
-	$(COQDOC)/coq2html -o $(COQHTML)/%.html $(COQGLOB) $(COQSRC)
-	zip ../wpcoqdoc.zip $(COQHTML)/*
-latex: $(COQDOC)/coq2latex
-	@mkdir -p latex
-	@rm -fr latex/*
-	coqdoc --latex -d latex --body-only -l $(COQSRC)
-$(COQDOC)/coq2html: $(COQDOC)/coq2html.ml
-	ocamlfind ocamlopt -o $@ str.cmxa $<
-$(COQDOC)/coq2html.ml: $(COQDOC)/coq2html.mll
-	ocamllex  $<
-$(COQDOC)/coq2latex: $(COQDOC)/coq2latex.ml
-	ocamlfind ocamlopt -o $@ str.cmxa $<
-$(COQDOC)/coq2latex.ml: $(COQDOC)/coq2latex.mll
-	ocamllex $<
-##### Generation of configuration file for why3 #####
-local_why3.conf: Makefile
-	@echo Generation of a local extra-conf for why3
-	@printf "[prover_modifiers]\n" > $@
-	@printf "name=\"Coq\"\n" >> $@
-	@printf "option=\"-R $(PWD)/WP FramaCwp\"\n" >> $@
-	@printf "driver=\"$(PWD)/coq.drv\"\n" >> $@
-	@printf "\n"  >> $@
-	@printf "[editor_modifiers coqide]\n" >> $@
-	@printf "option=\"-R $(PWD)/WP FramaCwp\"\n" >> $@
-	@printf "\n"  >> $@
-	@printf "[editor_modifiers proofgeneral-coq]\n" >> $@
-	@printf "option=\"--eval \\\\\"(setq coq-load-path (cons '(\\\\\\\\\\\\\"$(PWD)\\\\\\\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\\\\\\"FramaCwp\\\\\\\\\\\\\") coq-load-path))\\\\\"\"\n"  >> $@
-##### Test local configuration #####
-TEST_TARGET:=$(addprefix tests/, $(addsuffix .run, $(TEST)))
-tests: $(TEST_TARGET)
-tests/%.run: tests/%.mlw local_why3.conf Makefile
-	why3 replay --extra-config local_why3.conf --extra-config realization.conf $<
-tests/%.why3ide: tests/%.mlw local_why3.conf
-	why3 ide --extra-config local_why3.conf --extra-config realization.conf $<
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Memory.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Memory.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 39bab81d0263ed8fcf245705b0e0910fabd55688..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Memory.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require HighOrd.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-Require map.Map.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import Qedlib.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Inductive addr :=
-  | mk_addr : Z -> Z -> addr.
-Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
-Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition offset (v:addr) : Z := match v with
-                                  | mk_addr x x1 => x1
-                                  end.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition base (v:addr) : Z := match v with
-                                | mk_addr x x1 => x
-                                end.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_le : addr -> addr -> Prop.
-  exact (fun (p q : addr) => ((base p = base q) /\ (offset p <= offset q)%Z)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_lt : addr -> addr -> Prop.
-  exact (fun (p q : addr) => (base p = base q) /\ (offset p < offset q)%Z).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_le_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
-  exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
-           andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zle_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_lt_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
-  exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
-           andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zlt_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_le_def :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
-  (addr_le p q) <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
-  unfold addr_le.
-  intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_lt_def :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
-  (addr_lt p q) <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
-  unfold addr_lt.
-  intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_le_bool_def :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_le p q) <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = true).
-  unfold addr_le. unfold addr_le_bool.
-  intros. split; intro H.
-  destruct H as [H0 H1].
-  rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool in H0.
-  apply Zle_imp_le_bool in H1.
-  rewrite H0. rewrite H1.
-  compute;reflexivity.
-  symmetry in H.
-  apply Bool.andb_true_eq in H.
-  destruct H as [H1 H2].
-  split;[apply Zeq_bool_eq|apply Zle_bool_imp_le];symmetry; assumption.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_lt_bool_def :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_lt p q) <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = true).
-  unfold addr_lt. unfold addr_lt_bool.
-  intros. split; intro H.
-  destruct H as [H0 H1].
-  rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool in H0.
-  rewrite Zlt_is_lt_bool in H1.
-  rewrite H0. rewrite H1.
-  compute;reflexivity.
-  symmetry in H.
-  apply Bool.andb_true_eq in H.
-  destruct H as [H1 H2].
-  split;[apply Zeq_bool_eq|rewrite Zlt_is_lt_bool];symmetry; assumption.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition null : addr := mk_addr 0%Z 0%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition global (b:Z) : addr := mk_addr b 0%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Z) : addr :=
-  mk_addr (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition included (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
-  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
-  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
-  (((base p) = (base q)) /\
-   (((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
-    (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z)).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
-  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
-  ((b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
-   (~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
-    ((((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
-     (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z))).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
-    (p:addr) (a1:Z) : Prop :=
-  forall (q:addr), (included q 1%Z p a1) -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Variable havoc: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) ->
-  (addr -> a) -> addr -> Z -> addr -> a.
-Definition fhavoc {A : Type}
-  (m : farray addr A)
-  (w : farray addr A) (p:addr) (n:Z) : (farray addr A) :=
-  {| whytype1 := whytype1 m;
-     whytype2 := whytype2 m;
-     access := @havoc _ (whytype2 m) (access m) (access w) p n |}.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition valid_rw (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
-  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
-  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition valid_rd (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
-  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
-  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition invalid (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
-  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma valid_rw_rd :
-  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), forall (n:Z), (valid_rw m p n) ->
-  valid_rd m p n.
-  intros m p n.
-  unfold valid_rw. unfold valid_rd.
-  intuition (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma valid_string :
-  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z) ->
-  (valid_rd m p 1%Z) /\ ~ (valid_rw m p 1%Z).
-  intros m p.
-  unfold valid_rd. unfold valid_rw.
-  intuition (auto with zarith).
-Lemma separated_neq : forall p a q b p' q',
-  separated p a q b ->
-  included p' 1 p a ->
-  included q' 1 q b ->
-  p' <> q'.
-  intros p a q b p' q' SEP InP InQ EQ.
-  unfold separated in SEP.
-  unfold included in InP,InQ.
-  case_lt 0%Z a.
-  case_lt 0%Z b.
-  intros BPOS APOS.
-  generalize InP ; clear InP.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  intro H. clear H.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
-  intro BaseP.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
-  intros InP1 InP2.
-  generalize InQ ; clear InQ.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  intro H. clear H.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
-  intro BaseQ.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
-  intros InQ1 InQ2.
-  generalize SEP ; clear SEP.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  rewrite <- EQ in BaseQ.
-  rewrite BaseP in BaseQ.
-  contradiction.
-  rewrite <- EQ in InQ1,InQ2.
-  omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_1 :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z),
-  (separated p a q b) ->
-  (((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z) ->
-  (((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z) ->
-  ~ ((mk_addr (base p) i) = (mk_addr (base q) j)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition region : Z -> Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition linked : (Z -> Z) -> Prop.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition sconst : (addr -> Z) -> Prop.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
-  forall (p:addr), ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_included :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z < a)%Z -> (0%Z < b)%Z ->
-  (separated p a q b) -> ~ (included p a q b).
-intros p q a b h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold separated. unfold included. unfold not.
-  intuition.
-Lemma separated_region : forall p a q b,
-  region (base p) <> region (base q) -> separated p a q b.
-  intros p a q b RDIFF.
-  unfold separated.
-  right. right. left.
-  intuition.
-  apply RDIFF. rewrite H. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma included_trans :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
-  (included p a q b) -> (included q b r c) -> included p a r c.
-  intros p a q b r c.
-  unfold included. intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_trans :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
-  (included p a q b) -> (separated q b r c) -> separated p a r c.
-  intros p a q b r c.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_sym :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
-  (separated p a q b) <-> (separated q b p a).
-  intros p q a b.
-  unfold separated. intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqmem_included {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
-  forall (a1:Z) (b:Z), (included p a1 q b) -> (eqmem m1 m2 q b) ->
-  eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
-  intros m1 m2 p q a1 b h1 h2.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqmem_sym {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr), forall (a1:Z),
-  (eqmem m1 m2 p a1) -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
-  intros m1 m2 p a1. unfold eqmem.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma havoc_access {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
-  forall (a1:Z),
-  ((separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m1 q))) /\
-  (~ (separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m0 q))).
-  intros m0 m1 q p a1.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition int_of_addr : addr -> Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_of_int : Z -> addr.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition base_offset: Z -> Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition base_index: Z -> Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma int_of_addr_bijection : forall (a:Z),
-  ((int_of_addr (addr_of_int a)) = a).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_of_int_bijection :
-  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_of_null : ((int_of_addr null) = 0%Z).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma base_offset_zero : ((base_offset 0%Z) = 0%Z).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma base_offset_inj : forall (i:Z), ((base_index (base_offset i)) = i).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma base_offset_monotonic : forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (i < j)%Z ->
-  ((base_offset i) < (base_offset j))%Z.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qed.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qed.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6275a4ff9ba0bc7b0659f3167a10ef35050798a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-Require int.Abs.
-Require int.EuclideanDivision.
-Require int.ComputerDivision.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.FromInt.
-Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition match_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : bool -> a -> a -> a.
-exact (fun b x y => if b then x else y).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma match_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:bool) (x:a) (y:a),
-  ((p = true) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = x)) \/
-  ((p = false) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = y)).
-  intros p x y.
-  destruct p; intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition eqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
-exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then true else false).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = true) <-> (x = y).
-  intros x y.
-  destruct a_WT.
-  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqb_false {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = false) <-> ~ (x = y).
-  intros x y.
-  destruct a_WT.
-  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition neqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
-exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then false else true).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma neqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = true) <-> ~ (x = y).
-  intros x y.
-  destruct a_WT.
-  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition zlt : Z -> Z -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition zleq : Z -> Z -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma zlt1 : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((zlt x y) = true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
-  intros x y.
-  assert (T:= Zlt_is_lt_bool x y).
-  tauto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma zleq1 : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((zleq x y) = true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
-  intros x y.
-  assert (T:= Zle_is_le_bool x y).
-  tauto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition rlt : R -> R -> bool.
-exact (fun x y => if Rlt_dec x y then true else false).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition rleq : R -> R -> bool.
-exact (fun x y => if Rle_dec x y then true else false).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rlt1 : forall (x:R) (y:R), ((rlt x y) = true) <-> (x < y)%R.
-  intros x y.
-  compute;destruct (Rlt_dec x y); intuition discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rleq1 : forall (x:R) (y:R), ((rleq x y) = true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
-  intros x y.
-  compute;destruct (Rle_dec x y);intuition;discriminate.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition real_of_int (x:Z) : R := (BuiltIn.IZR x).
-Lemma lt_is_not_eqb1: forall x y, (x < y -> Z.eqb x y = false)%Z.
-  intros.
-  rewrite Z.eqb_compare.
-  rewrite H.
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma lt_is_not_eqb2: forall x y, (y < x -> Z.eqb x y = false)%Z.
-  intros.
-  rewrite Z.eqb_compare.
-  rewrite (Z.lt_gt _ _ H).
-  reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma c_euclidian :
-  forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
-  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
-  intros n d.
-  intros H.
-  rewrite Int.Comm1.
-  exact (ComputerDivision.Div_mod n d H).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cmod_remainder :
-  forall (n:Z) (d:Z),
-  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
-   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
-  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
-    ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-    ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
-   (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-     (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
-    ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-     (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))).
-  intros n d.
-  (split;[|split;[|split]]);intros;
-  [exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_pos_pos _ _ H H0)|
-   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_neg_pos _ _ H H0)|
-   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_pos_neg _ _ H H0)|
-   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_neg_neg _ _ H H0)].
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cdiv_neutral : forall (a:Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
-  intro a.
-  exact (Z.quot_1_r a).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cdiv_inv :
-  forall (a:Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
-  intros a h1.
-  exact (Z.quot_same a h1).
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8f165442fdb90e7198105bf31bf9eb5187a58e2f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qedlib.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-Require Import Bool.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import Reals.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require map.Map.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-(** ** Tactical *)
-Ltac forward := 
-  repeat (first [ split | intros ]) ; 
-  try discriminate ; 
-  try contradiction ; 
-  try tauto ; 
-  try constructor ; 
-  try (apply False_ind ; omega ; fail) ;
-  try (apply False_ind ; auto with zarith ; fail) ;
-  auto with zarith.
-Ltac finish := forward ; fail.
-Tactic Notation "by" tactic(A) := A ; finish.
-(** ** Conditional Property *)
-Inductive branch (A B C : Prop) : Prop :=
-  | Then: A -> B -> branch A B C
-  | Else: not A -> C -> branch A B C
-Definition itep (A B C : Prop) := (A -> B) /\ (~A -> C).
-Lemma ite_then : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> A -> B.
-Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
-Lemma ite_else : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> ~A -> C.
-Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
-Lemma ite_both : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> (B \/ C).
-Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
-Remark contrap: forall P Q : Prop,
-  (P -> Q) -> ~Q -> ~P.
-Proof. intuition. Qed.
-(** ** Booleans *)
-Inductive reflect (P:Prop) : bool -> Prop :=
-  | R_true  : P -> reflect P true
-  | R_false : ~P -> reflect P false.
-Definition boolean {A : Set} 
-  (f : A -> A -> bool) 
-  (p : A -> A -> Prop) : Prop := forall x y, reflect (p x y) (f x y).
-  forall x y, (f x y = true <-> p x y) /\
-              (f x y = false <-> ~(p x y)).
-Ltac case_leq x y := 
-  generalize (Zle_cases x y) ; induction (Zle_bool x y) ; try omega.
-Ltac case_lt x y :=
-  generalize (Zlt_cases x y) ; induction (Zlt_bool x y) ; try omega.
-Ltac case_eq x y :=
-  generalize (Zeq_bool_if x y) ; induction (Zeq_bool x y) ; try omega.
-Lemma Zneq_cases : forall x y, if Zneq_bool x y then x <> y else x = y.
-  intros x y.
-  generalize (Zeq_bool_if x y).
-  unfold Zeq_bool.
-  unfold Zneq_bool.
-  induction (x ?= y) ; auto.
-Ltac case_neq x y :=
-  generalize (Zneq_cases x y) ; induction (Zneq_bool x y) ; try omega.
-Inductive Zcases (x y : Z) :=
-  | Case_lt : (x < y) -> Zcases x y
-  | Case_eq : (x = y) -> Zcases x y
-  | Case_gt : (x > y) -> Zcases x y.
-Program Definition Zcompare x y : Zcases x y.
-  intros.
-  case_leq x y.
-  case_lt x y. intros H _. exact (Case_lt H).
-  intros H1 H2. assert (H : x=y) by omega. exact (Case_eq H).
-  intro H. exact (Case_gt H).
-Theorem Zeq_boolean : boolean Zeq_bool (fun x y => (x=y)).
-  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_eq x y).
-Theorem Zneq_boolean : boolean Zneq_bool (fun x y => (x <> y)).
-  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_neq x y).
-Theorem Zlt_boolean : boolean Zlt_bool Zlt.
-  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_lt x y).
-Theorem Zle_boolean : boolean Zle_bool Zle.
-  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_leq x y).
-Parameter Req_bool : R -> R -> bool.
-Parameter Rlt_bool : R -> R -> bool.
-Parameter Rle_bool : R -> R -> bool.
-Parameter Rneq_bool : R -> R -> bool.
-Hypothesis Rlt_boolean : boolean Rlt_bool Rlt.
-Hypothesis Rle_boolean : boolean Rle_bool Rle.
-Hypothesis Req_boolean : boolean Req_bool (fun x y => (x=y)).
-Hypothesis Rneq_boolean : boolean Rneq_bool (fun x y => (x<>y)).
-Parameter Aeq_bool : forall A : Set, A -> A -> bool.
-Hypothesis Aeq_boolean : forall A : Set, boolean (@Aeq_bool A) (fun x y => x=y).
-Definition Aneq_bool {A : Set} (x y : A) := negb (Aeq_bool x y).
-Hypothesis Aneq_boolean : forall A : Set, boolean (@Aneq_bool A) (fun x y => x<>y).
-(** ** Integer Induction (after a given rank) *)
-Theorem Z_induction(m : Z)(P : Z -> Prop) : 
-  (forall n, n <= m -> P n ) ->
-  (forall n, n >= m -> P n -> P (n+1)) ->
-  (forall n, P n).
-  intros.
-  induction (Z_le_dec n m) ; auto with zarith.
-  apply Z.le_ind with (n := m) ; auto with zarith.
-  unfold Morphisms.Proper.
-  unfold Morphisms.respectful. 
-  intros. rewrite H1. intuition.
-  intros. apply H0; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Z_induction_rank(m : Z)(P : Z -> Prop) : 
-  P m ->
-  (forall n, m <= n -> P n -> P (n+1)) ->
-  (forall n, m <= n -> P n).
-  intros h0 h1 n.
-  apply Z_induction with (m := m) (n := n).
-  + intros.
-    apply Z.le_ind with (n := m) ; auto with zarith.
-    unfold Morphisms.Proper.
-    unfold Morphisms.respectful. 
-    intros. rewrite H1. intuition.
-   + intros. auto with zarith.
-(** ** Real Constants *)
-(** signed power *)
-Definition real_base e a n :=
-  match n with
-  | 0 => a
-  | Zpos n => (a * pow e (Pos.to_nat n))%R
-  | Zneg n => (a / pow e (Pos.to_nat n))%R
-  end.
-(** an integer multiplied by a (signed) power of 10. *)
-Definition real_dec := real_base 10%R.
-(** an integer multiplied by a (signed) power of 2. *)
-Definition real_hex := real_base 2%R.
-(** ** Arrays *)
-Record farray (A B : Type) := { whytype1 : BuiltIn.WhyType A ;
-                               whytype2 : BuiltIn.WhyType B ;
-                               access :> @Map.map A B }.
-Definition array (A : Type) := farray Z A.
-Hypothesis extensionality: forall (A B : Type) (f g : A -> B),
-  (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
-Definition select {A B : Type}
-  (m : farray A B) (k : A) : B := (access m) k.
-Lemma farray_eq : forall A B (m1 m2 : farray A B),
-   whytype1 m1 = whytype1 m2 -> whytype2 m1 = whytype2 m2 ->
-   (forall k, select m1 k = select m2 k) -> m1 = m2.
-  intros A B m1 m2.
-  destruct m1. destruct m2. simpl.
-  intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; rewrite H2 ; clear H1 H2.
-  intro K.
-  rewrite (extensionality _ _ K).
-  reflexivity.
-Definition update {A B : Type}
-  (m : farray A B) (k : A) (v : B) : (farray A B) :=
-  {| whytype1 := whytype1 m; whytype2 := whytype2 m; access := @Map.set A (whytype1 m) B (whytype2 m) (access m) k v|}.
-Notation " a .[ k ] " := (select a k) (at level 60).
-Notation " a .[ k <- v ] " := (update a k v) (at level 60).
-Lemma access_update :
-  forall (A B : Type) (m : farray A B) k v,
-  m.[k <- v].[k] = v.
-  intros.
-  apply (proj1 (Map.set_def (access m) k v k)).
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma access_update_neq :
-  forall (A B : Type) (m : farray A B) i j v,
-  i <> j -> m.[ i <- v ].[j] = m.[j].
-  intros.
-  apply (proj2 (Map.set_def (access m) i v j)).
-  auto.
-(** ** Division on Z *)
-Definition Cdiv (n d : Z) : Z :=
-  match n , d with
-    | 0 , _ | _ , 0 => 0
-    | Zpos a , Zpos b 
-    | Zneg a , Zneg b => (Zpos a/Zpos b)
-    | Zpos a , Zneg b
-    | Zneg a , Zpos b => (-(Zpos a/Zpos b))
-  end.
-Definition Cmod (n d : Z) : Z :=
-  match n , d with
-    | 0 , _ | _ , 0 => 0
-    | Zpos a , Zpos b
-    | Zpos a , Zneg b => ( (Zpos a) mod (Zpos b) )
-    | Zneg a , Zpos b
-    | Zneg a , Zneg b => (-( (Zpos a) mod (Zpos b) )) 
-  end.
-Lemma Cdiv_cases : forall n d,
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cdiv n d = n/d) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cdiv n d = -((-n)/d)) /\
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cdiv n d = -(n/(-d))) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cdiv n d = (-n)/(-d)).
-  intros.
-  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
-  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
-  intuition ;
-  by auto with zarith.
-Lemma Cmod_cases : forall n d,
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cmod n d = n mod d) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cmod n d = -((-n) mod d)) /\
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cmod n d = (n mod (-d))) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cmod n d = -((-n) mod (-d))).
-  intros.
-  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
-  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
-  intuition ;
-  by auto with zarith.
-Theorem Cdiv_enclidian : 
-  forall (n d : Z), 
-  d <> 0 ->
-  let q := Cdiv n d in let r := Cmod n d in
-  (q * d + r = n).
-  intros n d NEQ q r.
-  assert (OPP: forall p, (- (Zneg p) = Zpos p)) by auto with zarith.
-  assert (NEG: forall p, (Zneg p = - (Zpos p))) by auto with zarith.
-  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
-  destruct d as [|b|b] ; auto with zarith ;
-  unfold Cdiv in q ; unfold Cmod in r ; 
-  unfold q ; unfold r ; 
-  repeat rewrite OPP ; repeat rewrite NEG ; 
-  rewrite (Zmod_eq_full (Zpos a) (Zpos b)) ; try discriminate ;
-  try ring.
-Lemma Cmod_less : forall n d,
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) ->  0 <= Cmod n d <  d) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> -d <  Cmod n d <= 0) /\
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  0 <= Cmod n d < -d) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  d <  Cmod n d <= 0).
-  intros.
-  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
-  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
-  intuition ; simpl ; forward ;
-  generalize (Z_mod_lt (Zpos a) (Zpos b) (Zgt_pos_0 b)) ;
-  repeat (replace (Zneg b) with (- Zpos b) by auto with zarith) ;
-  intuition (auto with zarith).
-Lemma Zdiv_less :
-  forall (n d : Z), (n > 0) -> (d > 0) -> (d * (n/d) <= n).
-  intros n d Npos Dpos.
-  generalize (Zmod_eq n d).
-  pose (x := (n/d)).
-  fold x. intro H. generalize (H Dpos). clear H.
-  pose (r := (n mod d)).
-  fold r. intro H.
-  generalize (Z_mod_lt n d).
-  intro R. generalize (R Dpos). clear R. fold r.
-  replace (d*x) with (x*d) by ring.
-  omega.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Square.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Square.v
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index b9c23de0347f0ff7c1a8c3c687515c2d490cae52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require Reals.R_sqrt.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.Square.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_lin1 : forall (x:R), (1%R < x)%R -> ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x) < x)%R.
-  intros x h1.
-  refine (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_less _ _ h1).
-  apply (Rle_trans 0 1 x Rle_0_1)%R.
-  exact (Rlt_le _ _ h1).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_lin0 :
-  forall (x:R), ((0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R) -> (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
-  intros x (h1,h2).
-  exact (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_more x h1 h2).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_0 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 0%R) = 0%R).
-  exact Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_0.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_1 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 1%R) = 1%R).
-  exact Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_1.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vlist.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vlist.v
deleted file mode 100644
index bc0b770612bafc4d32eea261406dc38d2a919548..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vlist.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require int.Int.
-Require int.Abs.
-Require int.ComputerDivision.
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Lists for Why-3                                                --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-Require List.
-Ltac seq := autorewrite with list ; auto with zarith.
-Hint Rewrite List.app_assoc List.app_nil_l List.app_nil_r : list.
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- Classical Lists for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-Require Import Qedlib.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition list : forall (a:Type), Type.
-  exact(List.list).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : list a.
-  generalize a.
-  exact(@List.nil).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (list a) -> list a.
-  generalize a.
-  exact(@List.cons).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> (list a) -> list a.
-  Open Local Scope list_scope.
-  exact(fun u v => u ++ v).
-Fixpoint repeat_nat (a:Type) (w: list a) (n: nat) {struct n} :=
-    match n with
-      | O => w
-      | S m => w ++ (repeat_nat a w m)
-    end.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
-  exact(fun w n  => match n with
-                   | Z0 => nil
-                   | Zneg _ => nil
-                   | other => repeat_nat a w (Zabs_nat (n-1))
-                   end).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition length {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z.
-  exact(fun w => Z.of_nat (List.length w)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition nth {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> a.
-  exact(fun w n => match n with
-                   | Zneg _ => (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
-                   | other => List.nth (Zabs_nat n) w (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
-                   end).
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- length                                                       --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_pos {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), (0%Z <= (length w))%Z.
-  intros.
-  unfold length. 
-  apply Zle_0_nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : ((length (nil : list a)) = 0%Z).
-  intros.
-  unfold length. unfold nil.
-  by seq.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_nil_bis {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((length w) = 0%Z) -> (w = (nil : list a)).
-  intros w.
-  unfold length. unfold nil.
-  destruct w.
-  + by seq.
-  + Import List.ListNotations.
-    assert (0 < Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length (a0 :: w))).
-    { replace (Datatypes.length (a0 :: w)) with (1 + Datatypes.length (w))%nat
-        by( (replace (a0 :: w) with ([a0] ++ w) by seq); rewrite List.app_length; by seq).
-      assert (0 <= Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length w)) by apply Zle_0_nat.
-      replace (Z.of_nat (1 + Datatypes.length w)) with (1 + Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length w)).
-      { omega. }
-      rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add. 
-      auto with zarith. 
-    }
-    intro. 
-    cut False; [contradiction|omega].
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((length (cons x w)) = (1%Z + (length w))%Z).
-  intros. unfold length.
-  replace (Datatypes.length (cons x w)) with (1 + (Datatypes.length w))%nat.
-  apply Nat2Z.inj_add. simpl. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis length_concat :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (u:list a) (v:list a),
-  ((length (concat u v)) = ((length u) + (length v))%Z).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis length_repeat :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((length (repeat w n)) = (n * (length w))%Z).
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- nth                                                          --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_cons :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (k:Z) (x:a) (w:list a),
-  ((k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = x)) /\
-  (~ (k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = (nth w (k - 1%Z)%Z))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_concat :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (k:Z),
-  ((k < (length u))%Z -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth u k))) /\
-  (~ (k < (length u))%Z ->
-   ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth v (k - (length u))%Z))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_repeat :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (n:Z) (k:Z) (w:list a),
-  ((0%Z <= k)%Z /\ (k < (n * (length w))%Z)%Z) -> (0%Z < (length w))%Z ->
-  ((nth (repeat w n) k) = (nth w (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem k (length w)))).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition vlist_eq {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (u:list a) (v:list a) : Prop :=
-  ((length u) = (length v)) /\
-  forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < (length u))%Z) ->
-  ((nth u i) = (nth v i)).
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- equality of Lists                                            --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis extensionality :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (u:list a) (v:list a), (vlist_eq u v) -> (u = v).
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- neutral elements                                             --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_nil_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a),
-  (vlist_eq (concat (nil : list a) w) w) /\
-  (vlist_eq (concat w (nil : list a)) w).
-  intros.
-  split ; unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat; rewrite length_nil; split; auto with zarith; intros.
-  (* + generalize (nth_concat nil w i); rewrite length_nil; intro G; destruct G.
-    rewrite H1.
-    * replace (i - 0)%Z with i by (auto with zarith). auto.
-    * omega. *)
-  + generalize (nth_concat w nil i). intro G; destruct G.
-    rewrite H0.
-    * auto.
-    * omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_concat_left {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((concat (nil : list a) w) = w).
-  intros.
-  apply extensionality.
-  generalize (eq_nil_concat w). intro G; destruct G.
-  apply H.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_concat_right {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((concat w (nil : list a)) = w).
- intros.
-  apply extensionality.
-  generalize (eq_nil_concat w). intro G; destruct G.
-  apply H0.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
-  vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x (concat v w)).
-  intros.
-  unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat. repeat (rewrite length_cons).
-  split.
-  + rewrite length_concat. ring.
-  + intros.
-    generalize (nth_cons i x (concat v w)); intro G; destruct G.
-    case_eq i 0%Z; intro Position_0.
-    * clear H1; rewrite H0; clear H0; auto.
-      generalize (nth_concat (cons x v) w i); rewrite length_cons; intro G; destruct G.
-      generalize (length_pos v); intro Positive.
-      clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
-      generalize (nth_cons i x v); intro G; destruct G.
-      clear H1; rewrite H0; clear H0; auto.
-    * clear H0; rewrite H1; clear H1; auto.
-      generalize (nth_concat (cons x v) w i); rewrite length_cons; intro G; destruct G.
-      case_lt i (1+ length v)%Z; intros.
-      - clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
-        generalize (nth_cons i x v); intro G; destruct G.
-        clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
-        generalize (nth_concat v w (i -1)); intro G; destruct G. 
-        clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto with zarith; clear H0.
-        auto.
-      - clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
-        generalize (nth_concat v w (i -1)); intro G; destruct G. 
-        clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto with zarith.
-        replace (i - (1 + length v))%Z with (i - 1 - length v)%Z by auto with zarith.
-        auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
-  ((concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))).
-  intros.
-  apply extensionality.
-  apply eq_cons_concat. 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((concat (cons x (nil : list a)) w) = (cons x w)).
-  intros.
-  rewrite rw_cons_concat.
-  rewrite rw_nil_concat_left.
-  auto.
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- associativity                                                --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_assoc_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
-  vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u (concat v w)).
-  intros.
-  unfold vlist_eq. repeat (rewrite length_concat).  split.
-  - ring.
-  - intros.
-    generalize (length_pos u); generalize (length_pos v); intros uPos vPos. 
-    case_lt i (length u); intro inU; 
-      generalize (nth_concat u (concat v w) i) ; intro G; destruct G.
-    + clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
-      generalize (nth_concat (concat u v) w i) ; rewrite length_concat ; intro G; destruct G.
-      clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
-      generalize (nth_concat u v i) ; intro G; destruct G.
-      clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
-      auto.
-   + clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
-     case_lt i ((length u) + (length v)); intro inV; 
-       generalize (nth_concat (concat u v) w i) ; rewrite length_concat ; intro G; destruct G.
-     * clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
-       generalize (nth_concat u v i) ; intro G; destruct G.
-       clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
-       generalize (nth_concat v w (i - length u)) ; intro G; destruct G.
-       clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
-       auto.
-     * clear H0; rewrite H1 by omega; clear H1.
-       generalize (nth_concat v w (i - length u)) ; intro G; destruct G.
-       clear H0; rewrite H1 by omega; clear H1.
-       replace (i - (length u + length v)) with (i - length u - length v) by auto with zarith.
-       auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((repeat (nil : list a) n) = (nil : list a)).
-intros n h1.
-induction n ; simpl ; auto.
-assert (R : forall n, repeat_nat a nil n = nil).
- * intro n. induction n ; simpl ; auto.
- * apply R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_zero {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 0%Z) = (nil : list a)).
-intros w. simpl. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), vlist_eq (repeat w 1%Z) w.
-intros w. simpl. unfold vlist_eq. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 1%Z) = w).
-intros w. simpl. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
-  vlist_eq (repeat w (p + q)%Z) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)).
-intros p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
- + repeat rewrite length_concat.
-    repeat rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
- + rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-   intros.
-   induction w.
-   * replace ([]) with (@nil a a_WT) ; auto.
-     repeat rewrite rw_nil_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-   * pose (A := (a0 :: w)). fold A. fold A in H.
-     assert (L : 0 < length A).
-     { unfold A.
-       replace (a0 :: w) with (cons a0 w) by auto.
-       rewrite length_cons.
-       assert (0 <= length w).
-       apply length_pos.
-       auto with zarith. }
-     rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-     generalize (nth_concat (repeat A p) (repeat A q) i).
-     intros [ POS NEG ].
-     induction (Z_lt_le_dec i (length (repeat A p))).
-     rewrite length_repeat in a1; auto with zarith.
-      - rewrite POS ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-      - rewrite length_repeat in b ; auto with zarith.
-        assert ( I_pos: 0 <= i ) ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite Int.Mul_distr_r in H.
-        rewrite NEG ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith ; 
-        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-        replace (i - p * length A) with (i + (-p) * length A).
-        rewrite Z.rem_add ; auto with zarith.
-        apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg ; auto with zarith.
-        replace (i + -p * length A) with (i - p * length A) ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite Z.mul_opp_l. rewrite Z.add_opp_r. auto.
-        rewrite Z.mul_opp_l. rewrite Z.add_opp_r. auto.
-        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
-  ((repeat w (p + q)%Z) = (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q))).
-intros p q w h1 h2.
-apply extensionality.
-apply eq_repeat_concat ; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_after {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
-  ((concat (repeat w p) w) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
-  intros p w h1.
-  rewrite (rw_repeat_concat p 1 w) ; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_before {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
-  ((concat w (repeat w p)) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
-  intros p w h1.
-  replace (p+1) with (1+p) ; auto with zarith.
-  rewrite (rw_repeat_concat 1 p w) ; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition repeat_box {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
-intros l n.
-exact (repeat l n).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), ((repeat_box w n) = (repeat w n)).
-unfold repeat_box. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a) (a1:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z <= a1)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
-  ((repeat_box w (a1 + b)%Z) = (concat (repeat w a1) (repeat w b))).
-unfold repeat_box. rewrite rw_repeat_concat ; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z < n)%Z ->
-  ((repeat_box w n) = (concat (repeat w (n - 1%Z)%Z) w)) /\
-  ((repeat_box w (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (concat (repeat w n) w)).
- intros. split.
- + generalize (rw_repeat_concat (n-1) 1 w).
-   replace (n-1+1) with n ; auto with zarith.
- + rewrite (rw_repeat_concat n 1 w) ; auto with zarith.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8e32f02a104eed3057aa8864bda40bcedfe70774..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vset.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition set : forall (a:Type), Type.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : set a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> set a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition member {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> Prop.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition member_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range : Z -> Z -> set Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_sup : Z -> set Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_inf : Z -> set Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_all : set Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eqset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
-  forall (x:a), (member x a1) <-> (member x b).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition subset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
-  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> member x b.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition disjoint {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
-  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> ~ (member x b).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a), forall (s:set a),
-  ((member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = true)) /\
-  (~ (member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = false)).
-intros x s.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a), ~ (member x (empty : set a)).
-intros x.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (y:a), (member x (singleton y)) <-> (x = y).
-intros x y.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
-  (member x (union a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) \/ (member x b)).
-intros x a1 b.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
-  (member x (inter a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) /\ (member x b)).
-intros x a1 b.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma union_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (a1:set a),
-  ((union a1 (empty : set a)) = a1) /\ ((union (empty : set a) a1) = a1).
-intros a1.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma inter_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (a1:set a),
-  ((inter a1 (empty : set a)) = (empty : set a)) /\
-  ((inter (empty : set a) a1) = (empty : set a)).
-intros a1.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range :
-  forall (x:Z) (a:Z) (b:Z),
-  (member x (range a b)) <-> ((a <= x)%Z /\ (x <= b)%Z).
-intros x a b.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (a:Z), (member x (range_sup a)) <-> (a <= x)%Z.
-intros x a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range_inf b)) <-> (x <= b)%Z.
-intros x b.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_all : forall (x:Z), member x range_all.
-intros x.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv
deleted file mode 100644
index 504581f6b531419fe64d5e4c5587f234e6f298fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory int.Int
-  remove prop CompatOrderMult
-theory int.Abs
-  meta "rename_logic" function abs, "abs_int"
-theory int.MinMax
-  meta "rename_logic" function min, "min_int"
-  meta "rename_logic" function max, "max_int"
-theory int.ComputerDivision
-  remove prop Div_mod
-  remove prop Mod_bound
-  remove prop Div_sign_pos
-  remove prop Div_sign_neg
-  remove prop Mod_sign_pos
-  remove prop Mod_sign_neg
-  remove prop Rounds_toward_zero
-theory int.EuclideanDivision
-  remove prop Div_mod
-  remove prop Mod_bound
-  remove prop Div_unique
-  remove prop Div_bound
-  remove prop Mod_1
-  remove prop Div_1
-  remove prop Div_inf
-  remove prop Div_inf_neg
-  remove prop Mod_0
-  remove prop Div_1_left
-  remove prop Div_minus1_left
-  remove prop Mod_1_left
-  remove prop Mod_minus1_left
-  remove prop Div_mult
-  remove prop Mod_mult
-theory real.Real
-  remove prop CompatOrderMult
-theory real.Abs
-  meta "rename_logic" function abs, "abs_real"
-theory real.MinMax
-  meta "rename_logic" function min, "min_real"
-  meta "rename_logic" function max, "max_real"
-theory map.Const
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cbits.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cbits.mlw
deleted file mode 100644
index 04c1d13aa9e2e4ed1ff09b4fb5c041f18796c2fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cbits.mlw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- C-Bits Arithmetics for Why-3                                       --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-theory Cbits
-  use int.Int
-  use bool.Bool
-  use cint.Cint
-  use qed.Qed
-  function bit_testb int int : bool
-  predicate bit_test int int
-  (** * C-Integer Bits * **)
-  function lnot int : int
-  function land int int : int
-  function lxor int int : int
-  function lor  int int : int
-  meta AC function land
-  meta AC function lxor
-  meta AC function lor
-  function lsl  int int : int
-  function lsr  int int : int
-(** * Bitwise identities *)
-(** ** lnot identities *)
-  axiom lnot_bool: ((lnot 0) = (-1)) /\ ((lnot (-1)) = 0)
-(** ** land identities *)
-  axiom land_idemp: forall x:int [land x x]. (land x x) = x
-  axiom land_0: forall x:int [land 0 x]. (land 0 x) = 0
-  axiom land_0bis: forall x:int [land x 0]. (land x 0) = 0
-  axiom land_1: forall x:int [land (-1) x]. (land (-1) x) = x
-  axiom land_1bis: forall x:int [land x (-1)]. (land x (-1)) = x
-  axiom land_bool:
-        (land 0 0) = 0 /\  (land 0 1) = 0 /\ (land 1 0) = 0 /\ (land 1 1) = 1
-  meta "remove_for_" prop land_bool
-(** ** lor identities *)
-  axiom lor_idemp: forall x:int [lor x x]. (lor x x) = x
-  axiom lor_1:     forall x:int [lor (-1) x]. (lor (-1) x) = -1
-  axiom lor_1bis:  forall x:int [lor x (-1)]. (lor x (-1)) = -1
-  axiom lor_0:     forall x:int [lor 0 x]. (lor 0 x) = x
-  axiom lor_0bis:  forall x:int [lor x 0]. (lor x 0) = x
-  axiom lor_bool:
-        (lor 0 0) = 0 /\  (lor 0 1) = 1 /\ (lor 1 0) = 1 /\ (lor 1 1) = 1
-  meta "remove_for_" prop lor_bool
-(** ** lxor identities *)
-  axiom lxor_nilpotent: forall x:int [lxor x x]. (lxor x x) = 0
-  axiom lxor_1:    forall x:int [lxor (-1) x]. (lxor (-1) x) = (lnot x)
-  axiom lxor_1bis: forall x:int [lxor x (-1)]. (lxor x (-1)) = (lnot x)
-  axiom lxor_0:    forall x:int [lxor 0 x]. (lxor 0 x) = x
-  axiom lxor_0bis: forall x:int [lxor x 0]. (lxor x 0) = x
-  axiom lxor_bool:
-        (lxor 0 0) = 0 /\  (lxor 0 1) = 1 /\ (lxor 1 0) = 1 /\ (lxor 1 1) = 0
-  meta "remove_for_" prop lxor_bool
-(** * Bit extraction *)
-(** ** Definition of bit_test predicate *)
-  axiom bit_test_def: forall x k:int [bit_testb x k].
-    (bit_testb x k = True) <-> bit_test x k
-(** * Link between Bit extraction and bitwise operators *)
-(** ** Some properties of bit extration *)
-(** ** Logical operators *)
-  axiom bit_test_extraction: forall x k:int [land x (lsl 1 k)|land (lsl 1 k) x].
-    0<=k -> (land x (lsl 1 k))<>0 <-> (bit_test x k)
-  lemma bit_test_extraction_eq: forall x k:int [land x (lsl 1 k)|land (lsl 1 k) x].
-    0<=k -> (land x (lsl 1 k))=(lsl 1 k) <-> (bit_test x k)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma bit_test_extraction_eq
-  axiom lsl_1_0:
-    lsl 1 0 = 1
-  axiom bit_test_extraction_bis: forall x :int [land x 1|land 1 x].
-    (land 1 x)<>0 -> (bit_test x 0)
-  axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq: forall x :int [land x 1|land 1 x].
-    (bit_test x 0) -> (land 1 x)=1
-  lemma lnot_extraction_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (lnot x) i].
-    0<=i -> bit_testb (lnot x) i = notb (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom lnot_extraction:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (lnot x) i].
-    0<=i -> (bit_test (lnot x) i) <-> not (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma lnot_extraction_bool
-  lemma land_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (land x y) i].
-    0<=i -> bit_testb (land x y) i = andb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
-  axiom land_extraction:      forall x y i:int [bit_test  (land x y) i].
-    0<=i -> bit_test (land x y) i <-> ((bit_test x i) /\ (bit_test y i))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma land_extraction_bool
-  lemma lor_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (lor x y) i].
-    0<=i -> bit_testb (lor x y) i = orb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
-  axiom lor_extraction:      forall x y i:int [bit_test  (lor x y) i].
-    0<=i -> (bit_test (lor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) \/ (bit_test y i))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma lor_extraction_bool
-  lemma lxor_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (lxor x y) i].
-    0<=i -> bit_testb (lxor x y) i = xorb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
-  axiom lxor_extraction: forall x y i:int [bit_test (lxor x y) i].
-    0<=i -> (bit_test (lxor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) <-> not (bit_test y i))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma lxor_extraction_bool
-(** ** Shift operators *)
-  lemma lsl_1_two_power :  forall n : int. 0 <= n -> lsl 1 n = Cint.two_power_abs n
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_1_two_power
-  axiom land_1_lsl_1 : forall a x n : int [(lsl 1 (1+n)),(lsl 1 n),(2*a+(land 1 x))] .
-    0<=n -> a<lsl 1 n -> 2*a+(land 1 x)<lsl 1 (1+n)
-  lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool: forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsl x n) m].
-    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m>=n -> bit_testb (lsl x n) m = bit_testb x (m-n)
-  axiom lsl_extraction_sup:      forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsl x n) m].
-    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m>=n -> (bit_test (lsl x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m-n))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool
-  lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool: forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsl x n) m].
-    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m< n -> bit_testb (lsl x n) m = False
-  axiom lsl_extraction_inf:      forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsl x n) m].
-    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m< n -> not (bit_test (lsl x n) m)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma lsr_extraction_bool:     forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsr x n) m].
-    0<=n -> 0<=m         -> bit_testb (lsr x n) m = bit_testb x (m+n)
-  axiom lsr_extractionl:         forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsr x n) m].
-    0<=n -> 0<=m         -> (bit_test (lsr x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m+n))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsr_extraction_bool
-  lemma lsl1_extraction_bool: forall i j:int [bit_testb (lsl 1 i) j].
-    0<=i -> 0<=j         -> bit_testb (lsl 1 i) j = eqb i j
-  axiom lsl1_extraction: forall i j:int [bit_test (lsl 1 i) j].
-    0<=i -> 0<=j         -> (bit_test (lsl 1 i) j) <-> i=j
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl1_extraction_bool
-  lemma pos_extraction_sup:  forall x i j:int [(lsl 1 i),(bit_test x j)].
-    0<=x -> 0<=i -> x < (lsl 1 i) -> i <= j -> not (bit_test x j)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma pos_extraction_sup
-  lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv:  forall x i :int .
-    0<=i -> (forall j: int . i <= j -> not (bit_test x j)) -> 0<= x < (lsl 1 i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv
-(** * Link between Bit extraction and C type conversions *)
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-  lemma to_uint_extraction_sup:      forall n x i:int .
-    0<=n<=i -> is_uint n x -> not (bit_test x i)
-  lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool: forall n x i:int .
-    0<=i<n -> (bit_testb (to_uint n x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  lemma to_uint_extraction_inf:      forall n x i:int .
-    0<=i<n -> (bit_test (to_uint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  lemma is_uint_ext : forall n x y:int .
-     0<=n -> is_uint n x -> is_uint n y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<n -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_sup
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_inf
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_ext
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-  axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint8 x),(bit_test  x i)].
-    8<=i -> is_uint8 x -> not (bit_test x i)
-  lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint8 x) i].
-    0<=i<8 -> (bit_testb (to_uint8 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint8 x) i].
-    0<=i<8 -> (bit_test (to_uint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma is_uint8_ext : forall x y:int .
-    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<8 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint8_ext
-(** *** Cast to uint16 C type *)
-  axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint16 x),(bit_test  x i)].
-    16<=i -> is_uint16 x -> not (bit_test x i)
-  lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint16 x) i].
-    0<=i<16 -> (bit_testb (to_uint16 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint16 x) i].
-    0<=i<16 -> (bit_test (to_uint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma is_uint16_ext : forall x y:int .
-    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<16 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint16_ext
-(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
-  axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint32 x),(bit_test  x i)].
-    32<=i -> is_uint32 x -> not (bit_test x i)
-  lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint32 x) i].
-    0<=i<32 -> (bit_testb (to_uint32 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint32 x) i].
-    0<=i<32 -> (bit_test (to_uint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma is_uint32_ext : forall x y:int .
-    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<32 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint32_ext
-(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
-  axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint64 x),(bit_test  x i)].
-    64<=i -> (is_uint64 x) -> not (bit_test x i)
-  lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint64 x) i].
-    0<=i<64 -> (bit_testb (to_uint64 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint64 x) i].
-    0<=i<64 -> (bit_test (to_uint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma is_uint64_ext : forall x y:int .
-    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<64 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint64_ext
-(** ** Signed conversions *)
-  lemma to_sint_extraction_sup:      forall n x i:int .
-    0<=n<=i -> is_sint n x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
-  lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool: forall n x i:int .
-    0<=i<n -> (bit_testb (to_sint n x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  lemma to_sint_extraction_inf:      forall n x i:int .
-    0<=i<n -> (bit_test (to_sint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  lemma is_sint_ext : forall n x y:int .
-     0<=n -> is_sint n x -> is_sint n y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=n -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_sup
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_inf
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_ext
-(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
-  axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint8 x),(bit_test  x i)].
-    7<=i -> is_sint8 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
-  lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [(bit_testb (to_sint8 x) i)].
-    0<=i<7 -> (bit_testb (to_sint8 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [(bit_test  (to_sint8 x) i)].
-    0<=i<7 -> (bit_test (to_sint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma is_sint8_ext : forall x y:int .
-    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=7 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint8_ext
-(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
-  axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint16 x),(bit_test  x i)].
-    15<=i -> is_sint16 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
-  lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint16 x) i].
-    0<=i<15 -> (bit_testb (to_sint16 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint16 x) i].
-    0<=i<15 -> (bit_test (to_sint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma is_sint16_ext : forall x y:int .
-    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=15 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint16_ext
-(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
-  axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup: forall x i:int [(is_sint32 x),(bit_test x i)].
-    31<=i -> is_sint32 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
-  lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint32 x) i].
-    0<=i<31 -> (bit_testb (to_sint32 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint32 x) i].
-    0<=i<31 -> (bit_test (to_sint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma is_sint32_ext : forall x y:int .
-    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=31 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint32_ext
-(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
-  axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint64 x),(bit_test  x i)].
-    63<=i -> is_sint64 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
-  lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint64 x) i].
-    0<=i<63 -> (bit_testb (to_sint64 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
-  axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint64 x) i].
-    0<=i<63 -> (bit_test (to_sint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool
-  lemma is_sint64_ext : forall x y:int .
-    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y
-    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=63 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
-    -> x = y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint64_ext
-(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are distributive *)
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-  lemma to_uint_lor : forall n x y:int.
-    to_uint n (lor x y) = lor (to_uint n x) (to_uint n y)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_lor
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-  lemma to_uint8_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lor x y)].
-    to_uint8 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint8 x) (to_uint 8 y)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint8_lor
-(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
-  lemma to_uint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lor x y)].
-    to_uint16 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint16 x) (to_uint16 y)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint16_lor
-(** ***  Cast to uint32 C type *)
-  axiom to_uint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lor x y)].
-    to_uint32 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint32 x) (to_uint32 y)
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom to_uint32_lor
-(** ***  Cast to uint64 C type *)
-  lemma to_uint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lor x y)].
-    to_uint64 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint64 x) (to_uint64 y)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint64_lor
-(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are identity *)
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-  lemma is_uint_lxor : forall n x y:int.
-    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (lxor x y) = lxor x y
-  lemma is_uint_lor : forall n x y:int.
-    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (lor x y) = lor x y
-  lemma is_uint_land : forall n x y:int.
-    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (land x y) = land x y
-  lemma is_uint_lsr : forall n x y:int.
-    0<=y -> is_uint n x -> to_uint n (lsr x y) = lsr x y
-  lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf : forall n y:int.
-    0<=y<n  -> to_uint n (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
-  lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup : forall n y:int.
-    0<=n<=y -> to_uint n (lsl 1 y) = 0
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lor
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_land
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsr
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-  axiom is_uint8_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lxor x y)].
-    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
-  axiom is_uint8_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lor x y)].
-    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (lor x y) = lor x y
-  axiom is_uint8_land : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (land x y)].
-    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (land x y) = land x y
-  axiom is_uint8_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lsr x y)].
-    0<=y -> is_uint8 x -> to_uint8 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
-  axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint8 (lsl 1 y)].
-    0<=y<8 -> to_uint8 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
-  axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint8 (lsl 1 y)].
-    8<=y -> to_uint8 (lsl 1 y) = 0
-(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
-  axiom is_uint16_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lxor x y)].
-    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
-  axiom is_uint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lor x y)].
-    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (lor x y) = lor x y
-  axiom is_uint16_land : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (land x y)].
-    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (land x y) = land x y
-  axiom is_uint16_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lsr x y)].
-    0<=y -> is_uint16 x -> to_uint16 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
-  axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint16 (lsl 1 y)].
-    0<=y<16 -> to_uint16 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
-  axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint16 (lsl 1 y)].
-    16<=y -> to_uint16 (lsl 1 y) = 0
-(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
-  axiom is_uint32_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lxor x y)].
-    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
-  axiom is_uint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lor x y)].
-    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (lor x y) = lor x y
-  axiom is_uint32_land : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (land x y)].
-    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (land x y) = land x y
-  axiom is_uint32_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lsr x y)].
-    0<=y -> is_uint32 x -> to_uint32 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
-  axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint32 (lsl 1 y)].
-    0<=y<32 -> to_uint32 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
-  axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint32 (lsl 1 y)].
-    32<=y -> to_uint32 (lsl 1 y) = 0
-(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
-  axiom is_uint64_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lxor x y)].
-    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (lxor x y) =  lxor x y
-  axiom is_uint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lor x y)].
-    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (lor x y) =  lor x y
-  axiom is_uint64_land : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (land x y)].
-    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (land x y) = land x y
-  axiom is_uint64_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lsr x y)].
-    0<=y -> is_uint64 x -> to_uint64 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
-  axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint64 (lsl 1 y)].
-    0<=y<64 -> to_uint64 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
-  axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint64 (lsl 1 y)].
-    64<=y -> to_uint64 (lsl 1 y) = 0
-(** ** Signed conversions *)
-  lemma is_sint_lnot: forall n x:int.
-    is_sint n x -> to_sint n (lnot x) = lnot x
-  lemma is_sint_lxor: forall n x y:int.
-    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (lxor x y) = lxor x y
-  lemma is_sint_lor: forall n x y:int.
-    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (lor x y) = lor x y
-  lemma is_sint_land: forall n x y:int.
-    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (land x y) = land x y
-  lemma is_sint_lsr: forall n x y:int.
-    0<=y -> is_sint n x -> to_sint n (lsr x y) = lsr x y 
-  lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf : forall n y:int.
-    0<=y<n -> to_sint n (lsl 1 y) = (lsl 1 y)
-  lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup : forall n y:int.
-    0<=n<y -> to_sint n (lsl 1 y) = 0
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lnot
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lxor
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lor
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_land
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsr
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup
-(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
-  axiom is_sint8_lnot: forall x:int [to_sint8 (lnot x)].
-    is_sint8 x ->  to_sint8 (lnot x) = lnot x
-  axiom is_sint8_lxor: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lxor x y)].
-    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
-  axiom is_sint8_lor: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lor x y)].
-    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (lor x y) = lor x y
-  axiom is_sint8_land: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (land x y)].
-    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (land x y) = land x y
-  axiom is_sint8_lsr: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lsr x y)].
-    0<=y -> is_sint8 x -> to_sint8 (lsr x y) = lsr x y 
-  axiom is_sint8_lsl1 :
-    lsl 1 7 = Cint.max_sint8
-  axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint8 (lsl 1 y)].
-    0<=y<7 -> to_sint8 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
-  axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint8 (lsl 1 y)].
-    8<=y -> to_sint8 (lsl 1 y) = 0
-(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
-  axiom is_sint16_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint16 (lnot x)].
-    is_sint16 x -> to_sint16 (lnot x) = lnot x
-  axiom is_sint16_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lxor x y)].
-    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (lxor x y) = lxor x y 
-  axiom is_sint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lor x y)].
-    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (lor x y) = lor x y
-  axiom is_sint16_land : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (land x y)].
-    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (land x y) = land x y
-  axiom is_sint16_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lsr x y)].
-    0<=y -> is_sint16 x -> to_sint16 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
-  axiom is_sint16_lsl1 :
-    lsl 1 15 = Cint.max_sint16
-  axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint16 (lsl 1 y)].
-    0<=y<15 -> to_sint16 (lsl 1 y) = (lsl 1 y)
-  axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint16 (lsl 1 y)].
-    16<=y -> to_sint16 (lsl 1 y) = 0
-(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
-  axiom is_sint32_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint32(lnot(x))].
-    is_sint32 x -> to_sint32 (lnot x) = lnot x
-  axiom is_sint32_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (lxor x y)].
-    is_sint32 x ->  is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (lxor x y) = lxor x y 
-  axiom is_sint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint32(lor x y)].
-    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (lor x y) = lor x y
-  axiom is_sint32_land : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (land x y)].
-    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (land x y) = land x y
-  axiom is_sint32_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (lsr x y)].
-    0<=y -> is_sint32 x -> to_sint32 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
-  axiom is_sint32_lsl1 :
-    lsl 1 31 = Cint.max_sint32
-  axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint32 (lsl 1 y)].
-    0<=y<31 -> to_sint32 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
-  axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint32 (lsl 1 y)].
-    32<=y -> to_sint32 (lsl 1 y) = 0
-(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
-  axiom is_sint64_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint64 (lnot x)].
-    is_sint64 x -> to_sint64 (lnot x) = lnot x
-  axiom is_sint64_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (lxor x y)].
-    is_sint64 x ->  is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
-  axiom is_sint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint64(lor x y)].
-    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (lor x y) = lor x y
-  axiom is_sint64_land : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (land x y)].
-    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (land x y) = land x y
-  axiom is_sint64_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (lsr x y)].
-    0<=y -> is_sint64 x -> to_sint64 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
-  axiom is_sint64_lsl1 :
-    lsl 1 63 = Cint.max_sint64
-  axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint64 (lsl 1 y)].
-    0<=y<63 -> to_sint64 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
-  axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint64 (lsl 1 y)].
-    64<=y -> to_sint64 (lsl 1 y) = 0
-(** * Range of some bitwise operations *)
-  lemma uint_land_range : forall x y: int .
-    0<=x -> 0 <= land x y <= x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma uint_land_range
-  lemma uint_lor_inf : forall x y: int .
-    -1<=x -> 0<=y -> x <= lor x y
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma uint_lor_inf
-  lemma sint_land_inf : forall x y: int .
-    x<=0 -> y<0 -> land x y <= x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma sint_land_inf
-  lemma sint_lor_range : forall x y: int .
-    x<0 -> x <= lor x y < 0
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma sint_lor_range
-  lemma is_uint_lor_distrib : forall n x y: int .
-   (is_uint n (lor x y)) <-> ((is_uint n x) && (is_uint n y))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lor_distrib
-(** * Link between bitwise operators and addition *)
-  axiom lor_addition : forall x y: int  [(land x y), (lor x y) ].
-    land x y = 0 -> x + y = lor x y
-  axiom lxor_addition : forall x y: int  [(land x y), (lxor x y) ].
-    land x y = 0 -> x + y = lxor x y
-(** * Link between land and cast operator *)
-  lemma to_uint_land_edge : forall x n: int.
-    0<=n -> to_uint n x = land ((lsl 1 n) - 1) x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_land_edge
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.mlw
deleted file mode 100644
index 0012f05a9854b10c8ffe0272921904e0ba2b2a24..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.mlw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-theory Cfloat
-  use import bool.Bool
-  use import real.RealInfix
-  use import real.Abs
-  use import real.Square
-  use import real.FromInt
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  type f32 (* single precision IEEE *)
-  type f64 (* double precision IEEE *)
-  (* C-Float Conversion *)
-  function to_f32 real : f32
-  function of_f32 f32 : real
-  function to_f64 real : f64
-  function of_f64 f64 : real
-  axiom to_f32_zero: of_f32 (to_f32 0.0) = 0.0
-  axiom to_f32_one:  of_f32 (to_f32 1.0) = 1.0
-  axiom to_f64_zero: of_f64 (to_f64 0.0) = 0.0
-  axiom to_f64_one:  of_f64 (to_f64 1.0) = 1.0
-  (* C-Float Rounding Modes *)
-  type rounding_mode = Up | Down | ToZero | NearestTiesToAway | NearestTiesToEven
-  function round_float rounding_mode real : f32
-  function round_double rounding_mode real : f64
-  axiom float_32:
-    forall x:real [ round_float NearestTiesToEven x ].
-    to_f32 x = round_float NearestTiesToEven x
-  axiom float_64:
-    forall x:real [ round_double NearestTiesToEven x ].
-    to_f64 x = round_double NearestTiesToEven x
-  (* C-Float Classification *)
-  type float_kind = Finite | NaN | Inf_pos | Inf_neg
-  function classify_f32 f32 : float_kind
-  function classify_f64 f64 : float_kind
-  predicate is_finite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Finite)
-  predicate is_finite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Finite)
-  predicate is_NaN_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = NaN)
-  predicate is_NaN_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = NaN)
-  predicate is_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_pos || classify_f32 f = Inf_neg)
-  predicate is_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_pos || classify_f64 d = Inf_neg)
-  predicate is_positive_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_pos)
-  predicate is_positive_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_pos)
-  predicate is_negative_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_neg)
-  predicate is_negative_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_neg)
-  axiom is_finite_to_float_32 :
-    forall x:real [is_finite_f32(to_f32 x)]. is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)
-  axiom is_finite_to_float_64 :
-    forall x:real [is_finite_f64(to_f64 x)]. is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x)
-  axiom to_float_is_finite_32 :
-    forall f:f32 [ to_f32( of_f32 f ) | is_finite_f32(f) ]. is_finite_f32(f) -> to_f32( of_f32 f ) = f
-  axiom to_float_is_finite_64 :
-    forall d:f64 [ to_f64( of_f64 d ) | is_finite_f64(d) ]. is_finite_f64(d) -> to_f64( of_f64 d ) = d
-  (* Finite Constants *)
-  predicate finite (x:real) = (is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)) /\ (is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x))
-  constant max_f32 : real = 340282346600000016151267322115014000640.0
-  constant max_f64 : real = 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0
-  axiom finite_small_f32 : forall x:real. -. max_f64 <=. x <=. max_f32 -> is_finite_f32(to_f32 x)
-  axiom finite_small_f64 : forall x:real. -. max_f64 <=. x <=. max_f64 -> is_finite_f64(to_f64 x)
-  axiom finite_range_f32 : forall f:f32. is_finite_f32(f) <-> -. max_f32 <=. of_f32 f <=. max_f32
-  axiom finite_range_f64 : forall d:f64. is_finite_f64(d) <-> -. max_f64 <=. of_f64 d <=. max_f64
-  (* Equal *)
-  function eq_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
-  function eq_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
-  predicate eq_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (eq_f32b x y = true)
-  predicate eq_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (eq_f64b x y = true)
-  axiom eq_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [eq_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
-                                        eq_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x = of_f32 y
-  axiom eq_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [eq_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
-                                        eq_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x = of_f64 y
-  (* Not Equal *)
-  function ne_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
-  function ne_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
-  predicate ne_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (ne_f32b x y = true)
-  predicate ne_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (ne_f64b x y = true)
-<<<<<<< HEAD:src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.mlw
-  use export floating_point.Rounding
-  use floating_point.Single
-  use floating_point.Double
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-  use export floating_point.Rounding
-  use import floating_point.Single
-  use import floating_point.Double
-  axiom ne_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [ne_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
-                                        ne_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <> of_f32 y
->>>>>>> origin/master:src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.why
-  axiom ne_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [ne_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
-                                        ne_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <> of_f64 y
-  (* Comparison (<=) *)
-  function le_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
-  function le_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
-  predicate le_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (le_f32b x y = true)
-  predicate le_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (le_f64b x y = true)
-  axiom le_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [le_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
-                                        le_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <=. of_f32 y
-  axiom le_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [le_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
-                                        le_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <=. of_f64 y
-  (* Comparison (<) *)
-  function lt_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
-  function lt_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
-  predicate lt_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (lt_f32b x y = true)
-  predicate lt_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (lt_f64b x y = true)
-  axiom lt_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [lt_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
-                                        lt_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <. of_f32 y
-  axiom lt_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [lt_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
-                                        lt_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <. of_f64 y
-  (* Negation *)
-  function neg_f32 (x:f32) : f32
-  function neg_f64 (x:f64) : f64
-  axiom neg_finite_f32 : forall x:f32 [neg_f32 x]. is_finite_f32 x -> of_f32 (neg_f32 x) = -. (of_f32 x)
-  axiom neg_finite_f64 : forall x:f64 [neg_f64 x]. is_finite_f64 x -> of_f64 (neg_f64 x) = -. (of_f64 x)
-  (* Addition *)
-  function add_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
-  function add_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
-  axiom add_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [add_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
-                                         add_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x +. of_f32 y)
-  axiom add_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [add_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
-                                         add_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x +. of_f64 y)
-  (* Multiplication *)
-  function mul_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
-  function mul_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
-  axiom mul_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [mul_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
-                                         mul_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x *. of_f32 y)
-  axiom mul_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [mul_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
-                                         mul_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x *. of_f64 y)
-  (* Division *)
-  function div_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
-  function div_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
-  axiom div_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [div_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
-                                         div_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x /. of_f32 y)
-  axiom div_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [div_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
-                                         div_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x /. of_f64 y)
-  (* Square Root *)
-  function sqrt_f32 f32 : f32
-  function sqrt_f64 f64 : f64
-  axiom sqrt_finite_f32 : forall x:f32 [sqrt_f32 x]. is_finite_f32 x -> sqrt_f32 x = to_f32 (sqrt (of_f32 x))
-  axiom sqrt_finite_f64 : forall x:f64 [sqrt_f64 x]. is_finite_f64 x -> sqrt_f64 x = to_f64 (sqrt (of_f64 x))
-  (* Models *)
-  function model_f32 (f:f32) : real
-  function delta_f32 (f:f32) : real = abs( of_f32 f -. model_f32 f )
-  function error_f32 (f:f32) : real = (delta_f32 f) /. (abs (model_f32 f))
-  function model_f64 (f:f64) : real
-  function delta_f64 (f:f64) : real = abs( of_f64 f -. model_f64 f )
-  function error_f64 (f:f64) : real = (delta_f64 f) /. (abs (model_f64 f))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cint.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cint.mlw
deleted file mode 100644
index 96f13da534d3856b65f60438b2b6ef893c45fbb0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cint.mlw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Why-3                                    --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-theory Cint
-  use int.Int
-  use bool.Bool
-  (** * C-Integer bounds * **)
-  (** ** bounds are inlined into prover files ** **)
-  function max_uint8: int = 256
-  function max_sint8: int = 128
-  function max_uint16: int = 65536
-  function max_sint16: int = 32768
-  function max_uint32: int = 4294967296
-  function max_sint32: int = 2147483648
-  function max_uint64: int = 18446744073709551616
-  function max_sint64: int = 9223372036854775808
-  (** * C-Integer Ranges * **)
-  predicate is_bool(x:int) = x = 0 \/ x = 1
-  predicate is_uint8(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint8
-  predicate is_sint8(x:int) = -max_sint8 <= x < max_sint8
-  predicate is_uint16(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint16
-  predicate is_sint16(x:int) = -max_sint16 <= x < max_sint16
-  predicate is_uint32(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint32
-  predicate is_sint32(x:int) = -max_sint32 <= x < max_sint32
-  predicate is_uint64(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint64
-  predicate is_sint64(x:int) = -max_sint64 <= x < max_sint64
-  lemma is_bool0: is_bool(0)
-  lemma is_bool1: is_bool(1)
-  (* meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_bool *)
-  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint8
-  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint8
-  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint16
-  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint16
-  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint32
-  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint32
-  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint64
-  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint64
-  (** * C-Integer Conversion * **)
-  function to_bool ( x : int ) : int = if x = 0 then 0 else 1
-  function to_uint8  int : int
-  function to_sint8  int : int
-  function to_uint16 int : int
-  function to_sint16 int : int
-  function to_uint32 int : int
-  function to_sint32 int : int
-  function to_uint64 int : int
-  function to_sint64 int : int
-  function two_power_abs  int : int
-  lemma two_power_abs_is_positive : forall n:int [ two_power_abs n ]. 0 < two_power_abs n
-  lemma two_power_abs_plus_pos : forall n m:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> two_power_abs (n+m) = (two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m)
-  lemma two_power_abs_plus_one : forall n:int   . 0 <= n -> two_power_abs (n+1) = 2 * (two_power_abs n)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_is_positive
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_plus_pos
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_plus_one
-  predicate is_uint (n:int) (x:int) = 0 <= x < two_power_abs n
-  (* * [n] is the number of significant bits (that doesn't include the sign bit). * *)
-  predicate is_sint (n:int) (x:int) = -(two_power_abs n) <= x < two_power_abs n
-  function to_uint int int : int
-  function to_sint int int : int
- (** * C-Integer Conversions are in-range * **)
-  lemma is_to_uint : forall n x:int [ is_uint n (to_uint n x) ]. is_uint n (to_uint n x)
-  lemma is_to_sint : forall n x:int [ is_sint n (to_sint n x) ]. is_sint n (to_sint n x)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_to_uint
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_to_sint
-  axiom is_to_uint8 : forall x:int [ is_uint8(to_uint8 x) ]. is_uint8 (to_uint8 x)
-  axiom is_to_sint8 : forall x:int [ is_sint8(to_sint8 x) ]. is_sint8 (to_sint8 x)
-  axiom is_to_uint16 : forall x:int [ is_uint16(to_uint16 x) ]. is_uint16 (to_uint16 x)
-  axiom is_to_sint16 : forall x:int [ is_sint16(to_sint16 x) ]. is_sint16 (to_sint16 x)
-  axiom is_to_uint32 : forall x:int [ is_uint32(to_uint32 x) ]. is_uint32 (to_uint32 x)
-  axiom is_to_sint32 : forall x:int [ is_sint32(to_sint32 x) ]. is_sint32 (to_sint32 x)
-  axiom is_to_uint64 : forall x:int [ is_uint64(to_uint64 x) ]. is_uint64 (to_uint64 x)
-  axiom is_to_sint64 : forall x:int [ is_sint64(to_sint64 x) ]. is_sint64 (to_sint64 x)
-  (** * C-Integer Conversions are identity when in-range * **)
-  lemma id_uint : forall n x:int [ to_uint n x ]. is_uint n x <-> (to_uint n x) = x
-  lemma id_sint : forall n x:int [ to_sint n x ]. is_sint n x <-> (to_sint n x) = x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma id_uint
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma id_sint
-  axiom id_uint8 : forall x:int [ to_uint8 x ]. is_uint8 x -> (to_uint8 x) = x
-  axiom id_sint8 : forall x:int [ to_sint8 x ]. is_sint8 x -> (to_sint8 x) = x
-  axiom id_uint16 : forall x:int [ to_uint16 x ]. is_uint16 x -> (to_uint16 x) = x
-  axiom id_sint16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16 x ]. is_sint16 x -> (to_sint16 x) = x
-  axiom id_uint32 : forall x:int [ to_uint32 x ]. is_uint32 x -> (to_uint32 x) = x
-  axiom id_sint32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32 x ]. is_sint32 x -> (to_sint32 x) = x
-  axiom id_uint64 : forall x:int [ to_uint64 x ]. is_uint64 x -> (to_uint64 x) = x
-  axiom id_sint64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64 x ]. is_sint64 x -> (to_sint64 x) = x
-  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint8,  axiom id_uint8
-  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint8,  axiom id_sint8
-  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint16, axiom id_uint16
-  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint16, axiom id_sint16
-  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint32, axiom id_uint32
-  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint32, axiom id_sint32
-  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint64, axiom id_uint64
-  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint64, axiom id_sint64
-  (** * C-Integer Conversions are projections * **)
-  lemma proj_uint : forall n x:int . to_uint n (to_uint n x)= to_uint n x
-  lemma proj_sint : forall n x:int . to_sint n (to_sint n x)= to_sint n x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_uint
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_sint
-  axiom proj_uint8 : forall x:int [ to_uint8(to_uint8 x) ]. to_uint8(to_uint8 x)=to_uint8 x
-  axiom proj_sint8 : forall x:int [ to_sint8(to_sint8 x) ]. to_sint8(to_sint8 x)=to_sint8 x
-  axiom proj_uint16 : forall x:int [ to_uint16(to_uint16 x) ]. to_uint16(to_uint16 x)=to_uint16 x
-  axiom proj_sint16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16(to_sint16 x) ]. to_sint16(to_sint16 x)=to_sint16 x
-  axiom proj_uint32 : forall x:int [ to_uint32(to_uint32 x) ]. to_uint32(to_uint32 x)=to_uint32 x
-  axiom proj_sint32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32(to_sint32 x) ]. to_sint32(to_sint32 x)=to_sint32 x
-  axiom proj_uint64 : forall x:int [ to_uint64(to_uint64 x) ]. to_uint64(to_uint64 x)=to_uint64 x
-  axiom proj_sint64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64(to_sint64 x) ]. to_sint64(to_sint64 x)=to_sint64 x
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint8
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint8
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint16
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint16
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint32
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint32
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint64
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint64
-  (** * Generalization for [to_sint _ (to_uint _ x)] * **)
-  lemma proj_su: forall n x:int . to_sint n (to_uint n x) = to_uint n x
-  lemma incl_su: forall n x:int . is_uint n x -> is_sint n x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_su
-  lemma proj_su_uint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_sint (m+n) (to_uint n x)     = to_uint n x
-  lemma proj_su_sint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_sint n (to_uint (m+(n+1)) x) = to_sint n x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su_uint
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su_sint
-  axiom proj_int8  : forall x:int [ to_sint8(to_uint8 x)   ]. to_sint8(to_uint8 x)  =to_sint8  x
-  axiom proj_int16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16(to_uint16 x) ]. to_sint16(to_uint16 x)=to_sint16 x
-  axiom proj_int32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32(to_uint32 x) ]. to_sint32(to_uint32 x)=to_sint32 x
-  axiom proj_int64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64(to_uint64 x) ]. to_sint64(to_uint64 x)=to_sint64 x
-  (** * Generalization for [to_uint _ (to_sint _ x)] * **)
-  lemma proj_us_uint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_uint (n+1) (to_sint (m+n) x) = to_uint (n+1) x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_us_uint
-  (** * C-Integer range inclusion * **)
-  lemma incl_uint : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n+i) x
-  lemma incl_sint : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n+i) x
-  lemma incl_int  : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n+i) x
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_uint
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_sint
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_int
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cmath.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cmath.mlw
deleted file mode 100644
index d24568326413157ce18827d6bf55f973a86f2daa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cmath.mlw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Mathematics for Why-3                                              --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-theory Cmath
-  use int.Int
-  use int.Abs
-  use real.RealInfix
-  lemma abs_def :
-    forall x:int [abs(x)].
-    if x >= 0 then abs(x)=x else abs(x)=(-x)
-theory Square
-  use real.RealInfix
-  use real.Square
-  lemma sqrt_lin1 : forall x:real [sqrt(x)]. 1. <. x -> sqrt(x) <. x
-  lemma sqrt_lin0 : forall x:real [sqrt(x)]. 0. <. x <. 1. -> x <. sqrt(x)
-  lemma sqrt_0 : sqrt(0.) = 0.
-  lemma sqrt_1 : sqrt(1.) = 1.
-theory ExpLog
-  use real.RealInfix
-  use real.ExpLog
-  lemma exp_pos : forall x:real. exp x >. 0.
-theory ArcTrigo
-  use real.RealInfix
-  use real.Trigonometry as Trigo
-  function atan (x : real) : real = Trigo.atan x
-  function asin real : real
-  function acos real : real
-  lemma Sin_asin: forall x:real. -. 1.0 <=. x <=. 1.0 -> Trigo.sin (asin x) = x
-  lemma Cos_acos: forall x:real. -. 1.0 <=. x <=. 1.0 -> Trigo.cos (acos x) = x
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/coq-own-realization.drv b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/coq-own-realization.drv
deleted file mode 100644
index d01fee2477b141679d26f3445036b556b450c45a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/coq-own-realization.drv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  All rights reserved.                                                  *)
-(*  Contact CEA LIST for licensing.                                       *)
-(*                                                                        *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/filter_axioms.ml b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/filter_axioms.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 41296827b82f8152bbfaed0118f1cd2b202fbf94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/filter_axioms.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Why3
-open Term
-open Decl
-let meta_remove_altergo =
-  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_altergo"
-    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
-    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ altergo."
-let meta_remove_why3 =
-  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_why3"
-    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
-    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ why3."
-let meta_remove_ =
-  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_"
-    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
-    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ why3 and altergo."
-let elim_abstract remove_pr d = match d.d_node with
-  | Dprop (Paxiom,pr,_) when Spr.mem pr remove_pr ->
-      (* Format.eprintf "Remove %a@." Pretty.print_pr pr; *)
-      []
-  | Dprop (Paxiom,_,_) ->
-      (* Format.eprintf "Not Remove %a@." Pretty.print_pr pr; *)
-      [d]
-  | _ ->
-      (* Format.eprintf "Not Seen %a@." Pretty.print_decl d; *)
-      [d]
-let remove_prop meta =
-  Trans.on_tagged_pr meta
-    (fun remove_pr ->
-       Trans.on_tagged_pr meta_remove_
-         (fun remove_pr2 ->
-            Trans.decl (elim_abstract (Spr.union remove_pr remove_pr2)) None))
-let remove_for_altergo = remove_prop meta_remove_altergo
-let remove_for_why3 = remove_prop meta_remove_why3
-let () =
-  Trans.register_transform "remove_for_altergo"
-    remove_for_altergo
-    ~desc:"Remove@ tagged@ proposition@ with \"remove_for_altergo\"@ and \
-           \"remove_for_\"@ metas."
-let () =
-  Trans.register_transform "remove_for_why3"
-    remove_for_why3
-    ~desc:"Remove@ tagged@ proposition@ with \"remove_for_why3\"@ and \
-           \"remove_for_\" metas."
-(** inlining *)
-let meta_inline_in =
-  Theory.register_meta "inline_in"
-    [Theory.MTlsymbol;Theory.MTprsymbol;]
-    ~desc:"Inline@ the@ symbol@ in@ the@ proposition."
-let t_unfold defs fs tl ty =
-  match Mls.find_opt fs defs with
-  | None ->
-      assert false (** absurd: it is in mpr so it is in sls so added in defs *)
-  | Some (vl,e) ->
-      let add (mt,mv) x y = Ty.ty_match mt x.vs_ty (t_type y), Mvs.add x y mv in
-      let (mt,mv) = List.fold_left2 add (Ty.Mtv.empty, Mvs.empty) vl tl in
-      let mt = Ty.oty_match mt e.t_ty ty in
-      t_ty_subst mt mv e
-(* inline every symbol *)
-let rec t_replace_all defs s t =
-  let t = t_map (t_replace_all defs s) t in
-  match t.t_node with
-  | Tapp (fs,tl) when Sls.mem fs s ->
-      t_attr_copy t (t_unfold defs fs tl t.t_ty)
-  | _ -> t
-let fold mpr sls d (defs, task) =
-  (** replace *)
-  let d = match d.d_node with
-    | Dprop (k,pr,f) ->
-        let s = Mpr.find_def Sls.empty pr mpr in
-        if Sls.is_empty s then d
-        else create_prop_decl k pr (t_replace_all defs s f)
-    | _ -> d
-  in
-  (** add to defs if needed *)
-  match d.d_node with
-  | Dlogic [ls,ld] when Sls.mem ls sls ->
-      let vl,e = open_ls_defn ld in
-      Mls.add ls (vl,e) defs, Task.add_decl task d
-  | _ ->
-      defs, Task.add_decl task d
-let fold mpr sls task_hd (defs, task) =
-  match task_hd.Task.task_decl.Theory.td_node with
-  | Theory.Decl d ->
-      fold mpr sls d (defs, task)
-  | _ ->
-      defs, Task.add_tdecl task task_hd.Task.task_decl
-let trans =
-  let add (mpr,sls) = function
-    | [Theory.MAls ls; Theory.MApr pr] ->
-        Mpr.change (function None -> Some (Sls.singleton ls)
-                           | Some s -> Some (Sls.add ls s)) pr mpr,
-        Sls.add ls sls
-    | _ -> assert false
-  in
-  Trans.on_meta meta_inline_in (fun l ->
-      let mpr, sls = List.fold_left add (Mpr.empty,Sls.empty) l in
-      Trans.fold_map (fold mpr sls) Mls.empty None)
-let () =
-  Trans.register_transform "inline_in"
-    trans
-    ~desc:"Inline@ the@ symbol@ in@ the@ proposition(meta@ of@ the@ same@ name)"
-(*** eliminate function *)
-let meta_def_into_axiom =
-  Theory.register_meta "def_into_axiom"
-    [Theory.MTlsymbol]
-    ~desc:"Turn the marked function into an axiom"
-let add_ld which (ls,ld) (abst,defn,axl) =
-  if which ls then
-    let vl,e = open_ls_defn ld in
-    let nm = ls.ls_name.Ident.id_string ^ "_def" in
-    let pr = create_prsymbol (Ident.id_derive nm ls.ls_name) in
-    let hd = t_app ls (List.map t_var vl) e.t_ty in
-    let e = TermTF.t_selecti Term.t_equ_simp Term.t_iff_simp hd e in
-    let ax = t_forall_close vl [[hd]] e in
-    let ax = create_prop_decl Paxiom pr ax in
-    let ld = create_param_decl ls in
-    ld :: abst, defn, ax :: axl
-  else
-    abst, (ls,ld) :: defn, axl
-let elim_decl which l =
-  let abst,defn,axl = List.fold_right (add_ld which) l ([],[],[]) in
-  let defn = if defn = [] then [] else [create_logic_decl defn] in
-  abst @ defn @ axl
-let elim which d = match d.d_node with
-  | Dlogic l -> elim_decl which l
-  | _ -> [d]
-let def_into_axiom =
-  Trans.on_tagged_ls meta_def_into_axiom (fun sls ->
-      Trans.decl (elim (fun ls -> Term.Sls.mem ls sls)) None)
-let () =
-  Trans.register_transform "def_into_axiom"
-    def_into_axiom
-    ~desc:"Turn the marked function into an axiom"
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.why3.check.err
deleted file mode 100644
index f188d6d882213762bb44003a4d1c08ef970ba9c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.why3.check.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 42, characters 6-17:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 47, characters 6-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_cases does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 57, characters 6-16:
-warning: axiom cmod_cases does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 67, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 79, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 82, characters 6-14:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 11, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 14, characters 6-25:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 18, characters 6-13:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 20, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 23, characters 6-32:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 26, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 30, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 34, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 38, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 42, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 48, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 53, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 57, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 61, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 65, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 69, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 73, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 77, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 81, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 85, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 89, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 93, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 97, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 101, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 105, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 109, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 113, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 117, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 121, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 125, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 129, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_uint_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 132, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 136, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 140, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 144, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 148, characters 6-23:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 152, characters 6-23:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 155, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 159, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 163, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 167, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 171, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 175, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 178, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 182, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 186, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 190, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 194, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 198, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 201, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 205, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 209, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 213, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 217, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 221, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 224, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 227, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 231, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 235, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 239, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 243, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 245, characters 6-23:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 249, characters 6-23:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 252, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 255, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 259, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 263, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 267, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 271, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 273, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 277, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 280, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 283, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 287, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 291, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 295, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 299, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 301, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 305, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 308, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 311, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 315, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 319, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 323, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 327, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 329, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 333, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 336, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 339, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 42, characters 6-17:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 47, characters 6-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_cases does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 57, characters 6-16:
-warning: axiom cmod_cases does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 67, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 79, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Qed.why", line 82, characters 6-14:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cint.why", line 61, characters 6-14:
-warning: axiom is_bool0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cint.why", line 63, characters 6-14:
-warning: axiom is_bool1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 11, characters 6-15:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 14, characters 6-16:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 16, characters 6-12:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 18, characters 6-15:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 20, characters 6-12:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 23, characters 6-15:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 26, characters 6-15:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 28, characters 6-11:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 31, characters 6-14:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 34, characters 6-11:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 36, characters 6-14:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 38, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 40, characters 6-12:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 43, characters 6-15:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 46, characters 6-12:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 48, characters 6-15:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 50, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 53, characters 6-25:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 57, characters 6-13:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 59, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 62, characters 6-32:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 65, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 69, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 73, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 77, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 81, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 87, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 92, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 96, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 100, characters 6-21:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 104, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 108, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 112, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 116, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 120, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 124, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 128, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 132, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 136, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 140, characters 6-29:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 144, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 148, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 152, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 156, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 160, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 164, characters 6-30:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 168, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_uint_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 171, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 175, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 179, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 183, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 187, characters 6-23:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 191, characters 6-23:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 194, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 198, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 202, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 206, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 210, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 214, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 217, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 221, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 225, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 229, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 233, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 237, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 240, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 244, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 248, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 252, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 256, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 260, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 263, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 266, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 270, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 274, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 278, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 282, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 284, characters 6-23:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 288, characters 6-23:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 291, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 294, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 298, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 302, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 306, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 310, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 312, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 316, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 319, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 322, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 326, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 330, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 334, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 338, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 340, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 344, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 347, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 350, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 354, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 358, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 362, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 366, characters 6-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 368, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 372, characters 6-24:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 375, characters 6-18:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 378, characters 6-19:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.why3.check.err
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.why3.check.err
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.why3.check.err
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.why3.check.err
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.why3.check.err
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.altergo.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.altergo.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.coq.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.coq.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/bool.Bool.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/bool.Bool.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/bool.Bool.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d3c6fffce483eb8337cc327dc91a99bb3fad403..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.ComputerDivision.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.ComputerDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.ComputerDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.EuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.EuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d3c6fffce483eb8337cc327dc91a99bb3fad403..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.EuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Exponentiation.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Exponentiation.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d3c6fffce483eb8337cc327dc91a99bb3fad403..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Exponentiation.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Int.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Int.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Int.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Power.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Power.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d3c6fffce483eb8337cc327dc91a99bb3fad403..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Power.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Const.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Const.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Const.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Map.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Map.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Map.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.ExpLog.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.ExpLog.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.ExpLog.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.FromInt.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.FromInt.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.FromInt.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Hyperbolic.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Hyperbolic.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Hyperbolic.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Polar.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Polar.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Polar.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.PowerReal.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.PowerReal.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.PowerReal.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Real.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Real.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Real.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.RealInfix.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.RealInfix.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.RealInfix.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Square.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Square.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Square.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Trigonometry.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Trigonometry.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Trigonometry.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Truncate.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Truncate.altergo.stdlib.err
deleted file mode 100644
index be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Truncate.altergo.stdlib.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
-warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
-warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
-warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
-warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
-warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
-warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
-warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
-warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
-warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
-warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
-warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
-warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
-warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
-warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
-File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
-warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
->>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.mlw
deleted file mode 100644
index 93e48ac116e65019cd39a2c2db0ab221fe982db2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.mlw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Memory
-  use bool.Bool
-  use int.Int
-  use map.Map
-  type addr = { base : int ; offset : int }
-  predicate addr_le addr addr
-  predicate addr_lt addr addr
-  function addr_le_bool addr addr : bool
-  function addr_lt_bool addr addr : bool
-  axiom addr_le_def: forall p q :addr [addr_le p q].
-    p.base = q.base -> (addr_le p q <-> p.offset <= q.offset)
-  axiom addr_lt_def: forall p q :addr [addr_lt p q].
-    p.base = q.base -> (addr_lt p q <-> p.offset < q.offset)
-  axiom addr_le_bool_def : forall p q : addr [ addr_le_bool p q].
-    addr_le p q <-> addr_le_bool p q = True
-  axiom addr_lt_bool_def : forall p q : addr [ addr_lt_bool p q].
-    addr_lt p q <-> addr_lt_bool p q = True
-  constant null : addr = { base = 0 ; offset = 0 }
-  function global (b:int) : addr = { base = b ; offset = 0 }
-  meta "inline:no" function null
-  meta "inline:no" function global
-  function shift (p:addr) (k:int) : addr = { p with offset = p.offset + k }
-  predicate included (p:addr) (a:int) (q:addr) (b:int) =
-    a > 0 -> ( b >= 0 /\ p.base = q.base
-                     /\ (q.offset <= p.offset)
-                     /\ (p.offset + a <= q.offset + b) )
-  predicate separated (p:addr) (a:int) (q:addr) (b:int) =
-       a <= 0 \/ b <= 0
-    \/ p.base <> q.base
-    \/ q.offset + b <= p.offset
-    \/ p.offset + a <= q.offset
-  (* Memories *)
-  predicate eqmem (m1 m2 : map addr 'a) (p:addr) (a:int) =
-    forall q:addr [m1[p]|m2[q]]. included q 1 p a -> m1[q] = m2[q]
-  function havoc (m0 m1 : map addr 'a) (p:addr) (a:int) : map addr 'a
-  predicate valid_rw (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
-    n > 0 -> (  0 < p.base /\ 0 <= p.offset /\ p.offset + n <= m[p.base] )
-  predicate valid_rd (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
-    n > 0 -> ( 0 <> p.base /\ 0 <= p.offset /\ p.offset + n <= m[p.base] )
-  predicate invalid (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
-    n > 0 -> ( m[p.base] <= p.offset \/ p.offset + n <= 0 )
-  lemma valid_rw_rd :
-    forall m : map int int.
-    forall p : addr.
-    forall n : int.
-    valid_rw m p n -> valid_rd m p n
-  lemma valid_string :
-    forall m : map int int.
-    forall p : addr.
-    p.base < 0 ->
-    0 <= p.offset < m[p.base] ->
-    (valid_rd m p 1 /\ not (valid_rw m p 1))
-  lemma separated_1 : forall p q : addr. forall a b i j : int
-    [ separated p a q b , { base = p.base ; offset = i } ,
-                          { base = q.base ; offset = j } ].
-    separated p a q b ->
-    p.offset <= i < p.offset + a ->
-    q.offset <= j < q.offset + b ->
-    { base = p.base ; offset = i } <>
-    { base = q.base ; offset = j }
-  (* Regions *)
-  function region int : int
-  predicate linked (map int int)
-  predicate sconst (map addr int)
-  predicate framed (m : map addr addr) =
-    forall p:addr [m[p]]. region(m[p].base) <= 0
-  (* Properties *)
-  lemma separated_included :
-    forall p q : addr.
-    forall a b : int
-      [ separated p a q b , included p a q b ].
-    a > 0 -> b > 0 -> separated p a q b -> included p a q b -> false
-  lemma included_trans :
-    forall p q r : addr.
-    forall a b c : int
-      [ included p a q b , included q b r c ].
-    included p a q b -> included q b r c -> included p a r c
-  lemma separated_trans :
-    forall p q r : addr.
-    forall a b c : int
-      [ included p a q b , separated q b r c ].
-    included p a q b -> separated q b r c -> separated p a r c
-  lemma separated_sym :
-    forall p q : addr.
-    forall a b : int
-      [ separated p a q b ].
-    separated p a q b <-> separated q b p a
-  lemma eqmem_included :
-    forall m1 m2 : map addr 'a.
-    forall p q : addr.
-    forall a b : int
-      [ eqmem m1 m2 p a,eqmem m1 m2 q b ].
-    included p a q b -> eqmem m1 m2 q b -> eqmem m1 m2 p a
-  lemma eqmem_sym :
-    forall m1 m2 : map addr 'a.
-    forall p : addr.
-    forall a : int.
-    eqmem m1 m2 p a -> eqmem m2 m1 p a
-  lemma havoc_access :
-    forall m0 m1 : map addr 'a.
-    forall q p : addr.
-    forall a : int.
-    (Map.([]) (havoc m0 m1 p a) (q)) = (if (separated q 1 p a) then (Map.([]) (m1) (q)) else (Map.([]) (m0) (q)))
-  (* Physical Address *)
-  function int_of_addr addr : int
-  function addr_of_int int : addr
-  function base_offset int : int
-  function base_index int : int
-  axiom int_of_addr_bijection :
-    forall a:int. int_of_addr (addr_of_int a) = a
-  axiom addr_of_int_bijection :
-    forall p:addr. addr_of_int (int_of_addr p) = p
-  axiom addr_of_null :
-    int_of_addr null = 0
-<<<<<<< HEAD:src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.mlw
-||||||| merged common ancestors
-  axiom base_offset_zero : base_offset 0 = 0
-  axiom base_offset_inj : forall i :int. base_index (base_offset i) = i
-  axiom base_offset_monotonic : forall i j :int.
-     i < j -> base_offset i < base_offset j
->>>>>>> origin/master:src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.why
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/qed.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/qed.mlw
deleted file mode 100644
index b8848d47bd13ef372603ea81d3ae426780ac9182..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/qed.mlw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Qed
-  use bool.Bool
-  use int.Int
-  use real.RealInfix
-  use real.FromInt
-  use int.ComputerDivision as CD
-  (** to be used only for the ACSL ite generation.
-      Something is wrong with "wp/share/ergo/bool.Bool.mlw" (coming from why3),
-      the function match_bool is undefined.  
-      An hack is to give a definition here. *)
-  function match_bool (x : bool) (y z:'a ) : 'a
-  axiom match_bool: forall p:bool, x:'a, y:'a [match_bool p x y].
-   ( p=True /\ match_bool p x y=x ) ||
-   ( p=False /\ match_bool p x y=y )
-  meta "remove_for_why3" axiom match_bool
-  (** The definitions are in comment because its not useful for coq
-  (no if-then-else on formula) and not tested on automatic provers *)
-  function eqb (x y : 'a) : bool (*= if x = y then True else False*)
-  axiom eqb : forall x:'a, y:'a. eqb x y = True <-> x = y
-  axiom eqb_false : forall x:'a, y:'a. eqb x y = False <-> x <> y
-  meta "remove_for_" axiom eqb_false
-  function neqb (x y : 'a) : bool(* = if x <> y then True else False*)
-  axiom neqb : forall x:'a, y:'a. neqb x y = True <-> x <> y
-  function zlt  (x y : int) : bool(* = if x < y  then True else False*)
-  function zleq (x y : int) : bool(* = if x <= y then True else False*)
-  axiom zlt  : forall x:int, y:int. zlt  x y = True <-> x < y
-  axiom zleq : forall x:int, y:int. zleq x y = True <-> x <= y
-  function rlt  (x y : real) : bool(* = if x <. y   then True else False*)
-  function rleq (x y : real) : bool(* = if x <=. y  then True else False*)
-  axiom rlt  : forall x:real, y:real. rlt  x y = True <-> x <. y
-  axiom rleq : forall x:real, y:real. rleq x y = True <-> x <=. y
-  function real_of_int (x:int) : real = FromInt.from_int x
-  meta "inline:no" function real_of_int
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- Division safe with a prover using computer or euclidean division   --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* different than the version for why3 *)
-  use for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision
-  lemma c_euclidian : forall n d:int [(CD.div n d),(CD.mod n d)].
-    d <> 0 -> n = CD.div n d * d + CD.mod n d
-  lemma cmod_remainder : forall n d:int [CD.mod n d].
-    ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) ->  0 <= CD.mod n d <  d) /\
-    ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> -d <  CD.mod n d <= 0) /\
-    ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  0 <= CD.mod n d < -d) /\
-    ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  d <  CD.mod n d <= 0)
-  lemma cdiv_neutral : forall a:int [CD.div a 1]. CD.div a 1 = a
-  lemma cdiv_inv : forall a:int [CD.div a a]. a<>0 -> CD.div a a = 1
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vlist.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vlist.mlw
deleted file mode 100644
index ce02585dfa3f0a1e09dbd2de9bc47a40c73fcf54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vlist.mlw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Lists for Why-3                                                --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-theory Vlist
-  use int.Int
-  use int.ComputerDivision
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- Classical Lists for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  type list 'a
-  function nil : list 'a
-  function cons 'a (list 'a) : list 'a
-  function concat (list 'a) (list 'a) : list 'a
-  function repeat (list 'a) int : list 'a
-  function length (list 'a) : int
-  function nth (list 'a) int : 'a
-  function elt (x:'a) : list 'a  = cons x nil
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- length                                                       --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  axiom length_pos : forall w:list 'a. (Int.(<=) 0 (length w))
-  axiom length_nil : length (nil: list 'a) = 0
-  axiom length_nil_bis : forall w:list 'a. length w = 0 -> w = nil
-  axiom length_cons :
-    forall x:'a, w:list 'a [length (cons x w)].
-      length (cons x w) = (Int.(+) 1 (length w))
-  axiom length_concat :
-    forall u,v:list 'a [length (concat u v)].
-      length (concat u v) = (Int.(+) (length u) (length v))
-  axiom length_repeat : 
-    forall w:list 'a, n:int [length (repeat w n)].
-      (Int.(<=) 0 n) -> length (repeat w n) = (Int.( * ) n (length w))
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- nth                                                          --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  axiom nth_cons: 
-    forall k:int, x:'a, w:list 'a [nth (cons x w) k].
-      nth (cons x w) k = if k = 0 then x else nth w (k-1)
-  axiom nth_concat: 
-    forall u,v:list 'a, k:int [nth (concat u v) k].
-      nth (concat u v) k = if k < length u then nth u k 
-                                           else nth v (Int.(-) k (length u))
-  axiom nth_repeat: 
-    forall n,k:int, w:list 'a [nth (repeat w n) k].
-      0 <= k < (Int.( * ) n (length w)) -> (Int.(<) 0 (length w)) ->
-      nth (repeat w n) k = nth w (mod k (length w))
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- equality of Lists                                            --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  predicate vlist_eq (u : list 'a) (v : list 'a) =
-    length u = length v &&
-    forall i:int. 0 <= i < length u -> nth u i = nth v i
-  axiom extensionality:
-    forall u,v:list 'a. vlist_eq u v -> u = v
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- neutral elements                                             --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  lemma eq_nil_concat:
-    forall w:list 'a. vlist_eq (concat nil w) w /\ vlist_eq (concat w nil) w
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_nil_concat
-  lemma rw_nil_concat_left:
-    forall w:list 'a [concat nil w]. concat nil w = w
-  lemma rw_nil_concat_right:
-    forall w:list 'a [concat w nil]. concat w nil = w
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- normalization                                                --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  lemma eq_cons_concat:
-    forall x:'a, v,w:list 'a [concat (cons x v) w]. 
-      vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x (concat v w))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_cons_concat
-  lemma rw_cons_concat:
-    forall x:'a, v,w:list 'a [concat (cons x v) w].
-      (concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_cons_concat
-  lemma rw_nil_cons_concat:
-    forall x:'a, w:list 'a [concat (cons x nil) w].
-      (concat (cons x nil) w) = (cons x w)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_nil_cons_concat
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- associativity                                                --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  lemma eq_assoc_concat: 
-    forall u,v,w:list 'a.
-      vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u (concat v w))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_assoc_concat
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- repeat                                                       --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  lemma rw_nil_repeat:
-    forall n:int [repeat (nil: list 'a) n].
-      n >= 0 -> repeat (nil: list 'a) n = (nil: list 'a)
-  lemma rw_repeat_zero:
-    forall w:list 'a [repeat w 0].
-      repeat w 0 = nil
-  lemma eq_repeat_one:
-    forall w:list 'a. vlist_eq (repeat w 1) w
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_repeat_one
-  lemma rw_repeat_one:
-    forall w:list 'a [repeat w 1]. repeat w 1 = w
-  lemma eq_repeat_concat:
-    forall p,q:int, w:list 'a.
-      0 <= p -> 0 <= q ->
-      vlist_eq (repeat w (Int.(+) p q)) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q))
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_repeat_concat
-  lemma rw_repeat_concat:
-    forall p,q:int, w:list 'a.
-      0 <= p -> 0 <= q ->
-      repeat w (Int.(+) p q) = concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_concat
-  lemma rw_repeat_after:
-    forall p:int, w:list 'a.
-       0 <= p -> concat (repeat w p) w = repeat w (Int.(+) p 1)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_after
-  lemma rw_repeat_before:
-    forall p:int, w:list 'a.
-      0 <= p -> concat w (repeat w p) = repeat w (Int.(+) p 1)
-  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_before
-(*--- To avoid exponential blowup of use of repeat_after by alt-ergo ---*)
-function repeat_box (list 'a) int : (list 'a) (* repeat *)
-axiom rw_repeat_box_unfold: 
-  forall w:list 'a, n:int [ repeat_box w n ].
-    repeat_box w n = repeat w n
-axiom rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold: 
-  forall w:list 'a, a,b: int [ repeat_box w (Int.(+) a b) ].
-    (Int.(<=) 0 a)
- -> (Int.(<=) 0 b)
- -> repeat_box w (Int.(+) a b) = concat (repeat w a)
-                                                (repeat w b)
-axiom rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold: 
-  forall w:list 'a, n:int [ repeat_box w n ].
-    (Int.(<) 0 n)
- -> (repeat_box w n = (concat (repeat w (Int.(-) n 1)) w)
- && (repeat_box w (Int.(+) n 1) = concat (repeat w n) w))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vset.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vset.mlw
deleted file mode 100644
index d69ff5ecda15ad74a9570ed0665d4f88fc79c632..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vset.mlw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Sets for Why-3                                                     --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-theory Vset
-  use bool.Bool
-  use int.Int
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- Classical Sets for Alt-Ergo                                        --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  type set 'a
-  function empty : set 'a
-  function singleton 'a : set 'a
-  function union (set 'a) (set 'a) : set 'a
-  function inter  (set 'a) (set 'a) : set 'a
-  meta AC function union
-  meta AC function inter
-  predicate member 'a (set 'a)
-  function member_bool 'a (set 'a) : bool
-  function range int int : set int (* [a..b] *)
-  function range_sup int : set int (* [a..] *)
-  function range_inf int : set int (* [..b] *)
-  function range_all : set int (* [..] *)
-  predicate eqset (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
-    forall x : 'a. (member x a) <-> (member x b)
-  predicate subset (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
-    forall x : 'a. (member x a) -> (member x b)
-  predicate disjoint (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
-    forall x : 'a. (member x a) -> (member x b) -> false
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  axiom member_bool : forall x:'a. forall s:set 'a [member_bool x s].
-    if member x s then member_bool x s = True else member_bool x s = False
-  axiom member_empty : forall x:'a [member x empty]. 
-    not (member x empty)
-  axiom member_singleton : forall x:'a,y:'a [member x (singleton y)].
-    member x (singleton y) <-> x=y
-  axiom member_union : forall x:'a. forall a:set 'a,b:set 'a [member x (union a b)].
-    member x (union a b) <-> (member x a) \/ (member x b)
-  axiom member_inter : forall x:'a. forall a:set 'a,b:set 'a [member x (inter a b)].
-    member x (inter a b) <-> (member x a) /\ (member x b)
-  axiom union_empty : forall a:set 'a [(union a empty)|(union empty a)].
-    (union a empty) = a /\ (union empty a) = a
-  axiom inter_empty : forall a:set 'a [(inter a empty)|(inter empty a)].
-    (inter a empty) = empty /\ (inter empty a) = empty
-  axiom member_range : forall x:int,a:int,b:int [member x (range a b)].
-    member x (range a b) <-> (a <= x /\ x <= b)
-  axiom member_range_sup : forall x:int,a:int [member x (range_sup a)].
-    member x (range_sup a) <-> (a <= x)
-  axiom member_range_inf : forall x:int,b:int [member x (range_inf b)].
-    member x (range_inf b) <-> (x <= b)
-  axiom member_range_all : forall x:int [member x range_all].
-    member x range_all
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.v
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@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require Reals.R_sqrt.
-Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
-Require Reals.Rtrigo_def.
-Require Reals.Rtrigo1.
-Require Reals.Ratan.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.Abs.
-Require real.Square.
-Require real.Trigonometry.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition asin : R -> R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition acos : R -> R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma Sin_asin :
-  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
-  ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.sin (asin x)) = x).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma Cos_acos :
-  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
-  ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.cos (acos x)) = x).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.why b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.why
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--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.why
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory ArcTrigo
-use real.Real as Real
-use real.Abs as Abs
-use real.Square as Square
-use real.Trigonometry as Trigonometry
-function atan (x:real) : real = Trigonometry.atan x
-function asin real : real
-function acos real : real
-axiom Sin_asin : forall x:real. (Real.(<=) ((Real.(-_) (1.0))) (x)) /\
-  (Real.(<=) (x) (1.0)) -> ((Trigonometry.sin (asin x)) = (x))
-axiom Cos_acos : forall x:real. (Real.(<=) ((Real.(-_) (1.0))) (x)) /\
-  (Real.(<=) (x) (1.0)) -> ((Trigonometry.cos (acos x)) = (x))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Bits.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Bits.v
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--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Bits.v
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@@ -1,1347 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** * C-Integer Library for Coq *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** This module provides a theory of bits over [Z] natural integers.
-     - for natural [n], the [k]-th bit of [2^n] if [(k=n)] ;
-     - for positive integer [x>=0], it is the union of the bits of its binary 
-       decomposition (hence, natural powers of two) ;
-     - finally, the bits of a negative integer [x<0] are the reverted ones 
-       of its two's complement [-(x+1)].
-    The realization of the theory proceeds into several stages, 
-    following the Coq definition of type [Z]. We take advantage of the 
-    bitwize representation of positive integers provided by the [positive] 
-    type in Coq. The successive stages are:
-      - properties of {!trailing:bit-functions} (finally ending by 1-sequence or 0-sequence);
-      - bits of {!positive:positive} integers [p>0];
-      - bits of {!natural:natural} integers [n>=0];
-      - bits of {!integer:integers} [n:Z].
-    The {!Zbit:characteristic} function of integers, denoted [Zbit], 
-    have the expected logical properties:
-      - [(Zbit 0 k)] is [false];
-      - [(Zbit (-1) k)] is [true];
-      - [(Zbit (2^n) k)] is [(k=n)];
-      - [Zbit] is injective, ie: the bit representation of each integer is unique.
-(** ** Type of characteristic functions of integers *)
-Definition Zfc := nat -> bool.
-(** ** Tacticals *)
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
-Require Import Qedlib.
-Close Scope Z_scope.
-(** Induction after a given rank. *)
-Remark upper_nat_ind: forall P (n:nat),
-  P n -> (forall k, (n < k) -> P k) -> (forall k, (n <= k) -> P k).
-  intros.
-  case (le_lt_eq_dec n k); intuition (subst; auto with arith).
-(** Induction over bool with equality. *)
-Ltac case_eqb H e :=
-  pattern e; apply Sumbool.bool_eq_ind; intro H.
-(** Find arithmetic contradiction. *)
-Ltac arithContradiction :=
-  cut False; [contradiction; try omega|];auto with arith.
-(** Cases [Inf:i<j], [EQ:i=j] and [Sup:i>j]. *)
-Ltac nat_compare Inf EQ Sup i j :=
-  destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec i j) as [ TMP | Sup ];
-  [ destruct TMP as [ Inf | EQ ]; [ | try rewrite <- EQ ] | ];
-  auto with arith.
-(** Cases [Inf:i<j], [EQ:i=j] and [Sup:i>j]. *)
-Ltac Z_compare Inf EQ Sup i j :=
-  destruct (Z_dec i j) as [ TMP| EQ ];
-  [ destruct TMP as [ Inf | Sup ] | try rewrite <- EQ ];
-  auto with zarith.
-(** For proving a symmetrical relation [P], 
-    it is sufficient to prove [P i j] for [i<j] and [P i i]. *)
-Lemma symmetrical_ind: forall (P : nat -> nat -> Prop),
-   (forall i j, P i j -> P j i) ->
-   (forall i, P i i) ->
-   (forall i j, i < j -> P i j) ->
-   (forall i j, P i j).
-  intros P Sym Diag Triangle i j.
-  nat_compare Inf EQ Sup i j.
-(** * remarks about two_power_nat *)
-Remark two_power_nat_is_positive: forall n,
-  (0 < two_power_nat n)%Z.
-  induction n. 
-  (** base *) 
-  + by compute.
-  (** ind. *) 
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-    apply Zmult_lt_0_compat.
-    by compute.
-    auto.
-Remark two_power_nat_plus: forall n m,
-  (two_power_nat (n+m) = (two_power_nat n)*(two_power_nat m))%Z.
-  induction m.
-  (replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1%Z by (compute;forward)).
-  (replace (n + 0) with n by (auto with zarith)).
-  ring.
-  rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  replace (n + S m) with (S(n+m)) by (auto with zarith).
-  rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  rewrite IHm.
-  ring.
-Remark two_power_nat_increase: forall n m,
-  n <= m -> (two_power_nat n <= two_power_nat m)%Z.
-  intros.
-  rewrite ((le_plus_minus n m) H).
-  rewrite two_power_nat_plus.
-  generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive (m - n)).
-  pose (K:=(two_power_nat (m - n))); fold K; intro.  
-  generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive n); intro.
-  rewrite <- (Z.mul_1_r (two_power_nat n)) at 1.
-  apply Zmult_le_compat_l; omega.
-Remark two_power_nat_increase_strict: forall n m,
-  n < m -> (two_power_nat n < two_power_nat m)%Z.
-  intros.
-  rewrite (le_plus_minus (n+1) m) by omega.
-  rewrite two_power_nat_plus.
-  generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive (m - (n+1))).
-  pose (K:=(two_power_nat (m - (n+1)))); fold K; intro.  
-  rewrite two_power_nat_plus.
-  replace (two_power_nat 1) with 2%Z by (compute; trivial).
-  generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive n); intro.
-  rewrite <- (Z.mul_1_r (two_power_nat n)) at 1.
-  replace (two_power_nat n * 2 * K)%Z with (two_power_nat n * (2 * K))%Z
-    by ring.
-  apply Zmult_gt_0_lt_compat_l; omega.
-(** {@trailing:} *)
-(** * Eventually constant functions *)
-(** The bits representation of [Z] integers are eventually constant
-    [nat -> bool] functions. Positive integers finally ends with an infinite 
-    sequence of 0-bits, while negative inetegers ends with 1-bits. 
-    Hence, it is always possible to defined the highest significant sign-bit
-    of a bit function. This section formalize these properties: predicate [trailing]
-    defines an eventually constant bit function, and function [last] returns its
-    highest significant bit.
-(** Function [f] has constant value [b] from rank [k]. *)
-Definition trailing f (n:nat) (b:bool) := forall k, n <= k -> f k = b.
-(** Returns the lowest index such than [f n=b], and [n] otherwise. *)
-Fixpoint last f n b {struct n} :=
-  match n with
-  | O => O
-  | S m => if Bool.eqb (f m) b then last f m b else n
-  end.
-(** Functions last decreases. *)
-Remark last_leq : forall f n b, last f n b <= n.
-  intros f n b.
-  induction n; auto.
-  simpl.
-  destruct (Bool.eqb (f n) b); auto.
-(** Trailing of previous position. *)
-Remark trailing_step : forall f n b, 
-  f n = b -> trailing f (S n) b -> trailing f n b.
-  intros f n b fn tl.
-  unfold trailing.
-  apply upper_nat_ind; auto with arith.
-(** Last preserves trailing. *)
-Remark trailing_last : forall f n b, trailing f n b -> trailing f (last f n b) b.
-  intros f n b.
-  induction n; simpl; auto.
-  intro IHS.
-  case_eqb H (Bool.eqb (f n) b); auto.
-  apply IHn.
-  apply trailing_step; [ apply Bool.eqb_prop | ]; auto.
-(** The [last] is null or points to a flip. *)
-Remark last_null_or_flip: forall (f: Zfc) (n: nat) (b: bool), 
-   last f n b = O \/ exists k, last f n b = S k /\ f k <> b.
-  intros f n b. induction n; simpl; auto.
-  case_eqb BIT (Bool.eqb (f n) b). auto.
-  right. exists n. split; [ auto | apply Bool.eqb_false_iff; auto ].
-(** The [last] of trailing is unique. *)
-Lemma last_trail_ext: forall (f: Zfc) (b: bool) (n m: nat), 
-  trailing f n b -> trailing f m b -> last f n b = last f m b.
-  intros f b.
-  cut (forall n m,  
-    trailing f n b -> trailing f m b -> last f n b < last f m b -> False).
-  { intros ABSURD n m.
-    intros Hn Hm.
-    nat_compare INF EQ SUP (last f n b) (last f m b); auto.
-    (** INF *) * apply False_ind; apply (ABSURD n m); auto.
-    (** SUP *) * apply False_ind; apply (ABSURD m n); auto.
-  }
-  intros n m Hn Hm.
-  pose ( i := last f n b ). fold i.
-  pose ( j := last f m b ). fold j.
-  intro Leq.
-  assert (Hi : trailing f i b) by (unfold i; apply trailing_last; auto).
-  assert (Hj : trailing f j b) by (unfold j; apply trailing_last; auto).
-  assert (Range : forall k, i <= k <= j -> f k = b) 
-      by (intros k [lo up]; auto with arith).
-  generalize (last_null_or_flip f m b).
-  intros [ Last_null | Last_flip ].
-  (** Last is Null *)
-  + fold j in Last_null. rewrite Last_null in Leq. omega.
-  (** Last if a flip *)
-  + destruct Last_flip as [ k [ kj flip ] ].
-    fold j in kj. 
-    absurd (f k = b); auto.
-    apply Range; omega.
-(** {@positive:} *)
-(** * Bits of positive integers *)
-(** Strictly positive integers are represented in Coq by theirs bits,
-    with lowest bits as head constructors, and highest bit at tail.
-    Conversely, given a finite range of bits ended by a 1-bit, the
-    reconstruction of a [positive] integer is defined.  *)
-(** Position of the highest significant bit of a positive. *)
-Fixpoint xHpos (p:positive): nat :=
-  match p with 						   
-  | xH => O
-  | xI p => S (xHpos p)
-  | xO p => S (xHpos p)
-  end.
-(** [xHpos] increases. *)
-Remark xHpos_incr : 
-  forall p a: positive, xHpos p <= xHpos (p + a).
- induction p; intros; simpl; case a; intros; simpl; try omega;
- apply le_n_S;
- try rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r;
- try (rewrite Pplus_carry_spec; rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r;rewrite<- Pplus_assoc);
- try solve [apply (IHp p0) | apply (IHp 1%positive)|apply (IHp (p0+1%positive)%positive)].
-(** Return the value of the [i]-th bit of a positive. *)
-Fixpoint P_decomp (x: positive) (i: nat) { struct x } : bool :=
-  match i, x with
-  | O, xH => true
-  | O, xI _ => true
-  | O, xO _ => false
-  | S m, xH => false
-  | S m, xI p => P_decomp p m
-  | S m, xO p => P_decomp p m									   
-  end.
-(** Returns the positive of bits [[f i,...,f (i+n-1),1]].
-    Remark the [n]-th bit is always 1 ([xH]). *)
-Fixpoint P_recomp (n: nat) (f : Zfc) (i: nat) {struct n } :=
-  match n with
-  | O => xH
-  | S m => if (f i) then xI (P_recomp m f (S i)) else xO (P_recomp m f (S i))
-  end.
-(** ** Properties of decomposition *)
-(** After the highest bits, all bits are false. *)
-Remark P_decomp_limit: forall x k, 
-  k > xHpos x -> P_decomp x k = false.
- induction x; simpl; intros; destruct k.  
- inversion H. apply IHx. auto with arith. 
- inversion H. apply IHx. auto with arith. 
- inversion H. auto with arith.
-(** The highest bit is true. *)
-Remark P_decomp_xHpos: forall x,
-  P_decomp x (xHpos x) = true.
-  induction x; simpl; intros; auto.
-(** The [P_shift] of [nat -> A] functions. *)
-Definition P_shift {A:Type} f i k : A := f (i + k).
-(** bits of a positive with one more 1-bit. *)
-Remark P_decomp_shift1: forall p: positive,
-  P_shift (P_decomp p~1) 1 = P_decomp p.
-  intro p. extensionality k. unfold P_shift. auto.
-(** bits of a positive with one more 0-bit. *)
-Remark P_decomp_shift0: forall p: positive,
-  P_shift (P_decomp p~0) 1 = P_decomp p.
-  intro p. extensionality k. unfold P_shift. auto.
-(** ** Properties of recomposition *)
-(** Recomposition of shifted bits. *)
-Remark P_recomp_shift: forall (f: Zfc) (n i j: nat), 
-  P_recomp n f (i+j) = P_recomp n (P_shift f i) j.
-  intros f n.
-  induction n; intros i j; simpl; auto.
-  unfold P_shift at 1.
-  case_eqb BIT (f (i+j)); f_equal; 
-    (replace (S(i+j)) with (i + S j) by omega);
-    apply IHn.
-(** Highest bits of recomposition. *)
-Remark xHpos_P_recomp: forall (n: nat) (f: Zfc) (i: nat),
-   xHpos (P_recomp n f i) = n.
-  intros n f.
-  induction n. simpl. auto.
-  intros. simpl. destruct (f i); simpl; f_equal; apply IHn.
-(** ** Involution of decomposition and recomposition *)
-(** Invariance by 1-bit shift. *)
-Remark NEXT_I: forall (n: nat) (p: positive),
-  P_recomp n (P_decomp p~1) 1 = P_recomp n (P_decomp p) 0.
-  intros.
-  replace 1 with (1+0) by omega.
-  rewrite P_recomp_shift.
-  rewrite P_decomp_shift1.
-  auto.
-(** Invariance by 0-bit shift. *)
-Remark NEXT_O: forall (n: nat) (p: positive),
-  P_recomp n (P_decomp p~0) 1 = P_recomp n (P_decomp p) 0.
-  intros.
-  replace 1 with (1+0) by omega.
-  rewrite P_recomp_shift.
-  rewrite P_decomp_shift0.
-  auto.
-(** Recomposition of Decomposition. *)
-Lemma P_recomp_decomp: forall (n: nat) (p: positive), 
-  n = xHpos p -> P_recomp n (P_decomp p) O = p.
-  induction n;intros;simpl.
-  destruct p; inversion H; auto.
-  destruct p; unfold P_decomp at 1; f_equal.
-  rewrite NEXT_I. apply IHn. inversion H; auto with arith.
-  rewrite NEXT_O. apply IHn. inversion H; auto with arith.
-  inversion H.
-(** Decomposition of Recomposition. 
-    The induction scheeme of the proof requires to recompose
-    an arbitrary shifted function. *)
-Lemma P_decomp_recomp: forall (f: Zfc) (n i k: nat), 
-  k < n -> P_decomp (P_recomp n f i) k = f (i+k).
-  intros f n.
-  induction n. intros. apply False_ind. omega.
-  intros i k Limit.
-  simpl. destruct k.
-  case_eqb Fi (f i); simpl; rewrite <- Fi; f_equal; omega.
-  destruct (f i); simpl.
-  rewrite IHn. f_equal. omega. omega.
-  rewrite IHn. f_equal. omega. omega.
-(** Last bits of positive. *)
-Remark last_P_decomp: forall (p: positive) (m: nat), 
-  m = xHpos p -> last (P_decomp p) (S m) false = (S m).
-  intros p m Hm.
-  unfold last; rewrite Hm; rewrite P_decomp_xHpos; simpl; auto.
-(** {@natural:} *)
-(** * Bits of natural integers *)
-(** The section naturally extends bits of [positive] to [N].
-    Zero is represented by the infinite sequence of 0-bits. *)
-(** Conversion from [Z] to [N]. *)
-Definition Nabs (x:Z): N :=
-  match x with
-  | Z0 => N0						
-  | Zpos p => Npos p
-  | Zneg p => Npos p						
-  end.			
-(** Number of significative bits (last 1-bit) of a natural. *)
-Definition NxHpos (n:N): nat := 
-  match n with
-  | N0 => O
-  | Npos p => S (xHpos p)						
-  end.
-(** NxHpos increases. *)
-Remark NxHpos_incr: forall x a: N, NxHpos x <= NxHpos (x + a).
-  destruct x; destruct a; simpl; try (by compute).
-  cut (xHpos p <= xHpos (p + p0)). omega.
-  apply xHpos_incr.
-(** Arithmetic properties of [NxHpos] *)
-Remark NxHpos_2x_p0: forall n:N,
-  (0 < n)%N -> NxHpos (2 * n) = S (NxHpos n).
-  destruct n; by simpl.  
-Remark NxHpos_2x_p1: forall n:N,
-  NxHpos (2 * n + 1) = S (NxHpos n).
-  destruct n ; by simpl.  
-Remark NxHpos_div2_p: forall n:N,
-  (0 < n)%N -> NxHpos (Ndiv2 n) = pred (NxHpos n).
-  destruct n.
-  (** zero *)
-  + by compute.
-  (** positive *)
-  + by destruct p.
-(** Bits of a natural integer *)
-Definition N_decomp (x: N): Zfc :=
-  match x with 
-  | N0 => (fun _ => false)
-  | Npos p => P_decomp p						
-  end.							
-(** Recomposition of an integer from a range of [n]-bits *)
-Definition N_recomp (n: nat) (f: Zfc): Z :=
-  match last f n false with
-  | O   => Z0
-  | S m => Zpos (P_recomp m f 0) 						
-  end.							
-(** Recomposition result is a positive integer. *)
-Remark N_recomp_pos: forall (n: nat) (f: Zfc),
-  (0 <= N_recomp n f)%Z.
-  intros. unfold N_recomp. 
-  destruct (last f n false); auto with zarith.
-(** Zero has a unique representation *)
-Remark N_recomp_zero: forall (n: nat) (f: Zfc), 
-  trailing f n false -> (N_recomp n f = 0)%Z -> forall k, f k = false.
-  intros n f Trail.
-  unfold N_recomp. 
-  destruct (last_null_or_flip f n false) as [ZERO | FLIP].
-  rewrite ZERO. intros. 
-  generalize (trailing_last f n false).
-  intro TLAST. rewrite ZERO in TLAST.
-  apply TLAST; auto with arith.
-  destruct FLIP as [k [L F]].
-  rewrite L. discriminate.
-(** One has a unique representation *)
-Remark N_recomp_one: forall (n: nat) (f: Zfc),
-  trailing f n false -> (N_recomp n f = 1)%Z ->
-    f O = true /\ forall k, f (S k) = false.
-  intros n f Trail.
-  unfold N_recomp.
-  destruct (last_null_or_flip f n false) as [ZERO | FLIP].
-  rewrite ZERO. intros. apply False_ind. omega.
-  destruct (last f n false) eqn:LAST. 
-  intros. apply False_ind. omega.
-  intro ONE.
-  assert (XH: P_recomp n0 f 0 = xH). inversion ONE; trivial.
-  destruct FLIP as [ K1 [ SKN B1not ] ].
-  assert (NK : n0 = K1) by ( auto with arith ). rewrite NK in *.
-  assert (B1 : f K1 = true) by ( destruct (f K1); auto ).
-  assert (T1 : trailing f (S K1) false).
-  { rewrite <- LAST. apply trailing_last; auto. }
-  destruct K1. 
-  + rewrite B1 in *.
-    split; auto. intro k; destruct k; apply T1; auto with arith.
-  + simpl in XH.
-    destruct (f 0).
-    * apply False_ind. discriminate.
-    * apply False_ind. discriminate.
-(** Involution of Decomposition and Recomposition *)
-Lemma N_decomp_recomp: forall (n: nat) (f: Zfc),
-  trailing f n false -> N_decomp (Nabs (N_recomp n f)) = f.
-  intros n f Trail.
-  unfold N_recomp.
-  generalize (last_null_or_flip f n false).
-  intros [ ZERO | FLIP ].
-  (** ZERO *)
-  + rewrite ZERO. simpl. extensionality k. symmetry.
-    cut (trailing f 0 false). intro H. apply H. omega.
-    rewrite <- ZERO.
-    apply trailing_last. auto.
-  (** FLIP *)
-  + destruct FLIP as [k [Last Flip]].
-    rewrite Last. simpl.
-    extensionality i.
-    nat_compare Inf EQ Sup i k.
-    (** Inf *) 
-    * apply P_decomp_recomp. auto.
-    (** Eq *) 
-    * generalize (xHpos_P_recomp i f 0).
-      pose (x := P_recomp i f 0).
-      fold x.
-      intro xHi.
-      rewrite <- xHi.
-      rewrite P_decomp_xHpos.
-      rewrite xHi. rewrite EQ.
-      case_eqb FK (f k); auto; contradiction.
-    (** Sup *)
-    * generalize (xHpos_P_recomp k f 0).
-      pose (x := P_recomp k f 0).
-      fold x.
-      intro xHk.
-      rewrite (P_decomp_limit x i); [|rewrite xHk;auto].
-      cut (trailing f (S k) false). intro H. symmetry. apply H. omega.
-      rewrite <- Last. apply trailing_last. auto.
-(** [NxHpos] of a recomposition *)
-Lemma NxHpos_N_recomp_pos: forall (n: nat) (f: Zfc), 
-  NxHpos (Nabs (N_recomp n f)) = last f n false.
-  intros.
-  unfold N_recomp.
-  elim (last_null_or_flip f n false).
-  intro ZERO. rewrite ZERO. auto.
-  intros [ k [ LAST FLIP ] ].
-  rewrite LAST. simpl. rewrite xHpos_P_recomp. trivial.
-(** {@integer:} *)
-(** * Bits of Integers *)
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-(** The bits representation of an integer consists of a bit function,
-    packed with its trailing property. 
-    This representation is _not_ unique. However, 
-    the unicity of last significant bits implies an extensionality 
-    equality: if two [bits] records have the same bit function, they represent
-    the same integer, see [Lemma btest_ext].
-Record bits: Type := mkbits 
-  { bsize:nat; 
-    bsign: bool; 
-    btest: Zfc; 
-    btrail : trailing btest bsize bsign }.
-(** ** Two's complement and bits inversion *)
-(** As specified in the introduction, the extension positive integers [N] to [Z] 
-    is realized by two's complement and bit inversion. *)
-(** Two's complement and related properties. *)
-Definition zlnot x:Z := -(x + 1).
-Remark zlnot_inv: forall x,
-  zlnot (zlnot x) = x.
-  intros. unfold zlnot. auto with zarith. 
-Remark zlnot_inj: forall x y : Z,
-  (zlnot x) = (zlnot y) -> x = y.
-  unfold zlnot. intros. omega. 
-Remark zlnot_sym: forall x y : Z,
-  (zlnot x) = y -> x = (zlnot y).
-  unfold zlnot. intros. omega. 
-Lemma P_zlnot_sym: forall P (b: Z),
-  0 <= b -> ((forall z: Z, -b <= z -> P z) -> (forall z:Z, z < b -> P (zlnot z))).
-  intros P b Bge0 Hyp z H. assert (-b <= zlnot z). unfold zlnot. omega.
-  apply Hyp. auto.
-Lemma P_zlnot_sym_rev: forall P (b: Z),
-  0 <= b -> ((forall z:Z, z < b -> P z) -> (forall z:Z, -b <= z -> P (zlnot z))).
-  intros P b Bge0 Hyp z H. assert (zlnot z < b). unfold zlnot. omega.
-  apply Hyp. auto.
-(** Bit inversion and related properties. *)
-Definition fnot (f: Zfc): Zfc := (fun k => negb (f k)).
-Remark fnot_inv: forall f: Zfc,
-  fnot (fnot f) = f.
-Proof. intros. extensionality k. unfold fnot. destruct (f k); auto.
-Remark fnot_inj: forall f g, fnot f = fnot g -> f = g.
-Proof. intros.
-  generalize (fnot_inv f); intro E; rewrite <- E; clear E.
-  generalize (fnot_inv g); intro E; rewrite <- E; clear E.
-  rewrite H. auto.
-Remark fnot_sym: forall f g: Zfc,
-  (fnot f) = g -> f = (fnot g).
-Proof. intros.
-  apply (fnot_inj f). rewrite (fnot_inv). auto.
-(** Lifting of [fnot] to [trailing] *)
-Remark trailing_fnot: forall (f: Zfc) (n: nat) (b: bool), 
-  trailing (fnot f) n (negb b) -> trailing f n b.
-  intros. unfold trailing. intros k Hk.
-  generalize (H k Hk).
-  intro E.
-  rewrite <- (fnot_inv f).
-  unfold fnot. unfold fnot in E. rewrite E.
-  rewrite Bool.negb_involutive. trivial.
-(** Lifting of [fnot] to [last] *)
-Remark last_fnot: forall (f: Zfc) (n: nat) (b: bool), 
-  last (fnot f) n (negb b) = last f n b.
-  intros. induction n.
-  simpl. trivial.
-  simpl. case_eqb H (Bool.eqb (f n) b). 
-  (** TRUE *)
-  + unfold fnot.
-    destruct (f n); destruct b; simpl in *; (discriminate || apply IHn).
-  (** FALSE *)
-  + unfold fnot.
-    destruct (f n); destruct b; simpl in *; ( discriminate || auto).
-(** ** Decomposition and Recomposition of integers *)
-(** Trailing bits of positive integers *)
-Remark Zpos_decomp_trail: forall n: N,
-  trailing (N_decomp n) (NxHpos n) false.
-  intro n.
-  induction n.
-  unfold trailing. auto.
-  unfold trailing.
-  simpl.
-  intro k. apply P_decomp_limit.
-(** Trailing bits of positive integers *)
-Remark Zneg_decomp_trail: forall n: N,
-  trailing (fnot (N_decomp n)) (NxHpos n) true.
-  intro n.
-  unfold trailing.
-  intros. unfold fnot.
-  by (rewrite Zpos_decomp_trail).
-(** Bits decomposition of [Z] integers *)
-Program Definition bits_of_Z (x:Z): bits :=		       
-  if (Zle_bool 0 x) 
-  then let n := Nabs x in
-       mkbits (NxHpos n) false (N_decomp n) (Zpos_decomp_trail n)
-  else let n := Nabs (zlnot x) in
-       mkbits (NxHpos n) true (fnot (N_decomp n)) (Zneg_decomp_trail n).
-(** Recomposition of an integers from its bits *)
-Definition Z_of_bits (b: bits): Z :=
-  if bsign b 
-  then zlnot (N_recomp (bsize b) (fnot (btest b)))
-  else N_recomp (bsize b) (btest b).
-(** ** Extensional unicity of bits representation *)
-(** Same [Zfc] implies equality of signs *)
-Remark btest_sign: forall x y: bits,
-  btest x = btest y -> bsign x = bsign y.
-  destruct x. destruct y. 
-  simpl in * .  
-  pose (k := max bsize0 bsize1).
-  generalize (btrail0 k). intro H0. 
-  generalize (btrail1 k). intro H1.
-  intro BEQ.
-  rewrite <- H0; unfold k; auto with arith.
-  rewrite <- H1; unfold k; auto with arith.
-  rewrite BEQ.
-  auto.
-(** Opposite [Zfc] implies opposite signs *)
-Remark btest_sign_sym: forall x y: bits,
-  btest x = fnot (btest y) -> bsign x = negb (bsign y).
-  destruct x. destruct y. 
-  simpl in * .  
-  pose (k := max bsize0 bsize1).
-  generalize (btrail0 k). intro H0. 
-  generalize (btrail1 k). intro H1.
-  intro BEQ.
-  rewrite <- H0; unfold k; auto with arith.
-  rewrite <- H1; unfold k; auto with arith.
-  rewrite BEQ.
-  auto.
-(** Same [Zfc] leads to equal represented integers *)
-Lemma btest_ext: forall x y: bits, 
-  btest x = btest y -> Z_of_bits x = Z_of_bits y.
-  intros x y BEQ. 
-  assert (bsign x = bsign y) as SEQ. apply btest_sign. auto.
-  unfold Z_of_bits. rewrite <- BEQ. rewrite <- SEQ. 
-  case_eqb SIGNX (bsign x); [ f_equal | ]; 
-    unfold N_recomp; 
-    rewrite <- (last_trail_ext _ _ (bsize x) (bsize y)); auto.
-  (** x<0 , trailing ~x |x| false *)
-  + generalize (btrail x). rewrite SIGNX.
-    unfold trailing. intros T k R. unfold fnot. rewrite T; auto with arith.
-  (** x<0 , trailing ~x |y| false *)
-  + rewrite BEQ.
-    generalize (btrail y). rewrite SIGNX in SEQ. rewrite <- SEQ.
-    unfold trailing. intros T k R. unfold fnot. rewrite T; auto with arith.
-  (** x>0 , trailing x |x| false *)
-  + generalize (btrail x). rewrite SIGNX. auto.
-  (** x>0 , trailing x |y| false *)
-  + generalize (btrail y). rewrite SIGNX in SEQ. rewrite <- SEQ. rewrite <- BEQ. auto.
-(** Opposite [Zfc] leads to two's complement represented integers *)
-Lemma btest_ext_sym: forall x y: bits,
-  btest x = fnot (btest y) -> Z_of_bits x = zlnot (Z_of_bits y).
-  intros x y BEQ1. 
-  assert (btest y = fnot (btest x)) as BEQ2 by (apply fnot_sym; symmetry; auto).
-  assert (bsign x = negb (bsign y)) as SEQ1 by (by apply btest_sign_sym).
-  assert (bsign y = negb (bsign x)) as SEQ2 by (by apply btest_sign_sym).
-  unfold Z_of_bits. 
-  rewrite <- BEQ1. rewrite SEQ2. rewrite <- BEQ2. 
-  case_eqb SIGNX (bsign x); 
-    (try replace (negb true) with false by (compute ; forward)); 
-    (try replace (negb false) with true by (compute ; forward)); 
-    (try rewrite zlnot_inv); 
-    [ f_equal | ]; 
-    unfold N_recomp; 
-    rewrite <- (last_trail_ext _ _ (bsize x) (bsize y)); auto.
-  (** x<0 , trailing ~x |x| false *)
-  + rewrite BEQ2.
-    generalize (btrail x). rewrite SIGNX.
-    unfold trailing. intros T k R. unfold fnot. rewrite T; auto with arith.
-  (** x<0 , trailing ~x |y| false *)
-  + rewrite BEQ2.
-    generalize (btrail y). rewrite <- BEQ2. rewrite SIGNX in SEQ2. rewrite SEQ2.
-    replace (negb true) with false by auto.
-    auto.
-  (** x>0 , trailing x |x| false *)
-  + generalize (btrail x). rewrite SIGNX. auto.
-  (** x>0 , trailing x |y| false *)
-  + generalize (btrail y). rewrite SIGNX in SEQ2. rewrite SEQ2. 
-    replace (negb false) with true by auto. rewrite BEQ1.
-    unfold trailing. intros T k R. unfold fnot. rewrite T; auto with arith.
-(** ** Involution of Decomposition and Recomposition *)
-(** These two fundamental lemmas allow reasoning conversely with bits or integers. *)
-(** [Z_of_bits] is the inverse of [bits_of_Z] *)
-Lemma Z_recomp_decomp: forall x: Z,
-  Z_of_bits (bits_of_Z x) = x.
-  intro x.
-  unfold bits_of_Z.
-  induction x; simpl.
-  (** x = 0 *)
-  + unfold Z_of_bits. simpl. unfold N_recomp. simpl. trivial.
-  (** x = Zpos p *)
-  + unfold Z_of_bits. simpl. unfold N_recomp.
-    rewrite last_P_decomp; auto.
-    rewrite P_recomp_decomp; auto.
-  (** x = Zneg p *)
-  + unfold Z_of_bits. simpl.
-    rewrite fnot_inv. 
-    pose ( z := zlnot (Zneg p) ).
-    fold z.
-    generalize (zlnot_inv (Zneg p)). intro H. rewrite <- H.
-    f_equal. fold z.
-    assert (ZDEF: z = Zpos p - 1).
-    (** ZDEF *)
-    * unfold z. unfold zlnot. 
-      pose (u := Zneg p). fold u.
-      pose (v := Zpos p). fold v.
-      replace u with (-v) by (unfold u; unfold v; simpl; trivial).
-      omega.
-    (** cont. *)
-    * assert  (Q : z = 0 \/ exists q, z = Zpos q).
-      { destruct p. 
-        - simpl in ZDEF. right. exists (p~1%positive - 1)%positive. trivial.
-        - simpl in ZDEF. right. exists (p~0%positive - 1)%positive. trivial.
-        - simpl in ZDEF. left. trivial. }
-      elim Q.
-      - intro Z; rewrite Z; simpl.
-        unfold N_recomp. simpl. trivial.
-      - intros [q Z]. rewrite Z; simpl.
-      unfold N_recomp.
-      rewrite last_P_decomp; auto.
-      rewrite P_recomp_decomp; auto.
-(** [bits_of_Z] is the inverse of [Z_of_bits] modulo [btest] *)
-Lemma Z_decomp_recomp: forall b: bits,
-  btest (bits_of_Z (Z_of_bits b)) = btest b.
-  intros.
-  unfold Z_of_bits.
-  destruct (bsign b) eqn:BSIGN ; unfold bits_of_Z.
-  + pose ( f := fnot (btest b) ). fold f.
-    assert ( Fnot : btest b = fnot f). unfold f. rewrite fnot_inv. auto.
-    pose ( x := N_recomp (bsize b) f ). fold x.
-    assert ( Xpos : 0 <= x ) by ( apply N_recomp_pos; auto with zarith ).
-    repeat rewrite zlnot_inv.
-    case_leq 0 (zlnot x); intro SIGN; simpl.
-    (** 0 <= zlnot x -> contradiction *) 
-    * unfold zlnot in SIGN.
-      apply False_ind. omega.
-    (** 0 > zlnot x *)
-    * apply fnot_inj. rewrite fnot_inv. fold f. unfold x.
-      apply N_decomp_recomp. 
-      apply trailing_fnot. 
-      simpl. rewrite <- BSIGN. rewrite <- Fnot.
-      apply (btrail b).
-  + pose ( f := btest b ). fold f.
-    pose ( x := N_recomp (bsize b) f ). fold x.
-    assert ( Xpos : 0 <= x ) by ( apply N_recomp_pos; auto with zarith ).
-    case_leq 0 x; intro H; try (apply False_ind; omega; fail).
-    simpl. unfold f. unfold x. 
-    apply N_decomp_recomp. 
-    rewrite <- BSIGN. apply (btrail b).
-(** Two's complement symmetry. *)
-Lemma Z_decomp_recomp_sym: forall b: bits,
-  btest (bits_of_Z (zlnot (Z_of_bits b))) = fnot (btest b).
-  intros. unfold Z_of_bits.
-  destruct (bsign b) eqn:BSIGN; unfold bits_of_Z;   
-    (try rewrite zlnot_inv). 
-  + pose ( f := fnot (btest b)). fold f.
-    pose ( x := N_recomp (bsize b) f ). fold x.
-    assert ( Xpos : 0 <= x ) by ( apply N_recomp_pos; auto with zarith ).
-    case_leq 0 x; intro H; try (apply False_ind; omega; fail).
-    simpl. unfold f. unfold x. 
-    apply N_decomp_recomp. 
-    apply trailing_fnot. 
-    replace (negb false) with true by auto.
-    rewrite fnot_inv.
-    rewrite <- BSIGN.
-    apply (btrail b).
-  + pose ( f := fnot (btest b) ). fold f.
-    assert ( Fnot : btest b = fnot f). unfold f. rewrite fnot_inv. auto.
-    pose ( x := N_recomp (bsize b) (btest b) ). fold x.
-    assert ( Xpos : 0 <= x) by ( apply N_recomp_pos; auto with zarith ).
-    case_leq 0 (zlnot x); intro SIGN; simpl.
-    (** 0 <= zlnot x -> contradiction *) 
-    * unfold zlnot in SIGN.
-      apply False_ind. omega.
-    (** 0 > zlnot x *)
-    * unfold f. f_equal.
-      apply N_decomp_recomp. 
-      rewrite <- BSIGN.
-      apply (btrail b).
-(** [Zfc] can be used to discriminate. *)
-Lemma btest_discrimination: forall x y: bits,
-  btest x <> btest y -> Z_of_bits x <> Z_of_bits y.
-  intros x y.
-  intro BNEQ; apply contrap with (Q := btest x = btest y); auto; clear BNEQ.
-  intro.
-  rewrite <- (Z_decomp_recomp x); rewrite <- (Z_decomp_recomp y). 
-  f_equal; f_equal; auto.
-(** Sign can be used to discriminate. *)
-Lemma sign_discrimination: forall x y: bits,
-  bsign x <> bsign y -> Z_of_bits x <> Z_of_bits y.
-  intros x y SNEQ. apply btest_discrimination.
-  apply contrap with (Q := bsign x = bsign y); auto.
-  apply btest_sign.
-(** Sign encoding *)
-Lemma Zsign_encoding: forall z:Z,
-  bsign (bits_of_Z z) = negb (Zle_bool 0 z).
-  intro z. unfold bits_of_Z. unfold bsign.
-  case_leq 0 z; auto.
-Lemma bsign_encoding: forall b:bits,
-  bsign b = negb (Zle_bool 0 (Z_of_bits b)).
-  intro b.
-  rewrite <- Zsign_encoding.
-  unfold Z_of_bits.
-  destruct (bsign b) eqn:BSIGN ; unfold bits_of_Z.
-  + pose ( f := fnot (btest b) ). fold f.
-    assert ( Fnot : btest b = fnot f). unfold f. rewrite fnot_inv. auto.
-    pose ( x := N_recomp (bsize b) f ). fold x.
-    assert ( Xpos : 0 <= x ) by ( apply N_recomp_pos; auto with zarith ).
-    repeat rewrite zlnot_inv.
-    case_leq 0 (zlnot x); intro SIGN; simpl.
-    (** 0 <= zlnot x -> contradiction *) 
-    * unfold zlnot in SIGN.
-      apply False_ind. omega.
-    (** 0 > zlnot x *)
-    * auto.
-  + pose ( f := btest b ). fold f.
-    pose ( x := N_recomp (bsize b) f ). fold x.
-    assert ( Xpos : 0 <= x ) by ( apply N_recomp_pos; auto with zarith ).
-    case_leq 0 x; intro H; try (apply False_ind; omega; fail).
-    simpl. auto.
-(** {@Zbit:} *)	  
-(** * Characteristic Function of integers *)
-(** Extracts the [k]-th bit of [x]. *)
-Definition Zbit (x : Z): Zfc := btest (bits_of_Z x).  
-Definition TRUE  : Zfc := fun _ => true.
-Definition FALSE : Zfc := fun _ => false.
-Lemma Zbit_of_zero: Zbit 0 = FALSE.
-  unfold Zbit. unfold bits_of_Z. simpl. auto.
-Lemma Zbit_of_mone: Zbit (-1) = TRUE. 
-  unfold Zbit. unfold bits_of_Z. simpl. auto.
-(** The expected characteristic of binary decomposition of an integer *)
-Theorem Zbit_power: forall n k:nat,
-  Zbit (two_power_nat n) k = beq_nat n k.
-  unfold two_power_nat. unfold Zbit. unfold bits_of_Z.
-  simpl.
-  induction n; intro k.
-  (** base *)
-  + simpl; auto.
-  (** ind. *)
-  + unfold shift_nat. destruct k; simpl; auto.
-(** The extensional unicity of [Zbit] for each integer *)
-Theorem Zbit_ext : 
-  forall x y: Z, Zbit x = Zbit y -> x = y.
-  unfold Zbit.
-  intros. 
-  rewrite <- (Z_recomp_decomp x). 
-  rewrite <- (Z_recomp_decomp y). 
-  apply btest_ext. auto.
-(** Two's complement symmetry *)
-Theorem Zbit_ext_sym : 
-  forall x y: Z, Zbit x = fnot (Zbit y) -> x = zlnot y.
-  unfold Zbit.
-  intros. 
-  rewrite <- (Z_recomp_decomp x). 
-  rewrite <- (Z_recomp_decomp y). 
-  apply btest_ext_sym. auto.
-(** * Position of the Highest Significant Bit in two's complement representation *)
-Definition ZxHpos (z:Z): nat := 
-  if (Zle_bool 0 z) then NxHpos (Nabs z) else NxHpos (Nabs (zlnot z)).
-(** Zero has no significant bit, as minus one *)
-Remark ZxHpos_is_zero: ZxHpos 0 = O /\ ZxHpos (-1) = O.
-  split; by compute. 
-(** [bsize] of a [bits_of_Z] gives the exact position. 
-    The use of the [last] function gives the exact position. *)
-Lemma bsize_exact: forall z:Z,
-  ZxHpos (z) = bsize (bits_of_Z z).
-  intro. unfold bits_of_Z. unfold ZxHpos.
-  case_leq 0 z; unfold bsize; auto.
-(** [bsize] over approximates the exact position. 
-    The use of the [last] function gives the exact position. *)
-Lemma bsize_over_approx: forall b:bits,
-  ZxHpos (Z_of_bits b) = last (btest b) (bsize b) (bsign b).
-  intros. unfold ZxHpos.
-  unfold Z_of_bits.
-  destruct (bsign b) eqn:BSIGN.
-  (** Negative *)
-  + pose ( f := fnot (btest b)). fold f.
-    pose ( x := N_recomp (bsize b) f ). fold x.
-    assert ( Xpos : 0 <= x ) by (apply N_recomp_pos; auto with zarith ).
-    case_leq 0 (zlnot x); 
-      intro H; 
-      try (unfold zlnot in H; apply False_ind; omega; fail).
-    rewrite zlnot_inv.
-    unfold x. unfold f. 
-    rewrite NxHpos_N_recomp_pos. 
-    rewrite <- last_fnot.
-    rewrite fnot_inv.
-    by simpl.
-  (** Positive *)
-  + case_leq 0 (N_recomp (bsize b) (btest b)); intro N_recomp.
-    rewrite NxHpos_N_recomp_pos. trivial.
-    generalize  (N_recomp_pos(bsize b) (btest b)).
-    intros.  apply False_ind. omega.
-(** Two's complement symmetry *)
-Remark ZxHpos_sym: forall z: Z,
-  ZxHpos (zlnot z) = ZxHpos z.
-  intro.
-  unfold ZxHpos; try rewrite zlnot_inv; unfold zlnot. 
-  case_leq 0 z; case_leq 0 (-(z+1)). 
-(** Position of the highest significant bit of [two_power_nat]. *)
-Remark ZxHpos_of_two_power_nat: forall n: nat,
-  (ZxHpos (two_power_nat n) = S n)%nat.
-  intro. unfold ZxHpos.
-  case_leq 0 (two_power_nat n); intro.
-  (** 0 <=two_power_nat n *)
-  + induction n.
-    (** Base *)
-    * by simpl.
-    (** cont. *)
-    * rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-      rewrite two_power_nat_S in H.
-      replace (Nabs (2 * two_power_nat n)) with (2 * Nabs (two_power_nat n))%N
-        by by compute.
-      rewrite NxHpos_2x_p0.
-        by rewrite IHn.
-      by compute.
-  (** 0 > two_power_nat n *)
-  + generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive n). omega.
-(** Position of the highest significant bit of the predecessor of [two_power_nat]. *)
-Remark ZxHpos_of_two_power_nat_minus_one: forall n: nat,
-  (ZxHpos ((two_power_nat n) - 1) = n)%nat.
-  intro. unfold ZxHpos.
-  case_leq 0 ((two_power_nat n) -1); intro.
-  (** 0 <=(two_power_nat n) - 1 *)
-  + induction n.
-    (** Base *)
-    * by simpl.
-    (** cont. *)
-    * rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-      rewrite two_power_nat_S in H.
-      assert ((Nabs (2 * two_power_nat n - 1) = 2 * Nabs (two_power_nat n - 1) +1)%N) as EQ.
-      { generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive n); intro.
-        assert (0 <= (two_power_nat n - 1)) as A0 by omega.
-        assert (0 < 2 * (two_power_nat n - 1) + 1) as A1 by omega.
-        replace (2 * two_power_nat n - 1) with (2 * (two_power_nat n - 1) + 1) by omega.
-        destruct (two_power_nat n - 1); by auto. }
-      rewrite EQ.
-      rewrite NxHpos_2x_p1.
-      by rewrite IHn.
-  (** 0 > two_power_nat n *)
-  + generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive n). omega.
-(** [ZxHpos] increases for positive input values *)  
-Remark ZxHpos_incr_for_positive: forall x a: Z,
-  0 <= x -> 0 <= a -> (ZxHpos x <= ZxHpos (x + a))%nat.
-  intros.
-  unfold ZxHpos.
-  case_leq 0 x. case_leq 0 (x + a). intros.
-  destruct x; destruct a; try (by compute).
-  replace (Nabs (Zpos p + Zpos p0)) with (Npos p + Npos p0)%N by forward.
-  apply NxHpos_incr.
-(** [ZxHpos] decreases for negative input values *)  
-Remark ZxHpos_decr_for_negative: forall x a: Z,
-  x <= 0 -> a <= 0 -> (ZxHpos x <= ZxHpos (x + a))%nat.
-  intros.
-  unfold ZxHpos. unfold zlnot.
-  case_leq 0 x; case_leq 0 (x + a); 
-    intros; try (replace x with 0 by omega); try (by compute).
-  case_leq (-1) x; 
-    intros; try (replace x with (-1) by omega); try (by compute).
-  assert (- (x + 1) >= 0) as X by omega.
-  assert (- a >= 0) as A by omega.
-  clear H; clear H0; clear H1; clear H2; clear H3. 
-  replace (-(x+a+1)) with (-(x+1) + -a) by omega.
-  pose (b := -a); fold b; fold b in A.
-  pose (y := -(x+1)); fold y; fold y in X.
-  destruct y; destruct b; try (by compute).
-  replace (Nabs (Zpos p + Zpos p0)) with (Npos p + Npos p0)%N by forward.
-  apply NxHpos_incr.
-(** [two_power_nat_of (ZxHpos z)] gives an upper bound for [z] *)
-Remark two_power_nat_of_ZxHpos: forall z: Z,
-  z < two_power_nat (ZxHpos z).
-  destruct z.
-  (** zero *) 
-  + by compute.
-  (** positive *) 
-  + unfold ZxHpos. 
-    replace (Nabs (Zpos p)) with (Npos p) by forward.
-    replace (Zpos p) with (Z_of_N (Npos p)) by forward.
-    induction p.
-    (** 2p+1 *)
-    * simpl. simpl in IHp.
-      replace (Zpos p~1) with (2*(Zpos p) + 1)%Z by (auto with zarith).
-      rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-      omega.
-    (** 2p *)
-    * simpl. simpl in IHp.
-      replace (Zpos p~0) with (2*Zpos p)%Z by (auto with zarith).
-      rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-      omega.
-    (** one *)
-    * by compute.
-  (** negative *)
-  + assert (Zneg p  < 0)%Z by (by simpl).
-    generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive (ZxHpos (Zneg p))).
-    omega.
-(** Lower upper [two_power_nat] bound of an integer. *)
-Definition ZxHbound (z: Z): Z := two_power_nat (ZxHpos z).
-Remark ZxHbound_of_two_power_nat_minus_one: forall n: nat,
-  ZxHbound ((two_power_nat n) - 1) = two_power_nat n.
-  intro. unfold ZxHbound. 
-  rewrite ZxHpos_of_two_power_nat_minus_one. auto.
-(** [ZxHbound] gives an upper and lower bound. *)
-Lemma ZxHrange: forall z: Z, 
-  let bound := ZxHbound z in -bound <= z < bound.
-  intro. unfold ZxHbound.
-  case_leq 0 z; intro.
-  (** 0 <= z *)
-  + generalize (two_power_nat_of_ZxHpos z). split; omega.
-  (** 0 > z *)
-  + generalize (two_power_nat_of_ZxHpos (-(z+1))).
-    rewrite <- (ZxHpos_sym z).
-    unfold zlnot.
-    split; omega.
-Remark ZxHpos_le: forall x y: Z,
-  ZxHbound x <= ZxHbound y -> (ZxHpos x <= ZxHpos y)%nat.
-  unfold ZxHbound. 
-  intros x y.
-  pose (X := ZxHpos x). fold X.
-  pose (Y := ZxHpos y). fold Y.
-  generalize X Y.
-  induction X0; intro.
-  (** base *)
-  + generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive Y0).
-    replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by (compute ; forward).
-    omega.
-  (** cont. *)
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S. 
-    induction Y0.
-    (** base *)
-    * generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive X0).
-      replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by (compute ; forward).
-      omega.
-    (** cont. *)
-    * rewrite two_power_nat_S. 
-      cut ((2 * two_power_nat X0) <= (2 * two_power_nat Y0) -> (S X0 <= S Y0)%nat). omega.
-      generalize (IHX0 Y0).
-      omega.
-Remark ZxHbound_le: forall x y: Z,
-  (ZxHpos x <= ZxHpos y)%nat -> ZxHbound x <= ZxHbound y.
-  unfold ZxHbound. 
-  intros x y.
-  pose (X := ZxHpos x). fold X.
-  pose (Y := ZxHpos y). fold Y.
-  repeat rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  generalize X Y.
-  induction X0; intro.
-  (** base *)
-  + generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive Y0).
-    replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by (compute ; forward).
-    omega.
-  (** cont. *)
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S. 
-    induction Y0.
-    (** base *)
-    * generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive X0).
-      replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by (compute ; forward).
-      omega.
-    (** cont. *)
-    * intro.
-      rewrite two_power_nat_S. 
-      cut ((2 * two_power_nat X0) <= (2 * two_power_nat Y0)). omega.
-      apply (IHX0 Y0).
-      omega.
-Remark ZxHbound_lt: forall x y: Z,
-  (ZxHpos x < ZxHpos y)%nat -> ZxHbound x < ZxHbound y.
-  unfold ZxHbound. 
-  intros x y.
-  pose (X := ZxHpos x). fold X.
-  pose (Y := ZxHpos y). fold Y.
-  repeat rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  generalize X Y.
-  induction X0; intro.
-  (** base *)
-  + generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive Y0).
-    replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by (compute ; forward).
-    induction Y0; repeat rewrite two_power_nat_S; omega.
-  (** cont. *)
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S. 
-    induction Y0.
-    (** base *)
-    * generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive X0).
-      replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by (compute;forward).
-      omega.
-    (** cont. *)
-    * intro.
-      rewrite two_power_nat_S. 
-      apply (IHX0 Y0).
-      omega.
-Lemma ZxHpower: forall (n: nat) (z: Z),
-   -(two_power_nat n) <= z < two_power_nat n -> ZxHbound z <= two_power_nat n.
-  intros.
-  rewrite <- ZxHbound_of_two_power_nat_minus_one.
-  apply ZxHbound_le.
-  destruct H.
-  case_leq 0 z; intro.
-  (** 0 <= z *)
-  + clear H.
-    replace (two_power_nat n - 1) with (z + ((two_power_nat n - 1) - z)) by auto with zarith.
-    pose (d := ((two_power_nat n - 1) - z)); fold d.
-    assert (0 <= d) as D by (unfold d; omega).
-    by (apply ZxHpos_incr_for_positive).
-  (** 0 > z *)
-  + rewrite <- (ZxHpos_sym z).
-    unfold zlnot.
-    replace (two_power_nat n - 1) with (-(z+1) + (z+two_power_nat n)) by auto with zarith.
-    pose (x := -(z+1)); fold x.
-    pose (d := (z + two_power_nat n)); fold d.
-    assert (0 <= d) as D by (unfold d; omega).
-    apply ZxHpos_incr_for_positive.
-    unfold x. omega. unfold d. omega.
-(** ** Main tactics.*)
-Ltac Zbit_ext k := apply Zbit_ext; extensionality k.
-Ltac auto_bits := autorewrite with bits ; auto with zarith.
-Hint Rewrite Zbit_of_zero Zbit_of_mone : bits.
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index 52a69988a9a130470c49071c138587e26bba7f08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require Qed.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-Require int.Abs.
-Require int.EuclideanDivision.
-Require int.ComputerDivision.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.FromInt.
-Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
-Require Cint.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_bool : ((Cint.lnot 0%Z) = (-1%Z)%Z) /\
-  ((Cint.lnot (-1%Z)%Z) = 0%Z).
-  split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_idemp : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land 0%Z x) = 0%Z).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x 0%Z) = 0%Z).
-  intro.
-  rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land (-1%Z)%Z x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x (-1%Z)%Z) = x).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_bool : ((Cint.land 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.land 0%Z
-  1%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.land 1%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ ((Cint.land 1%Z
-  1%Z) = 1%Z))).
-  split;split;split;Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_idemp : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor (-1%Z)%Z x) = (-1%Z)%Z).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x (-1%Z)%Z) = (-1%Z)%Z).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor 0%Z x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x 0%Z) = x).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_bool : ((Cint.lor 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.lor 0%Z 1%Z) = 1%Z) /\
-  (((Cint.lor 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z) /\ ((Cint.lor 1%Z 1%Z) = 1%Z))).
-  split;split;split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_nilpotent : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x x) = 0%Z).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor (-1%Z)%Z x) = (Cint.lnot x)).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x (-1%Z)%Z) = (Cint.lnot x)).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.lxor_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor 0%Z x) = x).
-  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x 0%Z) = x).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite Zbits.lxor_commut.
-  Zbits.auto_zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_bool : ((Cint.lxor 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.lxor 0%Z
-  1%Z) = 1%Z) /\ (((Cint.lxor 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z) /\ ((Cint.lxor 1%Z
-  1%Z) = 0%Z))).
-  split; split; split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
-Require Import Qedlib.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Require Import Zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition bit_testb : Z -> Z -> bool.
-exact (bit_testb).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition bit_test : Z -> Z -> Prop.
-exact (fun x i => (bit_testb x i) = true).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lnot : Z -> Z.
-  exact (lnot).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition land : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (land).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lxor : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lxor).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lor : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lor).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lsl : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lsl).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lsr : Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lsr).
-(** * Bit extraction *)
-(** Tacticals *)
-Local Ltac omegaContradiction := cut False; [contradiction|omega].
-Ltac unfold_bit_testb h := 
-  unfold bit_testb; unfold Zbits.bit_testb; 
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h).
-(** Some useful properties *)
-Remark Zlt_bool_true_Zlt: forall (b:bool) (x y: Z),
-  (b = Zlt_bool x y)  <-> ((b = true) <-> x < y).
-  intros.
-  split; case_lt x y; intros; try rewrite H0.
-  + split; intro G; auto.
-  + split; intro G; [discriminate G| omega].
-  + auto.
-  + destruct b; try auto.
-    destruct H0. assert (x < y) by (by (apply H0)).
-    omegaContradiction.
-(** ** Definition of bit_test predicate *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_def :
-  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), ((bit_testb x k) = true) <-> (bit_test x k).
-  intros x k.
-  unfold bit_test.
-  reflexivity.
-(** * Link between Bit extraction and bitwise operators *)
-(** ** Some properties of bit extration *)
-(** ** Logical operators *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
-  ~ ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = 0%Z) <-> (bit_test x k).
-  intros x k h1.
-  unfold land.
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
-  unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
-  split.
-  (** 1st impl *)
-  + intro NEQ.
-    apply Bool.not_false_is_true.
-    contradict NEQ.
-    rewrite Zbits.Zbit_extraction.
-    assumption.
-  (** 2sd impl *)
-  + intro EQ.
-    contradict EQ.
-    rewrite Bool.not_true_iff_false.
-    rewrite <- Zbits.Zbit_extraction.
-    assumption.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_eq :
-  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
-  ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = (lsl 1%Z k)) <-> (bit_test x k).
-  intros x k h1.
-  unfold land.
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
-  unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
-  rewrite Zbits.Zbit_extraction_true.
-  split; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_1_0 : ((lsl 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis :
-  forall (x:Z), ~ ((land 1%Z x) = 0%Z) -> bit_test x 0%Z.
-  intros x.
-  rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
-  intro.
-  apply bit_test_extraction.
-  + omega.
-  + rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
-    auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis_eq :
-  forall (x:Z), (bit_test x 0%Z) -> ((land 1%Z x) = 1%Z).
-  intros x h1.
-  rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
-  rewrite <- Zbits.land_commut.
-  apply bit_test_extraction_eq; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lnot x) i) = (Init.Datatypes.negb (bit_testb x i))).
-  intros x i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  apply Zbits.lnot_extraction.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lnot x) i) <-> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros x i h1.
-  unfold bit_test. rewrite lnot_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  destruct xb; simpl; split; intros; auto.
-  discriminate H.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (land x y) i) =
-   (Init.Datatypes.andb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
-  intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  apply Zbits.land_extraction.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (land x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) /\ (bit_test y i)).
-  intros x y i h1.
-  unfold bit_test. rewrite land_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
-  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lor x y) i) =
-   (Init.Datatypes.orb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
-  intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  apply Zbits.lor_extraction.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) \/ (bit_test y i)).
-  intros x y i h1.
-  unfold bit_test. rewrite lor_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
-  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lxor x y) i) =
-   (Init.Datatypes.xorb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
-  intros x y i h1. 
-  unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  apply Zbits.lxor_extraction.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_extraction :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lxor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) <-> ~ (bit_test y i)).
-  intros x y i h1.
-  unfold bit_test. rewrite lxor_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
-  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; repeat (split; intros; auto).
-  discriminate H. 
-  destruct H; contradiction H; auto.
-  discriminate H0.
-  destruct H; apply H0; discriminate.
-(** ** Shift operators *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_1_two_power :
-  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((lsl 1%Z n) = (Cint.two_power_abs n)).
-  intros n h1.
-  unfold lsl. rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by auto. 
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def. rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift. 
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs. ring.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_1_lsl_1 :
-  forall (a:Z) (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (a < (lsl 1%Z n))%Z ->
-  (((2%Z * a)%Z + (land 1%Z x))%Z < (lsl 1%Z (1%Z + n)%Z))%Z.
-  intros a x n h1.
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl.
-  case_leq 0%Z (1 + n)%Z ; intro.
-  case_leq 0%Z (n)%Z ; intro.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg by auto.
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg by auto.
-  rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add by omega.
-  pose (n0:=Z.to_nat n); fold n0.
-  replace ((Z.to_nat 1%Z)%nat) with (1%nat) by auto.
-  rewrite Bits.two_power_nat_plus.
-  replace ((two_power_nat 1)%Z) with (2%Z) by auto with zarith.
-  replace ((1 * two_power_nat n0)%Z) with ((two_power_nat n0)%Z) by auto.
-  replace ((1 * (2 * two_power_nat n0))%Z) with ((2 * two_power_nat n0)%Z) by ring.
-  intro.
-  cut((land 1 x < 2)%Z) ; auto with zarith.
-  case_eq ((land 1 x)%Z) (0%Z); intros.
-  rewrite bit_test_extraction_bis_eq; [omega|].
-  apply bit_test_extraction_bis. 
-  auto. 
-(** ** Shift operators *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m - n)%Z)).
-  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
-  unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool 0 (m - n)) by omega.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_extraction.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
-  case_leq n m.
-  intros.
-  reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lsl x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m - n)%Z).
-  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_sup_bool; auto; reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = false).
-  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
-  unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_extraction.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
-  case_leq n m.
-  intros.
-  reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
-  ~ (bit_test (lsl x n) m).
-  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_inf_bool; auto; reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsr_extraction_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lsr x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m + n)%Z)).
-  intros x n m h1 h2.
-  unfold lsr. unfold Zbits.lsr. 
-  unfold_bit_testb h1.
-  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
-  rewrite Zbits.lsr_extraction.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
-  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
-  case_leq 0 (m+n).
-  intros.
-  reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsr_extractionl :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lsr x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m + n)%Z).
-  intros x n m h1 h2.
-  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsr_extraction_bool; auto; reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl1_extraction_bool :
-  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
-  ((bit_testb (lsl 1%Z i) j) = (Qed.eqb i j)).
-  intros i j h1 h2.
-  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl.  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1).
-  unfold_bit_testb h2.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i))
-  with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
-  unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def; rewrite Bits.Zbit_power.
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg; auto. 
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg; auto. 
-  case_eq i j.
-  (** i = j *)
-  + intro EQ; rewrite EQ; rewrite <- beq_nat_refl.  
-    symmetry. apply Qed.eqb1 ; auto.
-  (** i <> j *)
-  + intro NEQ.
-    assert (Qed.eqb i j = false) as EQB.
-    { apply Qed.eqb_false. assumption. }
-    rewrite EQB.
-    rewrite -> beq_nat_false_iff.
-    contradict NEQ.
-    rewrite Z2Nat.inj_iff in NEQ; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl1_extraction :
-  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
-  (bit_test (lsl 1%Z i) j) <-> (i = j).
-  intros i j h1 h2.
-  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl1_extraction_bool; auto. apply Qed.eqb1.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma pos_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z -> (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j).
-  intros x i j h1 h2.
-  unfold lsl ; unfold bit_test.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
-  intros.
-  rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos ; auto.
-  + assert (HB:(Bits.Zbit x (Z.abs_nat j) = false)).
-    {(apply (Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail  (Z.abs_nat i) (Z.abs_nat j) x); auto).
-      apply Zabs_nat_le; omega. }     
-    unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-    rewrite HB; discriminate.
-  + omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  (forall (j:Z), (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j)) ->
-  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z.
-  intros x i h1 h2.
-  unfold lsl.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
-  apply Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail_inv.
-  intros k h.
-  generalize (h2 (Z.of_nat k)); clear h2; intro h2.
-  unfold bit_test in h2; rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos in h2.
-  + assert (Zbits.zbit_test_def x (Z.of_nat k) <> true) as h3.
-    { apply h2. clear h2. rewrite <- (Zabs2Nat.id k) in h. 
-      rewrite <- Zabs2Nat.inj_le in h; auto.
-      apply Zle_0_nat. } 
-    clear h2.
-    unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def in h3. rewrite Zabs2Nat.id in h3. 
-    destruct (Bits.Zbit x k).
-    * contradiction h3. auto.
-    * auto.
-  + apply Zle_0_nat.
-(** * Link between Bit extraction and C type conversions *)
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_sup :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
-  (Cint.is_uint n x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros n x i h1 h2.
-  assert (H:(Bits.Zbit x (Z.abs_nat i) = false)).
-  { unfold Cint.is_uint in h2.
-    apply (Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat i) x).
-    + apply Zabs_nat_le. omega.
-    + unfold Cint.two_power_abs in h2.
-      trivial. }
-  assert (I:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb I; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  rewrite H; discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range.
-  simpl.
-  replace (x - 0) with x by (auto with zarith).
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs. 
-  rewrite Zbits.Zbit_uint_mod_two_power_nat.
-  rewrite (leb_correct_conv k (Z.abs_nat n)).
-  + trivial.
-  + apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  intros n x i (h1,h2);
-  unfold bit_test;
-  rewrite to_uint_extraction_inf_bool by auto;
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
-  destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_ext :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
-  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
-  { intros.
-    case_lt i n; intro.
-    + apply h4; omega.
-    + assert (~ bit_test x i).
-      { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
-      assert (~ bit_test y i).
-      { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
-     intuition. }
-  clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
-  unfold bit_test in H.
-  unfold bit_testb in H.
-  apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
-  rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
-  apply H; auto.
-Local Ltac uint_extraction_inf_bool to_uint :=
-  intros; rewrite to_uint; 
-  apply to_uint_extraction_inf_bool;
-  omega.
-Local Ltac uint_extraction_inf to_uint :=
-  intros; rewrite to_uint; 
-  apply to_uint_extraction_inf;
-  omega.
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (8%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 8); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_8.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_8.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
-  apply (is_uint_ext 8); (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (16%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 16); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_16.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_16.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
-  apply (is_uint_ext 16); (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (32%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 32); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
-  apply (is_uint_ext 32); (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (64%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
-  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 64); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
-  apply (is_uint_ext 64); (auto with zarith).
-(** ** Signed conversions *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_sup :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
-  (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros n x i h1.
-  unfold Cint.is_sint.
-  intro h2;
-  assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  assert (Z.abs_nat n <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat.
-  { apply (Zabs_nat_le); omega. }
-  rewrite <- Zlt_bool_true_Zlt; 
-  apply (Zbits.Zbit_trail (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat i) x); auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
-  pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
-  unfold Cint.to_sint; unfold Cint.to_range.
-  rewrite Z.sub_opp_r; rewrite Z.sub_opp_r.
-  rewrite Z.add_opp_l.
-  replace (Cint.two_power_abs n + Cint.two_power_abs n) with (2 * Cint.two_power_abs n) by (auto with zarith).
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
-  replace n with ((n-i)+i) by (auto with zarith).
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.inj_add by omega.
-  apply Zbits.Zbit_sint_mod_two_power_nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  intros n x i (h1,h2).
-  unfold bit_test;
-  rewrite to_sint_extraction_inf_bool by auto.
-  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
-  destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_ext :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= n)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
-  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
-  { intros.
-    case_leq i n; intro.
-    + apply h4; omega.
-    + assert (0<=n<=n) by omega.
-      specialize ((h4 n) H1).
-      generalize ((to_sint_extraction_sup n x n) H1 h2).
-      generalize ((to_sint_extraction_sup n y n) H1 h3).
-      clear H1; intros.
-      rewrite h4 in H2. rewrite H2 in H1. clear H2.
-      assert ((bit_test x i) <-> x < 0).
-      { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
-      assert ((bit_test y i) <-> y < 0).
-      { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
-      rewrite H2.
-      rewrite H3.
-      auto. }
-  clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
-  unfold bit_test in H.
-  unfold bit_testb in H.
-  apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
-  rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
-  apply H; auto.
-(** Tactical *)
-Local Ltac sint_extraction_sup is_sint vn vz :=
-  intros x i h1;
-  unfold is_sint;
-  intro h2;
-  assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def;
-  assert (Z.abs_nat vz <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat 
-  by (assert (vn = Z.abs_nat vz)%nat by (auto with arith);
-      apply Zabs_nat_le; omega);
-  rewrite <- Zlt_bool_true_Zlt; 
-  apply (Zbits.Zbit_trail vn (Z.abs_nat i) x); auto.
-Local Ltac unfold_hyp h :=
-  match goal with 
-    | h:(?X1) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ ) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _ _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | _ => idtac
-  end.
-Local Ltac sint_extraction_inf_bool to_sint :=
-  intros; rewrite to_sint; 
-  apply to_sint_extraction_inf_bool;
-  omega.
-Local Ltac sint_extraction_inf to_sint :=
-  intros; rewrite to_sint; 
-  apply to_sint_extraction_inf;
-  omega.
-(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (7%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 7); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_8.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_8.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 7%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 7) ; (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (15%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 15); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_16.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_16.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 15%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 15) ; (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (31%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 31); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 31%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 31) ; (auto with zarith).
-(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (63%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 63); (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
-  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
-  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_ext :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
-  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 63%Z)%Z) ->
-   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
-  (x = y).
-  intros; apply (is_sint_ext 63); (auto with zarith).
-(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are distributive *)
-(** Tacticals *)
-Local Ltac is_uint_bitwise f n :=
-  intros x y Rx Ry; unfold_hyp Rx; unfold_hyp Ry; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-  apply (Zbits.Z_bitwise_in_uint_range f n x y Rx Ry); by compute.  
-Local Ltac lsr_in_uint_range n :=
-  intros x y Ry Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-  split;
-  [ (apply (Zbits.lsr_lower_bound 0 _ _ Ry); omega)
-  | (apply (Zbits.lsr_upper_bound n _ _ Ry); omega)].
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_lor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint n x) (Cint.to_uint n y))).
-  intros n x y.
-  apply Zbits.zbit_test_ext. intro.
-  rewrite Zbits.lor_extraction.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
-  repeat (rewrite Zbits.uint_mod_two_power_extraction).
-  rewrite Zbits.lor_extraction.
-  pose (c:=(leb (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat n0))); fold c.
-  destruct c; auto.
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint8 x) (Cint.to_uint 8%Z y))).
-  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply to_uint_lor.
-(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint16 x) (Cint.to_uint16 y))).
-  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply to_uint_lor.
-(** ***  Cast to uint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint32 x) (Cint.to_uint32 y))).
-  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply to_uint_lor.
-(** ***  Cast to uint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint64 x) (Cint.to_uint64 y))).
-  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply to_uint_lor.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lxor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intro n; is_uint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are identity *)
-(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intro n; is_uint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_land :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intro n; is_uint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsr :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intro n; lsr_in_uint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros n y (h1,h2);
-  (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
-    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith));
-  clear Ry.
-  assert (Z.abs_nat y < (Z.abs_nat n))%nat as A by
-   (apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega);
-  clear h1; clear h2;
-  pose (M := Z.abs_nat y); fold M; fold M in A.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  rewrite Zmod_small; trivial.
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs; pose (N:=(Z.abs_nat n)); fold N; fold N in A.
-  generalize (Bits.two_power_nat_is_positive M); intro Pos.
-  generalize (Bits.two_power_nat_increase_strict M N A) ; intro.
-  omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= y)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros n y h1.
-  (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
-    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith));
-  clear Ry.
-  assert (Z.abs_nat n <= (Z.abs_nat y))%nat as A by
-   (apply Zabs_nat_le; omega);
-  clear h1;
-  pose (M := Z.abs_nat y); fold M; fold M in A.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  rewrite (le_plus_minus (Z.abs_nat n) M A).
-  replace (Z.abs_nat n + (M - Z.abs_nat n))%nat with ((M - Z.abs_nat n) + Z.abs_nat n)%nat by (auto with zarith).
-  rewrite Bits.two_power_nat_plus.
-  apply Z_mod_mult. 
-(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16. apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** ** Signed conversions *)
-(** Tacticals *)
-Local Ltac is_sint_lnot b :=
-  intros x Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-   apply (Zbits.lnot_in_range (-b) b x Rx); omega.
-Local Ltac is_sint_bitwise f n :=
-  intros x y Rx Ry; unfold_hyp Rx; unfold_hyp Ry; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-  apply (Zbits.Z_bitwise_in_sint_range f n x y Rx Ry); by compute.  
-Local Ltac lsr_in_sint_range n :=
-  intros x y Ry Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
-  split;
-  [ (apply (Zbits.lsr_lower_bound (-n) _ _ Ry); omega)
-  | (apply (Zbits.lsr_upper_bound n _ _ Ry); omega)].
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lnot :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  intros n; is_sint_lnot (Cint.two_power_abs n).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lxor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  intro n; is_sint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lor :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  intro n; is_sint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_land :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  intro n; is_sint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsr :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  intro n; lsr_in_sint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros n y (h1,h2).
-  apply Cint.id_sint.
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1);
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
-  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
-   with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith)).
-  unfold Cint.is_sint.
-  generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive y);
-  generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive n);
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs; intros.
-  split; [omega|].
-  apply Bits.two_power_nat_increase_strict.
-  apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n < y)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros n y h1.
-  assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega;
-  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
-  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
-  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
-    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith)).
-  pose (M := two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)); fold M.
-  unfold Cint.to_sint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  pose (N:=(Cint.two_power_abs n)); fold N.
-  rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique_pos (M + N) (N + N)
-                               (Cint.two_power_abs (y - (n + 1)))
-                                N).
-  + auto with zarith.
-  + generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive n); fold N; omega.
-  + rewrite Z.add_cancel_r. 
-    replace (N + N) with (2 * N) by (auto with zarith); unfold N. 
-    rewrite <- Cint.two_power_abs_plus_one by omega.
-    rewrite <- Cint.two_power_abs_plus_pos by omega.
-    replace (n + 1 + (y - (n + 1))) with y by ring.
-    auto.
-(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lnot :
-  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  is_sint_lnot 128.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise xorb 7%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise orb 7%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise andb 7%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  lsr_in_sint_range 128.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 7%Z) = 128%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 7%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lnot :
-  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  is_sint_lnot 32768.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise xorb 15%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise orb 15%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise andb 15%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  lsr_in_sint_range 32768.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 15%Z) = 32768%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lnot :
-  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  is_sint_lnot 2147483648.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise xorb 31%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise orb 31%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise andb 31%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  lsr_in_sint_range 2147483648.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 31%Z) = 2147483648%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lnot :
-  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
-  is_sint_lnot 9223372036854775808. 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lxor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise xorb 63%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lor :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise orb 63%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_land :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
-  is_sint_bitwise andb 63%nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsr :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
-  lsr_in_sint_range 9223372036854775808.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 63%Z) = 9223372036854775808%Z).
-  compute. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_inf :
-  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_sup :
-  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
-  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
-(** * Range of some bitwise operations *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma uint_land_range :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  (0%Z <= (land x y))%Z /\ ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
-  intros x y h1.
-  apply Zbits.uint_land_range; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma uint_lor_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((-1%Z)%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (x <= (lor x y))%Z.
-  intros x y h1 h2.
-  case_leq 0 x; intro.
-  + apply Zbits.uint_lor_inf; trivial.
-  + replace x with (-1).
-    { rewrite Zbits.lor_1; omega. }
-    omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sint_land_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x <= 0%Z)%Z -> (y < 0%Z)%Z -> ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
-  intros x y h1 h2.
-  cut (-(x+1) <= -((land x y)+1)).
-  { omega. }
-  fold (Bits.zlnot x).
-  fold (Bits.zlnot (land x y)).
-  repeat (rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
-  rewrite Zbits.lnot_land_de_morgan.
-  repeat (rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
-  apply (uint_lor_inf (Bits.zlnot x)); unfold Bits.zlnot; try omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sint_lor_range :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  (x <= (lor x y))%Z /\ ((lor x y) < 0%Z)%Z.
-  intros x y h1.
-  cut (0 <= -((lor x y)+1) <= -(x+1)).
-  { omega. }
-  fold (Bits.zlnot x).
-  fold (Bits.zlnot (lor x y)).
-  rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
-  rewrite Zbits.lnot_lor_de_morgan.
-  rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
-  apply (uint_land_range (Bits.zlnot x)).
-  unfold Bits.zlnot; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lor_distrib :
-  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
-  (Cint.is_uint n (lor x y)) <-> ((Cint.is_uint n x) /\ (Cint.is_uint n y)).
-  intros n x y; split.
-  + unfold Cint.is_uint ; intros.
-    destruct H.
-    rewrite <- Zbits.lor_sign in H.
-    destruct H.
-    generalize H0; clear H0.
-    assert (h1:((-1) <= x)) by omega.
-    generalize (uint_lor_inf x y h1 H1).
-    rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
-    assert (h2:((-1) <= y)) by omega.
-    generalize (uint_lor_inf y x h2 H).
-    unfold lor;
-    pose (z:=(Zbits.lor y x)); fold z; intros.
-    omega.
-  + intro H; destruct H.
-    rewrite <- (is_uint_lor n) by trivial.
-    apply Cint.is_to_uint.
-(** * Link between bitwise operators and addition *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_addition :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lor x y)).
-  intros x y h1.
-  apply Zbits.lor_addition; trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_addition :
-  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lxor x y)).
-  intros x y h1.
-  apply Zbits.lxor_addition; trivial.
-(** * Link between land and cast operator *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_land_edge :
-  forall (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n x) = (land ((lsl 1%Z n) - 1%Z)%Z x)).
-  intros x n h1.
-  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
-  rewrite Zbits.pos_mod_two_power_nat_land_edge.
-  unfold land; f_equal.
-  unfold lsl; rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by omega; unfold Zbits.lsl_def. 
-  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  auto with zarith.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.why b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.why
deleted file mode 100644
index 28641d4d40546e4ee840f359cb862d02aa73efc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.why
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
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-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Cbits
-use Qed.Qed as Qed
-use bool.Bool as Bool
-use int.Int as Int
-use int.Abs as Abs
-use int.ComputerDivision as ComputerDivision
-use real.Real as Real
-use real.FromInt as FromInt
-use Cint.Cint as Cint
-lemma lnot_bool : ((Cint.lnot 0) = ((Int.(-_) (1)))) /\ ((Cint.lnot
-  (Int.(-_) (1))) = (0))
-lemma land_idemp : forall x:int [Cint.land x x]. ((Cint.land x x) = (x))
-lemma land_0 : forall x:int [Cint.land 0 x]. ((Cint.land 0 x) = (0))
-lemma land_0bis : forall x:int [Cint.land x 0]. ((Cint.land x 0) = (0))
-lemma land_1 : forall x:int [Cint.land (Int.(-_) (1)) x]. ((Cint.land
-  (Int.(-_) (1)) x) = (x))
-lemma land_1bis : forall x:int [Cint.land x (Int.(-_) (1))]. ((Cint.land x
-  (Int.(-_) (1))) = (x))
-lemma lor_idemp : forall x:int [Cint.lor x x]. ((Cint.lor x x) = (x))
-lemma lor_1 : forall x:int [Cint.lor (Int.(-_) (1)) x]. ((Cint.lor
-  (Int.(-_) (1)) x) = ((Int.(-_) (1))))
-lemma lor_1bis : forall x:int [Cint.lor x (Int.(-_) (1))]. ((Cint.lor x
-  (Int.(-_) (1))) = ((Int.(-_) (1))))
-lemma lor_0 : forall x:int [Cint.lor 0 x]. ((Cint.lor 0 x) = (x))
-lemma lor_0bis : forall x:int [Cint.lor x 0]. ((Cint.lor x 0) = (x))
-lemma lxor_nilpotent : forall x:int [Cint.lxor x x]. ((Cint.lxor x x) = (0))
-lemma lxor_1 : forall x:int [Cint.lxor (Int.(-_) (1)) x]. ((Cint.lxor
-  (Int.(-_) (1)) x) = (Cint.lnot x))
-lemma lxor_1bis : forall x:int [Cint.lxor x (Int.(-_) (1))]. ((Cint.lxor x
-  (Int.(-_) (1))) = (Cint.lnot x))
-lemma lxor_0 : forall x:int [Cint.lxor 0 x]. ((Cint.lxor 0 x) = (x))
-lemma lxor_0bis : forall x:int [Cint.lxor x 0]. ((Cint.lxor x 0) = (x))
-lemma bit_test_def : forall x:int, k:int [Cint.bit_testb x k].
-  ((Cint.bit_testb x k) = (Bool.True)) <-> Cint.bit_test x k
-lemma bit_test_extraction : forall x:int, k:int [Cint.land x (Cint.lsl 1 k)|
-  Cint.land (Cint.lsl 1 k) x]. (Int.(<=) (0) (k)) -> not ((Cint.land x
-  (Cint.lsl 1 k)) = (0)) <-> Cint.bit_test x k
-lemma lsl_1_0 : ((Cint.lsl 1 0) = (1))
-lemma bit_test_extraction_bis : forall x:int [Cint.land x 1| Cint.land 1 x].
-  not ((Cint.land 1 x) = (0)) -> Cint.bit_test x 0
-lemma bit_test_extraction_bis_eq : forall x:int [Cint.land x 1| Cint.land 1
-  x]. Cint.bit_test x 0 -> ((Cint.land 1 x) = (1))
-lemma lnot_extraction : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test (Cint.lnot x) i].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) -> Cint.bit_test (Cint.lnot x) i <-> not Cint.bit_test x
-  i
-lemma land_extraction : forall x:int, y:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test (Cint.land
-  x y) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) -> Cint.bit_test (Cint.land x y) i <->
-  Cint.bit_test x i /\ Cint.bit_test y i
-lemma lor_extraction : forall x:int, y:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test (Cint.lor x
-  y) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) -> Cint.bit_test (Cint.lor x y) i <->
-  Cint.bit_test x i \/ Cint.bit_test y i
-lemma lxor_extraction : forall x:int, y:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test (Cint.lxor
-  x y) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) -> Cint.bit_test (Cint.lxor x y) i <->
-  Cint.bit_test x i <-> not Cint.bit_test y i
-lemma land_1_lsl_1 : forall a:int, x:int, n:int [Cint.lsl 1
-  (Int.(+) (1) (n)), Cint.lsl 1 n, (Int.(+) ((Int.(*) (2) (a))) (Cint.land 1
-  x))]. (Int.(<=) (0) (n)) -> (Int.(<) (a) (Cint.lsl 1 n)) ->
-  (Int.(<) ((Int.(+) ((Int.(*) (2) (a))) (Cint.land 1 x))) (Cint.lsl 1
-  (Int.(+) (1) (n))))
-lemma lsl_extraction_sup : forall x:int, n:int, m:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.lsl x n) m]. (Int.(<=) (0) (n)) -> (Int.(<=) (0) (m)) ->
-  (Int.(>=) (m) (n)) -> Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl x n) m <-> Cint.bit_test x
-  (Int.(-) (m) (n))
-lemma lsl_extraction_inf : forall x:int, n:int, m:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.lsl x n) m]. (Int.(<=) (0) (n)) -> (Int.(<=) (0) (m)) ->
-  (Int.(<) (m) (n)) -> not Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl x n) m
-lemma lsr_extractionl : forall x:int, n:int, m:int [Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsr x
-  n) m]. (Int.(<=) (0) (n)) -> (Int.(<=) (0) (m)) -> Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsr
-  x n) m <-> Cint.bit_test x (Int.(+) (m) (n))
-lemma lsl1_extraction : forall i:int, j:int [Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl 1 i) j].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) -> (Int.(<=) (0) (j)) -> Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl 1 i)
-  j <-> ((i) = (j))
-lemma to_uint8_extraction_sup : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.is_uint8 x,
-  Cint.bit_test x i]. (Int.(<=) (8) (i)) -> Cint.is_uint8 x ->
-  not Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.to_uint8 x) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) (8)) ->
-  Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint8 x) i <-> Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_uint16_extraction_sup : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.is_uint16 x,
-  Cint.bit_test x i]. (Int.(<=) (16) (i)) -> Cint.is_uint16 x ->
-  not Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.to_uint16 x) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) (16)) ->
-  Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint16 x) i <-> Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_uint32_extraction_sup : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.is_uint32 x,
-  Cint.bit_test x i]. (Int.(<=) (32) (i)) -> Cint.is_uint32 x ->
-  not Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.to_uint32 x) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) (32)) ->
-  Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint32 x) i <-> Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_uint64_extraction_sup : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.is_uint64 x,
-  Cint.bit_test x i]. (Int.(<=) (64) (i)) -> Cint.is_uint64 x ->
-  not Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.to_uint64 x) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) (64)) ->
-  Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint64 x) i <-> Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_sint8_extraction_sup : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.is_sint8 x,
-  Cint.bit_test x i]. (Int.(<=) (7) (i)) -> Cint.is_sint8 x -> Cint.bit_test
-  x i <-> (Int.(<) (x) (0))
-lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.to_sint8 x) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) (7)) ->
-  Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint8 x) i <-> Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_sint16_extraction_sup : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.is_sint16 x,
-  Cint.bit_test x i]. (Int.(<=) (15) (i)) -> Cint.is_sint16 x ->
-  Cint.bit_test x i <-> (Int.(<) (x) (0))
-lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.to_sint16 x) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) (15)) ->
-  Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint16 x) i <-> Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_sint32_extraction_sup : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.is_sint32 x,
-  Cint.bit_test x i]. (Int.(<=) (31) (i)) -> Cint.is_sint32 x ->
-  Cint.bit_test x i <-> (Int.(<) (x) (0))
-lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.to_sint32 x) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) (31)) ->
-  Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint32 x) i <-> Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma to_sint64_extraction_sup : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.is_sint64 x,
-  Cint.bit_test x i]. (Int.(<=) (63) (i)) -> Cint.is_sint64 x ->
-  Cint.bit_test x i <-> (Int.(<) (x) (0))
-lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf : forall x:int, i:int [Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.to_sint64 x) i]. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) (63)) ->
-  Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint64 x) i <-> Cint.bit_test x i
-lemma is_uint_lxor : forall n:int, x:int, y:int. Cint.is_uint n x ->
-  Cint.is_uint n y -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_uint8_lxor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lxor x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint8 x -> Cint.is_uint8 y -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lxor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_uint8_lor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lor x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint8 x -> Cint.is_uint8 y -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma is_uint8_land : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.land x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint8 x -> Cint.is_uint8 y -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.land x
-  y)) = (Cint.land x y))
-lemma is_uint8_lsr : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsr x y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) -> Cint.is_uint8 x -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsr x
-  y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))
-lemma is_uint8_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) /\ (Int.(<) (y) (8)) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsl 1
-  y)) = (Cint.lsl 1 y))
-lemma is_uint8_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (8) (y)) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsl 1 y)) = (0))
-lemma is_uint16_lxor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lxor x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint16 x -> Cint.is_uint16 y -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lxor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_uint16_lor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lor x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint16 x -> Cint.is_uint16 y -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma is_uint16_land : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.land x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint16 x -> Cint.is_uint16 y -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.land x
-  y)) = (Cint.land x y))
-lemma is_uint16_lsr : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsr x y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) -> Cint.is_uint16 x -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsr x
-  y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))
-lemma is_uint16_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) /\ (Int.(<) (y) (16)) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsl 1
-  y)) = (Cint.lsl 1 y))
-lemma is_uint16_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (16) (y)) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsl 1 y)) = (0))
-lemma is_uint32_lxor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lxor x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint32 x -> Cint.is_uint32 y -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lxor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_uint32_lor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lor x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint32 x -> Cint.is_uint32 y -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma is_uint32_land : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.land x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint32 x -> Cint.is_uint32 y -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.land x
-  y)) = (Cint.land x y))
-lemma is_uint32_lsr : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsr x y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) -> Cint.is_uint32 x -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsr x
-  y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))
-lemma is_uint32_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) /\ (Int.(<) (y) (32)) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsl 1
-  y)) = (Cint.lsl 1 y))
-lemma is_uint32_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (32) (y)) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsl 1 y)) = (0))
-lemma is_uint64_lxor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lxor x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint64 x -> Cint.is_uint64 y -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lxor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_uint64_lor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lor x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint64 x -> Cint.is_uint64 y -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma is_uint64_land : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.land x y)].
-  Cint.is_uint64 x -> Cint.is_uint64 y -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.land x
-  y)) = (Cint.land x y))
-lemma is_uint64_lsr : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsr x y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) -> Cint.is_uint64 x -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsr x
-  y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))
-lemma is_uint64_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) /\ (Int.(<) (y) (64)) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsl 1
-  y)) = (Cint.lsl 1 y))
-lemma is_uint64_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (64) (y)) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsl 1 y)) = (0))
-lemma is_sint8_lnot : forall x:int [Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lnot x)].
-  Cint.is_sint8 x -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x))
-lemma is_sint8_lxor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lxor x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint8 x -> Cint.is_sint8 y -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lxor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_sint8_lor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lor x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint8 x -> Cint.is_sint8 y -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma is_sint8_land : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.land x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint8 x -> Cint.is_sint8 y -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.land x
-  y)) = (Cint.land x y))
-lemma is_sint8_lsr : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsr x y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) -> Cint.is_sint8 x -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsr x
-  y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))
-lemma is_sint8_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1 7) = (Cint.max_sint8))
-lemma is_sint8_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) /\ (Int.(<) (y) (7)) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsl 1
-  y)) = (Cint.lsl 1 y))
-lemma is_sint8_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (8) (y)) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsl 1 y)) = (0))
-lemma is_sint16_lnot : forall x:int [Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lnot x)].
-  Cint.is_sint16 x -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x))
-lemma is_sint16_lxor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lxor x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint16 x -> Cint.is_sint16 y -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lxor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_sint16_lor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lor x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint16 x -> Cint.is_sint16 y -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma is_sint16_land : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.land x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint16 x -> Cint.is_sint16 y -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.land x
-  y)) = (Cint.land x y))
-lemma is_sint16_lsr : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsr x y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) -> Cint.is_sint16 x -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsr x
-  y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))
-lemma is_sint16_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1 15) = (Cint.max_sint16))
-lemma is_sint16_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) /\ (Int.(<) (y) (15)) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsl 1
-  y)) = (Cint.lsl 1 y))
-lemma is_sint16_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (16) (y)) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsl 1 y)) = (0))
-lemma is_sint32_lnot : forall x:int [Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lnot x)].
-  Cint.is_sint32 x -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x))
-lemma is_sint32_lxor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lxor x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint32 x -> Cint.is_sint32 y -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lxor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_sint32_lor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lor x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint32 x -> Cint.is_sint32 y -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma is_sint32_land : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.land x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint32 x -> Cint.is_sint32 y -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.land x
-  y)) = (Cint.land x y))
-lemma is_sint32_lsr : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsr x y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) -> Cint.is_sint32 x -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsr x
-  y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))
-lemma is_sint32_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1 31) = (Cint.max_sint32))
-lemma is_sint32_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) /\ (Int.(<) (y) (31)) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsl 1
-  y)) = (Cint.lsl 1 y))
-lemma is_sint32_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (32) (y)) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsl 1 y)) = (0))
-lemma is_sint64_lnot : forall x:int [Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lnot x)].
-  Cint.is_sint64 x -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x))
-lemma is_sint64_lxor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lxor x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint64 x -> Cint.is_sint64 y -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lxor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))
-lemma is_sint64_lor : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lor x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint64 x -> Cint.is_sint64 y -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma is_sint64_land : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.land x y)].
-  Cint.is_sint64 x -> Cint.is_sint64 y -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.land x
-  y)) = (Cint.land x y))
-lemma is_sint64_lsr : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsr x y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) -> Cint.is_sint64 x -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsr x
-  y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))
-lemma is_sint64_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1 63) = (Cint.max_sint64))
-lemma is_sint64_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (y)) /\ (Int.(<) (y) (63)) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsl 1
-  y)) = (Cint.lsl 1 y))
-lemma is_sint64_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsl 1 y)].
-  (Int.(<=) (64) (y)) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsl 1 y)) = (0))
-lemma lor_addition : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.land x y, Cint.lor x y].
-  ((Cint.land x y) = (0)) -> (((Int.(+) (x) (y))) = (Cint.lor x y))
-lemma lxor_addition : forall x:int, y:int [Cint.land x y, Cint.lxor x y].
-  ((Cint.land x y) = (0)) -> (((Int.(+) (x) (y))) = (Cint.lxor x y))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cfloat.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cfloat.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f25c72b7027de53cfb3377ab0f3d139ac51f6538..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cfloat.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
-Require Reals.R_sqrt.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.Abs.
-Require real.FromInt.
-Require real.Square.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition f32 : Type.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition f64 : Type.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_f32: R -> f32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition of_f32: f32 -> R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_f64: R -> f64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition of_f64: f64 -> R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_f32_zero : ((of_f32 (to_f32 0%R)) = 0%R).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_f32_one : ((of_f32 (to_f32 1%R)) = 1%R).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_f64_zero : ((of_f64 (to_f64 0%R)) = 0%R).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_f64_one : ((of_f64 (to_f64 1%R)) = 1%R).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Inductive rounding_mode :=
-  | Up : rounding_mode
-  | Down : rounding_mode
-  | ToZero : rounding_mode
-  | NearestTiesToAway : rounding_mode
-  | NearestTiesToEven : rounding_mode.
-Axiom rounding_mode_WhyType : WhyType rounding_mode.
-Existing Instance rounding_mode_WhyType.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition round_float: rounding_mode -> R -> f32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition round_double: rounding_mode -> R -> f64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma float_32 : forall (x:R), ((to_f32 x) = (round_float NearestTiesToEven
-  x)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma float_64 : forall (x:R), ((to_f64 x) = (round_double NearestTiesToEven
-  x)).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Inductive float_kind :=
-  | Finite : float_kind
-  | NaN : float_kind
-  | Inf_pos : float_kind
-  | Inf_neg : float_kind.
-Axiom float_kind_WhyType : WhyType float_kind.
-Existing Instance float_kind_WhyType.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition classify_f32: f32 -> float_kind.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition classify_f64: f64 -> float_kind.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_finite_f32 (f:f32): Prop := ((classify_f32 f) = Finite).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_finite_f64 (d:f64): Prop := ((classify_f64 d) = Finite).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_NaN_f32 (f:f32): Prop := ((classify_f32 f) = NaN).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_NaN_f64 (d:f64): Prop := ((classify_f64 d) = NaN).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_infinite_f32 (f:f32): Prop := ((classify_f32 f) = Inf_pos) \/
-  ((classify_f32 f) = Inf_neg).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_infinite_f64 (d:f64): Prop := ((classify_f64 d) = Inf_pos) \/
-  ((classify_f64 d) = Inf_neg).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_positive_infinite_f32 (f:f32): Prop :=
-  ((classify_f32 f) = Inf_pos).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_positive_infinite_f64 (d:f64): Prop :=
-  ((classify_f64 d) = Inf_pos).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_negative_infinite_f32 (f:f32): Prop :=
-  ((classify_f32 f) = Inf_neg).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_negative_infinite_f64 (d:f64): Prop :=
-  ((classify_f64 d) = Inf_neg).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_finite_to_float_32 : forall (x:R), (is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_finite_to_float_64 : forall (x:R), (is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_float_is_finite_32 : forall (f:f32), (is_finite_f32 f) ->
-  ((to_f32 (of_f32 f)) = f).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_float_is_finite_64 : forall (d:f64), (is_finite_f64 d) ->
-  ((to_f64 (of_f64 d)) = d).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition finite (x:R): Prop := (is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)) /\ (is_finite_f64
-  (to_f64 x)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma finite_small_f32 : forall (x:R),
-  (((-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R <= x)%R /\
-  (x <= 340282346600000016151267322115014000640%R)%R) -> (is_finite_f32
-  (to_f32 x)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma finite_small_f64 : forall (x:R),
-  (((-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R <= x)%R /\
-  (x <= 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R) ->
-  (is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma finite_range_f32 : forall (f:f32), (is_finite_f32 f) <->
-  (((-340282346600000016151267322115014000640%R)%R <= (of_f32 f))%R /\
-  ((of_f32 f) <= 340282346600000016151267322115014000640%R)%R).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma finite_range_f64 : forall (d:f64), (is_finite_f64 d) <->
-  (((-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R <= (of_f64 d))%R /\
-  ((of_f64 d) <= 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition eq_f32b: f32 -> f32 -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition eq_f64b: f64 -> f64 -> bool.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eq_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32): Prop := ((eq_f32b x y) = true).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eq_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64): Prop := ((eq_f64b x y) = true).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32) (y:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f32 y) -> ((eq_f32 x y) <-> ((of_f32 x) = (of_f32 y)))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64) (y:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f64 y) -> ((eq_f64 x y) <-> ((of_f64 x) = (of_f64 y)))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition ne_f32b: f32 -> f32 -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition ne_f64b: f64 -> f64 -> bool.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition ne_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32): Prop := ((ne_f32b x y) = true).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition ne_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64): Prop := ((ne_f64b x y) = true).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma ne_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32) (y:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f32 y) -> ((ne_f32 x y) <-> ~ ((of_f32 x) = (of_f32 y)))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma ne_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64) (y:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f64 y) -> ((ne_f64 x y) <-> ~ ((of_f64 x) = (of_f64 y)))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition le_f32b: f32 -> f32 -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition le_f64b: f64 -> f64 -> bool.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition le_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32): Prop := ((le_f32b x y) = true).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition le_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64): Prop := ((le_f64b x y) = true).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma le_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32) (y:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f32 y) -> ((le_f32 x y) <-> ((of_f32 x) <= (of_f32 y))%R)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma le_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64) (y:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f64 y) -> ((le_f64 x y) <-> ((of_f64 x) <= (of_f64 y))%R)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lt_f32b: f32 -> f32 -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lt_f64b: f64 -> f64 -> bool.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition lt_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32): Prop := ((lt_f32b x y) = true).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition lt_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64): Prop := ((lt_f64b x y) = true).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lt_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32) (y:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f32 y) -> ((lt_f32 x y) <-> ((of_f32 x) < (of_f32 y))%R)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lt_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64) (y:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f64 y) -> ((lt_f64 x y) <-> ((of_f64 x) < (of_f64 y))%R)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition neg_f32: f32 -> f32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition neg_f64: f64 -> f64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma neg_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((of_f32 (neg_f32 x)) = (-(of_f32 x))%R).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma neg_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((of_f64 (neg_f64 x)) = (-(of_f64 x))%R).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition add_f32: f32 -> f32 -> f32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition add_f64: f64 -> f64 -> f64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma add_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32) (y:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f32 y) -> ((add_f32 x
-  y) = (to_f32 ((of_f32 x) + (of_f32 y))%R))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma add_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64) (y:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f64 y) -> ((add_f64 x
-  y) = (to_f64 ((of_f64 x) + (of_f64 y))%R))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition mul_f32: f32 -> f32 -> f32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition mul_f64: f64 -> f64 -> f64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma mul_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32) (y:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f32 y) -> ((mul_f32 x
-  y) = (to_f32 ((of_f32 x) * (of_f32 y))%R))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma mul_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64) (y:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f64 y) -> ((mul_f64 x
-  y) = (to_f64 ((of_f64 x) * (of_f64 y))%R))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition div_f32: f32 -> f32 -> f32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition div_f64: f64 -> f64 -> f64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma div_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32) (y:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f32 y) -> ((div_f32 x
-  y) = (to_f32 ((of_f32 x) / (of_f32 y))%R))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma div_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64) (y:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((is_finite_f64 y) -> ((div_f64 x
-  y) = (to_f64 ((of_f64 x) / (of_f64 y))%R))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition sqrt_f32: f32 -> f32.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition sqrt_f64: f64 -> f64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_finite_f32 : forall (x:f32), (is_finite_f32 x) ->
-  ((sqrt_f32 x) = (to_f32 (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (of_f32 x)))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_finite_f64 : forall (x:f64), (is_finite_f64 x) ->
-  ((sqrt_f64 x) = (to_f64 (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (of_f64 x)))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition model_f32: f32 -> R.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition delta_f32 (f:f32): R :=
-  (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((of_f32 f) - (model_f32 f))%R).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition error_f32 (f:f32): R :=
-  ((delta_f32 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f32 f)))%R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition model_f64: f64 -> R.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition delta_f64 (f:f64): R :=
-  (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((of_f64 f) - (model_f64 f))%R).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition error_f64 (f:f64): R :=
-  ((delta_f64 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f64 f)))%R.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cfloat.why b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cfloat.why
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d17a607ed538c9f71c5d55e4ee54368dc25eda7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cfloat.why
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Cfloat
-use bool.Bool as Bool
-use int.Int as Int
-use real.Real as Real
-use real.Abs as Abs
-use real.FromInt as FromInt
-use real.Square as Square
-type f32
-type f64
-function to_f32 real : f32
-function of_f32 f32 : real
-function to_f64 real : f64
-function of_f64 f64 : real
-axiom to_f32_zero : ((of_f32 (to_f32 0.0)) = (0.0))
-axiom to_f32_one : ((of_f32 (to_f32 1.0)) = (1.0))
-axiom to_f64_zero : ((of_f64 (to_f64 0.0)) = (0.0))
-axiom to_f64_one : ((of_f64 (to_f64 1.0)) = (1.0))
-type rounding_mode =
-  | Up
-  | Down
-  | ToZero
-  | NearestTiesToAway
-  | NearestTiesToEven
-function round_float rounding_mode real : f32
-function round_double rounding_mode real : f64
-axiom float_32 : forall x:real [round_float NearestTiesToEven x]. ((to_f32
-  x) = (round_float NearestTiesToEven x))
-axiom float_64 : forall x:real [round_double NearestTiesToEven x]. ((to_f64
-  x) = (round_double NearestTiesToEven x))
-type float_kind =
-  | Finite
-  | NaN
-  | Inf_pos
-  | Inf_neg
-function classify_f32 f32 : float_kind
-function classify_f64 f64 : float_kind
-predicate is_finite_f32 (f:f32) = ((classify_f32 f) = (Finite))
-predicate is_finite_f64 (d:f64) = ((classify_f64 d) = (Finite))
-predicate is_NaN_f32 (f:f32) = ((classify_f32 f) = (NaN))
-predicate is_NaN_f64 (d:f64) = ((classify_f64 d) = (NaN))
-predicate is_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = ((classify_f32 f) = (Inf_pos)) || ((classify_f32 f) = (Inf_neg))
-predicate is_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = ((classify_f64 d) = (Inf_pos)) || ((classify_f64 d) = (Inf_neg))
-predicate is_positive_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = ((classify_f32 f) = (Inf_pos))
-predicate is_positive_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = ((classify_f64 d) = (Inf_pos))
-predicate is_negative_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = ((classify_f32 f) = (Inf_neg))
-predicate is_negative_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = ((classify_f64 d) = (Inf_neg))
-axiom is_finite_to_float_32 : forall x:real [is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)].
-  is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)
-axiom is_finite_to_float_64 : forall x:real [is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x)].
-  is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x)
-axiom to_float_is_finite_32 : forall f:f32 [to_f32 (of_f32 f)| is_finite_f32
-  f]. is_finite_f32 f -> ((to_f32 (of_f32 f)) = (f))
-axiom to_float_is_finite_64 : forall d:f64 [to_f64 (of_f64 d)| is_finite_f64
-  d]. is_finite_f64 d -> ((to_f64 (of_f64 d)) = (d))
-predicate finite (x:real) = is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x) /\ is_finite_f64 (to_f64
-  x)
-function max_f32 : real = 340282346600000016151267322115014000640.0
-function max_f64 : real =
-  179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0
-axiom finite_small_f32 : forall x:real.
-  (Real.(<=) ((Real.(-_) (max_f64))) (x)) /\ (Real.(<=) (x) (max_f32)) ->
-  is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)
-axiom finite_small_f64 : forall x:real.
-  (Real.(<=) ((Real.(-_) (max_f64))) (x)) /\ (Real.(<=) (x) (max_f64)) ->
-  is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x)
-axiom finite_range_f32 : forall f:f32. is_finite_f32 f <->
-  (Real.(<=) ((Real.(-_) (max_f32))) (of_f32 f)) /\ (Real.(<=) (of_f32
-  f) (max_f32))
-axiom finite_range_f64 : forall d:f64. is_finite_f64 d <->
-  (Real.(<=) ((Real.(-_) (max_f64))) (of_f64 d)) /\ (Real.(<=) (of_f64
-  d) (max_f64))
-function eq_f32b f32 f32 : Bool.bool
-function eq_f64b f64 f64 : Bool.bool
-predicate eq_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = ((eq_f32b x y) = (Bool.True))
-predicate eq_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = ((eq_f64b x y) = (Bool.True))
-axiom eq_finite_f32 : forall x:f32, y:f32 [eq_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x ->
-  is_finite_f32 y -> eq_f32 x y <-> ((of_f32 x) = (of_f32 y))
-axiom eq_finite_f64 : forall x:f64, y:f64 [eq_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x ->
-  is_finite_f64 y -> eq_f64 x y <-> ((of_f64 x) = (of_f64 y))
-function ne_f32b f32 f32 : Bool.bool
-function ne_f64b f64 f64 : Bool.bool
-predicate ne_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = ((ne_f32b x y) = (Bool.True))
-predicate ne_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = ((ne_f64b x y) = (Bool.True))
-axiom ne_finite_f32 : forall x:f32, y:f32 [ne_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x ->
-  is_finite_f32 y -> ne_f32 x y <-> not ((of_f32 x) = (of_f32 y))
-axiom ne_finite_f64 : forall x:f64, y:f64 [ne_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x ->
-  is_finite_f64 y -> ne_f64 x y <-> not ((of_f64 x) = (of_f64 y))
-function le_f32b f32 f32 : Bool.bool
-function le_f64b f64 f64 : Bool.bool
-predicate le_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = ((le_f32b x y) = (Bool.True))
-predicate le_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = ((le_f64b x y) = (Bool.True))
-axiom le_finite_f32 : forall x:f32, y:f32 [le_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x ->
-  is_finite_f32 y -> le_f32 x y <-> (Real.(<=) (of_f32 x) (of_f32 y))
-axiom le_finite_f64 : forall x:f64, y:f64 [le_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x ->
-  is_finite_f64 y -> le_f64 x y <-> (Real.(<=) (of_f64 x) (of_f64 y))
-function lt_f32b f32 f32 : Bool.bool
-function lt_f64b f64 f64 : Bool.bool
-predicate lt_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = ((lt_f32b x y) = (Bool.True))
-predicate lt_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = ((lt_f64b x y) = (Bool.True))
-axiom lt_finite_f32 : forall x:f32, y:f32 [lt_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x ->
-  is_finite_f32 y -> lt_f32 x y <-> (Real.(<) (of_f32 x) (of_f32 y))
-axiom lt_finite_f64 : forall x:f64, y:f64 [lt_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x ->
-  is_finite_f64 y -> lt_f64 x y <-> (Real.(<) (of_f64 x) (of_f64 y))
-function neg_f32 f32 : f32
-function neg_f64 f64 : f64
-axiom neg_finite_f32 : forall x:f32 [neg_f32 x]. is_finite_f32 x -> ((of_f32
-  (neg_f32 x)) = ((Real.(-_) (of_f32 x))))
-axiom neg_finite_f64 : forall x:f64 [neg_f64 x]. is_finite_f64 x -> ((of_f64
-  (neg_f64 x)) = ((Real.(-_) (of_f64 x))))
-function add_f32 f32 f32 : f32
-function add_f64 f64 f64 : f64
-axiom add_finite_f32 : forall x:f32, y:f32 [add_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x ->
-  is_finite_f32 y -> ((add_f32 x y) = (to_f32 (Real.(+) (of_f32 x) (of_f32
-  y))))
-axiom add_finite_f64 : forall x:f64, y:f64 [add_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x ->
-  is_finite_f64 y -> ((add_f64 x y) = (to_f64 (Real.(+) (of_f64 x) (of_f64
-  y))))
-function mul_f32 f32 f32 : f32
-function mul_f64 f64 f64 : f64
-axiom mul_finite_f32 : forall x:f32, y:f32 [mul_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x ->
-  is_finite_f32 y -> ((mul_f32 x y) = (to_f32 (Real.(*) (of_f32 x) (of_f32
-  y))))
-axiom mul_finite_f64 : forall x:f64, y:f64 [mul_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x ->
-  is_finite_f64 y -> ((mul_f64 x y) = (to_f64 (Real.(*) (of_f64 x) (of_f64
-  y))))
-function div_f32 f32 f32 : f32
-function div_f64 f64 f64 : f64
-axiom div_finite_f32 : forall x:f32, y:f32 [div_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x ->
-  is_finite_f32 y -> ((div_f32 x y) = (to_f32 (Real.(/) (of_f32 x) (of_f32
-  y))))
-axiom div_finite_f64 : forall x:f64, y:f64 [div_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x ->
-  is_finite_f64 y -> ((div_f64 x y) = (to_f64 (Real.(/) (of_f64 x) (of_f64
-  y))))
-function sqrt_f32 f32 : f32
-function sqrt_f64 f64 : f64
-axiom sqrt_finite_f32 : forall x:f32 [sqrt_f32 x]. is_finite_f32 x ->
-  ((sqrt_f32 x) = (to_f32 (Square.sqrt (of_f32 x))))
-axiom sqrt_finite_f64 : forall x:f64 [sqrt_f64 x]. is_finite_f64 x ->
-  ((sqrt_f64 x) = (to_f64 (Square.sqrt (of_f64 x))))
-function model_f32 f32 : real
-function delta_f32 (f:f32) : real = Abs.abs (Real.(-) (of_f32 f) (model_f32
-  f))
-function error_f32 (f:f32) : real = (Real.(/) (delta_f32 f) (Abs.abs
-  (model_f32 f)))
-function model_f64 f64 : real
-function delta_f64 (f:f64) : real = Abs.abs (Real.(-) (of_f64 f) (model_f64
-  f))
-function error_f64 (f:f64) : real = (Real.(/) (delta_f64 f) (Abs.abs
-  (model_f64 f)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cint.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cint.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f80f9e6d3254d795bbfa37f0ff06dfb57d97db2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cint.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,874 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_bool (x:Z): Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
-Require Import Qedlib.
-(** * remarks about two_power_nat *)
-Remark two_power_nat_is_positive: forall n,
-  (0 < two_power_nat n)%Z.
-  induction n. 
-  (** base *) 
-  + compute. auto.
-  (** ind. *) 
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-    apply Zmult_lt_0_compat.
-    omega.
-    auto.
-Remark two_power_nat_plus: forall n m,
-  (two_power_nat (n+m) = (two_power_nat n)*(two_power_nat m))%Z.
-  induction m.
-  (replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1%Z by (compute;forward)).
-  (replace (n + 0)%nat with n by (auto with zarith)).
-  ring.
-  rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  replace (n + S m)%nat with (S(n+m)) by (auto with zarith).
-  rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  rewrite IHm.
-  ring.
-(** * C-Integer bounds * **)
-(** ** bounds are inlined into prover files ** **)
-(** * C-Integer Ranges *)
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_uint8 (x:Z): Prop := (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_sint8 (x:Z): Prop := ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_uint16 (x:Z): Prop := (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_sint16 (x:Z): Prop := ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_uint32 (x:Z): Prop := (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_sint32 (x:Z): Prop := ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\
-  (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_uint64 (x:Z): Prop := (0%Z <= x)%Z /\
-  (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_sint64 (x:Z): Prop := ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\
-  (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_bool0 : (is_bool 0%Z).
-  unfold is_bool. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_bool1 : (is_bool 1%Z).
-  unfold is_bool. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_bool: Z -> Z.
-exact (fun x => if ( x =? 0 ) then 0 else 1).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_bool_def : forall (x:Z), ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\
-  ((~ (x = 0%Z)) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
-intros x. unfold to_bool. induction (Z.eqb_spec x 0%Z) ; intuition.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Definition to_range a b z := a + (z-a) mod (b-a).
-Ltac simplify_to_range_unfolding :=
-  repeat (rewrite Z.sub_0_r); repeat (rewrite Z.add_0_l); repeat (rewrite Z.sub_opp_r).
-Lemma is_to_range: forall a b z, a<b -> a <= to_range a b z < b.
-  intros.
-  unfold to_range.
-  assert (Q : b-a > 0) ; auto with zarith.
-  generalize (Z_mod_lt (z-a) (b-a) Q).
-  intro R.
-  auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_uint8: Z -> Z.
-exact (to_range 0 256).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_sint8: Z -> Z.
-exact (to_range (-128) 128).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_uint16: Z -> Z.
-exact (to_range 0 65536).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_sint16: Z -> Z.
-exact (to_range (-32768) 32768).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_uint32: Z -> Z.
-exact (to_range 0 4294967296).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_sint32: Z -> Z.
-exact (to_range (-2147483648) 2147483648).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_uint64: Z -> Z.
-exact (to_range 0 18446744073709551616).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_sint64: Z -> Z.
-exact (to_range (-9223372036854775808) 9223372036854775808).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition two_power_abs: Z -> Z.
-exact (fun n => two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat n)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma two_power_abs_is_positive : forall (n:Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
-  intros n.
-  unfold two_power_abs.
-  apply two_power_nat_is_positive.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma two_power_abs_plus_pos : forall (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z ->
-  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z)).
-  intros n m h1 h2.
-  unfold two_power_abs.
-  replace (Z.abs_nat (n + m)) with ((Z.abs_nat n) + (Z.abs_nat m))%nat.
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_plus. trivial.
-  + rewrite Zabs2Nat.inj_add by omega. trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma two_power_abs_plus_one : forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
-  intros n h1.
-  rewrite two_power_abs_plus_pos by omega.
-  replace (two_power_abs 1) with 2%Z.
-  + ring.
-  + unfold two_power_abs.
-    compute. trivial.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_uint (n:Z) (x:Z): Prop := (0%Z <= x)%Z /\
-  (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition is_sint (n:Z) (x:Z): Prop := ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\
-  (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_uint: Z -> Z -> Z.
-exact (fun n => to_range 0 (two_power_abs n)).
-Ltac to_uint to_uintN := unfold to_uint; unfold to_uintN; f_equal.
-Remark to_uint_8 : to_uint8 = to_uint 8%Z.
-Proof. to_uint to_uint8.
-Remark to_uint_16 : to_uint16 = to_uint 16%Z.
-Proof. to_uint to_uint16.
-Remark to_uint_32 : to_uint32 = to_uint 32%Z.
-Proof. to_uint to_uint32.
-Remark to_uint_64 : to_uint64 = to_uint 64%Z.
-Proof. to_uint to_uint64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition to_sint: Z -> Z -> Z.
-exact (fun n => to_range (-two_power_abs n) (two_power_abs n)).
-Ltac to_sint to_sintN := unfold to_sint; unfold to_sintN; f_equal.
-Remark to_sint_8 : to_sint8 = to_sint 7%Z.
-Proof. to_sint to_sint8.
-Remark to_sint_16 : to_sint16 = to_sint 15%Z.
-Proof. to_sint to_sint16.
-Remark to_sint_32 : to_sint32 = to_sint 31%Z.
-Proof. to_sint to_sint32.
-Remark to_sint_64 : to_sint64 = to_sint 63%Z.
-Proof. to_sint to_sint64.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_uint : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (is_uint n (to_uint n x)).
-  intros n x.
-  apply is_to_range.
-  apply two_power_abs_is_positive.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_sint : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (is_sint n (to_sint n x)).
-  intros n x.
-  apply is_to_range.
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive n); intro.
-  omega.
-(** * C-Integer Conversions are in-range *)
-Local Ltac to_range := intro x ; apply is_to_range ; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Z), (is_uint8 (to_uint8 x)).
-Proof. to_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Z), (is_sint8 (to_sint8 x)).
-Proof. to_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Z), (is_uint16 (to_uint16 x)).
-Proof. to_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Z), (is_sint16 (to_sint16 x)).
-Proof. to_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Z), (is_uint32 (to_uint32 x)).
-Proof. to_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Z), (is_sint32 (to_sint32 x)).
-Proof. to_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Z), (is_uint64 (to_uint64 x)).
-Proof. to_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Z), (is_sint64 (to_sint64 x)).
-Proof. to_range.
-(** * C-Integer Conversions are identity when in-range *)
-Remark mod_kn_mod_n:  forall (k:Z) (n:Z) (x:Z), k>0 -> n>0 -> (x mod (k*n)) mod n = x mod n.
-  intros.
-  rewrite (Zmod_eq_full x (k*n)).
-  + rewrite <- Z.add_opp_r. rewrite Zopp_mult_distr_l.
-    replace (- (x/(k*n)) * (k*n)) with (((-(x/(k*n))) * k) * n) by ring.
-    apply Z_mod_plus_full.
-  + assert (k*n > 0).
-    { apply Zmult_gt_0_compat; trivial. }
-    omega.
-Lemma id_to_range : forall a b x, a <= x < b -> to_range a b x = x.
-  intros a b x Range. unfold to_range.
-  assert (Q : b-a > 0) ; auto with zarith.
-  cut ((x-a) mod (b-a) = (x-a)). omega.
-  apply Zmod_small. omega.
-Local Ltac id_range := intro x ; apply id_to_range ; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_uint : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (is_uint n x) <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
-  intros n x; split.
-  + apply id_to_range.
-  + intro H; rewrite <- H. apply is_to_uint.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_sint : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (is_sint n x) <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
-  intros n x; split.
-  + apply id_to_range.
-  + intro H; rewrite <- H. apply is_to_sint.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_uint8 : forall (x:Z), (is_uint8 x) -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
-Proof. id_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_sint8 : forall (x:Z), (is_sint8 x) -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
-Proof. id_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_uint16 : forall (x:Z), (is_uint16 x) -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
-Proof. id_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_sint16 : forall (x:Z), (is_sint16 x) -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
-Proof. id_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_uint32 : forall (x:Z), (is_uint32 x) -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
-Proof. id_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_sint32 : forall (x:Z), (is_sint32 x) -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
-Proof. id_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_uint64 : forall (x:Z), (is_uint64 x) -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
-Proof. id_range.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma id_sint64 : forall (x:Z), (is_sint64 x) -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
-Proof. id_range.
-(** * C-Integer Conversions are projections *)
-Local Ltac proj := intro x ; apply id_to_range ; apply is_to_range ; omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_uint : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n
-  x)).
-  intros n x. apply id_to_range. 
-  unfold to_uint. apply is_to_range. apply two_power_abs_is_positive.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_sint : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n
-  x)).
-  intros n x. apply id_to_range. 
-  unfold to_sint. apply is_to_range. 
-  assert (0 < two_power_abs n).
-  { apply two_power_abs_is_positive. }
-  omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_uint8 : forall (x:Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
-Proof. proj.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_sint8 : forall (x:Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
-Proof. proj.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_uint16 : forall (x:Z),
-  ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
-Proof. proj.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_sint16 : forall (x:Z),
-  ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
-Proof. proj.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_uint32 : forall (x:Z),
-  ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
-Proof. proj.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_sint32 : forall (x:Z),
-  ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
-Proof. proj.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_uint64 : forall (x:Z),
-  ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
-Proof. proj.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_sint64 : forall (x:Z),
-  ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
-Proof. proj.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_su : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n
-  x)).
-  intros n x; unfold to_uint; unfold to_sint; unfold to_range; simplify_to_range_unfolding.
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive n).
-  pose (n2:=(two_power_abs n)); fold n2.
-  intros.
-  replace (n2 + n2) with (2*n2) by (auto with zarith).
-  replace ((x mod n2 + n2) mod (2 * n2)) with (x mod n2 + n2).
-  + replace (- n2 + (x mod n2 + n2)) with (x mod n2) by ring.
-    trivial.
-  + symmetry. apply Zmod_small.
-    assert (0 <= x mod n2 < n2).
-    { apply Z_mod_lt; omega. }
-    omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma incl_su : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (is_uint n x) -> (is_sint n x).
-  intros n x.
-  rewrite id_uint; intro H; rewrite <- H.
-  rewrite id_sint; apply proj_su.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_su_uint : forall (n:Z) (m:Z) (x:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x))).
-  intros n m x Posn POSm; unfold to_uint; unfold to_sint; unfold to_range.
-  repeat (rewrite Z.sub_0_r); rewrite Z.add_0_l; repeat (rewrite Z.sub_opp_r).
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive n).
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive m).
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive (m+n)).
-  rewrite two_power_abs_plus_pos by omega.
-  pose (n2:=(two_power_abs n)); fold n2.
-  pose (m2:=(two_power_abs m)); fold m2.
-  intros.
-  replace (m2*n2 + m2*n2) with (2*(m2*n2)) by (auto with zarith).
-  replace ((x mod n2 + (m2*n2)) mod (2*(m2*n2))) with (x mod n2 + (m2*n2)).
-  + omega.
-  + symmetry. apply Zmod_small.
-    pose (r:=(x mod n2)); fold r.
-    assert (0 <= r < n2).
-    { apply Z_mod_lt; omega. }
-    split.
-    * omega.
-    * replace (2*(m2*n2)) with (m2*n2 + m2*n2) by (auto with zarith).
-      rewrite <- Z.add_lt_mono_r.
-      pose (mn:=(m2 * n2)); fold mn.
-      assert (n2 <= mn).
-      { replace n2 with (1*n2) by auto with zarith.
-	      unfold mn. 
-        apply Int.CompatOrderMult; omega. }
-      destruct H2. omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_su_sint : forall (n:Z) (m:Z) (x:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n
-  x))).
-  intros n m x POSn POSm; unfold to_uint; unfold to_sint; unfold to_range.
-  repeat (rewrite Z.sub_0_r); rewrite Z.add_0_l; repeat (rewrite Z.sub_opp_r).
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive n).
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive m).
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive (m + (n + 1))).
-  rewrite two_power_abs_plus_pos by omega.
-  rewrite two_power_abs_plus_one by omega.
-  pose (n2:=(two_power_abs n)); fold n2.
-  pose (m2:=(two_power_abs m)); fold m2.
-  intros.
-  replace (n2 + n2) with (2*n2) by (auto with zarith).
-  symmetry.
-  rewrite <- (mod_kn_mod_n m2 ) by omega.
-  rewrite <- Z.add_mod_idemp_l by omega.
-  rewrite mod_kn_mod_n by omega.
-  trivial.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_int8 : forall (x:Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite to_sint_8. rewrite to_uint_8.
-  replace 8 with (0+(7+1)) by (auto with zarith). 
-  apply proj_su_sint; (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_int16 : forall (x:Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite to_sint_16. rewrite to_uint_16.
-  replace 16 with (0+(15+1)) by (auto with zarith). 
-  apply proj_su_sint; (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_int32 : forall (x:Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite to_sint_32. rewrite to_uint_32.
-  replace 32 with (0+(31+1)) by (auto with zarith). 
-  apply proj_su_sint; (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_int64 : forall (x:Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
-  intros x.
-  rewrite to_sint_64. rewrite to_uint_64.
-  replace 64 with (0+(63+1)) by (auto with zarith). 
-  apply proj_su_sint; (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma proj_us_uint : forall (n:Z) (m:Z) (x:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z
-  x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x))).
-  intros n m x POSn POSm; unfold to_uint; unfold to_sint; unfold to_range.
-  repeat (rewrite Z.sub_0_r); repeat (rewrite Z.add_0_l); repeat (rewrite Z.sub_opp_r).
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive n).
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive m).
-  rewrite two_power_abs_plus_one by omega.
-  rewrite two_power_abs_plus_pos by omega.
-  pose (n2:=(two_power_abs n)); fold n2.
-  pose (m2:=(two_power_abs m)); fold m2.
-  intros.
-  replace (m2*n2 + m2*n2) with (2*(m2*n2)) by (auto with zarith).
-  rewrite Z.add_opp_l.
-  symmetry.
-  rewrite <- (mod_kn_mod_n m2) by omega.
-  replace (m2 * (2 * n2)) with (2 * (m2 * n2)) by ring.
-  pose (mn:=(m2*n2)); fold mn.
-  replace x with ((x+mn)-mn) by (auto with zarith).
-  replace (x + mn - mn + mn) with (x + mn) by (auto with zarith).
-  rewrite <- Zminus_mod_idemp_l. 
-  unfold mn.
-  replace (2 * (m2 * n2)) with (m2 * (2 * n2)) by ring.
-  rewrite mod_kn_mod_n by omega.
-  trivial.
-Remark two_power_abs_increase: forall (n:Z), 0 <= n -> two_power_abs n < two_power_abs (n +1).
-  intros.
-  generalize (two_power_abs_is_positive n); intro h.
-  rewrite two_power_abs_plus_one; omega.
-Require Import Qedlib.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma incl_uint : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((is_uint n x) -> (is_uint (n + i)%Z x))).
-  intros n x i h1 h2 h3.
-  apply Qedlib.Z_induction_rank with (m:=0) (n := i) ; auto with zarith.
-  { replace (n + 0) with n by ring; auto. }
-  intro; unfold is_uint; intros h10 h11.
-  split.
-  + omega.
-  + replace (n + (n0 + 1)) with ((n + n0) + 1) by ring.
-    pose (m :=(n + n0)); fold m; fold m in h11.
-    assert (two_power_abs m < two_power_abs (m + 1)).
-    { assert (0 <= m) by (unfold m; omega).
-      clear h11 h2 x h3 i h1 h10.
-      apply two_power_abs_increase; auto.
-    }
-    omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma incl_sint : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((is_sint n x) -> (is_sint (n + i)%Z x))).
-  intros n x i h1 h2 h3.
-  apply Qedlib.Z_induction_rank with (m:=0) (n := i) ; auto with zarith.
-  { replace (n + 0) with n by ring; auto. }
-  intro; unfold is_sint; intros h10 h11.
-  replace (n + (n0 + 1)) with ((n + n0) + 1) by ring.
-  pose (m :=(n + n0)); fold m; fold m in h11.
-  assert (0 <= m).
-  { unfold m; omega. }
-  generalize (two_power_abs_increase m); intro.
-  omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma incl_int : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((is_uint n x) -> (is_sint (n + i)%Z x))).
-  intros n x i h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold is_sint; unfold is_uint in h3.
-  apply Qedlib.Z_induction_rank with (m:=0) (n := i) ; auto with zarith.
-  { replace (n + 0) with n by ring; omega. }
-  intro.
-  replace (n + (n0 + 1)) with ((n + n0) + 1) by ring.
-  pose (m :=(n + n0)); fold m; intros.
-  assert (0 <= m).
-  { unfold m; omega. }
-  generalize (two_power_abs_increase m); intro.
-  omega.
-Require Import Zbits.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lnot: Z -> Z.
-  exact (lnot).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition land: Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (land).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lxor: Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lxor).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lor: Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lor).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lsl: Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lsl).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition lsr: Z -> Z -> Z.
-  exact (lsr).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition bit_testb: Z -> Z -> bool.
-exact (bit_testb).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition bit_test: Z -> Z -> Prop.
-exact (fun x i => (bit_testb x i) = true).
-(* Unused content named is_uint8_pos
-intros x h.
-red in h.
- *)
-(* Unused content named is_uint16_pos
-intros x h.
-red in h.
- *)
-(* Unused content named is_uint32_pos
-intros x h.
-red in h.
- *)
-(* Unused content named is_uint64_pos
-intros x h.
-red in h.
- *)
-(** * Tacticals. *)
-Require Import Qedlib.
-Fixpoint Cst_nat n := 
-  match n with O => true | S c => Cst_nat c 
-  end.
-Fixpoint Cst_pos p := 
-  match p with xH => true | xI c | xO c => Cst_pos c 
-  end.
-Fixpoint Cst_N n := 
-  match n with N0 => true | Npos c => Cst_pos c 
-  end.
-Definition Cst_Z x := 
-  match x with Z0 => true | Zpos c | Zneg c => Cst_pos c 
-  end.
-Ltac COMPUTE e :=
-  let R := fresh in pose (R := e); fold R; compute in R; unfold R; clear R.
-Ltac COMPUTE_HYP h e :=
-  let R := fresh in pose (R := e); fold R in h; compute in R; unfold R in h; clear R.
-Ltac GUARD cst e := 
-  let E := fresh in pose (E := cst e); compute in E; 
-  match goal with
-    | [ E:=true |- _] => clear E
-  end.
-Ltac COMPUTE1 f cst := 
-  match goal with 
-   | [ |- context[f ?e] ]      => GUARD cst e; COMPUTE (f e)
-   | [ H:=context[f ?e] |- _ ] => GUARD cst e; COMPUTE_HYP H (f e)
-   | [ H: context[f ?e] |- _ ] => GUARD cst e; COMPUTE_HYP H (f e)
-  end.
-Ltac COMPUTE2 f cst1 cst2 := 
-  match goal with  
-   | [ |- context[f ?e1 ?e2] ]     => GUARD cst1 e1; GUARD cst2 e2; COMPUTE (f e1 e2)
-   | [ H:=context[f ?e1 ?e2] |- _] => GUARD cst1 e1; GUARD cst2 e2; COMPUTE_HYP H (f e1 e2)
-   | [ H: context[f ?e1 ?e2] |- _] => GUARD cst1 e1; GUARD cst2 e2; COMPUTE_HYP H (f e1 e2)
-  end.
-Ltac COMPUTE2AC f cst tac := 
-  match goal with  
-   | [ |- context[f ?e1 (f ?e2 ?e3) ]] => GUARD cst e1; 
-                                          first [ (GUARD cst e2; (replace (f e1 (f e2 e3)) with (f e3 (f e1 e2)) by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE (f e1 e2))
-						| (GUARD cst e3; (replace (f e1 (f e2 e3)) with (f e2 (f e1 e3)) by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE (f e1 e3))]
-   | [ |- context[f (f ?e3 ?e2) ?e1 ]] => GUARD cst e1; 
-                                          first [ (GUARD cst e2; (replace (f (f e3 e2) e1) with (f e3 (f e2 e1)) by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE (f e2 e1))
-						| (GUARD cst e3; (replace (f (f e3 e2) e1) with (f e2 (f e3 e1)) by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE (f e3 e1))]
-   | [ H:=context[f ?e1 (f ?e2 ?e3) ] |- _] => GUARD cst e1; 
-                                          first [ (GUARD cst e2; (replace (f e1 (f e2 e3)) with (f e3 (f e1 e2)) in H by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE_HYP H (f e1 e2))
-						| (GUARD cst e3; (replace (f e1 (f e2 e3)) with (f e2 (f e1 e3)) in H by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE_HYP H (f e1 e3))]
-   | [ H:=context[f (f ?e3 ?e2) ?e1 ] |- _] => GUARD cst e1; 
-                                          first [ (GUARD cst e2; (replace (f (f e3 e2) e1) with (f e3 (f e2 e1)) in H by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE_HYP H (f e2 e1))
-						| (GUARD cst e3; (replace (f (f e3 e2) e1) with (f e2 (f e3 e1)) in H by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE_HYP H (f e3 e1))]
-   | [ H: context[f ?e1 (f ?e2 ?e3) ] |- _] => GUARD cst e1; 
-                                          first [ (GUARD cst e2; (replace (f e1 (f e2 e3)) with (f e3 (f e1 e2)) in H by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE (f e1 e2))
-						| (GUARD cst e3; (replace (f e1 (f e2 e3)) with (f e2 (f e1 e3)) in H by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE_HYP H (f e1 e3))]
-   | [ H: context[f (f ?e3 ?e2) ?e1 ] |- _] => GUARD cst e1; 
-                                          first [ (GUARD cst e2; (replace (f (f e3 e2) e1) with (f e3 (f e2 e1)) in H by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE_HYP H (f e2 e1))
-						| (GUARD cst e3; (replace (f (f e3 e2) e1) with (f e2 (f e3 e1)) in H by (tac ; forward)); COMPUTE_HYP H (f e3 e1))]
-  end.
-Ltac COMPUTE3 f cst1 cst2 cst3 := 
-  match goal with  
-   | [ |- context[f ?e1 ?e2 ?e3] ]      => GUARD cst1 e1; GUARD cst2 e2; GUARD cst3 e3; COMPUTE (f e1 e2 e3)
-   | [ H:=context[f ?e1 ?e2 ?e3] |- _ ] => GUARD cst1 e1; GUARD cst2 e2; GUARD cst3 e3; COMPUTE_HYP H (f e1 e2 e3)
-   | [ H: context[f ?e1 ?e2 ?e3] |- _ ] => GUARD cst1 e1; GUARD cst2 e2; GUARD cst3 e3; COMPUTE_HYP H (f e1 e2 e3)
-  end.
-Require Import Bits. 
-Ltac ring_tactic := ring.
-Ltac rewrite_cst :=
-  first [ COMPUTE Zopp Cst_Z 
-        | COMPUTE Zsucc Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE Zpred Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE Zdouble_plus_one Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE Zdouble_minus_one Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE Zdouble Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE Zabs Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE Zabs_N Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE Zabs_nat Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE Z_of_N Cst_N 
-        | COMPUTE Z_of_nat Cst_nat
-        | COMPUTE two_power_nat Cst_nat
-        | COMPUTE2 Zminus Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE2 Zplus Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE2 Zmult Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE2AC Zplus Cst_Z ring_tactic
-        | COMPUTE2AC Zmult Cst_Z ring_tactic
-        | COMPUTE to_uint8 Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE to_sint8 Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE to_uint16 Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE to_sint16 Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE to_uint32 Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE to_sint32 Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE to_uint64 Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE to_sint64 Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE3 to_range Cst_Z Cst_Z Cst_Z
-	| COMPUTE1 zlnot Cst_Z
-	| COMPUTE1 ZxHpos Cst_Z
-	| COMPUTE1 ZxHpower Cst_Z
-        ].
-Remark rewrite_cst_example_1: forall x y, 1 + ((2 * x) * 3 + 2) = (3 * (2 * y)+ 2) + 1 -> 1 + (2 + (x * 2) * 3 ) = (2 + 3 * (y* 2)) + 1.
-  intros. repeat rewrite_cst. auto.
-Remark rewrite_cst_example_2: forall x: Z,
-  x + zlnot (zlnot (0)) = x + Z_of_nat (ZxHpos 0).
-  rewrite_cst. intro. auto.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cint.why b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cint.why
deleted file mode 100644
index 0522aebf1c30162f2143e7310c6e85b12b71ce10..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cint.why
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Cint
-use bool.Bool as Bool
-use int.Int as Int
-function max_uint8 : int = 256
-function max_sint8 : int = 128
-function max_uint16 : int = 65536
-function max_sint16 : int = 32768
-function max_uint32 : int = 4294967296
-function max_sint32 : int = 2147483648
-function max_uint64 : int = 18446744073709551616
-function max_sint64 : int = 9223372036854775808
-predicate is_bool (x:int) = ((x) = (0)) \/ ((x) = (1))
-predicate is_uint8 int
-axiom is_uint8_def : forall x:int [is_uint8 x]. is_uint8 x <->
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_uint8))
-predicate is_sint8 int
-axiom is_sint8_def : forall x:int [is_sint8 x]. is_sint8 x <->
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (max_sint8))) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_sint8))
-predicate is_uint16 int
-axiom is_uint16_def : forall x:int [is_uint16 x]. is_uint16 x <->
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_uint16))
-predicate is_sint16 (x:int) = (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (max_sint16))) (x)) /\
-  (Int.(<) (x) (max_sint16))
-predicate is_uint32 int
-axiom is_uint32_def : forall x:int [is_uint32 x]. is_uint32 x <->
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_uint32))
-predicate is_sint32 int
-axiom is_sint32_def : forall x:int [is_sint32 x]. is_sint32 x <->
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (max_sint32))) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_sint32))
-predicate is_uint64 int
-axiom is_uint64_def : forall x:int [is_uint64 x]. is_uint64 x <->
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_uint64))
-predicate is_sint64 int
-axiom is_sint64_def : forall x:int [is_sint64 x]. is_sint64 x <->
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (max_sint64))) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_sint64))
-lemma is_bool0 : is_bool 0
-lemma is_bool1 : is_bool 1
-function to_bool (x:int) : int = if ((x) = (0)) then 0 else 1
-function to_uint8 int : int
-function to_sint8 int : int
-function to_uint16 int : int
-function to_sint16 int : int
-function to_uint32 int : int
-function to_sint32 int : int
-function to_uint64 int : int
-function to_sint64 int : int
-function two_power_abs int : int
-predicate is_uint (n:int) (x:int) = (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\
-  (Int.(<) (x) (two_power_abs n))
-predicate is_sint (n:int) (x:int) = (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (two_power_abs
-  n))) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (two_power_abs n))
-function to_uint int int : int
-function to_sint int int : int
-axiom is_to_uint8 : forall x:int [is_uint8 (to_uint8 x)]. is_uint8 (to_uint8
-  x)
-axiom is_to_sint8 : forall x:int [is_sint8 (to_sint8 x)]. is_sint8 (to_sint8
-  x)
-axiom is_to_uint16 : forall x:int [is_uint16 (to_uint16 x)]. is_uint16
-  (to_uint16 x)
-axiom is_to_sint16 : forall x:int [is_sint16 (to_sint16 x)]. is_sint16
-  (to_sint16 x)
-axiom is_to_uint32 : forall x:int [is_uint32 (to_uint32 x)]. is_uint32
-  (to_uint32 x)
-axiom is_to_sint32 : forall x:int [is_sint32 (to_sint32 x)]. is_sint32
-  (to_sint32 x)
-axiom is_to_uint64 : forall x:int [is_uint64 (to_uint64 x)]. is_uint64
-  (to_uint64 x)
-axiom is_to_sint64 : forall x:int [is_sint64 (to_sint64 x)]. is_sint64
-  (to_sint64 x)
-axiom id_uint8 : forall x:int [to_uint8 x]. (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\
-  (Int.(<) (x) (max_uint8)) -> ((to_uint8 x) = (x))
-axiom id_sint8 : forall x:int [to_sint8 x].
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (max_sint8))) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_sint8)) ->
-  ((to_sint8 x) = (x))
-axiom id_uint16 : forall x:int [to_uint16 x]. (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\
-  (Int.(<) (x) (max_uint16)) -> ((to_uint16 x) = (x))
-axiom id_sint16 : forall x:int [to_sint16 x].
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (max_sint16))) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_sint16)) ->
-  ((to_sint16 x) = (x))
-axiom id_uint32 : forall x:int [to_uint32 x]. (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\
-  (Int.(<) (x) (max_uint32)) -> ((to_uint32 x) = (x))
-axiom id_sint32 : forall x:int [to_sint32 x].
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (max_sint32))) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_sint32)) ->
-  ((to_sint32 x) = (x))
-axiom id_uint64 : forall x:int [to_uint64 x]. (Int.(<=) (0) (x)) /\
-  (Int.(<) (x) (max_uint64)) -> ((to_uint64 x) = (x))
-axiom id_sint64 : forall x:int [to_sint64 x].
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(-_) (max_sint64))) (x)) /\ (Int.(<) (x) (max_sint64)) ->
-  ((to_sint64 x) = (x))
-axiom proj_int8 : forall x:int [to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)]. ((to_sint8 (to_uint8
-  x)) = (to_sint8 x))
-axiom proj_int16 : forall x:int [to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)]. ((to_sint16
-  (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x))
-axiom proj_int32 : forall x:int [to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)]. ((to_sint32
-  (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x))
-axiom proj_int64 : forall x:int [to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)]. ((to_sint64
-  (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x))
-function lnot int : int
-function land int int : int
-function lxor int int : int
-function lor int int : int
-function lsl int int : int
-function lsr int int : int
-function bit_testb int int : Bool.bool
-predicate bit_test int int
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.v
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index aada736b6875b2d5a7ac6d56ad67d89f0c3f3c9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require int.Int.
-Require int.Abs.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require Import RIneq.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma abs_def :
-  forall (x:Z),
-  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
-  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
-exact int.Abs.abs_def.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ExpLog.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ExpLog.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e7d71a0cc1a2573cd578615a2f318899335e550a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ExpLog.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require Reals.Rtrigo_def.
-Require Reals.Rpower.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.ExpLog.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma exp_pos : forall (x:R), (0%R < (Reals.Rtrigo_def.exp x))%R.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 26866826a4970da8a246ebd15a4e03e8a6309a83..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require HighOrd.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-Require map.Map.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import Qedlib.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Inductive addr :=
-  | mk_addr : Z -> Z -> addr.
-Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
-Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition offset (v:addr) : Z := match v with
-                                  | mk_addr x x1 => x1
-                                  end.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition base (v:addr) : Z := match v with
-                                | mk_addr x x1 => x
-                                end.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_le : addr -> addr -> Prop.
-  exact (fun (p q : addr) => ((base p = base q) /\ (offset p <= offset q)%Z)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_lt : addr -> addr -> Prop.
-  exact (fun (p q : addr) => (base p = base q) /\ (offset p < offset q)%Z).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_le_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
-  exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
-           andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zle_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_lt_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
-  exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
-           andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zlt_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_le_def :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
-  (addr_le p q) <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
-  unfold addr_le.
-  intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_lt_def :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
-  (addr_lt p q) <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
-  unfold addr_lt.
-  intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_le_bool_def :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_le p q) <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = true).
-  unfold addr_le. unfold addr_le_bool.
-  intros. split; intro H.
-  destruct H as [H0 H1].
-  rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool in H0.
-  apply Zle_imp_le_bool in H1.
-  rewrite H0. rewrite H1.
-  compute;reflexivity.
-  symmetry in H.
-  apply Bool.andb_true_eq in H.
-  destruct H as [H1 H2].
-  split;[apply Zeq_bool_eq|apply Zle_bool_imp_le];symmetry; assumption.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_lt_bool_def :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_lt p q) <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = true).
-  unfold addr_lt. unfold addr_lt_bool.
-  intros. split; intro H.
-  destruct H as [H0 H1].
-  rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool in H0.
-  rewrite Zlt_is_lt_bool in H1.
-  rewrite H0. rewrite H1.
-  compute;reflexivity.
-  symmetry in H.
-  apply Bool.andb_true_eq in H.
-  destruct H as [H1 H2].
-  split;[apply Zeq_bool_eq|rewrite Zlt_is_lt_bool];symmetry; assumption.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition null : addr := mk_addr 0%Z 0%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition global (b:Z) : addr := mk_addr b 0%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Z) : addr :=
-  mk_addr (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition included (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
-  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
-  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
-  (((base p) = (base q)) /\
-   (((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
-    (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z)).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
-  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
-  ((b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
-   (~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
-    ((((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
-     (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z))).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
-    (p:addr) (a1:Z) : Prop :=
-  forall (q:addr), (included q 1%Z p a1) -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Variable havoc: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) ->
-  (addr -> a) -> addr -> Z -> addr -> a.
-Definition fhavoc {A : Type}
-  (m : farray addr A)
-  (w : farray addr A) (p:addr) (n:Z) : (farray addr A) :=
-  {| whytype1 := whytype1 m;
-     whytype2 := whytype2 m;
-     access := @havoc _ (whytype2 m) (access m) (access w) p n |}.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition valid_rw (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
-  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
-  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition valid_rd (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
-  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
-  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition invalid (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
-  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma valid_rw_rd :
-  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), forall (n:Z), (valid_rw m p n) ->
-  valid_rd m p n.
-  intros m p n.
-  unfold valid_rw. unfold valid_rd.
-  intuition (auto with zarith).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma valid_string :
-  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z) ->
-  (valid_rd m p 1%Z) /\ ~ (valid_rw m p 1%Z).
-  intros m p.
-  unfold valid_rd. unfold valid_rw.
-  intuition (auto with zarith).
-Lemma separated_neq : forall p a q b p' q',
-  separated p a q b ->
-  included p' 1 p a ->
-  included q' 1 q b ->
-  p' <> q'.
-  intros p a q b p' q' SEP InP InQ EQ.
-  unfold separated in SEP.
-  unfold included in InP,InQ.
-  case_lt 0%Z a.
-  case_lt 0%Z b.
-  intros BPOS APOS.
-  generalize InP ; clear InP.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  intro H. clear H.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
-  intro BaseP.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
-  intros InP1 InP2.
-  generalize InQ ; clear InQ.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  intro H. clear H.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
-  intro BaseQ.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
-  intros InQ1 InQ2.
-  generalize SEP ; clear SEP.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
-  rewrite <- EQ in BaseQ.
-  rewrite BaseP in BaseQ.
-  contradiction.
-  rewrite <- EQ in InQ1,InQ2.
-  omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_1 :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z),
-  (separated p a q b) ->
-  (((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z) ->
-  (((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z) ->
-  ~ ((mk_addr (base p) i) = (mk_addr (base q) j)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition region : Z -> Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition linked : (Z -> Z) -> Prop.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition sconst : (addr -> Z) -> Prop.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
-  forall (p:addr), ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_included :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z < a)%Z -> (0%Z < b)%Z ->
-  (separated p a q b) -> ~ (included p a q b).
-intros p q a b h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold separated. unfold included. unfold not.
-  intuition.
-Lemma separated_region : forall p a q b,
-  region (base p) <> region (base q) -> separated p a q b.
-  intros p a q b RDIFF.
-  unfold separated.
-  right. right. left.
-  intuition.
-  apply RDIFF. rewrite H. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma included_trans :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
-  (included p a q b) -> (included q b r c) -> included p a r c.
-  intros p a q b r c.
-  unfold included. intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_trans :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
-  (included p a q b) -> (separated q b r c) -> separated p a r c.
-  intros p a q b r c.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_sym :
-  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
-  (separated p a q b) <-> (separated q b p a).
-  intros p q a b.
-  unfold separated. intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqmem_included {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
-  forall (a1:Z) (b:Z), (included p a1 q b) -> (eqmem m1 m2 q b) ->
-  eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
-  intros m1 m2 p q a1 b h1 h2.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqmem_sym {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr), forall (a1:Z),
-  (eqmem m1 m2 p a1) -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
-  intros m1 m2 p a1. unfold eqmem.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma havoc_access {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
-  forall (a1:Z),
-  ((separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m1 q))) /\
-  (~ (separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m0 q))).
-  intros m0 m1 q p a1.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition int_of_addr : addr -> Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_of_int : Z -> addr.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition base_offset: Z -> Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition base_index: Z -> Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma int_of_addr_bijection : forall (a:Z),
-  ((int_of_addr (addr_of_int a)) = a).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_of_int_bijection :
-  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_of_null : ((int_of_addr null) = 0%Z).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma base_offset_zero : ((base_offset 0%Z) = 0%Z).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma base_offset_inj : forall (i:Z), ((base_index (base_offset i)) = i).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma base_offset_monotonic : forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (i < j)%Z ->
-  ((base_offset i) < (base_offset j))%Z.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.why b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.why
deleted file mode 100644
index 8496fc9cc19ebb20e7828dae1df523a33e4cbb1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.why
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@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Memory
-use bool.Bool as Bool
-use int.Int as Int
-use map.Map as Map
-type addr =
-  | Mk_addr (base:int) (offset:int)
-predicate addr_le addr addr
-predicate addr_lt addr addr
-function addr_le_bool addr addr : Bool.bool
-function addr_lt_bool addr addr : Bool.bool
-axiom addr_le_def : forall p:addr, q:addr [addr_le p q]. ((base p) = (base
-  q)) -> addr_le p q <-> (Int.(<=) (offset p) (offset q))
-axiom addr_lt_def : forall p:addr, q:addr [addr_lt p q]. ((base p) = (base
-  q)) -> addr_lt p q <-> (Int.(<) (offset p) (offset q))
-axiom addr_le_bool_def : forall p:addr, q:addr [addr_le_bool p q]. addr_le p
-  q <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = (Bool.True))
-axiom addr_lt_bool_def : forall p:addr, q:addr [addr_lt_bool p q]. addr_lt p
-  q <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = (Bool.True))
-function null : addr = Mk_addr 0 0
-function global (b:int) : addr = Mk_addr b 0
-function shift (p:addr) (k:int) : addr = Mk_addr (base p) (Int.(+) (offset
-  p) (k))
-predicate included (p:addr) (a:int) (q:addr) (b:int) = (Int.(>) (a) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(>=) (b) (0)) /\ ((base p) = (base q)) /\ (Int.(<=) (offset q) (offset
-  p)) /\ (Int.(<=) ((Int.(+) (offset p) (a))) ((Int.(+) (offset q) (b))))
-predicate separated (p:addr) (a:int) (q:addr) (b:int) = (Int.(<=) (a) (0)) \/
-  (Int.(<=) (b) (0)) \/ not ((base p) = (base q)) \/
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(+) (offset q) (b))) (offset p)) \/
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(+) (offset p) (a))) (offset q))
-predicate eqmem (m1:Map.map addr 'a) (m2:Map.map addr 'a) (p:addr) (a:int) =
-  forall q:addr [(Map.([]) (m1) (p))| (Map.([]) (m2) (q))]. included q 1 p
-  a -> (((Map.([]) (m1) (q))) = ((Map.([]) (m2) (q))))
-function havoc (Map.map addr 'a) (Map.map addr 'a) addr int : Map.map addr 'a
-predicate valid_rw (m:Map.map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
-  (Int.(>) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(<) (0) (base p)) /\ (Int.(<=) (0) (offset p)) /\
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(+) (offset p) (n))) ((Map.([]) (m) (base p))))
-predicate valid_rd (m:Map.map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
-  (Int.(>) (n) (0)) -> not ((0) = (base p)) /\ (Int.(<=) (0) (offset p)) /\
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(+) (offset p) (n))) ((Map.([]) (m) (base p))))
-predicate invalid (m:Map.map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) = (Int.(>) (n) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(<=) ((Map.([]) (m) (base p))) (offset p)) \/
-  (Int.(<=) ((Int.(+) (offset p) (n))) (0))
-lemma valid_rw_rd : forall m:Map.map int int. forall p:addr. forall n:int.
-  valid_rw m p n -> valid_rd m p n
-lemma valid_string : forall m:Map.map int int. forall p:addr. (Int.(<) (base
-  p) (0)) -> (Int.(<=) (0) (offset p)) /\ (Int.(<) (offset
-  p) ((Map.([]) (m) (base p)))) -> valid_rd m p 1 /\ not valid_rw m p 1
-lemma separated_1 : forall p:addr, q:addr. forall a:int, b:int, i:int, j:int
-  [separated p a q b, Mk_addr (base p) i, Mk_addr (base q) j]. separated p a
-  q b -> (Int.(<=) (offset p) (i)) /\ (Int.(<) (i) ((Int.(+) (offset
-  p) (a)))) -> (Int.(<=) (offset q) (j)) /\ (Int.(<) (j) ((Int.(+) (offset
-  q) (b)))) -> not ((Mk_addr (base p) i) = (Mk_addr (base q) j))
-function region int : int
-predicate linked (Map.map int int)
-predicate sconst (Map.map addr int)
-predicate framed (m:Map.map addr addr) = forall p:addr [(Map.([]) (m) (p))].
-  (Int.(<=) (region (base (Map.([]) (m) (p)))) (0))
-lemma separated_included : forall p:addr, q:addr. forall a:int, b:int
-  [separated p a q b, included p a q b]. (Int.(>) (a) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(>) (b) (0)) -> separated p a q b -> included p a q b -> false
-lemma included_trans : forall p:addr, q:addr, r:addr. forall a:int, b:int, c:
-  int [included p a q b, included q b r c]. included p a q b -> included q b
-  r c -> included p a r c
-lemma separated_trans : forall p:addr, q:addr, r:addr. forall a:int, b:int,
-  c:int [included p a q b, separated q b r c]. included p a q b -> separated
-  q b r c -> separated p a r c
-lemma separated_sym : forall p:addr, q:addr. forall a:int, b:int [separated p
-  a q b]. separated p a q b <-> separated q b p a
-lemma eqmem_included : forall m1:Map.map addr 'a, m2:Map.map addr 'a.
-  forall p:addr, q:addr. forall a:int, b:int [eqmem m1 m2 p a, eqmem m1 m2 q
-  b]. included p a q b -> eqmem m1 m2 q b -> eqmem m1 m2 p a
-lemma eqmem_sym : forall m1:Map.map addr 'a, m2:Map.map addr 'a. forall p:
-  addr. forall a:int. eqmem m1 m2 p a -> eqmem m2 m1 p a
-lemma havoc_access : forall m0:Map.map addr 'a, m1:Map.map addr 'a. forall q:
-  addr, p:addr. forall a:int. (((Map.([]) (havoc m0 m1 p
-  a) (q))) = (if separated q 1 p a then (Map.([]) (m1) (q))
-  else (Map.([]) (m0) (q))))
-function int_of_addr addr : int
-function addr_of_int int : addr
-function base_offset int : int
-function base_index int : int
-lemma int_of_addr_bijection : forall a:int. ((int_of_addr (addr_of_int
-  a)) = (a))
-lemma addr_of_int_bijection : forall p:addr. ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr
-  p)) = (p))
-lemma addr_of_null : ((int_of_addr null) = (0))
-lemma base_offset_zero : ((base_offset 0) = (0))
-lemma base_offset_inj : forall i:int. ((base_index (base_offset i)) = (i))
-lemma base_offset_monotonic : forall i:int, j:int. (Int.(<) (i) (j)) ->
-  (Int.(<) (base_offset i) (base_offset j))
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index a33a18a82068891fb8c8204e0383ce5f9b1267fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.v
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@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-Require int.Abs.
-Require int.EuclideanDivision.
-Require int.ComputerDivision.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.FromInt.
-Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition match_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : bool -> a -> a -> a.
-exact (fun b x y => if b then x else y).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma match_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:bool) (x:a) (y:a),
-  ((p = true) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = x)) \/
-  ((p = false) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = y)).
-  intros p x y.
-  destruct p; intuition.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition eqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
-exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then true else false).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = true) <-> (x = y).
-  intros x y.
-  destruct a_WT.
-  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqb_false {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = false) <-> ~ (x = y).
-  intros x y.
-  destruct a_WT.
-  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition neqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
-exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then false else true).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma neqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = true) <-> ~ (x = y).
-  intros x y.
-  destruct a_WT.
-  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition zlt : Z -> Z -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition zleq : Z -> Z -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma zlt1 : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((zlt x y) = true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
-  intros x y.
-  assert (T:= Zlt_is_lt_bool x y).
-  tauto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma zleq1 : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((zleq x y) = true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
-  intros x y.
-  assert (T:= Zle_is_le_bool x y).
-  tauto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition rlt : R -> R -> bool.
-exact (fun x y => if Rlt_dec x y then true else false).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition rleq : R -> R -> bool.
-exact (fun x y => if Rle_dec x y then true else false).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rlt1 : forall (x:R) (y:R), ((rlt x y) = true) <-> (x < y)%R.
-  intros x y.
-  compute;destruct (Rlt_dec x y); intuition discriminate.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rleq1 : forall (x:R) (y:R), ((rleq x y) = true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
-  intros x y.
-  compute;destruct (Rle_dec x y);intuition;discriminate.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition real_of_int (x:Z) : R := (BuiltIn.IZR x).
-Lemma lt_is_not_eqb1: forall x y, (x < y -> Z.eqb x y = false)%Z.
-  intros.
-  rewrite Z.eqb_compare.
-  rewrite H.
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma lt_is_not_eqb2: forall x y, (y < x -> Z.eqb x y = false)%Z.
-  intros.
-  rewrite Z.eqb_compare.
-  rewrite (Z.lt_gt _ _ H).
-  reflexivity.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma c_euclidian :
-  forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
-  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
-  intros n d.
-  intros H.
-  rewrite Int.Comm1.
-  exact (ComputerDivision.Div_mod n d H).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cmod_remainder :
-  forall (n:Z) (d:Z),
-  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
-   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
-  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
-    ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-    ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
-   (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-     (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
-    ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-     (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))).
-  intros n d.
-  (split;[|split;[|split]]);intros;
-  [exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_pos_pos _ _ H H0)|
-   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_neg_pos _ _ H H0)|
-   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_pos_neg _ _ H H0)|
-   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_neg_neg _ _ H H0)].
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cdiv_neutral : forall (a:Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
-  intro a.
-  exact (Z.quot_1_r a).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cdiv_inv :
-  forall (a:Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
-  intros a h1.
-  exact (Z.quot_same a h1).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.why b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.why
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e1692ec952d9c5dc9dd1b47d806098e66c136e1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.why
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Qed
-use bool.Bool as Bool
-use int.Int as Int
-use int.Abs as Abs
-use int.ComputerDivision as ComputerDivision
-use real.Real as Real
-use real.FromInt as FromInt
-function match_bool Bool.bool 'a 'a : 'a
-function eqb 'a 'a : Bool.bool
-axiom eqb1 : forall x:'a, y:'a. ((eqb x y) = (Bool.True)) <-> ((x) = (y))
-function neqb 'a 'a : Bool.bool
-axiom neqb1 : forall x:'a, y:'a. ((neqb x y) = (Bool.True)) <->
-  not ((x) = (y))
-function zlt int int : Bool.bool
-function zleq int int : Bool.bool
-axiom zlt1 : forall x:int, y:int. ((zlt x y) = (Bool.True)) <->
-  (Int.(<) (x) (y))
-axiom zleq1 : forall x:int, y:int. ((zleq x y) = (Bool.True)) <->
-  (Int.(<=) (x) (y))
-function rlt real real : Bool.bool
-function rleq real real : Bool.bool
-axiom rlt1 : forall x:real, y:real. ((rlt x y) = (Bool.True)) <->
-  (Real.(<) (x) (y))
-axiom rleq1 : forall x:real, y:real. ((rleq x y) = (Bool.True)) <->
-  (Real.(<=) (x) (y))
-function real_of_int (x:int) : real = FromInt.from_int x
-lemma c_euclidian : forall n:int, d:int [ComputerDivision.div n d,
-  ComputerDivision.mod n d]. not ((d) = (0)) ->
-  ((n) = ((Int.(+) ((Int.(*) (ComputerDivision.div n
-  d) (d))) (ComputerDivision.mod n d))))
-lemma cdiv_cases : forall n:int, d:int [ComputerDivision.div n d].
-  ((Int.(>=) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(>) (d) (0)) -> ((ComputerDivision.div n
-  d) = ((ComputerDivision.div n d)))) /\ ((Int.(<=) (n) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(>) (d) (0)) -> ((ComputerDivision.div n
-  d) = ((Int.(-_) ((ComputerDivision.div (Int.(-_) (n)) d)))))) /\
-  ((Int.(>=) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(<) (d) (0)) -> ((ComputerDivision.div n
-  d) = ((Int.(-_) ((ComputerDivision.div n (Int.(-_) (d)))))))) /\
-  ((Int.(<=) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(<) (d) (0)) -> ((ComputerDivision.div n
-  d) = ((ComputerDivision.div (Int.(-_) (n)) (Int.(-_) (d))))))
-lemma cmod_cases : forall n:int, d:int [ComputerDivision.mod n d].
-  ((Int.(>=) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(>) (d) (0)) -> ((ComputerDivision.mod n
-  d) = ((ComputerDivision.mod n d)))) /\ ((Int.(<=) (n) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(>) (d) (0)) -> ((ComputerDivision.mod n
-  d) = ((Int.(-_) ((ComputerDivision.mod (Int.(-_) (n)) d)))))) /\
-  ((Int.(>=) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(<) (d) (0)) -> ((ComputerDivision.mod n
-  d) = ((ComputerDivision.mod n (Int.(-_) (d)))))) /\ ((Int.(<=) (n) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(<) (d) (0)) -> ((ComputerDivision.mod n
-  d) = ((Int.(-_) ((ComputerDivision.mod (Int.(-_) (n)) (Int.(-_) (d))))))))
-lemma cmod_remainder : forall n:int, d:int [ComputerDivision.mod n d].
-  ((Int.(>=) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(>) (d) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (ComputerDivision.mod n d)) /\ (Int.(<) (ComputerDivision.mod
-  n d) (d))) /\ ((Int.(<=) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(>) (d) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(<) ((Int.(-_) (d))) (ComputerDivision.mod n d)) /\
-  (Int.(<=) (ComputerDivision.mod n d) (0))) /\ ((Int.(>=) (n) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(<) (d) (0)) -> (Int.(<=) (0) (ComputerDivision.mod n d)) /\
-  (Int.(<) (ComputerDivision.mod n d) ((Int.(-_) (d))))) /\
-  ((Int.(<=) (n) (0)) -> (Int.(<) (d) (0)) ->
-  (Int.(<) (d) (ComputerDivision.mod n d)) /\ (Int.(<=) (ComputerDivision.mod
-  n d) (0)))
-lemma cdiv_neutral : forall a:int [ComputerDivision.div a 1].
-  ((ComputerDivision.div a 1) = (a))
-lemma cdiv_inv : forall a:int [ComputerDivision.div a a]. not ((a) = (0)) ->
-  ((ComputerDivision.div a a) = (1))
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-Require Import Bool.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import Reals.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require map.Map.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-(** ** Tactical *)
-Ltac forward := 
-  repeat (first [ split | intros ]) ; 
-  try discriminate ; 
-  try contradiction ; 
-  try tauto ; 
-  try constructor ; 
-  try (apply False_ind ; omega ; fail) ;
-  try (apply False_ind ; auto with zarith ; fail) ;
-  auto with zarith.
-Ltac finish := forward ; fail.
-Tactic Notation "by" tactic(A) := A ; finish.
-(** ** Conditional Property *)
-Inductive branch (A B C : Prop) : Prop :=
-  | Then: A -> B -> branch A B C
-  | Else: not A -> C -> branch A B C
-Definition itep (A B C : Prop) := (A -> B) /\ (~A -> C).
-Lemma ite_then : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> A -> B.
-Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
-Lemma ite_else : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> ~A -> C.
-Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
-Lemma ite_both : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> (B \/ C).
-Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
-Remark contrap: forall P Q : Prop,
-  (P -> Q) -> ~Q -> ~P.
-Proof. intuition. Qed.
-(** ** Booleans *)
-Inductive reflect (P:Prop) : bool -> Prop :=
-  | R_true  : P -> reflect P true
-  | R_false : ~P -> reflect P false.
-Definition boolean {A : Set} 
-  (f : A -> A -> bool) 
-  (p : A -> A -> Prop) : Prop := forall x y, reflect (p x y) (f x y).
-  forall x y, (f x y = true <-> p x y) /\
-              (f x y = false <-> ~(p x y)).
-Ltac case_leq x y := 
-  generalize (Zle_cases x y) ; induction (Zle_bool x y) ; try omega.
-Ltac case_lt x y :=
-  generalize (Zlt_cases x y) ; induction (Zlt_bool x y) ; try omega.
-Ltac case_eq x y :=
-  generalize (Zeq_bool_if x y) ; induction (Zeq_bool x y) ; try omega.
-Lemma Zneq_cases : forall x y, if Zneq_bool x y then x <> y else x = y.
-  intros x y.
-  generalize (Zeq_bool_if x y).
-  unfold Zeq_bool.
-  unfold Zneq_bool.
-  induction (x ?= y) ; auto.
-Ltac case_neq x y :=
-  generalize (Zneq_cases x y) ; induction (Zneq_bool x y) ; try omega.
-Inductive Zcases (x y : Z) :=
-  | Case_lt : (x < y) -> Zcases x y
-  | Case_eq : (x = y) -> Zcases x y
-  | Case_gt : (x > y) -> Zcases x y.
-Program Definition Zcompare x y : Zcases x y.
-  intros.
-  case_leq x y.
-  case_lt x y. intros H _. exact (Case_lt H).
-  intros H1 H2. assert (H : x=y) by omega. exact (Case_eq H).
-  intro H. exact (Case_gt H).
-Theorem Zeq_boolean : boolean Zeq_bool (fun x y => (x=y)).
-  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_eq x y).
-Theorem Zneq_boolean : boolean Zneq_bool (fun x y => (x <> y)).
-  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_neq x y).
-Theorem Zlt_boolean : boolean Zlt_bool Zlt.
-  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_lt x y).
-Theorem Zle_boolean : boolean Zle_bool Zle.
-  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_leq x y).
-Parameter Req_bool : R -> R -> bool.
-Parameter Rlt_bool : R -> R -> bool.
-Parameter Rle_bool : R -> R -> bool.
-Parameter Rneq_bool : R -> R -> bool.
-Hypothesis Rlt_boolean : boolean Rlt_bool Rlt.
-Hypothesis Rle_boolean : boolean Rle_bool Rle.
-Hypothesis Req_boolean : boolean Req_bool (fun x y => (x=y)).
-Hypothesis Rneq_boolean : boolean Rneq_bool (fun x y => (x<>y)).
-Parameter Aeq_bool : forall A : Set, A -> A -> bool.
-Hypothesis Aeq_boolean : forall A : Set, boolean (@Aeq_bool A) (fun x y => x=y).
-Definition Aneq_bool {A : Set} (x y : A) := negb (Aeq_bool x y).
-Hypothesis Aneq_boolean : forall A : Set, boolean (@Aneq_bool A) (fun x y => x<>y).
-(** ** Integer Induction (after a given rank) *)
-Theorem Z_induction(m : Z)(P : Z -> Prop) : 
-  (forall n, n <= m -> P n ) ->
-  (forall n, n >= m -> P n -> P (n+1)) ->
-  (forall n, P n).
-  intros.
-  induction (Z_le_dec n m) ; auto with zarith.
-  apply Z.le_ind with (n := m) ; auto with zarith.
-  unfold Morphisms.Proper.
-  unfold Morphisms.respectful. 
-  intros. rewrite H1. intuition.
-  intros. apply H0; auto with zarith.
-Theorem Z_induction_rank(m : Z)(P : Z -> Prop) : 
-  P m ->
-  (forall n, m <= n -> P n -> P (n+1)) ->
-  (forall n, m <= n -> P n).
-  intros h0 h1 n.
-  apply Z_induction with (m := m) (n := n).
-  + intros.
-    apply Z.le_ind with (n := m) ; auto with zarith.
-    unfold Morphisms.Proper.
-    unfold Morphisms.respectful. 
-    intros. rewrite H1. intuition.
-   + intros. auto with zarith.
-(** ** Real Constants *)
-(** signed power *)
-Definition real_base e a n :=
-  match n with
-  | 0 => a
-  | Zpos n => (a * pow e (Pos.to_nat n))%R
-  | Zneg n => (a / pow e (Pos.to_nat n))%R
-  end.
-(** an integer multiplied by a (signed) power of 10. *)
-Definition real_dec := real_base 10%R.
-(** an integer multiplied by a (signed) power of 2. *)
-Definition real_hex := real_base 2%R.
-(** ** Arrays *)
-Record farray (A B : Type) := { whytype1 : BuiltIn.WhyType A ;
-                               whytype2 : BuiltIn.WhyType B ;
-                               access :> @Map.map A B }.
-Definition array (A : Type) := farray Z A.
-Hypothesis extensionality: forall (A B : Type) (f g : A -> B),
-  (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
-Definition select {A B : Type}
-  (m : farray A B) (k : A) : B := (access m) k.
-Lemma farray_eq : forall A B (m1 m2 : farray A B),
-   whytype1 m1 = whytype1 m2 -> whytype2 m1 = whytype2 m2 ->
-   (forall k, select m1 k = select m2 k) -> m1 = m2.
-  intros A B m1 m2.
-  destruct m1. destruct m2. simpl.
-  intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; rewrite H2 ; clear H1 H2.
-  intro K.
-  rewrite (extensionality _ _ K).
-  reflexivity.
-Definition update {A B : Type}
-  (m : farray A B) (k : A) (v : B) : (farray A B) :=
-  {| whytype1 := whytype1 m; whytype2 := whytype2 m; access := @Map.set A (whytype1 m) B (whytype2 m) (access m) k v|}.
-Notation " a .[ k ] " := (select a k) (at level 60).
-Notation " a .[ k <- v ] " := (update a k v) (at level 60).
-Lemma access_update :
-  forall (A B : Type) (m : farray A B) k v,
-  m.[k <- v].[k] = v.
-  intros.
-  apply (proj1 (Map.set_def (access m) k v k)).
-  reflexivity.
-Lemma access_update_neq :
-  forall (A B : Type) (m : farray A B) i j v,
-  i <> j -> m.[ i <- v ].[j] = m.[j].
-  intros.
-  apply (proj2 (Map.set_def (access m) i v j)).
-  auto.
-(** ** Division on Z *)
-Definition Cdiv (n d : Z) : Z :=
-  match n , d with
-    | 0 , _ | _ , 0 => 0
-    | Zpos a , Zpos b 
-    | Zneg a , Zneg b => (Zpos a/Zpos b)
-    | Zpos a , Zneg b
-    | Zneg a , Zpos b => (-(Zpos a/Zpos b))
-  end.
-Definition Cmod (n d : Z) : Z :=
-  match n , d with
-    | 0 , _ | _ , 0 => 0
-    | Zpos a , Zpos b
-    | Zpos a , Zneg b => ( (Zpos a) mod (Zpos b) )
-    | Zneg a , Zpos b
-    | Zneg a , Zneg b => (-( (Zpos a) mod (Zpos b) )) 
-  end.
-Lemma Cdiv_cases : forall n d,
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cdiv n d = n/d) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cdiv n d = -((-n)/d)) /\
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cdiv n d = -(n/(-d))) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cdiv n d = (-n)/(-d)).
-  intros.
-  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
-  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
-  intuition ;
-  by auto with zarith.
-Lemma Cmod_cases : forall n d,
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cmod n d = n mod d) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cmod n d = -((-n) mod d)) /\
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cmod n d = (n mod (-d))) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cmod n d = -((-n) mod (-d))).
-  intros.
-  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
-  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
-  intuition ;
-  by auto with zarith.
-Theorem Cdiv_enclidian : 
-  forall (n d : Z), 
-  d <> 0 ->
-  let q := Cdiv n d in let r := Cmod n d in
-  (q * d + r = n).
-  intros n d NEQ q r.
-  assert (OPP: forall p, (- (Zneg p) = Zpos p)) by auto with zarith.
-  assert (NEG: forall p, (Zneg p = - (Zpos p))) by auto with zarith.
-  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
-  destruct d as [|b|b] ; auto with zarith ;
-  unfold Cdiv in q ; unfold Cmod in r ; 
-  unfold q ; unfold r ; 
-  repeat rewrite OPP ; repeat rewrite NEG ; 
-  rewrite (Zmod_eq_full (Zpos a) (Zpos b)) ; try discriminate ;
-  try ring.
-Lemma Cmod_less : forall n d,
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) ->  0 <= Cmod n d <  d) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> -d <  Cmod n d <= 0) /\
-  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  0 <= Cmod n d < -d) /\
-  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  d <  Cmod n d <= 0).
-  intros.
-  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
-  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
-  intuition ; simpl ; forward ;
-  generalize (Z_mod_lt (Zpos a) (Zpos b) (Zgt_pos_0 b)) ;
-  repeat (replace (Zneg b) with (- Zpos b) by auto with zarith) ;
-  intuition (auto with zarith).
-Lemma Zdiv_less :
-  forall (n d : Z), (n > 0) -> (d > 0) -> (d * (n/d) <= n).
-  intros n d Npos Dpos.
-  generalize (Zmod_eq n d).
-  pose (x := (n/d)).
-  fold x. intro H. generalize (H Dpos). clear H.
-  pose (r := (n mod d)).
-  fold r. intro H.
-  generalize (Z_mod_lt n d).
-  intro R. generalize (R Dpos). clear R. fold r.
-  replace (d*x) with (x*d) by ring.
-  omega.
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index a260523508899f4c24ed908657e4f25913175f7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require Reals.R_sqrt.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require real.Real.
-Require real.RealInfix.
-Require real.Square.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_lin1 : forall (x:R), (1%R < x)%R -> ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x) < x)%R.
-  intros x h1.
-  refine (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_less _ _ h1).
-  apply (Rle_trans 0 1 x Rle_0_1)%R.
-  exact (Rlt_le _ _ h1).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_lin0 :
-  forall (x:R), ((0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R) -> (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
-  intros x (h1,h2).
-  exact (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_more x h1 h2).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_0 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 0%R) = 0%R).
-  exact Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_0.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_1 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 1%R) = 1%R).
-  exact Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_1.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e4f1f454f3701d5971d3a63f8dde040dc91548da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require int.Int.
-Require int.Abs.
-Require int.ComputerDivision.
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Lists for Why-3                                                --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-Require List.
-Ltac seq := autorewrite with list ; auto with zarith.
-Hint Rewrite List.app_assoc List.app_nil_l List.app_nil_r : list.
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- Classical Lists for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-Require Import Qedlib.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition list : forall (a:Type), Type.
-  exact(List.list).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : list a.
-  generalize a.
-  exact(@List.nil).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (list a) -> list a.
-  generalize a.
-  exact(@List.cons).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> (list a) -> list a.
-  Local Open Scope list_scope.
-  exact(fun u v => u ++ v).
-Fixpoint repeat_nat (a:Type) (w: list a) (n: nat) {struct n} :=
-    match n with
-      | O => w
-      | S m => w ++ (repeat_nat a w m)
-    end.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
-  exact(fun w n  => match n with
-                   | Z0 => nil
-                   | Zneg _ => nil
-                   | other => repeat_nat a w (Zabs_nat (n-1))
-                   end).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition length {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z.
-  exact(fun w => Z.of_nat (List.length w)).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition nth {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> a.
-  exact(fun w n => match n with
-                   | Zneg _ => (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
-                   | other => List.nth (Zabs_nat n) w (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
-                   end).
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- length                                                       --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_pos {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), (0%Z <= (length w))%Z.
-  intros.
-  unfold length. 
-  apply Zle_0_nat.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : ((length (nil : list a)) = 0%Z).
-  intros.
-  unfold length. unfold nil.
-  by seq.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_nil_bis {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((length w) = 0%Z) -> (w = (nil : list a)).
-  intros w.
-  unfold length. unfold nil.
-  destruct w.
-  + by seq.
-  + Import List.ListNotations.
-    assert (0 < Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length (a0 :: w))).
-    { replace (Datatypes.length (a0 :: w)) with (1 + Datatypes.length (w))%nat
-        by( (replace (a0 :: w) with ([a0] ++ w) by seq); rewrite List.app_length; by seq).
-      assert (0 <= Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length w)) by apply Zle_0_nat.
-      replace (Z.of_nat (1 + Datatypes.length w)) with (1 + Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length w)).
-      { omega. }
-      rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add. 
-      auto with zarith. 
-    }
-    intro. 
-    cut False; [contradiction|omega].
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((length (cons x w)) = (1%Z + (length w))%Z).
-  intros. unfold length.
-  replace (Datatypes.length (cons x w)) with (1 + (Datatypes.length w))%nat.
-  apply Nat2Z.inj_add. simpl. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis length_concat :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (u:list a) (v:list a),
-  ((length (concat u v)) = ((length u) + (length v))%Z).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis length_repeat :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((length (repeat w n)) = (n * (length w))%Z).
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- nth                                                          --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_cons :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (k:Z) (x:a) (w:list a),
-  ((k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = x)) /\
-  (~ (k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = (nth w (k - 1%Z)%Z))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_concat :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (k:Z),
-  ((k < (length u))%Z -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth u k))) /\
-  (~ (k < (length u))%Z ->
-   ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth v (k - (length u))%Z))).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_repeat :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (n:Z) (k:Z) (w:list a),
-  ((0%Z <= k)%Z /\ (k < (n * (length w))%Z)%Z) -> (0%Z < (length w))%Z ->
-  ((nth (repeat w n) k) = (nth w (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem k (length w)))).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition vlist_eq {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (u:list a) (v:list a) : Prop :=
-  ((length u) = (length v)) /\
-  forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < (length u))%Z) ->
-  ((nth u i) = (nth v i)).
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- equality of Lists                                            --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis extensionality :
-  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (u:list a) (v:list a), (vlist_eq u v) -> (u = v).
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- neutral elements                                             --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_nil_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a),
-  (vlist_eq (concat (nil : list a) w) w) /\
-  (vlist_eq (concat w (nil : list a)) w).
-  intros.
-  split ; unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat; rewrite length_nil; split; auto with zarith; intros.
-  (* + generalize (nth_concat nil w i); rewrite length_nil; intro G; destruct G.
-    rewrite H1.
-    * replace (i - 0)%Z with i by (auto with zarith). auto.
-    * omega. *)
-  + generalize (nth_concat w nil i). intro G; destruct G.
-    rewrite H0.
-    * auto.
-    * omega.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_concat_left {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((concat (nil : list a) w) = w).
-  intros.
-  apply extensionality.
-  generalize (eq_nil_concat w). intro G; destruct G.
-  apply H.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_concat_right {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((concat w (nil : list a)) = w).
- intros.
-  apply extensionality.
-  generalize (eq_nil_concat w). intro G; destruct G.
-  apply H0.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
-  vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x (concat v w)).
-  intros.
-  unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat. repeat (rewrite length_cons).
-  split.
-  + rewrite length_concat. ring.
-  + intros.
-    generalize (nth_cons i x (concat v w)); intro G; destruct G.
-    case_eq i 0%Z; intro Position_0.
-    * clear H1; rewrite H0; clear H0; auto.
-      generalize (nth_concat (cons x v) w i); rewrite length_cons; intro G; destruct G.
-      generalize (length_pos v); intro Positive.
-      clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
-      generalize (nth_cons i x v); intro G; destruct G.
-      clear H1; rewrite H0; clear H0; auto.
-    * clear H0; rewrite H1; clear H1; auto.
-      generalize (nth_concat (cons x v) w i); rewrite length_cons; intro G; destruct G.
-      case_lt i (1+ length v)%Z; intros.
-      - clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
-        generalize (nth_cons i x v); intro G; destruct G.
-        clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
-        generalize (nth_concat v w (i -1)); intro G; destruct G. 
-        clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto with zarith; clear H0.
-        auto.
-      - clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
-        generalize (nth_concat v w (i -1)); intro G; destruct G. 
-        clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto with zarith.
-        replace (i - (1 + length v))%Z with (i - 1 - length v)%Z by auto with zarith.
-        auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
-  ((concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))).
-  intros.
-  apply extensionality.
-  apply eq_cons_concat. 
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((concat (cons x (nil : list a)) w) = (cons x w)).
-  intros.
-  rewrite rw_cons_concat.
-  rewrite rw_nil_concat_left.
-  auto.
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- associativity                                                --- *)
-  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_assoc_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
-  vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u (concat v w)).
-  intros.
-  unfold vlist_eq. repeat (rewrite length_concat).  split.
-  - ring.
-  - intros.
-    generalize (length_pos u); generalize (length_pos v); intros uPos vPos. 
-    case_lt i (length u); intro inU; 
-      generalize (nth_concat u (concat v w) i) ; intro G; destruct G.
-    + clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
-      generalize (nth_concat (concat u v) w i) ; rewrite length_concat ; intro G; destruct G.
-      clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
-      generalize (nth_concat u v i) ; intro G; destruct G.
-      clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
-      auto.
-   + clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
-     case_lt i ((length u) + (length v)); intro inV; 
-       generalize (nth_concat (concat u v) w i) ; rewrite length_concat ; intro G; destruct G.
-     * clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
-       generalize (nth_concat u v i) ; intro G; destruct G.
-       clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
-       generalize (nth_concat v w (i - length u)) ; intro G; destruct G.
-       clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
-       auto.
-     * clear H0; rewrite H1 by omega; clear H1.
-       generalize (nth_concat v w (i - length u)) ; intro G; destruct G.
-       clear H0; rewrite H1 by omega; clear H1.
-       replace (i - (length u + length v)) with (i - length u - length v) by auto with zarith.
-       auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((repeat (nil : list a) n) = (nil : list a)).
-intros n h1.
-induction n ; simpl ; auto.
-assert (R : forall n, repeat_nat a nil n = nil).
- * intro n. induction n ; simpl ; auto.
- * apply R.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_zero {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 0%Z) = (nil : list a)).
-intros w. simpl. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), vlist_eq (repeat w 1%Z) w.
-intros w. simpl. unfold vlist_eq. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 1%Z) = w).
-intros w. simpl. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
-  vlist_eq (repeat w (p + q)%Z) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)).
-intros p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
- + repeat rewrite length_concat.
-    repeat rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
- + rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-   intros.
-   induction w.
-   * replace ([]) with (@nil a a_WT) ; auto.
-     repeat rewrite rw_nil_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-   * pose (A := (a0 :: w)). fold A. fold A in H.
-     assert (L : 0 < length A).
-     { unfold A.
-       replace (a0 :: w) with (cons a0 w) by auto.
-       rewrite length_cons.
-       assert (0 <= length w).
-       apply length_pos.
-       auto with zarith. }
-     rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-     generalize (nth_concat (repeat A p) (repeat A q) i).
-     intros [ POS NEG ].
-     induction (Z_lt_le_dec i (length (repeat A p))).
-     rewrite length_repeat in a1; auto with zarith.
-      - rewrite POS ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-      - rewrite length_repeat in b ; auto with zarith.
-        assert ( I_pos: 0 <= i ) ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite Int.Mul_distr_r in H.
-        rewrite NEG ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith ; 
-        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-        replace (i - p * length A) with (i + (-p) * length A).
-        rewrite Z.rem_add ; auto with zarith.
-        apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg ; auto with zarith.
-        replace (i + -p * length A) with (i - p * length A) ; auto with zarith.
-        rewrite Z.mul_opp_l. rewrite Z.add_opp_r. auto.
-        rewrite Z.mul_opp_l. rewrite Z.add_opp_r. auto.
-        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
-  ((repeat w (p + q)%Z) = (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q))).
-intros p q w h1 h2.
-apply extensionality.
-apply eq_repeat_concat ; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_after {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
-  ((concat (repeat w p) w) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
-  intros p w h1.
-  rewrite (rw_repeat_concat p 1 w) ; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_before {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
-  ((concat w (repeat w p)) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
-  intros p w h1.
-  replace (p+1) with (1+p) ; auto with zarith.
-  rewrite (rw_repeat_concat 1 p w) ; auto with zarith.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition repeat_box {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
-intros l n.
-exact (repeat l n).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), ((repeat_box w n) = (repeat w n)).
-unfold repeat_box. auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a) (a1:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z <= a1)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
-  ((repeat_box w (a1 + b)%Z) = (concat (repeat w a1) (repeat w b))).
-unfold repeat_box. rewrite rw_repeat_concat ; auto.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z < n)%Z ->
-  ((repeat_box w n) = (concat (repeat w (n - 1%Z)%Z) w)) /\
-  ((repeat_box w (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (concat (repeat w n) w)).
- intros. split.
- + generalize (rw_repeat_concat (n-1) 1 w).
-   replace (n-1+1) with n ; auto with zarith.
- + rewrite (rw_repeat_concat n 1 w) ; auto with zarith.
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-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Vlist
-use int.Int as Int
-use int.Abs as Abs
-use int.ComputerDivision as ComputerDivision
-type list 'a
-function nil : list 'a
-function cons 'a (list 'a) : list 'a
-function concat (list 'a) (list 'a) : list 'a
-function repeat (list 'a) int : list 'a
-function length (list 'a) : int
-function nth (list 'a) int : 'a
-axiom length_pos : forall w:list 'a. (Int.(<=) (0) (length w))
-axiom length_nil : ((length (nil:list 'a)) = (0))
-axiom length_nil_bis : forall w:list 'a. ((length w) = (0)) ->
-  ((w) = (nil:list 'a))
-axiom length_cons : forall x:'a, w:list 'a [length (cons x w)]. ((length
-  (cons x w)) = ((Int.(+) (1) (length w))))
-axiom length_concat : forall u:list 'a, v:list 'a [length (concat u v)].
-  ((length (concat u v)) = ((Int.(+) (length u) (length v))))
-axiom length_repeat : forall w:list 'a, n:int [length (repeat w n)].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (n)) -> ((length (repeat w n)) = ((Int.(*) (n) (length w))))
-axiom nth_cons : forall k:int, x:'a, w:list 'a [nth (cons x w) k]. ((nth
-  (cons x w) k) = (if ((k) = (0)) then x else nth w (Int.(-) (k) (1))))
-axiom nth_concat : forall u:list 'a, v:list 'a, k:int [nth (concat u v) k].
-  ((nth (concat u v) k) = (if (Int.(<) (k) (length u)) then nth u k else nth
-  v (Int.(-) (k) (length u))))
-axiom nth_repeat : forall n:int, k:int, w:list 'a [nth (repeat w n) k].
-  (Int.(<=) (0) (k)) /\ (Int.(<) (k) ((Int.(*) (n) (length w)))) ->
-  (Int.(<) (0) (length w)) -> ((nth (repeat w n) k) = (nth w
-  (ComputerDivision.mod k (length w))))
-predicate vlist_eq (u:list 'a) (v:list 'a) = ((length
-  u) = (length v)) && (forall i:int. (Int.(<=) (0) (i)) /\
-  (Int.(<) (i) (length u)) -> ((nth u i) = (nth v i)))
-axiom extensionality : forall u:list 'a, v:list 'a. vlist_eq u v ->
-  ((u) = (v))
-axiom rw_nil_concat_left : forall w:list 'a [concat (nil:list 'a) w].
-  ((concat (nil:list 'a) w) = (w))
-axiom rw_nil_concat_right : forall w:list 'a [concat w (nil:list 'a)].
-  ((concat w (nil:list 'a)) = (w))
-axiom rw_nil_repeat : forall n:int [repeat (nil:list 'a) n].
-  (Int.(>=) (n) (0)) -> ((repeat (nil:list 'a) n) = (nil:list 'a))
-axiom rw_repeat_zero : forall w:list 'a [repeat w 0]. ((repeat w
-  0) = (nil:list 'a))
-axiom rw_repeat_one : forall w:list 'a [repeat w 1]. ((repeat w 1) = (w))
-function repeat_box (list 'a) int : list 'a
-axiom rw_repeat_box_unfold : forall w:list 'a, n:int [repeat_box w n].
-  ((repeat_box w n) = (repeat w n))
-axiom rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold : forall w:list 'a, a:int, b:int [repeat_box
-  w (Int.(+) (a) (b))]. (Int.(<=) (0) (a)) -> (Int.(<=) (0) (b)) ->
-  ((repeat_box w (Int.(+) (a) (b))) = (concat (repeat w a) (repeat w b)))
-axiom rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold : forall w:list 'a, n:int [repeat_box w
-  n]. (Int.(<) (0) (n)) -> ((repeat_box w n) = (concat (repeat
-  w (Int.(-) (n) (1))) w)) && ((repeat_box w (Int.(+) (n) (1))) = (concat
-  (repeat w n) w))
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@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
-(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
-Require Import BuiltIn.
-Require BuiltIn.
-Require bool.Bool.
-Require int.Int.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition set : forall (a:Type), Type.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : set a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> set a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition member {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> Prop.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition member_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> bool.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range : Z -> Z -> set Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_sup : Z -> set Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_inf : Z -> set Z.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_all : set Z.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eqset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
-  forall (x:a), (member x a1) <-> (member x b).
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition subset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
-  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> member x b.
-(* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition disjoint {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
-  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> ~ (member x b).
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a), forall (s:set a),
-  ((member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = true)) /\
-  (~ (member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = false)).
-intros x s.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a), ~ (member x (empty : set a)).
-intros x.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a) (y:a), (member x (singleton y)) <-> (x = y).
-intros x y.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
-  (member x (union a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) \/ (member x b)).
-intros x a1 b.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
-  (member x (inter a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) /\ (member x b)).
-intros x a1 b.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma union_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (a1:set a),
-  ((union a1 (empty : set a)) = a1) /\ ((union (empty : set a) a1) = a1).
-intros a1.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma inter_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
-  forall (a1:set a),
-  ((inter a1 (empty : set a)) = (empty : set a)) /\
-  ((inter (empty : set a) a1) = (empty : set a)).
-intros a1.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range :
-  forall (x:Z) (a:Z) (b:Z),
-  (member x (range a b)) <-> ((a <= x)%Z /\ (x <= b)%Z).
-intros x a b.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_sup :
-  forall (x:Z) (a:Z), (member x (range_sup a)) <-> (a <= x)%Z.
-intros x a.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_inf :
-  forall (x:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range_inf b)) <-> (x <= b)%Z.
-intros x b.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_all : forall (x:Z), member x range_all.
-intros x.
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index d0664f99585e45b7cbd6640c465bf25b120aabf4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-theory Vset
-use bool.Bool as Bool
-use int.Int as Int
-type set 'a
-function empty : set 'a
-function singleton 'a : set 'a
-function union (set 'a) (set 'a) : set 'a
-function inter (set 'a) (set 'a) : set 'a
-predicate member 'a (set 'a)
-function member_bool 'a (set 'a) : Bool.bool
-function range int int : set int
-function range_sup int : set int
-function range_inf int : set int
-function range_all : set int
-predicate eqset (a:set 'a) (b:set 'a) = forall x:'a. member x a <-> member x
-  b
-predicate subset (a:set 'a) (b:set 'a) = forall x:'a. member x a -> member x
-  b
-predicate disjoint (a:set 'a) (b:set 'a) = forall x:'a. member x a -> member
-  x b -> false
-axiom member_bool1 : forall x:'a. forall s:set 'a [member_bool x s].
-  if member x s then ((member_bool x s) = (Bool.True)) else ((member_bool x
-  s) = (Bool.False))
-axiom member_empty : forall x:'a [member x (empty:set 'a)]. not member x
-  (empty:set 'a)
-axiom member_singleton : forall x:'a, y:'a [member x (singleton y)]. member x
-  (singleton y) <-> ((x) = (y))
-axiom member_union : forall x:'a. forall a:set 'a, b:set 'a [member x (union
-  a b)]. member x (union a b) <-> member x a \/ member x b
-axiom member_inter : forall x:'a. forall a:set 'a, b:set 'a [member x (inter
-  a b)]. member x (inter a b) <-> member x a /\ member x b
-axiom union_empty : forall a:set 'a [union a (empty:set 'a)| union (empty:set
-  'a) a]. ((union a (empty:set 'a)) = (a)) /\ ((union (empty:set 'a)
-  a) = (a))
-axiom inter_empty : forall a:set 'a [inter a (empty:set 'a)| inter (empty:set
-  'a) a]. ((inter a (empty:set 'a)) = (empty:set 'a)) /\ ((inter (empty:set
-  'a) a) = (empty:set 'a))
-axiom member_range : forall x:int, a:int, b:int [member x (range a b)].
-  member x (range a b) <-> (Int.(<=) (a) (x)) /\ (Int.(<=) (x) (b))
-axiom member_range_sup : forall x:int, a:int [member x (range_sup a)]. member
-  x (range_sup a) <-> (Int.(<=) (a) (x))
-axiom member_range_inf : forall x:int, b:int [member x (range_inf b)]. member
-  x (range_inf b) <-> (Int.(<=) (x) (b))
-axiom member_range_all : forall x:int [member x range_all]. member x
-  range_all
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index 0c02116df5e35bf4555528819a49b1a7a504b4fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Zbits.v
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-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** * ACSL Logical and Bitwise Operators *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    The characteristic function of integers have {!arith:arithmetic} properties
-    and allows to define logical operators over [Z]. Logical [land],
-    [lor], [lxor] and [lnot] are defined as the lifting over bits of
-    the associated boolean operators. As a corollary, the consistency
-    of bitwise [lnot] definition and two's complements [zlnot] is
-    assessed.
-    These definitions are provided in two stages:
-      - {!bitwise:bitwise} definitions of logical operators
-      - {!ACSL:ACSL} operators definitions
-(** ** Tacticals *)
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
-Require Import Qedlib.
-Require Import Bits.
-Require Import Psatz.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Ltac omegaContradiction := cut False; [contradiction|omega].
-Local Ltac caseEq name :=
-  generalize (refl_equal name); pattern name at -1 in |- *; case name.
-Local Ltac unfold_hyp h :=
-  match goal with 
-    | h:(?X1) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ ) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | h:(?X1 _ _ _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
-    | _ => idtac
-  end.
-Lemma bool3_eq : forall b1 b2: bool, (forall b: bool, b1=b <-> b2=b) <-> b1=b2.
-  intros.
-  intuition.
-    rewrite H; auto.
-  rewrite <- H; auto.
-  rewrite H; auto.
-Lemma bool2_eq_true : forall b1 b2:bool, (b1=true <-> b2=true) <-> b1=b2.
-  intros. 
-  destruct b1.
-  destruct b2.
-  intuition.
-  intuition.
-  destruct b2.
-  intuition.
-  intuition.
-Lemma split_range: forall a x b: Z, 
-  a <= x -> x < b -> a <= x < b.
-  intros. omega.
-(** Some remarks about absolute value *)
-Remark zabs_gt: forall n m: Z, 
-  Zabs m < Zabs n -> (Zabs_nat m < Zabs_nat n)%nat.
-  intros. apply (inj_lt_rev (Zabs_nat m) (Zabs_nat n)).
-  rewrite (inj_Zabs_nat n). rewrite (inj_Zabs_nat m). omega.
-Remark zabs_le: forall n m: Z,
-  Zabs n <= Zabs m -> (Zabs_nat n <= Zabs_nat m)%nat.
-  intros. apply (inj_le_rev (Zabs_nat n) (Zabs_nat m)).
-  rewrite (inj_Zabs_nat n). rewrite (inj_Zabs_nat m). omega.
-Remark zabs_le_plus: forall (n m:Z) (k: nat),
-  Zabs n <= Zabs m -> (Zabs_nat n <= k + Zabs_nat m)%nat.
-  intros. 
-  apply (inj_le_rev (Zabs_nat n) (k + Zabs_nat m)%nat).
-  rewrite (inj_Zabs_nat n). rewrite inj_plus. rewrite (inj_Zabs_nat m).
-  omega.
-Remark zabs_nat_zabs: forall n: Z,
-  Zabs_nat (Zabs n) = Zabs_nat n.
-  intro.
-  rewrite <- (inj_Zabs_nat n). rewrite Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat. auto.
-Remark zabs_minus: forall n m: Z,
-  Zabs n <= Zabs m -> (Zabs_nat m - Zabs_nat n)%nat = Zabs_nat (Zabs m - Zabs n).
-  intros. 
-  rewrite Zabs_nat_Zminus by (generalize (Zabs_pos n); omega).
-  repeat rewrite zabs_nat_zabs. 
-  auto.
-Remark zabs_plus: forall n m: Z,
-  (Zabs_nat m + Zabs_nat n)%nat = Zabs_nat (Zabs m + Zabs n).
-  intros. 
-  rewrite Zabs_nat_Zplus.
-  (** cont. *) repeat rewrite zabs_nat_zabs; auto.
-  (** hyp 1 *) generalize (Zabs_pos m); omega.
-  (** hyp 2 *) generalize (Zabs_pos n); omega.
-(** Some remarks about Zle_bool and Zlt_bool *)
-Remark Zle_2x: forall x:Z, 
-  Zle_bool 0 (2*x) = Zle_bool 0 x.
-  induction x; auto.
-Remark Zle_div2: forall x:Z,
-  Zle_bool 0 (x/2) = Zle_bool 0 x.
-  intro x.
-  case_leq 0 (x/2); case_leq 0 x; try auto; intros; apply False_ind.
-  (** 0>x *)
-  + assert (x/2 < 0); [ apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound | ]; omega.
-  (** 0<=x *)
-  + assert (0 <= (x/2)); [ apply Z_div_pos | ]; omega.
-Remark Zlt_div2_neg: forall x:Z,
-    Zlt_bool (x/2) 0 = Zlt_bool x 0.
-  intro x.
-  case_lt (x/2) 0; case_lt x 0; intros; try auto.
-  (** x>=0 *)
-  + assert (x/2 >= 0) by (apply Z_div_ge0 ; omega).
-    omegaContradiction.
-  (** x<0 *)
-  + apply False_ind.
-    assert (x/2 < 0) by (apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound; omega).
-    omegaContradiction.
- Qed.
-(** Some useful properties *)
-Remark upper_positive_mult_positive: forall p x: Z,
-  0 <= x -> 0 < p -> x <= x * p. 
-  intros.
-  rewrite <- Zmult_1_r at 1.
-  apply Zmult_le_compat_l; omega.
-Remark lower_negative_mult_positive: forall p x: Z,
-  x <= 0 -> 0 < p -> x * p <= x. 
-  intros.
-  cut (-x <= -(x * p)).
-    omega.
-  rewrite Zopp_mult_distr_l.
-  apply upper_positive_mult_positive; omega.
-Theorem Z2_induction(P: Z -> Prop) :
-  P 0 ->
-  (forall (c:bool) (z:Z), 0 <= z -> P z -> P (2*z + if c then 1 else 0))->
-  (forall z:Z, 0 <= z -> P z).
-  intros.
-  induction z.
-  + auto.
-  + induction p.
-    * assert ((Z.pos p~1) =(2*Z.pos p + 1)) by (auto with zarith).
-      rewrite H2 in *.
-      apply (H0 true ((Z.pos p))); auto with zarith.
-    * assert ((Z.pos p~0) =(2*Z.pos p)) by (auto with zarith).
-      rewrite H2 in *.
-      apply (H0 false ((Z.pos p))); auto with zarith.
-    * apply (H0 true 0); auto with zarith.
-  + generalize (Pos2Z.neg_is_neg p); intro; omegaContradiction.
-(** Some useful properties about modulus *)
-Remark mod2_case : forall z:Z, z mod 2 = 0 \/ z mod 2 = 1.
-  intros. rewrite Zmod_odd.
-  case (Z.odd z); intuition.
-Ltac case_mod2 z := induction (mod2_case z) as [EVEN|ODD].
-Remark mod2_lt: forall z:Z, 0 <= z mod 2 < 2.
-  intro; apply Z_mod_lt; auto with zarith. 
-Remark div2_mod2_eq: forall z:Z, z = 2*(z/2) + z mod 2.
-   intro; apply Z_div_mod_eq; auto with zarith.
-Remark div2_odd_eq: forall z:Z, z = 2*(z/2) + (if (Z.odd z) then 1 else 0).
-  intro. rewrite <- Zmod_odd. apply div2_mod2_eq.
-Remark odd_mod2: forall (x:Z), 
-  Z.odd (x mod 2) = Z.odd x.
-  destruct x. 
-  (** 0 *) 
-  + compute; auto.
-  (** positive *)
-  + destruct p. 
-    (** 2p+1 *)
-    * rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique (Z.pos p~1) 2 (Z.pos p) 1) ;
-        [ | omega | (auto with zarith)].
-      (replace (Z.pos p~1) with ( 1 + 2*Z.pos p) by forward).
-      rewrite Z.odd_add_mul_2; auto.
-    (** 2p+0 *)
-    * rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique (Z.pos p~0) 2 (Z.pos p) 0);
-        [ | omega | (auto with zarith)].
-      (replace (Z.pos p~0) with ( 0 + 2*Z.pos p) by forward).
-      rewrite Z.odd_add_mul_2; auto.
-    (** 1 *)
-    * compute; auto.
-  (** negative *) 
-  + destruct p. 
-    (** 2p+1 *)
-    * rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique (Z.neg p~1) 2 ((Z.neg p)-1) 1);
-        [ | omega
-          | rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_l; rewrite Pos2Z.neg_xI;
-            ring].   
-      (replace (Z.neg p~1) with ( (-1) + 2*(Z.neg p)) by (simpl; auto)).
-      rewrite Z.odd_add_mul_2; auto.
-    (** 2p+0 *)
-    * rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique (Z.neg p~0) 2 (Z.neg p) 0);     
-        [ | omega | simpl; auto].
-      (replace (Z.neg p~0) with ( 0 + 2*Z.neg p) by (simpl; auto)).
-         rewrite Z.odd_add_mul_2; simpl; auto. 
-    (** 1 *)
-    * compute; auto.
-Remark uint_div2_mod_two_power_nat: forall (m:nat) (x:Z), 
-  (x mod two_power_nat (S m)) / 2 = (x/2) mod two_power_nat m.
-  intros.
-  rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  rewrite Z.rem_mul_r ; [ | discriminate | apply two_power_nat_is_positive].
-  pose (z:=((x/2) mod two_power_nat m)); fold z.
-  rewrite <- (Zdiv_unique (x mod 2 + 2*z) 2 z (x mod 2));
-    [auto | apply mod2_lt | auto with zarith].
-Remark sint_div2_mod_two_power_nat_pos: forall (m:nat) (x:Z), 
-  ((x + two_power_nat (S m)) mod (2*two_power_nat (S m))) / 2 = ((x/2) + two_power_nat m) mod two_power_nat (S m).
-  intros.
-  rewrite <- two_power_nat_S.
-  rewrite (uint_div2_mod_two_power_nat (S m) (x + two_power_nat (S m))).
-  rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  (replace (2*two_power_nat m) with ((two_power_nat m) *2) by ring).
-  rewrite Z_div_plus.
-  auto.
-  compute; auto.
-Remark sint_div2_mod_two_power_nat: forall (m:nat) (x:Z), 
-  (((x + two_power_nat (S m)) mod (2*two_power_nat (S m))) - two_power_nat (S m)) / 2 =
-  (((x/2) + two_power_nat m) mod two_power_nat (S m)) - two_power_nat m.
-  intros.
-  rewrite <- two_power_nat_S.
-  rewrite <- sint_div2_mod_two_power_nat_pos.
-  rewrite two_power_nat_S. rewrite two_power_nat_S. rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-  pose (z:= (two_power_nat m)); fold z.
-  pose (a:= ((x + 2*z) mod (2*(2*z)))); fold a.
-  (replace (a - 2*z) with (a + ((- z) * 2)) by ring).
-  rewrite Z.div_add.
-  ring.
-  discriminate.
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** {@arith:} *)
-(** * Arithmetic Properties of the Characteristic Function of integers *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-Remark Zbit_2x_0: forall x: Z,
-  Zbit (2*x) O = false.
-  unfold Zbit. unfold bits_of_Z. intro.
-  case_leq 0 (2*x); intro; unfold btest. 
-  (** case 0 <= 2*x *)
-  + unfold Nabs. unfold N_decomp. unfold P_decomp. 
-    destruct x; auto.
-  (** case 0 > 2*x *) 
-  + unfold zlnot. 
-    destruct x; auto.
-    destruct p; simpl; auto.
-Remark Zbit_2x_p: forall (n:nat) (x:Z),
-  Zbit (2*x) (S n) = Zbit x n.
-  intros.
-  unfold Zbit; unfold bits_of_Z; rewrite Zle_2x.
-  case_leq 0 x; intro; unfold btest. 
-  (** case 0<=x *)
-  + unfold Nabs; unfold N_decomp; unfold P_decomp; destruct x; auto.
-  (** case 0>x *)
-  + unfold zlnot; destruct x; 
-      [ compute in H; discriminate H
-      | discriminate H
-      | destruct p; simpl; auto].
-Remark Zbit_s2x_0: forall x: Z,
-  Zbit ((2*x) + 1) O = true.
-  unfold Zbit. unfold bits_of_Z. intro.
-  case_leq 0 (2*x); intro; unfold btest. 
-  (** case 0 <= 2*x *)
-  + unfold Nabs. unfold N_decomp. unfold P_decomp. 
-    destruct x; auto.
-  (** case 0 > 2*x *) 
-  + unfold zlnot. 
-    destruct x; auto.
-    destruct p; simpl; auto.
-Remark Zbit_s2x_p: forall (n:nat) (x:Z),
-  Zbit ((2*x) + 1) (S n) = Zbit x n.
-  intros.
-  unfold Zbit; unfold bits_of_Z.
-  case_leq 0 x; intro; unfold btest. 
-  (** case 0<=x *)
-  + case_leq 0 (2*x + 1) ; intro.
-       unfold Nabs. unfold N_decomp. unfold P_decomp. destruct x; auto.
-       assert (Z.neg p < 0) by apply (Zlt_neg_0 p); omegaContradiction.
-  (** case 0<=x *)
-  + case_leq 0 (2*x + 1) ; intro.
-    unfold zlnot; destruct x; 
-      [ discriminate H 
-      | assert (Z.pos p > 0) by apply (Zgt_pos_0 p); omegaContradiction
-      |].
-    destruct p; simpl; auto.
-Lemma Zbit_succ: forall (c:bool) (n:nat) (x:Z),
-  Zbit ((2*x) + if c then 1 else 0) (S n) = Zbit x n.
-  intros.
-  destruct c.
-  + rewrite Zbit_s2x_p; auto.
-  + replace (2*x + 0) with (2*x) by (auto with zarith).
-    rewrite Zbit_2x_p; auto.
-Remark Zbit_pos0: forall x: Z,
-  0 <= x -> Zbit x O = Z.odd x.
-  intros x POS.
-  destruct x.
-  (** 0 *)
-  + compute; auto.
-  (** Positive *)
-  + unfold Zbit; unfold bits_of_Z.
-    rewrite Zodd_mod.
-    destruct p; unfold P_decomp; simpl.
-    (** 2p+1 *)
-    * rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique (Z.pos p~1) 2 (Z.pos p) 1);
-        [ auto | | auto].
-      clear POS ; omega.
-    (** 2p *)
-    * rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique (Z.pos p~0) 2 (Z.pos p) 0);
-        [ auto | | auto].
-       clear POS ; omega.
-    (** 1 *)
-    * compute ; auto.
-  (** Negative *)
-  + assert ( Z.neg p < 0) by apply Zlt_neg_0.
-    omegaContradiction.
-Lemma Zbit_0: forall x: Z,
-  Zbit x O = Z.odd x.
-  intro.
-  destruct x.
-  (** 0 *)
-  + compute; auto.
-  (** Positive *)
-  + apply Zbit_pos0.
-    apply Zle_0_pos.
-  (** Negative *)
-  + destruct p.
-    (** 2p+1 *)
-    * unfold Zbit; unfold bits_of_Z. simpl.
-      unfold fnot. compute; auto.
-    (** 2p *)
-    * (replace (Z.neg p~0) with (2*Z.neg p) by (auto with zarith)).
-      rewrite Zbit_2x_0.
-      simpl; auto.
-    (** 1 *)
-    * compute; auto.
-Remark Zbit_div2: forall (n:nat) (x:Z),
-  Zbit (x/2) n = Zbit x (S n).
-  intros.
-  unfold Zbit; unfold bits_of_Z; rewrite Zle_div2.
-  case_leq 0 x; intro; unfold btest; 
-     unfold Nabs; unfold N_decomp; unfold P_decomp. 
-  (** case 0<=x *)
-  + destruct x; [by compute | | (apply False_ind; compute in H; auto) ].
-    destruct p.
-    (** 2p+1 *)
-    * rewrite <- (Zdiv_unique (Zpos (xI (p)) ) 2 (Zpos p) 1);
-        by compute.
-    (** 2p *)
-    * rewrite <- (Zdiv_unique (Zpos (xO (p)) ) 2 (Zpos p) 0);
-        by compute.
-    (** one *)
-    * by compute.
-  (** case 0>x *)
-  + unfold zlnot.
-    destruct x; [ by compute | (compute in H; discriminate H) | ]. 
-    destruct p.
-    (** -(2p+1) *)
-    * rewrite <- (Zdiv_unique (Zneg (xI (p)) ) 2 (Zneg p - 1) 1);
-         [ (replace (Zneg p - 1 + 1) with (Zneg p) by omega);
-           (replace (-Zneg p) with (Zpos p) by (compute;forward));     
-           (replace (-(Zneg (xI (p)) + 1)) with (Zpos (xO(p))) by (compute;forward))
-         | 
-         | (replace (2*(Zneg p - 1) + 1) with (2*Zneg p - 1) by omega)
-         ]; by compute.
-    (** -2p *)
-    * rewrite <- (Zdiv_unique (Zneg (xO (p)) ) 2 (Zneg p) 0); 
-         [ | by compute | by compute].
-       (repeat (rewrite Z.opp_add_distr)).
-       (repeat (rewrite Z.add_opp_r)).
-       (repeat (rewrite Pos2Z.opp_neg)).
-       destruct p;
-         [ (** -2(2p+1) *)
-           (replace (Zpos (xI(p)) -1) with (Zpos (xO(p))) by (compute;forward));
-           (replace (Zpos (xO(xI(p))) -1) with (Zpos (xI(xO(p)))) by (compute;forward))
-         | (** -2(2p) *)
-         | (** -2 *)
-         ]; by compute.      
-    (** minus one *)
-    * by compute.
-Theorem Zbit_le : 
-  forall x y: Z, 0 <= y -> (forall k: nat,  Zbit x k = true -> Zbit y k = true) -> x <= y.
-  intros x y POS. revert x.
-  apply Z2_induction with (z:=y); auto; intros.
-  + replace x with 0.
-    * auto with zarith.
-    * apply Zbit_ext.
-      extensionality k.
-      generalize (H k); clear H.
-      destruct (Zbit x k); intuition.
-  + generalize (div2_mod2_eq x); intro Euc.
-    rewrite Euc.
-    case_mod2 x; destruct c as [] eqn:Carry.
-    * rewrite EVEN in *.
-      cut ((x/2)<=z). { intro; omega. }
-      generalize (H0 (x/2)); clear H0; intro h0.
-      apply h0; clear h0; intro.
-      generalize (H1 (S k)); clear H1; intro h1.
-      rewrite Zbit_s2x_p in h1.
-      intro. apply h1. rewrite <- Zbit_div2; auto.
-    * rewrite EVEN in *.
-      cut ((x/2)<=z). { intro; omega. }
-      generalize (H0 (x/2)); clear H0; intro h0.
-      apply h0; clear h0; intro.
-      generalize (H1 (S k)); clear H1; intro h1.
-      replace (2*z + 0) with (2*z) in h1 by (auto with zarith).
-      rewrite Zbit_2x_p in h1.
-      intro. apply h1. rewrite <- Zbit_div2; auto.
-    * rewrite ODD.
-      cut ((x/2)<=z). { intro; omega. }
-      generalize (H0 (x/2)); clear H0; intro h0.
-      apply h0; clear h0; intro.
-      generalize (H1 (S k)); clear H1; intro h1.
-      rewrite Zbit_s2x_p in h1.
-      intro. apply h1. rewrite <- Zbit_div2; auto.
-   * rewrite ODD.
-      replace (2*z + 0) with (2*z) in * by (auto with zarith).
-      assert ((Zbit x O) = true).
-      { rewrite Zbit_0. rewrite Zmod_odd in ODD.
-        destruct (Z.odd x); intuition. }
-      assert (Zbit (2*z) O=true).
-      { apply (H1 O); auto. }
-      rewrite (Zbit_2x_0) in H3.
-      discriminate H3.
-(** Recursive definition of Zbit *)     
-Theorem Zbit_rec: forall (x:Z) (n:nat),
-  Zbit x n = if leb n 0 %nat then Z.odd x else Zbit (x/2) (pred n).
-  intro x.
-  destruct n.
-  (** Base *)
-  + simpl.
-    apply Zbit_0.
-  (** Ind. *)
-  + simpl.
-    rewrite Zbit_div2.
-    auto.
-Lemma Zbit_shift_l: forall (n m:nat) (x:Z), 
-  Zbit (x * (two_power_nat n)) m = if leb n m then Zbit x (m - n)%nat else false.
-  induction n; intros.
-  (** base *)
-  + rewrite (leb_correct O m) by omega.			
-    unfold two_power_nat. unfold shift_nat. rewrite <- (minus_n_O m).
-    f_equal. simpl. omega.
-  (** ind. *) 
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-    (replace (x * (2*two_power_nat n)) with ((2*x) * two_power_nat n) by ring).
-    rewrite (IHn m (2*x)).
-    nat_compare Inf EQ Sup n m.
-    (** n<m *) 
-    * rewrite (leb_correct n m) by omega.
-      rewrite (leb_correct (S n) m) by omega.
-      rewrite <-(Zbit_2x_p (m - S n) x).
-      f_equal. 
-      rewrite (minus_Sn_m) by omega. 
-      by simpl.
-   (** n=m *) 
-    * rewrite (leb_correct n n) by omega.
-      rewrite (leb_correct_conv n (S n)) by omega.
-      rewrite <- minus_n_n.
-      apply Zbit_2x_0.  
-   (** n>m *) 
-    * rewrite (leb_correct_conv m n) by omega.
-      rewrite (leb_correct_conv m (S n)) by omega.
-      auto. 
-Lemma Znat_ind: forall (P: Z -> Prop), 
-  P 0 -> (forall (x:Z), 0 <= x -> P x -> P (2*x))
-      -> (forall (x:Z), 0 <= x -> P x -> P (2*x+1)) 
-      -> (forall (x:Z), 0 <= x -> P x).
-  intros.
-  destruct x.
-  (* 0 *)
-    auto.
-  (* Pos *)
-    induction p.
-    (* 2p+1 *)
-      (replace (Z.pos p~1) with (2 * Z.pos p + 1) by (auto with zarith)); auto. 
-    (* 2p *)
-      (replace (Z.pos p~0) with (2 * Z.pos p) by (auto with zarith)); auto. 
-    (* 1 *)
-      (replace (1) with (2 * 0 + 1) by (auto with zarith)).
-	apply H1. omega. auto.
-  (* Neg *)
-    compute in H2.
-    intuition congruence.
-Lemma Zbit_shift_r: forall (n m:nat) (x:Z),
-  Zbit (x / (two_power_nat n)) m = Zbit x (n + m)%nat.
-  induction n; intros.
-  (** base *)
-  + unfold two_power_nat. unfold shift_nat. 
-    f_equal. simpl. apply Zdiv_1_r.
-  (** ind. *) 
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-    (replace (2*two_power_nat n) with ((two_power_nat n)*2) by ring).
-    rewrite <- Zdiv_Zdiv;
-      [ | generalize (two_power_nat_is_positive n); omega | omega].
-    rewrite (plus_Snm_nSm n m).  
-    rewrite <- (IHn (S m) x). 
-    apply Zbit_div2.
-Theorem Zbit_uint_mod_two_power_nat: forall (n m:nat) (x:Z), 
-  Zbit (x mod (two_power_nat n)) m = if leb n m then false else Zbit x m.
-  induction n.
-  (** base *) simpl.
-  + intros. (replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by forward).
-    rewrite Z.mod_1_r.
-    auto_bits.
-  + induction m.
-    (** base *)
-    * intros.
-      (replace (n + 0)%nat with n by (simpl; auto)).
-      rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-      rewrite Zbit_0; rewrite Zbit_0. 
-      rewrite Z.rem_mul_r; [ | discriminate |  apply two_power_nat_is_positive].
-      rewrite Z.odd_add_mul_2.
-      rewrite odd_mod2; auto.
-    (** ind. *)
-    * intros.
-      rewrite <- Zbit_div2; rewrite <- Zbit_div2.
-      rewrite uint_div2_mod_two_power_nat.    
-      rewrite (IHn m (x/2)).
-      nat_compare Inf EQ Sup n m.
-Theorem Zbit_sint_mod_two_power_nat: forall (n m:nat) (x:Z), 
-  Zbit (((x + two_power_nat (n+m)) mod (2*two_power_nat (n+m))) - two_power_nat (n+m)) m = Zbit x m.
-  induction n.
-  (** base *)
-  + induction m; intros.
-    (** base *)
-    * rewrite plus_O_n.
-      (replace (two_power_nat O) with 1 by forward).
-      (replace (2*1) with 2 by forward).
-      rewrite Zbit_0; rewrite Zbit_0.
-      rewrite Z.odd_sub.
-      rewrite odd_mod2.
-      rewrite Z.odd_add.
-      (replace (Z.odd 1) with true by forward).
-      rewrite Bool.xorb_true_r; rewrite Bool.xorb_true_r.
-      rewrite (Bool.negb_involutive).
-      auto.
-    (** ind. *)
-    * rewrite plus_O_n.
-      rewrite  <- Zbit_div2; rewrite  <- Zbit_div2.
-      rewrite  <- (IHm (x/2)).
-      rewrite sint_div2_mod_two_power_nat.
-      rewrite plus_O_n.
-      rewrite <- two_power_nat_S.
-      auto.
-  (** ind. *)
-  + induction m.
-    (** base *)
-    * intros.
-      (replace (S n + 0)%nat with (S n) by (simpl; auto)).
-      rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-      rewrite Zbit_0; rewrite Zbit_0. 
-      rewrite Z.rem_mul_r;
-        [ | discriminate 
-          | (rewrite <- two_power_nat_S ; apply two_power_nat_is_positive)].
-      rewrite <- Z.add_sub_assoc.
-      rewrite <- Zmult_minus_distr_l.
-      rewrite Z.odd_add_mul_2.
-      rewrite odd_mod2.
-      rewrite Z.odd_add_mul_2.
-      auto.
-    (** ind. *)
-    * intros.
-      (replace (S n + S m)%nat with (S ((S n) + m))%nat by (simpl; auto)).  
-      rewrite <- Zbit_div2; rewrite <- Zbit_div2.
-      rewrite <- (IHm (x/2)).
-      rewrite sint_div2_mod_two_power_nat.
-      rewrite <- two_power_nat_S.
-      auto.
-Lemma Zbit_sign: forall (n: nat) (z: Z),
-   let b := two_power_nat n
-   in -b <= z < b -> (Zbit z n = Zlt_bool z 0).
-  intro n.
-  induction n; intro z; intro b; unfold b.
-  (** base *)
-  + (replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by forward).
-    case_lt z 0; intros.
-    (** z<0 *) (replace z with (-1) by (omega);forward).
-    (** z>=0*) (replace z with 0 by omega); by forward.
-  (** ind. *)
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S; intro.
-    rewrite <-Zbit_div2.
-    assert ((- two_power_nat n) <= z/2 < two_power_nat n) by
-      (split ; [apply Zdiv_le_lower_bound | apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound] ; omega).
-    assert (Zbit (z/2) n = ((z/2) <? 0)) by (by apply (IHn (z/2))).
-    rewrite H1; apply Zlt_div2_neg.
-Lemma Zbit_trail_plus: forall (n i: nat) (z: Z),
-   let b := two_power_nat n
-   in -b <= z < b -> (Zbit z (n+i)%nat = Zlt_bool z 0).
-  intro n. induction i; intros z b; unfold b.
-  (** base *)
-  + rewrite plus_0_r.
-    apply Zbit_sign.
-  (** ind. *)
-  + intro.
-    rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.
-    rewrite <-Zbit_div2.
-    assert ((- two_power_nat n) <= z/2 < two_power_nat n) by
-      (split ; [apply Zdiv_le_lower_bound | apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound] ; omega).
-    assert (Zbit (z/2) (n + i)%nat = (z/2 <? 0)) by (by apply (IHi (z/2))).	
-    rewrite H1; apply Zlt_div2_neg.
-Lemma Zbit_trail: forall (n i: nat) (z: Z),
-  let b := two_power_nat n
-  in (n <= i)%nat -> -b <= z < b -> (Zbit z i = Zlt_bool z 0).
-  intros. 
-  generalize (Zbit_trail_plus n (i - n)%nat z).
-  rewrite <- le_plus_minus by auto.
-  auto.
-Lemma Zbit_unsigned_trail: forall (n i: nat) (z: Z),
-   (n <= i)%nat -> 0 <= z < two_power_nat n -> (Zbit z i = false).
-  intros n i z h1.
-  (* work around a problem with "try omega" inside case_lt *)
-  pose (b:=two_power_nat n); fold b.
-  intro h2.
-  (replace false with (Zlt_bool z 0) by (case_lt z 0; auto)).
-  apply (Zbit_trail n); auto.
-  fold b.
-  omega.
-Lemma Zbit_trail_plus_inv: forall (n: nat) (z: Z),
-   let b := two_power_nat n
-   in (forall (i: nat), (Zbit z (n+i)%nat = Zlt_bool z 0)) -> -b <= z < b.
-  intro n. induction n; intro z; intro b; unfold b.
-  (** base *)
-  + (replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by (auto with zarith)).
-    case_lt z 0; intros h h0.
-    (** z<0 *) 
-    * replace z with (-1);
-        [| symmetry; apply Zbit_ext; extensionality k; unfold TRUE; apply h0]. 
-      omega.
-    (** z>=0*) 
-    * replace z with 0;
-        [| symmetry; apply Zbit_ext; extensionality k; unfold FALSE; apply h0].
-      omega.
-  (** ind. *)
-  + intro.
-    generalize (div2_mod2_eq z); intro Euc.
-    generalize (mod2_lt z); intro Mod.
-    pose (x := z / 2); fold x in Euc.  
-    pose (r := z mod 2); fold r in Euc,Mod.
-    assert (Ind: -(two_power_nat n) <= x < (two_power_nat n)).
-    { apply IHn; intro; unfold x; rewrite Zlt_div2_neg. 
-      case_mod2 z.
-      + fold r in EVEN. 
-        rewrite <-Zbit_2x_p.
-        replace (S (n+i)) with (S n + i)%nat ; [ | auto with arith ].
-        replace (2*(z/2)) with z.
-        * apply H. 
-        * fold x; auto with zarith.
-      + fold r in ODD. 
-        rewrite <-Zbit_s2x_p.
-        replace (S (n+i)) with (S n + i)%nat ; [ | auto with arith ].
-        replace (2*(z/2) + 1) with z.
-        * apply H.
-        * fold x; auto with zarith.
-    }
-    rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-    auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zbit_unsigned_trail_plus_inv: forall (n: nat) (z: Z),
-   let b := two_power_nat n
-   in (forall (i: nat), (Zbit z (n+i)%nat = false)) -> 0 <= z < b.
-  intro n. induction n; intro z; intro b; unfold b.
-  (** base *)
-  + (replace (two_power_nat 0) with 1 by (auto with zarith)).
-     intro h0.
-     replace z with 0;
-       [| symmetry; apply Zbit_ext; extensionality k; unfold FALSE; apply h0].
-     omega.
-  (** ind. *)
-  + intro.
-    generalize (div2_mod2_eq z); intro Euc.
-    generalize (mod2_lt z); intro Mod.
-    pose (x := z / 2); fold x in Euc.  
-    pose (r := z mod 2); fold r in Euc,Mod.
-    assert (Ind: 0 <= x < (two_power_nat n)).
-    { apply IHn; intro; unfold x. 
-      case_mod2 z.
-      + fold r in EVEN. 
-        rewrite <-Zbit_2x_p.
-        replace (S (n+i)) with (S n + i)%nat ; [ | auto with arith ].
-        replace (2*(z/2)) with z.
-        * apply H. 
-        * fold x; auto with zarith.
-      + fold r in ODD. 
-        rewrite <-Zbit_s2x_p.
-        replace (S (n+i)) with (S n + i)%nat ; [ | auto with arith ].
-        replace (2*(z/2) + 1) with z.
-        * apply H.
-        * fold x; auto with zarith.
-    }
-    rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-    auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zbit_trail_inv: forall (n: nat) (z: Z),
-  let b := two_power_nat n
-  in (forall (i: nat), (n <= i)%nat -> (Zbit z i = Zlt_bool z 0)) -> -b <= z < b.
-  intros n z b h1. 
-  generalize (Zbit_trail_plus_inv n z); intro h2. 
-  apply h2; intro.
-  generalize (h1 (n + i)%nat); intro h3.
-  apply h3.
-  auto with zarith.
-Lemma Zbit_unsigned_trail_inv: forall (n: nat) (z: Z),
-  (forall (i: nat), (n <= i)%nat -> (Zbit z i = false)) -> 0 <= z < (two_power_nat n).
-  intros n z h1. 
-  generalize (Zbit_unsigned_trail_plus_inv n z); intro h2. 
-  apply h2; intro.
-  generalize (h1 (n + i)%nat); intro h3.
-  apply h3.
-  auto with zarith.
-(** {@bitwise:} *)
-(** * Bitwise Shifting Operators *)
-Program Definition bitwise_lsl (x: bits) (n:nat): bits :=
-  let sign := (bsign x) in
-  let btest := (fun i: nat => if leb n i %nat then btest x (i - n)%nat
-                              else false) in
-  let last := last btest ((bsize x) + n) sign in
-  mkbits last sign btest _ .
-Next Obligation.
-  apply trailing_last.
-  generalize (btrail x).
-  unfold trailing.
-  intro Tx. intro k.
-  nat_compare Inf EQ Sup n k.
-  (** n < k *) 
-  + rewrite (leb_correct n k) by omega.
-    intros. rewrite (Tx (k - n)%nat) by omega.  
-    auto.
-  (** n = k *)
-  + rewrite (leb_correct n n) by omega.
-    intros. rewrite (Tx (n - n)%nat) by omega.
-    auto.
-  (** n > k *) 
-  + intro.
-    omegaContradiction.
-Program Definition bitwise_lsr (x: bits) (n:nat): bits :=
-  let sign := (bsign x) in
-  let btest := (fun i: nat => btest x (i + n)%nat) in
-  let last := last btest (bsize x) sign in
-  mkbits last sign btest _ .
-Next Obligation.
-  apply trailing_last.
-  generalize (btrail x).
-  unfold trailing.
-  intro Tx. intros.
-  rewrite (Tx (k + n)%nat); auto with arith.
-Definition lsl_shift_def (x:Z) (n:nat): Z :=
-  Z_of_bits (bitwise_lsl (bits_of_Z x) n).
-Definition lsr_shift_def (x:Z) (n:nat): Z :=
-  Z_of_bits (bitwise_lsr (bits_of_Z x) n).
-(** ** Link between bitwise shifting operators and arithmetics *)
-Definition lsl_arithmetic_def (x:Z) (n:nat): Z := 
-  x * (two_power_nat n).
-Lemma lsl_arithmetic_shift:
-  lsl_shift_def = lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  extensionality x; extensionality n; Zbit_ext k.
-  (** right term *)
-  unfold lsl_arithmetic_def; rewrite (Zbit_shift_l n k x).
-  (** left term *) 
-  unfold lsl_shift_def; unfold Zbit; rewrite Z_decomp_recomp;
-    unfold bitwise_lsl; unfold btest.
-  auto.
-Definition lsr_arithmetic_def (x:Z) (n:nat): Z :=
-  x / (two_power_nat n).
-(** Note: [lsr_arithmetic_def x n] and [Cdiv x (two_power_nat n)] differs for negative [x]. *)
-Remark lsr_differs_to_Cdiv: lsr_arithmetic_def (-1) 1%nat <> Cdiv (-1) (two_power_nat 1).
-  by compute.
-Lemma lsr_arithmetic_shift:
-  lsr_shift_def = lsr_arithmetic_def.
-  extensionality x; extensionality n; Zbit_ext k.
-  (** right term *)
-  unfold lsr_arithmetic_def; rewrite (Zbit_shift_r n k x);
-    (replace (n+k)%nat with (k+n)%nat by omega).
-  (** left term *) 
-  unfold lsr_shift_def; unfold Zbit; rewrite Z_decomp_recomp;
-    unfold bitwise_lsr; unfold btest.
-  auto.
-(** * Bitwise Logical Operators *)
-Program Definition bitwise (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: bits): bits :=
-  let sign := f (bsign x) (bsign y) in
-  let btest := (fun i: nat => f (btest x i) (btest y i)) in
-  let last := last btest (max (bsize x) (bsize y)) sign in
-  mkbits last sign btest _ .
-Next Obligation.
-  apply trailing_last.
-  generalize (btrail x).
-  generalize (btrail y).
-  unfold trailing.
-  intros Ty Tx k Max.
-  rewrite Tx. rewrite Ty. trivial.
-  generalize (Max.max_lub_r (bsize x) (bsize y) k). omega.
-  generalize (Max.max_lub_l (bsize x) (bsize y) k). omega.
-Definition Z_bitwise (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: Z): Z :=
-  Z_of_bits (bitwise f (bits_of_Z x) (bits_of_Z y)).
-(** ** Properties of Bitwise Logical Operators *)
-Lemma Zbit_bitwise: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: Z) (k: nat),
-  Zbit (Z_bitwise f x y) k = f (Zbit x k) (Zbit y k).
-  intros. unfold Zbit. unfold Z_bitwise.
-  rewrite Z_decomp_recomp. auto.
-(** Tactical. *)
-Ltac Zbit_bitwise k := Zbit_ext k; repeat rewrite Zbit_bitwise.
-(** Range of bitwise operators *)
-Lemma Z_bitwise_ZxHpos: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: Z),
-  (ZxHpos (Z_bitwise f x y) <= max (ZxHpos x) (ZxHpos y))%nat.
-  intros f x y.
-  unfold Z_bitwise. rewrite (bsize_over_approx). unfold bitwise.
-  unfold btest at 1; unfold bsize at 1; unfold bsign at 3;
-    apply Max.max_case_strong;
-    rewrite <- (bsize_exact x); rewrite <- (bsize_exact y); intro CASE.
-  (** (ZxHpos y <= ZxHpos x) *)
-  + rewrite Max.max_l by auto.
-    generalize (last_leq (fun i: nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))
-      (ZxHpos x) (f (bsign (bits_of_Z x)) (bsign (bits_of_Z y)))); intro.
-    generalize (last_leq (fun i : nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))
-      (last (fun i : nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))
-      (ZxHpos x) (f (bsign (bits_of_Z x)) (bsign (bits_of_Z y))))
-      (f (bsign (bits_of_Z x)) (bsign (bits_of_Z y)))); intro.
-    omega.
-  (** cont. (ZxHpos x <= ZxHpos y) *)
-  + rewrite Max.max_r by auto.
-    generalize (last_leq (fun i: nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))
-      (ZxHpos y) (f (bsign (bits_of_Z x)) (bsign (bits_of_Z y)))); intro.
-    generalize (last_leq (fun i: nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))
-      (last (fun i: nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))
-      (ZxHpos y) (f (bsign (bits_of_Z x)) (bsign (bits_of_Z y))))
-      (f (bsign (bits_of_Z x)) (bsign (bits_of_Z y)))); intro.
-    omega.
-Lemma Z_bitwise_ZxHbound: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: Z),
-   ZxHbound (Z_bitwise f x y) <= Zmax (ZxHbound x) (ZxHbound y).
-  intros f x y.
-  generalize (Z_bitwise_ZxHpos f x y).
-  apply Z.max_case_strong; intro.
-  (** ZxHbound y <= ZxHbound x *)
-  + assert (ZxHpos y <= ZxHpos x)%nat by by (apply ZxHpos_le).
-    rewrite max_l; by try (intro; apply ZxHbound_le).
-  (** ZxHbound x <= ZxHbound y *)
-  + assert (ZxHpos x <= ZxHpos y)%nat by by (apply ZxHpos_le).
-    rewrite max_r; by try (intro; apply ZxHbound_le).
-Theorem Z_bitwise_in_sint_range: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (n: nat) (x y: Z), 
-  let b := two_power_nat n
-  in -b <= x < b -> -b <= y < b -> -b <= (Z_bitwise f x y) < b.
-  intros f n x y b Rx Ry.
-  assert (ZxHbound x <= b) as Bx.
-  { unfold b. unfold b in Rx.
-    apply (ZxHpower n x).
-    omega. }
-  assert (ZxHbound y <= b) as By.
-  { unfold b. unfold b in Ry.
-    apply (ZxHpower n y).
-    omega. }
-  generalize (Z_bitwise_ZxHbound f x y).
-  pose (zxy := Z_bitwise f x y); fold zxy.
-  generalize (ZxHrange zxy).
-  apply Zmax_case_strong.
-  (** ZxHbound y <= ZxHbound x *)
-  + intros Ryx Rzxy.
-    destruct Rzxy as [ bound_neg bound_pos ].
-    lia.
-  (** ZxHbound x <= ZxHbound y *)
-  + intros Ryx Rzxy.
-    destruct Rzxy as [ bound_neg bound_pos ].
-    lia.
-Theorem Z_bitwise_sign: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: Z),  
-  Zle_bool 0 (Z_bitwise f x y) = negb (f (negb (Zle_bool 0 x)) (negb (Zle_bool 0 y))).
-  intros f x y. 
-  case_leq 0 (Z_bitwise f x y);
-  unfold Z_bitwise; unfold Z_of_bits; unfold bitwise; simpl;
-  repeat (rewrite Zsign_encoding); 
-  destruct (f (negb (Zle_bool 0 x)) (negb (Zle_bool 0 y))); intuition.
-  + unfold zlnot in H;
-    generalize (N_recomp_pos (last (fun i : nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))
-      (max (bsize (bits_of_Z x)) (bsize (bits_of_Z y))) true)
-      (fnot (fun i : nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i)))); intro; 
-    omegaContradiction.
-  + generalize (N_recomp_pos (last (fun i : nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))
-      (max (bsize (bits_of_Z x)) (bsize (bits_of_Z y))) false)
-      (fun i : nat => f (btest (bits_of_Z x) i) (btest (bits_of_Z y) i))); intro; 
-    omegaContradiction.
-Theorem Z_bitwise_is_uint: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: Z),  
-  0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> (f false false = false) -> 0 <= (Z_bitwise f x y).
-  intros f x y Rx Ry Fsign.
-  generalize (Z_bitwise_sign f x y).
-  case_leq 0 x; case_leq 0 y; replace (negb true) with false by intuition; intros.
-  rewrite Fsign in H1.
-  replace (negb false) with true in H1 by intuition.
-  case_leq 0 (Z_bitwise f x y).
-  discriminate H1.
-Theorem Z_bitwise_is_uint1: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: Z),  
-  0 <= x -> (forall b:bool, f false b = false) -> 0 <= (Z_bitwise f x y).
-  intros f x y Rx Fsign.
-  generalize (Z_bitwise_sign f x y).
-  case_leq 0 x; replace (negb true) with false by intuition; intros.
-  rewrite (Fsign (negb (0 <=? y))) in H0.
-  replace (negb false) with true in H0 by intuition.
-  case_leq 0 (Z_bitwise f x y).
-  discriminate H0.
-Theorem Z_bitwise_is_uint2: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (x y: Z),  
-  0 <= y -> (forall b: bool, f b false = false) -> 0 <= (Z_bitwise f x y).
-  intros f x y Rx Fsign.
-  generalize (Z_bitwise_sign f x y).
-  case_leq 0 y; replace (negb true) with false by intuition; intros.
-  rewrite (Fsign (negb (0 <=? x))) in H0.
-  replace (negb false) with true in H0 by intuition.
-  case_leq 0 (Z_bitwise f x y).
-  discriminate H0.
-Theorem Z_bitwise_in_uint_range: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool) (n: nat) (x y: Z),  
-  let b := two_power_nat n
-  in 0 <= x < b -> 0 <= y < b -> f false false = false -> 0 <= (Z_bitwise f x y) < b.
-  intros f n x y b Rx Ry.
-  assert (ZxHbound x <= b) as Bx.
-  { unfold b. unfold b in Rx.
-    apply (ZxHpower n x).
-    omega. }
-  assert (ZxHbound y <= b) as By.
-  { unfold b. unfold b in Ry.
-    apply (ZxHpower n y).
-    omega. }
-  intro Fsign.
-  assert (0 <= (Z_bitwise f x y)) as Bz.
-  { apply (Z_bitwise_is_uint f x y); auto; omega. }
-  generalize (Z_bitwise_ZxHbound f x y).
-  pose (zxy := Z_bitwise f x y); fold zxy; fold zxy in Bz.
-  generalize (ZxHrange zxy).
-  apply Zmax_case_strong.
-  (** ZxHbound y <= ZxHbound x *)
-  + intros Ryx Rzxy.
-    destruct Rzxy as [ Bneg Bpos ].
-    lia.
-  (** ZxHbound x <= ZxHbound y *)
-  + intros Ryx Rzxy.
-    destruct Rzxy as [ Bneg Bpos ].
-    lia.
-(** Commutative bitwise operators *)
-Definition commutative {A B: Type} (f: A -> A -> B) :=
-  forall x y: A, f x y = f y x.
-Lemma Z_bitwise_commut: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool), 
-  commutative f -> commutative (Z_bitwise f).
-  unfold commutative. intros. apply btest_ext. simpl.
-  extensionality k.
-  apply H.
-(** Associative bitwise operators *)
-Definition associative {A: Type} (f: A -> A -> A) :=
-  forall x y z: A, f (f x y) z = f x (f y z).
-Lemma Z_bitwise_assoc: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool), 
-  associative f -> associative (Z_bitwise f).
-  unfold associative. intros. apply btest_ext. simpl.
-  extensionality k. unfold Z_bitwise.
-  repeat rewrite Z_decomp_recomp. simpl. apply H.
-(** Idempotent bitwise operators *)
-Definition idempotent {A: Type} (f: A -> A -> A) :=
-  forall x: A, f x x = x.
-Lemma Z_bitwise_idempotent: forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool), 
-  idempotent f -> idempotent (Z_bitwise f).
-  unfold idempotent. intros. Zbit_bitwise k. auto.
-(** Distributive bitwise operators *)
-Definition distributive_l {A: Type} (f : A -> A -> A) (g : A -> A -> A) :=
-  forall x y z: A, f x (g y z) = g (f x y) (f x z).
-Definition distributive_r {A: Type} (f : A -> A -> A) (g : A -> A -> A) :=
-  forall x y z: A, f (g x y) z = g (f x z) (f y z).
-Lemma Z_bitwise_distrib_l: forall (f g: bool -> bool -> bool),
-  distributive_l f g -> distributive_l (Z_bitwise f) (Z_bitwise g) .
-  unfold distributive_l. intros. Zbit_bitwise k. auto.
-Lemma Z_bitwise_distrib_r: forall (f g: bool -> bool -> bool),
-  distributive_r f g -> distributive_r (Z_bitwise f) (Z_bitwise g) .
-  unfold distributive_r. intros. Zbit_bitwise k. auto.
-(** Neutral elements of bitwise operators *)
-Definition neutral {A: Type} (e: A) (f: A -> A -> A) :=
-  forall x: A, f e x  = x.
-Lemma Z_bitwise_neutral (e:bool): forall (f: bool -> bool -> bool),
-  neutral e f -> neutral (if e then (-1) else 0) (Z_bitwise f).
-  unfold neutral. intros. Zbit_bitwise k.
-  destruct e; simpl; rewrite H; auto.
-(** Absorbant element of bitwise operators *)
-Definition absorbant {A: Type} (a: A) (f: A -> A -> A) :=
-  forall x: A, f a x  = a.
-Lemma Z_bitwise_absorbant (a:bool) :
-  forall f, absorbant a f -> absorbant (if a then (-1) else 0) (Z_bitwise f).
-  unfold absorbant. intros. Zbit_bitwise k.
-  destruct a; simpl; rewrite H; auto.
-(** {@ACSL:} *)	
-(** * ACSL shifting operators *)
-Parameter lsl_undef: Z -> Z -> Z.
-Definition lsl_def (x:Z) (n:Z): Z :=
-  lsl_shift_def x (Zabs_nat n).
-Definition lsl (x : Z) (y : Z) : Z :=
-  if Zle_bool 0 y then lsl_def x y
-  else lsl_undef x y.
-Theorem lsl_pos: forall x n: Z,
-  0<=n -> lsl x n = lsl_def x n.
-  intros.
-  unfold lsl.
-  case_leq 0 n.
-(* Lemma test_compute: lsl 2 1 = 4. *)
-(* Proof. *)
-(* compute; reflexivity. *)
-(* Qed. *)
-Parameter lsr_undef: Z -> Z -> Z.
-Definition lsr_def (x:Z) (n:Z): Z :=
-  lsr_shift_def x (Zabs_nat n).
-Definition lsr (x : Z) (y : Z) : Z :=
-  if Zle_bool 0 y then lsr_def x y
-  else lsr_undef x y.
-Theorem lsr_pos: forall x n: Z,
-  0<=n -> lsr x n = lsr_def x n.
-  intros.
-  unfold lsr.
-  case_leq 0 n.
-(** ** Properties of shifting operators *)
-Theorem Zbit_lsl: forall (x n: Z) (k: nat), 
-  Zbit (lsl_def x n) k = if (Zle_bool (Zabs n) (Z_of_nat k)) then Zbit x (Zabs_nat ((Z_of_nat k) - (Zabs n))) else false.
-  intros. unfold lsl_def. 
-  rewrite lsl_arithmetic_shift. unfold lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  rewrite Zbit_shift_l.
-  case_leq (Zabs n) (Z_of_nat k).
-  (** case |n| <= k *) 
-  + intro LEQ.
-    cut (leb (Zabs_nat n) k= true).
-    { intro LEB. rewrite LEB. f_equal.
-      rewrite Zabs_nat_Zminus; try split; try apply Zabs_pos; auto.
-      rewrite Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat.
-      rewrite zabs_nat_zabs; auto. }
-    apply leb_correct. rewrite <- Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat.
-    apply zabs_le. 
-    rewrite <- (inj_Zabs_nat (Z_of_nat k)). rewrite Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat.
-    auto.
-  (** case |n| > k *) 
-  + intro GT.
-    cut (leb (Zabs_nat n) k = false).
-    intro GTB. rewrite GTB. auto. 
-    apply leb_correct_conv.
-    rewrite <- (Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat k).
-    apply zabs_gt. 
-    rewrite <- (inj_Zabs_nat (Z_of_nat k)). rewrite Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat.
-    omega.
-Theorem Zbit_lsr: forall (x n: Z) (k: nat),
-  Zbit (lsr_def x n) k = Zbit x (k + (Zabs_nat n))%nat.
-  intros. 
-  (** left  term *) 
-  unfold lsr_def. unfold lsr_shift_def.
-  unfold Zbit. rewrite Z_decomp_recomp.
-  unfold bitwise_lsr. unfold btest at 1.
-  auto.
-Lemma lsl_of_lsl: forall (n m: Z) (x:Z),
-  lsl_def (lsl_def x n) m = lsl_def x (Zabs n + Zabs m).
-  intros. unfold lsl_def. 
-  rewrite <- zabs_plus.
-  rewrite lsl_arithmetic_shift.
-  unfold lsl_arithmetic_def. 
-  (replace (x * two_power_nat (Zabs_nat n) * two_power_nat (Zabs_nat m))
-        with (x *(two_power_nat (Zabs_nat n) * two_power_nat (Zabs_nat m))) by ring).
-  f_equal.
-  repeat rewrite two_power_nat_correct.
-  rewrite Zpower_nat_is_exp.
-  auto.
-Lemma lsr_of_lsr: forall (n m: Z) (x:Z),
-  lsr_def (lsr_def x n) m = lsr_def x (Zabs n + Zabs m).
-  intros. unfold lsr_def. 
-  rewrite <- zabs_plus.
-  unfold lsr_shift_def at 3. unfold lsr_shift_def at 1. 
-  unfold bitwise_lsr.
-  apply btest_ext.
-  unfold btest at 1. unfold btest at 2.
-  extensionality k.
-  unfold lsr_shift_def. 
-  rewrite Z_decomp_recomp.
-  unfold bitwise_lsr. unfold btest at 1.
-  f_equal.
-  omega.
-Lemma lsr_of_lsl: forall (n m: Z) (x:Z),
-  Zabs n <= Zabs m -> lsr_def (lsl_def x n) m = lsr_def x (Zabs m - Zabs n).
-  intros. unfold lsr_def. 
-  rewrite <- zabs_minus by auto.
-  unfold lsr_shift_def. unfold bitwise_lsr.
-  apply btest_ext.
-  unfold btest at 1. unfold btest at 2.
-  extensionality k.
-  unfold lsl_def. unfold lsl_shift_def.
-  rewrite Z_decomp_recomp.
-  unfold bitwise_lsl. unfold btest at 1.
-  rewrite (leb_correct (Zabs_nat n) (k + Zabs_nat m)).
-  f_equal.
-  (** arg 1 *) 
-  + rewrite (inj_eq_rev (k + Zabs_nat m - Zabs_nat n) (k + (Zabs_nat m - Zabs_nat n))). 
-    auto.
-    rewrite inj_minus1 by (apply zabs_le_plus; omega). 
-    repeat rewrite inj_plus. 
-    rewrite inj_minus1 at 1 by (apply zabs_le; auto). 
-    omega.
-  (** arg 2 *) 
-  + apply zabs_le_plus.
-    omega.
-(** * ACSL bitwise operators *)
-Definition limpl (x y: Z): Z :=
-  Z_bitwise implb x y.
-Definition land (x y: Z): Z :=
-  Z_bitwise andb x y.
-Definition lor  (x y: Z): Z :=
-  Z_bitwise orb x y.
-Definition lxor (x y: Z): Z :=
-  Z_bitwise xorb x y.
-Definition lnot (x: Z): Z :=
-  lxor (-1) x.
-(** ** Bounds of land and lor terms *)
-Theorem uint_land_range: forall (x y: Z), 0 <= x -> 0 <= land x y <= x.
-  intros.
-  split.
-  + apply (Z_bitwise_is_uint1 andb).
-    * auto.
-    * intro. destruct b; intuition.
-  + apply Zbit_le.
-    * auto.
-    * intro.
-      unfold land; rewrite Zbit_bitwise. 
-      destruct (Zbit x k); intuition.
-Theorem land_sign: forall (x y: Z), (0 <= x \/ 0 <= y) <-> 0 <= land x y.
-  intros x y.
-  unfold land; unfold Z_bitwise.
-  pose (bz := (bitwise andb (bits_of_Z x) (bits_of_Z y))). fold bz.
-  assert ((0 <= Z_of_bits bz) <-> (bsign bz = false)).
-  { rewrite Bits.bsign_encoding.
-    case_leq 0 (Z_of_bits bz); intros; split; intros; auto.
-    * omegaContradiction.
-    * discriminate H0. }
-  rewrite H.
-  unfold bz. unfold bitwise. simpl.
-  rewrite (bsign_encoding (bits_of_Z x)).
-  rewrite bsign_encoding.
-  rewrite (Z_recomp_decomp x). rewrite Z_recomp_decomp.
-  split; case_leq 0 x; intro; try omegaContradiction;
-    case_leq 0 y; intros; try omegaContradiction; auto.
-  discriminate H2.
-Theorem lor_sign: forall (x y: Z), (0 <= x /\ 0 <= y) <-> 0 <= lor x y.
-  intros x y.
-  unfold lor; unfold Z_bitwise.
-  pose (bz := (bitwise orb (bits_of_Z x) (bits_of_Z y))). fold bz.
-  assert ((0 <= Z_of_bits bz) <-> (bsign bz = false)).
-  { rewrite Bits.bsign_encoding.
-    case_leq 0 (Z_of_bits bz); intros; split; intros; auto.
-    * omegaContradiction.
-    * discriminate H0. }
-  rewrite H.
-  unfold bz. unfold bitwise. simpl.
-  rewrite (bsign_encoding (bits_of_Z x)).
-  rewrite bsign_encoding.
-  rewrite (Z_recomp_decomp x). rewrite Z_recomp_decomp.
-  split; case_leq 0 x; intro; try omegaContradiction;
-    case_leq 0 y; split; intros; try omegaContradiction;
-    discriminate H2.
-Theorem uint_lor_inf: forall (x y: Z), 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> x <= lor x y.
-  intros.
-  apply Zbit_le.
-  + unfold lor.
-    unfold Z_bitwise.
-    pose (bz := (bitwise orb (bits_of_Z x) (bits_of_Z y))). fold bz.
-    unfold Z_of_bits.
-    destruct (bsign bz) eqn:BSIGN.
-    (** negative sign *)
-    * assert (bsign bz = false) as OPP.
-      unfold bz. unfold bitwise. unfold bsign.
-      unfold bits_of_Z. unfold bsign.
-      case_leq 0 x; intro; try omegaContradiction.
-      case_leq 0 y; intros; try omegaContradiction.
-      auto.
-      rewrite BSIGN in OPP. 
-      discriminate.
-    (** positive sign *)
-    * apply (N_recomp_pos).
- + intro.
-    unfold lor; rewrite Zbit_bitwise. 
-    destruct (Zbit x k); intuition.
-(** Zbit extraction *)
-Theorem Zbit_extraction : 
-forall (x:Z) (i:nat), 
-   (land x (lsl_shift_def 1 i) = 0 <-> (Zbit x i) = false).
-  intros.
-  rewrite lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  replace (1 * two_power_nat i) with (two_power_nat i) by ring.
-  unfold land.
-  split.
-  (** 1st impl *)
-  + intro H.
-    assert (Zbit (Z_bitwise andb x (two_power_nat i)) i = Zbit 0 i).
-    { rewrite H; reflexivity. }
-    rewrite Zbit_bitwise in H0.
-    rewrite Zbit_power in H0.
-    unfold FALSE in H0.
-    rewrite <- beq_nat_refl in H0.
-    rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in H0.
-    assumption.
-  (** 2sd impl *)
-  + intro.
-    Zbit_ext k.
-    rewrite Zbit_bitwise; rewrite Zbit_power.
-    unfold FALSE.
-    (** proof by case *)
-    case (lt_eq_lt_dec i k); intro cas. destruct cas.
-    (** i<k *)
-    * rewrite Bool.andb_false_intro2; auto.
-      apply beq_nat_false_iff; omega.
-    (** k=i *)
-    * rewrite <- e.
-      rewrite Bool.andb_false_intro1; auto.
-    (** k<i *)
-    * rewrite Bool.andb_false_intro2; auto.
-      apply beq_nat_false_iff; omega.
-Theorem Zbit_extraction_true : 
-forall (x:Z) (i:nat), 
-   (land x (lsl_shift_def 1 i) = (lsl_shift_def 1 i) <-> (Zbit x i) = true).
-  intros.
-  rewrite lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold lsl_arithmetic_def.
-  replace (1 * two_power_nat i) with (two_power_nat i) by ring.
-  unfold land.
-  split.
-  (** 1st impl *)
-  + intro H.
-    assert (Zbit (Z_bitwise andb x (two_power_nat i)) i = Zbit (two_power_nat i) i).
-    { rewrite H; reflexivity. }
-    rewrite Zbit_bitwise in H0.
-    rewrite Zbit_power in H0.
-    rewrite <- beq_nat_refl in H0.
-    rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in H0.
-    assumption.
-  (** 2sd impl *)
-  + intro.
-    Zbit_ext k.
-    rewrite Zbit_bitwise; rewrite Zbit_power.
-    (** proof by case *)
-    case (lt_eq_lt_dec i k); intro cas. destruct cas.
-    (** i<k *)
-    * rewrite Bool.andb_false_intro2; auto;
-      [symmetry| ];
-      apply beq_nat_false_iff; omega.
-    (** k=i *)
-    * rewrite <- e.
-      rewrite H.
-      rewrite Bool.andb_true_l.
-      reflexivity.
-    (** k<i *)
-    * rewrite Bool.andb_false_intro2; auto;
-      [symmetry| ];
-      apply beq_nat_false_iff; omega.
-(** ** Properties of lnot operator *)
-(** lnot x equals -(x+1) *)
-Theorem lnot_zlnot_equiv: forall x: Z,
-  lnot x = zlnot x.
-  intro x. unfold lnot. unfold lxor. Zbit_bitwise k.
-  rewrite Bool.xorb_true_l.
-  (** Now to prove that zlnot negates bits *)
-  unfold Zbit. unfold bits_of_Z.
-  pose (y := zlnot x). fold y.
-  case_leq 0 x; case_leq 0 y; intros Y X; 
-    try ( unfold y in Y; unfold zlnot in Y; apply False_ind; omega); 
-    simpl.
-  (** Negative *)
-  + unfold y. rewrite zlnot_inv. unfold fnot. trivial.
-  (** Positive *)
-  + unfold fnot. rewrite Bool.negb_involutive. trivial.
-(** Tactical *)
-Local Ltac lnot_with_omega :=
-  repeat rewrite lnot_zlnot_equiv; unfold zlnot; omega.
-Theorem lnot_0: lnot 0 = -1.
-  auto with arith.
-Theorem lnot_1: lnot (-1) = 0.
-  auto with arith.
-(** Involution of the double negation *)					    
-Theorem lnot_inv: forall x: Z,
-  lnot (lnot x) = x.
-  intros x. lnot_with_omega.
-Theorem lnot_sym: forall x y: Z,
-  lnot x = y -> lnot y = x.
-  intros x y. lnot_with_omega.
-Theorem lnot_inj: forall x y: Z,
-  lnot x = lnot y -> y = x.
-  intros x y. lnot_with_omega.
-(** ** Associative and commutative bitwise operators *)
-(** land is AC *)
-Theorem land_assoc: associative land.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_assoc andb).	
-  unfold associative. intros. symmetry. apply Bool.andb_assoc.		       
-Theorem land_commut: commutative land.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_commut andb Bool.andb_comm).
-(** lor is AC *)
-Theorem lor_assoc: associative lor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_assoc orb). 
-  unfold associative. intros. symmetry. apply Bool.orb_assoc.				       
-Theorem lor_commut: commutative lor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_commut orb Bool.orb_comm).
-(** lxor is AC *)
-Theorem lxor_assoc: associative lxor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_assoc xorb Bool.xorb_assoc).			       
-Theorem lxor_commut: commutative lxor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_commut xorb Bool.xorb_comm).
-(** ** Idempotent bitwise operators *)
-(** land is idempotent *)
-Theorem land_idemp: idempotent land.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_idempotent andb).
-  unfold idempotent. intro. destruct x; auto.
-(** lor is idempotent *)
-Theorem lor_idemp: idempotent lor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_idempotent orb).
-  unfold idempotent. intro. destruct x; auto.
-(** ** Neutral elements of bitwise operators *)
-(** Zero is the neutral element of lor *)
-Theorem lor_0: neutral 0 lor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_neutral false orb).
-  unfold neutral. auto.
-(** Zero is the neutral element of lxor *)
-Theorem lxor_0: neutral 0 lxor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_neutral false xorb).
-  unfold neutral. apply Bool.orb_false_r.
-(** Minus one is the neutral element of land *)
-Theorem land_1: neutral (-1) land.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_neutral true andb).
-  unfold neutral. auto.
-(** ** Absorbant elements of bitwise operators *)
-(** Zero is the absorbant element of land *)
-Theorem land_0: absorbant 0 land.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_absorbant false andb).
-  unfold absorbant. auto.
-(** Minus one is the absorbant element of lor *)
-Theorem lor_1: absorbant (-1) lor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_absorbant true orb).
-  unfold absorbant. auto.
-(** ** De Morgan laws of bitwise operators *)
-Theorem lnot_land_de_morgan: forall x y: Z,
-  lnot (land x y) = lor (lnot x) (lnot y).
-  intros. unfold lnot. unfold lxor. 
-  Zbit_bitwise k. rewrite Bool.xorb_true_l.
-  unfold land. rewrite Zbit_bitwise. 
-  unfold lor. rewrite Zbit_bitwise. unfold Zbit. unfold Z_bitwise. 
-  rewrite Z_decomp_recomp. rewrite Z_decomp_recomp. unfold bitwise. simpl. 
-  pose (xb:= btest (bits_of_Z x) k). fold xb. 
-  pose (yb:= btest (bits_of_Z y) k). fold yb.
-  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; auto.
-Theorem lnot_lor_de_morgan: forall x y: Z, 
-  lnot (lor x y) = land (lnot x) (lnot y).
-  intros. unfold lnot. unfold lxor. Zbit_bitwise k.
-  rewrite Bool.xorb_true_l.
-  unfold land. rewrite Zbit_bitwise. 
-  unfold lor. rewrite Zbit_bitwise. unfold Zbit. unfold Z_bitwise. 
-  rewrite Z_decomp_recomp. rewrite Z_decomp_recomp. unfold bitwise. simpl. 
-  pose (xb:= btest (bits_of_Z x) k). fold xb. 
-  pose (yb:= btest (bits_of_Z y) k). fold yb.
-  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; auto.
-(** ** Distributivity of bitwise operators *)
-(** Distributive lor land *)						       
-Theorem lor_land_distrib_l: distributive_l lor land.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_distrib_l orb andb).
-  unfold distributive_l.
-  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; auto.
-Theorem lor_land_distrib_r: distributive_r lor land.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_distrib_r orb andb).
-  unfold distributive_r.
-  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; auto.
-(** Distributive land lor *)						       
-Theorem land_lor_distrib_l: distributive_l land lor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_distrib_l andb orb).
-  unfold distributive_l.
-  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; auto.
-Theorem land_lor_distrib_r: distributive_r land lor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_distrib_r andb orb).
-  unfold distributive_r.
-  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; auto.
-(** Distributive land lxor *)						       
-Theorem land_lxor_distrib_l: distributive_l land lxor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_distrib_l andb xorb).
-  unfold distributive_l.
-  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; auto.
-Theorem land_lxor_distrib_r: distributive_r land lxor.
-  apply (Z_bitwise_distrib_r andb xorb).
-  unfold distributive_r.
-  destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; auto.
-(** ** Properties of lxor operator *)
-Theorem lxor_nilpotent: forall x: Z,
-  lxor x x = 0.
-  intro. unfold lxor. Zbit_bitwise k. 
-  rewrite Bool.xorb_nilpotent. auto.
-Theorem lxor_1: forall x: Z,
-  lxor (-1) x = lnot x.
-  trivial.
-(** ** Others properties of lnot operator *)
-Theorem lxor_lnot: forall x y: Z,
-  lxor (lnot x) y = lnot (lxor x y).
-  intros. unfold lnot. apply (lxor_assoc (-1) x y).
-Theorem land_lnot_nilpotent: forall x: Z,
-  land (lnot x) x = 0.
-  intro.
-  rewrite <- lxor_1.
-  rewrite land_lxor_distrib_r.
-  rewrite land_1.
-  rewrite land_idemp.
-  apply lxor_nilpotent.
-Theorem lor_lnot_1: forall x: Z,
-  lor (lnot x) x = (-1).
-  intro.
-  apply lnot_inj.
-  rewrite lnot_lor_de_morgan.
-  rewrite lnot_inv.
-  rewrite land_commut.
-  rewrite land_lnot_nilpotent.
-  apply lnot_1.
-(** ** Link between shifting and bitwise operators *)
-Local Ltac lsl_distrib_r lop z :=
-  unfold distributive_r;
-  let k := fresh in
-  intros; unfold lop; Zbit_bitwise k;
-  repeat rewrite Zbit_lsl; rewrite Zbit_bitwise;
-  case_leq (Zabs z) (Z_of_nat k);
-    [ (intro; trivial) | trivial ].
-(** Distributive lsl lor *)						       
-Lemma lsl_lor_distrib_r: distributive_r lsl_def lor.
-  lsl_distrib_r lor z.
-(** Distributive lsl land *)						       
-Lemma lsl_land_distrib_r: distributive_r lsl_def land.
-  lsl_distrib_r land z.
-(** Distributive lsl lxor *)						       
-Lemma lsl_lxor_distrib_r: distributive_r lsl_def lxor.
-  lsl_distrib_r lxor z.
-Local Ltac lsr_distrib_r lop :=
-  unfold distributive_r;
-  intros; Zbit_ext fresh; 
-  unfold lop; rewrite Zbit_bitwise;
-  repeat rewrite Zbit_lsr; rewrite Zbit_bitwise;
-  trivial.
-(** Distributive lsr lor *)						       
-Lemma lsr_lor_distrib_r: distributive_r lsr_def lor.
-  lsr_distrib_r lor.
-(** Distributive lsr land *)						       
-Lemma lsr_land_distrib_r: distributive_r lsr_def land.
-  lsr_distrib_r land.
-(** Distributive lsr lxor *)						       
-Lemma lsr_lxor_distrib_r: distributive_r lsr_def lxor.
-  lsr_distrib_r lxor.
-(** lsr lnot *)						       
-Lemma lsr_lnot: forall x y: Z,
-  lnot (lsr_def x y) = lsr_def (lnot x) y .
-  unfold lnot.
-  lsr_distrib_r lxor.
-(** ** Some properties of equations of bitwise operators *)
-Local Ltac f_equal_hyp h f k :=
-  match goal with 
-    | [ h:(?X1 = ?X2) |- _ ] =>
-        let H := fresh in assert (H : f X1 k = f X2 k) by (f_equal; auto); clear h;
-        assert (h: f X1 k = f X2 k) by auto; clear H
-  end.
-Local Ltac linear2 :=
-  intros x y; (try split); intros H; (try split);
-  let k := fresh "k" in
-  Zbit_ext k; 
-  try (destruct H as [H H0] ; f_equal_hyp H0 Zbit k; generalize H0; clear H0) ;
-  f_equal_hyp H Zbit k; generalize H; clear H;
-  (try unfold limpl); (try unfold lnot);
-  (try unfold land); (try unfold lor); (try unfold lxor); 
-  repeat (replace (Zbit (-1) k) with true by simpl); 
-  repeat (replace (Zbit 0 k) with false by simpl); 
-  repeat rewrite Zbit_bitwise;
-  destruct (Zbit x k); destruct (Zbit y k); simpl; auto.
-Lemma linear_land: forall x y: Z,
-  limpl x y = -1 <-> land x y = x.
-  linear2.
-Lemma linear_lor: forall x y: Z,
-  lor x y = x <-> limpl y x = -1.
-  linear2.
-Lemma linear_lxor: forall x y: Z,
-  lxor x y = x <-> y=0.
-  linear2.
-Lemma linear_limpl_r: forall x y: Z,
-  limpl x y = y <-> lor x y = -1.
-  linear2.
-Local Ltac F_equal_hyp h f k :=
-  match goal with 
-    | [ h:(?X1 = ?X2) |- _ ] => idtac h;
-        let H := fresh in assert (H : f X1 k = f X2 k) by (f_equal; auto); clear h;
-        assert (h: f X1 k = f X2 k) by (apply H); clear H
-  end.
-Lemma linear_limpl_l: forall x y: Z,
-  limpl x y = x <-> x=-1 /\ y=-1.
-  linear2.
-Lemma linear_land_lnot: forall x y: Z,
-  land x y = lnot x <-> x=-1 /\ y=0.
-  linear2.
-Lemma linear_lor_lnot: forall x y: Z,
-  lor x y = lnot x <-> x=0 /\ y=-1.
-  linear2.
-Lemma linear_lxor_lnot : forall x y: Z,
-  lxor x y = lnot x <-> y=-1.
-  linear2.
-Lemma linear_limpl_r_lnot: forall x y: Z,
-  limpl x y = lnot y <-> x=0 /\ y=0.
-  linear2.
-Lemma linear_limpl_l_lnot: forall x y: Z,
-  limpl x y = lnot x <-> land x y = 0.
-  linear2.
-Local Ltac linear3 :=
-  intros x y z; (try split); intros H; (try split);
-  let k := fresh "k" in
-  Zbit_ext k; 
-  try (destruct H as [H H0] ; f_equal_hyp H0 Zbit k; generalize H0; clear H0);
-  f_equal_hyp H Zbit k; generalize H; clear H;
-  (try unfold limpl); (try unfold lnot);
-  (try unfold land); (try unfold lor); (try unfold lxor); 
-  repeat (replace (Zbit (-1) k) with true by simpl); 
-  repeat (replace (Zbit 0 k) with false by simpl); 
-  repeat rewrite Zbit_bitwise;
-  destruct (Zbit x k); destruct (Zbit y k); destruct (Zbit z k); simpl; auto.
-Lemma linear_lxor_land: forall x y z: Z,
-  lxor x y = land x z <-> lnot y = limpl x z.
-  linear3.
-Lemma linear_lxor_lor: forall x y z: Z,
-  lxor x y = lor x z <-> lnot y = limpl z x.
-  linear3.
-Lemma linear_lxor_limpl_l: forall x y z: Z,
-  lxor x y = limpl x z <-> lnot y = land x z.
-  linear3.
-Lemma linear_lxor_limpl_r: forall x y z: Z,
-  lxor x y = limpl z x <-> lnot y = lor z x.
-  linear3.
-Lemma linear_land_land: forall x y z: Z,
-  land x y = land z x <-> land x (lxor y z) = 0.
-  linear3.
-Lemma linear_lnot_land_land: forall x y z: Z,
-  lnot (land x y) = land z x <-> x=-1 /\ y = lnot z.
-  linear3.
-Lemma linear_lor_lor: forall x y z: Z,
-  lor x y = lor z x <-> land (lnot x) (lxor y z) = 0.
-  linear3.
-Lemma linear_lnot_lor_lor: forall x y z: Z,
-  lnot (lor x y) = lor z x <-> x=0 /\ y = lnot z.
-  linear3.
-Lemma linear_lor_land: forall x y z: Z,
-  lor x y = land x z <-> y = land x (lnot (lxor y z)).
-  linear3.
-Lemma land_discrimination_inv: forall x y z:Z,
-  x = land y z -> land x (lnot y) = 0.
-  linear3.
-Lemma land_discrimination: forall x y z:Z,
-  land x (lnot y) <> 0 -> x <> land y z.
-  intros x y z.
-  generalize (land_discrimination_inv x y z).
-  intuition.
-Lemma lxor_discrimination_inv: forall x y z:Z,
-  x = lxor y z -> lxor x y = z.
-  linear3.
-Lemma land_system: forall x1 x2 y1 y2 z:Z,
-  (x1 = land z y1 /\ x2 = land z y2) <-> lor x1 x2 = land z (lor (land (lnot x1) (land (lnot x2) (lor y1 y2))) 
-                                                       (lor (land x1 (land y1 (lnot (lxor x2 y2))))
-                                                           ((land x2 (land y2 (lnot (lxor x1 y1))))))).
- intros x1 x2 y1 y2 z. split; 
-   intro H ; try split;
-   Zbit_ext k; 
-   try (destruct H as [H H0]; f_equal_hyp H0 Zbit k; generalize H0; clear H0);
-   f_equal_hyp H Zbit k; generalize H; clear H;
-   (try unfold limpl); (try unfold lnot);
-   (try unfold land); (try unfold lor); (try unfold lxor); 
-   repeat (replace (Zbit (-1) k) with true by simpl); 
-   repeat (replace (Zbit 0 k) with false by simpl); 
-   repeat rewrite Zbit_bitwise;
-   destruct (Zbit x1 k); destruct (Zbit x2 k); 
-   destruct (Zbit y1 k); destruct (Zbit y2 k); destruct (Zbit z k); simpl; auto.
-(** * Properties about bounds of bitwise operators *)
-Theorem lnot_in_range: forall a b z: Z,
-  a <= z < b -> -b <= lnot z < -a.
-  intros.
-  rewrite lnot_zlnot_equiv. unfold zlnot.
-  omega.
-Theorem lsr_upper_bound: forall b x y: Z,
-  0 <= y -> x < b -> 0 <= b -> lsr x y < b.
-  intros b x y Ry Rx Rb.
-  apply Zle_is_le_bool in Ry; unfold lsr; rewrite Ry.
-  unfold lsr_def. rewrite lsr_arithmetic_shift. unfold lsr_arithmetic_def.
-  pose (d := two_power_nat (Zabs_nat y)); fold d.
-  assert (PWR2: 0 < d) by apply two_power_nat_is_positive.
-  apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound; auto.
-  assert (b <= b * d) by apply (upper_positive_mult_positive d b Rb PWR2).
-  omega.
-Theorem lsr_lower_bound: forall b x y: Z,
-  0 <= y -> b <= x -> b <= 0 -> b <= lsr x y.
-  intros b x y Ry Rx Rb.
-  apply Zle_is_le_bool in Ry; unfold lsr; rewrite Ry.
-  unfold lsr_def. rewrite lsr_arithmetic_shift. unfold lsr_arithmetic_def.
-  pose (d := two_power_nat (Zabs_nat y)); fold d.
-  assert (PWR2: 0 < d) by apply two_power_nat_is_positive.
-  apply Zdiv_le_lower_bound; auto.
-  assert (b * d <= b) by apply (lower_negative_mult_positive d b Rb PWR2).
-  omega.
-(** * Other properties of bitwise operators *)
-Theorem Zbit_land_edge_inf: forall (x:Z) (n k:nat),
-  Zbit x k = Zbit (land ((two_power_nat (S (n + k))) - 1) x) k.
-  intros. unfold land; rewrite Zbit_bitwise.
-  cut (Zbit (two_power_nat (S (n + k)) - 1) k = true).
-  { intro C; rewrite C; simpl; auto. }
-  induction k.
-  (** base *)
-  + (replace (n + 0)%nat with n by (auto with zarith)).
-    rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-    (replace (2*two_power_nat n - 1)
-        with (2*(two_power_nat n - 1) +1) by ring).
-    apply Zbit_s2x_0.
-  (** ind. *)
-  + rewrite two_power_nat_S.
-    (replace (2*two_power_nat (n + S k) - 1)
-        with (2*(two_power_nat (n + S k) - 1) +1) by ring).
-    rewrite Zbit_s2x_p.
-    (replace (n + S k)%nat with (S (n + k)%nat) by (auto with zarith)).
-    auto.
-Theorem Zbit_power_minus_one: forall n k:nat,
-  Zbit (two_power_nat n - 1) k = leb (S k) n.
-  induction n.
-  (** base *)
-  + unfold two_power_nat; unfold Zbit; unfold bits_of_Z.
-    simpl; auto.
-  (** ind *)
-  + replace (two_power_nat (S n) - 1) 
-    with (2 * (two_power_nat n - 1) + 1)
-    by (rewrite two_power_nat_S; (auto with zarith)).
-    destruct k.
-    * rewrite Zbit_s2x_0. 
-      auto.
-    * rewrite Zbit_s2x_p.
-      rewrite (IHn k).
-      auto.
-Lemma pos_mod_two_power_nat_land_edge: forall  (x:Z) (n:nat),
-  x mod (two_power_nat n) = land ((two_power_nat n) - 1) x.
-  intros.
-  Zbit_ext k.
-  rewrite Zbit_uint_mod_two_power_nat.
-  unfold land; rewrite Zbit_bitwise.
-  rewrite Zbit_power_minus_one.
-  nat_compare Inf EQ Sup n k.
-  + rewrite (leb_correct n k) by omega.
-    rewrite (leb_correct_conv n (S k)) by omega. 
-    simpl; auto.
-  + rewrite (leb_correct n n) by omega.
-    rewrite (leb_correct_conv n (S n)) by omega. 
-    simpl; auto.
-  + rewrite (leb_correct_conv k n) by omega.
-    rewrite (leb_correct (S k) n) by omega.
-    simpl; auto.  
-(** * Bit extraction *)
-Parameter zbit_test_undef: Z -> Z -> bool.
-(* Extended version for negative value. *)
-Definition zbit_test_def (x:Z) (n:Z): bool :=
-  Zbit x (Zabs_nat n).	
-Theorem zbit_test_ext: forall x y: Z,
-  (forall n, zbit_test_def x n = zbit_test_def y n) -> x=y.
-  intros x y.
-  unfold zbit_test_def.
-  intro.
-  Zbit_ext k. 
-  rewrite <- (Zabs2Nat.id k). apply H.
-Definition bit_testb (x:Z) (n:Z): bool :=
-  if Zle_bool 0 n then zbit_test_def x n
-  else zbit_test_undef x n.
-Theorem bit_testb_pos: forall x n: Z,
-  0<=n -> bit_testb x n = zbit_test_def x n.
-  intros.
-  unfold bit_testb.
-  case_leq 0 n.
-  intro. auto.
-Theorem bit_testb_ext: forall x y: Z,
-  (forall n: Z, 0<=n -> bit_testb x n = bit_testb y n) -> x=y.
-  intros.
-  Zbit_ext j.
-  specialize (H (Z.of_nat j)).
-  specialize (H (Zle_0_nat j)).
-  rewrite bit_testb_pos in H.
-  rewrite bit_testb_pos in H.
-  unfold zbit_test_def in H.
-  rewrite Zabs2Nat.id in H.
-  auto.
-  apply (Zle_0_nat j).
-  apply (Zle_0_nat j).
-(** Tactical *)
-Local Ltac bit_extraction bin_op :=
-  intros; unfold zbit_test_def; unfold bin_op; rewrite Zbit_bitwise; auto. 
-(** ** Link between Bit extraction and modulo operator *)
-Theorem uint_mod_two_power_extraction: forall (n:nat) (m x:Z),
-  zbit_test_def (x mod (two_power_nat n)) m = if leb n (Zabs_nat m) then false else zbit_test_def x m.
-  intros.
-  unfold zbit_test_def.
-  apply Zbit_uint_mod_two_power_nat.
-(** ** Link between Bit extraction and bitwise shifting operators *)
-Theorem lsl_extraction: forall x n m: Z, 
-  zbit_test_def (lsl_def x n) m =
-    if Zle_bool (Zabs n) (Zabs m) 
-    then zbit_test_def x ((Zabs m) - (Zabs n)) 
-    else false.
-  intros. unfold zbit_test_def.	
-  rewrite Zbit_lsl. repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat. 
-  auto.
-Theorem lsr_extraction: forall x n m: Z, 
-  zbit_test_def (lsr_def x n) m = zbit_test_def x ((Zabs m) + (Zabs n)).
-  intros. unfold zbit_test_def. 
-  (** right term *) 
-  rewrite <- zabs_plus.
-  (** left  term *) 
-  rewrite Zbit_lsr. 
-  auto.
-(** ** Link between Bit extraction and bitwise operators *)
-Theorem land_extraction: forall x y i: Z, 
-  zbit_test_def (land x y) i = andb (zbit_test_def x i) (zbit_test_def y i).
-  bit_extraction land.
-Theorem lor_extraction: forall x y i: Z, 
-  zbit_test_def (lor x y) i = orb (zbit_test_def x i) (zbit_test_def y i).
-  bit_extraction lor.
-Theorem lxor_extraction: forall x y i: Z, 
-  zbit_test_def (lxor x y) i = xorb (zbit_test_def x i) (zbit_test_def y i).
-  bit_extraction lxor.
-Theorem lnot_extraction: forall x i: Z, 
-  zbit_test_def (lnot x) i = negb (zbit_test_def x i).
-  unfold lnot.
-  bit_extraction lxor.
-(** ** Link between bitwise operators and the addition *)
-Remark land_no_carry : forall (x y:Z) (i:nat),
-  land x y = 0 -> (Zbit x i = false \/ Zbit y i = false).
-  intros.  
-  assert (Zbit (land x y) i = false).
-  { rewrite H. rewrite Zbit_of_zero. unfold FALSE. trivial. }
-  clear H.
-  unfold land in H0. rewrite Zbit_bitwise in H0. 
-  destruct (Zbit x i); destruct (Zbit y i); intuition. 
-Theorem lor_addition : forall (x y:Z),
-  land x y = 0 -> x + y = lor x y.
-  intros.  
-  Zbit_ext i.
-  generalize H; clear H.
-  generalize x; clear x.
-  generalize y; clear y.
-  induction i; intros. 
-  + generalize (land_no_carry x y O).
-    unfold lor; rewrite Zbit_bitwise.
-    repeat (rewrite Zbit_0).
-    rewrite Z.odd_add.
-    destruct (Z.odd x); destruct (Z.odd y); intuition.
-  + generalize (IHi (y/2) (x/2)); clear IHi.
-    unfold lor; rewrite Zbit_bitwise. rewrite Zbit_bitwise.
-    intros.
-    repeat (rewrite <- Zbit_div2).
-    assert (Zbit (x / 2 + y / 2) i = (Zbit (x / 2) i || Zbit (y / 2) i)%bool).
-    { apply H0; clear H0; clear i.
-      Zbit_ext k.
-      unfold land; rewrite Zbit_bitwise.
-      rewrite Zbit_div2; rewrite Zbit_div2.
-      generalize (land_no_carry x y (S k)). 
-      destruct (Zbit x (S k)); destruct (Zbit y (S k)); intuition. 
-    }
-    rewrite <- H1; clear H1.
-    f_equal.
-    generalize (land_no_carry x y 0%nat).
-    repeat (rewrite Zbit_0).
-    rewrite (div2_odd_eq x) at 3. rewrite (div2_odd_eq y) at 3.
-    clear H0.
-    destruct (Z.odd x); destruct (Z.odd y); intuition; try discriminate H0; 
-      repeat (rewrite Z.add_0_r); symmetry.
-    * apply (Zdiv_unique (2 * (x / 2) + 1 + 2 * (y / 2)) 2 (x / 2 + y / 2) 1); auto with zarith.
-    * apply (Zdiv_unique (2 * (x / 2) + (2 * (y / 2) + 1)) 2 (x / 2 + y / 2) 1); auto with zarith.
-    * apply (Zdiv_unique (2 * (x / 2) + 2 * (y / 2)) 2 (x / 2 + y / 2) 0); auto with zarith.
-    * apply (Zdiv_unique (2 * (x / 2) + 2 * (y / 2)) 2 (x / 2 + y / 2) 0); auto with zarith.
-Theorem lxor_addition : 
-forall (x y:Z),
-  land x y = 0 ->
-  x + y = lxor x y.
-  intros. rewrite lor_addition.
-  + Zbit_ext i.
-    unfold lor; rewrite Zbit_bitwise.
-    unfold lxor; rewrite Zbit_bitwise.
-    generalize (land_no_carry x y i).
-    destruct (Zbit x i); destruct (Zbit y i); intuition. 
-  + trivial.
-Theorem land_addition : 
-forall (x y z:Z),
-  land x y = 0 ->
-  (land x z) + (land y z) = land (x + y) z.
-  intros. rewrite lor_addition.
-  + rewrite lor_addition; trivial.
-    symmetry. apply land_lor_distrib_r.
-  + rewrite land_assoc.
-    rewrite <- (land_commut (land y z)).
-    rewrite land_assoc.
-    rewrite <- land_assoc.
-    rewrite H. apply land_0.
-(** * Tacticals. *)
-(** ** Main tactics.*)
-Ltac rewrite_cst :=
-  first [ Bits.rewrite_cst
-        | COMPUTE1 bitwise_lsl Cst_Z Cst_nat	
-        | COMPUTE1 bitwise_lsr Cst_Z Cst_nat
-        | COMPUTE1 lsl_shift_def Cst_Z Cst_nat
-        | COMPUTE1 lsr_shift_def Cst_Z Cst_nat
-        | COMPUTE1 lsl_arithmetic_def Cst_Z Cst_nat
-        | COMPUTE1 lsr_arithmetic_def Cst_Z Cst_nat
-        | COMPUTE1 lsl_def Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE1 lsr_def Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE1 land Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE1 lor Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE1 lxor Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE1 lnot Cst_Z
-        | COMPUTE1 zbit_test_def Cst_Z Cst_Z
-        ].
-Ltac auto_zbits := autorewrite with zbits ; auto_bits.
-Hint Rewrite lnot_0 land_0 lor_0 lxor_0
-             lnot_1 land_1 lor_1 lxor_1
-             lor_0 lor_1 land_idemp lor_idemp lxor_nilpotent: zbits.
-(** Example of use. *)
-Remark rewrite_cst_example: forall x, x + (land 0 (zlnot (land 0 5))) = x + Z_of_nat (ZxHpos 0).
-  repeat rewrite_cst.
-  intro. auto.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver b/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
index 26e36ef694384d5ed9911c8270cb29b0aa585329..59acd4e6da61d3c1fb19e5782ed52a1dfc6fa941 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ coq.file += "coqwp:int/Int.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:int/Abs.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:int/ComputerDivision.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:int/EuclideanDivision.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v";
+coq.file += "coqwp:int/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/Real.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/RealInfix.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/FromInt.v";
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ altergo.file += "ergo/int.Int.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/int.Abs.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/int.ComputerDivision.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/int.EuclideanDivision.mlw";
-altergo.file += "ergo/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw";
+altergo.file += "ergo/int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.Real.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.RealInfix.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.FromInt.mlw";
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/wpcoqdoc.zip b/src/plugins/wp/share/wpcoqdoc.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index a49c6e8d7a0251e33e5bec12534e33f66900fb50..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/src/plugins/wp/share/wpcoqdoc.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/inductive.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/inductive.res.oracle
index 9acab6dd84f89a18537a296554e1a640830397de..dd2765302d270cbe5e050c1f726d2217e2850cc0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/inductive.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/inductive.res.oracle
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
   Require Import int.Abs.
   Require Import int.ComputerDivision.
   Require Import int.EuclideanDivision.
-  Require Import for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
+  Require Import int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
   Require Import real.Real.
   Require Import real.RealInfix.
   Require Import real.FromInt.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   Require Import int.Abs.
   Require Import int.ComputerDivision.
   Require Import int.EuclideanDivision.
-  Require Import for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
+  Require Import int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
   Require Import real.Real.
   Require Import real.RealInfix.
   Require Import real.FromInt.
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
   Require Import int.Abs.
   Require Import int.ComputerDivision.
   Require Import int.EuclideanDivision.
-  Require Import for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
+  Require Import int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
   Require Import real.Real.
   Require Import real.RealInfix.
   Require Import real.FromInt.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.ml b/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d4c70adb6379fd1630c89b060cfdb0c7adf4d44..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1101 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-[@@@ warning "-40-42"]
-let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "prover"
-let dkey_api = Wp_parameters.register_category "why3_api"
-let option_file = LogicBuiltins.create_option
-    (fun ~driver_dir x -> Filename.concat driver_dir x)
-    "why3" "file"
-let option_import = LogicBuiltins.create_option
-    (fun ~driver_dir:_ x -> x)
-    "why3" "import"
-let config = VCS.why3_config
-module Env = Model.Index(struct
-    include Datatype.Unit
-    type key = unit
-    type data = Why3.Env.env
-  end)
-let get_why3_env =
-  Env.memoize (fun () ->
-      let config = Lazy.force config in
-      let main = Why3.Whyconf.get_main config in
-      let ld =
-        (Model.directory ())::
-        (Wp_parameters.Share.file "why3")::
-        (Why3.Whyconf.loadpath main) in
-      Why3.Env.create_env ld
-    )
-type context = {
-  mutable th : Why3.Theory.theory_uc;
-  env: Why3.Env.env;
-type convert = {
-  th : Why3.Theory.theory_uc;
-  env: Why3.Env.env;
-  subst: Why3.Term.term Lang.F.Tmap.t;
-  pool: Lang.F.pool;
-  polarity: Cvalues.polarity;
-  in_goal: bool;
-  mutable convert_for_export: Lang.F.term Lang.F.Tmap.t;
-(** The reason for the rebuild *)
-let specific_equalities: Lang.For_export.specific_equality list ref =
-  ref [Vlist.specialize_eq_list]
-(** get symbols *)
-let get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p =
-  let th = Why3.Env.read_theory cnv.env f l in
-  let ls =
-    try
-      Why3.Theory.ns_find_ls th.th_export p
-    with Not_found ->
-      Wp_parameters.fatal "The symbol %a can't be found in %a.%s"
-        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) p
-        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) f l
-  in
-  ls
-let get_ts ~cnv ~f ~l ~p =
-  let th = Why3.Env.read_theory cnv.env f l in
-  let ls =
-    try
-      Why3.Theory.ns_find_ts th.th_export p
-    with Not_found ->
-      Wp_parameters.fatal "The type %a can't be found in %a.%s"
-        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) p
-        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) f l
-  in
-  ls
-let t_app ~cnv ~f ~l ~p tl =
-  Why3.Term.t_app_infer (get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p) tl
-let t_app' ~cnv ~f ~l ~p tl ty =
-  Why3.Term.t_app (get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p) tl ty
-(** Conversion *)
-(** why3 1.3
-    let const_int (z:Z.t) =
-    Why3.(Term.t_const Number.(int_const (BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)))) Why3.Ty.ty_int
-    let const_real ~cnv (q:Q.t) =
-    let mk_real_int z =
-    let c = Why3.Number.real_const (Why3.BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)) in
-    Why3.(Term.t_const c) Why3.Ty.ty_real
-    in
-    if Z.equal Z.one q.den
-    then mk_real_int q.num
-    else
-    t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"] [mk_real_int q.num;mk_real_int q.den]
-let const_int (z:Z.t) =
-  Why3.(Term.t_const Number.(const_of_big_int (BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)))) Why3.Ty.ty_int
-let const_real ~cnv (q:Q.t) =
-  let mk_real_int z =
-    let rc_negative = Z.sign z < 0 in
-    let z = Z.abs z in
-    let rc_abs = Why3.Number.real_const_dec (Z.to_string z) "" None in
-    let c = Why3.Number.ConstReal { Why3.Number.rc_negative; rc_abs } in
-    Why3.(Term.t_const c) Why3.Ty.ty_real
-  in
-  if Z.equal Z.one q.den
-  then mk_real_int q.num
-  else
-    t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"] [mk_real_int q.num;mk_real_int q.den]
-(** fold map list of at least one element *)
-let fold_map map fold = function
-  | [] -> assert false (** absurd: forbidden by qed  *)
-  | a::tl ->
-      List.fold_left (fun acc a -> fold acc (map a)) (map a) tl
-let empty_context name : context = {
-  th = Why3.Theory.create_theory (Why3.Ident.id_fresh name);
-  env = get_why3_env ();
-let empty_cnv ?(polarity=`NoPolarity) ?(in_goal=false) (ctx:context) : convert = {
-  th = ctx.th;
-  subst = Lang.F.Tmap.empty;
-  pool = Lang.F.pool ();
-  env = ctx.env;
-  polarity;
-  in_goal;
-  convert_for_export = Lang.F.Tmap.empty;
-let lfun_name (lfun:Lang.lfun) =
-  match lfun with
-  | ACSL f -> Qed.Engine.F_call (Lang.logic_id f)
-  | CTOR c -> Qed.Engine.F_call (Lang.ctor_id c)
-  | Model({m_source=Generated n}) -> Qed.Engine.F_call n
-  | Model({m_source=Extern e}) -> e.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
-let coerce ~cnv sort expected r =
-  match sort, expected with
-  | Qed.Logic.Bool, Qed.Logic.Prop -> Why3.Term.(t_equ r t_bool_true)
-  | Qed.Logic.Int, Qed.Logic.Real ->
-      t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"FromInt" ~p:["from_int"] [r]
-  | _ -> r
-let name_of_adt = function
-  | Lang.Mtype a -> a.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
-  | Mrecord(a,_) -> a.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
-  | Comp c -> Lang.comp_id c
-  | Atype lt -> Lang.type_id lt
-let tvar =
-  let tvar = Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.create 10 in
-  fun i ->
-    Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.memo tvar i
-      (fun i ->
-         let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Printf.sprintf "a%i" i) in
-         Why3.Ty.create_tvsymbol id
-      )
-(** Sharing *)
-let shared (_ : Lang.F.term) = false
-let shareable e =
-  match Lang.F.repr e with
-  | Kint _ | Kreal _ | True | False -> false
-  | Times _ | Add _ | Mul _ | Div _ | Mod _ -> true
-  | Eq _ | Neq _ | Leq _ | Lt _ -> false
-  | Aget _ | Aset _ | Rget _ | Rdef _ | Acst _ -> true
-  | And _ | Or _ | Not _ | Imply _ | If _ -> false
-  | Fun _ -> not (Lang.F.is_prop e)
-  | Bvar _ | Fvar _ | Apply _ | Bind _ -> false
-let subterms f e =
-  match Lang.F.repr e with
-  | Rdef fts ->
-      begin
-        match Lang.F.record_with fts with
-        | None -> Lang.F.lc_iter f e
-        | Some(a,fts) -> f a ; List.iter (fun (_,e) -> f e) fts
-      end
-  | _ -> Lang.F.lc_iter f e
-(* path splitting *)
-let regexp_col = Str.regexp_string ":"
-let regexp_com = Str.regexp_string ","
-let regexp_dot = Str.regexp_string "."
-let cut_path s = Str.split_delim regexp_dot s
-(* conversion *)
-let rec of_tau ~cnv (t:Lang.F.tau) =
-  match t with
-  | Prop -> None
-  | Bool -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_bool
-  | Int -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_int
-  | Real -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_real
-  | Array(k,v) ->
-      let ts = get_ts ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["map"] in
-      Some (Why3.Ty.ty_app ts [Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv k); Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv v)])
-  | Data(adt,l) -> begin
-      let s = name_of_adt adt in
-      match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ts (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
-      | ts -> Some (Why3.Ty.ty_app ts (List.map (fun e -> Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv e)) l))
-      | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find type [%s] in why3 namespace" s
-    end
-  | Tvar i -> Some (Why3.Ty.ty_var (tvar i))
-  | Record _ ->
-      Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "Type %a not yet convertible"
-        Lang.F.pp_tau t
-let rec full_trigger = function
-  | Qed.Engine.TgAny -> false
-  | TgVar _ -> true
-  | TgGet(a,k) -> full_trigger a && full_trigger k
-  | TgSet(a,k,v) -> full_trigger a && full_trigger k && full_trigger v
-  | TgFun(_,xs) | TgProp(_,xs) -> List.for_all full_trigger xs
-let rec full_triggers = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | ts :: tgs ->
-      match List.filter full_trigger ts with
-      | [] -> full_triggers tgs
-      | ts -> ts :: full_triggers tgs
-let rec of_trigger ~cnv t =
-  match t with
-  | Qed.Engine.TgAny -> assert false (** absurd: filter by full_triggers *)
-  | Qed.Engine.TgVar v -> begin
-      try Lang.F.Tmap.find (Lang.F.e_var v) cnv.subst
-      with Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Unbound variable %a" Lang.F.pp_var v
-    end
-  | Qed.Engine.TgGet(m,k) ->
-      t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["get"] [of_trigger cnv m;of_trigger cnv k]
-  | TgSet(m,k,v) ->
-      t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["set"] [of_trigger cnv m;of_trigger cnv k;of_trigger cnv v]
-  | TgFun (f,l) -> begin
-      match lfun_name f with
-      | F_call s ->
-          let ls = Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) in
-          Why3.Term.t_app_infer ls (List.map (fun e -> of_trigger cnv e) l)
-      | _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun in triggers"
-    end
-  | TgProp (f,l) ->
-      begin
-        match lfun_name f with
-        | F_call s ->
-            let ls = Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) in
-            Why3.Term.t_app_infer ls (List.map (fun e -> of_trigger cnv e) l)
-        | _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun in triggers"
-      end
-let rec of_term ~cnv expected t : Why3.Term.term =
-  Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api
-    "of_term %a %a@."
-    Lang.F.Tau.pretty expected Lang.F.pp_term t;
-  let sort = Lang.F.typeof t in
-  let ($) f x = f x in
-  let r =
-    try coerce ~cnv sort expected $ Lang.F.Tmap.find t cnv.subst
-    with Not_found ->
-    match Lang.F.repr t, sort, expected with
-    | (Fvar _, _, _) -> invalid_arg "unbound variable in of_term"
-    | (Bvar _, _, _) -> invalid_arg "bound variable in of_term"
-    | Bind((Forall|Exists) as q,_,_), _, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv Prop expected $
-        let why3_vars, t = successive_binders cnv q t in
-        let quant = match q with
-          | Qed.Logic.Forall -> Why3.Term.Tforall
-          | Qed.Logic.Exists -> Why3.Term.Texists
-          | _ -> assert false
-        in
-        Why3.Term.t_quant quant (Why3.Term.t_close_quant why3_vars [] t)
-    | True, _, Prop -> Why3.Term.t_true
-    | True, _, Bool -> Why3.Term.t_bool_true
-    | False, _, Prop -> Why3.Term.t_false
-    | False, _, Bool -> Why3.Term.t_bool_false
-    | Kint z, Int, _ -> coerce ~cnv sort expected $ const_int z
-    | Kreal q, Real, _ -> coerce ~cnv sort expected $ const_real ~cnv q
-    | Times(z,t), Int, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix *"] [const_int z; of_term cnv sort t]
-    | Times(z,t), Real, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix *"]
-          [const_real ~cnv (Q.of_bigint z); of_term cnv sort t]
-    | Add l, Int, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app_fold ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix +"] ~cnv sort l
-    | Add l, Real, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app_fold ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix +"] ~cnv sort l
-    | Mul l, Int, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app_fold ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix *"] ~cnv sort l
-    | Mul l, Real, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app_fold ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix *"] ~cnv sort l
-    | Leq (a,b), _, Prop ->
-        int_or_real ~cnv
-          ~fint:["int"] ~lint:"Int" ~pint:["infix <="]
-          ~freal:["real"] ~lreal:"Real" ~preal:["infix <="]
-          a b
-    | Div(a,b), Int, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"ComputerDivision" ~p:["div"]
-          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
-    | Mod(a,b), Int, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"ComputerDivision" ~p:["mod"]
-          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
-    | Div(a,b), Real, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"]
-          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
-    | Lt (a,b), _, Prop ->
-        int_or_real ~cnv
-          ~fint:["int"] ~lint:"Int" ~pint:["infix <"]
-          ~freal:["real"] ~lreal:"Real" ~preal:["infix <"]
-          a b
-    | Leq (a,b), _, Bool ->
-        int_or_real ~cnv
-          ~fint:["qed"] ~lint:"Qed" ~pint:["zleq"]
-          ~freal:["qed"] ~lreal:"Qed" ~preal:["rleq"]
-          a b
-    | Lt (a,b), _, Bool ->
-        int_or_real ~cnv
-          ~fint:["qed"] ~lint:"Qed" ~pint:["zlt"]
-          ~freal:["qed"] ~lreal:"Qed" ~preal:["rlt"]
-          a b
-    | And l, _, Bool ->
-        t_app_fold ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["andb"] ~cnv expected l
-    | And l, _, Prop ->
-        fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) Why3.Term.t_and l
-    | Or l, _, Bool ->
-        t_app_fold ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["orb"] ~cnv expected l
-    | Or l, _, Prop ->
-        fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) Why3.Term.t_or l
-    | Not e, _, Bool ->
-        let cnv = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["notb"] [of_term ~cnv expected e]
-    | Not e, _, Prop ->
-        let cnv = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
-        Why3.Term.t_not (of_term cnv expected e)
-    | Imply (l,e), _, _ ->
-        let e = (of_term ~cnv expected) e in
-        let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
-        let fold acc a =
-          let a = of_term ~cnv:cnv' expected a in
-          match expected with
-          | Prop -> Why3.Term.t_implies a acc
-          | _ (* Bool *) ->
-              t_app ~cnv:cnv' ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["implb"] [a;acc]
-        in
-        List.fold_left fold e (List.rev l)
-    | Eq (a,b), _, Prop -> begin
-        match Lang.F.typeof a with
-        | Prop | Bool ->
-            Why3.Term.t_iff (of_term cnv Prop a) (of_term cnv Prop b)
-        | tau ->
-            match List.find (fun spe -> spe.Lang.For_export.for_tau tau) !specific_equalities with
-            | spe when cnv.polarity = `Positive -> of_term cnv expected (spe.mk_new_eq a b)
-            | exception Not_found -> Why3.Term.t_equ (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
-            | _                   -> Why3.Term.t_equ (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
-      end
-    | Neq (a,b), _, Prop ->
-        begin
-          match Lang.F.typeof a with
-          | Prop | Bool ->
-              Why3.Term.t_not (Why3.Term.t_iff (of_term cnv Prop a) (of_term cnv Prop b))
-          | tau ->
-              match List.find (fun spe -> spe.Lang.For_export.for_tau tau) !specific_equalities with
-              | spe when cnv.polarity = `Negative ->
-                  Why3.Term.t_not (of_term cnv expected (spe.mk_new_eq a b))
-              | exception Not_found -> Why3.Term.t_neq (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
-              | _                   -> Why3.Term.t_neq (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
-        end
-    | Eq (a,b), _, Bool ->
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["qed"] ~l:"Qed" ~p:["eqb"] [of_term' cnv a; of_term' cnv b]
-    | Neq (a,b), _, Bool ->
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["qed"] ~l:"Qed" ~p:["neqb"] [of_term' cnv a; of_term' cnv b]
-    | If(a,b,c), _, _ ->
-        let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = `NoPolarity} in
-        Why3.Term.t_if (of_term cnv' Prop a) (of_term cnv expected b) (of_term cnv expected c)
-    | Aget(m,k), _, _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        let mtau = Lang.F.typeof m in
-        let ksort = match mtau with
-          | Array(ksort,_) -> ksort
-          | _ -> assert false (** absurd: by qed typing *)in
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["get"] [of_term cnv mtau m;of_term cnv ksort k]
-    | Aset(m,k,v), Array(ksort,vsort), _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["set"] [of_term cnv sort m;of_term cnv ksort k;of_term cnv vsort v]
-    | Acst(_,v), Array(_,vsort), _ ->
-        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-        t_app' ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Const" ~p:["const"] [of_term cnv vsort v] (of_tau cnv sort)
-    (* Generic *)
-    | Fun (f,l), _, _ -> begin
-        let t_app ls l r  =
-          Why3.Term.t_app ls l r
-        in
-        let apply_from_ns s l sort =
-          match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)), expected with
-          | ls, (Prop | Bool) ->
-              coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-              t_app ls l (of_tau cnv sort)
-          | ls, _ ->
-              coerce ~cnv sort expected $
-              t_app ls l (of_tau cnv sort)
-          | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
-        in
-        let apply_from_ns' s l =
-          apply_from_ns s (List.map (fun e -> of_term' cnv e) l)
-        in
-        match lfun_name f, expected with
-        | F_call s, _ -> apply_from_ns' s l sort
-        | Qed.Engine.F_subst _, _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun with subst"
-        | Qed.Engine.F_left s, _ | Qed.Engine.F_assoc s, _ ->
-            let rec aux = function
-              | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Empty application"
-              | [a] -> of_term cnv expected a
-              | a::l ->
-                  apply_from_ns s [of_term' cnv a; aux l] sort
-            in
-            aux l
-        | Qed.Engine.F_right s, _ ->
-            let rec aux = function
-              | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Empty application"
-              | [a] -> of_term cnv expected a
-              | a::l ->
-                  apply_from_ns s [aux l;of_term' cnv a] sort
-            in
-            aux (List.rev l)
-        | Qed.Engine.F_list (fcons,fnil), _ ->
-            let rec aux = function
-              | [] -> apply_from_ns fnil [] sort
-              | a::l ->
-                  apply_from_ns fcons [of_term' cnv a;aux l] sort
-            in
-            aux l
-        | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (s,_), Bool | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (_,s), Prop ->
-            apply_from_ns' s l expected
-        | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (_,_), _ ->
-            Wp_parameters.fatal "badly expected type %a for term %a"
-              Lang.F.pp_tau expected Lang.F.pp_term t
-      end
-    | Rget(a,f), _ , _ -> begin
-        let s = Lang.name_of_field f in
-        match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
-        | ls -> Why3.Term.t_app ls [of_term' cnv a] (of_tau cnv expected)
-        | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
-      end
-    | Rdef(l), Data(Comp c,_) , _ -> begin
-        (* l is already sorted by field *)
-        let s = Lang.comp_id c in
-        match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
-        | ls ->
-            let l = List.map (fun (_,t) -> of_term' cnv t) l in
-            Why3.Term.t_app ls l (of_tau cnv expected)
-        | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
-      end
-    | (Rdef _, Data ((Mtype _|Mrecord (_, _)|Atype _), _), _)
-    | (Rdef _, (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)), _)
-    | (Aset (_, _, _), (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-    | (Neq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (Eq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (Not _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (Or _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (And _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (Lt (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (Leq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (Div (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-    | (Mod (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-    | (Mul _, (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-    | (Add _, (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-    | (Times (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-    | (Kreal _, (Prop|Bool|Int|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-    | (Kint _, (Prop|Bool|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-    | (False, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (True, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
-    | (Acst (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
-      -> assert false (** absurd: by typing *)
-    | (Bind (Lambda, _, _), _, _)
-    | Apply _ , _, _
-    | Rdef _, Record _, _ ->
-        Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented
-          "Can't convert to why3 the qed term %a of type %a"
-          Lang.F.pp_term t Lang.F.pp_tau sort
-  in
-  r
-and t_app_fold  ~cnv ~f ~l ~p expected lt =
-  let fold acc a =
-    t_app ~cnv ~f ~l ~p [acc;a]
-  in
-  fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) fold lt
-and of_term' cnv t =
-  of_term cnv (Lang.F.typeof t) t
-and share cnv expected t =
-  let l = Lang.F.QED.shared ~shareable ~shared ~subterms [t] in
-  let cnv,lets = mk_lets cnv l in
-  let t = of_term ~cnv expected t in
-  let t = List.fold_left (fun t (x,e') ->
-      Why3.Term.t_let_close x e' t
-    ) t lets
-  in
-  t
-and mk_lets cnv l =
-  List.fold_left (fun (cnv,lets) e ->
-      let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = `NoPolarity} in
-      let e' = of_term cnv' (Lang.F.typeof e) e in
-      match e'.t_ty with
-      | None -> ({cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e e' cnv.subst},lets)
-      | Some ty ->
-          let x = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.basename e) in
-          let x = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x ty in
-          (* Format.printf "lets %a = %a : %a@."
-           *   Why3.Pretty.print_vsty x
-           *   Why3.Pretty.print_term e'
-           *   Why3.Pretty.print_ty (Why3.Term.t_type e'); *)
-          let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e (Why3.Term.t_var x) cnv.subst } in
-          let lets = (x,e')::lets in
-          cnv,lets
-    ) (cnv,[]) l
-and successive_binders cnv q t =
-  match Lang.F.repr t with
-  | Bind((Forall|Exists) as q',tau,t) when q' = q ->
-      let x = Lang.F.fresh cnv.pool tau in
-      let x' = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.Tau.basename tau) in
-      let x' = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x' (Why3.Opt.get (of_tau cnv tau)) in
-      let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add (Lang.F.e_var x) (Why3.Term.t_var x') cnv.subst} in
-      let t = Lang.F.QED.e_unbind x t in
-      let why3_vars, t = successive_binders cnv q t in
-      x'::why3_vars, t
-  | _ ->
-      [], share cnv Prop t
-and int_or_real ~cnv ~fint ~lint ~pint ~freal ~lreal ~preal a b =
-  match (Lang.F.typeof a), (Lang.F.typeof b) with
-  | Int, Int ->
-      t_app_fold ~f:fint ~l:lint ~p:pint ~cnv Int [a; b]
-  | Real, Int | Real, Real | Int, Real ->
-      t_app_fold ~f:freal ~l:lreal ~p:preal ~cnv Real [a; b]
-  | _ -> assert false
-let convert cnv expected t =
-  (** rewrite terms which normal form inside qed are different from the one of the provers *)
-  let t, convert_for_export = Lang.For_export.rebuild ~cache:cnv.convert_for_export t in
-  cnv.convert_for_export <- convert_for_export;
-  Lang.For_export.in_state (share cnv expected) t
-let mk_binders cnv l =
-  List.fold_left (fun (cnv,lets) v ->
-      match of_tau cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var v) with
-      | None -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Quantification on prop"
-      | Some ty ->
-          let x = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.Var.basename v) in
-          let x = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x ty in
-          let e = Lang.F.e_var v in
-          let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e (Why3.Term.t_var x) cnv.subst } in
-          let lets = x::lets in
-          cnv,lets
-    ) (cnv,[]) (List.rev l)
-(** visit definitions and add them in the task *)
-module CLUSTERS = Model.Index
-    (struct
-      type key = Definitions.cluster
-      type data = int * Why3.Theory.theory
-      let name = "Why3_api.CLUSTERS"
-      let compare = Definitions.cluster_compare
-      let pretty = Definitions.pp_cluster
-    end)
-let filenoext file =
-  let basename = Filename.basename file in
-  (try Filename.chop_extension basename
-   with Invalid_argument _ -> basename)
-class visitor (ctx:context) c =
-  object(self)
-    inherit Definitions.visitor c
-    (* --- Files, Theories and Clusters --- *)
-    method add_builtin_lib =
-      self#add_import2 ["bool"] "Bool" ;
-      self#add_import2 ["int"] "Int" ;
-      self#add_import2 ["int"] "ComputerDivision" ;
-      self#add_import2 ["real"] "RealInfix" ;
-      self#on_library "qed";
-      self#add_import2 ["map"] "Map"
-    method on_cluster c =
-      let name = Definitions.cluster_id c in
-      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api "Start on_cluster %s@." name;
-      let th_name = String.capitalize_ascii name in
-      let thy =
-        let age = try fst (CLUSTERS.find c) with Not_found -> (-1) in
-        if age < Definitions.cluster_age c then
-          let ctx = empty_context th_name in
-          let v = new visitor ctx c in
-          v#add_builtin_lib;
-          v#vself;
-          let th = Why3.Theory.close_theory ctx.th in
-          if Wp_parameters.has_dkey ProverErgo.dkey_cluster then
-            Log.print_on_output
-              begin fun fmt ->
-                Format.fprintf fmt "---------------------------------------------@\n" ;
-                Format.fprintf fmt "--- Model '%s' Cluster '%s' @\n"
-                  (Model.get_id (Model.get_model ())) name;
-                Format.fprintf fmt "---------------------------------------------@\n" ;
-                Why3.Pretty.print_theory fmt th;
-              end ;
-          CLUSTERS.update c (Definitions.cluster_age c, th);
-          th
-        else
-          snd (CLUSTERS.find c)
-      in
-      let th = ctx.th in
-      let th = Why3.Theory.open_scope th name in
-      let th = Why3.Theory.use_export th thy in
-      let th = Why3.Theory.close_scope th true in
-      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api "End  on_cluster %s@." name;
-      ctx.th <- th
-    method section _ = ()
-    method add_import ?was thy =
-      match Str.split_delim regexp_dot thy with
-      | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "empty import option"
-      | l ->
-          let file, thy = Why3.Lists.chop_last l in
-          self#add_import4 file thy (Why3.Opt.get_def thy was) ~import:true
-    method add_import2 file thy =
-      self#add_import4 file thy thy ~import:true
-    method add_import3 file thy name =
-      self#add_import4 file thy name ~import:false
-    method add_import4 ~import file thy name =
-      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api
-        "@[use@ %s@ @[%a.%s@]@ as@ %s@]"
-        (if import then "import" else "")
-        Why3.Pp.(print_list (Why3.Pp.constant_string ".") string) file
-        thy name ;
-      let thy = Why3.Env.read_theory ctx.env file thy in
-      let th = ctx.th in
-      let th = Why3.Theory.open_scope th name in
-      let th = Why3.Theory.use_export th thy in
-      let th = Why3.Theory.close_scope th import in
-      ctx.th <- th
-    method on_library thy =
-      let copy_file source =
-        if Filepath.normalize (Filename.dirname source) <>
-           Filepath.normalize (Wp_parameters.Share.dir ())
-        then
-          let tgtdir = Model.directory () in
-          let why3src = Filename.basename source in
-          let target = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" tgtdir why3src in
-          Command.copy source target
-      in
-      let iter_file opt =
-        match Str.split_delim regexp_col opt with
-        | [file] ->
-            let filenoext = filenoext file in
-            copy_file file;
-            self#add_import2 [filenoext]
-              (String.capitalize_ascii filenoext);
-        | [file;lib] ->
-            copy_file file;
-            self#add_import2 [filenoext file] lib;
-        | [file;lib;name] ->
-            copy_file file;
-            self#add_import3 [filenoext file] lib name;
-        | _ -> Wp_parameters.failure ~current:false
-                 "Driver: why3.file %S not recognized (theory %s)"
-                 opt thy
-      in
-      let iter_import opt =
-        List.iter (fun import ->
-            match Str.split_delim regexp_col import with
-            | [ th ] -> self#add_import th
-            | [ th ; was ] -> self#add_import ~was th
-            | _ -> Wp_parameters.failure ~current:false
-                     "Driver: why3.import %S not recognized (theory %s)"
-                     opt thy
-          ) (Str.split regexp_com opt)
-      in
-      begin
-        List.iter iter_file
-          (LogicBuiltins.get_option option_file ~library:thy) ;
-        List.iter iter_import
-          (LogicBuiltins.get_option option_import ~library:thy) ;
-      end
-    method on_type lt def =
-      match def with
-      | Tabs ->
-          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
-          let map i _ = tvar i in
-          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
-          let id = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
-          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_ty_decl id in
-          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-      | Tdef t ->
-          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
-          let map i _ = tvar i in
-          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
-          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
-          let t = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv t) in
-          let id = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args (Alias t) in
-          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_ty_decl id in
-          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-      | Tsum cases ->
-          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
-          let map i _ = tvar i in
-          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
-          let tys = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
-          let tv_args = List.map Why3.Ty.ty_var tv_args in
-          let return_ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app tys tv_args in
-          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
-          let constr = List.length cases in
-          let cases = List.map (fun (c,targs) ->
-              let name = match c with | Lang.CTOR c -> Lang.ctor_id c | _ -> assert false in
-              let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
-              let targs = List.map (fun t -> Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv t)) targs in
-              let ls = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr id targs return_ty in
-              let proj = List.map (fun _ -> None) targs in
-              (ls,proj)
-            ) cases in
-          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [tys,cases] in
-          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-      | Trec fields ->
-          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
-          let map i _ = tvar i in
-          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
-          let tys = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
-          let tv_args = List.map Why3.Ty.ty_var tv_args in
-          let return_ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app tys tv_args in
-          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
-          let fields,args = List.split @@ List.map (fun (f,ty) ->
-              let name = Lang.name_of_field f in
-              let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
-              let ty = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv ty) in
-              let ls = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol id [return_ty] ty in
-              Some ls,ty
-            ) fields in
-          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
-          let cstr = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr:1 id args return_ty in
-          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [tys,[cstr,fields]] in
-          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-    method on_comp c (fts:(Lang.field * Lang.tau) list) =
-      begin
-        let compare_field (f,_) (g,_) =
-          let cmp = Lang.Field.compare f g in
-          if cmp = 0 then assert false (* by definition *) else cmp
-        in
-        let fts = List.sort compare_field fts in
-        (*TODO:NUPW: manage UNIONS *)
-        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.comp_id c) in
-        let ts = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id [] Why3.Ty.NoDef in
-        let ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app ts [] in
-        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.comp_id c) in
-        let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
-        let map (f,tau) =
-          let ty_ctr = of_tau ~cnv tau in
-          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.name_of_field f) in
-          let ls = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id [ty] ty_ctr in
-          (Some ls,Why3.Opt.get ty_ctr)
-        in
-        let fields = List.map map fts in
-        let constr = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr:1 id (List.map snd fields) ty in
-        let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [ts,[constr,List.map fst fields]] in
-        ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-      end
-    method on_dlemma l =
-      begin
-        let kind = Why3.Decl.(if l.l_assumed then Paxiom else Plemma) in
-        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.lemma_id l.l_name) in
-        let id = Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol id in
-        let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
-        List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) l.l_forall;
-        let cnv, vars = Lang.For_export.in_state (mk_binders cnv) l.l_forall in
-        let t = convert cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop l.l_lemma) in
-        let triggers = full_triggers l.l_triggers in
-        let triggers = Lang.For_export.in_state (List.map (List.map (of_trigger ~cnv))) triggers in
-        let t = Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars triggers t in
-        let decl = Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl kind id t in
-        ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-      end
-    method on_dfun d =
-      let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
-      List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
-      begin
-        match d.d_definition with
-        | Logic t ->
-            let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
-            let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
-            let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
-            let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args (of_tau ~cnv t) in
-            let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
-            ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-        | Function(t,mu,v) -> begin
-            match mu with
-            | Rec -> (* transform recursive function into an axioms *)
-                let name = Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun) in
-                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
-                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
-                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
-                let result = of_tau ~cnv t in
-                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
-                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
-                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-                let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
-                List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
-                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
-                let t = share cnv t v in
-                let t =
-                  Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars []
-                    (Why3.Term.t_equ
-                       (Why3.Term.t_app id (List.map Why3.Term.t_var vars) result)
-                       t)
-                in
-                let decl =
-                  Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Why3.Decl.Paxiom
-                    (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh (name^"_def")))
-                    t in
-                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-            | Def ->
-                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
-                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
-                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
-                let result = of_tau ~cnv t in
-                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
-                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
-                let t = share cnv t v in
-                let decl = Why3.Decl.make_ls_defn id vars t in
-                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_logic_decl [decl] in
-                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl
-          end
-        | Predicate(mu,p) -> begin
-            match mu with
-            | Rec ->
-                let name = Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun) in
-                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
-                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
-                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
-                let result = None in
-                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
-                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
-                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-                let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
-                List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
-                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
-                let t = share cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop p) in
-                let t =
-                  Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars []
-                    (Why3.Term.t_equ
-                       (Why3.Term.t_app id (List.map Why3.Term.t_var vars) result)
-                       t)
-                in
-                let decl =
-                  Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Why3.Decl.Paxiom
-                    (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh (name^"_def")))
-                    t in
-                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
-            | Def ->
-                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
-                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
-                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
-                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args None in
-                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
-                let t = share cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop p) in
-                let decl = Why3.Decl.make_ls_defn id vars t in
-                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_logic_decl [decl] in
-                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl
-          end
-        | Inductive _dl ->
-            Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "inductive"
-            (* engine#declare_signature fmt
-             *   d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) Logic.Prop;
-             * List.iter self#on_dlemma dl *)
-      end
-  end
-let goal_id = (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh "wp_goal"))
-let why3_of_qed ~id ~title ~name ?axioms t =
-  (* Format.printf "why3_of_qed start@."; *)
-  let goal = Definitions.cluster ~id ~title () in
-  let ctx = empty_context name in
-  let v = new visitor ctx goal in
-  v#add_builtin_lib;
-  v#vgoal axioms t;
-  let cnv = empty_cnv ~in_goal:true ~polarity:`Positive ctx in
-  let t = convert cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop t) in
-  let decl = Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Pgoal goal_id t in
-  let th =   Why3.Theory.close_theory ctx.th in
-  if Wp_parameters.has_print_generated () then begin
-    let th_uc_tmp = Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl in
-    let th_tmp    = Why3.Theory.close_theory th_uc_tmp in
-    Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:Wp_parameters.cat_print_generated "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_theory th_tmp
-  end;
-  th, decl
-(** Prover call *)
-let prove_prop ?axioms ~pid ~prop =
-  let id = WpPropId.get_propid pid in
-  let title = Pretty_utils.to_string WpPropId.pretty pid in
-  let name = "WP" in
-  let th, decl = why3_of_qed ?axioms ~id ~title ~name prop in
-  let t = None in
-  let t = Why3.Task.use_export t th in
-  Why3.Task.add_decl t decl
-let task_of_wpo wpo =
-  let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
-  match wpo.Wpo.po_formula with
-  | Wpo.GoalAnnot v ->
-      let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
-      let axioms = v.Wpo.VC_Annot.axioms in
-      let prop = Wpo.GOAL.compute_proof v.Wpo.VC_Annot.goal in
-      (* Format.printf "Goal: %a@." Lang.F.pp_pred prop; *)
-      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
-  | Wpo.GoalLemma v ->
-      let lemma = v.Wpo.VC_Lemma.lemma in
-      let depends = v.Wpo.VC_Lemma.depends in
-      let prop = Lang.F.p_forall lemma.l_forall lemma.l_lemma in
-      let axioms = Some(lemma.l_cluster,depends) in
-      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
-  | Wpo.GoalCheck v ->
-      let prop = v.Wpo.VC_Check.goal in
-      let axioms = None in
-      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
-let altergo_step_limit = Str.regexp "^Steps limit reached:"
-let call_prover ~timeout ~steplimit prover task wpo =
-  let steplimit = match steplimit with Some 0 -> None | _ -> steplimit in
-  let config = Lazy.force config in
-  let env = get_why3_env () in
-  let prover_config = Why3.Whyconf.get_prover_config config prover in
-  let command = Why3.Whyconf.get_complete_command prover_config ~with_steps:(steplimit<>None) in
-  let drv =
-    Why3.Whyconf.load_driver (Why3.Whyconf.get_main config) env prover_config.driver prover_config.extra_drivers in
-  let limit =
-    let def = Why3.Call_provers.empty_limit in
-    { def with
-      Why3.Call_provers.limit_time = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time timeout;
-      Why3.Call_provers.limit_steps = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time steplimit;
-    } in
-  let remove_for_prover =
-    if prover.prover_name = "Alt-Ergo"
-    then Filter_axioms.remove_for_altergo
-    else Filter_axioms.remove_for_why3
-  in
-  let trans = Why3.Trans.seq [remove_for_prover; Filter_axioms.trans; Filter_axioms.def_into_axiom] in
-  let task =
-    if prover.prover_name = "Coq"
-    then task
-    else Why3.Trans.apply trans task in
-  let task = Why3.Driver.prepare_task drv task in
-  let file = Wpo.DISK.file_goal ~pid:wpo.Wpo.po_pid ~model:wpo.Wpo.po_model ~prover:(VCS.Why3 prover) in
-  (* This printing is currently just for debugging *)
-  let _ = Command.print_file file (fun fmt -> Why3.Driver.print_task_prepared drv fmt task) in
-  if Wp_parameters.Check.get ()
-  then (** Why3 typed checked the task during its build *)
-    Task.return VCS.checked
-  else
-    let call =
-      Why3.Driver.prove_task_prepared ~command ~limit drv task in
-    Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey
-      "@[@[Why3 run prover %a with %i timeout %i steplimit@]@]@."
-      Why3.Whyconf.print_prover prover (Why3.Opt.get_def (-1) timeout) (Why3.Opt.get_def (-1) steplimit);
-    let ping _ (* why3 seems not to be able to kill a started prover *) =
-      match Why3.Call_provers.query_call call with
-      | NoUpdates
-      | ProverStarted -> Task.Yield
-      | InternalFailure exn ->
-          Task.Return (Task.Result (VCS.failed (Format.asprintf "%a" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn)))
-      | ProverInterrupted -> Task.Return (Task.Result (VCS.failed "interrupted"))
-      | ProverFinished pr ->
-          let r = match pr.pr_answer with
-            | Timeout -> VCS.timeout (int_of_float pr.pr_time)
-            | Valid -> VCS.result ~time:pr.pr_time ~steps:pr.pr_steps VCS.Valid
-            | Invalid -> VCS.result ~time:pr.pr_time ~steps:pr.pr_steps VCS.Invalid
-            | OutOfMemory -> VCS.failed "out of memory"
-            | StepLimitExceeded -> VCS.stepout
-            | Unknown _ -> VCS.unknown
-            | Failure s -> VCS.failed s
-            | HighFailure ->
-                let alt_ergo_hack = prover.prover_name = "Alt-Ergo" &&
-                                    Str.string_match altergo_step_limit pr.pr_output 0
-                in
-                if alt_ergo_hack then VCS.stepout
-                else VCS.failed "Unknown error"
-          in
-          Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey
-            "@[@[Why3 result for %a:@] @[%a@] and @[%a@]@."
-            Why3.Whyconf.print_prover prover
-            (* why3 1.3 (Why3.Call_provers.print_prover_result ~json_model:false) pr *)
-            (Why3.Call_provers.print_prover_result) pr
-            VCS.pp_result r;
-          Task.Return (Task.Result r)
-    in
-    Task.async ping
-let add_specific_equality ~for_tau ~mk_new_eq =
-  specific_equalities := { for_tau; mk_new_eq }::!specific_equalities
-let version = Why3.Config.version
-let prove ?timeout ?steplimit ~prover wpo =
-  try
-    let do_ () =
-      let task = task_of_wpo wpo in
-      if Wp_parameters.Generate.get ()
-      then if Wp_parameters.Check.get ()
-        then Task.return VCS.checked
-        else Task.return VCS.no_result
-      else call_prover ~timeout ~steplimit prover task wpo
-    in
-    Model.with_model wpo.Wpo.po_model do_ ()
-  with exn ->
-    let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
-    Wp_parameters.fatal "Error in why3:%a@.%s@."
-      Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn
-      (Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string bt)
-let parse_why3_options =
-  let todo = ref true in
-  fun () ->
-    if !todo then begin
-      let args = Array.of_list ("why3"::Wp_parameters.WhyFlags.get ()) in
-      begin try
-          Arg.parse_argv ~current:(ref 0) args
-            (Why3.Debug.Args.[desc_debug;desc_debug_all;desc_debug_list])
-            (fun _ -> raise (Arg.Help "Unknown why3 option"))
-            "Why3 options"
-        with Arg.Bad s -> Wp_parameters.abort "%s" s
-      end;
-      ignore (Why3.Debug.Args.option_list ());
-      Why3.Debug.Args.set_flags_selected ();
-      todo := false
-    end
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.mli b/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 4325d11117e6c5920d61c9ebebf4bb594afa14f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-val add_specific_equality:
-  for_tau:(Lang.tau -> bool) ->
-  mk_new_eq:Lang.F.binop ->
-  unit
-(** equality used in the goal, simpler to prove than polymorphic equality *)
-val version : string
-val prove : ?timeout:int -> ?steplimit:int -> prover:VCS.Why3_prover.t -> Wpo.t -> VCS.result Task.task
-(** Return NoResult if it is already proved by Qed *)
-val parse_why3_options : unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mli b/src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 788c602b9904b9d52a668e32c9ff9225c4d72246..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
-(*  Copyright 2010-2019   --   Inria - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
-(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
-(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux        *)
-(*                        énergies alternatives).                         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-type element =
-  { name : string;
-    attributes : (string * string) list;
-    elements : element list;
-  }
-val pretty : Format.formatter -> element -> unit
-(* Opening, attributes only *)
-type t =
-  { version : string;
-    encoding : string;
-    doctype : string;
-    dtd : string;
-    content : element;
-  }
-exception Parse_error of string
-val from_file : string -> t
-(** returns the list of XML elements from the given file.
-    raise [Sys_error] if the file cannot be opened.
-    raise [Parse_error] if the file does not follow XML syntax
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mll b/src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index f178197c0d62c4e680731ddc588344a11c43fe3f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
-(*  Copyright 2010-2019   --   Inria - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
-(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
-(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux        *)
-(*                        énergies alternatives).                         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-  type element =
-    { name : string;
-      attributes : (string * string) list;
-      elements : element list;
-    }
-  type t =
-      { version : string;
-        encoding : string;
-        doctype : string;
-        dtd : string;
-        content : element;
-      }
-  let pretty fmt e =
-    begin
-      Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2><%s" e.name ;
-      List.iter
-        (fun (name,value) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ %s=%S" name value)
-        e.attributes ;
-      Format.fprintf fmt ">@]" ;
-    end
-  let buf = Buffer.create 17
-  let rec pop_all group_stack element_stack =
-    match group_stack with
-      | [] -> element_stack
-      | (elem,att,elems)::g ->
-          let e = {
-            name = elem;
-            attributes = att;
-            elements = List.rev element_stack;
-          }
-          in pop_all g (e::elems)
-  exception Parse_error of string
-  let parse_error s = raise (Parse_error s)
-let space = [' ' '\t' '\r' '\n']
-let digit = ['0'-'9']
-let letter = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
-let ident = (letter | digit | '_') +
-let sign = '-' | '+'
-let integer = sign? digit+
-let mantissa = ['e''E'] sign? digit+
-let real = sign? digit* '.' digit* mantissa?
-let escape = ['\\''"''n''t''r']
-rule xml_prolog = parse
-| space+
-    { xml_prolog lexbuf }
-| "<?xml" space+ "version=\"1.0\"" space+ "?>"
-    { xml_doctype "1.0" "" lexbuf }
-| "<?xml" space+ "version=\"1.0\"" space+ "encoding=\"UTF-8\"" space+ "?>"
-    { xml_doctype "1.0" "" lexbuf }
-| "<?xml" ([^'?']|'?'[^'>'])* "?>"
-    { (* dprintf debug "[Xml warning] prolog ignored@."; *)
-      xml_doctype "1.0" "" lexbuf }
-| _
-    { parse_error "wrong prolog" }
-and xml_doctype version encoding = parse
-| space+
-    { xml_doctype version encoding lexbuf }
-| "<!DOCTYPE" space+ (ident as doctype) space+ [^'>']* ">"
-    { match elements [] [] lexbuf with
-         | [x] ->
-            { version = version;
-              encoding = encoding;
-              doctype = doctype;
-              dtd = "";
-              content = x;
-            }
-         | _ -> parse_error "there should be exactly one root element"
-    }
-| _
-    { parse_error "wrong DOCTYPE" }
-and elements group_stack element_stack = parse
-  | space+
-      { elements group_stack element_stack lexbuf }
-  | '<' (ident as elem)
-      { attributes group_stack element_stack elem [] lexbuf }
-  | "</" (ident as _celem) space* '>'
-      { match group_stack with
-         | [] ->
-             (* dprintf debug *)
-             (*   "[Xml warning] unexpected closing Xml element `%s'@." *)
-             (*   celem; *)
-             elements group_stack element_stack lexbuf
-         | (elem,att,stack)::g ->
-             (* if celem <> elem then *)
-               (* dprintf debug *)
-               (*   "[Xml warning] Xml element `%s' closed by `%s'@." *)
-               (*   elem celem; *)
-             let e = {
-                name = elem;
-                attributes = att;
-                elements = List.rev element_stack;
-             }
-             in elements g (e::stack) lexbuf
-       }
-  | '<'
-      { (* dprintf debug "[Xml warning] unexpected '<'@."; *)
-        elements group_stack element_stack lexbuf }
-  | eof
-      { match group_stack with
-         | [] -> element_stack
-         | (_elem,_,_)::_ ->
-             (* dprintf debug "[Xml warning] unclosed Xml element `%s'@."
-                elem; *)
-             pop_all group_stack element_stack
-      }
-  | _ as c
-      { parse_error ("invalid element starting with " ^ String.make 1 c) }
-and attributes groupe_stack element_stack elem acc = parse
-  | space+
-      { attributes groupe_stack element_stack elem acc lexbuf }
-  | (ident as key) space* '='
-      { let v = value lexbuf in
-        attributes groupe_stack element_stack elem ((key,v)::acc) lexbuf }
-  | '>'
-      { elements ((elem,acc,element_stack)::groupe_stack) [] lexbuf }
-  | "/>"
-      { let e = { name = elem ;
-                  attributes = acc;
-                  elements = [] }
-        in
-        elements groupe_stack (e::element_stack) lexbuf }
-  | _ as c
-      { parse_error ("'>' expected, got " ^ String.make 1 c) }
-  | eof
-      { parse_error "unclosed element, `>' expected" }
-and value = parse
-  | space+
-      { value lexbuf }
-  | '"'
-      { Buffer.clear buf;
-        string_val lexbuf }
-  | _ as c
-      { parse_error ("invalid value starting with " ^ String.make 1 c) }
-  | eof
-      { parse_error "unterminated keyval pair" }
-and string_val = parse
-  | '"'
-      { Buffer.contents buf }
-  | "&lt;"
-      { Buffer.add_char buf '<';
-        string_val lexbuf }
-  | "&gt;"
-      { Buffer.add_char buf '>';
-        string_val lexbuf }
-  | "&quot;"
-      { Buffer.add_char buf '"';
-        string_val lexbuf }
-  | "&apos;"
-      { Buffer.add_char buf '\'';
-        string_val lexbuf }
-  | "&amp;"
-      { Buffer.add_char buf '&';
-        string_val lexbuf }
-  | [^ '"'] as c
-      { Buffer.add_char buf c;
-        string_val lexbuf }
-  | eof
-      { parse_error "unterminated string" }
-  let from_file f =
-      let c = open_in f in
-      let lb = Lexing.from_channel c in
-      let t = xml_prolog lb in
-      close_in c;
-      t