diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/Eva.mli b/src/plugins/eva/Eva.mli
index 096efee25f75d711296b3d0da3e2202a85933d8e..8505cb0590433c6802109df4633c4a20d9998d4b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/Eva.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/Eva.mli
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ module Eval: sig
                          callers, can be cached. *)
-module Froms: sig
+module Assigns: sig
   module DepsOrUnassigned : sig
@@ -678,9 +678,9 @@ module Froms: sig
   type t = {
-    deps_return : Deps.t
+    return : Deps.t
   (** Dependencies for the returned value *);
-    deps_table : Memory.t
+    memory : Memory.t
   (** Dependencies on all the zones modified by the function *);
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ module Builtins: sig
     c_clobbered: Base.SetLattice.t;
     (** An over-approximation of the bases in which addresses of local variables
         might have been written *)
-    c_from: (Froms.t * Locations.Zone.t) option;
+    c_assigns: (Assigns.t * Locations.Zone.t) option;
     (** If not None, the froms of the function, and its sure outputs;
         i.e. the dependencies of the result and of each zone written to. *)
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ module Cvalue_callbacks: sig
   (** If not None, the froms of the function, and its sure outputs;
       i.e. the dependencies of the result, and the dependencies
       of each zone written to. *)
-  type call_froms = (Froms.t * Locations.Zone.t) option
+  type call_assigns = (Assigns.t * Locations.Zone.t) option
   type analysis_kind =
     [ `Builtin (** A cvalue builtin is used to interpret the function. *)
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ module Cvalue_callbacks: sig
   (** Results of a function call. *)
   type call_results =
-    [ `Builtin of state list * call_froms
+    [ `Builtin of state list * call_assigns
     (** List of cvalue states at the end of the builtin. *)
     | `Spec of state list
     (** List of cvalue states at the end of the call. *)
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ module Logic_inout: sig
       and compare them with the given froms (computed by the from plugin).
       Emits warnings if needed, and sets statuses to the assigns clauses. *)
   val verify_assigns:
-    Cil_types.kernel_function -> pre:Cvalue.Model.t -> Froms.t -> unit
+    Cil_types.kernel_function -> pre:Cvalue.Model.t -> Assigns.t -> unit
   (** [accept_base ~formals ~locals kf b] returns [true] if and only if [b] is:
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins.ml b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins.ml
index 8990420a0c8c70c1f671d24d1674b51c6a7254af..493a62a052b953e553871f1d6d1dbdf50ca7bd05 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins.ml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type cacheable = Eval.cacheable = Cacheable | NoCache | NoCacheCallers
 type full_result = {
   c_values: (Cvalue.V.t option * Cvalue.Model.t) list;
   c_clobbered: Base.SetLattice.t;
-  c_from: (Froms.t * Locations.Zone.t) option;
+  c_assigns: (Assigns.t * Locations.Zone.t) option;
 type call_result =
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ let apply_builtin (builtin:builtin) call ~pre ~post =
     let states = process_result call post call_result in
     let froms =
       match call_result with
-      | Full result -> result.c_from
+      | Full result -> result.c_assigns
       | States _ | Result _ -> None
     let result = `Builtin (List.map fst states, froms) in
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins.mli b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins.mli
index a95ff2ce8e76dbb1b0dfc6ec571e3112838d5051..e090c1daa38b1048df9d24ec3c05ec3f578811cd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins.mli
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ type full_result = {
   c_clobbered: Base.SetLattice.t;
   (** An over-approximation of the bases in which addresses of local variables
       might have been written *)
-  c_from: (Froms.t * Locations.Zone.t) option;
+  c_assigns: (Assigns.t * Locations.Zone.t) option;
   (** If not None, the froms of the function, and its sure outputs;
       i.e. the dependencies of the result and of each zone written to. *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins_malloc.ml b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins_malloc.ml
index 3d5c3245d70535aa716a310b4e10168fe248b4ce..14364066d2fa108a24be87f005c2e0a6bce40756 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins_malloc.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins_malloc.ml
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ let register_malloc ?replace name ?returns_null prefix region =
     let ret = V.inject new_base Ival.zero in
     let c_values = wrap_fallible_alloc ?returns_null ret state new_state in
     let c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom in
-    Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_from = None; }
+    Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_assigns = None; }
   let name = "Frama_C_" ^ name in
   let typ () = Cil.voidPtrType, [Cil.theMachine.Cil.typeOfSizeOf] in
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ let calloc_builtin state args =
       wrap_fallible_alloc ?returns_null ret state new_state
   let c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom in
-  Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_from = None; }
+  Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_assigns = None; }
 let () =
   let name = "Frama_C_calloc" in
@@ -579,8 +579,8 @@ let free ~exact bases state =
     Locals_scoping.make_escaping ~exact ~escaping ~on_escaping ~within state
   let from_changed =
-    let m = Froms.Memory.(add_binding ~exact empty !changed Deps.bottom) in
-    Froms.{ deps_table = m; deps_return = Deps.bottom }
+    let m = Assigns.Memory.(add_binding ~exact empty !changed Deps.bottom) in
+    Assigns.{ memory = m; return = Deps.bottom }
   state, (from_changed, if exact then !changed else Zone.bottom)
@@ -645,12 +645,12 @@ let frama_c_free state actuals =
     let bases_to_remove, card_to_remove, _null = resolve_bases_to_free arg in
     let c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom in
     if card_to_remove = 0 then
-      Builtins.Full { c_values = []; c_clobbered; c_from = None; }
+      Builtins.Full { c_values = []; c_clobbered; c_assigns = None; }
       let strong = card_to_remove <= 1 in
       let state, changed = free_aux state ~strong bases_to_remove in
       let c_values = [None, state] in
-      Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_from = Some changed; }
+      Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_assigns = Some changed; }
   | _ -> raise (Builtins.Invalid_nb_of_args 1)
 let () =
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ let frama_c_vla_free state actuals =
     let state, changed = free_aux state ~strong:true bases_to_remove in
     let c_values = [None, state] in
     let c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom in
-    Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_from = Some changed; }
+    Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_assigns = Some changed; }
   | _ -> raise (Builtins.Invalid_nb_of_args 1)
 let () =
@@ -823,10 +823,10 @@ let realloc_builtin_aux state ptr size =
     let new_state, changed = free_aux new_state ~strong bases in
     let c_values = wrap_fallible_alloc ret state new_state in
     let c_clobbered = Builtins.clobbered_set_from_ret new_state ret in
-    Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_from = Some changed; }
+    Builtins.Full { c_values; c_clobbered; c_assigns = Some changed; }
   else (* Invalid call. *)
     let c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom in
-    Builtins.Full { c_values = []; c_clobbered; c_from = None; }
+    Builtins.Full { c_values = []; c_clobbered; c_assigns = None; }
 let realloc_builtin state args =
   let ptr, size =
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ let check_leaked_malloced_bases state _ =
           Base.pretty base)
   let c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom in
-  Builtins.Full { c_values = [None,state]; c_clobbered; c_from = None; }
+  Builtins.Full { c_values = [None,state]; c_clobbered; c_assigns = None; }
 let () =
   Builtins.register_builtin "Frama_C_check_leak" NoCacheCallers
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins_memory.ml b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins_memory.ml
index 182171223f8e100043181004e3aaa2745e6731ca..f466617f59030c0b0438385e1b94fa5fb7784450 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins_memory.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/builtins_memory.ml
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let frama_c_offset _state = function
 let () = register_builtin "Frama_C_offset" frama_c_offset
-exception Memcpy_result of (Cvalue.Model.t * Froms.t * Zone.t)
+exception Memcpy_result of (Cvalue.Model.t * Assigns.t * Zone.t)
 exception Indeterminate of V_Or_Uninitialized.t
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ let frama_c_memcpy name state actuals =
     let deps_return = deps_nth_arg 0 in
     let empty_cfrom =
-      Froms.{ deps_table = Memory.empty; deps_return }
+      Assigns.{ memory = Memory.empty; return = deps_return }
     let precise_copy state =
       (* First step: copy the bytes we are sure to copy *)
@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ let frama_c_memcpy name state actuals =
                imprecision of the value analysis here. *)
             let exact = Location_Bits.cardinal_zero_or_one dst_bits in
             let deps_table =
-              Froms.Memory.add_binding ~exact Froms.Memory.empty zone_dst deps
+              Assigns.Memory.add_binding ~exact
+                Assigns.Memory.empty zone_dst deps
             let sure_zone = if exact then zone_dst else Zone.bottom in
             (deps_table, sure_zone)
@@ -162,9 +163,9 @@ let frama_c_memcpy name state actuals =
           new_state, deps_table, sure_zone
       else (* Nothing certain can be copied *)
-        (state, Froms.Memory.empty, Zone.bottom)
+        (state, Assigns.Memory.empty, Zone.bottom)
-    let imprecise_copy new_state precise_deps_table sure_zone =
+    let imprecise_copy new_state precise_assigns sure_zone =
       (* Second step. Size is imprecise, we will now copy some bits
          that we are not sure to copy *)
       let size_min_ival = Ival.inject_singleton size_min in
@@ -192,10 +193,10 @@ let frama_c_memcpy name state actuals =
         let zone_src = enumerate_valid_bits Locations.Read loc_src in
         let zone_dst = enumerate_valid_bits Locations.Write  loc_dst in
         let deps = Deps.data zone_src in
-        let deps_table =
-          Froms.Memory.add_binding ~exact:false precise_deps_table zone_dst deps
+        let memory =
+          Assigns.Memory.add_binding ~exact:false precise_assigns zone_dst deps
-        Froms.{ deps_table; deps_return }
+        Assigns.{ memory; return = deps_return }
         (* We try to iter on all the slices inside the value of slice.
@@ -270,27 +271,29 @@ let frama_c_memcpy name state actuals =
       if Ival.is_zero size then
         raise (Memcpy_result (state, empty_cfrom, Zone.bottom));
-      let (precise_state,precise_deps_table,sure_zone) = precise_copy state in
+      let (precise_state,precise_assigns,sure_zone) = precise_copy state in
       if Option.fold ~none:false ~some:(Int.equal min) max then
-          let c_from = Froms.{ deps_table = precise_deps_table; deps_return } in
-          raise (Memcpy_result (precise_state, c_from, sure_zone))
+          let c_assigns =
+            Assigns.{ memory = precise_assigns; return = deps_return }
+          in
+          raise (Memcpy_result (precise_state, c_assigns, sure_zone))
-      imprecise_copy precise_state precise_deps_table sure_zone
+      imprecise_copy precise_state precise_assigns sure_zone
-    | Memcpy_result (new_state,c_from,sure_zone) ->
+    | Memcpy_result (new_state,c_assigns,sure_zone) ->
       if Model.is_reachable new_state then
         (* Copy at least partially succeeded (with perhaps an
            alarm for some of the sizes *)
           { Builtins.c_values = [Some dst_bytes, new_state];
             c_clobbered = Builtins.clobbered_set_from_ret new_state dst_bytes;
-            c_from = Some (c_from,  sure_zone); }
+            c_assigns = Some (c_assigns,  sure_zone); }
           { Builtins.c_values = [ None, Cvalue.Model.bottom];
             c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom;
-            c_from = Some (c_from,  sure_zone); }
+            c_assigns = Some (c_assigns,  sure_zone); }
   match actuals with
   | [dst; src; size] -> compute dst src size
@@ -359,22 +362,22 @@ let frama_c_memset_imprecise state dst_lval dst v size =
     with Not_found -> (new_state,Zone.bottom) (* from find_lonely_key + explicit raise *)
-  let c_from =
+  let c_assigns =
     let value_dep = deps_nth_arg 1 in
-    let empty = Froms.Memory.empty in
-    let deps_table =
-      Froms.Memory.add_binding ~exact:false empty over_zone value_dep
+    let memory = Assigns.Memory.empty in
+    let memory =
+      Assigns.Memory.add_binding ~exact:false memory over_zone value_dep
-    let deps_table =
-      Froms.Memory.add_binding ~exact:true deps_table sure_zone value_dep
+    let memory =
+      Assigns.Memory.add_binding ~exact:true memory sure_zone value_dep
     let deps_return = deps_nth_arg 0 in
-    Froms.{ deps_table; deps_return }
+    Assigns.{ memory; return = deps_return }
     { Builtins.c_values = [Some dst, new_state'];
       c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom;
-      c_from = Some (c_from,sure_zone); }
+      c_assigns = Some (c_assigns,sure_zone); }
 (* let () = register_builtin "Frama_C_memset" frama_c_memset_imprecise *)
 (* Type that describes why the 'precise memset' builtin may fail. *)
@@ -575,11 +578,12 @@ let frama_c_memset_precise state dst_lval dst v (exp_size, size) =
       let size_bits = Integer.mul size (Bit_utils.sizeofchar ())in
       let dst_location = Locations.make_loc dst_loc (Int_Base.Value size_bits) in
       let dst_zone = Locations.(enumerate_valid_bits Write dst_location) in
-      let deps_table =
-        Froms.Memory.add_binding ~exact:true Froms.Memory.empty dst_zone input
+      let memory =
+        Assigns.Memory.add_binding ~exact:true
+          Assigns.Memory.empty dst_zone input
-      let deps_return = deps_nth_arg 0 in
-      let c_from = Froms.{ deps_table; deps_return  } in
+      let return = deps_nth_arg 0 in
+      let c_from = Assigns.{ memory; return  } in
     let _ = c_from in
@@ -592,7 +596,7 @@ let frama_c_memset_precise state dst_lval dst v (exp_size, size) =
       { Builtins.c_values = [Some dst, state'];
         c_clobbered = Base.SetLattice.bottom;
-        c_from = Some (c_from,dst_zone); }
+        c_assigns = Some (c_from,dst_zone); }
   | Bit_utils.NoMatchingOffset -> raise (ImpreciseMemset SizeMismatch)
   | Base.Not_a_C_variable -> raise (ImpreciseMemset NoTypeForDest)
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/dune b/src/plugins/eva/dune
index a828561d21824a349f0f222e217576eeceb50f34..ee102c636e8dba81c0523c333d5ca81ca3984577 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/dune
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/dune
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
   gen-api.sh Eva.header
   engine/analysis.mli types/callstack.mli types/deps.mli utils/results.mli parameters.mli
-  utils/eva_annotations.mli eval.mli types/froms.mli
+  utils/eva_annotations.mli eval.mli types/assigns.mli
   domains/cvalue/builtins.mli utils/cvalue_callbacks.mli legacy/logic_inout.mli
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/engine/compute_functions.ml b/src/plugins/eva/engine/compute_functions.ml
index 7e02649b28a12c7f8526a6eea4732484e09ddde9..90a70b081ad5d1f6cfe4b9528a9c50647ef4c3f7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/engine/compute_functions.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/engine/compute_functions.ml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ let clear_caches () =
   Cvalue.Model.clear_caches ();
   Locations.Location_Bytes.clear_caches ();
   Locations.Zone.clear_caches ();
-  Froms.Memory.clear_caches ()
+  Assigns.Memory.clear_caches ()
 let () = State.add_hook_on_update Self.state clear_caches
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/gui/gui_eval.ml b/src/plugins/eva/gui/gui_eval.ml
index bee771c2d1f03c870818a8f36f27e766dfa7969a..1aec39065f79ef1fcdf4165fe164b86098694e2d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/gui/gui_eval.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/gui/gui_eval.ml
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ let clear_caches () =
   Cvalue.Model.clear_caches ();
   Locations.Location_Bytes.clear_caches ();
   Locations.Zone.clear_caches ();
-  Froms.Memory.clear_caches ()
+  Assigns.Memory.clear_caches ()
 module type S = sig
   module Analysis : Analysis.S
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/legacy/logic_inout.ml b/src/plugins/eva/legacy/logic_inout.ml
index 4c1a07385881578a2b1fbcec1fd9ab11f7ccb533..7f6db6d4f75c48e434e26205b43ee000b084f9e7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/legacy/logic_inout.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/legacy/logic_inout.ml
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ let eval_assigns_from pre_state it =
 (** Compute the validity status for [from] in [pre_state], assuming the
     entire clause is [assigns asgn \from from]. The inferred dependencies
     are [found_froms], while [asgn] evaluates to [assigns_zone]. *)
-let check_from pre_state asgn assigns_zone from found_froms =
+let check_from pre_state asgn assigns_zone from found_assigns =
   let open Locations in
   let found_deps =
     if Logic_utils.is_result asgn.it_content then
-      found_froms.Froms.deps_return
+      found_assigns.Assigns.return
-      Froms.Memory.find_precise found_froms.deps_table assigns_zone
+      Assigns.Memory.find_precise found_assigns.memory assigns_zone
   let (indirect_deps,direct_deps) =
     let filter x = List.mem "indirect" x.it_content.term_name in
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ let check_fct_assigns kf ab ~pre_state found_froms =
   let behaviors = Annotations.behaviors kf in
   (* Under-approximation of the union. *)
   let link zones = List.fold_left Zone.link Zone.bottom zones in
-  let outputs = Froms.outputs found_froms in
+  let outputs = Assigns.outputs found_froms in
   let check_for_behavior b =
     let activity = Active_behaviors.is_active ab b in
     match activity with
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/legacy/logic_inout.mli b/src/plugins/eva/legacy/logic_inout.mli
index d55e8ccd6ef71ddd0c035f61a2dba75f8467d227..acc64743f80292fac05f08746c652c4ccc673bc5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/legacy/logic_inout.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/legacy/logic_inout.mli
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ val assigns_tlval_to_zones:
     and compare them with the given froms (computed by the from plugin).
     Emits warnings if needed, and sets statuses to the assigns clauses. *)
 val verify_assigns:
-  Cil_types.kernel_function -> pre:Cvalue.Model.t -> Froms.t -> unit
+  Cil_types.kernel_function -> pre:Cvalue.Model.t -> Assigns.t -> unit
 (** [accept_base ~formals ~locals kf b] returns [true] if and only if [b] is:
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/types/assigns.ml b/src/plugins/eva/types/assigns.ml
index 643e847c4112fa2c98e8e9c4324258658e3ff91a..f1a4fd3e43021c4e227c14eae6718cc0528fb3ef 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/types/assigns.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/types/assigns.ml
@@ -193,33 +193,35 @@ end
 module Datatype_Input = struct
   include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
   type t = {
-    deps_return : Deps.t;
-    deps_table : Memory.t
+    return : Deps.t;
+    memory : Memory.t
   [@@deriving eq,ord]
   let name = "Eva.Froms"
   let top = {
-    deps_return = Deps.top;
-    deps_table = Memory.top;
+    return = Deps.top;
+    memory = Memory.top;
   let reprs = [ top ]
-  let hash froms =
-    Hashtbl.hash (Memory.hash froms.deps_table, Deps.hash froms.deps_return)
-  let pretty fmt { deps_return = r ; deps_table = t } =
+  let hash assigns =
+    Hashtbl.hash (Memory.hash assigns.memory, Deps.hash assigns.return)
+  let pretty fmt assigns =
     Format.fprintf fmt "%a@\n\\result FROM @[%a@]@\n"
-      Memory.pretty t
-      Deps.pretty r
+      Memory.pretty assigns.memory
+      Deps.pretty assigns.return
 include Datatype.Make (Datatype_Input)
 include Datatype_Input
 let join x y =
-  { deps_return = Deps.join x.deps_return y.deps_return ;
-    deps_table = Memory.join x.deps_table y.deps_table }
+  {
+    return = Deps.join x.return y.return;
+    memory = Memory.join x.memory y.memory;
+  }
-let outputs { deps_table = t } =
-  match t with
+let outputs assigns =
+  match assigns.memory with
   | Memory.Top -> Locations.Zone.top
   | Memory.Bottom -> Locations.Zone.bottom
   | Memory.Map m ->
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/types/froms.mli b/src/plugins/eva/types/assigns.mli
similarity index 98%
rename from src/plugins/eva/types/froms.mli
rename to src/plugins/eva/types/assigns.mli
index a1935da3f66f11156367ab5536b201cff33f1f60..2875fbf0dc3a54e01e7feab400950478fa4f82bb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/types/froms.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/types/assigns.mli
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ module Memory : sig
 type t = {
-  deps_return : Deps.t
+  return : Deps.t
 (** Dependencies for the returned value *);
-  deps_table : Memory.t
+  memory : Memory.t
 (** Dependencies on all the zones modified by the function *);
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/types/froms.ml b/src/plugins/eva/types/froms.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index a79c103c59894e2626a152cf3e583135d44c1782..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/eva/types/froms.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2023                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-module DepsOrUnassigned = struct
-  module Datatype_Input = struct
-    include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
-    type t =
-      | DepsBottom
-      | Unassigned
-      | AssignedFrom of Deps.t
-      | MaybeAssignedFrom of Deps.t
-    [@@deriving eq,ord]
-    let name = "Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned"
-    let pretty fmt = function
-      | DepsBottom -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "DEPS_BOTTOM"
-      | Unassigned -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "UNASSIGNED"
-      | AssignedFrom fd -> Deps.pretty_precise fmt fd
-      | MaybeAssignedFrom fd ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "%a (or UNASSIGNED)" Deps.pretty_precise fd
-    let hash = function
-      | DepsBottom -> 1
-      | Unassigned -> 2
-      | AssignedFrom fd -> Hashtbl.hash (3, Deps.hash fd)
-      | MaybeAssignedFrom fd -> Hashtbl.hash (4, Deps.hash fd)
-    let reprs = Unassigned :: List.map (fun r -> AssignedFrom r) Deps.reprs
-  end
-  include Datatype.Make (Datatype_Input)
-  include Datatype_Input
-  let join d1 d2 = match d1, d2 with
-    | DepsBottom, d | d, DepsBottom -> d
-    | Unassigned, Unassigned -> Unassigned
-    | Unassigned, AssignedFrom fd | AssignedFrom fd, Unassigned ->
-      MaybeAssignedFrom fd
-    | Unassigned, (MaybeAssignedFrom _ as d)
-    | (MaybeAssignedFrom _ as d), Unassigned ->
-      d
-    | AssignedFrom fd1, AssignedFrom fd2 ->
-      AssignedFrom (Deps.join fd1 fd2)
-    | AssignedFrom fd1, MaybeAssignedFrom fd2
-    | MaybeAssignedFrom fd1, AssignedFrom fd2
-    | MaybeAssignedFrom fd1, MaybeAssignedFrom fd2 ->
-      MaybeAssignedFrom (Deps.join fd1 fd2)
-  let narrow _ _ = assert false (* not used yet *)
-  let is_included d1 d2 = match d1, d2 with
-    | DepsBottom, (DepsBottom | Unassigned | AssignedFrom _ |
-                   MaybeAssignedFrom _)
-    | Unassigned, (Unassigned | AssignedFrom _ | MaybeAssignedFrom _) ->
-      true
-    | MaybeAssignedFrom fd1, (AssignedFrom fd2 | MaybeAssignedFrom fd2)
-    | AssignedFrom fd1, AssignedFrom fd2 ->
-      Deps.is_included fd1 fd2
-    | (Unassigned | AssignedFrom _ | MaybeAssignedFrom _), DepsBottom
-    | (AssignedFrom _ | MaybeAssignedFrom _), Unassigned
-    | AssignedFrom _, MaybeAssignedFrom _ ->
-      false
-  let bottom = DepsBottom
-  let top = MaybeAssignedFrom Deps.top
-  let default = Unassigned
-  let to_zone = function
-    | DepsBottom | Unassigned -> Locations.Zone.bottom
-    | AssignedFrom fd | MaybeAssignedFrom fd -> Deps.to_zone fd
-  let may_be_unassigned = function
-    | DepsBottom | AssignedFrom _ -> false
-    | Unassigned | MaybeAssignedFrom _ -> true
-module Memory = struct
-  (* A From table is internally represented as a Lmap of [DepsOrUnassigned].
-     However, the API mostly hides this fact, and exports access functions
-     that take or return [Deps.t] values. This way, the user needs not
-     understand the subtleties of DepsBottom/Unassigned/MaybeAssigned. *)
-  include Lmap_bitwise.Make_bitwise(DepsOrUnassigned)
-  let add_binding_precise_loc ~exact access m loc v =
-    let aux_one_loc loc m =
-      let loc = Locations.valid_part access loc in
-      add_binding_loc ~exact m loc (DepsOrUnassigned.AssignedFrom v)
-    in
-    Precise_locs.fold aux_one_loc loc m
-  let add_binding ~exact m z v =
-    add_binding ~exact m z (DepsOrUnassigned.AssignedFrom v)
-  let add_binding_loc ~exact m loc v =
-    add_binding_loc ~exact m loc (DepsOrUnassigned.AssignedFrom v)
-  (* This is the auxiliary datastructure used to write the function [find].
-     When we iterate over a offsetmap of value [DepsOrUnassigned], we obtain
-     two things: (1) some dependencies; (2) some intervals that may have not
-     been assigned, and that will appear as data dependencies (once we know
-     the base we are iterating on). *)
-  type find_offsm = {
-    fo_itvs: Int_Intervals.t;
-    fo_deps: Deps.t;
-  }
-  (* Once the base is known, we can obtain something of type [Deps.t] *)
-  let convert_find_offsm base fp =
-    let z = Locations.Zone.inject base fp.fo_itvs in
-    Deps.add_data fp.fo_deps z
-  let empty_find_offsm = {
-    fo_itvs = Int_Intervals.bottom;
-    fo_deps = Deps.bottom;
-  }
-  let join_find_offsm fp1 fp2 =
-    if fp1 == empty_find_offsm then fp2
-    else if fp2 == empty_find_offsm then fp1
-    else {
-      fo_itvs = Int_Intervals.join fp1.fo_itvs fp2.fo_itvs;
-      fo_deps = Deps.join fp1.fo_deps fp2.fo_deps;
-    }
-  (* Auxiliary function that collects the dependencies on some intervals of
-     an offsetmap. *)
-  let find_precise_offsetmap : Int_Intervals.t -> LOffset.t -> find_offsm =
-    let cache = Hptmap_sig.PersistentCache "Eva.Froms.Memory.find_precise" in
-    let aux_find_offsm ib ie v =
-      (* If the interval can be unassigned, we collect its bound. We also
-         return the dependencies stored at this interval. *)
-      let default, v = match v with
-        | DepsOrUnassigned.DepsBottom -> false, Deps.bottom
-        | DepsOrUnassigned.Unassigned -> true, Deps.bottom
-        | DepsOrUnassigned.MaybeAssignedFrom v -> true, v
-        | DepsOrUnassigned.AssignedFrom v -> false, v
-      in
-      { fo_itvs =
-          if default
-          then Int_Intervals.inject_bounds ib ie
-          else Int_Intervals.bottom;
-        fo_deps = v }
-    in
-    (* Partial application is important *)
-    LOffset.fold_join_itvs
-      ~cache aux_find_offsm join_find_offsm empty_find_offsm
-  (* Collecting dependencies on a given zone. *)
-  let find_precise : t -> Locations.Zone.t -> Deps.t =
-    let both = find_precise_offsetmap in
-    let conv = convert_find_offsm in
-    (* We are querying a zone for which no dependency is stored. Hence, every
-       base is implicitly bound to [Unassigned]. *)
-    let empty_map z = Deps.data z in
-    let join = Deps.join in
-    let empty = Deps.bottom in
-    (* Partial application is important *)
-    let f = fold_join_zone ~both ~conv ~empty_map ~join ~empty in
-    fun m z ->
-      match m with
-      | Top -> Deps.top
-      | Bottom -> Deps.bottom
-      | Map m -> try f z m with Abstract_interp.Error_Top -> Deps.top
-  let find_precise_loffset loffset base itv =
-    let fo = find_precise_offsetmap itv loffset in
-    convert_find_offsm base fo
-  let find z m = Deps.to_zone (find_precise z m)
-type t =
-  { deps_return : Deps.t;
-    deps_table : Memory.t }
-let top = {
-  deps_return = Deps.top;
-  deps_table = Memory.top;
-let join x y =
-  { deps_return = Deps.join x.deps_return y.deps_return ;
-    deps_table = Memory.join x.deps_table y.deps_table }
-let outputs { deps_table = t } =
-  match t with
-  | Memory.Top -> Locations.Zone.top
-  | Memory.Bottom -> Locations.Zone.bottom
-  | Memory.Map m ->
-    Memory.fold
-      (fun z v acc ->
-         let open DepsOrUnassigned in
-         match v with
-         | DepsBottom | Unassigned -> acc
-         | AssignedFrom _ | MaybeAssignedFrom _ -> Locations.Zone.join z acc)
-      m Locations.Zone.bottom
-module Datatype_Input = struct
-  include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
-  type nonrec t = t
-  let name = "Eva.Froms"
-  let reprs = [ top ]
-  let structural_descr =
-    Structural_descr.t_record [| Deps.packed_descr; Memory.packed_descr |]
-  let equal
-      { deps_return = dr ; deps_table = dt }
-      { deps_return = dr' ; deps_table = dt' } =
-    Memory.equal dt dt'&& Deps.equal dr dr'
-  let hash { deps_return = dr ; deps_table = dt } =
-    Memory.hash dt + 197 * Deps.hash dr
-  let pretty fmt { deps_return = r ; deps_table = t } =
-    Format.fprintf fmt "%a@\n\\result FROM @[%a@]@\n"
-      Memory.pretty t
-      Deps.pretty r
-include (Datatype.Make (Datatype_Input) : Datatype.S with type t := t)
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/utils/cvalue_callbacks.ml b/src/plugins/eva/utils/cvalue_callbacks.ml
index 66b713cce3ab8097787ba1864d1782049ea2cb57..99461fbbeb8ba04c86f57163a4a90380d8f25a1b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/utils/cvalue_callbacks.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/utils/cvalue_callbacks.ml
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ let register_call_hook f =
 let apply_call_hooks callstack kf state kind =
   Call.apply (callstack, kf, state, kind)
-type call_froms = (Froms.t * Locations.Zone.t) option
+type call_assigns = (Assigns.t * Locations.Zone.t) option
 type state_by_stmt = (state Cil_datatype.Stmt.Hashtbl.t) Lazy.t
 type results = { before_stmts: state_by_stmt; after_stmts: state_by_stmt }
 type call_results =
-  [ `Builtin of state list * call_froms
+  [ `Builtin of state list * call_assigns
   | `Spec of state list
   | `Body of results * int
   | `Reuse of int
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/utils/cvalue_callbacks.mli b/src/plugins/eva/utils/cvalue_callbacks.mli
index d48fb793c6b79cbc0ea96f37d6d9cad43c1c6040..d5ab270851db90adb36aa953bed8121c1f9ec286 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/utils/cvalue_callbacks.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/utils/cvalue_callbacks.mli
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ type state = Cvalue.Model.t
 (** If not None, the froms of the function, and its sure outputs;
     i.e. the dependencies of the result, and the dependencies
     of each zone written to. *)
-type call_froms = (Froms.t * Locations.Zone.t) option
+type call_assigns = (Assigns.t * Locations.Zone.t) option
 type analysis_kind =
   [ `Builtin (** A cvalue builtin is used to interpret the function. *)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ type results = { before_stmts: state_by_stmt; after_stmts: state_by_stmt }
 (** Results of a function call. *)
 type call_results =
-  [ `Builtin of state list * call_froms
+  [ `Builtin of state list * call_assigns
   (** List of cvalue states at the end of the builtin. *)
   | `Spec of state list
   (** List of cvalue states at the end of the call. *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/utils/private.ml b/src/plugins/eva/utils/private.ml
index 564056180ee41b2d2b1173113daeb53e2075a37b..2a103740752b240773be661b721e6142729470cc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/utils/private.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/utils/private.ml
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Abstractions = Abstractions
 module Active_behaviors = Active_behaviors
 module Alarmset = Alarmset
 module Analysis = Analysis
+module Assigns = Assigns
 module Callstack = Callstack
 module Cvalue_domain = Cvalue_domain
 module Cvalue_results = Cvalue_results
@@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ module Eval_annots = Eval_annots
 module Eval_op = Eval_op
 module Eval_terms = Eval_terms
 module Eval_typ = Eval_typ
-module Froms = Froms
 module Function_calls = Function_calls
 module Logic_inout = Logic_inout
 module Main_locations = Main_locations
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/utils/private.mli b/src/plugins/eva/utils/private.mli
index 1a614467fd16d849f0091a1781d113ce5219a8d8..eb7491b3c9617d5c9f9e8029b9d5106d13bf2f5c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/utils/private.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/utils/private.mli
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Abstractions = Abstractions
 module Active_behaviors = Active_behaviors
 module Alarmset = Alarmset
 module Analysis = Analysis
+module Assigns = Assigns
 module Callstack = Callstack
 module Cvalue_domain = Cvalue_domain
 module Cvalue_results = Cvalue_results
@@ -44,7 +45,6 @@ module Eval_annots = Eval_annots
 module Eval_op = Eval_op
 module Eval_terms = Eval_terms
 module Eval_typ = Eval_typ
-module Froms = Froms
 module Function_calls = Function_calls
 module Logic_inout = Logic_inout
 module Main_locations = Main_locations
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/From.ml b/src/plugins/from/From.ml
index 4073b6e66775afbb55bd718bfb42b3b8b4a33c49..a2bbb575037a34ebd51051c1406eee5d305a44b5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/From.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/from/From.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let is_computed = Functionwise.is_computed
 let get = Functionwise.get
 let pretty = Functionwise.pretty
-let access zone mem = Eva.Froms.Memory.find mem zone
+let access zone mem = Eva.Assigns.Memory.find mem zone
 let display fmt = From_register.display (Some fmt)
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/From.mli b/src/plugins/from/From.mli
index dfc0e8c32390c22edba090136edc55fdeec0bee5..ac0db406d4db28374a7cea5b28c4486c54885a05 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/From.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/from/From.mli
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ val is_computed : kernel_function -> bool
 val compute : kernel_function -> unit
 val compute_all : unit -> unit
-val get : Cil_types.kernel_function -> Eva.Froms.t
-val access : Locations.Zone.t -> Eva.Froms.Memory.t -> Locations.Zone.t
+val get : Cil_types.kernel_function -> Eva.Assigns.t
+val access : Locations.Zone.t -> Eva.Assigns.Memory.t -> Locations.Zone.t
 val self : State.t
@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ val display : Format.formatter -> unit
 val compute_all_calldeps : unit -> unit
 module Callwise : sig
-  val iter : (Cil_types.kinstr -> Eva.Froms.t -> unit) -> unit
-  val find : Cil_types.kinstr -> Eva.Froms.t
+  val iter : (Cil_types.kinstr -> Eva.Assigns.t -> unit) -> unit
+  val find : Cil_types.kinstr -> Eva.Assigns.t
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/callwise.ml b/src/plugins/from/callwise.ml
index d909206a8493e0e8c078625e8bc4d42b02946187..1d70d24bb671bb6e53819735614723cf564333ac 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/callwise.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/from/callwise.ml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ open Cil_datatype
 module Tbl =
-    (Eva.Froms)
+    (Eva.Assigns)
       let name = "Callwise dependencies"
       let size = 17
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ let () = From_parameters.ForceCallDeps.set_output_dependencies [Tbl.self]
 let merge_call_froms table callsite froms =
     let current = Kinstr.Hashtbl.find table callsite in
-    let new_froms = Eva.Froms.join froms current in
+    let new_froms = Eva.Assigns.join froms current in
     Kinstr.Hashtbl.replace table callsite new_froms
   with Not_found ->
     Kinstr.Hashtbl.add table callsite froms
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ let merge_call_froms table callsite froms =
 (** State for the analysis of one function call *)
 type from_state = {
   current_function: Kernel_function.t (** Function being analyzed *);
-  table_for_calls: Eva.Froms.t Kinstr.Hashtbl.t
+  table_for_calls: Eva.Assigns.t Kinstr.Hashtbl.t
 (** State of the From plugin for each statement containing a function call
     in the body of [current_function]. Updated incrementally each time
     Value analyses such a statement *);
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let call_froms_stack : from_state list ref = ref []
 let record_callwise_dependencies_in_db call_site froms =
     let previous = Tbl.find call_site in
-    Tbl.replace call_site (Eva.Froms.join previous froms)
+    Tbl.replace call_site (Eva.Assigns.join previous froms)
   with Not_found -> Tbl.add call_site froms
 let call_for_individual_froms _callstack current_function _state call_type =
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ let end_record callstack froms =
 module MemExec =
-    (Eva.Froms)
+    (Eva.Assigns)
       let size = 17
       let dependencies = [Tbl.self]
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ let record_for_individual_froms callstack kf pre_state value_res =
         let froms =
           if Eva.Analysis.save_results kf
           then compute_call_from_value_states kf (Lazy.force before_stmts)
-          else Eva.Froms.top
+          else Eva.Assigns.top
         if From_parameters.VerifyAssigns.get () then
           Eva.Logic_inout.verify_assigns kf ~pre:pre_state froms;
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/callwise.mli b/src/plugins/from/callwise.mli
index 2cdb2cb3e7ddbda80336cd881940a84ef65d52bd..ad682a4d569ca6c75efea339479e358348a738aa 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/callwise.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/from/callwise.mli
@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@
     precise than the functionwise results. *)
 val compute_all_calldeps : unit -> unit
-val iter : (Cil_types.kinstr -> Eva.Froms.t -> unit) -> unit
-val find : Cil_types.kinstr -> Eva.Froms.t
+val iter : (Cil_types.kinstr -> Eva.Assigns.t -> unit) -> unit
+val find : Cil_types.kinstr -> Eva.Assigns.t
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/from_compute.ml b/src/plugins/from/from_compute.ml
index 9a6996e3d358c791601b833bb58071b796e3743f..9a063c21cea44ee5b54938be5b28d21a1fcf8f1b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/from_compute.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/from/from_compute.ml
@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ module Record_From_Callbacks =
       type t =
         (Kernel_function.t Stack.t) *
-        Eva.Froms.Memory.t Stmt.Hashtbl.t *
-        (Kernel_function.t * Eva.Froms.Memory.t) list Stmt.Hashtbl.t
+        Eva.Assigns.Memory.t Stmt.Hashtbl.t *
+        (Kernel_function.t * Eva.Assigns.Memory.t) list Stmt.Hashtbl.t
 module type To_Use =
-  val get_from_call : kernel_function -> stmt -> Eva.Froms.t
+  val get_from_call : kernel_function -> stmt -> Eva.Assigns.t
   val stmt_request : stmt -> Eva.Results.request
   val keep_base : kernel_function -> Base.t -> bool
-  val cleanup_and_save : kernel_function -> Eva.Froms.t -> Eva.Froms.t
+  val cleanup_and_save : kernel_function -> Eva.Assigns.t -> Eva.Assigns.t
 let compute_using_prototype_for_state state kf assigns =
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ let compute_using_prototype_for_state state kf assigns =
              dependencies *)
           let input_deps = Eva.Deps.data input_zone in
           (* Weak update of the over-approximation of the zones assigned *)
-          let acc = Eva.Froms.Memory.add_binding ~exact:false
+          let acc = Eva.Assigns.Memory.add_binding ~exact:false
               acc output.over input_deps in
           (* Now, perform a strong update on the zones that are guaranteed
                    to be assigned (under-approximation) AND that do not depend
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ let compute_using_prototype_for_state state kf assigns =
             Zone.(if equal top input_zone then bottom
                   else diff output.under input_zone)
-          let acc = Eva.Froms.Memory.add_binding ~exact:true
+          let acc = Eva.Assigns.Memory.add_binding ~exact:true
               acc sure_out_zone input_deps in
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ let compute_using_prototype_for_state state kf assigns =
-        treat_assign Eva.Froms.Memory.empty other_assigns
+        treat_assign Eva.Assigns.Memory.empty other_assigns
-  Eva.Froms.{ deps_return = return_deps; deps_table = deps }
+  Eva.Assigns.{ return = return_deps; memory = deps }
 module ZoneStmtMap = struct
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ struct
           the statement that gave rise to the dependency. *)
       additional_deps : Zone.t;
       (** Union of the sets in {!additional_deps_table} *)
-      deps_table : Eva.Froms.Memory.t
+      deps_table : Eva.Assigns.Memory.t
       (** dependency table *)
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ struct
     let request = To_Use.stmt_request stmt in
     let pre_trans = Eva.Results.expr_dependencies expr request in
-      (fun d -> Eva.Froms.Memory.find_precise deps_tbl d) pre_trans
+      (fun d -> Eva.Assigns.Memory.find_precise deps_tbl d) pre_trans
   let lval_to_zone_with_deps stmt lv =
     let request = To_Use.stmt_request stmt in
@@ -238,12 +238,12 @@ struct
   let empty_from =
     { additional_deps_table = ZoneStmtMap.empty;
       additional_deps = Zone.bottom;
-      deps_table = Eva.Froms.Memory.empty }
+      deps_table = Eva.Assigns.Memory.empty }
   let bottom_from =
     { additional_deps_table = ZoneStmtMap.empty;
       additional_deps = Zone.bottom;
-      deps_table = Eva.Froms.Memory.bottom }
+      deps_table = Eva.Assigns.Memory.bottom }
   module Computer = struct
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ struct
       Eva.Deps.add_indirect subst_deps extra_loc
     let display_one_from fmt v =
-      Eva.Froms.Memory.pretty fmt v.deps_table;
+      Eva.Assigns.Memory.pretty fmt v.deps_table;
       Format.fprintf fmt "Additional Variable Map : %a@\n"
         ZoneStmtMap.pretty v.additional_deps_table;
       Format.fprintf fmt
@@ -291,10 +291,10 @@ struct
           m, new_z, false
       let map =
-        Eva.Froms.Memory.join new_.deps_table old.deps_table
+        Eva.Assigns.Memory.join new_.deps_table old.deps_table
       let included' =
-        Eva.Froms.Memory.is_included new_.deps_table old.deps_table
+        Eva.Assigns.Memory.is_included new_.deps_table old.deps_table
       { deps_table = map;
         additional_deps_table = additional_map;
@@ -314,12 +314,12 @@ struct
       let deps, loc, exact =
         lval_to_precise_loc_with_deps stmt ~for_writing:(not init) lv
-      let deps_of_deps = Eva.Froms.Memory.find state.deps_table deps in
+      let deps_of_deps = Eva.Assigns.Memory.find state.deps_table deps in
       let all_indirect = Zone.join state.additional_deps deps_of_deps in
       let deps = Eva.Deps.add_indirect deps_right all_indirect in
       let access = if init then Read else Write in
       { state with deps_table =
-                     Eva.Froms.Memory.add_binding_precise_loc
+                     Eva.Assigns.Memory.add_binding_precise_loc
                        ~exact access state.deps_table loc deps }
     let transfer_call stmt dest f args _loc state =
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ struct
       let called_vinfos = Eva.Results.(eval_callee f request |> default []) in
       let f_deps = Eva.Results.expr_deps f request in
       (* dependencies for the evaluation of [f] *)
-      let f_deps = Eva.Froms.Memory.find state.deps_table f_deps in
+      let f_deps = Eva.Assigns.Memory.find state.deps_table f_deps in
       let additional_deps =
@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ struct
           let froms_call = To_Use.get_from_call kf stmt in
-          let froms_call_table = froms_call.Eva.Froms.deps_table in
-          if Eva.Froms.Memory.is_bottom froms_call_table then
+          let froms_call_table = froms_call.Eva.Assigns.memory in
+          if Eva.Assigns.Memory.is_bottom froms_call_table then
             let formal_args = Kernel_function.get_formals kf in
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ struct
             match dest with
             | None -> state
             | Some lv ->
-              let return_from = froms_call.Eva.Froms.deps_return in
+              let return_from = froms_call.Eva.Assigns.return in
               let deps_ret = subst_before_call return_from in
               let init = Cil.is_mutable_or_initialized lv in
               transfer_assign stmt ~init lv deps_ret state
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ struct
         | Some acc_memory ->
             {state with
-             deps_table = Eva.Froms.Memory.join
+             deps_table = Eva.Assigns.Memory.join
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ struct
     (* Filter out unreachable values. *)
     let transfer_stmt s d =
       if Eva.Results.is_reachable s &&
-         not (Eva.Froms.Memory.is_bottom d.deps_table)
+         not (Eva.Assigns.Memory.is_bottom d.deps_table)
       then transfer_stmt s d
       else []
@@ -545,12 +545,12 @@ struct
   (* Remove all local variables and formals from table *)
-  let externalize return kf state =
-    let deps_return =
-      (match return.skind with
+  let externalize return_stmt kf state =
+    let return =
+      (match return_stmt.skind with
        | Return (Some ({enode = Lval v}),_) ->
-         let zone = lval_to_zone_with_deps return v in
-         let deps = Eva.Froms.Memory.find_precise state.deps_table zone in
+         let zone = lval_to_zone_with_deps return_stmt v in
+         let deps = Eva.Assigns.Memory.find_precise state.deps_table zone in
          let size = Bit_utils.sizeof (Cil.typeOfLval v) in
          From_memory.add_to_return ~size deps
        | Return (None,_) ->
@@ -558,17 +558,14 @@ struct
        | _ -> assert false)
     let accept = To_Use.keep_base kf in
-    let deps_table =
-      Eva.Froms.Memory.filter_base accept state.deps_table
-    in
-    Eva.Froms.{ deps_return = deps_return;
-                deps_table = deps_table }
+    let memory = Eva.Assigns.Memory.filter_base accept state.deps_table in
+    Eva.Assigns.{ return; memory }
   let compute_using_cfg kf =
     match kf.fundec with
     | Declaration _ -> assert false
     | Definition (f,_) ->
-      if not (Eva.Analysis.save_results kf) then Eva.Froms.top
+      if not (Eva.Analysis.save_results kf) then Eva.Assigns.top
           Stack.iter (fun g -> if kf == g then raise Exit) call_stack;
@@ -613,15 +610,19 @@ struct
                   "Non-terminating function %a (no dependencies)"
                   Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-                Eva.Froms.{ deps_return = From_memory.default_return;
-                            deps_table = Eva.Froms.Memory.bottom }
+                Eva.Assigns.{
+                  return = From_memory.default_return;
+                  memory = Eva.Assigns.Memory.bottom
+                }
         with Exit (* Recursive call *) ->
-          { deps_return = From_memory.default_return;
-            deps_table = Eva.Froms.Memory.empty }
+          {
+            return = From_memory.default_return;
+            memory = Eva.Assigns.Memory.empty
+          }
   let compute_using_prototype kf =
     let state = Eva.Results.(at_start_of kf |> get_cvalue_model) in
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/from_compute.mli b/src/plugins/from/from_compute.mli
index 2d9f43e4bb4b8d705098e97d1915feff95e8f00c..a48e9c38d2675bd00784dc2a7af4a1230328ccf9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/from_compute.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/from/from_compute.mli
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ open Cil_types
 module type To_Use =
   (** How to find the Froms for a given call during the analysis. *)
-  val get_from_call : kernel_function -> stmt -> Eva.Froms.t
+  val get_from_call : kernel_function -> stmt -> Eva.Assigns.t
   (** The Eva request that can be used to evaluate expressions at a given
       statement through the Eva public API. *)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ sig
   (** Clean the given from (that have been computed for the given function),
       optionally save them, and return the cleaned result. *)
-  val cleanup_and_save : kernel_function -> Eva.Froms.t -> Eva.Froms.t
+  val cleanup_and_save : kernel_function -> Eva.Assigns.t -> Eva.Assigns.t
 (** Function that compute the Froms from a given prototype, called
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ val compute_using_prototype_for_state :
   Cvalue.Model.t ->
   Kernel_function.t ->
   assigns ->
-  Eva.Froms.t
+  Eva.Assigns.t
 (** Functor computing the functional dependencies, according to the three
     modules above. *)
 module Make (_: To_Use) : sig
   (** Compute the dependencies of the given function, and return them *)
-  val compute_and_return : Kernel_function.t -> Eva.Froms.t
+  val compute_and_return : Kernel_function.t -> Eva.Assigns.t
   (** Compute the dependencies of the given function *)
   val compute : Kernel_function.t -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/from_memory.ml b/src/plugins/from/from_memory.ml
index 2ae5ab4c97a7fc6c546511b2ea8b438c8e5d53fe..57d9fde7a112b070d89182f35e8ac20107f5bc62 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/from_memory.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/from/from_memory.ml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ open Locations
 module Deps = Eva.Deps
 module DepsOrUnassigned = struct
-  include Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned
+  include Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned
   let subst f d =
     match d with
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module DepsOrUnassigned = struct
       Format.fprintf fmt "%a (and SELF)" Deps.pretty_precise fd
-include Eva.Froms.Memory
+include Eva.Assigns.Memory
 let bind_var vi v m =
   let z = Locations.zone_of_varinfo vi in
@@ -217,9 +217,10 @@ let pretty_ind_data =
     precise information.
     @raise Error if the given type is not a function type
-let pretty_with_type ~indirect typ fmt Eva.Froms.{ deps_return = r; deps_table = t } =
+let pretty_with_type ~indirect typ fmt assigns =
+  let Eva.Assigns.{ memory; return } = assigns in
   let (rt_typ,_,_,_) = Cil.splitFunctionType typ in
-  if is_bottom t
+  if is_bottom memory
   then Format.fprintf fmt
@@ -230,18 +231,18 @@ let pretty_with_type ~indirect typ fmt Eva.Froms.{ deps_return = r; deps_table =
     if Cil.isVoidType rt_typ
     then begin
-      if is_empty t
+      if is_empty memory
       then Format.fprintf fmt "@[NO EFFECTS@]"
-      else map_pretty fmt t
+      else map_pretty fmt memory
       let pp_space fmt =
-        if not (is_empty t) then
+        if not (is_empty memory) then
           Format.fprintf fmt "@ "
       Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a%t@[\\result FROM @[%a@]@]@]"
-        map_pretty t pp_space
-        (if indirect then Deps.pretty_precise else Deps.pretty) r
+        map_pretty memory pp_space
+        (if indirect then Deps.pretty_precise else Deps.pretty) return
 let pretty_with_type_indirect = pretty_with_type ~indirect:true
 let pretty_with_type = pretty_with_type ~indirect:false
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/from_memory.mli b/src/plugins/from/from_memory.mli
index 15768ea0547beaeaaafa9ee95f9a6d28f34c385c..8e6f08e5905a93ea68fc7f20a0c284b27eaa0f02 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/from_memory.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/from/from_memory.mli
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 (** Utilitary functions on the {!Eva.Froms.Memory.t} type. *)
-type t = Eva.Froms.Memory.t
+type t = Eva.Assigns.Memory.t
 val top : t
@@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ val collapse_return: return -> Eva.Deps.t
 (** Display dependencies of a function, using the function's type to improve
     readability *)
-val pretty_with_type: Cil_types.typ -> Eva.Froms.t Pretty_utils.formatter
+val pretty_with_type: Cil_types.typ -> Eva.Assigns.t Pretty_utils.formatter
 (** Display dependencies of a function, using the function's type to improve
     readability, separating direct and indirect dependencies *)
-val pretty_with_type_indirect: Cil_types.typ -> Eva.Froms.t Pretty_utils.formatter
+val pretty_with_type_indirect:
+  Cil_types.typ ->
+  Eva.Assigns.t Pretty_utils.formatter
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/functionwise.ml b/src/plugins/from/functionwise.ml
index 69caa8a39593169f0d369b54904c2690298152b1..972c2749f7f19c2ea85b81ed1339a71acf19e48b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/functionwise.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/from/functionwise.ml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ open Locations
 module Tbl =
-    (Eva.Froms)
+    (Eva.Assigns)
       let name = "Functionwise dependencies"
       let size = 17
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module To_Use = struct
     Eva.Logic_inout.accept_base ~formals:false ~locals:false kf
   let cleanup kf froms =
-    if Eva.Froms.Memory.is_bottom froms.Eva.Froms.deps_table
+    if Eva.Assigns.Memory.is_bottom froms.Eva.Assigns.memory
     then froms
       let accept_base =
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ module To_Use = struct
         with Abstract_interp.Error_Top -> Zone.top
       let map_zone = Eva.Deps.map zone_substitution in
-      { deps_table = From_memory.map map_zone froms.deps_table;
-        deps_return = Eva.Deps.map zone_substitution froms.deps_return;
+      { memory = From_memory.map map_zone froms.memory;
+        return = Eva.Deps.map zone_substitution froms.return;
   let cleanup_and_save kf froms =
diff --git a/src/plugins/from/functionwise.mli b/src/plugins/from/functionwise.mli
index aee21d2668d2b74d8e9090a1c16eabf71f305441..5f0ba60bace3c7b9c29a4dfa3c4506482b3b25a7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/from/functionwise.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/from/functionwise.mli
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ val self : State.t
 val compute : kernel_function -> unit
 val compute_all : unit -> unit
 val is_computed : kernel_function -> bool
-val get : Cil_types.kernel_function -> Eva.Froms.t
+val get : Cil_types.kernel_function -> Eva.Assigns.t
 val pretty : Format.formatter -> kernel_function -> unit
diff --git a/src/plugins/inout/operational_inputs.ml b/src/plugins/inout/operational_inputs.ml
index 03c8aca99b100baf8c42109d3bb206f14e24fa07..74d506662ca0d90cfad653097b3140edffa329d9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/inout/operational_inputs.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/inout/operational_inputs.ml
@@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ let get_external_aux ?stmt kf =
       else !ref_get_external kf
-let extract_inout_from_froms froms =
-  let Eva.Froms.{ deps_return; deps_table } = froms in
+let extract_inout_from_froms assigns =
+  let Eva.Assigns.{ return = deps_return; memory = deps_table } = assigns in
   let in_return = Eva.Deps.to_zone deps_return in
   let in_, out_ =
     match deps_table with
@@ -525,13 +525,13 @@ let extract_inout_from_froms froms =
       let aux_from out in_ (acc_in,acc_out as acc) =
         (* Skip zones fully unassigned, they are not really port of the
            dependencies, but just present in the offsetmap to avoid "holes" *)
-        match (in_ : Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.t) with
+        match (in_ : Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.t) with
         | DepsBottom | Unassigned -> acc
         | AssignedFrom in_ | MaybeAssignedFrom in_ ->
           Zone.join acc_in (Eva.Deps.to_zone in_),
           Zone.join acc_out out
-      Eva.Froms.Memory.fold aux_from m (Zone.bottom, Zone.bottom)
+      Eva.Assigns.Memory.fold aux_from m (Zone.bottom, Zone.bottom)
   (Zone.join in_return in_), out_
diff --git a/src/plugins/pdg/build.ml b/src/plugins/pdg/build.ml
index ae522d4da803106814534acf3f548b4c15ad41ff..c2268d86d6f084325f3b5cf096c294eb2e2749d5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/pdg/build.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/pdg/build.ml
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ let finalize_pdg pdg from_opt =
      (* TODO : also add the nodes for the other from ! *)
      let state = match last_state with Some s -> s | None -> assert false in
      let process_out out deps s =
-       let open Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned in
+       let open Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned in
        if (equal Unassigned deps)
        then s
@@ -574,22 +574,22 @@ let finalize_pdg pdg from_opt =
          let default = may_be_unassigned deps in
          add_from pdg state s out (default, from_out)
-     let from_table = froms.Eva.Froms.deps_table in
+     let from_table = froms.Eva.Assigns.memory in
      let new_state =
-       if Eva.Froms.Memory.is_bottom from_table then
+       if Eva.Assigns.Memory.is_bottom from_table then
          let new_state =
            match from_table with
            | Top ->
-               Locations.Zone.top Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.top state
+               Locations.Zone.top Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.top state
            | Map m ->
-             Eva.Froms.Memory.fold_fuse_same process_out m state
+             Eva.Assigns.Memory.fold_fuse_same process_out m state
            | Bottom -> assert false (* checked above *)
          if not (Kernel_function.returns_void pdg.fct) then begin
-           let deps_ret = froms.Eva.Froms.deps_return in
+           let deps_ret = froms.Eva.Assigns.return in
            let deps_ret = Eva.Deps.to_zone deps_ret in
              (create_fun_output_node pdg (Some new_state) deps_ret)
@@ -647,45 +647,44 @@ let process_args pdg st stmt argl =
     and [new_state] the state to modify.
  * Process call outputs (including returned value) *)
 let call_outputs  pdg state_before_call state_with_inputs stmt
-    lvaloption froms fct_dpds =
+    lvaloption assigns fct_dpds =
   (* obtain inputs from state_with_inputs
      to avoid mixing in and out *)
-  let froms_deps_return = froms.Eva.Froms.deps_return in
-  let from_table = froms.Eva.Froms.deps_table in
+  let Eva.Assigns.{ return = return_deps; memory = memory_deps } = assigns in
   let print_outputs fmt =
     Format.fprintf fmt "call outputs  : %a"
-      Eva.Froms.Memory.pretty from_table;
+      Eva.Assigns.Memory.pretty memory_deps;
     if not (lvaloption = None) then
       Format.fprintf fmt "\t and \\result %a@."
-        Eva.Deps.pretty froms_deps_return
+        Eva.Deps.pretty return_deps
   debug "%t" print_outputs;
   let process_out out deps state =
-    if Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.(equal Unassigned deps) then
+    if Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.(equal Unassigned deps) then
-      let from_out = Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.to_zone deps in
-      let default = Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.may_be_unassigned deps in
+      let from_out = Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.to_zone deps in
+      let default = Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.may_be_unassigned deps in
         pdg state_with_inputs state stmt out default from_out fct_dpds
-  if Eva.Froms.Memory.is_bottom from_table then
+  if Eva.Assigns.Memory.is_bottom memory_deps then
     let state_with_outputs =
-      match from_table with
+      match memory_deps with
       | Top ->
-          Locations.Zone.top Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.top state_before_call
+          Locations.Zone.top Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.top state_before_call
       | Bottom -> assert false (* checked above *)
       | Map m ->
-        Eva.Froms.Memory.fold_fuse_same process_out m state_before_call
+        Eva.Assigns.Memory.fold_fuse_same process_out m state_before_call
     match lvaloption with
     | None -> state_with_outputs
     | Some lval ->
-      let r_dpds = Eva.Deps.to_zone froms_deps_return in
+      let r_dpds = Eva.Deps.to_zone return_deps in
       let (l_loc, exact, l_dpds, l_decl) = get_lval_infos lval stmt in
diff --git a/src/plugins/scope/zones.ml b/src/plugins/scope/zones.ml
index f4196e083083c0c5c4ddfd3bc113f8f8b648475f..3c2ecaa401f5672483771b620db63c95b9c8dea9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/scope/zones.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/scope/zones.ml
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ let process_call_res data stmt lvaloption froms =
   let data = match lvaloption with
     | None -> false, data
     | Some lval ->
-      let ret_dpds = froms.Eva.Froms.deps_return in
+      let ret_dpds = froms.Eva.Assigns.return in
       let r_dpds = Eva.Deps.to_zone ret_dpds in
       let l_dpds, exact, l_zone =
         get_lval_zones ~for_writing:true  stmt lval in
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ let process_call_res data stmt lvaloption froms =
  * Moreover, we need to add the part of [data_after] that has not been
  * modified for sure. *)
 let process_froms data_after froms =
-  let from_table = froms.Eva.Froms.deps_table in
+  let from_table = froms.Eva.Assigns.memory in
   let process_out_call out deps (to_prop, used, new_data) =
-    let out_dpds = Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.to_zone deps in
-    let default = Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.may_be_unassigned deps in
+    let out_dpds = Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.to_zone deps in
+    let default = Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.may_be_unassigned deps in
     let exact = not default in
     (* be careful to compare out with data_after and not new_data *)
     if (Data.intersects data_after out) then
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ let process_froms data_after froms =
     match from_table with
     | Bottom -> to_prop, used, new_data
     | Top ->
-      let v = Eva.Froms.DepsOrUnassigned.top in
+      let v = Eva.Assigns.DepsOrUnassigned.top in
       process_out_call Locations.Zone.top v (to_prop, used, new_data)
     | Map m ->
-      Eva.Froms.Memory.fold process_out_call m (to_prop, used, new_data)
+      Eva.Assigns.Memory.fold process_out_call m (to_prop, used, new_data)
   in let data = Data.merge to_prop new_data in
   (used, data)