diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
index 56cbd3f35d0ef00ad13a1781a3a94ceee09e6b34..a40c44aecb817db80d9a7d166453cfeb586ad1a2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
@@ -133,21 +133,21 @@ class visitor fmt c =
     method add_import ?was thy =
       self#lines ;
       match was with
-      | None     -> Format.fprintf fmt "use import %s@\n" thy
-      | Some was -> Format.fprintf fmt "use import %s as %s@\n" thy was
+      | None     -> Format.fprintf fmt "use %s@\n" thy
+      | Some was -> Format.fprintf fmt "use %s as %s@\n" thy was
     method add_import2 file thy =
       self#lines ;
-      Format.fprintf fmt "use import %s.%s@\n" file thy
+      Format.fprintf fmt "use %s.%s@\n" file thy
     method add_import3 file thy name =
       self#lines ;
-      Format.fprintf fmt "use import %s.%s as %s@\n" file thy name
+      Format.fprintf fmt "use %s.%s as %s@\n" file thy name
     method on_cluster c =
       self#lines ;
       let name = (cluster_id c) in
-      Format.fprintf fmt "use import %s.%s@\n"
+      Format.fprintf fmt "use %s.%s@\n"
         name (Transitioning.String.capitalize_ascii name) ;
       deps <- (D_cluster c) :: deps
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ let assemble_goal ~id ~title ~theory ?axioms prop fmt =
     engine#set_goal true ;
       begin fun () ->
-        v#printf "@[<hv 2>goal %s \"expl:%s\":@ %a@]@\n@\n"
+        v#printf "@[<hv 2>goal %s[@expl:%s]:@ %a@]@\n@\n"
           engine#pp_prop (F.e_prop prop) ;
@@ -469,11 +469,11 @@ let assemble_goal wpo =
 open ProverTask
-let p_goal = p_until_space ^ " " ^ p_until_space ^ " " ^ p_until_space ^ " : "
+let p_goal = ".* [a-zA-Z0-9_]+: "
 let p_valid = p_goal ^ "Valid (" ^ p_float ^ "s\\(,[^)]*\\)?)"
 let p_limit = p_goal ^ "Timeout"
 let p_error = "File " ^ p_string ^ ", line " ^ p_int ^ ", characters "
-              ^ p_int ^ "-" ^ p_int ^ ":\n\\(warning:\\)?"
+              ^ p_int ^ "-" ^ p_int ^ ":\nsyntax error"
 let re_valid = Str.regexp p_valid
 let re_limit = Str.regexp p_limit
@@ -515,17 +515,13 @@ class why3 ~timeout ~prover ~pid ~file ~includes ~logout ~logerr =
     method private time t = time <- t
     method private error (a : pattern) =
-      try
-        let _warning = a#get_string 5 in
-        ()
-      with Not_found ->
-        let lpos = ProverTask.location (a#get_string 1) (a#get_int 2) in
-        error <- Error_Generated ( lpos , a#get_after ~offset:1 4 )
+      let lpos = ProverTask.location (a#get_string 1) (a#get_int 2) in
+      error <- Error_Generated ( lpos , "why3 " ^ a#get_after ~offset:1 4 )
     method private valid (a : pattern) =
         valid <- true ;
-        time <- a#get_float 4 ;
+        time <- a#get_float 1 ;
     method private limit (_a : pattern) =
@@ -541,10 +537,10 @@ class why3 ~timeout ~prover ~pid ~file ~includes ~logout ~logerr =
         match error with
         | Error_Generated(pos,message) ->
             let source = Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos pos in
-            Wp_parameters.error ~source "Why3 error:@\n%s" message ;
+            Wp_parameters.error ~source "%s" message ;
             VCS.failed ~pos message
         | Error_No ->
-            if r = 0 then
+            if r = 0 || r = 1 then
               let verdict =
                 if valid then VCS.Valid else
                 if limit then VCS.Timeout else