diff --git a/src/plugins/value/api/general_requests.ml b/src/plugins/value/api/general_requests.ml
index 4cbfd6f0af85695976d06833b4e2871f6110b76b..cb134b23ae25a20ef3a1b497dbc6ba62a148fc20 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/api/general_requests.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/api/general_requests.ml
@@ -57,12 +57,7 @@ let _computation_signal =
-let is_computed kf =
-  Analysis.is_computed () &&
-  match kf with
-  | { fundec = Definition (fundec, _) } ->
-    Mark_noresults.should_memorize_function fundec
-  | { fundec = Declaration _ } -> false
+let is_computed kf = Analysis.is_computed () && Results.are_available kf
 module CallSite = Data.Jpair (Kernel_ast.Kf) (Kernel_ast.Stmt)
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/gui_files/gui_eval.ml b/src/plugins/value/gui_files/gui_eval.ml
index 691ec61e3e21054da275d86deaf89cf264b1147a..9264bfb55403509312c971ee1ea1b614d1381777 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/gui_files/gui_eval.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/gui_files/gui_eval.ml
@@ -24,12 +24,8 @@ open Cil_types
 open Gui_types
 open Lattice_bounds
-let results_kf_computed kf =
-  Analysis.is_computed () &&
-  match kf with
-  | { fundec = Definition (fundec, _) } ->
-    Mark_noresults.should_memorize_function fundec
-  | { fundec = Declaration _ } -> true (* This value is not really used *)
+let results_kf_computed kf = Analysis.is_computed () && Results.are_available kf
+let kf_called kf = Analysis.is_computed () && Results.is_called kf
 let term_c_type t =
@@ -386,7 +382,7 @@ module Make (X: Analysis.S) = struct
      and correspond to the states before reduction by any precondition.
      After states are not available. *)
   let callstacks_at_pre kf =
-    if results_kf_computed kf then
+    if kf_called kf then
       let states_before = X.get_initial_state_by_callstack kf in
       { states_before; states_after = `Top }
     else top_states_by_callstacks