diff --git a/colibri2/theories/array/DiffGraph.ml b/colibri2/theories/array/DiffGraph.ml
index 5ee8fb1522ce23b7888dd730e32d2e655d867395..184099176c442b977a4d754409537f8117de2d43 100644
--- a/colibri2/theories/array/DiffGraph.ml
+++ b/colibri2/theories/array/DiffGraph.ml
@@ -25,18 +25,52 @@ open Popop_stdlib
 open Common
 module HT = Datastructure.Hashtbl (DInt)
-module NHT = MkIHT (struct
+module EHT = MkIHT (struct
   type t = Node.t
   let pp = Node.pp
-  let name = "diffgraph_nodes"
+  let name = "diffgraph_edges"
+module VHT = MkIHT (struct
+  type t = Node.t
+  let pp = Node.pp
+  let name = "diffgraph_indices"
+module Vertex = struct
+  let sort (a, b) = if DInt.compare a b <= 0 then (a, b) else (b, a)
+  include MkDatatype (struct
+    type t = DInt.t * DInt.t
+    let hash (a, b) = Hashcons.combine (DInt.hash a) (DInt.hash b)
+    let compare (a1, b1) (a2, b2) =
+      match (sort (a1, b1), sort (a2, b2)) with
+      | (a1, b1), (a2, b2) ->
+          let r = DInt.compare a1 a2 in
+          if r = 0 then DInt.compare b1 b2 else r
+    let equal a b = compare a b = 0
+    let pp fmt (a, b) = Fmt.pf fmt "(%d, %d)" a b
+    let hash_fold_t s (a, b) = DInt.hash_fold_t s (hash (a, b))
+  end)
+module Vertices = MkIHT (struct
+  type t = Vertex.S.t
+  let pp = Vertex.S.pp
+  let name = "index_vertices"
 module DG = struct
   include MkIHT (struct
-    type t = DInt.S.t Node.M.t * Node.t DInt.M.t
+    type t = DInt.S.t DInt.M.t * DInt.t DInt.M.t
-    let pp fmt (m, (_ : Node.t DInt.M.t)) = Node.M.pp DInt.S.pp fmt m
+    let pp fmt (m, (_ : DInt.t DInt.M.t)) = DInt.M.pp DInt.S.pp fmt m
     let name = "diffgraph_nodes"
@@ -69,29 +103,32 @@ module DG = struct
     let update_nm np inp inpm nm = DInt.M.add inp (DInt.M.remove np inpm) nm in
     let pp_maps_aux env fmt () =
-      let rec aux (m : Node.t DInt.M.t DInt.M.t) =
+      let rec aux (m : DInt.t DInt.M.t DInt.M.t) =
         match DInt.M.min_binding m with
         | nid, mnp when DInt.M.is_empty mnp ->
-            Format.fprintf fmt "  \"%a\";@." Node.pp (NHT.find env nid);
+            Format.fprintf fmt "  \"%a\";@." Node.pp (EHT.find env nid);
             aux (DInt.M.remove nid m)
         | nid, mnp ->
-            let nidn = NHT.find env nid in
+            let nidn = EHT.find env nid in
             @@ DInt.M.fold
-                 (fun inid k nm ->
-                   let inidn = NHT.find env inid in
+                 (fun inid (kid : DInt.t) (nm : DInt.t DInt.M.t DInt.M.t) ->
+                   let inidn = EHT.find env inid in
+                   let k = VHT.find env kid in
                    match DInt.M.find_opt inid nm with
                    | Some inpm -> (
                        match DInt.M.find_opt nid inpm with
-                       | Some k' when Egraph.is_equal env k k' ->
-                           pp_arrow fmt nidn inidn k
-                             ~options:[ ("dir", "both") ];
-                           update_nm nid inid inpm nm
-                       | Some k' ->
-                           pp_arrow fmt nidn inidn k ~k'
-                             ~options:
-                               [ ("dir", "both"); ("color", "turquoise") ];
-                           update_nm nid inid inpm nm
+                       | Some kid' ->
+                           let k' = VHT.find env kid' in
+                           if Egraph.is_equal env k k' then (
+                             pp_arrow fmt nidn inidn k
+                               ~options:[ ("dir", "both") ];
+                             update_nm nid inid inpm nm)
+                           else (
+                             pp_arrow fmt nidn inidn k ~k'
+                               ~options:
+                                 [ ("dir", "both"); ("color", "turquoise") ];
+                             update_nm nid inid inpm nm)
                        | None ->
                            pp_arrow fmt nidn inidn k
                              ~options:[ ("color", "red") ];
@@ -114,6 +151,13 @@ module DG = struct
             | Some msg -> Fmt.pf fmt "  label = \"%s\"@." msg
             | None -> ())
+  let pp env fmt id =
+    match find_opt env id with
+    | Some (m1, m2) ->
+        Fmt.pf fmt "%d{%a;%a}" id (DInt.M.pp DInt.S.pp) m1 (DInt.M.pp DInt.pp)
+          m2
+    | None -> Fmt.pf fmt "%d{}" id
 module Id_dom = struct
@@ -125,15 +169,36 @@ module Id_dom = struct
   let new_id_hook env id n b =
     if b then (
-      DG.set env id (Node.M.empty, DInt.M.empty);
-      NHT.set env id n)
+      DG.set env id (DInt.M.empty, DInt.M.empty);
+      EHT.set env id n)
+  let set_id env n = set_id ~new_id_hook env n
+  let get_id env n = get_id ~new_id_hook env n
+module Index_Id_dom = struct
+  include MkIdDom (struct
+    let n1 = "Array.Index_Id.value"
+    let n2 = "Array.Index_Id_dom.merge_hooks"
+    let n3 = "Array.Index_id"
+  end)
+  let new_id_hook env id n b =
+    if b then (
+      Vertices.set env id Vertex.S.empty;
+      VHT.set env id n)
   let set_id env n = set_id ~new_id_hook env n
   let get_id env n = get_id ~new_id_hook env n
-let pp_nid env fmt i =
-  match NHT.find_opt env i with
+let pp_eid env fmt i =
+  match EHT.find_opt env i with
+  | Some n -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a{id = %d}" Node.pp n i
+  | None -> Format.fprintf fmt "Not_found{id = %d}" i
+let pp_vid env fmt i =
+  match VHT.find_opt env i with
   | Some n -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a{id = %d}" Node.pp n i
   | None -> Format.fprintf fmt "Not_found{id = %d}" i
@@ -145,7 +210,7 @@ let s_remove_opt s_opt v =
   | None -> raise Not_found
 let are_linked env id1 id2 =
-  let rec aux (seen : DInt.S.t) (m : Node.t DInt.M.t) =
+  let rec aux (seen : DInt.S.t) (m : DInt.t DInt.M.t) =
       (fun id _ (seen, b) ->
         if b then (seen, b)
@@ -163,37 +228,40 @@ let are_neighbours env id1 id2 =
   | None -> false
   | Some (_, m) -> DInt.M.mem id2 m
-let add_neighbour env (srcid, srcn) (destid, destn) k ind_gty val_gty =
-  Debug.dprintf6 debug "DiffGraph: adding %a as a neighbour to %a through %a"
-    Node.pp srcn Node.pp destn Node.pp k;
+let add_neighbour env (srcid, srcn) (destid, destn) ind ind_gty val_gty =
+  let iid = Index_Id_dom.get_id env ind in
+  Debug.dprintf6 debug "DiffGraph: add_neighbour %a to %a through %a"
+    (pp_eid env) srcid (pp_eid env) destid (pp_vid env) iid;
   DG.change env destid ~f:(function
     | None ->
-          (Node.M.singleton k (DInt.S.singleton srcid), DInt.M.singleton srcid k)
+          ( DInt.M.singleton iid (DInt.S.singleton srcid),
+            DInt.M.singleton srcid iid )
     | Some (m1, m2) ->
-          ( Node.M.change
+          ( DInt.M.change
                 | Some nps -> Some (DInt.S.add srcid nps)
                 | None -> Some (DInt.S.singleton srcid))
-              k m1,
+              iid m1,
-                | Some k' ->
-                    if not (Egraph.is_equal env k k') then (
+                | Some iid' ->
+                    let ind' = VHT.find env iid' in
+                    if not (Egraph.is_equal env ind ind') then (
                       (* if a and b are already neighbours and k and k' are not
                          equal then set (k = k' \/ a[k] = b[k] \/ a[k'] = b[k']) to true *)
-                      let eq1 = mk_eq env k k' ind_gty in
+                      let eq1 = mk_eq env ind ind' ind_gty in
                       let eq2 =
                         mk_eq env
-                          (mk_select env srcn k ind_gty val_gty)
-                          (mk_select env destn k ind_gty val_gty)
+                          (mk_select env srcn ind ind_gty val_gty)
+                          (mk_select env destn ind ind_gty val_gty)
                           (Ground.Ty.array ind_gty val_gty)
                       let eq3 =
                         mk_eq env
-                          (mk_select env srcn k' ind_gty val_gty)
-                          (mk_select env destn k' ind_gty val_gty)
+                          (mk_select env srcn ind' ind_gty val_gty)
+                          (mk_select env destn ind' ind_gty val_gty)
                           (Ground.Ty.array ind_gty val_gty)
                       let disj = mk_or env eq1 (mk_or env eq2 eq3) in
@@ -201,8 +269,7 @@ let add_neighbour env (srcid, srcn) (destid, destn) k ind_gty val_gty =
                       if Options.get env use_choice then
                         Choice.register_global env
-                            Choice.print_cho =
-                              "Decision from DiffGraph.add_neighbour.";
+                            Choice.print_cho = "Decision from add_neighbour.";
                             Choice.prio = 1;
                             choice =
                               (fun env ->
@@ -221,13 +288,13 @@ let add_neighbour env (srcid, srcn) (destid, destn) k ind_gty val_gty =
                       Debug.dprintf10 debug
                         "DiffGraph: adding %a as a neighbour to %a through %a: \
                          setting %a = %a to true"
-                        Node.pp srcn Node.pp destn Node.pp k Node.pp k Node.pp
-                        k');
+                        Node.pp srcn Node.pp destn Node.pp ind Node.pp ind
+                        Node.pp ind');
                     (* Don't do anything right away, assume that the
                        activation of the equality hook will take care of
                        normalizing the graph. *)
-                    Some k
-                | None -> Some k)
+                    Some iid
+                | None -> Some iid)
               srcid m2 ))
 exception Not_a_neighbour of string
@@ -247,98 +314,121 @@ let empty_neighbour_set kn rn k =
            neighbour set is empty"
           Node.pp rn Node.pp kn Node.pp k Node.pp kn))
-let rm_neighbour env (kid, knode) (rid, rnode) k =
-  Debug.dprintf6 debug "DiffGraph: rm_neighbour %a of %a through %a" Node.pp
-    rnode Node.pp knode Node.pp k;
+let rm_neighbour env (kid, knode) (rid, rnode) iid =
+  let ind = VHT.find env iid in
+  Debug.dprintf6 debug "DiffGraph: rm_neighbour %a of %a through %a"
+    (pp_eid env) rid (pp_eid env) kid (pp_vid env) iid;
   DG.change env kid ~f:(function
-    | None -> empty_neighbour_set knode rnode k
+    | None -> empty_neighbour_set knode rnode ind
     | Some (m1, m2) ->
-        Some
-          ( Node.M.change
-              (fun s_opt ->
-                match s_remove_opt s_opt rid with
-                | s -> s
-                | exception Not_found -> not_a_neighbour 1 knode rnode k)
-              k m1,
-            DInt.M.change
-              (function
-                | Some k' ->
-                    Debug.dprintf4 debug
-                      "DiffGraph: rm_neighbour found %a (should be equal to %a)"
-                      Node.pp k' Node.pp k;
-                    assert (Egraph.is_equal env k k');
-                    None
-                | None -> not_a_neighbour 2 knode rnode k)
-              rid m2 ))
-let get_k_neighbours env np k =
+        let nm1 =
+          DInt.M.change
+            (fun s_opt ->
+              match s_remove_opt s_opt rid with
+              | s -> s
+              | exception Not_found -> not_a_neighbour 1 knode rnode ind)
+            iid m1
+        in
+        let nm2 =
+          DInt.M.change
+            (function
+              | Some iid' ->
+                  let ind' = VHT.find env iid' in
+                  Debug.dprintf4 debug
+                    "DiffGraph: rm_neighbour found %a (should be equal to %a)"
+                    (pp_vid env) iid' (pp_vid env) iid;
+                  assert (Egraph.is_equal env ind ind');
+                  None
+              | None -> not_a_neighbour 2 knode rnode ind)
+            rid m2
+        in
+        Some (nm1, nm2))
+let get_k_neighbours env np iid =
   match DG.find_opt env np with
   | None -> DInt.S.empty
   | Some (m, _) -> (
-      match Node.M.find_opt k m with None -> DInt.S.empty | Some s -> s)
+      match DInt.M.find_opt iid m with None -> DInt.S.empty | Some s -> s)
-let add_edge env aid bid k =
+let add_edge env aid bid iid =
   (* when adding a node dest as a neighbour to a node src, dest is also added
      as a neighbour to all the nodes in the complete graph formed by all the
      array nodes which differ on the same index k. *)
-  Debug.dprintf4 debug "DiffGraph: adding the edge %d between %d and %a" aid bid
-    Node.pp k;
-  let ind_gty, val_gty = array_gty_args (get_node_ty env (NHT.find env aid)) in
-  let ank = DInt.S.add aid (get_k_neighbours env aid k) in
-  let bnk = DInt.S.add bid (get_k_neighbours env bid k) in
-  DInt.S.iter
-    (fun id1 ->
-      DInt.S.iter
-        (fun id2 ->
-          let n1 = NHT.find env id1 in
-          let n2 = NHT.find env id2 in
-          if (not (are_neighbours env id1 id2)) && id1 <> id2 then (
-            add_neighbour env (id1, n1) (id2, n2) k ind_gty val_gty;
-            add_neighbour env (id2, n2) (id1, n1) k ind_gty val_gty))
-        bnk)
-    ank
-let rm_edge_k env aid bid k =
-  let an = NHT.find env aid in
-  let bn = NHT.find env bid in
-  rm_neighbour env (aid, an) (bid, bn) k;
-  rm_neighbour env (bid, bn) (aid, an) k
-let add_edge_aux knp rnode env aid bid k =
-  add_edge env aid bid k;
+  Debug.dprintf6 debug "DiffGraph: adding the edge %a between %a and %a"
+    (pp_vid env) iid (pp_eid env) aid (pp_eid env) bid;
+  if aid <> bid then
+    let ind_gty, val_gty =
+      array_gty_args (get_node_ty env (EHT.find env aid))
+    in
+    let ank = DInt.S.add aid (get_k_neighbours env aid iid) in
+    let bnk = DInt.S.add bid (get_k_neighbours env bid iid) in
+    let ind = VHT.find env iid in
+    DInt.S.iter
+      (fun id1 ->
+        DInt.S.iter
+          (fun id2 ->
+            let n1 = EHT.find env id1 in
+            let n2 = EHT.find env id2 in
+            if (not (are_neighbours env id1 id2)) && id1 <> id2 then (
+              Vertices.change env iid ~f:(function
+                | Some s -> Some (Vertex.S.add (id1, id2) s)
+                | None -> Some (Vertex.S.singleton (id1, id2)));
+              add_neighbour env (id1, n1) (id2, n2) ind ind_gty val_gty;
+              add_neighbour env (id2, n2) (id1, n1) ind ind_gty val_gty))
+          bnk)
+      ank
+let rm_edge env aid bid iid =
+  Debug.dprintf6 debug "DiffGraph: rm_edge %a between %a and %a" (pp_vid env)
+    iid (pp_eid env) aid (pp_eid env) bid;
+  if aid <> bid then (
+    let an = EHT.find env aid in
+    let bn = EHT.find env bid in
+    Vertices.change env iid ~f:(function
+      | Some s -> Some (Vertex.S.remove (aid, bid) s)
+      | None -> None (* should be unreachable *));
+    rm_neighbour env (aid, an) (bid, bn) iid;
+    rm_neighbour env (bid, bn) (aid, an) iid)
+let add_edge_aux knp rnode env aid bid iid =
+  add_edge env aid bid iid;
   if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
            "_merge_neighbours %a to %a\\n add edge between %a and %a with %a"
-           Node.pp rnode Node.pp knp (pp_nid env) aid (pp_nid env) bid Node.pp k)
+           Node.pp rnode Node.pp knp (pp_eid env) aid (pp_eid env) bid Node.pp
+           (VHT.find env iid))
       env ()
-let rm_edge_aux knp rnode env aid bid k =
-  rm_edge_k env aid bid k;
+let rm_edge_aux env aid bid iid =
+  rm_edge env aid bid iid;
   if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
            "_merge_neighbours %a -> %a\\n rm_edge between %a and %a linked \
             with %a"
-           Node.pp rnode Node.pp knp (pp_nid env) aid (pp_nid env) bid Node.pp k)
+           (pp_eid env) aid (pp_eid env) bid (pp_eid env) aid (pp_eid env) bid
+           (pp_vid env) iid)
       env ()
 let merge_neigbours_aux env (kn, kid) (rn, rid) nid kk_opt kr_opt () =
   match (kk_opt, kr_opt) with
-  | Some k1, Some k2 ->
+  | Some iid1, Some iid2 ->
+      let ind1 = VHT.find env iid1 in
+      let ind2 = VHT.find env iid2 in
       Debug.dprintf6 debug
         "DiffGraph: _merge_neigbours_aux: iter1: found the neighbour %a \
          through %a and %a"
-        (pp_nid env) nid Node.pp k1 Node.pp k2;
+        (pp_eid env) nid (pp_vid env) iid1 (pp_vid env) iid2;
       (* if a node X is a neighbour of both A and B through the edges
-         k1 and k2 (resp.) then (k1 = k2) must be set to true, and
-         only the k1 edge should be kept. *)
-      if not (Egraph.is_equal env k1 k2) then (
-        let nidn = NHT.find env nid in
+         ind1 and ind2 (resp.) then (ind1 = ind2) must be set to true, and
+         only the ind1 edge should be kept. *)
+      if not (Egraph.is_equal env ind1 ind2) then (
+        let nidn = EHT.find env nid in
         let ind_gty, val_gty = array_gty_args (get_node_ty env nidn) in
-        let eq1 = mk_eq env k1 k2 ind_gty in
+        let eq1 = mk_eq env ind1 ind2 ind_gty in
         let eq2 = mk_eq env kn nidn (Ground.Ty.array ind_gty val_gty) in
         let disj = mk_or env eq1 eq2 in
         Egraph.register env disj;
@@ -360,71 +450,111 @@ let merge_neigbours_aux env (kn, kid) (rn, rid) nid kk_opt kr_opt () =
         else Boolean.set_true env disj);
-      rm_edge_aux kn rn env nid rid k2
-  | None, Some k ->
+      rm_edge_aux env nid rid iid2
+  | None, Some iid ->
       Debug.dprintf4 debug
         "DiffGraph: _merge_neigbours_aux: iter2: found the neighbour %a \
          through %a"
-        (pp_nid env) nid Node.pp k;
-      rm_edge_aux kn rn env nid rid k;
-      add_edge_aux kn rn env nid kid k
+        (pp_eid env) nid (pp_vid env) iid;
+      rm_edge_aux env nid rid iid;
+      add_edge_aux kn rn env nid kid iid
   | _ -> ()
 let merge_neighbours env (kn, kid) (rn, rid) b =
   Debug.dprintf5 debug "DiffGraph: _merge_neighbours %b [kn=%a; rn=%a]" b
-    (pp_nid env) kid (pp_nid env) rid;
+    (pp_eid env) kid (pp_eid env) rid;
   (* Add all the neighbours of rnode to knp, removes rnode as a neighbour from the
      others and adds knp as a neighbour to them if it isn't already. *)
   (match (DG.find_opt env kid, DG.find_opt env rid) with
   | Some (_, knm), Some (_, rnm) ->
-      DInt.M.fold2_union
-        (merge_neigbours_aux env (kn, kid) (rn, rid))
-        (DInt.M.remove rid knm) (DInt.M.remove kid rnm) ();
+      let m1 = DInt.M.remove rid knm in
+      let m2 = DInt.M.remove kid rnm in
+      DInt.M.fold2_union (merge_neigbours_aux env (kn, kid) (rn, rid)) m1 m2 ();
          match DInt.M.find_opt rid knm with
          | None -> ()
-         | Some k -> rm_edge_aux kn rn env kid rid k
+         | Some iid -> rm_edge_aux env kid rid iid
        with Not_a_neighbour _ -> ());
       DG.remove env rid;
       if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
             (Fmt.str "_merge_neighbours %b | %a | %a\\n remove %a" b
-               (pp_nid env) rid (pp_nid env) kid Node.pp rn)
+               (pp_eid env) rid (pp_eid env) kid (pp_eid env) rid)
           env ()
   | None, Some (_, rnm) ->
       let rnm = DInt.M.remove kid rnm in
-        (fun nid k ->
+        (fun nid iid ->
           Debug.dprintf4 debug
             "DiffGraph: _merge_neighbours: iter3: found the neighbour %a \
              through %a"
-            (pp_nid env) nid Node.pp k;
-          rm_edge_aux kn rn env nid rid k;
-          add_edge_aux kn rn env nid kid k)
+            (pp_eid env) nid (pp_vid env) iid;
+          rm_edge_aux env nid rid iid;
+          add_edge_aux kn rn env nid kid iid)
   | _ -> ());
   if not b then (
-    NHT.set env kid rn;
+    EHT.set env kid rn;
     if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
-          (Fmt.str "_merge_neighbours %b | %a | %a\\n replace %d <- %a" b
-             (pp_nid env) rid (pp_nid env) kid kid (pp_nid env) rid)
+          (Fmt.str "_merge_neighbours %b | %a | %a\\n replace %a <- %a" b
+             (pp_eid env) rid (pp_eid env) kid (pp_eid env) kid (pp_eid env) rid)
         env ())
+let eq_arrays_norm env (kn, kid) (rn, rid) b =
+  Debug.dprintf4 debug "DiffGraph: eq_arrays_norm %a %a" (pp_eid env) kid
+    (pp_eid env) rid;
+  merge_neighbours env (kn, kid) (rn, rid) b;
+  if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
+    DG.pp_dot_diffgraph
+      ~msg:(Fmt.str "eq_arrays_norm %a %a" (pp_eid env) kid (pp_eid env) rid)
+      env ()
+let eq_indices_norm env (_kn, kid) (rn, rid) b =
+  Debug.dprintf4 debug "DiffGraph: eq_indices_norm %a %a" (pp_eid env) kid
+    (pp_eid env) rid;
+  (match (Vertices.find_opt env kid, Vertices.find_opt env rid) with
+  | Some _, Some sr | None, Some sr ->
+      Vertex.S.iter
+        (fun (aid, bid) ->
+          rm_edge env aid bid rid;
+          add_edge env aid bid kid)
+        sr
+  | _ -> ());
+  VHT.remove env rid;
+  if not b then VHT.set env kid rn;
+  if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
+    DG.pp_dot_diffgraph
+      ~msg:(Fmt.str "eq_indices_norm %a %a" (pp_eid env) kid (pp_eid env) rid)
+      env ()
+let update env a b k _v =
+  let aid = Id_dom.get_id env a in
+  let bid = Id_dom.get_id env b in
+  Debug.dprintf6 debug "DiffGraph.update: %a %a %a" (pp_eid env) aid
+    (pp_eid env) bid Node.pp k;
+  add_edge env aid bid (Index_Id_dom.get_id env k);
+  if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
+    DG.pp_dot_diffgraph
+      ~msg:
+        (Fmt.str "DiffGraph.update: %a %a %a" (pp_eid env) aid (pp_eid env) bid
+           Node.pp k)
+      env ()
 let get_neighbours env nid =
-  let rec aux (k : Node.t) inp acc =
+  let rec aux (k : DInt.t) inp acc =
     if DInt.S.mem inp acc then acc
       let nacc = DInt.S.add inp acc in
       match DG.find_opt env inp with
       | None -> nacc
       | Some (m, _) -> (
-          match Node.M.find_opt k m with
+          match DInt.M.find_opt k m with
           | None -> nacc
           | Some s -> DInt.S.fold (aux k) s nacc)
   match DG.find_opt env nid with
   | None -> DInt.S.empty
-  | Some (m, _) -> Node.M.fold (fun k -> DInt.S.fold (aux k)) m DInt.S.empty
+  | Some (m, _) -> DInt.M.fold (fun k -> DInt.S.fold (aux k)) m DInt.S.empty
diff --git a/colibri2/theories/array/DiffGraph.mli b/colibri2/theories/array/DiffGraph.mli
index b776f0f55ca3a92ab8a691abcb56adb88a0c15c2..2d551184e1c94abe0b34569eb1bdb5d796c7822c 100644
--- a/colibri2/theories/array/DiffGraph.mli
+++ b/colibri2/theories/array/DiffGraph.mli
@@ -23,34 +23,22 @@ open Colibri2_core
 open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Popop_stdlib
-module NHT : sig
-  val set : Egraph.wt -> int -> Node.t -> unit
-  val find : Egraph.wt -> int -> Node.t
-  val find_opt : Egraph.wt -> int -> Node.t option
-  val change : f:(Node.t option -> Node.t option) -> Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
-  val remove : Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
 module DG : sig
-  val set : Egraph.wt -> int -> DInt.S.t Node.M.t * Node.t DInt.M.t -> unit
   val find_opt :
-    Egraph.wt -> int -> (DInt.S.t Node.M.t * Node.t DInt.M.t) option
+    Egraph.wt -> int -> (DInt.S.t DInt.M.t * DInt.t DInt.M.t) option
+module Id_dom : sig
+  val set_id : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> unit
+  val get_id : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> int
-  val change :
-    f:
-      ((DInt.S.t Node.M.t * Node.t DInt.M.t) option ->
-      (DInt.S.t Node.M.t * Node.t DInt.M.t) option) ->
+  val register_merge_hook :
     Egraph.wt ->
-    int ->
+    (Egraph.wt -> Node.t * int -> Node.t * int -> bool -> unit) ->
-  val remove : Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
-  val diffgraph_opt : Colibri2_stdlib.Debug.flag
-  val pp_dot_diffgraph : Egraph.wt -> ?msg:string -> unit -> unit
-module Id_dom : sig
+module Index_Id_dom : sig
   val set_id : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> unit
   val get_id : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> int
@@ -60,7 +48,7 @@ module Id_dom : sig
-val pp_nid : Egraph.wt -> Format.formatter -> int -> unit
-val add_edge : Egraph.wt -> int -> int -> Node.t -> unit
-val merge_neighbours : Egraph.wt -> Node.t * int -> Node.t * int -> bool -> unit
+val eq_arrays_norm : Egraph.wt -> Node.t * int -> Node.t * int -> bool -> unit
+val eq_indices_norm : Egraph.wt -> Node.t * int -> Node.t * int -> bool -> unit
+val update : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> unit
 val get_neighbours : Egraph.wt -> int -> DInt.S.t
diff --git a/colibri2/theories/array/SharingIsCaring.ml b/colibri2/theories/array/SharingIsCaring.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index d4cebc3cec9574fa82653f2e8d95a1d8e322c356..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/colibri2/theories/array/SharingIsCaring.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-(*  This file is part of Colibri2.                                       *)
-(*                                                                       *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2014-2021                                              *)
-(*    CEA   (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies           *)
-(*           alternatives)                                               *)
-(*    OCamlPro                                                           *)
-(*                                                                       *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU  *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software      *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                             *)
-(*                                                                       *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                  *)
-(*                                                                       *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-open Common
-module NHT = DiffGraph.NHT
-module DG = DiffGraph.DG
-(* if _b is true then kn is the representative, otherwise, it's rid  *)
-let eq_arrays_norm env (kn, kid) (rn, rid) b =
-  Debug.dprintf4 debug "DiffGraph: eq_arrays_norm %a %a" (DiffGraph.pp_nid env)
-    kid (DiffGraph.pp_nid env) rid;
-  DiffGraph.merge_neighbours env (kn, kid) (rn, rid) b;
-  if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
-    DG.pp_dot_diffgraph
-      ~msg:
-        (Fmt.str "eq_arrays_norm %a{%d} %a{%d} " Node.pp (NHT.find env kid) kid
-           Node.pp (NHT.find env rid) rid)
-      env ()
-let update_np_dp env a b k =
-  let aid = DiffGraph.Id_dom.get_id env a in
-  let bid = DiffGraph.Id_dom.get_id env b in
-  Debug.dprintf6 debug "DiffGraph: update_np_dp %a %a %a" (DiffGraph.pp_nid env)
-    aid (DiffGraph.pp_nid env) bid Node.pp k;
-  DiffGraph.add_edge env aid bid k;
-  if Debug.test_flag DG.diffgraph_opt then
-    DG.pp_dot_diffgraph
-      ~msg:
-        (Fmt.str "update_np_dp %a %a %a" (DiffGraph.pp_nid env) aid
-           (DiffGraph.pp_nid env) bid Node.pp k)
-      env ()
diff --git a/colibri2/theories/array/SharingIsCaring.mli b/colibri2/theories/array/SharingIsCaring.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index c7bb7be512fbc191d093227f5aa5c78dfae117d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/colibri2/theories/array/SharingIsCaring.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-(*  This file is part of Colibri2.                                       *)
-(*                                                                       *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2014-2021                                              *)
-(*    CEA   (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies           *)
-(*           alternatives)                                               *)
-(*    OCamlPro                                                           *)
-(*                                                                       *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU  *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software      *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                             *)
-(*                                                                       *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                  *)
-(*                                                                       *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-val eq_arrays_norm : Egraph.wt -> Node.t * int -> Node.t * int -> bool -> unit
-val update_np_dp : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> unit
diff --git a/colibri2/theories/array/array.ml b/colibri2/theories/array/array.ml
index b12c5d297a1d5cbd7fc26f5ca16c26ebfc6a231f..2129642107e796d625a28467fd79dc9b04e5ecef 100644
--- a/colibri2/theories/array/array.ml
+++ b/colibri2/theories/array/array.ml
@@ -24,21 +24,18 @@ open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Common
 open Colibri2_theories_quantifiers
 open GE_Array_DP
-open SharingIsCaring
   Command line options:
   - "None": uses RW1(adown), RW2(aup), idx and extensionality
-  GE_Array_DP:
-    - "--array-res-ext": restricts the extrensionality rule using the foreign
-      domain
-    - "--array-res-aup": restricts the RW2 rule using the linearity domain
-    - "--array-ext-comb": to support additional combinators
-      (const, map, def_ind, def_val)
-    - "--array-blast-rule": uses the blast rule when it suits
-    - "--array-def-values": suppots the rules on the default values
-  SharingIsCaring:
-    - "--array-diff-graph": uses the diff graph
+  - "--array-res-ext": restricts the extrensionality rule using the foreign
+    domain
+  - "--array-res-aup": restricts the RW2 rule using the linearity domain
+  - "--array-ext-comb": to support additional combinators
+    (const, map, def_ind, def_val)
+  - "--array-blast-rule": uses the blast rule when it suits
+  - "--array-def-values": suppots the rules on the default values
+  - "--array-diff-graph": uses the diff graph
 let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
@@ -134,6 +131,7 @@ let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
       add_array_gty env b ind_gty val_gty;
       DiffGraph.Id_dom.set_id env a;
       DiffGraph.Id_dom.set_id env b;
+      DiffGraph.Index_Id_dom.set_id env k;
       (* update of the Linearity domain *)
       if Options.get env restrict_aup then
         Linearity_dom.upd_dom env fn (Linear b);
@@ -165,7 +163,7 @@ let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
           let eqn = mk_eq env a b (Ground.Ty.array ind_gty val_gty) in
           Egraph.register env eqn;
           Boolean.set_true env eqn)
-        else update_np_dp env a b k)
+        else DiffGraph.update env a b k v)
   | {
    app = { builtin = Builtin.Array_diff; _ };
@@ -223,8 +221,9 @@ let init env =
   Array_value.init_ty env;
   Array_value.init_check env;
   Ground.register_converter env converter;
-  if Options.get env use_diff_graph then
-    DiffGraph.Id_dom.register_merge_hook env eq_arrays_norm;
+  if Options.get env use_diff_graph then (
+    DiffGraph.Id_dom.register_merge_hook env DiffGraph.eq_arrays_norm;
+    DiffGraph.Index_Id_dom.register_merge_hook env DiffGraph.eq_indices_norm);
   (* extáµ£ (restricted extensionality):
      - (a = b) ≡ false |> (a[k] ≠ b[k])
      - a, b, {a,b} ⊆ foreign |> (a = b) ⋁ (a[k] ≠ b[k]) *)
diff --git a/colibri2/theories/array/common.ml b/colibri2/theories/array/common.ml
index 576c4507ee19749e6aec128266e9403f4bad5429..e46769b7975c91e254a6b7838da54c823facdf73 100644
--- a/colibri2/theories/array/common.ml
+++ b/colibri2/theories/array/common.ml
@@ -338,13 +338,26 @@ let distinct_arrays_term a b =
   let diff = Builtin.apply_array_diff a b in
   Expr.Term.distinct [ mk_select_term a diff; mk_select_term b diff ]
+module type HTS = sig
+  type t
+  val set : Egraph.wt -> int -> t -> unit
+  val find : Egraph.wt -> int -> t
+  val find_opt : Egraph.wt -> int -> t option
+  val change : f:(t option -> t option) -> Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
+  val remove : Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
+  val iter : f:(int -> t -> unit) -> Egraph.wt -> unit
+  val fold : (int -> t -> 'a -> 'a) -> Egraph.wt -> 'a -> 'a
 module MkIHT (V : sig
   type t
   val pp : t Pp.pp
   val name : string
-end) =
+end) : HTS with type t = V.t = struct
+  type t = V.t
   let db = HT.create V.pp V.name
   let set (env : Egraph.wt) = HT.set db env
   let find (env : Egraph.wt) = HT.find db env
diff --git a/colibri2/theories/array/common.mli b/colibri2/theories/array/common.mli
index 1b17f37df9750073aee0bfc6207919d53b70d5cd..a4efe23ae37e0a682734672c5f7fc7e4fddc110a 100644
--- a/colibri2/theories/array/common.mli
+++ b/colibri2/theories/array/common.mli
@@ -134,20 +134,24 @@ val mk_distinct_arrays :
 val mk_array_const : 'a Egraph.t -> Node.t -> Ground.Ty.t -> Node.t
 val distinct_arrays_term : Expr.term -> Expr.term -> Expr.term
+module type HTS = sig
+  type t
+  val set : Egraph.wt -> int -> t -> unit
+  val find : Egraph.wt -> int -> t
+  val find_opt : Egraph.wt -> int -> t option
+  val change : f:(t option -> t option) -> Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
+  val remove : Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
+  val iter : f:(int -> t -> unit) -> Egraph.wt -> unit
+  val fold : (int -> t -> 'a -> 'a) -> Egraph.wt -> 'a -> 'a
 module MkIHT (V : sig
   type t
   val pp : t Colibri2_popop_lib.Pp.pp
   val name : string
-end) : sig
-  val set : Egraph.wt -> int -> V.t -> unit
-  val find : Egraph.wt -> int -> V.t
-  val find_opt : Egraph.wt -> int -> V.t option
-  val change : f:(V.t option -> V.t option) -> Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
-  val remove : Egraph.wt -> int -> unit
-  val iter : f:(int -> V.t -> unit) -> Egraph.wt -> unit
-  val fold : (int -> V.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> Egraph.wt -> 'a -> 'a
+end) : HTS with type t = V.t
 module MkIdDom (_ : sig
   val n1 : string