From 2f39567a897df31bbc013f70ec4c654536ff8798 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Loi=CC=88c=20Correnson?= <>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 12:08:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [wp] renamed compound operations

 src/plugins/wp/                     |  7 ++--
 src/plugins/wp/                        | 19 ++++-----
 src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli                       |  6 ++-
 src/plugins/wp/                   |  2 +-
 src/plugins/wp/                    |  2 +-
 .../wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/  | 20 ++++-----
 .../tests/wp_bts/oracle/  |  5 +--
 .../oracle/    |  6 +--
 .../wp_plugin/oracle/  |  2 +-
 .../wp_typed/oracle/    |  8 +---
 .../wp_typed/oracle/    |  8 +---
 .../wp_typed/oracle/  | 12 +++---
 .../wp_typed/oracle/  | 12 +++---
 .../wp_usage/oracle/   | 42 +++++++++----------
 14 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index 7fba0357ad0..216b2cedafe 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ struct
       (Lang.generated_p (C.prefix ^ Lang.comp_id c))
       (fun lfun ->
          let basename = if c.cstruct then "S" else "U" in
-         let s = Lang.freshvar ~basename (Lang.tau_of_comp c) in
+         let s = Lang.freshvar ~basename (Lang.t_comp c) in
          let def = p_all
              (fun f ->
                 is_typ f.ftype (e_getfield (e_var s) (Lang.Cfield (f, KValue))))
@@ -303,8 +303,9 @@ module EQCOMP = WpContext.Generator(Cil_datatype.Compinfo)
         Lang.F.set_builtin lfun reduce_eqcomp ;
         (* Definition of the symbol *)
         let basename = if c.cstruct then "S" else "U" in
-        let xa = Lang.freshvar ~basename (Lang.tau_of_comp c) in
-        let xb = Lang.freshvar ~basename (Lang.tau_of_comp c) in
+        let tc = Lang.t_comp c in
+        let xa = Lang.freshvar ~basename tc in
+        let xb = Lang.freshvar ~basename tc in
         let ra = e_var xa in
         let rb = e_var xb in
         let def = p_all
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index c4c9997e469..bb621655ffe 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -180,38 +180,37 @@ let sort_of_ltype t = match Logic_utils.unroll_type ~unroll_typedef:false t with
   | Linteger -> Logic.Sint
   | Lreal -> Logic.Sreal
-let tau_of_comp c = Logic.Data(Comp (c, KValue),[])
 let t_int = Logic.Int
 let t_bool = Logic.Bool
 let t_real = Logic.Real
 let t_prop = Logic.Prop
 let t_addr () = Context.get pointer
+let t_float f = Context.get floats f
+let t_comp c = Logic.Data(Comp (c, KValue),[])
+let t_init c = Logic.Data(Comp (c, KInit), [])
 let t_array a = Logic.Array(Logic.Int,a)
 let t_farray a b = Logic.Array(a,b)
 let t_datatype adt ts = Logic.Data(adt,ts)
+let rec t_matrix a n = if n > 0 then t_matrix (t_array a) (pred n) else a
 let rec tau_of_object = function
   | C_int _ -> Logic.Int
-  | C_float f -> Context.get floats f
-  | C_comp c -> tau_of_comp c
+  | C_float f -> t_float f
   | C_pointer _ -> Context.get pointer
+  | C_comp c -> t_comp c
   | C_array { arr_element = typ } -> t_array (tau_of_ctype typ)
 and tau_of_ctype typ = tau_of_object (Ctypes.object_of typ)
-let init_of_comp c = Logic.Data(Comp (c, KInit), [])
 let poly = Context.create "Wp.Lang.poly"
 let rec init_of_object = function
   | C_int _ | C_float _ | C_pointer _ -> Logic.Bool
-  | C_comp c -> init_of_comp c
+  | C_comp c -> t_init c
   | C_array { arr_element = typ } -> t_array (init_of_ctype typ)
 and init_of_ctype typ = init_of_object (Ctypes.object_of typ)
 let rec varpoly k x = function
   | [] -> Warning.error "Unbound type parameter <%s>" x
   | y::ys -> if x = y then k else varpoly (succ k) x ys
@@ -370,8 +369,8 @@ let tau_of_field = function
 let tau_of_record = function
   | Mfield(mdt,fs,_,_) -> Logic.Data(Mrecord(mdt,fs),[])
-  | Cfield(f, KValue) -> tau_of_comp f.fcomp
-  | Cfield(f, KInit) -> init_of_comp f.fcomp
+  | Cfield(f, KValue) -> t_comp f.fcomp
+  | Cfield(f, KInit) -> t_init f.fcomp
 module Field =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
index d8a13b4ad92..0b9750495aa 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ val extern_t:
 (** {2 Sorting and Typing} *)
-val tau_of_comp : compinfo -> tau
 val tau_of_object : c_object -> tau
 val tau_of_ctype : typ -> tau
 val tau_of_ltype : logic_type -> tau
@@ -169,7 +168,6 @@ val tau_of_lfun : lfun -> tau option list -> tau
 val tau_of_field : field -> tau
 val tau_of_record : field -> tau
-val init_of_comp : compinfo -> tau
 val init_of_object : c_object -> tau
 val init_of_ctype : typ -> tau
@@ -178,9 +176,13 @@ val t_real : tau
 val t_bool : tau
 val t_prop : tau
 val t_addr : unit -> tau
+val t_comp : compinfo -> tau
+val t_init : compinfo -> tau
+val t_float : c_float -> tau
 val t_array : tau -> tau
 val t_farray : tau -> tau -> tau
 val t_datatype : adt -> tau list -> tau
+val t_matrix : tau -> int -> tau
 val pointer : tau Context.value (** type of pointers *)
 val floats : (c_float -> tau) Context.value (** type of floats *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index b1abfb6af8f..734097fb74a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ struct
           let obj = C_comp c in
           let loc = M.of_region_pointer r obj v in (* t_pointer -> loc *)
           let domain = M.value_footprint obj loc in
-          let result = Lang.tau_of_comp c in
+          let result = Lang.t_comp c in
           let lfun =
             Lang.generated_f ~result "Load%a_%s" pp_rid r (Lang.comp_id c)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index 36c8e0facd5..041f4844363 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ module ShiftGen = WpContext.StaticGenerator(Cobj)
         | C_int i -> pp_int fmt i
         | C_float f -> pp_float fmt f
         | C_pointer _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "PTR"
-        | C_comp c -> Format.pp_print_string fmt c.cname
+        | C_comp c -> Format.pp_print_string fmt (Lang.comp_id c)
         | C_array a ->
             let te = object_of a.arr_element in
             match a.arr_flat with
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/
index 631003d71ae..b941722cdbd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 Goal Post-condition (file tests/wp_acsl/logic.i, line 21) in 'h':
 Let a = global(G_t_29).
-Let m = Array1_S1(shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 0), 3, Mint_0).
+Let m = Array1_S1(shift_S1(a, 0), 3, Mint_0).
 Let m_1 = Array1_S1(a, 3, Mint_0).
 Assume { Type: IsArray1S1(m_1) /\ IsArray1S1(m). (* Call 'f' *) Have: P_P(m).
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ Prove: true.
 Goal Pre-condition 'qed_ok' in 'main':
 Let a = global(G_tr_35).
-Let a_1 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 2).
-Let a_2 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 1).
-Let a_3 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 0).
+Let a_1 = shift_S1(a, 2).
+Let a_2 = shift_S1(a, 1).
+Let a_3 = shift_S1(a, 0).
 Let m = Array1_S1(a, 3, Mint_0).
 Assume {
   Type: IsArray1S1(m) /\ IsArray1S1(Array1_S1(a_3, 3, Mint_0)).
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ Prove: P_P(m).
 Goal Pre-condition 'qed_ok' in 'main':
 Let a = global(G_tr_35).
-Let a_1 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 2).
-Let a_2 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 1).
-Let a_3 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 0).
+Let a_1 = shift_S1(a, 2).
+Let a_2 = shift_S1(a, 1).
+Let a_3 = shift_S1(a, 0).
 Let m = Array1_S1(a, 3, Mint_0).
 Assume {
   Type: IsArray1S1(m) /\ IsArray1S1(Array1_S1(a_3, 3, Mint_0)).
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ Prove: P_P(m).
 Goal Pre-condition 'qed_ok' in 'main':
 Let a = global(G_tr_35).
-Let a_1 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 2).
-Let a_2 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 1).
-Let a_3 = shift___anonstruct_Point_1(a, 0).
+Let a_1 = shift_S1(a, 2).
+Let a_2 = shift_S1(a, 1).
+Let a_3 = shift_S1(a, 0).
 Let m = Array1_S1(a_3, 3, Mint_0).
 Assume {
   Type: IsArray1S1(Array1_S1(a, 3, Mint_0)) /\ IsArray1S1(m).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle/
index 69016b5d1ff..3e0d3075cbf 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle/
@@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ Assume {
   (* Heap *)
   Type: (region(tbl_0.base) <= 0) /\ linked(Malloc_0).
   (* Goal *)
-  When: !invalid(Malloc_0,
-           shiftfield_F1_size(shift___anonstruct_Buckets_1(a, x)), 1).
+  When: !invalid(Malloc_0, shiftfield_F1_size(shift_S1(a, x)), 1).
   (* Pre-condition *)
   Have: (0 <= d) /\ (d <= 16) /\ valid_rw(Malloc_0, tbl_0, 35) /\
-      valid_rw(Malloc_0, shift___anonstruct_Buckets_1(a, 0), 34).
+      valid_rw(Malloc_0, shift_S1(a, 0), 34).
 Prove: (x <= d) /\ (d <= x).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle/
index 49db1a0e743..d6202c41035 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_hoare/oracle/
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Prove: true.
 Goal Post-condition 'Preset_5_tps' in 'call_reset_5_tps':
 Let a = tps_0[9].
-Let a_1 = shift_T(a, 0).
+Let a_1 = shift_S1_T(a, 0).
 Let a_2 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, a_1, 10).
 Assume {
   (* Heap *)
@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ Assume {
   Have: valid_rw(Malloc_0, a_1, 10).
   (* Call 'reset_5' *)
   Have: forall i_1 : Z. ((0 <= i_1) -> ((i_1 <= 4) ->
-      (a_2[shiftfield_F1_T_a(shift_T(a, i_1))] = 0))).
+      (a_2[shiftfield_F1_T_a(shift_S1_T(a, i_1))] = 0))).
-Prove: a_2[shiftfield_F1_T_a(shift_T(a, i))] = 0.
+Prove: a_2[shiftfield_F1_T_a(shift_S1_T(a, i))] = 0.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
index 00afcb0afdf..dff824a3ae2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Assume {
   (* Assertion 'Ok_A' *)
   Have: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 9).
   (* Call 'fopen' *)
-  Have: included(p, 2, shift___fc_FILE(global(G___fc_fopen_21), 0), 1024).
+  Have: included(p, 2, shift_S4___fc_FILE(global(G___fc_fopen_21), 0), 1024).
 Prove: valid_rw(Malloc_0, p, 2).
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
index 175f532ae7f..d6b74e7cf50 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ Prove: x_1 = x.
 Goal Post-condition (file tests/wp_typed/cast_fits.i, line 27) in 'fits3':
 Let x = Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_i2(p)].
-Let x_1 = Mint_0
-            [shiftfield_F1_i1(shift___anonstruct_L1_1(shiftfield_F4_ic4(p),
-                                0))].
+Let x_1 = Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_i1(shift_S1(shiftfield_F4_ic4(p), 0))].
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(x) /\ is_sint32(x_1).
   (* Heap *)
@@ -64,9 +62,7 @@ Prove: x_1 = x.
 Goal Post-condition (file tests/wp_typed/cast_fits.i, line 37) in 'fits4':
 Let x = Mchar_0[shiftfield_F6_c6(p)].
-Let x_1 = Mchar_0
-            [shiftfield_F3_c3(shift___anonstruct_L3_3(shiftfield_F5_ci5(p),
-                                1))].
+Let x_1 = Mchar_0[shiftfield_F3_c3(shift_S3(shiftfield_F5_ci5(p), 1))].
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint8(x) /\ is_sint32(x) /\ is_sint8(x_1).
   (* Heap *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
index 0db2247f414..9d3df4c1c60 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ Prove: x_1 = x.
 Goal Post-condition (file tests/wp_typed/cast_fits.i, line 27) in 'fits3':
 Let x = Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_i2(p)].
-Let x_1 = Mint_0
-            [shiftfield_F1_i1(shift___anonstruct_L1_1(shiftfield_F4_ic4(p),
-                                0))].
+Let x_1 = Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_i1(shift_S1(shiftfield_F4_ic4(p), 0))].
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(x) /\ is_sint32(x_1).
   (* Heap *)
@@ -64,9 +62,7 @@ Prove: x_1 = x.
 Goal Post-condition (file tests/wp_typed/cast_fits.i, line 37) in 'fits4':
 Let x = Mchar_0[shiftfield_F6_c6(p)].
-Let x_1 = Mchar_0
-            [shiftfield_F3_c3(shift___anonstruct_L3_3(shiftfield_F5_ci5(p),
-                                1))].
+Let x_1 = Mchar_0[shiftfield_F3_c3(shift_S3(shiftfield_F5_ci5(p), 1))].
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint8(x) /\ is_sint32(x) /\ is_sint8(x_1).
   (* Heap *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
index 4d36bdaa42c..ec48cd67a6b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ Let x = Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_d(p)].
 Let a = shiftfield_F2_s_u(p).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(x) /\ is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_e(p)]) /\
-      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, 0))]) /\
-      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, 1))]).
+      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, 0))]) /\
+      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, 1))]).
   (* Heap *)
   Type: region(p.base) <= 0.
   (* Pre-condition *)
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Goal Assertion (file tests/wp_typed/shift_lemma.i, line 22):
 Let a = shiftfield_F2_s_u(p).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_e(p)]) /\
-      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, 0))]) /\
-      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, 1))]).
+      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, 0))]) /\
+      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, 1))]).
   (* Heap *)
   Type: region(p.base) <= 0.
   (* Goal *)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Assume {
   (* Assertion *)
   Have: Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_d(p)] = 0.
-Prove: Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, i))] = 0.
+Prove: Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, i))] = 0.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Assume {
   Have: Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_d(p)] = 0.
   (* Assertion *)
   Have: forall i : Z. ((0 <= i) -> ((i <= 9) ->
-      (Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(shiftfield_F2_s_u(p), i))] = 0))).
+      (Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(shiftfield_F2_s_u(p), i))] = 0))).
 Prove: x = 0.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
index 4b06e83a958..74d83866d55 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_typed/oracle/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ Let x = Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_d(p)].
 Let a = shiftfield_F2_s_u(p).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(x) /\ is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_e(p)]) /\
-      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, 0))]) /\
-      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, 1))]).
+      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, 0))]) /\
+      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, 1))]).
   (* Heap *)
   Type: region(p.base) <= 0.
   (* Pre-condition *)
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Goal Assertion (file tests/wp_typed/shift_lemma.i, line 22):
 Let a = shiftfield_F2_s_u(p).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_e(p)]) /\
-      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, 0))]) /\
-      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, 1))]).
+      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, 0))]) /\
+      is_sint32(Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, 1))]).
   (* Heap *)
   Type: region(p.base) <= 0.
   (* Goal *)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Assume {
   (* Assertion *)
   Have: Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_d(p)] = 0.
-Prove: Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(a, i))] = 0.
+Prove: Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(a, i))] = 0.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Assume {
   Have: Mint_0[shiftfield_F2_s_d(p)] = 0.
   (* Assertion *)
   Have: forall i : Z. ((0 <= i) -> ((i <= 9) ->
-      (Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_t(shiftfield_F2_s_u(p), i))] = 0))).
+      (Mint_0[shiftfield_F1_t_c(shift_S1_t(shiftfield_F2_s_u(p), i))] = 0))).
 Prove: x = 0.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle/
index 82cb1e098dc..ed2e13b4896 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_usage/oracle/
@@ -8,59 +8,59 @@
 Goal Post-condition (file tests/wp_usage/caveat_range.i, line 12) in 'reset':
 Let a = global(G_p_22).
-Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S(a, 0), 20).
+Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S1_S(a, 0), 20).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(i_1).
   (* Goal *)
   When: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 9).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_2 : Z. ((0 <= i_2) -> ((i_2 < i_1) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S(a, i_2))] = 2))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S1_S(a, i_2))] = 2))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_2 : Z. ((0 <= i_2) -> ((i_2 < i_1) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S(a, i_2))] = 1))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S1_S(a, i_2))] = 1))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: (0 <= i_1) /\ (i_1 <= 10).
   (* Else *)
   Have: 10 <= i_1.
-Prove: a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S(a, i))] = 1.
+Prove: a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S1_S(a, i))] = 1.
 Goal Post-condition (file tests/wp_usage/caveat_range.i, line 13) in 'reset':
 Let a = global(G_p_22).
-Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S(a, 0), 20).
+Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S1_S(a, 0), 20).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(i_1).
   (* Goal *)
   When: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 9).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_2 : Z. ((0 <= i_2) -> ((i_2 < i_1) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S(a, i_2))] = 2))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S1_S(a, i_2))] = 2))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_2 : Z. ((0 <= i_2) -> ((i_2 < i_1) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S(a, i_2))] = 1))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S1_S(a, i_2))] = 1))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: (0 <= i_1) /\ (i_1 <= 10).
   (* Else *)
   Have: 10 <= i_1.
-Prove: a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S(a, i))] = 2.
+Prove: a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S1_S(a, i))] = 2.
 Goal Preservation of Invariant (file tests/wp_usage/caveat_range.i, line 19):
 Let a = global(G_p_22).
-Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S(a, 0), 20).
+Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S1_S(a, 0), 20).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(i) /\ is_sint32(1 + i).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_1 : Z. ((0 <= i_1) -> ((i_1 < i) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S(a, i_1))] = 2))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S1_S(a, i_1))] = 2))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_1 : Z. ((0 <= i_1) -> ((i_1 < i) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S(a, i_1))] = 1))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S1_S(a, i_1))] = 1))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 10).
   (* Then *)
@@ -77,24 +77,24 @@ Prove: true.
 Goal Preservation of Invariant (file tests/wp_usage/caveat_range.i, line 20):
 Let a = global(G_p_22).
-Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S(a, 0), 20).
+Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S1_S(a, 0), 20).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(i) /\ is_sint32(1 + i).
   (* Goal *)
   When: (0 <= i_1) /\ (i_1 <= i).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_2 : Z. ((0 <= i_2) -> ((i_2 < i) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S(a, i_2))] = 2))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S1_S(a, i_2))] = 2))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_2 : Z. ((0 <= i_2) -> ((i_2 < i) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S(a, i_2))] = 1))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S1_S(a, i_2))] = 1))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 10).
   (* Then *)
   Have: i <= 9.
-Prove: a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S(a, i)) <- 1]
-         [shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S(a, i_1))] = 1.
+Prove: a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S1_S(a, i)) <- 1]
+         [shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S1_S(a, i_1))] = 1.
@@ -105,25 +105,25 @@ Prove: true.
 Goal Preservation of Invariant (file tests/wp_usage/caveat_range.i, line 21):
 Let a = global(G_p_22).
-Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S(a, 0), 20).
-Let a_2 = shift_S(a, i).
+Let a_1 = havoc(Mint_undef_0, Mint_0, shift_S1_S(a, 0), 20).
+Let a_2 = shift_S1_S(a, i).
 Assume {
   Type: is_sint32(i) /\ is_sint32(1 + i).
   (* Goal *)
   When: (0 <= i_1) /\ (i_1 <= i).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_2 : Z. ((0 <= i_2) -> ((i_2 < i) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S(a, i_2))] = 2))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S1_S(a, i_2))] = 2))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: forall i_2 : Z. ((0 <= i_2) -> ((i_2 < i) ->
-      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S(a, i_2))] = 1))).
+      (a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(shift_S1_S(a, i_2))] = 1))).
   (* Invariant *)
   Have: (0 <= i) /\ (i <= 10).
   (* Then *)
   Have: i <= 9.
 Prove: a_1[shiftfield_F1_S_f(a_2) <- 1][shiftfield_F1_S_g(a_2) <- 2]
-         [shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S(a, i_1))] = 2.
+         [shiftfield_F1_S_g(shift_S1_S(a, i_1))] = 2.