diff --git a/share/analysis-scripts/benchmark.sh b/share/analysis-scripts/benchmark.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b94892cd32f197cd0c5597e277ebafcd0395b58..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/share/analysis-scripts/benchmark.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -eu
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Command Line Parsing                                               ---
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-while [[ $# > 0 ]]
-    case $1 in
-        -b|--hash|--branch)
-            git_hash="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -d|--clone-dir)
-            clone_dir="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -c|--comment)
-            comment="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -p|--repository-path)
-            repository_path="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -m|--makefile-path)
-            makefile_path="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -o|--output)
-            output_file="$2"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -h|--help)
-            show_usage="yes"
-            ;;
-        *)
-            targets="$targets $1"
-            ;;
-    esac
-    shift
-if [ -z "$targets" -o -n "$show_usage" ]
-    echo "Usage: $0 TARGET ..."
-    echo "Run benchmark for the specified targets."
-    echo ""
-    echo "The following arguments can be given:"
-    echo "  -b, --hash HASH,            selects HASH or BRANCH in the frama-c repository"
-    echo "      --branch BRANCH"
-    echo "  -d, --clone-dir             path to the directory where frama-c versions are"
-    echo "                                cloned"
-    echo "  -c, --comment COMMENT       a comment associated to results for better"
-    echo "                                readability of the results; if omitted,"
-    echo "                                defaults to the Frama-C branch name"
-    echo "  -p, --repository-path PATH  do not clone frama-c, use this repository instead"
-    echo "  -m, --makefile-path FILE    path to the makefile which can build the target"
-    echo "  -o, --output FILE           path to the output CSV file to be filled"
-    echo "  -h, --help                  prints this help and quits"
-    exit 1
-if [ -z "$comment" ]
-    # Note: if the user gave us a commit hash instead of a branch name,
-    #       we do not retrieve the branch name (which may not exist anyway)
-    comment="$git_hash"
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Frama-C repository                                                 ---
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if [ -z "$repository_path" ]
-    # git_hash and comment cannot be parsed yet:
-    # we need the git clone to dereference it, in case it's a tag/branch name
-    ##### Preparation of git clones/checkouts #####
-    bare="$clone_dir/frama-c.git"
-    # Check if bench clone exists
-    if [ ! -d "$bare" ]
-    then
-        echo "Cloning Frama-C..."
-        git clone --bare --quiet git@git.frama-c.com:frama-c/frama-c "$bare"
-        sed --in-place '/bare = true/d' $bare/config
-    fi
-    # Fetch all refs
-    (
-        cd $bare
-        git fetch origin '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*' --prune
-    )
-    # Now we can parse the other arguments
-    # Resolve branch name if given
-    git_hash=`git --git-dir="$bare" rev-parse "$git_hash"`
-    # repository_path must be an absolute path
-    repository_path="$(readlink -f "$clone_dir/$git_hash")"
-    # Checkout and build the branch if necessary
-    if [ ! -e "$clone_dir/$git_hash" ]
-    then
-        echo "Building Frama-C for git commit: $git_hash"
-        # The workdir cmd can extract a working tree of the desired hash
-        # without cloning once more
-        workdir_cmd=`locate git-new-workdir --limit 1`
-        if [ -z "$workdir_cmd" ]
-        then
-            git --git-dir="$bare" worktree add "$repository_path" "$git_hash"
-        else
-            bash "$workdir_cmd" "$bare" "$repository_path" "$git_hash"
-        fi
-        # Build Frama-C
-        (
-            cd "$repository_path";
-            autoconf;
-            ./configure --disable-wp;
-            make -j;
-        )
-    fi
-# In case building has failed for some reason, we check if the actual binary
-# exists and report an error otherwise, indicating which directory should be
-# deleted.
-if [ ! -e "$FRAMAC" ]
-    echo "Error: could not find Frama-C binary: $FRAMAC"
-    echo "You may try erasing the directory to force a recompilation."
-    exit 2
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Benchmark execution and output                                     ---
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-header="target\ttimestamp\tFrama-C hash\tcomment\tcpu_time\tmaxmem\talarms\t\
-warnings\tsem reach fun\tsyn reach fun\ttotal fun\tsem reach stmt\t\
-syn reach stmt\tcommand args\tcase study git hash"
-if [ ! -e "$output_file" ]
-    echo "output file does not exist, creating: $output_file"
-    printf "$header\n" > "$output_file"
-for target in $targets
-  pushd $makefile_path > /dev/null
-  make --no-print-directory $target BENCHMARK=y FRAMAC="$FRAMAC"
-  case_git_hash=`git rev-parse HEAD`
-  . $target/stats.txt
-  popd > /dev/null
-  printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" \
-      "$target" "$timestamp" $git_hash "$comment" \
-      $user_time $memory $alarms $warnings \
-      $sem_reach_fun $syn_reach_fun $total_fun $sem_reach_stmt $syn_reach_stmt \
-      "$cmd_args" $case_git_hash \
-      >> "$output_file"
-  if command -v sqlite3 2>&1 >/dev/null
-  then
-    export comment
-    export git_hash
-    export case_git_hash
-    export target
-    "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/bench-sqlite.sh" "$makefile_path/$target/stats.txt"
-  else
-    echo "command 'sqlite3' not found, cannot update the database"
-  fi
diff --git a/share/analysis-scripts/clone.sh b/share/analysis-scripts/clone.sh
index 19fe1a82afc70a5f1b8880713e67d0648e57af6d..0ed6b8553c2144fb94fb9cd8f3260f39b65212d9 100755
--- a/share/analysis-scripts/clone.sh
+++ b/share/analysis-scripts/clone.sh
@@ -64,15 +64,8 @@ target_path="$(readlink -f "$clone_dir/$git_hash")"
 # Checkout
 if [ ! -e "$target_path" ]
-    # The workdir cmd can extract a working tree of the desired hash
-    # without cloning once more
-    workdir_cmd=`locate git-new-workdir --limit 1`
-    if [ -z "$workdir_cmd" ]
-    then
-        git --git-dir="$bare" worktree add "$target_path" "$git_hash"
-    else
-        bash "$workdir_cmd" "$bare" "$target_path" "$git_hash"
-    fi
+    git clone "$bare" "$target_path" --quiet
+    (cd "$target_path" && git checkout "$git_hash" --quiet)
 # Build Frama-C
diff --git a/share/analysis-scripts/results_display.py b/share/analysis-scripts/results_display.py
index 732784ea6ddfd9ca73f3436aedb753418fd8de30..afec20997215b4f077ac97000b3848155009421c 100644
--- a/share/analysis-scripts/results_display.py
+++ b/share/analysis-scripts/results_display.py
@@ -133,6 +133,14 @@ class PlainDisplay:
             elif s == "@-":
                 attributes = self.NEGATIVE
+                available = size - n
+                if len(s) > available:
+                    if available > 16:
+                        s = s[0:9] + '...' + s[13-available:]
+                    elif available > 6:
+                        s = s[0:available - 3] + '...'
+                    else:
+                        s = ''
                 n += len(s)
                 self.write(s, attributes if override is None else override)
         if n < size:
@@ -184,7 +192,7 @@ class CursesDisplay(PlainDisplay):
         stdscr.refresh()  # Needs to be done once or nothing will be output
-        self.window = curses.newpad(400, 160)
+        self.window = curses.newpad(2000, 160)
         curses.init_color(curses.COLOR_YELLOW, 300, 300, 300)
         curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, 0)
         curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, 0)
@@ -198,15 +206,22 @@ class CursesDisplay(PlainDisplay):
         self.scroll_y = 0
     def write(self, text, attributes=0):
-        self.window.addstr(text, attributes)
+        try:
+            self.window.addstr(text, attributes)
+        except curses.error: # don't exactly know why it happens, but it happens
+            pass
     def print_table(self, results):
         PlainDisplay.print_table(self, results)
         height, width = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()
+        self.scroll_y = max(0, min(self.scroll_y, len(results)-height+2)) # relocate scroll if too far
-            self.window.refresh(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, width - 1)
-            self.window.refresh(self.scroll_y + 2, 0, 2, 0, height - 1, width - 1)
+            if len(results) + 2 > height:
+                self.window.refresh(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, width - 1)
+                self.window.refresh(self.scroll_y + 2, 0, 2, 0, height - 1, width - 1)
+            else:
+                self.window.refresh(0, 0, 0, 0, height - 1, width - 1)
         except Exception:
             # getmaxyx may be out of date, especially when resizing down the
             # window ; just ignore errors
diff --git a/share/analysis-scripts/summary.py b/share/analysis-scripts/summary.py
index 8c9949fa10ab2cc036ab80477dc0e848506c0ce7..b2ee5d102f1b4319ecc279c67e73e45d60fe4c38 100755
--- a/share/analysis-scripts/summary.py
+++ b/share/analysis-scripts/summary.py
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import os
 import signal
 import argparse
 import uuid
+import csv
+from pathlib import Path
 import frama_c_results
 import results_display
@@ -76,15 +78,18 @@ def list_targets(dir):
 def clone_frama_c(clonedir, hash):
     print("Cloning Frama-C", hash, "...")
-    res = subprocess.run(
-        ["./scripts/clone.sh", "--clone-dir", clonedir, hash],
-        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-        encoding="ascii",
-    )
-    if res.returncode != 0:
-        raise OperationException("Cannot clone repository. Try to manually"
-            "remove the broken clone in " + clonedir)
-    return res.stdout.strip() + "/build"
+    try:
+        clone_cmd = Path(__file__).parent / "clone.sh"
+        res = subprocess.run(
+            [clone_cmd, "--clone-dir", clonedir, hash],
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            encoding="ascii",
+            check=True)
+        return res.stdout.strip() + "/build"
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        raise OperationException(
+            f"Cannot clone repository. Try to manually remove the broken clone"
+            f"in {clonedir}\n{e.output}") from e
 def run_make(framac, benchmark_tag=None):
     args = ["make", "--keep-going", "all"]
@@ -141,6 +146,22 @@ def poll_results(targets, benchmark_tag):
     return results
+def dump_results_csv(results, path):
+    with open(path, 'w', newline='') as file:
+        fieldnames = [
+            "target_name", "timestamp",
+            "sem_reach_fun", "syn_reach_fun", "total_fun",
+            "sem_reach_stmt", "syn_reach_stmt",
+            "alarms", "warnings", "coverage",
+            "user_time", "memory"]
+        writer = csv.DictWriter(
+            file,
+            fieldnames=fieldnames,
+            extrasaction='ignore')
+        writer.writeheader()
+        writer.writerows(results)
 def run_analyses(display, database, framac, benchmark_tag):
     results = []
     targets = list_targets(".")
@@ -197,7 +218,9 @@ parser.add_argument("-c", "--comment",
 parser.add_argument("-p", "--repository-path",
     action="store", metavar="PATH",
     help="don't clone Frama-C, use this git repository instead")
+parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-csv",
+    action="store", metavar="PATH", type=Path,
+    help="output the results to the given CSV file")
 errors = b""
@@ -237,6 +260,9 @@ try:
+    if args.output_csv is not None:
+        dump_results_csv(results, args.output_csv)
 except OperationException as e:
     errors += bytearray(str(e), "ascii")