From 02306a1ea4a89890a4a4ea7d565251e27a144235 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Loi=CC=88c=20Correnson?= <>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 15:20:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [kernel/volatile] better handling of const

 .../ast_queries/               | 46 ++++++++++---------
 tests/spec/oracle/   | 24 ++++++++++
 tests/spec/volatile_const.i                   | 18 ++++++++
 3 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/spec/oracle/
 create mode 100644 tests/spec/volatile_const.i

diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index 44868650b2f..5b964ffa994 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -4216,33 +4216,39 @@ struct
           (term_lval_assignable ctxt ~accept_formal ~accept_const env) tsets
-      let checks_tsets_type fct ctyp =
+      let checks_tsets_type ~reads fct ctyp =
-          (fun t ->
-             let check t = match Logic_utils.unroll_type t with
-               | Ctype ctyp' -> Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ctyp ctyp'
-               | _ -> false
-             in
-             if not (Logic_const.plain_or_set check t.term_type) then
-               C.error t.term_loc "incompatible prototype of '%s' with %a"
-                 fct Cil_printer.pp_term t )
-          tsets
+          begin fun t ->
+            let check t = match Logic_utils.unroll_type t with
+              | Ctype ctyp' ->
+                ( reads || not (Cil.isConstType ctyp') )
+                && Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ctyp
+                  (Cil.type_remove_qualifier_attributes ctyp')
+              | _ -> false
+            in
+            if not (Logic_const.plain_or_set check t.term_type) then
+              C.error t.term_loc
+                "@[<hov 0>can not use '%s' to %s volatile @[<hov 2>'%a'@]"
+                fct (if reads then "read" else "write")
+                Cil_printer.pp_term t
+          end tsets
       let prototype_error s fct =
         C.error loc
           "incompatible prototype of '%s' with volatile %s declaration"
           fct s
-      let volatile_type ret_typ arg1 error =
+      let volatile_type ~reads ret_typ arg1 error =
         (* note: type pointed to by arg1 may differ from the
            return type with respect to qualifiers *)
         if not (isPointerType arg1) then error ();
         let vol_typ = typeOf_pointed arg1 in
-        if not (Cil.isVolatileType vol_typ
-                && Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ret_typ
-                  (Cil.type_remove_qualifier_attributes vol_typ))
+        let base_typ = Cil.type_remove_qualifier_attributes vol_typ in
+        if not (Cil.isVolatileType vol_typ &&
+                ( reads || not (Cil.isConstType vol_typ) ) &&
+                Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ret_typ base_typ)
         then error ();
-        vol_typ
+        base_typ
       let checks_reads_fct fct ty =
         let error () = prototype_error "reads" fct
@@ -4254,10 +4260,8 @@ struct
         | Some [_,arg1,_] when
             (not (isVoidType ret || is_varg_arg))
           -> (* matching prototype: T fct (volatile T *arg1) *)
-          let vol_typ = volatile_type ret arg1 error in
-          if Cil.isConstType vol_typ then
-            Kernel.warning ~current:true "Access function '%s' writes to volatile const locations" fct;
-          checks_tsets_type fct vol_typ (* tsets should have type: volatile T *)
+          let vol_typ = volatile_type ~reads:true ret arg1 error in
+          checks_tsets_type ~reads:true fct vol_typ (* tsets should have type: volatile T *)
         | _ ->
           error ()
@@ -4272,8 +4276,8 @@ struct
             (not (isVoidType ret || is_varg_arg))
             && Cil_datatype.Typ.equal ret (Cil.type_remove_qualifier_attributes arg2)
           -> (* matching prototype: T fct (volatile T *arg1, T arg2) *)
-          let vol_typ = volatile_type ret arg1 error in
-          checks_tsets_type fct vol_typ (* tsets should have type: volatile T *)
+          let vol_typ = volatile_type ~reads:false ret arg1 error in
+          checks_tsets_type ~reads:false fct vol_typ (* tsets should have type: volatile T *)
         | _ ->
           error ()
diff --git a/tests/spec/oracle/ b/tests/spec/oracle/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26c96973298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spec/oracle/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/spec/volatile_const.i (no preprocessing)
+[kernel:annot-error] tests/spec/volatile_const.i:16: Warning: 
+  incompatible prototype of 'wr_const' with volatile writes declaration. Ignoring global annotation
+[kernel:annot-error] tests/spec/volatile_const.i:17: Warning: 
+  incompatible prototype of 'wr_const' with volatile writes declaration. Ignoring global annotation
+[kernel:annot-error] tests/spec/volatile_const.i:18: Warning: 
+  can not use 'wr' to write volatile 'd_ro'. Ignoring global annotation
+/* Generated by Frama-C */
+int volatile a_rw;
+int volatile b_rw;
+int const volatile c_ro;
+int const volatile d_ro;
+int rd(int volatile *p);
+int rd_const(int const volatile *p);
+int wr(int volatile *p, int v);
+/*@ volatile a_rw reads rd; */
+/*@ volatile b_rw reads rd_const; */
+/*@ volatile c_ro reads rd_const; */
+/*@ volatile d_ro reads rd; */
+/*@ volatile a_rw writes wr; */
diff --git a/tests/spec/volatile_const.i b/tests/spec/volatile_const.i
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6ecc39b5a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spec/volatile_const.i
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+volatile int a_rw,b_rw ;
+volatile const int c_ro,d_ro ;
+int rd(volatile int *p);
+int rd_const(volatile const int *p);
+int wr(volatile int *p,int v);
+int wr_const(volatile const int *p,int v);
+//@ volatile a_rw reads rd ;         // OK
+//@ volatile b_rw reads rd_const ;   // OK
+//@ volatile c_ro reads rd_const ;   // OK
+//@ volatile d_ro reads rd ;         // OK
+//@ volatile a_rw writes wr ;        // OK
+//@ volatile b_rw writes wr_const ;  // KO
+//@ volatile c_ro writes wr_const ;  // KO
+//@ volatile d_ro writes wr ;        // KO