diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 089e752d1a7af21c39f23b3ef63a0c52ce6fa645..1f00f2ac6bbea3e69cab00002a094c4974a58c44 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -138,19 +138,32 @@ build-from-distrib-tarball:
    - nix
+.build_template: &internal_template
   stage: distrib_and_compatibility
     OCAML: "4_05"
-  script:
-   - nix/frama-ci.sh build -A frama-c.internal
    - nix
+  <<: *internal_template
+  script:
+   - nix/frama-ci.sh build -A frama-c.internal
+  when: manual
+  <<: *internal_template
+  script:
+   - nix/frama-ci.sh build -A frama-c.internal
+  only:
+  - schedules
 .build_template: &frama-c-ocaml
   stage: distrib_and_compatibility
-   - nix/frama-ci.sh build -A frama-c.installed
+   - nix/frama-ci.sh build -A frama-c.tests
    - nix
diff --git a/headers/header_spec.txt b/headers/header_spec.txt
index 77d65e786310853aecf3d25fbb866511d83f5bee..9980f89dcdfe404757752447e6b72dde4359b3ad 100644
--- a/headers/header_spec.txt
+++ b/headers/header_spec.txt
@@ -1527,6 +1527,10 @@ src/plugins/wp/clabels.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/configure.ac: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ctypes.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ctypes.mli: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.ml: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.mli: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/why3_api.mli: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/why3_api.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/doc/MakeDoc: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/doc/coqdoc/Makefile: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/doc/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty: .ignore
@@ -1814,10 +1818,12 @@ src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Zbits.v: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/bool/Bool.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Abs.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/ComputerDivision.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
+src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/EuclideanDivision.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Exponentiation.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Int.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/MinMax.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Power.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
+src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/map/Map.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/map/Const.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/real/Abs.v: UNMODIFIED_WHY3
@@ -1904,7 +1910,6 @@ src/plugins/wp/share/src/upper.ml: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/share/src/vlist.why: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/src/vset.why: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/src/why3-realize.drv: .ignore
-src/plugins/wp/share/src/why3printer_realize.ml: MODIFIED_WHY3
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.v: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.why: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Bits.v: CEA_WP
@@ -1931,6 +1936,14 @@ src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vset.v: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vset.why: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Zbits.v: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/why3/coq.drv: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cbits.mlw: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cfloat.mlw: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cint.mlw: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cmath.mlw: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/memory.mlw: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/qed.mlw: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vlist.mlw: CEA_WP
+src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vset.mlw: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/share/wpcoqdoc.zip: .ignore
 src/plugins/wp/why3_xml.mli: MODIFIED_WHY3
diff --git a/nix/default.nix b/nix/default.nix
index 00ff4cb5399776d1ec0de09935e05d5c4d620a15..5df2afa13af42530acc47210e69f69fd07aa480d 100644
--- a/nix/default.nix
+++ b/nix/default.nix
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 { pkgs, stdenv, src ? ../., opam2nix, ocaml_version ? "ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_4_05.ocaml", plugins ? { } }:
 let mk_buildInputs = { opamPackages ? [], nixPackages ? [] } :
-    [ pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.gnused  pkgs.autoconf pkgs.gnumake pkgs.gcc pkgs.ncurses pkgs.time pkgs.python3 pkgs.perl pkgs.file ] ++ nixPackages ++ opam2nix.build {
+    [ pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.gnused  pkgs.autoconf pkgs.gnumake pkgs.gcc pkgs.ncurses pkgs.time pkgs.python3 pkgs.perl pkgs.file] ++ nixPackages ++ opam2nix.build {
            specs = opam2nix.toSpecs ([ "ocamlfind" "zarith" "ocamlgraph" "yojson"
-                { name = "coq"; constraint = "=8.7.2"; }
+                { name = "coq"; constraint = "=8.7.2";  }
+                { name = "why3" ; constraint = "=1.2.0"; }
+                { name = "why3-coq" ; constraint = "=1.2.0"; }
+                { name = "menhir"; constraint = "=20181113"; }
+                "camlzip" #so that why3 is always compiled with it
                 ] ++ opamPackages ++
                 (if ocaml_version == "pkgs.ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_4_02.ocaml"
                 then [ { name = "ocamlbuild" ; constraint = "=0"; } ] else [])
@@ -151,7 +155,6 @@ rec {
         name = "frama-c-wp-qualif";
         buildInputs = mk_buildInputs { opamPackages = [
                     { name = "alt-ergo"; constraint = "=2.0.0"; }
-                    { name = "why3" ; constraint = "=1.1.1"; }
                ]; };
         build_dir = main.build_dir;
         src = main.build_dir + "/dir.tar";
diff --git a/src/libraries/utils/task.ml b/src/libraries/utils/task.ml
index aaaf758d4f84ec83e4fdfeff05bbf92ad7fb1fc7..2f39dcfb9ebbc31493a48aca056321387c48e122 100644
--- a/src/libraries/utils/task.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/utils/task.ml
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ let failed text =
     (Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer) text
 let bind = Monad.bind
+let async = Monad.async
 let sequence a k = 
   Monad.bind a (function
diff --git a/src/libraries/utils/task.mli b/src/libraries/utils/task.mli
index af8a018bd16ab0d4da61e1aa5ddea83b3ba381bc..fb1f38ad0738bd4dcf55596ce6818ec4abcab7ad 100644
--- a/src/libraries/utils/task.mli
+++ b/src/libraries/utils/task.mli
@@ -98,6 +98,19 @@ val finally : 'a task -> ('a status -> unit) -> 'a task
 val callback : 'a task -> ('a status -> unit) -> unit task
   (** Same as [finally] but the status of the task is discarded. *)
+type 'a async =
+  | Yield (** give up the control *)
+  | Wait of int (** wait for the number of milliseconds *)
+  | Return of 'a (** return a value *)
+type coin =
+  | Coin (** continue to work *)
+  | Kill (** stop the computation *)
+val async : (coin -> 'a status async) -> 'a task
+(** low level command for managing ressource with active wait *)
 val (>>>) : 'a task -> ('a status -> 'b task) -> 'b task (** [bind] infix. *)
 val (>>=) : 'a task -> ('a -> 'b task) -> 'b task  (** [sequence] infix. *)
 val (>>?) : 'a task -> ('a status -> unit) -> 'a task (** [finally] infix. *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/qed/logic.ml b/src/plugins/qed/logic.ml
index 91338a35f39b1ae9c23f051afebb2150d72373f5..4f1a82c6759eb17ad4812cec64dc1d0096a5fbfd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/qed/logic.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/qed/logic.ml
@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ sig
   val e_set   : term -> term -> term -> term
   val e_getfield : term -> Field.t -> term
   val e_record : record -> term
-  val e_fun : Fun.t -> term list -> term
-  val e_repr : repr -> term
+  val e_fun : ?result:tau -> Fun.t -> term list -> term
+  val e_repr : ?result:tau -> repr -> term
   (** @raise Invalid_argument on [Bvar] and [Bind] *)
   (** {3 Quantifiers and Binding} *)
@@ -430,6 +430,8 @@ sig
         Recursive calls must be performed on strictly smaller terms.
+  val set_builtin' : Fun.t -> (term list -> tau option -> term) -> unit
   val set_builtin_map : Fun.t -> (term list -> term list) -> unit
   (** Register a builtin for rewriting [f a1..an] into [f b1..bm].
@@ -437,9 +439,10 @@ sig
       to run into an infinite loop.
-  val set_builtin_get : Fun.t -> (term list -> term -> term) -> unit
+  val set_builtin_get : Fun.t -> (term list -> tau option -> term -> term) -> unit
   (** [set_builtin_get f rewrite] register a builtin
       for rewriting [(f a1..an)[k]] into [rewrite (a1..an) k].
+      The type given is the type of (f a1..an).
   val set_builtin_eq : Fun.t -> (term -> term -> term) -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/qed/term.ml b/src/plugins/qed/term.ml
index 2ab6b9b4d990863c161db2ecf4d614a0012129cb..b9ab110d15a54cb535338cedda0091c4983e2df1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/qed/term.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/qed/term.ml
@@ -62,9 +62,12 @@ struct
     bind : Bvars.t ;
     sort : sort ;
     repr : repr ;
+    tau  : tau option;
   and repr = (Field.t,ADT.t,Fun.t,var,term,term) term_repr
+  let pretty_debug :  (_ -> term -> unit) ref = ref (fun _ _ -> ())
   type lc_term = term
   type 'a expression = (Field.t,ADT.t,Fun.t,var,lc_term,'a) term_repr
@@ -629,7 +632,10 @@ struct
     let rec compare a b =
       if a == b then 0 else
-        cmp_struct compare a b
+        let cmp = cmp_struct compare a b in
+        if cmp <> 0 then cmp else
+          Extlib.opt_compare Tau.compare a.tau b.tau
@@ -685,7 +691,7 @@ struct
   type operation =
     | NOT of term (* Only AND, OR and IMPLY *)
     | CMP of cmp * term * term
-    | FUN of Fun.t * term list
+    | FUN of Fun.t * term list * tau option
   module C = Cache.Unary
@@ -695,11 +701,12 @@ struct
         let hash = function
           | NOT p -> 5 * p.hash
           | CMP(c,a,b) -> hash_op c * Hcons.hash_pair a.hash b.hash
-          | FUN(f,es) -> Hcons.hash_list hash (Fun.hash f) es
+          | FUN(f,es,_) -> Hcons.hash_list hash (Fun.hash f) es
         let equal a b = match a,b with
           | NOT p,NOT q -> p==q
           | CMP(c,a,b),CMP(c',a',b') -> c=c' && a==a' && b==b'
-          | FUN(f,xs) , FUN(g,ys) -> Fun.equal f g && Hcons.equal_list (==) xs ys
+          | FUN(f,xs,t) , FUN(g,ys,t') -> Fun.equal f g && Hcons.equal_list (==) xs ys
+                                          && Extlib.opt_equal Tau.equal t t'
           | _ -> false
@@ -716,8 +723,8 @@ struct
     weak : W.t ;
     cache : term C.cache ;
     mutable checks : STset.t STmap.t ;
-    mutable builtins_fun : (term list -> term) BUILTIN.t ;
-    mutable builtins_get : (term list -> term -> term) BUILTIN.t ;
+    mutable builtins_fun : (term list -> tau option -> term) BUILTIN.t ;
+    mutable builtins_get : (term list -> tau option -> term -> term) BUILTIN.t ;
     mutable builtins_eq  : (term -> term -> term) BUILTIN.t ;
     mutable builtins_leq : (term -> term -> term) BUILTIN.t ;
@@ -740,6 +747,12 @@ struct
     C.clear !state.cache ;
     !state.checks <- STmap.empty
+  let in_state st f x =
+    let old = !state in
+    Extlib.try_finally
+      ~finally:(fun () -> state := old)
+      (fun x -> state := st; f x) x
   let clock = ref true
   let constants = ref Tset.empty
   let constant c = assert !clock ; constants := Tset.add c !constants ; c
@@ -769,9 +782,9 @@ struct
   (* --- Hconsed insertion                                                  --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  let insert r =
+  let insert ?tau r =
     let h = hash_repr r in
-    (* Only [hash] and [repr] are significant for lookup in weak hmap *)
+    (* Only [hash] and [repr] an [tau] are significant for lookup in weak hmap *)
     let e0 = {
       id = 0 ;
       hash = h ;
@@ -780,6 +793,7 @@ struct
       vars = Vars.empty ;
       bind = Bvars.empty ;
       sort = Sdata ;
+      tau;
     } in
     try W.find !state.weak e0
     with Not_found ->
@@ -794,6 +808,7 @@ struct
         bind = bind_repr r ;
         sort = sort_repr r ;
         size = size_repr r ;
+        tau;
       in W.add !state.weak e ; e
@@ -850,7 +865,7 @@ struct
   let c_eq = sym insert_eq
   let c_neq = sym insert_neq
-  let c_fun f xs = insert(Fun(f,xs))
+  let c_fun f xs tau = insert ?tau (Fun(f,xs))
   let c_add = function
     | [] -> e_zero
@@ -941,9 +956,9 @@ struct
   (* --- Cache & Builtin Simplifiers                                        --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  let builtin_fun f es =
-    try (BUILTIN.find f !state.builtins_fun) es
-    with Not_found -> c_fun f es
+  let builtin_fun ?tau f es =
+    try (BUILTIN.find f !state.builtins_fun) es tau
+    with Not_found -> c_fun f es tau
   let simplify_eq e a b =
     match e.repr with
@@ -978,7 +993,7 @@ struct
   let dispatch = function
     | NOT p -> !cached_not p.repr
     | CMP(cmp,a,b) -> builtin_cmp cmp a b
-    | FUN(f,es) -> builtin_fun f es
+    | FUN(f,es,tau) -> builtin_fun ?tau f es
   let operation op = C.compute !state.cache dispatch op
   let distribute_if_over_operation force op x y f a b =
@@ -995,18 +1010,20 @@ struct
       -> !extern_ite bc (f a b1) (f a b2)
     | _ -> op x y
-  let distribute f = function
+  let distribute f tau = function
     | x::[] as xs ->
           match x.repr with
           | If(c,a,b) ->  !extern_ite c (!extern_fun f [a]) (!extern_fun f [b])
-          | _ -> operation (FUN(f,xs))
+          | _ -> operation (FUN(f,xs,tau))
     | a::b::[] as xs ->
-        distribute_if_over_operation false (fun f xs -> operation (FUN(f,xs))) f xs (fun a b -> !extern_fun f [a;b]) a b
-    | xs -> operation (FUN(f,xs))
+        distribute_if_over_operation false
+          (fun f xs -> operation (FUN(f,xs,tau))) f xs
+          (fun a b -> !extern_fun f [a;b]) a b
+    | xs -> operation (FUN(f,xs,tau))
-  let c_builtin_fun f xs = distribute f xs
+  let c_builtin_fun f xs tau = distribute f tau xs
   let c_builtin_eq  a b = distribute_if_over_operation true (fun a b -> operation (CMP(EQ ,a,b))) a b !extern_eq  a b
   let c_builtin_neq a b = distribute_if_over_operation true (fun a b -> operation (CMP(NEQ,a,b))) a b !extern_neq a b
   let c_builtin_lt  a b = distribute_if_over_operation true (fun a b -> operation (CMP(LT ,a,b))) a b !extern_lt  a b
@@ -1019,12 +1036,14 @@ struct
           "Builtin already registered for '%s'" (Fun.debug f) in
       raise (Failure msg)
-  let set_builtin f p =
+  let set_builtin' f p =
       prepare_builtin f !state.builtins_fun ;
       !state.builtins_fun <- BUILTIN.add f p !state.builtins_fun ;
+  let set_builtin f p = set_builtin' f (fun es _ -> p es)
   let set_builtin_get f p =
       prepare_builtin f !state.builtins_get ;
@@ -1043,7 +1062,7 @@ struct
       !state.builtins_leq <- BUILTIN.add f p !state.builtins_leq ;
-  let set_builtin_map f phi = set_builtin f (fun es -> c_fun f (phi es))
+  let set_builtin_map f phi = set_builtin' f (fun es tau -> c_fun f (phi es) tau)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   (* --- Negation                                                           --- *)
@@ -1116,7 +1135,7 @@ struct
     | E_int k -> e_int k
     | E_true -> e_true
     | E_false -> e_false
-    | E_fun (f,l) -> c_fun f (List.map element l)
+    | E_fun (f,l) -> c_fun f (List.map element l) None
   let rec is_element e x = match e , x.repr with
     | E_int k , Kint z -> Z.equal (Z.of_int k) z
@@ -1140,7 +1159,7 @@ struct
     | Operator op -> is_element op.absorbant e
     | _ -> false
-  let op_fun f op xs =
+  let op_fun f op xs tau =
     let xs =
       if op.associative then
         let xs = op_revassoc f [] xs in
@@ -1164,14 +1183,14 @@ struct
       match xs with
       | [] when op.neutral <> E_none -> element op.neutral
       | [x] when op.associative -> x
-      | _ -> c_builtin_fun f xs
+      | _ -> c_builtin_fun f xs tau
-  let e_fungen f xs =
+  let e_fungen f xs tau =
     match Fun.category f with
-    | Logic.Operator op -> op_fun f op xs
-    | _ -> c_builtin_fun f xs
+    | Logic.Operator op -> op_fun f op xs tau
+    | _ -> c_builtin_fun f xs tau
-  let e_fun = e_fungen
+  let e_fun ?result f xs = e_fungen f xs result
   let () = extern_fun := e_fun
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -1724,13 +1743,13 @@ struct
   and eq_invertible x y f xs ys =
     let modified,xs,ys = op_invertible ~ac:(is_ac f) xs ys in
     if modified
-    then eq_symb (e_fun f xs) (e_fun f ys)
+    then eq_symb (e_fun f xs ?result:x.tau) (e_fun f ys ?result:y.tau)
     else c_builtin_eq x y
   and eq_invertible_both x y f g xs ys =
     let modified,xs',ys' = op_invertible ~ac:(is_ac f) xs [y] in
     if modified
-    then eq_symb (e_fun f xs') (e_fun f ys')
+    then eq_symb (e_fun f xs' ?result:x.tau) (e_fun f ys' ?result:y.tau)
     else eq_invertible x y g [x] ys
   and eq_field (f,x) (g,y) =
@@ -1900,7 +1919,7 @@ struct
     | Fun (g,xs) ->
-          try (BUILTIN.find g !state.builtins_get) xs k
+          try (BUILTIN.find g !state.builtins_get) xs m.tau k
           with Not_found -> c_get m k
     | _ -> c_get m k
@@ -1993,7 +2012,7 @@ struct
     | Times(z,t) -> c_times z (f t)
     | If(e,a,b) -> c_if (f e) (f a) (f b)
     | Imply(hs,p) -> c_imply (List.map f hs) (f p)
-    | Fun(g,xs) -> c_fun g (List.map f xs)
+    | Fun(g,xs) -> c_fun g (List.map f xs) e0.tau
     | Acst(t,v) -> c_const t v
     | Aget(x,y) -> c_get (f x) (f y)
     | Aset(x,y,z) -> c_set (f x) (f y) (f z)
@@ -2047,7 +2066,7 @@ struct
     | Times(z,t) -> e_times z (f t)
     | If(e,a,b) -> e_if (f e) (f a) (f b)
     | Imply(hs,p) -> e_imply (List.map f hs) (f p)
-    | Fun(g,xs) -> e_fun g (List.map f xs)
+    | Fun(g,xs) -> e_fun ?result:e0.tau g (List.map f xs)
     | Acst(t,v) -> e_const t v
     | Aget(x,y) -> e_get (f x) (f y)
     | Aset(x,y,z) -> e_set (f x) (f y) (f z)
@@ -2236,6 +2255,53 @@ struct
     List.iter (Subst.add_term sigma) es ;
     apply sigma Intmap.empty e es
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- convert between states                                             --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  let rebuild_in_state to_state ?(cache=Tmap.empty) e =
+    let cache_find m e = Tmap.find e !m in
+    let cache_bind m e v = m := Tmap.add e v !m ; v in
+    let m = ref cache in
+    let rec aux e =
+      try cache_find m e
+      with Not_found ->
+        let r = match e.repr with
+          | Kint i -> e_zint i
+          | Kreal r -> e_real r
+          | Fvar v -> e_var v
+          | Bvar (v,t) -> c_bvar v t
+          | True -> e_true
+          | False -> e_false
+          | Not e -> e_not (aux e)
+          | Add xs -> addition (List.map aux xs)
+          | Mul xs -> multiplication (List.map aux xs)
+          | And xs -> e_and (List.map aux xs)
+          | Or  xs -> e_or  (List.map aux xs)
+          | Mod(x,y) -> e_mod (aux x) (aux y)
+          | Div(x,y) -> e_div (aux x) (aux y)
+          | Eq(x,y)  -> e_eq  (aux x) (aux y)
+          | Neq(x,y) -> e_neq (aux x) (aux y)
+          | Lt(x,y)  -> e_lt  (aux x) (aux y)
+          | Leq(x,y) -> e_leq (aux x) (aux y)
+          | Times(z,t) -> times z (aux t)
+          | If(e,a,b) -> e_if (aux e) (aux a) (aux b)
+          | Imply(hs,p) -> e_imply (List.map aux hs) (aux p)
+          | Fun(g,xs) -> e_fun ?result:e.tau g (List.map aux xs)
+          | Acst(t,v) -> e_const t (aux v)
+          | Aget(x,y) -> e_get (aux x) (aux y)
+          | Aset(x,y,z) -> e_set (aux x) (aux y) (aux z)
+          | Rget(x,g) -> e_getfield (aux x) g
+          | Rdef gxs -> e_record (List.map (fun (g,x) -> g, aux x) gxs)
+          | Apply(e,es) -> c_apply (aux e) (List.map aux es)
+          | Bind(q,t,e) -> c_bind q t (aux e)
+        in
+        cache_bind m e r
+    in
+    let r = in_state to_state aux e in
+    r, !m
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   (* --- Binders                                                            --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -2344,7 +2410,7 @@ struct
   (* --- Iterators                                                          --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  let e_repr = function
+  let e_repr ?result = function
     | Bvar _ | Bind _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Qed.e_repr")
     | True -> e_true
     | False -> e_false
@@ -2366,7 +2432,7 @@ struct
     | Leq(x,y) -> e_leq x y
     | If(e,a,b) -> e_if e a b
     | Imply(hs,p) -> e_imply hs p
-    | Fun(g,xs) -> e_fun g xs
+    | Fun(g,xs) -> e_fun ?result g xs
     | Acst(t,v) -> e_const t v
     | Aget(m,k) -> e_get m k
     | Aset(m,k,v) -> e_set m k v
@@ -2469,7 +2535,7 @@ struct
           | Aset _ -> bad_position ()
           | Rdef _ | Rget _ ->
               failwith "change in place for records not yet implemented"
-          | Fun (f,ops) -> e_fun f (change_in_list ops i l)
+          | Fun (f,ops) -> e_fun ?result:e.tau f (change_in_list ops i l)
           | Bind(q,x,t) when i = 0 -> c_bind q x (aux t l)
           | Bind _ -> bad_position ()
           | Apply(f,args) when i = 0 ->
@@ -2479,6 +2545,8 @@ struct
     in aux e pos
+  let () = pretty_debug := debug
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   (* ---  Record Decomposition                                            --- *)
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
@@ -2696,43 +2764,46 @@ struct
   let rec typecheck env e =
-    match e.sort with
-    | Sint -> Int
-    | Sreal -> Real
-    | Sbool -> Bool
-    | Sprop -> Prop
-    | Sdata | Sarray _ ->
-        match e.repr with
-        | Bvar (_,ty) -> ty
-        | Fvar x -> tau_of_var x
-        | Acst(t,v) -> Array(t,typecheck env v)
-        | Aset(m,k,v) ->
-            (try typecheck env m
-             with Not_found ->
-               Array(typecheck env k,typecheck env v))
-        | Fun(f,es) ->
-            (try tau_of_sort (Fun.sort f)
-             with Not_found -> env.call f (List.map (typeof env) es))
-        | Aget(m,_) ->
-            (try match typecheck env m with
-               | Array(_,v) -> v
-               | _ -> raise Not_found
-             with Not_found -> tau_of_arraysort m.sort)
-        | Rdef [] -> raise Not_found
-        | Rdef ((f,_)::_) -> env.record f
-        | Rget (_,f) ->
-            (try tau_of_sort (Field.sort f)
-             with Not_found -> env.field f)
-        | True | False -> Bool
-        | Kint _ -> Int
-        | Kreal _ -> Real
-        | Times(_,e) -> typecheck env e
-        | Add es | Mul es -> merge_list Int (typecheck env) es
-        | Div (a,b) | Mod (a,b) | If(_,a,b) ->
-            tau_merge (typecheck env a) (typecheck env b)
-        | Eq _ | Neq _ | Leq _ | Lt _ | And _ | Or _ | Not _ | Imply _ -> Bool
-        | Bind((Forall|Exists),_,_) -> Prop
-        | Apply _ | Bind(Lambda,_,_) -> raise Not_found
+    match e.tau with
+    | Some tau -> tau
+    | None ->
+        match e.sort with
+        | Sint -> Int
+        | Sreal -> Real
+        | Sbool -> Bool
+        | Sprop -> Prop
+        | Sdata | Sarray _ ->
+            match e.repr with
+            | Bvar (_,ty) -> ty
+            | Fvar x -> tau_of_var x
+            | Acst(t,v) -> Array(t,typecheck env v)
+            | Aset(m,k,v) ->
+                (try typecheck env m
+                 with Not_found ->
+                   Array(typecheck env k,typecheck env v))
+            | Fun(f,es) ->
+                (try tau_of_sort (Fun.sort f)
+                 with Not_found -> env.call f (List.map (typeof env) es))
+            | Aget(m,_) ->
+                (try match typecheck env m with
+                   | Array(_,v) -> v
+                   | _ -> raise Not_found
+                 with Not_found -> tau_of_arraysort m.sort)
+            | Rdef [] -> raise Not_found
+            | Rdef ((f,_)::_) -> env.record f
+            | Rget (_,f) ->
+                (try tau_of_sort (Field.sort f)
+                 with Not_found -> env.field f)
+            | True | False -> Bool
+            | Kint _ -> Int
+            | Kreal _ -> Real
+            | Times(_,e) -> typecheck env e
+            | Add es | Mul es -> merge_list Int (typecheck env) es
+            | Div (a,b) | Mod (a,b) | If(_,a,b) ->
+                tau_merge (typecheck env a) (typecheck env b)
+            | Eq _ | Neq _ | Leq _ | Lt _ | And _ | Or _ | Not _ | Imply _ -> Bool
+            | Bind((Forall|Exists),_,_) -> Prop
+            | Apply _ | Bind(Lambda,_,_) -> raise Not_found
   and typeof env e = try Some (typecheck env e) with Not_found -> None
diff --git a/src/plugins/qed/term.mli b/src/plugins/qed/term.mli
index b8c79ff5c3bfe48f4546f1b8e8e5a33c873b07ee..3e58145442528148aaabbda5fe7d427b7e429da8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/qed/term.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/qed/term.mli
@@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ module Make
     val set_state : state -> unit (** Update local state. *)
     val clr_state : state -> unit (** Clear local state. *)
+    val in_state : state -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+    (** execute in a particular state. *)
+    val rebuild_in_state : state -> ?cache:term Tmap.t -> term -> term * term Tmap.t
+    (** rebuild a term in the given state *)
     (** Register a constant in the global state. *)
     val constant : term -> term
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/.gitignore b/src/plugins/wp/.gitignore
index 10f95c8dc3900f200f332cc9cc902c707c0e7b8d..817f9eb8dee4225818261f883e8c796f5b1f4ef2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/.gitignore
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/.gitignore
@@ -20,3 +20,5 @@
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/.merlin b/src/plugins/wp/.merlin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4209155cd3e7debb97a64fc44ef4bcf0bc60184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/.merlin
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PKG why3
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Definitions.ml b/src/plugins/wp/Definitions.ml
index 45ff8a2953c6a2df02afed5fb8ab100230adbded..4d152b904f7df5bc33b62f2b7a3c4915fe33a21b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Definitions.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Definitions.ml
@@ -107,6 +107,14 @@ struct
   let vars = collect Vars.empty
+  (* let rec pretty fmt = function
+   *   | TgAny -> assert false
+   *   | TgVar x -> Lang.F.QED.Var.pretty fmt x
+   *   | TgGet(t,k) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a[%a]@]" pretty t pretty k
+   *   | TgSet(t,k,v) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a[%a@ <- %a]@]" pretty t pretty k pretty v
+   *   | TgFun(f,ts) ->
+   *   | TgProp(f,ts) -> call Cprop f fmt ts *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -239,9 +247,9 @@ let matrix = function
         (fun id -> newcluster ~id ~title:"Basic Arrays" ()) "Matrix"
-let call_fun lfun cc es =
+let call_fun ~result lfun cc es =
   Symbol.compile (Lang.local cc) lfun ;
-  e_fun lfun es
+  e_fun ~result lfun es
 let call_pred lfun cc es =
   Symbol.compile (Lang.local cc) lfun ;
@@ -344,7 +352,9 @@ class virtual visitor main =
     method vparam x = self#vtau (tau_of_var x)
-    method private repr ~bool = function
+    method private repr ~bool x =
+      self#vtau (Lang.F.typeof x);
+      match F.repr x with
       | Fun(f,_) -> self#vsymbol f
       | Rget(_,f) -> self#vfield f
       | Rdef fts -> List.iter (fun (f,_) -> self#vfield f) fts
@@ -362,7 +372,7 @@ class virtual visitor main =
       if not (Tset.mem t terms) then
           terms <- Tset.add t terms ;
-          self#repr ~bool:true (F.repr t) ;
+          self#repr ~bool:true t ;
           F.lc_iter self#vterm t ;
@@ -370,7 +380,7 @@ class virtual visitor main =
       let t = F.e_prop p in
       if not (Tset.mem t terms) then
-          self#repr ~bool:false (F.repr t) ;
+          self#repr ~bool:false t ;
             (fun e ->
                if F.is_prop e
@@ -397,12 +407,12 @@ class virtual visitor main =
     method private vlfun f =
-      try
-        let d = Symbol.find f in
-        let c = d.d_cluster in
-        if self#do_local c then self#vdfun d
-      with Not_found ->
-        Wp_parameters.fatal "Undefined symbol '%a'" Fun.pretty f
+      match Symbol.find f with
+      | exception Not_found ->
+          Wp_parameters.fatal "Undefined symbol '%a'" Fun.pretty f
+      | d ->
+          let c = d.d_cluster in
+          if self#do_local c then self#vdfun d
     method vsymbol f =
       if not (DF.mem f symbols) then
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Definitions.mli b/src/plugins/wp/Definitions.mli
index f4a0d98b31b64e56f0021c970df0e97089d44c2a..5814a70c95253ca932c96e25f4a68d1e9a0b8a81 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Definitions.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Definitions.mli
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ val compile_lemma  : (logic_lemma -> dlemma) -> logic_lemma -> unit
 val define_lemma  : dlemma -> unit
 val define_type   : cluster -> logic_type_info -> unit
-val call_fun : lfun -> (lfun -> dfun) -> term list -> term
+val call_fun : result:tau -> lfun -> (lfun -> dfun) -> term list -> term
 val call_pred : lfun -> (lfun -> dfun) -> term list -> pred
 type axioms = cluster * logic_lemma list
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiConfig.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiConfig.ml
index 6e92c3e98ec00f2563539dffde0e9119e458270c..c7cd8abf5533938991960c4de3b25e82b0735cf1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiConfig.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiConfig.ml
@@ -20,49 +20,53 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-open VCS
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
 (* ---  Prover List in Configuration                                    --- *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-class available () =
-  object(self)
-    val mutable dps = []
-    method get = dps
-    method detect =
-      try dps <- ProverDetect.detect ()
-      with exn ->
-        Wp_parameters.error "Why3 detection error:@\n%s"
-          (Printexc.to_string exn)
-    initializer self#detect
-  end
 class enabled key =
-    inherit [string list] Wutil.selector []
+    inherit [Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.t] Wutil.selector Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.empty
     method private load () =
       let open Gtk_helper.Configuration in
-      let rec collect w = function
-        | ConfString s -> s :: w
-        | ConfList fs -> List.fold_left collect w fs
-        | _ -> w in
+      let prover_of_conf acc = function
+        | ConfList [ConfString prover_name;
+                    ConfString prover_version;
+                    ConfString prover_altern] ->
+            Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.add
+              Why3.Whyconf.{ prover_name; prover_version; prover_altern }
+              acc
+        | _ -> acc in
         let data = Gtk_helper.Configuration.find key in
-        List.rev (collect [] data)
-      with Not_found -> []
+        match data with
+        | ConfList data ->
+            (List.fold_left prover_of_conf Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.empty data)
+        | _ -> Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.empty
+      with Not_found -> Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.empty
     method private save () =
       let open Gtk_helper.Configuration in
+      let conf_of_prover dp = ConfList Why3.Whyconf.[ConfString dp.prover_name;
+                                                     ConfString dp.prover_version;
+                                                     ConfString dp.prover_altern] in
       Gtk_helper.Configuration.set key
-        (ConfList (List.map (fun s -> ConfString s) self#get))
+        (ConfList (List.map conf_of_prover
+                     (Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.elements self#get)))
         let settings = self#load () in
+        (** select automatically the provers set on the command line *)
         let cmdline = Wp_parameters.Provers.get () in
-        let selection = List.sort_uniq String.compare (settings @ cmdline) in
+        let selection = List.fold_left
+            (fun acc e ->
+               match VCS.Why3_prover.find_opt e with
+               | None-> acc
+               | Some p -> Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.add p acc)
+            settings cmdline
+        in
         self#set selection ;
         self#on_event self#save ;
@@ -75,7 +79,6 @@ class enabled key =
 class dp_chooser
-    ~(available:available)
   let dialog = new Wpane.dialog
@@ -85,22 +88,16 @@ class dp_chooser
   let array = new Wpane.warray () in
-    val mutable selected = []
+    val mutable selected = Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.empty
     method private enable dp e =
-      let rec hook dp e = function
-        | [] -> [dp,e]
-        | head :: tail ->
-            if fst head = dp then (dp,e) :: tail
-            else head :: hook dp e tail
-      in selected <- hook dp e selected
+      selected <- Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.add dp e selected
     method private lookup dp =
-      try List.assoc dp selected
-      with Not_found -> false
+      Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.find dp selected
     method private entry dp =
-      let text = Pretty_utils.to_string VCS.pretty dp in
+      let text = VCS.Why3_prover.title dp in
       let sw = new Widget.switch () in
       let lb = new Widget.label ~align:`Left ~text () in
       sw#set (self#lookup dp) ;
@@ -116,29 +113,33 @@ class dp_chooser
     method private configure dps =
-        array#set dps ;
+        array#set (Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.elements dps) ;
         array#update () ;
     method private detect () =
-        available#detect ;
-        self#configure available#get ;
+        self#configure (VCS.Why3_prover.provers_set ());
     method private apply () =
-      let rec choose = function
-        | ({dp_shortcuts=key::_},true)::dps -> key :: choose dps
-        | _::dps -> choose dps
-        | [] -> []
-      in enabled#set (choose selected)
+      enabled#set
+        (Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.map_filter
+           (function
+             | true -> Some ()
+             | false -> None)
+           selected)
     method run () =
-      let dps = available#get in
+      let dps = VCS.Why3_prover.provers_set () in
       let sel = enabled#get in
-      selected <- List.map
-          (fun dp -> dp,List.exists (fun k -> List.mem k sel) dp.dp_shortcuts)
-          dps ;
+      selected <- Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.merge
+          (fun _ avail enab ->
+             match avail, enab with
+             | None, _ -> None
+             | Some (), Some () -> Some true
+             | Some (), None -> Some false)
+          dps sel;
       self#configure dps ;
       dialog#run ()
@@ -162,33 +163,32 @@ type mprover =
   | NONE
   | ERGO
   | COQ
-  | WHY of VCS.dp
+  | WHY of VCS.Why3_prover.t
-class dp_button ~(available:available) =
+class dp_button =
   let render = function
     | NONE -> "(none)"
     | ERGO -> "Alt-Ergo (native)"
     | COQ -> "Coq (native)"
-    | WHY { dp_shortcuts = keys } when List.mem "alt-ergo" keys ->
+    | WHY p when VCS.Why3_prover.has_shortcut p "alt-ergo" ->
         "Alt-Ergo (why3)"
-    | WHY dp -> Pretty_utils.to_string VCS.pretty dp in
+    | WHY dp -> VCS.Why3_prover.title dp in
   let select = function
-    | ERGO -> "alt-ergo"
-    | COQ -> "coq"
-    | WHY { dp_shortcuts=[] } | NONE -> "none"
-    | WHY { dp_shortcuts=key::_ } -> "why3:"^key in
+    | ERGO -> VCS.NativeAltErgo
+    | COQ -> VCS.NativeCoq
+    | NONE -> VCS.Qed
+    | WHY p -> VCS.Why3 p in
   let rec import = function
     | [] -> ERGO
     | spec::others ->
         match VCS.prover_of_name spec with
-        | None | Some Qed -> NONE
-        | Some (AltErgo|Tactical) -> ERGO
-        | Some Coq -> COQ
-        | Some (Why3 s) ->
-            try
-              let dps = available#get in
-              WHY (List.find (fun dp -> List.mem s dp.dp_shortcuts) dps)
-            with Not_found -> import others
+        | None | Some VCS.Qed -> NONE
+        | Some (VCS.NativeAltErgo|VCS.Tactical) -> ERGO
+        | Some VCS.NativeCoq -> COQ
+        | Some (VCS.Why3 p) ->
+            if Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.mem p (VCS.Why3_prover.provers_set ())
+            then WHY p
+            else import others
   let items = [ NONE ; ERGO ; COQ ] in
   let button = new Widget.menu ~default:ERGO ~render ~items () in
@@ -197,16 +197,16 @@ class dp_button ~(available:available) =
     method widget = (self :> Widget.t)
     method set_enabled = button#set_enabled
     method set_visible = button#set_visible
-    val mutable dps = []
+    val mutable dps = Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.empty
     method update () =
       (* called in polling mode *)
-        let avl = available#get in
-        if avl != dps then
+        let avl = VCS.Why3_prover.provers_set () in
+        if Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.equal avl dps then
             dps <- avl ;
+            let dps = Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.elements dps in
             let items = [NONE;ERGO] @ List.map (fun p -> WHY p) dps @ [COQ] in
             button#set_items items
           end ;
@@ -215,7 +215,11 @@ class dp_button ~(available:available) =
     initializer button#connect
-        (fun s -> Wp_parameters.Provers.set [select s])
+        (fun s ->
+           let p = select s in
+           let p = VCS.name_of_prover p in
+           Wp_parameters.Provers.set [p]
+        )
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiConfig.mli b/src/plugins/wp/GuiConfig.mli
index 4022d25f93e8f180d6c4a343c6819f723a20c804..e62ee8ca77f6a42dd7e5d7e77011c97ca48ebb4f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiConfig.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiConfig.mli
@@ -24,25 +24,16 @@
 (* ---  WP Provers Configuration Panel                                  --- *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-open VCS
-class available : unit ->
-  object
-    method detect : unit
-    method get : dp list
-  end
-class enabled : string -> [string list] Widget.selector
+class enabled : string -> [Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.t] Widget.selector
 class dp_chooser :
   main:Design.main_window_extension_points ->
-  available:available ->
   enabled:enabled ->
     method run : unit -> unit (** Edit enabled provers *)
-class dp_button : available:available ->
+class dp_button :
     inherit Widget.widget
     method update : unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiGoal.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiGoal.ml
index 49c0b752406ac8137738748ad26fc7d5993a32b4..557669df88753e0e9f0478fd18170d403506c7fa 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiGoal.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiGoal.ml
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ class pane (enabled : GuiConfig.enabled) =
         layout#populate (Wbox.panel ~top:toolbar content#widget) ;
         provers <-
-          VCS.([ new GuiProver.prover ~console:text ~prover:AltErgo ] @
+          VCS.([ new GuiProver.prover ~console:text ~prover:NativeAltErgo ] @
-                 (fun dp -> new GuiProver.prover text (Why3 dp))
-                 enabled#get) ;
+                 (fun dp -> new GuiProver.prover text (VCS.Why3 dp))
+                 (Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.elements enabled#get)) ;
         List.iter (fun p -> palette#add_tool p#tool) provers ;
         palette#add_tool strategies#tool ;
         Strategy.iter strategies#register ;
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class pane (enabled : GuiConfig.enabled) =
              tactics <- gtac :: tactics ;
              palette#add_tool gtac#tool) ;
         tactics <- List.rev tactics ;
-        self#register_provers enabled#get ;
+        self#register_provers enabled#get;
         printer#on_selection (fun () -> self#update) ;
         scripter#on_click self#goto ;
         scripter#on_backtrack self#backtrack ;
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class pane (enabled : GuiConfig.enabled) =
       | Proof p ->
           ProofEngine.reset p ;
-            ~provers:[ VCS.AltErgo ]
+            ~provers:[ VCS.NativeAltErgo ]
               (fun wpo prv res ->
                  text#printf "[%a] %a : %a@."
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ class pane (enabled : GuiConfig.enabled) =
     method private register_provers dps =
         (* register missing provers *)
+        let dps = Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.elements dps in
         let prvs = List.map (fun p -> VCS.Why3 p) dps in
         (* set visible provers *)
@@ -573,7 +574,7 @@ class pane (enabled : GuiConfig.enabled) =
     method private fork proof fork =
         begin fun () ->
-          let provers = VCS.[ BatchMode, AltErgo ] in
+          let provers = VCS.[ BatchMode, NativeAltErgo ] in
           let pool = Task.pool () in
           ProofEngine.iter (self#schedule pool provers) fork ;
           let server = ProverTask.server () in
@@ -616,7 +617,7 @@ class pane (enabled : GuiConfig.enabled) =
                     ~depth ~width ~auto
-                    ~provers:[ VCS.AltErgo ]
+                    ~provers:[ VCS.NativeAltErgo ]
                       (fun wpo prv res ->
                          text#printf "[%a] %a : %a@."
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiList.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiList.ml
index c9f72fcb75347e219a9100376a3f6afdaeabfc04..61608d5e914ae992dc9b5eade7c516b91e6e7d56 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiList.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiList.ml
@@ -115,18 +115,18 @@ class pane (enabled:GuiConfig.enabled) =
         in if p <> VCS.Qed then provers <- (p,column) :: provers
-    method private configure dps =
+    method private configure (dps:Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.t) =
         (* Removing Useless Columns *)
           (fun (vcs,column) ->
              match vcs with
-             | VCS.Why3 p when not (List.mem p dps) ->
+             | VCS.Why3 p when not (Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.mem p dps) ->
                  ignore (list#view#remove_column column)
              | _ -> ()
           ) provers ;
         (* Installing Missing Columns *)
-        List.iter
+        Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.iter
           (fun dp ->
              let prv = VCS.Why3 dp in
              match self#column_of_prover prv with
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class pane (enabled:GuiConfig.enabled) =
         ignore (list#add_column_text ~title:"Model" [] render) ;
-          [ VCS.Qed ; VCS.Tactical ; VCS.AltErgo ; VCS.Coq ] ;
+          [ VCS.Qed ; VCS.Tactical ; VCS.NativeAltErgo ; VCS.NativeCoq ] ;
         ignore (list#add_column_empty) ;
         list#set_selection_mode `MULTIPLE ;
         enabled#connect self#configure ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
index 5862f52bcd7d5e69f0583f5e2d73fe1247844ed2..d9aba8b682011da32243acacc044b2caf83085b9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ class behavior
         | _ ->
             let mode = match mode , prover with
               | Some m , _ -> m
-              | None , VCS.Coq -> VCS.EditMode
-              | None , VCS.AltErgo -> VCS.FixMode
+              | None , VCS.NativeCoq -> VCS.EditMode
+              | None , VCS.NativeAltErgo -> VCS.FixMode
               | _ -> VCS.BatchMode in
             schedule (Prover.prove w ~mode ~result prover)
@@ -349,8 +349,8 @@ class behavior
         match p with
         | None | Some Tactical -> popup_tip#run ()
         | Some Qed -> popup_qed#run ()
-        | Some Coq -> popup_coq#run ()
-        | Some AltErgo -> popup_ergo#run ()
+        | Some NativeCoq -> popup_coq#run ()
+        | Some NativeAltErgo -> popup_ergo#run ()
         | Some (Why3 _) -> popup_why3#run ()
@@ -410,10 +410,9 @@ let make (main : main_window_extension_points) =
     (* --- Provers                                                            --- *)
     (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    let available = new GuiConfig.available () in
     let enabled = new GuiConfig.enabled "wp.enabled" in
-    let dp_chooser = new GuiConfig.dp_chooser ~main ~available ~enabled in
+    let dp_chooser = new GuiConfig.dp_chooser ~main ~enabled in
     (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
     (* --- Focus Bar                                                          --- *)
@@ -505,8 +504,8 @@ let make (main : main_window_extension_points) =
     ignore (main#lower_notebook#append_page ~tab_label panel#coerce) ;
     main#register_source_highlighter source#highlight ;
     main#register_source_selector popup#register ;
     GuiPanel.register ~main
-      ~available_provers:available
       ~configure_provers:dp_chooser#run ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiPanel.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiPanel.ml
index 8597f4fdf7a39e3c8282b0b790fc133efd729b25..8e8186e992b01a7cb14aefdf407ff15efaeee36a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiPanel.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiPanel.ml
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ let wp_update_script label () =
 let wp_panel
-    ~(available_provers:GuiConfig.available)
     ~(configure_provers:unit -> unit)
   let vbox = GPack.vbox () in
@@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ let wp_panel
     ~label:"Provers..." ~tooltip:"Detect WP Provers" () in
   prover_cfg#connect configure_provers ;
   form#add_label_widget prover_cfg#coerce ;
-  let prover_menu = new GuiConfig.dp_button ~available:available_provers in
+  let prover_menu = new GuiConfig.dp_button in
   form#add_field prover_menu#coerce ;
   Gtk_form.register demon prover_menu#update ;
   (* End Form *)
@@ -314,8 +313,8 @@ let wp_panel
     "WP" , vbox#coerce , Some (Gtk_form.refresh demon) ;
-let register ~main ~available_provers ~configure_provers =
+let register ~main ~configure_provers =
-    (fun main -> wp_panel ~main ~available_provers ~configure_provers)
+    (fun main -> wp_panel ~main ~configure_provers)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiPanel.mli b/src/plugins/wp/GuiPanel.mli
index e68cf891b88ff137021604dbb01866566f651f0a..25219a0c506570dcf0aa9d6af42d008c5e78e4ab 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiPanel.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiPanel.mli
@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ val run_and_prove :
 val register :
   main:Design.main_window_extension_points ->
-  available_provers:GuiConfig.available ->
   configure_provers:(unit -> unit) -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiProver.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiProver.ml
index 12301055031fc7542f127790f6edbc1fd4db9b3b..36edf5745028932f70ab1c221f5bab26a0ba30bf 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiProver.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiProver.ml
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ let ko_status = `Share "theme/default/unknown.png"
 let wg_status = `Share "theme/default/invalid.png"
 let filter = function
-  | VCS.Qed | VCS.Tactical | VCS.Coq -> false
-  | VCS.Why3 _ | VCS.AltErgo -> true
+  | VCS.Qed | VCS.Tactical | VCS.NativeCoq -> false
+  | VCS.Why3 _ | VCS.NativeAltErgo -> true
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* --- Palette Tool                                                       --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 let timeout_for = function
-  | VCS.AltErgo | VCS.Why3 _ ->
+  | VCS.NativeAltErgo | VCS.Why3 _ ->
       let value = Wp_parameters.Timeout.get () in
       let spin = new Widget.spinner
         ~tooltip:"Prover Timeout (0 for none)"
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let timeout_for = function
   | _ -> None
 let stepout_for = function
-  | VCS.AltErgo ->
+  | VCS.NativeAltErgo ->
       let value = Wp_parameters.Steps.get () in
       let spin = new Widget.spinner
         ~tooltip:"Prover Step Limit (0 for none)"
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let stepout_for = function
   | _ -> None
 let depth_for = function
-  | VCS.AltErgo ->
+  | VCS.NativeAltErgo ->
       let value = Wp_parameters.Depth.get () in
       let spin = new Widget.spinner
         ~tooltip:"Search Depth (-age-bound, 0 for prover default)"
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
index 2aadf4d38531ee393e2b069d00379e7021abee97..2ba8603148d81bef9b2ec9b53360ab91c4c5bf55 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
@@ -774,8 +774,7 @@ struct
   let e_vars e = List.sort Var.compare (Vars.elements (vars e))
   let p_vars = e_vars
-  let p_call = e_fun
+  let p_call = e_fun ~result:Prop
   let p_close p = p_forall (p_vars p) p
   let occurs x t = Vars.mem x (vars t)
@@ -832,6 +831,9 @@ struct
   let set_builtin_2 f r =
     set_builtin f (function [a;b] -> r a b | _ -> raise Not_found)
+  let set_builtin_2' f r =
+    set_builtin' f (function [a;b] -> r a b | _ -> raise Not_found)
   let set_builtin_eqp = set_builtin_eq
@@ -966,6 +968,44 @@ let variables g = List.rev g.vars
 let get_hypotheses () = (Context.get cgamma).hyps
 let get_variables () = (Context.get cgamma).vars
+(** For why3_api but circular dependency *)
+module For_export = struct
+  type specific_equality = {
+    for_tau:(tau -> bool);
+    mk_new_eq:F.binop;
+  }
+  (** delay the create at most as possible (due to constants handling in qed) *)
+  let state = ref None
+  let init = ref (fun () -> ())
+  let add_init f =
+    let old = !init in
+    init := (fun () -> old (); f ())
+  let get_state () =
+    match !state with
+    | None ->
+        let st = QZERO.create () in
+        QZERO.in_state st !init ();
+        state := Some st;
+        st
+    | Some st -> st
+  let rebuild ?cache t = QZERO.rebuild_in_state (get_state ()) ?cache t
+  let set_builtin f c =
+    add_init (fun () -> QZERO.set_builtin f c)
+  let set_builtin' f c =
+    add_init (fun () -> QZERO.set_builtin' f c)
+  let in_state f v = QZERO.in_state (get_state ()) f v
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* --- Simplifier                                                         --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
index a2a045de99f62845d9ceb8262b98a2d5c9f5dc5a..af9ac3bb08b228a2aed5effed33e13389dfdddff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ val comp_id  : compinfo -> string
 val field_id : fieldinfo -> string
 val type_id  : logic_type_info -> string
 val logic_id : logic_info -> string
+val ctor_id  : logic_ctor_info -> string
 val lemma_id : string -> string
 (** {2 Symbols} *)
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ sig
   val e_set   : term -> term -> term -> term
   val e_getfield : term -> Field.t -> term
   val e_record : record -> term
-  val e_fun : Fun.t -> term list -> term
+  val e_fun : ?result:tau -> Fun.t -> term list -> term
   val e_bind : binder -> var -> term -> term
   val e_open : pool:pool -> ?forall:bool -> ?exists:bool -> ?lambda:bool ->
@@ -470,9 +471,10 @@ sig
       smaller terms. *)
   val set_builtin : lfun -> (term list -> term) -> unit
-  val set_builtin_get : lfun -> (term list -> term-> term) -> unit
+  val set_builtin_get : lfun -> (term list -> tau option -> term-> term) -> unit
   val set_builtin_1 : lfun -> unop -> unit
   val set_builtin_2 : lfun -> binop -> unit
+  val set_builtin_2' : lfun -> (term -> term -> tau option -> term) -> unit
   val set_builtin_eq : lfun -> binop -> unit
   val set_builtin_leq : lfun -> binop -> unit
   val set_builtin_eqp : lfun -> cmp -> unit
@@ -513,7 +515,7 @@ module N: sig
   val ( || ): F.operator (** {! F.p_or } *)
   val not: F.pred -> F.pred (** {! F.p_not } *)
-  val ( $ ): lfun -> F.term list -> F.term (** {! F.e_fun } *)
+  val ( $ ): ?result:tau -> lfun -> F.term list -> F.term (** {! F.e_fun } *)
   val ( $$ ): lfun -> F.term list -> F.pred (** {! F.p_call } *)
@@ -588,3 +590,20 @@ class type simplifier =
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** For why3_api but circular dependency *)
+module For_export : sig
+  type specific_equality = {
+    for_tau:(tau -> bool);
+    mk_new_eq:F.binop;
+  }
+  val rebuild : ?cache:term Tmap.t -> term -> term * term Tmap.t
+  val set_builtin : Fun.t -> (term list -> term) -> unit
+  val set_builtin' : Fun.t -> (term list -> tau option -> term) -> unit
+  val in_state: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/LogicCompiler.ml b/src/plugins/wp/LogicCompiler.ml
index 216df75f16769a7a8b4a5968c78c54af63729cc4..affe8a0be154e154bf2d499f03879ba27a6cf2ee 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/LogicCompiler.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/LogicCompiler.ml
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ struct
         match LogicBuiltins.logic cst with
         | ACSLDEF -> call_fun env cst [] []
         | HACK phi -> phi []
-        | LFUN f -> e_fun f []
+        | LFUN phi -> e_fun phi [] ~result:(Lang.tau_of_ltype x.lv_type)
       in Cvalues.plain x.lv_type v
     with Not_found ->
       Wp_parameters.fatal "Unbound logic variable '%a'"
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/LogicSemantics.ml b/src/plugins/wp/LogicSemantics.ml
index e8f8b966ba261e9b5a8e9becbfda8986fa6f079e..03a54a044beacc6bab9052703abd4325d92d37c2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/LogicSemantics.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/LogicSemantics.ml
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ struct
         let r = match LogicBuiltins.logic f with
           | ACSLDEF -> C.call_fun env f ls vs
           | HACK phi -> phi vs
-          | LFUN f -> e_fun f vs
+          | LFUN f -> e_fun f vs ~result:(Lang.tau_of_ltype t.term_type)
         in Vexp r
     | Tlambda _ ->
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ struct
         let r = match LogicBuiltins.ctor c with
           | ACSLDEF -> e_fun (CTOR c) es
           | HACK phi -> phi es
-          | LFUN f -> e_fun f es
+          | LFUN f -> e_fun f es ~result:(Lang.tau_of_ltype t.term_type)
         in Vexp r
     | Tif( cond , a , b ) ->
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in b/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
index ba1717b81d56b94e955e972cd0c517d593abd266..d2a8825069c6922c0994b6b0949290c38fdba193 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ PLUGIN_GUI_CMO:= \
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ PLUGIN_CMO:= \
 	ProofSession ProofScript ProofEngine \
 	why3_xml \
 	ProverTask ProverErgo ProverCoq \
-	ProverDetect ProverWhy3 ProverWhy3ide \
+	filter_axioms why3_api \
 	driver prover ProverSearch ProverScript \
 	Generator Factory \
 	calculus cfgDump cfgWP \
@@ -103,13 +105,7 @@ PLUGIN_GENERATED:= \
    $(PLUGIN_DIR)/rformat.ml \
    $(PLUGIN_DIR)/driver.ml \
    $(PLUGIN_DIR)/why3_xml.ml \
-   $(PLUGIN_DIR)/ProverDetect.ml \
-ifeq ($(WHY3API),yes)
 	Changelog \
 	Makefile.in \
-	ProverDetect.Why3.ml \
-	ProverDetect.None.ml \
         MakeAPI \
 	configure.ac \
 	configure \
@@ -128,6 +122,7 @@ PLUGIN_DISTRIB_EXTERNAL:= \
 CEA_WP_GENEREATED=why3_xml.ml script.ml rformat.ml driver.ml
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --- Tests                                                              ---
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -238,7 +233,8 @@ WHY3_COQ_SOURCES= $(addprefix why3/, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA))
-ALL_WHY3_SOURCES= $(addprefix why3/, $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA))
+ALL_WHY3_SOURCES= $(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/, $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA))
+ALL_WHY3_API_SOURCES= $(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/, $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA))
 	wp.driver \
@@ -246,7 +242,8 @@ ALL_RESOURCES= \
 	why3/why3.conf \
 INSTALL_SHARE=@$(Wp_DIR)/share/instwp $(INSTALL_OPT)
@@ -292,24 +289,6 @@ wp-coq-uninstall:
 	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/coqwp/*.vo
 	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/coqwp/*/*.vo
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Provers Detection
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$(Wp_DIR)/ProverDetect.ml: config.status $(Wp_DIR)/Makefile.in
-ifeq ($(WHY3API),yes)
-$(Wp_DIR)/ProverDetect.ml: $(Wp_DIR)/ProverDetect.Why3.ml
-	$(PRINT_MAKING) "$@ (why3)"
-	@cp -f $< $@
-	$(CHMOD_RO) $@
-$(Wp_DIR)/ProverDetect.ml: $(Wp_DIR)/ProverDetect.None.ml
-	$(PRINT_MAKING) "$@ (none)"
-	@cp -f $< $@
-	$(CHMOD_RO) $@
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --- Why3 configuration
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/MemTyped.ml b/src/plugins/wp/MemTyped.ml
index fef9cc957168b581ed71df0c6b185dfa64a96762..abb143b4dd2872da790be41d66b6c547d067f3bc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/MemTyped.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/MemTyped.ml
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ let a_addr = Lang.datatype ~library "addr"
 let t_addr = L.Data(a_addr,[])
 let f_base   = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result:L.Int
     ~link:{altergo = Qed.Engine.F_subst("%1.base");
-           why3    = Qed.Engine.F_subst("%1.base");
+           why3    = Qed.Engine.F_call("base");
            coq     = Qed.Engine.F_subst("(base %1)");
           } "base"
 let f_offset = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result:L.Int
     ~link:{altergo = Qed.Engine.F_subst("%1.offset");
-           why3    = Qed.Engine.F_subst("%1.offset");
+           why3    = Qed.Engine.F_call("offset");
            coq     = Qed.Engine.F_subst("(offset %1)");
           } "offset"
 let f_shift  = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result:t_addr "shift"
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ let r_havoc = function
 let r_get_havoc = function
   | [undef;m;p;a] ->
-      (fun k ->
+      (fun _ k ->
          match is_separated [p;a;k;e_one] with
          | L.Yes -> F.e_get m k
          | L.No  -> F.e_get undef k
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml
index 7f07fdfe2587d78255717aa24699c2fec2bcd482..daf7778bd2526da530e71141ca830e25b7e56b51 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ let prove_prop wpo ~mode ~axioms ~prop =
   let gid = wpo.po_gid in
   let leg = wpo.po_leg in
   let model = wpo.po_model in
-  let script = DISK.file_goal ~pid ~model ~prover:Coq in
+  let script = DISK.file_goal ~pid ~model ~prover:NativeCoq in
   let includes , headers , goal =
     Model.with_model model (assemble_goal ~pid axioms) prop
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.mli b/src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a2cba28ff0c67c9c73f8de26677266489441c21..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** Why3 Prover Detection *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val detect : unit -> VCS.dp list
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.ml
index cd1dab60a3bfd292dd297f033da95bbafb695967..30f3f72e7150eaa77faa8b763d5f73c2ad99a812 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.ml
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ let prove_file ~config ~pid ~mode ~file ~lines ~logout ~logerr =
   | r -> Task.return r
 let prove_prop ~config ~pid ~mode ~model ~axioms ~prop =
-  let prover = AltErgo in
+  let prover = NativeAltErgo in
   let file = DISK.file_goal ~pid ~model ~prover in
   let logout = DISK.file_logout ~pid ~model ~prover in
   let logerr = DISK.file_logerr ~pid ~model ~prover in
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.mli b/src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.mli
index 9813d0c76cec4ea97bb9abe3ce1cdb47525d67ef..51d4e2f473cd7e9736ccca787dc82071e492a493 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.mli
@@ -27,4 +27,6 @@ open VCS
 (* --- Alt-Ergo Theorem Prover                                            --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val dkey_cluster: Wp_parameters.category
 val prove : config:config -> mode:mode -> Wpo.t -> result task
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml
index 74340690c708ae6b4d1cd7b82272f51735d772f0..c06810139a9dbdb0ab6f25b302be981d0889ef58 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ struct
   let stage = function
     | Prover( Qed , { verdict = Valid } ) -> 0
-    | Prover( (AltErgo | Why3 _) , { verdict = Valid } ) -> 1
-    | Prover( Coq , { verdict = Valid } ) -> 2
+    | Prover( (NativeAltErgo | Why3 _) , { verdict = Valid } ) -> 1
+    | Prover( NativeCoq , { verdict = Valid } ) -> 2
     | Tactic _ -> 3
     | Prover _ -> 4
     | Error _ -> 5
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
index 6c92361439bfb00f0bca1fcd47263e867a96d920..bcad8955a4bf993fb94deaf010e7812c01dc43f6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
@@ -490,22 +490,6 @@ type error =
   | Error_No
   | Error_Generated of Lexing.position * string
-let rec split spec i =
-  try
-    let j = String.index_from spec i ':' in
-    if j > i then
-      String.sub spec i (j-i) :: split spec (succ j)
-    else
-      split spec (succ j)
-  with Not_found ->
-    let n = String.length spec - i in
-    if n > 0 then [ String.sub spec i n ] else []
-let chop_version spec = match split spec 0 with
-  | [] | [_] -> spec
-  | [a;b] -> Printf.sprintf "%s,%s," a b
-  | a::b::c::_ -> Printf.sprintf "%s,%s,%s" a b c
 class why3 ~timeout ~prover ~pid ~file ~includes ~logout ~logerr =
@@ -570,7 +554,7 @@ class why3 ~timeout ~prover ~pid ~file ~includes ~logout ~logerr =
       why#add ["--extra-config"; Wp_parameters.Share.file "why3/why3.conf"];
       why#add (Wp_parameters.WhyFlags.get ()) ;
       why#add [ file.file ] ;
-      why#add ["-P";chop_version prover];
+      why#add ["-P";Why3.Whyconf.prover_parseable_format prover];
       why#add ["-T";file.theory];
       why#add ["-G";file.goal];
       why#add_positive ~name:"-t" ~value:time ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli
index d6a9f5bc755d3a2fe72de42fb78b86f2f6c864ae..fdd9bd567f98defc6a7499b6458cad575f783211 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.mli
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ type goal =
 val assemble_goal: Wpo.t -> (string list (* includes *) * goal) option
 (** None if the po is trivial *)
-val prove : ?timeout:int -> prover:string -> Wpo.t -> result task
+val prove : ?timeout:int -> prover:Why3.Whyconf.prover -> Wpo.t -> result task
 (** The string must be a valid why3 prover identifier
-    Return NoResult if it is already proved by Qed *)
+    Return NoResult if it is already proved by Qed
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* --- Why3 Multi-Theorem Prover                                          --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -52,4 +52,8 @@ sig
   val pretty : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+val option_file: LogicBuiltins.doption
+val option_import: LogicBuiltins.doption
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.ml
index 1a39a76e959913e04f5434c8a1603ca0fef2a5d9..41f351e761e9a7cc7669b1c44bef71e37652d6ee 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3ide.ml
@@ -85,7 +85,12 @@ let parse_prover env e =
     let id = List.assoc "id" e.attributes in
     let name = List.assoc "name" e.attributes in
     let version = List.assoc "version" e.attributes in
-    let prover = VCS.Why3 (Printf.sprintf "%s:%s" name version) in
+    let prover = VCS.Why3 {
+        Why3.Whyconf.prover_name = name;
+        Why3.Whyconf.prover_version = version;
+        Why3.Whyconf.prover_altern = "";
+      }
+    in
     env.provers <- (id , prover) :: env.provers
   with Not_found ->
     Wp_parameters.warning "[why3] Skipped %a" Xml.pretty e
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
index a66cdf5321f7905578151da8d263fc024f254772..637c3bdd523d4e41c4fa985f21aae1c83059ccf3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
@@ -29,11 +29,75 @@ let dkey_no_step_info = Wp_parameters.register_category "no-step-info"
 let dkey_no_goals_info = Wp_parameters.register_category "no-goals-info"
 let dkey_success_only = Wp_parameters.register_category "success-only"
+let why3_config =
+  lazy begin
+    try
+      Why3.Whyconf.read_config None
+    with exn ->
+      Wp_parameters.abort "%a" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn
+  end
+module Why3_prover = struct
+  type t = Why3.Whyconf.prover
+  let find_opt   : string -> t option = fun s ->
+    try
+      let config = Lazy.force why3_config in
+      let filter = Why3.Whyconf.parse_filter_prover s in
+      let filter = Why3.Whyconf.filter_prover_with_shortcut config filter in
+      Some ((Why3.Whyconf.filter_one_prover config filter).Why3.Whyconf.prover)
+    with
+    | (Why3.Whyconf.ProverNotFound _ | Why3.Whyconf.ParseFilterProver _ | Why3.Whyconf.ProverAmbiguity _ ) ->
+        None
+  let find   : ?donotfail:unit -> string -> t = fun ?donotfail s ->
+    try
+      try
+        let config = Lazy.force why3_config in
+        let filter = Why3.Whyconf.parse_filter_prover s in
+        let filter = Why3.Whyconf.filter_prover_with_shortcut config filter in
+        (Why3.Whyconf.filter_one_prover config filter).Why3.Whyconf.prover
+      with
+      | Why3.Whyconf.ProverNotFound _ as exn when donotfail <> None ->
+          Wp_parameters.warning ~once:true "%a" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn;
+          (** from Why3.Whyconf.parse_filter_prover *)
+          let sl = Why3.Strings.rev_split ',' s in
+          (* reverse order *)
+          let prover_name, prover_version, prover_altern =
+            match sl with
+            | [name] -> name,"",""
+            | [version;name] -> name,version,""
+            | [altern;version;name] -> name,version,altern
+            | _ -> raise (Why3.Whyconf.ParseFilterProver s) in
+          { Why3.Whyconf.prover_name; Why3.Whyconf.prover_version; Why3.Whyconf.prover_altern }
+    with
+    | (Why3.Whyconf.ProverNotFound _ | Why3.Whyconf.ParseFilterProver _ | Why3.Whyconf.ProverAmbiguity _ ) as exn ->
+        Wp_parameters.abort "%a" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn
+  let print   : t -> string = Why3.Whyconf.prover_parseable_format
+  let title   : t -> string = fun p -> Pretty_utils.sfprintf "%a" Why3.Whyconf.print_prover p
+  let compare : t -> t -> int = Why3.Whyconf.Prover.compare
+  let get_config () : Why3.Whyconf.config = (Lazy.force why3_config)
+  let provers () : t list =
+    Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.keys (Why3.Whyconf.get_provers (get_config ()))
+  let provers_set () : Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.t =
+    Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.domain (Why3.Whyconf.get_provers (get_config ()))
+  let is_available p =
+    Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.mem p (Why3.Whyconf.get_provers (get_config ()))
+  let has_shortcut p s =
+    match Why3.Wstdlib.Mstr.find_opt s
+            (Why3.Whyconf.get_prover_shortcuts (get_config ())) with
+    | None -> false
+    | Some p' -> Why3.Whyconf.Prover.equal p p'
 type prover =
-  | Why3 of string (* Prover via WHY *)
-  (*  | Why3ide  *)
-  | AltErgo       (* Alt-Ergo *)
-  | Coq           (* Coq and Coqide *)
+  | Why3 of Why3_prover.t (* Prover via WHY *)
+  (* | Why3ide *)
+  | NativeAltErgo (* Direct Alt-Ergo *)
+  | NativeCoq     (* Direct Coq and Coqide *)
   | Qed           (* Qed Solver *)
   | Tactical      (* Interactive Prover *)
@@ -50,34 +114,36 @@ type language =
 let prover_of_name = function
   | "" | "none" -> None
   | "qed" | "Qed" -> Some Qed
-  | "alt-ergo" | "altgr-ergo" -> Some AltErgo
-  | "coq" | "coqide" -> Some Coq
+  | "coq" | "coqide" -> Some NativeCoq
+  | "alt-ergo" | "altgr-ergo" -> Some (Why3 (Why3_prover.find "alt-ergo"))
+  | "native:alt-ergo" | "native:altgr-ergo" -> Some NativeAltErgo
+  | "native:coq" | "native:coqide" -> Some NativeCoq
   | "script" -> Some Tactical
   | "tip" -> Some Tactical
   (* | "why3ide" -> Some Why3ide *)
+  | "why3" -> Some (Why3 { Why3.Whyconf.prover_name = "why3";
+                           Why3.Whyconf.prover_version = "";
+                           Why3.Whyconf.prover_altern = "generate only" })
   | s ->
       match Extlib.string_del_prefix "why3:" s with
       | Some "" -> None
-      (* | Some "ide" -> Some Why3ide*)
-      | Some s' -> Some (Why3 s')
-      | None -> Some (Why3 s)
+      (* | Some "ide" -> Some Why3ide *)
+      | Some s' -> Some (Why3 (Why3_prover.find s'))
+      | None -> Some (Why3 (Why3_prover.find s))
 let name_of_prover = function
-  (*  | Why3ide -> "why3ide" *)
-  | Why3 s -> "why3:" ^ s
-  | AltErgo -> "alt-ergo"
-  | Coq -> "coq"
+  (* | Why3ide -> "why3ide" *)
+  | Why3 s -> "why3:" ^ (Why3_prover.print s)
+  | NativeAltErgo -> "alt-ergo"
+  | NativeCoq -> "coq"
   | Qed -> "qed"
   | Tactical -> "script"
 let title_of_prover = function
-  | Why3 "cvc4" -> "CVC4"
-  | Why3 "z3" -> "Z3"
-  | Why3 ("alt-ergo" | "altergo") -> "Alt-Ergo (why3)"
-  | Why3 s -> Printf.sprintf "Why3 (%s)" s
-  (*  | Why3ide -> "Why3 (ide)" *)
-  | AltErgo -> "Alt-Ergo"
-  | Coq -> "Coq"
+  (* | Why3ide -> "Why3" *)
+  | Why3 s -> (Why3_prover.title s)
+  | NativeAltErgo -> "Alt-Ergo"
+  | NativeCoq -> "Coq"
   | Qed -> "Qed"
   | Tactical -> "Script"
@@ -101,18 +167,18 @@ let sanitize_why3 s =
   Buffer.contents buffer
 let filename_for_prover = function
-  | Why3 s -> sanitize_why3 s
-  (*  | Why3ide -> "Why3_ide" *)
-  | AltErgo -> "Alt-Ergo"
-  | Coq -> "Coq"
+  | Why3 s -> sanitize_why3 (Why3_prover.print s)
+  (* | Why3ide -> "Why3_ide" *)
+  | NativeAltErgo -> "Alt-Ergo"
+  | NativeCoq -> "Coq"
   | Qed -> "Qed"
   | Tactical -> "Tactical"
 let language_of_prover = function
   | Why3 _ -> L_why3
-  (*  | Why3ide -> L_why3 *)
-  | Coq -> L_coq
-  | AltErgo -> L_altergo
+  (* | Why3ide -> L_why3 *)
+  | NativeCoq -> L_coq
+  | NativeAltErgo -> L_altergo
   | Qed | Tactical -> L_why3
 let language_of_prover_name = function
@@ -127,33 +193,33 @@ let mode_of_prover_name = function
   | _ -> BatchMode
 let is_auto = function
-  | Qed | AltErgo | Why3 _ -> true
-  | Tactical | Coq -> false
+  | Qed | NativeAltErgo | Why3 _ -> true
+  | Tactical | NativeCoq -> false
 let cmp_prover p q =
   match p,q with
   | Qed , Qed -> 0
   | Qed , _ -> (-1)
   | _ , Qed -> 1
-  | AltErgo , AltErgo -> 0
-  | AltErgo , _ -> (-1)
-  | _ , AltErgo -> 1
+  | NativeAltErgo , NativeAltErgo -> 0
+  | NativeAltErgo , _ -> (-1)
+  | _ , NativeAltErgo -> 1
   | Tactical , Tactical -> 0
   | Tactical , _ -> (-1)
   | _ , Tactical -> 1
-  | Coq , Coq -> 0
-  | Coq , _ -> (-1)
-  | _ , Coq -> 1
-  | Why3 p , Why3 q -> String.compare p q
+  | NativeCoq , NativeCoq -> 0
+  | NativeCoq , _ -> (-1)
+  | _ , NativeCoq -> 1
+  | Why3 p , Why3 q -> Why3_prover.compare p q
 let pp_prover fmt = function
-  | AltErgo -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Alt-Ergo"
-  | Coq -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Coq"
+  | NativeAltErgo -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Alt-Ergo (Native)"
+  | NativeCoq -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Coq (Native)"
   | Why3 smt ->
       if Wp_parameters.debug_atleast 1 then
-        Format.pp_print_string fmt ("Why:"^smt)
+        Format.fprintf fmt "Why:%s" (Why3_prover.print smt)
-        Format.pp_print_string fmt smt
+        Format.pp_print_string fmt (Why3_prover.title smt)
   | Qed -> Format.fprintf fmt "Qed"
   | Tactical -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Tactical"
@@ -168,37 +234,6 @@ module P = struct type t = prover let compare = cmp_prover end
 module Pset = Set.Make(P)
 module Pmap = Map.Make(P)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Why3 Provers                                                       --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-type dp = {
-  dp_name : string ;
-  dp_version : string ;
-  dp_altern : string ;
-  dp_shortcuts : string list ;
-let pp_altern fmt a = if a<>"" then Format.fprintf fmt " (%s)" a
-let pp_shortcut fmt = function
-  | ("alt-ergo" | "coq" | "tip" | "script") as p ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "why3:%s" p
-  | p -> Format.pp_print_string fmt p
-let pp_shortcuts =
-  Pretty_utils.pp_list ~pre:"[" ~sep:"," ~suf:"]" ~empty:"(disabled)"
-    pp_shortcut
-let pretty fmt dp =
-  Format.fprintf fmt "%s %s%a"
-    dp.dp_name dp.dp_version
-    pp_altern dp.dp_altern
-let prover_of_dp = function
-  | { dp_shortcuts = key::_ } -> Why3 key
-  | _ -> Why3 "none"
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* --- Config                                                             --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.mli b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.mli
index fb29085fdb99139307d7e52905a504ffb7e11036..2b696a3a725c937a51b9a766415c0ee08e580d2b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.mli
@@ -26,10 +26,39 @@
 (** {2 Prover} *)
+module Why3_prover: sig
+  type t = Why3.Whyconf.prover
+  val find: ?donotfail:unit -> string -> t
+  (** Find the why3 prover with the given name.
+      If it can't be found and donotfail is chosen, a
+      prover with the given name and version is used instead
+      Raises exception when the string doesn't corresponds to a prover filter
+  *)
+  val find_opt: string -> t option
+  (** Try to find the why3 prover with the given name. *)
+  val provers : unit -> t list
+  val provers_set: unit -> Why3.Whyconf.Sprover.t
+  val print : t -> string
+  val title : t -> string
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+  val has_shortcut : t -> string -> bool
+  (** check if a prover has a given shortcut *)
+  val get_config: unit -> Why3.Whyconf.config
+  val is_available : t -> bool
 type prover =
-  | Why3 of string (* Prover via WHY *)
-  | AltErgo       (* Alt-Ergo *)
-  | Coq           (* Coq and Coqide *)
+  | Why3 of Why3_prover.t (* Prover via WHY *)
+  | NativeAltErgo (* Direct Alt-Ergo *)
+  | NativeCoq     (* Direct Coq and Coqide *)
   | Qed           (* Qed Solver *)
   | Tactical      (* Interactive Prover *)
@@ -61,24 +90,6 @@ val pp_mode : Format.formatter -> mode -> unit
 val cmp_prover : prover -> prover -> int
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** {2 Why3 Provers} *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-type dp = {
-  dp_name : string ;
-  dp_version : string ;
-  dp_altern : string ;
-  dp_shortcuts : string list ;
-val prover_of_dp : dp -> prover
-(** Without shortcuts *)
-val pretty : Format.formatter -> dp -> unit
-val pp_shortcut : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
-val pp_shortcuts : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (** {2 Config}
     [None] means current WP option default.
@@ -153,3 +164,7 @@ val dkey_no_time_info: Wp_parameters.category
 val dkey_no_step_info: Wp_parameters.category
 val dkey_no_goals_info: Wp_parameters.category
 val dkey_success_only: Wp_parameters.category
+(** {2 Why3} *)
+val why3_config: Why3.Whyconf.config Lazy.t
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.ml b/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.ml
index 40bdc019497d18bcfeca31652a95564ac9b475be..473cd6e4c7b3e2905dcb1d3c72a45fc48ed1d660 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.ml
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ let l_list = Lang.infoprover "list"
 let l_concat = Lang.infoprover (E.F_right "concat")
 let l_elt = Lang.(E.({
     altergo = F_subst "cons(%1,nil)" ;
-    why3 = F_subst "(cons %1 nil)" ;
+    why3 = F_call "elt" ;
     coq = F_subst "(cons %1 nil)" ;
 let l_repeat = Lang.(E.({
@@ -55,7 +55,14 @@ let l_repeat = Lang.(E.({
 let a_list = Lang.get_builtin_type ~library ~name:t_list ~link:l_list
-let ty_nil = function _ -> L.Data(a_list,[L.Tvar 0])
+let _list_of t = L.Data(a_list,[t])
+let vlist_get_tau = function
+  | None -> invalid_arg "a list operator without result type"
+  | Some t -> t
+let ty_nil = function _ -> invalid_arg "All nil must be typed"
 let ty_listelt = function
   | L.Data(_,[t]) -> (t : tau)
@@ -118,9 +125,13 @@ let () =
 (*--- Smart Constructors ---*)
-let v_nil = F.constant (F.e_fun f_nil [])
+let is_nil e =
+  match F.repr e with
+  | Qed.Logic.Fun (f,_) -> Fun.equal f f_nil
+  | _ -> false
+let v_nil t = F.e_fun ~result:t f_nil []
 let v_elt e = F.e_fun f_elt [e]
-let v_concat es = F.e_fun f_concat es
+let v_concat es tau = F.e_fun f_concat es ~result:tau
 let v_length l = F.e_fun f_length [l]
 let v_repeat s n = F.e_fun f_repeat [s;n]
@@ -128,7 +139,7 @@ let v_repeat s n = F.e_fun f_repeat [s;n]
 (* --- Rewriters                                                          --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let rewrite_cons a w = v_concat [v_elt a ; w]
+let rewrite_cons a w tau = v_concat [v_elt a ; w] (vlist_get_tau tau)
 let rewrite_length e =
   match F.repr e with
@@ -165,9 +176,9 @@ let rewrite_nth s k =
   | _ -> raise Not_found
 let rewrite_repeat s n =
-  if F.equal n e_zero then v_nil else
+  if F.equal n e_zero then v_nil (F.typeof s)  else
   if F.equal n e_one then s else
-  if F.equal s v_nil then v_nil else
+  if is_nil s then s else
     match F.repr s with
     | L.Fun( repeat , [s0 ; n0] )
       when (repeat == f_repeat) &&
@@ -199,7 +210,7 @@ let leftmost_eq a b =
   let b , v = leftmost b [] in
   if u <> [] || v <> [] then
     match F.is_equal a b with
-    | L.Yes -> F.p_equal (v_concat u) (v_concat v)
+    | L.Yes -> F.p_equal (v_concat u (F.typeof a)) (v_concat v (F.typeof a))
     | L.No -> F.p_false
     | L.Maybe -> raise Not_found
@@ -210,13 +221,13 @@ let rightmost_eq a b =
   let v , b = rightmost [] b in
   if u <> [] || v <> [] then
     match F.is_equal a b with
-    | L.Yes -> F.p_equal (v_concat u) (v_concat v)
+    | L.Yes -> F.p_equal (v_concat u (F.typeof a)) (v_concat v (F.typeof a))
     | L.No -> F.p_false
     | L.Maybe -> raise Not_found
     raise Not_found
-let p_is_nil a = F.p_equal a v_nil
+let p_is_nil a = F.p_equal a (v_nil (F.typeof a))
 let rewrite_is_nil a =
   match F.repr a with
   | L.Fun(concat,es) when concat == f_concat -> F.p_all p_is_nil es
@@ -263,7 +274,7 @@ let () =
     begin fun () ->
       F.set_builtin_2 f_nth rewrite_nth ;
-      F.set_builtin_2 f_cons rewrite_cons ;
+      F.set_builtin_2' f_cons rewrite_cons ;
       F.set_builtin_2 f_repeat rewrite_repeat ;
       F.set_builtin_1 f_length rewrite_length ;
       F.set_builtin_eqp f_repeat rewrite_eq ;
@@ -286,6 +297,13 @@ let check_term e =
     | _ -> false
   with Not_found -> false
+let f_vlist_eq = Lang.extern_f ~library ~sort:L.Sprop "vlist_eq"
+let specialize_eq_list =
+  {For_export.for_tau = check_tau;
+   mk_new_eq = (fun a b -> Lang.F.e_fun ~result:Qed.Logic.Prop f_vlist_eq [a;b])}
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* --- Export                                                             --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -320,6 +338,20 @@ and apply (engine : #engine) fmt f x es =
       Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>(%s@ %a@ %a)@]"
         f engine#pp_atom x (export engine) es
+let export_rewriter_concat es tau =
+  match es with
+  | [] -> v_nil (vlist_get_tau tau)
+  | e::es ->
+      begin match F.repr e with
+        | L.Fun( elt , [x] ) when Lang.Fun.equal elt f_elt ->
+            e_fun ?result:tau f_cons [x;e_fun ?result:tau f_concat es]
+        | _ -> raise Not_found
+      end
+let () =
+  Lang.For_export.set_builtin' f_concat export_rewriter_concat
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 let rec collect xs = function
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.mli b/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.mli
index 9034e2f51b679eedd41afa67da67a65b37d91a30..9c282ea62eea01d0a544e0c77d495d3576b1764f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.mli
@@ -48,3 +48,5 @@ val pretty : #engine -> Format.formatter -> F.term list -> unit
 val elements : #engine -> Format.formatter -> F.term list -> unit
 val pprepeat : #engine -> Format.formatter -> F.term list -> unit
 val shareable : F.term -> bool
+val specialize_eq_list: Lang.For_export.specific_equality
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/configure.ac b/src/plugins/wp/configure.ac
index 706451a1ab2c3d712a0c0f8d3e8f5a3b8e8b00da..69f373c615afd64a8874297995b1fcf3db024ffe 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/configure.ac
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/configure.ac
@@ -53,6 +53,31 @@ plugin_require(wp,qed)
+# Why3 API dependency
+# REQUIRE_LIBRARY: library *must* be present in order to build plugins
+# USE_LIBRARY: better for plugins if library is present, but not required
+# HAS_LIBRARY: is the library available?
+WHY3_PATH=`ocamlfind query why3 | tr -d '\\r\\n'`
+echo "Ocamlfind -> using $WHY3_PATH"
+                  [$WHY3PATH_FOR_CONFIGURE/why3.$LIB_SUFFIX],
+                  [$WHY3PATH_FOR_CONFIGURE/why3.$LIB_SUFFIX not found.],
+                  no)
 # NB: this would deserve to use plugin_requires mechanism
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.ml b/src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38e5c43c5c719fe06d0b9a290c1adcf4aea92e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Why3
+open Term
+open Decl
+let meta_remove_altergo =
+  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_altergo"
+    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
+    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ altergo."
+let meta_remove_why3 =
+  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_why3"
+    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
+    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ why3."
+let meta_remove_ =
+  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_"
+    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
+    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ why3 and altergo."
+let elim_abstract remove_pr d = match d.d_node with
+  | Dprop (Paxiom,pr,_) when Spr.mem pr remove_pr ->
+      (* Format.eprintf "Remove %a@." Pretty.print_pr pr; *)
+      []
+  | Dprop (Paxiom,_,_) ->
+      (* Format.eprintf "Not Remove %a@." Pretty.print_pr pr; *)
+      [d]
+  | _ ->
+      (* Format.eprintf "Not Seen %a@." Pretty.print_decl d; *)
+      [d]
+let remove_prop meta =
+  Trans.on_tagged_pr meta
+    (fun remove_pr ->
+       Trans.on_tagged_pr meta_remove_
+         (fun remove_pr2 ->
+            Trans.decl (elim_abstract (Spr.union remove_pr remove_pr2)) None))
+let remove_for_altergo = remove_prop meta_remove_altergo
+let remove_for_why3 = remove_prop meta_remove_why3
+let () =
+  Trans.register_transform "remove_for_altergo"
+    remove_for_altergo
+    ~desc:"Remove@ tagged@ proposition@ with \"remove_for_altergo\"@ and \
+           \"remove_for_\"@ metas."
+let () =
+  Trans.register_transform "remove_for_why3"
+    remove_for_why3
+    ~desc:"Remove@ tagged@ proposition@ with \"remove_for_why3\"@ and \
+           \"remove_for_\" metas."
+(** inlining *)
+let meta_inline_in =
+  Theory.register_meta "inline_in"
+    [Theory.MTlsymbol;Theory.MTprsymbol;]
+    ~desc:"Inline@ the@ symbol@ in@ the@ proposition."
+let t_unfold defs fs tl ty =
+  match Mls.find_opt fs defs with
+  | None ->
+      assert false (** absurd: it is in mpr so it is in sls so added in defs *)
+  | Some (vl,e) ->
+      let add (mt,mv) x y = Ty.ty_match mt x.vs_ty (t_type y), Mvs.add x y mv in
+      let (mt,mv) = List.fold_left2 add (Ty.Mtv.empty, Mvs.empty) vl tl in
+      let mt = Ty.oty_match mt e.t_ty ty in
+      t_ty_subst mt mv e
+(* inline every symbol *)
+let rec t_replace_all defs s t =
+  let t = t_map (t_replace_all defs s) t in
+  match t.t_node with
+  | Tapp (fs,tl) when Sls.mem fs s ->
+      t_attr_copy t (t_unfold defs fs tl t.t_ty)
+  | _ -> t
+let fold mpr sls d (defs, task) =
+  (** replace *)
+  let d = match d.d_node with
+    | Dprop (k,pr,f) ->
+        let s = Mpr.find_def Sls.empty pr mpr in
+        if Sls.is_empty s then d
+        else create_prop_decl k pr (t_replace_all defs s f)
+    | _ -> d
+  in
+  (** add to defs if needed *)
+  match d.d_node with
+  | Dlogic [ls,ld] when Sls.mem ls sls ->
+      let vl,e = open_ls_defn ld in
+      Mls.add ls (vl,e) defs, Task.add_decl task d
+  | _ ->
+      defs, Task.add_decl task d
+let fold mpr sls task_hd (defs, task) =
+  match task_hd.Task.task_decl.Theory.td_node with
+  | Theory.Decl d ->
+      fold mpr sls d (defs, task)
+  | _ ->
+      defs, Task.add_tdecl task task_hd.Task.task_decl
+let trans =
+  let add (mpr,sls) = function
+    | [Theory.MAls ls; Theory.MApr pr] ->
+        Mpr.change (function None -> Some (Sls.singleton ls)
+                           | Some s -> Some (Sls.add ls s)) pr mpr,
+        Sls.add ls sls
+    | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  Trans.on_meta meta_inline_in (fun l ->
+      let mpr, sls = List.fold_left add (Mpr.empty,Sls.empty) l in
+      Trans.fold_map (fold mpr sls) Mls.empty None)
+let () =
+  Trans.register_transform "inline_in"
+    trans
+    ~desc:"Inline@ the@ symbol@ in@ the@ proposition(meta@ of@ the@ same@ name)"
+(*** eliminate function *)
+let meta_def_into_axiom =
+  Theory.register_meta "def_into_axiom"
+    [Theory.MTlsymbol]
+    ~desc:"Turn the marked function into an axiom"
+let add_ld which (ls,ld) (abst,defn,axl) =
+  if which ls then
+    let vl,e = open_ls_defn ld in
+    let nm = ls.ls_name.Ident.id_string ^ "_def" in
+    let pr = create_prsymbol (Ident.id_derive nm ls.ls_name) in
+    let hd = t_app ls (List.map t_var vl) e.t_ty in
+    let e = TermTF.t_selecti Term.t_equ_simp Term.t_iff_simp hd e in
+    let ax = t_forall_close vl [[hd]] e in
+    let ax = create_prop_decl Paxiom pr ax in
+    let ld = create_param_decl ls in
+    ld :: abst, defn, ax :: axl
+  else
+    abst, (ls,ld) :: defn, axl
+let elim_decl which l =
+  let abst,defn,axl = List.fold_right (add_ld which) l ([],[],[]) in
+  let defn = if defn = [] then [] else [create_logic_decl defn] in
+  abst @ defn @ axl
+let elim which d = match d.d_node with
+  | Dlogic l -> elim_decl which l
+  | _ -> [d]
+let def_into_axiom =
+  Trans.on_tagged_ls meta_def_into_axiom (fun sls ->
+      Trans.decl (elim (fun ls -> Term.Sls.mem ls sls)) None)
+let () =
+  Trans.register_transform "def_into_axiom"
+    def_into_axiom
+    ~desc:"Turn the marked function into an axiom"
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ExpLog.why b/src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.mli
similarity index 87%
rename from src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ExpLog.why
rename to src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.mli
index 64ee3af9390e38d51e29589354141b9b11a2df0f..c838115948129fe30c3eb5d2a18bead46805d3ae 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ExpLog.why
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/filter_axioms.mli
@@ -20,10 +20,7 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-theory ExpLog
-use real.Real as Real
-use real.ExpLog as ExpLog
-lemma exp_pos : forall x:real. (Real.(>) (ExpLog.exp x) (0.))
+val remove_for_altergo : Why3.Task.task Why3.Trans.trans
+val remove_for_why3    : Why3.Task.task Why3.Trans.trans
+val trans              : Why3.Task.task Why3.Trans.trans
+val def_into_axiom     : Why3.Task.task Why3.Trans.trans
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml b/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
index 530e74c3d0f64be6e5b0fe16ba8c15cc93921d70..dcc6c95ef19656aaf4b66cda2975da55faf78b77 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
@@ -30,11 +30,17 @@ open Task
 open Wpo
 let dispatch ?(config=VCS.default) mode prover wpo =
+  let why3 prover =
+    Why3_api.prove
+      ~timeout:(VCS.get_timeout config)
+      ~steplimit:(VCS.get_stepout config)
+      ~prover wpo
+  in
     match prover with
-    | AltErgo -> ProverErgo.prove ~config ~mode wpo
-    | Coq -> ProverCoq.prove mode wpo
-    | Why3 prover -> ProverWhy3.prove ?timeout:config.timeout ~prover wpo
+    | NativeAltErgo -> ProverErgo.prove ~config ~mode wpo
+    | NativeCoq -> ProverCoq.prove mode wpo
+    | Why3 prover -> why3 prover
     | Qed | Tactical -> Task.return VCS.no_result
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/register.ml b/src/plugins/wp/register.ml
index f17abda0620a3a385be354a642079943e11a644a..254ce3968bef3866356da7b2a2a00c86025aa16e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/register.ml
@@ -845,21 +845,27 @@ let () = Cmdline.run_after_setting_files
        if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_shell then
          Log.print_on_output pp_wp_parameters)
+let () = Cmdline.run_after_configuring_stage Why3_api.parse_why3_options
 let do_prover_detect () =
   if not !Config.is_gui && Wp_parameters.Detect.get () then
-    begin
-      let open ProverDetect in
-      let dps = detect () in
-      let pp_provers fmt dps =
-        List.iter (fun dp ->
-            Format.fprintf fmt "@\n - %a %a"
-              VCS.pretty dp VCS.pp_shortcuts dp.VCS.dp_shortcuts
-          ) dps in
-      if dps = [] then
-        Wp_parameters.result "No Why3 provers detected."
-      else
-        Wp_parameters.result "Why3 provers detected:%a" pp_provers dps
-    end
+    let provers = VCS.Why3_prover.provers () in
+    if provers = [] then
+      Wp_parameters.result "No Why3 provers detected."
+    else
+      let open Why3.Whyconf in
+      let shortcuts = get_prover_shortcuts (VCS.Why3_prover.get_config ()) in
+      List.iter
+        (fun p ->
+           Wp_parameters.result "Prover %10s %-10s %s [%t%a]"
+             p.prover_name p.prover_version p.prover_altern
+             (fun fmt ->
+                Why3.Wstdlib.Mstr.iter
+                  (fun name p' -> if Prover.equal p p' then
+                      Format.fprintf fmt "%s," name)
+                  shortcuts)
+             print_prover_parseable_format p
+        ) provers
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
 (* ---  Main Entry Point                                                --- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/rformat.mll b/src/plugins/wp/rformat.mll
index 93f6b07b87a0c534fcdc7830a703bcdd454a031c..499d73c71ea56b61f3be81645f4762041e27215b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/rformat.mll
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/rformat.mll
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ let env console cmd arg = spaces console ; console.env console.fline cmd arg
 let blank = [ ' ' '\t' ]
 let number = [ '0'-'9' ]+
              let ident = [ 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '-' '0'-'9' ]+
+                         let in_braces = [^ '}' ':' ]+
                          rule word console =
@@ -151,12 +152,12 @@ let number = [ '0'-'9' ]+
                              word console lexbuf
-                       | "%{" (ident as cmd) ':' (ident as arg) '}'
+                       | "%{" (in_braces as cmd) ':' (in_braces as arg) '}'
                        | '%' (ident as cmd) ':' (ident as arg)
                            { env console cmd arg ; word console lexbuf }
-                       | "%{" (ident as cmd) "}"
+                       | "%{" (in_braces as cmd) "}"
                        | '%' (ident as cmd)
                            { env console cmd "" ; word console lexbuf }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile
index 6f2822825dd825475ed80058a402d03e84071705..57918128474924a30fe2a54c2c991a133e093b3f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ WHY3INCLUDES= -R $(WHY3LIB)/coq Why3 -R $(WPLSHARE)/why3 ''
 $(WPLSHARE)/why3/%.vo: $(WPLSHARE)/why3/%.v
 	echo "Coqc         $@"
-	@coqc -w none $(WHY3INCLUDES) $<
+	echo coqc -w none $(WHY3INCLUDES) $<
+	coqc -w none $(WHY3INCLUDES) $<
 $(WPLSHARE)/why3/%.ide: $(WPLSHARE)/why3/%.v
 	echo "Coqide       $@"
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
index fdd317b4ee803a3fbe387668efd5106193f34333..6a99a1c03614d1cba45c39e869f6383cf7903fc5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
@@ -27,18 +27,20 @@
 # See also COQ_LIBS_CEA
 ## Used in share/why3
- ArcTrigo.why   \
- Cbits.why      \
- Cfloat.why     \
- Cint.why       \
- Cmath.why      \
- ExpLog.why     \
- Memory.why     \
- Qed.why        \
- Square.why     \
- Vlist.why      \
- Vset.why
+ ArcTrigo.mlw   \
+ cbits.mlw 	\
+ cint.mlw 	\
+ cfloat.mlw 	\
+ cmath.mlw 	\
+ memory.mlw 	\
+ qed.mlw 	\
+ vset.mlw	\
+ vlist.mlw
+## Used in share/why3
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---  Coq Libraries
@@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ COQ_LIBS_INRIA:=\
  bool/Bool.v 	\
  int/Abs.v 	\
  int/ComputerDivision.v	\
+ int/EuclideanDivision.v \
  int/Exponentiation.v	\
  int/Int.v 	\
  int/MinMax.v 	\
@@ -82,7 +85,8 @@ COQ_LIBS_INRIA:=\
  real/Square.v \
  real/ExpLog.v \
  real/PowerReal.v \
- real/Trigonometry.v
+ real/Trigonometry.v \
+ for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---  Alt-Ergo Libraries
@@ -133,7 +137,7 @@ ERGO_LIBS_INRIA:= \
 	wp.driver \
 	why3/coq.drv \
-	$(addprefix why3/,  $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA)) \
+	$(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/,  $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA)) \
 	$(addprefix why3/,  $(COQ_LIBS_CEA)) \
 	$(addprefix coqwp/, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA)) \
 	$(addprefix ergo/,  $(ERGO_LIBS_CEA))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/ArcTrigo.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/ArcTrigo.v
index b5236fbe98fafbb335f2966090b9959e8f925d2c..2ac6451eb5ccd811740599f7682d198186559b5e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/ArcTrigo.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/ArcTrigo.v
@@ -36,20 +36,22 @@ Require real.Square.
 Require real.Trigonometry.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition asin: R -> R.
+Definition asin : R -> R.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition acos: R -> R.
+Definition acos : R -> R.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma Sin_asin : forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
+Lemma Sin_asin :
+  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
   ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.sin (asin x)) = x).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma Cos_acos : forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
+Lemma Cos_acos :
+  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
   ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.cos (acos x)) = x).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cbits.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cbits.v
index c32a1cf32a5ab401e78c78dae72c60082d138dfd..52a69988a9a130470c49071c138587e26bba7f08 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cbits.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cbits.v
@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ Require Qed.
 Require bool.Bool.
 Require int.Int.
 Require int.Abs.
+Require int.EuclideanDivision.
 Require int.ComputerDivision.
 Require real.Real.
 Require real.RealInfix.
 Require real.FromInt.
+Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
 Require Cint.
 (* Why3 goal *)
@@ -168,13 +170,55 @@ Qed.
 Require Import Qedlib.
 Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Require Import Zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition bit_testb : Z -> Z -> bool.
+exact (bit_testb).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition bit_test : Z -> Z -> Prop.
+exact (fun x i => (bit_testb x i) = true).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lnot : Z -> Z.
+  exact (lnot).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition land : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (land).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lxor : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lxor).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lor : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lor).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lsl : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lsl).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lsr : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lsr).
 (** * Bit extraction *)
 (** Tacticals *)
 Local Ltac omegaContradiction := cut False; [contradiction|omega].
 Ltac unfold_bit_testb h := 
-  unfold Cint.bit_testb; unfold Zbits.bit_testb; 
+  unfold bit_testb; unfold Zbits.bit_testb; 
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h).
 (** Some useful properties *)
@@ -193,11 +237,11 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Definition of bit_test predicate *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_def : forall (x:Z) (k:Z), ((Cint.bit_testb x k) = true) <->
-  (Cint.bit_test x k).
+Lemma bit_test_def :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), ((bit_testb x k) = true) <-> (bit_test x k).
   intros x k.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test.
+  unfold bit_test.
@@ -206,15 +250,16 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Logical operators *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction : forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
-  ((~ ((Cint.land x (Cint.lsl 1%Z k)) = 0%Z)) <-> (Cint.bit_test x k)).
+Lemma bit_test_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
+  ~ ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = 0%Z) <-> (bit_test x k).
   intros x k h1.
-  unfold Cint.land.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold land.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold Cint.bit_testb;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
   unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
@@ -233,16 +278,16 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_eq : forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
-  (((Cint.land x (Cint.lsl 1%Z k)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z k)) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  k)).
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_eq :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
+  ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = (lsl 1%Z k)) <-> (bit_test x k).
   intros x k h1.
-  unfold Cint.land.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold land.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold Cint.bit_testb;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
   unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
   rewrite Zbits.Zbit_extraction_true.
@@ -250,14 +295,14 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_1_0 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z).
+Lemma lsl_1_0 : ((lsl 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis : forall (x:Z), (~ ((Cint.land 1%Z
-  x) = 0%Z)) -> (Cint.bit_test x 0%Z).
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis :
+  forall (x:Z), ~ ((land 1%Z x) = 0%Z) -> bit_test x 0%Z.
   intros x.
   rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
@@ -269,8 +314,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis_eq : forall (x:Z), (Cint.bit_test x 0%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.land 1%Z x) = 1%Z).
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis_eq :
+  forall (x:Z), (bit_test x 0%Z) -> ((land 1%Z x) = 1%Z).
   intros x h1.
   rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
@@ -279,71 +324,75 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lnot x) i) = (Init.Datatypes.negb (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i))).
+Lemma lnot_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lnot x) i) = (Init.Datatypes.negb (bit_testb x i))).
   intros x i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
   apply Zbits.lnot_extraction.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_extraction : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.lnot x) i) <-> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma lnot_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lnot x) i) <-> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros x i h1.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test. rewrite lnot_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lnot_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
   destruct xb; simpl; split; intros; auto.
   discriminate H.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.land x y)
-  i) = (Init.Datatypes.andb (Cint.bit_testb x i) (Cint.bit_testb y i))).
+Lemma land_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (land x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.andb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
   intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
   apply Zbits.land_extraction.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_extraction : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.land x y) i) <-> ((Cint.bit_test x i) /\
-  (Cint.bit_test y i))).
+Lemma land_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (land x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) /\ (bit_test y i)).
   intros x y i h1.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test. rewrite land_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=Cint.bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite land_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
   destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lor x y) i) = (Init.Datatypes.orb (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i) (Cint.bit_testb y i))).
+Lemma lor_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lor x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.orb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
   intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
   apply Zbits.lor_extraction.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_extraction : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lor x y) i) <-> ((Cint.bit_test x i) \/
-  (Cint.bit_test y i))).
+Lemma lor_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) \/ (bit_test y i)).
   intros x y i h1.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test. rewrite lor_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=Cint.bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lor_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
   destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lxor x y)
-  i) = (Init.Datatypes.xorb (Cint.bit_testb x i) (Cint.bit_testb y i))).
+Lemma lxor_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lxor x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.xorb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
   intros x y i h1. 
   unfold_bit_testb h1.
@@ -351,14 +400,14 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_extraction : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lxor x y) i) <-> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <->
-  ~ (Cint.bit_test y i))).
+Lemma lxor_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lxor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) <-> ~ (bit_test y i)).
   intros x y i h1.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test. rewrite lxor_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=Cint.bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lxor_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
   destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; repeat (split; intros; auto).
   discriminate H. 
   destruct H; contradiction H; auto.
@@ -369,23 +418,23 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Shift operators *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_1_two_power : forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((Cint.lsl 1%Z
-  n) = (Cint.two_power_abs n)).
+Lemma lsl_1_two_power :
+  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((lsl 1%Z n) = (Cint.two_power_abs n)).
   intros n h1.
-  unfold Cint.lsl. rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by auto. 
+  unfold lsl. rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by auto. 
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def. rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift. 
   unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
   unfold Cint.two_power_abs. ring.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_1_lsl_1 : forall (a:Z) (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((a < (Cint.lsl 1%Z n))%Z -> (((2%Z * a)%Z + (Cint.land 1%Z
-  x))%Z < (Cint.lsl 1%Z (1%Z + n)%Z))%Z).
+Lemma land_1_lsl_1 :
+  forall (a:Z) (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (a < (lsl 1%Z n))%Z ->
+  (((2%Z * a)%Z + (land 1%Z x))%Z < (lsl 1%Z (1%Z + n)%Z))%Z.
   intros a x n h1.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl.
   case_leq 0%Z (1 + n)%Z ; intro.
   case_leq 0%Z (n)%Z ; intro.
@@ -404,9 +453,9 @@ Proof.
   replace ((1 * (2 * two_power_nat n0))%Z) with ((2 * two_power_nat n0)%Z) by ring.
-  cut((Cint.land 1 x < 2)%Z) ; auto with zarith.
+  cut((land 1 x < 2)%Z) ; auto with zarith.
-  case_eq ((Cint.land 1 x)%Z) (0%Z); intros.
+  case_eq ((land 1 x)%Z) (0%Z); intros.
   rewrite bit_test_extraction_bis_eq; [omega|].
   apply bit_test_extraction_bis. 
@@ -414,12 +463,12 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Shift operators *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((n <= m)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lsl x n)
-  m) = (Cint.bit_testb x (m - n)%Z)))).
+Lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m - n)%Z)).
   intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold Cint.lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
   unfold_bit_testb h1.
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool 0 (m - n)) by omega.
@@ -432,21 +481,21 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((n <= m)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl x n) m) <->
-  (Cint.bit_test x (m - n)%Z)))).
+Lemma lsl_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsl x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m - n)%Z).
   intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_sup_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_sup_bool; auto; reflexivity.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((m < n)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lsl x n)
-  m) = false))).
+Lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = false).
   intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold Cint.lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
   unfold_bit_testb h1.
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_extraction.
@@ -458,20 +507,21 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((m < n)%Z -> ~ (Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl x n) m))).
+Lemma lsl_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (bit_test (lsl x n) m).
   intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_inf_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_inf_bool; auto; reflexivity.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsr_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lsr x n) m) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  (m + n)%Z))).
+Lemma lsr_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsr x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m + n)%Z)).
   intros x n m h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.lsr. unfold Zbits.lsr. 
+  unfold lsr. unfold Zbits.lsr. 
   unfold_bit_testb h1.
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
   rewrite Zbits.lsr_extraction.
@@ -483,20 +533,21 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsr_extractionl : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsr x n) m) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  (m + n)%Z))).
+Lemma lsr_extractionl :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsr x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m + n)%Z).
   intros x n m h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; rewrite lsr_extraction_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsr_extraction_bool; auto; reflexivity.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl1_extraction_bool : forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= j)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lsl 1%Z i) j) = (Qed.eqb i j))).
+Lemma lsl1_extraction_bool :
+  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl 1%Z i) j) = (Qed.eqb i j)).
   intros i j h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl.  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1).
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl.  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1).
   unfold_bit_testb h2.
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
@@ -523,20 +574,21 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl1_extraction : forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> ((0%Z <= j)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl 1%Z i) j) <-> (i = j))).
+Lemma lsl1_extraction :
+  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsl 1%Z i) j) <-> (i = j).
   intros i j h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; rewrite lsl1_extraction_bool; auto. apply Qed.eqb1.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl1_extraction_bool; auto. apply Qed.eqb1.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma pos_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= i)%Z -> ((x < (Cint.lsl 1%Z i))%Z -> ((i <= j)%Z ->
-  ~ (Cint.bit_test x j)))).
+Lemma pos_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z -> (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j).
   intros x i j h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.lsl ; unfold Cint.bit_test.
+  unfold lsl ; unfold bit_test.
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
@@ -553,12 +605,13 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((forall (j:Z), (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x j)) -> ((0%Z <= x)%Z /\
-  (x < (Cint.lsl 1%Z i))%Z)).
+Lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (forall (j:Z), (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j)) ->
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z.
   intros x i h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.lsl.
+  unfold lsl.
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
@@ -567,7 +620,7 @@ Proof.
   apply Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail_inv.
   intros k h.
   generalize (h2 (Z.of_nat k)); clear h2; intro h2.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test in h2; rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos in h2.
+  unfold bit_test in h2; rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos in h2.
   + assert (Zbits.zbit_test_def x (Z.of_nat k) <> true) as h3.
     { apply h2. clear h2. rewrite <- (Zabs2Nat.id k) in h. 
       rewrite <- Zabs2Nat.inj_le in h; auto.
@@ -584,8 +637,9 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Unsigned conversions *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_sup : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\
-  (n <= i)%Z) -> ((Cint.is_uint n x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
+  (Cint.is_uint n x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros n x i h1 h2.
   assert (H:(Bits.Zbit x (Z.abs_nat i) = false)).
@@ -595,14 +649,14 @@ Proof.
     + unfold Cint.two_power_abs in h2.
       trivial. }
   assert (I:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold_bit_testb I; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb I; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   rewrite H; discriminate.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z),
-  ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint n x)
-  i) = (Cint.bit_testb x i)).
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
@@ -617,35 +671,38 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint n x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   intros n x i (h1,h2);
-  unfold Cint.bit_test;
+  unfold bit_test;
   rewrite to_uint_extraction_inf_bool by auto;
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i); fold xb;
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
   destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_ext : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint
-  n x) -> ((Cint.is_uint n y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y)))).
+Lemma is_uint_ext :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
+  (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
-  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (Cint.bit_test x i <-> Cint.bit_test y i)).
+  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
   { intros.
     case_lt i n; intro.
     + apply h4; omega.
-    + assert (~ Cint.bit_test x i).
+    + assert (~ bit_test x i).
       { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
-      assert (~ Cint.bit_test y i).
+      assert (~ bit_test y i).
       { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
      intuition. }
   clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test in H.
-  unfold Cint.bit_testb in H.
+  unfold bit_test in H.
+  unfold bit_testb in H.
   apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
   rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
   apply H; auto.
@@ -663,32 +720,34 @@ Local Ltac uint_extraction_inf to_uint :=
 (** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (8%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (8%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 8); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 8%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_8.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 8%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_8.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ((Cint.is_uint8
-  y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test x
-  i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros x y h1 h2 h3.
   apply (is_uint_ext 8); (auto with zarith).
@@ -696,32 +755,34 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (16%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (16%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
    intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 16); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 16%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_16.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 16%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_16.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros x y h1 h2 h3.
   apply (is_uint_ext 16); (auto with zarith).
@@ -729,32 +790,34 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (32%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (32%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 32); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 32%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_32.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 32%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_32.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros x y h1 h2 h3.
   apply (is_uint_ext 32); (auto with zarith).
@@ -762,32 +825,34 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (64%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (64%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 64); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 64%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_64.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 64%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
    uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_64.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros x y h1 h2 h3.
   apply (is_uint_ext 64); (auto with zarith).
@@ -795,15 +860,15 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Signed conversions *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_sup : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\
-  (n <= i)%Z) -> ((Cint.is_sint n x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <->
-  (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
+  (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros n x i h1.
   unfold Cint.is_sint.
   intro h2;
   assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   assert (Z.abs_nat n <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat.
   { apply (Zabs_nat_le); omega. }
   rewrite <- Zlt_bool_true_Zlt; 
@@ -811,9 +876,9 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z),
-  ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint n x)
-  i) = (Cint.bit_testb x i)).
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
@@ -828,25 +893,27 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint n x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   intros n x i (h1,h2).
-  unfold Cint.bit_test;
+  unfold bit_test;
   rewrite to_sint_extraction_inf_bool by auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i); fold xb;
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
   destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_ext : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint
-  n x) -> ((Cint.is_sint n y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i <= n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) ->
-  (x = y)))).
+Lemma is_sint_ext :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= n)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
-  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (Cint.bit_test x i <-> Cint.bit_test y i)).
+  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
   { intros.
     case_leq i n; intro.
     + apply h4; omega.
@@ -856,16 +923,16 @@ Proof.
       generalize ((to_sint_extraction_sup n y n) H1 h3).
       clear H1; intros.
       rewrite h4 in H2. rewrite H2 in H1. clear H2.
-      assert ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> x < 0).
+      assert ((bit_test x i) <-> x < 0).
       { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
-      assert ((Cint.bit_test y i) <-> y < 0).
+      assert ((bit_test y i) <-> y < 0).
       { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
       rewrite H2.
       rewrite H3.
       auto. }
   clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test in H.
-  unfold Cint.bit_testb in H.
+  unfold bit_test in H.
+  unfold bit_testb in H.
   apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
   rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
   apply H; auto.
@@ -877,7 +944,7 @@ Local Ltac sint_extraction_sup is_sint vn vz :=
   unfold is_sint;
   intro h2;
   assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def;
   assert (Z.abs_nat vz <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat 
   by (assert (vn = Z.abs_nat vz)%nat by (auto with arith);
       apply Zabs_nat_le; omega);
@@ -906,128 +973,140 @@ Local Ltac sint_extraction_inf to_sint :=
 (** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (7%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (7%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 7); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 7%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_8.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 7%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_8.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.is_sint8
-  y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 7%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test x
-  i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 7%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros. apply (is_sint_ext 7) ; (auto with zarith).
 (** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (15%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (15%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 15); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 15%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_16.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 15%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_16.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 15%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros. apply (is_sint_ext 15) ; (auto with zarith).
 (** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (31%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (31%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 31); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 31%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_32.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 31%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_32.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 31%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros. apply (is_sint_ext 31) ; (auto with zarith).
 (** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (63%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (63%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 63); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 63%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_64.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 63%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_64.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 63%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros; apply (is_sint_ext 63); (auto with zarith).
@@ -1047,8 +1126,9 @@ Local Ltac lsr_in_uint_range n :=
 (** ** Unsigned conversions *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_lor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint n x) (Cint.to_uint n y))).
+Lemma to_uint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint n x) (Cint.to_uint n y))).
   intros n x y.
   apply Zbits.zbit_test_ext. intro.
@@ -1063,40 +1143,44 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint8 x) (Cint.to_uint 8%Z y))).
+Lemma to_uint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint8 x) (Cint.to_uint 8%Z y))).
   intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply to_uint_lor.
 (** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint16 x) (Cint.to_uint16 y))).
+Lemma to_uint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint16 x) (Cint.to_uint16 y))).
   intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply to_uint_lor.
 (** ***  Cast to uint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint32 x) (Cint.to_uint32 y))).
+Lemma to_uint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint32 x) (Cint.to_uint32 y))).
   intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply to_uint_lor.
 (** ***  Cast to uint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint64 x) (Cint.to_uint64 y))).
+Lemma to_uint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint64 x) (Cint.to_uint64 y))).
   intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply to_uint_lor.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lxor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint n y) -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint_lxor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intro n; is_uint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
@@ -1104,34 +1188,37 @@ Qed.
 (** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are identity *)
 (** ** Unsigned conversions *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint n y) -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intro n; is_uint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_land : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint n y) -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint_land :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intro n; is_uint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsr : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint
-  n x) -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint_lsr :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intro n; lsr_in_uint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf : forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros n y (h1,h2);
   (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
   (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
@@ -1152,12 +1239,13 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup : forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= y)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= y)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros n y h1.
   (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
   (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
@@ -1179,178 +1267,192 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint8 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ((Cint.is_uint8
-  y) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint8 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint8
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint16
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16. apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint32
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint64
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
@@ -1372,49 +1474,53 @@ Local Ltac lsr_in_sint_range n :=
   | (apply (Zbits.lsr_upper_bound n _ _ Ry); omega)].
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lnot : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint_lnot :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   intros n; is_sint_lnot (Cint.two_power_abs n).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lxor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint n y) -> ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint_lxor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intro n; is_sint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint n y) -> ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intro n; is_sint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_land : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint n y) -> ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint_land :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intro n; is_sint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsr : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint
-  n x) -> ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint_lsr :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intro n; lsr_in_sint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf : forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros n y (h1,h2).
   apply Cint.id_sint.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1);
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
   (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
@@ -1429,12 +1535,13 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup : forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n < y)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n < y)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros n y h1.
   assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega;
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
   (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
@@ -1458,246 +1565,261 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lnot : forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint8_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   is_sint_lnot 128.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint8 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise xorb 7%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.is_sint8
-  y) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise orb 7%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint8 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise andb 7%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint8
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   lsr_in_sint_range 128.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 7%Z) = 128%Z).
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 7%Z) = 128%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 7%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lnot : forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint16_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   is_sint_lnot 32768.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise xorb 15%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise orb 15%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise andb 15%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint16
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   lsr_in_sint_range 32768.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 15%Z) = 32768%Z).
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 15%Z) = 32768%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lnot : forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint32_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   is_sint_lnot 2147483648.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise xorb 31%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise orb 31%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise andb 31%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint32
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   lsr_in_sint_range 2147483648.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 31%Z) = 2147483648%Z).
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 31%Z) = 2147483648%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
    intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lnot : forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint64_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   is_sint_lnot 9223372036854775808. 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise xorb 63%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise orb 63%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise andb 63%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint64
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   lsr_in_sint_range 9223372036854775808.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 63%Z) = 9223372036854775808%Z).
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 63%Z) = 9223372036854775808%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** * Range of some bitwise operations *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma uint_land_range : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= (Cint.land x y))%Z /\ ((Cint.land x y) <= x)%Z).
+Lemma uint_land_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (land x y))%Z /\ ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
   intros x y h1.
   apply Zbits.uint_land_range; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma uint_lor_inf : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((-1%Z)%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= y)%Z -> (x <= (Cint.lor x y))%Z).
+Lemma uint_lor_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((-1%Z)%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (x <= (lor x y))%Z.
   intros x y h1 h2.
   case_leq 0 x; intro.
@@ -1708,14 +1830,14 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sint_land_inf : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((y < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.land x y) <= x)%Z).
+Lemma sint_land_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x <= 0%Z)%Z -> (y < 0%Z)%Z -> ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
   intros x y h1 h2.
-  cut (-(x+1) <= -((Cint.land x y)+1)).
+  cut (-(x+1) <= -((land x y)+1)).
   { omega. }
   fold (Bits.zlnot x).
-  fold (Bits.zlnot (Cint.land x y)).
+  fold (Bits.zlnot (land x y)).
   repeat (rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
   rewrite Zbits.lnot_land_de_morgan.
   repeat (rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
@@ -1723,14 +1845,15 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sint_lor_range : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x < 0%Z)%Z -> ((x <= (Cint.lor x
-  y))%Z /\ ((Cint.lor x y) < 0%Z)%Z).
+Lemma sint_lor_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  (x <= (lor x y))%Z /\ ((lor x y) < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros x y h1.
-  cut (0 <= -((Cint.lor x y)+1) <= -(x+1)).
+  cut (0 <= -((lor x y)+1) <= -(x+1)).
   { omega. }
   fold (Bits.zlnot x).
-  fold (Bits.zlnot (Cint.lor x y)).
+  fold (Bits.zlnot (lor x y)).
   rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
   rewrite Zbits.lnot_lor_de_morgan.
   rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
@@ -1739,8 +1862,9 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lor_distrib : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n
-  (Cint.lor x y)) <-> ((Cint.is_uint n x) /\ (Cint.is_uint n y)).
+Lemma is_uint_lor_distrib :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  (Cint.is_uint n (lor x y)) <-> ((Cint.is_uint n x) /\ (Cint.is_uint n y)).
   intros n x y; split.
   + unfold Cint.is_uint ; intros.
@@ -1753,7 +1877,7 @@ Proof.
     rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
     assert (h2:((-1) <= y)) by omega.
     generalize (uint_lor_inf y x h2 H).
-    unfold Cint.lor;
+    unfold lor;
     pose (z:=(Zbits.lor y x)); fold z; intros.
   + intro H; destruct H.
@@ -1764,16 +1888,16 @@ Qed.
 (** * Link between bitwise operators and addition *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_addition : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.land x y) = 0%Z) ->
-  ((x + y)%Z = (Cint.lor x y)).
+Lemma lor_addition :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lor x y)).
   intros x y h1.
   apply Zbits.lor_addition; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_addition : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.land x y) = 0%Z) ->
-  ((x + y)%Z = (Cint.lxor x y)).
+Lemma lxor_addition :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lxor x y)).
   intros x y h1.
   apply Zbits.lxor_addition; trivial.
@@ -1781,15 +1905,16 @@ Qed.
 (** * Link between land and cast operator *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_land_edge : forall (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n x) = (Cint.land ((Cint.lsl 1%Z n) - 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Lemma to_uint_land_edge :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n x) = (land ((lsl 1%Z n) - 1%Z)%Z x)).
   intros x n h1.
   unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
   unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
   rewrite Zbits.pos_mod_two_power_nat_land_edge.
-  unfold Cint.land; f_equal.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by omega; unfold Zbits.lsl_def. 
+  unfold land; f_equal.
+  unfold lsl; rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by omega; unfold Zbits.lsl_def. 
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
   auto with zarith.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cmath.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cmath.v
index 8b144c5879ec906937e70a01f4ef4ab3c5baa734..aada736b6875b2d5a7ac6d56ad67d89f0c3f3c9c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cmath.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Cmath.v
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ Require real.RealInfix.
 Require Import RIneq.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma abs_def : forall (x:Z), ((0%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\ ((~ (0%Z <= x)%Z) ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
+Lemma abs_def :
+  forall (x:Z),
+  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
+  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
 exact int.Abs.abs_def.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Memory.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Memory.v
index a586724d831b0224f3aedf8d52b4c80f9f1549ed..26866826a4970da8a246ebd15a4e03e8a6309a83 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Memory.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Memory.v
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 (* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
 Require Import BuiltIn.
 Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
 Require bool.Bool.
 Require int.Int.
 Require map.Map.
@@ -38,56 +39,58 @@ Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
 Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition offset (v:addr): Z := match v with
-  | (mk_addr x x1) => x1
-  end.
+Definition offset (v:addr) : Z := match v with
+                                  | mk_addr x x1 => x1
+                                  end.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition base (v:addr): Z := match v with
-  | (mk_addr x x1) => x
-  end.
+Definition base (v:addr) : Z := match v with
+                                | mk_addr x x1 => x
+                                end.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_le: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Definition addr_le : addr -> addr -> Prop.
   exact (fun (p q : addr) => ((base p = base q) /\ (offset p <= offset q)%Z)).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_lt: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Definition addr_lt : addr -> addr -> Prop.
   exact (fun (p q : addr) => (base p = base q) /\ (offset p < offset q)%Z).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_le_bool: addr -> addr -> bool.
+Definition addr_le_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
   exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
            andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zle_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_lt_bool: addr -> addr -> bool.
+Definition addr_lt_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
   exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
            andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zlt_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_le_def : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
-  ((addr_le p q) <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z).
+Lemma addr_le_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  (addr_le p q) <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
   unfold addr_le.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_lt_def : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
-  ((addr_lt p q) <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z).
+Lemma addr_lt_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  (addr_lt p q) <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
   unfold addr_lt.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_le_bool_def : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_le p q) <->
-  ((addr_le_bool p q) = true).
+Lemma addr_le_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_le p q) <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = true).
   unfold addr_le. unfold addr_le_bool.
   intros. split; intro H.
@@ -103,8 +106,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_lt_bool_def : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_lt p q) <->
-  ((addr_lt_bool p q) = true).
+Lemma addr_lt_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_lt p q) <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = true).
   unfold addr_lt. unfold addr_lt_bool.
   intros. split; intro H.
@@ -120,61 +123,68 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition null: addr := (mk_addr 0%Z 0%Z).
+Definition null : addr := mk_addr 0%Z 0%Z.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition global (b:Z): addr := (mk_addr b 0%Z).
+Definition global (b:Z) : addr := mk_addr b 0%Z.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Z): addr := (mk_addr (base p)
-  ((offset p) + k)%Z).
+Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Z) : addr :=
+  mk_addr (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition included (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z): Prop := (0%Z < a)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= b)%Z /\ (((base p) = (base q)) /\ (((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
-  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z))).
+Definition included (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
+  (((base p) = (base q)) /\
+   (((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
+    (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z)).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z): Prop := (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
-  ((b <= 0%Z)%Z \/ ((~ ((base p) = (base q))) \/
-  ((((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
-  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z))).
+Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
+  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ((b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+   (~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
+    ((((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
+     (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z))).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:(map.Map.map addr a))
-  (m2:(map.Map.map addr a)) (p:addr) (a1:Z): Prop := forall (q:addr),
-  (included q 1%Z p a1) -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
+Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
+    (p:addr) (a1:Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (q:addr), (included q 1%Z p a1) -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition havoc: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (map.Map.map addr a) ->
-  (map.Map.map addr a) -> addr -> Z -> (map.Map.map addr a).
+Variable havoc: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) ->
+  (addr -> a) -> addr -> Z -> addr -> a.
 Definition fhavoc {A : Type}
   (m : farray addr A)
   (w : farray addr A) (p:addr) (n:Z) : (farray addr A) :=
   {| whytype1 := whytype1 m;
      whytype2 := whytype2 m;
-     access := @havoc _ (whytype2 m) m w p n |}.
+     access := @havoc _ (whytype2 m) (access m) (access w) p n |}.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition valid_rw (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)) (p:addr) (n:Z): Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z -> ((0%Z < (base p))%Z /\ ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\
-  (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z)).
+Definition valid_rw (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition valid_rd (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)) (p:addr) (n:Z): Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z -> ((~ (0%Z = (base p))) /\ ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\
-  (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z)).
+Definition valid_rd (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition invalid (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)) (p:addr) (n:Z): Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z -> (((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/
-  (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Definition invalid (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma valid_rw_rd : forall (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)), forall (p:addr),
-  forall (n:Z), (valid_rw m p n) -> (valid_rd m p n).
+Lemma valid_rw_rd :
+  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), forall (n:Z), (valid_rw m p n) ->
+  valid_rd m p n.
   intros m p n.
   unfold valid_rw. unfold valid_rd.
@@ -182,10 +192,10 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma valid_string : forall (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)), forall (p:addr),
-  ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z -> (((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\
-  ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z) -> ((valid_rd m p 1%Z) /\
-  ~ (valid_rw m p 1%Z))).
+Lemma valid_string :
+  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z) ->
+  (valid_rd m p 1%Z) /\ ~ (valid_rw m p 1%Z).
   intros m p.
   unfold valid_rd. unfold valid_rw.
@@ -230,33 +240,34 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_1 : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z),
-  (separated p a q b) -> ((((offset p) <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z) -> ((((offset q) <= j)%Z /\
-  (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z) -> ~ ((mk_addr (base p) i) = (mk_addr (base q)
-  j)))).
+Lemma separated_1 :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z),
+  (separated p a q b) ->
+  (((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z) ->
+  (((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z) ->
+  ~ ((mk_addr (base p) i) = (mk_addr (base q) j)).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition region: Z -> Z.
+Definition region : Z -> Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition linked: (map.Map.map Z Z) -> Prop.
+Definition linked : (Z -> Z) -> Prop.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition sconst: (map.Map.map addr Z) -> Prop.
+Definition sconst : (addr -> Z) -> Prop.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition framed (m:(map.Map.map addr addr)): Prop := forall (p:addr),
-  ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_included : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
-  (0%Z < a)%Z -> ((0%Z < b)%Z -> ((separated p a q b) -> ~ (included p a q
-  b))).
+Lemma separated_included :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z < a)%Z -> (0%Z < b)%Z ->
+  (separated p a q b) -> ~ (included p a q b).
 intros p q a b h1 h2 h3.
   unfold separated. unfold included. unfold not.
@@ -276,22 +287,25 @@ Qed.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma included_trans : forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z)
-  (c:Z), (included p a q b) -> ((included q b r c) -> (included p a r c)).
+Lemma included_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
+  (included p a q b) -> (included q b r c) -> included p a r c.
   intros p a q b r c.
   unfold included. intuition.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_trans : forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z)
-  (c:Z), (included p a q b) -> ((separated q b r c) -> (separated p a r c)).
+Lemma separated_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
+  (included p a q b) -> (separated q b r c) -> separated p a r c.
   intros p a q b r c.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_sym : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
+Lemma separated_sym :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
   (separated p a q b) <-> (separated q b p a).
   intros p q a b.
@@ -299,38 +313,38 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqmem_included : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (m1:(map.Map.map addr a)) (m2:(map.Map.map addr a)), forall (p:addr)
-  (q:addr), forall (a1:Z) (b:Z), (included p a1 q b) -> ((eqmem m1 m2 q b) ->
-  (eqmem m1 m2 p a1)).
+Lemma eqmem_included {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a1:Z) (b:Z), (included p a1 q b) -> (eqmem m1 m2 q b) ->
+  eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
-  intros a a_WT m1 m2 p q a1 b h1 h2.
+  intros m1 m2 p q a1 b h1 h2.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqmem_sym : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (m1:(map.Map.map
-  addr a)) (m2:(map.Map.map addr a)), forall (p:addr), forall (a1:Z), (eqmem
-  m1 m2 p a1) -> (eqmem m2 m1 p a1).
+Lemma eqmem_sym {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr), forall (a1:Z),
+  (eqmem m1 m2 p a1) -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
-  intros A m1 m2 p a. unfold eqmem.
+  intros m1 m2 p a1. unfold eqmem.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma havoc_access : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (m0:(map.Map.map addr a)) (m1:(map.Map.map addr a)), forall (q:addr)
-  (p:addr), forall (a1:Z), ((separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0
-  m1 p a1) q) = (m1 q))) /\ ((~ (separated q 1%Z p a1)) ->
-  (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m0 q))).
+Lemma havoc_access {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Z),
+  ((separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m1 q))) /\
+  (~ (separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m0 q))).
-  intros a a_WT m0 m1 q p a1.
+  intros m0 m1 q p a1.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition int_of_addr: addr -> Z.
+Definition int_of_addr : addr -> Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_of_int: Z -> addr.
+Definition addr_of_int : Z -> addr.
 (* Why3 goal *)
@@ -347,8 +361,8 @@ Lemma int_of_addr_bijection : forall (a:Z),
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_of_int_bijection : forall (p:addr),
-  ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
+Lemma addr_of_int_bijection :
+  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
 (* Why3 goal *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qed.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qed.v
index c991afd7c10498054025aa3472c3c03e275a84ca..a33a18a82068891fb8c8204e0383ce5f9b1267fc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qed.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qed.v
@@ -27,69 +27,72 @@ Require BuiltIn.
 Require bool.Bool.
 Require int.Int.
 Require int.Abs.
+Require int.EuclideanDivision.
 Require int.ComputerDivision.
 Require real.Real.
 Require real.RealInfix.
 Require real.FromInt.
+Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition match_bool: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, bool -> a -> a -> a.
-exact (fun _ _ b x y => if b then x else y).
+Definition match_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : bool -> a -> a -> a.
+exact (fun b x y => if b then x else y).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma match_bool1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:bool) (x:a)
-  (y:a), ((p = true) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = x)) \/ ((p = false) /\
-  ((match_bool p x y) = y)).
+Lemma match_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:bool) (x:a) (y:a),
+  ((p = true) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = x)) \/
+  ((p = false) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = y)).
-  intros a a_WT p x y.
+  intros p x y.
   destruct p; intuition.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition eqb: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> bool.
-exact (fun a a_WT x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then true else false).
+Definition eqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
+exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then true else false).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqb1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x
-  y) = true) <-> (x = y).
+Lemma eqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = true) <-> (x = y).
-  intros a a_WT x y.
+  intros x y.
   destruct a_WT.
   compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqb_false : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a),
-  ((eqb x y) = false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Lemma eqb_false {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = false) <-> ~ (x = y).
-  intros a a_WT x y.
+  intros x y.
   destruct a_WT.
   compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition neqb: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> bool.
-exact (fun a a_WT x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then false else true).
+Definition neqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
+exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then false else true).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma neqb1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x
-  y) = true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Lemma neqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = true) <-> ~ (x = y).
-  intros a a_WT x y.
+  intros x y.
   destruct a_WT.
   compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition zlt: Z -> Z -> bool.
+Definition zlt : Z -> Z -> bool.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition zleq: Z -> Z -> bool.
+Definition zleq : Z -> Z -> bool.
@@ -110,12 +113,12 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition rlt: R -> R -> bool.
+Definition rlt : R -> R -> bool.
 exact (fun x y => if Rlt_dec x y then true else false).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition rleq: R -> R -> bool.
+Definition rleq : R -> R -> bool.
 exact (fun x y => if Rle_dec x y then true else false).
@@ -134,23 +137,7 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition real_of_int (x:Z): R := (BuiltIn.IZR x).
-(* Why3 comment *)
-(* pdiv is replaced with (ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot x x1) by the coq driver *)
-(* Why3 comment *)
-(* pmod is replaced with (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem x x1) by the coq driver *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma c_euclidian : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), (~ (d = 0%Z)) ->
-  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
-  intros n d.
-  intros H.
-  rewrite Int.Comm1.
-  exact (ComputerDivision.Div_mod n d H).
+Definition real_of_int (x:Z) : R := (BuiltIn.IZR x).
 Lemma lt_is_not_eqb1: forall x y, (x < y -> Z.eqb x y = false)%Z.
@@ -168,59 +155,31 @@ Proof.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cdiv_cases : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d)))) /\
-  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (-(ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot (-n)%Z d))%Z))) /\
-  (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (-(ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n (-d)%Z))%Z))) /\
-  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot (-n)%Z (-d)%Z)))))).
-  intros n d.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_l.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_r.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_l.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_r.
-  rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
-  assert (lem1 := lt_is_not_eqb1 d 0).
-  assert (lem2 := lt_is_not_eqb2 d 0).
-  intuition (rewrite H1;reflexivity).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cmod_cases : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d)))) /\
-  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (-(ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem (-n)%Z d))%Z))) /\
-  (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n (-d)%Z)))) /\
-  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (-(ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem (-n)%Z (-d)%Z))%Z))))).
+Lemma c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
   intros n d.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zrem_opp_l.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zrem_opp_r.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zrem_opp_l.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zrem_opp_r.
-  rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
-  assert (lem1 := lt_is_not_eqb1 d 0).
-  assert (lem2 := lt_is_not_eqb2 d 0).
-  intuition (rewrite H1;reflexivity).
+  intros H.
+  rewrite Int.Comm1.
+  exact (ComputerDivision.Div_mod n d H).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cmod_remainder : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z))) /\ (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  (((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))) /\ (((0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((d < 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z))) /\ ((n <= 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((d < 0%Z)%Z -> ((d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))))).
+Lemma cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Z) (d:Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+    ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+    ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+   (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+     (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+    ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+     (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))).
   intros n d.
@@ -238,8 +197,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cdiv_inv : forall (a:Z), (~ (a = 0%Z)) ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Lemma cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
   intros a h1.
   exact (Z.quot_same a h1).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qedlib.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qedlib.v
index 68c2a998c3dd04aefa90a44182940d74a305771c..f251ad0495661c8771d7d3bcb45fb58df0304899 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qedlib.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Qedlib.v
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Hypothesis extensionality: forall (A B : Type) (f g : A -> B),
 Definition select {A B : Type}
-  (m : farray A B) (k : A) : B := (access m k).
+  (m : farray A B) (k : A) : B := (access m) k.
 Lemma farray_eq : forall A B (m1 m2 : farray A B),
    whytype1 m1 = whytype1 m2 -> whytype2 m1 = whytype2 m2 ->
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Proof.
   destruct m1. destruct m2. simpl.
   intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; rewrite H2 ; clear H1 H2.
   intro K.
-  rewrite (extensionality access0 access1 K).
+  rewrite (extensionality _ _ K).
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Lemma access_update :
   m.[k <- v].[k] = v.
-  apply Map.set_def.
+  apply (proj1 (Map.set_def (access m) k v k)).
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Lemma access_update_neq :
   i <> j -> m.[ i <- v ].[j] = m.[j].
-  apply Map.set_def.
+  apply (proj2 (Map.set_def (access m) i v j)).
@@ -345,18 +345,3 @@ Proof.
   replace (d*x) with (x*d) by ring.
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Missing Definitions                                                --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-Variable truncate : R -> Z.
-Variable ceil : R -> Z.
-Variable floor : R -> Z.
-Variable sinh : R -> R.
-Variable cosh : R -> R.
-Variable tanh : R -> R.
-Variable atan2 : R -> R -> R.
-Variable hypot : R -> R -> R.
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Square.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Square.v
index 865ce9f87edbb37ef7f20f339d605b153365a0d1..a260523508899f4c24ed908657e4f25913175f7d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Square.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Square.v
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_lin0 : forall (x:R), ((0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R) ->
-  (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
+Lemma sqrt_lin0 :
+  forall (x:R), ((0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R) -> (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
   intros x (h1,h2).
   exact (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_more x h1 h2).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Vlist.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Vlist.v
index dfcb15ea7fdc389ba1e81e3e9e448e06fb84d7fc..e758e478dbf012c9840892f530db9a98831f5a4a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Vlist.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Vlist.v
@@ -47,24 +47,20 @@ Definition list : forall (a:Type), Type.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition nil: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a).
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : list a.
   generalize a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition cons: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (list a) -> (list a).
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (list a) -> list a.
   generalize a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition concat: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> (list a) ->
-  (list a).
-  intros a a_WT.
-  Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Definition concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> (list a) -> list a.
+  Open Local Scope list_scope.
   exact(fun u v => u ++ v).
@@ -76,9 +72,7 @@ Fixpoint repeat_nat (a:Type) (w: list a) (n: nat) {struct n} :=
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition repeat: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z -> (list
-  a).
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
   exact(fun w n  => match n with
                    | Z0 => nil
                    | Zneg _ => nil
@@ -87,14 +81,12 @@ Definition repeat: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z -> (list
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition length: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z.
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition length {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z.
   exact(fun w => Z.of_nat (List.length w)).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition nth: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z -> a.
- intros a a_WT.
+Definition nth {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> a.
   exact(fun w n => match n with
                    | Zneg _ => (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
                    | other => List.nth (Zabs_nat n) w (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
@@ -106,8 +98,8 @@ Defined.
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_pos : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  (0%Z <= (length w))%Z.
+Lemma length_pos {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), (0%Z <= (length w))%Z.
   unfold length. 
@@ -115,8 +107,7 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_nil : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, ((length (nil : (list
-  a))) = 0%Z).
+Lemma length_nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : ((length (nil : list a)) = 0%Z).
   unfold length. unfold nil.
@@ -124,10 +115,10 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_nil_bis : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  ((length w) = 0%Z) -> (w = (nil : (list a))).
+Lemma length_nil_bis {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((length w) = 0%Z) -> (w = (nil : list a)).
-  intros a a_WT w.
+  intros w.
   unfold length. unfold nil.
   destruct w.
   + by seq.
@@ -146,8 +137,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_cons : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (w:(list
-  a)), ((length (cons x w)) = (1%Z + (length w))%Z).
+Lemma length_cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((length (cons x w)) = (1%Z + (length w))%Z).
   intros. unfold length.
   replace (Datatypes.length (cons x w)) with (1 + (Datatypes.length w))%nat.
@@ -155,55 +146,67 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis length_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (u:(list
-  a)) (v:(list a)), ((length (concat u v)) = ((length u) + (length v))%Z).
+Hypothesis length_concat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a),
+  ((length (concat u v)) = ((length u) + (length v))%Z).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis length_repeat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list
-  a)) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((length (repeat w n)) = (n * (length w))%Z).
+Hypothesis length_repeat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((length (repeat w n)) = (n * (length w))%Z).
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   (* --- nth                                                          --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_cons : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (k:Z) (x:a)
-  (w:(list a)), ((k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = x)) /\ ((~ (k = 0%Z)) ->
-  ((nth (cons x w) k) = (nth w (k - 1%Z)%Z))).
+Hypothesis nth_cons :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (k:Z) (x:a) (w:list a),
+  ((k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = x)) /\
+  (~ (k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = (nth w (k - 1%Z)%Z))).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (u:(list a))
-  (v:(list a)) (k:Z), ((k < (length u))%Z -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth u
-  k))) /\ ((~ (k < (length u))%Z) -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth v
-  (k - (length u))%Z))).
+Hypothesis nth_concat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (k:Z),
+  ((k < (length u))%Z -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth u k))) /\
+  (~ (k < (length u))%Z ->
+   ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth v (k - (length u))%Z))).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_repeat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (n:Z) (k:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), ((0%Z <= k)%Z /\ (k < (n * (length w))%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((0%Z < (length w))%Z -> ((nth (repeat w n) k) = (nth w
-  (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem k (length w))))).
+Hypothesis nth_repeat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (n:Z) (k:Z) (w:list a),
+  ((0%Z <= k)%Z /\ (k < (n * (length w))%Z)%Z) -> (0%Z < (length w))%Z ->
+  ((nth (repeat w n) k) = (nth w (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem k (length w)))).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition vlist_eq {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (u:(list a)) (v:(list
-  a)): Prop := ((length u) = (length v)) /\ forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < (length u))%Z) -> ((nth u i) = (nth v i)).
+Definition vlist_eq {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (u:list a) (v:list a) : Prop :=
+  ((length u) = (length v)) /\
+  forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < (length u))%Z) ->
+  ((nth u i) = (nth v i)).
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   (* --- equality of Lists                                            --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis extensionality : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (u:(list
-  a)) (v:(list a)), (vlist_eq u v) -> (u = v).
+Hypothesis extensionality :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a), (vlist_eq u v) -> (u = v).
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   (* --- neutral elements                                             --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_nil_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  (vlist_eq (concat (nil : (list a)) w) w) /\ (vlist_eq (concat w
-  (nil : (list a))) w).
+Lemma eq_nil_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a),
+  (vlist_eq (concat (nil : list a) w) w) /\
+  (vlist_eq (concat w (nil : list a)) w).
   split ; unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat; rewrite length_nil; split; auto with zarith; intros.
@@ -218,8 +221,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_concat_left : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list
-  a)), ((concat (nil : (list a)) w) = w).
+Lemma rw_nil_concat_left {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((concat (nil : list a) w) = w).
   apply extensionality.
@@ -228,8 +231,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_concat_right : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list
-  a)), ((concat w (nil : (list a))) = w).
+Lemma rw_nil_concat_right {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((concat w (nil : list a)) = w).
   apply extensionality.
   generalize (eq_nil_concat w). intro G; destruct G.
@@ -237,9 +240,9 @@ Lemma rw_nil_concat_right : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_cons_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
-  (v:(list a)) (w:(list a)), (vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x
-  (concat v w))).
+Lemma eq_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x (concat v w)).
   unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat. repeat (rewrite length_cons).
@@ -271,8 +274,9 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_cons_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
-  (v:(list a)) (w:(list a)), ((concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))).
+Lemma rw_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  ((concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))).
   apply extensionality.
@@ -280,8 +284,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_cons_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
-  (w:(list a)), ((concat (cons x (nil : (list a))) w) = (cons x w)).
+Lemma rw_nil_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((concat (cons x (nil : list a)) w) = (cons x w)).
   rewrite rw_cons_concat.
@@ -294,9 +298,9 @@ Qed.
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_assoc_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (u:(list a))
-  (v:(list a)) (w:(list a)), (vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u
-  (concat v w))).
+Lemma eq_assoc_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u (concat v w)).
   unfold vlist_eq. repeat (rewrite length_concat).  split.
@@ -328,10 +332,10 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_repeat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (n:Z),
-  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((repeat (nil : (list a)) n) = (nil : (list a))).
+Lemma rw_nil_repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((repeat (nil : list a) n) = (nil : list a)).
-intros a a_WT n h1.
+intros n h1.
 induction n ; simpl ; auto.
 assert (R : forall n, repeat_nat a nil n = nil).
  * intro n. induction n ; simpl ; auto.
@@ -339,31 +343,31 @@ assert (R : forall n, repeat_nat a nil n = nil).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_zero : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  ((repeat w 0%Z) = (nil : (list a))).
+Lemma rw_repeat_zero {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 0%Z) = (nil : list a)).
-intros a a_WT w. simpl. auto.
+intros w. simpl. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_repeat_one : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  (vlist_eq (repeat w 1%Z) w).
-intros a a_WT w. simpl. unfold vlist_eq. auto.
+Lemma eq_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), vlist_eq (repeat w 1%Z) w.
+intros w. simpl. unfold vlist_eq. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_one : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  ((repeat w 1%Z) = w).
+Lemma rw_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 1%Z) = w).
-intros a a_WT w. simpl. auto.
+intros w. simpl. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_repeat_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:Z) (q:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> ((0%Z <= q)%Z -> (vlist_eq (repeat w
-  (p + q)%Z) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)))).
+Lemma eq_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
+  vlist_eq (repeat w (p + q)%Z) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)).
-intros a a_WT p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
+intros p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
  + repeat rewrite length_concat.
     repeat rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
  + rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
@@ -403,62 +407,61 @@ intros a a_WT p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:Z) (q:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> ((0%Z <= q)%Z -> ((repeat w
-  (p + q)%Z) = (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)))).
-intros a a_WT p q w h1 h2.
+Lemma rw_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
+  ((repeat w (p + q)%Z) = (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q))).
+intros p q w h1 h2.
 apply extensionality.
 apply eq_repeat_concat ; auto with zarith.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_after : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> ((concat (repeat w p) w) = (repeat w
-  (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma rw_repeat_after {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
+  ((concat (repeat w p) w) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
-  intros a a_WT p w h1.
+  intros p w h1.
   rewrite (rw_repeat_concat p 1 w) ; auto with zarith.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_before : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> ((concat w (repeat w p)) = (repeat w
-  (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma rw_repeat_before {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
+  ((concat w (repeat w p)) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
-  intros a a_WT p w h1.
+  intros p w h1.
   replace (p+1) with (1+p) ; auto with zarith.
   rewrite (rw_repeat_concat 1 p w) ; auto with zarith.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition repeat_box: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z ->
-  (list a).
-intros a w l n.
+Definition repeat_box {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
+intros l n.
 exact (repeat l n).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_box_unfold : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (w:(list a)) (n:Z), ((repeat_box w n) = (repeat w n)).
+Lemma rw_repeat_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), ((repeat_box w n) = (repeat w n)).
 unfold repeat_box. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (w:(list a)) (a1:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z <= a1)%Z -> ((0%Z <= b)%Z ->
-  ((repeat_box w (a1 + b)%Z) = (concat (repeat w a1) (repeat w b)))).
+Lemma rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (a1:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z <= a1)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  ((repeat_box w (a1 + b)%Z) = (concat (repeat w a1) (repeat w b))).
 unfold repeat_box. rewrite rw_repeat_concat ; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (w:(list a)) (n:Z), (0%Z < n)%Z -> (((repeat_box w
-  n) = (concat (repeat w (n - 1%Z)%Z) w)) /\ ((repeat_box w
-  (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (concat (repeat w n) w))).
+Lemma rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((repeat_box w n) = (concat (repeat w (n - 1%Z)%Z) w)) /\
+  ((repeat_box w (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (concat (repeat w n) w)).
  intros. split.
  + generalize (rw_repeat_concat (n-1) 1 w).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Vset.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Vset.v
index 1262034a104de88566275e9a6b86b606ea000ba1..d362587c8dabd2c12908c4975f5c5a4eea4a5882 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Vset.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/Vset.v
@@ -32,146 +32,147 @@ Definition set : forall (a:Type), Type.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition empty: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a).
+Definition empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : set a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition singleton: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a).
+Definition singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> set a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition union: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> (set a) ->
-  (set a).
+Definition union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition inter: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> (set a) ->
-  (set a).
+Definition inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition member: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a) -> Prop.
+Definition member {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> Prop.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition member_bool: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a) ->
-  bool.
+Definition member_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> bool.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range: Z -> Z -> (set Z).
+Definition range : Z -> Z -> set Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_sup: Z -> (set Z).
+Definition range_sup : Z -> set Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_inf: Z -> (set Z).
+Definition range_inf : Z -> set Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_all: (set Z).
+Definition range_all : set Z.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eqset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:(set a)) (b:(set a)): Prop :=
+Definition eqset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
   forall (x:a), (member x a1) <-> (member x b).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition subset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:(set a)) (b:(set a)): Prop :=
-  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> (member x b).
+Definition subset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
+  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> member x b.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition disjoint {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:(set a)) (b:(set
-  a)): Prop := forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> ~ (member x b).
+Definition disjoint {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
+  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> ~ (member x b).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_bool1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
-  forall (s:(set a)), ((member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = true)) /\
-  ((~ (member x s)) -> ((member_bool x s) = false)).
+Lemma member_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (s:set a),
+  ((member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = true)) /\
+  (~ (member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = false)).
-intros a a_WT x s.
+intros x s.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
-  ~ (member x (empty : (set a))).
+Lemma member_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), ~ (member x (empty : set a)).
-intros a a_WT x.
+intros x.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_singleton : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
-  (y:a), (member x (singleton y)) <-> (x = y).
+Lemma member_singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), (member x (singleton y)) <-> (x = y).
-intros a a_WT x y.
+intros x y.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_union : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
-  forall (a1:(set a)) (b:(set a)), (member x (union a1 b)) <-> ((member x
-  a1) \/ (member x b)).
+Lemma member_union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
+  (member x (union a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) \/ (member x b)).
-intros a a_WT x a1 b.
+intros x a1 b.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_inter : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
-  forall (a1:(set a)) (b:(set a)), (member x (inter a1 b)) <-> ((member x
-  a1) /\ (member x b)).
+Lemma member_inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
+  (member x (inter a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) /\ (member x b)).
-intros a a_WT x a1 b.
+intros x a1 b.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma union_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (a1:(set a)),
-  ((union a1 (empty : (set a))) = a1) /\ ((union (empty : (set a)) a1) = a1).
+Lemma union_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (a1:set a),
+  ((union a1 (empty : set a)) = a1) /\ ((union (empty : set a) a1) = a1).
-intros a a_WT a1.
+intros a1.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma inter_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (a1:(set a)),
-  ((inter a1 (empty : (set a))) = (empty : (set a))) /\ ((inter (empty : (set
-  a)) a1) = (empty : (set a))).
+Lemma inter_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (a1:set a),
+  ((inter a1 (empty : set a)) = (empty : set a)) /\
+  ((inter (empty : set a) a1) = (empty : set a)).
-intros a a_WT a1.
+intros a1.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range : forall (x:Z) (a:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range a b)) <->
-  ((a <= x)%Z /\ (x <= b)%Z).
+Lemma member_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (a:Z) (b:Z),
+  (member x (range a b)) <-> ((a <= x)%Z /\ (x <= b)%Z).
 intros x a b.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_sup : forall (x:Z) (a:Z), (member x (range_sup a)) <->
-  (a <= x)%Z.
+Lemma member_range_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (a:Z), (member x (range_sup a)) <-> (a <= x)%Z.
 intros x a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_inf : forall (x:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range_inf b)) <->
-  (x <= b)%Z.
+Lemma member_range_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range_inf b)) <-> (x <= b)%Z.
 intros x b.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_all : forall (x:Z), (member x range_all).
+Lemma member_range_all : forall (x:Z), member x range_all.
 intros x.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc2edd83eb140746e9f6c3b48ffd38aeab84abff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
+(*  Copyright 2010-2019   --   Inria - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
+(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
+(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.EuclideanDivision.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Lemma on_pos_euclidean_is_div:
+  forall n d, (int.EuclideanDivision.div n (Zpos d)) = Zdiv n (Zpos d).
+intros n d.
+unfold EuclideanDivision.div.
+assert (0 < Z.pos d)%Z by reflexivity.
+destruct (Z.mod_pos_bound n (Zpos d) H).
+case (Z_le_dec 0 (n mod (Zpos d))); intros H2.
+* reflexivity.
+* destruct (H2 H0).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma cdiv_cases : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (int.EuclideanDivision.div n d)))) /\
+  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (-(int.EuclideanDivision.div (-n)%Z
+  d))%Z))) /\ (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (-(int.EuclideanDivision.div n
+  (-d)%Z))%Z))) /\ ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (int.EuclideanDivision.div (-n)%Z
+  (-d)%Z)))))).
+  intros n d.
+  destruct d as [|d|d]; destruct n as [|n|n]; intuition (try contradiction; try discriminate; auto).
+    + assert (NZ_d:((Zpos d) <> 0)%Z) by discriminate.
+      rewrite (Z.quot_div (Z.pos n) (Z.pos d) NZ_d).
+      rewrite on_pos_euclidean_is_div.
+      rewrite Z.mul_1_l.
+      reflexivity.
+    + assert (NZ_d:((Zpos d) <> 0)%Z) by discriminate.
+      rewrite (Z.quot_div (Z.neg n) (Z.pos d) NZ_d).
+      rewrite on_pos_euclidean_is_div.
+      reflexivity.
+    + assert (NZ_d:((Z.neg d) <> 0)%Z) by discriminate.
+      rewrite (Z.quot_div (Z.pos n) (Z.neg d) NZ_d).
+      simpl.
+      rewrite on_pos_euclidean_is_div.
+      reflexivity.
+    + assert (NZ_d:((Z.neg d) <> 0)%Z) by discriminate.
+      rewrite (Z.quot_div (Z.neg n) (Z.neg d) NZ_d).
+      simpl.
+      rewrite on_pos_euclidean_is_div.
+      destruct (Z.pos n / Z.pos d)%Z;reflexivity.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma cmod_cases : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (int.EuclideanDivision.mod1 n d)))) /\
+  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (-(int.EuclideanDivision.mod1 (-n)%Z
+  d))%Z))) /\ (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (int.EuclideanDivision.mod1 n (-d)%Z)))) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (-(int.EuclideanDivision.mod1 (-n)%Z
+  (-d)%Z))%Z))))).
+  intros n d.
+  unfold int.EuclideanDivision.mod1.
+  assert (Z.rem n d = n - (d * (Z.quot n d)))%Z.
+  assert (H:= Z.quot_rem' n d).
+  omega.
+  rewrite H.
+  assert (H2:=cdiv_cases n d).
+  intuition.
+  + rewrite H1.
+    reflexivity.
+  + rewrite H4.
+    rewrite Z.mul_opp_r.
+    omega.
+  + rewrite H1.
+    rewrite Z.mul_opp_r.
+    rewrite Z.mul_opp_l.
+    reflexivity.
+  + rewrite H4.
+    rewrite Z.mul_opp_l.
+    omega.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/EuclideanDivision.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/EuclideanDivision.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d614fb777660ca8f3f1f3096220fef6962ab0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/EuclideanDivision.v
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
+(*  Copyright 2010-2019   --   Inria - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
+(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
+(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition div : Z -> Z -> Z.
+intros x y.
+case (Z_le_dec 0 (Zmod x y)) ; intros H.
+exact (Zdiv x y).
+exact (Zdiv x y + 1)%Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition mod1 : Z -> Z -> Z.
+intros x y.
+exact (x - y * div x y)%Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_mod :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ~ (y = 0%Z) -> (x = ((y * (div x y))%Z + (mod1 x y))%Z).
+intros x y Zy.
+unfold mod1, div.
+case Z_le_dec ; intros H ; ring.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Mod_bound :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ~ (y = 0%Z) ->
+  (0%Z <= (mod1 x y))%Z /\ ((mod1 x y) < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs y))%Z.
+intros x y Zy.
+assert (H1 := Z_mod_neg x y).
+assert (H2 := Z_mod_lt x y).
+unfold mod1, div.
+case Z_le_dec ; intros H0.
+rewrite Zmult_comm, <- Zmod_eq_full with (1 := Zy).
+replace (x - y * (x / y + 1))%Z with (x - x / y * y - y)%Z by ring.
+rewrite <- Zmod_eq_full with (1 := Zy).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_unique :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (q:Z), (0%Z < y)%Z ->
+  (((q * y)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < ((q * y)%Z + y)%Z)%Z) -> ((div x y) = q).
+intros x y q h1 (h2,h3).
+assert (h:(~(y=0))%Z) by omega.
+generalize (Mod_bound x y h); intro h0.
+rewrite Z.abs_eq in h0; auto with zarith.
+generalize (Div_mod x y h); clear h; intro h.
+assert (cases:(div x y = q \/ (div x y <= q - 1 \/ div x y >= q+1))%Z) by omega.
+destruct cases as [h4 | [h5 | h6]]; auto.
+assert (y * div x y <= y * (q - 1))%Z.
+ apply  Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with zarith.
+replace (y*(q-1))%Z with (q*y - y)%Z in H by ring.
+elimtype False.
+assert (y * div x y >= y * (q + 1))%Z.
+ apply  Zmult_ge_compat_l; auto with zarith.
+replace (y*(q+1))%Z with (q*y + y)%Z in H by ring.
+elimtype False.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_bound :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (0%Z < y)%Z) ->
+  (0%Z <= (div x y))%Z /\ ((div x y) <= x)%Z.
+intros x y (Hx,Hy).
+unfold div.
+case Z_le_dec ; intros H.
+apply Z_div_pos with (2 := Hx).
+now apply Zlt_gt.
+destruct (Z_eq_dec y 1) as [H'|H'].
+rewrite H', Zdiv_1_r.
+apply Zle_refl.
+rewrite <- (Zdiv_1_r x) at 2.
+apply Zdiv_le_compat_l with (1 := Hx).
+elim H.
+apply Z_mod_lt.
+now apply Zlt_gt.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Mod_1 : forall (x:Z), ((mod1 x 1%Z) = 0%Z).
+intros x.
+unfold mod1, div.
+rewrite Zmod_1_r, Zdiv_1_r, Zmult_1_l.
+apply Zminus_diag.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_1 : forall (x:Z), ((div x 1%Z) = x).
+intros x.
+unfold div.
+now rewrite Zmod_1_r, Zdiv_1_r.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < y)%Z) -> ((div x y) = 0%Z).
+intros x y Hxy.
+unfold div.
+case Z_le_dec ; intros H.
+now apply Zdiv_small.
+elim H.
+now rewrite Zmod_small.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_inf_neg :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z < x)%Z /\ (x <= y)%Z) ->
+  ((div (-x)%Z y) = (-1%Z)%Z).
+intros x y Hxy.
+assert (h: (x < y \/ x = y)%Z) by omega.
+destruct h.
+(* case 0 < x < y *)
+assert (h1: (x mod y = x)%Z).
+  rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith.
+assert (h2: ((-x) mod y = y - x)%Z).
+  rewrite Z_mod_nz_opp_full.
+  rewrite h1; auto.
+rewrite h1; auto with zarith.
+unfold div.
+case Z_le_dec; auto with zarith.
+intros h3.
+rewrite Z_div_nz_opp_full; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Zdiv_small; auto with zarith.
+(* case x = y *)
+assert (h1: (y mod y = 0)%Z).
+  rewrite Z_mod_same_full; auto with zarith.
+assert (h2: ((-y) mod y = 0)%Z).
+  rewrite Z_mod_zero_opp_full; auto with zarith.
+unfold div.
+case Z_le_dec; rewrite h2; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Z_div_zero_opp_full; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Z_div_same_full; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Mod_0 : forall (y:Z), ~ (y = 0%Z) -> ((mod1 0%Z y) = 0%Z).
+intros y Hy.
+unfold mod1, div.
+rewrite Zmod_0_l.
+now rewrite Zdiv_0_l, Zmult_0_r.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_1_left : forall (y:Z), (1%Z < y)%Z -> ((div 1%Z y) = 0%Z).
+intros y Hy.
+rewrite Div_inf; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_minus1_left :
+  forall (y:Z), (1%Z < y)%Z -> ((div (-1%Z)%Z y) = (-1%Z)%Z).
+intros y Hy.
+unfold div.
+assert (h1: (1 mod y = 1)%Z).
+apply Zmod_1_l; auto.
+assert (h2: ((-(1)) mod y = y-1)%Z).
+  rewrite Z_mod_nz_opp_full; auto with zarith.
+case Z_le_dec; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Z_div_nz_opp_full; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Zdiv_small; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Mod_1_left : forall (y:Z), (1%Z < y)%Z -> ((mod1 1%Z y) = 1%Z).
+intros y Hy.
+unfold mod1.
+rewrite Div_1_left; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Mod_minus1_left :
+  forall (y:Z), (1%Z < y)%Z -> ((mod1 (-1%Z)%Z y) = (y - 1%Z)%Z).
+intros y Hy.
+unfold mod1.
+rewrite Div_minus1_left; auto with zarith.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Div_mult :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (z:Z), (0%Z < x)%Z ->
+  ((div ((x * y)%Z + z)%Z x) = (y + (div z x))%Z).
+intros x y z h.
+unfold div.
+destruct (Z_le_dec 0 (z mod x)).
+destruct (Z_le_dec 0 ((x*y+z) mod x)).
+rewrite Zmult_comm.
+rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; auto with zarith.
+generalize (Z_mod_lt (x * y + z) x); auto with zarith.
+generalize (Z_mod_lt z x); auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Mod_mult :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (z:Z), (0%Z < x)%Z ->
+  ((mod1 ((x * y)%Z + z)%Z x) = (mod1 z x)).
+intros x y z h.
+unfold mod1.
+rewrite Div_mult.
+auto with zarith.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Power.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Power.v
index 55d496108e2c03e74cffffcce5bec06abb2253ec..47be81da9aa53844d283720bca8b2adaf618dbfc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Power.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/int/Power.v
@@ -129,4 +129,3 @@ Lemma Power_monotonic :
 apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; auto with zarith.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/map/Const.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/map/Const.v
index 51eddc01c4ae4b66d6ed9fac2a60a9392fc3696b..0bff2b2d80871967b46dd9d16f80025903d2f5d3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/map/Const.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/coqwp/map/Const.v
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ Require HighOrd.
 Require map.Map.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition const {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} {b:Type} {b_WT:WhyType b} 
+Definition const {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} {b:Type} {b_WT:WhyType b}
     (v:b) : a -> b :=
   fun (us:a) => v.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Cbits.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Cbits.mlw
index 4ef1f5423f5ec258c1f30c8bb781a34769815a24..1bf6749cffed1c9e2e168e513d1960e72b6f64e5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Cbits.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Cbits.mlw
@@ -27,11 +27,32 @@
 (** The theory bool_Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory int_Abs_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_EuclideanDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory int_ComputerDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_Real_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_RealInfix_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_FromInt_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory for_drivers_ComputerOfEuclideanDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory Cint_ must be appended to this file*)
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+logic bit_testb : int, int -> bool
+logic bit_test : int, int -> prop
+logic lnot : int -> int
+logic ac land : int, int -> int
+logic ac lxor : int, int -> int
+logic ac lor : int, int -> int
+logic lsl : int, int -> int
+logic lsr : int, int -> int
+||||||| merged common ancestors
 axiom lnot_bool : (lnot(0) = (-1))
 axiom lnot_bool1 : (lnot((-1)) = 0)
@@ -66,6 +87,7 @@ axiom lxor_0 : (forall x:int [lxor(0, x)]. (lxor(0, x) = x))
 axiom lxor_0bis : (forall x:int [lxor(x, 0)]. (lxor(x, 0) = x))
+>>>>>>> origin/master
 axiom bit_test_def :
   (forall x:int. forall k:int [bit_testb(x, k)]. ((bit_testb(x, k) = true) ->
   bit_test(x, k)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Cint.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Cint.mlw
index efa4917c8ef46502f3f4e6b9ee732f1f0fa1e5c5..933f75f53435cf90a5bb3a92e6d1d4187fee92a5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Cint.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Cint.mlw
@@ -222,19 +222,3 @@ axiom proj_int64 :
   (forall x:int [to_sint64(to_uint64(x))].
   (to_sint64(to_uint64(x)) = to_sint64(x)))
-logic lnot : int -> int
-logic ac land : int, int -> int
-logic ac lxor : int, int -> int
-logic ac lor : int, int -> int
-logic lsl : int, int -> int
-logic lsr : int, int -> int
-logic bit_testb : int, int -> bool
-logic bit_test : int, int -> prop
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Qed.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Qed.mlw
index ab140625bf0126b176c14a756ba919cb89e65801..0537e4c35cbdb14341fcfade5481df37a862b5b0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Qed.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Qed.mlw
@@ -26,10 +26,12 @@
 (** The theory bool_Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory int_Abs_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_EuclideanDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory int_ComputerDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_Real_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_RealInfix_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_FromInt_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory for_drivers_ComputerOfEuclideanDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
 logic match_bool : bool, 'a, 'a -> 'a
 axiom match_bool1 :
@@ -79,76 +81,76 @@ axiom rleq2 :
 function real_of_int(x: int) : real = from_int(x)
-axiom c_euclidian :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_div(n,d), comp_mod(n,d)].
-  ((not (d = 0)) -> (n = ((comp_div(n,d) * d) + comp_mod(n,d)))))
 axiom cdiv_cases :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_div(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
-  (comp_div(n,d) = (n / d)))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) -> (div(n,
+  d) = (n / d)))))
 axiom cdiv_cases1 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_div(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
-  (comp_div(n,d) = (-((-n) / d))))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) -> (div(n,
+  d) = (-((-n) / d))))))
 axiom cdiv_cases2 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_div(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
-  (comp_div(n,d) = (-(n / (-d)))))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) -> (div(n,
+  d) = (-(n / (-d)))))))
 axiom cdiv_cases3 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_div(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
-  (comp_div(n,d) = ((-n) / (-d))))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) -> (div(n,
+  d) = ((-n) / (-d))))))
 axiom cmod_cases :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
-  (comp_mod(n,d) = (n % d)))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) -> (mod(n,
+  d) = (n % d)))))
 axiom cmod_cases1 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
-  (comp_mod(n,d) = (-((-n) % d))))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) -> (mod(n,
+  d) = (-((-n) % d))))))
 axiom cmod_cases2 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
-  (comp_mod(n,d) = (n % (-d))))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) -> (mod(n,
+  d) = (n % (-d))))))
 axiom cmod_cases3 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
-  (comp_mod(n,d) = (-((-n) % (-d)))))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) -> (mod(n,
+  d) = (-((-n) % (-d)))))))
+axiom c_euclidian :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d), mod(n, d)]. ((not (d = 0)) ->
+  (n = ((div(n, d) * d) + mod(n, d)))))
 axiom cmod_remainder :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
-  (0 <= comp_mod(n,d)))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
+  (0 <= mod(n, d)))))
 axiom cmod_remainder1 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
-  (comp_mod(n,d) <  d))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) -> (mod(n,
+  d) <  d))))
 axiom cmod_remainder2 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
-  ((-d) <  comp_mod(n,d)))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
+  ((-d) <  mod(n, d)))))
 axiom cmod_remainder3 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
-  (comp_mod(n,d) <= 0))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) -> (mod(n,
+  d) <= 0))))
 axiom cmod_remainder4 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
-  (0 <= comp_mod(n,d)))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
+  (0 <= mod(n, d)))))
 axiom cmod_remainder5 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
-  (comp_mod(n,d) <  (-d)))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) -> (mod(n,
+  d) <  (-d)))))
 axiom cmod_remainder6 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
-  (d <  comp_mod(n,d)))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
+  (d <  mod(n, d)))))
 axiom cmod_remainder7 :
-  (forall n:int. forall d:int [comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
-  (comp_mod(n,d) <= 0))))
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) -> (mod(n,
+  d) <= 0))))
-axiom cdiv_neutral : (forall a:int [comp_div(a,1)]. (comp_div(a,1) = a))
+axiom cdiv_neutral : (forall a:int [div(a, 1)]. (div(a, 1) = a))
 axiom cdiv_inv :
-  (forall a:int [comp_div(a,a)]. ((not (a = 0)) -> (comp_div(a,a) = 1)))
+  (forall a:int [div(a, a)]. ((not (a = 0)) -> (div(a, a) = 1)))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Vlist.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Vlist.mlw
index 7d688623e03861f1b16e872b4907dcd261b3a935..a43cdbc1f389b654ec76d68bf6434413da8b6ce6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Vlist.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/Vlist.mlw
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ axiom nth_concat1 :
 axiom nth_repeat :
   (forall n:int. forall k:int. forall w:'a list [nth(repeat(w, n), k)].
   (((0 <= k) and (k <  (n * length(w)))) -> ((0 <  length(w)) ->
-  (nth(repeat(w, n), k) = nth(w, comp_mod(k,length(w)))))))
+  (nth(repeat(w, n), k) = nth(w, mod(k, length(w)))))))
 predicate vlist_eq(u: 'a list, v: 'a list) = ((length(u) = length(v)) and
   (forall i:int. (((0 <= i) and (i <  length(u))) -> (nth(u, i) = nth(v,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0aa5d7cf4388ad8697bab8deb6a982c84029b6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(* this is the prelude for Alt-Ergo, version >= 0.95.2 *)
+(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Abs_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_EuclideanDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_ComputerDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
+axiom cdiv_cases :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) -> (div(n,
+  d) = (n / d)))))
+axiom cdiv_cases1 :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) -> (div(n,
+  d) = (-((-n) / d))))))
+axiom cdiv_cases2 :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) -> (div(n,
+  d) = (-(n / (-d)))))))
+axiom cdiv_cases3 :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [div(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) -> (div(n,
+  d) = ((-n) / (-d))))))
+axiom cmod_cases :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) -> (mod(n,
+  d) = (n % d)))))
+axiom cmod_cases1 :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) -> (mod(n,
+  d) = (-((-n) % d))))))
+axiom cmod_cases2 :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) -> (mod(n,
+  d) = (n % (-d))))))
+axiom cmod_cases3 :
+  (forall n:int. forall d:int [mod(n, d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) -> (mod(n,
+  d) = (-((-n) % (-d)))))))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerDivision.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerDivision.mlw
index 743d5fa35a3cf70f041690f79611f24057e4e55d..cc9054d9d97353e3de3697cf7f3421e4eae8c05c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerDivision.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.ComputerDivision.mlw
@@ -13,41 +13,37 @@
 (* this is the prelude for Alt-Ergo, version >= 0.95.2 *)
-logic comp_div: int, int -> int
-axiom comp_div_def: forall x, y:int. x >= 0 and y > 0 -> comp_div(x,y) = x / y
-logic comp_mod: int, int -> int
-axiom comp_mod_def: forall x, y:int. x >= 0 and y > 0 -> comp_mod(x,y) = x % y
 (** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory int_Abs_ must be appended to this file*)
+logic div : int, int -> int
+logic mod : int, int -> int
 axiom Div_bound :
-  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (0 <  y)) ->
-  (0 <= comp_div(x,y))))
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (0 <  y)) -> (0 <= div(x, y))))
 axiom Div_bound1 :
-  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (0 <  y)) ->
-  (comp_div(x,y) <= x)))
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (0 <  y)) -> (div(x, y) <= x)))
-axiom Div_1 : (forall x:int. (comp_div(x,1) = x))
+axiom Div_1 : (forall x:int. (div(x, 1) = x))
-axiom Mod_1 : (forall x:int. (comp_mod(x,1) = 0))
+axiom Mod_1 : (forall x:int. (mod(x, 1) = 0))
 axiom Div_inf :
-  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (x <  y)) ->
-  (comp_div(x,y) = 0)))
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (x <  y)) -> (div(x, y) = 0)))
 axiom Mod_inf :
-  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (x <  y)) ->
-  (comp_mod(x,y) = x)))
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (x <  y)) -> (mod(x, y) = x)))
 axiom Div_mult :
-  (forall x:int. forall y:int. forall z:int [comp_div(((x * y) + z),x)].
-  (((0 <  x) and ((0 <= y) and (0 <= z))) ->
-  (comp_div(((x * y) + z),x) = (y + comp_div(z,x)))))
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. forall z:int [div(((x * y) + z), x)].
+  (((0 <  x) and ((0 <= y) and (0 <= z))) -> (div(((x * y) + z),
+  x) = (y + div(z, x)))))
 axiom Mod_mult :
-  (forall x:int. forall y:int. forall z:int [comp_mod(((x * y) + z),x)].
-  (((0 <  x) and ((0 <= y) and (0 <= z))) ->
-  (comp_mod(((x * y) + z),x) = comp_mod(z,x))))
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. forall z:int [mod(((x * y) + z), x)].
+  (((0 <  x) and ((0 <= y) and (0 <= z))) -> (mod(((x * y) + z), x) = mod(z,
+  x))))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.EuclideanDivision.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.EuclideanDivision.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7390354ffaa31e89b8924bf338a7840b799894f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.EuclideanDivision.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(* this is the prelude for Alt-Ergo, version >= 0.95.2 *)
+(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Abs_ must be appended to this file*)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.Exponentiation.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.Exponentiation.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63c0d3569f4a36cdae9e270507d1bbc6809e04b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.Exponentiation.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(* this is the prelude for Alt-Ergo, version >= 0.95.2 *)
+(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
+type t
+logic one : t
+logic infix_as : t, t -> t
+axiom Assoc :
+  (forall x:t. forall y:t. forall z:t. (infix_as(infix_as(x, y),
+  z) = infix_as(x, infix_as(y, z))))
+axiom Unit_def_l : (forall x:t. (infix_as(one, x) = x))
+axiom Unit_def_r : (forall x:t. (infix_as(x, one) = x))
+logic power : t, int -> t
+axiom Power_0 : (forall x:t. (power(x, 0) = one))
+axiom Power_s :
+  (forall x:t. forall n:int. ((0 <= n) -> (power(x, (n + 1)) = infix_as(x,
+  power(x, n)))))
+axiom Power_s_alt :
+  (forall x:t. forall n:int. ((0 <  n) -> (power(x, n) = infix_as(x, power(x,
+  (n - 1))))))
+axiom Power_1 : (forall x:t. (power(x, 1) = x))
+axiom Power_sum :
+  (forall x:t. forall n:int. forall m:int. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <= m) ->
+  (power(x, (n + m)) = infix_as(power(x, n), power(x, m))))))
+axiom Power_mult :
+  (forall x:t. forall n:int. forall m:int. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <= m) ->
+  (power(x, (n * m)) = power(power(x, n), m)))))
+axiom Power_comm1 :
+  (forall x:t. forall y:t. ((infix_as(x, y) = infix_as(y, x)) ->
+  (forall n:int. ((0 <= n) -> (infix_as(power(x, n), y) = infix_as(y,
+  power(x, n)))))))
+axiom Power_comm2 :
+  (forall x:t. forall y:t. ((infix_as(x, y) = infix_as(y, x)) ->
+  (forall n:int. ((0 <= n) -> (power(infix_as(x, y), n) = infix_as(power(x,
+  n), power(y, n)))))))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.Power.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.Power.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5e16444dcefddb2047018168da6416f8cf33bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/int.Power.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(* this is the prelude for Alt-Ergo, version >= 0.95.2 *)
+(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Exponentiation_ must be appended to this file*)
+logic power : int, int -> int
+axiom Power_0 : (forall x:int. (power(x, 0) = 1))
+axiom Power_s :
+  (forall x:int. forall n:int. ((0 <= n) -> (power(x,
+  (n + 1)) = (x * power(x, n)))))
+axiom Power_s_alt :
+  (forall x:int. forall n:int. ((0 <  n) -> (power(x, n) = (x * power(x,
+  (n - 1))))))
+axiom Power_1 : (forall x:int. (power(x, 1) = x))
+axiom Power_sum :
+  (forall x:int. forall n:int. forall m:int. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <= m) ->
+  (power(x, (n + m)) = (power(x, n) * power(x, m))))))
+axiom Power_mult :
+  (forall x:int. forall n:int. forall m:int. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <= m) ->
+  (power(x, (n * m)) = power(power(x, n), m)))))
+axiom Power_comm1 :
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((x * y) = (y * x)) ->
+  (forall n:int. ((0 <= n) -> ((power(x, n) * y) = (y * power(x, n)))))))
+axiom Power_comm2 :
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((x * y) = (y * x)) ->
+  (forall n:int. ((0 <= n) -> (power((x * y), n) = (power(x, n) * power(y,
+  n)))))))
+axiom Power_non_neg :
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (0 <= y)) -> (0 <= power(x,
+  y))))
+axiom Power_monotonic :
+  (forall x:int. forall n:int. forall m:int. (((0 <  x) and ((0 <= n) and
+  (n <= m))) -> (power(x, n) <= power(x, m))))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/map.Const.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/map.Const.mlw
index eb7f9a8995df727f3a0b11ed847a20bfbc05a92d..d93ab7e64681b8c8ccecb007ee96567b4b4cec5c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/map.Const.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/map.Const.mlw
@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
 (** The theory map_Map_ must be appended to this file*)
 logic const : 'b -> ('a,'b) farray
-axiom Const :
-  (forall b:'b1. forall a:'a1. (((const(b) : ('a1,'b1) farray)[a]) = b))
+axiom const_def :
+  (forall v:'b. forall us:'a. (((const(v) : ('a,'b) farray)[us]) = v))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.FromInt.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.FromInt.mlw
index 6c0d9c52160f4d452bed86a6f3eb130600d91ef8..a1f51341456db10cded4ea61739f8905b0a7722d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.FromInt.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.FromInt.mlw
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ axiom Mul :
 axiom Neg : (forall x:int. (from_int((-x)) = (-from_int(x))))
+axiom Injective :
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((from_int(x) = from_int(y)) -> (x = y)))
 axiom Monotonic :
   (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((x <= y) -> (from_int(x) <= from_int(y))))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Hyperbolic.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Hyperbolic.mlw
index da5f26b3c17adf34b5b8db48c585f8d682645c93..14a08dae73f575e56497771f23b865f90a5a7dfe 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Hyperbolic.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Hyperbolic.mlw
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ axiom Acosh_def :
 logic atanh : real -> real
 axiom Atanh_def :
-  (forall x:real. ((((-1.0) <  x) and (x <  1.0)) ->
+  (forall x:real. ((((- 1.0) <  x) and (x <  1.0)) ->
   (atanh(x) = (0.5 * log(((1.0 + x) / (1.0 - x)))))))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.PowerReal.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.PowerReal.mlw
index 8e5923d76a87a4d9e99339a82bf110f60ac2aa6b..97f8c3d547ec82b88e91929a69966f55cf9640ad 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.PowerReal.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.PowerReal.mlw
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
 (* this is the prelude for Alt-Ergo, version >= 0.95.2 *)
 (** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Exponentiation_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory int_Power_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_Real_ must be appended to this file*)
+(** The theory real_FromInt_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_Square_ must be appended to this file*)
 (** The theory real_ExpLog_ must be appended to this file*)
 logic pow : real, real -> real
@@ -45,3 +49,7 @@ axiom Pow_x_two : (forall x:real. ((0.0 <  x) -> (pow(x, 2.0) = sqr(x))))
 axiom Pow_half : (forall x:real. ((0.0 <  x) -> (pow(x, 0.5) = sqrt(x))))
+axiom pow_from_int :
+  (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((0 <  x) -> ((0 <= y) -> (pow(from_int(x),
+  from_int(y)) = from_int(power(x, y))))))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Trigonometry.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Trigonometry.mlw
index bd5fa3953ae28867e5ba5555fecc499c09be93cd..93f357ea6d89eb3cbfb00f057cdcc200f5071c16 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Trigonometry.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/ergo/real.Trigonometry.mlw
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ axiom Pi_double_precision_bounds : (0x1.921fb54442d18p1 <  pi)
 axiom Pi_double_precision_bounds1 : (pi <  0x1.921fb54442d19p1)
-axiom Cos_pi : (cos(pi) = (-1.0))
+axiom Cos_pi : (cos(pi) = (- 1.0))
 axiom Sin_pi : (sin(pi) = 0.0)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/ArcTrigo.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/ArcTrigo.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d72f2e3db30aafb5c393c3a40359cffc9119a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/ArcTrigo.v
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require Reals.R_sqrt.
+Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
+Require Reals.Rtrigo_def.
+Require Reals.Rtrigo1.
+Require Reals.Ratan.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.Abs.
+Require real.Square.
+Require real.Trigonometry.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition asin : R -> R.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition acos : R -> R.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Sin_asin :
+  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
+  ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.sin (asin x)) = x).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma Cos_acos :
+  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
+  ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.cos (acos x)) = x).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cbits.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cbits.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d7b383376a108fe39da0e3e5c71947a29eebe78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cbits.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1899 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require Qed.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.EuclideanDivision.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
+Require Cint.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lnot_bool : ((Cint.lnot 0%Z) = (-1%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((Cint.lnot (-1%Z)%Z) = 0%Z).
+  split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_idemp : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x x) = x).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land 0%Z x) = 0%Z).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x 0%Z) = 0%Z).
+  intro.
+  rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
+  Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land (-1%Z)%Z x) = x).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.land x (-1%Z)%Z) = x).
+  intros x.
+  rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
+  Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_bool : ((Cint.land 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.land 0%Z
+  1%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.land 1%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ ((Cint.land 1%Z
+  1%Z) = 1%Z))).
+  split;split;split;Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_idemp : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x x) = x).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor (-1%Z)%Z x) = (-1%Z)%Z).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x (-1%Z)%Z) = (-1%Z)%Z).
+  intros x.
+  rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
+  Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor 0%Z x) = x).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lor x 0%Z) = x).
+  intros x.
+  rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
+  Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_bool : ((Cint.lor 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.lor 0%Z 1%Z) = 1%Z) /\
+  (((Cint.lor 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z) /\ ((Cint.lor 1%Z 1%Z) = 1%Z))).
+  split;split;split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_nilpotent : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x x) = 0%Z).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_1 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor (-1%Z)%Z x) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_1bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x (-1%Z)%Z) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+  intros x.
+  rewrite Zbits.lxor_commut.
+  Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_0 : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor 0%Z x) = x).
+  intro. Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_0bis : forall (x:Z), ((Cint.lxor x 0%Z) = x).
+  intros x.
+  rewrite Zbits.lxor_commut.
+  Zbits.auto_zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_bool : ((Cint.lxor 0%Z 0%Z) = 0%Z) /\ (((Cint.lxor 0%Z
+  1%Z) = 1%Z) /\ (((Cint.lxor 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z) /\ ((Cint.lxor 1%Z
+  1%Z) = 0%Z))).
+  split; split; split; Zbits.auto_zbits.
+Require Import Qedlib.
+Open Local Scope Z_scope.
+Require Import Zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition bit_testb : Z -> Z -> bool.
+exact (bit_testb).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition bit_test : Z -> Z -> Prop.
+exact (fun x i => (bit_testb x i) = true).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lnot : Z -> Z.
+  exact (lnot).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition land : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (land).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lxor : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lxor).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lor : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lor).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lsl : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lsl).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lsr : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lsr).
+(** * Bit extraction *)
+(** Tacticals *)
+Local Ltac omegaContradiction := cut False; [contradiction|omega].
+Ltac unfold_bit_testb h := 
+  unfold bit_testb; unfold Zbits.bit_testb; 
+  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h).
+(** Some useful properties *)
+Remark Zlt_bool_true_Zlt: forall (b:bool) (x y: Z),
+  (b = Zlt_bool x y)  <-> ((b = true) <-> x < y).
+  intros.
+  split; case_lt x y; intros; try rewrite H0.
+  + split; intro G; auto.
+  + split; intro G; [discriminate G| omega].
+  + auto.
+  + destruct b; try auto.
+    destruct H0. assert (x < y) by (by (apply H0)).
+    omegaContradiction.
+(** ** Definition of bit_test predicate *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma bit_test_def :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), ((bit_testb x k) = true) <-> (bit_test x k).
+  intros x k.
+  unfold bit_test.
+  reflexivity.
+(** * Link between Bit extraction and bitwise operators *)
+(** ** Some properties of bit extration *)
+(** ** Logical operators *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma bit_test_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
+  ~ ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = 0%Z) <-> (bit_test x k).
+  intros x k h1.
+  unfold land.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
+  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
+  unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
+  split.
+  (** 1st impl *)
+  + intro NEQ.
+    apply Bool.not_false_is_true.
+    contradict NEQ.
+    rewrite Zbits.Zbit_extraction.
+    assumption.
+  (** 2sd impl *)
+  + intro EQ.
+    contradict EQ.
+    rewrite Bool.not_true_iff_false.
+    rewrite <- Zbits.Zbit_extraction.
+    assumption.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_eq :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
+  ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = (lsl 1%Z k)) <-> (bit_test x k).
+  intros x k h1.
+  unfold land.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
+  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
+  unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
+  rewrite Zbits.Zbit_extraction_true.
+  split; auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsl_1_0 : ((lsl 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z).
+  compute. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis :
+  forall (x:Z), ~ ((land 1%Z x) = 0%Z) -> bit_test x 0%Z.
+  intros x.
+  rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
+  intro.
+  apply bit_test_extraction.
+  + omega.
+  + rewrite Zbits.land_commut.
+    auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis_eq :
+  forall (x:Z), (bit_test x 0%Z) -> ((land 1%Z x) = 1%Z).
+  intros x h1.
+  rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
+  rewrite <- Zbits.land_commut.
+  apply bit_test_extraction_eq; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lnot_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lnot x) i) = (Init.Datatypes.negb (bit_testb x i))).
+  intros x i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
+  apply Zbits.lnot_extraction.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lnot_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lnot x) i) <-> ~ (bit_test x i).
+  intros x i h1.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lnot_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  destruct xb; simpl; split; intros; auto.
+  discriminate H.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (land x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.andb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
+  intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
+  apply Zbits.land_extraction.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (land x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) /\ (bit_test y i)).
+  intros x y i h1.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite land_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lor x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.orb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
+  intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
+  apply Zbits.lor_extraction.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) \/ (bit_test y i)).
+  intros x y i h1.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lor_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lxor x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.xorb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
+  intros x y i h1. 
+  unfold_bit_testb h1.
+  apply Zbits.lxor_extraction.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lxor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) <-> ~ (bit_test y i)).
+  intros x y i h1.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lxor_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; repeat (split; intros; auto).
+  discriminate H. 
+  destruct H; contradiction H; auto.
+  discriminate H0.
+  destruct H; apply H0; discriminate.
+(** ** Shift operators *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsl_1_two_power :
+  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((lsl 1%Z n) = (Cint.two_power_abs n)).
+  intros n h1.
+  unfold lsl. rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by auto. 
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def. rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift. 
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
+  unfold Cint.two_power_abs. ring.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma land_1_lsl_1 :
+  forall (a:Z) (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (a < (lsl 1%Z n))%Z ->
+  (((2%Z * a)%Z + (land 1%Z x))%Z < (lsl 1%Z (1%Z + n)%Z))%Z.
+  intros a x n h1.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl.
+  case_leq 0%Z (1 + n)%Z ; intro.
+  case_leq 0%Z (n)%Z ; intro.
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
+  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg by auto.
+  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg by auto.
+  rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add by omega.
+  pose (n0:=Z.to_nat n); fold n0.
+  replace ((Z.to_nat 1%Z)%nat) with (1%nat) by auto.
+  rewrite Bits.two_power_nat_plus.
+  replace ((two_power_nat 1)%Z) with (2%Z) by auto with zarith.
+  replace ((1 * two_power_nat n0)%Z) with ((two_power_nat n0)%Z) by auto.
+  replace ((1 * (2 * two_power_nat n0))%Z) with ((2 * two_power_nat n0)%Z) by ring.
+  intro.
+  cut((land 1 x < 2)%Z) ; auto with zarith.
+  case_eq ((land 1 x)%Z) (0%Z); intros.
+  rewrite bit_test_extraction_bis_eq; [omega|].
+  apply bit_test_extraction_bis. 
+  auto. 
+(** ** Shift operators *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m - n)%Z)).
+  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold_bit_testb h1.
+  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
+  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool 0 (m - n)) by omega.
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_extraction.
+  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
+  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
+  case_leq n m.
+  intros.
+  reflexivity.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsl_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsl x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m - n)%Z).
+  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_sup_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = false).
+  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold_bit_testb h1.
+  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_extraction.
+  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
+  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
+  case_leq n m.
+  intros.
+  reflexivity.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsl_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (bit_test (lsl x n) m).
+  intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_inf_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsr_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsr x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m + n)%Z)).
+  intros x n m h1 h2.
+  unfold lsr. unfold Zbits.lsr. 
+  unfold_bit_testb h1.
+  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
+  rewrite Zbits.lsr_extraction.
+  rewrite (Z.abs_eq n); auto.
+  rewrite (Z.abs_eq m); auto.
+  case_leq 0 (m+n).
+  intros.
+  reflexivity.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsr_extractionl :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsr x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m + n)%Z).
+  intros x n m h1 h2.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsr_extraction_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsl1_extraction_bool :
+  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl 1%Z i) j) = (Qed.eqb i j)).
+  intros i j h1 h2.
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl.  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1).
+  unfold_bit_testb h2.
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
+  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i))
+  with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
+  unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def; rewrite Bits.Zbit_power.
+  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg; auto. 
+  rewrite Zabs2Nat.abs_nat_nonneg; auto. 
+  case_eq i j.
+  (** i = j *)
+  + intro EQ; rewrite EQ; rewrite <- beq_nat_refl.  
+    symmetry. apply Qed.eqb1 ; auto.
+  (** i <> j *)
+  + intro NEQ.
+    assert (Qed.eqb i j = false) as EQB.
+    { apply Qed.eqb_false. assumption. }
+    rewrite EQB.
+    rewrite -> beq_nat_false_iff.
+    contradict NEQ.
+    rewrite Z2Nat.inj_iff in NEQ; auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lsl1_extraction :
+  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsl 1%Z i) j) <-> (i = j).
+  intros i j h1 h2.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl1_extraction_bool; auto. apply Qed.eqb1.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma pos_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z -> (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j).
+  intros x i j h1 h2.
+  unfold lsl ; unfold bit_test.
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
+  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
+  intros.
+  rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos ; auto.
+  + assert (HB:(Bits.Zbit x (Z.abs_nat j) = false)).
+    {(apply (Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail  (Z.abs_nat i) (Z.abs_nat j) x); auto).
+      apply Zabs_nat_le; omega. }     
+    unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+    rewrite HB; discriminate.
+  + omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (forall (j:Z), (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j)) ->
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z.
+  intros x i h1 h2.
+  unfold lsl.
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
+  replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat i)) by ring.
+  apply Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail_inv.
+  intros k h.
+  generalize (h2 (Z.of_nat k)); clear h2; intro h2.
+  unfold bit_test in h2; rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos in h2.
+  + assert (Zbits.zbit_test_def x (Z.of_nat k) <> true) as h3.
+    { apply h2. clear h2. rewrite <- (Zabs2Nat.id k) in h. 
+      rewrite <- Zabs2Nat.inj_le in h; auto.
+      apply Zle_0_nat. } 
+    clear h2.
+    unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def in h3. rewrite Zabs2Nat.id in h3. 
+    destruct (Bits.Zbit x k).
+    * contradiction h3. auto.
+    * auto.
+  + apply Zle_0_nat.
+(** * Link between Bit extraction and C type conversions *)
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
+  (Cint.is_uint n x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
+  intros n x i h1 h2.
+  assert (H:(Bits.Zbit x (Z.abs_nat i) = false)).
+  { unfold Cint.is_uint in h2.
+    apply (Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat i) x).
+    + apply Zabs_nat_le. omega.
+    + unfold Cint.two_power_abs in h2.
+      trivial. }
+  assert (I:(0 <= i)) by omega;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb I; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  rewrite H; discriminate.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
+  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range.
+  simpl.
+  replace (x - 0) with x by (auto with zarith).
+  unfold Cint.two_power_abs. 
+  rewrite Zbits.Zbit_uint_mod_two_power_nat.
+  rewrite (leb_correct_conv k (Z.abs_nat n)).
+  + trivial.
+  + apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  intros n x i (h1,h2);
+  unfold bit_test;
+  rewrite to_uint_extraction_inf_bool by auto;
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
+  destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint_ext :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
+  (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
+  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
+  { intros.
+    case_lt i n; intro.
+    + apply h4; omega.
+    + assert (~ bit_test x i).
+      { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
+      assert (~ bit_test y i).
+      { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
+     intuition. }
+  clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
+  unfold bit_test in H.
+  unfold bit_testb in H.
+  apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
+  rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
+  apply H; auto.
+Local Ltac uint_extraction_inf_bool to_uint :=
+  intros; rewrite to_uint; 
+  apply to_uint_extraction_inf_bool;
+  omega.
+Local Ltac uint_extraction_inf to_uint :=
+  intros; rewrite to_uint; 
+  apply to_uint_extraction_inf;
+  omega.
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (8%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
+  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 8); (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_8.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_8.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint8_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
+  apply (is_uint_ext 8); (auto with zarith).
+(** *** Cast to uint16 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (16%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
+   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 16); (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_16.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_16.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint16_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
+  apply (is_uint_ext 16); (auto with zarith).
+(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (32%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
+  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 32); (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_32.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_32.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint32_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
+  apply (is_uint_ext 32); (auto with zarith).
+(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (64%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
+  intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 64); (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_64.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_64.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint64_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros x y h1 h2 h3.
+  apply (is_uint_ext 64); (auto with zarith).
+(** ** Signed conversions *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
+  (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
+  intros n x i h1.
+  unfold Cint.is_sint.
+  intro h2;
+  assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  assert (Z.abs_nat n <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat.
+  { apply (Zabs_nat_le); omega. }
+  rewrite <- Zlt_bool_true_Zlt; 
+  apply (Zbits.Zbit_trail (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat i) x); auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
+  unfold Cint.to_sint; unfold Cint.to_range.
+  rewrite Z.sub_opp_r; rewrite Z.sub_opp_r.
+  rewrite Z.add_opp_l.
+  replace (Cint.two_power_abs n + Cint.two_power_abs n) with (2 * Cint.two_power_abs n) by (auto with zarith).
+  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
+  replace n with ((n-i)+i) by (auto with zarith).
+  rewrite Zabs2Nat.inj_add by omega.
+  apply Zbits.Zbit_sint_mod_two_power_nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  intros n x i (h1,h2).
+  unfold bit_test;
+  rewrite to_sint_extraction_inf_bool by auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
+  destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint_ext :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= n)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
+  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
+  { intros.
+    case_leq i n; intro.
+    + apply h4; omega.
+    + assert (0<=n<=n) by omega.
+      specialize ((h4 n) H1).
+      generalize ((to_sint_extraction_sup n x n) H1 h2).
+      generalize ((to_sint_extraction_sup n y n) H1 h3).
+      clear H1; intros.
+      rewrite h4 in H2. rewrite H2 in H1. clear H2.
+      assert ((bit_test x i) <-> x < 0).
+      { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
+      assert ((bit_test y i) <-> y < 0).
+      { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
+      rewrite H2.
+      rewrite H3.
+      auto. }
+  clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
+  unfold bit_test in H.
+  unfold bit_testb in H.
+  apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
+  rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
+  apply H; auto.
+(** Tactical *)
+Local Ltac sint_extraction_sup is_sint vn vz :=
+  intros x i h1;
+  unfold is_sint;
+  intro h2;
+  assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def;
+  assert (Z.abs_nat vz <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat 
+  by (assert (vn = Z.abs_nat vz)%nat by (auto with arith);
+      apply Zabs_nat_le; omega);
+  rewrite <- Zlt_bool_true_Zlt; 
+  apply (Zbits.Zbit_trail vn (Z.abs_nat i) x); auto.
+Local Ltac unfold_hyp h :=
+  match goal with 
+    | h:(?X1) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
+    | h:(?X1 _ ) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
+    | h:(?X1 _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
+    | h:(?X1 _ _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
+    | h:(?X1 _ _ _ _) |- _ => unfold X1 in h
+    | _ => idtac
+  end.
+Local Ltac sint_extraction_inf_bool to_sint :=
+  intros; rewrite to_sint; 
+  apply to_sint_extraction_inf_bool;
+  omega.
+Local Ltac sint_extraction_inf to_sint :=
+  intros; rewrite to_sint; 
+  apply to_sint_extraction_inf;
+  omega.
+(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (7%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
+  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 7); (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_8.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_8.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 7%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 7) ; (auto with zarith).
+(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (15%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
+  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 15); (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_16.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_16.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 15%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 15) ; (auto with zarith).
+(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (31%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
+  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 31); (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_32.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_32.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 31%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros. apply (is_sint_ext 31) ; (auto with zarith).
+(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (63%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
+  intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 63); (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
+  sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_64.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
+  sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_64.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 63%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
+  intros; apply (is_sint_ext 63); (auto with zarith).
+(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are distributive *)
+(** Tacticals *)
+Local Ltac is_uint_bitwise f n :=
+  intros x y Rx Ry; unfold_hyp Rx; unfold_hyp Ry; apply Cint.id_to_range;
+  apply (Zbits.Z_bitwise_in_uint_range f n x y Rx Ry); by compute.  
+Local Ltac lsr_in_uint_range n :=
+  intros x y Ry Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
+  split;
+  [ (apply (Zbits.lsr_lower_bound 0 _ _ Ry); omega)
+  | (apply (Zbits.lsr_upper_bound n _ _ Ry); omega)].
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint n x) (Cint.to_uint n y))).
+  intros n x y.
+  apply Zbits.zbit_test_ext. intro.
+  rewrite Zbits.lor_extraction.
+  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
+  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
+  repeat (rewrite Zbits.uint_mod_two_power_extraction).
+  rewrite Zbits.lor_extraction.
+  pose (c:=(leb (Z.abs_nat n) (Z.abs_nat n0))); fold c.
+  destruct c; auto.
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint8 x) (Cint.to_uint 8%Z y))).
+  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply to_uint_lor.
+(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint16 x) (Cint.to_uint16 y))).
+  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply to_uint_lor.
+(** ***  Cast to uint32 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint32 x) (Cint.to_uint32 y))).
+  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply to_uint_lor.
+(** ***  Cast to uint64 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint64 x) (Cint.to_uint64 y))).
+  intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply to_uint_lor.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint_lxor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  intro n; is_uint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
+(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are identity *)
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  intro n; is_uint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint_land :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  intro n; is_uint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint_lsr :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  intro n; lsr_in_uint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros n y (h1,h2);
+  (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
+  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
+    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith));
+  clear Ry.
+  assert (Z.abs_nat y < (Z.abs_nat n))%nat as A by
+   (apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega);
+  clear h1; clear h2;
+  pose (M := Z.abs_nat y); fold M; fold M in A.
+  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
+  rewrite Zmod_small; trivial.
+  unfold Cint.two_power_abs; pose (N:=(Z.abs_nat n)); fold N; fold N in A.
+  generalize (Bits.two_power_nat_is_positive M); intro Pos.
+  generalize (Bits.two_power_nat_increase_strict M N A) ; intro.
+  omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= y)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros n y h1.
+  (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
+  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
+    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith));
+  clear Ry.
+  assert (Z.abs_nat n <= (Z.abs_nat y))%nat as A by
+   (apply Zabs_nat_le; omega);
+  clear h1;
+  pose (M := Z.abs_nat y); fold M; fold M in A.
+  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
+  rewrite (le_plus_minus (Z.abs_nat n) M A).
+  replace (Z.abs_nat n + (M - Z.abs_nat n))%nat with ((M - Z.abs_nat n) + Z.abs_nat n)%nat by (auto with zarith).
+  rewrite Bits.two_power_nat_plus.
+  apply Z_mod_mult. 
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint8_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint8_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint8_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
+(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint16_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint16_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint16_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16. apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
+(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint32_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint32_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint32_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
+(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint64_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint64_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint64_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
+(** ** Signed conversions *)
+(** Tacticals *)
+Local Ltac is_sint_lnot b :=
+  intros x Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
+   apply (Zbits.lnot_in_range (-b) b x Rx); omega.
+Local Ltac is_sint_bitwise f n :=
+  intros x y Rx Ry; unfold_hyp Rx; unfold_hyp Ry; apply Cint.id_to_range;
+  apply (Zbits.Z_bitwise_in_sint_range f n x y Rx Ry); by compute.  
+Local Ltac lsr_in_sint_range n :=
+  intros x y Ry Rx; unfold_hyp Rx; apply Cint.id_to_range;
+  split;
+  [ (apply (Zbits.lsr_lower_bound (-n) _ _ Ry); omega)
+  | (apply (Zbits.lsr_upper_bound n _ _ Ry); omega)].
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint_lnot :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
+  intros n; is_sint_lnot (Cint.two_power_abs n).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint_lxor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  intro n; is_sint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  intro n; is_sint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint_land :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  intro n; is_sint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint_lsr :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  intro n; lsr_in_sint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros n y (h1,h2).
+  apply Cint.id_sint.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1);
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
+  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
+   with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith)).
+  unfold Cint.is_sint.
+  generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive y);
+  generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive n);
+  unfold Cint.two_power_abs; intros.
+  split; [omega|].
+  apply Bits.two_power_nat_increase_strict.
+  apply Zabs_nat_lt; omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n < y)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros n y h1.
+  assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega;
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
+  (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
+    with (two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)) by (auto with zarith)).
+  pose (M := two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y)); fold M.
+  unfold Cint.to_sint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
+  pose (N:=(Cint.two_power_abs n)); fold N.
+  rewrite <- (Z.mod_unique_pos (M + N) (N + N)
+                               (Cint.two_power_abs (y - (n + 1)))
+                                N).
+  + auto with zarith.
+  + generalize (Cint.two_power_abs_is_positive n); fold N; omega.
+  + rewrite Z.add_cancel_r. 
+    replace (N + N) with (2 * N) by (auto with zarith); unfold N. 
+    rewrite <- Cint.two_power_abs_plus_one by omega.
+    rewrite <- Cint.two_power_abs_plus_pos by omega.
+    replace (n + 1 + (y - (n + 1))) with y by ring.
+    auto.
+(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
+  is_sint_lnot 128.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise xorb 7%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise orb 7%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise andb 7%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  lsr_in_sint_range 128.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 7%Z) = 128%Z).
+  compute. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
+(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
+  is_sint_lnot 32768.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise xorb 15%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise orb 15%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise andb 15%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  lsr_in_sint_range 32768.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 15%Z) = 32768%Z).
+  compute. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
+(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
+  is_sint_lnot 2147483648.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise xorb 31%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise orb 31%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise andb 31%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  lsr_in_sint_range 2147483648.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 31%Z) = 2147483648%Z).
+  compute. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
+(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
+  is_sint_lnot 9223372036854775808. 
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise xorb 63%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise orb 63%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
+  is_sint_bitwise andb 63%nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
+  lsr_in_sint_range 9223372036854775808.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 63%Z) = 9223372036854775808%Z).
+  compute. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+  intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
+(** * Range of some bitwise operations *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma uint_land_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (land x y))%Z /\ ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
+  intros x y h1.
+  apply Zbits.uint_land_range; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma uint_lor_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((-1%Z)%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (x <= (lor x y))%Z.
+  intros x y h1 h2.
+  case_leq 0 x; intro.
+  + apply Zbits.uint_lor_inf; trivial.
+  + replace x with (-1).
+    { rewrite Zbits.lor_1; omega. }
+    omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma sint_land_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x <= 0%Z)%Z -> (y < 0%Z)%Z -> ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
+  intros x y h1 h2.
+  cut (-(x+1) <= -((land x y)+1)).
+  { omega. }
+  fold (Bits.zlnot x).
+  fold (Bits.zlnot (land x y)).
+  repeat (rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
+  rewrite Zbits.lnot_land_de_morgan.
+  repeat (rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
+  apply (uint_lor_inf (Bits.zlnot x)); unfold Bits.zlnot; try omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma sint_lor_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  (x <= (lor x y))%Z /\ ((lor x y) < 0%Z)%Z.
+  intros x y h1.
+  cut (0 <= -((lor x y)+1) <= -(x+1)).
+  { omega. }
+  fold (Bits.zlnot x).
+  fold (Bits.zlnot (lor x y)).
+  rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
+  rewrite Zbits.lnot_lor_de_morgan.
+  rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
+  apply (uint_land_range (Bits.zlnot x)).
+  unfold Bits.zlnot; omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma is_uint_lor_distrib :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  (Cint.is_uint n (lor x y)) <-> ((Cint.is_uint n x) /\ (Cint.is_uint n y)).
+  intros n x y; split.
+  + unfold Cint.is_uint ; intros.
+    destruct H.
+    rewrite <- Zbits.lor_sign in H.
+    destruct H.
+    generalize H0; clear H0.
+    assert (h1:((-1) <= x)) by omega.
+    generalize (uint_lor_inf x y h1 H1).
+    rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
+    assert (h2:((-1) <= y)) by omega.
+    generalize (uint_lor_inf y x h2 H).
+    unfold lor;
+    pose (z:=(Zbits.lor y x)); fold z; intros.
+    omega.
+  + intro H; destruct H.
+    rewrite <- (is_uint_lor n) by trivial.
+    apply Cint.is_to_uint.
+(** * Link between bitwise operators and addition *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lor_addition :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lor x y)).
+  intros x y h1.
+  apply Zbits.lor_addition; trivial.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma lxor_addition :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lxor x y)).
+  intros x y h1.
+  apply Zbits.lxor_addition; trivial.
+(** * Link between land and cast operator *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma to_uint_land_edge :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n x) = (land ((lsl 1%Z n) - 1%Z)%Z x)).
+  intros x n h1.
+  unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
+  unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
+  rewrite Zbits.pos_mod_two_power_nat_land_edge.
+  unfold land; f_equal.
+  unfold lsl; rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by omega; unfold Zbits.lsl_def. 
+  rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
+  auto with zarith.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cmath.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cmath.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e7e1c4b11750571643e887c179e45e121de9f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Cmath.v
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require Import RIneq.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma abs_def :
+  forall (x:Z),
+  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
+  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
+exact int.Abs.abs_def.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Makefile b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4470d7dddd2311d7f2ac18e27100045bd154aad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+#                                                                        #
+#  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           #
+#                                                                        #
+#  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               #
+#    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              #
+#         alternatives)                                                  #
+#                                                                        #
+#  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   #
+#  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       #
+#  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              #
+#                                                                        #
+#  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 #
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
+#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   #
+#                                                                        #
+#  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 #
+#  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            #
+#                                                                        #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Generation of Coq and Alt-ergo files from Why3 one
+# --- Developer only
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+.PHONY: all realize headers
+all: realize
+	mkdir -p stamp
+	mkdir -p aux
+# performs realization and adds headers
+realize: stamp/headers.stamp
+# To add headers without doing more...
+	@echo "Apply headers (on all wp/share directory)"
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.headers -C .. headers > /dev/null
+	@touch stamp/headers.stamp
+# Dependency needed to allow make -j
+stamp/headers.stamp: stamp/realizationtools.stamp stamp/coqrealization.stamp \
+     stamp/altergorealization.stamp stamp/coqlib.stamp
+	@echo "Apply headers (on some files of wp/share directory)"
+	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.headers -C .. headers.wp_share_src > /dev/null
+	@touch $@
+WHY3_SHARE:=$(shell why3 --print-datadir)
+WHY3_LIB:=$(shell why3 --print-libdir)/coq
+WHY3_VERSION:=$(shell opam info -f version why3)
+# When installing why3, "make install-lib" is required to be able to find the package
+.PHONY: info help
+help info:
+	@echo "Info about targets:"
+	@echo "- headers        -> adds headers to all necessary files"
+	@echo "- realize        -> updates all share/prover directories from source files of share/src"
+	@echo "- compile        -> compiles Coq files"
+	@echo "- plugins        -> builds Why3 plugins used for the realizations"
+	@echo "- File.coqide    -> runs CoqIde on File.v"
+	@echo "- import_why3_coq > import resources from why3 source"
+	@echo "- tests          -> runs tests"
+	@echo "- clean          -> cleaning the directory"
+	@echo "- all (default)  -> idem realize"
+	@echo "About why3 configuration:"
+	@echo "  WHY3_PACKAGE= $(shell ocamlfind query why3)"
+	@echo "  WHY3_SHARE= $(WHY3_SHARE)"
+	@echo "  WHY3_LIB= $(WHY3_LIB)"
+#-- The little plugin that define the meta and transformation keep_it and the
+#-- printer that do the realization for altergo
+PLUGINS=filter_axioms alt_ergo_realize why3printer_realize
+PLUGINS_FILE= $(addsuffix .cmxs, $(PLUGINS)) $(addsuffix .cmo, $(PLUGINS))
+plugins: $(PLUGINS_FILE)
+	touch plugins
+%.cmxs: %.ml
+	ocamlfind ocamlopt -package why3 -shared -o $*.cmxs $*.ml
+%.cmo: %.ml
+	ocamlfind ocamlc -package why3 -c -o $*.cmo $*.ml
+#-- Library realization (Coq and Alt-ergo) --
+#Realized libraries
+WHY3_FILE= qed cmath cint cbits memory vset cfloat vlist
+WHY3_REALIZE=why3 realize --extra-config realization.conf
+stamp/%.why3_api.stamp: %.mlw Makefile
+	@echo "Installing Why3 API Library for $*"
+	install -m 444 $@ $^
+	@touch $@
+stamp/realizationtools.stamp: plugins coq-realize.drv alt_ergo-realize.drv realization.conf stamp/REALIZATION_DIR.stamp
+	@touch $@
+stamp/coqrealization.stamp: import_why3_coq $(addprefix stamp/, $(addsuffix .coq.stamp, $(WHY3_FILE)))
+	@touch $@
+#file written directly in coq
+WPCOQLIB=Bits.v Zbits.v Qedlib.v
+stamp/coqlib.stamp: $(WPCOQLIB) stamp/REALIZATION_DIR.stamp
+	@echo "Installing Coq Libraries"
+	@$(foreach file, $(WPCOQLIB),\
+		install -m 444 $(file) $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp;\
+		install -m 444 $(file) $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3;)
+	@touch $@
+stamp/REALIZATION_DIR.stamp: stamp
+	@echo "Create share sub-directories"
+	@mkdir -p $(REALIZATION_DIR)/ergo
+	@mkdir -p $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3
+	@mkdir -p $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3_api
+	@mkdir -p $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp
+	@touch $@
+stamp/%.coq.stamp: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) stamp/realizationtools.stamp
+	@echo "Realizing Coq Library for $*"
+	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do\
+	 $(WHY3_REALIZE) -D coq-realize.drv -T $*.$$theory -o . 2> logs/$$theory.coq.err.tmp;\
+	 sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$$theory.coq.err.tmp > logs/$$theory.coq.err;\
+	 rm -f logs/$$theory.coq.err.tmp;\
+	 install -m 444 $$theory.v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp;\
+	 install -m 444 $$theory.v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3;\
+	done;
+	@touch $@
+coq.drv: $(addprefix aux/, $(addsuffix .coq.aux, $(WHY3_FILE)))
+	@echo "Making Coq driver"
+	@echo "(* generated automatically at developer compilation time *)" | cat - $^ > $@
+coq-why3.drv: $(addprefix aux/, $(addsuffix .coq-why3.aux, $(WHY3_FILE)))
+	@echo "Making Coq-Why3 driver"
+	@echo "(* generated automatically at developer compilation time *)" | cat - $^ > $@
+	install -m 444 $@ $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3/coq.drv
+coq-realize.drv: $(WHY3_COQ_REALIZE_DRIVER) coq.drv coq-why3.drv
+	@echo "Making Coq realization driver"
+	@echo "(* generated automatically at compilation time *)" > $@
+	@echo "import \"coq.drv\"" >> $@
+	@echo "import \"$(WHY3_COQ_REALIZE_DRIVER)\"" >> $@
+	@echo "import \"coq-own-realization.drv\"" >> $@
+aux/%.coq.aux: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile aux
+	@echo "Auxiliary Coq files for $*"
+	@rm -f $@.tmp;
+	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do\
+	 echo 'theory $*.'"$$theory"' meta "realized_theory" "$*.'"$$theory"'", "'"$$theory"'" end' >> $@.tmp;\
+	 done;
+	@mv $@.tmp $@
+aux/%.coq-why3.aux: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile aux
+	@echo "Auxiliary Coq-Why3 files for $*"
+	@rm -f $@.tmp;
+	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do\
+	 NAMELOWER=`ocaml lower.ml "$$theory"`; \
+	 echo 'theory '"$$NAMELOWER"'.'"$$theory"' meta "realized_theory" "'"$$NAMELOWER"'.'"$$theory"'", "'"$$theory"'" end' >> $@.tmp;\
+	 done;
+	@mv $@.tmp $@
+#-- Why3 Import
+	bool.Bool \
+	map.Map map.Const \
+	int.Int int.Abs int.MinMax int.ComputerDivision int.EuclideanDivision int.Power int.Exponentiation \
+	for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision \
+	real.FromInt real.Real real.RealInfix real.Abs real.MinMax \
+	real.Square real.ExpLog real.PowerReal \
+	real.Trigonometry
+	real.Truncate real.Hyperbolic real.Polar
+.PHONY: import_why3_coq
+import_why3_coq: stamp/why3.$(WHY3_VERSION).stamp
+	@echo "Why-3 Coq Sources up-to-date"
+stamp/why3.$(WHY3_VERSION).stamp: stamp/REALIZATION_DIR.stamp Makefile
+	@echo "Importing Why-3 Coq Sources"
+	@rm -fr $(WHY3_SRC)
+	@opam source $(WHY3_SRC)
+	@install -m 444 $(WHY3_SRC)/lib/coq/BuiltIn.v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp/BuiltIn.v
+	@install -m 444 $(WHY3_SRC)/lib/coq/HighOrd.v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp/HighOrd.v
+	@$(foreach file, $(subst .,/,$(WHY3_STDLIB_REALIZED)), \
+	   install -m 444 $(WHY3_SRC)/lib/coq/$(file).v $(REALIZATION_DIR)/coqwp/$(file).v;)
+	@rm -fr $(WHY3_SRC)
+	@touch $@
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---  Alt-Ergo Realization
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$(addprefix stamp/, \
+	$(addsuffix .altergo.stamp, $(WHY3_FILE)) \
+	$(addsuffix .altergo.stdlib.stamp, $(WHY3_STDLIB_USED)))
+	@touch $@
+stamp/%.altergo.stamp: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) stamp/realizationtools.stamp
+	@echo "Realizing Alt-Ergo Library for $*"
+	@$(foreach theory, $(shell cat $*.why_theory),\
+	 $(WHY3_REALIZE) -D alt_ergo-realize.drv -T $*.$(theory) -o $(REALIZATION_DIR)/ergo 2> logs/$(theory).altergo.err.tmp;\
+	 sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$(theory).altergo.err.tmp > logs/$(theory).altergo.err;\
+	 rm -f logs/$(theory).altergo.err.tmp;)
+	@touch $@
+stamp/%.altergo.stdlib.stamp: Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) stamp/realizationtools.stamp
+	@echo "Realizing Alt-Ergo Std-Library for $*"
+	@mkdir -p tmp; rm -rf tmp/$*; mkdir tmp/$*
+	@$(WHY3_REALIZE) -D alt_ergo-realize.drv -T $* -o tmp/$* 2> logs/$*.altergo.stdlib.err.tmp
+	@sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$*.altergo.stdlib.err.tmp > logs/$*.altergo.stdlib.err
+	@rm -f logs/$*altergo.stdlib.err.tmp
+	@mv tmp/$*/$(subst .,,$(suffix $*)).mlw $(REALIZATION_DIR)/ergo/$*.mlw
+	@rm -rf tmp/$*
+	@touch $@
+alt_ergo-realize.drv: $(addprefix aux/, $(addsuffix .altergo.aux, $(WHY3_FILE)) $(addsuffix .altergo.stdlib.aux, $(WHY3_STDLIB_USED)))
+	@echo "Generating Alt-Ergo driver"
+	@echo "(* generated automatically at compilation time *)" > $@
+	@echo 'theory BuiltIn meta "realized_theory" "BuiltIn", "BuiltIn_" end' >> $@
+	@echo 'theory BuiltIn meta "realized_theory" "Bool", "Bool_" end' >> $@
+	@cat $^ >> $@
+	@echo "printer \"alt-ergo-realize\"" >> $@
+	@echo "filename \"%t.mlw\"" >> $@
+	@echo "transformation \"remove_for_altergo\"" >> $@
+	@echo "transformation \"inline_in\"" >> $@
+	@echo "transformation \"def_into_axiom\"" >> $@
+	@echo >> $@
+	@echo "import \"alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv\"" >> $@
+	@echo >> $@
+	@echo "(* From why3 alt_ergo.drv except import *)" >> $@
+	@cat $(WHY3_ALTERGO_DRIVER).drv | grep -v -e "^import" >> $@
+	@echo "(* From why3 alt_ergo_common.drv except printer *)" >> $@
+	@cat $(WHY3_ALTERGO_DRIVER)_common.drv | grep -v -e "^printer" -e "^filename" -e "^ *use " >> $@
+#We put the realized theory meta un BuiltIn so that it always appears
+aux/%.altergo.aux: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) aux
+	@echo "Auxiliary Alt-Ergo files for $*"
+	@rm -f $@.tmp
+	@$(foreach theory, $(shell cat $*.why_theory),\
+	 echo 'theory $*.$(theory) meta "realized_theory" "$*.$(theory)", "$(subst .,_,$(theory))_" end' >> $@.tmp;)
+	@mv $@.tmp $@
+aux/%.altergo.stdlib.aux: Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) aux
+	@echo "Auxiliary Alt-Ergo stdlib for $*"
+	@echo 'theory $* meta "realized_theory" "$*", "$(subst .,_,$*)_" end' > $@;
+%.why_theory: %.mlw
+	@echo "Why Theory $<"
+	@grep -e "^theory" $< | sed -e  "s/^theory[ ]*//" > $@
+#why3 realization
+why3.drv: $(addprefix aux/, $(addsuffix .why3.aux, $(WHY3_FILE)))
+	@echo "Generating Why-3 driver"
+	@echo "(* generated automatically at compilation time *)" | cat - $^ > $@
+aux/%.why3.aux: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile aux
+	@echo "Auxiliary Why-3 files for $*"
+	@rm -f $@.tmp;
+	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do \
+	  NAMEUPPER=`ocaml upper.ml "$*"`; \
+	  echo 'theory $*.'"$$theory"' meta "realized_theory" "$*.'"$$theory"'", "'"$$NAMEUPPER"'.'"$$theory"'" end' >> $@.tmp;\
+	  done;
+	@mv $@.tmp $@
+	$(addprefix stamp/, $(addsuffix .why3.stamp, $(WHY3_FILE)))
+	@touch $@
+stamp/%.why3.stamp: %.mlw %.why_theory Makefile $(WHY3_LIB) stamp/realizationtools.stamp why3-realize.drv why3.drv
+	@echo "Realizing Why-3 Theory $*"
+	@for theory in $$(cat $*.why_theory); do \
+	   $(WHY3_REALIZE) -D why3-realize.drv -T $*.$$theory -o $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3 2> logs/$$theory.why3.err.tmp;\
+	   why3 prove --type-only -L $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3 $(REALIZATION_DIR)/why3/$$theory.why 2> logs/$$theory.why3.check.err.tmp;\
+	   sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$$theory.why3.err.tmp > logs/$$theory.why3.err;\
+	   sed -e 's:^File ".*/wp/share/:File "WP-SHARE/:' logs/$$theory.why3.check.err.tmp > logs/$$theory.why3.check.err;\
+	   rm -f logs/$$theory.why3.err.tmp logs/$$theory.why3.check.err.tmp;\
+	   done;
+	@touch $@
+COQLIBS:= Qed Qedlib Bits Zbits Cint Cbits Memory Cmath Cfloat Vlist ArcTrigo ExpLog Vset
+COQDEP:= $(addsuffix .coqdep, $(COQLIBS))
+COQDEP_STAMPS:= $(addprefix stamp/, $(COQDEP))
+COQVO:= $(addsuffix .vo, $(COQLIBS))
+%.vo: %.v
+	coqc -w none $(COQINCLUDE) $<
+stamp/%.coqdep: %.v stamp
+	@coqdep $(COQINCLUDE) $< > $@ 2>/dev/null
+	@(cmp $@ $(subst stamp/,,$@) 2>/dev/null) \
+	|| (cp $@ $(subst stamp/,,$@)  \
+	&& echo "Updating $(subst stamp/,,$@)")
+stamp/coqdep.stamp: Makefile $(COQDEP_STAMPS)
+	@echo "Coq dependencies updated"
+	@touch $@
+# a non-empty rule is needed for the first make
+%.coqdep: stamp/%.coqdep
+	@true
+sinclude $(COQDEP)
+stamp/%.coqdep: stamp
+stamp/compile.stamp: Makefile stamp/coqdep.stamp $(COQVO)
+	@echo "Coq compilation done"
+	@touch $@
+.PHONY: compile
+compile: stamp/compile.stamp
+.PHONY: clean
+	@echo "Cleaning"
+	@rm -f $(COQVO)
+	@rm -f filter_axioms.cm* filter_axioms.o
+	@rm -f alt_ergo_realize.cm* alt_ergo_realize.o
+	@rm -f why3printer_realize.cm* why3printer_realize.o
+	@rm -f *.stamp stamp/*
+	@rm -f *.aux aux/*
+	@rm -f *.glob *.coqdep
+.PHONY: %.coqide
+%.coqide: %.v
+	coqide $(COQINCLUDE) $<
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---  Coq Documentation                                                 ---
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+COQSRC= $(addsuffix .v,$(COQLIBS))
+COQGLOB= $(addsuffix .glob,$(COQLIBS))
+html: compile $(COQDOC)/coq2html
+	@mkdir -p $(COQHTML)
+	@rm -fr $(COQHTML)/*
+	@cp $(COQDOC)/frama-c.png $(COQHTML)/
+	@cp $(COQDOC)/coq2html.css $(COQDOC)/coq2html.js $(COQDOC)/index.png $(COQHTML)/
+	@cat $(COQDOC)/head.html >> $(COQHTML)/index.html
+	@for a in $(COQLIBS) ; \
+        do echo "  <li> Module <a href=\"$$a.html\">$$a</a></li>" >> $(COQHTML)/index.html ; \
+	done ;
+	@cat $(COQDOC)/foot.html >> $(COQHTML)/index.html
+	$(COQDOC)/coq2html -o $(COQHTML)/%.html $(COQGLOB) $(COQSRC)
+	zip ../wpcoqdoc.zip $(COQHTML)/*
+latex: $(COQDOC)/coq2latex
+	@mkdir -p latex
+	@rm -fr latex/*
+	coqdoc --latex -d latex --body-only -l $(COQSRC)
+$(COQDOC)/coq2html: $(COQDOC)/coq2html.ml
+	ocamlfind ocamlopt -o $@ str.cmxa $<
+$(COQDOC)/coq2html.ml: $(COQDOC)/coq2html.mll
+	ocamllex  $<
+$(COQDOC)/coq2latex: $(COQDOC)/coq2latex.ml
+	ocamlfind ocamlopt -o $@ str.cmxa $<
+$(COQDOC)/coq2latex.ml: $(COQDOC)/coq2latex.mll
+	ocamllex $<
+##### Generation of configuration file for why3 #####
+local_why3.conf: Makefile
+	@echo Generation of a local extra-conf for why3
+	@printf "[prover_modifiers]\n" > $@
+	@printf "name=\"Coq\"\n" >> $@
+	@printf "option=\"-R $(PWD)/WP FramaCwp\"\n" >> $@
+	@printf "driver=\"$(PWD)/coq.drv\"\n" >> $@
+	@printf "\n"  >> $@
+	@printf "[editor_modifiers coqide]\n" >> $@
+	@printf "option=\"-R $(PWD)/WP FramaCwp\"\n" >> $@
+	@printf "\n"  >> $@
+	@printf "[editor_modifiers proofgeneral-coq]\n" >> $@
+	@printf "option=\"--eval \\\\\"(setq coq-load-path (cons '(\\\\\\\\\\\\\"$(PWD)\\\\\\\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\\\\\\"FramaCwp\\\\\\\\\\\\\") coq-load-path))\\\\\"\"\n"  >> $@
+##### Test local configuration #####
+TEST_TARGET:=$(addprefix tests/, $(addsuffix .run, $(TEST)))
+tests: $(TEST_TARGET)
+tests/%.run: tests/%.mlw local_why3.conf Makefile
+	why3 replay --extra-config local_why3.conf --extra-config realization.conf $<
+tests/%.why3ide: tests/%.mlw local_why3.conf
+	why3 ide --extra-config local_why3.conf --extra-config realization.conf $<
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Memory.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Memory.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39bab81d0263ed8fcf245705b0e0910fabd55688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Memory.v
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require map.Map.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Qedlib.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive addr :=
+  | mk_addr : Z -> Z -> addr.
+Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
+Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition offset (v:addr) : Z := match v with
+                                  | mk_addr x x1 => x1
+                                  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition base (v:addr) : Z := match v with
+                                | mk_addr x x1 => x
+                                end.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition addr_le : addr -> addr -> Prop.
+  exact (fun (p q : addr) => ((base p = base q) /\ (offset p <= offset q)%Z)).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition addr_lt : addr -> addr -> Prop.
+  exact (fun (p q : addr) => (base p = base q) /\ (offset p < offset q)%Z).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition addr_le_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
+  exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
+           andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zle_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition addr_lt_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
+  exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
+           andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zlt_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma addr_le_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  (addr_le p q) <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
+  unfold addr_le.
+  intuition.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma addr_lt_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  (addr_lt p q) <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
+  unfold addr_lt.
+  intuition.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma addr_le_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_le p q) <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = true).
+  unfold addr_le. unfold addr_le_bool.
+  intros. split; intro H.
+  destruct H as [H0 H1].
+  rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool in H0.
+  apply Zle_imp_le_bool in H1.
+  rewrite H0. rewrite H1.
+  compute;reflexivity.
+  symmetry in H.
+  apply Bool.andb_true_eq in H.
+  destruct H as [H1 H2].
+  split;[apply Zeq_bool_eq|apply Zle_bool_imp_le];symmetry; assumption.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma addr_lt_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_lt p q) <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = true).
+  unfold addr_lt. unfold addr_lt_bool.
+  intros. split; intro H.
+  destruct H as [H0 H1].
+  rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool in H0.
+  rewrite Zlt_is_lt_bool in H1.
+  rewrite H0. rewrite H1.
+  compute;reflexivity.
+  symmetry in H.
+  apply Bool.andb_true_eq in H.
+  destruct H as [H1 H2].
+  split;[apply Zeq_bool_eq|rewrite Zlt_is_lt_bool];symmetry; assumption.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition null : addr := mk_addr 0%Z 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition global (b:Z) : addr := mk_addr b 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Z) : addr :=
+  mk_addr (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition included (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
+  (((base p) = (base q)) /\
+   (((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
+    (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
+  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ((b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+   (~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
+    ((((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
+     (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
+    (p:addr) (a1:Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (q:addr), (included q 1%Z p a1) -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Variable havoc: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) ->
+  (addr -> a) -> addr -> Z -> addr -> a.
+Definition fhavoc {A : Type}
+  (m : farray addr A)
+  (w : farray addr A) (p:addr) (n:Z) : (farray addr A) :=
+  {| whytype1 := whytype1 m;
+     whytype2 := whytype2 m;
+     access := @havoc _ (whytype2 m) (access m) (access w) p n |}.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rw (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rd (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition invalid (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma valid_rw_rd :
+  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), forall (n:Z), (valid_rw m p n) ->
+  valid_rd m p n.
+  intros m p n.
+  unfold valid_rw. unfold valid_rd.
+  intuition (auto with zarith).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma valid_string :
+  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z) ->
+  (valid_rd m p 1%Z) /\ ~ (valid_rw m p 1%Z).
+  intros m p.
+  unfold valid_rd. unfold valid_rw.
+  intuition (auto with zarith).
+Lemma separated_neq : forall p a q b p' q',
+  separated p a q b ->
+  included p' 1 p a ->
+  included q' 1 q b ->
+  p' <> q'.
+  intros p a q b p' q' SEP InP InQ EQ.
+  unfold separated in SEP.
+  unfold included in InP,InQ.
+  case_lt 0%Z a.
+  case_lt 0%Z b.
+  intros BPOS APOS.
+  generalize InP ; clear InP.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
+  intro H. clear H.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
+  intro BaseP.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
+  intros InP1 InP2.
+  generalize InQ ; clear InQ.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
+  intro H. clear H.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
+  intro BaseQ.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H.
+  intros InQ1 InQ2.
+  generalize SEP ; clear SEP.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
+  intro H ; elim H ; clear H ; auto with zarith.
+  rewrite <- EQ in BaseQ.
+  rewrite BaseP in BaseQ.
+  contradiction.
+  rewrite <- EQ in InQ1,InQ2.
+  omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma separated_1 :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z),
+  (separated p a q b) ->
+  (((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z) ->
+  (((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z) ->
+  ~ ((mk_addr (base p) i) = (mk_addr (base q) j)).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition region : Z -> Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition linked : (Z -> Z) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition sconst : (addr -> Z) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma separated_included :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z < a)%Z -> (0%Z < b)%Z ->
+  (separated p a q b) -> ~ (included p a q b).
+intros p q a b h1 h2 h3.
+  unfold separated. unfold included. unfold not.
+  intuition.
+Lemma separated_region : forall p a q b,
+  region (base p) <> region (base q) -> separated p a q b.
+  intros p a q b RDIFF.
+  unfold separated.
+  right. right. left.
+  intuition.
+  apply RDIFF. rewrite H. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma included_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
+  (included p a q b) -> (included q b r c) -> included p a r c.
+  intros p a q b r c.
+  unfold included. intuition.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma separated_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
+  (included p a q b) -> (separated q b r c) -> separated p a r c.
+  intros p a q b r c.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma separated_sym :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
+  (separated p a q b) <-> (separated q b p a).
+  intros p q a b.
+  unfold separated. intuition.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eqmem_included {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a1:Z) (b:Z), (included p a1 q b) -> (eqmem m1 m2 q b) ->
+  eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
+  intros m1 m2 p q a1 b h1 h2.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eqmem_sym {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr), forall (a1:Z),
+  (eqmem m1 m2 p a1) -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
+  intros m1 m2 p a1. unfold eqmem.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma havoc_access {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Z),
+  ((separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m1 q))) /\
+  (~ (separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m0 q))).
+  intros m0 m1 q p a1.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition int_of_addr : addr -> Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition addr_of_int : Z -> addr.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition base_offset: Z -> Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition base_index: Z -> Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma int_of_addr_bijection : forall (a:Z),
+  ((int_of_addr (addr_of_int a)) = a).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma addr_of_int_bijection :
+  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma addr_of_null : ((int_of_addr null) = 0%Z).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma base_offset_zero : ((base_offset 0%Z) = 0%Z).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma base_offset_inj : forall (i:Z), ((base_index (base_offset i)) = i).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma base_offset_monotonic : forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (i < j)%Z ->
+  ((base_offset i) < (base_offset j))%Z.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qed.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qed.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6275a4ff9ba0bc7b0659f3167a10ef35050798a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qed.v
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.EuclideanDivision.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition match_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : bool -> a -> a -> a.
+exact (fun b x y => if b then x else y).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma match_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:bool) (x:a) (y:a),
+  ((p = true) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = x)) \/
+  ((p = false) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = y)).
+  intros p x y.
+  destruct p; intuition.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition eqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
+exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then true else false).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = true) <-> (x = y).
+  intros x y.
+  destruct a_WT.
+  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eqb_false {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+  intros x y.
+  destruct a_WT.
+  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition neqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
+exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then false else true).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma neqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+  intros x y.
+  destruct a_WT.
+  compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition zlt : Z -> Z -> bool.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition zleq : Z -> Z -> bool.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma zlt1 : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((zlt x y) = true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+  intros x y.
+  assert (T:= Zlt_is_lt_bool x y).
+  tauto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma zleq1 : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((zleq x y) = true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+  intros x y.
+  assert (T:= Zle_is_le_bool x y).
+  tauto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition rlt : R -> R -> bool.
+exact (fun x y => if Rlt_dec x y then true else false).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition rleq : R -> R -> bool.
+exact (fun x y => if Rle_dec x y then true else false).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rlt1 : forall (x:R) (y:R), ((rlt x y) = true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+  intros x y.
+  compute;destruct (Rlt_dec x y); intuition discriminate.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rleq1 : forall (x:R) (y:R), ((rleq x y) = true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+  intros x y.
+  compute;destruct (Rle_dec x y);intuition;discriminate.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Z) : R := (BuiltIn.IZR x).
+Lemma lt_is_not_eqb1: forall x y, (x < y -> Z.eqb x y = false)%Z.
+  intros.
+  rewrite Z.eqb_compare.
+  rewrite H.
+  reflexivity.
+Lemma lt_is_not_eqb2: forall x y, (y < x -> Z.eqb x y = false)%Z.
+  intros.
+  rewrite Z.eqb_compare.
+  rewrite (Z.lt_gt _ _ H).
+  reflexivity.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+  intros n d.
+  intros H.
+  rewrite Int.Comm1.
+  exact (ComputerDivision.Div_mod n d H).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Z) (d:Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+    ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+    ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+   (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+     (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+    ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+     (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))).
+  intros n d.
+  (split;[|split;[|split]]);intros;
+  [exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_pos_pos _ _ H H0)|
+   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_neg_pos _ _ H H0)|
+   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_pos_neg _ _ H H0)|
+   exact (Zquot.Zrem_lt_neg_neg _ _ H H0)].
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma cdiv_neutral : forall (a:Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+  intro a.
+  exact (Z.quot_1_r a).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+  intros a h1.
+  exact (Z.quot_same a h1).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qedlib.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qedlib.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f165442fdb90e7198105bf31bf9eb5187a58e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Qedlib.v
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+Require Import Bool.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Reals.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require map.Map.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** ** Tactical *)
+Ltac forward := 
+  repeat (first [ split | intros ]) ; 
+  try discriminate ; 
+  try contradiction ; 
+  try tauto ; 
+  try constructor ; 
+  try (apply False_ind ; omega ; fail) ;
+  try (apply False_ind ; auto with zarith ; fail) ;
+  auto with zarith.
+Ltac finish := forward ; fail.
+Tactic Notation "by" tactic(A) := A ; finish.
+(** ** Conditional Property *)
+Inductive branch (A B C : Prop) : Prop :=
+  | Then: A -> B -> branch A B C
+  | Else: not A -> C -> branch A B C
+Definition itep (A B C : Prop) := (A -> B) /\ (~A -> C).
+Lemma ite_then : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> A -> B.
+Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
+Lemma ite_else : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> ~A -> C.
+Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
+Lemma ite_both : forall A B C : Prop, itep A B C -> (B \/ C).
+Proof. by (unfold itep). Qed.
+Remark contrap: forall P Q : Prop,
+  (P -> Q) -> ~Q -> ~P.
+Proof. intuition. Qed.
+(** ** Booleans *)
+Inductive reflect (P:Prop) : bool -> Prop :=
+  | R_true  : P -> reflect P true
+  | R_false : ~P -> reflect P false.
+Definition boolean {A : Set} 
+  (f : A -> A -> bool) 
+  (p : A -> A -> Prop) : Prop := forall x y, reflect (p x y) (f x y).
+  forall x y, (f x y = true <-> p x y) /\
+              (f x y = false <-> ~(p x y)).
+Ltac case_leq x y := 
+  generalize (Zle_cases x y) ; induction (Zle_bool x y) ; try omega.
+Ltac case_lt x y :=
+  generalize (Zlt_cases x y) ; induction (Zlt_bool x y) ; try omega.
+Ltac case_eq x y :=
+  generalize (Zeq_bool_if x y) ; induction (Zeq_bool x y) ; try omega.
+Lemma Zneq_cases : forall x y, if Zneq_bool x y then x <> y else x = y.
+  intros x y.
+  generalize (Zeq_bool_if x y).
+  unfold Zeq_bool.
+  unfold Zneq_bool.
+  induction (x ?= y) ; auto.
+Ltac case_neq x y :=
+  generalize (Zneq_cases x y) ; induction (Zneq_bool x y) ; try omega.
+Inductive Zcases (x y : Z) :=
+  | Case_lt : (x < y) -> Zcases x y
+  | Case_eq : (x = y) -> Zcases x y
+  | Case_gt : (x > y) -> Zcases x y.
+Program Definition Zcompare x y : Zcases x y.
+  intros.
+  case_leq x y.
+  case_lt x y. intros H _. exact (Case_lt H).
+  intros H1 H2. assert (H : x=y) by omega. exact (Case_eq H).
+  intro H. exact (Case_gt H).
+Theorem Zeq_boolean : boolean Zeq_bool (fun x y => (x=y)).
+  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_eq x y).
+Theorem Zneq_boolean : boolean Zneq_bool (fun x y => (x <> y)).
+  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_neq x y).
+Theorem Zlt_boolean : boolean Zlt_bool Zlt.
+  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_lt x y).
+Theorem Zle_boolean : boolean Zle_bool Zle.
+  unfold boolean. intros x y. by (case_leq x y).
+Parameter Req_bool : R -> R -> bool.
+Parameter Rlt_bool : R -> R -> bool.
+Parameter Rle_bool : R -> R -> bool.
+Parameter Rneq_bool : R -> R -> bool.
+Hypothesis Rlt_boolean : boolean Rlt_bool Rlt.
+Hypothesis Rle_boolean : boolean Rle_bool Rle.
+Hypothesis Req_boolean : boolean Req_bool (fun x y => (x=y)).
+Hypothesis Rneq_boolean : boolean Rneq_bool (fun x y => (x<>y)).
+Parameter Aeq_bool : forall A : Set, A -> A -> bool.
+Hypothesis Aeq_boolean : forall A : Set, boolean (@Aeq_bool A) (fun x y => x=y).
+Definition Aneq_bool {A : Set} (x y : A) := negb (Aeq_bool x y).
+Hypothesis Aneq_boolean : forall A : Set, boolean (@Aneq_bool A) (fun x y => x<>y).
+(** ** Integer Induction (after a given rank) *)
+Theorem Z_induction(m : Z)(P : Z -> Prop) : 
+  (forall n, n <= m -> P n ) ->
+  (forall n, n >= m -> P n -> P (n+1)) ->
+  (forall n, P n).
+  intros.
+  induction (Z_le_dec n m) ; auto with zarith.
+  apply Z.le_ind with (n := m) ; auto with zarith.
+  unfold Morphisms.Proper.
+  unfold Morphisms.respectful. 
+  intros. rewrite H1. intuition.
+  intros. apply H0; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Z_induction_rank(m : Z)(P : Z -> Prop) : 
+  P m ->
+  (forall n, m <= n -> P n -> P (n+1)) ->
+  (forall n, m <= n -> P n).
+  intros h0 h1 n.
+  apply Z_induction with (m := m) (n := n).
+  + intros.
+    apply Z.le_ind with (n := m) ; auto with zarith.
+    unfold Morphisms.Proper.
+    unfold Morphisms.respectful. 
+    intros. rewrite H1. intuition.
+   + intros. auto with zarith.
+(** ** Real Constants *)
+(** signed power *)
+Definition real_base e a n :=
+  match n with
+  | 0 => a
+  | Zpos n => (a * pow e (Pos.to_nat n))%R
+  | Zneg n => (a / pow e (Pos.to_nat n))%R
+  end.
+(** an integer multiplied by a (signed) power of 10. *)
+Definition real_dec := real_base 10%R.
+(** an integer multiplied by a (signed) power of 2. *)
+Definition real_hex := real_base 2%R.
+(** ** Arrays *)
+Record farray (A B : Type) := { whytype1 : BuiltIn.WhyType A ;
+                               whytype2 : BuiltIn.WhyType B ;
+                               access :> @Map.map A B }.
+Definition array (A : Type) := farray Z A.
+Hypothesis extensionality: forall (A B : Type) (f g : A -> B),
+  (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
+Definition select {A B : Type}
+  (m : farray A B) (k : A) : B := (access m) k.
+Lemma farray_eq : forall A B (m1 m2 : farray A B),
+   whytype1 m1 = whytype1 m2 -> whytype2 m1 = whytype2 m2 ->
+   (forall k, select m1 k = select m2 k) -> m1 = m2.
+  intros A B m1 m2.
+  destruct m1. destruct m2. simpl.
+  intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; rewrite H2 ; clear H1 H2.
+  intro K.
+  rewrite (extensionality _ _ K).
+  reflexivity.
+Definition update {A B : Type}
+  (m : farray A B) (k : A) (v : B) : (farray A B) :=
+  {| whytype1 := whytype1 m; whytype2 := whytype2 m; access := @Map.set A (whytype1 m) B (whytype2 m) (access m) k v|}.
+Notation " a .[ k ] " := (select a k) (at level 60).
+Notation " a .[ k <- v ] " := (update a k v) (at level 60).
+Lemma access_update :
+  forall (A B : Type) (m : farray A B) k v,
+  m.[k <- v].[k] = v.
+  intros.
+  apply (proj1 (Map.set_def (access m) k v k)).
+  reflexivity.
+Lemma access_update_neq :
+  forall (A B : Type) (m : farray A B) i j v,
+  i <> j -> m.[ i <- v ].[j] = m.[j].
+  intros.
+  apply (proj2 (Map.set_def (access m) i v j)).
+  auto.
+(** ** Division on Z *)
+Definition Cdiv (n d : Z) : Z :=
+  match n , d with
+    | 0 , _ | _ , 0 => 0
+    | Zpos a , Zpos b 
+    | Zneg a , Zneg b => (Zpos a/Zpos b)
+    | Zpos a , Zneg b
+    | Zneg a , Zpos b => (-(Zpos a/Zpos b))
+  end.
+Definition Cmod (n d : Z) : Z :=
+  match n , d with
+    | 0 , _ | _ , 0 => 0
+    | Zpos a , Zpos b
+    | Zpos a , Zneg b => ( (Zpos a) mod (Zpos b) )
+    | Zneg a , Zpos b
+    | Zneg a , Zneg b => (-( (Zpos a) mod (Zpos b) )) 
+  end.
+Lemma Cdiv_cases : forall n d,
+  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cdiv n d = n/d) /\
+  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cdiv n d = -((-n)/d)) /\
+  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cdiv n d = -(n/(-d))) /\
+  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cdiv n d = (-n)/(-d)).
+  intros.
+  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
+  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
+  intuition ;
+  by auto with zarith.
+Lemma Cmod_cases : forall n d,
+  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cmod n d = n mod d) /\
+  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> Cmod n d = -((-n) mod d)) /\
+  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cmod n d = (n mod (-d))) /\
+  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) -> Cmod n d = -((-n) mod (-d))).
+  intros.
+  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
+  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
+  intuition ;
+  by auto with zarith.
+Theorem Cdiv_enclidian : 
+  forall (n d : Z), 
+  d <> 0 ->
+  let q := Cdiv n d in let r := Cmod n d in
+  (q * d + r = n).
+  intros n d NEQ q r.
+  assert (OPP: forall p, (- (Zneg p) = Zpos p)) by auto with zarith.
+  assert (NEG: forall p, (Zneg p = - (Zpos p))) by auto with zarith.
+  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
+  destruct d as [|b|b] ; auto with zarith ;
+  unfold Cdiv in q ; unfold Cmod in r ; 
+  unfold q ; unfold r ; 
+  repeat rewrite OPP ; repeat rewrite NEG ; 
+  rewrite (Zmod_eq_full (Zpos a) (Zpos b)) ; try discriminate ;
+  try ring.
+Lemma Cmod_less : forall n d,
+  ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) ->  0 <= Cmod n d <  d) /\
+  ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> -d <  Cmod n d <= 0) /\
+  ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  0 <= Cmod n d < -d) /\
+  ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  d <  Cmod n d <= 0).
+  intros.
+  destruct n as [|a|a] ; 
+  destruct d as [|b|b] ;
+  intuition ; simpl ; forward ;
+  generalize (Z_mod_lt (Zpos a) (Zpos b) (Zgt_pos_0 b)) ;
+  repeat (replace (Zneg b) with (- Zpos b) by auto with zarith) ;
+  intuition (auto with zarith).
+Lemma Zdiv_less :
+  forall (n d : Z), (n > 0) -> (d > 0) -> (d * (n/d) <= n).
+  intros n d Npos Dpos.
+  generalize (Zmod_eq n d).
+  pose (x := (n/d)).
+  fold x. intro H. generalize (H Dpos). clear H.
+  pose (r := (n mod d)).
+  fold r. intro H.
+  generalize (Z_mod_lt n d).
+  intro R. generalize (R Dpos). clear R. fold r.
+  replace (d*x) with (x*d) by ring.
+  omega.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Square.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Square.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9c23de0347f0ff7c1a8c3c687515c2d490cae52
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+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Square.v
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require Reals.R_sqrt.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.Square.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma sqrt_lin1 : forall (x:R), (1%R < x)%R -> ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x) < x)%R.
+  intros x h1.
+  refine (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_less _ _ h1).
+  apply (Rle_trans 0 1 x Rle_0_1)%R.
+  exact (Rlt_le _ _ h1).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma sqrt_lin0 :
+  forall (x:R), ((0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R) -> (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
+  intros x (h1,h2).
+  exact (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_more x h1 h2).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma sqrt_0 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 0%R) = 0%R).
+  exact Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_0.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma sqrt_1 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 1%R) = 1%R).
+  exact Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_1.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vlist.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vlist.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc0b770612bafc4d32eea261406dc38d2a919548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vlist.v
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- Lists for Why-3                                                --- *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+Require List.
+Ltac seq := autorewrite with list ; auto with zarith.
+Hint Rewrite List.app_assoc List.app_nil_l List.app_nil_r : list.
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- Classical Lists for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+Require Import Qedlib.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition list : forall (a:Type), Type.
+  exact(List.list).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : list a.
+  generalize a.
+  exact(@List.nil).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (list a) -> list a.
+  generalize a.
+  exact(@List.cons).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> (list a) -> list a.
+  Open Local Scope list_scope.
+  exact(fun u v => u ++ v).
+Fixpoint repeat_nat (a:Type) (w: list a) (n: nat) {struct n} :=
+    match n with
+      | O => w
+      | S m => w ++ (repeat_nat a w m)
+    end.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
+  exact(fun w n  => match n with
+                   | Z0 => nil
+                   | Zneg _ => nil
+                   | other => repeat_nat a w (Zabs_nat (n-1))
+                   end).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition length {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z.
+  exact(fun w => Z.of_nat (List.length w)).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition nth {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> a.
+  exact(fun w n => match n with
+                   | Zneg _ => (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
+                   | other => List.nth (Zabs_nat n) w (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
+                   end).
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- length                                                       --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma length_pos {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), (0%Z <= (length w))%Z.
+  intros.
+  unfold length. 
+  apply Zle_0_nat.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma length_nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : ((length (nil : list a)) = 0%Z).
+  intros.
+  unfold length. unfold nil.
+  by seq.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma length_nil_bis {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((length w) = 0%Z) -> (w = (nil : list a)).
+  intros w.
+  unfold length. unfold nil.
+  destruct w.
+  + by seq.
+  + Import List.ListNotations.
+    assert (0 < Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length (a0 :: w))).
+    { replace (Datatypes.length (a0 :: w)) with (1 + Datatypes.length (w))%nat
+        by( (replace (a0 :: w) with ([a0] ++ w) by seq); rewrite List.app_length; by seq).
+      assert (0 <= Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length w)) by apply Zle_0_nat.
+      replace (Z.of_nat (1 + Datatypes.length w)) with (1 + Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length w)).
+      { omega. }
+      rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add. 
+      auto with zarith. 
+    }
+    intro. 
+    cut False; [contradiction|omega].
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma length_cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((length (cons x w)) = (1%Z + (length w))%Z).
+  intros. unfold length.
+  replace (Datatypes.length (cons x w)) with (1 + (Datatypes.length w))%nat.
+  apply Nat2Z.inj_add. simpl. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Hypothesis length_concat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a),
+  ((length (concat u v)) = ((length u) + (length v))%Z).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Hypothesis length_repeat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((length (repeat w n)) = (n * (length w))%Z).
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- nth                                                          --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Hypothesis nth_cons :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (k:Z) (x:a) (w:list a),
+  ((k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = x)) /\
+  (~ (k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = (nth w (k - 1%Z)%Z))).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Hypothesis nth_concat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (k:Z),
+  ((k < (length u))%Z -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth u k))) /\
+  (~ (k < (length u))%Z ->
+   ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth v (k - (length u))%Z))).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Hypothesis nth_repeat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (n:Z) (k:Z) (w:list a),
+  ((0%Z <= k)%Z /\ (k < (n * (length w))%Z)%Z) -> (0%Z < (length w))%Z ->
+  ((nth (repeat w n) k) = (nth w (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem k (length w)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition vlist_eq {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (u:list a) (v:list a) : Prop :=
+  ((length u) = (length v)) /\
+  forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < (length u))%Z) ->
+  ((nth u i) = (nth v i)).
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- equality of Lists                                            --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Hypothesis extensionality :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a), (vlist_eq u v) -> (u = v).
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- neutral elements                                             --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eq_nil_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a),
+  (vlist_eq (concat (nil : list a) w) w) /\
+  (vlist_eq (concat w (nil : list a)) w).
+  intros.
+  split ; unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat; rewrite length_nil; split; auto with zarith; intros.
+  (* + generalize (nth_concat nil w i); rewrite length_nil; intro G; destruct G.
+    rewrite H1.
+    * replace (i - 0)%Z with i by (auto with zarith). auto.
+    * omega. *)
+  + generalize (nth_concat w nil i). intro G; destruct G.
+    rewrite H0.
+    * auto.
+    * omega.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_nil_concat_left {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((concat (nil : list a) w) = w).
+  intros.
+  apply extensionality.
+  generalize (eq_nil_concat w). intro G; destruct G.
+  apply H.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_nil_concat_right {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((concat w (nil : list a)) = w).
+ intros.
+  apply extensionality.
+  generalize (eq_nil_concat w). intro G; destruct G.
+  apply H0.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eq_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x (concat v w)).
+  intros.
+  unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat. repeat (rewrite length_cons).
+  split.
+  + rewrite length_concat. ring.
+  + intros.
+    generalize (nth_cons i x (concat v w)); intro G; destruct G.
+    case_eq i 0%Z; intro Position_0.
+    * clear H1; rewrite H0; clear H0; auto.
+      generalize (nth_concat (cons x v) w i); rewrite length_cons; intro G; destruct G.
+      generalize (length_pos v); intro Positive.
+      clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
+      generalize (nth_cons i x v); intro G; destruct G.
+      clear H1; rewrite H0; clear H0; auto.
+    * clear H0; rewrite H1; clear H1; auto.
+      generalize (nth_concat (cons x v) w i); rewrite length_cons; intro G; destruct G.
+      case_lt i (1+ length v)%Z; intros.
+      - clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
+        generalize (nth_cons i x v); intro G; destruct G.
+        clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
+        generalize (nth_concat v w (i -1)); intro G; destruct G. 
+        clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto with zarith; clear H0.
+        auto.
+      - clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
+        generalize (nth_concat v w (i -1)); intro G; destruct G. 
+        clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto with zarith.
+        replace (i - (1 + length v))%Z with (i - 1 - length v)%Z by auto with zarith.
+        auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  ((concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))).
+  intros.
+  apply extensionality.
+  apply eq_cons_concat. 
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_nil_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((concat (cons x (nil : list a)) w) = (cons x w)).
+  intros.
+  rewrite rw_cons_concat.
+  rewrite rw_nil_concat_left.
+  auto.
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- associativity                                                --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eq_assoc_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u (concat v w)).
+  intros.
+  unfold vlist_eq. repeat (rewrite length_concat).  split.
+  - ring.
+  - intros.
+    generalize (length_pos u); generalize (length_pos v); intros uPos vPos. 
+    case_lt i (length u); intro inU; 
+      generalize (nth_concat u (concat v w) i) ; intro G; destruct G.
+    + clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
+      generalize (nth_concat (concat u v) w i) ; rewrite length_concat ; intro G; destruct G.
+      clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
+      generalize (nth_concat u v i) ; intro G; destruct G.
+      clear H1; rewrite H0 by auto; clear H0.
+      auto.
+   + clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
+     case_lt i ((length u) + (length v)); intro inV; 
+       generalize (nth_concat (concat u v) w i) ; rewrite length_concat ; intro G; destruct G.
+     * clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
+       generalize (nth_concat u v i) ; intro G; destruct G.
+       clear H0; rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1.
+       generalize (nth_concat v w (i - length u)) ; intro G; destruct G.
+       clear H1; rewrite H0 by omega; clear H0.
+       auto.
+     * clear H0; rewrite H1 by omega; clear H1.
+       generalize (nth_concat v w (i - length u)) ; intro G; destruct G.
+       clear H0; rewrite H1 by omega; clear H1.
+       replace (i - (length u + length v)) with (i - length u - length v) by auto with zarith.
+       auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_nil_repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((repeat (nil : list a) n) = (nil : list a)).
+intros n h1.
+induction n ; simpl ; auto.
+assert (R : forall n, repeat_nat a nil n = nil).
+ * intro n. induction n ; simpl ; auto.
+ * apply R.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_repeat_zero {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 0%Z) = (nil : list a)).
+intros w. simpl. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eq_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), vlist_eq (repeat w 1%Z) w.
+intros w. simpl. unfold vlist_eq. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 1%Z) = w).
+intros w. simpl. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma eq_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
+  vlist_eq (repeat w (p + q)%Z) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)).
+intros p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
+ + repeat rewrite length_concat.
+    repeat rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
+ + rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
+   intros.
+   induction w.
+   * replace ([]) with (@nil a a_WT) ; auto.
+     repeat rewrite rw_nil_repeat ; auto with zarith.
+   * pose (A := (a0 :: w)). fold A. fold A in H.
+     assert (L : 0 < length A).
+     { unfold A.
+       replace (a0 :: w) with (cons a0 w) by auto.
+       rewrite length_cons.
+       assert (0 <= length w).
+       apply length_pos.
+       auto with zarith. }
+     rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith.
+     generalize (nth_concat (repeat A p) (repeat A q) i).
+     intros [ POS NEG ].
+     induction (Z_lt_le_dec i (length (repeat A p))).
+     rewrite length_repeat in a1; auto with zarith.
+      - rewrite POS ; auto with zarith.
+        rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith.
+        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
+      - rewrite length_repeat in b ; auto with zarith.
+        assert ( I_pos: 0 <= i ) ; auto with zarith.
+        rewrite Int.Mul_distr_r in H.
+        rewrite NEG ; auto with zarith.
+        rewrite nth_repeat ; auto with zarith ; 
+        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
+        replace (i - p * length A) with (i + (-p) * length A).
+        rewrite Z.rem_add ; auto with zarith.
+        apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg ; auto with zarith.
+        replace (i + -p * length A) with (i - p * length A) ; auto with zarith.
+        rewrite Z.mul_opp_l. rewrite Z.add_opp_r. auto.
+        rewrite Z.mul_opp_l. rewrite Z.add_opp_r. auto.
+        rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
+  ((repeat w (p + q)%Z) = (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q))).
+intros p q w h1 h2.
+apply extensionality.
+apply eq_repeat_concat ; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_repeat_after {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
+  ((concat (repeat w p) w) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
+  intros p w h1.
+  rewrite (rw_repeat_concat p 1 w) ; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_repeat_before {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
+  ((concat w (repeat w p)) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
+  intros p w h1.
+  replace (p+1) with (1+p) ; auto with zarith.
+  rewrite (rw_repeat_concat 1 p w) ; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition repeat_box {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
+intros l n.
+exact (repeat l n).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_repeat_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), ((repeat_box w n) = (repeat w n)).
+unfold repeat_box. auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (a1:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z <= a1)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  ((repeat_box w (a1 + b)%Z) = (concat (repeat w a1) (repeat w b))).
+unfold repeat_box. rewrite rw_repeat_concat ; auto.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((repeat_box w n) = (concat (repeat w (n - 1%Z)%Z) w)) /\
+  ((repeat_box w (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (concat (repeat w n) w)).
+ intros. split.
+ + generalize (rw_repeat_concat (n-1) 1 w).
+   replace (n-1+1) with n ; auto with zarith.
+ + rewrite (rw_repeat_concat n 1 w) ; auto with zarith.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vset.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vset.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e32f02a104eed3057aa8864bda40bcedfe70774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/Vset.v
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq-realize driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition set : forall (a:Type), Type.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : set a.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> set a.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition member {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition member_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> bool.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition range : Z -> Z -> set Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition range_sup : Z -> set Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition range_inf : Z -> set Z.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition range_all : set Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition eqset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
+  forall (x:a), (member x a1) <-> (member x b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition subset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
+  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> member x b.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition disjoint {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
+  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> ~ (member x b).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (s:set a),
+  ((member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = true)) /\
+  (~ (member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = false)).
+intros x s.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), ~ (member x (empty : set a)).
+intros x.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), (member x (singleton y)) <-> (x = y).
+intros x y.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
+  (member x (union a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) \/ (member x b)).
+intros x a1 b.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
+  (member x (inter a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) /\ (member x b)).
+intros x a1 b.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma union_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (a1:set a),
+  ((union a1 (empty : set a)) = a1) /\ ((union (empty : set a) a1) = a1).
+intros a1.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma inter_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (a1:set a),
+  ((inter a1 (empty : set a)) = (empty : set a)) /\
+  ((inter (empty : set a) a1) = (empty : set a)).
+intros a1.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (a:Z) (b:Z),
+  (member x (range a b)) <-> ((a <= x)%Z /\ (x <= b)%Z).
+intros x a b.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_range_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (a:Z), (member x (range_sup a)) <-> (a <= x)%Z.
+intros x a.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_range_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range_inf b)) <-> (x <= b)%Z.
+intros x b.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Lemma member_range_all : forall (x:Z), member x range_all.
+intros x.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.why b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv
similarity index 59%
rename from src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.why
rename to src/plugins/wp/share/src/alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv
index e5f9ccecda59208d0cb5a9d8d479283c551109ce..504581f6b531419fe64d5e4c5587f234e6f298fd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.why
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/alt_ergo_why3_stdlib.drv
@@ -20,13 +20,60 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-theory Cmath
-use int.Int as Int
-use int.Abs as Abs
-use real.Real as Real
-lemma abs_def : forall x:int [Abs.abs x].
-  if (Int.(>=) (x) (0)) then ((Abs.abs x) = (x)) else ((Abs.abs
-  x) = ((Int.(-_) (x))))
+theory int.Int
+  remove prop CompatOrderMult
+theory int.Abs
+  meta "rename_logic" function abs, "abs_int"
+theory int.MinMax
+  meta "rename_logic" function min, "min_int"
+  meta "rename_logic" function max, "max_int"
+theory int.ComputerDivision
+  remove prop Div_mod
+  remove prop Mod_bound
+  remove prop Div_sign_pos
+  remove prop Div_sign_neg
+  remove prop Mod_sign_pos
+  remove prop Mod_sign_neg
+  remove prop Rounds_toward_zero
+theory int.EuclideanDivision
+  remove prop Div_mod
+  remove prop Mod_bound
+  remove prop Div_unique
+  remove prop Div_bound
+  remove prop Mod_1
+  remove prop Div_1
+  remove prop Div_inf
+  remove prop Div_inf_neg
+  remove prop Mod_0
+  remove prop Div_1_left
+  remove prop Div_minus1_left
+  remove prop Mod_1_left
+  remove prop Mod_minus1_left
+  remove prop Div_mult
+  remove prop Mod_mult
+theory real.Real
+  remove prop CompatOrderMult
+theory real.Abs
+  meta "rename_logic" function abs, "abs_real"
+theory real.MinMax
+  meta "rename_logic" function min, "min_real"
+  meta "rename_logic" function max, "max_real"
+theory map.Const
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cbits.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cbits.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04c1d13aa9e2e4ed1ff09b4fb5c041f18796c2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cbits.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- C-Bits Arithmetics for Why-3                                       --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Cbits
+  use int.Int
+  use bool.Bool
+  use cint.Cint
+  use qed.Qed
+  function bit_testb int int : bool
+  predicate bit_test int int
+  (** * C-Integer Bits * **)
+  function lnot int : int
+  function land int int : int
+  function lxor int int : int
+  function lor  int int : int
+  meta AC function land
+  meta AC function lxor
+  meta AC function lor
+  function lsl  int int : int
+  function lsr  int int : int
+(** * Bitwise identities *)
+(** ** lnot identities *)
+  axiom lnot_bool: ((lnot 0) = (-1)) /\ ((lnot (-1)) = 0)
+(** ** land identities *)
+  axiom land_idemp: forall x:int [land x x]. (land x x) = x
+  axiom land_0: forall x:int [land 0 x]. (land 0 x) = 0
+  axiom land_0bis: forall x:int [land x 0]. (land x 0) = 0
+  axiom land_1: forall x:int [land (-1) x]. (land (-1) x) = x
+  axiom land_1bis: forall x:int [land x (-1)]. (land x (-1)) = x
+  axiom land_bool:
+        (land 0 0) = 0 /\  (land 0 1) = 0 /\ (land 1 0) = 0 /\ (land 1 1) = 1
+  meta "remove_for_" prop land_bool
+(** ** lor identities *)
+  axiom lor_idemp: forall x:int [lor x x]. (lor x x) = x
+  axiom lor_1:     forall x:int [lor (-1) x]. (lor (-1) x) = -1
+  axiom lor_1bis:  forall x:int [lor x (-1)]. (lor x (-1)) = -1
+  axiom lor_0:     forall x:int [lor 0 x]. (lor 0 x) = x
+  axiom lor_0bis:  forall x:int [lor x 0]. (lor x 0) = x
+  axiom lor_bool:
+        (lor 0 0) = 0 /\  (lor 0 1) = 1 /\ (lor 1 0) = 1 /\ (lor 1 1) = 1
+  meta "remove_for_" prop lor_bool
+(** ** lxor identities *)
+  axiom lxor_nilpotent: forall x:int [lxor x x]. (lxor x x) = 0
+  axiom lxor_1:    forall x:int [lxor (-1) x]. (lxor (-1) x) = (lnot x)
+  axiom lxor_1bis: forall x:int [lxor x (-1)]. (lxor x (-1)) = (lnot x)
+  axiom lxor_0:    forall x:int [lxor 0 x]. (lxor 0 x) = x
+  axiom lxor_0bis: forall x:int [lxor x 0]. (lxor x 0) = x
+  axiom lxor_bool:
+        (lxor 0 0) = 0 /\  (lxor 0 1) = 1 /\ (lxor 1 0) = 1 /\ (lxor 1 1) = 0
+  meta "remove_for_" prop lxor_bool
+(** * Bit extraction *)
+(** ** Definition of bit_test predicate *)
+  axiom bit_test_def: forall x k:int [bit_testb x k].
+    (bit_testb x k = True) <-> bit_test x k
+(** * Link between Bit extraction and bitwise operators *)
+(** ** Some properties of bit extration *)
+(** ** Logical operators *)
+  axiom bit_test_extraction: forall x k:int [land x (lsl 1 k)|land (lsl 1 k) x].
+    0<=k -> (land x (lsl 1 k))<>0 <-> (bit_test x k)
+  lemma bit_test_extraction_eq: forall x k:int [land x (lsl 1 k)|land (lsl 1 k) x].
+    0<=k -> (land x (lsl 1 k))=(lsl 1 k) <-> (bit_test x k)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma bit_test_extraction_eq
+  axiom lsl_1_0:
+    lsl 1 0 = 1
+  axiom bit_test_extraction_bis: forall x :int [land x 1|land 1 x].
+    (land 1 x)<>0 -> (bit_test x 0)
+  axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq: forall x :int [land x 1|land 1 x].
+    (bit_test x 0) -> (land 1 x)=1
+  lemma lnot_extraction_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (lnot x) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_testb (lnot x) i = notb (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom lnot_extraction:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (lnot x) i].
+    0<=i -> (bit_test (lnot x) i) <-> not (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lnot_extraction_bool
+  lemma land_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (land x y) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_testb (land x y) i = andb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
+  axiom land_extraction:      forall x y i:int [bit_test  (land x y) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_test (land x y) i <-> ((bit_test x i) /\ (bit_test y i))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma land_extraction_bool
+  lemma lor_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (lor x y) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_testb (lor x y) i = orb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
+  axiom lor_extraction:      forall x y i:int [bit_test  (lor x y) i].
+    0<=i -> (bit_test (lor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) \/ (bit_test y i))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lor_extraction_bool
+  lemma lxor_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (lxor x y) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_testb (lxor x y) i = xorb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
+  axiom lxor_extraction: forall x y i:int [bit_test (lxor x y) i].
+    0<=i -> (bit_test (lxor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) <-> not (bit_test y i))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lxor_extraction_bool
+(** ** Shift operators *)
+  lemma lsl_1_two_power :  forall n : int. 0 <= n -> lsl 1 n = Cint.two_power_abs n
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_1_two_power
+  axiom land_1_lsl_1 : forall a x n : int [(lsl 1 (1+n)),(lsl 1 n),(2*a+(land 1 x))] .
+    0<=n -> a<lsl 1 n -> 2*a+(land 1 x)<lsl 1 (1+n)
+  lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool: forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsl x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m>=n -> bit_testb (lsl x n) m = bit_testb x (m-n)
+  axiom lsl_extraction_sup:      forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsl x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m>=n -> (bit_test (lsl x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m-n))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool
+  lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool: forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsl x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m< n -> bit_testb (lsl x n) m = False
+  axiom lsl_extraction_inf:      forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsl x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m< n -> not (bit_test (lsl x n) m)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma lsr_extraction_bool:     forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsr x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m         -> bit_testb (lsr x n) m = bit_testb x (m+n)
+  axiom lsr_extractionl:         forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsr x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m         -> (bit_test (lsr x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m+n))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsr_extraction_bool
+  lemma lsl1_extraction_bool: forall i j:int [bit_testb (lsl 1 i) j].
+    0<=i -> 0<=j         -> bit_testb (lsl 1 i) j = eqb i j
+  axiom lsl1_extraction: forall i j:int [bit_test (lsl 1 i) j].
+    0<=i -> 0<=j         -> (bit_test (lsl 1 i) j) <-> i=j
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl1_extraction_bool
+  lemma pos_extraction_sup:  forall x i j:int [(lsl 1 i),(bit_test x j)].
+    0<=x -> 0<=i -> x < (lsl 1 i) -> i <= j -> not (bit_test x j)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma pos_extraction_sup
+  lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv:  forall x i :int .
+    0<=i -> (forall j: int . i <= j -> not (bit_test x j)) -> 0<= x < (lsl 1 i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv
+(** * Link between Bit extraction and C type conversions *)
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+  lemma to_uint_extraction_sup:      forall n x i:int .
+    0<=n<=i -> is_uint n x -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool: forall n x i:int .
+    0<=i<n -> (bit_testb (to_uint n x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  lemma to_uint_extraction_inf:      forall n x i:int .
+    0<=i<n -> (bit_test (to_uint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  lemma is_uint_ext : forall n x y:int .
+     0<=n -> is_uint n x -> is_uint n y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<n -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_sup
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_inf
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_ext
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint8 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    8<=i -> is_uint8 x -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint8 x) i].
+    0<=i<8 -> (bit_testb (to_uint8 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint8 x) i].
+    0<=i<8 -> (bit_test (to_uint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_uint8_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<8 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint8_ext
+(** *** Cast to uint16 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint16 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    16<=i -> is_uint16 x -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint16 x) i].
+    0<=i<16 -> (bit_testb (to_uint16 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint16 x) i].
+    0<=i<16 -> (bit_test (to_uint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_uint16_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<16 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint16_ext
+(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint32 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    32<=i -> is_uint32 x -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint32 x) i].
+    0<=i<32 -> (bit_testb (to_uint32 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint32 x) i].
+    0<=i<32 -> (bit_test (to_uint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_uint32_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<32 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint32_ext
+(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint64 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    64<=i -> (is_uint64 x) -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint64 x) i].
+    0<=i<64 -> (bit_testb (to_uint64 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint64 x) i].
+    0<=i<64 -> (bit_test (to_uint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_uint64_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<64 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint64_ext
+(** ** Signed conversions *)
+  lemma to_sint_extraction_sup:      forall n x i:int .
+    0<=n<=i -> is_sint n x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool: forall n x i:int .
+    0<=i<n -> (bit_testb (to_sint n x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  lemma to_sint_extraction_inf:      forall n x i:int .
+    0<=i<n -> (bit_test (to_sint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  lemma is_sint_ext : forall n x y:int .
+     0<=n -> is_sint n x -> is_sint n y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=n -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_sup
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_inf
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_ext
+(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
+  axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint8 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    7<=i -> is_sint8 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [(bit_testb (to_sint8 x) i)].
+    0<=i<7 -> (bit_testb (to_sint8 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [(bit_test  (to_sint8 x) i)].
+    0<=i<7 -> (bit_test (to_sint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_sint8_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=7 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint8_ext
+(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
+  axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint16 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    15<=i -> is_sint16 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint16 x) i].
+    0<=i<15 -> (bit_testb (to_sint16 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint16 x) i].
+    0<=i<15 -> (bit_test (to_sint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_sint16_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=15 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint16_ext
+(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
+  axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup: forall x i:int [(is_sint32 x),(bit_test x i)].
+    31<=i -> is_sint32 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint32 x) i].
+    0<=i<31 -> (bit_testb (to_sint32 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint32 x) i].
+    0<=i<31 -> (bit_test (to_sint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_sint32_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=31 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint32_ext
+(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
+  axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint64 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    63<=i -> is_sint64 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint64 x) i].
+    0<=i<63 -> (bit_testb (to_sint64 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint64 x) i].
+    0<=i<63 -> (bit_test (to_sint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_sint64_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=63 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint64_ext
+(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are distributive *)
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+  lemma to_uint_lor : forall n x y:int.
+    to_uint n (lor x y) = lor (to_uint n x) (to_uint n y)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_lor
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+  lemma to_uint8_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lor x y)].
+    to_uint8 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint8 x) (to_uint 8 y)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint8_lor
+(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
+  lemma to_uint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lor x y)].
+    to_uint16 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint16 x) (to_uint16 y)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint16_lor
+(** ***  Cast to uint32 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lor x y)].
+    to_uint32 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint32 x) (to_uint32 y)
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom to_uint32_lor
+(** ***  Cast to uint64 C type *)
+  lemma to_uint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lor x y)].
+    to_uint64 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint64 x) (to_uint64 y)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint64_lor
+(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are identity *)
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+  lemma is_uint_lxor : forall n x y:int.
+    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  lemma is_uint_lor : forall n x y:int.
+    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (lor x y) = lor x y
+  lemma is_uint_land : forall n x y:int.
+    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (land x y) = land x y
+  lemma is_uint_lsr : forall n x y:int.
+    0<=y -> is_uint n x -> to_uint n (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf : forall n y:int.
+    0<=y<n  -> to_uint n (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup : forall n y:int.
+    0<=n<=y -> to_uint n (lsl 1 y) = 0
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lor
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_land
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsr
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+  axiom is_uint8_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lxor x y)].
+    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_uint8_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lor x y)].
+    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_uint8_land : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (land x y)].
+    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_uint8_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_uint8 x -> to_uint8 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint8 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<8 -> to_uint8 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint8 (lsl 1 y)].
+    8<=y -> to_uint8 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
+  axiom is_uint16_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lxor x y)].
+    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_uint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lor x y)].
+    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_uint16_land : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (land x y)].
+    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_uint16_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_uint16 x -> to_uint16 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint16 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<16 -> to_uint16 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint16 (lsl 1 y)].
+    16<=y -> to_uint16 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
+  axiom is_uint32_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lxor x y)].
+    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_uint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lor x y)].
+    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_uint32_land : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (land x y)].
+    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_uint32_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_uint32 x -> to_uint32 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint32 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<32 -> to_uint32 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint32 (lsl 1 y)].
+    32<=y -> to_uint32 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
+  axiom is_uint64_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lxor x y)].
+    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (lxor x y) =  lxor x y
+  axiom is_uint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lor x y)].
+    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (lor x y) =  lor x y
+  axiom is_uint64_land : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (land x y)].
+    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_uint64_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_uint64 x -> to_uint64 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint64 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<64 -> to_uint64 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint64 (lsl 1 y)].
+    64<=y -> to_uint64 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** ** Signed conversions *)
+  lemma is_sint_lnot: forall n x:int.
+    is_sint n x -> to_sint n (lnot x) = lnot x
+  lemma is_sint_lxor: forall n x y:int.
+    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  lemma is_sint_lor: forall n x y:int.
+    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (lor x y) = lor x y
+  lemma is_sint_land: forall n x y:int.
+    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (land x y) = land x y
+  lemma is_sint_lsr: forall n x y:int.
+    0<=y -> is_sint n x -> to_sint n (lsr x y) = lsr x y 
+  lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf : forall n y:int.
+    0<=y<n -> to_sint n (lsl 1 y) = (lsl 1 y)
+  lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup : forall n y:int.
+    0<=n<y -> to_sint n (lsl 1 y) = 0
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lnot
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lxor
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lor
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_land
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsr
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup
+(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
+  axiom is_sint8_lnot: forall x:int [to_sint8 (lnot x)].
+    is_sint8 x ->  to_sint8 (lnot x) = lnot x
+  axiom is_sint8_lxor: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lxor x y)].
+    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_sint8_lor: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lor x y)].
+    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_sint8_land: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (land x y)].
+    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_sint8_lsr: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_sint8 x -> to_sint8 (lsr x y) = lsr x y 
+  axiom is_sint8_lsl1 :
+    lsl 1 7 = Cint.max_sint8
+  axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint8 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<7 -> to_sint8 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint8 (lsl 1 y)].
+    8<=y -> to_sint8 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
+  axiom is_sint16_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint16 (lnot x)].
+    is_sint16 x -> to_sint16 (lnot x) = lnot x
+  axiom is_sint16_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lxor x y)].
+    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (lxor x y) = lxor x y 
+  axiom is_sint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lor x y)].
+    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_sint16_land : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (land x y)].
+    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_sint16_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_sint16 x -> to_sint16 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_sint16_lsl1 :
+    lsl 1 15 = Cint.max_sint16
+  axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint16 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<15 -> to_sint16 (lsl 1 y) = (lsl 1 y)
+  axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint16 (lsl 1 y)].
+    16<=y -> to_sint16 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
+  axiom is_sint32_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint32(lnot(x))].
+    is_sint32 x -> to_sint32 (lnot x) = lnot x
+  axiom is_sint32_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (lxor x y)].
+    is_sint32 x ->  is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (lxor x y) = lxor x y 
+  axiom is_sint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint32(lor x y)].
+    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_sint32_land : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (land x y)].
+    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_sint32_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_sint32 x -> to_sint32 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_sint32_lsl1 :
+    lsl 1 31 = Cint.max_sint32
+  axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint32 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<31 -> to_sint32 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint32 (lsl 1 y)].
+    32<=y -> to_sint32 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
+  axiom is_sint64_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint64 (lnot x)].
+    is_sint64 x -> to_sint64 (lnot x) = lnot x
+  axiom is_sint64_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (lxor x y)].
+    is_sint64 x ->  is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_sint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint64(lor x y)].
+    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_sint64_land : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (land x y)].
+    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_sint64_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_sint64 x -> to_sint64 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_sint64_lsl1 :
+    lsl 1 63 = Cint.max_sint64
+  axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint64 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<63 -> to_sint64 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint64 (lsl 1 y)].
+    64<=y -> to_sint64 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** * Range of some bitwise operations *)
+  lemma uint_land_range : forall x y: int .
+    0<=x -> 0 <= land x y <= x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma uint_land_range
+  lemma uint_lor_inf : forall x y: int .
+    -1<=x -> 0<=y -> x <= lor x y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma uint_lor_inf
+  lemma sint_land_inf : forall x y: int .
+    x<=0 -> y<0 -> land x y <= x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma sint_land_inf
+  lemma sint_lor_range : forall x y: int .
+    x<0 -> x <= lor x y < 0
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma sint_lor_range
+  lemma is_uint_lor_distrib : forall n x y: int .
+   (is_uint n (lor x y)) <-> ((is_uint n x) && (is_uint n y))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lor_distrib
+(** * Link between bitwise operators and addition *)
+  axiom lor_addition : forall x y: int  [(land x y), (lor x y) ].
+    land x y = 0 -> x + y = lor x y
+  axiom lxor_addition : forall x y: int  [(land x y), (lxor x y) ].
+    land x y = 0 -> x + y = lxor x y
+(** * Link between land and cast operator *)
+  lemma to_uint_land_edge : forall x n: int.
+    0<=n -> to_uint n x = land ((lsl 1 n) - 1) x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_land_edge
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0012f05a9854b10c8ffe0272921904e0ba2b2a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Cfloat
+  use import bool.Bool
+  use import real.RealInfix
+  use import real.Abs
+  use import real.Square
+  use import real.FromInt
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type f32 (* single precision IEEE *)
+  type f64 (* double precision IEEE *)
+  (* C-Float Conversion *)
+  function to_f32 real : f32
+  function of_f32 f32 : real
+  function to_f64 real : f64
+  function of_f64 f64 : real
+  axiom to_f32_zero: of_f32 (to_f32 0.0) = 0.0
+  axiom to_f32_one:  of_f32 (to_f32 1.0) = 1.0
+  axiom to_f64_zero: of_f64 (to_f64 0.0) = 0.0
+  axiom to_f64_one:  of_f64 (to_f64 1.0) = 1.0
+  (* C-Float Rounding Modes *)
+  type rounding_mode = Up | Down | ToZero | NearestTiesToAway | NearestTiesToEven
+  function round_float rounding_mode real : f32
+  function round_double rounding_mode real : f64
+  axiom float_32:
+    forall x:real [ round_float NearestTiesToEven x ].
+    to_f32 x = round_float NearestTiesToEven x
+  axiom float_64:
+    forall x:real [ round_double NearestTiesToEven x ].
+    to_f64 x = round_double NearestTiesToEven x
+  (* C-Float Classification *)
+  type float_kind = Finite | NaN | Inf_pos | Inf_neg
+  function classify_f32 f32 : float_kind
+  function classify_f64 f64 : float_kind
+  predicate is_finite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Finite)
+  predicate is_finite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Finite)
+  predicate is_NaN_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = NaN)
+  predicate is_NaN_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = NaN)
+  predicate is_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_pos || classify_f32 f = Inf_neg)
+  predicate is_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_pos || classify_f64 d = Inf_neg)
+  predicate is_positive_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_pos)
+  predicate is_positive_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_pos)
+  predicate is_negative_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_neg)
+  predicate is_negative_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_neg)
+  axiom is_finite_to_float_32 :
+    forall x:real [is_finite_f32(to_f32 x)]. is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)
+  axiom is_finite_to_float_64 :
+    forall x:real [is_finite_f64(to_f64 x)]. is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x)
+  axiom to_float_is_finite_32 :
+    forall f:f32 [ to_f32( of_f32 f ) | is_finite_f32(f) ]. is_finite_f32(f) -> to_f32( of_f32 f ) = f
+  axiom to_float_is_finite_64 :
+    forall d:f64 [ to_f64( of_f64 d ) | is_finite_f64(d) ]. is_finite_f64(d) -> to_f64( of_f64 d ) = d
+  (* Finite Constants *)
+  predicate finite (x:real) = (is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)) /\ (is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x))
+  constant max_f32 : real = 340282346600000016151267322115014000640.0
+  constant max_f64 : real = 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0
+  axiom finite_small_f32 : forall x:real. -. max_f64 <=. x <=. max_f32 -> is_finite_f32(to_f32 x)
+  axiom finite_small_f64 : forall x:real. -. max_f64 <=. x <=. max_f64 -> is_finite_f64(to_f64 x)
+  axiom finite_range_f32 : forall f:f32. is_finite_f32(f) <-> -. max_f32 <=. of_f32 f <=. max_f32
+  axiom finite_range_f64 : forall d:f64. is_finite_f64(d) <-> -. max_f64 <=. of_f64 d <=. max_f64
+  (* Equal *)
+  function eq_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
+  function eq_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
+  predicate eq_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (eq_f32b x y = true)
+  predicate eq_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (eq_f64b x y = true)
+  axiom eq_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [eq_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                        eq_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x = of_f32 y
+  axiom eq_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [eq_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                        eq_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x = of_f64 y
+  (* Not Equal *)
+  function ne_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
+  function ne_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
+  predicate ne_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (ne_f32b x y = true)
+  predicate ne_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (ne_f64b x y = true)
+<<<<<<< HEAD:src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.mlw
+  use export floating_point.Rounding
+  use floating_point.Single
+  use floating_point.Double
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+  use export floating_point.Rounding
+  use import floating_point.Single
+  use import floating_point.Double
+  axiom ne_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [ne_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                        ne_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <> of_f32 y
+>>>>>>> origin/master:src/plugins/wp/share/src/cfloat.why
+  axiom ne_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [ne_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                        ne_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <> of_f64 y
+  (* Comparison (<=) *)
+  function le_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
+  function le_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
+  predicate le_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (le_f32b x y = true)
+  predicate le_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (le_f64b x y = true)
+  axiom le_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [le_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                        le_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <=. of_f32 y
+  axiom le_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [le_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                        le_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <=. of_f64 y
+  (* Comparison (<) *)
+  function lt_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
+  function lt_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
+  predicate lt_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (lt_f32b x y = true)
+  predicate lt_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (lt_f64b x y = true)
+  axiom lt_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [lt_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                        lt_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <. of_f32 y
+  axiom lt_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [lt_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                        lt_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <. of_f64 y
+  (* Negation *)
+  function neg_f32 (x:f32) : f32
+  function neg_f64 (x:f64) : f64
+  axiom neg_finite_f32 : forall x:f32 [neg_f32 x]. is_finite_f32 x -> of_f32 (neg_f32 x) = -. (of_f32 x)
+  axiom neg_finite_f64 : forall x:f64 [neg_f64 x]. is_finite_f64 x -> of_f64 (neg_f64 x) = -. (of_f64 x)
+  (* Addition *)
+  function add_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
+  function add_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
+  axiom add_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [add_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                         add_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x +. of_f32 y)
+  axiom add_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [add_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                         add_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x +. of_f64 y)
+  (* Multiplication *)
+  function mul_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
+  function mul_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
+  axiom mul_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [mul_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                         mul_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x *. of_f32 y)
+  axiom mul_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [mul_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                         mul_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x *. of_f64 y)
+  (* Division *)
+  function div_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
+  function div_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
+  axiom div_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [div_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                         div_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x /. of_f32 y)
+  axiom div_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [div_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                         div_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x /. of_f64 y)
+  (* Square Root *)
+  function sqrt_f32 f32 : f32
+  function sqrt_f64 f64 : f64
+  axiom sqrt_finite_f32 : forall x:f32 [sqrt_f32 x]. is_finite_f32 x -> sqrt_f32 x = to_f32 (sqrt (of_f32 x))
+  axiom sqrt_finite_f64 : forall x:f64 [sqrt_f64 x]. is_finite_f64 x -> sqrt_f64 x = to_f64 (sqrt (of_f64 x))
+  (* Models *)
+  function model_f32 (f:f32) : real
+  function delta_f32 (f:f32) : real = abs( of_f32 f -. model_f32 f )
+  function error_f32 (f:f32) : real = (delta_f32 f) /. (abs (model_f32 f))
+  function model_f64 (f:f64) : real
+  function delta_f64 (f:f64) : real = abs( of_f64 f -. model_f64 f )
+  function error_f64 (f:f64) : real = (delta_f64 f) /. (abs (model_f64 f))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cint.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cint.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96f13da534d3856b65f60438b2b6ef893c45fbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cint.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Why-3                                    --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Cint
+  use int.Int
+  use bool.Bool
+  (** * C-Integer bounds * **)
+  (** ** bounds are inlined into prover files ** **)
+  function max_uint8: int = 256
+  function max_sint8: int = 128
+  function max_uint16: int = 65536
+  function max_sint16: int = 32768
+  function max_uint32: int = 4294967296
+  function max_sint32: int = 2147483648
+  function max_uint64: int = 18446744073709551616
+  function max_sint64: int = 9223372036854775808
+  (** * C-Integer Ranges * **)
+  predicate is_bool(x:int) = x = 0 \/ x = 1
+  predicate is_uint8(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint8
+  predicate is_sint8(x:int) = -max_sint8 <= x < max_sint8
+  predicate is_uint16(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint16
+  predicate is_sint16(x:int) = -max_sint16 <= x < max_sint16
+  predicate is_uint32(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint32
+  predicate is_sint32(x:int) = -max_sint32 <= x < max_sint32
+  predicate is_uint64(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint64
+  predicate is_sint64(x:int) = -max_sint64 <= x < max_sint64
+  lemma is_bool0: is_bool(0)
+  lemma is_bool1: is_bool(1)
+  (* meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_bool *)
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint8
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint8
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint16
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint16
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint32
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint32
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint64
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint64
+  (** * C-Integer Conversion * **)
+  function to_bool ( x : int ) : int = if x = 0 then 0 else 1
+  function to_uint8  int : int
+  function to_sint8  int : int
+  function to_uint16 int : int
+  function to_sint16 int : int
+  function to_uint32 int : int
+  function to_sint32 int : int
+  function to_uint64 int : int
+  function to_sint64 int : int
+  function two_power_abs  int : int
+  lemma two_power_abs_is_positive : forall n:int [ two_power_abs n ]. 0 < two_power_abs n
+  lemma two_power_abs_plus_pos : forall n m:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> two_power_abs (n+m) = (two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m)
+  lemma two_power_abs_plus_one : forall n:int   . 0 <= n -> two_power_abs (n+1) = 2 * (two_power_abs n)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_is_positive
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_plus_pos
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_plus_one
+  predicate is_uint (n:int) (x:int) = 0 <= x < two_power_abs n
+  (* * [n] is the number of significant bits (that doesn't include the sign bit). * *)
+  predicate is_sint (n:int) (x:int) = -(two_power_abs n) <= x < two_power_abs n
+  function to_uint int int : int
+  function to_sint int int : int
+ (** * C-Integer Conversions are in-range * **)
+  lemma is_to_uint : forall n x:int [ is_uint n (to_uint n x) ]. is_uint n (to_uint n x)
+  lemma is_to_sint : forall n x:int [ is_sint n (to_sint n x) ]. is_sint n (to_sint n x)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_to_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_to_sint
+  axiom is_to_uint8 : forall x:int [ is_uint8(to_uint8 x) ]. is_uint8 (to_uint8 x)
+  axiom is_to_sint8 : forall x:int [ is_sint8(to_sint8 x) ]. is_sint8 (to_sint8 x)
+  axiom is_to_uint16 : forall x:int [ is_uint16(to_uint16 x) ]. is_uint16 (to_uint16 x)
+  axiom is_to_sint16 : forall x:int [ is_sint16(to_sint16 x) ]. is_sint16 (to_sint16 x)
+  axiom is_to_uint32 : forall x:int [ is_uint32(to_uint32 x) ]. is_uint32 (to_uint32 x)
+  axiom is_to_sint32 : forall x:int [ is_sint32(to_sint32 x) ]. is_sint32 (to_sint32 x)
+  axiom is_to_uint64 : forall x:int [ is_uint64(to_uint64 x) ]. is_uint64 (to_uint64 x)
+  axiom is_to_sint64 : forall x:int [ is_sint64(to_sint64 x) ]. is_sint64 (to_sint64 x)
+  (** * C-Integer Conversions are identity when in-range * **)
+  lemma id_uint : forall n x:int [ to_uint n x ]. is_uint n x <-> (to_uint n x) = x
+  lemma id_sint : forall n x:int [ to_sint n x ]. is_sint n x <-> (to_sint n x) = x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma id_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma id_sint
+  axiom id_uint8 : forall x:int [ to_uint8 x ]. is_uint8 x -> (to_uint8 x) = x
+  axiom id_sint8 : forall x:int [ to_sint8 x ]. is_sint8 x -> (to_sint8 x) = x
+  axiom id_uint16 : forall x:int [ to_uint16 x ]. is_uint16 x -> (to_uint16 x) = x
+  axiom id_sint16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16 x ]. is_sint16 x -> (to_sint16 x) = x
+  axiom id_uint32 : forall x:int [ to_uint32 x ]. is_uint32 x -> (to_uint32 x) = x
+  axiom id_sint32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32 x ]. is_sint32 x -> (to_sint32 x) = x
+  axiom id_uint64 : forall x:int [ to_uint64 x ]. is_uint64 x -> (to_uint64 x) = x
+  axiom id_sint64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64 x ]. is_sint64 x -> (to_sint64 x) = x
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint8,  axiom id_uint8
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint8,  axiom id_sint8
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint16, axiom id_uint16
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint16, axiom id_sint16
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint32, axiom id_uint32
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint32, axiom id_sint32
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint64, axiom id_uint64
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint64, axiom id_sint64
+  (** * C-Integer Conversions are projections * **)
+  lemma proj_uint : forall n x:int . to_uint n (to_uint n x)= to_uint n x
+  lemma proj_sint : forall n x:int . to_sint n (to_sint n x)= to_sint n x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_sint
+  axiom proj_uint8 : forall x:int [ to_uint8(to_uint8 x) ]. to_uint8(to_uint8 x)=to_uint8 x
+  axiom proj_sint8 : forall x:int [ to_sint8(to_sint8 x) ]. to_sint8(to_sint8 x)=to_sint8 x
+  axiom proj_uint16 : forall x:int [ to_uint16(to_uint16 x) ]. to_uint16(to_uint16 x)=to_uint16 x
+  axiom proj_sint16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16(to_sint16 x) ]. to_sint16(to_sint16 x)=to_sint16 x
+  axiom proj_uint32 : forall x:int [ to_uint32(to_uint32 x) ]. to_uint32(to_uint32 x)=to_uint32 x
+  axiom proj_sint32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32(to_sint32 x) ]. to_sint32(to_sint32 x)=to_sint32 x
+  axiom proj_uint64 : forall x:int [ to_uint64(to_uint64 x) ]. to_uint64(to_uint64 x)=to_uint64 x
+  axiom proj_sint64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64(to_sint64 x) ]. to_sint64(to_sint64 x)=to_sint64 x
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint8
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint8
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint16
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint16
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint32
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint32
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint64
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint64
+  (** * Generalization for [to_sint _ (to_uint _ x)] * **)
+  lemma proj_su: forall n x:int . to_sint n (to_uint n x) = to_uint n x
+  lemma incl_su: forall n x:int . is_uint n x -> is_sint n x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_su
+  lemma proj_su_uint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_sint (m+n) (to_uint n x)     = to_uint n x
+  lemma proj_su_sint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_sint n (to_uint (m+(n+1)) x) = to_sint n x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su_sint
+  axiom proj_int8  : forall x:int [ to_sint8(to_uint8 x)   ]. to_sint8(to_uint8 x)  =to_sint8  x
+  axiom proj_int16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16(to_uint16 x) ]. to_sint16(to_uint16 x)=to_sint16 x
+  axiom proj_int32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32(to_uint32 x) ]. to_sint32(to_uint32 x)=to_sint32 x
+  axiom proj_int64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64(to_uint64 x) ]. to_sint64(to_uint64 x)=to_sint64 x
+  (** * Generalization for [to_uint _ (to_sint _ x)] * **)
+  lemma proj_us_uint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_uint (n+1) (to_sint (m+n) x) = to_uint (n+1) x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_us_uint
+  (** * C-Integer range inclusion * **)
+  lemma incl_uint : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n+i) x
+  lemma incl_sint : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n+i) x
+  lemma incl_int  : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n+i) x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_sint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_int
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.Why3.ml b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cmath.mlw
similarity index 65%
rename from src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.Why3.ml
rename to src/plugins/wp/share/src/cmath.mlw
index c2b6d1ac56437c762426fc791fd695c535a1da6f..d24568326413157ce18827d6bf55f973a86f2daa 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.Why3.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/cmath.mlw
@@ -20,35 +20,53 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-# 23 "src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.Why3.ml"
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Why3 Prover Detection                                              --- *)
+(* --- Mathematics for Why-3                                              --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-open Why3
-open Wstdlib
-open Whyconf
-let detect () =
-  let config = Whyconf.read_config None in
-  let provers = Whyconf.get_prover_shortcuts config in
-  let index = ref Mprover.empty in
-  Mstr.iter
-    (fun key dp ->
-       let keys = Mprover.find_def [] dp !index in
-       index := Mprover.add dp (key::keys) !index)
-    provers ;
-  let dps =
-    Mprover.fold
-      (fun dp keys dps ->
-         VCS.{
-           dp_name = dp.prover_name ;
-           dp_version = dp.prover_version ;
-           dp_altern = dp.prover_altern ;
-           dp_shortcuts = List.rev keys ;
-         } :: dps
-      ) !index []
-  in List.rev dps
+theory Cmath
+  use int.Int
+  use int.Abs
+  use real.RealInfix
+  lemma abs_def :
+    forall x:int [abs(x)].
+    if x >= 0 then abs(x)=x else abs(x)=(-x)
+theory Square
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.Square
+  lemma sqrt_lin1 : forall x:real [sqrt(x)]. 1. <. x -> sqrt(x) <. x
+  lemma sqrt_lin0 : forall x:real [sqrt(x)]. 0. <. x <. 1. -> x <. sqrt(x)
+  lemma sqrt_0 : sqrt(0.) = 0.
+  lemma sqrt_1 : sqrt(1.) = 1.
+theory ExpLog
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.ExpLog
+  lemma exp_pos : forall x:real. exp x >. 0.
+theory ArcTrigo
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.Trigonometry as Trigo
+  function atan (x : real) : real = Trigo.atan x
+  function asin real : real
+  function acos real : real
+  lemma Sin_asin: forall x:real. -. 1.0 <=. x <=. 1.0 -> Trigo.sin (asin x) = x
+  lemma Cos_acos: forall x:real. -. 1.0 <=. x <=. 1.0 -> Trigo.cos (acos x) = x
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/coq-own-realization.drv b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/coq-own-realization.drv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d01fee2477b141679d26f3445036b556b450c45a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/coq-own-realization.drv
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  All rights reserved.                                                  *)
+(*  Contact CEA LIST for licensing.                                       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/filter_axioms.ml b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/filter_axioms.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41296827b82f8152bbfaed0118f1cd2b202fbf94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/filter_axioms.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Why3
+open Term
+open Decl
+let meta_remove_altergo =
+  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_altergo"
+    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
+    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ altergo."
+let meta_remove_why3 =
+  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_why3"
+    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
+    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ why3."
+let meta_remove_ =
+  Theory.register_meta "remove_for_"
+    [Theory.MTprsymbol]
+    ~desc:"Don't@ translate@ this@ lemma@ for@ why3 and altergo."
+let elim_abstract remove_pr d = match d.d_node with
+  | Dprop (Paxiom,pr,_) when Spr.mem pr remove_pr ->
+      (* Format.eprintf "Remove %a@." Pretty.print_pr pr; *)
+      []
+  | Dprop (Paxiom,_,_) ->
+      (* Format.eprintf "Not Remove %a@." Pretty.print_pr pr; *)
+      [d]
+  | _ ->
+      (* Format.eprintf "Not Seen %a@." Pretty.print_decl d; *)
+      [d]
+let remove_prop meta =
+  Trans.on_tagged_pr meta
+    (fun remove_pr ->
+       Trans.on_tagged_pr meta_remove_
+         (fun remove_pr2 ->
+            Trans.decl (elim_abstract (Spr.union remove_pr remove_pr2)) None))
+let remove_for_altergo = remove_prop meta_remove_altergo
+let remove_for_why3 = remove_prop meta_remove_why3
+let () =
+  Trans.register_transform "remove_for_altergo"
+    remove_for_altergo
+    ~desc:"Remove@ tagged@ proposition@ with \"remove_for_altergo\"@ and \
+           \"remove_for_\"@ metas."
+let () =
+  Trans.register_transform "remove_for_why3"
+    remove_for_why3
+    ~desc:"Remove@ tagged@ proposition@ with \"remove_for_why3\"@ and \
+           \"remove_for_\" metas."
+(** inlining *)
+let meta_inline_in =
+  Theory.register_meta "inline_in"
+    [Theory.MTlsymbol;Theory.MTprsymbol;]
+    ~desc:"Inline@ the@ symbol@ in@ the@ proposition."
+let t_unfold defs fs tl ty =
+  match Mls.find_opt fs defs with
+  | None ->
+      assert false (** absurd: it is in mpr so it is in sls so added in defs *)
+  | Some (vl,e) ->
+      let add (mt,mv) x y = Ty.ty_match mt x.vs_ty (t_type y), Mvs.add x y mv in
+      let (mt,mv) = List.fold_left2 add (Ty.Mtv.empty, Mvs.empty) vl tl in
+      let mt = Ty.oty_match mt e.t_ty ty in
+      t_ty_subst mt mv e
+(* inline every symbol *)
+let rec t_replace_all defs s t =
+  let t = t_map (t_replace_all defs s) t in
+  match t.t_node with
+  | Tapp (fs,tl) when Sls.mem fs s ->
+      t_attr_copy t (t_unfold defs fs tl t.t_ty)
+  | _ -> t
+let fold mpr sls d (defs, task) =
+  (** replace *)
+  let d = match d.d_node with
+    | Dprop (k,pr,f) ->
+        let s = Mpr.find_def Sls.empty pr mpr in
+        if Sls.is_empty s then d
+        else create_prop_decl k pr (t_replace_all defs s f)
+    | _ -> d
+  in
+  (** add to defs if needed *)
+  match d.d_node with
+  | Dlogic [ls,ld] when Sls.mem ls sls ->
+      let vl,e = open_ls_defn ld in
+      Mls.add ls (vl,e) defs, Task.add_decl task d
+  | _ ->
+      defs, Task.add_decl task d
+let fold mpr sls task_hd (defs, task) =
+  match task_hd.Task.task_decl.Theory.td_node with
+  | Theory.Decl d ->
+      fold mpr sls d (defs, task)
+  | _ ->
+      defs, Task.add_tdecl task task_hd.Task.task_decl
+let trans =
+  let add (mpr,sls) = function
+    | [Theory.MAls ls; Theory.MApr pr] ->
+        Mpr.change (function None -> Some (Sls.singleton ls)
+                           | Some s -> Some (Sls.add ls s)) pr mpr,
+        Sls.add ls sls
+    | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  Trans.on_meta meta_inline_in (fun l ->
+      let mpr, sls = List.fold_left add (Mpr.empty,Sls.empty) l in
+      Trans.fold_map (fold mpr sls) Mls.empty None)
+let () =
+  Trans.register_transform "inline_in"
+    trans
+    ~desc:"Inline@ the@ symbol@ in@ the@ proposition(meta@ of@ the@ same@ name)"
+(*** eliminate function *)
+let meta_def_into_axiom =
+  Theory.register_meta "def_into_axiom"
+    [Theory.MTlsymbol]
+    ~desc:"Turn the marked function into an axiom"
+let add_ld which (ls,ld) (abst,defn,axl) =
+  if which ls then
+    let vl,e = open_ls_defn ld in
+    let nm = ls.ls_name.Ident.id_string ^ "_def" in
+    let pr = create_prsymbol (Ident.id_derive nm ls.ls_name) in
+    let hd = t_app ls (List.map t_var vl) e.t_ty in
+    let e = TermTF.t_selecti Term.t_equ_simp Term.t_iff_simp hd e in
+    let ax = t_forall_close vl [[hd]] e in
+    let ax = create_prop_decl Paxiom pr ax in
+    let ld = create_param_decl ls in
+    ld :: abst, defn, ax :: axl
+  else
+    abst, (ls,ld) :: defn, axl
+let elim_decl which l =
+  let abst,defn,axl = List.fold_right (add_ld which) l ([],[],[]) in
+  let defn = if defn = [] then [] else [create_logic_decl defn] in
+  abst @ defn @ axl
+let elim which d = match d.d_node with
+  | Dlogic l -> elim_decl which l
+  | _ -> [d]
+let def_into_axiom =
+  Trans.on_tagged_ls meta_def_into_axiom (fun sls ->
+      Trans.decl (elim (fun ls -> Term.Sls.mem ls sls)) None)
+let () =
+  Trans.register_transform "def_into_axiom"
+    def_into_axiom
+    ~desc:"Turn the marked function into an axiom"
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ArcTrigo.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.why3.check.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f188d6d882213762bb44003a4d1c08ef970ba9c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cbits.why3.check.err
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 42, characters 6-17:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 47, characters 6-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_cases does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 57, characters 6-16:
+warning: axiom cmod_cases does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 67, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 79, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 82, characters 6-14:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 11, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 14, characters 6-25:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 18, characters 6-13:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 20, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 23, characters 6-32:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 26, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 30, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 34, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 38, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 42, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 48, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 53, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 57, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 61, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 65, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 69, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 73, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 77, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 81, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 85, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 89, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 93, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 97, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 101, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 105, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 109, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 113, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 117, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 121, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 125, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 129, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_uint_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 132, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 136, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 140, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 144, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 148, characters 6-23:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 152, characters 6-23:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 155, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 159, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 163, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 167, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 171, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 175, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 178, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 182, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 186, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 190, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 194, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 198, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 201, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 205, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 209, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 213, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 217, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 221, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 224, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 227, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 231, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 235, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 239, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 243, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 245, characters 6-23:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 249, characters 6-23:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 252, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 255, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 259, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 263, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 267, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 271, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 273, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 277, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 280, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 283, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 287, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 291, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 295, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 299, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 301, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 305, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 308, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 311, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 315, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 319, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 323, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 327, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 329, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 333, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 336, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 339, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 42, characters 6-17:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 47, characters 6-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_cases does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 57, characters 6-16:
+warning: axiom cmod_cases does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 67, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 79, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Qed.why", line 82, characters 6-14:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cint.why", line 61, characters 6-14:
+warning: axiom is_bool0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cint.why", line 63, characters 6-14:
+warning: axiom is_bool1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 11, characters 6-15:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 14, characters 6-16:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 16, characters 6-12:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 18, characters 6-15:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 20, characters 6-12:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 23, characters 6-15:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 26, characters 6-15:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 28, characters 6-11:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 31, characters 6-14:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 34, characters 6-11:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 36, characters 6-14:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 38, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 40, characters 6-12:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 43, characters 6-15:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 46, characters 6-12:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 48, characters 6-15:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 50, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 53, characters 6-25:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 57, characters 6-13:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 59, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 62, characters 6-32:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 65, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 69, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 73, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 77, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 81, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 87, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 92, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 96, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 100, characters 6-21:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 104, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 108, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 112, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 116, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 120, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 124, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 128, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 132, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 136, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 140, characters 6-29:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 144, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 148, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 152, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 156, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 160, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 164, characters 6-30:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 168, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_uint_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 171, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 175, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 179, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 183, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 187, characters 6-23:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 191, characters 6-23:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 194, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 198, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 202, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 206, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 210, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 214, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 217, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 221, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 225, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 229, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 233, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 237, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 240, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 244, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 248, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 252, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 256, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 260, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 263, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 266, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 270, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 274, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 278, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 282, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 284, characters 6-23:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 288, characters 6-23:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 291, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 294, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 298, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 302, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 306, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 310, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 312, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 316, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 319, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 322, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 326, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 330, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 334, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 338, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 340, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 344, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 347, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 350, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 354, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 358, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 362, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 366, characters 6-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 368, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 372, characters 6-24:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 375, characters 6-18:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "../why3/Cbits.why", line 378, characters 6-19:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cfloat.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cint.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Cmath.why3.check.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/ExpLog.why3.check.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Memory.why3.check.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Qed.why3.check.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.why3.check.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Square.why3.check.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vlist.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.altergo.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.altergo.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.altergo.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.coq.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.coq.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/Vset.coq.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/bool.Bool.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/bool.Bool.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/bool.Bool.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d3c6fffce483eb8337cc327dc91a99bb3fad403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.ComputerDivision.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.ComputerDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.ComputerDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.EuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.EuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d3c6fffce483eb8337cc327dc91a99bb3fad403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.EuclideanDivision.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Exponentiation.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Exponentiation.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d3c6fffce483eb8337cc327dc91a99bb3fad403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Exponentiation.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Int.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Int.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Int.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Power.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Power.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d3c6fffce483eb8337cc327dc91a99bb3fad403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/int.Power.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Const.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Const.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Const.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Map.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Map.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/map.Map.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Abs.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.ExpLog.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.ExpLog.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.ExpLog.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.FromInt.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.FromInt.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.FromInt.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Hyperbolic.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Hyperbolic.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Hyperbolic.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.MinMax.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Polar.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Polar.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Polar.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.PowerReal.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.PowerReal.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.PowerReal.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Real.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Real.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Real.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.RealInfix.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.RealInfix.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.RealInfix.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Square.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Square.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Square.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Trigonometry.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Trigonometry.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Trigonometry.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Truncate.altergo.stdlib.err b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Truncate.altergo.stdlib.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be50d9d30c5a14115360544ab91bdb8d6c020376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/logs/real.Truncate.altergo.stdlib.err
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[Config] reading extra configuration file realization.conf
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 37, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 65, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 77, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 85, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 90, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 96, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 102, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 108, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 139, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 144, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 155, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 160, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 171, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 176, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 187, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 192, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 219, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 224, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 235, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 240, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 251, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 256, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 267, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 272, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 299, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 329, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 332, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 335, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 338, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 341, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 344, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 348, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 351, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 354, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 357, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 360, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 367, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 370, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 373, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 376, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 379, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 386, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 389, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 392, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 395, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 398, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 428, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 431, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 434, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 437, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 440, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 443, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 446, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 449, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 453, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 456, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 459, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 478, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 481, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 484, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 503, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 506, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 509, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 76, characters 8-19:
+warning: axiom c_euclidian does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 91, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom cmod_remainder does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 97, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom cdiv_neutral does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./qed.why", line 98, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom cdiv_inv does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 32, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom abs_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom sqrt_lin0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 45, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 46, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom sqrt_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cmath.why", line 55, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom exp_pos does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 36, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lnot_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 39, characters 8-18:
+warning: axiom land_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 40, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 41, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 42, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom land_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 43, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 44, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom land_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 49, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lor_idemp does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 50, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 51, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 52, characters 8-13:
+warning: axiom lor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 53, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 54, characters 8-16:
+warning: axiom lor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 59, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lxor_nilpotent does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 60, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 61, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_1bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 62, characters 8-14:
+warning: axiom lxor_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 63, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_0bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 64, characters 8-17:
+warning: axiom lxor_bool does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 71, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom bit_test_def does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 78, characters 8-27:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 84, characters 8-15:
+warning: axiom lsl_1_0 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 86, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 88, characters 8-34:
+warning: axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 93, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lnot_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 99, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom land_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 105, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom lor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 111, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lxor_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 119, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom land_1_lsl_1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 124, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 130, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom lsl_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 136, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsr_extractionl does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 142, characters 8-23:
+warning: axiom lsl1_extraction does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 173, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 178, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 189, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 194, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 205, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 210, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 221, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 226, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 253, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 258, characters 8-31:
+warning: axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 269, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 274, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 285, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 290, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 301, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 306, characters 8-32:
+warning: axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 333, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom to_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 363, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 366, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 369, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 372, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 375, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 378, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 382, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 385, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 388, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 391, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 394, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 397, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 401, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 404, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 407, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 410, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 413, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 416, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 420, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 423, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 426, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 429, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 432, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 435, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 462, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 465, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 468, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 471, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 474, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 477, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 480, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 483, characters 8-25:
+warning: axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 487, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 490, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 493, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 496, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 499, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 502, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 505, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 508, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 512, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 515, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 518, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 521, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 524, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 527, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 530, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 533, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 537, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lnot does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 540, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lxor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 543, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lor does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 546, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_land does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 549, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsr does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 552, characters 8-22:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1 does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 555, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 558, characters 8-26:
+warning: axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 583, characters 8-20:
+warning: axiom lor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+File "WP-SHARE/src/./cbits.why", line 586, characters 8-21:
+warning: axiom lxor_addition does not contain any local abstract symbol
+>>>>>>> origin/master
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93e48ac116e65019cd39a2c2db0ab221fe982db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+theory Memory
+  use bool.Bool
+  use int.Int
+  use map.Map
+  type addr = { base : int ; offset : int }
+  predicate addr_le addr addr
+  predicate addr_lt addr addr
+  function addr_le_bool addr addr : bool
+  function addr_lt_bool addr addr : bool
+  axiom addr_le_def: forall p q :addr [addr_le p q].
+    p.base = q.base -> (addr_le p q <-> p.offset <= q.offset)
+  axiom addr_lt_def: forall p q :addr [addr_lt p q].
+    p.base = q.base -> (addr_lt p q <-> p.offset < q.offset)
+  axiom addr_le_bool_def : forall p q : addr [ addr_le_bool p q].
+    addr_le p q <-> addr_le_bool p q = True
+  axiom addr_lt_bool_def : forall p q : addr [ addr_lt_bool p q].
+    addr_lt p q <-> addr_lt_bool p q = True
+  constant null : addr = { base = 0 ; offset = 0 }
+  function global (b:int) : addr = { base = b ; offset = 0 }
+  meta "inline:no" function null
+  meta "inline:no" function global
+  function shift (p:addr) (k:int) : addr = { p with offset = p.offset + k }
+  predicate included (p:addr) (a:int) (q:addr) (b:int) =
+    a > 0 -> ( b >= 0 /\ p.base = q.base
+                     /\ (q.offset <= p.offset)
+                     /\ (p.offset + a <= q.offset + b) )
+  predicate separated (p:addr) (a:int) (q:addr) (b:int) =
+       a <= 0 \/ b <= 0
+    \/ p.base <> q.base
+    \/ q.offset + b <= p.offset
+    \/ p.offset + a <= q.offset
+  (* Memories *)
+  predicate eqmem (m1 m2 : map addr 'a) (p:addr) (a:int) =
+    forall q:addr [m1[p]|m2[q]]. included q 1 p a -> m1[q] = m2[q]
+  function havoc (m0 m1 : map addr 'a) (p:addr) (a:int) : map addr 'a
+  predicate valid_rw (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
+    n > 0 -> (  0 < p.base /\ 0 <= p.offset /\ p.offset + n <= m[p.base] )
+  predicate valid_rd (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
+    n > 0 -> ( 0 <> p.base /\ 0 <= p.offset /\ p.offset + n <= m[p.base] )
+  predicate invalid (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
+    n > 0 -> ( m[p.base] <= p.offset \/ p.offset + n <= 0 )
+  lemma valid_rw_rd :
+    forall m : map int int.
+    forall p : addr.
+    forall n : int.
+    valid_rw m p n -> valid_rd m p n
+  lemma valid_string :
+    forall m : map int int.
+    forall p : addr.
+    p.base < 0 ->
+    0 <= p.offset < m[p.base] ->
+    (valid_rd m p 1 /\ not (valid_rw m p 1))
+  lemma separated_1 : forall p q : addr. forall a b i j : int
+    [ separated p a q b , { base = p.base ; offset = i } ,
+                          { base = q.base ; offset = j } ].
+    separated p a q b ->
+    p.offset <= i < p.offset + a ->
+    q.offset <= j < q.offset + b ->
+    { base = p.base ; offset = i } <>
+    { base = q.base ; offset = j }
+  (* Regions *)
+  function region int : int
+  predicate linked (map int int)
+  predicate sconst (map addr int)
+  predicate framed (m : map addr addr) =
+    forall p:addr [m[p]]. region(m[p].base) <= 0
+  (* Properties *)
+  lemma separated_included :
+    forall p q : addr.
+    forall a b : int
+      [ separated p a q b , included p a q b ].
+    a > 0 -> b > 0 -> separated p a q b -> included p a q b -> false
+  lemma included_trans :
+    forall p q r : addr.
+    forall a b c : int
+      [ included p a q b , included q b r c ].
+    included p a q b -> included q b r c -> included p a r c
+  lemma separated_trans :
+    forall p q r : addr.
+    forall a b c : int
+      [ included p a q b , separated q b r c ].
+    included p a q b -> separated q b r c -> separated p a r c
+  lemma separated_sym :
+    forall p q : addr.
+    forall a b : int
+      [ separated p a q b ].
+    separated p a q b <-> separated q b p a
+  lemma eqmem_included :
+    forall m1 m2 : map addr 'a.
+    forall p q : addr.
+    forall a b : int
+      [ eqmem m1 m2 p a,eqmem m1 m2 q b ].
+    included p a q b -> eqmem m1 m2 q b -> eqmem m1 m2 p a
+  lemma eqmem_sym :
+    forall m1 m2 : map addr 'a.
+    forall p : addr.
+    forall a : int.
+    eqmem m1 m2 p a -> eqmem m2 m1 p a
+  lemma havoc_access :
+    forall m0 m1 : map addr 'a.
+    forall q p : addr.
+    forall a : int.
+    (Map.([]) (havoc m0 m1 p a) (q)) = (if (separated q 1 p a) then (Map.([]) (m1) (q)) else (Map.([]) (m0) (q)))
+  (* Physical Address *)
+  function int_of_addr addr : int
+  function addr_of_int int : addr
+  function base_offset int : int
+  function base_index int : int
+  axiom int_of_addr_bijection :
+    forall a:int. int_of_addr (addr_of_int a) = a
+  axiom addr_of_int_bijection :
+    forall p:addr. addr_of_int (int_of_addr p) = p
+  axiom addr_of_null :
+    int_of_addr null = 0
+<<<<<<< HEAD:src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.mlw
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+  axiom base_offset_zero : base_offset 0 = 0
+  axiom base_offset_inj : forall i :int. base_index (base_offset i) = i
+  axiom base_offset_monotonic : forall i j :int.
+     i < j -> base_offset i < base_offset j
+>>>>>>> origin/master:src/plugins/wp/share/src/memory.why
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/qed.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/qed.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8848d47bd13ef372603ea81d3ae426780ac9182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/qed.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+theory Qed
+  use bool.Bool
+  use int.Int
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.FromInt
+  use int.ComputerDivision as CD
+  (** to be used only for the ACSL ite generation.
+      Something is wrong with "wp/share/ergo/bool.Bool.mlw" (coming from why3),
+      the function match_bool is undefined.  
+      An hack is to give a definition here. *)
+  function match_bool (x : bool) (y z:'a ) : 'a
+  axiom match_bool: forall p:bool, x:'a, y:'a [match_bool p x y].
+   ( p=True /\ match_bool p x y=x ) ||
+   ( p=False /\ match_bool p x y=y )
+  meta "remove_for_why3" axiom match_bool
+  (** The definitions are in comment because its not useful for coq
+  (no if-then-else on formula) and not tested on automatic provers *)
+  function eqb (x y : 'a) : bool (*= if x = y then True else False*)
+  axiom eqb : forall x:'a, y:'a. eqb x y = True <-> x = y
+  axiom eqb_false : forall x:'a, y:'a. eqb x y = False <-> x <> y
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom eqb_false
+  function neqb (x y : 'a) : bool(* = if x <> y then True else False*)
+  axiom neqb : forall x:'a, y:'a. neqb x y = True <-> x <> y
+  function zlt  (x y : int) : bool(* = if x < y  then True else False*)
+  function zleq (x y : int) : bool(* = if x <= y then True else False*)
+  axiom zlt  : forall x:int, y:int. zlt  x y = True <-> x < y
+  axiom zleq : forall x:int, y:int. zleq x y = True <-> x <= y
+  function rlt  (x y : real) : bool(* = if x <. y   then True else False*)
+  function rleq (x y : real) : bool(* = if x <=. y  then True else False*)
+  axiom rlt  : forall x:real, y:real. rlt  x y = True <-> x <. y
+  axiom rleq : forall x:real, y:real. rleq x y = True <-> x <=. y
+  function real_of_int (x:int) : real = FromInt.from_int x
+  meta "inline:no" function real_of_int
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- Division safe with a prover using computer or euclidean division   --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* different than the version for why3 *)
+  use for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision
+  lemma c_euclidian : forall n d:int [(CD.div n d),(CD.mod n d)].
+    d <> 0 -> n = CD.div n d * d + CD.mod n d
+  lemma cmod_remainder : forall n d:int [CD.mod n d].
+    ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) ->  0 <= CD.mod n d <  d) /\
+    ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> -d <  CD.mod n d <= 0) /\
+    ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  0 <= CD.mod n d < -d) /\
+    ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  d <  CD.mod n d <= 0)
+  lemma cdiv_neutral : forall a:int [CD.div a 1]. CD.div a 1 = a
+  lemma cdiv_inv : forall a:int [CD.div a a]. a<>0 -> CD.div a a = 1
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vlist.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vlist.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce02585dfa3f0a1e09dbd2de9bc47a40c73fcf54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vlist.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- Lists for Why-3                                                --- *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Vlist
+  use int.Int
+  use int.ComputerDivision
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- Classical Lists for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type list 'a
+  function nil : list 'a
+  function cons 'a (list 'a) : list 'a
+  function concat (list 'a) (list 'a) : list 'a
+  function repeat (list 'a) int : list 'a
+  function length (list 'a) : int
+  function nth (list 'a) int : 'a
+  function elt (x:'a) : list 'a  = cons x nil
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- length                                                       --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  axiom length_pos : forall w:list 'a. (Int.(<=) 0 (length w))
+  axiom length_nil : length (nil: list 'a) = 0
+  axiom length_nil_bis : forall w:list 'a. length w = 0 -> w = nil
+  axiom length_cons :
+    forall x:'a, w:list 'a [length (cons x w)].
+      length (cons x w) = (Int.(+) 1 (length w))
+  axiom length_concat :
+    forall u,v:list 'a [length (concat u v)].
+      length (concat u v) = (Int.(+) (length u) (length v))
+  axiom length_repeat : 
+    forall w:list 'a, n:int [length (repeat w n)].
+      (Int.(<=) 0 n) -> length (repeat w n) = (Int.( * ) n (length w))
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- nth                                                          --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  axiom nth_cons: 
+    forall k:int, x:'a, w:list 'a [nth (cons x w) k].
+      nth (cons x w) k = if k = 0 then x else nth w (k-1)
+  axiom nth_concat: 
+    forall u,v:list 'a, k:int [nth (concat u v) k].
+      nth (concat u v) k = if k < length u then nth u k 
+                                           else nth v (Int.(-) k (length u))
+  axiom nth_repeat: 
+    forall n,k:int, w:list 'a [nth (repeat w n) k].
+      0 <= k < (Int.( * ) n (length w)) -> (Int.(<) 0 (length w)) ->
+      nth (repeat w n) k = nth w (mod k (length w))
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- equality of Lists                                            --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  predicate vlist_eq (u : list 'a) (v : list 'a) =
+    length u = length v &&
+    forall i:int. 0 <= i < length u -> nth u i = nth v i
+  axiom extensionality:
+    forall u,v:list 'a. vlist_eq u v -> u = v
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- neutral elements                                             --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  lemma eq_nil_concat:
+    forall w:list 'a. vlist_eq (concat nil w) w /\ vlist_eq (concat w nil) w
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_nil_concat
+  lemma rw_nil_concat_left:
+    forall w:list 'a [concat nil w]. concat nil w = w
+  lemma rw_nil_concat_right:
+    forall w:list 'a [concat w nil]. concat w nil = w
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- normalization                                                --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  lemma eq_cons_concat:
+    forall x:'a, v,w:list 'a [concat (cons x v) w]. 
+      vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x (concat v w))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_cons_concat
+  lemma rw_cons_concat:
+    forall x:'a, v,w:list 'a [concat (cons x v) w].
+      (concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_cons_concat
+  lemma rw_nil_cons_concat:
+    forall x:'a, w:list 'a [concat (cons x nil) w].
+      (concat (cons x nil) w) = (cons x w)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_nil_cons_concat
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- associativity                                                --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  lemma eq_assoc_concat: 
+    forall u,v,w:list 'a.
+      vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u (concat v w))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_assoc_concat
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- repeat                                                       --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  lemma rw_nil_repeat:
+    forall n:int [repeat (nil: list 'a) n].
+      n >= 0 -> repeat (nil: list 'a) n = (nil: list 'a)
+  lemma rw_repeat_zero:
+    forall w:list 'a [repeat w 0].
+      repeat w 0 = nil
+  lemma eq_repeat_one:
+    forall w:list 'a. vlist_eq (repeat w 1) w
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_repeat_one
+  lemma rw_repeat_one:
+    forall w:list 'a [repeat w 1]. repeat w 1 = w
+  lemma eq_repeat_concat:
+    forall p,q:int, w:list 'a.
+      0 <= p -> 0 <= q ->
+      vlist_eq (repeat w (Int.(+) p q)) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_repeat_concat
+  lemma rw_repeat_concat:
+    forall p,q:int, w:list 'a.
+      0 <= p -> 0 <= q ->
+      repeat w (Int.(+) p q) = concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_concat
+  lemma rw_repeat_after:
+    forall p:int, w:list 'a.
+       0 <= p -> concat (repeat w p) w = repeat w (Int.(+) p 1)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_after
+  lemma rw_repeat_before:
+    forall p:int, w:list 'a.
+      0 <= p -> concat w (repeat w p) = repeat w (Int.(+) p 1)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_before
+(*--- To avoid exponential blowup of use of repeat_after by alt-ergo ---*)
+function repeat_box (list 'a) int : (list 'a) (* repeat *)
+axiom rw_repeat_box_unfold: 
+  forall w:list 'a, n:int [ repeat_box w n ].
+    repeat_box w n = repeat w n
+axiom rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold: 
+  forall w:list 'a, a,b: int [ repeat_box w (Int.(+) a b) ].
+    (Int.(<=) 0 a)
+ -> (Int.(<=) 0 b)
+ -> repeat_box w (Int.(+) a b) = concat (repeat w a)
+                                                (repeat w b)
+axiom rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold: 
+  forall w:list 'a, n:int [ repeat_box w n ].
+    (Int.(<) 0 n)
+ -> (repeat_box w n = (concat (repeat w (Int.(-) n 1)) w)
+ && (repeat_box w (Int.(+) n 1) = concat (repeat w n) w))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vset.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vset.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d69ff5ecda15ad74a9570ed0665d4f88fc79c632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/src/vset.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- Sets for Why-3                                                     --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Vset
+  use bool.Bool
+  use int.Int
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- Classical Sets for Alt-Ergo                                        --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type set 'a
+  function empty : set 'a
+  function singleton 'a : set 'a
+  function union (set 'a) (set 'a) : set 'a
+  function inter  (set 'a) (set 'a) : set 'a
+  meta AC function union
+  meta AC function inter
+  predicate member 'a (set 'a)
+  function member_bool 'a (set 'a) : bool
+  function range int int : set int (* [a..b] *)
+  function range_sup int : set int (* [a..] *)
+  function range_inf int : set int (* [..b] *)
+  function range_all : set int (* [..] *)
+  predicate eqset (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
+    forall x : 'a. (member x a) <-> (member x b)
+  predicate subset (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
+    forall x : 'a. (member x a) -> (member x b)
+  predicate disjoint (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
+    forall x : 'a. (member x a) -> (member x b) -> false
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  axiom member_bool : forall x:'a. forall s:set 'a [member_bool x s].
+    if member x s then member_bool x s = True else member_bool x s = False
+  axiom member_empty : forall x:'a [member x empty]. 
+    not (member x empty)
+  axiom member_singleton : forall x:'a,y:'a [member x (singleton y)].
+    member x (singleton y) <-> x=y
+  axiom member_union : forall x:'a. forall a:set 'a,b:set 'a [member x (union a b)].
+    member x (union a b) <-> (member x a) \/ (member x b)
+  axiom member_inter : forall x:'a. forall a:set 'a,b:set 'a [member x (inter a b)].
+    member x (inter a b) <-> (member x a) /\ (member x b)
+  axiom union_empty : forall a:set 'a [(union a empty)|(union empty a)].
+    (union a empty) = a /\ (union empty a) = a
+  axiom inter_empty : forall a:set 'a [(inter a empty)|(inter empty a)].
+    (inter a empty) = empty /\ (inter empty a) = empty
+  axiom member_range : forall x:int,a:int,b:int [member x (range a b)].
+    member x (range a b) <-> (a <= x /\ x <= b)
+  axiom member_range_sup : forall x:int,a:int [member x (range_sup a)].
+    member x (range_sup a) <-> (a <= x)
+  axiom member_range_inf : forall x:int,b:int [member x (range_inf b)].
+    member x (range_inf b) <-> (x <= b)
+  axiom member_range_all : forall x:int [member x range_all].
+    member x range_all
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.v
index b5236fbe98fafbb335f2966090b9959e8f925d2c..2ac6451eb5ccd811740599f7682d198186559b5e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/ArcTrigo.v
@@ -36,20 +36,22 @@ Require real.Square.
 Require real.Trigonometry.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition asin: R -> R.
+Definition asin : R -> R.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition acos: R -> R.
+Definition acos : R -> R.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma Sin_asin : forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
+Lemma Sin_asin :
+  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
   ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.sin (asin x)) = x).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma Cos_acos : forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
+Lemma Cos_acos :
+  forall (x:R), (((-1%R)%R <= x)%R /\ (x <= 1%R)%R) ->
   ((Reals.Rtrigo_def.cos (acos x)) = x).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.v
index c32a1cf32a5ab401e78c78dae72c60082d138dfd..52a69988a9a130470c49071c138587e26bba7f08 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cbits.v
@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ Require Qed.
 Require bool.Bool.
 Require int.Int.
 Require int.Abs.
+Require int.EuclideanDivision.
 Require int.ComputerDivision.
 Require real.Real.
 Require real.RealInfix.
 Require real.FromInt.
+Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
 Require Cint.
 (* Why3 goal *)
@@ -168,13 +170,55 @@ Qed.
 Require Import Qedlib.
 Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Require Import Zbits.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition bit_testb : Z -> Z -> bool.
+exact (bit_testb).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition bit_test : Z -> Z -> Prop.
+exact (fun x i => (bit_testb x i) = true).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lnot : Z -> Z.
+  exact (lnot).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition land : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (land).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lxor : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lxor).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lor : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lor).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lsl : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lsl).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Definition lsr : Z -> Z -> Z.
+  exact (lsr).
 (** * Bit extraction *)
 (** Tacticals *)
 Local Ltac omegaContradiction := cut False; [contradiction|omega].
 Ltac unfold_bit_testb h := 
-  unfold Cint.bit_testb; unfold Zbits.bit_testb; 
+  unfold bit_testb; unfold Zbits.bit_testb; 
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h).
 (** Some useful properties *)
@@ -193,11 +237,11 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Definition of bit_test predicate *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_def : forall (x:Z) (k:Z), ((Cint.bit_testb x k) = true) <->
-  (Cint.bit_test x k).
+Lemma bit_test_def :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), ((bit_testb x k) = true) <-> (bit_test x k).
   intros x k.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test.
+  unfold bit_test.
@@ -206,15 +250,16 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Logical operators *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction : forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
-  ((~ ((Cint.land x (Cint.lsl 1%Z k)) = 0%Z)) <-> (Cint.bit_test x k)).
+Lemma bit_test_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
+  ~ ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = 0%Z) <-> (bit_test x k).
   intros x k h1.
-  unfold Cint.land.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold land.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold Cint.bit_testb;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
   unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
@@ -233,16 +278,16 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_eq : forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
-  (((Cint.land x (Cint.lsl 1%Z k)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z k)) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  k)).
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_eq :
+  forall (x:Z) (k:Z), (0%Z <= k)%Z ->
+  ((land x (lsl 1%Z k)) = (lsl 1%Z k)) <-> (bit_test x k).
   intros x k h1.
-  unfold Cint.land.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold land.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl. 
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1); unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold Cint.bit_testb;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold bit_testb;
   unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   pose (i:= (Z.abs_nat k)); fold i.
   rewrite Zbits.Zbit_extraction_true.
@@ -250,14 +295,14 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_1_0 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z).
+Lemma lsl_1_0 : ((lsl 1%Z 0%Z) = 1%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis : forall (x:Z), (~ ((Cint.land 1%Z
-  x) = 0%Z)) -> (Cint.bit_test x 0%Z).
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis :
+  forall (x:Z), ~ ((land 1%Z x) = 0%Z) -> bit_test x 0%Z.
   intros x.
   rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
@@ -269,8 +314,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis_eq : forall (x:Z), (Cint.bit_test x 0%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.land 1%Z x) = 1%Z).
+Lemma bit_test_extraction_bis_eq :
+  forall (x:Z), (bit_test x 0%Z) -> ((land 1%Z x) = 1%Z).
   intros x h1.
   rewrite <- lsl_1_0.
@@ -279,71 +324,75 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lnot x) i) = (Init.Datatypes.negb (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i))).
+Lemma lnot_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lnot x) i) = (Init.Datatypes.negb (bit_testb x i))).
   intros x i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
   apply Zbits.lnot_extraction.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lnot_extraction : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_test
-  (Cint.lnot x) i) <-> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma lnot_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lnot x) i) <-> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros x i h1.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test. rewrite lnot_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lnot_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
   destruct xb; simpl; split; intros; auto.
   discriminate H.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.land x y)
-  i) = (Init.Datatypes.andb (Cint.bit_testb x i) (Cint.bit_testb y i))).
+Lemma land_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (land x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.andb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
   intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
   apply Zbits.land_extraction.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_extraction : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.land x y) i) <-> ((Cint.bit_test x i) /\
-  (Cint.bit_test y i))).
+Lemma land_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (land x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) /\ (bit_test y i)).
   intros x y i h1.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test. rewrite land_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=Cint.bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite land_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
   destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lor x y) i) = (Init.Datatypes.orb (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i) (Cint.bit_testb y i))).
+Lemma lor_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lor x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.orb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
   intros x y i h1. unfold_bit_testb h1.
   apply Zbits.lor_extraction.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_extraction : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lor x y) i) <-> ((Cint.bit_test x i) \/
-  (Cint.bit_test y i))).
+Lemma lor_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) \/ (bit_test y i)).
   intros x y i h1.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test. rewrite lor_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=Cint.bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lor_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
   destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; split; intros; auto; destruct H; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lxor x y)
-  i) = (Init.Datatypes.xorb (Cint.bit_testb x i) (Cint.bit_testb y i))).
+Lemma lxor_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lxor x y) i) =
+   (Init.Datatypes.xorb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i))).
   intros x y i h1. 
   unfold_bit_testb h1.
@@ -351,14 +400,14 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_extraction : forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lxor x y) i) <-> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <->
-  ~ (Cint.bit_test y i))).
+Lemma lxor_extraction :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lxor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) <-> ~ (bit_test y i)).
   intros x y i h1.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test. rewrite lxor_extraction_bool; auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i). fold xb.
-  pose (yb:=Cint.bit_testb y i). fold yb.
+  unfold bit_test. rewrite lxor_extraction_bool; auto.
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i). fold xb.
+  pose (yb:=bit_testb y i). fold yb.
   destruct xb; destruct yb; simpl; repeat (split; intros; auto).
   discriminate H. 
   destruct H; contradiction H; auto.
@@ -369,23 +418,23 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Shift operators *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_1_two_power : forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((Cint.lsl 1%Z
-  n) = (Cint.two_power_abs n)).
+Lemma lsl_1_two_power :
+  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((lsl 1%Z n) = (Cint.two_power_abs n)).
   intros n h1.
-  unfold Cint.lsl. rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by auto. 
+  unfold lsl. rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by auto. 
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def. rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift. 
   unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
   unfold Cint.two_power_abs. ring.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma land_1_lsl_1 : forall (a:Z) (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((a < (Cint.lsl 1%Z n))%Z -> (((2%Z * a)%Z + (Cint.land 1%Z
-  x))%Z < (Cint.lsl 1%Z (1%Z + n)%Z))%Z).
+Lemma land_1_lsl_1 :
+  forall (a:Z) (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (a < (lsl 1%Z n))%Z ->
+  (((2%Z * a)%Z + (land 1%Z x))%Z < (lsl 1%Z (1%Z + n)%Z))%Z.
   intros a x n h1.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl.
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl.
   case_leq 0%Z (1 + n)%Z ; intro.
   case_leq 0%Z (n)%Z ; intro.
@@ -404,9 +453,9 @@ Proof.
   replace ((1 * (2 * two_power_nat n0))%Z) with ((2 * two_power_nat n0)%Z) by ring.
-  cut((Cint.land 1 x < 2)%Z) ; auto with zarith.
+  cut((land 1 x < 2)%Z) ; auto with zarith.
-  case_eq ((Cint.land 1 x)%Z) (0%Z); intros.
+  case_eq ((land 1 x)%Z) (0%Z); intros.
   rewrite bit_test_extraction_bis_eq; [omega|].
   apply bit_test_extraction_bis. 
@@ -414,12 +463,12 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Shift operators *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((n <= m)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lsl x n)
-  m) = (Cint.bit_testb x (m - n)%Z)))).
+Lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m - n)%Z)).
   intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold Cint.lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
   unfold_bit_testb h1.
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool 0 (m - n)) by omega.
@@ -432,21 +481,21 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((n <= m)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl x n) m) <->
-  (Cint.bit_test x (m - n)%Z)))).
+Lemma lsl_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (n <= m)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsl x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m - n)%Z).
   intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_sup_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_sup_bool; auto; reflexivity.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((m < n)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lsl x n)
-  m) = false))).
+Lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl x n) m) = false).
   intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold Cint.lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl. 
   unfold_bit_testb h1.
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_extraction.
@@ -458,20 +507,21 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((m < n)%Z -> ~ (Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl x n) m))).
+Lemma lsl_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z -> (m < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (bit_test (lsl x n) m).
   intros x n m h1 h2 h3.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_inf_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl_extraction_inf_bool; auto; reflexivity.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsr_extraction_bool : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lsr x n) m) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  (m + n)%Z))).
+Lemma lsr_extraction_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsr x n) m) = (bit_testb x (m + n)%Z)).
   intros x n m h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.lsr. unfold Zbits.lsr. 
+  unfold lsr. unfold Zbits.lsr. 
   unfold_bit_testb h1.
   rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h2).
   rewrite Zbits.lsr_extraction.
@@ -483,20 +533,21 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsr_extractionl : forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= m)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsr x n) m) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  (m + n)%Z))).
+Lemma lsr_extractionl :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z) (m:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsr x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m + n)%Z).
   intros x n m h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; rewrite lsr_extraction_bool; auto; reflexivity.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsr_extraction_bool; auto; reflexivity.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl1_extraction_bool : forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= j)%Z -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.lsl 1%Z i) j) = (Qed.eqb i j))).
+Lemma lsl1_extraction_bool :
+  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
+  ((bit_testb (lsl 1%Z i) j) = (Qed.eqb i j)).
   intros i j h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl.  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1).
+  unfold lsl. unfold Zbits.lsl.  rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1).
   unfold_bit_testb h2.
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
@@ -523,20 +574,21 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lsl1_extraction : forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> ((0%Z <= j)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.lsl 1%Z i) j) <-> (i = j))).
+Lemma lsl1_extraction :
+  forall (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (0%Z <= j)%Z ->
+  (bit_test (lsl 1%Z i) j) <-> (i = j).
   intros i j h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; rewrite lsl1_extraction_bool; auto. apply Qed.eqb1.
+  unfold bit_test; rewrite lsl1_extraction_bool; auto. apply Qed.eqb1.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma pos_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= i)%Z -> ((x < (Cint.lsl 1%Z i))%Z -> ((i <= j)%Z ->
-  ~ (Cint.bit_test x j)))).
+Lemma pos_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z -> (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j).
   intros x i j h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.lsl ; unfold Cint.bit_test.
+  unfold lsl ; unfold bit_test.
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
@@ -553,12 +605,13 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((forall (j:Z), (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x j)) -> ((0%Z <= x)%Z /\
-  (x < (Cint.lsl 1%Z i))%Z)).
+Lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z ->
+  (forall (j:Z), (i <= j)%Z -> ~ (bit_test x j)) ->
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (lsl 1%Z i))%Z.
   intros x i h1 h2.
-  unfold Cint.lsl.
+  unfold lsl.
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos; auto.
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def.
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift.
@@ -567,7 +620,7 @@ Proof.
   apply Zbits.Zbit_unsigned_trail_inv.
   intros k h.
   generalize (h2 (Z.of_nat k)); clear h2; intro h2.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test in h2; rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos in h2.
+  unfold bit_test in h2; rewrite Zbits.bit_testb_pos in h2.
   + assert (Zbits.zbit_test_def x (Z.of_nat k) <> true) as h3.
     { apply h2. clear h2. rewrite <- (Zabs2Nat.id k) in h. 
       rewrite <- Zabs2Nat.inj_le in h; auto.
@@ -584,8 +637,9 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Unsigned conversions *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_sup : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\
-  (n <= i)%Z) -> ((Cint.is_uint n x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
+  (Cint.is_uint n x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros n x i h1 h2.
   assert (H:(Bits.Zbit x (Z.abs_nat i) = false)).
@@ -595,14 +649,14 @@ Proof.
     + unfold Cint.two_power_abs in h2.
       trivial. }
   assert (I:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold_bit_testb I; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb I; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   rewrite H; discriminate.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z),
-  ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint n x)
-  i) = (Cint.bit_testb x i)).
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
@@ -617,35 +671,38 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint n x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint_extraction_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   intros n x i (h1,h2);
-  unfold Cint.bit_test;
+  unfold bit_test;
   rewrite to_uint_extraction_inf_bool by auto;
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i); fold xb;
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
   destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_ext : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint
-  n x) -> ((Cint.is_uint n y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y)))).
+Lemma is_uint_ext :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
+  (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
-  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (Cint.bit_test x i <-> Cint.bit_test y i)).
+  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
   { intros.
     case_lt i n; intro.
     + apply h4; omega.
-    + assert (~ Cint.bit_test x i).
+    + assert (~ bit_test x i).
       { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
-      assert (~ Cint.bit_test y i).
+      assert (~ bit_test y i).
       { apply (to_uint_extraction_sup n). omega. auto. }
      intuition. }
   clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test in H.
-  unfold Cint.bit_testb in H.
+  unfold bit_test in H.
+  unfold bit_testb in H.
   apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
   rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
   apply H; auto.
@@ -663,32 +720,34 @@ Local Ltac uint_extraction_inf to_uint :=
 (** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (8%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (8%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 8); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 8%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_8.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 8%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_8.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ((Cint.is_uint8
-  y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test x
-  i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros x y h1 h2 h3.
   apply (is_uint_ext 8); (auto with zarith).
@@ -696,32 +755,34 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (16%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (16%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
    intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 16); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 16%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_16.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 16%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_16.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros x y h1 h2 h3.
   apply (is_uint_ext 16); (auto with zarith).
@@ -729,32 +790,34 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (32%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (32%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 32); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 32%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_32.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 32%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_32.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros x y h1 h2 h3.
   apply (is_uint_ext 32); (auto with zarith).
@@ -762,32 +825,34 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (64%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 x) -> ~ (Cint.bit_test x i)).
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (64%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> ~ (bit_test x i).
   intros; apply (to_uint_extraction_sup 64); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 64%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   uint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_uint_64.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 64%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_uint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
    uint_extraction_inf Cint.to_uint_64.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros x y h1 h2 h3.
   apply (is_uint_ext 64); (auto with zarith).
@@ -795,15 +860,15 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Signed conversions *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_sup : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\
-  (n <= i)%Z) -> ((Cint.is_sint n x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <->
-  (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= i)%Z) ->
+  (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros n x i h1.
   unfold Cint.is_sint.
   intro h2;
   assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   assert (Z.abs_nat n <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat.
   { apply (Zabs_nat_le); omega. }
   rewrite <- Zlt_bool_true_Zlt; 
@@ -811,9 +876,9 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z),
-  ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint n x)
-  i) = (Cint.bit_testb x i)).
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint n x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   intros n x i (h1,h2); unfold_bit_testb h1; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def.
   pose (k:= (Z.abs_nat i)); fold k.
@@ -828,25 +893,27 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint n x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint_extraction_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   intros n x i (h1,h2).
-  unfold Cint.bit_test;
+  unfold bit_test;
   rewrite to_sint_extraction_inf_bool by auto.
-  pose (xb:=Cint.bit_testb x i); fold xb;
+  pose (xb:=bit_testb x i); fold xb;
   destruct xb; simpl; split; intro G; auto; destruct G; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_ext : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint
-  n x) -> ((Cint.is_sint n y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i <= n)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) ->
-  (x = y)))).
+Lemma is_sint_ext :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= n)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros n x y h1 h2 h3 h4.
-  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (Cint.bit_test x i <-> Cint.bit_test y i)).
+  assert (forall i: int, (0 <= i)%Z -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i)).
   { intros.
     case_leq i n; intro.
     + apply h4; omega.
@@ -856,16 +923,16 @@ Proof.
       generalize ((to_sint_extraction_sup n y n) H1 h3).
       clear H1; intros.
       rewrite h4 in H2. rewrite H2 in H1. clear H2.
-      assert ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> x < 0).
+      assert ((bit_test x i) <-> x < 0).
       { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
-      assert ((Cint.bit_test y i) <-> y < 0).
+      assert ((bit_test y i) <-> y < 0).
       { apply (to_sint_extraction_sup n); [omega | auto]. }
       rewrite H2.
       rewrite H3.
       auto. }
   clear h1; clear h2; clear h3; clear h4.
-  unfold Cint.bit_test in H.
-  unfold Cint.bit_testb in H.
+  unfold bit_test in H.
+  unfold bit_testb in H.
   apply Zbits.bit_testb_ext; intros.
   rewrite <- Zbits.bool2_eq_true.
   apply H; auto.
@@ -877,7 +944,7 @@ Local Ltac sint_extraction_sup is_sint vn vz :=
   unfold is_sint;
   intro h2;
   assert (H:(0 <= i)) by omega;
-  unfold Cint.bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def;
+  unfold bit_test; unfold_bit_testb H; unfold Zbits.zbit_test_def;
   assert (Z.abs_nat vz <= Z.abs_nat i)%nat 
   by (assert (vn = Z.abs_nat vz)%nat by (auto with arith);
       apply Zabs_nat_le; omega);
@@ -906,128 +973,140 @@ Local Ltac sint_extraction_inf to_sint :=
 (** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (7%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (7%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 7); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 7%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_8.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 7%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_8.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.is_sint8
-  y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 7%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test x
-  i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 7%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros. apply (is_sint_ext 7) ; (auto with zarith).
 (** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (15%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (15%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 15); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 15%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_16.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 15%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_16.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 15%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros. apply (is_sint_ext 15) ; (auto with zarith).
 (** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (31%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (31%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 31); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 31%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_32.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 31%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_32.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 31%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros. apply (is_sint_ext 31) ; (auto with zarith).
 (** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_sup : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (63%Z <= i)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 x) -> ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), (63%Z <= i)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
+  (bit_test x i) <-> (x < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros; apply (to_sint_extraction_sup 63); (auto with zarith).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 63%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_testb (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) = (Cint.bit_testb x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((bit_testb (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) = (bit_testb x i)).
   sint_extraction_inf_bool Cint.to_sint_64.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf : forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < 63%Z)%Z) -> ((Cint.bit_test (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) <-> (Cint.bit_test x
-  i)).
+Lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  (bit_test (Cint.to_sint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i).
   sint_extraction_inf Cint.to_sint_64.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_ext : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 y) -> ((forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.bit_test x i) <-> (Cint.bit_test y i))) -> (x = y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_ext :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  (forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 63%Z)%Z) ->
+   (bit_test x i) <-> (bit_test y i)) ->
+  (x = y).
   intros; apply (is_sint_ext 63); (auto with zarith).
@@ -1047,8 +1126,9 @@ Local Ltac lsr_in_uint_range n :=
 (** ** Unsigned conversions *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_lor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint n x) (Cint.to_uint n y))).
+Lemma to_uint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint n x) (Cint.to_uint n y))).
   intros n x y.
   apply Zbits.zbit_test_ext. intro.
@@ -1063,40 +1143,44 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint8_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint8 x) (Cint.to_uint 8%Z y))).
+Lemma to_uint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint8 x) (Cint.to_uint 8%Z y))).
   intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply to_uint_lor.
 (** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint16_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint16 x) (Cint.to_uint16 y))).
+Lemma to_uint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint16 x) (Cint.to_uint16 y))).
   intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply to_uint_lor.
 (** ***  Cast to uint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint32_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint32 x) (Cint.to_uint32 y))).
+Lemma to_uint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint32 x) (Cint.to_uint32 y))).
   intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply to_uint_lor.
 (** ***  Cast to uint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint64_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lor x
-  y)) = (Cint.lor (Cint.to_uint64 x) (Cint.to_uint64 y))).
+Lemma to_uint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor (Cint.to_uint64 x) (Cint.to_uint64 y))).
   intros x y; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply to_uint_lor.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lxor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint n y) -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint_lxor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intro n; is_uint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
@@ -1104,34 +1188,37 @@ Qed.
 (** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are identity *)
 (** ** Unsigned conversions *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint n y) -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intro n; is_uint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_land : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint n y) -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint_land :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n x) -> (Cint.is_uint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intro n; is_uint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsr : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint
-  n x) -> ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint_lsr :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intro n; lsr_in_uint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf : forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros n y (h1,h2);
   (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
   (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
@@ -1152,12 +1239,13 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup : forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= y)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n <= y)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros n y h1.
   (assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega);
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
   (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
@@ -1179,178 +1267,192 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint8 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> ((Cint.is_uint8
-  y) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint8 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint8 x) -> (Cint.is_uint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint8
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint8_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint8 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 8%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 8%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint8 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint8_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_8; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint16 x) -> (Cint.is_uint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint16
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint16_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint16 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 16%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 16%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16. apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint16 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint16_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_16; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint32 x) -> (Cint.is_uint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint32
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint32_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint32 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 32%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 32%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint32 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint32_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_32; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lxor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lor; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_uint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint64 x) -> (Cint.is_uint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_land; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_uint64
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_uint64_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_uint64 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsr; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 64%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 64%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_inf; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint64 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_uint64_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_uint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_uint_64; apply is_uint_lsl1_sup; omega.
@@ -1372,49 +1474,53 @@ Local Ltac lsr_in_sint_range n :=
   | (apply (Zbits.lsr_upper_bound n _ _ Ry); omega)].
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lnot : forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint_lnot :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   intros n; is_sint_lnot (Cint.two_power_abs n).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lxor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint n y) -> ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint_lxor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   intro n; is_sint_bitwise xorb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lor : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint n y) -> ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint_lor :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   intro n; is_sint_bitwise orb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_land : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint n y) -> ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint_land :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint n x) -> (Cint.is_sint n y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   intro n; is_sint_bitwise andb (Zabs_nat n). 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsr : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint
-  n x) -> ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint_lsr :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint n x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   intro n; lsr_in_sint_range (Cint.two_power_abs n).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf : forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < n)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros n y (h1,h2).
   apply Cint.id_sint.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ h1);
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
   (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
@@ -1429,12 +1535,13 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup : forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n < y)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint n (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (n:Z) (y:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n < y)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint n (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros n y h1.
   assert (0 <= y) as Ry by omega;
-  unfold Cint.lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
+  unfold lsl; unfold Zbits.lsl; rewrite (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ Ry);
   unfold Zbits.lsl_def;
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def;
   (replace (1 * two_power_nat (Z.abs_nat y))
@@ -1458,246 +1565,261 @@ Qed.
 (** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lnot : forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint8_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   is_sint_lnot 128.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint8 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise xorb 7%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> ((Cint.is_sint8
-  y) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise orb 7%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint8 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint8 x) -> (Cint.is_sint8 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise andb 7%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint8
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint8_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint8 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   lsr_in_sint_range 128.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 7%Z) = 128%Z).
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 7%Z) = 128%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 7%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 7%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint8 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint8_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (8%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint8 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_8; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lnot : forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint16_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   is_sint_lnot 32768.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise xorb 15%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise orb 15%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint16 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint16 x) -> (Cint.is_sint16 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise andb 15%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint16
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint16_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint16 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   lsr_in_sint_range 32768.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 15%Z) = 32768%Z).
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 15%Z) = 32768%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 15%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 15%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint16 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint16_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (16%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint16 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_16; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lnot : forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint32_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   is_sint_lnot 2147483648.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise xorb 31%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise orb 31%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint32 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint32 x) -> (Cint.is_sint32 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise andb 31%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint32
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint32_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint32 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   lsr_in_sint_range 2147483648.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 31%Z) = 2147483648%Z).
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 31%Z) = 2147483648%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 31%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 31%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
    intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint32 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint32_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (32%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint32 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_32; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lnot : forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lnot x)) = (Cint.lnot x)).
+Lemma is_sint64_lnot :
+  forall (x:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lnot x)) = (lnot x)).
   is_sint_lnot 9223372036854775808. 
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lxor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lxor x y)) = (Cint.lxor x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_lxor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lxor x y)) = (lxor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise xorb 63%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lor : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lor x y)) = (Cint.lor x y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_lor :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lor x y)) = (lor x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise orb 63%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_land : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
-  ((Cint.is_sint64 y) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.land x y)) = (Cint.land x
-  y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_land :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_sint64 x) -> (Cint.is_sint64 y) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (land x y)) = (land x y)).
   is_sint_bitwise andb 63%nat.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsr : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.is_sint64
-  x) -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsr x y)) = (Cint.lsr x y))).
+Lemma is_sint64_lsr :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (Cint.is_sint64 x) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsr x y)) = (lsr x y)).
   lsr_in_sint_range 9223372036854775808.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1 : ((Cint.lsl 1%Z 63%Z) = 9223372036854775808%Z).
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1 : ((lsl 1%Z 63%Z) = 9223372036854775808%Z).
   compute. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_inf : forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 63%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)).
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_inf :
+  forall (y:Z), ((0%Z <= y)%Z /\ (y < 63%Z)%Z) ->
+  ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = (lsl 1%Z y)).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_inf; omega.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_sup : forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_sint64 (Cint.lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
+Lemma is_sint64_lsl1_sup :
+  forall (y:Z), (64%Z <= y)%Z -> ((Cint.to_sint64 (lsl 1%Z y)) = 0%Z).
   intros; rewrite Cint.to_sint_64; apply is_sint_lsl1_sup; omega.
 (** * Range of some bitwise operations *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma uint_land_range : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= (Cint.land x y))%Z /\ ((Cint.land x y) <= x)%Z).
+Lemma uint_land_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (land x y))%Z /\ ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
   intros x y h1.
   apply Zbits.uint_land_range; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma uint_lor_inf : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((-1%Z)%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= y)%Z -> (x <= (Cint.lor x y))%Z).
+Lemma uint_lor_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((-1%Z)%Z <= x)%Z -> (0%Z <= y)%Z -> (x <= (lor x y))%Z.
   intros x y h1 h2.
   case_leq 0 x; intro.
@@ -1708,14 +1830,14 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sint_land_inf : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((y < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.land x y) <= x)%Z).
+Lemma sint_land_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x <= 0%Z)%Z -> (y < 0%Z)%Z -> ((land x y) <= x)%Z.
   intros x y h1 h2.
-  cut (-(x+1) <= -((Cint.land x y)+1)).
+  cut (-(x+1) <= -((land x y)+1)).
   { omega. }
   fold (Bits.zlnot x).
-  fold (Bits.zlnot (Cint.land x y)).
+  fold (Bits.zlnot (land x y)).
   repeat (rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
   rewrite Zbits.lnot_land_de_morgan.
   repeat (rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv).
@@ -1723,14 +1845,15 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sint_lor_range : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x < 0%Z)%Z -> ((x <= (Cint.lor x
-  y))%Z /\ ((Cint.lor x y) < 0%Z)%Z).
+Lemma sint_lor_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), (x < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  (x <= (lor x y))%Z /\ ((lor x y) < 0%Z)%Z.
   intros x y h1.
-  cut (0 <= -((Cint.lor x y)+1) <= -(x+1)).
+  cut (0 <= -((lor x y)+1) <= -(x+1)).
   { omega. }
   fold (Bits.zlnot x).
-  fold (Bits.zlnot (Cint.lor x y)).
+  fold (Bits.zlnot (lor x y)).
   rewrite <- Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
   rewrite Zbits.lnot_lor_de_morgan.
   rewrite Zbits.lnot_zlnot_equiv.
@@ -1739,8 +1862,9 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma is_uint_lor_distrib : forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z), (Cint.is_uint n
-  (Cint.lor x y)) <-> ((Cint.is_uint n x) /\ (Cint.is_uint n y)).
+Lemma is_uint_lor_distrib :
+  forall (n:Z) (x:Z) (y:Z),
+  (Cint.is_uint n (lor x y)) <-> ((Cint.is_uint n x) /\ (Cint.is_uint n y)).
   intros n x y; split.
   + unfold Cint.is_uint ; intros.
@@ -1753,7 +1877,7 @@ Proof.
     rewrite Zbits.lor_commut.
     assert (h2:((-1) <= y)) by omega.
     generalize (uint_lor_inf y x h2 H).
-    unfold Cint.lor;
+    unfold lor;
     pose (z:=(Zbits.lor y x)); fold z; intros.
   + intro H; destruct H.
@@ -1764,16 +1888,16 @@ Qed.
 (** * Link between bitwise operators and addition *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lor_addition : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.land x y) = 0%Z) ->
-  ((x + y)%Z = (Cint.lor x y)).
+Lemma lor_addition :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lor x y)).
   intros x y h1.
   apply Zbits.lor_addition; trivial.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma lxor_addition : forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((Cint.land x y) = 0%Z) ->
-  ((x + y)%Z = (Cint.lxor x y)).
+Lemma lxor_addition :
+  forall (x:Z) (y:Z), ((land x y) = 0%Z) -> ((x + y)%Z = (lxor x y)).
   intros x y h1.
   apply Zbits.lxor_addition; trivial.
@@ -1781,15 +1905,16 @@ Qed.
 (** * Link between land and cast operator *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma to_uint_land_edge : forall (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((Cint.to_uint n x) = (Cint.land ((Cint.lsl 1%Z n) - 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Lemma to_uint_land_edge :
+  forall (x:Z) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((Cint.to_uint n x) = (land ((lsl 1%Z n) - 1%Z)%Z x)).
   intros x n h1.
   unfold Cint.to_uint; unfold Cint.to_range; Cint.simplify_to_range_unfolding.
   unfold Cint.two_power_abs.
   rewrite Zbits.pos_mod_two_power_nat_land_edge.
-  unfold Cint.land; f_equal.
-  unfold Cint.lsl; rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by omega; unfold Zbits.lsl_def. 
+  unfold land; f_equal.
+  unfold lsl; rewrite Zbits.lsl_pos by omega; unfold Zbits.lsl_def. 
   rewrite Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_shift; unfold Zbits.lsl_arithmetic_def.
   auto with zarith.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.v
index 8b144c5879ec906937e70a01f4ef4ab3c5baa734..aada736b6875b2d5a7ac6d56ad67d89f0c3f3c9c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Cmath.v
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ Require real.RealInfix.
 Require Import RIneq.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma abs_def : forall (x:Z), ((0%Z <= x)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\ ((~ (0%Z <= x)%Z) ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
+Lemma abs_def :
+  forall (x:Z),
+  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
+  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
 exact int.Abs.abs_def.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.v
index a586724d831b0224f3aedf8d52b4c80f9f1549ed..26866826a4970da8a246ebd15a4e03e8a6309a83 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Memory.v
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 (* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
 Require Import BuiltIn.
 Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
 Require bool.Bool.
 Require int.Int.
 Require map.Map.
@@ -38,56 +39,58 @@ Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
 Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition offset (v:addr): Z := match v with
-  | (mk_addr x x1) => x1
-  end.
+Definition offset (v:addr) : Z := match v with
+                                  | mk_addr x x1 => x1
+                                  end.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition base (v:addr): Z := match v with
-  | (mk_addr x x1) => x
-  end.
+Definition base (v:addr) : Z := match v with
+                                | mk_addr x x1 => x
+                                end.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_le: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Definition addr_le : addr -> addr -> Prop.
   exact (fun (p q : addr) => ((base p = base q) /\ (offset p <= offset q)%Z)).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_lt: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Definition addr_lt : addr -> addr -> Prop.
   exact (fun (p q : addr) => (base p = base q) /\ (offset p < offset q)%Z).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_le_bool: addr -> addr -> bool.
+Definition addr_le_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
   exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
            andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zle_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_lt_bool: addr -> addr -> bool.
+Definition addr_lt_bool : addr -> addr -> bool.
   exact (fun (p q : addr) =>
            andb (Zeq_bool (base p) (base q)) (Zlt_bool (offset p) (offset q))).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_le_def : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
-  ((addr_le p q) <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z).
+Lemma addr_le_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  (addr_le p q) <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
   unfold addr_le.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_lt_def : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
-  ((addr_lt p q) <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z).
+Lemma addr_lt_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  (addr_lt p q) <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
   unfold addr_lt.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_le_bool_def : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_le p q) <->
-  ((addr_le_bool p q) = true).
+Lemma addr_le_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_le p q) <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = true).
   unfold addr_le. unfold addr_le_bool.
   intros. split; intro H.
@@ -103,8 +106,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_lt_bool_def : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_lt p q) <->
-  ((addr_lt_bool p q) = true).
+Lemma addr_lt_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), (addr_lt p q) <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = true).
   unfold addr_lt. unfold addr_lt_bool.
   intros. split; intro H.
@@ -120,61 +123,68 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition null: addr := (mk_addr 0%Z 0%Z).
+Definition null : addr := mk_addr 0%Z 0%Z.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition global (b:Z): addr := (mk_addr b 0%Z).
+Definition global (b:Z) : addr := mk_addr b 0%Z.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Z): addr := (mk_addr (base p)
-  ((offset p) + k)%Z).
+Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Z) : addr :=
+  mk_addr (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition included (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z): Prop := (0%Z < a)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= b)%Z /\ (((base p) = (base q)) /\ (((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
-  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z))).
+Definition included (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
+  (((base p) = (base q)) /\
+   (((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
+    (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z)).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z): Prop := (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
-  ((b <= 0%Z)%Z \/ ((~ ((base p) = (base q))) \/
-  ((((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
-  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z))).
+Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Z) (q:addr) (b:Z) : Prop :=
+  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ((b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+   (~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
+    ((((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
+     (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z))).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:(map.Map.map addr a))
-  (m2:(map.Map.map addr a)) (p:addr) (a1:Z): Prop := forall (q:addr),
-  (included q 1%Z p a1) -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
+Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
+    (p:addr) (a1:Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (q:addr), (included q 1%Z p a1) -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition havoc: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (map.Map.map addr a) ->
-  (map.Map.map addr a) -> addr -> Z -> (map.Map.map addr a).
+Variable havoc: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) ->
+  (addr -> a) -> addr -> Z -> addr -> a.
 Definition fhavoc {A : Type}
   (m : farray addr A)
   (w : farray addr A) (p:addr) (n:Z) : (farray addr A) :=
   {| whytype1 := whytype1 m;
      whytype2 := whytype2 m;
-     access := @havoc _ (whytype2 m) m w p n |}.
+     access := @havoc _ (whytype2 m) (access m) (access w) p n |}.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition valid_rw (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)) (p:addr) (n:Z): Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z -> ((0%Z < (base p))%Z /\ ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\
-  (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z)).
+Definition valid_rw (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition valid_rd (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)) (p:addr) (n:Z): Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z -> ((~ (0%Z = (base p))) /\ ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\
-  (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z)).
+Definition valid_rd (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition invalid (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)) (p:addr) (n:Z): Prop :=
-  (0%Z < n)%Z -> (((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/
-  (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Definition invalid (m:Z -> Z) (p:addr) (n:Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma valid_rw_rd : forall (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)), forall (p:addr),
-  forall (n:Z), (valid_rw m p n) -> (valid_rd m p n).
+Lemma valid_rw_rd :
+  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), forall (n:Z), (valid_rw m p n) ->
+  valid_rd m p n.
   intros m p n.
   unfold valid_rw. unfold valid_rd.
@@ -182,10 +192,10 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma valid_string : forall (m:(map.Map.map Z Z)), forall (p:addr),
-  ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z -> (((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\
-  ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z) -> ((valid_rd m p 1%Z) /\
-  ~ (valid_rw m p 1%Z))).
+Lemma valid_string :
+  forall (m:Z -> Z), forall (p:addr), ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z) ->
+  (valid_rd m p 1%Z) /\ ~ (valid_rw m p 1%Z).
   intros m p.
   unfold valid_rd. unfold valid_rw.
@@ -230,33 +240,34 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_1 : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z),
-  (separated p a q b) -> ((((offset p) <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z) -> ((((offset q) <= j)%Z /\
-  (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z) -> ~ ((mk_addr (base p) i) = (mk_addr (base q)
-  j)))).
+Lemma separated_1 :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (i:Z) (j:Z),
+  (separated p a q b) ->
+  (((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z) ->
+  (((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z) ->
+  ~ ((mk_addr (base p) i) = (mk_addr (base q) j)).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition region: Z -> Z.
+Definition region : Z -> Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition linked: (map.Map.map Z Z) -> Prop.
+Definition linked : (Z -> Z) -> Prop.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition sconst: (map.Map.map addr Z) -> Prop.
+Definition sconst : (addr -> Z) -> Prop.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition framed (m:(map.Map.map addr addr)): Prop := forall (p:addr),
-  ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_included : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
-  (0%Z < a)%Z -> ((0%Z < b)%Z -> ((separated p a q b) -> ~ (included p a q
-  b))).
+Lemma separated_included :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z < a)%Z -> (0%Z < b)%Z ->
+  (separated p a q b) -> ~ (included p a q b).
 intros p q a b h1 h2 h3.
   unfold separated. unfold included. unfold not.
@@ -276,22 +287,25 @@ Qed.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma included_trans : forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z)
-  (c:Z), (included p a q b) -> ((included q b r c) -> (included p a r c)).
+Lemma included_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
+  (included p a q b) -> (included q b r c) -> included p a r c.
   intros p a q b r c.
   unfold included. intuition.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_trans : forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z)
-  (c:Z), (included p a q b) -> ((separated q b r c) -> (separated p a r c)).
+Lemma separated_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z) (c:Z),
+  (included p a q b) -> (separated q b r c) -> separated p a r c.
   intros p a q b r c.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma separated_sym : forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
+Lemma separated_sym :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), forall (a:Z) (b:Z),
   (separated p a q b) <-> (separated q b p a).
   intros p q a b.
@@ -299,38 +313,38 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqmem_included : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (m1:(map.Map.map addr a)) (m2:(map.Map.map addr a)), forall (p:addr)
-  (q:addr), forall (a1:Z) (b:Z), (included p a1 q b) -> ((eqmem m1 m2 q b) ->
-  (eqmem m1 m2 p a1)).
+Lemma eqmem_included {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a1:Z) (b:Z), (included p a1 q b) -> (eqmem m1 m2 q b) ->
+  eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
-  intros a a_WT m1 m2 p q a1 b h1 h2.
+  intros m1 m2 p q a1 b h1 h2.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqmem_sym : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (m1:(map.Map.map
-  addr a)) (m2:(map.Map.map addr a)), forall (p:addr), forall (a1:Z), (eqmem
-  m1 m2 p a1) -> (eqmem m2 m1 p a1).
+Lemma eqmem_sym {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr), forall (a1:Z),
+  (eqmem m1 m2 p a1) -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
-  intros A m1 m2 p a. unfold eqmem.
+  intros m1 m2 p a1. unfold eqmem.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma havoc_access : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (m0:(map.Map.map addr a)) (m1:(map.Map.map addr a)), forall (q:addr)
-  (p:addr), forall (a1:Z), ((separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0
-  m1 p a1) q) = (m1 q))) /\ ((~ (separated q 1%Z p a1)) ->
-  (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m0 q))).
+Lemma havoc_access {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Z),
+  ((separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m1 q))) /\
+  (~ (separated q 1%Z p a1) -> (((havoc m0 m1 p a1) q) = (m0 q))).
-  intros a a_WT m0 m1 q p a1.
+  intros m0 m1 q p a1.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition int_of_addr: addr -> Z.
+Definition int_of_addr : addr -> Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition addr_of_int: Z -> addr.
+Definition addr_of_int : Z -> addr.
 (* Why3 goal *)
@@ -347,8 +361,8 @@ Lemma int_of_addr_bijection : forall (a:Z),
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma addr_of_int_bijection : forall (p:addr),
-  ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
+Lemma addr_of_int_bijection :
+  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
 (* Why3 goal *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.v
index c991afd7c10498054025aa3472c3c03e275a84ca..a33a18a82068891fb8c8204e0383ce5f9b1267fc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qed.v
@@ -27,69 +27,72 @@ Require BuiltIn.
 Require bool.Bool.
 Require int.Int.
 Require int.Abs.
+Require int.EuclideanDivision.
 Require int.ComputerDivision.
 Require real.Real.
 Require real.RealInfix.
 Require real.FromInt.
+Require for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition match_bool: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, bool -> a -> a -> a.
-exact (fun _ _ b x y => if b then x else y).
+Definition match_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : bool -> a -> a -> a.
+exact (fun b x y => if b then x else y).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma match_bool1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:bool) (x:a)
-  (y:a), ((p = true) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = x)) \/ ((p = false) /\
-  ((match_bool p x y) = y)).
+Lemma match_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:bool) (x:a) (y:a),
+  ((p = true) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = x)) \/
+  ((p = false) /\ ((match_bool p x y) = y)).
-  intros a a_WT p x y.
+  intros p x y.
   destruct p; intuition.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition eqb: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> bool.
-exact (fun a a_WT x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then true else false).
+Definition eqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
+exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then true else false).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqb1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x
-  y) = true) <-> (x = y).
+Lemma eqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = true) <-> (x = y).
-  intros a a_WT x y.
+  intros x y.
   destruct a_WT.
   compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eqb_false : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a),
-  ((eqb x y) = false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Lemma eqb_false {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = false) <-> ~ (x = y).
-  intros a a_WT x y.
+  intros x y.
   destruct a_WT.
   compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition neqb: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> bool.
-exact (fun a a_WT x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then false else true).
+Definition neqb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> a -> bool.
+exact (fun x y => if why_decidable_eq x y then false else true).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma neqb1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x
-  y) = true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Lemma neqb1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = true) <-> ~ (x = y).
-  intros a a_WT x y.
+  intros x y.
   destruct a_WT.
   compute;destruct (why_decidable_eq x y);intuition discriminate.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition zlt: Z -> Z -> bool.
+Definition zlt : Z -> Z -> bool.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition zleq: Z -> Z -> bool.
+Definition zleq : Z -> Z -> bool.
@@ -110,12 +113,12 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition rlt: R -> R -> bool.
+Definition rlt : R -> R -> bool.
 exact (fun x y => if Rlt_dec x y then true else false).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition rleq: R -> R -> bool.
+Definition rleq : R -> R -> bool.
 exact (fun x y => if Rle_dec x y then true else false).
@@ -134,23 +137,7 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition real_of_int (x:Z): R := (BuiltIn.IZR x).
-(* Why3 comment *)
-(* pdiv is replaced with (ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot x x1) by the coq driver *)
-(* Why3 comment *)
-(* pmod is replaced with (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem x x1) by the coq driver *)
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma c_euclidian : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), (~ (d = 0%Z)) ->
-  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
-  intros n d.
-  intros H.
-  rewrite Int.Comm1.
-  exact (ComputerDivision.Div_mod n d H).
+Definition real_of_int (x:Z) : R := (BuiltIn.IZR x).
 Lemma lt_is_not_eqb1: forall x y, (x < y -> Z.eqb x y = false)%Z.
@@ -168,59 +155,31 @@ Proof.
-(* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cdiv_cases : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d)))) /\
-  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (-(ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot (-n)%Z d))%Z))) /\
-  (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (-(ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n (-d)%Z))%Z))) /\
-  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot (-n)%Z (-d)%Z)))))).
-  intros n d.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_l.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_r.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_l.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zquot_opp_r.
-  rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
-  assert (lem1 := lt_is_not_eqb1 d 0).
-  assert (lem2 := lt_is_not_eqb2 d 0).
-  intuition (rewrite H1;reflexivity).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cmod_cases : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d)))) /\
-  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (-(ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem (-n)%Z d))%Z))) /\
-  (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n (-d)%Z)))) /\
-  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((d < 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) = (-(ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem (-n)%Z (-d)%Z))%Z))))).
+Lemma c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
   intros n d.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zrem_opp_l.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zrem_opp_r.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zrem_opp_l.
-  rewrite Zquot.Zrem_opp_r.
-  rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
-  assert (lem1 := lt_is_not_eqb1 d 0).
-  assert (lem2 := lt_is_not_eqb2 d 0).
-  intuition (rewrite H1;reflexivity).
+  intros H.
+  rewrite Int.Comm1.
+  exact (ComputerDivision.Div_mod n d H).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cmod_remainder : forall (n:Z) (d:Z), ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  ((0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z))) /\ (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z < d)%Z ->
-  (((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))) /\ (((0%Z <= n)%Z ->
-  ((d < 0%Z)%Z -> ((0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z))) /\ ((n <= 0%Z)%Z ->
-  ((d < 0%Z)%Z -> ((d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))))).
+Lemma cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Z) (d:Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  (((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+    ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+    ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+   (((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+     (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+    ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+     (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+     ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z))).
   intros n d.
@@ -238,8 +197,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma cdiv_inv : forall (a:Z), (~ (a = 0%Z)) ->
-  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Lemma cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
   intros a h1.
   exact (Z.quot_same a h1).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qedlib.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qedlib.v
index 68c2a998c3dd04aefa90a44182940d74a305771c..f251ad0495661c8771d7d3bcb45fb58df0304899 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qedlib.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Qedlib.v
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Hypothesis extensionality: forall (A B : Type) (f g : A -> B),
 Definition select {A B : Type}
-  (m : farray A B) (k : A) : B := (access m k).
+  (m : farray A B) (k : A) : B := (access m) k.
 Lemma farray_eq : forall A B (m1 m2 : farray A B),
    whytype1 m1 = whytype1 m2 -> whytype2 m1 = whytype2 m2 ->
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Proof.
   destruct m1. destruct m2. simpl.
   intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; rewrite H2 ; clear H1 H2.
   intro K.
-  rewrite (extensionality access0 access1 K).
+  rewrite (extensionality _ _ K).
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Lemma access_update :
   m.[k <- v].[k] = v.
-  apply Map.set_def.
+  apply (proj1 (Map.set_def (access m) k v k)).
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Lemma access_update_neq :
   i <> j -> m.[ i <- v ].[j] = m.[j].
-  apply Map.set_def.
+  apply (proj2 (Map.set_def (access m) i v j)).
@@ -345,18 +345,3 @@ Proof.
   replace (d*x) with (x*d) by ring.
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Missing Definitions                                                --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-Variable truncate : R -> Z.
-Variable ceil : R -> Z.
-Variable floor : R -> Z.
-Variable sinh : R -> R.
-Variable cosh : R -> R.
-Variable tanh : R -> R.
-Variable atan2 : R -> R -> R.
-Variable hypot : R -> R -> R.
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.v
index 865ce9f87edbb37ef7f20f339d605b153365a0d1..a260523508899f4c24ed908657e4f25913175f7d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.v
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma sqrt_lin0 : forall (x:R), ((0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R) ->
-  (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
+Lemma sqrt_lin0 :
+  forall (x:R), ((0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R) -> (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
   intros x (h1,h2).
   exact (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt_more x h1 h2).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.v
index dfcb15ea7fdc389ba1e81e3e9e448e06fb84d7fc..e4f1f454f3701d5971d3a63f8dde040dc91548da 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vlist.v
@@ -47,23 +47,19 @@ Definition list : forall (a:Type), Type.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition nil: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a).
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : list a.
   generalize a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition cons: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (list a) -> (list a).
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (list a) -> list a.
   generalize a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition concat: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> (list a) ->
-  (list a).
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> (list a) -> list a.
   Local Open Scope list_scope.
   exact(fun u v => u ++ v).
@@ -76,9 +72,7 @@ Fixpoint repeat_nat (a:Type) (w: list a) (n: nat) {struct n} :=
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition repeat: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z -> (list
-  a).
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
   exact(fun w n  => match n with
                    | Z0 => nil
                    | Zneg _ => nil
@@ -87,14 +81,12 @@ Definition repeat: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z -> (list
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition length: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z.
-  intros a a_WT.
+Definition length {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z.
   exact(fun w => Z.of_nat (List.length w)).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition nth: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z -> a.
- intros a a_WT.
+Definition nth {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> a.
   exact(fun w n => match n with
                    | Zneg _ => (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
                    | other => List.nth (Zabs_nat n) w (@why_inhabitant a a_WT)
@@ -106,8 +98,8 @@ Defined.
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_pos : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  (0%Z <= (length w))%Z.
+Lemma length_pos {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), (0%Z <= (length w))%Z.
   unfold length. 
@@ -115,8 +107,7 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_nil : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, ((length (nil : (list
-  a))) = 0%Z).
+Lemma length_nil {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : ((length (nil : list a)) = 0%Z).
   unfold length. unfold nil.
@@ -124,10 +115,10 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_nil_bis : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  ((length w) = 0%Z) -> (w = (nil : (list a))).
+Lemma length_nil_bis {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((length w) = 0%Z) -> (w = (nil : list a)).
-  intros a a_WT w.
+  intros w.
   unfold length. unfold nil.
   destruct w.
   + by seq.
@@ -146,8 +137,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma length_cons : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (w:(list
-  a)), ((length (cons x w)) = (1%Z + (length w))%Z).
+Lemma length_cons {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((length (cons x w)) = (1%Z + (length w))%Z).
   intros. unfold length.
   replace (Datatypes.length (cons x w)) with (1 + (Datatypes.length w))%nat.
@@ -155,55 +146,67 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis length_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (u:(list
-  a)) (v:(list a)), ((length (concat u v)) = ((length u) + (length v))%Z).
+Hypothesis length_concat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a),
+  ((length (concat u v)) = ((length u) + (length v))%Z).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis length_repeat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list
-  a)) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((length (repeat w n)) = (n * (length w))%Z).
+Hypothesis length_repeat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((length (repeat w n)) = (n * (length w))%Z).
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   (* --- nth                                                          --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_cons : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (k:Z) (x:a)
-  (w:(list a)), ((k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = x)) /\ ((~ (k = 0%Z)) ->
-  ((nth (cons x w) k) = (nth w (k - 1%Z)%Z))).
+Hypothesis nth_cons :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (k:Z) (x:a) (w:list a),
+  ((k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = x)) /\
+  (~ (k = 0%Z) -> ((nth (cons x w) k) = (nth w (k - 1%Z)%Z))).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (u:(list a))
-  (v:(list a)) (k:Z), ((k < (length u))%Z -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth u
-  k))) /\ ((~ (k < (length u))%Z) -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth v
-  (k - (length u))%Z))).
+Hypothesis nth_concat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (k:Z),
+  ((k < (length u))%Z -> ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth u k))) /\
+  (~ (k < (length u))%Z ->
+   ((nth (concat u v) k) = (nth v (k - (length u))%Z))).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis nth_repeat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (n:Z) (k:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), ((0%Z <= k)%Z /\ (k < (n * (length w))%Z)%Z) ->
-  ((0%Z < (length w))%Z -> ((nth (repeat w n) k) = (nth w
-  (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem k (length w))))).
+Hypothesis nth_repeat :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (n:Z) (k:Z) (w:list a),
+  ((0%Z <= k)%Z /\ (k < (n * (length w))%Z)%Z) -> (0%Z < (length w))%Z ->
+  ((nth (repeat w n) k) = (nth w (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem k (length w)))).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition vlist_eq {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (u:(list a)) (v:(list
-  a)): Prop := ((length u) = (length v)) /\ forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\
-  (i < (length u))%Z) -> ((nth u i) = (nth v i)).
+Definition vlist_eq {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (u:list a) (v:list a) : Prop :=
+  ((length u) = (length v)) /\
+  forall (i:Z), ((0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < (length u))%Z) ->
+  ((nth u i) = (nth v i)).
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   (* --- equality of Lists                                            --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Hypothesis extensionality : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (u:(list
-  a)) (v:(list a)), (vlist_eq u v) -> (u = v).
+Hypothesis extensionality :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a), (vlist_eq u v) -> (u = v).
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   (* --- neutral elements                                             --- *)
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_nil_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  (vlist_eq (concat (nil : (list a)) w) w) /\ (vlist_eq (concat w
-  (nil : (list a))) w).
+Lemma eq_nil_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a),
+  (vlist_eq (concat (nil : list a) w) w) /\
+  (vlist_eq (concat w (nil : list a)) w).
   split ; unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat; rewrite length_nil; split; auto with zarith; intros.
@@ -218,8 +221,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_concat_left : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list
-  a)), ((concat (nil : (list a)) w) = w).
+Lemma rw_nil_concat_left {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((concat (nil : list a) w) = w).
   apply extensionality.
@@ -228,8 +231,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_concat_right : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list
-  a)), ((concat w (nil : (list a))) = w).
+Lemma rw_nil_concat_right {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((concat w (nil : list a)) = w).
   apply extensionality.
   generalize (eq_nil_concat w). intro G; destruct G.
@@ -237,9 +240,9 @@ Lemma rw_nil_concat_right : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_cons_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
-  (v:(list a)) (w:(list a)), (vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x
-  (concat v w))).
+Lemma eq_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x (concat v w)).
   unfold vlist_eq ; rewrite length_concat. repeat (rewrite length_cons).
@@ -271,8 +274,9 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_cons_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
-  (v:(list a)) (w:(list a)), ((concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))).
+Lemma rw_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  ((concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))).
   apply extensionality.
@@ -280,8 +284,8 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_cons_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
-  (w:(list a)), ((concat (cons x (nil : (list a))) w) = (cons x w)).
+Lemma rw_nil_cons_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (w:list a), ((concat (cons x (nil : list a)) w) = (cons x w)).
   rewrite rw_cons_concat.
@@ -294,9 +298,9 @@ Qed.
   (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_assoc_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (u:(list a))
-  (v:(list a)) (w:(list a)), (vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u
-  (concat v w))).
+Lemma eq_assoc_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (u:list a) (v:list a) (w:list a),
+  vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u (concat v w)).
   unfold vlist_eq. repeat (rewrite length_concat).  split.
@@ -328,10 +332,10 @@ Proof.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_nil_repeat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (n:Z),
-  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((repeat (nil : (list a)) n) = (nil : (list a))).
+Lemma rw_nil_repeat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (n:Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z -> ((repeat (nil : list a) n) = (nil : list a)).
-intros a a_WT n h1.
+intros n h1.
 induction n ; simpl ; auto.
 assert (R : forall n, repeat_nat a nil n = nil).
  * intro n. induction n ; simpl ; auto.
@@ -339,31 +343,31 @@ assert (R : forall n, repeat_nat a nil n = nil).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_zero : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  ((repeat w 0%Z) = (nil : (list a))).
+Lemma rw_repeat_zero {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 0%Z) = (nil : list a)).
-intros a a_WT w. simpl. auto.
+intros w. simpl. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_repeat_one : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  (vlist_eq (repeat w 1%Z) w).
-intros a a_WT w. simpl. unfold vlist_eq. auto.
+Lemma eq_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), vlist_eq (repeat w 1%Z) w.
+intros w. simpl. unfold vlist_eq. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_one : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (w:(list a)),
-  ((repeat w 1%Z) = w).
+Lemma rw_repeat_one {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a), ((repeat w 1%Z) = w).
-intros a a_WT w. simpl. auto.
+intros w. simpl. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma eq_repeat_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:Z) (q:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> ((0%Z <= q)%Z -> (vlist_eq (repeat w
-  (p + q)%Z) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)))).
+Lemma eq_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
+  vlist_eq (repeat w (p + q)%Z) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)).
-intros a a_WT p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
+intros p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
  + repeat rewrite length_concat.
     repeat rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
  + rewrite length_repeat ; auto with zarith.
@@ -403,62 +407,61 @@ intros a a_WT p q w h1 h2. unfold vlist_eq ; simpl ; split ; auto with zarith.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_concat : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:Z) (q:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> ((0%Z <= q)%Z -> ((repeat w
-  (p + q)%Z) = (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)))).
-intros a a_WT p q w h1 h2.
+Lemma rw_repeat_concat {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (q:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> (0%Z <= q)%Z ->
+  ((repeat w (p + q)%Z) = (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q))).
+intros p q w h1 h2.
 apply extensionality.
 apply eq_repeat_concat ; auto with zarith.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_after : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> ((concat (repeat w p) w) = (repeat w
-  (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma rw_repeat_after {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
+  ((concat (repeat w p) w) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
-  intros a a_WT p w h1.
+  intros p w h1.
   rewrite (rw_repeat_concat p 1 w) ; auto with zarith.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_before : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (p:Z)
-  (w:(list a)), (0%Z <= p)%Z -> ((concat w (repeat w p)) = (repeat w
-  (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
+Lemma rw_repeat_before {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (p:Z) (w:list a), (0%Z <= p)%Z ->
+  ((concat w (repeat w p)) = (repeat w (p + 1%Z)%Z)).
-  intros a a_WT p w h1.
+  intros p w h1.
   replace (p+1) with (1+p) ; auto with zarith.
   rewrite (rw_repeat_concat 1 p w) ; auto with zarith.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition repeat_box: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (list a) -> Z ->
-  (list a).
-intros a w l n.
+Definition repeat_box {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (list a) -> Z -> list a.
+intros l n.
 exact (repeat l n).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_box_unfold : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (w:(list a)) (n:Z), ((repeat_box w n) = (repeat w n)).
+Lemma rw_repeat_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), ((repeat_box w n) = (repeat w n)).
 unfold repeat_box. auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (w:(list a)) (a1:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z <= a1)%Z -> ((0%Z <= b)%Z ->
-  ((repeat_box w (a1 + b)%Z) = (concat (repeat w a1) (repeat w b)))).
+Lemma rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (a1:Z) (b:Z), (0%Z <= a1)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  ((repeat_box w (a1 + b)%Z) = (concat (repeat w a1) (repeat w b))).
 unfold repeat_box. rewrite rw_repeat_concat ; auto.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
-  forall (w:(list a)) (n:Z), (0%Z < n)%Z -> (((repeat_box w
-  n) = (concat (repeat w (n - 1%Z)%Z) w)) /\ ((repeat_box w
-  (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (concat (repeat w n) w))).
+Lemma rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (w:list a) (n:Z), (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((repeat_box w n) = (concat (repeat w (n - 1%Z)%Z) w)) /\
+  ((repeat_box w (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (concat (repeat w n) w)).
  intros. split.
  + generalize (rw_repeat_concat (n-1) 1 w).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vset.v b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vset.v
index 1262034a104de88566275e9a6b86b606ea000ba1..d362587c8dabd2c12908c4975f5c5a4eea4a5882 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vset.v
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Vset.v
@@ -32,146 +32,147 @@ Definition set : forall (a:Type), Type.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition empty: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a).
+Definition empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : set a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition singleton: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a).
+Definition singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> set a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition union: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> (set a) ->
-  (set a).
+Definition union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition inter: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> (set a) ->
-  (set a).
+Definition inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : (set a) -> (set a) -> set a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition member: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a) -> Prop.
+Definition member {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> Prop.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition member_bool: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a) ->
-  bool.
+Definition member_bool {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} : a -> (set a) -> bool.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range: Z -> Z -> (set Z).
+Definition range : Z -> Z -> set Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_sup: Z -> (set Z).
+Definition range_sup : Z -> set Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_inf: Z -> (set Z).
+Definition range_inf : Z -> set Z.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Definition range_all: (set Z).
+Definition range_all : set Z.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition eqset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:(set a)) (b:(set a)): Prop :=
+Definition eqset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
   forall (x:a), (member x a1) <-> (member x b).
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition subset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:(set a)) (b:(set a)): Prop :=
-  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> (member x b).
+Definition subset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
+  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> member x b.
 (* Why3 assumption *)
-Definition disjoint {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:(set a)) (b:(set
-  a)): Prop := forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> ~ (member x b).
+Definition disjoint {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:set a) (b:set a) : Prop :=
+  forall (x:a), (member x a1) -> ~ (member x b).
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_bool1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
-  forall (s:(set a)), ((member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = true)) /\
-  ((~ (member x s)) -> ((member_bool x s) = false)).
+Lemma member_bool1 {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (s:set a),
+  ((member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = true)) /\
+  (~ (member x s) -> ((member_bool x s) = false)).
-intros a a_WT x s.
+intros x s.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
-  ~ (member x (empty : (set a))).
+Lemma member_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), ~ (member x (empty : set a)).
-intros a a_WT x.
+intros x.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_singleton : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
-  (y:a), (member x (singleton y)) <-> (x = y).
+Lemma member_singleton {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), (member x (singleton y)) <-> (x = y).
-intros a a_WT x y.
+intros x y.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_union : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
-  forall (a1:(set a)) (b:(set a)), (member x (union a1 b)) <-> ((member x
-  a1) \/ (member x b)).
+Lemma member_union {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
+  (member x (union a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) \/ (member x b)).
-intros a a_WT x a1 b.
+intros x a1 b.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_inter : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
-  forall (a1:(set a)) (b:(set a)), (member x (inter a1 b)) <-> ((member x
-  a1) /\ (member x b)).
+Lemma member_inter {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (x:a), forall (a1:set a) (b:set a),
+  (member x (inter a1 b)) <-> ((member x a1) /\ (member x b)).
-intros a a_WT x a1 b.
+intros x a1 b.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma union_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (a1:(set a)),
-  ((union a1 (empty : (set a))) = a1) /\ ((union (empty : (set a)) a1) = a1).
+Lemma union_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (a1:set a),
+  ((union a1 (empty : set a)) = a1) /\ ((union (empty : set a) a1) = a1).
-intros a a_WT a1.
+intros a1.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma inter_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (a1:(set a)),
-  ((inter a1 (empty : (set a))) = (empty : (set a))) /\ ((inter (empty : (set
-  a)) a1) = (empty : (set a))).
+Lemma inter_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} :
+  forall (a1:set a),
+  ((inter a1 (empty : set a)) = (empty : set a)) /\
+  ((inter (empty : set a) a1) = (empty : set a)).
-intros a a_WT a1.
+intros a1.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range : forall (x:Z) (a:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range a b)) <->
-  ((a <= x)%Z /\ (x <= b)%Z).
+Lemma member_range :
+  forall (x:Z) (a:Z) (b:Z),
+  (member x (range a b)) <-> ((a <= x)%Z /\ (x <= b)%Z).
 intros x a b.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_sup : forall (x:Z) (a:Z), (member x (range_sup a)) <->
-  (a <= x)%Z.
+Lemma member_range_sup :
+  forall (x:Z) (a:Z), (member x (range_sup a)) <-> (a <= x)%Z.
 intros x a.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_inf : forall (x:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range_inf b)) <->
-  (x <= b)%Z.
+Lemma member_range_inf :
+  forall (x:Z) (b:Z), (member x (range_inf b)) <-> (x <= b)%Z.
 intros x b.
 (* Why3 goal *)
-Lemma member_range_all : forall (x:Z), (member x range_all).
+Lemma member_range_all : forall (x:Z), member x range_all.
 intros x.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/coq.drv b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/coq.drv
deleted file mode 100644
index 68d8626d5864e11e06e2d81f2ceb516169a366f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/coq.drv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* generated automatically at developer compilation time *)
-theory qed.Qed meta "realized_theory" "qed.Qed", "Qed" end
-theory cmath.Cmath meta "realized_theory" "cmath.Cmath", "Cmath" end
-theory square.Square meta "realized_theory" "square.Square", "Square" end
-theory explog.ExpLog meta "realized_theory" "explog.ExpLog", "ExpLog" end
-theory arctrigo.ArcTrigo meta "realized_theory" "arctrigo.ArcTrigo", "ArcTrigo" end
-theory cint.Cint meta "realized_theory" "cint.Cint", "Cint" end
-theory cbits.Cbits meta "realized_theory" "cbits.Cbits", "Cbits" end
-theory memory.Memory meta "realized_theory" "memory.Memory", "Memory" end
-theory vset.Vset meta "realized_theory" "vset.Vset", "Vset" end
-theory cfloat.Cfloat meta "realized_theory" "cfloat.Cfloat", "Cfloat" end
-theory vlist.Vlist meta "realized_theory" "vlist.Vlist", "Vlist" end
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cbits.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cbits.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17e89f44e582cced21c42f3799aafe1bd749bd49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cbits.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- C-Bits Arithmetics for Why-3                                       --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Cbits
+  use int.Int
+  use bool.Bool
+  use frama_c_wp.cint.Cint
+  use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed
+  function bit_testb int int : bool
+  predicate bit_test int int
+  (** * C-Integer Bits * **)
+  function lnot int : int
+  function land int int : int
+  function lxor int int : int
+  function lor  int int : int
+  meta AC function land
+  meta AC function lxor
+  meta AC function lor
+  function lsl  int int : int
+  function lsr  int int : int
+(** * Bitwise identities *)
+(** ** lnot identities *)
+  axiom lnot_bool: ((lnot 0) = (-1)) /\ ((lnot (-1)) = 0)
+(** ** land identities *)
+  axiom land_idemp: forall x:int [land x x]. (land x x) = x
+  axiom land_0: forall x:int [land 0 x]. (land 0 x) = 0
+  axiom land_0bis: forall x:int [land x 0]. (land x 0) = 0
+  axiom land_1: forall x:int [land (-1) x]. (land (-1) x) = x
+  axiom land_1bis: forall x:int [land x (-1)]. (land x (-1)) = x
+  axiom land_bool:
+        (land 0 0) = 0 /\  (land 0 1) = 0 /\ (land 1 0) = 0 /\ (land 1 1) = 1
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom land_bool
+(** ** lor identities *)
+  axiom lor_idemp: forall x:int [lor x x]. (lor x x) = x
+  axiom lor_1:     forall x:int [lor (-1) x]. (lor (-1) x) = -1
+  axiom lor_1bis:  forall x:int [lor x (-1)]. (lor x (-1)) = -1
+  axiom lor_0:     forall x:int [lor 0 x]. (lor 0 x) = x
+  axiom lor_0bis:  forall x:int [lor x 0]. (lor x 0) = x
+  axiom lor_bool:
+        (lor 0 0) = 0 /\  (lor 0 1) = 1 /\ (lor 1 0) = 1 /\ (lor 1 1) = 1
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom lor_bool
+(** ** lxor identities *)
+  axiom lxor_nilpotent: forall x:int [lxor x x]. (lxor x x) = 0
+  axiom lxor_1:    forall x:int [lxor (-1) x]. (lxor (-1) x) = (lnot x)
+  axiom lxor_1bis: forall x:int [lxor x (-1)]. (lxor x (-1)) = (lnot x)
+  axiom lxor_0:    forall x:int [lxor 0 x]. (lxor 0 x) = x
+  axiom lxor_0bis: forall x:int [lxor x 0]. (lxor x 0) = x
+  axiom lxor_bool:
+        (lxor 0 0) = 0 /\  (lxor 0 1) = 1 /\ (lxor 1 0) = 1 /\ (lxor 1 1) = 0
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom lxor_bool
+(** * Bit extraction *)
+(** ** Definition of bit_test predicate *)
+  axiom bit_test_def: forall x k:int [bit_testb x k].
+    (bit_testb x k = True) <-> bit_test x k
+(** * Link between Bit extraction and bitwise operators *)
+(** ** Some properties of bit extration *)
+(** ** Logical operators *)
+  axiom bit_test_extraction: forall x k:int [land x (lsl 1 k)|land (lsl 1 k) x].
+    0<=k -> (land x (lsl 1 k))<>0 <-> (bit_test x k)
+  lemma bit_test_extraction_eq: forall x k:int [land x (lsl 1 k)|land (lsl 1 k) x].
+    0<=k -> (land x (lsl 1 k))=(lsl 1 k) <-> (bit_test x k)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma bit_test_extraction_eq
+  axiom lsl_1_0:
+    lsl 1 0 = 1
+  axiom bit_test_extraction_bis: forall x :int [land x 1|land 1 x].
+    (land 1 x)<>0 -> (bit_test x 0)
+  axiom bit_test_extraction_bis_eq: forall x :int [land x 1|land 1 x].
+    (bit_test x 0) -> (land 1 x)=1
+  lemma lnot_extraction_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (lnot x) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_testb (lnot x) i = notb (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom lnot_extraction:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (lnot x) i].
+    0<=i -> (bit_test (lnot x) i) <-> not (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lnot_extraction_bool
+  lemma land_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (land x y) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_testb (land x y) i = andb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
+  axiom land_extraction:      forall x y i:int [bit_test  (land x y) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_test (land x y) i <-> ((bit_test x i) /\ (bit_test y i))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma land_extraction_bool
+  lemma lor_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (lor x y) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_testb (lor x y) i = orb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
+  axiom lor_extraction:      forall x y i:int [bit_test  (lor x y) i].
+    0<=i -> (bit_test (lor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) \/ (bit_test y i))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lor_extraction_bool
+  lemma lxor_extraction_bool: forall x y i:int [bit_testb (lxor x y) i].
+    0<=i -> bit_testb (lxor x y) i = xorb (bit_testb x i) (bit_testb y i)
+  axiom lxor_extraction: forall x y i:int [bit_test (lxor x y) i].
+    0<=i -> (bit_test (lxor x y) i) <-> ((bit_test x i) <-> not (bit_test y i))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lxor_extraction_bool
+(** ** Shift operators *)
+  lemma lsl_1_two_power :  forall n : int. 0 <= n -> lsl 1 n = Cint.two_power_abs n
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_1_two_power
+  axiom land_1_lsl_1 : forall a x n : int [(lsl 1 (1+n)),(lsl 1 n),(2*a+(land 1 x))] .
+    0<=n -> a<lsl 1 n -> 2*a+(land 1 x)<lsl 1 (1+n)
+  lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool: forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsl x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m>=n -> bit_testb (lsl x n) m = bit_testb x (m-n)
+  axiom lsl_extraction_sup:      forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsl x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m>=n -> (bit_test (lsl x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m-n))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_extraction_sup_bool
+  lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool: forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsl x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m< n -> bit_testb (lsl x n) m = False
+  axiom lsl_extraction_inf:      forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsl x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m -> m< n -> not (bit_test (lsl x n) m)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma lsr_extraction_bool:     forall x n m:int [bit_testb (lsr x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m         -> bit_testb (lsr x n) m = bit_testb x (m+n)
+  axiom lsr_extractionl:         forall x n m:int [bit_test  (lsr x n) m].
+    0<=n -> 0<=m         -> (bit_test (lsr x n) m) <-> (bit_test x (m+n))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsr_extraction_bool
+  lemma lsl1_extraction_bool: forall i j:int [bit_testb (lsl 1 i) j].
+    0<=i -> 0<=j         -> bit_testb (lsl 1 i) j = eqb i j
+  axiom lsl1_extraction: forall i j:int [bit_test (lsl 1 i) j].
+    0<=i -> 0<=j         -> (bit_test (lsl 1 i) j) <-> i=j
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma lsl1_extraction_bool
+  lemma pos_extraction_sup:  forall x i j:int [(lsl 1 i),(bit_test x j)].
+    0<=x -> 0<=i -> x < (lsl 1 i) -> i <= j -> not (bit_test x j)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma pos_extraction_sup
+  lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv:  forall x i :int .
+    0<=i -> (forall j: int . i <= j -> not (bit_test x j)) -> 0<= x < (lsl 1 i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma pos_extraction_sup_inv
+(** * Link between Bit extraction and C type conversions *)
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+  lemma to_uint_extraction_sup:      forall n x i:int .
+    0<=n<=i -> is_uint n x -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool: forall n x i:int .
+    0<=i<n -> (bit_testb (to_uint n x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  lemma to_uint_extraction_inf:      forall n x i:int .
+    0<=i<n -> (bit_test (to_uint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  lemma is_uint_ext : forall n x y:int .
+     0<=n -> is_uint n x -> is_uint n y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<n -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_sup
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_inf_bool
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_extraction_inf
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_ext
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint8_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint8 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    8<=i -> is_uint8 x -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint8 x) i].
+    0<=i<8 -> (bit_testb (to_uint8 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_uint8_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint8 x) i].
+    0<=i<8 -> (bit_test (to_uint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint8_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_uint8_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<8 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint8_ext
+(** *** Cast to uint16 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint16_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint16 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    16<=i -> is_uint16 x -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint16 x) i].
+    0<=i<16 -> (bit_testb (to_uint16 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_uint16_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint16 x) i].
+    0<=i<16 -> (bit_test (to_uint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint16_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_uint16_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<16 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint16_ext
+(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint32_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint32 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    32<=i -> is_uint32 x -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint32 x) i].
+    0<=i<32 -> (bit_testb (to_uint32 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_uint32_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint32 x) i].
+    0<=i<32 -> (bit_test (to_uint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint32_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_uint32_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<32 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint32_ext
+(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint64_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_uint64 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    64<=i -> (is_uint64 x) -> not (bit_test x i)
+  lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_uint64 x) i].
+    0<=i<64 -> (bit_testb (to_uint64 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_uint64_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_uint64 x) i].
+    0<=i<64 -> (bit_test (to_uint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint64_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_uint64_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<64 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint64_ext
+(** ** Signed conversions *)
+  lemma to_sint_extraction_sup:      forall n x i:int .
+    0<=n<=i -> is_sint n x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool: forall n x i:int .
+    0<=i<n -> (bit_testb (to_sint n x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  lemma to_sint_extraction_inf:      forall n x i:int .
+    0<=i<n -> (bit_test (to_sint n x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  lemma is_sint_ext : forall n x y:int .
+     0<=n -> is_sint n x -> is_sint n y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=n -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_sup
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_inf_bool
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint_extraction_inf
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_ext
+(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
+  axiom to_sint8_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint8 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    7<=i -> is_sint8 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [(bit_testb (to_sint8 x) i)].
+    0<=i<7 -> (bit_testb (to_sint8 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_sint8_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [(bit_test  (to_sint8 x) i)].
+    0<=i<7 -> (bit_test (to_sint8 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint8_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_sint8_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=7 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint8_ext
+(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
+  axiom to_sint16_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint16 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    15<=i -> is_sint16 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint16 x) i].
+    0<=i<15 -> (bit_testb (to_sint16 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_sint16_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint16 x) i].
+    0<=i<15 -> (bit_test (to_sint16 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint16_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_sint16_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=15 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint16_ext
+(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
+  axiom to_sint32_extraction_sup: forall x i:int [(is_sint32 x),(bit_test x i)].
+    31<=i -> is_sint32 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint32 x) i].
+    0<=i<31 -> (bit_testb (to_sint32 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_sint32_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint32 x) i].
+    0<=i<31 -> (bit_test (to_sint32 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint32_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_sint32_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=31 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint32_ext
+(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
+  axiom to_sint64_extraction_sup:      forall x i:int [(is_sint64 x),(bit_test  x i)].
+    63<=i -> is_sint64 x -> (bit_test x i) <-> x < 0
+  lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool: forall x i:int [bit_testb (to_sint64 x) i].
+    0<=i<63 -> (bit_testb (to_sint64 x) i) =  (bit_testb x i)
+  axiom to_sint64_extraction_inf:      forall x i:int [bit_test  (to_sint64 x) i].
+    0<=i<63 -> (bit_test (to_sint64 x) i) <-> (bit_test x i)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_sint64_extraction_inf_bool
+  lemma is_sint64_ext : forall x y:int .
+    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y
+    -> (forall i: int. 0<=i<=63 -> (bit_test x i <-> bit_test y i))
+    -> x = y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint64_ext
+(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are distributive *)
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+  lemma to_uint_lor : forall n x y:int.
+    to_uint n (lor x y) = lor (to_uint n x) (to_uint n y)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_lor
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+  lemma to_uint8_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lor x y)].
+    to_uint8 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint8 x) (to_uint 8 y)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint8_lor
+(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
+  lemma to_uint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lor x y)].
+    to_uint16 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint16 x) (to_uint16 y)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint16_lor
+(** ***  Cast to uint32 C type *)
+  axiom to_uint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lor x y)].
+    to_uint32 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint32 x) (to_uint32 y)
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom to_uint32_lor
+(** ***  Cast to uint64 C type *)
+  lemma to_uint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lor x y)].
+    to_uint64 (lor x y) = lor (to_uint64 x) (to_uint64 y)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint64_lor
+(** * Some C-Integer Bits Conversions are identity *)
+(** ** Unsigned conversions *)
+  lemma is_uint_lxor : forall n x y:int.
+    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  lemma is_uint_lor : forall n x y:int.
+    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (lor x y) = lor x y
+  lemma is_uint_land : forall n x y:int.
+    is_uint n x -> is_uint n y -> to_uint n (land x y) = land x y
+  lemma is_uint_lsr : forall n x y:int.
+    0<=y -> is_uint n x -> to_uint n (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf : forall n y:int.
+    0<=y<n  -> to_uint n (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup : forall n y:int.
+    0<=n<=y -> to_uint n (lsl 1 y) = 0
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lor
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_land
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsr
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsl1_inf
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lsl1_sup
+(** *** Cast to uint8 C type *)
+  axiom is_uint8_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lxor x y)].
+    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_uint8_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lor x y)].
+    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_uint8_land : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (land x y)].
+    is_uint8 x -> is_uint8 y -> to_uint8 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_uint8_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint8 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_uint8 x -> to_uint8 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_uint8_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint8 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<8 -> to_uint8 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_uint8_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint8 (lsl 1 y)].
+    8<=y -> to_uint8 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** ***  Cast to uint16 C type *)
+  axiom is_uint16_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lxor x y)].
+    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_uint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lor x y)].
+    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_uint16_land : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (land x y)].
+    is_uint16 x -> is_uint16 y -> to_uint16 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_uint16_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint16 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_uint16 x -> to_uint16 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_uint16_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint16 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<16 -> to_uint16 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_uint16_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint16 (lsl 1 y)].
+    16<=y -> to_uint16 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to uint32 C type *)
+  axiom is_uint32_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lxor x y)].
+    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_uint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lor x y)].
+    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_uint32_land : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (land x y)].
+    is_uint32 x -> is_uint32 y -> to_uint32 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_uint32_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint32 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_uint32 x -> to_uint32 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_uint32_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint32 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<32 -> to_uint32 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_uint32_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint32 (lsl 1 y)].
+    32<=y -> to_uint32 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to uint64 C type *)
+  axiom is_uint64_lxor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lxor x y)].
+    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (lxor x y) =  lxor x y
+  axiom is_uint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lor x y)].
+    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (lor x y) =  lor x y
+  axiom is_uint64_land : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (land x y)].
+    is_uint64 x -> is_uint64 y -> to_uint64 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_uint64_lsr : forall x y:int [to_uint64 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_uint64 x -> to_uint64 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_uint64_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_uint64 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<64 -> to_uint64 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_uint64_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_uint64 (lsl 1 y)].
+    64<=y -> to_uint64 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** ** Signed conversions *)
+  lemma is_sint_lnot: forall n x:int.
+    is_sint n x -> to_sint n (lnot x) = lnot x
+  lemma is_sint_lxor: forall n x y:int.
+    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  lemma is_sint_lor: forall n x y:int.
+    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (lor x y) = lor x y
+  lemma is_sint_land: forall n x y:int.
+    is_sint n x -> is_sint n y -> to_sint n (land x y) = land x y
+  lemma is_sint_lsr: forall n x y:int.
+    0<=y -> is_sint n x -> to_sint n (lsr x y) = lsr x y 
+  lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf : forall n y:int.
+    0<=y<n -> to_sint n (lsl 1 y) = (lsl 1 y)
+  lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup : forall n y:int.
+    0<=n<y -> to_sint n (lsl 1 y) = 0
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lnot
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lxor
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lor
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_land
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsr
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsl1_inf
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_sint_lsl1_sup
+(** *** Cast to sint8 C type *)
+  axiom is_sint8_lnot: forall x:int [to_sint8 (lnot x)].
+    is_sint8 x ->  to_sint8 (lnot x) = lnot x
+  axiom is_sint8_lxor: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lxor x y)].
+    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_sint8_lor: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lor x y)].
+    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_sint8_land: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (land x y)].
+    is_sint8 x -> is_sint8 y -> to_sint8 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_sint8_lsr: forall x y:int [to_sint8 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_sint8 x -> to_sint8 (lsr x y) = lsr x y 
+  axiom is_sint8_lsl1 :
+    lsl 1 7 = Cint.max_sint8
+  axiom is_sint8_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint8 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<7 -> to_sint8 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_sint8_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint8 (lsl 1 y)].
+    8<=y -> to_sint8 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to sint16 C type *)
+  axiom is_sint16_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint16 (lnot x)].
+    is_sint16 x -> to_sint16 (lnot x) = lnot x
+  axiom is_sint16_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lxor x y)].
+    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (lxor x y) = lxor x y 
+  axiom is_sint16_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lor x y)].
+    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_sint16_land : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (land x y)].
+    is_sint16 x -> is_sint16 y -> to_sint16 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_sint16_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint16 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_sint16 x -> to_sint16 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_sint16_lsl1 :
+    lsl 1 15 = Cint.max_sint16
+  axiom is_sint16_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint16 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<15 -> to_sint16 (lsl 1 y) = (lsl 1 y)
+  axiom is_sint16_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint16 (lsl 1 y)].
+    16<=y -> to_sint16 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to sint32 C type *)
+  axiom is_sint32_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint32(lnot(x))].
+    is_sint32 x -> to_sint32 (lnot x) = lnot x
+  axiom is_sint32_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (lxor x y)].
+    is_sint32 x ->  is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (lxor x y) = lxor x y 
+  axiom is_sint32_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint32(lor x y)].
+    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_sint32_land : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (land x y)].
+    is_sint32 x -> is_sint32 y -> to_sint32 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_sint32_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint32 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_sint32 x -> to_sint32 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_sint32_lsl1 :
+    lsl 1 31 = Cint.max_sint32
+  axiom is_sint32_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint32 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<31 -> to_sint32 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_sint32_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint32 (lsl 1 y)].
+    32<=y -> to_sint32 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** *** Cast to sint64 C type *)
+  axiom is_sint64_lnot : forall x:int [to_sint64 (lnot x)].
+    is_sint64 x -> to_sint64 (lnot x) = lnot x
+  axiom is_sint64_lxor : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (lxor x y)].
+    is_sint64 x ->  is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (lxor x y) = lxor x y
+  axiom is_sint64_lor : forall x y:int [to_sint64(lor x y)].
+    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (lor x y) = lor x y
+  axiom is_sint64_land : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (land x y)].
+    is_sint64 x -> is_sint64 y -> to_sint64 (land x y) = land x y
+  axiom is_sint64_lsr : forall x y:int [to_sint64 (lsr x y)].
+    0<=y -> is_sint64 x -> to_sint64 (lsr x y) = lsr x y
+  axiom is_sint64_lsl1 :
+    lsl 1 63 = Cint.max_sint64
+  axiom is_sint64_lsl1_inf : forall y:int [to_sint64 (lsl 1 y)].
+    0<=y<63 -> to_sint64 (lsl 1 y) = lsl 1 y
+  axiom is_sint64_lsl1_sup : forall y:int [to_sint64 (lsl 1 y)].
+    64<=y -> to_sint64 (lsl 1 y) = 0
+(** * Range of some bitwise operations *)
+  lemma uint_land_range : forall x y: int .
+    0<=x -> 0 <= land x y <= x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma uint_land_range
+  lemma uint_lor_inf : forall x y: int .
+    -1<=x -> 0<=y -> x <= lor x y
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma uint_lor_inf
+  lemma sint_land_inf : forall x y: int .
+    x<=0 -> y<0 -> land x y <= x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma sint_land_inf
+  lemma sint_lor_range : forall x y: int .
+    x<0 -> x <= lor x y < 0
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma sint_lor_range
+  lemma is_uint_lor_distrib : forall n x y: int .
+   (is_uint n (lor x y)) <-> ((is_uint n x) && (is_uint n y))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_uint_lor_distrib
+(** * Link between bitwise operators and addition *)
+  axiom lor_addition : forall x y: int  [(land x y), (lor x y) ].
+    land x y = 0 -> x + y = lor x y
+  axiom lxor_addition : forall x y: int  [(land x y), (lxor x y) ].
+    land x y = 0 -> x + y = lxor x y
+(** * Link between land and cast operator *)
+  lemma to_uint_land_edge : forall x n: int.
+    0<=n -> to_uint n x = land ((lsl 1 n) - 1) x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma to_uint_land_edge
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cfloat.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cfloat.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb6ecd7f606e51e767537cadc392a764a9009436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cfloat.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Cfloat
+  use bool.Bool
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.Abs
+  use real.Square
+  use real.FromInt
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type f32 (* single precision IEEE *)
+  type f64 (* double precision IEEE *)
+  (* C-Float Conversion *)
+  function to_f32 real : f32
+  function of_f32 f32 : real
+  function to_f64 real : f64
+  function of_f64 f64 : real
+  axiom to_f32_zero: of_f32 (to_f32 0.0) = 0.0
+  axiom to_f32_one:  of_f32 (to_f32 1.0) = 1.0
+  axiom to_f64_zero: of_f64 (to_f64 0.0) = 0.0
+  axiom to_f64_one:  of_f64 (to_f64 1.0) = 1.0
+  (* C-Float Rounding Modes *)
+  type rounding_mode = Up | Down | ToZero | NearestTiesToAway | NearestTiesToEven
+  function round_float rounding_mode real : f32
+  function round_double rounding_mode real : f64
+  axiom float_32:
+    forall x:real [ round_float NearestTiesToEven x ].
+    to_f32 x = round_float NearestTiesToEven x
+  axiom float_64:
+    forall x:real [ round_double NearestTiesToEven x ].
+    to_f64 x = round_double NearestTiesToEven x
+  (* C-Float Classification *)
+  type float_kind = Finite | NaN | Inf_pos | Inf_neg
+  function classify_f32 f32 : float_kind
+  function classify_f64 f64 : float_kind
+  predicate is_finite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Finite)
+  predicate is_finite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Finite)
+  predicate is_NaN_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = NaN)
+  predicate is_NaN_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = NaN)
+  predicate is_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_pos || classify_f32 f = Inf_neg)
+  predicate is_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_pos || classify_f64 d = Inf_neg)
+  predicate is_positive_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_pos)
+  predicate is_positive_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_pos)
+  predicate is_negative_infinite_f32 (f:f32) = (classify_f32 f = Inf_neg)
+  predicate is_negative_infinite_f64 (d:f64) = (classify_f64 d = Inf_neg)
+  axiom is_finite_to_float_32 :
+    forall x:real [is_finite_f32(to_f32 x)]. is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)
+  axiom is_finite_to_float_64 :
+    forall x:real [is_finite_f64(to_f64 x)]. is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x)
+  axiom to_float_is_finite_32 :
+    forall f:f32 [ to_f32( of_f32 f ) | is_finite_f32(f) ]. is_finite_f32(f) -> to_f32( of_f32 f ) = f
+  axiom to_float_is_finite_64 :
+    forall d:f64 [ to_f64( of_f64 d ) | is_finite_f64(d) ]. is_finite_f64(d) -> to_f64( of_f64 d ) = d
+  (* Finite Constants *)
+  predicate finite (x:real) = (is_finite_f32 (to_f32 x)) /\ (is_finite_f64 (to_f64 x))
+  constant max_f32 : real = 340282346600000016151267322115014000640.0
+  constant max_f64 : real = 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0
+  axiom finite_small_f32 : forall x:real. -. max_f64 <=. x <=. max_f32 -> is_finite_f32(to_f32 x)
+  axiom finite_small_f64 : forall x:real. -. max_f64 <=. x <=. max_f64 -> is_finite_f64(to_f64 x)
+  axiom finite_range_f32 : forall f:f32. is_finite_f32(f) <-> -. max_f32 <=. of_f32 f <=. max_f32
+  axiom finite_range_f64 : forall d:f64. is_finite_f64(d) <-> -. max_f64 <=. of_f64 d <=. max_f64
+  (* Equal *)
+  function eq_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
+  function eq_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
+  predicate eq_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (eq_f32b x y = true)
+  predicate eq_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (eq_f64b x y = true)
+  axiom eq_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [eq_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                        eq_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x = of_f32 y
+  axiom eq_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [eq_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                        eq_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x = of_f64 y
+  (* Not Equal *)
+  function ne_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
+  function ne_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
+  predicate ne_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (ne_f32b x y = true)
+  predicate ne_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (ne_f64b x y = true)
+  axiom ne_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [ne_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                        ne_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <> of_f32 y
+  axiom ne_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [ne_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                        ne_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <> of_f64 y
+  (* Comparison (<=) *)
+  function le_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
+  function le_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
+  predicate le_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (le_f32b x y = true)
+  predicate le_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (le_f64b x y = true)
+  axiom le_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [le_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                        le_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <=. of_f32 y
+  axiom le_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [le_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                        le_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <=. of_f64 y
+  (* Comparison (<) *)
+  function lt_f32b (x:f32) (y:f32) : bool
+  function lt_f64b (x:f64) (y:f64) : bool
+  predicate lt_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) = (lt_f32b x y = true)
+  predicate lt_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) = (lt_f64b x y = true)
+  axiom lt_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [lt_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                        lt_f32 x y <-> of_f32 x <. of_f32 y
+  axiom lt_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [lt_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                        lt_f64 x y <-> of_f64 x <. of_f64 y
+  (* Negation *)
+  function neg_f32 (x:f32) : f32
+  function neg_f64 (x:f64) : f64
+  axiom neg_finite_f32 : forall x:f32 [neg_f32 x]. is_finite_f32 x -> of_f32 (neg_f32 x) = -. (of_f32 x)
+  axiom neg_finite_f64 : forall x:f64 [neg_f64 x]. is_finite_f64 x -> of_f64 (neg_f64 x) = -. (of_f64 x)
+  (* Addition *)
+  function add_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
+  function add_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
+  axiom add_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [add_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                         add_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x +. of_f32 y)
+  axiom add_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [add_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                         add_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x +. of_f64 y)
+  (* Multiplication *)
+  function mul_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
+  function mul_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
+  axiom mul_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [mul_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                         mul_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x *. of_f32 y)
+  axiom mul_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [mul_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                         mul_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x *. of_f64 y)
+  (* Division *)
+  function div_f32 (x:f32) (y:f32) : f32
+  function div_f64 (x:f64) (y:f64) : f64
+  axiom div_finite_f32 : forall x,y:f32 [div_f32 x y]. is_finite_f32 x -> is_finite_f32 y ->
+                                         div_f32 x y = to_f32 (of_f32 x /. of_f32 y)
+  axiom div_finite_f64 : forall x,y:f64 [div_f64 x y]. is_finite_f64 x -> is_finite_f64 y ->
+                                         div_f64 x y = to_f64 (of_f64 x /. of_f64 y)
+  (* Square Root *)
+  function sqrt_f32 f32 : f32
+  function sqrt_f64 f64 : f64
+  axiom sqrt_finite_f32 : forall x:f32 [sqrt_f32 x]. is_finite_f32 x -> sqrt_f32 x = to_f32 (sqrt (of_f32 x))
+  axiom sqrt_finite_f64 : forall x:f64 [sqrt_f64 x]. is_finite_f64 x -> sqrt_f64 x = to_f64 (sqrt (of_f64 x))
+  (* Models *)
+  function model_f32 (f:f32) : real
+  function delta_f32 (f:f32) : real = abs( of_f32 f -. model_f32 f )
+  function error_f32 (f:f32) : real = (delta_f32 f) /. (abs (model_f32 f))
+  function model_f64 (f:f64) : real
+  function delta_f64 (f:f64) : real = abs( of_f64 f -. model_f64 f )
+  function error_f64 (f:f64) : real = (delta_f64 f) /. (abs (model_f64 f))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cint.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cint.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96f13da534d3856b65f60438b2b6ef893c45fbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cint.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- C-Integer Arithmetics for Why-3                                    --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Cint
+  use int.Int
+  use bool.Bool
+  (** * C-Integer bounds * **)
+  (** ** bounds are inlined into prover files ** **)
+  function max_uint8: int = 256
+  function max_sint8: int = 128
+  function max_uint16: int = 65536
+  function max_sint16: int = 32768
+  function max_uint32: int = 4294967296
+  function max_sint32: int = 2147483648
+  function max_uint64: int = 18446744073709551616
+  function max_sint64: int = 9223372036854775808
+  (** * C-Integer Ranges * **)
+  predicate is_bool(x:int) = x = 0 \/ x = 1
+  predicate is_uint8(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint8
+  predicate is_sint8(x:int) = -max_sint8 <= x < max_sint8
+  predicate is_uint16(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint16
+  predicate is_sint16(x:int) = -max_sint16 <= x < max_sint16
+  predicate is_uint32(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint32
+  predicate is_sint32(x:int) = -max_sint32 <= x < max_sint32
+  predicate is_uint64(x:int) = 0 <= x < max_uint64
+  predicate is_sint64(x:int) = -max_sint64 <= x < max_sint64
+  lemma is_bool0: is_bool(0)
+  lemma is_bool1: is_bool(1)
+  (* meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_bool *)
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint8
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint8
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint16
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint16
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint32
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint32
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_sint64
+  meta "def_into_axiom" predicate is_uint64
+  (** * C-Integer Conversion * **)
+  function to_bool ( x : int ) : int = if x = 0 then 0 else 1
+  function to_uint8  int : int
+  function to_sint8  int : int
+  function to_uint16 int : int
+  function to_sint16 int : int
+  function to_uint32 int : int
+  function to_sint32 int : int
+  function to_uint64 int : int
+  function to_sint64 int : int
+  function two_power_abs  int : int
+  lemma two_power_abs_is_positive : forall n:int [ two_power_abs n ]. 0 < two_power_abs n
+  lemma two_power_abs_plus_pos : forall n m:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> two_power_abs (n+m) = (two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m)
+  lemma two_power_abs_plus_one : forall n:int   . 0 <= n -> two_power_abs (n+1) = 2 * (two_power_abs n)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_is_positive
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_plus_pos
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma two_power_abs_plus_one
+  predicate is_uint (n:int) (x:int) = 0 <= x < two_power_abs n
+  (* * [n] is the number of significant bits (that doesn't include the sign bit). * *)
+  predicate is_sint (n:int) (x:int) = -(two_power_abs n) <= x < two_power_abs n
+  function to_uint int int : int
+  function to_sint int int : int
+ (** * C-Integer Conversions are in-range * **)
+  lemma is_to_uint : forall n x:int [ is_uint n (to_uint n x) ]. is_uint n (to_uint n x)
+  lemma is_to_sint : forall n x:int [ is_sint n (to_sint n x) ]. is_sint n (to_sint n x)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_to_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma is_to_sint
+  axiom is_to_uint8 : forall x:int [ is_uint8(to_uint8 x) ]. is_uint8 (to_uint8 x)
+  axiom is_to_sint8 : forall x:int [ is_sint8(to_sint8 x) ]. is_sint8 (to_sint8 x)
+  axiom is_to_uint16 : forall x:int [ is_uint16(to_uint16 x) ]. is_uint16 (to_uint16 x)
+  axiom is_to_sint16 : forall x:int [ is_sint16(to_sint16 x) ]. is_sint16 (to_sint16 x)
+  axiom is_to_uint32 : forall x:int [ is_uint32(to_uint32 x) ]. is_uint32 (to_uint32 x)
+  axiom is_to_sint32 : forall x:int [ is_sint32(to_sint32 x) ]. is_sint32 (to_sint32 x)
+  axiom is_to_uint64 : forall x:int [ is_uint64(to_uint64 x) ]. is_uint64 (to_uint64 x)
+  axiom is_to_sint64 : forall x:int [ is_sint64(to_sint64 x) ]. is_sint64 (to_sint64 x)
+  (** * C-Integer Conversions are identity when in-range * **)
+  lemma id_uint : forall n x:int [ to_uint n x ]. is_uint n x <-> (to_uint n x) = x
+  lemma id_sint : forall n x:int [ to_sint n x ]. is_sint n x <-> (to_sint n x) = x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma id_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma id_sint
+  axiom id_uint8 : forall x:int [ to_uint8 x ]. is_uint8 x -> (to_uint8 x) = x
+  axiom id_sint8 : forall x:int [ to_sint8 x ]. is_sint8 x -> (to_sint8 x) = x
+  axiom id_uint16 : forall x:int [ to_uint16 x ]. is_uint16 x -> (to_uint16 x) = x
+  axiom id_sint16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16 x ]. is_sint16 x -> (to_sint16 x) = x
+  axiom id_uint32 : forall x:int [ to_uint32 x ]. is_uint32 x -> (to_uint32 x) = x
+  axiom id_sint32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32 x ]. is_sint32 x -> (to_sint32 x) = x
+  axiom id_uint64 : forall x:int [ to_uint64 x ]. is_uint64 x -> (to_uint64 x) = x
+  axiom id_sint64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64 x ]. is_sint64 x -> (to_sint64 x) = x
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint8,  axiom id_uint8
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint8,  axiom id_sint8
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint16, axiom id_uint16
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint16, axiom id_sint16
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint32, axiom id_uint32
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint32, axiom id_sint32
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_uint64, axiom id_uint64
+  meta "inline_in" predicate is_sint64, axiom id_sint64
+  (** * C-Integer Conversions are projections * **)
+  lemma proj_uint : forall n x:int . to_uint n (to_uint n x)= to_uint n x
+  lemma proj_sint : forall n x:int . to_sint n (to_sint n x)= to_sint n x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_sint
+  axiom proj_uint8 : forall x:int [ to_uint8(to_uint8 x) ]. to_uint8(to_uint8 x)=to_uint8 x
+  axiom proj_sint8 : forall x:int [ to_sint8(to_sint8 x) ]. to_sint8(to_sint8 x)=to_sint8 x
+  axiom proj_uint16 : forall x:int [ to_uint16(to_uint16 x) ]. to_uint16(to_uint16 x)=to_uint16 x
+  axiom proj_sint16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16(to_sint16 x) ]. to_sint16(to_sint16 x)=to_sint16 x
+  axiom proj_uint32 : forall x:int [ to_uint32(to_uint32 x) ]. to_uint32(to_uint32 x)=to_uint32 x
+  axiom proj_sint32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32(to_sint32 x) ]. to_sint32(to_sint32 x)=to_sint32 x
+  axiom proj_uint64 : forall x:int [ to_uint64(to_uint64 x) ]. to_uint64(to_uint64 x)=to_uint64 x
+  axiom proj_sint64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64(to_sint64 x) ]. to_sint64(to_sint64 x)=to_sint64 x
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint8
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint8
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint16
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint16
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint32
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint32
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_uint64
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom proj_sint64
+  (** * Generalization for [to_sint _ (to_uint _ x)] * **)
+  lemma proj_su: forall n x:int . to_sint n (to_uint n x) = to_uint n x
+  lemma incl_su: forall n x:int . is_uint n x -> is_sint n x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_su
+  lemma proj_su_uint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_sint (m+n) (to_uint n x)     = to_uint n x
+  lemma proj_su_sint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_sint n (to_uint (m+(n+1)) x) = to_sint n x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_su_sint
+  axiom proj_int8  : forall x:int [ to_sint8(to_uint8 x)   ]. to_sint8(to_uint8 x)  =to_sint8  x
+  axiom proj_int16 : forall x:int [ to_sint16(to_uint16 x) ]. to_sint16(to_uint16 x)=to_sint16 x
+  axiom proj_int32 : forall x:int [ to_sint32(to_uint32 x) ]. to_sint32(to_uint32 x)=to_sint32 x
+  axiom proj_int64 : forall x:int [ to_sint64(to_uint64 x) ]. to_sint64(to_uint64 x)=to_sint64 x
+  (** * Generalization for [to_uint _ (to_sint _ x)] * **)
+  lemma proj_us_uint: forall n m x:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> to_uint (n+1) (to_sint (m+n) x) = to_uint (n+1) x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma proj_us_uint
+  (** * C-Integer range inclusion * **)
+  lemma incl_uint : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n+i) x
+  lemma incl_sint : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n+i) x
+  lemma incl_int  : forall n x i:int . 0 <= n -> 0 <= i -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n+i) x
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_uint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_sint
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma incl_int
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.None.ml b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cmath.mlw
similarity index 63%
rename from src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.None.ml
rename to src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cmath.mlw
index 6520404f80cffa63f1369272afe8c01db77ed79b..2c19e70fe3a7d5218725d8d6ecfe2dd559c31b27 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.None.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/cmath.mlw
@@ -20,12 +20,52 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-# 23 "src/plugins/wp/ProverDetect.None.ml"
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Prover Detection (no why3)                                         --- *)
+(* --- Mathematics for Why-3                                              --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let detect () : VCS.dp list = []
+theory Cmath [@ W:non_conservative_extension:N]
+  use int.Int
+  use int.Abs
+  use real.RealInfix
+  lemma abs_def :
+    forall x:int [abs(x)].
+    if x >= 0 then abs(x)=x else abs(x)=(-x)
+theory Square [@ W:non_conservative_extension:N]
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.Square
+  lemma sqrt_lin1 : forall x:real [sqrt(x)]. 1. <. x -> sqrt(x) <. x
+  lemma sqrt_lin0 : forall x:real [sqrt(x)]. 0. <. x <. 1. -> x <. sqrt(x)
+  lemma sqrt_0 : sqrt(0.) = 0.
+  lemma sqrt_1 : sqrt(1.) = 1.
+theory ExpLog [@ W:non_conservative_extension:N]
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.ExpLog
+  axiom exp_pos : forall x:real. exp x >. 0.
+theory ArcTrigo
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.Trigonometry as Trigo
+  function atan (x : real) : real = Trigo.atan x
+  function asin real : real
+  function acos real : real
+  lemma Sin_asin: forall x:real. -. 1.0 <=. x <=. 1.0 -> Trigo.sin (asin x) = x
+  lemma Cos_acos: forall x:real. -. 1.0 <=. x <=. 1.0 -> Trigo.cos (acos x) = x
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/memory.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/memory.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..728bca648017ac6a0228146bd4924c1359dfbb22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/memory.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+theory Memory
+  use bool.Bool
+  use int.Int
+  use map.Map
+  type addr = { base : int ; offset : int }
+  predicate addr_le addr addr
+  predicate addr_lt addr addr
+  function addr_le_bool addr addr : bool
+  function addr_lt_bool addr addr : bool
+  axiom addr_le_def: forall p q :addr [addr_le p q].
+    p.base = q.base -> (addr_le p q <-> p.offset <= q.offset)
+  axiom addr_lt_def: forall p q :addr [addr_lt p q].
+    p.base = q.base -> (addr_lt p q <-> p.offset < q.offset)
+  axiom addr_le_bool_def : forall p q : addr [ addr_le_bool p q].
+    addr_le p q <-> addr_le_bool p q = True
+  axiom addr_lt_bool_def : forall p q : addr [ addr_lt_bool p q].
+    addr_lt p q <-> addr_lt_bool p q = True
+  constant null : addr = { base = 0 ; offset = 0 }
+  function global (b:int) : addr = { base = b ; offset = 0 }
+  meta "inline:no" function null
+  meta "inline:no" function global
+  function shift (p:addr) (k:int) : addr = { p with offset = p.offset + k }
+  predicate included (p:addr) (a:int) (q:addr) (b:int) =
+    a > 0 -> ( b >= 0 /\ p.base = q.base
+                     /\ (q.offset <= p.offset)
+                     /\ (p.offset + a <= q.offset + b) )
+  predicate separated (p:addr) (a:int) (q:addr) (b:int) =
+       a <= 0 \/ b <= 0
+    \/ p.base <> q.base
+    \/ q.offset + b <= p.offset
+    \/ p.offset + a <= q.offset
+  (* Memories *)
+  predicate eqmem (m1 m2 : map addr 'a) (p:addr) (a:int) =
+    forall q:addr [m1[p]|m2[q]]. included q 1 p a -> m1[q] = m2[q]
+  function havoc (m0 m1 : map addr 'a) (p:addr) (a:int) : map addr 'a
+  predicate valid_rw (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
+    n > 0 -> (  0 < p.base /\ 0 <= p.offset /\ p.offset + n <= m[p.base] )
+  predicate valid_rd (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
+    n > 0 -> ( 0 <> p.base /\ 0 <= p.offset /\ p.offset + n <= m[p.base] )
+  predicate invalid (m : map int int) (p:addr) (n:int) =
+    n > 0 -> ( m[p.base] <= p.offset \/ p.offset + n <= 0 )
+  lemma valid_rw_rd :
+    forall m : map int int.
+    forall p : addr.
+    forall n : int.
+    valid_rw m p n -> valid_rd m p n
+  lemma valid_string :
+    forall m : map int int.
+    forall p : addr.
+    p.base < 0 ->
+    0 <= p.offset < m[p.base] ->
+    (valid_rd m p 1 /\ not (valid_rw m p 1))
+  lemma separated_1 : forall p q : addr. forall a b i j : int
+    [ separated p a q b , { base = p.base ; offset = i } ,
+                          { base = q.base ; offset = j } ].
+    separated p a q b ->
+    p.offset <= i < p.offset + a ->
+    q.offset <= j < q.offset + b ->
+    { base = p.base ; offset = i } <>
+    { base = q.base ; offset = j }
+  (* Regions *)
+  function region int : int
+  predicate linked (map int int)
+  predicate sconst (map addr int)
+  predicate framed (m : map addr addr) =
+    forall p:addr [m[p]]. region(m[p].base) <= 0
+  (* Properties *)
+  lemma separated_included :
+    forall p q : addr.
+    forall a b : int
+      [ separated p a q b , included p a q b ].
+    a > 0 -> b > 0 -> separated p a q b -> included p a q b -> false
+  lemma included_trans :
+    forall p q r : addr.
+    forall a b c : int
+      [ included p a q b , included q b r c ].
+    included p a q b -> included q b r c -> included p a r c
+  lemma separated_trans :
+    forall p q r : addr.
+    forall a b c : int
+      [ included p a q b , separated q b r c ].
+    included p a q b -> separated q b r c -> separated p a r c
+  lemma separated_sym :
+    forall p q : addr.
+    forall a b : int
+      [ separated p a q b ].
+    separated p a q b <-> separated q b p a
+  lemma eqmem_included :
+    forall m1 m2 : map addr 'a.
+    forall p q : addr.
+    forall a b : int
+      [ eqmem m1 m2 p a,eqmem m1 m2 q b ].
+    included p a q b -> eqmem m1 m2 q b -> eqmem m1 m2 p a
+  lemma eqmem_sym :
+    forall m1 m2 : map addr 'a.
+    forall p : addr.
+    forall a : int.
+    eqmem m1 m2 p a -> eqmem m2 m1 p a
+  lemma havoc_access :
+    forall m0 m1 : map addr 'a.
+    forall q p : addr.
+    forall a : int.
+    (Map.([]) (havoc m0 m1 p a) (q)) = (if (separated q 1 p a) then (Map.([]) (m1) (q)) else (Map.([]) (m0) (q)))
+  (* Physical Address *)
+  function int_of_addr addr : int
+  function addr_of_int int : addr
+  function base_offset int : int
+  function base_index int : int
+  axiom int_of_addr_bijection :
+    forall a:int. int_of_addr (addr_of_int a) = a
+  axiom addr_of_int_bijection :
+    forall p:addr. addr_of_int (int_of_addr p) = p
+  axiom addr_of_null :
+    int_of_addr null = 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/qed.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/qed.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06435d9bf96b7505a79d05ebf39f401c253017ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/qed.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+theory Qed
+  use bool.Bool
+  use int.Int
+  use real.RealInfix
+  use real.FromInt
+  use int.ComputerDivision as CD
+  (** to be used only for the ACSL ite generation.
+      Something is wrong with "wp/share/ergo/bool.Bool.mlw" (coming from why3),
+      the function match_bool is undefined.  
+      An hack is to give a definition here. *)
+  function match_bool (x : bool) (y z:'a ) : 'a
+  axiom match_bool: forall p:bool, x:'a, y:'a [match_bool p x y].
+   ( p=True /\ match_bool p x y=x ) ||
+   ( p=False /\ match_bool p x y=y )
+  meta "remove_for_why3" axiom match_bool
+  (** The definitions are in comment because its not useful for coq
+  (no if-then-else on formula) and not tested on automatic provers *)
+  function eqb (x y : 'a) : bool (*= if x = y then True else False*)
+  axiom eqb : forall x:'a, y:'a. eqb x y = True <-> x = y
+  axiom eqb_false : forall x:'a, y:'a. eqb x y = False <-> x <> y
+  meta "remove_for_" axiom eqb_false
+  function neqb (x y : 'a) : bool(* = if x <> y then True else False*)
+  axiom neqb : forall x:'a, y:'a. neqb x y = True <-> x <> y
+  function zlt  (x y : int) : bool(* = if x < y  then True else False*)
+  function zleq (x y : int) : bool(* = if x <= y then True else False*)
+  axiom zlt  : forall x:int, y:int. zlt  x y = True <-> x < y
+  axiom zleq : forall x:int, y:int. zleq x y = True <-> x <= y
+  function rlt  (x y : real) : bool(* = if x <. y   then True else False*)
+  function rleq (x y : real) : bool(* = if x <=. y  then True else False*)
+  axiom rlt  : forall x:real, y:real. rlt  x y = True <-> x <. y
+  axiom rleq : forall x:real, y:real. rleq x y = True <-> x <=. y
+  function real_of_int (x:int) : real = FromInt.from_int x
+  meta "inline:no" function real_of_int
+  lemma c_euclidian : forall n d:int [(CD.div n d),(CD.mod n d)].
+    d <> 0 -> n = CD.div n d * d + CD.mod n d
+  lemma cmod_remainder : forall n d:int [CD.mod n d].
+    ((n >= 0) -> (d > 0) ->  0 <= CD.mod n d <  d) /\
+    ((n <= 0) -> (d > 0) -> -d <  CD.mod n d <= 0) /\
+    ((n >= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  0 <= CD.mod n d < -d) /\
+    ((n <= 0) -> (d < 0) ->  d <  CD.mod n d <= 0)
+  lemma cdiv_neutral : forall a:int [CD.div a 1]. CD.div a 1 = a
+  lemma cdiv_inv : forall a:int [CD.div a a]. a<>0 -> CD.div a a = 1
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vlist.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vlist.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce02585dfa3f0a1e09dbd2de9bc47a40c73fcf54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vlist.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- Lists for Why-3                                                --- *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Vlist
+  use int.Int
+  use int.ComputerDivision
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- Classical Lists for Alt-Ergo                                 --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type list 'a
+  function nil : list 'a
+  function cons 'a (list 'a) : list 'a
+  function concat (list 'a) (list 'a) : list 'a
+  function repeat (list 'a) int : list 'a
+  function length (list 'a) : int
+  function nth (list 'a) int : 'a
+  function elt (x:'a) : list 'a  = cons x nil
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- length                                                       --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  axiom length_pos : forall w:list 'a. (Int.(<=) 0 (length w))
+  axiom length_nil : length (nil: list 'a) = 0
+  axiom length_nil_bis : forall w:list 'a. length w = 0 -> w = nil
+  axiom length_cons :
+    forall x:'a, w:list 'a [length (cons x w)].
+      length (cons x w) = (Int.(+) 1 (length w))
+  axiom length_concat :
+    forall u,v:list 'a [length (concat u v)].
+      length (concat u v) = (Int.(+) (length u) (length v))
+  axiom length_repeat : 
+    forall w:list 'a, n:int [length (repeat w n)].
+      (Int.(<=) 0 n) -> length (repeat w n) = (Int.( * ) n (length w))
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- nth                                                          --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  axiom nth_cons: 
+    forall k:int, x:'a, w:list 'a [nth (cons x w) k].
+      nth (cons x w) k = if k = 0 then x else nth w (k-1)
+  axiom nth_concat: 
+    forall u,v:list 'a, k:int [nth (concat u v) k].
+      nth (concat u v) k = if k < length u then nth u k 
+                                           else nth v (Int.(-) k (length u))
+  axiom nth_repeat: 
+    forall n,k:int, w:list 'a [nth (repeat w n) k].
+      0 <= k < (Int.( * ) n (length w)) -> (Int.(<) 0 (length w)) ->
+      nth (repeat w n) k = nth w (mod k (length w))
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- equality of Lists                                            --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  predicate vlist_eq (u : list 'a) (v : list 'a) =
+    length u = length v &&
+    forall i:int. 0 <= i < length u -> nth u i = nth v i
+  axiom extensionality:
+    forall u,v:list 'a. vlist_eq u v -> u = v
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- neutral elements                                             --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  lemma eq_nil_concat:
+    forall w:list 'a. vlist_eq (concat nil w) w /\ vlist_eq (concat w nil) w
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_nil_concat
+  lemma rw_nil_concat_left:
+    forall w:list 'a [concat nil w]. concat nil w = w
+  lemma rw_nil_concat_right:
+    forall w:list 'a [concat w nil]. concat w nil = w
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- normalization                                                --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  lemma eq_cons_concat:
+    forall x:'a, v,w:list 'a [concat (cons x v) w]. 
+      vlist_eq (concat (cons x v) w) (cons x (concat v w))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_cons_concat
+  lemma rw_cons_concat:
+    forall x:'a, v,w:list 'a [concat (cons x v) w].
+      (concat (cons x v) w) = (cons x (concat v w))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_cons_concat
+  lemma rw_nil_cons_concat:
+    forall x:'a, w:list 'a [concat (cons x nil) w].
+      (concat (cons x nil) w) = (cons x w)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_nil_cons_concat
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- associativity                                                --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  lemma eq_assoc_concat: 
+    forall u,v,w:list 'a.
+      vlist_eq (concat (concat u v) w) (concat u (concat v w))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_assoc_concat
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- repeat                                                       --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  lemma rw_nil_repeat:
+    forall n:int [repeat (nil: list 'a) n].
+      n >= 0 -> repeat (nil: list 'a) n = (nil: list 'a)
+  lemma rw_repeat_zero:
+    forall w:list 'a [repeat w 0].
+      repeat w 0 = nil
+  lemma eq_repeat_one:
+    forall w:list 'a. vlist_eq (repeat w 1) w
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_repeat_one
+  lemma rw_repeat_one:
+    forall w:list 'a [repeat w 1]. repeat w 1 = w
+  lemma eq_repeat_concat:
+    forall p,q:int, w:list 'a.
+      0 <= p -> 0 <= q ->
+      vlist_eq (repeat w (Int.(+) p q)) (concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q))
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma eq_repeat_concat
+  lemma rw_repeat_concat:
+    forall p,q:int, w:list 'a.
+      0 <= p -> 0 <= q ->
+      repeat w (Int.(+) p q) = concat (repeat w p) (repeat w q)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_concat
+  lemma rw_repeat_after:
+    forall p:int, w:list 'a.
+       0 <= p -> concat (repeat w p) w = repeat w (Int.(+) p 1)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_after
+  lemma rw_repeat_before:
+    forall p:int, w:list 'a.
+      0 <= p -> concat w (repeat w p) = repeat w (Int.(+) p 1)
+  meta "remove_for_" lemma rw_repeat_before
+(*--- To avoid exponential blowup of use of repeat_after by alt-ergo ---*)
+function repeat_box (list 'a) int : (list 'a) (* repeat *)
+axiom rw_repeat_box_unfold: 
+  forall w:list 'a, n:int [ repeat_box w n ].
+    repeat_box w n = repeat w n
+axiom rw_repeat_plus_box_unfold: 
+  forall w:list 'a, a,b: int [ repeat_box w (Int.(+) a b) ].
+    (Int.(<=) 0 a)
+ -> (Int.(<=) 0 b)
+ -> repeat_box w (Int.(+) a b) = concat (repeat w a)
+                                                (repeat w b)
+axiom rw_repeat_plus_one_box_unfold: 
+  forall w:list 'a, n:int [ repeat_box w n ].
+    (Int.(<) 0 n)
+ -> (repeat_box w n = (concat (repeat w (Int.(-) n 1)) w)
+ && (repeat_box w (Int.(+) n 1) = concat (repeat w n) w))
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vset.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vset.mlw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d69ff5ecda15ad74a9570ed0665d4f88fc79c632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/frama_c_wp/vset.mlw
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- Sets for Why-3                                                     --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theory Vset
+  use bool.Bool
+  use int.Int
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* --- Classical Sets for Alt-Ergo                                        --- *)
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type set 'a
+  function empty : set 'a
+  function singleton 'a : set 'a
+  function union (set 'a) (set 'a) : set 'a
+  function inter  (set 'a) (set 'a) : set 'a
+  meta AC function union
+  meta AC function inter
+  predicate member 'a (set 'a)
+  function member_bool 'a (set 'a) : bool
+  function range int int : set int (* [a..b] *)
+  function range_sup int : set int (* [a..] *)
+  function range_inf int : set int (* [..b] *)
+  function range_all : set int (* [..] *)
+  predicate eqset (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
+    forall x : 'a. (member x a) <-> (member x b)
+  predicate subset (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
+    forall x : 'a. (member x a) -> (member x b)
+  predicate disjoint (a : set 'a) (b : set 'a) =
+    forall x : 'a. (member x a) -> (member x b) -> false
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  axiom member_bool : forall x:'a. forall s:set 'a [member_bool x s].
+    if member x s then member_bool x s = True else member_bool x s = False
+  axiom member_empty : forall x:'a [member x empty]. 
+    not (member x empty)
+  axiom member_singleton : forall x:'a,y:'a [member x (singleton y)].
+    member x (singleton y) <-> x=y
+  axiom member_union : forall x:'a. forall a:set 'a,b:set 'a [member x (union a b)].
+    member x (union a b) <-> (member x a) \/ (member x b)
+  axiom member_inter : forall x:'a. forall a:set 'a,b:set 'a [member x (inter a b)].
+    member x (inter a b) <-> (member x a) /\ (member x b)
+  axiom union_empty : forall a:set 'a [(union a empty)|(union empty a)].
+    (union a empty) = a /\ (union empty a) = a
+  axiom inter_empty : forall a:set 'a [(inter a empty)|(inter empty a)].
+    (inter a empty) = empty /\ (inter empty a) = empty
+  axiom member_range : forall x:int,a:int,b:int [member x (range a b)].
+    member x (range a b) <-> (a <= x /\ x <= b)
+  axiom member_range_sup : forall x:int,a:int [member x (range_sup a)].
+    member x (range_sup a) <-> (a <= x)
+  axiom member_range_inf : forall x:int,b:int [member x (range_inf b)].
+    member x (range_inf b) <-> (x <= b)
+  axiom member_range_all : forall x:int [member x range_all].
+    member x range_all
+  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver b/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
index 17c5507e2754228c45c1a0f1c245824786850002..26e36ef694384d5ed9911c8270cb29b0aa585329 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
@@ -22,10 +22,13 @@
 library qed:
 coq.file += "coqwp/BuiltIn.v";
+coq.file += "coqwp:bool/Bool.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp/HighOrd.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:int/Int.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:int/Abs.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:int/ComputerDivision.v";
+coq.file += "coqwp:int/EuclideanDivision.v";
+coq.file += "coqwp:for_drivers/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/Real.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/RealInfix.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/FromInt.v";
@@ -34,10 +37,12 @@ coq.file += "coqwp:bool/Bool.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp/Qedlib.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp/Qed.v";
 why3.import += "int.Abs:IAbs";
-why3.file += "why3/Qed.why";
+why3.import += "frama_c_wp.qed.Qed";
 altergo.file += "ergo/int.Int.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/int.Abs.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/int.ComputerDivision.mlw";
+altergo.file += "ergo/int.EuclideanDivision.mlw";
+altergo.file += "ergo/for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.Real.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.RealInfix.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.FromInt.mlw";
@@ -77,17 +82,18 @@ library cint:
 coq.file += "coqwp/Bits.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp/Zbits.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp/Cint.v";
-why3.file += "why3/Cint.why";
+why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cint.Cint";
 altergo.file += "ergo/Cint.mlw";
 library cbits: cint
 coq.file += "coqwp/Cbits.v";
 altergo.file += "ergo/Cbits.mlw";
-why3.file += "why3/Cbits.why";
+why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cbits.Cbits";
 library cfloat: cmath sqrt
+coq.file += "coqwp:real/Abs.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp/Cfloat.v";
-why3.file += "why3/Cfloat.why";
+why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cfloat.Cfloat";
 altergo.file += "ergo/Cfloat.mlw";
 type "rounding_mode"   = "rounding_mode";
 ctor "\\Up"()            = "Up";
@@ -111,29 +117,29 @@ logic bool "\\round_double"(rounding_mode,real) = "round_double";
 library vset:
 type set = "set";
 coq.file := "coqwp/Vset.v";
-why3.file := "why3/Vset.why";
+why3.import := "vset.Vset";
 altergo.file := "ergo/Vset.mlw";
 library vlist:
 coq.file := "coqwp/Vlist.v";
-why3.file := "why3/Vlist.why";
+why3.import := "frama_c_wp.vlist.Vlist";
 altergo.file := "ergo/Vlist.mlw";
 library memory:
 coq.file := "coqwp/Memory.v";
-why3.file := "why3/Memory.why";
+why3.import := "frama_c_wp.memory.Memory";
 altergo.file := "ergo/Memory.mlw";
 library sqrt: cmath
 why3.import += "real.Square";
 coq.file += "coqwp/Square.v";
-why3.file += "why3/Square.why";
+why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cmath.Square";
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.Square.mlw";
 altergo.file += "ergo/Square.mlw";
 library exponential: qed
 why3.import += "real.ExpLog" ;
-why3.file += "why3/ExpLog.why" ;
+why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cmath.ExpLog" ;
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/ExpLog.v" ;
 coq.file += "coqwp/Exp.v" ;
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.ExpLog.mlw" ;
@@ -141,7 +147,11 @@ altergo.file += "ergo/ExpLog.mlw" ;
 library power: exponential sqrt
 why3.import += "real.PowerReal" ;
+coq.file += "coqwp:int/Exponentiation.v" ;
+coq.file += "coqwp:int/Power.v" ;
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/PowerReal.v" ;
+altergo.file += "ergo/int.Exponentiation.mlw" ;
+altergo.file += "ergo/int.Power.mlw" ;
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.PowerReal.mlw" ;
 library truncate: qed
@@ -150,7 +160,7 @@ altergo.file += "ergo/real.Truncate.mlw" ;
 library cmath: qed
 why3.import += "real.Abs:RAbs" ;
-why3.file += "why3/Cmath.why";
+why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cmath.Cmath";
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/Abs.v" ;
 coq.file += "coqwp:real/Square.v";
 coq.file += "coqwp/Cmath.v";
@@ -163,7 +173,7 @@ coq.file += "coqwp:real/Trigonometry.v";
 altergo.file += "ergo/real.Trigonometry.mlw";
 library arctrigo: trigonometry
-why3.file += "why3/ArcTrigo.why";
+why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cmath.ArcTrigo";
 coq.file += "coqwp/ArcTrigo.v";
 altergo.file += "ergo/ArcTrigo.mlw";
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/qualif-why3.report b/src/plugins/wp/tests/qualif-why3.report
deleted file mode 100644
index e0da5135e7936e48309281f07f44a52c4202b091..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/qualif-why3.report
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-@ZERO "  - "
-%chapter  &18:  WP &22: Alt-Ergo(Why3) &36: Total &45:Success
-%name &18:%wp &24: %why3-ergo &36:%total &45: %success%%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/qualif.report b/src/plugins/wp/tests/qualif.report
index f495f7944ac2a88d7f86e498d3da3fc94feeda98..1e643df9054185b88334c097810bf96bdca6d461 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/qualif.report
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/qualif.report
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 %chapter  &18:  WP &26: Alt-Ergo &42: Total &51:Success
-%name &18:%wp &24: %ergo %range &42:%total &51: %success%%
+%name &18:%wp &24: %{Alt-Ergo,2.0.0,} %range &42:%total &51: %success%%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/test_config_qualif b/src/plugins/wp/tests/test_config_qualif
index fa33fc6becf285a6fc764433cb15c92a27fd38ad..a7498045f8f16179023fc8d32b488e906df1a4ad 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/test_config_qualif
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/test_config_qualif
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-CMD: @frama-c@ -no-autoload-plugins -load-module wp -wp -wp-par 1 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-timeout 90 -wp-share ./share -wp-msg-key shell,success-only -wp-report-json @PTEST_DIR@/oracle@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.@PTEST_NUMBER@.report.json:@PTEST_DIR@/result@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.@PTEST_NUMBER@.report.json -wp-report tests/qualif.report -wp-out @PTEST_DIR@/result@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.@PTEST_NUMBER@.out @PTEST_FILE@
+CMD: @frama-c@ -no-autoload-plugins -load-module wp -wp -wp-par 1 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-timeout 45 -wp-share ./share -wp-msg-key shell,success-only -wp-report-json @PTEST_DIR@/oracle@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.@PTEST_NUMBER@.report.json:@PTEST_DIR@/result@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.@PTEST_NUMBER@.report.json -wp-report tests/qualif.report -wp-out @PTEST_DIR@/result@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.@PTEST_NUMBER@.out @PTEST_FILE@
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/sharing.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/sharing.res.oracle
index b0fd93c9c2c5ae4b69a52e1621a71d1ae666ea04..d0bde7870b7a8cade014142226f5f026c223bd3b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/sharing.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/sharing.res.oracle
@@ -5,33 +5,46 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-  "WPOUT/typed/f_ensures.ergo"
-  (* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp/sharing.c, line 8) in 'f' --- *)
-  (* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  goal f_ensures:
-    forall i_1,i : int.
-    forall t : int farray.
-    forall t_1 : (addr,int) farray.
-    forall a : addr.
-    let a_1 = shift_sint32(a, 0) : addr in
-    let a_2 = shift_sint32(a, i) : addr in
-    let m = t_1[a_1 <- t_1[a_2]] : (addr,int) farray in
-    let m_1 = m[shift_sint32(a, 1) <- m[a_2]] : (addr,int) farray in
-    let m_2 = m_1[shift_sint32(a, 2) <- m_1[a_2]] : (addr,int) farray in
-    let m_3 = m_2[shift_sint32(a, 3) <- m_2[a_2]] : (addr,int) farray in
-    (0 <= i_1) ->
-    (0 <= i) ->
-    (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-    (i_1 <= 9) ->
-    (i <= 9) ->
-    linked(t) ->
-    is_sint32(i) ->
-    valid_rw(t, a_1, 10) ->
-    (forall i_2 : int. (0 <= i_2) -> (i_2 <= 9) ->
-     (0 <= t_1[shift_sint32(a, i_2)])) ->
-    (0 <= m_3[shift_sint32(a, 4) <- m_3[a_2]][shift_sint32(a, i_1)])
+  theory WP
+    (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+    (* use bool.Bool *)
+    (* use int.Int *)
+    (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+    (* use real.RealInfix *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+    (* use map.Map *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.cint.Cint *)
+    (* use Compound *)
+    goal wp_goal :
+      forall t:int -> int, t1:addr -> int, i:int, a:addr, i1:int.
+       let a1 = shift_sint32 a 0 in
+       let a2 = shift_sint32 a i1 in
+       let m = set t1 a1 (get t1 a2) in
+       let m1 = set m (shift_sint32 a 1) (get m a2) in
+       let m2 = set m1 (shift_sint32 a 2) (get m1 a2) in
+       let m3 = set m2 (shift_sint32 a 3) (get m2 a2) in
+       0 <= i1 ->
+       0 <= i ->
+       region (base a) <= 0 ->
+       i1 <= 9 ->
+       i <= 9 ->
+       linked t ->
+       is_sint32 i1 ->
+       valid_rw t a1 10 ->
+       (forall i2:int. 0 <= i2 -> i2 <= 9 -> 0 <= get t1 (shift_sint32 a i2)) ->
+       0 <= get (set m3 (shift_sint32 a 4) (get m3 a2)) (shift_sint32 a i)
+  end
 [wp] 1 goal generated
   Function f
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/wp_eqb.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/wp_eqb.res.oracle
index 9b0b6c1cf8e06abcc0af087cf182e3af7d47bf6f..909dc7f4acb381c3826cc686dd4daab80834e3ed 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/wp_eqb.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/wp_eqb.res.oracle
@@ -5,19 +5,29 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-  "WPOUT/typed/f_ensures.ergo"
-  (* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp/wp_eqb.i, line 8) in 'f' --- *)
-  (* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  goal f_ensures:
-    forall i_3,i_2,i_1,i : int.
-    ((match_bool((eqb(i_3, i_2)), 1, 0)) = (match_bool((eqb(i_1, i)), 1, 0))) ->
-    is_sint32(i_3) ->
-    is_sint32(i_2) ->
-    is_sint32(i_1) ->
-    is_sint32(i) ->
-    ((i_3 = i_2) <-> (i_1 = i))
+  theory WP
+    (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+    (* use bool.Bool *)
+    (* use int.Int *)
+    (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+    (* use real.RealInfix *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+    (* use map.Map *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.cint.Cint *)
+    goal wp_goal :
+      forall i:int, i1:int, i2:int, i3:int.
+       (if i3 = i2 then 1 else 0) = (if i1 = i then 1 else 0) ->
+       is_sint32 i3 ->
+       is_sint32 i2 -> is_sint32 i1 -> is_sint32 i -> i3 = i2 <-> i1 = i
+  end
 [wp] 1 goal generated
   Function f
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.0.report.json
index 17a701f571cf6dbe5cfed605ec9b9613c7b168d2..5df70693ae53d94a3c5f6fe29ce7e3759a5f6a74 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 13 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 13 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 13 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 8 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 8 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 8 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 13 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 13 },
+                                                       "rank": 8 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 8 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 13 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 8 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.res.oracle
index 44d2cc9df1b6f97d45c658ef5f368167a23d3d0f..1af0a4978ea76984ab04a079184ecaa68cc9f61c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp/sharing.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp/oracle_qualif/sharing.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp/result_qualif/sharing.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -       1 (48..60)       1       100%
+f                   -       1 (28..40)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.0.report.json
index 23c6014c8c98bb6ceee65521782a49f50bd479a8..90dabef69b6b40f8170f29daa4d8c6f781df8915 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.0.report.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 9, "valid": 1, "unknown": 8,
-                               "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 9, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 8, "rank": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 18, "valid": 18 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 27, "valid": 19, "unknown": 8,
                               "rank": 2 } },
@@ -58,19 +58,21 @@
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "not_main": { "not_main_assert_bad": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "not_main": { "not_main_assert_bad": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "unknown": 1 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                      "unknown": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "main_assigns_global": { "main_assigns_global_assert_bad": 
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 2,
@@ -92,12 +94,14 @@
                                                                { "total": 3,
                                                                  "valid": 2,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "zloop": { "zloop_assert_bad": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                    "zloop": { "zloop_assert_bad": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                               "zloop_assert_3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                               "zloop_assert_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } },
                                "zloop_assert_2": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -108,7 +112,7 @@
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                               "zloop_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                               "zloop_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -120,8 +124,8 @@
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                             "unknown": 3 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 3, "unknown": 3 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 4,
                                                         "valid": 4 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 7,
@@ -151,19 +155,20 @@
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "behavior5": { "behavior5_assert_bad": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "behavior5": { "behavior5_assert_bad": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "if_assert": { "if_assert_assert_missing_return": 
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
                                    "if_assert_assert_3": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -171,23 +176,24 @@
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "if_assert_assert_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                   "if_assert_assert_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   "if_assert_assert": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                   "if_assert_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 2 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 2 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 3,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 2,
+                                                       "rank": 2 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 4,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.res.oracle
index 0c1f65eaa9e5293ae3ad8a75f8fb7b66caff2fd9..13b5a090e324472be712d4732fd5b278e6d4cc62 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel] tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test.i:136: Warning: 
   Body of function if_assert falls-through. Adding a return statement
@@ -13,33 +13,33 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_behavior2_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_behavior3_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_behavior4_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_behavior5_assert_bad : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_behavior5_assert_bad : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_compare_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_empty_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_if_assert_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_if_assert_assert_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_if_assert_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_if_assert_assert_2 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_if_assert_assert_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_if_assert_assert_missing_return : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_if_assert_assert_missing_return : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_assigns_global_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_assigns_global_assert_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_assigns_global_assert_bad : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_assigns_global_assert_bad : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_ensures_result_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_not_main_assert_bad : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_not_main_assert_bad : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_one_assign_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_one_if_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_some_seq_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_some_seq_assert_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_zloop_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_zloop_loop_invariant_preserved : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_zloop_loop_invariant_preserved : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_zloop_loop_invariant_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_zloop_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_zloop_assert_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_zloop_assert_3 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_zloop_assert_bad : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_zloop_assert_3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_zloop_assert_bad : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:   19 / 27
-  Qed:            18 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 8)
+  Qed:              18 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 8)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp/result_qualif/stmtcompiler_test.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.err.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.err.oracle
deleted file mode 100644
index 489797c522fd29ec5b793279cf0a088f8ca831f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.err.oracle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-File "tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test_rela.ml", line 37, characters 23-31:
-Error: The function applied to this argument has type
-         ?config:Wp.VCS.config ->
-         ?start:(Wp.Wpo.t -> unit) ->
-         ?progress:(Wp.Wpo.t -> string -> unit) ->
-         ?result:(Wp.Wpo.t -> Wp.VCS.prover -> Wp.VCS.result -> unit) ->
-         ?success:(Wp.Wpo.t -> Wp.VCS.prover option -> unit) ->
-         ?pool:Task.pool -> delayed:bool -> unit
-This argument cannot be applied with label ~callback
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.res.oracle
index 8a24d6bd21fd4ad8735745b89a54e36ccda184f8..23141b87e966b27e9d81d6feeec83fdabf24c317 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.res.oracle
@@ -1,3 +1,95 @@
-[kernel] User Error: compilation of 'tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test_rela.ml' failed
-[kernel] User Error: Deferred error message was emitted during execution. See above messages for more information.
-[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+[kernel] Parsing tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test_rela.i (no preprocessing)
+[wp] Running WP plugin...
+[wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
+[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
+[wp] 1 goal scheduled
+[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_empty_assert : Valid
+[wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
+  Qed:             1
+[wp] Report in:  'tests/wp/oracle_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.0.report.json'
+[wp] Report out: 'tests/wp/result_qualif/stmtcompiler_test_rela.0.report.json'
+Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
+empty                1     -                 1       100%
+------The pred (c_11<c_23) -> (result_0<result_1) 
+Sequent: Assume {
+           (* Leaving scope [tmp]: effect: ta_tmp_2 /\ (not ta_tmp_3) *)
+           If (node_0=true)
+           Then {
+             Have: (ta_tmp_0=false) /\ (ta_tmp_1=true).
+             Have: (node_1=true).
+           }
+           If (node_2=true)
+           Then { Have: (node_0=true). }
+           (* Set: tmp = c *)
+           If (node_3=true)
+           Then { Have: tmp_0 = c_2. Have: (node_2=true). }
+           (* Set: c = c + 100 *)
+           If (node_4=true)
+           Then { Have: (100 + c_3) = c_2. Have: (node_3=true). }
+           (* Set: c = c + 10 *)
+           If (node_5=true)
+           Then { Have: (10 + c_4) = c_2. Have: (node_3=true). }
+           If (node_6=true)
+           Then {
+             If c < 0
+             Then { Have: (node_7=true). }
+             Else { Have: (node_8=true). }
+           }
+           (* Entering scope [tmp]: effect: (not ta_tmp_0) /\ ta_tmp_1 *)
+           If (node_9=true)
+           Then {
+             Have: (ta_tmp_1=true) /\ (ta_tmp_2=false).
+             Have: (node_6=true).
+           }
+           If (node_7=true)
+           Then { Have: c = c_4. Have: (node_5=true). }
+           If (node_8=true)
+           Then { Have: c = c_3. Have: (node_4=true). }
+           Have: ((node_2=true) -> (tmp_0 = result_0)).
+           Have: (node_1=true).
+           Have: (node_9=true).
+           (* Leaving scope [tmp]: effect: ta_tmp_8 /\ (not ta_tmp_9) *)
+           If (node_10=true)
+           Then {
+             Have: (ta_tmp_3=false) /\ (ta_tmp_4=true).
+             Have: (node_11=true).
+           }
+           If (node_12=true)
+           Then { Have: (node_10=true). }
+           (* Set: tmp = c *)
+           If (node_13=true)
+           Then { Have: tmp_1 = c_5. Have: (node_12=true). }
+           (* Set: c = c + 100 *)
+           If (node_14=true)
+           Then { Have: (100 + c_6) = c_5. Have: (node_13=true). }
+           (* Set: c = c + 10 *)
+           If (node_15=true)
+           Then { Have: (10 + c_7) = c_5. Have: (node_13=true). }
+           If (node_16=true)
+           Then {
+             If c_1 < 0
+             Then { Have: (node_17=true). }
+             Else { Have: (node_18=true). }
+           }
+           (* Entering scope [tmp]: effect: (not ta_tmp_6) /\ ta_tmp_7 *)
+           If (node_19=true)
+           Then {
+             Have: (ta_tmp_4=true) /\ (ta_tmp_5=false).
+             Have: (node_16=true).
+           }
+           If (node_17=true)
+           Then { Have: c_1 = c_7. Have: (node_15=true). }
+           If (node_18=true)
+           Then { Have: c_1 = c_6. Have: (node_14=true). }
+           Have: ((node_12=true) -> (tmp_1 = result_1)).
+           Have: (node_11=true).
+           Have: (node_19=true).
+         }
+Prove: ((c < c_1) -> (result_0 < result_1)).
+[Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Valid
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.0.res.oracle
index 157a14e1b00a29ae3aa600a75936fefc2a24fc24..ff5c3fbfe04181c9dcf6c53ab6718f23a9bee29b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp/wp_behav.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
 [wp] tests/wp/wp_behav.c:81: Warning: 
   Missing assigns clause (assigns 'everything' instead)
 [wp] 38 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_assert_needed_assert_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_assert_needed_assert_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_assert_needed_assert_qed_ok_ok_with_hyp : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bhv_complete_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bhv_complete_pos_neg : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bhv_neg_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bhv_pos_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bts0513_ensures_ko1 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bts0513_ensures_ko2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bts0513_ensures_ko1 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bts0513_ensures_ko2 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_x1_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assert_qed_ok : Valid
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_more_stmt_assigns_blk_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_more_stmt_assigns_blk_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_part_stmt_bhv_b1_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_part_stmt_bhv_bs_ensures : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_razT_loop_invariant_qed_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_part_stmt_bhv_bs_ensures : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_razT_loop_invariant_qed_ok_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_razT_loop_invariant_qed_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_razT_b1_ensures_e1 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_razT_b1_ensures_e1 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_stmt_assigns_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_stmt_assigns_assigns : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_stmt_assigns_assigns : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_stmt_contract_requires_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_stmt_contract_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_stmt_contract_ok_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_stmt_contract_label_ensures_qed_ok_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_stmt_contract_label_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   32 / 38
-  Qed:            30 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2  (unsuccess: 6)
+  Qed:              30 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2  (unsuccess: 6)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp/result_qualif/wp_behav.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.1.res.oracle
index cd60d0cd973fad59e8645ad2e6a49b760e2b2a03..5f62257e35df9f7486ce5e9014d03c72e861fe8c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp/wp_behav.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
 [wp] tests/wp/wp_behav.c:69: Warning: 
   Missing assigns clause (assigns 'everything' instead)
 [wp] 8 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_x1_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_x2_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_min_bx_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_min_by_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_stmt_contract_ko_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_stmt_contract_ko_without_asgn_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_stmt_contract_assigns_ko_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_x1_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_x2_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_min_bx_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_min_by_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_stmt_contract_ko_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_stmt_contract_ko_without_asgn_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_stmt_contract_assigns_ko_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 8
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 8)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 8)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp/result_qualif/wp_behav.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.c.0.report.json
index ca3a13935420937acbc8b0085343a38838deb755..c065b7d6af396b44eaf8d25066808d5e0160f707 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 8, "valid": 2, "unknown": 6,
-                               "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 8, "valid": 2,
+                                          "unknown": 6, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 30, "valid": 30 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 38, "valid": 32, "unknown": 6,
                               "rank": 4 } },
@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@
                                                       "valid": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                           "valid": 4 } } },
-                    "bhv": { "bhv_complete_pos_neg": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                    "bhv": { "bhv_complete_pos_neg": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 2 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 3 } },
@@ -60,9 +61,9 @@
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 3 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                       "valid": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 3,
@@ -150,36 +151,38 @@
                                          { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 } },
-                                       "assert_needed_assert_ko": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                       "assert_needed_assert_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                       "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                                       "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "bts0513": { "bts0513_ensures_ko2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bts0513": { "bts0513_ensures_ko2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "bts0513_ensures_ko1": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                 "bts0513_ensures_ko1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "unknown": 2 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 2,
+                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "unknown": 2 } } },
-                    "stmt_assigns": { "stmt_assigns_assigns": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "stmt_assigns": { "stmt_assigns_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
@@ -191,14 +194,15 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "unknown": 1 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "razT": { "razT_loop_invariant_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "razT": { "razT_loop_invariant_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 4 },
@@ -209,14 +213,14 @@
                                                                 { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
                                                                   "rank": 4 } },
-                              "razT_b1_ensures_e1": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                              "razT_b1_ensures_e1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "unknown": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 4 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "unknown": 1, "rank": 4 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
@@ -238,7 +242,7 @@
                                                              { "total": 3,
                                                                "valid": 3 } } },
-                    "part_stmt_bhv": { "part_stmt_bhv_bs_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "part_stmt_bhv": { "part_stmt_bhv_bs_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
@@ -248,8 +252,9 @@
                                          { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 } },
-                                       "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                                       "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.c.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.c.1.report.json
index ca159cdef949ee9378ea7b68912908a313217b80..76a0004ee2bcfba06dbb124039d2bfaa7b7e6dbb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.c.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_behav.c.1.report.json
@@ -1,53 +1,60 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 8, "unknown": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 8, "unknown": 8 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 8, "unknown": 8 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_x2_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_x2_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_x1_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+                           "f_x1_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+                           "f_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                         "unknown": 3 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "unknown": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                         "unknown": 3 } } },
-                    "min": { "min_by_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                    "min": { "min_by_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "unknown": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "min_bx_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                             "min_bx_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "unknown": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "unknown": 2 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "unknown": 2 } } },
                     "stmt_contract": { "stmt_contract_ko_without_asgn_ensures_qed_ko": 
-                                         { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                                         { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } },
-                                         { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                                         { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } },
-                                       "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
+                                       "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 2,
+                                                           "unknown": 2 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 } } },
                     "stmt_contract_assigns": { "stmt_contract_assigns_ko_ensures_qed_ko": 
-                                                 { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                                 { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } },
-                                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.c.0.report.json
index 46ef943fa3849d7d744ad29bea8228c6e290fc7a..ba62a9121996421f48a63f81cca048402aa7f1d1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 9, "valid": 9 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "double_call": { "f_requires_qed_ok_Rf_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "double_call": { "f_requires_qed_ok_Rf_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 },
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 2 },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 2 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.res.oracle
index ac921a318be08275381f558f6f55e0a47a049d54..da92bd060d15c52022f318aa3661baed6105fb70 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp/wp_call_pre.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_main_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_main_call_main_requires_qed_ok_Rmain : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_double_call_call_f_requires_qed_ok_Rf : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_double_call_call_f_2_requires_qed_ok_Rf : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_double_call_call_f_2_requires_qed_ok_Rf : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Rmain : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_ensures_qed_ok_Emain : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_call_f_requires_qed_ok_Rf : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_stmt_pre_requires_qed_ok_Rstmt : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   10 / 10
-  Qed:             9 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               9 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_call_pre.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp/result_qualif/wp_call_pre.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.0.report.json
index 37b6284cd8341bc20f787cf249590fd876b80e33..93c830479730de681738a239b5165aea777ad59e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 10 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 10 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 10 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 10 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 10 },
+                                                       "rank": 3 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 10 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 3 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.i.0.report.json
index 61ebcf4782f55aad4236e4abfd5a7be592f4c998..6482884eeb7e490cf9c998a5ca22b6b9f9224c30 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 9 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 9 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 10 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 10 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 9 },
+                                                       "rank": 4 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 9 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 3 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.res.oracle
index 7854eff46a02c66e3dea8967e0a5a291b04e8574..f52504145b9fc163aaf39a9866281cefde1009d1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp/wp_eqb.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_eqb.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp/result_qualif/wp_eqb.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -       1 (36..48)       1       100%
+f                   -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.c.0.report.json
index e49918bd0f45b613e0f363eafb042208dae7952a..add0912a3cf89964066a4b93cb348f28adf5c743 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 8, "unknown": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 8, "unknown": 8 },
                  "qed": { "total": 17, "valid": 17 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 25, "valid": 17, "unknown": 8 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "bts0513": { "bts0513_ensures_qed_ko_ko2": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "bts0513": { "bts0513_ensures_qed_ko_ko2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "bts0513_ensures_qed_ko_ko1": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                 "bts0513_ensures_qed_ko_ko1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "unknown": 2 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 2,
+                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "unknown": 2 } } },
                     "bts0513_bis": { "bts0513_bis_assert_qed_ok_ok": 
@@ -22,12 +23,13 @@
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "unknown": 1 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                       "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -41,14 +43,14 @@
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                              "dpd1_ensures_qed_ko_Eko": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "dpd1_ensures_qed_ko_Eko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
@@ -62,24 +64,26 @@
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                              "dpd2_ensures_qed_ko_Eko": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "dpd2_ensures_qed_ko_Eko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                            "valid": 2,
                                                            "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "spec_if": { "spec_if_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": 
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
                                  "spec_if_assigns_3": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 },
@@ -104,8 +108,9 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "unknown": 2 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 2,
+                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 5,
                                                           "valid": 5 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 7,
@@ -130,8 +135,8 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } } },
                     "default_behaviors": { "default_behaviors_assert_rte_signed_overflow": 
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } },
@@ -159,7 +164,7 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } },
-                                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                            "qed": { "total": 5,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.res.oracle
index 84aee82ec3fc8ef59407fedf0bb80a2849af5a7f..38dfb47769eeb1b9d12d6e16f6ea3038caced551 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Hoare' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Hoare' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp/wp_strategy.c (with preprocessing)
 [rte] annotating function bts0513
 [rte] annotating function bts0513_bis
@@ -11,34 +11,34 @@
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 25 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal hoare_bts0513_ensures_qed_ko_ko1 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal hoare_bts0513_ensures_qed_ko_ko2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal hoare_bts0513_bis_assert_qed_ko_ko1 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal hoare_bts0513_ensures_qed_ko_ko1 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal hoare_bts0513_ensures_qed_ko_ko2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal hoare_bts0513_bis_assert_qed_ko_ko1 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_bts0513_bis_assert_qed_ok_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_default_behaviors_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_default_behaviors_assert_qed_ok_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_default_behaviors_ensures_qed_ok_stmt_p : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_default_behaviors_assert_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal hoare_default_behaviors_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal hoare_default_behaviors_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_default_behaviors_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_dpd1_assert_qed_ok_A : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal hoare_dpd1_ensures_qed_ko_Eko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal hoare_dpd1_ensures_qed_ko_Eko : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_dpd1_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_dpd2_assert_qed_ok_A : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal hoare_dpd2_ensures_qed_ko_Eko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal hoare_dpd2_ensures_qed_ko_Eko : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_dpd2_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_spec_if_ensures_qed_ok_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_spec_if_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_spec_if_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal hoare_spec_if_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal hoare_spec_if_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_spec_if_assigns_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal hoare_spec_if_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal hoare_spec_if_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_spec_if_assigns_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_spec_if_cond_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal hoare_spec_if_not_cond_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   17 / 25
-  Qed:            17 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 8)
+  Qed:              17 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 8)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp/oracle_qualif/wp_strategy.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp/result_qualif/wp_strategy.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/sharing.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/sharing.c
index 6a7b17084ed1647e417671231d0253aad7faf43d..afd7f00981e974c71d916ff5077137eaddac6ac3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/sharing.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/sharing.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* run.config
-   OPT: -wp-msg-key print-generated -wp-prover alt-ergo -wp-gen
+   OPT: -wp-msg-key print-generated -wp-prover why3 -wp-gen
 /*@ requires \valid(t+(0..9));
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test_rela.ml b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test_rela.ml
index ae0f98a6d4a7abfcd196df32c00668ce32545ea7..0d171630f8e29b9aa10135085e4ba71e0076d47b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test_rela.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/stmtcompiler_test_rela.ml
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ let run () =
   let spawn goal =
-    let callback wpo prv res =
-      Format.printf "[%a] %a: %a@.\n"
-        VCS.pp_prover prv Wpo.pp_goal wpo VCS.pp_result res
+    let result _ prv res =
+      Format.printf "[%a] %a@.@\n"
+        VCS.pp_prover prv VCS.pp_result res
     let server = ProverTask.server () in
-    Prover.spawn goal ~callback provers;
+    Prover.spawn goal ~delayed:true ~result provers;
     Task.launch server
@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ let run () =
         pred_content = Cil_types.Ptrue;
-    let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AAssert ([],pred)) in
-    let po =Wpo.{
+    let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AAssert ([],Assert,pred)) in
+    let po = Wpo.{
         po_gid = "";
+        po_leg = "";
         po_sid = "";
         po_name = "";
         po_idx = Function(kf, None);
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ let run () =
         | h :: _ ->
             inter_po := Wpo.{
                 po_gid = "";
+                po_leg = "";
                 po_sid = "";
                 po_name = "";
                 po_idx = Function(kf, None);
@@ -98,17 +100,19 @@ let run () =
   let run_test kf =
     let fct = Kernel_function.get_definition kf in
     Model.on_scope (Some kf) (fun () ->
-        let block = (Kernel_function.get_definition kf).Cil_types.sbody in
+        let block = Interpreted_automata.Compute.get_automaton ~annotations:true kf in
         let formal = List.hd (fct.sformals) in
         (*First call*)
         let seq1 = {Sigs.pre = Cfg.node (); post = Cfg.node ()} in
         let env1 = Compiler.empty_env kf  in
         let env1 = Compiler.(env1 @* [Clabels.here,seq1.pre;Clabels.next,seq1.post]) in
-        let path1 = Compiler.Deprecated.block env1 block in
-        let cfg1 = path1.Compiler.path_cfg in
+        let path1 = Compiler.automaton env1 block in
+        let cfg1 = path1.Compiler.paths_cfg in
         let node1 = Cfg.T.init' seq1.pre (reads_formal formal) in
-        let (_,sigma1,sequence1) = Compiler.compile env1 seq1 (Cfg.T.reads node1) cfg1 in
+        let (_,sigma1,sequence1) =
+          Compiler.Cfg.compile seq1.pre
+            (Cfg.Node.Set.singleton seq1.post) (Cfg.T.reads node1) cfg1 in
         let node1 = Cfg.T.relocate sigma1 node1 in
         let term_1 = Cfg.T.get node1 in
@@ -116,10 +120,13 @@ let run () =
         let seq2 = {Sigs.pre = Cfg.node (); post = Cfg.node ()} in
         let env2 = Compiler.empty_env kf  in
         let env2 = Compiler.(env2 @* [Clabels.here,seq2.pre;Clabels.next,seq2.post]) in
-        let path2 = Compiler.Deprecated.block env2 block in
-        let cfg2 = path2.Compiler.path_cfg in
+        let path2 = Compiler.automaton env2 block in
+        let cfg2 = path2.Compiler.paths_cfg in
         let node2 = Cfg.T.init' seq2.pre (reads_formal formal) in
-        let (_,sigma2,sequence2) = Compiler.compile env2 seq2 (Cfg.T.reads node2) cfg2 in
+        let (_,sigma2,sequence2) =
+          Compiler.Cfg.compile
+            seq2.pre (Cfg.Node.Set.singleton seq2.post)
+            (Cfg.T.reads node2) cfg2 in
         let node2 = Cfg.T.relocate sigma2 node2 in
         let term_2 = Cfg.T.get node2 in
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_behav.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_behav.c
index 1f24c8985c48e67d68eb3c06b1fbafc2b5ac65b0..6c4a0817a643305bd4085888967f286fb2add99c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_behav.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_behav.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-OPT: -wp-prop="-qed_ko"
+OPT: -wp-prop="-qed_ko" -wp-timeout 1
 OPT: -wp-prop qed_ko -wp-steps 50
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_eqb.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_eqb.i
index 0201130e7e0732d2e4583359fa8278d503e79b4f..7c778bf7f328452c73b64b4276b350c48bee9429 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_eqb.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/wp_eqb.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config
-   OPT: -wp-msg-key print-generated -wp-prover alt-ergo -wp-gen
+   OPT: -wp-msg-key print-generated -wp-prover why3 -wp-gen
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.0.res.oracle
index e2110e180c06580a881150384e382f2db98e776b..181bf2a9fbc801af1b7c5c180d9c588ce3664f70 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/arith.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 24 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ASSOC_land_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ASSOC_land_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_L01_lnot_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_L10_land_neutral_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_L11_land_absorbant_qed_ok : Valid
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_ucN1_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_ucN2_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cast_sgn_usgn_ensures_qed_ok_nat : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_uchar_range_assert_qed_ok_A1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_uchar_range_assert_qed_ok_A2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_uchar_range_assert_qed_ok_A1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_uchar_range_assert_qed_ok_A2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   24 / 24
-  Qed:            21 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:              21 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/arith.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.1.res.oracle
index 799cfbbb52fed7e01069a9341b943ef5832dddc0..22512c43596e59f57a7705dd602bcb75262e4cf8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/arith.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_cast_sgn_usgn_ensures_qed_ko_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cast_sgn_usgn_ensures_qed_ko_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/arith.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.i.0.report.json
index 13a54c0355915f6c11c608baf0017341de6d51ad..e15d4cab27e4dab439fc5f27d5e5029d9c66c49b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 21, "valid": 21 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 24, "valid": 24, "rank": 4 } },
   "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_ucN2_qed_ok": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -92,15 +92,16 @@
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_ASSOC_land_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 0 },
+                           "lemma_ASSOC_land_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 0 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 0 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 0 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 20,
                                                     "valid": 20 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 21,
@@ -115,20 +116,21 @@
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } } },
                     "uchar_range": { "uchar_range_assert_qed_ok_A2": 
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 4 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                       "rank": 4 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 4 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                       "rank": 4 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                   "valid": 2,
-                                                                   "rank": 4 },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 2,
+                                                         "valid": 2,
+                                                         "rank": 4 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
                                                                   "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.i.1.report.json
index d2cc0ea1c99088084f9c0d3f60a86defa91a9008..aae8aa9b720aa252af4a963cb2c3f7b95b8bc07a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/arith.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
   "wp:functions": { "cast_sgn_usgn": { "cast_sgn_usgn_ensures_qed_ko_KO": 
-                                         { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                                         { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } },
-                                       "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                                       "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assign_array.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assign_array.res.oracle
index 77221b177c2c71ebaa90e84a7e2dea2c0a00b2ab..a532ef8d1cf5f449215c792de3edbfe8cdaa43c7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assign_array.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assign_array.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/assign_array.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.0.report.json
index a3e18b8a1f10b2629a4c2dcfc0d7d34e0c338e01..9da43a7056accb9044c533109960a7db8653469a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.0.report.json
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
                  "qed": { "total": 6, "valid": 6 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 9, "valid": 9, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 6 },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 6 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
                                                                     "rank": 6 } },
-                             "job_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 4 },
+                             "job_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 4 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -25,9 +27,9 @@
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 } },
-                             "job_ensures_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 5 },
+                             "job_ensures_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 5 } },
@@ -35,9 +37,9 @@
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                           "valid": 3,
-                                                           "rank": 6 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "valid": 3,
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 6,
                                                       "valid": 6 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 9,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.i.0.report.json
index a3e18b8a1f10b2629a4c2dcfc0d7d34e0c338e01..56086982b716642e635847d2dd3b543eee677403 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 6, "valid": 6 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 9, "valid": 9, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 6 },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 5 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
                                                                     "rank": 6 } },
-                             "job_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 4 },
+                             "job_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 4 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -25,9 +27,9 @@
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 } },
-                             "job_ensures_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 5 },
+                             "job_ensures_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 5 } },
@@ -35,9 +37,9 @@
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                           "valid": 3,
-                                                           "rank": 6 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "valid": 3,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 6,
                                                       "valid": 6 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 9,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.res.oracle
index 41dc0500286f88b90aa865f0290ec41013b6cec1..36a8e376b7408fea0f930f27b25d8136d8d71244 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.res.oracle
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/assigns_path.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_ensures_N : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_A : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    9 / 9
-  Qed:             6 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               6 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_path.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/assigns_path.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.0.res.oracle
index 9c8b4033d74fa66070b3fcaf33c92e7f32e08811..64c7d444dc045b089f594634841e43b7f2788ba4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/assigns_range.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_call_assigns_t1_an_element_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_call_assigns_t1_an_element_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_call_assigns_t2_bound_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_call_assigns_t3_inf_bound_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_call_assigns_t4_sup_bound_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t1_call_assigns_t1_an_element_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t2_call_assigns_t2_bound_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t4_call_assigns_t4_sup_bound_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_all_call_assigns_t4_sup_bound_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t1_call_assigns_t1_an_element_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t2_call_assigns_t2_bound_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t4_call_assigns_t4_sup_bound_requires : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   17 / 17
-  Qed:            12 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:              12 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/assigns_range.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.1.res.oracle
index 82f100d322f129984666ad7e186bd8673fd63f5d..64e97d8799e637cf957808bd06d8e7f3eeb7217d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/assigns_range.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t1_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t1_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t2_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t2_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t4_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_assigns_t4_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t1_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t1_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t2_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t2_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t4_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_assigns_t4_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 6
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 6)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 6)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/assigns_range.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.i.0.report.json
index bc9e60bf5444a59032712016285245540003092b..398cbaa7189213a36a814448fa00f6e2d75b86ae 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 3 },
                  "qed": { "total": 12, "valid": 12 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 17, "valid": 17, "rank": 3 } },
   "wp:functions": { "call_assigns_all": { "assigns_t4_sup_bound_requires": 
-                                            { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 3 },
+                                            { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 3 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
                                                            "rank": 3 } },
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 } },
-                                            { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 2 },
+                                            { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 2 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
                                                            "rank": 2 } },
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
                                                        "valid": 10 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                            "valid": 10 } },
-                                          "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                          "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
                                                               "rank": 3 },
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
                                                               "valid": 14,
                                                               "rank": 3 } } },
                     "call_assigns_t1": { "assigns_t1_an_element_requires_2": 
-                                           { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 },
+                                           { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 2 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 2 },
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 } } },
                     "call_assigns_t2": { "assigns_t2_bound_requires_2": 
-                                           { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 },
+                                           { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 2 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 2 },
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 } } },
                     "call_assigns_t4": { "assigns_t4_sup_bound_requires_2": 
-                                           { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 },
+                                           { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 2 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 2 },
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.i.1.report.json
index e68efa739414de5aa88ca2c6c6b080ceb01e4d97..c14208997065890aec09772043441a99accd37b9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/assigns_range.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6, "unknown": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6, "unknown": 6 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 6, "unknown": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "call_assigns_t1": { "call_assigns_t1_assigns": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "call_assigns_t1": { "call_assigns_t1_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "unknown": 2 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 } } },
-                    "call_assigns_t2": { "call_assigns_t2_assigns": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "call_assigns_t2": { "call_assigns_t2_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "unknown": 2 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 } } },
-                    "call_assigns_t4": { "call_assigns_t4_assigns": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "call_assigns_t4": { "call_assigns_t4_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "unknown": 2 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "unknown": 2 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.i.0.report.json
index eefcca4016015985dcbd4d79d14b610a9901b67e..04227da6c257f93d082b554700eb9492b9c5a128 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 7, "valid": 5, "unknown": 2,
-                               "rank": 22 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 7, "valid": 5,
+                                          "unknown": 2, "rank": 16 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 8, "unknown": 2,
-                              "rank": 22 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_loop_invariant_Positive": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "rank": 16 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_loop_invariant_Positive": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 9 },
@@ -13,40 +13,42 @@
                                                             { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
                                                               "rank": 9 } },
-                           "f_loop_invariant_Index": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                           "f_loop_invariant_Index": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 2,
+                                                           "valid": 2,
+                                                           "rank": 4 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
-                           "f_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "unknown": 1 },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
+                           "f_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_loop_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 22 },
+                           "f_loop_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 16 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                             "valid": 3,
-                                                            "rank": 22 } },
-                           "f_ensures_Q": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 12 },
+                                                            "rank": 16 } },
+                           "f_ensures_Q": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 11 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 12 } },
-                           "f_ensures_P_todo": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+                                                         "rank": 11 } },
+                           "f_ensures_P_todo": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 7,
-                                                         "valid": 5,
-                                                         "unknown": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 22 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 7,
+                                                                    "valid": 5,
+                                                                    "unknown": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 16 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                         "valid": 8,
                                                         "unknown": 2,
-                                                        "rank": 22 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 16 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.res.oracle
index 2b8385a1071f30a55871d62f94d5a6374f73686e..736e31a325f5fe26f4c6d63955528caff10fed60 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.res.oracle
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/axioms.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 10 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_P_todo : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_Q : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_Index_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_Index_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_Positive_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_P_todo : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_Q : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_Index_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_Index_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_Positive_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_Positive_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assigns : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assigns : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    8 / 10
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/axioms.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/axioms.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                    3      5 (104..128)    10      80.0%
+f                    3      5 (56..80)      10      80.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.i.0.report.json
index 00e56d6163eb0a3226a058f7518a6b315a27e255..7b0c3a6f17ed4cfb8e13216276a524a7b5528d52 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 3 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 2, "unknown": 1 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 3 } },
+                                                         "unknown": 1 } },
                            "f_ensures_2": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
                            "f_ensures": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 3 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 3,
-                                                        "valid": 3,
-                                                        "rank": 3 } } } } }
+                                                        "valid": 2,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.res.oracle
index b27b33bf6343c817b308cfbe7c3b65707afcd864..1af5465d13154a5483b11d033f0559997d780615 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/base_offset.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_3 : Valid
-[wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] Proved goals:    2 / 3
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/base_offset.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/base_offset.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                    2      1 (8..20)        3       100%
+f                    2     -                 3      66.7%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.i.0.report.json
index 65c0f07e3beca29399fdfe4d87c64f9a48c965b0..961f980f92e556bd6c91fb14336f8df468cf0cc7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 1, "unknown": 3,
-                               "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 3, "rank": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 25, "valid": 25 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 29, "valid": 26, "unknown": 3,
                               "rank": 2 } },
@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@
                                                          "valid": 2 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 } } },
-                    "bor_bool": { "bor_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bor_bool": { "bor_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                                  "bor_bool_true_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                  "bor_bool_true_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 2 },
@@ -147,15 +147,15 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "unknown": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 2 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "unknown": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1,
                                                                "rank": 2 } } },
-                    "band_bool": { "band_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band_bool": { "band_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
@@ -167,14 +167,15 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "bxor_bool": { "bxor_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bxor_bool": { "bxor_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
@@ -186,8 +187,9 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.res.oracle
index 226cd7c529ab4ab1f5aabc3291e98501d6760e24..bcb6ca0c309bce06e75c6a2cb14755c8276fc028 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/bitwise.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_bit2_ensures_band4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_bit3_ensures_band5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_bit4_ensures_band6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band_bool_false_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band_bool_false_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_bool_true_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bnot_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bor_ensures : Valid
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bor_bit1_ensures_bor1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bor_bit2_ensures_bor2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bor_bit3_ensures_bor3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bor_bool_false_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bor_bool_true_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bor_bool_false_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bor_bool_true_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_bit1_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_bit2_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bxor_bool_false_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bxor_bool_false_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_bool_true_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lshift_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lshift_shift1_ensures_lsl1 : Valid
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_rshift_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_rshift_shift1_ensures_lsr1 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   29 / 29
-  Qed:            25 
-  Alt-Ergo:        4
+  Qed:              25 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/bitwise.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise2.res.oracle
index f7415f64fd88de5297f7b754f8c158b87b12b6b3..48fb4714a1f9e26815faeff51fb4f090a88f56f9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/bitwise2.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/bitwise2.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/block_length.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/block_length.res.oracle
index 390d53bf0412ddd2efdcb14ee243488d5711a702..cf0946ede61699d19535943cacdfac9b59bcd40f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/block_length.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/block_length.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/block_length.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/checks.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/checks.res.oracle
index 7f27fd0f13f0ebe09ac0befc560084d9b6d8beb5..bf4efdc83af91b0df0b941fec22ca0391dc3a19a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/checks.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/checks.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 5 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 5 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/checks.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_check_c1 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_assert_a1 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_check_c1 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_assert_a1 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_check_c2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_assert_a2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 4
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/checks.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/checks.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.0.res.oracle
index 18381fdbb2102384652057fa559505bd9ca58cfe..c4b1a1c2873fa09e1c505ff9995670f712850a1c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/classify_float.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/classify_float.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.res.oracle
index 0b99ce986f78cd07b8a6b5654f4ceff5ff32b1cb..b9250d09987006efcb9071ccdfde0f38903b725c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/classify_float.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:                0 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):    3
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/classify_float.1.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Lemma               -      -                 3       100%
+Lemma               -       3 (4..16)        3       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.2.res.oracle
index 8b1d5a84d044fc00c49ce69f153e624bcb2868dc..0162e0980a3e712138d309ac460ef90a84ee9ced 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.2.res.oracle
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/classify_float.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Valid
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Valid
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
   Qed:             0 
   Coq:             3
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.c.0.report.json
index 3414144c5e1e515b56db8688cc0889b23bb25493..2db2db0a091c1f8f73df3f4faccdd39fee50f697 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_NaN_not_finite": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 1 },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_NaN_not_finite": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 2 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_InfP_not_finite": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 1 },
+                           "lemma_InfP_not_finite": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 2 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_InfN_not_finite": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 1 },
+                           "lemma_InfN_not_finite": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 2 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                         "valid": 3,
-                                                         "rank": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "valid": 3,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                         "valid": 3,
                                                         "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.c.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.c.1.report.json
index 9b19adca67989a4dd1ecb79670e4c3fec14e3e1a..1b5cd10c74fb66292f3c49d9bc369f5d263e4f19 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.c.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.c.1.report.json
@@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_NaN_not_finite": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 2 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 2 } },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_NaN_not_finite": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                        { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1 },
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 2 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_InfP_not_finite": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
+                           "lemma_InfP_not_finite": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                         { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1 },
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 2 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_InfN_not_finite": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 2 } },
+                           "lemma_InfN_not_finite": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                         { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1 },
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 2 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                              "valid": 3 },
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 2 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "valid": 3,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 3,
-                                                        "valid": 3 } } } } }
+                                                        "valid": 3,
+                                                        "rank": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.i.0.report.json
index 02bbe2c305041e6d908733978e4dc5c0bf4eb7cf..5a92dafd7cbe615bd6d9920404a822570a588a3f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,139 +1,140 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 32, "valid": 32, "rank": 42 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 32, "valid": 32,
+                                          "rank": 30 },
                  "qed": { "total": 11, "valid": 11 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 43, "valid": 43, "rank": 42 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_e2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 43, "valid": 43, "rank": 30 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_e2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_e1": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+                           "f_ensures_e1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_e0": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+                           "f_ensures_e0": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d9": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 6 },
+                           "f_ensures_d9": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 7 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 6 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 },
+                                                          "rank": 7 } },
+                           "f_ensures_d8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 2 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d7": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
+                           "f_ensures_d7": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 2 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d6": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                                                          "rank": 4 } },
+                           "f_ensures_d6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 5 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d5": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 3 },
+                           "f_ensures_d5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 3 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d4": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                           "f_ensures_d4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 5 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                           "f_ensures_d3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 5 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 4 },
+                                                          "rank": 3 } },
+                           "f_ensures_d2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 4 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d1": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 4 },
+                                                          "rank": 5 } },
+                           "f_ensures_d1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 4 } },
-                           "f_ensures_d0": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                                                          "rank": 3 } },
+                           "f_ensures_d0": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 5 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c9": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 0 },
+                                                          "rank": 3 } },
+                           "f_ensures_c9": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 0 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 0 },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
+                           "f_ensures_c8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 0 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c7": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 12 },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
+                           "f_ensures_c7": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 9 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 12 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c6": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 9 },
+                                                          "rank": 9 } },
+                           "f_ensures_c6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 9 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c5": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 12 },
+                                                          "rank": 6 } },
+                           "f_ensures_c5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 12 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c4": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 3 },
+                                                          "rank": 14 } },
+                           "f_ensures_c4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 3 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 3 },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
+                           "f_ensures_c3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 3 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
+                           "f_ensures_c2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 2 } },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
                            "f_ensures_c1": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_c0": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 3 },
+                           "f_ensures_c0": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 3 } },
@@ -157,24 +158,24 @@
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_b4": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 0 },
+                           "f_ensures_b4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 0 } },
-                           "f_ensures_b3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 0 },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
+                           "f_ensures_b3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 0 } },
-                           "f_ensures_b2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 0 },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
+                           "f_ensures_b2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 0 } },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
                            "f_ensures_b1": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -183,48 +184,48 @@
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_a9": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 42 },
+                           "f_ensures_a9": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 30 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 42 } },
-                           "f_ensures_a8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 22 },
+                                                          "rank": 30 } },
+                           "f_ensures_a8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 22 } },
-                           "f_ensures_a7": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 13 },
+                                                          "rank": 3 } },
+                           "f_ensures_a7": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 15 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 13 } },
-                           "f_ensures_a6": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 4 },
+                                                          "rank": 15 } },
+                           "f_ensures_a6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 4 } },
-                           "f_ensures_a5": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 7 },
+                           "f_ensures_a5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 7 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 7 } },
-                           "f_ensures_a4": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 0 },
+                           "f_ensures_a4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 0 } },
-                           "f_ensures_a3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 0 },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
+                           "f_ensures_a3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 0 } },
+                                                          "rank": 1 } },
                            "f_ensures_a2": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -237,11 +238,11 @@
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 32,
-                                                         "valid": 32,
-                                                         "rank": 42 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 32,
+                                                                    "valid": 32,
+                                                                    "rank": 30 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 11,
                                                     "valid": 11 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 43,
                                                         "valid": 43,
-                                                        "rank": 42 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 30 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.res.oracle
index e24296dd15a3b59c32f35c4a1245c04d205c82f2..6c52f44f79d5903f974c160d9c930c4d105cbcb0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/cnf.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_A2
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_a2 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=((not P_A1) \/ P_A2) /\ (P_A1 \/ (not P_A2))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a3 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a3 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=((not P_A) \/ P_A1) /\ (P_A \/ P_A2)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a4 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a4 : Valid
   CNF=(P_A \/ P_B) /\ (P_A \/ P_B1) /\ (P_A \/ P_B2) /\ (P_A \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A1 \/ P_B) /\ (P_A1 \/ P_B1) /\ (P_A1 \/ P_B2) /\ (P_A1 \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A2 \/ P_B) /\ (P_A2 \/ P_B1) /\ (P_A2 \/ P_B2) /\ (P_A2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a5 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a5 : Valid
   CNF=(P_A \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ P_C) /\ (P_A \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ P_B \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ P_B1 \/ P_C)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
        /\ (P_A \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ P_B \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a6 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a6 : Valid
   CNF=(P_A2 \/ P_C) /\ (P_A2 \/ (not P_B) \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A2 \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_C) /\ (P_A2 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
        /\ (P_A2 \/ (not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A2 \/ (not P_B) \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A2 \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a7 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a7 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_A1) \/ P_A2 \/ P_C) /\ (P_A1 \/ (not P_A2) \/ P_C)
        /\ ((not P_A1) \/ P_A2 \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
        /\ (P_A1 \/ (not P_A2) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A1 \/ (not P_A2) \/ P_B1 \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A1 \/ (not P_A2) \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a8 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a8 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_A) \/ P_A1 \/ P_C) /\ (P_A \/ P_A2 \/ P_C)
        /\ ((not P_A) \/ P_A1 \/ (not P_B) \/ P_B1)
@@ -120,17 +120,17 @@
        /\ ((not P_A) \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ (not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_A \/ P_A1 \/ P_A2 \/ P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a9 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a9 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_B /\ P_B1 /\ P_B2 /\ P_C
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_b0 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_C /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2)
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_b1 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_C /\ ((not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_b2 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_b2 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_C /\ ((not P_B1) \/ P_B2) /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_B2))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_b3 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_b3 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_C /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_B1) /\ (P_B \/ P_B2)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_b4 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_b4 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=true
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_b5 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C1
@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@
 [wp:cnf] CNF=true
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_b9 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=(P_B \/ P_C) /\ (P_B1 \/ P_C) /\ (P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_c0 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_c0 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_c1 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_B2 \/ P_C
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_c2 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=((not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ P_C) /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_c3 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_c3 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ P_C) /\ (P_B \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C) /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_c4 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_c4 : Valid
   CNF=(P_B \/ (not P_C) \/ (not P_C1)) /\ (P_B \/ P_C \/ P_C1)
        /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_C) \/ (not P_C1)) /\ (P_B1 \/ P_C \/ P_C1)
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
        /\ (P_B \/ (not P_B1) \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C \/ P_C1)
        /\ (P_B \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ P_C \/ P_C1)
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C \/ P_C1)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_c5 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_c5 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B) \/ P_C1) /\ ((not P_B1) \/ P_C1) /\ ((not P_B2) \/ P_C1)
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_C1)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ (not P_B2) \/ (not P_C) \/ P_C1)
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C) \/ (not P_C1))
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C \/ P_C1)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_c6 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_c6 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B2) \/ P_C1) /\ (P_B \/ P_C1) /\ (P_B1 \/ P_C1)
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C1) /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ P_C1)
@@ -232,79 +232,79 @@
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ P_C \/ P_C1)
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C) \/ P_C1)
        /\ (P_B \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C) \/ P_C1)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_c7 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_c7 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] Too big CNF/DNF
   CNF=((P_C \/ (P_B2 <-> P_B1)) -> ((P_B2 <-> P_B1) <-> P_C1))
        /\ (((P_B2 <-> P_B1) <-> P_C1) -> (P_C \/ (P_B2 <-> P_B1)))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_c8 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_c8 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] Too big CNF/DNF
   CNF=((P_C \/ ((P_B -> P_B1) /\ ((not P_B) -> P_B2)))
         -> ((P_B2 <-> P_B1) <-> P_C1))
        /\ (((P_B2 <-> P_B1) <-> P_C1)
            -> (P_C \/ ((P_B -> P_B1) /\ ((not P_B) -> P_B2))))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_c9 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_c9 : Valid
   CNF=(P_B \/ (not P_C)) /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_C)) /\ (P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d0 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d0 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B) \/ P_C) /\ ((not P_B1) \/ P_C) /\ ((not P_B2) \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d1 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d1 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B2) \/ P_C) /\ (P_B \/ P_C) /\ (P_B1 \/ P_C)
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d2 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d2 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B1) \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C) /\ ((not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_B2) \/ (not P_C)) /\ (P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d3 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d3 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_C) /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ ((not P_B1) \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C) /\ (P_B \/ (not P_B2) \/ P_C)
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d4 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d4 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B1) \/ P_B2) /\ (P_B \/ (not P_B1)) /\ (P_B \/ (not P_B2))
        /\ (P_B \/ (not P_C)) /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_B2)) /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ (P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d5 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d5 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C) /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d6 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d6 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2) /\ (P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d7 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d7 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B1) \/ P_B2) /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_B2))
        /\ ((not P_B1) \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ (P_B1 \/ (not P_B2) \/ (not P_C)) /\ (P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d8 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d8 : Valid
   CNF=((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ (not P_B2)) /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ (P_B \/ (not P_B1) \/ P_B2) /\ (P_B \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
        /\ (P_B \/ P_B1 \/ P_B2 \/ (not P_C))
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d9 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d9 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_A /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_C) /\ ((not P_A) \/ (not P_B) \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_e0 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_e0 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_B /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_C) /\ ((not P_A) \/ (not P_B) \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_e1 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_e1 : Valid
 [wp:cnf] CNF=P_C /\ ((not P_B) \/ P_C) /\ ((not P_A) \/ (not P_B) \/ P_C)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_e2 : Valid
+[wp] [Why:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_e2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   43 / 43
-  Qed:            12 
-  Alt-Ergo:       31
+  Qed:              12 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   31
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/cnf.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/cnf.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   12     31 (336..384)    43       100%
+f                   12     31 (168..192)    43       100%
 [wp] Logging keys: success-only,shell,cnf.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/ctor.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/ctor.res.oracle
index 23662c229a18e74fe5e3d0f7f21df5fa5ae031f6..28838da6b6bf90e3686624a9eecf7e0745fea9f8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/ctor.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/ctor.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/ctor.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.0.res.oracle
index 700bf0431199f2d502636b7fcf5848e07346f6ad..129596332719e69acdb8b69587b890364126cd9c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/div_mod.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 22 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d0_div_pos_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d1_div_neg_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d2_div_pos_neg : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d3_div_neg_neg : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d4_div_x_1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d5_div_x_minus1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d6_div_0_x : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd0_div_pos_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd1_div_neg_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd2_div_pos_neg : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd3_div_neg_neg : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m0_mod_pos_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m1_mod_neg_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m2_mod_pos_neg : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m3_mod_neg_neg : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m4_mod_x_1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m5_mod_x_minus1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m6_mod_0_x : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm0_mod_pos_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm1_mod_neg_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm2_mod_pos_neg : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm3_mod_neg_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d0_div_pos_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d1_div_neg_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d2_div_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d3_div_neg_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d4_div_x_1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d5_div_x_minus1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d6_div_0_x : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd0_div_pos_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd1_div_neg_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd2_div_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd3_div_neg_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m0_mod_pos_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m1_mod_neg_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m2_mod_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m3_mod_neg_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m4_mod_x_1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m5_mod_x_minus1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m6_mod_0_x : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm0_mod_pos_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm1_mod_neg_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm2_mod_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm3_mod_neg_neg : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   22 / 22
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:       22
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   22
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/div_mod.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.1.res.oracle
index b6f8e5f4ca87390017b9a4dc815d79323749f75a..92c78b1d82867cf7a86825f82d7416236d1e1fe9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/div_mod.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 22 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d0_div_pos_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d1_div_neg_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d2_div_pos_neg : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d3_div_neg_neg : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d4_div_x_1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d5_div_x_minus1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d6_div_0_x : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd0_div_pos_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd1_div_neg_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd2_div_pos_neg : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd3_div_neg_neg : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m0_mod_pos_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m1_mod_neg_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m2_mod_pos_neg : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m3_mod_neg_neg : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m4_mod_x_1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m5_mod_x_minus1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m6_mod_0_x : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm0_mod_pos_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm1_mod_neg_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm2_mod_pos_neg : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm3_mod_neg_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d0_div_pos_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d1_div_neg_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d2_div_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d3_div_neg_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d4_div_x_1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d5_div_x_minus1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d6_div_0_x : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd0_div_pos_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd1_div_neg_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd2_div_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sd3_div_neg_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m0_mod_pos_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m1_mod_neg_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m2_mod_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m3_mod_neg_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m4_mod_x_1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m5_mod_x_minus1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m6_mod_0_x : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm0_mod_pos_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm1_mod_neg_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm2_mod_pos_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_sm3_mod_neg_neg : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   22 / 22
-  Qed:                0 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):   22
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   22
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/div_mod.1.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -      -                22       100%
+f                   -      22 (8..20)       22       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.2.res.oracle
index 0a7e3253df588aa2b43899d8479bb081997009ad..b0357286139124d289affbd8a1cfbb96cb586d17 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.2.res.oracle
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/div_mod.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_d7_div_0_x_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_m7_mod_0_x_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_d7_div_0_x_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_m7_mod_0_x_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 2
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.2.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/div_mod.2.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.i.0.report.json
index bd91b0af271e22d5b60297c2d1082bc1896541c7..4a2b21c39e913bb5d0258ad5ec70f917e58e5fdc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/div_mod.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 22, "valid": 22, "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 22, "valid": 22,
+                                          "rank": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 22, "valid": 22, "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_sm3_mod_neg_neg": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_sm3_mod_neg_neg": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 2 },
@@ -8,7 +9,7 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 2 } },
-                           "f_ensures_sm2_mod_pos_neg": { "alt-ergo": 
+                           "f_ensures_sm2_mod_pos_neg": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 2 },
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 2 } },
-                           "f_ensures_sm1_mod_neg_pos": { "alt-ergo": 
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index 5f939cfa00682f4ce6e5265b6c8eaa39fdf68e73..2cea36f79d022ec13dc2468ff5fca1ee43f84357 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/e_imply.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/e_imply.res.oracle
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/e_imply.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] Computing [100 goals...]
 [wp] 119 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_p0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_p1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_p2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_p3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_p0 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_p1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_p2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_p3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_p4 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_p5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_p5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_p6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_p7 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_p8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_p7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_p8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_p9 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_i0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_i1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_i2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_i3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_i1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_i2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_i3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_i4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_i5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_i6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_i7 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_i8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_i9 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a4 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a7 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_a9 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_o0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_o1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_o2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_i6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_i7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_i8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_i9 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a0 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_a9 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_o0 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_o1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_o2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_o3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_o4 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_o5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_o6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_o7 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_o8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_o9 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_f0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_f1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_o5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_o6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_o7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_o8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_o9 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_f0 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_f1 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:  119 / 119
-  Qed:             8 
-  Alt-Ergo:      111
+  Qed:               8 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:  111
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/e_imply.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/e_imply.0.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Lemma               -      77 (8..20)       77       100%
+Lemma               -      77 (1..8)        77       100%
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                    8     34 (4..16)       42       100%
+f                    8     34 (1..8)        42       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.0.report.json
index 5c43681476a52c2a6ea5ee88fdcf36fbe3395998..04e6da0fe04f19926c758c92355bf540388696f1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 6 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 8 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 6 } },
   "wp:functions": { "simple_struct": { "simple_struct_ensures": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "simple_array": { "simple_array_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "simple_array": { "simple_array_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -19,68 +19,71 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 4 } } },
                     "with_array_struct": { "with_array_struct_ensures": 
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 4 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 4 } },
-                                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                                                               "rank": 3 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "with_ptr_struct": { "with_ptr_struct_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "with_ptr_struct": { "with_ptr_struct_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 2 },
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 2 },
+                                                             "rank": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 } } },
-                    "with_ptr_array": { "with_ptr_array_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "with_ptr_array": { "with_ptr_array_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 } },
-                                        "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                        "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 3 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 } } },
                     "with_ptr_and_array_struct": { "with_ptr_and_array_struct_ensures": 
-                                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 },
+                                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 6 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 } },
-                                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 6 } },
+                                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 },
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 } } } } }
+                                                                    "rank": 6 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.i.0.report.json
index 2afde0a0ad7a95fae27abec86f30384ead3f0c52..1f8761df13b69a5b56bb2a94eeb29718ef42d07d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 6 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 8 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "simple_struct": { "simple_struct_ensures": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "simple_array": { "simple_array_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "simple_array": { "simple_array_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -19,68 +19,71 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 4 } } },
                     "with_array_struct": { "with_array_struct_ensures": 
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 4 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 4 } },
-                                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                            "rank": 3 } },
+                                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                                                               "rank": 3 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "with_ptr_struct": { "with_ptr_struct_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                               "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "with_ptr_struct": { "with_ptr_struct_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 1 } },
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 3 },
+                                                             "rank": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 } } },
-                    "with_ptr_array": { "with_ptr_array_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 1 } } },
+                    "with_ptr_array": { "with_ptr_array_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
-                                        "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
+                                        "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 3 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 } } },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 } } },
                     "with_ptr_and_array_struct": { "with_ptr_and_array_struct_ensures": 
-                                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 },
+                                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 6 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 } },
-                                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 6 } },
+                                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 },
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 } } } } }
+                                                                    "rank": 5 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.res.oracle
index 365e6a88d35790dd2586b4950b6bb33d9727a927..33fc1d116f1788f68acc4287368217261f4794a4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.res.oracle
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/equal.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_simple_array_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_simple_array_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_simple_struct_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_with_array_struct_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_with_ptr_and_array_struct_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_with_ptr_array_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_with_ptr_struct_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_with_array_struct_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_with_ptr_and_array_struct_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_with_ptr_array_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_with_ptr_struct_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    6 / 6
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/equal.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/equal.0.report.json'
@@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ simple_array        -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
 with_array_struct   -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
 with_ptr_struct     -       1 (4..16)        1       100%
 with_ptr_array      -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
-with_ptr_and_array_struct  -     1 (28..40)   1      100%
+with_ptr_and_array_struct  -     1 (20..32)   1      100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.0.report.json
index 8ab9ce87bfcce6699c3d4d058f75fa169519f276..695f9af828db08cd4072e4bbd5c69553a0e7aaee 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 8 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 8 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_test_float_compare_greater": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_test_float_compare_greater": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 8 },
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 8 } },
-                           "lemma_test_float_compare": { "alt-ergo": 
+                           "lemma_test_float_compare": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 8 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 8 } },
-                           "lemma_test_double_compare_greater": { "alt-ergo": 
+                           "lemma_test_double_compare_greater": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 8 },
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 8 } },
-                           "lemma_test_double_compare": { "alt-ergo": 
+                           "lemma_test_double_compare": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 8 },
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 8 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4,
-                                                         "valid": 4,
-                                                         "rank": 8 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4,
+                                                                    "valid": 4,
+                                                                    "rank": 8 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                         "valid": 4,
                                                         "rank": 8 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.res.oracle
index 968431f963b05d789b5f1558c6ae2e16227fddce..221c3d19676482e436c62cdb72ddac35ad214815 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.res.oracle
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/float_compare.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 19 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_finite_32_64 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_finite_32_64_real : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_test_double_compare : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_test_double_compare_greater : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_test_float_compare : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_test_float_compare_greater : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_dd_ensures_DEF : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_dd_ensures_REL1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_dd_ensures_REL2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_fd_ensures_DEF : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_fd_ensures_REL1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_fd_ensures_REL2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_fd_assert : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_fd_assert_2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_ff_ensures_DEF : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_ff_ensures_REL1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_cmp_ff_ensures_REL2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_finite_32_64 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_finite_32_64_real : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_test_double_compare : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_test_double_compare_greater : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_test_float_compare : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_test_float_compare_greater : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_dd_ensures_DEF : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_dd_ensures_REL1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_dd_ensures_REL2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_fd_ensures_DEF : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_fd_ensures_REL1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_fd_ensures_REL2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_fd_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_fd_assert_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_ff_ensures_DEF : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_ff_ensures_REL1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cmp_ff_ensures_REL2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cmp_fnan_ensures_POS : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cmp_fnan_ensures_NEG : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   18 / 19
-  Qed:                2 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):   16  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   16  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/float_compare.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/float_compare.0.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Lemma               -      -                 6      83.3%
+Lemma               -       5 (28..40)       6      83.3%
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-cmp_ff              -      -                 3       100%
-cmp_dd              -      -                 3       100%
-cmp_fd              -      -                 5       100%
+cmp_ff              -       3 (20..32)       3       100%
+cmp_dd              -       3 (20..32)       3       100%
+cmp_fd              -       5 (20..32)       5       100%
 cmp_fnan             2     -                 2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/funvar_inv.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/funvar_inv.res.oracle
index 8a073f77487782051be3164c2508dd1e28e717ec..bdbccbefae2dc1d36143ee499d4df726b3f31ba2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/funvar_inv.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/funvar_inv.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/funvar_inv.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/implicit_enum_cast.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/implicit_enum_cast.res.oracle
index 122f044fbd9a7094e8143e6380cdd29441734a39..9623ee6b44e66705547a0bfbec2404db511a80be 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/implicit_enum_cast.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/implicit_enum_cast.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/implicit_enum_cast.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.0.report.json
index 3d33c8c50aa7c8d908c3718f8ff99be5e4a3bac1..534b34a38956b269062393ed9639103ef8322d83 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.0.report.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 3, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 5 } },
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "job": { "job_ensures_OK": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 5 },
+                    "job": { "job_ensures_OK": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 5 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 5 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 5 } } },
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "extra": { "extra_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                    "extra": { "extra_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.res.oracle
index acfc1883f380065d8b9fdcfebbf1911785f80b77..9e580ba61f011754b8d6b9490e4514b540f27bd4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/init_label.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
   No code nor implicit assigns clause for function main, generating default assigns from the prototype
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_extra_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_extra_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foreign_ensures_OK : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_OK : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_OK : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_OK : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 4
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_label.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/init_label.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.0.res.oracle
index fc119b8181b6ad0bf377c2a272cd82e97e22ef16..8e07203beb342c7e94c6952f4a32eb84ecea1a6c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/init_value.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,37 +7,37 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_fa1_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_fa2_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_fa3_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fs1_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fs1_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Struct_Simple_a : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Struct_Simple_b : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Simple_Array_0 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Simple_Array_1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_With_Array_Struct_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_With_Array_Struct_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Sc_eq : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Sc_eq : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Sc_t : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Sc_t_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Sc_c_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Sc_c_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Tab_no_init : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Tab_todo : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_Tab_todo : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_todo : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_4 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_direct_init_union : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   24 / 24
-  Qed:            19 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:              19 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/init_value.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-main                16      4 (28..40)      20       100%
+main                16      4 (32..44)      20       100%
 fa1                  1     -                 1       100%
 fa2                  1     -                 1       100%
 fa3                  1     -                 1       100%
-fs1                 -       1 (112..136)     1       100%
+fs1                 -       1 (96..120)      1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.1.res.oracle
index 1a296d83d67ebda972d530fa0d7d997e1c5a4aa8..8a569a28b306946259357fa9a5f801ca4555f325 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/init_value.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 18 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fa1_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fa1_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fa2_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fa2_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fa3_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fa3_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fa3_ensures_qed_ko_3 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fs1_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fs1_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_eq_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_t : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_c_2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Tab_no_init : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_With_Array_Struct_3 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Simple_Array_1 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_T1_6 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_indirect_init_union_b : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_indirect_init_union_t : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fa1_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fa1_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fa2_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fa2_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fa3_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fa3_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fa3_ensures_qed_ko_3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fs1_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fs1_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_eq_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_t : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_c_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Tab_no_init : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_With_Array_Struct_3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Simple_Array_1 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_T1_6 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_indirect_init_union_b : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ko_requires_qed_ko_indirect_init_union_t : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 18
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 18)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 18)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/init_value.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.i.0.report.json
index 577a3f779da8f885a59f3b5dc6353e0b41ac3db5..0285241f5f01d95c141cf2ab53d440586999816a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 7, "valid": 7, "rank": 29 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 7, "valid": 7,
+                                          "rank": 24 },
                  "qed": { "total": 17, "valid": 17 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 24, "valid": 24, "rank": 29 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 24, "valid": 24, "rank": 24 } },
   "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_requires_qed_ok_direct_init_union": 
                                 { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_5": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 2 },
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 2 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_4": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 2 },
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 2 },
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
                                                                  "valid": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_Tab_todo": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_Tab_todo": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 },
@@ -79,14 +80,14 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_Sc_eq": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_Sc_eq": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 8 },
+                                                                  "rank": 9 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 8 } },
+                                                                  "rank": 9 } },
                                 { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
@@ -94,8 +95,9 @@
                                 { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                "rank": 3 },
+                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 3 },
                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                "rank": 3 } },
@@ -107,14 +109,14 @@
                                 { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6,
-                                                            "valid": 6,
-                                                            "rank": 8 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 6, "valid": 6,
+                                                  "rank": 9 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 14,
                                                        "valid": 14 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 20,
                                                            "valid": 20,
-                                                           "rank": 8 } } },
+                                                           "rank": 9 } } },
                     "fa1": { "fa1_ensures_qed_ok": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -139,15 +141,16 @@
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "fs1": { "fs1_ensures_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 29 },
+                    "fs1": { "fs1_ensures_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 24 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 29 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 29 },
+                                                                  "rank": 24 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 24 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 29 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 24 } } } } }
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index 890d8170ecfaf478cb43e8608883a3bb550a2ed6..56018d7a175ea06021d15252946bc0e6a77b7822 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,94 +1,110 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 18, "unknown": 18 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 18, "unknown": 18 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 18, "unknown": 18 } },
   "wp:functions": { "main_ko": { "main_ko_requires_qed_ko_indirect_init_union_t": 
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "main_ko_requires_qed_ko_T1_6": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                 "main_ko_requires_qed_ko_T1_6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_c_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                 "main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_c_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_t": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                 "main_ko_requires_qed_ko_Sc_t": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 9,
-                                                               "unknown": 9 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 9,
+                                                     "unknown": 9 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 9,
                                                               "unknown": 9 } } },
-                    "fa1": { "fa1_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                    "fa1": { "fa1_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "fa1_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                             "fa1_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "unknown": 2 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "unknown": 2 } } },
-                    "fa2": { "fa2_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                    "fa2": { "fa2_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "fa2_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                             "fa2_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "unknown": 2 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "unknown": 2 } } },
-                    "fa3": { "fa3_ensures_qed_ko_3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                    "fa3": { "fa3_ensures_qed_ko_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "fa3_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                             "fa3_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "fa3_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                             "fa3_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                           "unknown": 3 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "unknown": 3 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                           "unknown": 3 } } },
-                    "fs1": { "fs1_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                    "fs1": { "fs1_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "fs1_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                             "fs1_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "unknown": 2 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "unknown": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.i.0.report.json
index f632d90bac4a00dab996baa5f396d338ffffa3cc..5f403a02fac9fba691ecda4e8eb2ef7b31c753af 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 10 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 10 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_ensures_Q": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 10 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 9 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 9 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_ensures_Q": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 9 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 10 } },
-                              "main_ensures_P": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 10 },
+                                                               "rank": 9 } },
+                              "main_ensures_P": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 9 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 10 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 10 },
+                                                               "rank": 9 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 9 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                           "rank": 10 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 9 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.res.oracle
index 5a8aa566288b0a70932a36a91533a212901b4301..519128a270eb42f08122a8b30e7f79af7e3fa19c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/init_value_mem.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ensures_P : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ensures_Q : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ensures_P : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ensures_Q : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/init_value_mem.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/init_value_mem.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-main                -       2 (36..48)       2       100%
+main                -       2 (32..44)       2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/intbool.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/intbool.res.oracle
index 296bd09f24506c7401d15f4e09972c109e1077fb..65099e7692bbd9ee01f239c49af97914ed4ca9b7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/intbool.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/intbool.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/intbool.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.0.res.oracle
index e067872acde23064e23b12034cb86fa21ed4d955..cf4c863ff128b2ddc33e1da0a9fac6d138b01675 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/label_escape.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.1.res.oracle
index d304a79b974cb39d1b78cba8c20495e0a9080c7d..f80035a90951a4ccddeffbb25a4668ff842c36b0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/label_escape.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_qed_ko_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_qed_ko_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/label_escape.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.i.1.report.json
index 70accd7fe869e14fe091826a3118e8252ae841ce..e69a4018e780547aaa96cad1bc50409b1eff27c5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/label_escape.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_qed_ko_oracle_ko": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_qed_ko_oracle_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.i.0.report.json
index badcee8deb06c806b1e1fba397198f03ad075183..abff785b27fbdf6956df4dae04a0a8f8f51e9e64 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 18, "valid": 2, "unknown": 16,
-                               "rank": 16 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 18, "valid": 2,
+                                          "unknown": 16, "rank": 14 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 21, "valid": 5, "unknown": 16,
                               "rank": 16 } },
   "wp:functions": { "h": { "h_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 } },
-                           "h_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "unknown": 1 },
+                           "h_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                         "valid": 2,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "main": { "main_requires_qed_ok_18": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "main": { "main_requires_qed_ok_18": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_17": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_17": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_16": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_16": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_15": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_15": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_14": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_14": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_13": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_13": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_12": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_12": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_11": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_11": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_10": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_10": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_9": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_9": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_8": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_7": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_7": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_6": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_5": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_4": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 16 },
+                                                              "rank": 14 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 16 } },
-                              "main_requires_qed_ok_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_requires_qed_ok_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 16 },
+                                                              "rank": 14 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
@@ -126,10 +126,9 @@
                                                                  "valid": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 17,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "unknown": 15,
-                                                            "rank": 16 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 17, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "unknown": 15, "rank": 14 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 18,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.res.oracle
index 225cf1c40b801ddb410faaf397268ef0e62ef1e3..8351bc41d1447a9f839ace58671e8d9855d542d7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/logic.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -39,26 +39,26 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_h_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_h_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_3 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_4 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_5 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_6 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_7 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_8 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_9 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_10 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_11 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_12 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_13 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_14 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_15 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_16 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_17 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_18 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_4 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_5 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_6 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_7 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_8 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_9 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_10 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_11 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_12 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_13 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_14 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_15 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_16 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_17 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_qed_ok_18 : Unsuccess (Stronger)
 [wp] Proved goals:    4 / 21
-  Qed:             4 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 17)
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 17)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/logic.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/logic.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.i.0.report.json
index f0d59fc2862ebf81510504550ab40baa6a97d258..a6728f6671bc88a20bb042dcf8f69a396a0e205f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 37 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                          "rank": 42 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 8, "valid": 8, "rank": 37 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "copy": { "copy_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 8, "valid": 8, "rank": 42 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "copy": { "copy_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2,
-                                                             "rank": 37 },
+                                                             "rank": 42 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 37 } },
-                              "copy_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                                                                    "rank": 42 } },
+                              "copy_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 5 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -20,25 +22,26 @@
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                              "copy_loop_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 22 },
+                              "copy_loop_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 17 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
-                                                                  "rank": 22 } },
-                              "copy_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 4 },
+                                                                  "rank": 17 } },
+                              "copy_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 4 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                            "valid": 5,
-                                                            "rank": 37 },
+                                                             "rank": 5 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                                  "rank": 42 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                        "valid": 3 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 8,
                                                            "valid": 8,
-                                                           "rank": 37 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 42 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.res.oracle
index 7ce65969029e1591f77b3a87d19e40e3e7469904..e382296ef4659598f2f04c2aad341883dab4b19c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.res.oracle
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/looplabels.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 8 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_copy_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    8 / 8
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/looplabels.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/looplabels.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-copy                 3      5 (256..304)     8       100%
+copy                 3      5 (336..384)     8       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.0.report.json
index 79fbcb44621bbe66323dc1c13c9b7b044015f84a..5011bc9bd71b439529687c886690b7a75f4b846b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.0.report.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_valid_read_non_null": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_valid_read_non_null": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 1 },
@@ -9,15 +9,16 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_valid_non_null": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 1 },
+                           "lemma_valid_non_null": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2,
                                                         "rank": 1 } } } },
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.res.oracle
index 8ff84050d33d4acc65f7c2a20f604808f8583b3f..b5788d4ee54512314f2b7e8fc5534d60567eafce 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/null.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_valid_non_null : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_valid_read_non_null : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_valid_non_null : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_valid_read_non_null : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_null_is_zero_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/null.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/null.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.0.res.oracle
index 4476b69cd15b063a0bc15a8ba1d2d4817938041b..7c110cb79dfc4f4bee8218a36d1cc681bb9a7d66 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/pointer.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
 [wp] tests/wp_acsl/pointer.i:50: Warning: Uncomparable locations p_0 and mem:t
 [wp] tests/wp_acsl/pointer.i:49: Warning: Uncomparable locations p_0 and mem:t
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Base_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Comp_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Base_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Comp_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_array_ensures_Lt : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_array_ensures_Le : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_array_ensures_Eq : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Le_oracle_ko : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Lt_oracle_ko : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Le_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Eq_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Le_oracle_ko : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Lt_oracle_ko : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Le_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Eq_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 9
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 6)
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 6)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/pointer.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.1.res.oracle
index 116c8aee7c979114cb20b8f68632667fe5781f48..205d8ead9ed263acf0de6837793376e9ebbc9015 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/pointer.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
 [wp] tests/wp_acsl/pointer.i:50: Warning: Uncomparable locations p_0 and mem:t
 [wp] tests/wp_acsl/pointer.i:49: Warning: Uncomparable locations p_0 and mem:t
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Base_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Comp_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Base_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Comp_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_array_ensures_Lt : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_array_ensures_Le : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_array_ensures_Eq : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Le_oracle_ko : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Lt_oracle_ko : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Le_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Eq_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Le_oracle_ko : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Lt_oracle_ko : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Le_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Eq_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 9
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 6)
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 6)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/pointer.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.i.0.report.json
index 24bc2e2f049ee646bdbf708aa854c519013da8e6..96d4e7ec7d45f50748cb04a47df89527218b898e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6, "unknown": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6, "unknown": 6 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 9, "valid": 3, "unknown": 6 } },
   "wp:functions": { "array": { "array_ensures_Eq": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -18,38 +18,46 @@
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                             "valid": 3 } } },
                     "pointer": { "pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Eq_oracle_ko": 
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "unknown": 2 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 2,
+                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "unknown": 2 } } },
                     "mixed_array_pointer": { "mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Lt_oracle_ko": 
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 2,
                                                                  "unknown": 2 },
                                                                { "total": 2,
                                                                  "unknown": 2 } } },
                     "absurd": { "absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Comp_oracle_ko": 
-                                  { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                  { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                             "unknown": 1 },
                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                  { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                  { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                             "unknown": 1 },
                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                              "unknown": 2 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 2,
+                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                              "unknown": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.i.1.report.json
index 24bc2e2f049ee646bdbf708aa854c519013da8e6..96d4e7ec7d45f50748cb04a47df89527218b898e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/pointer.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6, "unknown": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6, "unknown": 6 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 9, "valid": 3, "unknown": 6 } },
   "wp:functions": { "array": { "array_ensures_Eq": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -18,38 +18,46 @@
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                             "valid": 3 } } },
                     "pointer": { "pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Eq_oracle_ko": 
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "unknown": 2 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 2,
+                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "unknown": 2 } } },
                     "mixed_array_pointer": { "mixed_array_pointer_ensures_qed_ko_Lt_oracle_ko": 
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 2,
                                                                  "unknown": 2 },
                                                                { "total": 2,
                                                                  "unknown": 2 } } },
                     "absurd": { "absurd_ensures_qed_ko_Comp_oracle_ko": 
-                                  { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                  { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                             "unknown": 1 },
                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                  { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                  { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                             "unknown": 1 },
                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                              "unknown": 2 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 2,
+                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                              "unknown": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.i.0.report.json
index 2e7d97a63ca90a73234829f78f3ba0d7d9b980b5..8b3f9049c59e70095c3d254b09918a62888dca14 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
   "wp:functions": { "correct": { "correct_assert_OK": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "wrong": { "wrong_assert_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+                    "wrong": { "wrong_assert_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.res.oracle
index 6ab33eacbf55e5ac487ffd8da7ebfbf50b2f72c6..5ab98f1194f58b1e337fba22e51d2b34b94f636e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.res.oracle
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/post_result.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_correct_assert_OK : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_wrong_assert_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_wrong_assert_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 2
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/post_result.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/post_result.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.0.res.oracle
index 8e7baea94bb527a45cca32c8dd31aef74092a96f..627cd3b588edbaaa492f369db0c98e0d60c804ba 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/precedence.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel:annot-error] tests/wp_acsl/precedence.i:90: Warning: 
   unexpected token ';'
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_l_precedence_xor_or : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_r_precedence_or_implies : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_l_precedence_or_implies : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ok_r_precedence_implies_or : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ok_r_precedence_implies_or : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ok_since : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_r_assoc_implies : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_r_precedence_implies_equiv : Valid
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_predicate_bitwise_ensures_r_precedence_equiv_Pand : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_predicate_bitwise_ensures_l_precedence_equiv_Pand : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   52 / 52
-  Qed:            51 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:              51 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/precedence.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.1.res.oracle
index 364ef5d90afbed8679c44260280c3c436524d825..14de3dc9b9971cbe838ada5d33d0b82302b24d23 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/precedence.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel:annot-error] tests/wp_acsl/precedence.i:90: Warning: 
   unexpected token ';'
@@ -40,45 +40,45 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 37 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_xor_and : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_r_precedence_xor_and : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_or_xor : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_r_precedence_or_xor : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_implies_or : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_assoc_implies : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_r_precedence_equiv_implies : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_equiv_implies : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_r_precedence_and_eq : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_l_precedence_and_eq : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_l_nonassoc_eq : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_r_nonassoc_eq : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_r_precedence_and_neq : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_l_precedence_and_neq : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_xor_and : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_xor_and : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_or_xor : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_or_xor : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_implies_or : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_assoc_implies : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_equiv_implies : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_equiv_implies : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_ite_equiv : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_ite_equiv : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_assoc_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_forall_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_m_precedence_forall_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_forall_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_assoc_forall : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_exists_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_m_precedence_exists_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_exists_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_assoc_exist : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_let_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_m_precedence_let_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_let_ite : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_assoc_naming : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_xor_and : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_r_precedence_xor_and : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_or_xor : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_r_precedence_or_xor : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_implies_or : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_assoc_implies : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_r_precedence_equiv_implies : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_equiv_implies : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_r_precedence_and_eq : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_l_precedence_and_eq : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_l_nonassoc_eq : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_r_nonassoc_eq : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_r_precedence_and_neq : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_comparison_ensures_ko_l_precedence_and_neq : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_xor_and : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_xor_and : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_or_xor : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_or_xor : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_implies_or : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_assoc_implies : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_equiv_implies : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_equiv_implies : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_ite_equiv : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_ite_equiv : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_assoc_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_forall_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_m_precedence_forall_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_forall_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_assoc_forall : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_exists_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_m_precedence_exists_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_exists_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_assoc_exist : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_r_precedence_let_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_m_precedence_let_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_precedence_let_ite : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_predicate_ensures_ko_l_assoc_naming : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 37
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 37)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 37)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/precedence.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.i.0.report.json
index db09e8ac05f0bb0ebc86fa1be39a1bd8f8333434..a41fa050943ab94c26bad042a0ad4ce43d8fce2a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 51, "valid": 51 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 52, "valid": 52, "rank": 2 } },
   "wp:functions": { "predicate": { "predicate_ensures_r_precedence_ite_naming": 
@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                     "rank": 2 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "valid": 1,
+                                                                "rank": 2 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                     "rank": 2 } },
@@ -108,9 +109,10 @@
                                      { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 2 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 2 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 29,
                                                             "valid": 29 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 30,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.i.1.report.json
index 47bc323909bc169c81bdfa3e75ab33a9d4e89e85..1e271c9329080d19fe2c8d6fa816cb9c18c38156 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/precedence.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,183 +1,194 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 37, "unknown": 37 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 37, "unknown": 37 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 37, "unknown": 37 } },
   "wp:functions": { "predicate": { "predicate_ensures_ko_l_assoc_naming": 
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 23,
-                                                                 "unknown": 23 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 23,
+                                                       "unknown": 23 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 23,
                                                                 "unknown": 23 } } },
                     "comparison": { "comparison_ensures_ko_l_precedence_and_neq": 
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6,
-                                                                  "unknown": 6 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 6,
+                                                        "unknown": 6 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                                  "unknown": 6 } } },
                     "bitwise": { "bitwise_ensures_ko_l_precedence_equiv_implies": 
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+                                   { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 8,
-                                                               "unknown": 8 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 8,
+                                                     "unknown": 8 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 8,
                                                               "unknown": 8 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/range.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/range.res.oracle
index 9b09be2000784d88ad7babc99674f49856d96eb8..8dc5e9a29d334ee81f52fe481c67d4e12e88f8df 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/range.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/range.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/range.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.0.res.oracle
index 5c3ff3a3d69f9efa257356a7ad8cf7dc3feaed51..a5a0d165b2fcc5e4407cc78023da2acb7191884d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/reads.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 7 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_g_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_g_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_modifies_x_ensures_qed_ok_F_OK : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_modifies_x_ensures_qed_ok_W_OK_todo : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_modifies_x_ensures_qed_ok_W_OK_todo : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_modifies_y_ensures_qed_ok_F_OK : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_modifies_y_ensures_qed_ok_G_OK : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_modifies_y_ensures_qed_ok_W_OK_todo : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_modifies_y_ensures_qed_ok_W_OK_todo : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    5 / 7
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/reads.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
-g                   -       1 (20..32)       1       100%
+f                   -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
+g                   -       1 (16..28)       1       100%
 modifies_y           2     -                 3      66.7%
 modifies_x           1     -                 2      50.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.1.res.oracle
index bd1c8449cded0a4723dacb9181908ca5204a7b29..c40c87ec26c562b10a814447525a01bcd96dc71b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/reads.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_modifies_x_ensures_qed_ko_G_KO : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_modifies_x_ensures_qed_ko_H_KO : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_modifies_y_ensures_qed_ko_H_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_modifies_x_ensures_qed_ko_G_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_modifies_x_ensures_qed_ko_H_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_modifies_y_ensures_qed_ko_H_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 3
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 3)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 3)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/reads.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.i.0.report.json
index 1cf27c3b07a3485d1473914e6544469b28ba09ee..198d8dbc43031afa11598bd00ce9bb7fc6816a29 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 2, "unknown": 2,
-                               "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 2,
+                                          "unknown": 2, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 7, "valid": 5, "unknown": 2,
                               "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 3 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "g": { "g_ensures_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 6 },
+                    "g": { "g_ensures_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 5 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 6 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 6 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 6 } } },
                     "modifies_y": { "modifies_y_ensures_qed_ok_W_OK_todo": 
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
@@ -38,23 +38,25 @@
                                       { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                                  "valid": 2,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "modifies_x": { "modifies_x_ensures_qed_ok_W_OK_todo": 
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
                                       { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.i.1.report.json
index f145905f3f1bb235dd361b41335a53c980721505..ef66d530fafb2b1c3d31554bf0b5a6d527c67e23 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/reads.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "unknown": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "unknown": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "unknown": 3 } },
   "wp:functions": { "modifies_y": { "modifies_y_ensures_qed_ko_H_KO": 
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "modifies_x": { "modifies_x_ensures_qed_ko_H_KO": 
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                      { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "unknown": 1 },
+                                      { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                      "unknown": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                  "unknown": 2 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 2,
+                                                        "unknown": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                  "unknown": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.0.res.oracle
index e62b365166bbe3c8a244bfbcda2e78521d917315..54d7726924e42e3fa643a2f44fad0ccb13ac1143 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/record.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 11 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_M1_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_M1_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_M2_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_M3_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_M4_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_M5_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_M6_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_P1_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_P2_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_P2_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_P3_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_P4_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_P5_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   11 / 11
-  Qed:             9 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               9 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/record.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.1.res.oracle
index a798b27a5deff30f27bb14482e868ea5fd71c2bb..1132c478b4b53d0eb424cf3990ff7bd18e191eef 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/record.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_KP5_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_KP5_qed_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/record.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.i.0.report.json
index 9b9a9693c3054b91ddd8401b4698d45450a429da..e8d169e3417c0b679fdf6eb0ebef74349485d4fc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 9, "valid": 9 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 11, "valid": 11, "rank": 4 } },
   "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_P5_qed_ok": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_P2_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 4 },
+                           "f_ensures_P2_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 4 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 4 } },
@@ -43,15 +44,16 @@
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_M1_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 3 },
+                           "f_ensures_M1_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 3 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 3 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 9, "valid": 9 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 11,
                                                         "valid": 11,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.i.1.report.json
index 51e5dfebbb711da48275cf971ae5002909811134..64f72eb5b7926d8cf739d52edd70747cb9f57f21 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/record.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_KP5_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_KP5_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.i.0.report.json
index d07adcf774b224f941c13beee90765584afdb8a1..24475a5431b1da4bd7dbdfe6337dd1e76f69aae2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,60 +1,64 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 9, "valid": 9, "rank": 20 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 9, "valid": 9,
+                                          "rank": 14 },
                  "qed": { "total": 6, "valid": 6 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 20 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_loop_invariant_3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                 "valid": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 20 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 13 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_loop_invariant_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 2,
+                                                       "valid": 2,
+                                                       "rank": 11 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2,
-                                                                "rank": 20 } },
-                           "f_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 15 },
+                                                                "rank": 11 } },
+                           "f_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 11 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2,
-                                                                "rank": 15 } },
-                           "f_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                                                                "rank": 11 } },
+                           "f_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "f_loop_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 19 },
+                           "f_loop_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 14 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 19 } },
-                           "f_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 6 },
+                                                            "rank": 14 } },
+                           "f_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 5 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 6 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6,
-                                                         "valid": 6,
-                                                         "rank": 20 },
+                                                       "rank": 5 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6,
+                                                                    "valid": 6,
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 9,
                                                         "valid": 9,
-                                                        "rank": 20 } } },
-                    "g": { "g_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 9 },
+                                                        "rank": 13 } } },
+                    "g": { "g_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 7 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2,
-                                                                "rank": 9 } },
-                           "g_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                                                                "rank": 7 } },
+                           "g_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -64,16 +68,16 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } },
-                           "g_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 7 },
+                           "g_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 7 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 7 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                         "valid": 3,
-                                                         "rank": 10 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "valid": 3,
+                                                                    "rank": 7 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                         "valid": 6,
-                                                        "rank": 10 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 7 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.res.oracle
index b3420038f619f8d1c9e8bfff710a37558c5ef46f..384bd75e15532b9f91c12bd7c7e4ebe703d2590a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.res.oracle
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/simpl_is_type.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 18 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_check_acsl_check_ok_C1_absurd_is_cint : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_check_acsl_check_ok_C2_absurd_is_cint : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_check_acsl_check_ok_C1_absurd_is_cint : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_check_acsl_check_ok_C2_absurd_is_cint : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_check_acsl_check_ok_C5_absurd_cmp : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_g_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_g_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_g_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_g_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_g_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_g_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_g_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_g_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_g_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   18 / 18
-  Qed:             7 
-  Alt-Ergo:       11
+  Qed:               7 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   11
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/simpl_is_type.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/simpl_is_type.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                    3      6 (96..120)      9       100%
-g                    3      3 (36..48)       6       100%
+f                    3      6 (56..68)       9       100%
+g                    3      3 (24..36)       6       100%
 check_acsl           1      2 (44..56)       3       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.0.report.json
index bd9ed2f82998f182289b0babad662f514f75e1cb..d6ca451c6b4efa8cb9f5c7ff5e33fa5744bc2c70 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 0 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "foo": { "foo_assert_B": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "foo": { "foo_assert_B": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 0 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 1 } },
-                             "foo_assert_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 1 },
+                             "foo_assert_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 0 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "valid": 2,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 2,
                                                           "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.res.oracle
index f907ba3b6ba1694c33cd8fa9b78da7d56a0c2b4a..498f74657dc77b70ba8f42508ead5d6e541a1dc6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.res.oracle
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/sizeof.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_assert_A : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_assert_B : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_assert_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_assert_B : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/sizeof.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/sizeof.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.0.res.oracle
index 68251eed9cb5b73d62ee65c65ebe9bc7602d5247..da7fdb385c1caa6a7a18b1470ce1181936ce9d75 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/struct_use_case.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_f_ensures_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_f_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_g_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/struct_use_case.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -       1 (16..28)       1       100%
+f                   -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
 g                    1     -                 1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.1.res.oracle
index 9951d3d26ebdbc95abe40fea8abf1a5e380649e4..5313181afd3f7ced8c164c6b67d6d2c960405094 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/struct_use_case.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_f_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_g_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_f_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_g_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 2
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/struct_use_case.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.i.0.report.json
index aaae37ff8f878420384af3259e3bfb78d22109dd..adcdf1f309cc1d7def8fc4a8d47646af304beb4e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 5 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 4 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 5 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 5 },
+                                                          "rank": 4 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 5 } } },
+                                                        "rank": 4 } } },
                     "g": { "g_ensures_ok": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.i.1.report.json
index 6b4d6768aebd25c56a7bf0771169de61d601e9ff..09163ecf25d70df3c19f70a3e1aa2cab71d64d47 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/struct_use_case.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "g": { "g_ensures_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+                    "g": { "g_ensures_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.i.0.report.json
index 8220fe028e8079c53a1d7a5371087d9707af71b2..ca24c6c9e5d5ee4fbddb0b8fa8fb12d7f88c55fd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 2 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_UNION_RANGE": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 2 },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_UNION_RANGE": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 2 } },
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_UNION_EQ": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 1 },
+                           "lemma_UNION_EQ": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 1 } },
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 2 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                         "valid": 4,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.res.oracle
index d85af980df8b7a25256cef5403d430d3db4f415e..12b3d155f8be29268fc07f0449de0efc646f4725 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/tset.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_UNION_DESCR : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_UNION_EQ : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_UNION_EQ : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_UNION_LIFT : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_UNION_RANGE : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_UNION_RANGE : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    4 / 4
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/tset.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.0.res.oracle
index a63cc1b831ac7698938b81ae92a70447499f3c57..ddfbb1e23486e6e15b1108799cfb77b10b103c1c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/type_guard.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/type_guard.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.1.res.oracle
index 93bcefeddd9c134fd5e798db77b7db5486919eaa..09fd140cec8f65b106dad00ba0d4cc8469bc500f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/type_guard.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/type_guard.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.i.0.report.json
index 0618799784165be7c5a9c17185f4d7324684eaef..188b8b52dc4a4a834af22f9fb2848c06435028d7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.i.1.report.json
index 2bc163cf605feecdbd36d9f76487a13ff5787b88..13f0466d096403f523e16d5cf127f2f1e91acaff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/type_guard.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.0.report.json
index 6c8cdc3f855be7fa51140fe38517e7171e44eb05..5c6cecb0c1bf0ebafe1ccf6657fb24efe25171b5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.0.report.json
@@ -1,36 +1,38 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 13 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 13 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 3, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 13 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "sum": { "sum_ensures_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "sum": { "sum_ensures_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
                              "sum_ensures_ok": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "rotate_left": { "rotate_left_ensures_other_bits": 
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 13 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 13 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                       "rank": 13 } },
                                        { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 13 },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 13 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.res.oracle
index 284ab16fc0448c34f1c58dac16649307a38983b3..36e568d169f61b9ce5600e94b3a8cb1f9c430ca0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/unit_bit_test.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_rotate_left_ensures_bit_zero : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_rotate_left_ensures_other_bits : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_rotate_left_ensures_other_bits : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_sum_ensures_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_sum_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_sum_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 4
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bit_test.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/unit_bit_test.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.0.report.json
index 7ca95e7dd10415727a170f4f6aba1b2ca49acf7e..af56c39d59949cac91d6c047197a1f3f757a7475 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.0.report.json
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 14, "valid": 14 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "Foo": { "lemma_f_1": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "Foo": { "lemma_f_1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 1 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
                                                            "rank": 1 } } } },
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.res.oracle
index 9e87f031a9e560e54f18727f4b97a157236afc1e..48b1444f5eea6b9f51fedb4cf936092cfa4688e5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.res.oracle
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/unit_bool.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 15 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_f_1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_f_1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_boolean_casts_check_C0 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_boolean_casts_check_C1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_boolean_casts_check_c0 : Valid
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_boolean_casts_check_b0 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_boolean_casts_check_b1 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   15 / 15
-  Qed:            14 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:              14 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/unit_bool.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/unit_bool.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.0.res.oracle
index d6277a5e6bf5b9ea513b433c204cb84b88e563cd..c8becb7fc24765bed7959648be700b5b5a0828ff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/user_def_type_guard.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/user_def_type_guard.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.1.res.oracle
index 105df712f0f95a13264f8bd0ca223867ce8fd395..384654b8407866cd3e6a8ad7086ce4a63a34871f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_acsl/user_def_type_guard.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_acsl/result_qualif/user_def_type_guard.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.i.0.report.json
index 0618799784165be7c5a9c17185f4d7324684eaef..188b8b52dc4a4a834af22f9fb2848c06435028d7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.i.1.report.json
index 2bc163cf605feecdbd36d9f76487a13ff5787b88..13f0466d096403f523e16d5cf127f2f1e91acaff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/user_def_type_guard.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_2110.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_2110.i
index 7b4158d431fe4721bb1195f12cb12121c31e2c50..59e26712f6995c7046c95bbf23a93f892c4c334e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_2110.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_2110.i
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* run.config
-   CMD: @frama-c@ -wp -wp-msg-key shell,cluster -wp-gen -wp-share ./share
+   CMD: @frama-c@ -wp -wp-msg-key shell,cluster,print-generated -wp-prover why3 -wp-gen -wp-share ./share
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/issue_143.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/issue_143.i
index 1235fdab0246e6176c5994b76201ebed7458a777..bf8b0ff6e1bf9d22f34b168c7e0f4a43cb96b0be 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/issue_143.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/issue_143.i
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
    EXECNOW: chmod a-x ./tests/inexistant-prover
    OPT: -wp
-   OPT: -wp -wp-prover "alt-ergo,coq,why3:alt-ergo" -wp-alt-ergo ./tests/inexistant-prover -wp-coqc ./tests/inexistant-prover -wp-why3 ./tests/inexistant-prover 
+   OPT: -wp -wp-prover "alt-ergo,coq" -wp-alt-ergo ./tests/inexistant-prover -wp-coqc ./tests/inexistant-prover
    OPT: -wp -wp-prover "alt-ergo" -wp-alt-ergo ./tests/inexistant-prover
    OPT: -wp -wp-prover "coq" -wp-coqc ./tests/inexistant-prover
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle/bts_2110.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle/bts_2110.res.oracle
index 429db4214b8dcb13d8ece2eedfbd901b2086efe9..9cf4378ece6b5b1291104004fab358da1c38727f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle/bts_2110.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle/bts_2110.res.oracle
@@ -5,98 +5,135 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
---- File 'typed/myMain_assigns.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed' Cluster 'S2_A' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Assigns 'KO' at call 'myRead' (file tests/wp_bts/bts_2110.i, line 36) --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-goal myMain_assigns:
-  forall i : int.
-  forall t : int farray.
-  forall t_1 : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall a_1,a : addr.
-  let a_2 = shiftfield_F1_FD_pos(a) : addr in
-  let x = t_1[a_2] : int in
-  (x <> i) ->
-  (region(a_1.base) <= 0) ->
-  (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-  linked(t) ->
-  is_sint32(i) ->
-  is_sint32(x) ->
-  (not invalid(t, a_2, 1)) ->
-  (a_2 = a_1)
+theory S2_A
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool *)
+  (* use int.Int *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+  (* use map.Map *)
+  type S2_A =
+    | S2_A1 (F2_A_dummy:int)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.cint.Cint *)
+  predicate IsS2_A (s:S2_A) = is_sint32 (F2_A_dummy s)
+  predicate EqS2_A (s:S2_A) (s1:S2_A) = F2_A_dummy s1 = F2_A_dummy s
---- File 'typed/Compound.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed' Cluster 'Compound' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Memory Compound Updates                            --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-function shiftfield_F1_FD_pos(p:addr) : addr = shift(p, 0)
-function shiftfield_F2_A_dummy(p:addr) : addr = shift(p, 0)
-function Load_S2_A
-    (p:addr,
-    Mint_0:(addr,int) farray) :
-    S2_A =
-    { F2_A_dummy = Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_A_dummy(p)] }
-axiom Q_Load_S2_A_update_Mint:
-  forall p,q : addr.
-  forall Mint_0 : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall v : int
-  [Load_S2_A(p, Mint_0[q <- v])].
-  (q <> p) -> (Load_S2_A(p, Mint_0[q <- v]) = Load_S2_A(p, Mint_0))
-axiom Q_Load_S2_A_eqmem_Mint:
-  forall p,q : addr.
-  forall Mint_0,Mint_1 : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall k : int
-  [eqmem(Mint_0, Mint_1, q, k),Load_S2_A(p, Mint_0)|
-    eqmem(Mint_0, Mint_1, q, k),Load_S2_A(p, Mint_1)].
-  included(p, 1, q, k) -> eqmem(Mint_0, Mint_1, q, k) ->
-    (Load_S2_A(p, Mint_1) = Load_S2_A(p, Mint_0))
-axiom Q_Load_S2_A_havoc_Mint:
-  forall p,q : addr.
-  forall Mint_0,Mint_1,Mint_2 : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall k : int
-  [Load_S2_A(p, Mint_0)|Load_S2_A(p, Mint_1)].
-  (havoc(Mint_2, Mint_0, q, k) = Mint_1) -> separated(p, 1, q, k) ->
-    (Load_S2_A(p, Mint_1) = Load_S2_A(p, Mint_0))
---- File 'typed/S2_A.ergo' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Struct 'A'                                         --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-type S2_A = { F2_A_dummy : int }
-predicate IsS2_A(S:S2_A) = is_sint32(S.F2_A_dummy)
-predicate EqS2_A(S:S2_A, S_1:S2_A) = (S_1.F2_A_dummy) = (S.F2_A_dummy)
---- File 'typed/myMain_ensures_KO.ergo' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Post-condition 'KO' in 'myMain'                    --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-goal myMain_ensures_KO:
-  forall t_1,t : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall a_1,a : addr.
-  let a_2 = Load_S2_A(a_1, t_1) : S2_A in
-  let a_3 = Load_S2_A(a_1, havoc(t, t_1, a_1, 1)) : S2_A in
-  (region(a_1.base) <= 0) ->
-  (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-  IsS2_A(a_2) ->
-  IsS2_A(a_3) ->
-  EqS2_A(a_3, a_2)
+theory Compound
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool *)
+  (* use int.Int *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+  (* use map.Map *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory *)
+  function shiftfield_F1_FD_pos (p:addr) : addr = shift p 0
+  function shiftfield_F2_A_dummy (p:addr) : addr = shift p 0
+  (* use S2_A *)
+  function Load_S2_A (p:addr) (mint:addr -> int) : S2_A =
+    S2_A1 (get mint (shiftfield_F2_A_dummy p))
+  axiom Q_Load_S2_A_update_Mint :
+    forall mint:addr -> int, p:addr, q:addr, v:int
+     [Load_S2_A p (set mint q v)].
+     not q = p -> Load_S2_A p (set mint q v) = Load_S2_A p mint
+  axiom Q_Load_S2_A_eqmem_Mint :
+    forall mint:addr -> int, mint1:addr -> int, k:int, p:addr, q:addr
+     [eqmem mint mint1 q k, Load_S2_A p mint| eqmem mint mint1 q k,
+     Load_S2_A p mint1].
+     included p 1 q k ->
+     eqmem mint mint1 q k -> Load_S2_A p mint1 = Load_S2_A p mint
+  axiom Q_Load_S2_A_havoc_Mint :
+    forall mint:addr -> int, mint1:addr -> int, mint2:addr -> int, k:int, p:
+     addr, q:addr [Load_S2_A p mint| Load_S2_A p mint1].
+     havoc mint2 mint q k = mint1 ->
+     separated p 1 q k -> Load_S2_A p mint1 = Load_S2_A p mint
+  theory WP
+    (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+    (* use bool.Bool *)
+    (* use int.Int *)
+    (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+    (* use real.RealInfix *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+    (* use map.Map *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory *)
+    (* use S2_A *)
+    (* use Compound *)
+    goal wp_goal :
+      forall t:addr -> int, t1:addr -> int, a:addr, a1:addr.
+       let a2 = Load_S2_A a t in
+       let a3 = Load_S2_A a (havoc t1 t a 1) in
+       region (base a1) <= 0 ->
+       region (base a) <= 0 -> IsS2_A a2 -> IsS2_A a3 -> EqS2_A a3 a2
+  end
+  theory WP1
+    (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+    (* use bool.Bool *)
+    (* use int.Int *)
+    (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+    (* use real.RealInfix *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+    (* use map.Map *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory *)
+    (* use Compound *)
+    goal wp_goal :
+      forall t:int -> int, t1:addr -> int, a:addr, a1:addr, i:int.
+       let a2 = shiftfield_F1_FD_pos a1 in
+       let x = get t1 a2 in
+       not x = i ->
+       region (base a1) <= 0 ->
+       region (base a) <= 0 ->
+       linked t -> is_sint32 i -> is_sint32 x -> not invalid t a2 1 -> a2 = a
+  end
 [wp] 2 goals generated
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.i.0.report.json
index 9b21c57e6764f83c8106e8bdcba457980dd363e9..cf5a7dcbd5fb884e70cfa2cb85ad5746830ad50c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_B": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 2 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_B": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 2 } },
-                           "f_ensures_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 2 },
+                           "f_ensures_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 2 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 2 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2,
                                                         "rank": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.res.oracle
index cb7876bede3ee24d7b39b88b341b6cd775fb6d2f..aff0d060520798f8cd9f66eaa293c58cf6489b98 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.res.oracle
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts0708.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_A : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts0708.0.report.json'
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ f                   -       1 (4..16)        1       100%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_A : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_B : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_B : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0708.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts0708.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.i.0.report.json
index f84577519767591971bbc20da35fe4f852aae130..626ed3aae0ce0217df557e224adebe293043995e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 3 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 1 } },
   "wp:functions": { "f3": { "f3_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                            "g3_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 3 },
+                            "g3_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 3 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 3 },
+                                                         "rank": 1 } },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                          "valid": 3,
-                                                         "rank": 3 } } } } }
+                                                         "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.res.oracle
index c121fa495ee025823f1ad2f583a8e188e5359b76..33b4eab16620e6aebad92ab88de54117828e0be5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.res.oracle
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts0843.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f3_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_g3_assigns_exit : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_g3_assigns_normal : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_g3_assigns_exit : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_g3_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_g3_call_f3_requires : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    4 / 4
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts0843.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts0843.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 f3                   1     -                 1       100%
-g3                   1      2 (12..24)       3       100%
+g3                   1      2 (1..12)        3       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.i.0.report.json
index ee2ea51848adf432ef3fdfebf602bf254c1ffc60..3b70a4279f9095abb5a5eddfdc7843ea95b7ee0f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 4 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "unknown": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 4 },
+                           "f_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                       "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.res.oracle
index 07a666590800053f9303aa00cc13edfa369b8ef3..4282d2c325ed9f4a51cfffdffcf7bd90f8710d10 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts779.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [rte] annotating function f
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_rte_mem_access : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_rte_mem_access : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts779.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts779.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -       1 (16..28)       2      50.0%
+f                   -       1 (12..24)       2      50.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.i.0.report.json
index b18ac612571ac4ffa33fa11a0c96b7265de6be08..e2a93c2c7c47819454197c5e12ab4e8881147d70 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_ensures_I2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 3 },
+  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_ensures_I2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 4 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 3 } },
-                              "main_ensures_I1": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 3 },
+                              "main_ensures_I1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 4 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 3 } },
@@ -17,9 +19,9 @@
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 3 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.res.oracle
index 45805894c543f51a696d25ad256eb54160f23108..1215384b9c189e02cbab664bff0b7103c5a5291b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts788.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_main_ensures_I0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_main_ensures_I1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_main_ensures_I2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_main_ensures_I1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_main_ensures_I2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts788.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts788.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.i.0.report.json
index dc7d95ef7874ede45552e65b80e593996d26fcb9..a9cdce6e9dee9f7a937822bc932f32a5bd153287 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 3 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 3 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 3 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 3 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.res.oracle
index e7516bcc0d49ab5fb42666ae5315a060db847072..f28391971bd4ddecae9032b80d400cc2994db4a0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts986.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_A : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts986.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts986.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
+f                   -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.res.oracle
index d6e73f126e8f78894ced5261468f63f32e881b1e..374c06fec66e57309d74321eb49662b61147354d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.res.oracle
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Real)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Real)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1174.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_real_job_assert_qed_ok : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_real_job_assert_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_real_job_assert_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
   Qed:             0 
   Coq:             1
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1176.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1176.res.oracle
index 3b2380fd5788e454e1cdf41df8b4225ece0831a7..6a39dfa841d142c2718620cb1567b07330b19d84 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1176.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1176.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1176.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.i.0.report.json
index 94487efbf272d7019456522624b242efb432604c..08294b62609db83ca205b9f4a25801f61d6e3123 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 8, "valid": 8 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 9, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 4 } },
   "wp:functions": { "foo_wrong": { "foo_wrong_assert_rte_mem_access_3": 
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "unknown": 1 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 4,
                                                             "valid": 4 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 5,
@@ -40,9 +41,9 @@
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 4 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                       "rank": 4 } },
                                      "foo_correct_assigns": { "qed": 
@@ -57,9 +58,10 @@
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 4 },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 4 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 4,
                                                               "valid": 4 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 5,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.res.oracle
index 294ec76d1a5cc88f23e78a75739eab63c58af4f8..61ff3d4d143239a6c98a5675e9d92e75f879c72a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1360.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
 [rte] annotating function foo_wrong
 [wp] 10 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_correct_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_correct_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_correct_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_correct_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_correct_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_correct_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_wrong_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_wrong_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_wrong_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_wrong_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_wrong_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_wrong_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    9 / 10
-  Qed:             8 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               8 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1360.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts_1360.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 foo_wrong            4     -                 5      80.0%
-foo_correct          4      1 (16..28)       5       100%
+foo_correct          4      1 (12..24)       5       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.0.report.json
index 0719103e8bc1d5263f550516f702cf3c0b923272..deacc0239ff3acacfeae5191be8ec1fc7397e792 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.0.report.json
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 2, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 2,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 10, "valid": 10 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 13, "valid": 12, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 2 } },
   "wp:functions": { "wrong": { "wrong_assert_consequence_of_false_invariant": 
-                                 { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                 "rank": 2 },
+                                 { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 2 },
                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                 "rank": 2 } },
                                "wrong_loop_invariant_C": { "qed": { "total": 2,
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
                                                              { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2 } },
-                               "wrong_loop_invariant_A_KO": { "alt-ergo": 
+                               "wrong_loop_invariant_A_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
                                                                 { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                               "wrong_assert_for_value": { "alt-ergo": 
+                               "wrong_assert_for_value": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 1 },
@@ -40,10 +41,9 @@
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                             "valid": 2,
-                                                             "unknown": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 2 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 3, "valid": 2,
+                                                   "unknown": 1, "rank": 2 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 6,
                                                         "valid": 6 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 9,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.res.oracle
index d02f6600d105c5f16965512ebc8d8c71709a5078..d45f3ec09d3b0122e557e3b2b910a6fecd942f93 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1462.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_local_loop_invariant_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_local_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_local_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_wrong_assert_for_value : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_wrong_loop_invariant_A_KO_preserved : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_wrong_assert_for_value : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_wrong_loop_invariant_A_KO_preserved : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_wrong_loop_invariant_A_KO_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_wrong_loop_invariant_B_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_wrong_loop_invariant_B_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_wrong_loop_invariant_C_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_wrong_loop_invariant_C_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_wrong_assert_consequence_of_false_invariant : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_wrong_assert_consequence_of_false_invariant : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_wrong_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   12 / 13
-  Qed:            10 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:              10 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1462.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts_1462.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.0.report.json
index c8f7254db678407b637fbbd5630ad7138b8d784f..4086264704c66bcb7c7ff5f89b2284f182ce521d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 2, "unknown": 2 } },
   "wp:functions": { "compute_bizarre": { "compute_bizarre_Bizarre_ensures_TRANS": 
@@ -19,21 +19,22 @@
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } } },
                     "main_bizarre_KO": { "main_bizarre_KO_assert_FALSE": 
-                                           { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+                                           { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "main_normal_KO": { "main_normal_KO_assert_FALSE": 
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "unknown": 1 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "unknown": 1 } },
-                                        "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                                        "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "unknown": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.res.oracle
index 943498ad33bc556f69bbd8b64b089ae727cdbca7..722fea991544c5bda4ca295a89e6aa4231ee5788 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1586.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_compute_bizarre_Bizarre_ensures_TRANS : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_compute_normal_Normal_ensures_TRANS : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_bizarre_KO_assert_FALSE : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_normal_KO_assert_FALSE : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_bizarre_KO_assert_FALSE : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_normal_KO_assert_FALSE : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 4
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1586.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts_1586.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1588.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1588.res.oracle
index 38088c7cf0126fbce109cc8eae96e8a6f04e39d8..d3080fe82353c5930f7b03cdb1c457dc321de053 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1588.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1588.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1588.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.0.report.json
index 406e1c61d89ad35e2df5c92b839eec586460153d..b05fc16aeebf372f67037ec39e5960144f8adfbf 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 7, "valid": 7 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 8, "valid": 8, "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "foo": { "foo_assert_7": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } },
-                             "foo_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                             "foo_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 5 } },
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                       "valid": 7 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 8,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.res.oracle
index 5cb16f6a76ecb28afc66eb2cc39c2dcdac436dbb..d121feba83671afe3403b57c1f1680a09a400bdd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.res.oracle
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1601.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 8 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_assert_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_assert_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_assert_4 : Valid
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_assert_7 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_basic_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    8 / 8
-  Qed:             7 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               7 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1601.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts_1601.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.0.res.oracle
index 16f842993b43cc5240e408a2b841fe3c6d28c21d..cccf36bcb811a33aad6db7974ad8b997b88eefd3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1828.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_global_frame_ensures_sep_iff_ref : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_global_frame_ensures_one_iff_ref : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_global_frame_ensures_sep_iff_ref : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_global_frame_ensures_one_iff_ref : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_global_frame_ensures_zero_always : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_global_frame_assert_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_global_frame_assert_ok_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_local_frame_assert_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_local_frame_assert_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    4 / 6
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts_1828.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-local_frame         -       1 (4..16)        1       100%
+local_frame         -       1 (1..12)        1       100%
 global_frame         3     -                 5      60.0%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'global_frame':
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.1.res.oracle
index 53e9e1ea9f7eb706569408f00de71b314720c204..7855fdce2b682ade757aa28766716c738e323b0f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_1828.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_global_frame_ensures_zero_always : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_global_frame_assert_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_global_frame_assert_ok_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_local_frame_assert_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_local_frame_assert_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    6 / 6
-  Qed:             5 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               5 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts_1828.1.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-local_frame         -       1 (4..16)        1       100%
+local_frame         -       1 (1..12)        1       100%
 global_frame         5     -                 5       100%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'global_frame':
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.i.0.report.json
index 2e19c0ff7adfbea3e83cdfe089a417b6f604525c..f8ab7344ff909e8c6ce3b9ce735fa7a20149ac2c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 1, "unknown": 2,
-                               "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 2, "rank": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 4, "unknown": 2,
-                              "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "local_frame": { "local_frame_assert_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "rank": 1 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "local_frame": { "local_frame_assert_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 3 },
+                                                                    "rank": 1 } },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 3 } } },
+                                                                  "rank": 1 } } },
                     "global_frame": { "global_frame_assert_ok_2": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -34,17 +35,18 @@
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "unknown": 1 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "unknown": 1 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "unknown": 1 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "unknown": 1 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 2,
+                                                          "unknown": 2 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                                "valid": 3 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 5,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.i.1.report.json
index 4df401a00378c91fe19b8cc3c1b21d09785e0fdb..4c8caeeb822703c93e944d06da3fe492988b9c83 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1828.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 5, "valid": 5 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "local_frame": { "local_frame_assert_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 1 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "local_frame": { "local_frame_assert_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 3 },
+                                                                    "rank": 1 } },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 3 } } },
+                                                                  "rank": 1 } } },
                     "global_frame": { "global_frame_assert_ok_2": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2040.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2040.res.oracle
index f9e05af007b72a6493aac803c235df0ca3470ba4..1c2fe17584e25389eabc964a263ad5aa6e7ef2ba 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2040.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2040.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_2040.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2079.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2079.res.oracle
index 8cfc20cb4a00759ee052cb50735fc5be8f85bfd7..40b78670f5ecb93d9d8ffb7a344292208a1ed931 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2079.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2079.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_2079.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.0.report.json
index d88f27e56ce60eaa0fc2d103da5b57f681cf1fef..136688665622d6f4b92f8c31f42be9c1e6fc30b3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 16 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 16 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 16 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 16 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 16 },
+                                                           "rank": 4 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 16 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.i.0.report.json
index ed70bf1a3deddc7b7e49837020eda032ac920b4c..433377e30269315c1028bd3bb9514d909c13f137 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 15 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 15 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 15 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 15 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 15 },
+                                                           "rank": 4 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 15 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 3 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.res.oracle
index 50ac59f33c49a42b8b738fb7dd5317b18cf71748..79511ba17200cdf6d780424e63b96a5eec1edf7c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/bts_2159.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2159.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/bts_2159.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-job                 -       1 (56..80)       1       100%
+job                 -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/ergo_typecheck.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/ergo_typecheck.res.oracle
index 16dfd1723cf581db8552f68c092907b3a8faefc9..9f89e1687a37d3daebda3ed5de1544568b1271db 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/ergo_typecheck.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/ergo_typecheck.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/ergo_typecheck.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.0.report.json
index cd95b6d3b7037691df3e75897d0bde9976d48581..490a5bbcd4eedeed848886f394b684250665fc0e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 7 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 8 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_assert_OVER": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 8 },
+  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_assert_OVER": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 7 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 8 } },
-                              "main_assert_ZERO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 6 },
+                              "main_assert_ZERO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 5 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 6 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 8 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 7 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2,
                                                            "rank": 8 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.res.oracle
index 2257d0da19c88a25d0346850483234930298ea86..4231e564c8c7761d3b20cbc6b67ed871a8d7aa65 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.res.oracle
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue-364.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_assert_ZERO : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_assert_OVER : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_assert_ZERO : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_assert_OVER : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue-364.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/issue-364.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.0.res.oracle
index cf47b28f62f99ffdb00d0633c68245f87609579e..341cbfc3a200bd063b6f76628c03074d47be937b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_143.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_consistent : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_consistent : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/issue_143.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.1.res.oracle
index bb43d9e7d045942fca067cceb970333d2504e712..5809812ed6884f8379efb13e39220c370b7d41bf 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,25 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_143.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Default tactic
-[wp] [Failed] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent
-  Alt-Ergo (why3): Failed Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-       Coq: Failed Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-  Alt-Ergo: Failed Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-[wp] [Failed] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_consistent
-  Alt-Ergo (why3): Failed Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-       Coq: Failed Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-  Alt-Ergo: Failed Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-[wp] Proved goals:    0 / 2
-  Alt-Ergo:           0  (failed: 2)
-  Coq:                0  (failed: 2)
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):    0  (failed: 2)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_consistent : Valid
+[wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/issue_143.1.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Axiomatic A         -      -                 1       0.0%
-Axiomatic B         -      -                 1       0.0%
+Axiomatic A         -       1 (1..12)        1       100%
+Axiomatic B         -       1 (1..12)        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.2.res.oracle
index a8efd0f899e481228aa9a4fa4df4a14d0363b1e2..020e138a0e7dfdc7abc0c2c612f7ad8a6b7c0017 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.2.res.oracle
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_143.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Failed
-  Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_consistent : Failed
-  Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-[wp] Proved goals:    0 / 2
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (failed: 2)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_consistent : Valid
+[wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.2.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/issue_143.2.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Axiomatic A         -      -                 1       0.0%
-Axiomatic B         -      -                 1       0.0%
+Axiomatic A         -       1 (1..12)        1       100%
+Axiomatic B         -       1 (1..12)        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.3.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.3.res.oracle
index 87bd09a92c1a27a7c85f4097408b9b7e51f24636..740bb8ea13f1704edbe9a73b46b88a36d8170360 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.3.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.3.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_143.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Default tactic
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Failed
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_inconsistent : Failed
   Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_consistent : Failed
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_lemma_ok_because_consistent : Failed
   Command './tests/inexistant-prover' not found
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 2
   Coq:             0  (failed: 2)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.0.report.json
index c7668e57f55027204295e59d3e6adf5914f49ec7..0700f6935c23fc9c322c10c722249dc37920e929 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "A": { "lemma_ok_because_inconsistent": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "A": { "lemma_ok_because_inconsistent": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 1 },
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 1 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 1 },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 1 } } },
-                     "B": { "lemma_ok_because_consistent": { "alt-ergo": 
+                     "B": { "lemma_ok_because_consistent": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 1 },
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 1 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 1 },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.1.report.json
index f5d7bd41cd36726815bfce2cc6bd8919971274a4..0700f6935c23fc9c322c10c722249dc37920e929 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,43 +1,30 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "failed": 2 },
-                 "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "failed": 2 },
-                 "coq": { "total": 2, "failed": 2 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "failed": 2 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "A": { "lemma_ok_because_inconsistent": { "alt-ergo": 
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 } },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "A": { "lemma_ok_because_inconsistent": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "failed": 1 },
-                                                               "why3:alt-ergo": 
-                                                                 { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "failed": 1 },
-                                                               "coq": 
-                                                                 { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "failed": 1 },
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "failed": 1 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "failed": 1 },
-                                            "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "failed": 1 },
-                                            "coq": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "failed": 1 },
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 1 } },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "failed": 1 } } },
-                     "B": { "lemma_ok_because_consistent": { "alt-ergo": 
-                                                               { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "failed": 1 },
-                                                             "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 1 } } },
+                     "B": { "lemma_ok_because_consistent": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "failed": 1 },
-                                                             "coq": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "failed": 1 },
+                                                                 "valid": 1,
+                                                                 "rank": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "failed": 1 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "failed": 1 },
-                                            "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "failed": 1 },
-                                            "coq": { "total": 1,
-                                                     "failed": 1 },
+                                                                 "valid": 1,
+                                                                 "rank": 1 } },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "failed": 1 } } } } }
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.2.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.2.report.json
index b70981511ad66edab9795a6fcad8a3220b76520d..0700f6935c23fc9c322c10c722249dc37920e929 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.2.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_143.i.2.report.json
@@ -1,22 +1,30 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "failed": 2 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "failed": 2 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "A": { "lemma_ok_because_inconsistent": { "alt-ergo": 
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 1 } },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "A": { "lemma_ok_because_inconsistent": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "failed": 1 },
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "failed": 1 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "failed": 1 },
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 1 } },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "failed": 1 } } },
-                     "B": { "lemma_ok_because_consistent": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 1 } } },
+                     "B": { "lemma_ok_because_consistent": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "failed": 1 },
+                                                                 "valid": 1,
+                                                                 "rank": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "failed": 1 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "failed": 1 },
+                                                                 "valid": 1,
+                                                                 "rank": 1 } },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "failed": 1 } } } } }
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.0.report.json
index 8add84a6b5d7f48c762f4162d0a1f437623fe410..023f9c0b35da49a1fc4e765cae8045c516e19aa6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_broken": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_broken": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 2 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 2 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.res.oracle
index 41fbe2f345b64ba99c45202a9672a835b4a28950..377e3ee717a2a10acaeeac0a449e40549feb62b6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_198.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_broken : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_broken : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_198.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/issue_198.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.0.report.json
index f93f10055789723c4cd79cb694034af2fd44c014..ec62cdf34b1f7eef83897b5dd0f04f40c77fc8c2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 0 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_foo": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 1 },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_foo": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 0 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.res.oracle
index 7ed8bcd4eff256a8c62f80dddb0f3132e98cd484..06085822d33f851a729a86c4879786dfd6aa9ffb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_447.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_foo : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_foo : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_447.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/issue_447.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_453.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_453.res.oracle
index 95860c425144cc1d000b6cc07e2ac2ad1aa4321e..5c91074b9d16dd1af773f8e70f375031623fabc2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_453.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_453.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_453.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.0.report.json
index d2c13e606a02ea298d5cecf7a69d686f94725326..701b870b9865da23dd2503dc6abb4e2120c90d74 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.0.report.json
@@ -1,35 +1,37 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 1, "unknown": 2,
-                               "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 2, "rank": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 1, "unknown": 2,
                               "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 3 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 3 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 3 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 3 } } },
-                    "job_ko_fixed": { "job_ko_fixed_assert_Wrong": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "job_ko_fixed": { "job_ko_fixed_assert_Wrong": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "unknown": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "job_ko_success": { "job_ko_success_assert_Wrong": 
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "unknown": 1 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "unknown": 1 } },
-                                        "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                                        "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "unknown": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.res.oracle
index ca1ca40b8f993c4adfd8a8b2c7f4cdb9edc45b56..cf0252e05e8ef594e2b3a7929f5ad0a924178968 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_494.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ko_fixed_assert_Wrong : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ko_success_assert_Wrong : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ko_fixed_assert_Wrong : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ko_success_assert_Wrong : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 3
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_494.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/issue_494.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.0.report.json
index 3c5b3035ee9db86d27daf0fc87aac84d1e2b9a7a..aca2702f98fd0f0fafd25d8b03e8ae5db3e50b16 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.0.report.json
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 15 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                          "rank": 14 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 15 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "add": { "add_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 15 },
+  "wp:functions": { "add": { "add_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 14 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                            "valid": 3,
                                                            "rank": 15 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 15 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                       "valid": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 3,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.c.0.report.json
index 4c75c284f8a45dc0d2ca538514549cbdc3238e7b..fee0159b4af4ef847347a9b742fea48030486520 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 14 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                          "rank": 14 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 14 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "add": { "add_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 14 },
+  "wp:functions": { "add": { "add_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 14 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                            "valid": 3,
                                                            "rank": 14 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 14 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                       "valid": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 3,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.res.oracle
index 12cb9521f415b4dda0321cbdda5c376a8acec090..62d996fcf99309c0a209120b5f0bfcf882c0c507 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/issue_508.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assigns_part1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_part3 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/issue_508.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_bts/result_qualif/issue_508.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/nupw-bcl-bts1120.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/nupw-bcl-bts1120.res.oracle
index 2ba23416456faa39cde87569f6ab9693ef9bc593..f5969a63fa8a537593bd936c02243ac3ee4c8a4a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/nupw-bcl-bts1120.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/nupw-bcl-bts1120.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_bts/nupw-bcl-bts1120.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/binary-multiplication.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/binary-multiplication.c
index c83fc68bb74705e6ee99c90beee94d408d7f0b3f..cf7a1d37baefb6113c35d0ec734ee3aa38be58aa 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/binary-multiplication.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/binary-multiplication.c
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT: -wp-prover=why3:alt-ergo -wp-prop=-lack -then -wp-rte -wp -wp-prop=-lack
+   OPT: -wp-prover=why3:alt-ergo -wp-prop=-lack -wp-timeout 90 -then -wp-rte -wp -wp-prop=-lack
 // The use '-wp-prover=z3,why3:alt-ergo' gives better results.
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ uint64_t BinaryMultiplication (uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
       //@ assert a3: ok: x*b == (uint64_t)(x*b);
       //@ assert a4: ok: ((b%2) != 0) ==> 2*x*(b/2) + x == x*b;
       //@ assert a5: ok: ((b%2) == 0) ==> 2*x*(b/2)     == x*b;
-      if (b%2)
-        r=r+x;
+      if (b%2) r=r+x;
       //@ assert a6: lack: ok_z3: r+2*x*(b/2) == \at(a*b, Pre);
       if (b==0) break;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.c.0.report.json
index fd14edb93a62ed85f22868b68e6d12c0ab84415b..a69824b5f31e853db104fa911f6e4974359c503d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 11, "valid": 11 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 11, "valid": 11,
+                                          "rank": 22 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 14, "valid": 14 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 14, "valid": 14, "rank": 22 } },
   "wp:axiomatics": { "mult": { "lemma_sizeof_ok_ok": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -10,63 +11,83 @@
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } } } },
   "wp:functions": { "BinaryMultiplication": { "BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_4": 
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 5 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 5 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 5 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 5 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 10 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 10 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 22 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "valid": 2 } },
+                                                               "valid": 2,
+                                                               "rank": 22 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 19 },
                                                   "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "valid": 2 } },
+                                                               "valid": 2,
+                                                               "rank": 19 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 3 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 13 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "valid": 2 } },
+                                                               "valid": 2,
+                                                               "rank": 13 } },
                                                 { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 17 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                              "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 17 } },
+                                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 11,
-                                                                  "valid": 11 },
+                                                                  "valid": 11,
+                                                                  "rank": 22 },
                                                                 { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2 },
                                                                 { "total": 13,
-                                                                  "valid": 13 } } } } }
+                                                                  "valid": 13,
+                                                                  "rank": 22 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.res.oracle
index cfdf8aa156445dedfdb553323c23d47d1f6935d6..b12a5179d4c23014d11aedb8ef7d40f82b89841c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.res.oracle
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 -warn-unsigned-overflow [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 -warn-unsigned-overflow [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_gallery/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 10 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_sizeof_ok_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_ensures_product : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a1_ok_deductible : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_ensures_product : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a1_ok_deductible : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_deductible_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_deductible_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_deductible_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_deductible_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_positive : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   10 / 10
-  Qed:                3 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):    7
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    7
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.0.report.json'
@@ -24,28 +24,28 @@ Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 Axiomatic mult       1     -                 1       100%
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-BinaryMultiplication   2   -                 9       100%
+BinaryMultiplication   2    7 (104..128)     9       100%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte] annotating function BinaryMultiplication
 [wp] 14 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_sizeof_ok_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_ensures_product : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a1_ok_deductible : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_ensures_product : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a1_ok_deductible : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_deductible_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_deductible_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_3 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_deductible_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_deductible_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_positive : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   11 / 14
-  Qed:                0 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):   11
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   11
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/binary-multiplication-without-overflow.0.report.json'
@@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 Axiomatic mult       1     -                 1       100%
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-BinaryMultiplication   2   -                13       100%
+BinaryMultiplication   2   11 (104..128)    13       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.c.0.report.json
index 1323c0ee776d77f1effe6fb3a814c5a81632a111..dfcf40a1b2e7eb37e32f36ab7b2b0a1bd883fe6e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,72 +1,109 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 11, "valid": 11 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 13, "valid": 13,
+                                          "rank": 67 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 14, "valid": 14 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 16, "valid": 16, "rank": 67 } },
   "wp:axiomatics": { "mult": { "lemma_sizeof_ok_ok": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                               "lemma_ax5_ok": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                               "lemma_ax5_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                               "lemma_ax4_ok": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                              "valid": 1,
+                                                              "rank": 1 } },
+                               "lemma_ax4_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                  "valid": 2 },
+                                                              "valid": 1,
+                                                              "rank": 1 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 3,
-                                                            "valid": 3 } } } },
-  "wp:functions": { "BinaryMultiplication": { "BinaryMultiplication_assert_a3_ok": 
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                            "valid": 3,
+                                                            "rank": 1 } } } },
+  "wp:functions": { "BinaryMultiplication": { "BinaryMultiplication_assert_a6_ok": 
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 6 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 6 } },
+                                              "BinaryMultiplication_assert_a5_ok": 
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 6 },
+                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 6 } },
+                                              "BinaryMultiplication_assert_a3_ok": 
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 16 },
+                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 16 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 14 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 14 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 61 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "valid": 2 } },
+                                                               "valid": 2,
+                                                               "rank": 61 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 67 },
                                                   "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "valid": 2 } },
+                                                               "valid": 2,
+                                                               "rank": 67 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 3 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 32 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "valid": 2 } },
+                                                               "valid": 2,
+                                                               "rank": 32 } },
                                                 { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 49 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                              "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
-                                                                { "total": 9,
-                                                                  "valid": 9 },
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 49 } },
+                                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                                { "total": 11,
+                                                                  "valid": 11,
+                                                                  "rank": 67 },
                                                                 { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2 },
-                                                                { "total": 11,
-                                                                  "valid": 11 } } } } }
+                                                                { "total": 13,
+                                                                  "valid": 13,
+                                                                  "rank": 67 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.res.oracle
index 65f0dab3fc417628a1c4e112779701e6b28a123c..8bb2f2aa48ea3cbc255177e1045da19274c25a64 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.res.oracle
@@ -4,64 +4,64 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 17 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ax4_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ax5_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ax7_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ax4_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ax5_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ax7_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_sizeof_ok_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_ensures_product : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a1_ok_deductible : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_ensures_product : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a1_ok_deductible : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_preserved : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a2_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a3_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a4_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a5_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a2_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a3_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a4_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a5_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] Proved goals:   17 / 17
-  Qed:                4 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):   13
+[wp] Proved goals:   16 / 17
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   12  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/binary-multiplication.0.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Axiomatic mult       1     -                 4       100%
+Axiomatic mult       1      3 (8..20)        4       100%
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-BinaryMultiplication   3   -                13       100%
+BinaryMultiplication   3    9 (400..448)    13      92.3%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte] annotating function BinaryMultiplication
 [wp] 17 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ax4_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ax5_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ax7_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ax4_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ax5_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ax7_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_sizeof_ok_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_ensures_product : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a1_ok_deductible : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_ensures_product : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a1_ok_deductible : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_preserved : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv1_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a2_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a3_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a4_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a5_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_invariant_inv2_ok_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a2_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a3_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a4_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_assert_a5_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_BinaryMultiplication_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   13 / 17
-  Qed:                0 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):   13
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   12  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/binary-multiplication.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/binary-multiplication.0.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Axiomatic mult       1     -                 4       100%
+Axiomatic mult       1      3 (8..20)        4       100%
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-BinaryMultiplication   3   -                13       100%
+BinaryMultiplication   3    9 (400..448)    13      92.3%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.c.0.report.json
index 0296ba8fb132318ca314eafccff82c1685359d9e..253868926aca7052eacbb11a430cb2ac79f42f8d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,39 +1,40 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 9, "valid": 9, "rank": 32 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 9, "valid": 9,
+                                          "rank": 27 },
                  "qed": { "total": 6, "valid": 6 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 32 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "exo1": { "exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 27 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "exo1": { "exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 },
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 } },
-                              "exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 6 } },
+                              "exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 15 },
+                                                                    "rank": 12 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 15 } },
-                              "exo1_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                              "exo1_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 21 },
+                                                                    "rank": 11 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 21 } },
-                              "exo1_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 11 } },
+                              "exo1_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 24 },
+                                                                  "rank": 12 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 24 } },
-                              "exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "rank": 12 } },
+                              "exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 3 },
@@ -41,23 +42,24 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 3 } },
-                              "exo1_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "exo1_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 32 },
+                                                             "rank": 27 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 32 } },
-                              "exo1_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 10 },
+                                                                    "rank": 27 } },
+                              "exo1_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 9 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 10 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 9 } },
                               "exo1_loop_variant": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -70,23 +72,23 @@
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                              "exo1_ensures_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 8 },
+                              "exo1_ensures_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 7 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 8 } },
-                              "exo1_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 5 },
+                                                               "rank": 7 } },
+                              "exo1_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 5 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 9,
-                                                            "valid": 9,
-                                                            "rank": 32 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 9, "valid": 9,
+                                                  "rank": 27 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 6,
                                                        "valid": 6 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 15,
                                                            "valid": 15,
-                                                           "rank": 32 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 27 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.res.oracle
index 04777edf3a4fd92a21ed96503454c1ecee85f42b..650002bfa46b9f86b1f1595fb3526edf99be9908 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.res.oracle
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_gallery/frama_c_exo1_solved.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 10 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   10 / 10
-  Qed:             6 
-  Alt-Ergo:        4
+  Qed:               6 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-exo1                 6      4 (176..224)    10       100%
+exo1                 6      4 (88..112)     10       100%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte] annotating function exo1
 [wp] 15 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_exo1_assert_rte_signed_overflow_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_exo1_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    9 / 15
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        9
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    9
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo1_solved.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-exo1                 6      9 (176..224)    15       100%
+exo1                 6      9 (88..112)     15       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.c.0.report.json
index 993bf347380d1f8f1b29ab1e163e76a2265c44b9..b40fa28c8b9f46e9e9985d58deaa5247534f7626 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,69 +1,70 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 14, "valid": 14, "rank": 38 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 14, "valid": 14,
+                                          "rank": 49 },
                  "qed": { "total": 9, "valid": 9 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 23, "valid": 23, "rank": 38 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 23, "valid": 23, "rank": 49 } },
   "wp:functions": { "max_subarray": { "max_subarray_assert_rte_mem_access": 
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 26 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 15 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 26 } },
+                                                       "rank": 15 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                        "rank": 38 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                   "valid": 2,
+                                                                   "rank": 49 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                       "rank": 38 } },
+                                                       "rank": 49 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                        "rank": 27 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                   "valid": 2,
+                                                                   "rank": 25 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                       "rank": 27 } },
+                                                       "rank": 25 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                        "rank": 14 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                   "valid": 2,
+                                                                   "rank": 11 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                       "rank": 14 } },
+                                                       "rank": 11 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                        "rank": 14 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                   "valid": 2,
+                                                                   "rank": 11 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                       "rank": 14 } },
+                                                       "rank": 11 } },
                                         { "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 12 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 10 },
                                           "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                       "rank": 12 } },
+                                                       "rank": 10 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 15 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 13 },
                                           "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                       "rank": 15 } },
+                                                       "rank": 13 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 9 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 7 },
                                           "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2,
-                                                       "rank": 9 } },
+                                                       "rank": 7 } },
                                       "max_subarray_loop_variant": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 },
@@ -82,27 +83,28 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                      "max_subarray_ensures_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                      "max_subarray_ensures_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 20 },
+                                                                    "rank": 12 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 20 } },
-                                      "max_subarray_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                                      "max_subarray_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 9 },
+                                                                    "rank": 8 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 9 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 14,
-                                                                    "valid": 14,
-                                                                    "rank": 38 },
+                                                                    "rank": 8 } },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 14,
+                                                          "valid": 14,
+                                                          "rank": 49 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 9,
                                                                "valid": 9 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 23,
                                                                    "valid": 23,
-                                                                   "rank": 38 } } } } }
+                                                                   "rank": 49 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.res.oracle
index 6a66fec80b66ba4f17e2b49c1845e884ff7ad725..c0bfb08ca3b50875c885f9c27608b26cba945941 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.res.oracle
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_gallery/frama_c_exo2_solved.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 22 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_4_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_4_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_5_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_7_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_7_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_8_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_8_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_5_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_7_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_7_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_8_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_8_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   22 / 22
-  Qed:             9 
-  Alt-Ergo:       13
+  Qed:               9 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   13
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-max_subarray         9     13 (272..320)    22       100%
+max_subarray         9     13 (256..304)    22       100%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte] annotating function max_subarray
 [wp] 23 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_4_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_4_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_5_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_7_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_7_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_8_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_8_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_max_subarray_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_5_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_7_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_7_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_8_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_invariant_8_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_max_subarray_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_max_subarray_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   14 / 23
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:       14
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   14
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo2_solved.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-max_subarray         9     14 (272..320)    23       100%
+max_subarray         9     14 (256..304)    23       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.c.0.report.json
index b7940a83d5ccde38dfd58269ad683b0360911e29..ab36e315537ee1c686d88d8a686276a9c6a6ce59 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 21, "valid": 21, "rank": 56 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 21, "valid": 21,
+                                          "rank": 52 },
                  "qed": { "total": 29, "valid": 29 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 50, "valid": 50, "rank": 56 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 50, "valid": 50, "rank": 52 } },
   "wp:functions": { "equal_elements": { "equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": 
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 10 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 9 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 10 } },
+                                                         "rank": 9 } },
                                           { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -37,30 +38,30 @@
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 24 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 23 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 24 } },
+                                                         "rank": 23 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 24 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 23 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 24 } },
+                                                         "rank": 23 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 46 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 23 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 46 } },
+                                                         "rank": 23 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 5 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 5 } },
@@ -80,92 +81,92 @@
                                           { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                                        "equal_elements_assert_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                        "equal_elements_assert_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 46 },
+                                                                    "rank": 40 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 46 } },
-                                        "equal_elements_assert": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 40 } },
+                                        "equal_elements_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 32 },
+                                                                    "rank": 26 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 32 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 26 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 51 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 49 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 51 } },
+                                                         "rank": 49 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 43 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 49 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 43 } },
+                                                         "rank": 49 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 38 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 34 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 38 } },
+                                                         "rank": 34 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 22 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 21 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 22 } },
+                                                         "rank": 21 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 50 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 47 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 50 } },
+                                                         "rank": 47 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 56 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 52 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 56 } },
+                                                         "rank": 52 } },
                                           { "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 9 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 8 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 9 } },
+                                                         "rank": 8 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 19 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 19 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
                                                          "rank": 19 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 5 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
@@ -192,35 +193,36 @@
                                           { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                                        "equal_elements_ensures_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                        "equal_elements_ensures_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 24 },
+                                                                    "rank": 23 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 24 } },
-                                        "equal_elements_ensures_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 23 } },
+                                        "equal_elements_ensures_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 32 },
+                                                                    "rank": 31 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 32 } },
-                                        "equal_elements_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 31 } },
+                                        "equal_elements_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 28 },
+                                                                    "rank": 27 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 28 } },
-                                        "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 21,
-                                                                    "valid": 21,
-                                                                    "rank": 56 },
+                                                                    "rank": 27 } },
+                                        "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 21,
+                                                            "valid": 21,
+                                                            "rank": 52 },
                                                         "qed": { "total": 29,
                                                                  "valid": 29 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 50,
                                                                     "valid": 50,
-                                                                    "rank": 56 } } } } }
+                                                                    "rank": 52 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.res.oracle
index ec2a4c65cdce9dd89599842c1ffef0cd58e983bd..dc1ca6605e834de70c1aad21315ba2111899f361 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.res.oracle
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_gallery/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 34 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_4_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_4_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_5_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_7_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_7_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_7_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_8_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_8_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_9_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_8_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_8_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_9_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_9_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_10_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_10_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_10_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_10_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_assigns_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assigns_part1 : Valid
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   34 / 34
-  Qed:            18 
-  Alt-Ergo:       16
+  Qed:              18 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   16
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-equal_elements      18     16 (672..768)    34       100%
+equal_elements      18     16 (544..640)    34       100%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'equal_elements':
@@ -58,47 +58,47 @@ equal_elements      18     16 (672..768)    34       100%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte] annotating function equal_elements
 [wp] 50 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_4_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_4_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_5_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_7_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_7_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_7_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_8_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_8_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_9_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_8_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_8_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_9_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_9_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_10_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_10_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_10_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_10_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_6 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_7 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_assigns_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assigns_part1 : Valid
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ equal_elements      18     16 (672..768)    34       100%
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   32 / 50
-  Qed:            11 
-  Alt-Ergo:       21
+  Qed:              11 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   21
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-equal_elements      29     21 (672..768)    50       100%
+equal_elements      29     21 (544..640)    50       100%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'equal_elements':
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.c.0.report.json
index 862d85527133d13b445534d58184c0857b573160..ea12e0a8dc1d9fc311a4a91f73101ad72c45d4e2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 23, "valid": 23, "rank": 39 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 23, "valid": 23,
+                                          "rank": 36 },
                  "qed": { "total": 28, "valid": 28 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 51, "valid": 51, "rank": 39 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 51, "valid": 51, "rank": 36 } },
   "wp:functions": { "equal_elements": { "equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": 
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 11 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 10 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 11 } },
+                                                         "rank": 10 } },
                                           { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -37,30 +38,30 @@
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 17 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 16 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 17 } },
+                                                         "rank": 16 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 17 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 16 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 17 } },
+                                                         "rank": 16 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 32 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 16 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 32 } },
+                                                         "rank": 16 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 7 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 7 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 7 } },
@@ -81,88 +82,88 @@
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 37 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 36 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 37 } },
+                                                         "rank": 36 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 22 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 20 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 22 } },
+                                                         "rank": 20 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 32 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 30 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 32 } },
+                                                         "rank": 30 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 39 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 36 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 39 } },
+                                                         "rank": 36 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 15 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 15 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
                                                          "rank": 15 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 32 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 28 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 32 } },
+                                                         "rank": 28 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 25 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 21 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 25 } },
+                                                         "rank": 21 } },
                                           { "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 11 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 10 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 11 } },
+                                                         "rank": 10 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 7 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 7 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 7 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 10 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 10 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
                                                          "rank": 10 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 7 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 7 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
@@ -190,31 +191,32 @@
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 12 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 11 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 12 } },
+                                                         "rank": 11 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 25 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 23 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 25 } },
+                                                         "rank": 23 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 14 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 13 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 14 } },
-                                        "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 23,
-                                                                    "valid": 23,
-                                                                    "rank": 39 },
+                                                         "rank": 13 } },
+                                        "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 23,
+                                                            "valid": 23,
+                                                            "rank": 36 },
                                                         "qed": { "total": 28,
                                                                  "valid": 28 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 51,
                                                                     "valid": 51,
-                                                                    "rank": 39 } } } } }
+                                                                    "rank": 36 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.res.oracle
index a89ecabb4917cebd20a33a6359177f250819a3a9..d28a3f0f2f2e06514de6f54968037e101b5054af 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.res.oracle
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_gallery/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 35 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v1_good : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v2_good : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v1_v2_diff : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v1_good : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v2_good : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v1_v2_diff : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_set_at_0_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_set_at_0_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_set_at_0_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_set_at_1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_bound_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_set_at_1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_bound_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_bound_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound1_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound1_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound2_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound2_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound1_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound1_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_first_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_first_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound1_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound1_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound1_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound2_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_v2_diff_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound2_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_v2_diff_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_v2_diff_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound1_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound1_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound1_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound2_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound2_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_assigns_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assigns_part1 : Valid
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   35 / 35
-  Qed:            17 
-  Alt-Ergo:       18
+  Qed:              17 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   18
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-equal_elements      17     18 (288..336)    35       100%
+equal_elements      17     18 (240..288)    35       100%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'equal_elements':
@@ -59,40 +59,40 @@ equal_elements      17     18 (288..336)    35       100%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte] annotating function equal_elements
 [wp] 51 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v1_good : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v2_good : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v1_v2_diff : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v1_good : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v2_good : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_ensures_v1_v2_diff : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_set_at_0_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_set_at_0_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_set_at_0_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_set_at_1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_bound_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_set_at_1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_bound_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_bound_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound1_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound1_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound2_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound2_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound1_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound1_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_seen_sound2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_first_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_first_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound1_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound1_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound1_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound2_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_v2_diff_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_sound2_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_v2_diff_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v1_v2_diff_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound1_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound1_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound1_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound2_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_invariant_v2_sound2_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_6 : Valid
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ equal_elements      17     18 (288..336)    35       100%
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_mem_access_8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_index_bound_6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_assigns_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_assigns_part1 : Valid
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ equal_elements      17     18 (288..336)    35       100%
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_equal_elements_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   34 / 51
-  Qed:            11 
-  Alt-Ergo:       23
+  Qed:              11 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   23
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.old.v2.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-equal_elements      28     23 (288..336)    51       100%
+equal_elements      28     23 (240..288)    51       100%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'equal_elements':
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.0.report.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6fd5f6309075f0d21780460c30ab460b881ba592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.0.report.json
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 15, "valid": 15,
+                                          "rank": 27 },
+                 "qed": { "total": 20, "valid": 20 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 35, "valid": 35, "rank": 27 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "pair": { "pair_disjoint_has_pair_no_pair": { "qed": 
+                                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                  "wp:main": 
+                                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
+                              "pair_complete_has_pair_no_pair": { "qed": 
+                                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                  "wp:main": 
+                                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 11 },
+                                                                    "wp:main": 
+                                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 11 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_6": { "qed": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                 "wp:main": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_5": { "qed": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                 "wp:main": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 12 },
+                                                                 "wp:main": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 12 },
+                                                                 "wp:main": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                                { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 12 },
+                                                              "wp:main": 
+                                                                { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 12 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                                                   "wp:main": 
+                                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_2": { "qed": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                 "wp:main": 
+                                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound": { "qed": 
+                                                                 { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1 },
+                                                               "wp:main": 
+                                                                 { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                           { "total": 2,
+                                                             "valid": 2,
+                                                             "rank": 20 },
+                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 20 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                           { "total": 1,
+                                                             "valid": 1,
+                                                             "rank": 17 },
+                                                         "qed": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1 },
+                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 17 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                           { "total": 2,
+                                                             "valid": 2,
+                                                             "rank": 15 },
+                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 15 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                           { "total": 1,
+                                                             "valid": 1,
+                                                             "rank": 6 },
+                                                         "qed": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1 },
+                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 6 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                           { "total": 1,
+                                                             "valid": 1,
+                                                             "rank": 5 },
+                                                         "qed": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1 },
+                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 4 },
+                                                       "qed": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "valid": 1 },
+                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
+                              "pair_loop_variant_2": { "qed": { "total": 2,
+                                                                "valid": 2 },
+                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2 } },
+                              "pair_loop_variant": { "qed": { "total": 2,
+                                                              "valid": 2 },
+                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
+                                                                  "valid": 2 } },
+                              "pair_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 4,
+                                                         "valid": 4 },
+                                                "wp:main": { "total": 4,
+                                                             "valid": 4 } },
+                              "pair_loop_assigns_2": { "qed": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "valid": 1 },
+                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
+                              "pair_loop_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
+                                                              "valid": 1 },
+                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
+                              "pair_has_pair_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                           { "total": 1,
+                                                             "valid": 1,
+                                                             "rank": 27 },
+                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 27 } },
+                              "pair_no_pair_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 14 },
+                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 15, "valid": 15,
+                                                  "rank": 27 },
+                                              "qed": { "total": 20,
+                                                       "valid": 20 },
+                                              "wp:main": { "total": 35,
+                                                           "valid": 35,
+                                                           "rank": 27 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.c.0.report.json
index 3d5440b7b470cca3e5fdd813dcb47a16db43fa96..0e9492a44550abb2b57fd131c9dfefa575cc32ea 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 22 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 15, "valid": 15,
+                                          "rank": 26 },
                  "qed": { "total": 20, "valid": 20 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 35, "valid": 35, "rank": 22 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 35, "valid": 35, "rank": 26 } },
   "wp:functions": { "pair": { "pair_disjoint_has_pair_no_pair": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -13,14 +14,14 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                                                                    "rank": 11 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 11 } },
                               "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_6": { "qed": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -33,31 +34,31 @@
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_4": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 14 },
+                                                                    "rank": 12 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
-                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_index_bound_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 14 },
+                                                                    "rank": 12 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
-                              "pair_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 22 },
+                                                                  "rank": 12 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 22 } },
-                              "pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "rank": 12 } },
+                              "pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -77,30 +78,30 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                              "pair_loop_invariant_6": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2,
-                                                             "rank": 17 },
+                                                             "rank": 20 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 17 } },
-                              "pair_loop_invariant_5": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 20 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 17 },
+                                                             "rank": 16 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 17 } },
-                              "pair_loop_invariant_4": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 16 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2,
-                                                             "rank": 17 },
+                                                             "rank": 15 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 17 } },
-                              "pair_loop_invariant_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 15 } },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 6 },
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
                                                                     "rank": 6 } },
-                              "pair_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "pair_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 5 },
@@ -118,9 +119,10 @@
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
                                                                     "rank": 5 } },
-                              "pair_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                              "pair_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 4 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -146,24 +148,25 @@
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                              "pair_has_pair_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "pair_has_pair_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 22 },
+                                                             "rank": 26 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 22 } },
-                              "pair_no_pair_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 16 },
+                                                                    "rank": 26 } },
+                              "pair_no_pair_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 14 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 16 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 15,
-                                                            "valid": 15,
-                                                            "rank": 22 },
+                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 15, "valid": 15,
+                                                  "rank": 26 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 20,
                                                        "valid": 20 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 35,
                                                            "valid": 35,
-                                                           "rank": 22 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 26 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.res.oracle
index 79f01d2bf9867e97436eb2f6b7f8f75dfa9762c3..86b8662c59195f595d4a2841bd9693bb8d8d3611 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_gallery/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
 [wp] 26 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_complete_has_pair_no_pair : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_disjoint_has_pair_no_pair : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_4_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_4_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_4_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_4_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_5_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_assigns_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_assigns_part1 : Valid
@@ -28,43 +28,43 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_has_pair_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_no_pair_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_has_pair_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_no_pair_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   26 / 26
-  Qed:            16 
-  Alt-Ergo:       10
+  Qed:              16 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   10
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-pair                16     10 (88..112)     26       100%
+pair                16     10 (144..168)    26       100%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte] annotating function pair
 [wp] 35 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_complete_has_pair_no_pair : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_disjoint_has_pair_no_pair : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_index_bound : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_index_bound_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_4_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_4_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_4_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_4_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_5_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_5_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_index_bound_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_6_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_loop_invariant_6_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_index_bound_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_index_bound_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_index_bound_6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_assigns_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_assigns_part1 : Valid
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ pair                16     10 (88..112)     26       100%
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pair_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_has_pair_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_pair_no_pair_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_has_pair_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_pair_no_pair_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   19 / 35
-  Qed:             4 
-  Alt-Ergo:       15
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   15
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_exo3_solved.simplified.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-pair                20     15 (104..128)    35       100%
+pair                20     15 (144..168)    35       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.c.0.report.json
index d8f60814f9c19800a8cc2cdf8ff7f90a526ab71b..b6d43966c65e76c5faae43252e16981371f7a298 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 58, "valid": 58, "rank": 45 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 58, "valid": 58,
+                                          "rank": 60 },
                  "qed": { "total": 85, "valid": 85 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 143, "valid": 143, "rank": 45 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 143, "valid": 143, "rank": 60 } },
   "wp:functions": { "eq_string": { "eq_string_disjoint_not_eq_eq": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -14,42 +15,45 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                     "rank": 7 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "valid": 1,
+                                                                "rank": 5 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                    "rank": 7 } },
+                                                    "rank": 5 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                     "rank": 23 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "valid": 1,
+                                                                "rank": 16 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                    "rank": 23 } },
+                                                    "rank": 16 } },
-                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                     "rank": 23 },
+                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                "valid": 1,
+                                                                "rank": 16 },
                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                    "rank": 23 } },
-                                   "eq_string_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                    "rank": 16 } },
+                                   "eq_string_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 10 },
+                                                                    "rank": 9 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 10 } },
-                                   "eq_string_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 9 } },
+                                   "eq_string_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 6 },
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                    { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 6 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
                                    "eq_string_loop_variant": { "qed": 
                                                                  { "total": 2,
                                                                    "valid": 2 },
@@ -67,55 +71,57 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "eq_string_not_eq_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                   "eq_string_not_eq_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
-                                   "eq_string_eq_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
+                                   "eq_string_eq_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 12 },
+                                                                 "rank": 11 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 12 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 7,
-                                                                 "valid": 7,
-                                                                 "rank": 23 },
+                                                                 "rank": 11 } },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 7,
+                                                       "valid": 7,
+                                                       "rank": 16 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 11,
                                                             "valid": 11 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 18,
                                                                 "valid": 18,
-                                                                "rank": 23 } } },
-                    "hash": { "hash_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                "rank": 15 } } },
+                    "hash": { "hash_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
                               "hash_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "qed": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "hash_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "hash_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 18 },
+                                                                  "rank": 12 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 18 } },
-                              "hash_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                                                  "rank": 12 } },
+                              "hash_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 4 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -133,22 +139,22 @@
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                            "valid": 3,
-                                                            "rank": 18 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                  "rank": 12 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                        "valid": 7 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                            "valid": 10,
-                                                           "rank": 18 } } },
-                    "size": { "size_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                           "rank": 12 } } },
+                    "size": { "size_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 8 },
+                                                                  "rank": 5 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 8 } },
+                                                                  "rank": 5 } },
                               "size_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -157,30 +163,30 @@
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 8 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 5 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                            "valid": 3,
-                                                           "rank": 8 } } },
-                    "init": { "init_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                           "rank": 5 } } },
+                    "init": { "init_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
-                              "init_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
+                              "init_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 31 },
+                                                                    "rank": 20 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 31 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 20 } },
                               "init_assert_rte_index_bound_2": { "qed": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -193,15 +199,15 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                              "init_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "init_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 16 },
+                                                                  "rank": 7 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 16 } },
-                              "init_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "rank": 7 } },
+                              "init_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 9 },
@@ -210,9 +216,10 @@
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
                                                                     "rank": 9 } },
-                              "init_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                              "init_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 4 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -222,104 +229,104 @@
                                                               "valid": 2 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2 } },
-                              "init_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 12 },
+                              "init_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 11 },
                                                 "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                              "valid": 3,
-                                                             "rank": 12 } },
+                                                             "rank": 11 } },
                               "init_loop_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2 } },
-                              "init_ensures_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 8 },
+                              "init_ensures_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 8 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 8 } },
-                              "init_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 18 },
+                              "init_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 19 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 18 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 8,
-                                                            "valid": 8,
-                                                            "rank": 31 },
+                                                             "rank": 19 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 8, "valid": 8,
+                                                  "rank": 19 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 10,
                                                        "valid": 10 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 18,
                                                            "valid": 18,
-                                                           "rank": 31 } } },
+                                                           "rank": 18 } } },
                     "add": { "hash_requires": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                             "add_disjoint_full_nominal": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "add_disjoint_full_nominal": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                                                                "rank": 4 },
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 5 } },
-                             "add_complete_full_nominal": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "add_complete_full_nominal": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 28 },
+                                                                "rank": 25 },
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 28 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                "rank": 25 } },
+                             "add_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 23 },
+                                                                    "rank": 22 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 23 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access_7": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 22 } },
+                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access_7": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 38 },
+                                                                  "rank": 20 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 38 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access_6": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "rank": 20 } },
+                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access_6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 43 },
+                                                                  "rank": 24 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 43 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "rank": 24 } },
+                             "add_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 22 },
+                                                                    "rank": 21 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 22 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 21 } },
                              "add_assert_rte_mem_access_5": { "qed": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access_4": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 21 },
+                                                                  "rank": 20 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 21 } },
+                                                                  "rank": 20 } },
                              "add_assert_rte_index_bound_6": { "qed": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
@@ -338,21 +345,21 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 35 },
+                                                                  "rank": 30 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 35 } },
+                                                                  "rank": 30 } },
                              "add_assert_rte_index_bound_4": { "qed": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_index_bound_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "add_assert_rte_index_bound_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 17 },
@@ -366,15 +373,15 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "add_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 34 },
+                                                                "rank": 32 },
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 34 } },
-                             "add_assert_rte_index_bound": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                "rank": 32 } },
+                             "add_assert_rte_index_bound": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 16 },
@@ -382,82 +389,90 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 16 } },
-                             "add_nominal_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 21 },
+                             "add_nominal_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 2,
+                                                          "valid": 2,
+                                                          "rank": 20 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 8,
                                                                "valid": 8 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                                    "valid": 10,
-                                                                   "rank": 21 } },
-                             "add_full_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                                 "valid": 3,
-                                                                 "rank": 19 },
+                                                                   "rank": 20 } },
+                             "add_full_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 3,
+                                                       "valid": 3,
+                                                       "rank": 18 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                             "valid": 7 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                                 "valid": 10,
-                                                                "rank": 19 } },
-                             "add_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 21 },
+                                                                "rank": 18 } },
+                             "add_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 19 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 8,
                                                        "valid": 8 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                            "valid": 10,
-                                                           "rank": 21 } },
-                             "add_full_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 16 },
+                                                           "rank": 19 } },
+                             "add_full_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 16 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 16 } },
-                             "add_nominal_ensures_5": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 45 },
+                             "add_nominal_ensures_5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 34 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 45 } },
-                             "add_nominal_ensures_4": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 24 },
+                                                                    "rank": 34 } },
+                             "add_nominal_ensures_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 22 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 24 } },
-                             "add_nominal_ensures_3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 33 },
+                                                                    "rank": 22 } },
+                             "add_nominal_ensures_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 33 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 33 } },
-                             "add_nominal_ensures_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 35 },
+                             "add_nominal_ensures_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 24 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 35 } },
-                             "add_nominal_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 16 },
+                                                                    "rank": 24 } },
+                             "add_nominal_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 16 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 16 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 24,
-                                                           "valid": 24,
-                                                           "rank": 45 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 24,
+                                                                    "valid": 24,
+                                                                    "rank": 34 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 30,
                                                       "valid": 30 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 54,
                                                           "valid": 54,
-                                                          "rank": 45 } } },
-                    "mem_binding": { "eq_string_requires_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                          "rank": 34 } } },
+                    "mem_binding": { "eq_string_requires_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 27 },
+                                                                   "rank": 23 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 27 } },
+                                                                   "rank": 23 } },
                                      "eq_string_requires": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -469,29 +484,29 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 28 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 36 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 28 } },
+                                                      "rank": 36 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 19 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 14 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 19 } },
+                                                      "rank": 13 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 11 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 8 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 11 } },
+                                                      "rank": 8 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 42 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 29 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 42 } },
+                                                      "rank": 29 } },
                                        { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -509,17 +524,17 @@
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 43 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 35 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 43 } },
+                                                      "rank": 35 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 19 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 18 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 19 } },
+                                                      "rank": 18 } },
                                        { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -533,38 +548,38 @@
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 42 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 33 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 42 } },
+                                                      "rank": 33 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 18 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 17 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 18 } },
+                                                      "rank": 17 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 18 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 17 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 18 } },
+                                                      "rank": 17 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 31 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 15 },
                                          "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
-                                                      "rank": 31 } },
-                                     "mem_binding_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                      "rank": 15 } },
+                                     "mem_binding_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 16 },
+                                                                    "rank": 15 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 16 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 15 } },
                                      "mem_binding_loop_variant": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 },
@@ -584,24 +599,25 @@
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                       { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 33 },
+                                       { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 60 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 33 } },
-                                     "mem_binding_found_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                      "rank": 60 } },
+                                     "mem_binding_found_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 25 },
+                                                                    "rank": 52 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 25 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 15,
-                                                                   "valid": 15,
-                                                                   "rank": 43 },
+                                                                    "rank": 52 } },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 15,
+                                                         "valid": 15,
+                                                         "rank": 60 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 25,
                                                               "valid": 25 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 40,
                                                                   "valid": 40,
-                                                                  "rank": 43 } } } } }
+                                                                  "rank": 60 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.res.oracle
index 01958b282d4f8d49c57cff5b91ccb9156e719fda..63ef86ba980ba7a7b4ebe1ff37a1e7ef9f5dbda2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.res.oracle
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_gallery/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] Computing [100 goals...]
 [wp] 102 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_complete_full_nominal : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_disjoint_full_nominal : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_complete_full_nominal : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_disjoint_full_nominal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part9 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_call_hash_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_full_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_full_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part9 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_4 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part9 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_complete_not_eq_eq : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_disjoint_not_eq_eq : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_assigns_part1 : Valid
@@ -57,33 +57,33 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_assigns_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_eq_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_not_eq_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_hash_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_eq_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_not_eq_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_hash_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_loop_invariant_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_assigns_part3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_assigns_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_complete_not_found_found : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_disjoint_not_found_found : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_complete_not_found_found : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_disjoint_not_found_found : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
@@ -102,24 +102,24 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_call_hash_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_call_eq_string_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_call_eq_string_requires_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_found_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_not_found_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_call_eq_string_requires_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_found_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_not_found_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_size_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_size_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:  102 / 102
-  Qed:            69 
-  Alt-Ergo:       33
+  Qed:              69 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   33
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-eq_string           11      4 (48..60)      15       100%
+eq_string           11      4 (52..64)      15       100%
 hash                 6      1 (12..24)       7       100%
 size                 2     -                 2       100%
-init                 8      5 (72..96)      13       100%
-add                 24     15 (384..432)    39       100%
-mem_binding         18      8 (336..384)    26       100%
+init                 8      5 (80..104)     13       100%
+add                 24     15 (208..256)    39       100%
+mem_binding         18      8 (800..896)    26       100%
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte] annotating function add
@@ -129,69 +129,69 @@ mem_binding         18      8 (336..384)    26       100%
 [rte] annotating function mem_binding
 [rte] annotating function size
 [wp] 143 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_complete_full_nominal : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_disjoint_full_nominal : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_index_bound : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_complete_full_nominal : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_disjoint_full_nominal : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_index_bound : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_index_bound_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_index_bound_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_index_bound_5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_index_bound_6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_7 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_mem_access_7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_assigns_normal_part9 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_call_hash_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_full_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_full_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_full_assigns_normal_part9 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_4 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_ensures_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_add_nominal_assigns_normal_part9 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_complete_not_eq_eq : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_disjoint_not_eq_eq : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_assigns_part2 : Valid
@@ -199,56 +199,56 @@ mem_binding         18      8 (336..384)    26       100%
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_assigns_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_eq_string_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_eq_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_eq_string_not_eq_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_hash_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_eq_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_eq_string_not_eq_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_hash_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_hash_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_hash_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_hash_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_hash_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_hash_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_assert_rte_index_bound : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_assert_rte_index_bound_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_assigns_part3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_assigns_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_complete_not_found_found : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_disjoint_not_found_found : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_complete_not_found_found : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_disjoint_not_found_found : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_7 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_9 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_index_bound_10 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_assigns_exit_part1 : Valid
@@ -266,23 +266,23 @@ mem_binding         18      8 (336..384)    26       100%
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_call_hash_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_mem_binding_call_eq_string_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_call_eq_string_requires_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_found_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_binding_not_found_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_call_eq_string_requires_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_found_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_binding_not_found_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_size_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_size_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_size_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_size_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   74 / 143
-  Qed:            16 
-  Alt-Ergo:       58
+  Qed:              16 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   58
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/frama_c_hashtbl_solved.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-eq_string           11      7 (112..136)    18       100%
-hash                 7      3 (72..96)      10       100%
-size                 2      1 (28..40)       3       100%
-init                10      8 (176..200)    18       100%
-add                 30     24 (384..432)    54       100%
-mem_binding         25     15 (352..400)    40       100%
+eq_string           11      7 (56..80)      18       100%
+hash                 7      3 (44..56)      10       100%
+size                 2      1 (16..28)       3       100%
+init                10      8 (88..112)     18       100%
+add                 30     24 (208..256)    54       100%
+mem_binding         25     15 (800..896)    40       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.c.0.report.json
index e5e6355b5298cca1ed29dedf64ed513b9657913a..f9a254b04af384c8cfd7f8b975bc7ac36482ac8a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 31 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 4,
+                                          "rank": 51 },
                  "qed": { "total": 11, "valid": 11 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 31 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "Ploop": { "lemma_Lb": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 31 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 50 } },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "Ploop": { "lemma_Lb": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 51 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 31 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 31 },
+                                                           "rank": 50 } },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 51 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 31 } } } },
+                                                             "rank": 50 } } } },
   "wp:functions": { "loop_statement": { "loop_statement_loop_invariant_Iloop": 
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 16 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 16 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2,
                                                          "rank": 16 } },
@@ -45,9 +46,9 @@
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 20 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 20 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 20 } },
@@ -59,9 +60,10 @@
                                           { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                                        "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                                    "valid": 3,
-                                                                    "rank": 20 },
+                                        "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 3,
+                                                            "valid": 3,
+                                                            "rank": 20 },
                                                         "qed": { "total": 11,
                                                                  "valid": 11 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 14,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.res.oracle
index 38e6e69735bc5395f7fb440780ead0b889027d57..725c096960479d6f80a10937322a69ccc1ff865b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.res.oracle
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_gallery/loop-statement.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 15 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_Lb : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_Lb : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_ensures_Scond : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_ensures_Sloop : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_statement_loop_invariant_Iloop_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_statement_loop_invariant_Iloop_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_loop_statement_loop_invariant_Iloop_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_loop_statement_loop_invariant_Iloop_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_assigns_2_exit_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_assigns_2_exit_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_assigns_2_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_assigns_2_normal_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_statement_requires_Rinv : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_loop_statement_requires_Rinv : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_requires_Scond : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_ensures_Sbody : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_statement_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   15 / 15
-  Qed:            11 
-  Alt-Ergo:        4
+  Qed:              11 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_gallery/oracle_qualif/loop-statement.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_gallery/result_qualif/loop-statement.0.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Axiomatic Ploop     -       1 (176..200)     1       100%
+Axiomatic Ploop     -       1 (512..608)     1       100%
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 loop_statement      11      3 (88..112)     14       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.0.res.oracle
index 7f355b798b96c37584e731913685a1d92465281e..26633fe44659c00f8ff75155e449fa90a45569ef 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/byref.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pointer_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_pointer_call_f_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_wrong_without_ref_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_wrong_without_ref_call_f_requires : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_wrong_without_ref_call_f_requires : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:   11 / 12
-  Qed:            11 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:              11 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_hoare/result_qualif/byref.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.1.res.oracle
index 023df5320174c35ff59c9d7069b36a2ab8759f92..90e3b2a65808346eb24e680eeb77fabc9c135ef9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/byref.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.i.0.report.json
index ca2beb3fcb1d5d4fafbf0a16c23afcebbdd94fb3..dfe3f93a78997083e2e1e84cad1b2bc9697973a1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/byref.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 11, "valid": 11 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 12, "valid": 11, "unknown": 1 } },
   "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
                            "wp:section": { "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2 } } },
-                    "wrong_without_ref": { "f_requires": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "wrong_without_ref": { "f_requires": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } },
-                                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                            "qed": { "total": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var.res.oracle
index 98ab24cc12de61c5d5ae89cbc5e7f47c915dc1c0..8988bb2d21ba66ffe402fb47d67b3dc7fe25c76e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/dispatch_var.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var2.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var2.0.res.oracle
index 989780bb7368e751fdf4c5190a5c19f98798be23..585e9038dc75a2172fd6dbcaf2954671743522c1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var2.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var2.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-no-let -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-no-let -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/dispatch_var2.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var2.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var2.1.res.oracle
index 1f12910a8ffad576f9686a47a922db0b386fc1b6..750611233e6b6dcfc967034f9b14632b8b5e72f4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var2.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/dispatch_var2.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/dispatch_var2.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/isHoare.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/isHoare.res.oracle
index 2c4e686d0068136bf3b52b8aa57a10524795fac3..f4bbe476b3eb98c8b99b52fc0e915c59269be4b9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/isHoare.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/isHoare.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/isHoare.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.i.0.report.json
index 1b506f1c00b11fc3342a972f785d4472d9702fd8..10579fb904f0ef80d707c9a578aca18f32a2edc4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 17 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 17 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures_DUM": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 17 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 9 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 9 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures_DUM": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 9 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 17 } },
-                             "job_ensures_ARR": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 17 },
+                                                               "rank": 9 } },
+                             "job_ensures_ARR": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 9 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 17 } },
-                             "job_ensures_PTR": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 16 },
+                                                               "rank": 9 } },
+                             "job_ensures_PTR": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 8 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 16 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                           "valid": 3,
-                                                           "rank": 17 },
+                                                               "rank": 8 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "valid": 3,
+                                                                    "rank": 9 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                           "valid": 3,
-                                                          "rank": 17 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 9 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.res.oracle
index 48086704159f2ada6f138fe2cd1891cc34ca2d39..4a3a8203b8cce59494795db9a73e5b6439e01730 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.res.oracle
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/logicarr.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_PTR : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_ARR : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_DUM : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_PTR : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_ARR : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_DUM : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicarr.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_hoare/result_qualif/logicarr.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-job                 -       3 (64..88)       3       100%
+job                 -       3 (32..44)       3       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.i.0.report.json
index d145ce7d5dae7345d0301367c7b0ed318d11138e..a3680d9f23023869ba4ed858afeea4b9ede290b8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 21 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                          "rank": 16 },
                  "qed": { "total": 4, "valid": 4 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 21 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "fvrange_n": { "fvrange_n_assert": { "alt-ergo": 
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 16 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "fvrange_n": { "fvrange_n_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 21 },
+                                                             "rank": 16 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 21 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 16 } },
                                    "fvrange_n_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
@@ -18,14 +19,15 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 21 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 16 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                                 "valid": 3,
-                                                                "rank": 21 } } },
+                                                                "rank": 16 } } },
                     "gcd": { "gcd_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.res.oracle
index 92d91196a20c333a0a52ff588158e7b6cd8f4c85..06c19d356c80224193f34110936db2574dffa189 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.res.oracle
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/logicref.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 5 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_fvrange_n_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_fvrange_n_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_fvrange_n_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_fvrange_n_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_gcd_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_gcd_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    5 / 5
-  Qed:             4 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_hoare/result_qualif/logicref.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-fvrange_n            2      1 (96..120)      3       100%
+fvrange_n            2      1 (56..80)       3       100%
 gcd                  2     -                 2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.i.0.report.json
index cf9352bbb5ffd0fb2e0b4746fb4fe2bd1154126b..983dfd464c564ef32808c20e15b3f04a7d11fb83 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 5, "valid": 5 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 9, "valid": 9, "rank": 8 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 9, "valid": 9, "rank": 3 } },
   "wp:functions": { "fsimple": { "fsimple_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "fsimple_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                                 "fsimple_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 3 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 3 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 3 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -25,28 +26,29 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                       "fsimple_array_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                       "fsimple_array_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 } },
-                                       "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
+                                       "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 3 },
                                                        "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 } } },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 } } },
                     "ftwo_star": { "ftwo_star_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "ftwo_star_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                   "ftwo_star_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 },
@@ -54,15 +56,16 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 4 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 4 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2,
-                                                                "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "fvpositive": { "fvpositive_assert_OK": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "fvpositive": { "fvpositive_assert_OK": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 2 },
@@ -80,9 +83,10 @@
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 2 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 2 },
                                                     "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 3,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.res.oracle
index c815416dfcb7d2425655a89eeb9d79ee32fbdf9f..11f09dc4fe7cfa677a6c0bdbed0dc4bcfe4226c3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.res.oracle
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/logicref_simple.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_fsimple_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_fsimple_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_fsimple_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_fsimple_array_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_fsimple_array_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_fsimple_array_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_ftwo_star_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_ftwo_star_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_ftwo_star_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_fvpositive_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_fvpositive_assert_OK : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_fvpositive_assert_OK : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_fvpositive_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    9 / 9
-  Qed:             5 
-  Alt-Ergo:        4
+  Qed:               5 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/logicref_simple.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_hoare/result_qualif/logicref_simple.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 fsimple              1      1 (8..20)        2       100%
-fsimple_array        1      1 (28..40)       2       100%
+fsimple_array        1      1 (8..20)        2       100%
 ftwo_star            1      1 (12..24)       2       100%
 fvpositive           2      1 (4..16)        3       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.i.0.report.json
index ed8e2217b49af5a7d61dfad0b45457b1af1b44de..a0a1b35311429147565f4c7b1a9ec6880701c8ce 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 21, "valid": 21 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 23, "valid": 21, "unknown": 2 } },
   "wp:functions": { "g": { "f_requires": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "call_f2_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
+                                 "call_f2_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 2,
+                                                          "unknown": 2 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 5,
                                                                "valid": 5 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 7,
@@ -28,8 +29,9 @@
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                               "unknown": 2 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 2,
+                                                     "unknown": 2 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                           "valid": 7 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 9,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.res.oracle
index 4644bd595c504b48d581aba08cfd9f22c425517d..974bff5d6c4ab589faf9b16964868f184ac614a2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/reference.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_exit_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_exit_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_exit_part3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_exit_part3 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_normal_part3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_normal_part3 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_f2_call_f2_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_global_ensures : Valid
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_write_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_write_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   21 / 23
-  Qed:            21 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:              21 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_hoare/result_qualif/reference.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.i.0.report.json
index 11e6e2f6c10926d5cc561994ff53fffd24d4730d..3e2775edfa7db558da0d4df7de9054fa3bb29422 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 27, "valid": 27 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 32, "valid": 32, "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "reset": { "reset_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -43,15 +43,16 @@
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                        { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 1 },
+                                        { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 1 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 1 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 1 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                                "valid": 3 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 4,
@@ -69,16 +70,16 @@
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2 } },
-                                            { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 5 },
+                                            { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
                                                            "rank": 5 } },
-                                          "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                          "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 5 },
+                                                              "rank": 4 },
                                                           "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                                    "valid": 3 },
@@ -98,15 +99,16 @@
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                          { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 1 },
+                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 1 } },
-                                        "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 1 },
+                                        "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 1 },
                                                         "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                                  "valid": 3 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 4,
@@ -124,13 +126,13 @@
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2 } },
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 1 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 1 } },
-                                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 1 },
@@ -153,7 +155,7 @@
                                                               { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2 } },
-                                                          { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 2 },
@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 2 } },
-                                                          { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                          { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 2 },
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.res.oracle
index 602cb3ba09ce0aef042e1645775c548aa36707fb..5b9c7f8e457e1497cfc68927e13ded07bff3481f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/reference_and_struct.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_array_in_struct_param_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_array_in_struct_param_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_array_in_struct_param_call_load_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_call_on_array_in_struct_global_ensures_Pload : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_call_on_array_in_struct_global_ensures_Pload : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_on_array_in_struct_global_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_on_array_in_struct_global_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_on_array_in_struct_global_call_load_5_requires : Valid
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_call_reset_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_1_5_ensures_Presset_mat : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_1_5_ensures_Presset_mat : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_1_5_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_1_5_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_1_5_call_reset_1_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_ensures_Preset_5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_ensures_Preset_5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_call_reset_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_dim2_ensures_Presset_mat : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_dim2_ensures_Presset_mat : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_dim2_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_dim2_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_dim2_call_reset_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_tps_ensures_Preset_5_tps : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_tps_ensures_Preset_5_tps : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_tps_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_tps_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_call_reset_5_tps_call_reset_5_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_reset_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_reset_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   32 / 32
-  Qed:            27 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:              27 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_and_struct.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_hoare/result_qualif/reference_and_struct.0.report.json'
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 reset                2     -                 2       100%
 call_reset           5     -                 5       100%
 call_reset_5         3      1 (1..12)        4       100%
-call_reset_5_tps     3      1 (16..28)       4       100%
+call_reset_5_tps     3      1 (12..24)       4       100%
 call_reset_1_5       3      1 (1..12)        4       100%
 call_reset_5_dim2    3      1 (1..12)        4       100%
 call_on_array_in_struct_global   3    1 (4..16)   4  100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.i.0.report.json
index afc36a6dd83fa10a701a7381c560cb30d233ecdc..eaddd623407959b9c161386a54c33e302da20cb5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 12, "valid": 12, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 12, "valid": 12,
+                                          "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 24, "valid": 24 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 36, "valid": 36, "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "reset_1_5": { "reset_5_requires": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -10,17 +11,18 @@
                                                             { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2 } },
-                                   "reset_1_5_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                   "reset_1_5_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 5 },
+                                                              "rank": 4 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 5 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 5 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 4 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                             "valid": 3 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 4,
@@ -34,15 +36,16 @@
                                                                  "valid": 2 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                  "load_1_5_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                  "load_1_5_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 4 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 4 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                            "valid": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 4,
@@ -56,15 +59,16 @@
                                                                "valid": 2 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                    "valid": 2 } },
-                                 "add_1_5_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                 "add_1_5_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                           "valid": 3 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 4,
@@ -94,27 +98,27 @@
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2 } },
-                                                { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 3 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 3 } },
-                                                { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 1 } },
-                                                { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 1 } },
-                                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 3,
                                                                   "valid": 3,
                                                                   "rank": 3 },
@@ -146,27 +150,30 @@
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 3 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 3 } },
-                                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 2 },
+                                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 } },
-                                                     { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 2 },
+                                                     { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 2 } },
-                                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 3,
                                                                     "valid": 3,
                                                                     "rank": 3 },
@@ -201,27 +208,27 @@
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2 } },
-                                                { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 2 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 2 } },
-                                                { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 1 } },
-                                                { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 1 },
+                                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 1 } },
-                                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 3,
                                                                   "valid": 3,
                                                                   "rank": 2 },
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.res.oracle
index 048fdb55f65aeaaa5b855ab2e3d0f83e091e16e0..19d23d6357938cca885c1adf99e7b4466ac3553e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.res.oracle
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/reference_array.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 36 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_add_1_5_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_add_1_5_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_add_1_5_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_add_1_5_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_add_1_5_call_add_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_ensures_Pload : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_ensures_Preset : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_ensures_Padd : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_ensures_Pload : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_ensures_Preset : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_ensures_Padd : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_call_load_5_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_call_reset_5_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_1_call_add_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_ensures_Pload : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_ensures_Preset : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_ensures_Padd : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_ensures_Pload : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_ensures_Preset : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_ensures_Padd : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_call_load_1_5_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_call_reset_1_5_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_call_add_1_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_ensures_Pload : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_ensures_Preset : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_ensures_Padd : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_ensures_Pload : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_ensures_Preset : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_ensures_Padd : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_call_load_5_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_call_reset_5_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1_call_add_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_load_1_5_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_load_1_5_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_load_1_5_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_load_1_5_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_load_1_5_call_load_5_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_reset_1_5_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_reset_1_5_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_reset_1_5_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_reset_1_5_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_reset_1_5_call_reset_5_requires : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   36 / 36
-  Qed:            24 
-  Alt-Ergo:       12
+  Qed:              24 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   12
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_hoare/result_qualif/reference_array.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-reset_1_5            3      1 (16..28)       4       100%
-load_1_5             3      1 (16..28)       4       100%
-add_1_5              3      1 (16..28)       4       100%
+reset_1_5            3      1 (12..24)       4       100%
+load_1_5             3      1 (12..24)       4       100%
+add_1_5              3      1 (12..24)       4       100%
 calls_on_array_dim_1   5    3 (8..20)        8       100%
-calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1   5    3 (8..20)   8       100%
+calls_on_array_dim_2_to_1   5    3 (4..16)   8       100%
 calls_on_array_dim_2   5    3 (4..16)        8       100%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'load_1_5':
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array_simple.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array_simple.res.oracle
index 4e5bda552479845e6040464eb87f1bed0d51cab6..c4971ab52e2157a9e2831ab30da39c555dc02430 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array_simple.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/reference_array_simple.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/reference_array_simple.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.i.0.report.json
index 02d281f75bfcfef691acc66dd7f28ed4b95baee6..e1c322f26ecbfc581a7ccfa79f7f3929ae0b24ff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 3 },
                  "qed": { "total": 7, "valid": 7 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 9, "valid": 8, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 4 } },
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
                            "wp:section": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "g": { "g_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 4 },
+                    "g": { "g_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 4 } } },
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
                            "wp:section": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "s": { "s_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+                    "s": { "s_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } },
                            "s_ensures_5": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
                            "s_ensures": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 5, "valid": 5 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                         "valid": 5,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.res.oracle
index dfe7c1cee8aa9e3a2d403197e5ab63d60291f38c..1bef150b691a095304a330ec28cd024e22fcb4f2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.res.oracle
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_hoare/refguards.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_f_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_g_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_g_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_h_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_s_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_s_ensures_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_s_ensures_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_s_ensures_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_s_ensures_5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_s_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_s_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    8 / 9
-  Qed:             7 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               7 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_hoare/oracle_qualif/refguards.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_hoare/result_qualif/refguards.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 f                    1     -                 1       100%
-g                   -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
+g                   -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
 h                    1     -                 1       100%
 s                    5     -                 6      83.3%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.0.res.oracle
index d8f446952e2c9c38624fcc696fe56559ed491075..df1f35bd569a09d119bf536e99dc4f69615c5aba 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_manual/manual.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_manual/working_dir/swap.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_manual/working_dir/swap1.h (with preprocessing)
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_swap_ensures_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_swap_ensures_A : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_ensures_B : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_manual/result_qualif/manual.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-swap                 1      1 (12..24)       2       100%
+swap                 1      1 (8..20)        2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.1.res.oracle
index 1782d6f5cbdacdfd1374a14380f769ed4927fad5..39ecdb3048af5a4c01b827814846b46d10077584 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_manual/manual.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_manual/working_dir/swap.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_manual/working_dir/swap2.h (with preprocessing)
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [rte] annotating function swap
 [wp] 8 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_swap_ensures_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_swap_ensures_A : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_ensures_B : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_swap_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_swap_assert_rte_mem_access : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_swap_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_swap_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_assert_rte_mem_access_4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    8 / 8
-  Qed:             5 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               5 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_manual/result_qualif/manual.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.2.res.oracle
index a213c9f62d3582ca282cb97efb1019570016211e..83a1077be56d572bce041153e6f50235bb16f792 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.2.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [rte] annotating function swap
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.0.report.json
index 56d70788f4a0e66431a39e3c53a69b41dfa3637e..116f722e28f77dc7988a8ab6fbd5a6012404a2a1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 4 } },
   "wp:functions": { "swap": { "swap_ensures_B": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                              "swap_ensures_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 4 },
+                              "swap_ensures_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 4 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 4 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 3 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.1.report.json
index 46e1782afb0298f8138bb4284be77678fd69093c..03019de6e0af80b909cfac2b8b2f3a14cd539e53 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 5, "valid": 5 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 8, "valid": 8, "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "swap": { "swap_assert_rte_mem_access_4": { "qed": 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "swap_assert_rte_mem_access_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "swap_assert_rte_mem_access_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 5 },
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "swap_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "swap_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 4 },
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                              "swap_ensures_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                              "swap_ensures_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 5 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                            "valid": 3,
-                                                            "rank": 5 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                  "rank": 5 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 5,
                                                        "valid": 5 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 8,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.2.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.2.report.json
index 46e1782afb0298f8138bb4284be77678fd69093c..03019de6e0af80b909cfac2b8b2f3a14cd539e53 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.2.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_manual/oracle_qualif/manual.i.2.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 5, "valid": 5 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 8, "valid": 8, "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "swap": { "swap_assert_rte_mem_access_4": { "qed": 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "swap_assert_rte_mem_access_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "swap_assert_rte_mem_access_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 5 },
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                              "swap_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "swap_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 4 },
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                              "swap_ensures_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                              "swap_ensures_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 5 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                            "valid": 3,
-                                                            "rank": 5 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                  "rank": 5 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 5,
                                                        "valid": 5 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 8,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/abs.why b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/abs.why
index 0cdae981fd994bf26ede0471e0e34d7bf7391b0a..480df4e7849faf059789c2979a4c5dbd3b346b19 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/abs.why
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/abs.why
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 theory Abs
-use import int.Int
+   use int.Int
-function my_abs int : int
-axiom abs_pos : forall x:int. x>=0 -> my_abs x = x
-axiom abs_neg : forall x:int. x<=0 -> my_abs x = -x
+   function my_abs int : int
+   axiom abs_pos : forall x:int. x>=0 -> my_abs x = x
+   axiom abs_neg : forall x:int. x<=0 -> my_abs x = -x
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash-ergo.driver b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash-ergo.driver
index cd9f26157b7e7455be87994eb19ffc9565ded3d2..3a0caaa7b5aa77e404741f3fb27e0d8bd0f47609 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash-ergo.driver
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash-ergo.driver
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 library INDEX: const
-logic index INDEX_init = "const(0)" ;
+logic index INDEX_init = {coq="dumb"; altergo="const(0)"; why3="Flash.init"; } ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.c
index 8a890da8fe041f555241655293e5a8361a318395..829f2e439c4b9d3dd25481ed80fd463ed9ec3884 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.c
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT:
+   OPT: -wp-timeout 1
    OPT: -wp-driver tests/wp_plugin/flash.driver,tests/wp_plugin/flash-ergo.driver
    OPT: -wp-driver tests/wp_plugin/flash.driver -load-module tests/wp_plugin/flash.ml
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.driver b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.driver
index 034fbdf4f81f010c52c1f4f5d8568ff10b5d7fd1..9196ec9571aacbb4e95249cd9e79a57184b829bb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.driver
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.driver
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 library INDEX: memory
-type index = "(addr,int)farray" ;
-logic integer INDEX_access( index , addr ) = "(%1)[%2]" ;
-logic index   INDEX_update( index , addr ) = "((%1)[(%2) <- (%1)[%2]+1])" ;
+why3.file += "flash.mlw";
+type index = {coq="dumb"; altergo="(addr,int)farray"; why3="Flash.t"; } ;
+logic integer INDEX_access( index , addr ) = {coq="dumb"; altergo="(%1)[%2]"; why3="Flash.get"; } ;
+logic index   INDEX_update( index , addr ) = {coq="dumb"; altergo="((%1)[(%2) <- (%1)[%2]+1])"; why3="Flash.update"};
 logic index   INDEX_init := "INDEX_init" ;
 library RD: INDEX
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.mlw b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.mlw
index 0034ada0257c4ad689e61ecf2792b81f81681ff4..2d8a45bfb6c52f340992c99113318b4df4c8aba0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.mlw
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/flash.mlw
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
-logic const : 'b -> ('a,'b) farray
-axiom const_access : forall k:'a,v:'b. const(v)[k] = v
+module Flash
+       use map.Map
+       use map.Const
+       use int.Int
+       use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory
+       type t = map addr int
+       function get (m:t) (x:addr) : int = m[x]
+       function update (m:t) (x:addr) : t = m[ x <- (m[x] + 1) ]
+       function init : t = const 0
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/inductive.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/inductive.c
index 306051d97dafa5fe7827e035f18db9509205516d..3a7755c9cb32acd14da60e13e0a7400b0a0144a3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/inductive.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/inductive.c
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 /* run.config
-   OPT: -wp-prover coq -wp-gen -wp-msg-key print-generated
+   OPT: -wp-prover native:coq -wp-gen -wp-msg-key print-generated
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT: -wp-prover coq -wp-script tests/wp_plugin/inductive.script -wp-timeout 240
+   OPT: -wp-prover native:coq -wp-script tests/wp_plugin/inductive.script -wp-timeout 240
 typedef struct _list { int element; struct _list* next; } list;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/model.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/model.i
index 4d9ea61a4b71887448a89a4cc63d7b7c258cb690..226489bb68d4f81e8d2c708953bfabaf6fdbe63b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/model.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/model.i
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* run.config
-   CMD: @frama-c@ -wp-share ./share -wp-msg-key cluster,shell
+   CMD: @frama-c@ -wp-share ./share -wp-msg-key cluster,shell,print-generated -wp-prover why3
    OPT: -wp-model Typed -wp -wp-gen -wp-print -then -wp-model Typed+ref -wp -wp-gen -wp-print
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/inductive.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/inductive.res.oracle
index 9936b31d5d6410ddcb360f7f929393a889ffd140..9acab6dd84f89a18537a296554e1a640830397de 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/inductive.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/inductive.res.oracle
@@ -12,10 +12,13 @@
   Require Import ZArith.
   Require Import Reals.
   Require Import BuiltIn.
+  Require Import bool.Bool.
   Require Import HighOrd.
   Require Import int.Int.
   Require Import int.Abs.
   Require Import int.ComputerDivision.
+  Require Import int.EuclideanDivision.
+  Require Import for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
   Require Import real.Real.
   Require Import real.RealInfix.
   Require Import real.FromInt.
@@ -36,10 +39,13 @@
   Require Import ZArith.
   Require Import Reals.
   Require Import BuiltIn.
+  Require Import bool.Bool.
   Require Import HighOrd.
   Require Import int.Int.
   Require Import int.Abs.
   Require Import int.ComputerDivision.
+  Require Import int.EuclideanDivision.
+  Require Import for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
   Require Import real.Real.
   Require Import real.RealInfix.
   Require Import real.FromInt.
@@ -84,10 +90,13 @@
   Require Import ZArith.
   Require Import Reals.
   Require Import BuiltIn.
+  Require Import bool.Bool.
   Require Import HighOrd.
   Require Import int.Int.
   Require Import int.Abs.
   Require Import int.ComputerDivision.
+  Require Import int.EuclideanDivision.
+  Require Import for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.
   Require Import real.Real.
   Require Import real.RealInfix.
   Require Import real.FromInt.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/model.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/model.res.oracle
index 020f948d3ecbda05e4fd61ae4029351442ec5c5f..cda9645d072a94f56474f5bd3aefc665dbae241a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/model.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/model.res.oracle
@@ -7,40 +7,76 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
---- File 'typed/f_ensures.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed' Cluster 'Compound' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp_plugin/model.i, line 13) in 'f' --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-goal f_ensures:
-  forall i : int.
-  forall t : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall a : addr.
-  let x = t[shift_sint32(a, i)] : int in
-  (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-  is_sint32(i) ->
-  is_sint32(x) ->
-  P_P(x)
---- File 'typed/Compound.ergo' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Memory Compound Updates                            --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-function shift_sint32(p:addr, k:int) : addr = shift(p, k)
+theory Compound
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool *)
+  (* use int.Int *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+  (* use map.Map *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory *)
+  function shift_sint32 (p:addr) (k:int) : addr = shift p k
---- File 'typed/Axiomatic.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed' Cluster 'Axiomatic' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Global Definitions                                 --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-logic P_P : int -> prop
+theory Axiomatic
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool *)
+  (* use int.Int *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+  (* use map.Map *)
+  predicate P_P int
+  theory WP
+    (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+    (* use bool.Bool *)
+    (* use int.Int *)
+    (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+    (* use real.RealInfix *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+    (* use map.Map *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.cint.Cint *)
+    (* use Compound *)
+    (* use Axiomatic *)
+    goal wp_goal :
+      forall t:addr -> int, i:int, a:addr.
+       let x = get t (shift_sint32 a i) in
+       region (base a) <= 0 -> is_sint32 i -> is_sint32 x -> P_P x
+  end
 [wp] 1 goal generated
   Function f
@@ -58,58 +94,106 @@ Prove: P_P(x).
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
+  theory WP1
+    (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+    (* use bool.Bool *)
+    (* use int.Int *)
+    (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+    (* use real.RealInfix *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+    (* use map.Map *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.cint.Cint *)
+    (* use Compound *)
+    (* use Axiomatic *)
+    goal wp_goal :
+      forall t:addr -> int, i:int, a:addr.
+       let x = get t (shift_sint32 a i) in
+       region (base a) <= 0 -> is_sint32 i -> is_sint32 x -> P_P x
+  end
---- File 'typed_ref/f_ensures.ergo' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp_plugin/model.i, line 13) in 'f' --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-goal f_ensures:
-  forall i : int.
-  forall t : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall a : addr.
-  let x = t[shift_sint32(a, i)] : int in
-  (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-  is_sint32(i) ->
-  is_sint32(x) ->
-  P_P(x)
---- File 'typed_ref/Compound.ergo' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Memory Compound Updates                            --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-function shift_sint32(p:addr, k:int) : addr = shift(p, k)
---- File 'typed_ref/Axiomatic.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed_ref' Cluster 'Compound' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Global Definitions                                 --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-logic P_P : int -> prop
+theory Compound1
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool1 *)
+  (* use int.Int1 *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision1 *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix1 *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed1 *)
+  (* use map.Map1 *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory1 *)
+  function shift_sint321 (p:addr1) (k:int) : addr1 = shift1 p k
---- File 'typed/f_ensures.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed_ref' Cluster 'Axiomatic' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp_plugin/model.i, line 13) in 'f' --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-goal f_ensures:
-  forall i : int.
-  forall t : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall a : addr.
-  let x = t[shift_sint32(a, i)] : int in
-  (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-  is_sint32(i) ->
-  is_sint32(x) ->
-  P_P(x)
+theory Axiomatic1
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool1 *)
+  (* use int.Int1 *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision1 *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix1 *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed1 *)
+  (* use map.Map1 *)
+  predicate P_P1 int
+  theory WP2
+    (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+    (* use bool.Bool1 *)
+    (* use int.Int1 *)
+    (* use int.ComputerDivision1 *)
+    (* use real.RealInfix1 *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed1 *)
+    (* use map.Map1 *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory1 *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.cint.Cint1 *)
+    (* use Compound1 *)
+    (* use Axiomatic1 *)
+    goal wp_goal :
+      forall t:addr1 -> int, i:int, a:addr1.
+       let x = get1 t (shift_sint321 a i) in
+       region1 (base1 a) <=' 0 -> is_sint321 i -> is_sint321 x -> P_P1 x
+  end
 [wp] 2 goals generated
   Function f
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.0.res.oracle
index dad1045f7f118963bdf182199a57c44eb74d9cc3..3be28fd7c30ec04da6d7e8a1a33ed4b14aa58c9b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/abs.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/abs.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-abs                 -       1 (4..16)        1       100%
+abs                 -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.res.oracle
index 10af4e85904bfedbf5d64000717fd9851833e1c0..bee639e5bedba2217eb554615f780b278e3aee82 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/abs.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
   Qed:             0 
   Coq:             1
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.2.res.oracle
index 4e80668bd541c3350f12f087e7854e0aa3b64ef2..5ff11df22997fe2251b4e42d0ef8c36046e2d9f7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.2.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/abs.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:                0 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):    1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.2.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/abs.2.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-abs                 -      -                 1       100%
+abs                 -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.i.0.report.json
index a80a2d1beca3dd9464d3a58c09fde1529bcb255b..ac9f18b64614b745f77d399f908a959412dcf6a7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "abs": { "abs_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "abs": { "abs_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 2 },
+                                                           "rank": 4 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 2 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.i.2.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.i.2.report.json
index 5944569879bbc4a26e7e36baafcebf4d3ad9fd30..ac9f18b64614b745f77d399f908a959412dcf6a7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.i.2.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.i.2.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "abs": { "abs_ensures": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "abs": { "abs_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1 },
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 4 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1 } } } } }
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.0.report.json
index f12a169da4eebf3f8cc384e0249786c3c213bd82..cf1352a4df3cc7fc82972872cddf639a8ae7da37 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 1, "unknown": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_assert_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_assert_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                      "unknown": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
                               "main_assert_OK": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                              "main_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "unknown": 1 },
+                              "main_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1,
+                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "unknown": 2 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.res.oracle
index 4ea3ccfbe028f77077cf70ac789a2df3dfeeccdf..4737abaddafdf4b9fe82fde1ebb402cf0e08afc6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/asm.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_assert_OK : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_assert_KO : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_assigns : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_assert_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_assigns : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 3
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/asm.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/asm.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.0.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b908bc8578a9a582d5db8cd077546571368e4e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.0.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# frama-c -wp -wp-no-let -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+[kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/bool.i (no preprocessing)
+[wp] Running WP plugin...
+[wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
+[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
+[wp] 7 goals scheduled
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band_bool_false_ensures : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_bool_true_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bor_bool_false_ensures : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bor_bool_true_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bxor_bool_false_ensures : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_bool_true_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures : Unsuccess
+[wp] Proved goals:    3 / 7
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 4)
+[wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.0.report.json'
+[wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/bool.0.report.json'
+Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
+job                 -      -                 1       0.0%
+bor_bool            -       1 (4..16)        2      50.0%
+band_bool            1     -                 2      50.0%
+bxor_bool            1     -                 2      50.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.i.0.report.json
index ed33644f6dfc6d57962bddc5fa958e5a0d8773b3..b9c8f92cc4d34cb9231dcf42706e9925c386ea2f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 1, "unknown": 4,
-                               "rank": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 4, "rank": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 7, "valid": 3, "unknown": 4,
                               "rank": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "bor_bool": { "bor_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bor_bool": { "bor_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                                  "bor_bool_true_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                  "bor_bool_true_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 2 },
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "unknown": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 2 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "unknown": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1,
                                                                "rank": 2 } } },
-                    "band_bool": { "band_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band_bool": { "band_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
@@ -45,14 +45,15 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "bxor_bool": { "bxor_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bxor_bool": { "bxor_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
@@ -64,8 +65,9 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.i.1.report.json
index 0b7598a6d212be3766522e4f696fa917f304c3ce..6a0c74eb094cd9c8511a7f160ed5b7716eee9a39 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 6 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 7, "valid": 7, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 4 },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
                                                            "rank": 4 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 4 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "bor_bool": { "bor_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bor_bool": { "bor_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 4 },
+                                                                  "rank": 3 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 4 } },
-                                  "bor_bool_true_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                  "bor_bool_true_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 2 },
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "valid": 2,
-                                                                "rank": 4 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2,
                                                                "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "band_bool": { "band_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band_bool": { "band_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 6 },
@@ -49,15 +49,16 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 6 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 6 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2,
                                                                 "rank": 6 } } },
-                    "bxor_bool": { "bxor_bool_false_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bxor_bool": { "bxor_bool_false_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 3 },
@@ -71,9 +72,10 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 3 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 3 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.res.oracle
index 81ddac40fbc8520741dd7ce823a79583b97c9964..7edd3815e32b6afc8c24d3642212bc6be9b51419 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.res.oracle
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-no-let -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-no-let -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/bool.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 7 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band_bool_false_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band_bool_false_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_bool_true_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bor_bool_false_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bor_bool_true_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bxor_bool_false_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bor_bool_false_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bor_bool_true_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bxor_bool_false_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_bool_true_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    7 / 7
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/bool.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/bool.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/config.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/config.res.oracle
index 05a51598c1e75b0575232830049dfba60d2140a5..2c728ac4288c0b7f9527d81fcf49882ac4050f1f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/config.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/config.res.oracle
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 WP Requirements for Qualif Tests (3)
 1. The Alt-Ergo theorem prover, version 2.0.0
-2. The Why3 platform, version 1.1.1
+2. The Why3 platform, version 1.2.0
 3. The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.7.2
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/convert.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/convert.0.res.oracle
index d734d3fef04086afe456326fb216260ea526bb51..1174aab59452145b6eda8e73f843ae20a8ce1513 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/convert.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/convert.0.res.oracle
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ceil : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_floor : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ceil : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_floor : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 Lemma               -       2                2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/convert.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/convert.1.res.oracle
index 90b1a19b2993d1c6b2f0f8e1b361829f46706d81..cf1e24e7a662e3f60447a08cfde4b9fb9cd6d9f8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/convert.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/convert.1.res.oracle
@@ -3,12 +3,9 @@
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_ceil : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_floor : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_ceil : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_floor : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:                0 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):    2
-Axiomatics          WP Alt-Ergo(Why3) Total  Success
-Lemma               -       2          2       100%
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
+[kernel] System error: tests/qualif-why3.report: No such file or directory
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.0.report.json
index e77f053555a9f51db8cc48a9b7e86d70610299a5..ad2b407dd5024e7d228df2f05a7f283cb5feb2a4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.0.report.json
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 39 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6, "valid": 6,
+                                          "rank": 26 },
                  "qed": { "total": 4, "valid": 4 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 39 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "copy": { "copy_assert_B": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 39 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 26 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "copy": { "copy_assert_B": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 26 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 39 } },
-                              "copy_assert_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 32 },
+                                                              "rank": 26 } },
+                              "copy_assert_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 6 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 32 } },
-                              "copy_loop_invariant_Copy": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                              "rank": 6 } },
+                              "copy_loop_invariant_Copy": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 8 },
@@ -23,39 +24,40 @@
                                                               { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2,
                                                                 "rank": 8 } },
-                              "copy_loop_invariant_Range": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "copy_loop_invariant_Range": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 5 },
+                                                                 "rank": 4 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 2,
                                                                  "valid": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 5 } },
+                                                                 "rank": 4 } },
                               "copy_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                              "copy_loop_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 23 },
+                              "copy_loop_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 14 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
-                                                                  "rank": 23 } },
-                              "copy_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 6 },
+                                                                  "rank": 14 } },
+                              "copy_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 6 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6,
-                                                            "valid": 6,
-                                                            "rank": 39 },
+                                                             "rank": 5 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 6, "valid": 6,
+                                                  "rank": 26 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 4,
                                                        "valid": 4 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                            "valid": 10,
-                                                           "rank": 39 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 26 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.i.0.report.json
index d943dafe4f35ffaeeadcdf96fcc9080f4d7132dd..ad2b407dd5024e7d228df2f05a7f283cb5feb2a4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 39 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6, "valid": 6,
+                                          "rank": 26 },
                  "qed": { "total": 4, "valid": 4 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 39 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "copy": { "copy_assert_B": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 39 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 26 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "copy": { "copy_assert_B": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 26 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 39 } },
-                              "copy_assert_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 32 },
+                                                              "rank": 26 } },
+                              "copy_assert_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 6 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 32 } },
-                              "copy_loop_invariant_Copy": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                              "rank": 6 } },
+                              "copy_loop_invariant_Copy": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 8 },
@@ -23,39 +24,40 @@
                                                               { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2,
                                                                 "rank": 8 } },
-                              "copy_loop_invariant_Range": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "copy_loop_invariant_Range": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 5 },
+                                                                 "rank": 4 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 2,
                                                                  "valid": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 5 } },
+                                                                 "rank": 4 } },
                               "copy_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                              "copy_loop_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 22 },
+                              "copy_loop_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 14 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
-                                                                  "rank": 22 } },
-                              "copy_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 6 },
+                                                                  "rank": 14 } },
+                              "copy_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 6 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6,
-                                                            "valid": 6,
-                                                            "rank": 39 },
+                                                             "rank": 5 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 6, "valid": 6,
+                                                  "rank": 26 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 4,
                                                        "valid": 4 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                            "valid": 10,
-                                                           "rank": 39 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 26 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.res.oracle
index 257e195abe6200da67ee5fb7ab2bfbc5debc38aa..e58dd159662b31d042d3b6b0b81e344cb50fd5af 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.res.oracle
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/copy.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 10 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_Copy_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_Copy_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_Copy_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_Range_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_assert_A : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_assert_B : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_assert_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_assert_B : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_copy_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   10 / 10
-  Qed:             4 
-  Alt-Ergo:        6
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    6
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/copy.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/copy.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-copy                 4      6 (288..336)    10       100%
+copy                 4      6 (136..160)    10       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.i.0.report.json
index 66c6ff9d15643167fd7f4e0df4ece322f7c3ac52..ed8fb40da70fd354621d61e9d1777681d3ad372a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 3, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 16 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 3,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 13 },
                  "qed": { "total": 47, "valid": 47 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 51, "valid": 50, "unknown": 1,
-                              "rank": 16 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "call": { "f1_requires": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 16 },
+                              "rank": 12 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "call": { "f1_requires": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 13 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 16 } },
-                              "call_call_point_f1_f2_s3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                            "rank": 12 } },
+                              "call_call_point_f1_f2_s3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 8 },
+                                                                "rank": 5 },
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 8 } },
+                                                                "rank": 5 } },
                               "call_ensures": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                          "valid": 2 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 16 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 13 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                            "valid": 4,
-                                                           "rank": 16 } } },
+                                                           "rank": 12 } } },
                     "guarded_call": { "guarded_call_call_point_g_s9": 
                                         { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -39,25 +39,26 @@
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                      "guarded_call_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                      "guarded_call_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 3 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 4,
                                                                "valid": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 5,
                                                                    "valid": 5,
-                                                                   "rank": 5 } } },
+                                                                   "rank": 4 } } },
                     "behavior": { "behavior_call_point_h1_h2_s15": { "qed": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -107,8 +108,8 @@
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 24,
                                                                     "valid": 24 } } },
                     "missing_context": { "missing_context_call_point_h1_s25": 
-                                           { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+                                           { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } },
                                          "missing_context_assigns": { "qed": 
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                         "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                         "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 4,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.res.oracle
index fd19084848e4bb69f62e11eb504bddccc1dc1684..3e9d690d837eb0a4daed64f2f6c8afb5986ba02e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/dynamic.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_behavior_bhv1_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_behavior_bhv1_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_behavior_bhv1_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_call_point_f1_f2_s3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_call_point_f1_f2_s3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_ensures_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_call_ensures_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_call_call_f1_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_call_call_f1_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_guarded_call_call_point_g_s9 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_guarded_call_ensures_part1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_guarded_call_ensures_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_guarded_call_ensures_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_guarded_call_ensures_2_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_guarded_call_ensures_2_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_missing_context_call_point_h1_s25 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_missing_context_call_point_h1_s25 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_missing_context_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_missing_context_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_missing_context_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_some_behaviors_bhv1_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_some_behaviors_bhv1_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   50 / 51
-  Qed:            47 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:              47 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/dynamic.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/dynamic.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-call                 2      2 (56..80)       4       100%
-guarded_call         4      1 (16..28)       5       100%
+call                 2      2 (48..60)       4       100%
+guarded_call         4      1 (8..20)        5       100%
 behavior             9     -                 9       100%
 some_behaviors      24     -                24       100%
 missing_context      4     -                 5      80.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.0.res.oracle
index c940f2f257828dc9727ce00e8e9b816985ee3865..b60e1d430a69f0c5fff4abd75613d0805f71d97c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/flash.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_ensures_Events : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_A_reads : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_B_reads : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_B_writes : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_ReadValues : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_WriteValues : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_A_reads : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_B_reads : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_B_writes : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_ReadValues : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_WriteValues : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 6
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 5)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 5)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/flash.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.1.res.oracle
index 76f1cf10976f98790acb2a5b72ea22247bc40741..c711d65adab2c7627884e9744ca2f2f4b867cdcc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/flash.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_Events : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_A_reads : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_B_reads : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_B_writes : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_ReadValues : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_WriteValues : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_A_reads : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_B_reads : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_B_writes : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_ReadValues : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_flash_flash-ergo_job_ensures_WriteValues : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    6 / 6
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/flash.1.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-job                  1      5 (88..112)      6       100%
+job                  1      5 (32..44)       6       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.2.res.oracle
index 43d789adfdc7cb9ea5c9b4195d6d1cedce936f39..1712b1e0c1871091ed0ad097bfcb8b3d756b47df 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.2.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/flash.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.c.0.report.json
index b56ae23d547912581057352e2f5d14d84957b77e..ffcb55ea3ea7fe0db207a33974806f6b48c375c7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,35 +1,38 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "unknown": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "unknown": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 1, "unknown": 5 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures_WriteValues": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures_WriteValues": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "job_ensures_ReadValues": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "job_ensures_ReadValues": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "job_ensures_B_writes": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                             "job_ensures_B_writes": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "job_ensures_B_reads": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                             "job_ensures_B_reads": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "unknown": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "job_ensures_A_reads": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                             "job_ensures_A_reads": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "unknown": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } },
                              "job_ensures_Events": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                           "unknown": 5 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5,
+                                                                    "unknown": 5 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 6,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.c.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.c.1.report.json
index 63cb5905a73bef4a1486cafaa1d5b2366af44f2d..66bb1740e87a93de737dda82fe74685f6f95a635 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.c.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/flash.c.1.report.json
@@ -1,48 +1,51 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 20 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 9 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 20 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures_WriteValues": { "alt-ergo": 
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 9 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures_WriteValues": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 20 },
+                                                              "rank": 9 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 20 } },
-                             "job_ensures_ReadValues": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                              "rank": 9 } },
+                             "job_ensures_ReadValues": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 20 },
+                                                             "rank": 9 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 20 } },
-                             "job_ensures_B_writes": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                                                                    "rank": 9 } },
+                             "job_ensures_B_writes": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 8 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
-                             "job_ensures_B_reads": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 19 },
+                                                                    "rank": 8 } },
+                             "job_ensures_B_reads": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 8 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 19 } },
-                             "job_ensures_A_reads": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 19 },
+                                                                   "rank": 8 } },
+                             "job_ensures_A_reads": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 8 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 19 } },
+                                                                   "rank": 8 } },
                              "job_ensures_Events": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                           "valid": 5,
-                                                           "rank": 20 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5,
+                                                                    "valid": 5,
+                                                                    "rank": 9 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                           "valid": 6,
-                                                          "rank": 20 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 9 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.res.oracle
index 410aec2eb75a43e16863bad4b9b24456ab301491..3e525c780366ac1535c5a41df8d0faf756c4226e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/float_format.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel:parser:decimal-float] tests/wp_plugin/float_format.i:10: Warning: 
   Floating-point constant 0.2 is not represented exactly. Will use 0x1.999999999999ap-3.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Default tactic
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
   Coq:             0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.1.res.oracle
index a4124a02b3e8974b416f926770aed2c4c6e19168..dff0921f02e5a5d5791bb1656a780c8aa34df18e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/float_format.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel:parser:decimal-float] tests/wp_plugin/float_format.i:10: Warning: 
   Floating-point constant 0.2 is not represented exactly. Will use 0x1.999999999999ap-3.
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/float_format.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.2.res.oracle
index fbad8e13cb9ed4b5f52902228fc7be6d674f9596..1aef24e167aae8bd72bca9cc4b0b1141851fe3a0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.2.res.oracle
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):    0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.2.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/float_format.2.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.i.1.report.json
index 1f1c00faadb72419707c193d451c8560cc4d49c8..f448c39cf5a682bb6738199770a073ef807d8ab9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "output": { "output_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "output": { "output_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "unknown": 1 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1,
+                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.i.2.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.i.2.report.json
index 80aed7d64259207bf03ec54f0bef74316858c086..f448c39cf5a682bb6738199770a073ef807d8ab9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.i.2.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.i.2.report.json
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "output": { "output_ensures_KO": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "output": { "output_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                          { "total": 1,
                                                            "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1,
+                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.0.res.oracle
index 5200a07c4488d044c1d38dea63b8d9016c62020f..31633324320eef03e7772dceca65bbceb3df7683 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Real)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Real)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/float_real.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel:parser:decimal-float] tests/wp_plugin/float_real.i:19: Warning: 
   Floating-point constant 1e-5 is not represented exactly. Will use 0x1.4f8b588e368f1p-17.
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_real_dequal_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_real_dequal_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/float_real.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-dequal              -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
+dequal              -       1 (20..32)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.1.res.oracle
index 5ff495a8da302893b1a21a52717275a885809ca8..43d07c8326c0f546f7e97d6dd7d21eb12e9ebe5f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/float_real.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel:parser:decimal-float] tests/wp_plugin/float_real.i:19: Warning: 
   Floating-point constant 1e-5 is not represented exactly. Will use 0x1.4f8b588e368f1p-17.
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_dequal_ensures : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_dequal_ensures : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/float_real.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.i.0.report.json
index 78c912e04623b9511f9b989807c956e0e777b0ba..51895e1d2e20175419a261bab48488763f851864 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "dequal": { "dequal_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 6 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 6 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "dequal": { "dequal_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 6 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 4 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 4 },
+                                                                 "rank": 6 } },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 4 } } } } }
+                                                             "rank": 6 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.i.1.report.json
index 1cdc9d2ba20526f33e1d312a775df2f16f49b7a0..5edf5fcb509534d1a3281bee354680b310bbd8e4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_real.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "dequal": { "dequal_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "dequal": { "dequal_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "unknown": 1 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1,
+                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.0.report.json
index 993d6f800871b136aa491a8594e86226bb0f56c8..0c5818f08ff648b3f782f7b66405b52c355b2687 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.0.report.json
@@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 2, "unknown": 4 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "local": { "local_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "local": { "local_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
                                "local_ensures_FRAMED": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "global": { "global_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                    "global": { "global_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "unknown": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "unknown": 1 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1,
+                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "localref": { "localref_assert_FRAMED": { "qed": 
@@ -30,24 +33,26 @@
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "localref_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                  "localref_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "unknown": 1 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                      "unknown": 1 },
                                                   "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "alias": { "alias_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
+                    "alias": { "alias_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "unknown": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.res.oracle
index 09ce81e04f0428c816e90cdfb6557544702d93bb..773b4122b041c1fa129091f5d7ce9dd086acb56c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.res.oracle
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/frame.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_alias_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_global_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_alias_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_global_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_local_ensures_FRAMED : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_local_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_localref_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_local_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_localref_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_localref_assert_FRAMED : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 6
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 4)
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 4)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/frame.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/frame.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.0.report.json
index 9a8167e262cb87df9f383456020522e3da05829b..3e20fc4b5bc9a104bbea4949c98d200785100706 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.0.report.json
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 0 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 0 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 0 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_R": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                      "rank": 0 },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_R": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                 "valid": 1,
+                                                                 "rank": 0 },
                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                      "rank": 0 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 0 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 0 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 0 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.res.oracle
index fddcff86c508b3a6356705a7dfbabee3a451889e..4341a8387fac517ae66ea4980de6d8928a9704d1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/ground_real.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_R : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_R : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ground_real.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/ground_real.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.c.0.report.json
index ab8f437044989afb52b6e5debe1eb418cd0d6c74..42eb971335583a850e04e8f3beba1f7d1832872f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "coq": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_test": { "coq": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "coq": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 } },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_test": { "coq": { "total": 1,
+                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1 } },
+                                                        "unknown": 1 } },
                            "lemma_offset": { "coq": { "total": 1,
-                                                      "valid": 1 },
+                                                      "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "coq": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
+                                                          "unknown": 1 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "coq": { "total": 2,
+                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
-                                                        "valid": 2 } } } } }
+                                                        "unknown": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.res.oracle
index 44b0803a513dd7dab83b26f51789f5570aa9d39f..e58fc4777e8012604626ae376347f60bb26cf998 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.res.oracle
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_offset : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_offset : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_offset : Default tactic
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_lemma_offset : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_test : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_test : Valid
-[wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Coq:             2
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_test : Default tactic
+[wp] [Coq (Native)] Goal typed_lemma_test : Unsuccess
+[wp] Proved goals:    0 / 2
+  Coq:             0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/inductive.0.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Lemma               -      -                 2       100%
+Lemma               -      -                 2       0.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.i.0.report.json
index 8a6814a1eb58c0ae9410d4affc0ba34ad072deb3..a957d875ffbc7653738ee5bd907242af1076c4c7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 2, "unknown": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "fA": { "fA_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "fA": { "fA_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "unknown": 1 },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "fB": { "fB_ensures_OK": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
                             "wp:section": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "fC": { "fC_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+                    "fC": { "fC_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "unknown": 1 },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "unknown": 1 } } },
                     "fD": { "fD_ensures_OK": { "qed": { "total": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.res.oracle
index b16a952d48e905f930846091359a3517e9838920..f719ce191c98e10950e3f51bc336b6b54413be44 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/init_const.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fA_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fA_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_fB_ensures_OK : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fC_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fC_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_fD_ensures_OK : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 4
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/init_const.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.i.0.report.json
index 1af70a2c767b4cb06af11aa877eb5e353fadb726..6a46a45e9f6714cd8e2cd5c8fce52d905aa850a0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 2, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 2,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 4, "valid": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 7, "valid": 6, "unknown": 1,
-                              "rank": 6 } },
+                              "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_Q_NotWrite": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -11,45 +11,46 @@
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_Pointed_Valid": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                           "f_ensures_Pointed_Valid": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 4 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
                            "f_ensures_Const": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 5 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                         "valid": 4,
-                                                        "rank": 5 } } },
-                    "g": { "g_assert_Guard_against_Const": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                        "rank": 4 } } },
+                    "g": { "g_assert_Guard_against_Const": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "g_assert_Read": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 6 },
+                           "g_assert_Read": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 5 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 6 } },
+                                                           "rank": 5 } },
                            "g_ensures_P_not_Const": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 6 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                         "valid": 2,
                                                         "unknown": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 6 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 5 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.res.oracle
index 2f6b498eb88fc5bedd8b1789c3bdaf343cbf8430..74fbe6265909520852af9cb5ba3bcf0c7d32a8a0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.res.oracle
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/init_const_guard.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 7 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_Const : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_Pointed_Valid : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_Pointed_Valid : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_Q_ReadOnly : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_Q_NotWrite : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_g_ensures_P_not_Const : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_g_assert_Read : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_g_assert_Guard_against_Const : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_g_assert_Read : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_g_assert_Guard_against_Const : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    6 / 7
-  Qed:             4 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_const_guard.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/init_const_guard.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                    3      1 (16..28)       4       100%
-g                    1      1 (20..32)       3      66.7%
+f                    3      1 (12..24)       4       100%
+g                    1      1 (16..28)       3      66.7%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.i.0.report.json
index f4ea47634b8ba4c26ee71bbea25b3e575dcf5ede..7601a3e20fc08715508c4ee6a7fbbd22f5e1e328 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 1, "unknown": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_KO_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_KO_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+                           "f_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } },
                            "f_ensures_OK": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "unknown": 2 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                         "valid": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.res.oracle
index 66d00763f16308f1cb25fdc1d4786f5a58d06528..8fee97c8110c7ffd2ed80f7e0cb00e502bf15b68 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/init_extern.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/init_linker.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_OK : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_KO_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_KO_2 : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 3
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_extern.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/init_extern.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.0.report.json
index a0b3ada7192541ab9bf0e9b1b2d8f0638c6c4d66..5af727e61194e0c2c921bab5101c92d28db0c3c4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 3, "unknown": 1 } },
   "wp:functions": { "validA": { "validA_assert_OK_2": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -13,16 +13,18 @@
                                                          "valid": 2 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 } } },
-                    "validB": { "validB_assert_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                    "validB": { "validB_assert_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "unknown": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } },
                                 "validB_assert_OK": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "unknown": 1 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1,
+                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                                 "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.res.oracle
index 8ba6d1158dca607ea86d6cae0c500c620fbaa152..9a9e12457487933fcf9ae2ef4a740e0a4e13cd0e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/init_valid.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_validA_assert_OK : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_validA_assert_OK_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_validB_assert_OK : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_validB_assert_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_validB_assert_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 4
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/init_valid.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/init_valid.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.i.0.report.json
index a8c942a4d5cdfc7760f313a9bf0607cad5f558e5..92b2a37c3bc9e3e414ceb2bbccc8d46f7b3e36f2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 11 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 11 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures_ALT": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 8 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 8 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_ensures_ALT": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 5 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 8 } },
-                             "job_ensures_SEP": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 11 },
+                                                               "rank": 5 } },
+                             "job_ensures_SEP": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 8 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 11 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "valid": 2,
-                                                           "rank": 11 },
+                                                               "rank": 8 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 8 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 11 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 8 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.res.oracle
index ca355f5d5cd658ef062f0714511e9e8be3939b77..06ab6be80f469b8c42f674f693cf1837eeef0cbe 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/initarr.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_SEP : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_ensures_ALT : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_SEP : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_ensures_ALT : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/initarr.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/initarr.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-job                 -       2 (40..52)       2       100%
+job                 -       2 (28..40)       2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.0.res.oracle
index 03d5b7f2fd3a7dcd17af11e41b87908e51636da0..09a1441179746ce863839cbdcc68f7ec44ed9d37 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/injector.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.1.res.oracle
index 6ae999d7186054806041fd1f2d52e9c0ab58d1e8..8e07c7e303008a3472678de0979ddb2f1a619885 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/injector.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ko_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko_3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ko_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko_3 : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 4
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 4)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 4)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/injector.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.c.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.c.1.report.json
index 11e14caec9175fbcf551491b247fd494e7a06f69..1958cc6af9fc7ce65b0f5f7f1c2bfa0f52a82f9f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.c.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/injector.c.1.report.json
@@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko_3": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "unknown": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                           "f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "unknown": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                           "f_ko_1_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "unknown": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_ko_ensures_qed_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+                           "f_ko_ensures_qed_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4,
-                                                         "unknown": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4,
+                                                                    "unknown": 4 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                         "unknown": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.i.0.report.json
index 90c05cb3581e0b536eaae2101da836538cada344..1c5ec3875c7833e5648bb96b9fa8e50e81aed6ef 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6, "valid": 5, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 22 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6, "valid": 5,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 16 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 9, "valid": 8, "unknown": 1,
-                              "rank": 22 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "init": { "init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "rank": 16 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "init": { "init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 9 },
@@ -14,39 +14,41 @@
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
                                                                     "rank": 9 } },
-                              "init_loop_invariant_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "init_loop_invariant_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
-                                                                  "rank": 5 },
+                                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                                                 { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
-                                                                  "rank": 5 } },
-                              "init_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "unknown": 1 },
+                                                                  "rank": 4 } },
+                              "init_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1,
+                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "init_loop_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 22 },
+                              "init_loop_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 16 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                                   "valid": 3,
-                                                                  "rank": 22 } },
-                              "init_ensures_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 },
+                                                                  "rank": 16 } },
+                              "init_ensures_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 7 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 8 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6,
-                                                            "valid": 5,
-                                                            "unknown": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 22 },
+                                                                    "rank": 7 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 6, "valid": 5,
+                                                  "unknown": 1, "rank": 16 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                        "valid": 3 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 9,
                                                            "valid": 8,
                                                            "unknown": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 22 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 16 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.res.oracle
index 74f07f5036c8bc135f8ff3f59ce1d4c1e6553ffc..c73a0cad6ce48aeeb1ca1992948d20285693caf3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.res.oracle
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/loop.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_ensures_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_qed_ok_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_assigns : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_assigns : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    8 / 9
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loop.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/loop.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-init                 3      5 (104..128)     9      88.9%
+init                 3      5 (56..80)       9      88.9%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopcurrent.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopcurrent.res.oracle
index 7de8fa06743f941a264c3524e75d330b87e4bfeb..887d7f68708dc1a848a60aa321059b337190c26e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopcurrent.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopcurrent.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/loopcurrent.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopentry.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopentry.res.oracle
index 52c22ca6ebd22555710a1e25f6c286643cadbae1..190504de364ff5fd3eb30cca5941465b89c01540 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopentry.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopentry.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/loopentry.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopextra.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopextra.res.oracle
index bdc927c48c219b7eef9959b40bfe5d898d8524c9..be03eb0c54595ad6b793cc867b569f7268407899 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopextra.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/loopextra.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/loopextra.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/mask.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/mask.res.oracle
index 646eb1516ce72a4b7aad5cbb78e02d3390957c74..80f261630b6e9f3ed59ea6ccdfc2e159d55d9840 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/mask.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/mask.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/mask.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.0.res.oracle
index dcc82cab512cdb04e5906b915ee3a10e5f6ff968..f0091eae9395ddb6e163d79773842ef51e642cee 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.0.res.oracle
@@ -4,39 +4,39 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 30 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_abs_neg : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_abs_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_atan_sin_cos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_cosh_opp : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_distance : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_exp_log_add_mul : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_abs_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_abs_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_atan_sin_cos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_cosh_opp : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_distance : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_exp_log_add_mul : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_exp_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_log_exp_mul_add : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_log_exp_mul_add : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_max_ac : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_max_inf : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_max_or : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_max_inf : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_max_or : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_min_ac : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_min_inf : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_min_or : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_pow_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_sinh_opp : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_sqrt_mono : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_sqrt_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_tanh_opp : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sin_asin : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sin_asin_in_range : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_cos_acos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_cos_acos_in_range : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_min_inf : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_min_or : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_pow_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_sinh_opp : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_sqrt_mono : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_sqrt_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_tanh_opp : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sin_asin : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sin_asin_in_range : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_cos_acos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_cos_acos_in_range : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ok_ensures_tan_atan : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_log_pow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_log_pow : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ok_ensures_log_exp : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_exp_log : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_min_plus_distrib : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sqrt_pos : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sqrt_pos0 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_exp_log : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_min_plus_distrib : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sqrt_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sqrt_pos0 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   30 / 30
-  Qed:             5 
-  Alt-Ergo:       25
+  Qed:               5 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   25
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 Lemma                3     16               19       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.1.res.oracle
index 239622cf211e24a9c72b03b7488c734a20b1dd66..f638b39f0c0a698adfe2a033ed5fd6858162cfc1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.1.res.oracle
@@ -4,43 +4,37 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 30 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_abs_neg : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_abs_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_atan_sin_cos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_cosh_opp : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_distance : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_exp_log_add_mul : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_abs_neg : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_abs_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_atan_sin_cos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_cosh_opp : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_distance : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_exp_log_add_mul : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_exp_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_log_exp_mul_add : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_log_exp_mul_add : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_max_ac : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_max_inf : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_max_or : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_max_inf : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_max_or : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_min_ac : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_min_inf : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_min_or : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_pow_2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_sinh_opp : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_sqrt_mono : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_sqrt_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_tanh_opp : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sin_asin : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sin_asin_in_range : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_cos_acos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_cos_acos_in_range : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_min_inf : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_min_or : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_pow_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_sinh_opp : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_sqrt_mono : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_sqrt_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_tanh_opp : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sin_asin : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sin_asin_in_range : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_cos_acos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_cos_acos_in_range : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ok_ensures_tan_atan : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_log_pow : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_log_pow : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ok_ensures_log_exp : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_exp_log : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_min_plus_distrib : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sqrt_pos : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sqrt_pos0 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_exp_log : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_min_plus_distrib : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sqrt_pos : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ok_ensures_sqrt_pos0 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   30 / 30
-  Qed:                5 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):   25
-Axiomatics          WP Alt-Ergo(Why3) Total  Success
-Lemma                3     16         19       100%
-Functions           WP Alt-Ergo(Why3) Total  Success
-ok                   2      9         11       100%
+  Qed:               5 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   25
+[kernel] System error: tests/qualif-why3.report: No such file or directory
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.2.res.oracle
index 4c36f71d73739c1ca598c2923285c6845a22d8c7..17b764af7535a0e49a60f6a1643cdcd4b596f922 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.2.res.oracle
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_sin_asin : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_cos_acos : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_asin_sin : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_acos_cos : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_atan_tan : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_log_pow : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_exp_log : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_exp_log_add_mul : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_sqrt_pos : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_sin_asin : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_cos_acos : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_asin_sin : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_acos_cos : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_atan_tan : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_log_pow : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_exp_log : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_exp_log_add_mul : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_sqrt_pos : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 9
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 9)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 9)
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 ko                  -      -                 9       0.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.3.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.3.res.oracle
index b36de4de9c7ae2b32c3d2f362cde9f748dbb614e..5e01bcd2a45f1e785d732d9ad661bc8a43c0793e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.3.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/math.3.res.oracle
@@ -4,18 +4,15 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_sin_asin : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_cos_acos : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_asin_sin : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_acos_cos : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_atan_tan : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_log_pow : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_exp_log : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_exp_log_add_mul : Unsuccess
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_sqrt_pos : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_sin_asin : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_cos_acos : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_asin_sin : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_acos_cos : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_atan_tan : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_log_pow : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_exp_log : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_exp_log_add_mul : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ko_ensures_ko_sqrt_pos : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 9
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):    0  (unsuccess: 9)
-Functions           WP Alt-Ergo(Why3) Total  Success
-ko                  -      -           9       0.0%
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 9)
+[kernel] System error: tests/qualif-why3.report: No such file or directory
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/model.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/model.res.oracle
index 208ec05840fd62dfe9f543bf720c8318cf83b06b..785b0a5f6adf73fc918aea26f85d9e33e0c81875 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/model.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/model.res.oracle
@@ -7,98 +7,95 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
---- File 'typed/f_ensures.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed' Cluster 'Compound' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp_plugin/model.i, line 13) in 'f' --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-goal f_ensures:
-  forall i : int.
-  forall t : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall a : addr.
-  let x = t[shift_sint32(a, i)] : int in
-  (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-  is_sint32(i) ->
-  is_sint32(x) ->
-  P_P(x)
+theory Compound
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool *)
+  (* use int.Int *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+  (* use map.Map *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory *)
+  function shift_sint32 (p:addr) (k:int) : addr = shift p k
---- File 'typed/Compound.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed' Cluster 'Axiomatic' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Memory Compound Updates                            --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-function shift_sint32(p:addr, k:int) : addr = shift(p, k)
---- File 'typed/Axiomatic.ergo' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Global Definitions                                 --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-logic P_P : int -> prop
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures : Typechecked
+theory Axiomatic
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool *)
+  (* use int.Int *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+  (* use map.Map *)
+  predicate P_P int
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures : Typechecked
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unknown: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unknown: 1)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures : Typechecked
---- File 'typed/f_ensures.ergo' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp_plugin/model.i, line 13) in 'f' --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-goal f_ensures:
-  forall i : int.
-  forall t : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall a : addr.
-  let x = t[shift_sint32(a, i)] : int in
-  (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-  is_sint32(i) ->
-  is_sint32(x) ->
-  P_P(x)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures : Typechecked
---- File 'typed_ref/f_ensures.ergo' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp_plugin/model.i, line 13) in 'f' --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-goal f_ensures:
-  forall i : int.
-  forall t : (addr,int) farray.
-  forall a : addr.
-  let x = t[shift_sint32(a, i)] : int in
-  (region(a.base) <= 0) ->
-  is_sint32(i) ->
-  is_sint32(x) ->
-  P_P(x)
---- File 'typed_ref/Compound.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed_ref' Cluster 'Compound' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Memory Compound Updates                            --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-function shift_sint32(p:addr, k:int) : addr = shift(p, k)
+theory Compound1
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool1 *)
+  (* use int.Int1 *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision1 *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix1 *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed1 *)
+  (* use map.Map1 *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.memory.Memory1 *)
+  function shift_sint321 (p:addr1) (k:int) : addr1 = shift1 p k
---- File 'typed_ref/Axiomatic.ergo' 
+--- Model 'typed_ref' Cluster 'Axiomatic' 
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Global Definitions                                 --- *)
-(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-logic P_P : int -> prop
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_f_ensures : Typechecked
+theory Axiomatic1
+  (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+  (* use bool.Bool1 *)
+  (* use int.Int1 *)
+  (* use int.ComputerDivision1 *)
+  (* use real.RealInfix1 *)
+  (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed1 *)
+  (* use map.Map1 *)
+  predicate P_P1 int
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_f_ensures : Typechecked
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 2
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unknown: 2)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unknown: 2)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nowp.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nowp.res.oracle
index 651016e13094bfdd6378aa8e33b201396711fc9a..9fbeaeadf91429555fdf9f669b578fe91df55c8a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nowp.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nowp.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/nowp.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.0.res.oracle
index 1dc1b577aae1af624cfa88538e4f7f219f9fee43..e86cc65ef01943ade9b9d4597d5293ac746f53dc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-depth 16 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-depth 16 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/nth.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_access_16_16_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_access_4_4_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_access_16_16_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_access_4_4_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_eq_repeat_concat_3_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/nth.0.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Axiomatic Nth        1      2 (72..96)       3       100%
+Axiomatic Nth        1      2 (152..176)     3       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.1.res.oracle
index 96da4b6f6ab9a6e68d9dc3c34128b339e5e800a6..0815def0020a7db6e8c38ed38a666140849c8555 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-depth 16 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-depth 16 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/nth.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_access_16_16_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_access_4_4_ok : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_lemma_access_repeat_concat_3_ok_lack : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_access_16_16_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_access_4_4_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_access_repeat_concat_3_ok_lack : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_eq_repeat_concat_3_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    4 / 4
-  Qed:                1 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):    3
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/nth.1.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Axiomatic Nth        1     -                 4       100%
+Axiomatic Nth        1      3 (152..176)     4       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.i.0.report.json
index f1edbe80217d7179c49eac196772880692637458..6614540b4995c9a13d2b1f7449300ac302c85f44 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 18 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                          "rank": 28 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 18 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 28 } },
   "wp:axiomatics": { "Nth": { "lemma_eq_repeat_concat_3_ok": { "qed": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                              "lemma_access_4_4_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 18 },
+                              "lemma_access_4_4_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 19 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 18 } },
-                              "lemma_access_16_16_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 19 } },
+                              "lemma_access_16_16_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 14 },
+                                                             "rank": 28 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 18 },
+                                                                    "rank": 28 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 28 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                            "valid": 3,
-                                                           "rank": 18 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 28 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.i.1.report.json
index 88457893fa3a207676f6da2ede4c6a43f8912698..8d7d34836d3a33ab912b2e671713916580be905e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/nth.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                          "rank": 28 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 4 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 28 } },
   "wp:axiomatics": { "Nth": { "lemma_eq_repeat_concat_3_ok": { "qed": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
@@ -8,21 +9,30 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
-                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                              "lemma_access_4_4_ok": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 28 },
+                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                               "rank": 28 } },
+                              "lemma_access_4_4_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                          { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1 },
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 19 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                              "lemma_access_16_16_ok": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 19 } },
+                              "lemma_access_16_16_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1 },
+                                                             "valid": 1,
+                                                             "rank": 28 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                                 "valid": 3 },
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 28 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                  "rank": 28 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 4,
-                                                           "valid": 4 } } } } }
+                                                           "valid": 4,
+                                                           "rank": 28 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.0.report.json
index dbda73ffeddfd55206f94a3f1e8d23e4b278c486..e56cea00998da7ac51c9261d04bb0c6ff302cd41 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 8, "valid": 8 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 12, "valid": 8, "unknown": 4 } },
   "wp:functions": { "f1_ok": { "f1_ok_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
@@ -33,19 +33,21 @@
                                                         "valid": 2 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2 } } },
-                    "f5_ko": { "f5_ko_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "unknown": 2 },
+                    "f5_ko": { "f5_ko_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2,
+                                                      "unknown": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "unknown": 2 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                             "unknown": 2 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "unknown": 2 } } },
-                    "f6_ko": { "f6_ko_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "unknown": 2 },
+                    "f6_ko": { "f6_ko_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2,
+                                                      "unknown": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "unknown": 2 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                             "unknown": 2 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "unknown": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.res.oracle
index 863d5beb28bf605c847983917157ffd99d0f4057..f3b60ab008961fb5341fbf9554a81aa247ac721a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/overarray.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f3_ok_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f4_ok_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f4_ok_assigns_normal : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f5_ko_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f5_ko_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f6_ko_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f6_ko_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f5_ko_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f5_ko_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f6_ko_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f6_ko_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    8 / 12
-  Qed:             8 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 4)
+  Qed:               8 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 4)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overarray.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/overarray.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.0.report.json
index 71511e374d5cd66fb7c663cd5ed201c7ef5af01b..de3a84537bd023f296461a871db05611bb4fa916 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.0.report.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 8, "valid": 4, "unknown": 4,
-                               "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 8, "valid": 4,
+                                          "unknown": 4, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 4, "valid": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 12, "valid": 8, "unknown": 4,
-                              "rank": 6 } },
+                              "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "f1_ok": { "f1_ok_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -19,43 +19,45 @@
                                                         "valid": 2 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2 } } },
-                    "f3_ok": { "f3_ok_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "valid": 2,
-                                                                "rank": 6 },
+                    "f3_ok": { "f3_ok_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 5 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2,
-                                                               "rank": 6 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                             "valid": 2,
-                                                             "rank": 6 },
+                                                               "rank": 5 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                   "rank": 5 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 6 } } },
-                    "f4_ok": { "f4_ok_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "valid": 2,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                                                            "rank": 5 } } },
+                    "f4_ok": { "f4_ok_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2,
-                                                               "rank": 5 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                             "valid": 2,
-                                                             "rank": 5 },
+                                                               "rank": 3 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 5 } } },
-                    "f5_ko": { "f5_ko_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "unknown": 2 },
+                                                            "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "f5_ko": { "f5_ko_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2,
+                                                      "unknown": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "unknown": 2 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                             "unknown": 2 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "unknown": 2 } } },
-                    "f6_ko": { "f6_ko_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "unknown": 2 },
+                    "f6_ko": { "f6_ko_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2,
+                                                      "unknown": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                "unknown": 2 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                             "unknown": 2 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "unknown": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.res.oracle
index 388a727ed98a1ef38821ed9cb29fa3c1ded9981d..75b57c96bb52e19213403b8e9b1b9b459cfef807 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/overassign.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -8,25 +8,25 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f1_ok_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f2_ok_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f2_ok_assigns_normal : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f3_ok_assigns_exit : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f3_ok_assigns_normal : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f4_ok_assigns_exit : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f4_ok_assigns_normal : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f5_ko_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f5_ko_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f6_ko_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f6_ko_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f3_ok_assigns_exit : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f3_ok_assigns_normal : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f4_ok_assigns_exit : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f4_ok_assigns_normal : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f5_ko_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f5_ko_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f6_ko_assigns_exit : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f6_ko_assigns_normal : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    8 / 12
-  Qed:             4 
-  Alt-Ergo:        4  (unsuccess: 4)
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4  (unsuccess: 4)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/overassign.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/overassign.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 f1_ok                2     -                 2       100%
 f2_ok                2     -                 2       100%
-f3_ok               -       2 (20..32)       2       100%
-f4_ok               -       2 (16..28)       2       100%
+f3_ok               -       2 (16..28)       2       100%
+f4_ok               -       2 (8..20)        2       100%
 f5_ko               -      -                 2       0.0%
 f6_ko               -      -                 2       0.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.0.report.json
index 3b66b225e199599ed38e049346fd6313fe305abf..bf85e682d1aeabc1f532bb5cbb1336f0063a211f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_lem": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 1 },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_lem": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.res.oracle
index f2386c16780fa0cb08d02fcfd8d38fd4025d97b9..472834ac035cc5379ae493d77fc563e45edc9b8b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.res.oracle
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/params.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_lem : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_lem : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/params.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/params.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.0.report.json
index 91af25677a2d0e6d4b4bb2afabbf859e7872fa25..83bb77408f0c70e6b2287ac05f925c9b3657bba3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "Test": { "lemma_GOAL": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 } },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "Test": { "lemma_GOAL": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 5 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 3 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 3 },
+                                                            "rank": 5 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 5 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 3 } } } } }
+                                                            "rank": 5 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.res.oracle
index 9bf2920a577e20f2bf68b2578105ae89a024135f..d77ba62ed0b65f94f7be90e9ff932d807b89b8f3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/plet.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_GOAL : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_GOAL : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/plet.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/plet.0.report.json'
 Axiomatics          WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-Axiomatic Test      -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
+Axiomatic Test      -       1 (16..28)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.0.report.json
index 77c7cca104076f8c762244872f1d7dbbc56b96e0..8deadfd852d2f814ea12ffce74d52555924d84af 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.0.report.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                       "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.res.oracle
index f857fec4d7ee5b68ae103e9eba3e3e69a857bd99..001d2294e71948b34e2b7db7c6f80712c55640d2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/polarity.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
   Allocation, initialization and danglingness not yet implemented
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert : Unsuccess (Stronger)
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/polarity.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/polarity.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.i.0.report.json
index 87caa6954e8ecacf82c65b0285dd8aea904d0ee6..15c9dabe3759561fd87cb5a93047855267f5acb8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,44 +1,45 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 17 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                          "rank": 35 },
                  "qed": { "total": 7, "valid": 7 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 12, "valid": 12, "rank": 17 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "diag": { "diag_loop_invariant_PJ": { "alt-ergo": 
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 12, "valid": 12, "rank": 35 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "diag": { "diag_loop_invariant_PJ": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 8 },
+                                                              "rank": 7 },
                                                           "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
-                                                              "rank": 8 } },
-                              "diag_loop_invariant_J": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                              "rank": 7 } },
+                              "diag_loop_invariant_J": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 7 },
+                                                             "rank": 6 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 } },
-                              "diag_loop_invariant_PI": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 6 } },
+                              "diag_loop_invariant_PI": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 8 },
+                                                              "rank": 7 },
                                                           "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
-                                                              "rank": 8 } },
-                              "diag_loop_invariant_I": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                              "rank": 7 } },
+                              "diag_loop_invariant_I": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 6 },
+                                                             "rank": 5 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 6 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
                               "diag_loop_assigns_2": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -47,17 +48,17 @@
                                                               "valid": 2 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2 } },
-                              "diag_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 17 },
+                              "diag_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 35 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 17 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                            "valid": 5,
-                                                            "rank": 17 },
+                                                             "rank": 35 } },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                                  "rank": 35 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                        "valid": 7 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 12,
                                                            "valid": 12,
-                                                           "rank": 17 } } } } }
+                                                           "rank": 35 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.res.oracle
index 0ad90b197499cd6fe689dec7b1c2eb9869b85cf5..5caef16184fc1ec7b8995dad9dace72f0b53110f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.res.oracle
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/prenex.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 12 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_diag_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_I_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_diag_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_I_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_I_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_PI_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_PI_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_PI_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_J_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_J_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_J_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_PJ_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_PJ_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_diag_loop_invariant_PJ_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_diag_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_diag_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_diag_loop_assigns_2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   12 / 12
-  Qed:             7 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:               7 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/prenex.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/prenex.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-diag                 7      5 (64..88)      12       100%
+diag                 7      5 (192..240)    12       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/removed.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/removed.res.oracle
index 397e221edae9e7c97ae3a4dec110fa7e54d22b5d..6d0cc9b254aacf4b66f52aa978d3e39177846932 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/removed.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/removed.res.oracle
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_assert_Eva_signed_overflow : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_assert_Eva_signed_overflow : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] 0 goal scheduled
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 0
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.0.report.json
index 96cd0a3fb5d51f6122e4a4ffb1e9568d7d1e7ede..6af71e177293a23d7b16c38130fd54472e2bbdd4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 12 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                          "rank": 51 },
                  "qed": { "total": 42, "valid": 42 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 47, "valid": 47, "rank": 12 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 47, "valid": 47, "rank": 51 } },
   "wp:functions": { "master": { "master_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -30,21 +31,21 @@
                                                          "valid": 25 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 25,
                                                              "valid": 25 } } },
-                    "induction": { "induction_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "induction": { "induction_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 12 },
+                                                                    "rank": 51 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
-                                   "induction_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 51 } },
+                                   "induction_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -68,29 +69,30 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                 "valid": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 12 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 2,
+                                                       "valid": 2,
+                                                       "rank": 51 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                             "valid": 7 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 9,
                                                                 "valid": 9,
-                                                                "rank": 12 } } },
-                    "shifted": { "shifted_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                "rank": 51 } } },
+                    "shifted": { "shifted_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 12 },
+                                                                   "rank": 51 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                                  { "total": 2,
                                                                    "valid": 2,
-                                                                   "rank": 12 } },
-                                 "shifted_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                   "rank": 51 } },
+                                 "shifted_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 5 },
+                                                                 "rank": 4 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
@@ -106,17 +108,18 @@
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "shifted_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 11 },
+                                 "shifted_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 45 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 11 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                               "valid": 3,
-                                                               "rank": 12 },
+                                                                   "rank": 45 } },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                     "rank": 51 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                           "valid": 7 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                               "valid": 10,
-                                                              "rank": 12 } } } } }
+                                                              "rank": 51 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.c.0.report.json
index 5fd1e03fce302fe36b4d29c14803969ccbfa3782..85f9bf9ec9bd69985983d838dcd3dfb2374d0868 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 12 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                          "rank": 51 },
                  "qed": { "total": 42, "valid": 42 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 47, "valid": 47, "rank": 12 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 47, "valid": 47, "rank": 51 } },
   "wp:functions": { "master": { "master_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -30,18 +31,18 @@
                                                          "valid": 25 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 25,
                                                              "valid": 25 } } },
-                    "induction": { "induction_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "induction": { "induction_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 12 },
+                                                                    "rank": 51 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
-                                   "induction_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 51 } },
+                                   "induction_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -68,35 +69,36 @@
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                 "valid": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 12 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 2,
+                                                       "valid": 2,
+                                                       "rank": 51 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                             "valid": 7 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 9,
                                                                 "valid": 9,
-                                                                "rank": 12 } } },
-                    "shifted": { "shifted_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                "rank": 51 } } },
+                    "shifted": { "shifted_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 12 },
+                                                                   "rank": 51 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                                  { "total": 2,
                                                                    "valid": 2,
-                                                                   "rank": 12 } },
-                                 "shifted_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                   "rank": 51 } },
+                                 "shifted_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 5 },
+                                                                 "rank": 4 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 2,
                                                                  "valid": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 5 } },
+                                                                 "rank": 4 } },
                                  "shifted_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 4,
                                                                "valid": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 4,
@@ -106,17 +108,18 @@
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "shifted_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 11 },
+                                 "shifted_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 45 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 11 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                               "valid": 3,
-                                                               "rank": 12 },
+                                                                   "rank": 45 } },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                     "rank": 51 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                           "valid": 7 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                               "valid": 10,
-                                                              "rank": 12 } } } } }
+                                                              "rank": 51 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.res.oracle
index a9577c59998c8287c3513a2f1c02642ebd056f5a..3a7456bff6c60d9788a9e55f3e41e125ca441471 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/repeat.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
   Missing assigns clause (assigns 'everything' instead)
 [wp] 47 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_induction_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_induction_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_induction_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_induction_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_induction_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_induction_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_induction_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_induction_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_induction_assigns_exit_part1 : Valid
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_master_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_master_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_master_assigns_normal : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_shifted_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_shifted_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_shifted_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_shifted_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_shifted_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_shifted_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_shifted_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_shifted_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_shifted_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_shifted_assigns_exit_part1 : Valid
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_unroll_assigns_normal_part10 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_unroll_assigns_normal_part11 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   47 / 47
-  Qed:            42 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:              42 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/repeat.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/repeat.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 master               3     -                 3       100%
 unroll              25     -                25       100%
-induction            7      2 (44..56)       9       100%
-shifted              7      3 (44..56)      10       100%
+induction            7      2 (512..608)     9       100%
+shifted              7      3 (512..608)    10       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.i.0.report.json
index 028a94091e426f8edf686597a6d7feadb62bb337..83cd891ac6426221a4d8a80e17d0fd2a1382ce35 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "unknown": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "unknown": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 1, "unknown": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_assert_rte_mem_access_3": { "qed": 
@@ -7,44 +7,44 @@
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                             "job_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "job_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "job_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "job_assert_rte_signed_overflow": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "job_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "job_assert_rte_mem_access_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "job_assert_rte_mem_access": { "alt-ergo": 
+                             "job_assert_rte_mem_access": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4,
-                                                           "unknown": 4 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4,
+                                                                    "unknown": 4 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 5,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 4 } } },
-                    "job3": { "job3_assert_rte_bool_value": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "job3": { "job3_assert_rte_bool_value": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.res.oracle
index 2404c6c172d972e02516806b7836b8ed8d36fa25..ac262be90812cecb6917673e5050d63a3296fdce 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/rte.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
 [rte] annotating function job2
 [rte] annotating function job3
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_mem_access : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_mem_access : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_mem_access_2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_signed_overflow : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_signed_overflow_2 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_assert_rte_mem_access_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job3_assert_rte_bool_value : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job3_assert_rte_bool_value : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 6
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 4)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 4)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/rte.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/rte.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.0.res.oracle
index a9fb5006c5628e2864ab6cfcdbd24cfc5c426a30..c2817aedca9085f5f44158f0d53162e6d5aa1b61 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-depth 16 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-depth 16 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/sequence.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 39 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_ensures_ok_first : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_ensures_ok_last : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_ensures_ok_last : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_assigns_exit_part1 : Valid
@@ -19,18 +19,18 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_m1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_m2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_m2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_bug_why3_n1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_n2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_n3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_bug_why3_n5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_n2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_n3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_bug_why3_n5 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_bug_why3_n6 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_bug_why3_n5_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_bug_why3_n5_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_bug_why3_n6_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_assigns_exit : Valid
@@ -38,19 +38,19 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_o1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_p1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_p2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_p3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_p3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_o2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_q1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_q2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_q3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_q3 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   39 / 39
-  Qed:            25 
-  Alt-Ergo:       14
+  Qed:              25 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   14
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/sequence.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-no_calls             5      5 (8..20)       10       100%
+no_calls             5      5 (4..16)       10       100%
 sequence             8      2 (12..24)      10       100%
-loops               12      7 (48..60)      19       100%
+loops               12      7 (128..152)    19       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.1.res.oracle
index 922a6a40b60d55d71f3e81dcf31586c4edd3b283..60d453b63fce576ea6d8f13808e8726606e9ea2e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-depth 16 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 -wp-depth 16 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/sequence.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 34 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_ensures_ok_first : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_ensures_ok_last : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_ensures_ok_last : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min_established : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_assigns_exit_part1 : Valid
@@ -19,33 +19,33 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_m1 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_m2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_n2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_n3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_m2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_n2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_ensures_ok_n3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_no_calls_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_assigns_normal : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_o1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_p1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_p2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_p3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_called_ensures_ok_p3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_o2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_q1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_q2 : Valid
-[wp] [alt-ergo] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_q3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_sequence_g_not_called_ensures_ok_q3 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   34 / 34
-  Qed:               22 
-  Alt-Ergo (why3):   12
+  Qed:              22 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   12
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/sequence.1.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-no_calls             2     -                 5       100%
-sequence             8     -                10       100%
-loops               12     -                19       100%
+no_calls             2      3 (1..12)        5       100%
+sequence             8      2 (12..24)      10       100%
+loops               12      7 (128..152)    19       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.2.res.oracle
index 5841b9f41a04c4cd3421d672b1d48249ae51fc45..c637752ab865f76a65a39b925f46ab5253e3bd37 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.2.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 -wp-depth 16 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 -wp-depth 16 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/sequence.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.i.0.report.json
index ae0f326bdbae62d9931abc55c0301c9f487d6d85..5be7d26cb40b35b7e66a2e80b3762fe0a842b796 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 14, "valid": 14, "rank": 13 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 14, "valid": 14,
+                                          "rank": 25 },
                  "qed": { "total": 25, "valid": 25 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 39, "valid": 39, "rank": 13 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 39, "valid": 39, "rank": 25 } },
   "wp:functions": { "no_calls": { "no_calls_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -9,66 +10,69 @@
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                    { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                    "rank": 2 },
+                                    { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 2 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                    "rank": 2 } },
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                    { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                                    { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 2 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                   "rank": 3 } },
-                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_n3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                   "rank": 2 } },
+                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_n3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 1 } },
-                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_n2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
+                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_n2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 1 } },
+                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_m2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_m2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
                                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 1 } },
+                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
                                   "no_calls_ensures_ok_m1": { "qed": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                                "valid": 5,
-                                                                "rank": 3 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                                      "rank": 2 },
                                                   "qed": { "total": 5,
                                                            "valid": 5 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                                "valid": 10,
-                                                               "rank": 3 } } },
+                                                               "rank": 2 } } },
                     "sequence": { "sequence_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                                  "valid": 2 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                    { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                                    { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 3 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                    "rank": 3 } },
@@ -81,8 +85,9 @@
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                    { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
-                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                    { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 4 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                    "rank": 4 } },
@@ -94,26 +99,26 @@
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                "valid": 2,
-                                                                "rank": 4 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "qed": { "total": 8,
                                                            "valid": 8 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 10,
                                                                "valid": 10,
                                                                "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "loops": { "loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "loops": { "loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                                                                    "rank": 25 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
-                               "loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 25 } },
+                               "loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -124,7 +129,7 @@
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
                                                                     "rank": 4 } },
-                               "loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min": { "alt-ergo": 
+                               "loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -143,54 +148,54 @@
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                               "loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                               "loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
-                               "loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v1": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
+                               "loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
                                "loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u2": { "qed": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                               "loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u1": { "alt-ergo": 
+                               "loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 11 },
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 11 } },
-                               "loops_ensures_ok_last": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
+                               "loops_ensures_ok_last": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 12 },
+                                                              "rank": 17 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 12 } },
+                                                              "rank": 17 } },
                                "loops_ensures_ok_first": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 7,
-                                                             "valid": 7,
-                                                             "rank": 13 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 7, "valid": 7,
+                                                   "rank": 25 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 12,
                                                         "valid": 12 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 19,
                                                             "valid": 19,
-                                                            "rank": 13 } } } } }
+                                                            "rank": 25 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.i.1.report.json
index 6bc196531e7db3fa49259a7199057378abf93923..9415d31581f3cdb16646339373df76047ab49578 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/sequence.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,48 +1,59 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 12, "valid": 12 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 12, "valid": 12,
+                                          "rank": 25 },
                  "qed": { "total": 22, "valid": 22 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 34, "valid": 34 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 34, "valid": 34, "rank": 25 } },
   "wp:functions": { "no_calls": { "no_calls_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_n3": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_n3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1 },
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_n2": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
+                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_n2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1 },
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_m2": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
+                                  "no_calls_ensures_ok_m2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1 },
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
                                   "no_calls_ensures_ok_m1": { "qed": 
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                                    "valid": 3 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                      "rank": 1 },
                                                   "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 5,
-                                                               "valid": 5 } } },
+                                                               "valid": 5,
+                                                               "rank": 1 } } },
                     "sequence": { "sequence_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                                  "valid": 2 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                    { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1 },
-                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
+                                    { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 3 },
+                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 } },
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
@@ -53,9 +64,11 @@
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                    { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1 },
-                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
+                                    { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                               "valid": 1,
+                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 4 } },
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
@@ -65,39 +78,47 @@
                                     { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "qed": { "total": 8,
                                                            "valid": 8 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 10,
-                                                               "valid": 10 } } },
-                    "loops": { "loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                               "valid": 10,
+                                                               "rank": 4 } } },
+                    "loops": { "loops_loop_invariant_ok_inv": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 25 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                   { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2 } },
-                               "loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 25 } },
+                               "loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_max": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2 } },
-                               "loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
+                               "loops_loop_invariant_ok_id_min": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2 } },
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
                                "loops_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 6,
                                                            "valid": 6 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 6,
@@ -106,44 +127,54 @@
                                                                 "valid": 1 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                               "loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v2": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                               "loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                               "loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v1": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
+                               "loops_g_not_called_ensures_ok_v1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
                                "loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u2": { "qed": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                               "loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u1": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                               "loops_g_called_ensures_ok_u1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 },
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                               "loops_ensures_ok_last": { "why3:alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
+                               "loops_ensures_ok_last": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1 },
+                                                              "valid": 1,
+                                                              "rank": 17 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1 } },
+                                                              "valid": 1,
+                                                              "rank": 17 } },
                                "loops_ensures_ok_first": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "why3:alt-ergo": { "total": 7,
-                                                                  "valid": 7 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 7, "valid": 7,
+                                                   "rank": 25 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 12,
                                                         "valid": 12 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 19,
-                                                            "valid": 19 } } } } }
+                                                            "valid": 19,
+                                                            "rank": 25 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/stmt.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/stmt.res.oracle
index 5e34d21ac6158afc5fcc6cc95d490740f7439ff3..a27557f5d76d40812e9fbba0827875b36c140e77 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/stmt.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/stmt.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/stmt.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.0.report.json
index 7e2621d2aeba1631fa4287566b95791bc9afe982..e2fb556437b3d273d67331f10c0b7b84c7007416 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.0.report.json
@@ -1,193 +1,196 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 21, "valid": 21, "rank": 78 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 21, "valid": 21,
+                                          "rank": 66 },
                  "qed": { "total": 23, "valid": 23 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 44, "valid": 44, "rank": 78 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "memcpy": { "memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 44, "valid": 44, "rank": 66 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "memcpy": { "memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 62 },
+                                                                    "rank": 55 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 62 } },
-                                "memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 55 } },
+                                "memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 16 },
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 16 } },
-                                "memcpy_loop_variant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
+                                "memcpy_loop_variant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 16 },
+                                                             "rank": 14 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 16 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
                                 "memcpy_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                                "memcpy_loop_assigns": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                "memcpy_loop_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 43 },
+                                                             "rank": 19 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                                     "valid": 3,
-                                                                    "rank": 43 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 19 } },
                                 "memcpy_ensures_result_ptr": { "qed": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                "memcpy_ensures_copied_contents": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                "memcpy_ensures_copied_contents": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 48 },
+                                                                    "rank": 40 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 48 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6,
-                                                              "valid": 6,
-                                                              "rank": 62 },
+                                                                    "rank": 40 } },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 6, "valid": 6,
+                                                    "rank": 55 },
                                                 "qed": { "total": 6,
                                                          "valid": 6 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 12,
                                                              "valid": 12,
-                                                             "rank": 62 } } },
-                    "memmove": { "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_6": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                             "rank": 55 } } },
+                    "memmove": { "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_6": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 76 },
+                                                                    "rank": 66 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 76 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_5": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 66 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 36 },
+                                                                    "rank": 58 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 36 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_4": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 58 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 18 },
+                                                                    "rank": 17 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 18 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 17 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 78 },
+                                                                    "rank": 60 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 78 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 60 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 35 },
+                                                                    "rank": 50 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 35 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 50 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 18 },
+                                                                    "rank": 16 },
                                                                     { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 18 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_variant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 16 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_variant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 18 },
+                                                                 "rank": 16 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 2,
                                                                  "valid": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 18 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_variant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                 "rank": 16 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_variant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 18 },
+                                                               "rank": 16 },
                                                            "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2,
-                                                               "rank": 18 } },
-                                 "memmove_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 6 },
+                                                               "rank": 16 } },
+                                 "memmove_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 5 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                                "valid": 7 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 8,
                                                                    "valid": 8,
-                                                                   "rank": 6 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_assigns_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                   "rank": 5 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_assigns_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 50 },
+                                                                 "rank": 29 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 },
                                                                { "total": 3,
                                                                  "valid": 3,
-                                                                 "rank": 50 } },
-                                 "memmove_loop_assigns": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                 "rank": 29 } },
+                                 "memmove_loop_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 55 },
+                                                               "rank": 26 },
                                                            "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 },
                                                              { "total": 3,
                                                                "valid": 3,
-                                                               "rank": 55 } },
+                                                               "rank": 26 } },
                                  "memmove_ensures_result_ptr": { "qed": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "memmove_ensures_copied_contents": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                 "memmove_ensures_copied_contents": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 55 },
+                                                                    "rank": 52 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 55 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 15,
-                                                               "valid": 15,
-                                                               "rank": 78 },
+                                                                    "rank": 52 } },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 15,
+                                                     "valid": 15,
+                                                     "rank": 66 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 17,
                                                           "valid": 17 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 32,
                                                               "valid": 32,
-                                                              "rank": 78 } } } } }
+                                                              "rank": 66 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.res.oracle
index f0ae7ea2e140618b00b80768dbd560896a8d17cc..2331cffa38e1b41b59b21bded25894bbef34311f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.res.oracle
@@ -4,57 +4,57 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 44 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_ensures_copied_contents : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_ensures_copied_contents : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_ensures_result_ptr : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_invariant_no_eva_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_ensures_copied_contents : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_ensures_copied_contents : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_ensures_result_ptr : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_3_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_3_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_4_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_4_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_5_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_5_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_6_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_4_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_4_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_5_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_5_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_6_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_invariant_no_eva_6_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_assigns_2_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_assigns_2_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_assigns_2_part3 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_assigns_2_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_exit : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_normal_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_normal_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_normal_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_normal_part5 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_normal_part6 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_assigns_normal_part7 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memmove_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memmove_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memmove_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   44 / 44
-  Qed:            23 
-  Alt-Ergo:       21
+  Qed:              23 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   21
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/string_c.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/string_c.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-memcpy               6      6 (864..960)    12       100%
-memmove             17     15 (1792..1984)  32       100%
+memcpy               6      6 (640..736)    12       100%
+memmove             17     15 (1024..1216)  32       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct.res.oracle
index 71fab82397e56fe025f8f43b7b9e9e97f745d8e7..13f3d7def48d65c2d6945c2d8d50c3e48e6a97b7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/struct.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.i.0.report.json
index 4523e8814247f341638ecec89a9d3168b229b2f1..d4d28194a9460a108e82777997dceff6d5045822 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 7 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 6 },
                  "qed": { "total": 6, "valid": 6 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 7 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f0": { "f0_assert_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 6 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 6 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f0": { "f0_assert_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 5 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 6 } },
-                            "f0_loop_invariant_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                               "rank": 5 } },
+                            "f0_loop_invariant_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 7 },
+                                                              "rank": 6 },
                                                           "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
-                                                              "rank": 7 } },
+                                                              "rank": 6 } },
                             "f0_loop_variant": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 2 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 7 },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 5,
                                                          "valid": 5,
-                                                         "rank": 7 } } },
-                    "f1": { "f1_assert_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                                                         "rank": 6 } } },
+                    "f1": { "f1_assert_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 5 } },
-                            "f1_loop_invariant_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                               "rank": 4 } },
+                            "f1_loop_invariant_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 5 },
+                                                              "rank": 4 },
                                                           "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
-                                                              "rank": 5 } },
+                                                              "rank": 4 } },
                             "f1_loop_variant": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 2 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                          "valid": 2,
-                                                          "rank": 5 },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 5,
                                                          "valid": 5,
-                                                         "rank": 5 } } } } }
+                                                         "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.res.oracle
index 1ee633fed3a3cdec96286839ec24cdf8e9cb870b..fdcbde2330850ff9a650eaec6caf4d70feafb0c0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/struct_hack.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel] tests/wp_plugin/struct_hack.i:46: Warning: 
   parsing obsolete ACSL construct '\valid_range(addr,min,max)'. '\valid(addr+(min..max))' should be used instead.
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
 [wp] tests/wp_plugin/struct_hack.i:53: Warning: 
   Missing assigns clause (assigns 'everything' instead)
 [wp] 10 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f0_loop_invariant_qed_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f0_loop_invariant_qed_ok_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f0_loop_invariant_qed_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f0_assert_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f0_assert_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f0_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f0_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f1_loop_invariant_qed_ok_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f1_loop_invariant_qed_ok_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f1_loop_invariant_qed_ok_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f1_assert_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f1_assert_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f1_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   10 / 10
-  Qed:             6 
-  Alt-Ergo:        4
+  Qed:               6 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/struct_hack.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/struct_hack.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f0                   3      2 (24..36)       5       100%
-f1                   3      2 (16..28)       5       100%
+f0                   3      2 (20..32)       5       100%
+f1                   3      2 (12..24)       5       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.0.report.json
index 72d2a74fbb82e4fc45b67ca97ac5f1db82478a1b..a77d8bd3d6479b9868acdf5d774bbf3f52c6acc8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 24 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 24 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "mem": { "mem_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 24 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                          "rank": 22 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 22 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "mem": { "mem_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 22 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 24 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 24 },
+                                                           "rank": 22 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 22 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 24 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 22 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.i.0.report.json
index ef1d646d8e32ce0c1919efc2786351e5bf8f3337..a77d8bd3d6479b9868acdf5d774bbf3f52c6acc8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 25 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 25 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "mem": { "mem_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 25 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                          "rank": 22 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 22 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "mem": { "mem_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 22 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 25 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 25 },
+                                                           "rank": 22 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 22 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 25 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 22 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.res.oracle
index 326d5fff53c35a06468dc4799b65d4dc4f0bda93..87dc894abd202f89644685e3ccdb72c8042c452d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.res.oracle
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/subset.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mem_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mem_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/subset.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-mem                 -       1 (120..144)     1       100%
+mem                 -       1 (104..128)     1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.0.report.json
index 1902a622817eb3a2f2bdbfca9fb9a8b2af0e803f..ec639ad871a4b472bd57f50d56d29dc3beb4b134 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.0.report.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 20 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 20 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 5, "valid": 4, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 20 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_Ok_E": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 20 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_Ok_E": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 20 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
                                                            "rank": 20 } },
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_assert_Ok_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1 },
+                           "f_assert_Ok_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 20 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 20 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 5,
                                                         "valid": 4,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.c.0.report.json
index 27ee9313fcb578b6bda956586e8306410e580da0..ec639ad871a4b472bd57f50d56d29dc3beb4b134 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 19 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 20 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 5, "valid": 4, "unknown": 1,
-                              "rank": 19 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_Ok_E": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 19 },
+                              "rank": 20 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_Ok_E": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 20 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 19 } },
+                                                           "rank": 20 } },
                            "f_assert_Ok_D": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_assert_Ok_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1 },
+                           "f_assert_Ok_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 19 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 20 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 5,
                                                         "valid": 4,
                                                         "unknown": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 19 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 20 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.res.oracle
index 0c8d87d6a6b472b42c0bf6934828bb3f5766d192..26b6ff968acc1c8c7d6e0ff57e07e27a18383f4d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/subset_fopen.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 5 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_Ok_A : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_Ok_A : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assert_Ok_B : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assert_Ok_C : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assert_Ok_D : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_Ok_E : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_Ok_E : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    4 / 5
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/subset_fopen.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/subset_fopen.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.i.0.report.json
index fd1831d59b5b4fcc02b93c1bafeeb7ab2c967df9..b84163ee891d59761a04f6aeccaebd90807152a2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,36 +1,39 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 2, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 13 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 2,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 11 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "valid": 3, "unknown": 1,
-                              "rank": 13 } },
+                              "rank": 11 } },
   "wp:functions": { "foo": { "fconcat_requires_qed_ok": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                             "foo_assert_qed_ok_B": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
+                             "foo_assert_qed_ok_B": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "unknown": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } },
-                             "foo_assert_qed_ok_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                             "foo_assert_qed_ok_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 11 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 13 } },
-                             "foo_assert_qed_ok_S": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                                                                   "rank": 11 } },
+                             "foo_assert_qed_ok_S": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 11 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 13 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                           "valid": 2,
-                                                           "unknown": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 13 },
+                                                                   "rank": 11 } },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 11 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                           "valid": 3,
                                                           "unknown": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 13 } } } } }
+                                                          "rank": 11 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.res.oracle
index afd697426f5cb34653ab23d84fc6ade5ad1f5d8f..acc077c487728454faf2e382a93d4f058533b8d9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.res.oracle
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/trig.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_assert_qed_ok_S : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_assert_qed_ok_A : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_assert_qed_ok_B : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_assert_qed_ok_S : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_assert_qed_ok_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_assert_qed_ok_B : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_call_fconcat_requires_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 4
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/trig.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/trig.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-foo                  1      2 (48..60)       4      75.0%
+foo                  1      2 (40..52)       4      75.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.0.report.json
index b967bd53ad6fbf82e01cbb737f76c074cf36dbfa..2e6662686a8f1f349ebd6b9989e8bfdd398d0183 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.0.report.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_INDIRP": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 5 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_INDIRP": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 5 } },
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 5 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                         "valid": 3,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.res.oracle
index 5c821da84d4800bd92180a37b866c797cc9e02e8..81ae9d616c3ffd01a094c00b44111b4dad2b9a8a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/unsafe-arrays.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_ARRAYS : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_ensures_STRUCT : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_INDIRP : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_INDIRP : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsafe-arrays.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/unsafe-arrays.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsigned.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsigned.res.oracle
index 7cae1e5971dd42cf8a11e746dfb58a853c273089..65756a3d261611f45290ed81b457928767c00b37 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsigned.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsigned.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/unsigned.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.0.report.json
index 8d566a55f49681c4d13c773501c3210ad075c9e9..12f731760ad0de38ad504fc06f35e0abc509cda6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.0.report.json
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "cp_requires_r1": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "cp_requires_r1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "unknown": 1 } },
                            "f_assert_a1": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.res.oracle
index fa61ef3d94b05772f2a88bb6a68652720de557c1..8fa3b75a019bd11d31d5954436d43c7ebff7ec86 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_plugin/unsupported_init.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
   (r1: \initialized(Y + (0 .. 99)))
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assert_a1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_call_cp_requires_r1 : Unsuccess (Degenerated)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_call_cp_requires_r1 : Unsuccess (Degenerated)
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 2
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/unsupported_init.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_plugin/result_qualif/unsupported_init.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/array.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/array.res.oracle
index a59963da14df412c078c9ffaec48d5d7d62c043a..486277148c2b615ac8884661930b44f25fa8f070 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/array.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/array.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_store/array.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/natural.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/natural.res.oracle
index bf77aed24b207a9860e72022144157bb927be5fc..4a6c59025d9d5eac465ef05f4729ba60f51023bb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/natural.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/natural.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_store/natural.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.0.res.oracle
index 009ad4902358722519a90bf226a04a77a108cb02..4f2da7d33510743596cc85d000d7250dde13f9a1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_store/nonaliasing.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok_P : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok_Q : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok_P : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ok_Q : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    2
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_store/result_qualif/nonaliasing.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -       2 (24..36)       2       100%
+f                   -       2 (16..28)       2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.1.res.oracle
index ef2e7cc9a81a7ab6af13e7aed3b14b3690a14621..244af382e0549870f08fbbd8a8959dedc8987a0a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 50 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 50 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_store/nonaliasing.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko_P_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko_Q_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko_P_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures_qed_ko_Q_oracle_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 2
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 2)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 2)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_store/result_qualif/nonaliasing.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.i.0.report.json
index 13c17773a9d2999f8a2d7f9fb714724423dfe2bb..6ed01a5b3ee6dbb03548b69a54cc9172546caca5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 7 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 7 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ok_Q": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 7 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 5 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 2, "rank": 5 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ok_Q": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 5 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 7 } },
-                           "f_ensures_qed_ok_P": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 7 },
+                                                                "rank": 5 } },
+                           "f_ensures_qed_ok_P": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 5 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 7 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 2,
-                                                         "rank": 7 },
+                                                                "rank": 5 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2,
-                                                        "rank": 7 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 5 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.i.1.report.json
index 7e0f92281c03ed4539a3d83a083f522d0dbbf1c8..af26c4484bd0b888674f2122cec4142c0b77698a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/nonaliasing.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "unknown": 2 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ko_Q_oracle_ko": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures_qed_ko_Q_oracle_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "f_ensures_qed_ko_P_oracle_ko": { "alt-ergo": 
+                           "f_ensures_qed_ko_P_oracle_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "unknown": 2 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "unknown": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "unknown": 2 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.0.report.json
index aa80bc9b41856925c58a85de4760691e5d42d51c..a53a926444ad9b98211f467f32c4a9a490eb9e9e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 10 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 9 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 10 } },
   "wp:functions": { "g": { "g_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
                            "wp:section": { "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2 } } },
-                    "f": { "g_requires": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 5 },
+                    "f": { "g_requires": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 5 } },
@@ -20,30 +20,30 @@
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 5 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2,
                                                         "rank": 5 } } },
-                    "main": { "main_ensures_Q_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "main": { "main_ensures_Q_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 10 },
+                                                             "rank": 9 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 10 } },
-                              "main_ensures_P_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_ensures_P_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 10 },
+                                                             "rank": 9 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 10 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 10 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 9 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2,
                                                            "rank": 10 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.i.0.report.json
index 95af43d1bdf38f9f17374287bf20aed57d053532..c8f9d0ff0188ef2da814b034e30c3d4c5a7c9374 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 10 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 9 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 10 } },
   "wp:functions": { "g": { "g_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
                            "wp:section": { "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2 } } },
-                    "f": { "g_requires": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 6 },
+                    "f": { "g_requires": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 6 } },
@@ -20,30 +20,30 @@
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 6 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2,
                                                         "rank": 6 } } },
-                    "main": { "main_ensures_Q_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "main": { "main_ensures_Q_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 10 },
+                                                             "rank": 9 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 10 } },
-                              "main_ensures_P_qed_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                              "main_ensures_P_qed_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 10 },
+                                                             "rank": 9 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 10 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 10 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 9 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2,
                                                            "rank": 10 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.res.oracle
index 1978be6ecd1453a86b9fb7dfc8907a24d789fbc6..162e249c284a25103bf26b39b83ed4aecd79fa96 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.res.oracle
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_store/struct.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assert_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_call_g_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_call_g_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_g_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_g_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ensures_P_qed_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_ensures_Q_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ensures_P_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_ensures_Q_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    6 / 6
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_store/oracle_qualif/struct.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_store/result_qualif/struct.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_tip/oracle_qualif/tac_split_quantifiers.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_tip/oracle_qualif/tac_split_quantifiers.res.oracle
index 066b6e99fb74d574ce570e37831dc2d8af94e401..4ebd433885c3414987c5b00fd15954cef872be65 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_tip/oracle_qualif/tac_split_quantifiers.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_tip/oracle_qualif/tac_split_quantifiers.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_tip/tac_split_quantifiers.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/struct_array_type.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/struct_array_type.res.oracle
index 0fd6e8fdb49bf3a49a5b8ff9894c01fc8d0fa691..fb6e3336de647eebe03fb9c24e275611ec4c23d9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/struct_array_type.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/struct_array_type.res.oracle
@@ -5,26 +5,38 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-  "WPOUT/typed/f_ensures.ergo"
-  (* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  (* --- Post-condition (file tests/wp_typed/struct_array_type.i, line 16) in 'f' --- *)
-  (* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  goal f_ensures:
-    forall i : int.
-    forall t : S1_s farray.
-    let a = t[i] : S1_s in
-    let a_1 = (a.F1_s_b)[0] : int in
-    let a_2 = (a.F1_s_a)[0] : int in
-    let a_3 = (2 * a_2) : int in
-    (0 <= i) ->
-    (a_1 < a_2) ->
-    (i <= 9) ->
-    is_uint32(i) ->
-    is_sint32(a_2) ->
-    is_sint32(a_1) ->
-    is_sint32(1 + a_3 - a_1) ->
-    ((2 * a_1) <= a_3)
+  theory WP
+    (* use why3.BuiltIn.BuiltIn *)
+    (* use bool.Bool *)
+    (* use int.Int *)
+    (* use int.ComputerDivision *)
+    (* use real.RealInfix *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.qed.Qed *)
+    (* use map.Map *)
+    (* use S1_s *)
+    (* use frama_c_wp.cint.Cint *)
+    goal wp_goal :
+      forall i:int, t:int -> S1_s.
+       let a = get t i in
+       let a1 = get (F1_s_b a) 0 in
+       let a2 = get (F1_s_a a) 0 in
+       let a3 = 2 * a2 in
+       0 <= i ->
+       a1 < a2 ->
+       i <= 9 ->
+       is_uint32 i ->
+       is_sint32 a2 ->
+       is_sint32 a1 -> is_sint32 ((1 + ((- 1) * a1)) + a3) -> (2 * a1) <= a3
+  end
 [wp] 1 goal generated
   Function f
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.0.res.oracle
index dce5ad05602a5171a4162be6357f773d175f017b..d71cbec20ec2ba57e2f9136a547de6c412bd7bd7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/array_initialized.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel] tests/wp_typed/array_initialized.c:13: Warning: 
   Too many initializers for array g
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 5 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main1_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main2_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main1_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main2_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main3_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_pointer_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_simpl_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_pointer_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_simpl_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    5 / 5
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        4
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/array_initialized.0.report.json'
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 main1               -       1 (1..12)        1       100%
 main2               -       1 (96..120)      1       100%
 main3                1     -                 1       100%
-main_pointer        -       1 (40..52)       1       100%
-simpl               -       1 (16..28)       1       100%
+main_pointer        -       1 (36..48)       1       100%
+simpl               -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.1.res.oracle
index 71bf98b23654c011b197791a6cd3efb81ff51b0f..cef6997809a7e6090614430b8f86e44a7b92ebe1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/array_initialized.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel] tests/wp_typed/array_initialized.c:13: Warning: 
   Too many initializers for array g
@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 5 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main1_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main2_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main1_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main2_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main3_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_pointer_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_simpl_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_pointer_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_simpl_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    5 / 5
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        4
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/array_initialized.1.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-main1               -       1 (16..28)       1       100%
-main2               -       1 (112..136)     1       100%
+main1               -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
+main2               -       1 (104..128)     1       100%
 main3                1     -                 1       100%
-main_pointer        -       1 (64..88)       1       100%
-simpl               -       1 (16..28)       1       100%
+main_pointer        -       1 (52..64)       1       100%
+simpl               -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.c.0.report.json
index 0a32f1d88d086e8c62c1f953143a1138a2367b01..75b7c790219b4540936ceb768cacee65a3d4efc1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 21 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 4,
+                                          "rank": 21 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 21 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "main1": { "main1_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "main1": { "main1_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 1 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 1 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 1 } } },
-                    "main2": { "main2_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 21 },
+                    "main2": { "main2_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 21 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 21 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 21 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 21 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 21 } } },
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "main_pointer": { "main_pointer_assert": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "main_pointer": { "main_pointer_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 10 },
@@ -41,21 +42,22 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 10 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 10 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 10 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 10 } } },
-                    "simpl": { "simpl_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                    "simpl": { "simpl_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 5 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 5 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 4 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 5 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.c.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.c.1.report.json
index d92ae09acaf07155d3b3936699f13d6d3a796e6f..787fe74c3ea5fb940daad83813a748f64fc1fe0d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.c.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/array_initialized.c.1.report.json
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "valid": 4, "rank": 23 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "valid": 4,
+                                          "rank": 22 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 23 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "main1": { "main1_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 5 },
+  "wp:functions": { "main1": { "main1_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 3 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 5 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 5 },
+                                                              "rank": 3 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 5 } } },
-                    "main2": { "main2_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 23 },
+                                                            "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "main2": { "main2_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 22 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 23 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 23 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 22 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 23 } } },
@@ -33,29 +34,30 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "main_pointer": { "main_pointer_assert": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "main_pointer": { "main_pointer_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 18 },
+                                                                   "rank": 14 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 18 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 18 },
+                                                                   "rank": 14 } },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 14 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 18 } } },
-                    "simpl": { "simpl_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                                                                   "rank": 14 } } },
+                    "simpl": { "simpl_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 5 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 5 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 4 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 5 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/avar.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/avar.res.oracle
index 1ab646357155a36acfbb66f17d23ca1922a3c1e9..882fd42aa67fcd60983696e0344edb2ea46445d1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/avar.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/avar.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/avar.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.0.report.json
index 193b5d5e58bebc238a27b6c45e343141affb683a..d9f9a9e5a3a8aa4f985a66116ecdc19f0c919859 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.0.report.json
@@ -1,94 +1,97 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 8, "valid": 5, "unknown": 3,
-                               "rank": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 8, "valid": 5,
+                                          "unknown": 3, "rank": 5 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 8, "valid": 5, "unknown": 3,
-                              "rank": 8 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "fits1": { "fits1_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 6 },
+                              "rank": 5 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "fits1": { "fits1_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 6 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 6 },
+                                                               "rank": 3 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 6 } } },
-                    "mismatch1": { "mismatch1_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                            "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "mismatch1": { "mismatch1_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "fits2": { "fits2_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 6 },
+                    "fits2": { "fits2_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 6 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 6 },
+                                                               "rank": 3 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 6 } } },
-                    "fits3": { "fits3_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 7 },
+                                                            "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "fits3": { "fits3_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 5 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 7 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 7 },
+                                                               "rank": 5 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 5 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 7 } } },
-                    "fits4": { "fits4_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 8 },
+                                                            "rank": 5 } } },
+                    "fits4": { "fits4_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 8 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 8 },
+                                                               "rank": 3 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 8 } } },
-                    "fits5": { "fits5_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 6 },
+                                                            "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "fits5": { "fits5_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 3 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 6 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 6 },
+                                                               "rank": 3 } },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 6 } } },
-                    "mismatch2": { "mismatch2_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                            "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "mismatch2": { "mismatch2_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "mismatch3": { "mismatch3_ensures": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "mismatch3": { "mismatch3_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.res.oracle
index 6bc88bcb22a2bf7acb1f1acca3ffc64da2dca480..68e665c137e8ce9a49a2d7ec9fd9b4a03662815a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/cast_fits.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -13,27 +13,27 @@
   Cast with incompatible pointers types (source: sint32*)
      (target: __anonunion_L8_8*)
 [wp] 8 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fits1_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fits2_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fits3_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fits4_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_fits5_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mismatch1_ensures : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mismatch2_ensures : Unsuccess (Stronger)
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_mismatch3_ensures : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fits1_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fits2_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fits3_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fits4_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_fits5_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mismatch1_ensures : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mismatch2_ensures : Unsuccess (Stronger)
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_mismatch3_ensures : Unsuccess (Stronger)
 [wp] Proved goals:    5 / 8
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5  (unsuccess: 3)
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5  (unsuccess: 3)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/cast_fits.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/cast_fits.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-fits1               -       1 (20..32)       1       100%
+fits1               -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
 mismatch1           -      -                 1       0.0%
-fits2               -       1 (20..32)       1       100%
-fits3               -       1 (24..36)       1       100%
-fits4               -       1 (28..40)       1       100%
-fits5               -       1 (20..32)       1       100%
+fits2               -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
+fits3               -       1 (16..28)       1       100%
+fits4               -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
+fits5               -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
 mismatch2           -      -                 1       0.0%
 mismatch3           -      -                 1       0.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.0.report.json
index 57fb10b150427ac2a1e2193406b66f389eef9364..16100bba843f8903b583a57648835d1d4285dbb0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.0.report.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_5": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 3 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_5": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 3 } },
@@ -13,20 +13,20 @@
                            "f_assert_3": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 } },
-                           "f_assert_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 6 },
+                           "f_assert_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 6 } },
-                           "f_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                       "valid": 1,
-                                                       "rank": 4 },
+                           "f_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                  "valid": 1,
+                                                                  "rank": 3 },
                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
                                                       "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                         "valid": 3,
-                                                         "rank": 6 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3,
+                                                                    "valid": 3,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 5,
                                                         "valid": 5,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.res.oracle
index 2c09f2a29b7f2bb4fdc82a85cba78533cd379f94..a64bd492a48b533063f67a46bc620998aed335ea 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/shift_lemma.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 5 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assert_3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assert_4 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_5 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_5 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    5 / 5
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/shift_lemma.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/shift_lemma.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.0.report.json
index dccb3ae91700c6d94a3efb6356fd8391b552ef2a..4230575c981ee9351bdee63fbb047985376dd779 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 4 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.i.0.report.json
index dd93aaefdcd9cbd417e007a68943ff879919456a..93c830479730de681738a239b5165aea777ad59e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 3 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 3 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 3 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 3 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.res.oracle
index d2f900f731ba1401d59a4b70b5cdc7c809a461a8..8549fbcc64f0223c9a9d18214fea174152e0a9e0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.res.oracle
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/struct_array_type.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/struct_array_type.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/struct_array_type.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.0.res.oracle
index 62e63ecccc14f0099ac49f86ccc412452798ea7b..e8a1ae26e730dcde8d49887a0b6c277f04a26475 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_alloc.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@
 [wp] 7 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_g_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_h_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_h_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_assert_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_assert_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_assert_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_assert_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_assert_4 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    7 / 7
-  Qed:             4 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_alloc.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-job                  2      2 (20..32)       4       100%
+job                  2      2 (16..28)       4       100%
 f                    1     -                 1       100%
 g                    1     -                 1       100%
-h                   -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
+h                   -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.1.res.oracle
index 8042ad8094d6baa4f69f46077eda52f61d8be3a0..d0235b8a0873f05cc47e5a026484c823e75a997d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_alloc.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@
 [wp] 7 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_f_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_g_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_h_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_h_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_job_assert : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_job_assert_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_job_assert_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_job_assert_3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_job_assert_4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_job_assert_4 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    7 / 7
-  Qed:             4 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_alloc.1.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-job                  2      2 (20..32)       4       100%
+job                  2      2 (16..28)       4       100%
 f                    1     -                 1       100%
 g                    1     -                 1       100%
-h                   -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
+h                   -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.i.0.report.json
index 772fd8424c99598ffe886aa4cbd955425709bf68..87d8f126912805f88238a279d12fdff2facb0f6f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 4, "valid": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 7, "valid": 7, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_assert_4": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 6 },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_assert_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 5 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 6 } },
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } },
-                             "job_assert_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 4 },
+                             "job_assert_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 4 } },
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "valid": 2,
-                                                           "rank": 6 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                       "valid": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 4,
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
                            "wp:section": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "h": { "h_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 4 },
+                    "h": { "h_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.i.1.report.json
index 772fd8424c99598ffe886aa4cbd955425709bf68..87d8f126912805f88238a279d12fdff2facb0f6f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_alloc.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 4, "valid": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 7, "valid": 7, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_assert_4": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 6 },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_assert_4": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 5 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 6 } },
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } },
-                             "job_assert_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 4 },
+                             "job_assert_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 4 } },
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "valid": 2,
-                                                           "rank": 6 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                       "valid": 2 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 4,
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
                            "wp:section": { "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "h": { "h_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 4 },
+                    "h": { "h_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 3 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 4 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.0.res.oracle
index fe4620e5d8ab7231a566dd762147708117d566bc..9a11fc16b0ced3efe537cda627bace6c888c54ea 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_bitwise.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 61 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_band_sint8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_band_uint8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_blsr_sint8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_blsr_uint8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_bnot_sint8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_bor_sint8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_bor_uint8 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_bxor_sint8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_band_sint8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_band_uint8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_blsr_sint8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_blsr_uint8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_bnot_sint8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_bor_sint8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_bor_uint8 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_bxor_sint8 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_land_abs : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_land_assoc : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_land_com : Valid
@@ -23,32 +23,32 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_lxor_assoc : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_lxor_com : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band1_uchar_assert_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band1_uchar_assert_ok_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band1_uchar_assert_ok_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band1_uint_assert_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band1_uint_assert_ok_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band1_uint_assert_ok_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band1_ulong_assert_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band1_ulong_assert_ok_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band1_ulong_assert_ok_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band1_ushort_assert_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band1_ushort_assert_ok_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band_char_ensures_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band1_ushort_assert_ok_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band_char_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_int_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_int_assert_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band_uchar_ensures_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band_uchar_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_uint_ensures_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bnot_char_ensures_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bnot_char_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bnot_int_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bnot_uchar_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bnot_uint_ensures_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bor_char_ensures_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bor_char_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bor_int_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bor_uchar_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bor_uint_ensures_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bxor_char_ensures_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bxor_char_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_int_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_uchar_ensures_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bxor_uchar_ensures_ok_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bxor_uchar_ensures_ok_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bxor_uint_ensures_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bxor_uint_ensures_ok_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bxor_uint_ensures_ok_2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cast_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cast_assert_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cast_assert_ok_2 : Valid
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lshift_uint_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_rshift_char_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_rshift_int_ensures_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_rshift_uchar_ensures_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_rshift_uchar_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_rshift_uint_ensures_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   61 / 61
-  Qed:            41 
-  Alt-Ergo:       20
+  Qed:              41 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   20
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_bitwise.0.report.json'
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ rshift_uint          1     -                 1       100%
 band_char           -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
 bor_char            -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
 bxor_char           -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
-bnot_char           -       1 (12..24)       1       100%
+bnot_char           -       1 (8..20)        1       100%
 lshift_char          1     -                 1       100%
 rshift_char          1     -                 1       100%
 band1_uchar          1      1 (12..24)       2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.1.res.oracle
index 537c54ddc92494293928a0491c6c910b73fc85e6..1c1f801a70c0aef7706b91635e9980f12d0ad42a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_bitwise.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_band_int_assert_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bnot_uchar_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_bnot_uint_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_cast_assert_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_band_int_assert_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bnot_uchar_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_bnot_uint_ensures_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_cast_assert_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 4
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 4)
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 4)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_bitwise.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.c.0.report.json
index 446a637c35fd9fba8ea92ea1bbeb4bd085dfd95d..9a5645d4da919f301310bd502e0a43118217a4fd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 20, "valid": 20, "rank": 8 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 20, "valid": 20,
+                                          "rank": 9 },
                  "qed": { "total": 41, "valid": 41 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 61, "valid": 61, "rank": 8 } },
   "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_lxor_com": { "qed": { "total": 1,
@@ -41,57 +42,57 @@
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_bxor_sint8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                           "lemma_bxor_sint8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "lemma_bor_uint8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 8 },
+                           "lemma_bor_uint8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 9 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 8 } },
-                           "lemma_bor_sint8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 4 },
+                           "lemma_bor_sint8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
                                                              "rank": 4 } },
-                           "lemma_bnot_sint8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                           "lemma_bnot_sint8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 3 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "lemma_blsr_uint8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                           "lemma_blsr_uint8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "lemma_blsr_sint8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                           "lemma_blsr_sint8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "lemma_band_uint8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                           "lemma_band_uint8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "lemma_band_sint8": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 4 },
+                           "lemma_band_sint8": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 4 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 8,
-                                                         "valid": 8,
-                                                         "rank": 8 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 8,
+                                                                    "valid": 8,
+                                                                    "rank": 9 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 10,
                                                     "valid": 10 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 18,
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "band1_uint": { "band1_uint_assert_ok_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band1_uint": { "band1_uint_assert_ok_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -171,9 +172,10 @@
                                                                 { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 4 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 4 },
                                                     "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "bxor_uint": { "bxor_uint_ensures_ok_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bxor_uint": { "bxor_uint_ensures_ok_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 4 },
@@ -210,9 +212,10 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 4 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 4 },
                                                    "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -247,7 +250,7 @@
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "band_char": { "band_char_ensures_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band_char": { "band_char_ensures_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 4 },
@@ -255,13 +258,14 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 4 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 4 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 4 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "bor_char": { "bor_char_ensures_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bor_char": { "bor_char_ensures_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 4 },
@@ -269,13 +273,13 @@
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 4 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 4 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "bxor_char": { "bxor_char_ensures_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bxor_char": { "bxor_char_ensures_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 4 },
@@ -283,23 +287,25 @@
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 4 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 4 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 4 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "bnot_char": { "bnot_char_ensures_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bnot_char": { "bnot_char_ensures_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 4 },
+                                                                 "rank": 3 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 4 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 4 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "valid": 1,
+                                                       "rank": 3 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1,
                                                                 "rank": 4 } } },
@@ -323,7 +329,7 @@
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "band1_uchar": { "band1_uchar_assert_ok_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band1_uchar": { "band1_uchar_assert_ok_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -337,15 +343,16 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 4 },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 4 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
                                                                   "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "band_uchar": { "band_uchar_ensures_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band_uchar": { "band_uchar_ensures_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 4 },
@@ -353,9 +360,10 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 4 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 4 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 4 } } },
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@
                                                             "valid": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "bxor_uchar": { "bxor_uchar_ensures_ok_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bxor_uchar": { "bxor_uchar_ensures_ok_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -382,9 +390,10 @@
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 4 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 4 },
                                                     "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -410,21 +419,22 @@
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } } },
-                    "rshift_uchar": { "rshift_uchar_ensures_ok": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "rshift_uchar": { "rshift_uchar_ensures_ok": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 },
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 7 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 6 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 7 } } },
-                    "band1_ushort": { "band1_ushort_assert_ok_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band1_ushort": { "band1_ushort_assert_ok_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -438,15 +448,16 @@
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                      "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 4 },
+                                      "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 },
                                                       "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                    "valid": 2,
                                                                    "rank": 4 } } },
-                    "band1_ulong": { "band1_ulong_assert_ok_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "band1_ulong": { "band1_ulong_assert_ok_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                     { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 4 },
@@ -460,9 +471,10 @@
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                     "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                   "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 4 },
+                                     "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 1,
+                                                         "valid": 1,
+                                                         "rank": 4 },
                                                      "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.c.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.c.1.report.json
index 0dc8275e431c8779fb5273a028f84ea7320b4bd4..9a36a99dfd979b5b16c98e264f8776f35e218822 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.c.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_bitwise.c.1.report.json
@@ -1,40 +1,44 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 4, "unknown": 4 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "band_int": { "band_int_assert_ko": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "band_int": { "band_int_assert_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 },
                                                             { "total": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "unknown": 1 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                      "unknown": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "bnot_uint": { "bnot_uint_ensures_ko": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bnot_uint": { "bnot_uint_ensures_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
                                                                { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } },
-                                   "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+                                   "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "bnot_uchar": { "bnot_uchar_ensures_ko": { "alt-ergo": 
+                    "bnot_uchar": { "bnot_uchar_ensures_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                                                  { "total": 1,
                                                                    "unknown": 1 } },
-                                    "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "unknown": 1 },
+                                    "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "unknown": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "unknown": 1 } } },
-                    "cast": { "cast_assert_ko": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "unknown": 1 },
+                    "cast": { "cast_assert_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1,
+                                                      "unknown": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "unknown": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "unknown": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.0.report.json
index a01a9ebd0062ff5aa4bea699da100f9b157bc0d7..67e38fcf82b6548205b7721f5c32da75c526b089 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_assert": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "job": { "job_assert": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.res.oracle
index 2c2a8a3c9aff36f9b75a4c890cf6a54eb81b1637..eb02a84c8a14fa3e6d31e0ddf486444ea0387661 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_call.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
   No code nor implicit assigns clause for function f, generating default assigns from the prototype
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job_assert : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job_assert : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_call.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_call.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.0.report.json
index 82596921df3cab5fe74c13950bd75a29c96526ed..5d741f7dba7ccb7d75b7404a5d2608748ac7f124 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_OUT": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_OUT": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 5 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 5 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "rank": 5 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.i.0.report.json
index 601602a129d0f5488189d354167cf10c25bca385..cf59d975cb906434a0869ebfa5f825b800291911 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 6 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_OUT": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_OUT": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 6 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 6 },
+                                                          "rank": 4 } },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 6 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.res.oracle
index b3a209937560b00d196babe03d520f6fd0a0beda..92b3928c5f7c495dfaca780f50cf7aa6c684cd54 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_cast.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 [wp] tests/wp_typed/unit_cast.i:4: Warning: 
   Cast with incompatible pointers types (source: sint32*) (target: sint8*)
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_OUT : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_OUT : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cast.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_cast.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cst.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cst.res.oracle
index 92af795f9ed319748186f2c7a153796abc0605c9..27195d8e897753d79f385a0f0d93f0ac540ec82a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cst.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_cst.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_cst.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_float.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_float.res.oracle
index 419e4dca2d7cbd907d9a70bd52b5752c13ef7aa7..a636e612e81df564f9fdb164b7b7fb65284ba954 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_float.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_float.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_float.i (no preprocessing)
 [kernel:parser:decimal-float] tests/wp_typed/unit_float.i:21: Warning: 
   Floating-point constant 0.2 is not represented exactly. Will use 0x1.999999999999ap-3.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.0.report.json
index 94fcb00c3cbadaa18a5c6cefcd550c33b094e592..7a28c7df01e09f83bcd10cfd0b0e7b38a697718d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.0.report.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 2, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_requires_r_is_q1_ko": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "main": { "main_requires_r_is_q1_ko": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                               { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                        "valid": 2 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.res.oracle
index de308aaa970e18802dd41372444c08e2134b8bef..5aab1b036220867e4957a2661cc10e3af6834eda 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_hard.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_p_is_33FF : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_requires_q_is_66F0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_main_requires_r_is_q1_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_main_requires_r_is_q1_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 3
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_hard.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_hard.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_ite.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_ite.res.oracle
index 0953d5b7dff66ee612ccc9efb9e3249b78b5e6b3..2f4749d9608805b97dd6e8b971da74397b22d839 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_ite.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_ite.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_ite.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.0.report.json
index 0c477e292bcb88d7a05f12953775444074bdf5d1..5b8eb5b1580eec99cf693fe6f2420467f8580d74 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.0.report.json
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "duplet": { "duplet_assert_PJ": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 6 },
+  "wp:functions": { "duplet": { "duplet_assert_PJ": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 6 } },
-                                "duplet_assert_PI": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 6 },
+                                                                   "rank": 4 } },
+                                "duplet_assert_PI": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                   "rank": 6 } },
-                                "duplet_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 6 },
+                                                                   "rank": 4 } },
+                                "duplet_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 5 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 6 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                              "valid": 3,
-                                                              "rank": 6 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                              "valid": 3,
                                                              "rank": 6 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.i.0.report.json
index 5215469f919da58581780b418da0f8bb4851f890..72101c16a3e160709377c8e682f78fd041feee23 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "duplet": { "duplet_assert_PJ": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 4 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "duplet": { "duplet_assert_PJ": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
-                                "duplet_assert_PI": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 },
+                                "duplet_assert_PI": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 4 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
-                                "duplet_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 6 },
+                                "duplet_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 5 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                 "rank": 6 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3,
-                                                              "valid": 3,
-                                                              "rank": 6 },
+                                                                 "rank": 5 } },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                              "valid": 3,
-                                                             "rank": 6 } } } } }
+                                                             "rank": 4 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.res.oracle
index de344cecde49795f3fc4a32185e94e118f62ef88..f83f7c8a48375e803b02f6705616b6c2a8580c76 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_labels.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_duplet_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_duplet_assert_PI : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_duplet_assert_PJ : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_duplet_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_duplet_assert_PI : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_duplet_assert_PJ : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_labels.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_labels.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.i.0.report.json
index 94fa47269bcc0b462379d207957346e0ca85b90a..c86279cc44ae802a0a5c1ba8a2252ea50c8b1b83 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6, "valid": 5, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6, "valid": 5,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 5, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 1 } },
-  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_P52": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                        "valid": 1,
-                                                        "rank": 1 },
+  "wp:axiomatics": { "": { "lemma_P52": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                   "valid": 1,
+                                                                   "rank": 1 },
                                           "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1,
                                                        "rank": 1 } },
-                           "lemma_P23_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "unknown": 1 },
+                           "lemma_P23_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                         "valid": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 1,
                                                         "unknown": 1,
                                                         "rank": 1 } } },
-                     "G1": { "lemma_P14": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 1 },
+                     "G1": { "lemma_P14": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 1 } },
-                             "lemma_P13": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 1 },
+                             "lemma_P13": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "valid": 2,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 2,
                                                           "rank": 1 } } },
-                     "G2": { "lemma_P54": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 1 },
+                     "G2": { "lemma_P54": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 1 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 1 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 1 } } },
-                     "Poluted": { "lemma_Foo": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 1 },
+                     "Poluted": { "lemma_Foo": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "rank": 1 } },
-                                  "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 1 },
+                                  "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 1 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.res.oracle
index 862caecbcc65754d04152176e542a349e30d43bd..34fd709d63e75cb42f6cf067203f23eef954f495 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_lemma.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_P23_KO : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_P52 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_P13 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_P14 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_P54 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_Foo : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_P23_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_P52 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_P13 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_P14 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_P54 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_lemma_Foo : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    5 / 6
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_lemma.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_lemma.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.0.res.oracle
index 7b03321d59e121dcea0ce52d3de5492d0cff7192..4a7acb218e3b2549ee7364e57b16a813ab2c921d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_local.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_bar_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_foo_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_foo_assigns_part2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_foo_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             2 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               2 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_local.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-foo                  1      1 (20..32)       2       100%
+foo                  1      1 (16..28)       2       100%
 bar                  1     -                 1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.1.res.oracle
index 8fabfa0574c11028a4b6b53c8a4087669163a65a..79cc1201f16b0bda52f918c96ed85a9cc83ebacc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Raw)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Raw)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_local.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_raw_bar_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_raw_foo_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_raw_foo_assigns_part2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_raw_bar_assigns : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_raw_foo_assigns_part1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_raw_foo_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_local.1.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-foo                 -       2 (24..36)       2       100%
-bar                 -       1 (24..36)       1       100%
+foo                 -       2 (20..32)       2       100%
+bar                 -       1 (16..28)       1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.c.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.c.0.report.json
index 01dc25dd6b4c17afba83c647f0d77588c0d80244..9e7b2f450edd8ef8181745174108a37c267993ef 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.c.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.c.0.report.json
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
                  "qed": { "total": 2, "valid": 2 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 5 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "foo": { "foo_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 5 },
+  "wp:functions": { "foo": { "foo_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 5 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2,
                                                            "rank": 5 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 5 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                       "valid": 1 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.c.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.c.1.report.json
index 181a37649080708f5b74e8b1e8b08fc58651611e..7c974458237fa89fead0e5407c7d74fe58201922 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.c.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_local.c.1.report.json
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 6 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "foo": { "foo_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 6 },
+  "wp:functions": { "foo": { "foo_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 2,
+                                                  "rank": 6 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                            "valid": 2,
                                                            "rank": 6 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                           "valid": 2,
-                                                           "rank": 6 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2,
+                                                                    "valid": 2,
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 2,
                                                           "rank": 6 } } },
-                    "bar": { "bar_assigns": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 6 },
+                    "bar": { "bar_assigns": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 5 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
                                                            "rank": 6 } },
-                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 6 },
+                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 5 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 6 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.0.res.oracle
index 57cb79e4e5a416143989117851269d90800912ee..bf3d6522ac99eebaa0ee7cc29f804e2a1afc5a6d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_loopscope.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
   Missing assigns clause (assigns 'everything' instead)
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_established : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_loop_invariant_established : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 2
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_loopscope.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.1.res.oracle
index b4265807aa1c2ebd6a577e25b605aca8d2748045..41ceb697fd285fee441129e068076ef172eba313 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_loopscope.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
   Missing assigns clause (assigns 'everything' instead)
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_f_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_f_loop_invariant_established : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_f_loop_invariant_established : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 2
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_loopscope.1.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.i.0.report.json
index 0df540f56d402e36948e0ff3d0ee2349bba231ac..bd9004bb205b80d5c1ce660bde9758b813ac83cc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.i.1.report.json
index 0df540f56d402e36948e0ff3d0ee2349bba231ac..bd9004bb205b80d5c1ce660bde9758b813ac83cc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_loopscope.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "unknown": 1 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1,
+                                                     "unknown": 1 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 1,
                                                               "unknown": 1 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                         "unknown": 1 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "unknown": 1 },
                                            "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 1,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.0.report.json
index 468e2635821f7ad20427d9ad8e769224e74815b2..545ee4bfbb33edb3c86655db721eb12849a15393 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.0.report.json
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2, "valid": 1, "unknown": 1,
-                               "rank": 3 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                          "unknown": 1, "rank": 3 },
                  "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 3, "valid": 2, "unknown": 1,
                               "rank": 3 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "make": { "make_ensures_KO": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                 "unknown": 1 },
+  "wp:functions": { "make": { "make_ensures_KO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 1,
+                                                       "unknown": 1 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                 "unknown": 1 } },
                               "make_ensures_OK2": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                              "make_ensures_OK1": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 3 },
+                              "make_ensures_OK1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 3 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 3 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "unknown": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 3 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 2, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "unknown": 1, "rank": 3 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                        "valid": 1 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 3,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.res.oracle
index 919588fef2ed2d62e387c64e154587439ccfdfe5..522383856688d3c27bbe7b00b750db0524a625e7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_matrix.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_make_ensures_OK1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_make_ensures_OK1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_make_ensures_OK2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_make_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_make_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 3
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1  (unsuccess: 1)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_matrix.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_matrix.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.i.0.report.json
index c6197129cb4c49e1b91dddc00b391f9d0fa1f6aa..c8adff19eb009e5bf03a0f808aad8ed07a711e98 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,44 +1,45 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 25 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 25 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_VAL": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                           "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 15 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6, "valid": 6,
+                                          "rank": 18 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 6, "valid": 6, "rank": 17 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "f": { "f_assert_VAL": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                              "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1,
                                                           "rank": 15 } },
-                           "f_assert_B_rw": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 16 },
+                           "f_assert_B_rw": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 15 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                           "rank": 16 } },
-                           "f_assert_B_out": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 16 },
+                                                           "rank": 15 } },
+                           "f_assert_B_out": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 15 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
                                                             "rank": 16 } },
-                           "f_assert_B_end": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 25 },
+                           "f_assert_B_end": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 16 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 25 } },
-                           "f_assert_B_valid": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 19 },
+                                                            "rank": 16 } },
+                           "f_assert_B_valid": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 18 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 19 } },
-                           "f_assert_AB": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 8 },
+                                                              "rank": 18 } },
+                           "f_assert_AB": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 8 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
                                                          "rank": 8 } },
-                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 6,
-                                                         "valid": 6,
-                                                         "rank": 25 },
+                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 6,
+                                                                    "valid": 6,
+                                                                    "rank": 18 },
                                            "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                         "valid": 6,
-                                                        "rank": 25 } } } } }
+                                                        "rank": 17 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.res.oracle
index 083278e533f835c498a660190f0ecf4a8846f044..a8a5e99ca4c6c0a93a87800b9ed35ac84401c48d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.res.oracle
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_string.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 6 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_AB : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_B_valid : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_B_end : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_B_out : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_B_rw : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_f_assert_VAL : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_AB : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_B_valid : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_B_end : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_B_out : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_B_rw : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_f_assert_VAL : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    6 / 6
-  Qed:             0 
-  Alt-Ergo:        6
+  Qed:               0 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    6
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_string.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/unit_string.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-f                   -       6 (128..152)     6       100%
+f                   -       6 (72..96)       6       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_tset.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_tset.res.oracle
index ea315d4efb9b1d9bb3dd32a24f43ade84b3586da..b9b2d0e9c263b7afd666dee898b4db2c6b3cd038 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_tset.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/unit_tset.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/unit_tset.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.0.res.oracle
index f402d529b83c73c95cc42ab0f468d396febb7668..b3c763edb42b9d083a39c28e18b6e075d7b9f32b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_bitwise.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 12 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_ref_rl1_ensures_b0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rl1_ensures_bk : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rln32_ensures_b1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rln32_ensures_b2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rln64_ensures_b1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rln64_ensures_b2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rr1_ensures_b0 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rr1_ensures_bk : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rrn32_ensures_b1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rrn32_ensures_b2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rrn64_ensures_b1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_ref_rrn64_ensures_b2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rl1_ensures_bk : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rln32_ensures_b1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rln32_ensures_b2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rln64_ensures_b1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rln64_ensures_b2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rr1_ensures_b0 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rr1_ensures_bk : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rrn32_ensures_b1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rrn32_ensures_b2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rrn64_ensures_b1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_ref_rrn64_ensures_b2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   12 / 12
-  Qed:             1 
-  Alt-Ergo:       11
+  Qed:               1 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   11
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/user_bitwise.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 rl1                  1      1 (48..60)       2       100%
 rr1                 -       2 (44..56)       2       100%
-rln32               -       2 (52..64)       2       100%
-rrn32               -       2 (52..64)       2       100%
-rln64               -       2 (52..64)       2       100%
-rrn64               -       2 (52..64)       2       100%
+rln32               -       2 (96..120)      2       100%
+rrn32               -       2 (96..120)      2       100%
+rln64               -       2 (96..120)      2       100%
+rrn64               -       2 (96..120)      2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.1.res.oracle
index c19aec44bf2d1a4a2c8e1c61570927128bff84b0..d63ff2f336b20473ea1dea71b2b7933d8f4e7883 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_bitwise.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.i.0.report.json
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+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_bitwise.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
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@@ -11,101 +12,109 @@
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@@ -37,9 +38,9 @@
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@@ -47,35 +48,38 @@
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@@ -37,9 +38,9 @@
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-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 9 },
+                                "caller_ensures_P1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 9 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
                                                                     "rank": 9 } },
@@ -83,99 +87,105 @@
                                                                "valid": 1 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 4,
-                                                              "valid": 4,
-                                                              "rank": 9 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 4, "valid": 4,
+                                                    "rank": 9 },
                                                 "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 5,
                                                              "valid": 5,
                                                              "rank": 9 } } },
-                    "caller2": { "job2_requires_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                    "caller2": { "job2_requires_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 3 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
-                                 "job2_requires": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 2 },
+                                 "job2_requires": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
-                                 "caller2_ensures_R": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                                 "caller2_ensures_R": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 12 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
-                                 "caller2_ensures_Q2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                                 "caller2_ensures_Q2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 13 },
+                                                             "rank": 12 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
-                                 "caller2_ensures_Q1": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                                 "caller2_ensures_Q1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 13 },
+                                                             "rank": 9 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 9 } },
                                  "caller2_ensures_K": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                               "valid": 5,
-                                                               "rank": 13 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                                     "rank": 12 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                               "valid": 6,
-                                                              "rank": 13 } } },
-                    "caller3": { "job3_requires_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 },
+                                                              "rank": 12 } } },
+                    "caller3": { "job3_requires_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                        { "total": 1,
+                                                          "valid": 1,
+                                                          "rank": 3 },
                                                       "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                    "valid": 1,
                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
-                                 "job3_requires": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 2 },
+                                 "job3_requires": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 2 } },
-                                 "caller3_ensures_R": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 },
+                                 "caller3_ensures_R": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 1,
+                                                            "valid": 1,
+                                                            "rank": 12 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
-                                 "caller3_ensures_Q2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                                 "caller3_ensures_Q2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 13 },
+                                                             "rank": 12 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
-                                 "caller3_ensures_Q1": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
+                                 "caller3_ensures_Q1": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 13 },
+                                                             "rank": 9 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 13 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 9 } },
                                  "caller3_ensures_K": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 } },
-                                 "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                               "valid": 5,
-                                                               "rank": 13 },
+                                 "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                                     "rank": 12 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                               "valid": 6,
-                                                              "rank": 13 } } } } }
+                                                              "rank": 12 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_collect.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_collect.res.oracle
index 2a297e0ebefb2b37d8791372db2d79f4f853723e..0322e3c7950cf5ee16c2c09f28818897e17ee24b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_collect.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_collect.res.oracle
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_collect.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 32 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caller_ensures_K : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller_ensures_P1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller_ensures_P2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller_call_job_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller_call_job_2_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller_ensures_P1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller_ensures_P2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller_call_job_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller_call_job_2_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caller2_ensures_K : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller2_ensures_Q1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller2_ensures_Q2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller2_ensures_R : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller2_call_job2_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller2_call_job2_2_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller2_ensures_Q1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller2_ensures_Q2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller2_ensures_R : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller2_call_job2_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller2_call_job2_2_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caller3_ensures_K : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller3_ensures_Q1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller3_ensures_Q2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller3_ensures_R : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller3_call_job3_requires : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller3_call_job3_2_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller3_ensures_Q1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller3_ensures_Q2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller3_ensures_R : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller3_call_job3_requires : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caller3_call_job3_2_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_ensures_K : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_ensures_P : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job_assigns_part1 : Valid
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job2_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job2_assigns_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job3_ensures_K : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_job3_ensures_Q : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_job3_ensures_Q : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job3_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job3_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_job3_assigns_part3 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   32 / 32
-  Qed:            17 
-  Alt-Ergo:       15
+  Qed:              17 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   15
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_collect.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/user_collect.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.0.res.oracle
index cc112824722069d119c08dbe0974f80fb1083582..549deb2265ca02a630d5e7a9d8cd5eecfd658186 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_init.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -9,109 +9,109 @@
 [wp] [CFG] Goal init_t2_v3_exits : Valid (Unreachable)
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 91 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Partial_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Range_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t1_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t1_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_invariant_Partial_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_invariant_Range_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t1_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t1_assigns_part2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t1_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_exits : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_invariant_Range_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_assert_Offset : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_call_init_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_call_init_requires_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_exits : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_invariant_Range_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_assert_Offset_i : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_call_init_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v2_call_init_requires_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_i_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_i_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_i_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Range_i_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Range_i_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Range_i_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_j_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_j_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Partial_j_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Previous_i_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Previous_i_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Previous_i_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Range_j_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Range_j_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_invariant_Range_j_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_assert_Last_j : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_assert_Last_i : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_i_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_i_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_i_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Range_i_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Range_i_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Range_i_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_j_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_j_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Partial_j_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Previous_i_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Previous_i_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Previous_i_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Range_j_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Range_j_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_invariant_Range_j_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_assert_Last_j : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_assert_Last_i : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v2_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Partial_i_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Partial_i_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Partial_i_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Range_i_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Range_i_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Range_i_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Partial_j_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Partial_j_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Range_j_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Partial_j_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Partial_j_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Range_j_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_invariant_Range_j_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_assert_Last_j : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_assert_Last_i : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_variant_positive : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_variant_2_decrease : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_loop_variant_2_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   91 / 91
-  Qed:            51 
-  Alt-Ergo:       40
+  Qed:              51 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   40
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/user_init.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-init                 6      4 (80..104)     10       100%
+init                 6      4 (52..64)      10       100%
 init_t1              6      4 (12..24)      10       100%
-init_t2_v1           9      8 (40..52)      17       100%
-init_t2_v2           9      8 (24..36)      17       100%
-init_t2_v3           7      8 (28..40)      15       100%
-init_t2_bis_v1       7      4 (208..256)    11       100%
-init_t2_bis_v2       7      4 (192..240)    11       100%
+init_t2_v1           9      8 (48..60)      17       100%
+init_t2_v2           9      8 (36..48)      17       100%
+init_t2_v3           7      8 (32..44)      15       100%
+init_t2_bis_v1       7      4 (176..224)    11       100%
+init_t2_bis_v2       7      4 (176..224)    11       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.1.res.oracle
index feb4222c3126ef199d80c35bd54c9ea6acb0be0d..60c38cd4360789439d93bed382ab118266e4ddee 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_init.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
 [wp] [Tactical] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Tactical] Goal typed_init_t2_v3_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   23 / 23
-  Qed:            11 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 12)
-  Script:         12
+  Qed:              11 
+  Script:           12 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 12)
 [wp] Updated session with 12 new valid scripts.
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/user_init.1.report.json'
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
 init_t2_v2           3     -  (20..32)       8       100%
 init_t2_v3           4     -  (20..32)       7       100%
-init_t2_bis_v2       4     -  (28..40)       8       100%
+init_t2_bis_v2       4     -  (24..36)       8       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.2.res.oracle
index 17ce10c2bdd03887ea8140231d688fabb6510811..18f10ef164aa265909e5d14ab325151a51bcc1c1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.2.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 300 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 300 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_init.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 16 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_assigns_part2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_assigns_part3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_assigns_part2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_loop_assigns_part3 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_assigns_exit_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_assigns_exit_part2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_assigns_exit_part2 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_assigns_exit_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_assigns_normal_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_assigns_normal_part2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_bis_v1_assigns_normal_part2 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_part2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_part3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_part2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_part3 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_2_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_2_part2 : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_2_part3 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_2_part2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_loop_assigns_2_part3 : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_assigns_part2 : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_t2_v1_assigns_part2 : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    7 / 16
-  Qed:             7 
-  Alt-Ergo:        0  (unsuccess: 9)
+  Qed:               7 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    0  (unsuccess: 9)
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.2.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/user_init.2.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6c28bf655407f69bf063936bf2860a26d7c671d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_init.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+[kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_init.i (no preprocessing)
+[wp] Running WP plugin...
+[wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
+[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
+[wp] 8 goals scheduled
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Partial_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Partial_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Range_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_invariant_Range_established : Valid
+[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_init_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
+[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_init_assigns : Valid
+[wp] Proved goals:    8 / 8
+  Qed:               4 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    4
+[wp] Report 'tests/wp_typed/user_init.i.0.report.json'
+Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
+init                 4      4 (48..60)       8       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_injector.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_injector.0.res.oracle
index f4bd7a31924dad1a92bddc9cce789d79398b8502..c2358598c8dac977ca56732dbbc43083349748b1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_injector.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_injector.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_injector.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_injector.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_injector.1.res.oracle
index fcb48c244ad82a7c1d19e95e52f14d51aa7a857c..347c74e839d0aaaf9da291d6e7ee87fedb65ba17 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_injector.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_injector.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_injector.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.i.0.report.json
index c1aa3308c9e10ee4a705ba99085a15fc24ed725c..8146c568949e4b1cc5521777ffa1a157abc133cb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 15, "valid": 15, "rank": 16 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 15, "valid": 15,
+                                          "rank": 17 },
                  "qed": { "total": 3, "valid": 3 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 18, "valid": 18, "rank": 16 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "F1": { "F1_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                   "valid": 2,
-                                                                   "rank": 7 },
+  "wp:functions": { "F1": { "F1_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                       { "total": 2,
+                                                         "valid": 2,
+                                                         "rank": 4 },
                                                      "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                   "valid": 2,
-                                                                  "rank": 7 } },
-                            "F1_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                 "valid": 2,
-                                                                 "rank": 3 },
+                                                                  "rank": 4 } },
+                            "F1_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                     { "total": 2,
+                                                       "valid": 2,
+                                                       "rank": 3 },
                                                    "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                 "valid": 2,
                                                                 "rank": 3 } },
@@ -17,76 +20,77 @@
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                            "F1_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 5 },
+                            "F1_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 3 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 5 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                          "valid": 5,
-                                                          "rank": 7 },
+                                                         "rank": 3 } },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5,
+                                                                    "valid": 5,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                          "valid": 6,
-                                                         "rank": 7 } } },
-                    "F2": { "F2_loop_invariant_PART": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 2,
-                                                                    "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 9 },
+                                                         "rank": 3 } } },
+                    "F2": { "F2_loop_invariant_PART": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                          { "total": 2,
+                                                            "valid": 2,
+                                                            "rank": 6 },
                                                         "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 9 } },
-                            "F2_loop_invariant_RANGE": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 6 } },
+                            "F2_loop_invariant_RANGE": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2,
-                                                             "rank": 3 },
+                                                             "rank": 4 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
                             "F2_loop_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                            "F2_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 6 },
+                            "F2_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 4 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 6 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                          "valid": 5,
-                                                          "rank": 9 },
+                                                         "rank": 4 } },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5,
+                                                                    "valid": 5,
+                                                                    "rank": 6 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                          "valid": 6,
-                                                         "rank": 9 } } },
-                    "F4": { "F4_loop_invariant_NEVER": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                         "rank": 5 } } },
+                    "F4": { "F4_loop_invariant_NEVER": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2,
-                                                             "rank": 7 },
+                                                             "rank": 17 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 7 } },
-                            "F4_loop_invariant_RANGE": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 17 } },
+                            "F4_loop_invariant_RANGE": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2,
-                                                             "rank": 3 },
+                                                             "rank": 4 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 4 } },
                             "F4_loop_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                            "F4_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                          "rank": 16 },
+                            "F4_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1,
+                                                                    "valid": 1,
+                                                                    "rank": 15 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                          "valid": 1,
-                                                         "rank": 16 } },
-                            "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                          "valid": 5,
-                                                          "rank": 16 },
+                                                         "rank": 15 } },
+                            "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5,
+                                                                    "valid": 5,
+                                                                    "rank": 17 },
                                             "qed": { "total": 1, "valid": 1 },
                                             "wp:main": { "total": 6,
                                                          "valid": 6,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.res.oracle
index 74907ae59530f8119f5a9981ba4dba4a2854b85f..004a6b35b205717689bc86109b9de4f063ad1b3b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.res.oracle
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_rec.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 18 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F1_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F1_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F1_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F1_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F1_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F1_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F1_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F1_loop_invariant_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F1_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F1_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_F1_loop_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F2_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F2_loop_invariant_PART_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F2_loop_invariant_PART_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F2_loop_invariant_RANGE_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F2_loop_invariant_RANGE_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F2_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F2_loop_invariant_PART_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F2_loop_invariant_PART_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F2_loop_invariant_RANGE_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F2_loop_invariant_RANGE_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_F2_loop_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F4_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F4_loop_invariant_NEVER_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F4_loop_invariant_NEVER_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F4_loop_invariant_RANGE_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_F4_loop_invariant_RANGE_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F4_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F4_loop_invariant_NEVER_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F4_loop_invariant_NEVER_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F4_loop_invariant_RANGE_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_F4_loop_invariant_RANGE_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_F4_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   18 / 18
-  Qed:             3 
-  Alt-Ergo:       15
+  Qed:               3 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   15
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_rec.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/user_rec.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-F1                   1      5 (24..36)       6       100%
-F2                   1      5 (32..44)       6       100%
-F4                   1      5 (56..80)       6       100%
+F1                   1      5 (12..24)       6       100%
+F2                   1      5 (20..32)       6       100%
+F4                   1      5 (64..88)       6       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.0.report.json
index 98742804d934e2b76dec4f7b5645fe4e23160666..96176637c11403ad36b20ff94e5c522015def5d3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.0.report.json
@@ -1,46 +1,48 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 34 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                          "rank": 24 },
                  "qed": { "total": 8, "valid": 8 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 13, "valid": 13, "rank": 34 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "strlen": { "strlen_assert_END": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 19 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 13, "valid": 13, "rank": 24 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "strlen": { "strlen_assert_END": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 24 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 19 } },
-                                "strlen_loop_invariant_ZERO": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 24 } },
+                                "strlen_loop_invariant_ZERO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 11 },
+                                                                    "rank": 8 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 11 } },
-                                "strlen_loop_invariant_RANGE": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 8 } },
+                                "strlen_loop_invariant_RANGE": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 34 },
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                                                    { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 34 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
                                 "strlen_loop_invariant_BASE": { "qed": 
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 },
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                "strlen_loop_variant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                "strlen_loop_variant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 14 },
+                                                             "rank": 12 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
                                 "strlen_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -53,11 +55,11 @@
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                              "valid": 5,
-                                                              "rank": 34 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                                    "rank": 24 },
                                                 "qed": { "total": 8,
                                                          "valid": 8 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 13,
                                                              "valid": 13,
-                                                             "rank": 34 } } } } }
+                                                             "rank": 24 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.i.0.report.json
index 03b9b859c363714d26ec33bd353dbec9dc169ee3..96176637c11403ad36b20ff94e5c522015def5d3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,46 +1,48 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 33 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                          "rank": 24 },
                  "qed": { "total": 8, "valid": 8 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 13, "valid": 13, "rank": 33 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "strlen": { "strlen_assert_END": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                    "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 19 },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 13, "valid": 13, "rank": 24 } },
+  "wp:functions": { "strlen": { "strlen_assert_END": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                         { "total": 1,
+                                                           "valid": 1,
+                                                           "rank": 24 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 19 } },
-                                "strlen_loop_invariant_ZERO": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 24 } },
+                                "strlen_loop_invariant_ZERO": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1,
-                                                                    "rank": 11 },
+                                                                    "rank": 8 },
                                                                   { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 11 } },
-                                "strlen_loop_invariant_RANGE": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                                    "rank": 8 } },
+                                "strlen_loop_invariant_RANGE": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                    { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 34 },
+                                                                    "rank": 14 },
                                                                    { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 34 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
                                 "strlen_loop_invariant_BASE": { "qed": 
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 },
                                                                   { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2 } },
-                                "strlen_loop_variant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                "strlen_loop_variant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 14 },
+                                                             "rank": 12 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 14 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 12 } },
                                 "strlen_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                              "valid": 2 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 2,
@@ -53,11 +55,11 @@
                                                              "valid": 1 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1 } },
-                                "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                              "valid": 5,
-                                                              "rank": 33 },
+                                "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                  { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                                    "rank": 24 },
                                                 "qed": { "total": 8,
                                                          "valid": 8 },
                                                 "wp:main": { "total": 13,
                                                              "valid": 13,
-                                                             "rank": 33 } } } } }
+                                                             "rank": 24 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.res.oracle
index 53c11f170b98ca7576a5e4e69b617258ecd9a742..68f3ed824c653e6c755c6b4d67475adbaa43f8c6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_string.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_strlen_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_BASE_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_BASE_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_RANGE_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_RANGE_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_ZERO_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_RANGE_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_RANGE_established : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_ZERO_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_strlen_loop_invariant_ZERO_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_strlen_assert_END : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_strlen_assert_END : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_strlen_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_strlen_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_strlen_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_strlen_loop_variant_decrease : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_strlen_loop_variant_positive : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_strlen_loop_variant_positive : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   13 / 13
-  Qed:             8 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:               8 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_string.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/user_string.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-strlen               8      5 (208..256)    13       100%
+strlen               8      5 (120..144)    13       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.0.res.oracle
index dce97b342db62f913776f650de1307fd9acf062e..260b1c3252fe37060e6a22c09ec6e994caafdc81 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_swap.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_assert : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_call_swap_requires : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_main_call_swap_requires_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_swap_ensures_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_swap_ensures_A : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_ensures_B : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_swap_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    7 / 7
-  Qed:             6 
-  Alt-Ergo:        1
+  Qed:               6 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    1
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_typed/result_qualif/user_swap.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-swap                 3      1 (16..28)       4       100%
+swap                 3      1 (12..24)       4       100%
 main                 3     -                 3       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.1.res.oracle
index a7c01546b43e518519d717831544e818131e20a5..bf1b70d2492d61d3b56ff8ba8ede0613df47cd52 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Ref)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_typed/user_swap.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.i.0.report.json
index 23293874328be7845bbddcd7c8b4f29958b7df54..60af5f008ca28767f519a602e6a26e7a7dc8f194 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle_qualif/user_swap.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 5 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 1, "valid": 1, "rank": 4 },
                  "qed": { "total": 6, "valid": 6 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 7, "valid": 7, "rank": 5 } },
   "wp:functions": { "swap": { "swap_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 2,
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1 } },
-                              "swap_ensures_A": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                              "swap_ensures_A": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 4 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 5 } },
-                              "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                            "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 5 },
+                              "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                  "rank": 4 },
                                               "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                        "valid": 3 },
                                               "wp:main": { "total": 4,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/struct_array_type.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/struct_array_type.i
index 539446d0f6466cffa2aa5744bf12417f22230733..e3dc6eb9ff4d299e0fbae13111386837f41b93ca 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/struct_array_type.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/struct_array_type.i
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* run.config
-   OPT: -wp-msg-key print-generated -wp-prover alt-ergo -wp-gen
+   OPT: -wp-msg-key print-generated -wp-prover why3 -wp-gen
 typedef unsigned int size_t;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat2.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat2.res.oracle
index 76a422fc787616b3c5be5e76282b84f5a19db89c..0d5c1cdfb0c6883ac44538cdad5380421deedbed 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat2.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat2.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_usage/caveat2.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
 [wp] tests/wp_usage/caveat2.i:22: Warning: Undefined array-size (sint32[])
 [wp] 9 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_job_ensures_N : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_job_ensures_A : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_job_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_job_ensures_A : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_job_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_job_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_job_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_job_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_job_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_job_loop_assigns : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_job_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_job_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    9 / 9
-  Qed:             6 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               6 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat2.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_usage/result_qualif/caveat2.0.report.json'
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.i.0.report.json
index e18c5908331be672c0d67f70b5d8edcec7ff1d1d..a88feac0a99e370a1a77be1340911e8c55dd0414 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5, "valid": 5, "rank": 13 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                          "rank": 12 },
                  "qed": { "total": 7, "valid": 7 },
                  "wp:main": { "total": 12, "valid": 12, "rank": 13 } },
-  "wp:functions": { "reset": { "reset_loop_invariant_3": { "alt-ergo": 
+  "wp:functions": { "reset": { "reset_loop_invariant_3": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 13 },
+                                                               "rank": 12 },
                                                            "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                     "valid": 1 },
                                                              { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2,
                                                                "rank": 13 } },
-                               "reset_loop_invariant_2": { "alt-ergo": 
+                               "reset_loop_invariant_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 7 },
@@ -21,15 +22,15 @@
                                                              { "total": 2,
                                                                "valid": 2,
                                                                "rank": 7 } },
-                               "reset_loop_invariant": { "alt-ergo": 
+                               "reset_loop_invariant": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                            { "total": 1,
                                                              "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 5 },
+                                                             "rank": 3 },
                                                          "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                                   "valid": 1 },
                                                          "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                                     "valid": 2,
-                                                                    "rank": 5 } },
+                                                                    "rank": 3 } },
                                "reset_assigns": { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                            "valid": 1 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
@@ -38,21 +39,22 @@
                                                                 "valid": 3 },
                                                        "wp:main": { "total": 3,
                                                                     "valid": 3 } },
-                               "reset_ensures_2": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                  "valid": 1,
-                                                                  "rank": 5 },
+                               "reset_ensures_2": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                      { "total": 1,
+                                                        "valid": 1,
+                                                        "rank": 5 },
                                                     "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                  "valid": 1,
                                                                  "rank": 5 } },
-                               "reset_ensures": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                                "valid": 1,
-                                                                "rank": 5 },
+                               "reset_ensures": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                    { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                      "rank": 5 },
                                                   "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                                "valid": 1,
                                                                "rank": 5 } },
-                               "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 5,
-                                                             "valid": 5,
-                                                             "rank": 13 },
+                               "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 5, "valid": 5,
+                                                   "rank": 12 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                         "valid": 7 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 12,
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.res.oracle
index fb74863e50493ba17b8e5c9b4f0fc5870aeb5a95..c210cf13b65355cca9e05876537e49ed8252fd4e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.res.oracle
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-model 'Typed (Caveat)' -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_usage/caveat_range.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 12 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_reset_ensures : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_reset_ensures_2 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_reset_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_reset_ensures_2 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_2_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_2_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_3_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_invariant_3_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_reset_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caveat_reset_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   12 / 12
-  Qed:             7 
-  Alt-Ergo:        5
+  Qed:               7 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    5
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/caveat_range.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_usage/result_qualif/caveat_range.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-reset                7      5 (48..60)      12       100%
+reset                7      5 (44..56)      12       100%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'reset':
   /*@ behavior typed_caveat: requires \valid(p+(..)); */
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.0.res.oracle
index 0e1dae6a162627b16bef41e26e86f2edb84b9ad5..f85eb21dbeeba87fc2361e09cf7d60ea92258ee8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.0.res.oracle
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_usage/issue-189-bis.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 30 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_ensures_memcpy : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_ensures_unmodified : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_cpy_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_ensures_memcpy : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_ensures_unmodified : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_cpy_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_cpy_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_dst_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_dst_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_len_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_len_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_len_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_src_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_src_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_assigns_part4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_loop_assigns_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_alias_vars_assigns : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_ensures_memcpy_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_ensures_unmodified_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_cpy_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_ensures_memcpy_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_ensures_unmodified_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_cpy_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_cpy_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_dst_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_dst_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_len_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_len_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_len_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_src_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_src_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_assigns_part3 : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_assigns_part4 : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_assigns_part4 : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_assigns : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   30 / 30
-  Qed:            20 
-  Alt-Ergo:       10
+  Qed:              20 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:   10
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.0.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_usage/result_qualif/issue-189-bis.0.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-memcpy_alias_vars   10      5 (544..640)    15       100%
-memcpy_context_vars  10     5 (544..640)    15       100%
+memcpy_alias_vars   10      5 (960..1152)   15       100%
+memcpy_context_vars  10     5 (960..1152)   15       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.1.res.oracle
index 03bd04b55253e501bdbcb02f435e49686437ca12..d5147644f0c99886f5aa85fb419036673013a675 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 90 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
+# frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 45 -wp-steps 1500 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tests/wp_usage/issue-189-bis.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Loading driver 'share/wp.driver'
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
 [wp] 10 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_ensures_memcpy_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_ensures_memcpy_ok : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_ensures_unmodified_ok : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_cpy_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_cpy_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_cpy_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_dst_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_dst_established : Valid
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_len_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Alt-Ergo 2.0.0] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_len_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_len_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_src_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_src_established : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:   10 / 10
-  Qed:             7 
-  Alt-Ergo:        3
+  Qed:               7 
+  Alt-Ergo 2.0.0:    3
 [wp] Report in:  'tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.1.report.json'
 [wp] Report out: 'tests/wp_usage/result_qualif/issue-189-bis.1.report.json'
 Functions           WP     Alt-Ergo        Total   Success
-memcpy_context_vars   7     3 (96..120)     10       100%
+memcpy_context_vars   7     3 (56..68)      10       100%
 [wp] Warning: Memory model hypotheses for function 'memcpy_context_vars':
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.i.0.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.i.0.report.json
index 7e80c837977f33b894882a0482c547eb0d007860..8dfa05394eef3ce25e332b564667035a9b877402 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.i.0.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.i.0.report.json
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 52 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 10, "valid": 10,
+                                          "rank": 65 },
                  "qed": { "total": 20, "valid": 20 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 30, "valid": 30, "rank": 52 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 30, "valid": 30, "rank": 65 } },
   "wp:functions": { "memcpy_alias_vars": { "memcpy_alias_vars_loop_invariant_cpy": 
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 52 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 65 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 52 } },
+                                                            "rank": 65 } },
                                              { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                         "valid": 2 },
@@ -21,61 +22,61 @@
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2 } },
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 8 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 6 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                             "valid": 2,
-                                                            "rank": 8 } },
+                                                            "rank": 6 } },
                                              { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                         "valid": 1 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1 } },
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 28 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 21 },
                                                "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                         "valid": 3 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                             "valid": 4,
-                                                            "rank": 28 } },
+                                                            "rank": 21 } },
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 29 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 21 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 29 } },
+                                                            "rank": 21 } },
-                                             { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                             "rank": 39 },
+                                             { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                 { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                   "rank": 31 },
                                                "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                             "valid": 1,
-                                                            "rank": 39 } },
-                                           "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                            "rank": 31 } },
+                                           "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                              { "total": 5,
                                                                "valid": 5,
-                                                               "rank": 52 },
+                                                               "rank": 65 },
                                                            "qed": { "total": 10,
                                                                     "valid": 10 },
                                                              { "total": 15,
                                                                "valid": 15,
-                                                               "rank": 52 } } },
+                                                               "rank": 65 } } },
                     "memcpy_context_vars": { "memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_cpy": 
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 52 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 65 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
-                                                              "rank": 52 } },
+                                                              "rank": 65 } },
                                                { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 2 },
@@ -87,49 +88,49 @@
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2 } },
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 8 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 6 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
-                                                              "rank": 8 } },
+                                                              "rank": 6 } },
                                                { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 28 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 20 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 3,
                                                           "valid": 3 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 4,
                                                               "valid": 4,
-                                                              "rank": 28 } },
+                                                              "rank": 20 } },
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 29 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 21 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 29 } },
+                                                              "rank": 21 } },
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 39 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 31 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 39 } },
-                                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                              "rank": 31 } },
+                                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 5,
                                                                  "valid": 5,
-                                                                 "rank": 52 },
+                                                                 "rank": 65 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 10,
                                                                     "valid": 10 },
                                                                { "total": 15,
                                                                  "valid": 15,
-                                                                 "rank": 52 } } } } }
+                                                                 "rank": 65 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.i.1.report.json b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.i.1.report.json
index 07976c7b36c328ea72d1ff3d0e2d9da71711d2b9..27cbab793611d250177bb0c7eef8c50ce9ea8509 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.i.1.report.json
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle_qualif/issue-189-bis.i.1.report.json
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-{ "wp:global": { "alt-ergo": { "total": 3, "valid": 3, "rank": 21 },
+{ "wp:global": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": { "total": 3, "valid": 3,
+                                          "rank": 15 },
                  "qed": { "total": 7, "valid": 7 },
-                 "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 21 } },
+                 "wp:main": { "total": 10, "valid": 10, "rank": 15 } },
   "wp:functions": { "memcpy_context_vars": { "memcpy_context_vars_loop_invariant_ok_cpy": 
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 21 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 15 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
-                                                              "rank": 21 } },
+                                                              "rank": 15 } },
                                                { "qed": { "total": 2,
                                                           "valid": 2 },
@@ -21,33 +22,33 @@
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2 } },
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 5 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 2,
                                                               "valid": 2,
-                                                              "rank": 5 } },
+                                                              "rank": 4 } },
                                                { "qed": { "total": 1,
                                                           "valid": 1 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1 } },
-                                               { "alt-ergo": { "total": 1,
-                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                               "rank": 6 },
+                                               { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
+                                                   { "total": 1, "valid": 1,
+                                                     "rank": 4 },
                                                  "wp:main": { "total": 1,
                                                               "valid": 1,
-                                                              "rank": 6 } },
-                                             "wp:section": { "alt-ergo": 
+                                                              "rank": 4 } },
+                                             "wp:section": { "why3:Alt-Ergo,2.0.0": 
                                                                { "total": 3,
                                                                  "valid": 3,
-                                                                 "rank": 21 },
+                                                                 "rank": 15 },
                                                              "qed": { "total": 7,
                                                                     "valid": 7 },
                                                                { "total": 10,
                                                                  "valid": 10,
-                                                                 "rank": 21 } } } } }
+                                                                 "rank": 15 } } } } }
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.ml b/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66212e3543ecc6151fcb45833f14f61ae37e3a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+[@@@ warning "-40-42"]
+let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "prover"
+let dkey_api = Wp_parameters.register_category "why3_api"
+let option_file = LogicBuiltins.create_option
+    (fun ~driver_dir x -> Filename.concat driver_dir x)
+    "why3" "file"
+let option_import = LogicBuiltins.create_option
+    (fun ~driver_dir:_ x -> x)
+    "why3" "import"
+let config = VCS.why3_config
+module Env = Model.Index(struct
+    include Datatype.Unit
+    type key = unit
+    type data = Why3.Env.env
+  end)
+let get_why3_env =
+  Env.memoize (fun () ->
+      let config = Lazy.force config in
+      let main = Why3.Whyconf.get_main config in
+      let ld =
+        (Model.directory ())::
+        (Wp_parameters.Share.file "why3")::
+        (Why3.Whyconf.loadpath main) in
+      Why3.Env.create_env ld
+    )
+type context = {
+  mutable th : Why3.Theory.theory_uc;
+  env: Why3.Env.env;
+type convert = {
+  th : Why3.Theory.theory_uc;
+  env: Why3.Env.env;
+  subst: Why3.Term.term Lang.F.Tmap.t;
+  pool: Lang.F.pool;
+  polarity: Cvalues.polarity;
+  in_goal: bool;
+  mutable convert_for_export: Lang.F.term Lang.F.Tmap.t;
+(** The reason for the rebuild *)
+let specific_equalities: Lang.For_export.specific_equality list ref =
+  ref [Vlist.specialize_eq_list]
+(** get symbols *)
+let get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p =
+  let th = Why3.Env.read_theory cnv.env f l in
+  let ls =
+    try
+      Why3.Theory.ns_find_ls th.th_export p
+    with Not_found ->
+      Wp_parameters.fatal "The symbol %a can't be found in %a.%s"
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) p
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) f l
+  in
+  ls
+let get_ts ~cnv ~f ~l ~p =
+  let th = Why3.Env.read_theory cnv.env f l in
+  let ls =
+    try
+      Why3.Theory.ns_find_ts th.th_export p
+    with Not_found ->
+      Wp_parameters.fatal "The type %a can't be found in %a.%s"
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) p
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list dot string) f l
+  in
+  ls
+let t_app ~cnv ~f ~l ~p tl =
+  Why3.Term.t_app_infer (get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p) tl
+let t_app' ~cnv ~f ~l ~p tl ty =
+  Why3.Term.t_app (get_ls ~cnv ~f ~l ~p) tl ty
+(** Conversion *)
+(** why3 1.3
+    let const_int (z:Z.t) =
+    Why3.(Term.t_const Number.(int_const (BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)))) Why3.Ty.ty_int
+    let const_real ~cnv (q:Q.t) =
+    let mk_real_int z =
+    let c = Why3.Number.real_const (Why3.BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)) in
+    Why3.(Term.t_const c) Why3.Ty.ty_real
+    in
+    if Z.equal Z.one q.den
+    then mk_real_int q.num
+    else
+    t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"] [mk_real_int q.num;mk_real_int q.den]
+let const_int (z:Z.t) =
+  Why3.(Term.t_const Number.(const_of_big_int (BigInt.of_string (Z.to_string z)))) Why3.Ty.ty_int
+let const_real ~cnv (q:Q.t) =
+  let mk_real_int z =
+    let rc_negative = Z.sign z < 0 in
+    let z = Z.abs z in
+    let rc_abs = Why3.Number.real_const_dec (Z.to_string z) "" None in
+    let c = Why3.Number.ConstReal { Why3.Number.rc_negative; rc_abs } in
+    Why3.(Term.t_const c) Why3.Ty.ty_real
+  in
+  if Z.equal Z.one q.den
+  then mk_real_int q.num
+  else
+    t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"] [mk_real_int q.num;mk_real_int q.den]
+(** fold map list of at least one element *)
+let fold_map map fold = function
+  | [] -> assert false (** absurd: forbidden by qed  *)
+  | a::tl ->
+      List.fold_left (fun acc a -> fold acc (map a)) (map a) tl
+let empty_context name : context = {
+  th = Why3.Theory.create_theory (Why3.Ident.id_fresh name);
+  env = get_why3_env ();
+let empty_cnv ?(polarity=`NoPolarity) ?(in_goal=false) (ctx:context) : convert = {
+  th = ctx.th;
+  subst = Lang.F.Tmap.empty;
+  pool = Lang.F.pool ();
+  env = ctx.env;
+  polarity;
+  in_goal;
+  convert_for_export = Lang.F.Tmap.empty;
+let lfun_name (lfun:Lang.lfun) =
+  match lfun with
+  | ACSL f -> Qed.Engine.F_call (Lang.logic_id f)
+  | CTOR c -> Qed.Engine.F_call (Lang.ctor_id c)
+  | Model({m_source=Generated n}) -> Qed.Engine.F_call n
+  | Model({m_source=Extern e}) -> e.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
+let coerce ~cnv sort expected r =
+  match sort, expected with
+  | Qed.Logic.Bool, Qed.Logic.Prop -> Why3.Term.(t_equ r t_bool_true)
+  | Qed.Logic.Int, Qed.Logic.Real ->
+      t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"FromInt" ~p:["from_int"] [r]
+  | _ -> r
+let name_of_adt = function
+  | Lang.Mtype a -> a.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
+  | Mrecord(a,_) -> a.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
+  | Comp c -> Lang.comp_id c
+  | Atype lt -> Lang.type_id lt
+let tvar =
+  let tvar = Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.create 10 in
+  fun i ->
+    Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.memo tvar i
+      (fun i ->
+         let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Printf.sprintf "a%i" i) in
+         Why3.Ty.create_tvsymbol id
+      )
+(** Sharing *)
+let shared (_ : Lang.F.term) = false
+let shareable e =
+  match Lang.F.repr e with
+  | Kint _ | Kreal _ | True | False -> false
+  | Times _ | Add _ | Mul _ | Div _ | Mod _ -> true
+  | Eq _ | Neq _ | Leq _ | Lt _ -> false
+  | Aget _ | Aset _ | Rget _ | Rdef _ | Acst _ -> true
+  | And _ | Or _ | Not _ | Imply _ | If _ -> false
+  | Fun _ -> not (Lang.F.is_prop e)
+  | Bvar _ | Fvar _ | Apply _ | Bind _ -> false
+let subterms f e =
+  match Lang.F.repr e with
+  | Rdef fts ->
+      begin
+        match Lang.F.record_with fts with
+        | None -> Lang.F.lc_iter f e
+        | Some(a,fts) -> f a ; List.iter (fun (_,e) -> f e) fts
+      end
+  | _ -> Lang.F.lc_iter f e
+(* path splitting *)
+let regexp_col = Str.regexp_string ":"
+let regexp_com = Str.regexp_string ","
+let regexp_dot = Str.regexp_string "."
+let cut_path s = Str.split_delim regexp_dot s
+(* conversion *)
+let rec of_tau ~cnv (t:Lang.F.tau) =
+  match t with
+  | Prop -> None
+  | Bool -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_bool
+  | Int -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_int
+  | Real -> Some Why3.Ty.ty_real
+  | Array(k,v) ->
+      let ts = get_ts ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["map"] in
+      Some (Why3.Ty.ty_app ts [Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv k); Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv v)])
+  | Data(adt,l) -> begin
+      let s = name_of_adt adt in
+      match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ts (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
+      | ts -> Some (Why3.Ty.ty_app ts (List.map (fun e -> Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv e)) l))
+      | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find type [%s] in why3 namespace" s
+    end
+  | Tvar i -> Some (Why3.Ty.ty_var (tvar i))
+  | Record _ ->
+      Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "Type %a not yet convertible"
+        Lang.F.pp_tau t
+let rec full_trigger = function
+  | Qed.Engine.TgAny -> false
+  | TgVar _ -> true
+  | TgGet(a,k) -> full_trigger a && full_trigger k
+  | TgSet(a,k,v) -> full_trigger a && full_trigger k && full_trigger v
+  | TgFun(_,xs) | TgProp(_,xs) -> List.for_all full_trigger xs
+let rec full_triggers = function
+  | [] -> []
+  | ts :: tgs ->
+      match List.filter full_trigger ts with
+      | [] -> full_triggers tgs
+      | ts -> ts :: full_triggers tgs
+let rec of_trigger ~cnv t =
+  match t with
+  | Qed.Engine.TgAny -> assert false (** absurd: filter by full_triggers *)
+  | Qed.Engine.TgVar v -> begin
+      try Lang.F.Tmap.find (Lang.F.e_var v) cnv.subst
+      with Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Unbound variable %a" Lang.F.pp_var v
+    end
+  | Qed.Engine.TgGet(m,k) ->
+      t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["get"] [of_trigger cnv m;of_trigger cnv k]
+  | TgSet(m,k,v) ->
+      t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["set"] [of_trigger cnv m;of_trigger cnv k;of_trigger cnv v]
+  | TgFun (f,l) -> begin
+      match lfun_name f with
+      | F_call s ->
+          let ls = Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) in
+          Why3.Term.t_app_infer ls (List.map (fun e -> of_trigger cnv e) l)
+      | _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun in triggers"
+    end
+  | TgProp (f,l) ->
+      begin
+        match lfun_name f with
+        | F_call s ->
+            let ls = Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) in
+            Why3.Term.t_app_infer ls (List.map (fun e -> of_trigger cnv e) l)
+        | _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun in triggers"
+      end
+let rec of_term ~cnv expected t : Why3.Term.term =
+  Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api
+    "of_term %a %a@."
+    Lang.F.Tau.pretty expected Lang.F.pp_term t;
+  let sort = Lang.F.typeof t in
+  let ($) f x = f x in
+  let r =
+    try coerce ~cnv sort expected $ Lang.F.Tmap.find t cnv.subst
+    with Not_found ->
+    match Lang.F.repr t, sort, expected with
+    | (Fvar _, _, _) -> invalid_arg "unbound variable in of_term"
+    | (Bvar _, _, _) -> invalid_arg "bound variable in of_term"
+    | Bind((Forall|Exists) as q,_,_), _, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv Prop expected $
+        let why3_vars, t = successive_binders cnv q t in
+        let quant = match q with
+          | Qed.Logic.Forall -> Why3.Term.Tforall
+          | Qed.Logic.Exists -> Why3.Term.Texists
+          | _ -> assert false
+        in
+        Why3.Term.t_quant quant (Why3.Term.t_close_quant why3_vars [] t)
+    | True, _, Prop -> Why3.Term.t_true
+    | True, _, Bool -> Why3.Term.t_bool_true
+    | False, _, Prop -> Why3.Term.t_false
+    | False, _, Bool -> Why3.Term.t_bool_false
+    | Kint z, Int, _ -> coerce ~cnv sort expected $ const_int z
+    | Kreal q, Real, _ -> coerce ~cnv sort expected $ const_real ~cnv q
+    | Times(z,t), Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix *"] [const_int z; of_term cnv sort t]
+    | Times(z,t), Real, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix *"]
+          [const_real ~cnv (Q.of_bigint z); of_term cnv sort t]
+    | Add l, Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app_fold ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix +"] ~cnv sort l
+    | Add l, Real, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app_fold ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix +"] ~cnv sort l
+    | Mul l, Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app_fold ~f:["int"] ~l:"Int" ~p:["infix *"] ~cnv sort l
+    | Mul l, Real, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app_fold ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix *"] ~cnv sort l
+    | Leq (a,b), _, Prop ->
+        int_or_real ~cnv
+          ~fint:["int"] ~lint:"Int" ~pint:["infix <="]
+          ~freal:["real"] ~lreal:"Real" ~preal:["infix <="]
+          a b
+    | Div(a,b), Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"ComputerDivision" ~p:["div"]
+          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
+    | Mod(a,b), Int, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["int"] ~l:"ComputerDivision" ~p:["mod"]
+          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
+    | Div(a,b), Real, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["real"] ~l:"Real" ~p:["infix /"]
+          [of_term ~cnv sort a; of_term ~cnv sort b]
+    | Lt (a,b), _, Prop ->
+        int_or_real ~cnv
+          ~fint:["int"] ~lint:"Int" ~pint:["infix <"]
+          ~freal:["real"] ~lreal:"Real" ~preal:["infix <"]
+          a b
+    | Leq (a,b), _, Bool ->
+        int_or_real ~cnv
+          ~fint:["qed"] ~lint:"Qed" ~pint:["zleq"]
+          ~freal:["qed"] ~lreal:"Qed" ~preal:["rleq"]
+          a b
+    | Lt (a,b), _, Bool ->
+        int_or_real ~cnv
+          ~fint:["qed"] ~lint:"Qed" ~pint:["zlt"]
+          ~freal:["qed"] ~lreal:"Qed" ~preal:["rlt"]
+          a b
+    | And l, _, Bool ->
+        t_app_fold ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["andb"] ~cnv expected l
+    | And l, _, Prop ->
+        fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) Why3.Term.t_and l
+    | Or l, _, Bool ->
+        t_app_fold ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["orb"] ~cnv expected l
+    | Or l, _, Prop ->
+        fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) Why3.Term.t_or l
+    | Not e, _, Bool ->
+        let cnv = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["notb"] [of_term ~cnv expected e]
+    | Not e, _, Prop ->
+        let cnv = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
+        Why3.Term.t_not (of_term cnv expected e)
+    | Imply (l,e), _, _ ->
+        let e = (of_term ~cnv expected) e in
+        let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = Cvalues.negate cnv.polarity} in
+        let fold acc a =
+          let a = of_term ~cnv:cnv' expected a in
+          match expected with
+          | Prop -> Why3.Term.t_implies a acc
+          | _ (* Bool *) ->
+              t_app ~cnv:cnv' ~f:["bool"] ~l:"Bool" ~p:["implb"] [a;acc]
+        in
+        List.fold_left fold e (List.rev l)
+    | Eq (a,b), _, Prop -> begin
+        match Lang.F.typeof a with
+        | Prop | Bool ->
+            Why3.Term.t_iff (of_term cnv Prop a) (of_term cnv Prop b)
+        | tau ->
+            match List.find (fun spe -> spe.Lang.For_export.for_tau tau) !specific_equalities with
+            | spe when cnv.polarity = `Positive -> of_term cnv expected (spe.mk_new_eq a b)
+            | exception Not_found -> Why3.Term.t_equ (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
+            | _                   -> Why3.Term.t_equ (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
+      end
+    | Neq (a,b), _, Prop ->
+        begin
+          match Lang.F.typeof a with
+          | Prop | Bool ->
+              Why3.Term.t_not (Why3.Term.t_iff (of_term cnv Prop a) (of_term cnv Prop b))
+          | tau ->
+              match List.find (fun spe -> spe.Lang.For_export.for_tau tau) !specific_equalities with
+              | spe when cnv.polarity = `Negative ->
+                  Why3.Term.t_not (of_term cnv expected (spe.mk_new_eq a b))
+              | exception Not_found -> Why3.Term.t_neq (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
+              | _                   -> Why3.Term.t_neq (of_term' cnv a) (of_term' cnv b)
+        end
+    | Eq (a,b), _, Bool ->
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["qed"] ~l:"Qed" ~p:["eqb"] [of_term' cnv a; of_term' cnv b]
+    | Neq (a,b), _, Bool ->
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["qed"] ~l:"Qed" ~p:["neqb"] [of_term' cnv a; of_term' cnv b]
+    | If(a,b,c), _, _ ->
+        let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = `NoPolarity} in
+        Why3.Term.t_if (of_term cnv' Prop a) (of_term cnv expected b) (of_term cnv expected c)
+    | Aget(m,k), _, _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        let mtau = Lang.F.typeof m in
+        let ksort = match mtau with
+          | Array(ksort,_) -> ksort
+          | _ -> assert false (** absurd: by qed typing *)in
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["get"] [of_term cnv mtau m;of_term cnv ksort k]
+    | Aset(m,k,v), Array(ksort,vsort), _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Map" ~p:["set"] [of_term cnv sort m;of_term cnv ksort k;of_term cnv vsort v]
+    | Acst(_,v), Array(_,vsort), _ ->
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        t_app' ~cnv ~f:["map"] ~l:"Const" ~p:["const"] [of_term cnv vsort v] (of_tau cnv sort)
+    (* Generic *)
+    | Fun (f,l), _, _ -> begin
+        let t_app ls l r  =
+          Why3.Term.t_app ls l r
+        in
+        let apply_from_ns s l =
+          match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)), sort with
+          | ls, (Prop | Bool) -> t_app ls l (of_tau cnv sort)
+          | ls, _ -> t_app ls l (of_tau cnv expected)
+          | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
+        in
+        let apply_from_ns' s l =
+          apply_from_ns s (List.map (fun e -> of_term' cnv e) l)
+        in
+        coerce ~cnv sort expected $
+        match lfun_name f, expected with
+        | F_call s, _ -> apply_from_ns' s l
+        | Qed.Engine.F_subst _, _ -> Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "lfun with subst"
+        | Qed.Engine.F_left s, _ | Qed.Engine.F_assoc s, _ ->
+            let rec aux = function
+              | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Empty application"
+              | [a] -> of_term cnv expected a
+              | a::l ->
+                  apply_from_ns s [of_term' cnv a; aux l]
+            in
+            aux l
+        | Qed.Engine.F_right s, _ ->
+            let rec aux = function
+              | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Empty application"
+              | [a] -> of_term cnv expected a
+              | a::l ->
+                  apply_from_ns s [aux l;of_term' cnv a]
+            in
+            aux (List.rev l)
+        | Qed.Engine.F_list (fcons,fnil), _ ->
+            let rec aux = function
+              | [] -> apply_from_ns fnil []
+              | a::l ->
+                  apply_from_ns fcons [of_term' cnv a;aux l]
+            in
+            aux l
+        | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (s,_), Bool | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (_,s), Prop ->
+            apply_from_ns' s l
+        | Qed.Engine.F_bool_prop (_,_), _ ->
+            Wp_parameters.fatal "badly expected type %a for term %a"
+              Lang.F.pp_tau expected Lang.F.pp_term t
+      end
+    | Rget(a,f), _ , _ -> begin
+        let s = Lang.name_of_field f in
+        match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
+        | ls -> Why3.Term.t_app ls [of_term' cnv a] (of_tau cnv expected)
+        | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
+      end
+    | Rdef(l), Data(Comp c,_) , _ -> begin
+        (* l is already sorted by field *)
+        let s = Lang.comp_id c in
+        match Why3.Theory.(ns_find_ls (get_namespace cnv.th) (cut_path s)) with
+        | ls ->
+            let l = List.map (fun (_,t) -> of_term' cnv t) l in
+            Why3.Term.t_app ls l (of_tau cnv expected)
+        | exception Not_found -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Can't find [%s] in why3 namespace" s
+      end
+    | (Rdef _, Data ((Mtype _|Mrecord (_, _)|Atype _), _), _)
+    | (Rdef _, (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)), _)
+    | (Aset (_, _, _), (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Neq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Eq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Not _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Or _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (And _, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Lt (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Leq (_, _), _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Div (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Mod (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Mul _, (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Add _, (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Times (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Kreal _, (Prop|Bool|Int|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (Kint _, (Prop|Bool|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+    | (False, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (True, _, (Int|Real|Tvar _|Array (_, _)|Record _|Data (_, _)))
+    | (Acst (_, _), (Prop|Bool|Int|Real|Tvar _|Record _|Data (_, _)), _)
+      -> assert false (** absurd: by typing *)
+    | (Bind (Lambda, _, _), _, _)
+    | Apply _ , _, _
+    | Rdef _, Record _, _ ->
+        Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented
+          "Can't convert to why3 the qed term %a of type %a"
+          Lang.F.pp_term t Lang.F.pp_tau sort
+  in
+  r
+and t_app_fold  ~cnv ~f ~l ~p expected lt =
+  let fold acc a =
+    t_app ~cnv ~f ~l ~p [acc;a]
+  in
+  fold_map (of_term ~cnv expected) fold lt
+and of_term' cnv t =
+  of_term cnv (Lang.F.typeof t) t
+and share cnv expected t =
+  let l = Lang.F.QED.shared ~shareable ~shared ~subterms [t] in
+  let cnv,lets = mk_lets cnv l in
+  let t = of_term ~cnv expected t in
+  let t = List.fold_left (fun t (x,e') ->
+      Why3.Term.t_let_close x e' t
+    ) t lets
+  in
+  t
+and mk_lets cnv l =
+  List.fold_left (fun (cnv,lets) e ->
+      let cnv' = {cnv with polarity = `NoPolarity} in
+      let e' = of_term cnv' (Lang.F.typeof e) e in
+      match e'.t_ty with
+      | None -> ({cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e e' cnv.subst},lets)
+      | Some ty ->
+          let x = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.basename e) in
+          let x = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x ty in
+          (* Format.printf "lets %a = %a : %a@."
+           *   Why3.Pretty.print_vsty x
+           *   Why3.Pretty.print_term e'
+           *   Why3.Pretty.print_ty (Why3.Term.t_type e'); *)
+          let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e (Why3.Term.t_var x) cnv.subst } in
+          let lets = (x,e')::lets in
+          cnv,lets
+    ) (cnv,[]) l
+and successive_binders cnv q t =
+  match Lang.F.repr t with
+  | Bind((Forall|Exists) as q',tau,t) when q' = q ->
+      let x = Lang.F.fresh cnv.pool tau in
+      let x' = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.Tau.basename tau) in
+      let x' = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x' (Why3.Opt.get (of_tau cnv tau)) in
+      let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add (Lang.F.e_var x) (Why3.Term.t_var x') cnv.subst} in
+      let t = Lang.F.QED.e_unbind x t in
+      let why3_vars, t = successive_binders cnv q t in
+      x'::why3_vars, t
+  | _ ->
+      [], share cnv Prop t
+and int_or_real ~cnv ~fint ~lint ~pint ~freal ~lreal ~preal a b =
+  match (Lang.F.typeof a), (Lang.F.typeof b) with
+  | Int, Int ->
+      t_app_fold ~f:fint ~l:lint ~p:pint ~cnv Int [a; b]
+  | Real, Int | Real, Real | Int, Real ->
+      t_app_fold ~f:freal ~l:lreal ~p:preal ~cnv Real [a; b]
+  | _ -> assert false
+let convert cnv expected t =
+  (** rewrite terms which normal form inside qed are different from the one of the provers *)
+  let t, convert_for_export = Lang.For_export.rebuild ~cache:cnv.convert_for_export t in
+  cnv.convert_for_export <- convert_for_export;
+  Lang.For_export.in_state (share cnv expected) t
+let mk_binders cnv l =
+  List.fold_left (fun (cnv,lets) v ->
+      match of_tau cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var v) with
+      | None -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Quantification on prop"
+      | Some ty ->
+          let x = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.F.Var.basename v) in
+          let x = Why3.Term.create_vsymbol x ty in
+          let e = Lang.F.e_var v in
+          let cnv = {cnv with subst = Lang.F.Tmap.add e (Why3.Term.t_var x) cnv.subst } in
+          let lets = x::lets in
+          cnv,lets
+    ) (cnv,[]) (List.rev l)
+(** visit definitions and add them in the task *)
+module CLUSTERS = Model.Index
+    (struct
+      type key = Definitions.cluster
+      type data = int * Why3.Theory.theory
+      let name = "Why3_api.CLUSTERS"
+      let compare = Definitions.cluster_compare
+      let pretty = Definitions.pp_cluster
+    end)
+let filenoext file =
+  let basename = Filename.basename file in
+  (try Filename.chop_extension basename
+   with Invalid_argument _ -> basename)
+class visitor (ctx:context) c =
+  object(self)
+    inherit Definitions.visitor c
+    (* --- Files, Theories and Clusters --- *)
+    method add_builtin_lib =
+      self#add_import2 ["bool"] "Bool" ;
+      self#add_import2 ["int"] "Int" ;
+      self#add_import2 ["int"] "ComputerDivision" ;
+      self#add_import2 ["real"] "RealInfix" ;
+      self#on_library "qed";
+      self#add_import2 ["map"] "Map"
+    method on_cluster c =
+      let name = Definitions.cluster_id c in
+      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api "Start on_cluster %s@." name;
+      let th_name = Transitioning.String.capitalize_ascii name in
+      let thy =
+        let age = try fst (CLUSTERS.find c) with Not_found -> (-1) in
+        if age < Definitions.cluster_age c then
+          let ctx = empty_context th_name in
+          let v = new visitor ctx c in
+          v#add_builtin_lib;
+          v#vself;
+          let th = Why3.Theory.close_theory ctx.th in
+          if Wp_parameters.has_dkey ProverErgo.dkey_cluster then
+            Log.print_on_output
+              begin fun fmt ->
+                Format.fprintf fmt "---------------------------------------------@\n" ;
+                Format.fprintf fmt "--- Model '%s' Cluster '%s' @\n"
+                  (Model.get_id (Model.get_model ())) name;
+                Format.fprintf fmt "---------------------------------------------@\n" ;
+                Why3.Pretty.print_theory fmt th;
+              end ;
+          CLUSTERS.update c (Definitions.cluster_age c, th);
+          th
+        else
+          snd (CLUSTERS.find c)
+      in
+      let th = ctx.th in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.open_scope th name in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.use_export th thy in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.close_scope th true in
+      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api "End  on_cluster %s@." name;
+      ctx.th <- th
+    method section _ = ()
+    method add_import ?was thy =
+      match Str.split_delim regexp_dot thy with
+      | [] -> Wp_parameters.fatal "empty import option"
+      | l ->
+          let file, thy = Why3.Lists.chop_last l in
+          self#add_import4 file thy (Why3.Opt.get_def thy was) ~import:true
+    method add_import2 file thy =
+      self#add_import4 file thy thy ~import:true
+    method add_import3 file thy name =
+      self#add_import4 file thy name ~import:false
+    method add_import4 ~import file thy name =
+      Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dkey_api
+        "@[use@ %s@ @[%a.%s@]@ as@ %s@]"
+        (if import then "import" else "")
+        Why3.Pp.(print_list (Why3.Pp.constant_string ".") string) file
+        thy name ;
+      let thy = Why3.Env.read_theory ctx.env file thy in
+      let th = ctx.th in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.open_scope th name in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.use_export th thy in
+      let th = Why3.Theory.close_scope th import in
+      ctx.th <- th
+    method on_library thy =
+      let copy_file source =
+        if Filepath.normalize (Filename.dirname source) <>
+           Filepath.normalize (Wp_parameters.Share.dir ())
+        then
+          let tgtdir = Model.directory () in
+          let why3src = Filename.basename source in
+          let target = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" tgtdir why3src in
+          Command.copy source target
+      in
+      let iter_file opt =
+        match Str.split_delim regexp_col opt with
+        | [file] ->
+            let filenoext = filenoext file in
+            copy_file file;
+            self#add_import2 [filenoext]
+              (Transitioning.String.capitalize_ascii filenoext);
+        | [file;lib] ->
+            copy_file file;
+            self#add_import2 [filenoext file] lib;
+        | [file;lib;name] ->
+            copy_file file;
+            self#add_import3 [filenoext file] lib name;
+        | _ -> Wp_parameters.failure ~current:false
+                 "Driver: why3.file %S not recognized (theory %s)"
+                 opt thy
+      in
+      let iter_import opt =
+        List.iter (fun import ->
+            match Str.split_delim regexp_col import with
+            | [ th ] -> self#add_import th
+            | [ th ; was ] -> self#add_import ~was th
+            | _ -> Wp_parameters.failure ~current:false
+                     "Driver: why3.import %S not recognized (theory %s)"
+                     opt thy
+          ) (Str.split regexp_com opt)
+      in
+      begin
+        List.iter iter_file
+          (LogicBuiltins.get_option option_file ~library:thy) ;
+        List.iter iter_import
+          (LogicBuiltins.get_option option_import ~library:thy) ;
+      end
+    method on_type lt def =
+      match def with
+      | Tabs ->
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let map i _ = tvar i in
+          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
+          let id = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
+          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_ty_decl id in
+          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+      | Tdef t ->
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let map i _ = tvar i in
+          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
+          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+          let t = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv t) in
+          let id = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args (Alias t) in
+          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_ty_decl id in
+          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+      | Tsum cases ->
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let map i _ = tvar i in
+          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
+          let tys = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
+          let tv_args = List.map Why3.Ty.ty_var tv_args in
+          let return_ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app tys tv_args in
+          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+          let constr = List.length cases in
+          let cases = List.map (fun (c,targs) ->
+              let name = match c with | Lang.CTOR c -> Lang.ctor_id c | _ -> assert false in
+              let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
+              let targs = List.map (fun t -> Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv t)) targs in
+              let ls = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr id targs return_ty in
+              let proj = List.map (fun _ -> None) targs in
+              (ls,proj)
+            ) cases in
+          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [tys,cases] in
+          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+      | Trec fields ->
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let map i _ = tvar i in
+          let tv_args = List.mapi map lt.lt_params in
+          let tys = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id tv_args NoDef in
+          let tv_args = List.map Why3.Ty.ty_var tv_args in
+          let return_ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app tys tv_args in
+          let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+          let fields,args = List.split @@ List.map (fun (f,ty) ->
+              let name = Lang.name_of_field f in
+              let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
+              let ty = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv ty) in
+              let ls = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol id [return_ty] ty in
+              Some ls,ty
+            ) fields in
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.type_id lt) in
+          let cstr = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr:1 id args return_ty in
+          let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [tys,[cstr,fields]] in
+          ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+    method on_comp c (fts:(Lang.field * Lang.tau) list) =
+      begin
+        let compare_field (f,_) (g,_) =
+          let cmp = Lang.Field.compare f g in
+          if cmp = 0 then assert false (* by definition *) else cmp
+        in
+        let fts = List.sort compare_field fts in
+        (*TODO:NUPW: manage UNIONS *)
+        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.comp_id c) in
+        let ts = Why3.Ty.create_tysymbol id [] Why3.Ty.NoDef in
+        let ty = Why3.Ty.ty_app ts [] in
+        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.comp_id c) in
+        let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+        let map (f,tau) =
+          let ty_ctr = of_tau ~cnv tau in
+          let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.name_of_field f) in
+          let ls = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id [ty] ty_ctr in
+          (Some ls,Why3.Opt.get ty_ctr)
+        in
+        let fields = List.map map fts in
+        let constr = Why3.Term.create_fsymbol ~constr:1 id (List.map snd fields) ty in
+        let decl = Why3.Decl.create_data_decl [ts,[constr,List.map fst fields]] in
+        ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+      end
+    method on_dlemma l =
+      begin
+        let kind = Why3.Decl.(if l.l_assumed then Paxiom else Plemma) in
+        let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Lang.lemma_id l.l_name) in
+        let id = Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol id in
+        let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+        List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) l.l_forall;
+        let cnv, vars = Lang.For_export.in_state (mk_binders cnv) l.l_forall in
+        let t = convert cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop l.l_lemma) in
+        let triggers = full_triggers l.l_triggers in
+        let triggers = Lang.For_export.in_state (List.map (List.map (of_trigger ~cnv))) triggers in
+        let t = Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars triggers t in
+        let decl = Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl kind id t in
+        ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+      end
+    method on_dfun d =
+      let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+      List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
+      begin
+        match d.d_definition with
+        | Logic t ->
+            let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
+            let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+            let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+            let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args (of_tau ~cnv t) in
+            let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
+            ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+        | Function(t,mu,v) -> begin
+            match mu with
+            | Rec -> (* transform recursive function into an axioms *)
+                let name = Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun) in
+                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
+                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+                let result = of_tau ~cnv t in
+                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+                let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+                List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
+                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
+                let t = share cnv t v in
+                let t =
+                  Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars []
+                    (Why3.Term.t_equ
+                       (Why3.Term.t_app id (List.map Why3.Term.t_var vars) result)
+                       t)
+                in
+                let decl =
+                  Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Why3.Decl.Paxiom
+                    (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh (name^"_def")))
+                    t in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+            | Def ->
+                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
+                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+                let result = of_tau ~cnv t in
+                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
+                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
+                let t = share cnv t v in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.make_ls_defn id vars t in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_logic_decl [decl] in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl
+          end
+        | Predicate(mu,p) -> begin
+            match mu with
+            | Rec ->
+                let name = Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun) in
+                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh name in
+                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+                let result = None in
+                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args result in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_param_decl id in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+                let cnv = empty_cnv ctx in
+                List.iter (Lang.F.add_var cnv.pool) d.d_params;
+                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
+                let t = share cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop p) in
+                let t =
+                  Why3.Term.t_forall_close vars []
+                    (Why3.Term.t_equ
+                       (Why3.Term.t_app id (List.map Why3.Term.t_var vars) result)
+                       t)
+                in
+                let decl =
+                  Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Why3.Decl.Paxiom
+                    (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh (name^"_def")))
+                    t in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl;
+            | Def ->
+                let id = Why3.Ident.id_fresh (Qed.Export.link_name (lfun_name d.d_lfun)) in
+                let map e = Why3.Opt.get (of_tau ~cnv (Lang.F.tau_of_var e)) in
+                let ty_args = List.map map d.d_params in
+                let id = Why3.Term.create_lsymbol id ty_args None in
+                let cnv, vars = mk_binders cnv d.d_params in
+                let t = share cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop p) in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.make_ls_defn id vars t in
+                let decl = Why3.Decl.create_logic_decl [decl] in
+                ctx.th <- Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl
+          end
+        | Inductive _dl ->
+            Wp_parameters.not_yet_implemented "inductive"
+            (* engine#declare_signature fmt
+             *   d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) Logic.Prop;
+             * List.iter self#on_dlemma dl *)
+      end
+  end
+let goal_id = (Why3.Decl.create_prsymbol (Why3.Ident.id_fresh "wp_goal"))
+let why3_of_qed ~id ~title ~name ?axioms t =
+  (* Format.printf "why3_of_qed start@."; *)
+  let goal = Definitions.cluster ~id ~title () in
+  let ctx = empty_context name in
+  let v = new visitor ctx goal in
+  v#add_builtin_lib;
+  v#vgoal axioms t;
+  let cnv = empty_cnv ~in_goal:true ~polarity:`Positive ctx in
+  let t = convert cnv Prop (Lang.F.e_prop t) in
+  let decl = Why3.Decl.create_prop_decl Pgoal goal_id t in
+  let th =   Why3.Theory.close_theory ctx.th in
+  if Wp_parameters.has_print_generated () then begin
+    let th_uc_tmp = Why3.Theory.add_decl ~warn:false ctx.th decl in
+    let th_tmp    = Why3.Theory.close_theory th_uc_tmp in
+    Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:Wp_parameters.cat_print_generated "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_theory th_tmp
+  end;
+  th, decl
+(** Prover call *)
+let prove_prop ?axioms ~pid ~prop =
+  let id = WpPropId.get_propid pid in
+  let title = Pretty_utils.to_string WpPropId.pretty pid in
+  let name = "WP" in
+  let th, decl = why3_of_qed ?axioms ~id ~title ~name prop in
+  let t = None in
+  let t = Why3.Task.use_export t th in
+  Why3.Task.add_decl t decl
+let task_of_wpo wpo =
+  let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
+  match wpo.Wpo.po_formula with
+  | Wpo.GoalAnnot v ->
+      let pid = wpo.Wpo.po_pid in
+      let axioms = v.Wpo.VC_Annot.axioms in
+      let prop = Wpo.GOAL.compute_proof v.Wpo.VC_Annot.goal in
+      (* Format.printf "Goal: %a@." Lang.F.pp_pred prop; *)
+      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
+  | Wpo.GoalLemma v ->
+      let lemma = v.Wpo.VC_Lemma.lemma in
+      let depends = v.Wpo.VC_Lemma.depends in
+      let prop = Lang.F.p_forall lemma.l_forall lemma.l_lemma in
+      let axioms = Some(lemma.l_cluster,depends) in
+      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
+  | Wpo.GoalCheck v ->
+      let prop = v.Wpo.VC_Check.goal in
+      let axioms = None in
+      prove_prop ~pid ~prop ?axioms
+let altergo_step_limit = Str.regexp "^Steps limit reached:"
+let call_prover ~timeout ~steplimit prover task wpo =
+  let steplimit = match steplimit with Some 0 -> None | _ -> steplimit in
+  let config = Lazy.force config in
+  let env = get_why3_env () in
+  let prover_config = Why3.Whyconf.get_prover_config config prover in
+  let command = Why3.Whyconf.get_complete_command prover_config ~with_steps:(steplimit<>None) in
+  let drv =
+    Why3.Whyconf.load_driver (Why3.Whyconf.get_main config) env prover_config.driver prover_config.extra_drivers in
+  let limit =
+    let def = Why3.Call_provers.empty_limit in
+    { def with
+      Why3.Call_provers.limit_time = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time timeout;
+      Why3.Call_provers.limit_steps = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time steplimit;
+    } in
+  let remove_for_prover =
+    if prover.prover_name = "Alt-Ergo"
+    then Filter_axioms.remove_for_altergo
+    else Filter_axioms.remove_for_why3
+  in
+  let trans = Why3.Trans.seq [remove_for_prover; Filter_axioms.trans; Filter_axioms.def_into_axiom] in
+  let task =
+    if prover.prover_name = "Coq"
+    then task
+    else Why3.Trans.apply trans task in
+  let task = Why3.Driver.prepare_task drv task in
+  let file = Wpo.DISK.file_goal ~pid:wpo.Wpo.po_pid ~model:wpo.Wpo.po_model ~prover:(VCS.Why3 prover) in
+  (* This printing is currently just for debugging *)
+  let _ = Command.print_file file (fun fmt -> Why3.Driver.print_task_prepared drv fmt task) in
+  if Wp_parameters.Check.get ()
+  then (** Why3 typed checked the task during its build *)
+    Task.return VCS.checked
+  else
+    let call =
+      Why3.Driver.prove_task_prepared ~command ~limit drv task in
+    Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey
+      "@[@[Why3 run prover %a with %i timeout %i steplimit@]@]@."
+      Why3.Whyconf.print_prover prover (Why3.Opt.get_def (-1) timeout) (Why3.Opt.get_def (-1) steplimit);
+    let ping _ (* why3 seems not to be able to kill a started prover *) =
+      match Why3.Call_provers.query_call call with
+      | NoUpdates
+      | ProverStarted -> Task.Yield
+      | InternalFailure exn ->
+          Task.Return (Task.Result (VCS.failed (Format.asprintf "%a" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn)))
+      | ProverInterrupted -> Task.Return (Task.Result (VCS.failed "interrupted"))
+      | ProverFinished pr ->
+          let r = match pr.pr_answer with
+            | Timeout -> VCS.timeout (int_of_float pr.pr_time)
+            | Valid -> VCS.result ~time:pr.pr_time ~steps:pr.pr_steps VCS.Valid
+            | Invalid -> VCS.result ~time:pr.pr_time ~steps:pr.pr_steps VCS.Invalid
+            | OutOfMemory -> VCS.failed "out of memory"
+            | StepLimitExceeded -> VCS.stepout
+            | Unknown _ -> VCS.unknown
+            | Failure s -> VCS.failed s
+            | HighFailure ->
+                let alt_ergo_hack = prover.prover_name = "Alt-Ergo" &&
+                                    Str.string_match altergo_step_limit pr.pr_output 0
+                in
+                if alt_ergo_hack then VCS.stepout
+                else VCS.failed "Unknown error"
+          in
+          Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey
+            "@[@[Why3 result for %a:@] @[%a@] and @[%a@]@."
+            Why3.Whyconf.print_prover prover
+            (* why3 1.3 (Why3.Call_provers.print_prover_result ~json_model:false) pr *)
+            (Why3.Call_provers.print_prover_result) pr
+            VCS.pp_result r;
+          Task.Return (Task.Result r)
+    in
+    Task.async ping
+let add_specific_equality ~for_tau ~mk_new_eq =
+  specific_equalities := { for_tau; mk_new_eq }::!specific_equalities
+let version = Why3.Config.version
+let prove ?timeout ?steplimit ~prover wpo =
+  try
+    let do_ () =
+      let task = task_of_wpo wpo in
+      if Wp_parameters.Generate.get ()
+      then if Wp_parameters.Check.get ()
+        then Task.return VCS.checked
+        else Task.return VCS.no_result
+      else call_prover ~timeout ~steplimit prover task wpo
+    in
+    Model.with_model wpo.Wpo.po_model do_ ()
+  with exn ->
+    let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
+    Wp_parameters.fatal "Error in why3:%a@.%s@."
+      Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn
+      (Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string bt)
+let parse_why3_options =
+  let todo = ref true in
+  fun () ->
+    if !todo then begin
+      let args = Array.of_list ("why3"::Wp_parameters.WhyFlags.get ()) in
+      begin try
+          Arg.parse_argv ~current:(ref 0) args
+            (Why3.Debug.Args.[desc_debug;desc_debug_all;desc_debug_list])
+            (fun _ -> raise (Arg.Help "Unknown why3 option"))
+            "Why3 options"
+        with Arg.Bad s -> Wp_parameters.abort "%s" s
+      end;
+      ignore (Why3.Debug.Args.option_list ());
+      Why3.Debug.Args.set_flags_selected ();
+      todo := false
+    end
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.why b/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.mli
similarity index 80%
rename from src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.why
rename to src/plugins/wp/why3_api.mli
index 25f5ef446898c92f511614cdd2c3698d1ac17030..4325d11117e6c5920d61c9ebebf4bb594afa14f9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/why3/Square.why
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/why3_api.mli
@@ -20,18 +20,15 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-theory Square
-use real.Real as Real
-use real.Square as Square
+val add_specific_equality:
+  for_tau:(Lang.tau -> bool) ->
+  mk_new_eq:Lang.F.binop ->
+  unit
+(** equality used in the goal, simpler to prove than polymorphic equality *)
-lemma sqrt_lin1 : forall x:real [Square.sqrt x]. (Real.(<) (1.) (x)) ->
-  (Real.(<) (Square.sqrt x) (x))
+val version : string
-lemma sqrt_lin0 : forall x:real [Square.sqrt x]. (Real.(<) (0.) (x)) /\
-  (Real.(<) (x) (1.)) -> (Real.(<) (x) (Square.sqrt x))
+val prove : ?timeout:int -> ?steplimit:int -> prover:VCS.Why3_prover.t -> Wpo.t -> VCS.result Task.task
+(** Return NoResult if it is already proved by Qed *)
-lemma sqrt_0 : ((Square.sqrt 0.) = (0.))
-lemma sqrt_1 : ((Square.sqrt 1.) = (1.))
+val parse_why3_options : unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wpReport.ml b/src/plugins/wp/wpReport.ml
index 6b319bb4fa5b4f466d0fc8aa3b8f692c4214376a..f4b201c3b7ed4b092327ba5e80b5450217327a6d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wpReport.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wpReport.ml
@@ -554,6 +554,22 @@ let properties ~config fmt (s:coverage) = function
   | "failed" -> number config fmt (Property.Set.cardinal s.covered - Property.Set.cardinal s.proved)
   | _ -> raise Exit
+let is_stat_name = function
+  | "success"
+  | "total"
+  | "valid" | ""
+  | "failed"
+  | "status"
+  | "inconclusive"
+  | "unsuccess"
+  | "time"
+  | "perf"
+  | "steps"
+  | "range" -> true
+  | _ -> false
 let stat ~config fmt s = function
   | "success" -> percent config fmt s.valid s.total
   | "total" -> number config fmt s.total
@@ -585,19 +601,11 @@ let stat ~config fmt s = function
 let pstats ~config fmt s cmd arg =
   match cmd with
   | "wp" | "qed" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s VCS.Qed) arg
-  | "alt-ergo" | "ergo" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s VCS.AltErgo) arg
-  | "coq" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s VCS.Coq) arg
-  | "z3" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "z3")) arg
-  | "gappa" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "gappa")) arg
-  | "simplify" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "simplify")) arg
-  | "vampire" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "vampire")) arg
-  | "zenon" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "zenon")) arg
-  | "cvc3" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "cvc3")) arg
-  | "cvc4" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "cvc4")) arg
-  | "yices" -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "yices")) arg
-  | "why3-alt-ergo" | "why3-ergo" ->
-      stat ~config fmt (get_prover s (VCS.Why3 "alt-ergo")) arg
-  | _ -> stat ~config fmt s.main cmd
+  | cmd when is_stat_name cmd -> stat ~config fmt s.main cmd
+  | prover ->
+      match (VCS.prover_of_name prover) with
+      | None -> Wp_parameters.error ~once:true "Unknown prover name %s" prover
+      | Some prover -> stat ~config fmt (get_prover s prover) arg
 let pcstats ~config fmt (s,c) cmd arg =
   match cmd with
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.ml b/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.ml
index 6e8fc4bb53dbaee7e025a402786555b89db78604..877191a8d974c87bdc90c050a25ebcf2e32609da 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.ml
@@ -472,6 +472,10 @@ module Provers = String_list
          - 'altgr-ergo' (gui)\n\
          - 'coq', 'coqide' (see also -wp-script)\n\
          - 'why3:<dp>' or '<dp>' (why3 prover, see -wp-detect)\n\
+         - 'native:alt-ergo'\n\
+         - 'native:altgr-ergo'\n\
+         - 'native:coq'\n\
+         - 'native:coqide'\n\
          - 'why3ide' (why3 gui)"
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.mli b/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.mli
index d9fd672e9b5225aaed8973ac6ec9678175ded356..0d2cd451fe33c5f36f4ba0107e9faeec7f73d71d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.mli
@@ -153,3 +153,4 @@ val has_print_generated: unit -> bool
 val print_generated: ?header:string -> string -> unit
 (** print the given file if the debugging category
     "print-generated" is set *)
+val cat_print_generated: category
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml b/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
index aa085046e820ad4ab004cf06a567f2af10174d8f..293b4105c96595b883234dee44e49602e9f1a1ec 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
@@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ module DISK =
   let file ~id ~model ?prover ?suffix ~ext () =
-    let dir = Wp_parameters.get_output () in
-    let mid = Model.get_id model in
+    let mid = Wp_parameters.get_output_dir (Model.get_id model) in
     let buffer = Buffer.create 80 in
     let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in
-    Format.fprintf fmt "%s/%s/%s" dir mid id ;
+    Format.fprintf fmt "%s/%s" mid id ;
     (match prover with None -> () | Some p ->
         Format.fprintf fmt "_%s" (filename_for_prover p)) ;
     (match suffix with None -> () | Some s ->
@@ -107,9 +106,9 @@ struct
   let file_goal ~pid ~model ~prover =
     let ext = match prover with
       | Qed -> "qed"
-      | AltErgo -> "mlw"
+      | NativeAltErgo -> "mlw"
       | Why3 _ -> "why"
-      | Coq -> "v"
+      | NativeCoq -> "v"
       | Tactical -> "tac"
     let id = WpPropId.get_propid pid in
@@ -118,9 +117,9 @@ struct
   let file_kf ~kf ~model ~prover =
     let ext = match prover with
       | Qed -> "qed"
-      | AltErgo -> "mlw"
+      | NativeAltErgo -> "mlw"
       | Why3 _ -> "why"
-      | Coq -> "v"
+      | NativeCoq -> "v"
       | Tactical -> "tac"
     let id = (Kf.vi kf).vname in
@@ -475,7 +474,7 @@ module ProverType =
       type t = prover
       include Datatype.Undefined
       let name = "Wpo.prover"
-      let reprs = [ AltErgo; Coq; Qed; Why3 "z3" ]
+      let reprs = [ NativeAltErgo; NativeCoq; Qed ]
 (* to get a "reasonable" API doc: *)
 let () = Type.set_ml_name ProverType.ty (Some "Wpo.prover")
@@ -530,49 +529,27 @@ module Hproof = Hashtbl.Make(Datatype.Pair(Datatype.String)(Property))
 module Results =
-  module Cmap = Map.Make(String)
   type t = {
     mutable dps : result Pmap.t ;
-    mutable cps : result Cmap.t ;
-    (* result per class of Why3 provers *)
   let not_computing _ r =
     match r.verdict with VCS.Computing _ -> false | _ -> true
-  let class_of_prover = function
-    | Qed | Tactical | AltErgo | Coq -> None
-    | Why3 dp ->
-        let cp =
-          try String.sub dp 0 (String.index dp ':')
-          with Not_found -> dp
-        in Some (Transitioning.String.uppercase_ascii cp)
-  let create () = { dps = Pmap.empty ; cps = Cmap.empty }
+  let create () = { dps = Pmap.empty }
   let get w p =
-    try Pmap.find p w.dps
-    with Not_found ->
-    match class_of_prover p with
-    | None -> VCS.no_result
-    | Some cp ->
-        try Cmap.find cp w.cps
-        with Not_found -> VCS.no_result
+    Pmap.find p w.dps
-  let clear w = w.dps <- Pmap.empty ; w.cps <- Cmap.empty
+  let clear w = w.dps <- Pmap.empty
   let replace w p r =
       if p = Qed then
           w.dps <- Pmap.filter not_computing w.dps ;
-          w.cps <- Cmap.filter not_computing w.cps ;
         end ;
-      w.dps <- Pmap.add p r w.dps ;
-      match class_of_prover p with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some c -> w.cps <- Cmap.add c r w.cps
+      w.dps <- Pmap.add p r w.dps
   let list w =