diff --git a/.git-blame-ignore-revs b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
index 2fc410f59d4a1a98fa508ce5dcf8d8428655a427..b6ef39a67856b8c00985e4a92dc62e4be686179c 100644
--- a/.git-blame-ignore-revs
+++ b/.git-blame-ignore-revs
@@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ aef808e15e4dcc02dcee7004add8530083d33474
index 5c93176a091e3436ccc53e46bbbc52090370f534..4819e832e67595fea0a995ab42cb2698672d8345 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 Version number			Date of release		Notes
 ==============			===============		=====
+25.0 (Manganese)                2022, June 22
 24.0 (Chromium)                 2021, November 30
 23.1 (Vanadium)                 2021, July 20
 23.0 (Vanadium)                 2021, July 7
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index 8fa0ae1eca938d72e434382f575730467f3d4786..dc984a5c05ecad75c391614d7f387263f3c0d859 100644
--- a/Changelog
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 Open Source Release <next-release>
+o!  Pdg       [2022-07-01] Removed from Db. Use proper Pdg API instead.
 -!  Kernel    [2022-06-06] Remove journalisation.
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 5d9f0c7da19e7181f37905b778d6a953b6fc31e1..be8e64f5a38cfeb3e1c58884871821fdedcf09c7 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/devel_tools/docker/Makefile b/devel_tools/docker/Makefile
index c6cae592a0f241287c37ea2fba3a5c897463c8ff..46b12aad0c9522ed5fee002bed6c31c825088f55 100644
--- a/devel_tools/docker/Makefile
+++ b/devel_tools/docker/Makefile
@@ -137,6 +137,61 @@ sed 's|@FRAMAC_TESTS@|sudo apk add ncurses \&\& cd /frama-c \&\& make tests PTES
 sed 's|@OCAMLV@|4.08|g' | \
 cat > $@
+25.0-stripped: Dockerfile.25.0
+	docker build . -t framac/frama-c:$@ --target frama-c-stripped -f $^ \
+--build-arg=from_archive=https://www.frama-c.com/download/frama-c-25.0-Manganese.tar.gz $(ARGS)
+TARGETS += 25.0-stripped
+25.0: Dockerfile.25.0
+	docker build . -t framac/frama-c:$@ --target frama-c-slim -f $^ \
+--build-arg=from_archive=https://www.frama-c.com/download/frama-c-25.0-Manganese.tar.gz $(ARGS)
+TARGETS += 25.0
+25.0-gui: Dockerfile.25.0
+	docker build . -t framac/frama-c-gui:25.0 --target frama-c-gui-slim -f $^ \
+--build-arg=from_archive=https://www.frama-c.com/download/frama-c-25.0-Manganese.tar.gz $(ARGS)
+TARGETS += 25.0-gui
+push-25.0: 25.0 25.0-gui 25.0-stripped
+	docker push framac/frama-c:25.0
+	docker push framac/frama-c-gui:25.0
+	docker push framac/frama-c:25.0-stripped
+Dockerfile.25.0: Makefile Dockerfile.template env.template
+	sed 's|@ALPINE_OPAM_BASE@|ocaml/opam:alpine-3.13-ocaml-4.08|g' Dockerfile.template | \
+sed 's|@ALPINE_BASE@|alpine:3.13|g' | \
+sed 's|@ENV@|$(shell cat env.template)|g' | \
+sed 's|@CVC4@|$(shell cat cvc4.template)|g' | \
+sed 's|@CVC4_VERSION@|1.7|g' | \
+sed 's|@Z3@|$(shell cat z3.template)|g' | \
+sed 's|@OPAM_CACHE_FIX@|opam repository set-url default https://opam.ocaml.org \&\&|g' | \
+sed 's|@OPAM_SWITCH@|true|g' | \
+sed 's|@OPAM_DEPS@|\\\
+alt-ergo.2.2.0 \\\
+apron.v0.9.12 \\\
+conf-graphviz.0.1 \\\
+mlgmpidl.1.2.12 \\\
+ocamlfind.1.8.1 \\\
+ocamlgraph.1.8.8 \\\
+ppx_deriving_yojson.3.6.1 \\\
+ppx_import.1.9.0 \\\
+why3.1.5.0 \\\
+yojson.1.7.0 \\\
+zarith.1.10 \\\
+zmq.5.1.3 \\\
+conf-python- \\\
+conf-time.1|' | \
+sed 's|@PATCH_FRAMAC@|true|g' | \
+sed 's|@WP_REPORT@|-wp -report|g'| \
+sed 's|@WHY3_CONFIG@|why3 config detect|g' | \
+sed 's|@WP_TEST@|frama-c -wp wp_gallery/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.c -wp-prover alt-ergo,cvc4,z3|g' | \
+sed 's|@GUI_ALPINE_DEPS@||g' | \
+sed 's|@GUI_OPAM_DEPS@|lablgtk3 lablgtk3-sourceview3 conf-gtksourceview3|g' | \
+sed 's|@GUI_REMAKE@|make clean \&\& ./configure --enable-gui \&\& make -j \&\& sudo make install|g' | \
+sed 's|@FRAMAC_TESTS@|sudo apk add ncurses \&\& cd /frama-c \&\& make tests PTESTS_OPTS=-error-code|g' | \
+sed 's|@OCAMLV@|4.08|g' | \
+cat > $@
 24.0-stripped: Dockerfile.24.0
 	docker build . -t framac/frama-c:$@ --target frama-c-stripped -f $^ \
 --build-arg=from_archive=https://www.frama-c.com/download/frama-c-24.0-Chromium.tar.gz $(ARGS)
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
index 2f13b8379cbd1a5f1c476fc8be36fff95627e5e5..929dc0b7326ee3dbce28aea9f87a5e570ac21d15 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ ACSL_SUFFIX=-$(ACSL_VERSION)
-	$(MAKE) -C acsl clean
+	$(MAKE) -C acsl super-clean
 all: \
 	manuals/acsl-implementation$(FC_SUFFIX).pdf \
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ EACSL_VERSION=$(shell grep 'newcommand{\\eacsllangversion' $(EACSL_DOC)/refman/m
 ifeq ($(EACSL_VERSION),)
-$(info could not retrieve E-ACSL version from ../src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/main.tex")
+$(info "could not retrieve E-ACSL version from ../src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/main.tex")
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ ifneq ($(ACSL_VERSION),$(EACSL_VERSION))
-	$(MAKE) -C $(EACSL_DOC)/refman/ clean
-	$(MAKE) -C $(EACSL_DOC)/userman/ clean
+	$(MAKE) -C $(EACSL_DOC)/refman/ super-clean
+	$(MAKE) -C $(EACSL_DOC)/userman/ super-clean
 all: \
 	manuals/e-acsl-implementation$(FC_SUFFIX).pdf \
diff --git a/ivette/src/dome/renderer/layout/style.css b/ivette/src/dome/renderer/layout/style.css
index a2e0fca13db2095fde266199646103b6c8264367..41dfbcc3254a14b6e4c9ff107da9d50735193f12 100644
--- a/ivette/src/dome/renderer/layout/style.css
+++ b/ivette/src/dome/renderer/layout/style.css
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@
 .dome-xSplitter-block {
     display: block;
-    overflow: hidden;
     position: relative;
     width: 100%;
     height: 100%;
diff --git a/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/DomainStates.tsx b/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/DomainStates.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dab3218c24ad0398e44e8b525e703ed1508fcf7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/DomainStates.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+/* ************************************************************************ */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   This file is part of Frama-C.                                          */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                                */
+/*     CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies               */
+/*          alternatives)                                                   */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU    */
+/*   Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software        */
+/*   Foundation, version 2.1.                                               */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                  */
+/*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         */
+/*   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                    */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                  */
+/*   for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).             */
+/*                                                                          */
+/* ************************************************************************ */
+// React & Dome
+import React from 'react';
+import * as Ivette from 'ivette';
+import * as States from 'frama-c/states';
+import { GlobalState, useGlobalState } from 'dome/data/states';
+import * as Eva from 'frama-c/plugins/eva/api/general';
+import * as Boxes from 'dome/layout/boxes';
+import { HSplit } from 'dome/layout/splitters';
+import { Text } from 'frama-c/richtext';
+import { Checkbox, Select } from 'dome/controls/buttons';
+import { Label } from 'dome/controls/labels';
+const globalSelectedDomain = new GlobalState("");
+const globalFilter = new GlobalState(true);
+export function EvaStates(): JSX.Element {
+  const [selection] = States.useSelection();
+  const selectedLoc = selection?.current;
+  const marker = selectedLoc?.marker;
+  const [domains, setDomains] = React.useState<string[]>([]);
+  const [selected, setSelected] = useGlobalState(globalSelectedDomain);
+  const [stateBefore, setStateBefore] = React.useState("");
+  const [stateAfter, setStateAfter] = React.useState("");
+  const [filter, setFilter] = useGlobalState(globalFilter);
+  const requestArg = marker ? [marker, filter] : undefined;
+  const states = States.useRequest(Eva.getStates, requestArg);
+  React.useEffect(() => {
+    if (states && states.length > 0) {
+      const names = states.map((d) => d[0]);
+      setDomains(names);
+      if (!names.includes(selected))
+        setSelected(names[0]);
+      const selectedDomain = states.find((d) => d[0] === selected);
+      if (selectedDomain) {
+        setStateBefore(selectedDomain[1]);
+        setStateAfter(selectedDomain[2]);
+      }
+    } else
+      setDomains([]);
+  }, [states, selected, setSelected]);
+  if (domains.length === 0)
+    return (<></>);
+  function makeOption(name: string): React.ReactNode {
+    return <option value={name}>{name}</option>;
+  }
+  const list = React.Children.toArray(domains.map(makeOption));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Boxes.Hbox className="domain-state-box">
+        <Label>Domain: </Label>
+        <Select
+          title="Select the analysis domain to be shown"
+          value={selected}
+          onChange={(domain) => setSelected(domain ?? "")}
+        >
+          {list}
+        </Select>
+        <Boxes.Filler/>
+        <Checkbox
+          label="Filtered state"
+          title="If enabled, only the part of the states relevant to the
+        selected marker are shown, for domains supporting this feature.
+        For other domains or if disabled, entire domain states are printed.
+        Beware that entire domain states can be very large."
+          value={filter}
+          onChange={setFilter}
+        />
+      </Boxes.Hbox>
+      <Boxes.Scroll>
+        <HSplit
+          settings="ivette.eva.domainStates.beforeAfterSplit"
+        >
+          <div className="domain-state-box">
+            State before the selected statement:
+            <Text className="domain-state" text={stateBefore} />
+          </div>
+          <div className="domain-state-box">
+            State after the selected statement:
+            <Text className="domain-state" text={stateAfter} />
+          </div>
+        </HSplit>
+      </Boxes.Scroll>
+    </>);
+function EvaStatesComponent(): JSX.Element {
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Ivette.TitleBar />
+      <EvaStates />
+    </>
+  );
+  id: 'frama-c.plugins.domain_states',
+  group: 'frama-c.plugins',
+  rank: 10,
+  label: 'Eva States',
+  title: 'States of the Eva analysis',
+  children: <EvaStatesComponent />,
diff --git a/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/api/general/index.ts b/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/api/general/index.ts
index 55d8b6b7768e3e1717a91f126b192ce459c819bd..3ed2ea6b595d436fd82035130a5f13647d828103 100644
--- a/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/api/general/index.ts
+++ b/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/api/general/index.ts
@@ -580,4 +580,30 @@ export const functionStats: State.Array<
   > = functionStats_internal;
+const getStates_internal: Server.GetRequest<
+  [ marker, boolean ],
+  [ string, string, string ][]
+  > = {
+  kind: Server.RqKind.GET,
+  name:   'plugins.eva.general.getStates',
+  input:  Json.jTry(
+            Json.jPair(
+              jMarkerSafe,
+              Json.jFail(Json.jBoolean,'Boolean expected'),
+            )),
+  output: Json.jList(
+            Json.jTry(
+              Json.jTriple(
+                Json.jFail(Json.jString,'String expected'),
+                Json.jFail(Json.jString,'String expected'),
+                Json.jFail(Json.jString,'String expected'),
+              ))),
+  signals: [],
+/** Get the domain states about the given marker */
+export const getStates: Server.GetRequest<
+  [ marker, boolean ],
+  [ string, string, string ][]
+  >= getStates_internal;
 /* ------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/index.tsx b/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/index.tsx
index 8aeb22bb817b5b6b873944d8b6f18ab43d2c4dff..36b6dc1d5ba54d5aede3104b1b40d767a38c784d 100644
--- a/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/index.tsx
+++ b/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/index.tsx
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import * as Ivette from 'ivette';
 import { } from 'frama-c/plugins/eva/valuetable';
 import { } from './Summary';
 import { } from './Coverage';
+import { } from './DomainStates';
 import './style.css';
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/style.css b/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/style.css
index e4a17e65e23a5e3baf3af13f49d6f319b4c86f35..2d6367d5845267d7a8f76eaca15084b32936e1e0 100644
--- a/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/style.css
+++ b/ivette/src/frama-c/plugins/eva/style.css
@@ -317,3 +317,20 @@ tr:first-of-type > .eva-table-callsite-box {
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- Domains state print                                                --- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+.domain-state-box {
+    margin: 6px;
+.domain-state {
+    cursor: auto;
+    user-select: text;
+    overflow: auto;
+    padding: 6px;
+    margin-top: 6px;
+    background-color: var(--background-report);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/nix/default.nix b/nix/default.nix
index b7f5fcf6a9937e35271a2ed38e5dc2f8b0f3ddfb..4e146ccd47d633f8737f0183882061de862ed84a 100644
--- a/nix/default.nix
+++ b/nix/default.nix
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ let mydir = builtins.getEnv("PWD");
         "why3=1.5.0" "why3-coq=1.5.0"
         "menhir=20211012" "dune=2.9.1"
+        "biniou=1.2.1"
     # only pure nix packages. See mk_deriv below for adding opam2nix packages
     mk_buildInputs = { nixPackages ? [] } :
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/locations.ml b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/locations.ml
index d330023067eb7aa336fad8020cabdb397368f45c..1a19ba3926ebeb591bac02fb259657b22c9332d1 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/locations.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/locations.ml
@@ -476,6 +476,8 @@ module Zone = struct
       Base.SetLattice.mem b top_param
     | Map m -> M.mem b m
+  let get_bases = get_keys
   let shape x = x
   let fold2_join_heterogeneous ~cache ~empty_left ~empty_right ~both ~join ~empty =
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/locations.mli b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/locations.mli
index c76b6002c1146de8e6b267ec72d5d70cecea31a9..632cbb17a31e507e2c1a80c3d9d524197fde6615 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/locations.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/abstract_interp/locations.mli
@@ -265,6 +265,10 @@ module Zone : sig
       @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+  val get_bases : t -> Base.SetLattice.t
+  (** Returns the bases contained by the given zone. Never fails, but
+      may return [Base.SetLattice.Top]. *)
   val intersects : t -> t -> bool
   (** Assuming that [z1] and [z2] only contain valid bases,
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
index d3588a38f5d14a51e136166dc95a9a2d4aff15c3..9f06014cbb857fee989f7119f69b2874675b85b9 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
@@ -3951,11 +3951,11 @@ let find_sizeof t f =
     | Error (msg, t') -> raise (SizeOfError(msg, t'))
   with Not_found ->
-    let size = f () in
-    TypSize.add t (Size size) ;
+    let t', size = f () in
+    TypSize.add t' (Size size) ;
-  with SizeOfError(t',msg) as e ->
-    TypSize.add t (Error (t', msg)) ;
+  with SizeOfError(msg, t') as e ->
+    TypSize.add t' (Error (msg, t')) ;
     raise e
 let selfTypSize = TypSize.self
@@ -4371,7 +4371,7 @@ and bitsSizeOf t =
          (Format.sprintf "abstract type '%s'" (compFullName comp), t))
   | TComp ({cfields=Some[]}, _) when acceptEmptyCompinfo() ->
-    find_sizeof t (fun () -> 0)
+    find_sizeof t (fun () -> t,0)
   | TComp ({cfields=Some[]} as comp,_) ->
     find_sizeof t
       (fun () ->
@@ -4398,9 +4398,9 @@ and bitsSizeOf t =
            (* On MSVC if we have just a zero-width bitfields then the length
             * is 32 and is not padded  *)
-           32
+           t, 32
-           addTrailing lastoff.oaFirstFree (8 * bytesAlignOf t))
+           t, addTrailing lastoff.oaFirstFree (8 * bytesAlignOf t))
   | TComp (comp, _) -> (* Union *)
     find_sizeof t
@@ -4421,14 +4421,16 @@ and bitsSizeOf t =
          (* Note: we treat None above *)
          let max = List.fold_left fold 0 (Option.get comp.cfields) in
          (* Add trailing by simulating adding an extra field *)
-         addTrailing max (8 * bytesAlignOf t))
+         t, addTrailing max (8 * bytesAlignOf t))
-  | TArray(bt, Some len, _) ->
+  | TArray(bt, Some len, attrs) ->
     find_sizeof t
       (fun () ->
-           match (constFold true len).enode with
-             Const(CInt64(l,_,_)) ->
+           let v = constFold true len in
+           let norm_typ = TArray(bt, Some v, attrs) in
+           match v with
+             { enode = Const(CInt64(l,_,_)) } ->
              let sz = Integer.mul (Integer.of_int (bitsSizeOf bt)) l in
              let sz' =
                match Integer.to_int_opt sz with
@@ -4437,11 +4439,12 @@ and bitsSizeOf t =
                       ("Array is so long that its size can't be "
-                       ^"represented with an OCaml int.", t))
+                       ^"represented with an OCaml int.", norm_typ))
-             sz' (*WAS: addTrailing sz' (8 * bytesAlignOf t)*)
-           | _ -> raise (SizeOfError ("Array with non-constant length.", t))
+             (norm_typ, sz') (*WAS: addTrailing sz' (8 * bytesAlignOf t)*)
+           | _ ->
+             raise (SizeOfError ("Array with non-constant length.", norm_typ))
   | TVoid _ ->
     if theMachine.theMachine.sizeof_void >= 0 then
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.ml b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.ml
index 64e5c108ab5c3840e18f335d49f175bf582864d0..4d69ac1a7f47a72f2d819c48e4655f08e40f7fa6 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.ml
@@ -708,86 +708,6 @@ module From = struct
-(* ************************************************************************* *)
-(** {2 PDG} *)
-(* ************************************************************************* *)
-module Pdg = struct
-  type t = PdgTypes.Pdg.t
-  type t_nodes_and_undef =
-    ((PdgTypes.Node.t * Locations.Zone.t option) list * Locations.Zone.t option)
-  exception Top = PdgTypes.Pdg.Top
-  exception Bottom = PdgTypes.Pdg.Bottom
-  let self = ref State.dummy
-  let get = mk_fun "Pdg.get"
-  let from_same_fun pdg1 pdg2 =
-    let kf1 =  PdgTypes.Pdg.get_kf pdg1 in
-    let kf2 =  PdgTypes.Pdg.get_kf pdg2 in
-    Kernel_function.equal kf1 kf2
-  let node_key = mk_fun "Pdg.node_key"
-  let find_decl_var_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_decl_var_node"
-  let find_input_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_input_nodes"
-  let find_ret_output_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_ret_output_node"
-  let find_output_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.find_output_nodes"
-  let find_all_inputs_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.find_all_inputs_nodes"
-  let find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes"
-  let find_simple_stmt_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.find_simplestmt_nodes"
-  let find_stmt_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_stmt_node"
-  let find_label_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_label_node"
-  let find_entry_point_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_entry_point_node"
-  let find_top_input_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_top_input_node"
-  let find_call_ctrl_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_call_ctrl_node"
-  let find_location_nodes_at_stmt = mk_fun "Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt"
-  let find_location_nodes_at_end = mk_fun "Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_end"
-  let find_location_nodes_at_begin = mk_fun "Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_begin"
-  let find_call_input_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_call_input_node"
-  let find_call_output_node = mk_fun "Pdg.find_call_output_node"
-  let find_code_annot_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.find_code_annot_nodes"
-  let find_fun_precond_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.find_fun_precond_nodes"
-  let find_fun_postcond_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.find_fun_postcond_nodes"
-  let find_fun_variant_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.find_fun_variant_nodes"
-  let find_call_out_nodes_to_select = mk_fun "Pdg.find_call_out_nodes_to_select"
-  let find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call =
-    mk_fun "Pdg.find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call"
-  let direct_dpds = mk_fun "Pdg.direct_dpds"
-  let direct_ctrl_dpds = mk_fun "Pdg.direct_ctrl_dpds"
-  let direct_data_dpds = mk_fun "Pdg.direct_data_dpds"
-  let direct_addr_dpds = mk_fun "Pdg.direct_addr_dpds"
-  let all_dpds = mk_fun "Pdg.all_dpds"
-  let all_ctrl_dpds = mk_fun "Pdg.all_ctrl_dpds"
-  let all_data_dpds = mk_fun "Pdg.all_data_dpds"
-  let all_addr_dpds = mk_fun "Pdg.all_addr_dpds"
-  let direct_uses = mk_fun "Pdg.direct_uses"
-  let direct_ctrl_uses = mk_fun "Pdg.direct_ctrl_uses"
-  let direct_data_uses = mk_fun "Pdg.direct_data_uses"
-  let direct_addr_uses = mk_fun "Pdg.direct_addr_uses"
-  let all_uses = mk_fun "Pdg.all_uses"
-  let custom_related_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.custom_related_nodes"
-  let find_call_stmts = mk_fun "Pdg.find_call_stmts"
-  let iter_nodes = mk_fun "Pdg.iter_nodes"
-  let extract = mk_fun "Pdg.extract"
-  let pretty = ref (fun ?bw:_ _ _ -> mk_labeled_fun "Pdg.pretty")
-  let pretty_node = mk_fun "Pdg.pretty_node"
-  let pretty_key = mk_fun "Pdg.pretty_key"
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
 (** {2 Properties} *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.mli b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.mli
index 905663fa636b56df38e8b0fbcbeda93483098aac..62334a53e2eda38fd43e4b647ac20c2b526507ff 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/db.mli
@@ -844,329 +844,6 @@ module Security : sig
-(** Program Dependence Graph.
-    @see <../pdg/index.html> PDG internal documentation. *)
-module Pdg : sig
-  exception Bottom
-  (** Raised by most function when the PDG is Bottom because we can hardly do
-      nothing with it. It happens when the function is unreachable because we
-      have no information about it. *)
-  exception Top
-  (** Raised by most function when the PDG is Top because we can hardly do
-      nothing with it. It happens when we didn't manage to compute it, for
-      instance for a variadic function. *)
-  type t = PdgTypes.Pdg.t
-  (** PDG type *)
-  type t_nodes_and_undef =
-    ((PdgTypes.Node.t * Locations.Zone.t option) list * Locations.Zone.t option)
-  (** type for the return value of many [find_xxx] functions when the
-      answer can be a list of [(node, z_part)] and an [undef zone].
-      For each node, [z_part] can specify which part of the node
-      is used in terms of zone ([None] means all).
-  *)
-  val self : State.t ref
-  (** {3 Getters} *)
-  val get : (kernel_function -> t) ref
-  (** Get the PDG of a function. Build it if it doesn't exist yet. *)
-  val node_key : (PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgIndex.Key.t) ref
-  val from_same_fun : t -> t -> bool
-  (** {3 Finding PDG nodes} *)
-  val find_decl_var_node : (t -> Cil_types.varinfo -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** Get the node corresponding the declaration of a local variable or a
-      formal parameter.
-      @raise Not_found if the variable is not declared in this function.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_ret_output_node : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** Get the node corresponding return stmt.
-      @raise Not_found if the output state in unreachable
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_output_nodes :
-    (t -> PdgIndex.Signature.out_key -> t_nodes_and_undef) ref
-  (** Get the nodes corresponding to a call output key in the called pdg.
-      @raise Not_found if the output state in unreachable
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_input_node : (t -> int -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** Get the node corresponding to a given input (parameter).
-      @raise Not_found if the number is not an input number.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_all_inputs_nodes : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Get the nodes corresponding to all inputs.
-      {!node_key} can be used to know their numbers.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_stmt_node : (t -> Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** Get the node corresponding to the statement.
-      It shouldn't be a call statement.
-      See also {!find_simple_stmt_nodes} or {!find_call_stmts}.
-      @raise Not_found if the given statement is unreachable.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top.
-      @raise PdgIndex.CallStatement if the given stmt is a function
-      call. *)
-  val find_simple_stmt_nodes : (t -> Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Get the nodes corresponding to the statement.
-      It is usually composed of only one node (see {!find_stmt_node}),
-      except for call statement.
-      Be careful that for block statements, it only returns a node
-      corresponding to the elementary stmt
-                         (see {!find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes} for more)
-      @raise Not_found if the given statement is unreachable.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_label_node : (t -> Cil_types.stmt -> Cil_types.label -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** Get the node corresponding to the label.
-      @raise Not_found if the given label is not in the PDG.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes : (t -> Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Get the nodes corresponding to the statement like
-   * {!find_simple_stmt_nodes} but also add the nodes of the enclosed
-   * statements if [stmt] contains blocks.
-      @raise Not_found if the given statement is unreachable.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_top_input_node : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** @raise Not_found if there is no top input in the PDG.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_entry_point_node : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** Find the node that represent the entry point of the function, i.e. the
-      higher level block.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_location_nodes_at_stmt :
-    (t -> Cil_types.stmt -> before:bool -> Locations.Zone.t
-     -> t_nodes_and_undef) ref
-  (** Find the nodes that define the value of the location at the given
-      program point. Also return a zone that might be undefined at that
-      point.
-      @raise Not_found if the given statement is unreachable.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_location_nodes_at_end :
-    (t -> Locations.Zone.t -> t_nodes_and_undef) ref
-  (** Same than {!find_location_nodes_at_stmt} for the program point located
-      at the end of the function.
-      @raise Not_found if the output state is unreachable.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_location_nodes_at_begin :
-    (t -> Locations.Zone.t -> t_nodes_and_undef) ref
-  (** Same than {!find_location_nodes_at_stmt} for the program point located
-      at the beginning of the function.
-      Notice that it can only find formal argument nodes.
-      The remaining zone (implicit input) is returned as undef.
-      @raise Not_found if the output state is unreachable.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_call_stmts:
-    (kernel_function -> caller:kernel_function -> Cil_types.stmt list) ref
-  (** Find the call statements to the function (can maybe be somewhere
-      else).
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_call_ctrl_node : (t ->  Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** @raise Not_found if the call is unreachable.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_call_input_node : (t ->  Cil_types.stmt -> int -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** @raise Not_found if the call is unreachable or has no such input.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_call_output_node : (t ->  Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t) ref
-  (** @raise Not_found if the call is unreachable or has no output node.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_code_annot_nodes :
-    (t -> Cil_types.stmt -> Cil_types.code_annotation ->
-     PdgTypes.Node.t list * PdgTypes.Node.t list * (t_nodes_and_undef option)) ref
-  (** The result is composed of three parts :
-      - the first part of the result are the control dependencies nodes
-        of the annotation,
-      - the second part is the list of declaration nodes of the variables
-        used in the annotation;
-      - the third part is similar to [find_location_nodes_at_stmt] result
-        but  for all the locations needed by the annotation.
-        When the third part  is globally [None],
-        it means that we were not able to compute this information.
-        @raise Not_found if the statement is unreachable.
-        @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-        @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val find_fun_precond_nodes :
-    (t -> Cil_types.predicate -> PdgTypes.Node.t list * (t_nodes_and_undef option)) ref
-  (** Similar to [find_code_annot_nodes] (no control dependencies nodes) *)
-  val find_fun_postcond_nodes :
-    (t -> Cil_types.predicate -> PdgTypes.Node.t list * (t_nodes_and_undef option)) ref
-  (** Similar to [find_fun_precond_nodes] *)
-  val find_fun_variant_nodes :
-    (t -> Cil_types.term -> (PdgTypes.Node.t list * t_nodes_and_undef option)) ref
-  (** Similar to [find_fun_precond_nodes] *)
-  (** {3 Propagation}
-      See also [Pdg.mli] for more function that cannot be here because
-        they use polymorphic types.
-   **)
-  val find_call_out_nodes_to_select :
-    (t -> PdgTypes.NodeSet.t -> t ->  Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** [find_call_out_nodes_to_select pdg_called called_selected_nodes
-      pdg_caller call_stmt]
-      @return the call outputs nodes [out] such that
-      [find_output_nodes pdg_called out_key]
-      intersects [called_selected_nodes]. *)
-  val find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call :
-    (t -> PdgTypes.NodeSet.t -> Cil_types.stmt -> t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** [find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call
-      pdg_caller caller_selected_nodes call_stmt pdg_called]
-      @return the called input nodes such that the corresponding nodes
-      in the caller intersect [caller_selected_nodes]
-      @raise Not_found if the statement is unreachable.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  (** {3 Dependencies} *)
-  val direct_dpds : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Get the nodes to which the given node directly depend on.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val direct_ctrl_dpds : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Similar to {!direct_dpds}, but for control dependencies only.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val direct_data_dpds : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Similar to {!direct_dpds}, but for data dependencies only.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val direct_addr_dpds : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Similar to {!direct_dpds}, but for address dependencies only.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val all_dpds : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Transitive closure of {!direct_dpds} for all the given nodes.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val all_data_dpds : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Gives the data dependencies of the given nodes, and recursively, all
-      the dependencies of those nodes (regardless to their kind).
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val all_ctrl_dpds : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Similar to {!all_data_dpds} for control dependencies.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val all_addr_dpds : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Similar to {!all_data_dpds} for address dependencies.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val direct_uses : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** build a list of all the nodes that have direct dependencies on the
-      given node.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val direct_ctrl_uses : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Similar to {!direct_uses}, but for control dependencies only.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val direct_data_uses : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Similar to {!direct_uses}, but for data dependencies only.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val direct_addr_uses : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** Similar to {!direct_uses}, but for address dependencies only.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val all_uses : (t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** build a list of all the nodes that have dependencies (even indirect) on
-      the given nodes.
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val custom_related_nodes :
-    ((PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ref
-  (** [custom_related_nodes get_dpds node_list] build a list, starting from
-      the node in [node_list], and recursively add the nodes given by the
-      function [get_dpds].  For this function to work well, it is important
-      that [get_dpds n] returns a subset of the nodes directly related to
-      [n], ie a subset of [direct_uses] U [direct_dpds].
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  val iter_nodes : ((PdgTypes.Node.t -> unit) -> t -> unit) ref
-  (** apply a given function to all the PDG nodes
-      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
-      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
-  (** {3 Pretty printing} *)
-  val extract : (t -> string -> unit) ref
-  (** Pretty print pdg into a dot file.
-      @see <../pdg/index.html> PDG internal documentation. *)
-  val pretty_node : (bool -> Format.formatter -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> unit) ref
-  (** Pretty print information on a node : with [short=true], only the id
-      of the node is printed.. *)
-  val pretty_key : (Format.formatter -> PdgIndex.Key.t -> unit) ref
-  (** Pretty print information on a node key *)
-  val pretty : (?bw:bool -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit) ref
-  (** For debugging... Pretty print pdg information.
-      Print codependencies rather than dependencies if [bw=true]. *)
 (** Signature common to some Inout plugin options. The results of
     the computations are available on a per function basis. *)
 module type INOUTKF = sig
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/Makefile b/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/Makefile
index 4814aa3de68bdd6d17d32d595cee401abb95bd43..961f6fe09ec4ba3fcedf46c9a869f5aa369181f9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/Makefile
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/Makefile
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ clean:
                 *.cb *.cm? *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.ind *.ilg \
 		transf trans.ml pp.ml pp
+super-clean: clean
+	rm -f e-acsl-implementation.pdf e-acsl.pdf
 # Tools #
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/userman/Makefile b/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/userman/Makefile
index 8486028efd975dbb02cf54f4540b6aaf3fafa1d7..14ee4a24894e7fc06e7c18dbe438c3aabd725d4a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/userman/Makefile
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/userman/Makefile
@@ -35,3 +35,6 @@ clean:
 		*.haux  *.hbbl *.htoc \
                 *.cb *.cm? *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.ind *.ilg \
 		transf trans.ml pp.ml pp
+super-clean: clean
+	rm -f $(MAIN).pdf
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/compute_impact.ml b/src/plugins/impact/compute_impact.ml
index 1744f0a3e7da3f56490a759d998ecd28957c7be2..9f1379f3ec9104f0e9c23927c726ed55e9f30ce6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/compute_impact.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/compute_impact.ml
@@ -22,7 +22,10 @@
 open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
+open Pdg_types
 open PdgIndex
 open Reason_graph
 (** Computation of the PDG nodes that are impacted by the "execution"
@@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ let add_to_result wl n kf init =
 (** return [true] if the location in [n] is contained in [skip], in which
     case the node should be skipped entirely *)
 let node_to_skip skip n =
-  match !Db.Pdg.node_key n with
+  match Pdg.Api.node_key n with
   | Key.SigKey (Signature.In (Signature.InImpl z))
   | Key.SigKey (Signature.Out (Signature.OutLoc z))
   | Key.SigCallKey (_, Signature.In (Signature.InImpl z))
@@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ let node_to_skip skip n =
     the results *)
 let filter wl (n, z) =
   not (Locations.Zone.is_bottom z) &&
-  match !Db.Pdg.node_key n with
+  match Pdg.Api.node_key n with
   | Key.SigKey (Signature.In Signature.InCtrl) -> false
   (* do not consider node [InCtrl]. YYY: find when this may happen *)
   | Key.VarDecl _ -> false
@@ -320,7 +323,7 @@ let add_downward_call wl (caller_kf, pdg) (called_kf, called_pdg) stmt =
     callee are directly in the worklist, and the call is registered in the
     field [downward_calls]. *)
 let downward_one_call_node wl (pnode, _ as node) caller_kf pdg =
-  match !Db.Pdg.node_key pnode with
+  match Pdg.Api.node_key pnode with
   | Key.SigKey (Signature.In Signature.InCtrl) (* never in the worklist *)
   | Key.VarDecl _ (* never in the worklist *)
   | Key.CallStmt _ (* pdg returns a SigCallKey instead *)
@@ -335,31 +338,31 @@ let downward_one_call_node wl (pnode, _ as node) caller_kf pdg =
     let called_kfs = Eva.Results.callee stmt in
       (fun called_kf ->
-         let called_pdg = !Db.Pdg.get called_kf in
+         let called_pdg = Pdg.Api.get called_kf in
          let nodes_callee, pdg_ok =
            Options.debug ~level:3 "%a: considering call to %a"
              Pdg_aux.pretty_node node Kernel_function.pretty called_kf;
              (match key with
               | Signature.In (Signature.InNum n) ->
-                (try [!Db.Pdg.find_input_node called_pdg n,
+                (try [Pdg.Api.find_input_node called_pdg n,
                  with Not_found -> [])
               | Signature.In Signature.InCtrl ->
-                (try [!Db.Pdg.find_entry_point_node called_pdg,
+                (try [Pdg.Api.find_entry_point_node called_pdg,
                  with Not_found -> [])
               | Signature.In (Signature.InImpl _) -> assert false
               | Signature.Out _ -> []
              ), true
-           | Db.Pdg.Top ->
+           | Pdg.Api.Top ->
                "no precise pdg for function %s. \n\
                 Ignoring this function in the analysis (potentially incorrect results)."
                (Kernel_function.get_name called_kf);
              [], false
-           | Db.Pdg.Bottom ->
+           | Pdg.Api.Bottom ->
              (*Function that fails or never returns immediately *)
              [], false
            | Not_found -> assert false
@@ -398,7 +401,7 @@ let downward_one_call_inputs wl kf_caller kf_callee (node, deps)  =
       (fun nsrc ->
          add_to_reason wl ~nsrc ~ndst:node' InterproceduralDownward)
-    add_to_do wl kf_callee (!Db.Pdg.get kf_callee) node';
+    add_to_do wl kf_callee (Pdg.Api.get kf_callee) node';
 (** Propagate impact for all calls registered in [downward_calls]. For each
@@ -447,10 +450,10 @@ let all_upward_callers wl kfs =
       let todo =
         if not (KFS.mem kf wl.callers) then (
           Options.debug "Found caller %a" Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-          let pdg_kf = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+          let pdg_kf = Pdg.Api.get kf in
             (fun todo (caller, callsites) ->
-               let pdg_caller = !Db.Pdg.get caller in
+               let pdg_caller = Pdg.Api.get caller in
                List.iter (aux_call (caller, pdg_caller) (kf, pdg_kf)) callsites;
                KFS.add caller todo
             ) todo (Eva.Results.callsites kf);
@@ -486,9 +489,9 @@ let upward_in_callers wl =
                  add_to_reason wl ~nsrc ~ndst:n InterproceduralUpward
                ) inter;
              if init then
-               add_to_do_part_of_initial wl caller (!Db.Pdg.get caller) n
+               add_to_do_part_of_initial wl caller (Pdg.Api.get caller) n
-               add_to_do wl caller (!Db.Pdg.get caller) n
+               add_to_do wl caller (Pdg.Api.get caller) n
         ) (Lazy.force l)
   KfKfCall.Map.iter aux wl.upward_calls;
@@ -522,7 +525,7 @@ let initial_worklist ?(skip=Locations.Zone.bottom) ?(reason=false) nodes kf =
   (* Fill the [todo] field *)
-  initial_to_do_list wl kf (!Db.Pdg.get kf) nodes;
+  initial_to_do_list wl kf (Pdg.Api.get kf) nodes;
   let initial_callers =
     if Options.Upward.get () then KFS.singleton kf else KFS.empty
@@ -536,10 +539,10 @@ let initial_worklist ?(skip=Locations.Zone.bottom) ?(reason=false) nodes kf =
     callees of the call. *)
 let initial_nodes ~skip kf stmt =
   Options.debug ~level:3 "computing initial nodes for %d" stmt.sid;
-  let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+  let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
   if Eva.Results.is_reachable stmt then
-      let all = !Db.Pdg.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg stmt in
+      let all = Pdg.Api.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg stmt in
       let filter n = match PdgTypes.Node.elem_key n with
         | Key.SigCallKey (_, Signature.In _) -> false
         | _ -> not (node_to_skip skip n)
@@ -669,7 +672,7 @@ let result_to_nodes (res: result) : nodes =
 (** Transform a set of PDG nodes into a set of statements *)
 let nodes_to_stmts ns =
-  let get_stmt node = Key.stmt (!Db.Pdg.node_key node) in
+  let get_stmt node = Key.stmt (Pdg.Api.node_key node) in
   let set =
     (* Do not generate a list immediately, some nodes would be duplicated *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/compute_impact.mli b/src/plugins/impact/compute_impact.mli
index 64307dc66281a1879dd0e7332ef9748ce058813c..74831f03df77459e0b84f0b5a17f7c2154dd3c43 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/compute_impact.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/compute_impact.mli
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 type nodes = Pdg_aux.NS.t
 type result = nodes Kernel_function.Map.t
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/dune b/src/plugins/impact/dune
index 734041fbd969ca0f0697b1d757282f93c417c8d7..6bcede10dbbcfd1333725c7a55c804e15abbe9ae 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/dune
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/dune
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
           (echo "  - Callgraph:" %{lib-available:frama-c-callgraph.core} "\n")
           (echo "  - Slicing:" %{lib-available:frama-c-slicing.core} "\n")
           (echo "  - Inout:" %{lib-available:frama-c-inout.core} "\n")
+          (echo "  - Pdg:" %{lib-available:frama-c-pdg.core} "\n")
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
   (public_name frama-c-impact.core)
   (flags -open Frama_c_kernel :standard -w -9)
-  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c-slicing.core frama-c-callgraph.core frama-c-inout.core)
+  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c-pdg.core frama-c-slicing.core frama-c-callgraph.core frama-c-inout.core)
 (plugin (optional) (name impact) (libraries frama-c-impact.core) (site (frama-c plugins)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/gui/dune b/src/plugins/impact/gui/dune
index 39db9c604eff13ccd99f1853b7a7061a4f6e8c89..e00946f69448800bdd05a5e35f6bbf859a7e19ec 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/gui/dune
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/gui/dune
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   (public_name frama-c-impact.gui)
   (flags -open Frama_c_kernel -open Frama_c_gui -open Impact :standard -w -9)
-  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c.gui frama-c-impact.core frama-c-slicing.core frama-c-callgraph.core)
+  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c.gui frama-c-pdg.core frama-c-impact.core frama-c-slicing.core frama-c-callgraph.core)
 (plugin (optional) (name impact-gui) (libraries frama-c-impact.gui) (site (frama-c plugins_gui)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/gui/register_gui.ml b/src/plugins/impact/gui/register_gui.ml
index 5146cb4a509f753a2e4ef66c8eac70c68377cf11..1bd988cb199607a31a287fa4df715fb8916fa52b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/gui/register_gui.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/gui/register_gui.ml
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 open Pretty_source
 open Gtk_helper
-open Db
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 module SelectedStmt = struct
   include State_builder.Option_ref
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let () =
     (fun () ->
-         [ !Db.Pdg.self ])
+         [ Pdg.Api.self ])
 module Highlighted_stmt : sig
   val add: Kernel_function.t -> stmt -> unit
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ let pp_impact_on_inputs (main_ui:Design.main_window_extension_points) kf =
     let call, formals, zones =
         (fun (node, z) (call, formals, zones as acc) ->
-           match !Pdg.node_key node with
+           match Pdg.Api.node_key node with
            | SigCallKey _ | CallStmt _ | Stmt _ | Label _ ->
              acc (* Related to one stmt: skip *)
            | VarDecl _ -> acc (* skip *)
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ let pp_impacted_call_outputs
     let ret, zones =
         (fun (node, z) (ret, zones as acc) ->
-           match !Pdg.node_key node with
+           match Pdg.Api.node_key node with
            | SigCallKey (stmt', key)
              when Cil_datatype.Stmt.equal call_stmt stmt' ->
              (match key with
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/pdg_aux.ml b/src/plugins/impact/pdg_aux.ml
index 8513bcf24116c76db8f094446ad837068f527f2e..0a3b4acb21ed47d3e6ab5e15869955fd91164b06 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/pdg_aux.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/pdg_aux.ml
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 open PdgIndex
 open Locations
 type node = PdgTypes.Node.t * Zone.t
 module NS = struct
   include Hptmap.Make
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ let find_call_input_nodes pdg_caller call_stmt ?(z=Locations.Zone.top) in_key =
     (* skip undef zone: any result different from None is due to calldeps or
        some imprecision. *)
     let nodes, _undef =
-      !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
+      Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
         pdg_caller call_stmt ~before:true zone'
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ let all_call_out_nodes ~callee ~caller call_stmt =
     let test_out acc (out_key, call_out_node) =
       (* skip undef: any zone found undef is due to an imprecision or a bug*)
-      let out_nodes, _ = !Db.Pdg.find_output_nodes callee out_key in
+      let out_nodes, _ = Pdg.Api.find_output_nodes callee out_key in
       let out_nodes = node_list_to_set out_nodes in
       (call_out_node, out_nodes) :: acc
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/pdg_aux.mli b/src/plugins/impact/pdg_aux.mli
index 32e7f34d68c3decd9bc4b30df0046734c05d5012..f07aca633a1ca26345642e911cf4567fa5d6a3fb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/pdg_aux.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/pdg_aux.mli
@@ -21,16 +21,17 @@
 open Cil_types
-open PdgTypes
 open Locations
+open Pdg_types
 (** Useful functions that are not directly accessible through the other
     Pdg modules. *)
 (** Refinement of a PDG node: we add an indication of which zone is really
     impacted *)
-type node = Node.t * Zone.t
+type node = PdgTypes.Node.t * Zone.t
 val pretty_node: node Pretty_utils.formatter
@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ module NS: sig
   val inter: t -> t -> t
   val diff: t -> t -> t
-  val remove: Node.t -> t -> t
+  val remove: PdgTypes.Node.t -> t -> t
-  val mem: Node.t -> t -> bool
+  val mem: PdgTypes.Node.t -> t -> bool
   val mem': node -> t -> bool
   val intersects: t -> t -> bool
   val for_all': (node -> bool) -> t -> bool
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ type call_interface = (PdgTypes.Node.t * NS.t) list
     of [callee]. Each input node in [callee] is returned with the set
     of nodes that define it in [caller].  *)
 val all_call_input_nodes:
-  caller:Db.Pdg.t ->  callee:kernel_function * Db.Pdg.t -> stmt ->
+  caller:Pdg.Api.t ->  callee:kernel_function * Pdg.Api.t -> stmt ->
 (** [all_call_out_nodes ~callee ~caller stmt] find all the nodes of [callee]
@@ -84,4 +85,4 @@ val all_call_input_nodes:
     that occurs at [stmt]. Each such out node is returned, with the set
     of nodes that define it in [callee] *)
 val all_call_out_nodes :
-  callee:Db.Pdg.t ->  caller:Db.Pdg.t -> stmt -> call_interface
+  callee:Pdg.Api.t ->  caller:Pdg.Api.t -> stmt -> call_interface
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/reason_graph.ml b/src/plugins/impact/reason_graph.ml
index eceba7800cf411e23e0689b306edd741f1ef07cb..eb8452ccdd367b01b77d582fb0b6571ea7bbb209 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/reason_graph.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/reason_graph.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 module NodeSet = PdgTypes.NodeSet
@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ let print_dot_graph reason =
 (* Very basic textual debugging function *)
 let _print_reason reason =
-  let pp_node = !Db.Pdg.pretty_node false in
+  let pp_node = Pdg.Api.pretty_node false in
   let pp fmt (nsrc, ndst, reason) =
     Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>%a -> %a (%s)@]"
       pp_node nsrc pp_node ndst
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/reason_graph.mli b/src/plugins/impact/reason_graph.mli
index d0f03c55694e1a5d10439b237934cd69bce29d10..ccdbd733b2207e905a3d7054b204fcea8a674433 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/reason_graph.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/reason_graph.mli
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 (** Why is a node impacted. The reasons will be given as [n is impacted
     by the effect of [n'], and the impact is of type reason]. *)
 type reason_type =
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/register.ml b/src/plugins/impact/register.ml
index 6dfc46429bd86b280c90ba5418fb0e552a2314bb..e9b09ca1784c2b9f1d8e547f27209b48f3284003 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/register.ml
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
+open Pdg_types
 let rec pp_stmt fmt s = match s.skind with
   | Instr _ | Return _ | Goto _ | Break _ | Continue _ | TryFinally _
   | TryExcept _ | Throw _ | TryCatch _ ->
diff --git a/src/plugins/impact/register.mli b/src/plugins/impact/register.mli
index a426a0bb2b23bc8422b0ec2a2b818d0834729721..7cdc3c047533c1b1c7e33408488ce820ba5bff83 100644
--- a/src/plugins/impact/register.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/impact/register.mli
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 val compute_pragmas: (unit -> stmt list)
 (** Compute the impact analysis from the impact pragma in the program.
     Print and slice the results according to the parameters -impact-print
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/Pdg.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/Pdg.ml
index 40d3a5633796cc24cd35e6286651003365ec1568..2472224ae4c3981e0e6720ab359d8b6f8ea034a6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/Pdg.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/Pdg.ml
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 (** Program Dependences Graph. *)
-(** Functions for this plugin are registered through the [Db] module,
-    the dynamic API, and the module Below. *)
+module Api = Api
-module Register = Register
+module Marks = Marks
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/Pdg.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/Pdg.mli
index 2fcfa88853137ba80dbddf902f353d2bbc5ac1fb..aaaefb329d90b35ec8a6078cf2d3cd5d767ca2d1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/Pdg.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/Pdg.mli
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 (** Program Dependences Graph. *)
-(** Functions for this plugin are registered through the [Db] module,
-    the dynamic API, and the module Below. *)
+module Api : module type of Api
-module Register : module type of Marks
+module Marks : module type of Marks
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/annot.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/annot.ml
index d76dc95c38da8546bce3569b83ddcadbb3fbfa54..09c37fa94373490d0eb7133f4c09be10d36bccec 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/annot.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/annot.ml
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
+open Pdg_types
 open PdgIndex
 type data_info = ((PdgTypes.Node.t * Locations.Zone.t option) list
@@ -117,13 +119,13 @@ let find_code_annot_nodes pdg stmt annot =
       let labels = decl_label_info.Db.Properties.Interp.To_zone.lbl in
       let stmt_key = Key.stmt_key stmt in
       let stmt_node = match stmt_key with
-        | Key.Stmt _ -> !Db.Pdg.find_stmt_node pdg stmt
-        | Key.CallStmt _ -> !Db.Pdg.find_call_ctrl_node pdg stmt
+        | Key.Stmt _ -> Sets.find_stmt_node pdg stmt
+        | Key.CallStmt _ -> Sets.find_call_ctrl_node pdg stmt
         | _ -> assert false
-      let ctrl_dpds = !Db.Pdg.direct_ctrl_dpds pdg stmt_node in
+      let ctrl_dpds = Sets.direct_ctrl_dpds pdg stmt_node in
       let add_stmt_nodes s acc =
-        try !Db.Pdg.find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes pdg s @ acc
+        try Sets.find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes pdg s @ acc
         with Not_found -> acc
       (* can safely ignore pragmas.ctrl
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/annot.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/annot.mli
index 8aa296375843ddb909c61cba30f6b76014ea6c3e..c46dd70667d8e4df934d0843732858f3694fa267 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/annot.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/annot.mli
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
     @raise Kernel_function.No_Definition on annotations for function declarations.
+open Pdg_types
 (** [data_info] is composed of [(node,z_part) list, undef_loc)]
  *             and correspond to data dependencies nodes.
  *             Can be None if we don't know how to compute them.
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/api.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/api.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0024018d796890a4136e964dcbc48c9d1ee97ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/api.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+[@@@ warning "-32" ]
+open Pdg_types
+type t = PdgTypes.Pdg.t
+type t_nodes_and_undef =
+  ((PdgTypes.Node.t * Locations.Zone.t option) list * Locations.Zone.t option)
+exception Top = PdgTypes.Pdg.Top
+exception Bottom = PdgTypes.Pdg.Bottom
+let self = Pdg_tbl.self
+let get = Pdg_tbl.get
+let node_key = PdgTypes.Node.elem_key
+let from_same_fun pdg1 pdg2 =
+  let kf1 =  PdgTypes.Pdg.get_kf pdg1 in
+  let kf2 =  PdgTypes.Pdg.get_kf pdg2 in
+  Kernel_function.equal kf1 kf2
+let find_decl_var_node = Sets.find_decl_var_node
+let find_entry_point_node = Sets.find_entry_point_node
+let find_top_input_node = Sets.find_top_input_node
+let find_simple_stmt_nodes = Sets.find_simple_stmt_nodes
+let find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes = Sets.find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes
+let find_stmt_node = Sets.find_stmt_node
+let find_label_node = Sets.find_label_node
+let find_location_nodes_at_stmt = Sets.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
+let find_location_nodes_at_begin = Sets.find_location_nodes_at_begin
+let find_location_nodes_at_end = Sets.find_location_nodes_at_end
+let find_call_ctrl_node = Sets.find_call_ctrl_node
+let find_call_input_node = Sets.find_call_num_input_node
+let find_call_output_node = Sets.find_call_output_node
+let find_input_node = Sets.find_input_node
+let find_ret_output_node = Sets.find_output_node
+let find_output_nodes = Sets.find_output_nodes
+let find_all_inputs_nodes = Sets.find_all_input_nodes
+let find_call_stmts = Sets.find_call_stmts
+let find_code_annot_nodes = Annot.find_code_annot_nodes
+let find_fun_precond_nodes = Annot.find_fun_precond_nodes
+let find_fun_postcond_nodes = Annot.find_fun_postcond_nodes
+let find_fun_variant_nodes = Annot.find_fun_variant_nodes
+let find_call_out_nodes_to_select = Sets.find_call_out_nodes_to_select
+let find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call =
+  Sets.find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call
+let direct_dpds = Sets.direct_dpds
+let direct_ctrl_dpds = Sets.direct_ctrl_dpds
+let direct_data_dpds = Sets.direct_data_dpds
+let direct_addr_dpds = Sets.direct_addr_dpds
+let all_dpds = Sets.find_nodes_all_dpds
+let all_ctrl_dpds = Sets.find_nodes_all_ctrl_dpds
+let all_data_dpds = Sets.find_nodes_all_data_dpds
+let all_addr_dpds = Sets.find_nodes_all_addr_dpds
+let direct_uses = Sets.direct_uses
+let direct_ctrl_uses = Sets.direct_ctrl_uses
+let direct_data_uses = Sets.direct_data_uses
+let direct_addr_uses = Sets.direct_addr_uses
+let all_uses = Sets.all_uses
+let custom_related_nodes = Sets.custom_related_nodes
+let iter_nodes = PdgTypes.Pdg.iter_nodes
+let extract = Pdg_tbl.print_dot
+let pretty_node = Pdg_tbl.pretty_node
+let pretty_key = Pdg_tbl.pretty_key
+let pretty = Pdg_tbl.pretty
+module Marks = Marks
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/api.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/api.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6094779cec4e5920a5575b27b90613eae0deaf66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/api.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
+type t = PdgTypes.Pdg.t
+(** Program Dependence Graph type *)
+type t_nodes_and_undef =
+  ((PdgTypes.Node.t * Locations.Zone.t option) list * Locations.Zone.t option)
+(** type for the return value of many [find_xxx] functions when the
+    answer can be a list of [(node, z_part)] and an [undef zone].
+    For each node, [z_part] can specify which part of the node
+    is used in terms of zone ([None] means all). *)
+exception Bottom
+(** Raised by most function when the PDG is Bottom because we can hardly do
+    nothing with it. It happens when the function is unreachable because we
+    have no information about it. *)
+exception Top
+(** Raised by most function when the PDG is Top because we can hardly do
+    nothing with it. It happens when we didn't manage to compute it, for
+    instance for a variadic function. *)
+val self : State.t
+(** PDG depedency state *)
+(** {3 Getters} *)
+val get : Cil_types.kernel_function -> t
+(** Get the PDG of a function. Build it if it doesn't exist yet. *)
+val node_key : PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgIndex.Key.t
+val from_same_fun : t -> t -> bool
+(** {Finding PDG nodes} *)
+val find_decl_var_node : t -> Cil_types.varinfo -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** Get the node corresponding the declaration of a local variable or a
+    formal parameter.
+    @raise Not_found if the variable is not declared in this function.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_ret_output_node : t -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** Get the node corresponding return stmt.
+    @raise Not_found if the output state in unreachable
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_output_nodes : t -> PdgIndex.Signature.out_key -> t_nodes_and_undef
+(** Get the nodes corresponding to a call output key in the called pdg.
+    @raise Not_found if the output state in unreachable
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_input_node : t -> int -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** Get the node corresponding to a given input (parameter).
+    @raise Not_found if the number is not an input number.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_all_inputs_nodes : t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Get the nodes corresponding to all inputs.
+    {!node_key} can be used to know their numbers.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_stmt_node : t -> Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** Get the node corresponding to the statement.
+    It shouldn't be a call statement.
+    See also {!find_simple_stmt_nodes} or {!find_call_stmts}.
+    @raise Not_found if the given statement is unreachable.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top.
+    @raise PdgIndex.CallStatement if the given stmt is a function
+    call. *)
+val find_simple_stmt_nodes : t -> Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Get the nodes corresponding to the statement.
+    It is usually composed of only one node (see {!find_stmt_node}),
+    except for call statement.
+    Be careful that for block statements, it only returns a node
+    corresponding to the elementary stmt
+                       (see {!find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes} for more)
+    @raise Not_found if the given statement is unreachable.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_label_node : t -> Cil_types.stmt -> Cil_types.label -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** Get the node corresponding to the label.
+    @raise Not_found if the given label is not in the PDG.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes : t -> Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Get the nodes corresponding to the statement like
+    {!find_simple_stmt_nodes} but also add the nodes of the enclosed
+    statements if [stmt] contains blocks.
+    @raise Not_found if the given statement is unreachable.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_top_input_node : t -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** @raise Not_found if there is no top input in the PDG.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_entry_point_node : t -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** Find the node that represent the entry point of the function, i.e. the
+    higher level block.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_location_nodes_at_stmt : t -> Cil_types.stmt -> before:bool ->
+  Locations.Zone.t -> t_nodes_and_undef
+(** Find the nodes that define the value of the location at the given
+    program point. Also return a zone that might be undefined at that point.
+    @raise Not_found if the given statement is unreachable.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_location_nodes_at_end : t -> Locations.Zone.t -> t_nodes_and_undef
+(** Same than {!find_location_nodes_at_stmt} for the program point located
+    at the end of the function.
+    @raise Not_found if the output state is unreachable.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_location_nodes_at_begin : t -> Locations.Zone.t -> t_nodes_and_undef
+(** Same than {!find_location_nodes_at_stmt} for the program point located
+    at the beginning of the function.
+    Notice that it can only find formal argument nodes.
+    The remaining zone (implicit input) is returned as undef.
+    @raise Not_found if the output state is unreachable.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_call_stmts : Cil_types.kernel_function ->
+  caller:Cil_types.kernel_function -> Cil_types.stmt list
+(** Find the call statements to the function (can maybe be somewhere
+    else).
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_call_ctrl_node : t ->  Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** @raise Not_found if the call is unreachable.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_call_input_node : t ->  Cil_types.stmt -> int -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** @raise Not_found if the call is unreachable or has no such input.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_call_output_node : t ->  Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t
+(** @raise Not_found if the call is unreachable or has no output node.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_code_annot_nodes : t -> Cil_types.stmt ->
+  Cil_types.code_annotation ->
+  PdgTypes.Node.t list * PdgTypes.Node.t list * (t_nodes_and_undef option)
+(** The result is composed of three parts :
+    - the first part of the result are the control dependencies nodes
+      of the annotation,
+    - the second part is the list of declaration nodes of the variables
+      used in the annotation;
+    - the third part is similar to [find_location_nodes_at_stmt] result
+      but  for all the locations needed by the annotation.
+      When the third part  is globally [None],
+      it means that we were not able to compute this information.
+      @raise Not_found if the statement is unreachable.
+      @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+      @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val find_fun_precond_nodes : t -> Cil_types.predicate ->
+  PdgTypes.Node.t list * (t_nodes_and_undef option)
+(** Similar to [find_code_annot_nodes] (no control dependencies nodes) *)
+val find_fun_postcond_nodes : t -> Cil_types.predicate ->
+  PdgTypes.Node.t list * (t_nodes_and_undef option)
+(** Similar to [find_fun_precond_nodes] *)
+val find_fun_variant_nodes : t -> Cil_types.term ->
+  PdgTypes.Node.t list * (t_nodes_and_undef option)
+(** Similar to [find_fun_precond_nodes] *)
+(** {3 Propagation}
+    See also [Pdg.mli] for more function that cannot be here because
+    they use polymorphic types. **)
+val find_call_out_nodes_to_select :
+  t -> PdgTypes.NodeSet.t -> t ->  Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** [find_call_out_nodes_to_select pdg_called called_selected_nodes
+    pdg_caller call_stmt]
+    @return the call outputs nodes [out] such that
+    [find_output_nodes pdg_called out_key]
+    intersects [called_selected_nodes]. *)
+val find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call :
+  t -> PdgTypes.NodeSet.t -> Cil_types.stmt -> t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** [find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call
+    pdg_caller caller_selected_nodes call_stmt pdg_called]
+    @return the called input nodes such that the corresponding nodes
+    in the caller intersect [caller_selected_nodes]
+    @raise Not_found if the statement is unreachable.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+(** {3 Dependencies} *)
+val direct_dpds :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Get the nodes to which the given node directly depend on.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val direct_ctrl_dpds :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Similar to {!direct_dpds}, but for control dependencies only.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val direct_data_dpds :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Similar to {!direct_dpds}, but for data dependencies only.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val direct_addr_dpds :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Similar to {!direct_dpds}, but for address dependencies only.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val all_dpds :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Transitive closure of {!direct_dpds} for all the given nodes.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val all_data_dpds :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Gives the data dependencies of the given nodes, and recursively, all
+    the dependencies of those nodes (regardless to their kind).
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val all_ctrl_dpds :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Similar to {!all_data_dpds} for control dependencies.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val all_addr_dpds :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Similar to {!all_data_dpds} for address dependencies.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val direct_uses :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** build a list of all the nodes that have direct dependencies on the
+    given node.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val direct_ctrl_uses :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Similar to {!direct_uses}, but for control dependencies only.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val direct_data_uses :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Similar to {!direct_uses}, but for data dependencies only.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val direct_addr_uses :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** Similar to {!direct_uses}, but for address dependencies only.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val all_uses :  t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** build a list of all the nodes that have dependencies (even indirect) on
+    the given nodes.
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val custom_related_nodes : (PdgTypes.Node.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list) ->
+  PdgTypes.Node.t list -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+(** [custom_related_nodes get_dpds node_list] build a list, starting from
+    the node in [node_list], and recursively add the nodes given by the
+    function [get_dpds].  For this function to work well, it is important
+    that [get_dpds n] returns a subset of the nodes directly related to
+    [n], ie a subset of [direct_uses] U [direct_dpds].
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+val iter_nodes : (PdgTypes.Node.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
+(** apply a given function to all the PDG nodes
+    @raise Bottom if given PDG is bottom.
+    @raise Top if the given pdg is top. *)
+(** {3 Printers} *)
+val extract : t -> string -> unit
+(** Pretty print pdg into a dot file. *)
+val pretty_node : bool -> Format.formatter -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> unit
+(** Pretty print information on a node : with [short=true], only the id
+      of the node is printed.. *)
+val pretty_key : Format.formatter -> PdgIndex.Key.t -> unit
+(** Pretty print information on a node key *)
+val pretty : ?bw:bool -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+(** For debugging... Pretty print pdg information.
+    Print codependencies rather than dependencies if [bw=true]. *)
+module Marks : module type of Marks
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/build.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/build.ml
index 256f3d9f9980db347853fa0fcef8ed3ab51deb27..34dfb781a9acc918cf7bbffb2cd0f28718053bbd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/build.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/build.ml
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
     {!module: Build.Computer} below).
+open Pdg_types
 let dkey = Pdg_parameters.register_category "build"
 let debug fmt = Pdg_parameters.debug ~dkey fmt
 let debug2 fmt = Pdg_parameters.debug ~dkey fmt ~level:2
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/build.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/build.mli
index 583fdbc47301200ea659df06ad1ba628c46044f9..6e134517409b423d3a2dab2e50cfa49f4f2a20a1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/build.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/build.mli
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 val compute_pdg : Cil_types.kernel_function -> PdgTypes.Pdg.t
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/dune b/src/plugins/pdg/dune
index 09b16b196070e41eb98cc7c8d813def69334e81c..8e02c55d171fe9f97229f4b502f4820a1885bc63 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/dune
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/dune
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
  (deps (universe))
  (action (progn
           (echo "PDG:" %{lib-available:frama-c-pdg.core} "\n")
+          (echo "  - Pdg-Types:" %{lib-available:frama-c-pdg.types.core} "\n")
           (echo "  - Callgraph:" %{lib-available:frama-c-callgraph.core} "\n")
           (echo "  - Eva:" %{lib-available:frama-c-eva.core} "\n")
           (echo "  - From:" %{lib-available:frama-c-from.core} "\n")
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
   (public_name frama-c-pdg.core)
   (flags -open Frama_c_kernel :standard -w -9)
-  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c-callgraph.core frama-c-from.core frama-c-eva.core)
+  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c-pdg.types.core frama-c-callgraph.core frama-c-from.core frama-c-eva.core)
 (plugin (optional) (name pdg) (libraries frama-c-pdg.core) (site (frama-c plugins)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/marks.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/marks.ml
index 272b5b1ad9fe0928b90ed766e1c06a0345f5afcc..6330ce5fb40bb8dfbe87e315f1ed4c2639b905d1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/marks.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/marks.ml
@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-open PdgIndex
 open Cil_datatype
+open Pdg_types
+open PdgIndex
 (** compute the marks to propagate in the caller nodes from the marks of
  * a function inputs [in_marks].
@@ -36,12 +38,12 @@ let in_marks_to_caller pdg call m2m ?(rqs=[]) in_marks =
   let build rqs (in_key, m) =
     match in_key with
     | Signature.InCtrl ->
-      add_n_m rqs (!Db.Pdg.find_call_ctrl_node pdg call) None m
+      add_n_m rqs (Sets.find_call_ctrl_node pdg call) None m
     | Signature.InNum in_num ->
-      add_n_m rqs (!Db.Pdg.find_call_input_node pdg call in_num) None m
+      add_n_m rqs (Sets.find_call_num_input_node pdg call in_num) None m
     | Signature.InImpl zone ->
       let nodes, undef =
-        !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg call ~before:true zone
+        Sets.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg call ~before:true zone
       let rqs =
         List.fold_left (fun acc (n,z) -> add_n_m acc n z m) rqs nodes in
@@ -64,10 +66,10 @@ let translate_in_marks pdg_called in_new_marks
     in_marks_to_caller pdg call (m2m (Some call) pdg) ~rqs in_new_marks
   let build rqs caller =
-    let pdg_caller = !Db.Pdg.get caller in
+    let pdg_caller = Pdg_tbl.get caller in
     let caller_rqs =
-        let call_stmts = !Db.Pdg.find_call_stmts ~caller kf_called in
+        let call_stmts = Sets.find_call_stmts ~caller kf_called in
         (* TODO : more intelligent merge ? *)
         let rqs = List.fold_left (translate pdg_caller) [] call_stmts in
         PdgMarks.SelList rqs
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ let call_out_marks_to_called called_pdg m2m ?(rqs=[]) out_marks =
 let translate_out_mark _pdg m2m other_rqs (call, l) =
   let add_list l_out_m rqs called_kf  =
-    let called_pdg = !Db.Pdg.get called_kf in
+    let called_pdg = Pdg_tbl.get called_kf in
     let m2m = m2m (Some call) called_pdg in
       let node_marks =
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ module F_Proj (C : PdgMarks.Config) :
     let fct_var = Kernel_function.get_vi kf in
     try Varinfo.Hashtbl.find proj fct_var
     with Not_found ->
-      let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+      let pdg = Pdg_tbl.get kf in
       let info = F.create pdg in
       Varinfo.Hashtbl.add proj fct_var info;
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/marks.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/marks.mli
index 55a303293f931a46d482ff89bc32e84d1ad9666d..846aeae6adace9a638d1fbda719eff249dec6731 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/marks.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/marks.mli
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 open PdgMarks
 (** [in_marks_to_caller] translate the input information part returned by
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_state.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_state.ml
index 276f231efbe10bc51e0dd8891540a12b56feb943..b5c081a3438d810f876fa6b30fe4f949be98804e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_state.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_state.ml
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 let dkey = Pdg_parameters.register_category "state"
 module P = Pdg_parameters
+open Pdg_types
 open PdgTypes
 exception Cannot_fold
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_state.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_state.mli
index a108bd99666eca31c374ce242e6a9c50e1a7134b..72f8297b41a2e8f42130aca2aed6dbe160cb99ce 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_state.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_state.mli
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 exception Cannot_fold
+open Pdg_types
 open PdgTypes
 (** Types data_state and Node.t come froms this module *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_tbl.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_tbl.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5603732213786a2cc7020bd13272323edd35081c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_tbl.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
+type t = PdgTypes.Pdg.t
+let compute = Build.compute_pdg
+module Tbl =
+  Kernel_function.Make_Table
+    (PdgTypes.Pdg)
+    (struct
+      let name = "Pdg.State"
+      let dependencies = [] (* postponed because !Db.From.self may
+                               not exist yet *)
+      let size = 17
+    end)
+let self = Tbl.self
+let get = Tbl.memo compute
+let pretty ?(bw=false) fmt pdg =
+  let kf = PdgTypes.Pdg.get_kf pdg in
+  Format.fprintf fmt "@[RESULT for %s:@]@\n@[ %a@]"
+    (Kernel_function.get_name kf) (PdgTypes.Pdg.pretty_bw ~bw) pdg
+let pretty_node short =
+  if short then PdgTypes.Node.pretty
+  else PdgTypes.Node.pretty_node
+let print_dot pdg filename =
+  PdgTypes.Pdg.build_dot filename pdg;
+  Pdg_parameters.feedback "dot file generated in %s" filename
+let pretty_key = PdgIndex.Key.pretty
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_tbl.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_tbl.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..541731a591138e8f100578e57827682b488da976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_tbl.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
+type t = PdgTypes.Pdg.t
+val self : State.t
+val get : Cil_types.kernel_function -> t
+(** Get the PDG of a function. Build it if it doesn't exist yet. *)
+(** {3 Pretty printing} *)
+val pretty_node : bool -> Format.formatter -> PdgTypes.Node.t -> unit
+(** Pretty print information on a node : with [short=true], only the id
+      of the node is printed.. *)
+val pretty_key : Format.formatter -> PdgIndex.Key.t -> unit
+(** Pretty print information on a node key *)
+val pretty : ?bw:bool -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+(** For debugging... Pretty print pdg information.
+    Print codependencies rather than dependencies if [bw=true]. *)
+val print_dot : t -> string -> unit
+(** Pretty print pdg into a dot file. *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/Pdg_types.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/Pdg_types.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a27209b47941a8551ffbe793be5f98d714307ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/Pdg_types.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module PdgIndex = PdgIndex
+module PdgMarks = PdgMarks
+module PdgTypes = PdgTypes
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/Pdg_types.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/Pdg_types.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edc3a0fd49034f42631a26719c9338ac75e292ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/Pdg_types.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module PdgIndex: module type of PdgIndex
+module PdgMarks: module type of PdgMarks
+module PdgTypes: module type of PdgTypes
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/dune b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..722fae390011c23904d8646cfcfbd7e30f6c06e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+;;                                                                        ;;
+;;  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         ;;
+;;                                                                        ;;
+;;  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               ;;
+;;    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              ;;
+;;         alternatives)                                                  ;;
+;;                                                                        ;;
+;;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   ;;
+;;  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       ;;
+;;  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              ;;
+;;                                                                        ;;
+;;  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 ;;
+;;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        ;;
+;;  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   ;;
+;;                                                                        ;;
+;;  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 ;;
+;;  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            ;;
+;;                                                                        ;;
+ (alias frama-c-configure)
+ (deps (universe))
+ (action (progn
+          (echo "Pdg-Types:" %{lib-available:frama-c-pdg.types.core} "\n")
+  )
+  )
+( library
+ (name Pdg_types)
+  (optional)
+  (public_name frama-c-pdg.types.core)
+  (flags -open Frama_c_kernel :standard -w -9)
+  (libraries frama-c.kernel)
+(plugin (optional) (name pdg-types) (libraries frama-c-pdg.types.core) (site (frama-c plugins)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/frama-c-pdg-types.opam b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/frama-c-pdg-types.opam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgIndex.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgIndex.ml
similarity index 100%
rename from src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgIndex.ml
rename to src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgIndex.ml
diff --git a/src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgIndex.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgIndex.mli
similarity index 100%
rename from src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgIndex.mli
rename to src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgIndex.mli
diff --git a/src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgMarks.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgMarks.ml
similarity index 100%
rename from src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgMarks.ml
rename to src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgMarks.ml
diff --git a/src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgMarks.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgMarks.mli
similarity index 100%
rename from src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgMarks.mli
rename to src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgMarks.mli
diff --git a/src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
similarity index 100%
rename from src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
rename to src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgTypes.ml
diff --git a/src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgTypes.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgTypes.mli
similarity index 100%
rename from src/kernel_externals/pdg_types/pdgTypes.mli
rename to src/plugins/pdg/pdg_types/pdgTypes.mli
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/register.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/register.ml
index 4f707e7ffeb43572c405893f74411acb98b2b560..8217fb8ccc0794e95ec2b72c7178730c50fa990c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/register.ml
@@ -20,104 +20,18 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-let compute = Build.compute_pdg
-let pretty ?(bw=false) fmt pdg =
-  let kf = PdgTypes.Pdg.get_kf pdg in
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[RESULT for %s:@]@\n@[ %a@]"
-    (Kernel_function.get_name kf) (PdgTypes.Pdg.pretty_bw ~bw) pdg
+open Pdg_types
-let pretty_node short =
-  if short then PdgTypes.Node.pretty
-  else PdgTypes.Node.pretty_node
-let print_dot pdg filename =
-  PdgTypes.Pdg.build_dot filename pdg;
-  Pdg_parameters.feedback "dot file generated in %s" filename
-module Tbl =
-  Kernel_function.Make_Table
-    (PdgTypes.Pdg)
-    (struct
-      let name = "Pdg.State"
-      let dependencies = [] (* postponed because !Db.From.self may
-                               not exist yet *)
-      let size = 17
-    end)
 let () =
     (fun () ->
-         ~onto:Tbl.self
+         ~onto:Pdg_tbl.self
          [ !Db.From.self ])
-(** Register external functions into Db. *)
-let () =
-  Db.Pdg.self := Tbl.self;
-  Db.Pdg.get := Tbl.memo compute;
-  Db.Pdg.node_key :=  PdgTypes.Node.elem_key;
-  Db.Pdg.find_decl_var_node := Sets.find_decl_var_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_entry_point_node := Sets.find_entry_point_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_top_input_node := Sets.find_top_input_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_simple_stmt_nodes := Sets.find_simple_stmt_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes := Sets.find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.find_stmt_node := Sets.find_stmt_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_label_node := Sets.find_label_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt := Sets.find_location_nodes_at_stmt;
-  Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_begin := Sets.find_location_nodes_at_begin;
-  Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_end := Sets.find_location_nodes_at_end;
-  Db.Pdg.find_call_ctrl_node := Sets.find_call_ctrl_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_call_input_node := Sets.find_call_num_input_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_call_output_node := Sets.find_call_output_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_input_node := Sets.find_input_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_ret_output_node := Sets.find_output_node;
-  Db.Pdg.find_output_nodes := Sets.find_output_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.find_all_inputs_nodes := Sets.find_all_input_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.find_call_stmts := Sets.find_call_stmts;
-  Db.Pdg.find_code_annot_nodes := Annot.find_code_annot_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.find_fun_precond_nodes := Annot.find_fun_precond_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.find_fun_postcond_nodes := Annot.find_fun_postcond_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.find_call_out_nodes_to_select := Sets.find_call_out_nodes_to_select;
-  Db.Pdg.find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call :=
-    Sets.find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call;
-  Db.Pdg.direct_dpds := Sets.direct_dpds;
-  Db.Pdg.direct_ctrl_dpds := Sets.direct_ctrl_dpds;
-  Db.Pdg.direct_data_dpds := Sets.direct_data_dpds;
-  Db.Pdg.direct_addr_dpds := Sets.direct_addr_dpds;
-  Db.Pdg.all_dpds := Sets.find_nodes_all_dpds;
-  Db.Pdg.all_ctrl_dpds := Sets.find_nodes_all_ctrl_dpds;
-  Db.Pdg.all_data_dpds := Sets.find_nodes_all_data_dpds;
-  Db.Pdg.all_addr_dpds := Sets.find_nodes_all_addr_dpds;
-  Db.Pdg.direct_uses := Sets.direct_uses;
-  Db.Pdg.direct_ctrl_uses := Sets.direct_ctrl_uses;
-  Db.Pdg.direct_data_uses := Sets.direct_data_uses;
-  Db.Pdg.direct_addr_uses := Sets.direct_addr_uses;
-  Db.Pdg.all_uses := Sets.all_uses;
-  Db.Pdg.custom_related_nodes := Sets.custom_related_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.iter_nodes := PdgTypes.Pdg.iter_nodes;
-  Db.Pdg.pretty := pretty ;
-  Db.Pdg.pretty_node := pretty_node ;
-  Db.Pdg.pretty_key := PdgIndex.Key.pretty;
-  Db.Pdg.extract := print_dot
-(* This module contains polymorphic functions : cannot be registered in Db.
-   Can be used through Pdg.Register instead (see Pdg.mli) *)
-include Marks
 let deps =
-  [!Db.Pdg.self; Pdg_parameters.BuildAll.self; Pdg_parameters.BuildFct.self]
+  [Pdg_tbl.self; Pdg_parameters.BuildAll.self; Pdg_parameters.BuildFct.self]
 let () = Pdg_parameters.BuildAll.set_output_dependencies deps
@@ -130,11 +44,11 @@ let compute () =
   Eva.Analysis.compute ();
   let do_kf_pdg kf =
     if compute_for_kf kf then
-      let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+      let pdg = Pdg_tbl.get kf in
       let dot_basename = Pdg_parameters.DotBasename.get () in
       if dot_basename <> "" then
         let fname = Kernel_function.get_name kf in
-        !Db.Pdg.extract pdg (dot_basename ^ "." ^ fname ^ ".dot")
+        Pdg_tbl.print_dot pdg (dot_basename ^ "." ^ fname ^ ".dot")
   Callgraph.Uses.iter_in_rev_order do_kf_pdg;
   let pp_sep fmt () = Format.pp_print_string fmt "," in
@@ -151,7 +65,7 @@ let output () =
   let bw  = Pdg_parameters.PrintBw.get () in
   let do_kf_pdg kf =
     if compute_for_kf kf then
-      let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+      let pdg = Pdg_tbl.get kf in
       let header fmt =
         Format.fprintf fmt "PDG for %a" Kernel_function.pretty kf
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/register.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/register.mli
index a99bfbabb26f9923ead07b600345bf705b0b6757..a7f49285d2960e715b6059dcd0fbfc316c2c6360 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/register.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/register.mli
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-include module type of Marks
+(* empty *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/sets.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/sets.ml
index 275477477b083ab80dca3d0e8df4ae8a95a30e96..846b30c2540db37082090965d0a76a07d422b553 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/sets.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/sets.ml
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 (** Provides function to extract information from the PDG. *)
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 open PdgIndex
 type nodes_and_undef =
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/sets.mli b/src/plugins/pdg/sets.mli
index a416d993e6975611bf9612afb1c25d71a28ee41d..27c12193321a174aad89fcd0e57f19643b355c6d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/sets.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/sets.mli
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 (** PDG (program dependence graph) access functions. *)
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 type nodes_and_undef =
   (PdgTypes.Node.t * Locations.Zone.t option) list * Locations.Zone.t option
diff --git a/src/plugins/postdominators/print.ml b/src/plugins/postdominators/print.ml
index 6ff5e94dd085ea9bafddbe2bd0a0f78f66928221..56e3d81e8ee858dcef7e14a2888dd4a7a516cf80 100644
--- a/src/plugins/postdominators/print.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/postdominators/print.ml
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
 open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
-let pretty_stmt fmt s =
-  let key = PdgIndex.Key.stmt_key s in !Db.Pdg.pretty_key fmt key
+let pretty_stmt fmt s = Cil_printer.pp_stmt fmt s
 module Printer = struct
diff --git a/src/plugins/scope/defs.ml b/src/plugins/scope/defs.ml
index 2e7fbdbdf8694c5424314143013f4681865576b5..b7783e9f5e508440367136109324a5fb629805e9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/scope/defs.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/scope/defs.ml
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 open Cil_datatype
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 let debug1 fmt = Datascope.R.debug ~level:1 fmt
 module Interproc =
@@ -60,19 +62,19 @@ let _pp_set prefix fmt =
 let rec add_callee_nodes z acc nodes =
   let new_nodes, acc = NSet.fold
       (fun node acc2 ->
-         match !Db.Pdg.node_key node with
+         match Pdg.Api.node_key node with
          | PdgIndex.Key.SigCallKey (cid, PdgIndex.Signature.Out out_key) ->
            let callees = Eva.Results.callee (PdgIndex.Key.call_from_id cid) in
            List.fold_left (fun (new_nodes, acc) kf ->
-               let callee_pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+               let callee_pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
                let outputs = match out_key with
                  | PdgIndex.Signature.OutLoc out ->
                    (* [out] might be an over-approximation of the location
                       we are searching for. We refine the search if needed. *)
                    let z = Locations.Zone.narrow out z in
-                   fst (!Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_end callee_pdg z)
+                   fst (Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_end callee_pdg z)
                  | PdgIndex.Signature.OutRet -> (* probably never occurs *)
-                   fst (!Db.Pdg.find_output_nodes callee_pdg out_key)
+                   fst (Pdg.Api.find_output_nodes callee_pdg out_key)
                let outputs = List.map fst outputs in
                add_list_to_set outputs new_nodes, add_list_to_set outputs acc)
@@ -99,25 +101,25 @@ let rec add_caller_nodes z kf acc (undef, nodes) =
       | None -> acc_undef, acc
       | Some undef ->
         let nodes_for_undef, undef' =
-          !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg stmt ~before:true undef
+          Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg stmt ~before:true undef
         let acc_undef = join_undef acc_undef undef' in
         let acc = add_list_to_set (List.map fst nodes_for_undef) acc in
         acc_undef, acc
     let add_call_input_nodes node (acc_undef, acc) =
-      match !Db.Pdg.node_key node with
+      match Pdg.Api.node_key node with
       | PdgIndex.Key.SigKey (PdgIndex.Signature.In in_key) ->
         begin match in_key with
           | PdgIndex.Signature.InCtrl ->
             (* We only look for the values *)
             acc_undef, acc
           | PdgIndex.Signature.InNum n_param ->
-            let n = !Db.Pdg.find_call_input_node pdg stmt n_param in
+            let n = Pdg.Api.find_call_input_node pdg stmt n_param in
             acc_undef, NSet.add n acc
           | PdgIndex.Signature.InImpl z' ->
             let z = Locations.Zone.narrow z z' in
-            let nodes, undef'= !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
+            let nodes, undef'= Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
                 pdg stmt ~before:true z
             let acc_undef = join_undef acc_undef undef' in
@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ let rec add_caller_nodes z kf acc (undef, nodes) =
     NSet.fold add_call_input_nodes nodes (acc_undef, acc)
   let add_one_caller_nodes acc (kf, stmts) =
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
     let acc_undef, caller_nodes =
       List.fold_left (add_one_call_nodes pdg) (None, NSet.empty) stmts
     in add_caller_nodes z kf (NSet.union caller_nodes acc) (acc_undef, caller_nodes)
@@ -138,9 +140,9 @@ let compute_aux kf stmt zone =
   debug1 "[Defs.compute] for %a at sid:%d in '%a'@."
     Locations.Zone.pretty zone stmt.sid Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
     let nodes, undef =
-      !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg stmt ~before:true zone
+      Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg stmt ~before:true zone
     let nodes = add_list_to_set (List.map fst nodes) NSet.empty  in
     let nodes =
@@ -152,13 +154,13 @@ let compute_aux kf stmt zone =
       else nodes
     Some (nodes, undef)
-  with Db.Pdg.Bottom | Db.Pdg.Top | Not_found ->
+  with Pdg.Api.Bottom | Pdg.Api.Top | Not_found ->
 let compute kf stmt lval =
   let extract (nodes, undef) =
     let add_node node defs =
-      match PdgIndex.Key.stmt (!Db.Pdg.node_key node) with
+      match PdgIndex.Key.stmt (Pdg.Api.node_key node) with
       | None -> defs
       | Some s -> Stmt.Hptset.add s defs
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ let compute_with_def_type_zone kf stmt zone =
         let after = (direct || prev_d, indirect || pred_i) in
         Stmt.Map.add stmt after acc
-      match !Db.Pdg.node_key node with
+      match Pdg.Api.node_key node with
       | PdgIndex.Key.Stmt s -> change s (true, false)
       | PdgIndex.Key.CallStmt _ -> assert false
       | PdgIndex.Key.SigCallKey (s, sign) ->
diff --git a/src/plugins/scope/dune b/src/plugins/scope/dune
index 95c81426d4f4e3e8411ac1a494d109152f432b38..82e4e62e6002f60ee6ee6b9267438cf6dd4e304e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/scope/dune
+++ b/src/plugins/scope/dune
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
           (echo "Scope:" %{lib-available:frama-c-scope.core} "\n")
           (echo "  - Eva:" %{lib-available:frama-c-eva.core} "\n")
           (echo "  - Inout:" %{lib-available:frama-c-inout.core} "\n")
+          (echo "  - Pdg:" %{lib-available:frama-c-pdg.core} "\n")
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
   (public_name frama-c-scope.core)
   (flags -open Frama_c_kernel :standard -w -9)
-  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c-eva.core frama-c-inout.core)
+  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c-eva.core frama-c-inout.core frama-c-pdg.core)
 (plugin (optional) (name scope) (libraries frama-c-scope.core) (site (frama-c plugins)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/scope/zones.ml b/src/plugins/scope/zones.ml
index aa02df158d8b3d246e59e501748f8fdf5dd3ae08..ba308e499fa2110d4aef18bbe2f29c18c890d9e8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/scope/zones.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/scope/zones.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 module R = Datascope.R
 let debug1 fmt = R.debug ~level:1 fmt
 let debug2 fmt = R.debug ~level:2 fmt
@@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ let compute_ctrl_info pdg ctrl_part used_stmts =
   let module CtrlCompute = Dataflow2.Backwards(CtrlComputer) in
   let seen = Stmt.Hashtbl.create 50 in
   let rec add_node_ctrl_nodes new_stmts node =
-    let ctrl_nodes = !Db.Pdg.direct_ctrl_dpds pdg node in
+    let ctrl_nodes = Pdg.Api.direct_ctrl_dpds pdg node in
     List.fold_left add_ctrl_node new_stmts ctrl_nodes
   and add_ctrl_node new_stmts ctrl_node =
     debug2 "[zones] add ctrl node %a@." PdgTypes.Node.pretty ctrl_node;
@@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ let compute_ctrl_info pdg ctrl_part used_stmts =
     if Stmt.Hashtbl.mem seen stmt then new_stmts
     else begin
       Stmt.Hashtbl.add seen stmt ();
-      match !Db.Pdg.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg stmt with
+      match Pdg.Api.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg stmt with
       | [] -> []
       | n::_ -> add_node_ctrl_nodes new_stmts n
@@ -323,7 +325,7 @@ let compute kf stmt lval =
   let used_stmts = DataComputer.get_and_reset_used_stmts () in
   let all_used_stmts =
     if used_stmts = [] then []
-    else compute_ctrl_info (!Db.Pdg.get kf) ctrl_part used_stmts
+    else compute_ctrl_info (Pdg.Api.get kf) ctrl_part used_stmts
   let all_used_stmts =
diff --git a/src/plugins/security_slicing/components.ml b/src/plugins/security_slicing/components.ml
index 629fa05f3835588deac0848a4d24514a7f93b89f..e28a649eb889d5ade1e2af1bf5e0072e8607ad8b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/security_slicing/components.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/security_slicing/components.ml
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
+open Pdg_types
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
 (** {2 Searching security annotations} *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ let search_security_requirements () =
 open PdgIndex
-let get_node_stmt node = Key.stmt (!Db.Pdg.node_key node)
+let get_node_stmt node = Key.stmt (Pdg.Api.node_key node)
 module NodeKf = Datatype.Pair(PdgTypes.Node)(Kernel_function)
@@ -246,26 +248,26 @@ module Todolist : sig
   type todo = private
     { node: PdgTypes.Node.t;
       kf: kernel_function;
-      pdg: Db.Pdg.t;
+      pdg: Pdg.Api.t;
       callstack_length: int;
       from_deep: bool }
   type t = todo list
-  val mk_init: kernel_function -> Db.Pdg.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> todo list
+  val mk_init: kernel_function -> Pdg.Api.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> todo list
   val add:
-    PdgTypes.Node.t -> kernel_function -> Db.Pdg.t -> int -> bool -> t -> t
+    PdgTypes.Node.t -> kernel_function -> Pdg.Api.t -> int -> bool -> t -> t
 end = struct
   type todo =
     { node: PdgTypes.Node.t;
       kf: kernel_function;
-      pdg: Db.Pdg.t;
+      pdg: Pdg.Api.t;
       callstack_length: int;
       from_deep: bool }
   type t = todo list
   let add n kf pdg len fd list =
-    match !Db.Pdg.node_key n with
+    match Pdg.Api.node_key n with
     | Key.SigKey (Signature.In Signature.InCtrl) ->
       (* do not consider node [InCtrl]  *)
@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ end = struct
     | _ ->
       Security_slicing_parameters.debug ~level:2 "adding node %a (in %s)"
-        (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node false) n
+        (Pdg.Api.pretty_node false) n
         (Kernel_function.get_name kf);
       { node = n; kf = kf; pdg = pdg;
         callstack_length = len; from_deep = fd }
@@ -301,7 +303,7 @@ module Component = struct
     | Forward of fwd_kind
   type value =
-    { pdg: Db.Pdg.t;
+    { pdg: Pdg.Api.t;
       mutable callstack_length: int;
       mutable direct: bool;
       mutable indirect_backward: bool;
@@ -356,15 +358,15 @@ module Component = struct
     (* do not consider address dependencies now (except for impact analysis):
        just consider them during the last slicing pass
        (for semantic preservation of pointers) *)
-    let direct node = !Db.Pdg.direct_data_dpds pdg node in
+    let direct node = Pdg.Api.direct_data_dpds pdg node in
     match kind with
     | Direct -> direct node
-    | Indirect_Backward -> direct node @ !Db.Pdg.direct_ctrl_dpds pdg node
+    | Indirect_Backward -> direct node @ Pdg.Api.direct_ctrl_dpds pdg node
     | Forward Security ->
-      !Db.Pdg.direct_data_uses pdg node @ !Db.Pdg.direct_ctrl_uses pdg node
+      Pdg.Api.direct_data_uses pdg node @ Pdg.Api.direct_ctrl_uses pdg node
     | Forward Impact ->
-      !Db.Pdg.direct_data_uses pdg node @ !Db.Pdg.direct_ctrl_uses pdg node
-      @ !Db.Pdg.direct_addr_uses pdg node
+      Pdg.Api.direct_data_uses pdg node @ Pdg.Api.direct_ctrl_uses pdg node
+      @ Pdg.Api.direct_addr_uses pdg node
   let search_input kind kf lazy_l =
@@ -378,18 +380,18 @@ module Component = struct
   let add_from_deep caller todo n =
-    Todolist.add n caller (!Db.Pdg.get caller) 0 true todo
+    Todolist.add n caller (Pdg.Api.get caller) 0 true todo
   let forward_caller kf node todolist =
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
       (fun todolist (caller, callsites) ->
          (* foreach caller *)
            (fun todolist callsite ->
               let nodes =
-                !Db.Pdg.find_call_out_nodes_to_select
-                  pdg (PdgTypes.NodeSet.singleton node) (!Db.Pdg.get caller) callsite
+                Pdg.Api.find_call_out_nodes_to_select
+                  pdg (PdgTypes.NodeSet.singleton node) (Pdg.Api.get caller) callsite
                 (add_from_deep caller)
@@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ module Component = struct
           end else begin
               ~level:2 "considering node %a (in %s)"
-              (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node false) node
+              (Pdg.Api.pretty_node false) node
               (Kernel_function.get_name kf);
             (* intraprocedural related_nodes *)
             let related_nodes = one_step_related_nodes kind pdg node in
@@ -448,7 +450,7 @@ module Component = struct
                      for zone %a@."  (Kernel_function.get_name kf)
                      (Kernel_function.get_name caller)
                      Locations.Zone.pretty zone;*)
-                  let pdg_caller = !Db.Pdg.get caller in
+                  let pdg_caller = Pdg.Api.get caller in
                   let do_call todolist callsite =
                     match kind with
                     | Direct | Indirect_Backward ->
@@ -465,13 +467,13 @@ module Component = struct
             let todolist =
-              match !Db.Pdg.node_key node with
+              match Pdg.Api.node_key node with
               | Key.SigKey (Signature.In Signature.InCtrl) ->
                 assert false
               | Key.SigKey (Signature.In (Signature.InImpl zone)) ->
                 let compute_nodes pdg_caller callsite =
                   let nodes, _undef_zone =
-                    !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
+                    Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
                       pdg_caller callsite ~before:true zone
                       (* TODO : use undef_zone (see FS#201)? *)
@@ -484,9 +486,9 @@ module Component = struct
                 let compute_nodes pdg_caller callsite =
                   [ match key with
                     | Signature.In (Signature.InNum n) ->
-                      !Db.Pdg.find_call_input_node pdg_caller callsite n
+                      Pdg.Api.find_call_input_node pdg_caller callsite n
                     | Signature.Out Signature.OutRet  ->
-                      !Db.Pdg.find_call_output_node pdg_caller callsite
+                      Pdg.Api.find_call_output_node pdg_caller callsite
                     | Signature.In
                         (Signature.InCtrl | Signature.InImpl _)
                     | Signature.Out _ ->
@@ -511,14 +513,14 @@ module Component = struct
                            "[security] search inside %s (from %s)@."
                            (Kernel_function.get_name called_kf)
                            (Kernel_function.get_name kf);*)
-                         let called_pdg = !Db.Pdg.get called_kf in
+                         let called_pdg = Pdg.Api.get called_kf in
                          let nodes =
                              match kind, key with
                              | (Direct | Indirect_Backward),
                                Signature.Out out_key  ->
                                let nodes, _undef_zone =
-                                 !Db.Pdg.find_output_nodes called_pdg out_key
+                                 Pdg.Api.find_output_nodes called_pdg out_key
                                  (* TODO: use undef_zone (see FS#201) *)
                                let nodes =
@@ -527,28 +529,28 @@ module Component = struct
                              | _, Signature.In (Signature.InNum n) ->
                                search_input kind called_kf
-                                 (lazy [!Db.Pdg.find_input_node called_pdg n])
+                                 (lazy [Pdg.Api.find_input_node called_pdg n])
                              | _, Signature.In Signature.InCtrl ->
                                search_input kind called_kf
-                                   [!Db.Pdg.find_entry_point_node called_pdg])
+                                   [Pdg.Api.find_entry_point_node called_pdg])
                              | _, Signature.In (Signature.InImpl _) ->
                                assert false
                              | Forward _, Signature.Out _ ->
-                           | Db.Pdg.Top ->
+                           | Pdg.Api.Top ->
                                "no precise pdg for function %s. \n\
                                 Ignoring this function in the analysis (potentially incorrect results)."
                                (Kernel_function.get_name called_kf);
-                           | Db.Pdg.Bottom | Not_found -> assert false
+                           | Pdg.Api.Bottom | Not_found -> assert false
                            (fun todo n ->
                               (*Format.printf "node %a inside %s@."
-                                (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node false) n
+                                (Pdg.Api.pretty_node false) n
                                 (Kernel_function.get_name called_kf);*)
                                 n called_kf called_pdg
@@ -584,16 +586,16 @@ module Component = struct
                           let from_stmt = List.fold_left
                               (fun s n -> PdgTypes.NodeSet.add n s)
                               PdgTypes.NodeSet.empty from_stmt in
-                          let called_pdg = !Db.Pdg.get called_kf in
+                          let called_pdg = Pdg.Api.get called_kf in
                           let nodes =
-                              !Db.Pdg.find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call
+                              Pdg.Api.find_in_nodes_to_select_for_this_call
                                 pdg from_stmt stmt called_pdg
-                            | Db.Pdg.Top ->
+                            | Pdg.Api.Top ->
                               (* warning already emitted in the previous fold *)
-                            | Db.Pdg.Bottom | Not_found -> assert false
+                            | Pdg.Api.Bottom | Not_found -> assert false
                             (fun todo n ->
@@ -623,10 +625,10 @@ module Component = struct
   let initial_nodes kf stmt =
       ~level:3 "computing initial nodes for %d" stmt.sid;
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
     let nodes =
       if Eva.Results.is_reachable stmt then
-        try !Db.Pdg.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg stmt
+        try Pdg.Api.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg stmt
         with Not_found -> assert false
       else begin
@@ -654,7 +656,7 @@ module Component = struct
-    with Db.Pdg.Top | Db.Pdg.Bottom ->
+    with Pdg.Api.Top | Pdg.Api.Bottom ->
       Security_slicing_parameters.warning "PDG is not manageable. skipping.";
@@ -665,7 +667,7 @@ module Component = struct
         "computing backward indirect component for %d" stmt.sid;
       related_nodes_of_nodes Indirect_Backward res nodes
-    with Db.Pdg.Top | Db.Pdg.Bottom ->
+    with Pdg.Api.Top | Pdg.Api.Bottom ->
       Security_slicing_parameters.warning "PDG is not manageable. skipping.";
@@ -855,7 +857,7 @@ let slice ctrl =
   let slicing = !Slicing.Project.mk_project name in
   let select (n, kf) sel =
     Security_slicing_parameters.debug ~level:2 "selecting %a (of %s)"
-      (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node false) n
+      (Pdg.Api.pretty_node false) n
       (Kernel_function.get_name kf);
diff --git a/src/plugins/security_slicing/dune b/src/plugins/security_slicing/dune
index 91009d8a81921bc390fd8964c6fdd617c764c233..4e24b20cfd4e2c6103fd71897dc204be5fe01bcb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/security_slicing/dune
+++ b/src/plugins/security_slicing/dune
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
  (action (progn
           (echo "Security Slicing:" %{lib-available:frama-c-security_slicing.core} "\n")
           (echo "  - Eva:" %{lib-available:frama-c-eva.core} "\n")
+          (echo "  - Pdg:" %{lib-available:frama-c-pdg.core} "\n")
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@
   (public_name frama-c-security_slicing.core)
   (flags -open Frama_c_kernel :standard -w -9)
-  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c-eva.core)
+  (libraries frama-c.kernel frama-c-eva.core frama-c-pdg.core)
 (plugin (optional) (name security_slicing) (libraries frama-c-security_slicing.core) (site (frama-c plugins)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/api.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/api.mli
index 2a0af61952fbb5e2b4ef8ed5550aed059a351773..c1b4b19a0d97e6391031f0fb39fb5ac64367937a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/api.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/api.mli
@@ -306,6 +306,8 @@ module Select : sig
   (** {3 Pdg selectors.} *)
+  open Pdg_types
   val select_pdg_nodes :
     set -> Mark.t -> PdgTypes.Node.t list -> Cil_types.kernel_function -> set
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/fct_slice.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/fct_slice.ml
index b470412386a2539a15b5fd3c3b3fb857fa5de024..43be72e63ec8990bfab89552dde3857cebd463e6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/fct_slice.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/fct_slice.ml
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 (* Look at (only once) the callers of [kf] ([kf] included). *)
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ end = struct
   let merge ff1 ff2 =
     let pdg1, fm1 = ff1.SlicingInternals.ff_marks in
     let pdg2, fm2 = ff2.SlicingInternals.ff_marks in
-    assert (Db.Pdg.from_same_fun pdg1 pdg2) ;
+    assert (Pdg.Api.from_same_fun pdg1 pdg2) ;
     let merge_marks m1 m2 = SlicingMarks.merge_marks [m1; m2] in
     let merge_call_info _c1 _c2 = None in
     let fm = PdgIndex.FctIndex.merge fm1 fm2 merge_marks merge_call_info in
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ end = struct
     let m2m s m =
       let key = match s with
         | PdgMarks.SelIn loc -> PdgIndex.Key.implicit_in_key loc
-        | PdgMarks.SelNode (n,_z) -> !Db.Pdg.node_key n
+        | PdgMarks.SelNode (n,_z) -> Pdg.Api.node_key n
       let old_m = get_mark old_marks key in
       let add_mark =
@@ -436,7 +437,7 @@ end = struct
         SlicingParameters.debug ~level:2
           "[Fct_Slice.FctMarks.marks_for_caller_inputs] for %a : \
            old=%a new=%a -> %a"
-          !Db.Pdg.pretty_key key SlicingMarks.pretty_mark old_m
+          Pdg.Api.pretty_key key SlicingMarks.pretty_mark old_m
           SlicingMarks.pretty_mark m
           (match new_m with None -> SlicingMarks.bottom_mark | Some m -> m);
@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ end = struct
     let new_input_marks =
-      Pdg.Register.in_marks_to_caller pdg_caller call m2m in_info in
+      Pdg.Marks.in_marks_to_caller pdg_caller call m2m in_info in
     new_input_marks, !new_input
   let marks_for_call_outputs (_, out_info) = out_info
@@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ end = struct
       let pdg = SlicingMacros.get_ff_pdg ff_call in
       let spare = SlicingMarks.mk_gen_spare in
       let rec add2 marks n =
-        match !Db.Pdg.node_key n with
+        match Pdg.Api.node_key n with
         | PdgIndex.Key.SigCallKey (_, (PdgIndex.Signature.In _)) ->
         | PdgIndex.Key.SigCallKey (_, (PdgIndex.Signature.Out key)) ->
@@ -497,7 +498,7 @@ end = struct
          * it has already been taken into account in the "from". *)
       | PdgMarks.SelNode (n, _z_opt) ->
-        let nkey = !Db.Pdg.node_key n in
+        let nkey = Pdg.Api.node_key n in
           let nkey = match z_opt with None -> nkey
             | Some z -> match nkey with
@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@ end = struct
           | _ -> (); false
         SlicingParameters.debug ~level:2 "[Fct_Slice.FctMarks.check_called_marks] for %a : old=%a new=%a -> %a %s"
-          !Db.Pdg.pretty_key nkey
+          Pdg.Api.pretty_key nkey
           SlicingMarks.pretty_mark old_m
           SlicingMarks.pretty_mark m
@@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ end = struct
           (if new_out then "(new out)" else "");
     in let new_called_marks =
-         Pdg.Register.call_out_marks_to_called ff_pdg m2m new_call_marks
+         Pdg.Marks.call_out_marks_to_called ff_pdg m2m new_call_marks
     in new_called_marks, !new_output
   let persistent_in_marks_to_prop fi to_prop  =
@@ -532,12 +533,12 @@ end = struct
     SlicingParameters.debug ~level:2 "[Fct_Slice.FctMarks.persistent_in_marks_to_prop] from %s" (SlicingMacros.fi_name fi);
     let m2m _call _pdg_caller _n m =
       (* SlicingParameters.debug ~level:2 "  in_m2m %a in %s ?@."
-          PdgIndex.Key.pretty (!Db.Pdg.node_key n) (SlicingMacros.pdg_name pdg_caller); *)
+          PdgIndex.Key.pretty (Pdg.Api.node_key n) (SlicingMacros.pdg_name pdg_caller); *)
       SlicingMarks.missing_input_mark ~call:SlicingMarks.bottom_mark ~called:m
     let pdg = SlicingMacros.get_fi_pdg fi in
     let pdg_node_marks =
-      Pdg.Register.translate_in_marks pdg ~m2m in_info [] in
+      Pdg.Marks.translate_in_marks pdg ~m2m in_info [] in
   let get_new_marks ff nodes_marks =
@@ -546,13 +547,13 @@ end = struct
       let nkey = match n with
         | PdgMarks.SelNode (n, _z_opt) ->
           (* TODO : something to do for z_opt ? *)
-          !Db.Pdg.node_key n
+          Pdg.Api.node_key n
         | PdgMarks.SelIn l -> PdgIndex.Key.implicit_in_key l
       let oldm = get_mark fm nkey in
       let newm = SlicingMarks.minus_marks m oldm in
       (* Format.printf "get_new_marks for %a : old=%a new=%a -> %a@."
-         !Db.Pdg.pretty_key nkey SlicingMarks.pretty_mark oldm
+         Pdg.Api.pretty_key nkey SlicingMarks.pretty_mark oldm
          SlicingMarks.pretty_mark m SlicingMarks.pretty_mark newm; *)
       if not (SlicingMarks.is_bottom_mark newm) then (n, newm)::acc else acc
     in List.fold_left add_if_new [] nodes_marks
@@ -571,7 +572,7 @@ end = struct
   let mark_spare_call_nodes ff call =
     let pdg = SlicingMacros.get_ff_pdg ff in
-    let nodes = !Db.Pdg.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg call in
+    let nodes = Pdg.Api.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg call in
     mark_spare_nodes ff nodes
   (** TODO :
@@ -587,8 +588,8 @@ end = struct
     let rec check_in_params n params = match params with
       | [] -> []
       | _ :: params ->
-          let node = !Db.Pdg.find_input_node pdg n in
-          let dpds = !Db.Pdg.direct_dpds pdg node in
+          let node = Pdg.Api.find_input_node pdg n in
+          let dpds = Pdg.Api.direct_dpds pdg node in
           let get_n_mark n = get_mark ff_marks (PdgTypes.Node.elem_key n) in
           let dpds_marks = List.map get_n_mark dpds in
           let m = SlicingMarks.inter_marks dpds_marks in
@@ -596,7 +597,7 @@ end = struct
           if not (SlicingMarks.is_bottom_mark m) then begin
             SlicingKernel.debug ~level:2
               "[Fct_Slice.FctMarks.mark_visible_inputs] %a -> %a"
-              (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node true) node SlicingMarks.pretty_mark m;
+              (Pdg.Api.pretty_node true) node SlicingMarks.pretty_mark m;
             PdgMarks.add_node_to_select marks (node, None) m
           end else
@@ -609,15 +610,15 @@ end = struct
   let mark_visible_output ff_marks =
     let pdg, _ = ff_marks  in
-      let out_node = !Db.Pdg.find_ret_output_node pdg in
-      let dpds = !Db.Pdg.direct_dpds pdg out_node in
+      let out_node = Pdg.Api.find_ret_output_node pdg in
+      let dpds = Pdg.Api.direct_dpds pdg out_node in
       let get_n_mark n = get_mark ff_marks (PdgTypes.Node.elem_key n) in
       let dpds_marks = List.map get_n_mark dpds in
       let m = SlicingMarks.inter_marks dpds_marks in
       if not (SlicingMarks.is_bottom_mark m) then begin
         SlicingParameters.debug ~level:2
           "[Fct_Slice.FctMarks.mark_visible_outputs] %a -> %a"
-          (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node true) out_node SlicingMarks.pretty_mark m;
+          (Pdg.Api.pretty_node true) out_node SlicingMarks.pretty_mark m;
         let select = PdgMarks.add_node_to_select [] (out_node, None) m in
         let to_prop = mark_and_propagate ff_marks select in
         assert (to_prop = PropMark.empty_to_prop); ()
@@ -634,10 +635,10 @@ end = struct
           with PdgIndex.CallStatement -> assert false
         with Not_found -> SlicingMarks.bottom_mark
-      Format.fprintf fmt "%a : %a" (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node true) node
+      Format.fprintf fmt "%a : %a" (Pdg.Api.pretty_node true) node
         SlicingMarks.pretty_mark m
-    !Db.Pdg.iter_nodes print_node pdg
+    Pdg.Api.iter_nodes print_node pdg
   let debug_marked_ff fmt ff =
     Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>Print slice =@ %s@]" (SlicingMacros.ff_name ff);
@@ -663,7 +664,7 @@ let get_called_slice ff call =
 let _pretty_node_marks fmt marks =
   let print fmt (n, m) =
-    (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node true) fmt n; SlicingMarks.pretty_mark fmt m
+    (Pdg.Api.pretty_node true) fmt n; SlicingMarks.pretty_mark fmt m
   Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (fun fmt x -> List.iter (print fmt) x) marks
@@ -1000,7 +1001,7 @@ let get_call_in_nodes called_kf call_info called_in_zone =
   let _, nodes, in_zone =
     List.fold_left check_param (1, [], called_in_zone) param_list
-  let impl_in_nodes, undef = !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
+  let impl_in_nodes, undef = Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
                                pdg_caller call_stmt ~before:true in_zone
   in (nodes @ impl_in_nodes), undef
@@ -1232,7 +1233,7 @@ let apply_missing_inputs ff call missing_inputs =
         assert (not (SlicingMarks.is_bottom_mark m));
         match sel with
           | PdgMarks.SelNode (n, _)
-              when (!Db.Pdg.node_key n = PdgIndex.Key.top_input) -> true
+              when (Pdg.Api.node_key n = PdgIndex.Key.top_input) -> true
           | _ -> visible_top tl
   in let is_top_visible = visible_top input_marks in
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/fct_slice.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/fct_slice.mli
index 6ea3a114edbdc847d41731dc0d04e4ec1dd20157..a6dd86470f6aa83f972912dad981089fbfeb2468 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/fct_slice.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/fct_slice.mli
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 open SlicingInternals
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 (** Return [true] if the source function is called
  * (even indirectly via transitivity) from a [Slice.t]. *)
 val is_src_fun_called :
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/printSlice.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/printSlice.ml
index faa275ee37bf95e7489066f89220042821c4e219..535e841b34be8791091c1f102f0074fafb09fa86 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/printSlice.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/printSlice.ml
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 let find_sub_stmts st = match st.skind with
@@ -334,7 +336,7 @@ let build_dot_project filename title =
 let print_fct_stmts fmt kf =
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
     print_fct_from_pdg fmt pdg;
     Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()
   with Not_found -> ()
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/printSlice.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/printSlice.mli
index dbf55bac1d788e64a6a64727a937478b5402a153..f3ad3570b12b39cc771b39339d2277b03384d5ba 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/printSlice.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/printSlice.mli
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 val print_fct_from_pdg :
   Format.formatter ->
   ?ff:SlicingInternals.fct_slice -> PdgTypes.Pdg.t -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingActions.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingActions.ml
index 3529e42201527f028e136480bc7018d6c08d738a..0f8410e0446c633e8f855b3425c5993cfa613999 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingActions.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingActions.ml
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
+open Pdg_types
 type select = SlicingTypes.sl_mark PdgMarks.select
 type n_or_d_marks = (SlicingInternals.node_or_dpds * SlicingInternals.pdg_mark) list
@@ -156,10 +158,10 @@ let mk_appli_select_calls fi = SlicingInternals.CrAppli (SlicingInternals.CaCall
 let mk_crit_mark_calls fi_caller to_call mark =
   let select = try
       let caller = SlicingMacros.get_fi_kf fi_caller in
-      let pdg_caller =  !Db.Pdg.get caller in
-      let call_stmts = !Db.Pdg.find_call_stmts ~caller to_call in
+      let pdg_caller =  Pdg.Api.get caller in
+      let call_stmts = Pdg.Api.find_call_stmts ~caller to_call in
       let stmt_mark stmt =
-        let stmt_ctrl_node = !Db.Pdg.find_call_ctrl_node pdg_caller stmt in
+        let stmt_ctrl_node = Pdg.Api.find_call_ctrl_node pdg_caller stmt in
         (PdgMarks.mk_select_node stmt_ctrl_node, mark)
       let select = List.map stmt_mark call_stmts in
@@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ let mk_crit_add_output_marks ff select =
 let mk_crit_add_all_outputs_mark ff mark =
   let pdg = SlicingMacros.get_ff_pdg ff in
-  let nodes = !Db.Pdg.find_all_outputs_nodes pdg in
+  let nodes = Pdg.Api.find_all_outputs_nodes pdg in
   let nd_m = build_simple_node_selection mark in
   let select = mk_mark_nodes nodes nd_m in
   mk_ff_user_crit ff select
@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ let rec print_nd_and_mark_list fmt ndm_list =
     print_nd_and_mark fmt x; print_nd_and_mark_list fmt ndm_list
 let print_nodes fmt nodes =
-  let print n = Format.fprintf fmt "%a " (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node true) n in
+  let print n = Format.fprintf fmt "%a " (Pdg.Api.pretty_node true) n in
   List.iter print nodes
 let print_node_mark fmt n z m =
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingActions.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingActions.mli
index 975252aaa930ef6d2fe39aa93fe626a20a5c655a..081e5bbb6822e1adb85919bfc86037cb7b9a62f6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingActions.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingActions.mli
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 open SlicingTypes
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 open SlicingInternals
 type select = sl_mark PdgMarks.select
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ val build_node_and_dpds_selection :
   ?nd_marks:n_or_d_marks -> sl_mark -> n_or_d_marks
 val translate_crit_to_select :
-  Db.Pdg.t -> ?to_select:select ->
+  Pdg.Api.t -> ?to_select:select ->
   ((PdgTypes.Node.t * Locations.Zone.t option) list * n_or_d_marks) list
   -> select
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingCmds.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingCmds.mli
index a54c67ba31adc7806433769f1d1ca5cb56d70666..693aa337f1c05aa23fbf27b9680e3a132ab2c66b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingCmds.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingCmds.mli
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 (* TODO: This .mli exists mainly to avoid problems with 'make -j'. This API
    is too vast and must be simplified. For example, functions should not
    receive variables as names (ie. strings) but directly as zones, possibly
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.ml
index 4169f6937d3d208c157d24e958faf9d96b4aea93..df18b5d589c2cbff6be1b02017156f92ce4478fa 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.ml
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 open Cil_datatype
+open Pdg_types
 (** {3 About options} *)
 (** associate a level to each function in order to control how it will be
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.mli
index 0e6dc51a49ccfd353bbe3d0e3c6729e68a48eb96..2c7de6f72a77653826a563428b842f379e2d204c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingInternals.mli
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 open Cil_datatype
+open Pdg_types
 (** {3 About options} *)
 (** associate a level to each function in order to control how it will be
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMacros.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMacros.ml
index d221c7299c34279593def3da2e49322dd59c3e88..56dc2b438bd9b2024a9d642932e6aef85e96230b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMacros.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMacros.ml
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 (** {2 Options} *)
@@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ let get_pdg_kf pdg = PdgTypes.Pdg.get_kf pdg
 (** {4 getting PDG} *)
-let get_fi_pdg fi = let kf = get_fi_kf fi in  !Db.Pdg.get kf
+let get_fi_pdg fi = let kf = get_fi_kf fi in  Pdg.Api.get kf
 let get_ff_pdg ff = get_fi_pdg ff.SlicingInternals.ff_fct
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMacros.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMacros.mli
index 04e20ee753e5287e06af6884d83120043d6c562b..427b60450b8ccffe98994cb4c62dac41866746a0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMacros.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMacros.mli
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
     functions below should be inlined, as there is no good reason to treat
     those types as semi-private *)
+open Pdg_types
 open SlicingInternals
 val str_level_option : level_option -> string
@@ -40,8 +42,8 @@ val ff_src_name : fct_slice -> string
 val get_fi_kf : fct_info -> Cil_types.kernel_function
 val get_ff_kf : fct_slice -> Cil_types.kernel_function
 val get_pdg_kf : PdgTypes.Pdg.t -> Kernel_function.t
-val get_fi_pdg : fct_info -> Db.Pdg.t
-val get_ff_pdg : fct_slice -> Db.Pdg.t
+val get_fi_pdg : fct_info -> Pdg.Api.t
+val get_ff_pdg : fct_slice -> Pdg.Api.t
 val ff_slicing_level : fct_slice -> level_option
 val change_fi_slicing_level : fct_info -> level_option -> unit
 val change_slicing_level : Kernel_function.t -> int -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMarks.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMarks.ml
index d32603122c23f6479a4139c1d7f4194016ba25ca..77e2c60002dc6e95b15e94a4df90e970610dc68b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMarks.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMarks.ml
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 (** Everything related with the marks. Mainly quite low level function. *)
+open Pdg_types
 let debug = false
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMarks.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMarks.mli
index d398c3967fdaec9c47b1e2aa9a4cbd5fc79a47af..fd4505c96de75d7990f83b99007cd56f8c7f1894 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMarks.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingMarks.mli
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 open SlicingTypes
+open Pdg_types
 val bottom_mark : sl_mark
 val mk_user_mark : data:bool -> addr:bool -> ctrl:bool -> sl_mark
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingProject.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingProject.ml
index 27cca02339737ad74f510c4dfec8679ccc6b8a34..70ee325043535f43c8ae87624cf22f940addbc75 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingProject.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingProject.ml
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+open Pdg_types
 module T = SlicingInternals
 module M = SlicingMacros
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingSelect.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingSelect.ml
index 25b922ab7f417778765b40c4bc8eeb43efc48ae6..cf279d65247463b02cf17fc8c0155f90ea46b625 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingSelect.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingSelect.ml
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
+open Pdg_types
 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (** {1 For internal use} *)
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ let basic_add_select kf select nodes ?(undef) nd_marks =
   match sel with
   | SlicingInternals.CuTop _ -> select
   | SlicingInternals.CuSelect sel ->
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
     let nodes =
       List.map (fun n -> (n, None) (*TODO: add z_part ? *)) nodes in
     (* let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_node_and_dpds_selection mark in *)
@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ let select_pdg_nodes kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) nodes mark =
   SlicingParameters.debug ~level:1 "[Register.select_pdg_nodes]" ;
   let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_node_and_dpds_selection mark in
   try basic_add_select kf select nodes nd_marks
-  with Db.Pdg.Top | Db.Pdg.Bottom ->
+  with Pdg.Api.Top | Pdg.Api.Bottom ->
     assert false (* if we have node, we must have a pdg somewhere ! *)
 let mk_select pdg sel nodes undef mark =
@@ -120,9 +122,9 @@ let select_stmt_zone kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) stmt ~before loc mark =
     | SlicingInternals.CuTop _ -> select
     | SlicingInternals.CuSelect sel ->
-        let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+        let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
         let nodes, undef =
-          !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg stmt ~before loc in
+          Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg stmt ~before loc in
         let sel = mk_select pdg sel nodes undef mark in
         (fvar, sel)
@@ -138,8 +140,8 @@ let select_stmt_zone kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) stmt ~before loc mark =
           (if before then "before" else "after") stmt.sid
           Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-      | Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
-      | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
+      | Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
+      | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
 (** this one is similar to [select_stmt_zone] with the return statement
@@ -154,10 +156,10 @@ let select_in_out_zone ~at_end ~use_undef kf select loc mark =
   | SlicingInternals.CuTop _ -> select
   | SlicingInternals.CuSelect sel ->
-      let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+      let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
       let find =
-        if at_end then !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_end
-        else !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_begin in
+        if at_end then Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_end
+        else Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_begin in
       let nodes, undef = find pdg loc in
       let undef = if use_undef then undef else None in
       let sel = mk_select pdg sel nodes undef mark in
@@ -169,8 +171,8 @@ let select_in_out_zone ~at_end ~use_undef kf select loc mark =
         Locations.Zone.pretty loc SlicingMarks.pretty_mark mark
         (if at_end then "end" else "begin") Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-    | Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
-    | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
+    | Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
+    | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
 let select_zone_at_end kf  ?(select=empty_db_select kf) loc mark =
   select_in_out_zone ~at_end:true ~use_undef:true kf select loc mark
@@ -183,9 +185,9 @@ let select_zone_at_entry kf  ?(select=empty_db_select kf) loc mark =
 let stmt_nodes_to_select pdg stmt =
-    let stmt_nodes = !Db.Pdg.find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes pdg stmt in
+    let stmt_nodes = Pdg.Api.find_stmt_and_blocks_nodes pdg stmt in
     SlicingParameters.debug ~level:2 "[Register.stmt_nodes_to_select] results on stmt %d (%a)" stmt.sid
-      (fun fmt l -> List.iter (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node true fmt) l)
+      (fun fmt l -> List.iter (Pdg.Api.pretty_node true fmt) l)
   with Not_found ->
@@ -203,23 +205,23 @@ let select_stmt_computation kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) stmt mark =
-      let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+      let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
       let stmt_nodes = stmt_nodes_to_select pdg stmt in
       let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_node_and_dpds_selection mark in
       basic_add_select kf select stmt_nodes nd_marks
-    with Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
-       | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
+    with Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
+       | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
 let select_label kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) label mark =
   SlicingParameters.debug ~level:1 "[Register.select_label] on label "
   (* Logic_label.pretty label *);
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
     let nodes =
       let add_label_nodes l acc = match l with
         | StmtLabel stmt ->
           let add acc l =
-            try !Db.Pdg.find_label_node pdg !stmt l :: acc
+            try Pdg.Api.find_label_node pdg !stmt l :: acc
             with Not_found -> acc
           List.fold_left add acc (!stmt).labels
@@ -230,8 +232,8 @@ let select_label kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) label mark =
     let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_node_and_dpds_selection mark in
     basic_add_select kf select nodes nd_marks
-  with Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
-     | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
+  with Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
+     | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
 (** marking a call node means that a [choose_call] will have to decide that to
  * call according to the slicing-level, but anyway, the call will be visible.
@@ -239,42 +241,42 @@ let select_label kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) label mark =
 let select_minimal_call kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) stmt m =
   SlicingParameters.debug ~level:1 "[Register.select_minimal_call]";
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
     let call = check_call stmt true in
-    let call_node = !Db.Pdg.find_call_ctrl_node pdg call in
+    let call_node = Pdg.Api.find_call_ctrl_node pdg call in
     let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_simple_node_selection m in
     basic_add_select kf select [call_node] nd_marks
-  with Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf m
-     | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
+  with Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf m
+     | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; select
 let select_stmt_ctrl kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) stmt =
   SlicingParameters.debug ~level:1 "[Register.select_stmt_ctrl] of sid:%d" stmt.sid;
   let mark = SlicingMarks.mk_user_mark ~ctrl:true ~data:false ~addr:false in
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
-    let stmt_nodes = !Db.Pdg.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg stmt in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
+    let stmt_nodes = Pdg.Api.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg stmt in
     let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_ctrl_dpds_selection mark in
     basic_add_select kf select stmt_nodes nd_marks
-  with Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
-     | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; empty_db_select kf
+  with Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
+     | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; empty_db_select kf
 let select_entry_point kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) mark =
   SlicingParameters.debug ~level:1 "[Register.select_entry_point] of %a"
     Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
-    let node = !Db.Pdg.find_entry_point_node pdg in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
+    let node = Pdg.Api.find_entry_point_node pdg in
     let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_simple_node_selection mark in
     basic_add_select kf select [node] nd_marks
-  with Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
-     | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; empty_db_select kf
+  with Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
+     | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; empty_db_select kf
 let select_return kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) mark =
   SlicingParameters.debug ~level:1 "[Register.select_return] of %a"
     Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
-    let node = !Db.Pdg.find_ret_output_node pdg in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
+    let node = Pdg.Api.find_ret_output_node pdg in
     let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_simple_node_selection mark in
     basic_add_select kf select [node] nd_marks
@@ -283,8 +285,8 @@ let select_return kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) mark =
       "@[Nothing to select for return stmt of %a@]"
       Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-  | Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
-  | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; empty_db_select kf
+  | Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
+  | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; empty_db_select kf
 let select_decl_var kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) vi mark =
   SlicingParameters.debug ~level:1 "[Register.select_decl_var] of %s in %a@."
@@ -292,8 +294,8 @@ let select_decl_var kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) vi mark =
   if vi.Cil_types.vglob (* no slicing request on globals *)
   then select
   else try
-      let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
-      let node = !Db.Pdg.find_decl_var_node pdg vi in
+      let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
+      let node = Pdg.Api.find_decl_var_node pdg vi in
       let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_simple_node_selection mark in
       basic_add_select kf select [node] nd_marks
@@ -302,8 +304,8 @@ let select_decl_var kf ?(select=empty_db_select kf) vi mark =
         "@[Nothing to select for %s declarationin %a@]"
         vi.Cil_types.vname Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-    | Db.Pdg.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
-    | Db.Pdg.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; empty_db_select kf
+    | Pdg.Api.Top -> top_db_select kf mark
+    | Pdg.Api.Bottom -> bottom_msg kf; empty_db_select kf
 let merge_select select1 select2 =
@@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ let add_crit_ff_change_call ff_caller call f_to_call =
 let call_ff_in_caller ~caller ~to_call =
   let kf_caller = SlicingMacros.get_ff_kf caller in
   let kf_to_call = SlicingMacros.get_ff_kf to_call in
-  let call_stmts = !Db.Pdg.find_call_stmts ~caller:kf_caller  kf_to_call in
+  let call_stmts = Pdg.Api.find_call_stmts ~caller:kf_caller  kf_to_call in
   let ff_to_call = SlicingInternals.CallSlice to_call in
   let add_change_call stmt =
     add_crit_ff_change_call caller stmt ff_to_call ;
@@ -367,7 +369,7 @@ let call_fsrc_in_caller ~caller ~to_call =
   let kf_caller = SlicingMacros.get_ff_kf caller in
   let fi_to_call = SlicingMacros.get_kf_fi to_call in
   let kf_to_call = SlicingMacros.get_fi_kf fi_to_call in
-  let call_stmts = !Db.Pdg.find_call_stmts ~caller:kf_caller kf_to_call in
+  let call_stmts = Pdg.Api.find_call_stmts ~caller:kf_caller kf_to_call in
   let add_change_call stmt =
     add_crit_ff_change_call caller stmt (SlicingInternals.CallSrc (Some fi_to_call))
   in List.iter add_change_call call_stmts
@@ -375,9 +377,9 @@ let call_fsrc_in_caller ~caller ~to_call =
 let call_min_f_in_caller ~caller ~to_call =
   let kf_caller = SlicingMacros.get_ff_kf caller in
   let pdg = SlicingMacros.get_ff_pdg caller in
-  let call_stmts = !Db.Pdg.find_call_stmts ~caller:kf_caller to_call in
+  let call_stmts = Pdg.Api.find_call_stmts ~caller:kf_caller to_call in
   let call_nodes =
-    List.map (fun call -> (!Db.Pdg.find_call_ctrl_node pdg call),None)
+    List.map (fun call -> (Pdg.Api.find_call_ctrl_node pdg call),None)
       call_stmts in
   let m = SlicingMarks.mk_user_spare in
   let nd_marks = SlicingActions.build_simple_node_selection m in
@@ -389,7 +391,7 @@ let is_already_selected ff db_select =
   match select with
   | SlicingInternals.CuTop _ -> assert false
   | SlicingInternals.CuSelect to_select ->
-    (* let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get (Globals.Functions.get fvar) in *)
+    (* let pdg = Pdg.Api.get (Globals.Functions.get fvar) in *)
     let new_marks = Fct_slice.filter_already_in ff to_select in
     let ok = if new_marks = [] then true else false in
     if ok then
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingSelect.mli b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingSelect.mli
index c139085e9da9b6f5dd0b7925a88397f5e229405c..f68618af4ab69e2871793680ace383a3a673be89 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingSelect.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingSelect.mli
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 val check_call : Cil_types.stmt -> bool -> Cil_types.stmt
 val print_select :
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ val select_pdg_nodes :
 val mk_select :
-  Db.Pdg.t ->
+  Pdg.Api.t ->
   SlicingActions.select ->
   (PdgTypes.Node.t * Locations.Zone.t option) list ->
   Locations.Zone.t option ->
@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ val select_zone_at_entry :
 val stmt_nodes_to_select :
-  Db.Pdg.t -> Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
+  Pdg.Api.t -> Cil_types.stmt -> PdgTypes.Node.t list
 val select_stmt_computation :
   Kernel_function.t ->
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingState.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingState.ml
index b51f528fe8b7d7427b7fa06fd95ecb42f94040ca..28991d806423a6408dc7202d49476160cb0c7373 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingState.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingState.ml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let () =
     (fun () ->
-         [ !Db.Pdg.self; !Db.Inputs.self_external; !Db.Outputs.self_external ])
+         [ Pdg.Api.self; !Db.Inputs.self_external; !Db.Outputs.self_external ])
 let get () =
   try P.get ()
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTransform.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTransform.ml
index 5d7b4d1c5282e14d1fcfe0777d92e5d020051606..2915223eec08c36ed39b517038169b951525e899 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTransform.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTransform.ml
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 open Cil_types
 open Cil
+open Pdg_types
 module Visibility (SliceName : sig
@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ module Visibility (SliceName : sig
           SlicingParameters.debug ~level:3
             "[SlicingTransform.Visibility.all_nodes_visible] node %a invisible"
-            (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node true) n;
+            (Pdg.Api.pretty_node true) n;
       else visi
@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ module Visibility (SliceName : sig
               SlicingParameters.debug ~level:2
                  node %a invisible"
-                (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node true) n;
+                (Pdg.Api.pretty_node true) n;
           else visi
@@ -242,10 +244,10 @@ module Visibility (SliceName : sig
     | Iproto -> false
     | Iff {slice = ff} ->
       let kf = SlicingMacros.get_ff_kf ff  in
-      let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+      let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
         let ctrl_nodes, decl_nodes, data_info =
-          !Db.Pdg.find_code_annot_nodes pdg stmt annot
+          Pdg.Api.find_code_annot_nodes pdg stmt annot
         let data_visible = data_nodes_visible ff (decl_nodes, data_info) in
         let visible = ((all_nodes_visible ff ctrl_nodes) && data_visible) in
@@ -276,9 +278,9 @@ module Visibility (SliceName : sig
       | Iproto -> true
       | Iff {slice = ff} ->
         let kf = SlicingMacros.get_ff_kf ff  in
-        let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+        let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
-          let nodes = !Db.Pdg.find_fun_precond_nodes pdg p in
+          let nodes = Pdg.Api.find_fun_precond_nodes pdg p in
           data_nodes_visible ff nodes
         with NoDataInfo ->
           all_logic_var_visible ff p
@@ -296,9 +298,9 @@ module Visibility (SliceName : sig
       | Iproto -> true
       | Iff {slice = ff} ->
         let kf = SlicingMacros.get_ff_kf ff  in
-        let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+        let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
-          let nodes = !Db.Pdg.find_fun_postcond_nodes pdg p in
+          let nodes = Pdg.Api.find_fun_postcond_nodes pdg p in
           data_nodes_visible ff nodes
         with NoDataInfo -> all_logic_var_visible ff p
@@ -316,9 +318,9 @@ module Visibility (SliceName : sig
       | Iproto -> true
       | Iff {slice = ff} ->
         let kf = SlicingMacros.get_ff_kf ff  in
-        let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+        let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
-          let nodes = !Db.Pdg.find_fun_variant_nodes pdg v in
+          let nodes = Pdg.Api.find_fun_variant_nodes pdg v in
           data_nodes_visible ff nodes
         with NoDataInfo -> all_logic_var_visible_term ff v
     in SlicingParameters.debug ~level:2 "[SlicingTransform.Visibility.fun_variant_visible] -> %s"
diff --git a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.ml b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.ml
index 343d08a8f13a70053957f7cbb3de2133a0394a8c..e370df2269d2401259075c7ed22268b86ea5f6a2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/slicing/slicingTypes.ml
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 (** Slicing module types. *)
+open Pdg_types
 exception Slicing_Internal_Error of string
 exception ChangeCallErr of string
 exception PtrCallExpr
diff --git a/src/plugins/sparecode/globs.ml b/src/plugins/sparecode/globs.ml
index 860f24fa634864535634f4222a038748df3e161c..7db1fca385b380e152d9e8889c5e2af06be6a8e9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/sparecode/globs.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/sparecode/globs.ml
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ let () =
     (fun () ->
-         [ !Db.Pdg.self; !Db.Outputs.self_external ])
+         [ Pdg.Api.self; !Db.Outputs.self_external ])
 let rm_unused_decl =
diff --git a/src/plugins/sparecode/register.ml b/src/plugins/sparecode/register.ml
index b684d758b6bc1fcc216d63385568821a4f334c92..3ac3e1d4ccbea47722282482cdfd82e826cba46f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/sparecode/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/sparecode/register.ml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let () =
     (fun () ->
-         [ !Db.Pdg.self; !Db.Outputs.self_external ])
+         [ Pdg.Api.self; !Db.Outputs.self_external ])
 module P = Sparecode_params
diff --git a/src/plugins/sparecode/spare_marks.ml b/src/plugins/sparecode/spare_marks.ml
index 2f0c83674a97d3f143b99a5c84ed36342cbb6ae6..bc433062ccc8929f0be579864f7878a07a6f8cee 100644
--- a/src/plugins/sparecode/spare_marks.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/sparecode/spare_marks.ml
@@ -20,12 +20,14 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+open Pdg_types
 let debug n format = Sparecode_params.debug ~level:n format
 let fatal fmt = Sparecode_params.fatal fmt
 (** The project is composed of [FctIndex] marked with [BoolMark]
- * to be used by [Pdg.Register.F_Proj], and another table to store if a function
+ * to be used by [Pdg.Api.Marks.F_Proj], and another table to store if a function
  * is visible (useful for Top PDG). *)
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ module Config = struct
-module ProjBoolMarks = Pdg.Register.F_Proj (Config)
+module ProjBoolMarks = Pdg.Api.Marks.F_Proj (Config)
 type proj = ProjBoolMarks.t * unit KfTopVisi.t
 type fct = ProjBoolMarks.fct
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ let rec add_pdg_selection to_select pdg sel_mark = match to_select with
   | [] ->
     let l = match sel_mark with None -> [] | Some m -> [m] in [(pdg, l)]
   | (p, ln) :: tl ->
-    if Db.Pdg.from_same_fun p pdg
+    if Pdg.Api.from_same_fun p pdg
       let ln = match sel_mark with None -> ln
                                  | Some sel_mark -> sel_mark::ln
@@ -273,7 +275,7 @@ let rec process_call_inputs proj =
 let select_entry_point proj _kf pdg =
-  let ctrl = !Db.Pdg.find_entry_point_node pdg in
+  let ctrl = Pdg.Api.find_entry_point_node pdg in
   let to_select = add_node_to_select true [] None ctrl in
   select_pdg_elements proj pdg to_select
@@ -281,9 +283,9 @@ let select_all_outputs proj kf pdg =
   let outputs = !Db.Outputs.get_external kf in
   debug 1 "@[selecting output zones %a@]" Locations.Zone.pretty outputs;
-    let nodes, undef = !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_end pdg outputs in
+    let nodes, undef = Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_end pdg outputs in
     let nodes =
-      try ((!Db.Pdg.find_ret_output_node pdg),None) :: nodes
+      try ((Pdg.Api.find_ret_output_node pdg),None) :: nodes
       with Not_found -> nodes
     let nodes_and_co = ([], [], Some (nodes, undef)) in
@@ -308,7 +310,7 @@ class annot_visitor ~filter pdg = object (self)
           let stmt = Option.get self#current_stmt in
           debug 1 "selecting annotation : %a @."
             Printer.pp_code_annotation annot;
-          let info = !Db.Pdg.find_code_annot_nodes pdg stmt annot in
+          let info = Pdg.Api.find_code_annot_nodes pdg stmt annot in
           to_select <- add_nodes_and_undef_to_select true info to_select
           Not_found -> () (* unreachable *)
@@ -322,7 +324,7 @@ end
 let select_annotations ~select_annot ~select_slice_pragma proj =
   let visit_fun kf =
     debug 1 "look for annotations in function %a@." Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-    let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
+    let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
     if PdgTypes.Pdg.is_top pdg then debug 1 "pdg top: skip annotations"
     else if PdgTypes.Pdg.is_bottom pdg
     then debug 1 "pdg bottom: skip annotations"
@@ -357,7 +359,7 @@ let select_useful_things ~select_annot ~select_slice_pragma kf_entry =
   assert (!call_in_to_check = []);
   debug 1 "selecting function %a outputs and entry point@."
     Kernel_function.pretty kf_entry;
-  let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf_entry in
+  let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf_entry in
   if PdgTypes.Pdg.is_top pdg
   then KfTopVisi.set proj kf_entry
   else if PdgTypes.Pdg.is_bottom pdg
diff --git a/src/plugins/sparecode/spare_marks.mli b/src/plugins/sparecode/spare_marks.mli
index 92a003570b041fa3cf7509dbaa3efff0b6dae067..d6e60878d7c11c498afe8e03592bf2a2331fb8ff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/sparecode/spare_marks.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/sparecode/spare_marks.mli
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 open Cil_types
+open Pdg_types
 type proj
 type fct
diff --git a/src/plugins/sparecode/transform.ml b/src/plugins/sparecode/transform.ml
index e2280ec81b2c4ad240ddcd1902c29356572e55d9..0e3ae5a6f1b496506585981e777937a9a7ef387a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/sparecode/transform.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/sparecode/transform.ml
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 open Cil_types
 open Cil
+open Pdg_types
 module BoolInfo = struct
   type proj = Spare_marks.proj
   type fct = Spare_marks.fct option * Kernel_function.t
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ module BoolInfo = struct
                               | Some fm -> Spare_marks.key_visible fm key
     Sparecode_params.debug ~level:3 "%s : %a -> %b"
-      txt !Db.Pdg.pretty_key key visible;
+      txt Pdg.Api.pretty_key key visible;
   let param_visible (fm,_) n =
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/api/general_requests.ml b/src/plugins/value/api/general_requests.ml
index 8a6068698cb4dc5568e7d35a761ccc781bc291a9..eb76164294fca8a88a3e39f3c1937a952a9308e1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/api/general_requests.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/api/general_requests.ml
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ let _array =
-(* ----- Analysis statistics -------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ----- Analysis statistics ------------------------------------------------ *)
 module AlarmCategory = struct
   open Server.Data
@@ -470,4 +470,76 @@ let _array =
+(* ----- Domains states ----------------------------------------------------- *)
+let compute_lval_deps request lval =
+  let zone = Results.lval_deps lval request in
+  Locations.Zone.get_bases zone
+let compute_expr_deps request expr =
+  let zone = Results.expr_deps expr request in
+  Locations.Zone.get_bases zone
+let compute_instr_deps request = function
+  | Set (lval, expr, _) ->
+    Base.SetLattice.join
+      (compute_lval_deps request lval)
+      (compute_expr_deps request expr)
+  | Local_init (vi, AssignInit (SingleInit expr), _) ->
+    Base.SetLattice.join
+      (Base.SetLattice.inject_singleton (Base.of_varinfo vi))
+      (compute_expr_deps request expr)
+  | _ -> Base.SetLattice.empty
+let compute_stmt_deps request stmt =
+  match stmt.skind with
+  | Instr (instr) -> compute_instr_deps request instr
+  | If (expr, _, _, _) -> compute_expr_deps request expr
+  | _ -> Base.SetLattice.empty
+let compute_marker_deps request = function
+  | Printer_tag.PStmt (_, stmt)
+  | PStmtStart (_, stmt) -> compute_stmt_deps request stmt
+  | PLval (_, _, lval) -> compute_lval_deps request lval
+  | PExp (_, _, expr) -> compute_expr_deps request expr
+  | PVDecl (_, _, vi) -> Base.SetLattice.inject_singleton (Base.of_varinfo vi)
+  | _ -> Base.SetLattice.empty
+let get_filtered_state request marker =
+  let bases = compute_marker_deps request marker in
+  match bases with
+  | Base.SetLattice.Top -> Results.print_states request
+  | Base.SetLattice.Set bases ->
+    if Base.Hptset.is_empty bases
+    then []
+    else Results.print_states ~filter:bases request
+let get_state filter request marker =
+  if filter
+  then get_filtered_state request marker
+  else Results.print_states request
+let get_states (marker, filter) =
+  let kinstr = Printer_tag.ki_of_localizable marker in
+  match kinstr with
+  | Kglobal -> []
+  | Kstmt stmt ->
+    let states_before = get_state filter (Results.before stmt) marker in
+    let states_after = get_state filter (Results.after stmt) marker in
+    match states_before, states_after with
+    | [], _ -> List.map (fun (name, after) -> name, "", after) states_after
+    | _, [] -> List.map (fun (name, before) -> name, before, "") states_before
+    | _, _ ->
+      let join (name, before) (name', after) =
+        assert (name = name');
+        name, before, after
+      in
+      List.rev_map2 join states_before states_after
+let () = Request.register ~package
+    ~kind:`GET ~name:"getStates"
+    ~descr:(Markdown.plain "Get the domain states about the given marker")
+    ~input:(module Data.Jpair (Kernel_ast.Marker) (Data.Jbool))
+    ~output:(module Data.Jlist
+          (Data.Jtriple (Data.Jstring) (Data.Jstring) (Data.Jstring)))
+    get_states
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/abstract_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/abstract_domain.ml
index e8536eb1f6e16c262d723f096cf919917e47eb29..6e36e58388bb196ca4fad8487d8c4a87a3863c2b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/abstract_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/abstract_domain.ml
@@ -338,19 +338,24 @@ module type Reuse = sig
       disables MemExec. *)
   val relate: kernel_function -> Base.Hptset.t -> t -> Base.SetLattice.t
-  (** [filter kf kind bases states] reduces the state [state] to only keep
+  (** [filter kind bases states] reduces the state [state] to only keep
       properties about [bases] — it is a projection on the set of [bases].
       It allows reusing an analysis of [kf] from an initial state [pre] to a
       final state [post].
-      If [kind] is `Pre, [state] is the initial state [pre], and [bases]
-      includes all inputs of [kf] and satisfies [relate kf bases state = bases].
-      If [kind] is `Post, [state] is the final state [post], and [bases]
+      If [kind] is [`Pre kf], [state] is the initial state of function [kf],
+      and [bases] includes all inputs of [kf] and satisfies
+      [relate kf bases state = bases].
+      If [kind] is [`Post kf], [state] is the final state of [kf], and [bases]
       includes all inputs and outputs of [kf].
       Afterwards, the two resulting states [reduced_pre] and [reduced_post] are
       used as follow: when [kf] should be analyzed with the initial state [s],
       if [filter kf `Pre s = reduced_pre], then the analysis is skipped, and
-      [reuse kf s reduced_post] is used as its final state instead. *)
-  val filter: kernel_function -> [`Pre | `Post] -> Base.Hptset.t -> t -> t
+      [reuse kf s reduced_post] is used as its final state instead.
+      If [kind] is [`Print], the state is reduced before printing it for the
+      end-user. *)
+  val filter:
+    [`Pre of kernel_function | `Post of kernel_function | `Print ] ->
+    Base.Hptset.t -> t -> t
   (** [reuse kf bases current_input previous_output] merges the initial state
       [current_input] with a final state [previous_output] from a previous
@@ -376,6 +381,10 @@ module type S = sig
   type state
   include Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = state
+  (* The domain name, shown in some logs and in the GUI. Be sure to redefine a
+     clear and simple name instead of the default one coming from Datatype. *)
+  val name: string
   (** {3 Lattice Structure } *)
   include Lattice with type state := t
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/cvalue/cvalue_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/cvalue/cvalue_domain.ml
index 77f90be12ff69cc314f8da40cba6f39990e344c1..68d1f194f995758cef798ecbed61fbfd4c22ce52 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/cvalue/cvalue_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/cvalue/cvalue_domain.ml
@@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ module State = struct
       let mem_project = Datatype.never_any_project
     end )
-  let key = Structure.Key_Domain.create_key "cvalue_domain"
+  let name = "cvalue"
+  let key = Structure.Key_Domain.create_key name
   type value = Model.value
   type location = Model.location
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ module State = struct
   let relate _kf _bases _state = Base.SetLattice.empty
   (* Auxiliary function that keeps only some bases inside a memory state *)
-  let filter _kf _kind bases (state, clob) =
+  let filter _kind bases (state, clob) =
     Cvalue.Model.filter_by_shape bases state, clob
   let reuse _ _ ~current_input:(state, _) ~previous_output:(output, clob) =
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_builder.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_builder.ml
index 141c643cc703d84b082afa5a7af9e5b6355a0b92..bea7217028e5f618e54498e1c2d54c4bf404fc6e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_builder.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_builder.ml
@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ module type LeafDomain = sig
   val incr_loop_counter: stmt -> t -> t
   val leave_loop: stmt -> t -> t
-  val filter: kernel_function -> [`Pre | `Post] -> Base.Hptset.t -> t -> t
+  val filter:
+    [`Pre of kernel_function | `Post of kernel_function | `Print ] ->
+    Base.Hptset.t -> t -> t
   val reuse:
     kernel_function -> Base.Hptset.t ->
     current_input:t -> previous_output:t -> t
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ module Complete (Domain: InputDomain) = struct
   let incr_loop_counter _stmt state = state
   let leave_loop _stmt state = state
-  let filter _kf _kind _bases state = state
+  let filter _kind _bases state = state
   let reuse _kf _bases ~current_input:_ ~previous_output = previous_output
   let show_expr _valuation _state fmt _expr =
@@ -325,6 +327,7 @@ module Restrict
   module I = struct let module_name = Domain.name ^ " option" end
   include Datatype.Option_with_collections (D) (I)
+  let name = Domain.name
   let default = Domain.top, Mode.all
   let structure: t Abstract.Domain.structure =
@@ -575,9 +578,9 @@ module Restrict
     | None -> Base.SetLattice.empty
     | Some (state, _mode) -> Domain.relate kf bases state
-  let filter kf kind bases = function
+  let filter kind bases = function
     | None -> None
-    | Some (state, mode) -> Some (Domain.filter kf kind bases state, mode)
+    | Some (state, mode) -> Some (Domain.filter kind bases state, mode)
   let reuse kf bases ~current_input ~previous_output =
     match current_input, previous_output with
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_builder.mli b/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_builder.mli
index bf3c05b8f0cc79efed1e2e4ec30131f737bd49df..d4356a571fd6e3ed178c3f7d62037167d36816ae 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_builder.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_builder.mli
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ open Cil_types
 open Eval
 module type InputDomain = sig
+  (* The [name] value from Datatype should be the domain name and will be used
+     in some logs and in the GUI for the end-user. *)
   include Datatype.S
   val top: t
   val join: t -> t -> t
@@ -52,7 +54,9 @@ module type LeafDomain = sig
   val incr_loop_counter: stmt -> t -> t
   val leave_loop: stmt -> t -> t
-  val filter: kernel_function -> [`Pre | `Post] -> Base.Hptset.t -> t -> t
+  val filter:
+    [`Pre of kernel_function | `Post of kernel_function | `Print ] ->
+    Base.Hptset.t -> t -> t
   val reuse:
     kernel_function -> Base.Hptset.t ->
     current_input:t -> previous_output:t -> t
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_product.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_product.ml
index 550a86f3d45fd987f474e297732ee21553b1f157..52abf820dee9979a0b9b0fc711dfccce911fa939 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_product.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/domain_product.ml
@@ -42,14 +42,15 @@ module Make
   let () = incr counter
-  let name = Left.name ^ "*" ^ Right.name ^
-             "(" ^ string_of_int !counter ^ ")"
+  let unique_name = Left.name ^ "*" ^ Right.name ^
+                    "(" ^ string_of_int !counter ^ ")"
   include Datatype.Pair_with_collections
-      (struct let module_name = name end)
+      (struct let module_name = unique_name end)
   type state = t
+  let name = Left.name ^ " * " ^ Right.name
   let structure = Abstract.Domain.Node (Left.structure, Right.structure)
@@ -292,8 +293,8 @@ module Make
   let relate kf bases (left, right) =
       (Left.relate kf bases left) (Right.relate kf bases right)
-  let filter kf kind bases (left, right) =
-    Left.filter kf kind bases left, Right.filter kf kind bases right
+  let filter kind bases (left, right) =
+    Left.filter kind bases left, Right.filter kind bases right
   let reuse kf bases ~current_input ~previous_output =
     let left_input, right_input = current_input
     and left_output, right_output = previous_output in
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/equality/equality_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/equality/equality_domain.ml
index 44604b43c15df1ff2c12a3940b0d0d745d580dff..542d48cc2ce424ece24b54e1cdfc07a6428bab75 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/equality/equality_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/equality/equality_domain.ml
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ module Internal = struct
   type state = t
+  let name = "equality"
   let log_category = dkey
   let pretty fmt (eqs, _, _) = Equality.Set.pretty fmt eqs
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/gauges/gauges_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/gauges/gauges_domain.ml
index 7a91a6af3f8e2dc22c04e88287d12316f2853dd0..829afa083647c8d8e174c8e8c3a1303b840df1c9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/gauges/gauges_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/gauges/gauges_domain.ml
@@ -532,6 +532,8 @@ module G = struct
       (struct let module_name = "Values.Gauges_domain.G" end)
+  let name = "gauges"
   let empty = MV.empty, []
   let top (state: t) : t =
     let top_iteration_info = function
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/inout_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/inout_domain.ml
index 8028b618a1d7e5df61659ebd87c72c7921f8ab96..63af3599eafb50965cc660d38e85473fa0d0a957 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/inout_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/inout_domain.ml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module LatticeInout = struct
       include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
       type t = inout
-      let name = "Value.Inout.t"
+      let name = "inout"
       let reprs = [ {
           over_outputs = List.hd Zone.reprs;
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/multidim/multidim_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/multidim/multidim_domain.ml
index 2f6459d9c5c63631f202e43bf47504a6dfb34690..e1300c7d470e968079b423f3a7a7e5ab2ac2476e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/multidim/multidim_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/multidim/multidim_domain.ml
@@ -363,6 +363,8 @@ struct
       (Datatype.Option (Tracking))
       (struct let module_name = "DomainLattice" end)
+  let name = "multidim"
   type state = t
   type value = Value.t
   type value_or_uninitialized = Value_or_Uninitialized.t
@@ -885,7 +887,7 @@ struct
   let relate _kf _bases _state = Base.SetLattice.empty
-  let filter _kf _kind bases (base_map,tracked : t) =
+  let filter _kind bases (base_map,tracked : t) =
     BaseMap.filter (fun elt -> Base.Hptset.mem elt bases) base_map,
     Option.map (Tracking.inter bases) tracked
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/octagons.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/octagons.ml
index 757ad4d87ecadaba7e9b0bfe9fa985c413fba7f6..b463daa3ac3b49fe3278cbb5e441cc55547f1616 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/octagons.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/octagons.ml
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ module State = struct
         type t = state
         include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
-        let name = "Octagons.State"
+        let name = "octagon"
         let structural_descr =
             [| Octagons.packed_descr;
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ module Domain = struct
       Base.Hptset.fold aux bases Base.SetLattice.empty
-  let filter _kf _kind bases state =
+  let filter _kind bases state =
     if intraprocedural ()
     then state
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/offsm_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/offsm_domain.ml
index 66ffd1337c2b6e88dd72b51d5fbc08a9ccea7c64..396598578c7eb76547068d810671bdde1078ab3b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/offsm_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/offsm_domain.ml
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ module Memory = struct
+  let name = "bitwise"
   let widen kf stmt s1 s2 =
     let wh = Widen.getWidenHints kf stmt in
     widen wh s1 s2
@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ module D : Abstract_domain.Leaf
   (* Memexec *)
   let relate _kf _bases _state = Base.SetLattice.empty
-  let filter _kf _kind bases state =
+  let filter _kind bases state =
     Memory.filter_by_shape bases state
   let reuse _kf bases ~current_input:input ~previous_output:output =
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/printer_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/printer_domain.ml
index ab4c24f45a6d23b5a03fe815b68502fb7bfd454c..93abea72d3e62b33148dbcc5ede6db82b730a992 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/printer_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/printer_domain.ml
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Simple : Simpler_domains.Simple_Cvalue = struct
   (* In this domain, the states contain nothing. We use [unit] as type formal
      the state and we reuse [Datatype.Unit] as a base for our domain. *)
   include Datatype.Unit
+  let name = "printer"
   (* --- Lattice operators --- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/simple_memory.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/simple_memory.ml
index 33bae1ed3a01b54fba5d06cbbfcb0fdf77549c77..a0ba820a46fc63cde8dd2449ba2787a536ac2c76 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/simple_memory.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/simple_memory.ml
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module type S = sig
   val fold: (Base.t -> value -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
-module Make_Memory (Value: Value) = struct
+module Make_Memory (Info: sig val name: string end) (Value: Value) = struct
   module Initial_Values = struct let v = [] end
   module Deps = struct let l = [Ast.self] end
@@ -55,8 +55,10 @@ module Make_Memory (Value: Value) = struct
   include Hptmap.Make
       (Base.Base) (Value) (Hptmap.Comp_unused) (Initial_Values) (Deps)
+  let name = Info.name
   let cache_name s =
-    Hptmap_sig.PersistentCache ("Value." ^ Value.name ^ "." ^ s)
+    Hptmap_sig.PersistentCache ("Value." ^ name ^ "." ^ s)
   let disjoint_union =
     let cache = cache_name "union" in
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ module Make_Domain (Info: sig val name: string end) (Value: Value) = struct
     try Some (Hashtbl.find table name)
     with Not_found -> None
-  module M = Make_Memory (Value)
+  module M = Make_Memory (Info) (Value)
   include M
   include Domain_builder.Complete (M)
@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ module Make_Domain (Info: sig val name: string end) (Value: Value) = struct
   let relate _kf _bases _state = Base.SetLattice.empty
-  let filter _kf _kind bases state =
+  let filter _kind bases state =
     M.filter (fun elt -> Base.Hptset.mem elt bases) state
   let reuse _kf bases ~current_input ~previous_output =
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/simple_memory.mli b/src/plugins/value/domains/simple_memory.mli
index a194b4fe98797e8aa3438a4109d488bcf1cdb048..bbbd93735a956fa1ca8c9f9b9cb14a30a2d562b4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/simple_memory.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/simple_memory.mli
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module type S = sig
 (* Builds a memory from a value abstraction. *)
-module Make_Memory (Value: Value) : sig
+module Make_Memory (Info: sig val name: string end) (Value: Value) : sig
   include Datatype.S_with_collections
   include S with type t := t
              and type value := Value.t
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/symbolic_locs.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/symbolic_locs.ml
index 0d95237c6476678c6147b3ece9ad12a34fda9616..5ab410de611174dfee0f7a2ec1e9c1b20f128cea 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/symbolic_locs.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/symbolic_locs.ml
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ module Memory = struct
       include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
       type t = memory
-      let name = "Value.Symbolic_locs.Memory.t"
+      let name = "symbolic-locations"
       let reprs = [ { values = List.hd K2V.M.reprs;
                       zones = List.hd K2Z.reprs;
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ module D : Abstract_domain.Leaf
      by itself a variable read or written by f to a variable that is not. *)
   let relate _kf _bases _state = Base.SetLattice.empty
-  let filter _kf _kind = Memory.filter
+  let filter _kind = Memory.filter
   (* Efficient version of [reuse], but the resulting state does not satisfy
      the [_check state], as some extra dependenies of keys removed from the
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/taint_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/taint_domain.ml
index 7d46ca1e8094212d0653b9db9d465f8deb6b053d..f32bc939b956f7adb1b141cb95258b418d0bb4fb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/taint_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/taint_domain.ml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ module LatticeTaint = struct
       type t = taint
-      let name = "Value.Taint.t"
+      let name = "taint"
       let reprs =
         [ { locs_data = List.hd Zone.reprs;
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ module TaintDomain = struct
   (* MemExec cache. *)
   let relate _kf _bases _state = Base.SetLattice.empty
-  let filter _kf _kind bases state =
+  let filter _kind bases state =
     let filter_base = Zone.filter_base (fun b -> Base.Hptset.mem b bases) in
     { state with locs_data = filter_base state.locs_data;
                  locs_control = filter_base state.locs_control;
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/traces_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/traces_domain.ml
index 52e14219be6b7f3d87404deb6e778f55890cc0a2..98cd954008c82b4b7f0fd80fbe920b5bbea07c5c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/traces_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/traces_domain.ml
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ module Traces = struct
       include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
       type t = state
-      let name = "Value.Traces_domain.Traces.state"
+      let name = "traces"
       let reprs = [empty]
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/domains/unit_domain.ml b/src/plugins/value/domains/unit_domain.ml
index 5307ef978d60d4ceeaf3a94501935175e8cfabc8..d7f7bb0a24495a638422370353bf576bbfee0e63 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/domains/unit_domain.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/domains/unit_domain.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Static = struct
     include Datatype.Unit
     type state = t
-    let name = "Unit domain"
+    let name = "unit"
     let log_category = log_key
     let structure = Abstract.Domain.Unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/engine/abstractions.ml b/src/plugins/value/engine/abstractions.ml
index fedceb3f36ff2cd185349b8eb1b5f5303ce05829..c2221af95912657e3c1c5537a18c7ec5d8b94b5e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/engine/abstractions.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/engine/abstractions.ml
@@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ let add_domain (type v) dname mode (abstraction: v abstraction) (module Acc: Acc
   (* Set the name of the domain. *)
   let module Domain = struct
     include (val domain)
-    let name = dname
     module Store = struct
       include Store
       let register_global_state storage state =
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/engine/mem_exec.ml b/src/plugins/value/engine/mem_exec.ml
index ecd7a20c34ac6a793fb64e296ecdde05306f9006..cf8268830c4cdfa967b46f8527067d1a27423d03 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/engine/mem_exec.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/engine/mem_exec.ml
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ module Make
           | Base.SetLattice.Top -> raise TooImprecise
           | Base.SetLattice.Set bases -> bases
-        let state_input = Domain.filter kf `Pre input_bases input_state in
+        let state_input = Domain.filter (`Pre kf) input_bases input_state in
         (* Outputs bases, that is bases that are copy-pasted, also include
            input bases. Indeed, those may get reduced during the call. *)
         let all_output_bases =
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ module Make
           Extlib.opt_fold Base.Hptset.add return_base all_output_bases
         let clear (key,state) =
-          key, Domain.filter kf `Post all_output_bases state
+          key, Domain.filter (`Post kf) all_output_bases state
         let outputs = List.map clear call_result in
         let call_number = current_counter () in
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ module Make
       then ()
         (* restrict [state] to the inputs of this call *)
-        let st_filtered = Domain.filter kf `Pre binputs state in
+        let st_filtered = Domain.filter (`Pre kf) binputs state in
           let bases, outputs, i = Domain.Hashtbl.find hstates st_filtered in
           (* We have found a previous execution, in which the outputs are
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/utils/results.ml b/src/plugins/value/utils/results.ml
index 540bc32142af6c42de9b85c1dbca17bc36ab2504..56935b6b2281b2aaef1ea25d1ccc65ad6624b27c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/utils/results.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/utils/results.ml
@@ -293,6 +293,26 @@ struct
     | Some extract ->
       convert (Response.map_join extract Cvalue.Model.join (get req))
+  let print_states ?filter req =
+    let state = Response.map_join (fun x -> x) A.Dom.join (get req) in
+    let print (type s)
+        (key: s Abstract.Domain.key)
+        (module Domain: Abstract_domain.S with type state = s)
+        (state: s) acc =
+      let name = Structure.Key_Domain.name key in
+      let state =
+        match filter with
+        | None -> state
+        | Some bases -> Domain.filter `Print bases state
+      in
+      let str = Format.asprintf "%a" Domain.pretty state in
+      (name, str) :: acc
+    in
+    let polymorphic_fold_fun = A.Dom.{ fold = print } in
+    match state with
+    | `Top | `Bottom -> []
+    | `Value state -> A.Dom.fold polymorphic_fold_fun state []
   (* Evaluation *)
   let eval_lval lval req =
@@ -487,6 +507,10 @@ let get_cvalue_model req =
   | Error Bottom -> Cvalue.Model.bottom
   | Error (Top | DisabledDomain) -> Cvalue.Model.top
+let print_states ?filter req =
+  let module E = Make () in
+  E.print_states ?filter req
 (* Depedencies *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/utils/results.mli b/src/plugins/value/utils/results.mli
index e6c0678569aa2f5e7077e6780f285ac667560a5f..e18f41a032527bbde86a2c4b4122423e202afb9d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/utils/results.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/value/utils/results.mli
@@ -161,6 +161,11 @@ val get_cvalue_model : request -> Cvalue.Model.t
 (** Returns the Cvalue model. *)
 val get_cvalue_model_result : request -> Cvalue.Model.t result
+(** Returns a textual representation of the internal domain states for the given
+    request. If [filter] is provided, states are filtered on the given bases
+    (for domains that support this feature).
+    Returns a list of pair (name, state) for all available domains. *)
+val print_states: ?filter:Base.Hptset.t -> request -> (string * string) list
 (** Dependencies *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/utils/structure.ml b/src/plugins/value/utils/structure.ml
index 72cda0e26683743613099657926c9643456bb9f9..40733bca78a1e227aad8b2d39b822b546c94bf83 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/utils/structure.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/utils/structure.ml
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module type Key = sig
   val create_key: string -> 'a key
   val eq_type : 'a key -> 'b key -> ('a, 'b) eq option
+  val name: 'a key -> string
   val print: 'a key Pretty_utils.formatter
   val compare: 'a key -> 'b key -> int
   val equal: 'a key -> 'b key -> bool
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ module Make () = struct
   let hash x = x.tag
   let tag x = x.tag
+  let name x = x.name
   let print fmt x = Format.pp_print_string fmt x.name
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/utils/structure.mli b/src/plugins/value/utils/structure.mli
index 792d6a8376e50877c30eb25b760484db5f42b29d..f0c6ed245ddc9a7f9e7e3d8659a8a44e9448fb82 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/utils/structure.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/value/utils/structure.mli
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module type Key = sig
   val create_key: string -> 'a key
   val eq_type : 'a key -> 'b key -> ('a, 'b) eq option
+  val name: 'a key -> string
   val print: 'a key Pretty_utils.formatter
   val compare: 'a key -> 'b key -> int
   val equal: 'a key -> 'b key -> bool
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_1586.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_1586.i
index dab7fc01fe3489960e604ec1a582048561820a0e..510137770e7c34d8dcec9e29899e910519cbaa7e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_1586.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_1586.i
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-/*@ behavior Bizarre:
-      assumes x;
-      ensures TRANS: x ==> \result==1 ;
- */
-int compute_bizarre(int x)
-  if (x)
-    return 1;
-  else
-    return 2;
-/*@ behavior Normal:
-      assumes x;
-      ensures TRANS: x <==> \result==1 ;
- */
-int compute_normal(int x)
-  if (x)
-    return 1;
-  else
-    return 2;
-int main_bizarre_KO(int x)
-  int trans = compute_bizarre(x);
-  switch(trans) {
-  case 0:
-    //@ assert FALSE: \false;
-    return -1;
-    break;
-  default:
-    return -1;
-    break;
-  }
-int main_normal_KO(int x)
-  int trans = compute_normal(x);
-  switch(trans) {
-  case 0:
-    //@ assert FALSE: \false;
-    return -1;
-    break;
-  default:
-    return -1;
-    break;
-  }
+/*@ behavior Bizarre:
+      assumes x;
+      ensures TRANS: x ==> \result==1 ;
+ */
+int compute_bizarre(int x)
+  if (x)
+    return 1;
+  else
+    return 2;
+/*@ behavior Normal:
+      assumes x;
+      ensures TRANS: x <==> \result==1 ;
+ */
+int compute_normal(int x)
+  if (x)
+    return 1;
+  else
+    return 2;
+int main_bizarre_KO(int x)
+  int trans = compute_bizarre(x);
+  switch(trans) {
+  case 0:
+    //@ assert FALSE: \false;
+    return -1;
+    break;
+  default:
+    return -1;
+    break;
+  }
+int main_normal_KO(int x)
+  int trans = compute_normal(x);
+  switch(trans) {
+  case 0:
+    //@ assert FALSE: \false;
+    return -1;
+    break;
+  default:
+    return -1;
+    break;
+  }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/ergo_typecheck.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/ergo_typecheck.i
index 27786043f20fd6d2e90613e767fd3de0deed156c..3a05b9220dd03e2b1b1444e202df0a8a79ab2978 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/ergo_typecheck.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/ergo_typecheck.i
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-typedef struct
-    unsigned int a[2];
-    unsigned int b[2];
-    unsigned int c;
-} my_type;
-my_type  var = {0};
-  @ ensures  var_divded : var == {\old(var) \with
-  @                                 .a = {\old(var.a) \with
-  @                                     [0] = (unsigned int) 0,
-  @                                     [1] = (unsigned int) 1},
-  @                                 .b = {\old(var.b) \with
-  @                                     [0] = (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[0]) + 1),
-  @                                     [1] = (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[1]) + 2)},
-  @                                 .c = (unsigned int) 5
-  @                               };
-  @
-  @ ensures  var_inline : var == {\old(var) \with
-  @                                 .a[0] = (unsigned int) 0,
-  @                                 .a[1] = (unsigned int) 1,
-  @                                 .b[0] = (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[0]) + 1),
-  @                                 .b[1] = (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[1]) + 2),
-  @                                 .c = (unsigned int) 5
-  @                               };
-  @
-  @ ensures var_unit0 : var.a[0] == 0;
-  @ ensures var_unit1 : var.a[1] == 1;
-  @ ensures var_unit2 : var.b[0] == (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[0]) + 1);
-  @ ensures var_unit3 : var.b[1] == (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[1]) + 2);
-  @ ensures var_unit4 : var.c == 5;
-  @ assigns var;
-  @
- */
-void f()
-    var.a[0] = 0u;
-    var.a[1] = 1u;
-    var.b[0] ++;
-    var.b[1] += 2;
-    var.c = 5u;
+typedef struct
+    unsigned int a[2];
+    unsigned int b[2];
+    unsigned int c;
+} my_type;
+my_type  var = {0};
+  @ ensures  var_divded : var == {\old(var) \with
+  @                                 .a = {\old(var.a) \with
+  @                                     [0] = (unsigned int) 0,
+  @                                     [1] = (unsigned int) 1},
+  @                                 .b = {\old(var.b) \with
+  @                                     [0] = (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[0]) + 1),
+  @                                     [1] = (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[1]) + 2)},
+  @                                 .c = (unsigned int) 5
+  @                               };
+  @
+  @ ensures  var_inline : var == {\old(var) \with
+  @                                 .a[0] = (unsigned int) 0,
+  @                                 .a[1] = (unsigned int) 1,
+  @                                 .b[0] = (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[0]) + 1),
+  @                                 .b[1] = (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[1]) + 2),
+  @                                 .c = (unsigned int) 5
+  @                               };
+  @
+  @ ensures var_unit0 : var.a[0] == 0;
+  @ ensures var_unit1 : var.a[1] == 1;
+  @ ensures var_unit2 : var.b[0] == (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[0]) + 1);
+  @ ensures var_unit3 : var.b[1] == (unsigned int)(\old(var.b[1]) + 2);
+  @ ensures var_unit4 : var.c == 5;
+  @ assigns var;
+  @
+ */
+void f()
+    var.a[0] = 0u;
+    var.a[1] = 1u;
+    var.b[0] ++;
+    var.b[1] += 2;
+    var.c = 5u;
diff --git a/tests/misc/array_sizeof.i b/tests/misc/array_sizeof.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c857ad90a1b0f3dddaff3790a7ea5fccb2b7f24d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misc/array_sizeof.i
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* run.config
+int x;
+void main(int c) {
+if (c) {
+  unsigned char buf[sizeof(unsigned char[1]) + sizeof(x)];
+  buf[sizeof(buf)];
+else {
+  x = 4;
+  unsigned char buf[sizeof(unsigned char[1]) + x];
+  buf[x];
diff --git a/tests/misc/oracle/array_sizeof.res.oracle b/tests/misc/oracle/array_sizeof.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04709d7aeef10d123f254d881895f0173ef3a986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misc/oracle/array_sizeof.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[kernel] Parsing array_sizeof.i (no preprocessing)
+[eva] Analyzing a complete application starting at main
+[eva] Computing initial state
+[eva] Initial state computed
+[eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
+  x ∈ {0}
+[eva:alarm] array_sizeof.i:10: Warning: 
+  accessing out of bounds index.
+  assert
+  sizeof(unsigned char [sizeof(unsigned char [1]) + sizeof(x)]) <
+  (unsigned int)(sizeof(unsigned char [1]) + sizeof(int));
+[eva] array_sizeof.i:14: assertion 'alloca_bounds' got status valid.
+[eva] array_sizeof.i:14: Call to builtin __fc_vla_alloc
+[eva] array_sizeof.i:14: allocating variable __malloc_main_l14
+[eva:alarm] array_sizeof.i:15: Warning: 
+  accessing uninitialized left-value. assert \initialized(buf_0 + x);
+[eva] Recording results for main
+[eva] done for function main
+[eva] array_sizeof.i:10: assertion 'Eva,index_bound' got final status invalid.
+[eva] array_sizeof.i:15: 
+  assertion 'Eva,initialization' got final status invalid.
+[eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
+[eva:final-states] Values at end of function main:
+[from] Computing for function main
+[from] Computing for function __fc_vla_alloc <-main
+[from] Done for function __fc_vla_alloc
+[from] Non-terminating function main (no dependencies)
+[from] Done for function main
+[from] ====== DEPENDENCIES COMPUTED ======
+  These dependencies hold at termination for the executions that terminate:
+[from] Function __fc_vla_alloc:
+  \result FROM \nothing
+[from] Function main:
+[from] ====== END OF DEPENDENCIES ======
+[inout] Out (internal) for function main:
+    x; tmp; buf_0; __lengthof_buf_0; tmp_3
+[inout] Inputs for function main:
+    x; __malloc_main_l14[4]
diff --git a/tests/pdg/dyn_dpds.ml b/tests/pdg/dyn_dpds.ml
index 716e5067f6a276524b036e8efe28dd061dd235ab..4907cf29314c0d98ef989c991d66b70567bc1493 100644
--- a/tests/pdg/dyn_dpds.ml
+++ b/tests/pdg/dyn_dpds.ml
@@ -21,29 +21,29 @@ let main _ =
   File.pretty_ast ();
   Kernel.Debug.set memo_debug ;
   let kf =  Globals.Functions.find_def_by_name "main" in
-  let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
-  Format.printf "%a@." (!Db.Pdg.pretty ~bw:false) pdg;
-  !Db.Pdg.extract pdg "dyn_dpds_0.dot";
+  let pdg = Pdg.Api.get kf in
+  Format.printf "%a@." (Pdg.Api.pretty ~bw:false) pdg;
+  Pdg.Api.extract pdg "dyn_dpds_0.dot";
   let assert_sid = 5 in (* assert ( *p>G) *)
   let assert_stmt, kf = Kernel_function.find_from_sid assert_sid in
   let _assert_node =
-    match !Db.Pdg.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg assert_stmt with
+    match Pdg.Api.find_simple_stmt_nodes pdg assert_stmt with
     | n::[] -> n | _ -> assert false
   let star_p = get_zones "*p" (assert_stmt, kf) in
   let data_nodes, undef =
-    !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg assert_stmt ~before:true star_p
+    Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg assert_stmt ~before:true star_p
   assert (undef = None);
   let g_zone = get_zones "G" (assert_stmt, kf) in
   let g_nodes, undef =
-    !Db.Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg assert_stmt ~before:true g_zone
+    Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt pdg assert_stmt ~before:true g_zone
   let _data_nodes = g_nodes @ data_nodes in
   let undef = match undef with None -> assert false | Some z -> z in
   Format.printf "Warning : cannot select %a in this function...@\n"
     Locations.Zone.pretty undef;
-  Format.printf "%a@." (!Db.Pdg.pretty ~bw:false) pdg;
-  !Db.Pdg.extract pdg "dyn_dpds_1.dot"
+  Format.printf "%a@." (Pdg.Api.pretty ~bw:false) pdg;
+  Pdg.Api.extract pdg "dyn_dpds_1.dot"
 let () = Db.Main.extend main
diff --git a/tests/pdg/sets.ml b/tests/pdg/sets.ml
index f9759901253978aef39e3675d91663df60b7587e..23c627b3a5bb207fb6a40a3d1ec5fcd793dfbe3e 100644
--- a/tests/pdg/sets.ml
+++ b/tests/pdg/sets.ml
@@ -1,58 +1,57 @@
-open Db;;
-open Cil_types;;
-let pp_nodes msg nodes =
-  Kernel.result "%s" msg ;
-  List.iter (fun n -> Kernel.result "%a" (!Pdg.pretty_node false) n) nodes;;
-exception Find of varinfo;;
-let main _ =
-  let f = Globals.Functions.find_by_name "f" in
-  let pdg = !Pdg.get f in
-  (* Uncomment to retrieve sid *)
-  (*Kernel.Debug.set 1;;
-    Format.eprintf "@[%a@]@." Printer.pp_global (Kernel_function.get_global f);;
-  *)
-  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
-  let stmt_1 = fst (Kernel_function.find_from_sid 1) in (* y = 0 *)
-  let node = !Pdg.find_stmt_node pdg stmt_1 in
-  let nodes = !Pdg.all_uses pdg [node] in
-  pp_nodes "Test [all_uses] stmt1" nodes;
-  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
-  let y =
-    try
-      Globals.Vars.iter (fun v _ -> if v.vname = "y" then raise (Find v));
-      assert false
-    with Find v ->
-      v
-  in
-  let y_zone = Locations.(enumerate_valid_bits Read (loc_of_varinfo y)) in
-  let y_at_11_nodes, undef = (* y=5 *)
-    !Pdg.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
-      pdg (fst (Kernel_function.find_from_sid 11)) ~before:false y_zone
-  in
-  assert (undef = None);
-  let y_at_11_nodes = List.map (fun (n,_z) -> n) y_at_11_nodes in
-  let () = pp_nodes "Test [find_location_nodes_at_stmt] y@11" y_at_11_nodes in
-  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
-  let nodes = !Pdg.all_dpds pdg y_at_11_nodes in
-  let () = pp_nodes "Test [all_dpds] y@11" nodes in
-  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
-  let nodes = !Pdg.all_uses pdg y_at_11_nodes in
-  let () = pp_nodes "Test [all_uses] y@11" nodes in
-  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
-  let all_related_nodes pdg =
-    let all n = (!Pdg.direct_uses pdg n) @ (!Pdg.direct_dpds pdg n) in
-    !Pdg.custom_related_nodes all
-  in
-  let nodes = all_related_nodes pdg y_at_11_nodes in
-  pp_nodes "Test [all_related_nodes] y@11" nodes
-let () = Db.Main.extend main
+open Cil_types;;
+let pp_nodes msg nodes =
+  Kernel.result "%s" msg ;
+  List.iter (fun n -> Kernel.result "%a" (Pdg.Api.pretty_node false) n) nodes;;
+exception Find of varinfo;;
+let main _ =
+  let f = Globals.Functions.find_by_name "f" in
+  let pdg = Pdg.Api.get f in
+  (* Uncomment to retrieve sid *)
+  (*Kernel.Debug.set 1;;
+    Format.eprintf "@[%a@]@." Printer.pp_global (Kernel_function.get_global f);;
+  *)
+  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
+  let stmt_1 = fst (Kernel_function.find_from_sid 1) in (* y = 0 *)
+  let node = Pdg.Api.find_stmt_node pdg stmt_1 in
+  let nodes = Pdg.Api.all_uses pdg [node] in
+  pp_nodes "Test [all_uses] stmt1" nodes;
+  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
+  let y =
+    try
+      Globals.Vars.iter (fun v _ -> if v.vname = "y" then raise (Find v));
+      assert false
+    with Find v ->
+      v
+  in
+  let y_zone = Locations.(enumerate_valid_bits Read (loc_of_varinfo y)) in
+  let y_at_11_nodes, undef = (* y=5 *)
+    Pdg.Api.find_location_nodes_at_stmt
+      pdg (fst (Kernel_function.find_from_sid 11)) ~before:false y_zone
+  in
+  assert (undef = None);
+  let y_at_11_nodes = List.map (fun (n,_z) -> n) y_at_11_nodes in
+  let () = pp_nodes "Test [find_location_nodes_at_stmt] y@11" y_at_11_nodes in
+  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
+  let nodes = Pdg.Api.all_dpds pdg y_at_11_nodes in
+  let () = pp_nodes "Test [all_dpds] y@11" nodes in
+  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
+  let nodes = Pdg.Api.all_uses pdg y_at_11_nodes in
+  let () = pp_nodes "Test [all_uses] y@11" nodes in
+  (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
+  let all_related_nodes pdg =
+    let all n = (Pdg.Api.direct_uses pdg n) @ (Pdg.Api.direct_dpds pdg n) in
+    Pdg.Api.custom_related_nodes all
+  in
+  let nodes = all_related_nodes pdg y_at_11_nodes in
+  pp_nodes "Test [all_related_nodes] y@11" nodes
+let () = Db.Main.extend main
diff --git a/tests/slicing/libSelect.ml b/tests/slicing/libSelect.ml
index fae01cc8b503d8b9ea25207c7d62c2617596d3aa..8fed3fdca1f1de30f97a13a1bb3d6d358a5197d9 100644
--- a/tests/slicing/libSelect.ml
+++ b/tests/slicing/libSelect.ml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let print_stmt kf =
   Slicing.PrintSlice.print_fct_stmts fmt kf
 (* print PDG (for debugging purposes) *)
-let print_pdg kf = !Db.Pdg.pretty fmt (!Db.Pdg.get kf) ;;
+let print_pdg kf = Pdg.Api.pretty fmt (Pdg.Api.get kf) ;;
 let print_ff ff = Slicing.Api.Slice.pretty fmt ff
diff --git a/tests/slicing/min_call.ml b/tests/slicing/min_call.ml
index ebb0e3e8983bf0c210980e6700575ac75ff6f5ab..80fbe7ad12575a7cf978e0441508b3fec992676d 100644
--- a/tests/slicing/min_call.ml
+++ b/tests/slicing/min_call.ml
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ let main _ =
    * the call to [send_bis] is visible as wished. *)
   Slicing.Api.Project.reset_slicing ();
-  (*let pdg_k = !Db.Pdg.get kf_k;;*)
-  let calls = !Db.Pdg.find_call_stmts ~caller:kf_k(*pdg_k*) kf_send_bis in
+  (*let pdg_k = Pdg.Api.get kf_k;;*)
+  let calls = Pdg.Api.find_call_stmts ~caller:kf_k(*pdg_k*) kf_send_bis in
   let sb_call = match calls with c::[] -> c | _ -> assert false in
   let mark = Slicing.Api.Mark.make ~data:true ~addr:false ~ctrl:false in
   let select = Slicing.Api.Select.select_stmt_internal kf_k sb_call mark in
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ let main _ =
    * But as [send_bis] is an undefined function, this makes no difference.
   Slicing.Api.Project.reset_slicing ();
-  (*let pdg_k = !Db.Pdg.get kf_k;;*)
-  let calls = !Db.Pdg.find_call_stmts (*pdg_k*)~caller:kf_k kf_send_bis in
+  (*let pdg_k = Pdg.Api.get kf_k;;*)
+  let calls = Pdg.Api.find_call_stmts (*pdg_k*)~caller:kf_k kf_send_bis in
   let sb_call = match calls with c::[] -> c | _ -> assert false in
   let mark = Slicing.Api.Mark.make ~data:true ~addr:false ~ctrl:false in
   let select = Slicing.Api.Select.select_min_call_internal kf_k sb_call mark in
diff --git a/tests/slicing/select_by_annot.ml b/tests/slicing/select_by_annot.ml
index c3dec000e6239395812460cca35e5dd40299bcda..39e3e6d67a0bbda7190384523b629ca7b7ba20b9 100644
--- a/tests/slicing/select_by_annot.ml
+++ b/tests/slicing/select_by_annot.ml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ open LibSelect;;
 let main _ =
   Slicing.Api.Project.reset_slicing ();
-  let pretty_pdg fmt kf = !Db.Pdg.pretty fmt (!Db.Pdg.get kf) in
+  let pretty_pdg fmt kf = Pdg.Api.pretty fmt (Pdg.Api.get kf) in
   let add_annot kf =
     let mark = Slicing.Api.Mark.make ~data:true ~addr:false ~ctrl:false in
     let select = Slicing.Api.Select.empty_selects in
diff --git a/tests/slicing/simple_intra_slice.ml b/tests/slicing/simple_intra_slice.ml
index f9e17c3b87c76683424ec6fc3679609606e3beac..7a7e189a1c90ae91ae2a9165430481ed0d3d05d7 100644
--- a/tests/slicing/simple_intra_slice.ml
+++ b/tests/slicing/simple_intra_slice.ml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ include LibSelect;;
 let main _ =
   Slicing.Api.Project.reset_slicing ();
-  let pretty_pdg fmt kf = !Db.Pdg.pretty fmt (!Db.Pdg.get kf) in
+  let pretty_pdg fmt kf = Pdg.Api.pretty fmt (Pdg.Api.get kf) in
   let apply_all_actions = Slicing.Api.Request.apply_all_internal in
   let print_slice = Slicing.Api.Slice.pretty in
   let print_fct_stmts kf =
diff --git a/tests/spec/const_ptr_bts1729.i b/tests/spec/const_ptr_bts1729.i
index e2231335e0454d2586897f1552b3eac698e88e87..cb6ef2c2f0fe442b5bcd69f4714ec14f65cd0c73 100644
--- a/tests/spec/const_ptr_bts1729.i
+++ b/tests/spec/const_ptr_bts1729.i
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-static void elem_size(void) {
-	//@ assert \valid_read((char const * const *)0);
+static void elem_size(void) {
+	//@ assert \valid_read((char const * const *)0);
diff --git a/tests/syntax/copy_visitor_bts_1073_bis.ml b/tests/syntax/copy_visitor_bts_1073_bis.ml
index d26b1010abf5ca0abdc6ed8c1f089c43bc39291c..7f6abc845200d0eceff40365c3c812cd702b3632 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/copy_visitor_bts_1073_bis.ml
+++ b/tests/syntax/copy_visitor_bts_1073_bis.ml
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-module P = Plugin.Register
-    (struct
-      let name = "Testing plugin"
-      let shortname = "test"
-      let help = "Just to test Filter..."
-    end)
-module Opt = P.False
-    (struct
-      let option_name = "-test"
-      let help = "switch the plug-in on"
-    end)
-module Visi = struct
-  exception EraseAssigns
-  exception EraseAllocation
+module P = Plugin.Register
+    (struct
+      let name = "Testing plugin"
+      let shortname = "test"
+      let help = "Just to test Filter..."
+    end)
+module Opt = P.False
+    (struct
+      let option_name = "-test"
+      let help = "switch the plug-in on"
+    end)
+module Visi = struct
+  exception EraseAssigns
+  exception EraseAllocation
-  type fct = unit
-  type proj = unit
+  type fct = unit
+  type proj = unit
-  let fct_name vf _fi = vf.Cil_types.vname
-  let fct_info () _ = [ () ]
-  let param_visible _ _ = true
-  let body_visible _fi = true
-  let loc_var_visible _ _ = true
-  let inst_visible _ _ = true
-  let label_visible _ _ _ = true
-  let annotation_visible  _ _ _ = true
-  let fun_precond_visible _ _ = true
-  let fun_postcond_visible  _ _ = true
-  let fun_variant_visible _ _ = true
-  let fun_frees_visible _ _ = true
-  let fun_allocates_visible _ _ = true
-  let fun_assign_visible _ _ = true
-  let fun_deps_visible _ _ = true
-  let called_info _ _ = None
-  let res_call_visible _ _ = true
-  let result_visible _ _ = true
-  let cond_edge_visible _ _ = true, true
-let main () =
-  if Opt.get () then
-    begin
-      let _ast = Ast.get () in
-      P.feedback "start compute";
-      let new_proj_name = "filtered" in
-      let module Transform = Filter.F (Visi) in
-      let new_prj = Transform.build_cil_file new_proj_name () in
-      Project.on new_prj Opt.clear ();
-      P.feedback "exported in new project : %s" new_proj_name
-    end
+  let fct_name vf _fi = vf.Cil_types.vname
+  let fct_info () _ = [ () ]
+  let param_visible _ _ = true
+  let body_visible _fi = true
+  let loc_var_visible _ _ = true
+  let inst_visible _ _ = true
+  let label_visible _ _ _ = true
+  let annotation_visible  _ _ _ = true
+  let fun_precond_visible _ _ = true
+  let fun_postcond_visible  _ _ = true
+  let fun_variant_visible _ _ = true
+  let fun_frees_visible _ _ = true
+  let fun_allocates_visible _ _ = true
+  let fun_assign_visible _ _ = true
+  let fun_deps_visible _ _ = true
+  let called_info _ _ = None
+  let res_call_visible _ _ = true
+  let result_visible _ _ = true
+  let cond_edge_visible _ _ = true, true
+let main () =
+  if Opt.get () then
+    begin
+      let _ast = Ast.get () in
+      P.feedback "start compute";
+      let new_proj_name = "filtered" in
+      let module Transform = Filter.F (Visi) in
+      let new_prj = Transform.build_cil_file new_proj_name () in
+      Project.on new_prj Opt.clear ();
+      P.feedback "exported in new project : %s" new_proj_name
+    end
-let () = Db.Main.extend main
+let () = Db.Main.extend main
diff --git a/tests/syntax/duplicated_global_bts1129.i b/tests/syntax/duplicated_global_bts1129.i
index b95f7dfed63c40ac468c5af75edf3b4f1d7ef84b..b8ac93ff233a19e3dcd95c1d12e7297ff4c9668e 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/duplicated_global_bts1129.i
+++ b/tests/syntax/duplicated_global_bts1129.i
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-void f(int* x);
-void f(int* x) { *x++; }
-int X;
-//@ ensures X==1;
-void f(int* x);
+void f(int* x);
+void f(int* x) { *x++; }
+int X;
+//@ ensures X==1;
+void f(int* x);