From 1e006387f87d835bad2796452c6cc450a60504fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Fran=C3=A7ois=20Bobot?= <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 17:32:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [BV] nat2bv intrepretation

 dolmen                                        |  2 +-
 src_colibri2/stdlib/                    | 17 ++++++
 src_colibri2/stdlib/std.mli                   | 14 +++++
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/            |  2 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/        | 55 ++++++++++++++++++-
 src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/   |  6 +-
 .../theories/quantifier/         |  2 +-
 7 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dolmen b/dolmen
index 365eeab89..b3a925b8c 160000
--- a/dolmen
+++ b/dolmen
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 365eeab891d19457e8cc8cc103ce21d3e50b33dc
+Subproject commit b3a925b8c352497a06fe4565ed57d98ab1d8f85a
diff --git a/src_colibri2/stdlib/ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
index b2d2b1586..3b063ca17 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/stdlib/
+++ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
@@ -117,6 +117,23 @@ module Q = struct
   let ceil x = Q.of_bigint (Z.cdiv x.Q.num x.Q.den)
+  let truncate d = if Int.(Q.sign d > 0) then floor d else ceil d
+  let div_e a b =
+    let s = Q.sign b in
+    let d = Q.div a b in
+    if Int.(s > 0) then floor d else ceil d
+  let div_t a b = truncate (div a b)
+  let div_f a b = floor (div a b)
+  let mod_e a b = Q.sub a (div_e a b)
+  let mod_t a b = Q.sub a (div_t a b)
+  let mod_f a b = Q.sub a (div_f a b)
   let none_zero c = if Q.equal c then None else Some c
   let is_zero c = Int.equal (Q.sign c) 0
diff --git a/src_colibri2/stdlib/std.mli b/src_colibri2/stdlib/std.mli
index 54ec73236..cf7a9e7c2 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/stdlib/std.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/std.mli
@@ -66,6 +66,20 @@ module Q : sig
   val ceil : t -> t
+  val truncate : t -> t
+  val div_t : t -> t -> t
+  val div_e : t -> t -> t
+  val div_f : t -> t -> t
+  val mod_t : t -> t -> t
+  val mod_e : t -> t -> t
+  val mod_f : t -> t -> t
   val is_integer : t -> bool
   val is_unsigned_integer : int -> t -> bool
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
index d060abb99..afcc44c92 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ end = struct
   let () = Dom.register (module Th)
   let get_repr d n =
-    let open CCOpt in
+    let open CCOption in
     let+ p = Egraph.get_dom d dom n in
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
index 197eb6a18..18a8e58ba 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
@@ -23,14 +23,27 @@ open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Colibri2_stdlib.Std
 module Builtin = struct
-  type _ Expr.t += Abs_real
+  type _ Expr.t += Abs_real | BV2Nat of int
   let abs_real = ~name:"colibri_abs_real" ~builtin:Abs_real
       ( "Abs")
       (Expr.Ty.arrow [ Expr.Ty.real ] Expr.Ty.real)
+  let bv2nat =
+    Popop_stdlib.DInt.H.memo
+      (fun n ->
+ ~name:"bv2nat" ~builtin:(BV2Nat n)
+          ( "bv2nat")
+          (Expr.Ty.arrow [ Expr.Ty.bitv n ]
+      (Popop_stdlib.DInt.H.create 10)
   let () =
+    let match_bitv_type t =
+      match Expr.Ty.expand_head (Expr.Term.ty t) with
+      | { ty_descr = Expr.TyApp ({ builtin = Builtin.Bitv i; _ }, _) } -> i
+      | _ -> raise (Expr.Term.Wrong_type (t, Expr.Ty.bitv 0))
+    in
     Expr.add_builtins (fun env s ->
         match s with
         | Dolmen_loop.Typer.T.Id { ns = Term; name = Simple "colibri_abs_real" }
@@ -40,6 +53,13 @@ module Builtin = struct
                  (module Dolmen_loop.Typer.T)
                  env s
                  (fun a -> Expr.Term.apply_cst abs_real [] [ a ]))
+        | Dolmen_loop.Typer.T.Id { ns = Term; name = Simple "bv2nat" } ->
+            `Term
+              (Dolmen_type.Base.term_app1
+                 (module Dolmen_loop.Typer.T)
+                 env s
+                 (fun a ->
+                   Expr.Term.apply_cst (bv2nat (match_bitv_type a)) [] [ a ]))
         | _ -> `Not_found)
@@ -180,6 +200,36 @@ module Check = struct
     | { app = { builtin = Expr.Div }; tyargs = []; args; ty = _ } ->
         let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
         if Q.is_zero !>b then `Uninterp else !<(Q.div !>a !>b)
+    | { app = { builtin = Expr.Div_e }; tyargs = []; args; ty = _ } ->
+        let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+        let b = !>b in
+        let s = Q.sign b in
+        if s = 0 then `Uninterp else !<(Q.div_e !>a b)
+    | { app = { builtin = Expr.Div_f }; tyargs = []; args; ty = _ } ->
+        let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+        let b = !>b in
+        let s = Q.sign b in
+        if s = 0 then `Uninterp else !<(Q.div_f !>a b)
+    | { app = { builtin = Expr.Div_t }; tyargs = []; args; ty = _ } ->
+        let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+        let b = !>b in
+        let s = Q.sign b in
+        if s = 0 then `Uninterp else !<(Q.div_t !>a b)
+    | { app = { builtin = Expr.Modulo_e }; tyargs = []; args; ty = _ } ->
+        let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+        let b = !>b in
+        let s = Q.sign b in
+        if s = 0 then `Uninterp else !<(Q.mod_e !>a b)
+    | { app = { builtin = Expr.Modulo_f }; tyargs = []; args; ty = _ } ->
+        let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+        let b = !>b in
+        let s = Q.sign b in
+        if s = 0 then `Uninterp else !<(Q.mod_f !>a b)
+    | { app = { builtin = Expr.Modulo_t }; tyargs = []; args; ty = _ } ->
+        let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+        let b = !>b in
+        let s = Q.sign b in
+        if s = 0 then `Uninterp else !<(Q.mod_t !>a b)
     | { app = { builtin = Expr.Lt }; tyargs = []; args; ty = _ } ->
         let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
         !<<( !>a !>b)
@@ -345,6 +395,9 @@ module Check = struct
     | { app = { builtin = Expr.Bitv_sge n }; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
         let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
         !<<(Z.geq (signed_bitv n a) (signed_bitv n b))
+    | { app = { builtin = Builtin.BV2Nat n }; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
+        let a = IArray.extract1_exn args in
+        !<(Q.of_bigint (bitv n a))
     | _ -> `None
   let init d =
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
index 3b93be733..46489b54d 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ let rec match_term d (substs : Ground.Subst.S.t) (n : Node.t) (p : t) :
         let s =
           Opt.get_def Ground.S.empty
-          let open CCOpt in
+          let open CCOption in
           let* info = Egraph.get_dom d Info.dom (Egraph.find_def d n) in
           F.M.find_opt pf info.apps
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ let rec check_term d (subst : Ground.Subst.t) (n : Node.t) (p : t) : bool =
       let s =
         Opt.get_def Ground.S.empty
-        let open CCOpt in
+        let open CCOption in
         let* info = Egraph.get_dom d Info.dom (Egraph.find_def d n) in
         F.M.find_opt pf info.apps
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ let rec check_term_exists_exn d (subst : Ground.Subst.t) (p : t) : Node.S.t =
       let find_app pos n =
         Opt.get_def Ground.S.empty
-        let open CCOpt in
+        let open CCOption in
         let* info = Egraph.get_dom d Info.dom (Egraph.find_def d n) in
         F_Pos.M.find_opt { f = pf; pos } info.parents
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
index 937c2285f..f300a9d44 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ let application_useless d thg =
   let apps =
     Opt.get_def Ground.S.empty
-    let open CCOpt in
+    let open CCOption in
     let* info = Egraph.get_dom d Info.dom (Egraph.find_def d n) in
     F.M.find_opt info.apps