From 0ff56b324f560718b4ccc5d919476bf97a87ec3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Fran=C3=A7ois=20Bobot?= <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2021 22:13:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Better documentation for Core and simplify events a lot

Use more first class function for attaching event. The second part scheduled
keep the Dem.t type.
 Makefile                                      |   8 +-
 src_colibri2/core/.ocamlformat-ignore         |   8 -
 src_colibri2/core/            | 355 ++++++-
 src_colibri2/core/            |  41 +-
 src_colibri2/core/datastructure.mli           |   6 +
 src_colibri2/core/                    | 890 +++++-------------
 src_colibri2/core/demon.mli                   | 216 +----
 src_colibri2/core/                   | 389 ++++----
 src_colibri2/core/egraph.mli                  |  38 +-
 src_colibri2/core/                   | 275 ++----
 src_colibri2/core/events.mli                  | 123 +--
 src_colibri2/core/                   |  20 +-
 src_colibri2/core/ground.mli                  |  26 +-
 src_colibri2/core/                   |  25 +-
 src_colibri2/core/structures/         | 536 ++++++-----
 src_colibri2/core/structures/nodes.mli        | 144 ++-
 src_colibri2/popop_lib/        |   6 +
 src_colibri2/popop_lib/popop_stdlib.mli       |   6 +
 src_colibri2/solver/              |   6 +-
 src_colibri2/stdlib/              |   8 +-
 src_colibri2/stdlib/comp_keys.mli             |   4 +-
 src_colibri2/stdlib/         |   5 +
 src_colibri2/stdlib/     |   5 +
 src_colibri2/stdlib/                   |   6 +-
 src_colibri2/stdlib/               |   4 +-
 .../generate_tests/     |   2 +-
 .../tests/solve/all/steplimitreached/ |   2 +-
 src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/unsat/   |   8 +-
 src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/sat/  |  22 +-
 .../tests/solve/dimacs/unsat/         |  12 +-
 src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/sat/ |  12 +-
 .../tests/solve/smt_adt/unsat/        |  16 +-
 src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/sat/ |  66 +-
 .../tests/solve/smt_lra/unsat/        |  22 +-
 src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/sat/ |  14 +-
 .../tests/solve/smt_nra/unsat/        |  20 +-
 .../tests/solve/smt_quant/sat/        |   8 +-
 .../tests/solve/smt_quant/unsat/      |  22 +-
 src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/sat/  |  42 +-
 .../tests/solve/smt_uf/unsat/         |  26 +-
 src_colibri2/tests/                |  14 +-
 src_colibri2/tests/               |   3 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/ADT/              |  40 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/ADT/        |  10 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/ADT/adt_value.mli       |   6 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/FP/           |   4 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/FP/float32.mli          |   4 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/FP/           |   4 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/FP/float64.mli          |   2 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/FP/          |   6 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/FP/fp_value.mli         |   6 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/LRA.mli             |   2 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/     |  69 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_interval.mli    |   2 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/     |  13 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_polynome.mli    |   2 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/      |  52 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_product.mli     |   2 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/          |  29 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/              |  11 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/        |  43 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/LRA/realValue.mli       |   2 +-
 .../theories/bool/.ocamlformat-ignore         |   2 -
 src_colibri2/theories/bool/         |  75 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/bool/boolean.mli        |   6 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/bool/        | 652 ++++++-------
 src_colibri2/theories/bool/equality.mli       |  14 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/      |   4 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/info.mli     |   2 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/   |   6 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/pattern.mli  |   2 +-
 .../theories/quantifier/         |  35 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/   |  19 +-
 src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/  |  22 +-
 74 files changed, 1987 insertions(+), 2622 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 611e9da84..7a24a046b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ replay:
 	why3 ide -L src/lib  src/lib/cp.mlw
+	dune build @doc --root=$$(pwd)
 WITH_HEADER_FILES=cp.mlw queens.mlw cp.mli
 DISTRIB_FILES=$(WITH_HEADER_FILES) Makefile dune dune-project cp.opam cp.drv \
 	$(addprefix src/, why3session.xml why3shapes.gz) \
@@ -63,11 +66,6 @@ replay-distrib: distrib
 	headache -h CEA_PROPRIETARY -c headache.config $(WITH_HEADER_FILES)
-doc: Readme.pdf
-	pandoc $< --pdf-engine=xelatex --output $@
 	dune runtest --root=$$(pwd)
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/.ocamlformat-ignore b/src_colibri2/core/.ocamlformat-ignore
index 19b3d4c70..2a3c74d09 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/.ocamlformat-ignore
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/.ocamlformat-ignore
@@ -1,24 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/ b/src_colibri2/core/
index f4b1d10b3..f6850b4e8 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/
@@ -20,74 +20,355 @@
 (** Colibri2 core: define basic types and the solver *)
+(** {3 Egraph } *)
+(** The Egraph contains all the context of a state of the analysis. Moreover it
+    handles:
+     - the consolidation of the unique domain for each equivalence class
+     - registering on which events daemons are waiting
+module Egraph = Egraph
+(** {3 Ground terms} *)
+(** The main constraints are the ground terms. Each ground terms is associated
+   to a node in the Egraph. The terms are simplified from the input syntax by
+   substituting let bindings and separate the other bindings:
+    - {!Ground.Term.t} for the total application of a known symbol {!Builtin.t}
+    - {!Ground.ClosedQuantifier.t} for close quantified formula
+    - {!Ground.NotTotalyApplied.t} for partial applications and anonymous
+   lambdas
+   This separation allows to consider most of the time only {!Ground.Term.t} terms.
+module Ground = Ground
+module Builtin = Dolmen_std.Builtin
+(** All the symbols predefined in the
+   language are defined in the {!Builtin} modules. For example {!Builtin.And}
+   for the conjunction.
 module Expr = Expr
-module Term = Expr.Term
-module Ty = Expr.Ty
+(** The module {!Expr} corresponds to the typed expression
+   parsed and typed by Dolmen. It is generally not useful. *)
+(** {3 Different Object } *)
+(** The different kind of terms are reunited as {!Node.t} by being indexed into
+   theory terms {!ThTerm.t}. Predefined theory terms are:
-module Keys = Keys
+    - the theory term of {!Ground.Term.t} is {!Ground.t}; - for
+   {!Ground.ClosedQuantifier.t} is {!Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.t} - for
+   {!Ground.NotTotalyApplied.t} is {!Ground.ThNotTotalyApplied.t}
+    The theory terms can be transformed without cost directly as {!Node.t}. New
+   kind of theory terms are obtained by applying the functor {!ThTerm.Register}
+ *)
 module Node = struct
   include Nodes.Node
   module HC = Datastructure.HNode
-module ThTermKind = struct
-  include Nodes.ThTermKind
-  let print = Nodes.print_thterm
+module ThTerm = struct
+  module Kind : Keys.Key2 with type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) Nodes.ThTermKind.t =
+    Nodes.ThTermKind
+  (** Unique keys associated to each kind
+   of ThTerm *)
+  module type S = Nodes.RegisteredThTerm
-  module type ThTerm = Nodes.ThTerm
-  module type Registered = Nodes.RegisteredThTerm
+  module Register (T : Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.NamedDatatype) :
+    S with type s = T.t =
+    Nodes.RegisterThTerm (T)
-  module Register = Nodes.RegisterThTerm
+  (** {3 Generic value which unit all the theory terms } *)
+  include Nodes.ThTerm
-module ThTerm = Nodes.ThTerm
+(** Another kind of nodes are values. They are disjoint but similar to theory
+   terms. The goal of the solver is to find one {!Value.t} for each expression
+   of the input problem. They are registered using {!Value.Register}. *)
-module Ground = Ground
+module Value = struct
+  module Kind : Keys.Key2 with type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) Nodes.ValueKind.t =
+    Nodes.ValueKind
-module ValueKind = struct
-  include Nodes.ValueKind
-  let print = Nodes.print_value
+  module type S = Nodes.RegisteredValue
-  module type Value = Nodes.Value
-  module type Registered = Nodes.RegisteredValue
+  module Register (T : Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.NamedDatatype) :
+    S with type s = T.t =
+    Nodes.RegisterValue (T)
-  module Register = Nodes.RegisterValue
+  (** {3 Generic value which unit all the values } *)
-  let get = Nodes.get_value
-  let get_registered = Nodes.get_registered_value
+  include Nodes.Value
-module Value = Nodes.Value
+(** Domains are additional informations associated to each equivalence class
+   inside the {!Egraph.t}. They can be registered using {!Dom.register} or
+   {!Dom.register_lattice} when the domain is simple *)
-module Interp = Interp
+module Dom = struct
+  module Kind : Keys.Key with type 'a t = 'a DomKind.t = DomKind
-module DomKind = struct
-  include DomKind
-  let print = Egraph.print_dom
+  module type S = sig
+    type t
-  module type Dom = Egraph.Dom
+    val merged : t option -> t option -> bool
+    (** [merged d1 d2] indicates if
+   the [d1] and [d2] are the same and doesn't need to be merged *)
-  let register = Egraph.register_dom
+    val merge :
+      Egraph.t -> t option * Node.t -> t option * Node.t -> bool -> unit
+    (** [merge d (dom1,cl1) (dom2,cl2) inv] called when [cl1] and [cl2] are
+   going to be merged in the same equivalence class. - if inv is false, cl2 will
+   be the new representative - if inv is true, cl1 will be the new
+   representative *)
+    val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+    val key : t Kind.t
+  end
+  let register (s : (module S)) =
+    let module S = (val s) in
+    Egraph.register_dom (module S)
+  module type Lattice = sig
+    type t
+    val equal : t -> t -> bool
+    val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+    val key : t Kind.t
+    val inter : t -> t -> t option
+    (** [inter d1 d2] compute the intersection of
+   [d1] and [d2] return [None] if it is empty *)
-module Dem = struct
-  include Events.Dem
+    val is_singleton : t -> Value.t option
+    (** [is_singleton d] if [d] is
+   restricted to a singleton return the corresponding value *)
+  end
-  module type Dem = Egraph.Wait.Dem
+  (** [lattice l] register a domain as a lattice. It returns a function for
+   setting the domain which will the value instead in case of singleton *)
+  let lattice :
+      type a.
+      (module Lattice with type t = a) -> Egraph.t -> Node.t -> a -> unit =
+   fun l ->
+    let module L = (val l) in
+    let module S = struct
+      type t = L.t
-  let register = Egraph.Wait.register_dem
+      let pp = L.pp
+      let key = L.key
+      let set_dom d node v =
+        Egraph.set_dom d L.key node v;
+        match L.is_singleton v with
+        | Some cst -> Egraph.set_value d node cst
+        | None -> ()
+      let merged i1 i2 =
+        match (i1, i2) with
+        | None, None -> true
+        | Some i1, Some i2 -> L.equal i1 i2
+        | _ -> false
+      let merge d (i1, cl1) (i2, cl2) _ =
+        assert (not (Egraph.is_equal d cl1 cl2));
+        match (i1, cl1, i2, cl2) with
+        | Some i1, _, Some i2, _ -> (
+            match L.inter i1 i2 with
+            | None ->
+                Colibri2_popop_lib.Debug.dprintf10 Egraph.print_contradiction
+                  "%a The intersection of %a and %a is empty when\n\
+                  \ merging %a and %a" Kind.pp L.key L.pp i1 L.pp i2 Node.pp cl1
+                  Node.pp cl2;
+                Egraph.contradiction d
+            | Some i ->
+                if not (L.equal i i1) then set_dom d cl1 i;
+                if not (L.equal i i2) then set_dom d cl2 i)
+        | Some i1, _, _, cl2 | _, cl2, Some i1, _ -> set_dom d cl2 i1
+        | None, _, None, _ -> raise Impossible
+    end in
+    register (module S);
+    S.set_dom
-module Env = Env
+(** {3 Fix the models} *)
-module Egraph = Egraph
+(** The module {!Interp} handles:
+    - Checking the model before answering SAT, the interpretation of the
+   application are provided using {!Interp.Register.check} - Enumerating the
+   possible values for each node {!Interp.Register.node} - Otherwise enumerating
+   the possible values of each type {!Interp.Register.ty}
+module Interp = Interp
-module Events = Events
-module Demon  = Demon
+(** {3 Custom Environment } *)
+module Env = Env
+(** Environment *)
 module Datastructure = Datastructure
+(** {3 Events } *)
+   The modification of the Egraph (events) can be monitored through daemons.
+ *)
+module Daemon = Demon.Simple
+module DaemonWithFilter = Demon.WithFilter
+module DaemonWithKey = Demon.Key
+module Events = struct
+  (** Low level API *)
+  (** {3 Create daemons } *)
+  module Dem = Events.Dem
+  (** {3 Register daemons } *)
+  type delay = Events.delay =
+    | Immediate
+    | Delayed_by of int  (** Must be strictly positive *)
+    | LastEffort of int
+        (** Should try to ensure that a model exists, must be strictly positive *)
+    | FixingModel
+  type enqueue = Events.enqueue =
+    | EnqRun : 'r Dem.t * 'r -> enqueue  (** Schedule a daemon run *)
+    | EnqLast : 'r Dem.t * 'r -> enqueue
+        (** Same as EnqRun but remove the waiting event *)
+    | EnqAlready : enqueue  (** Don't run but keep the waiting event *)
+    | EnqStopped : enqueue  (** Stop and don't run *)
+  type daemon_key = Events.Wait.daemon_key =
+    | DaemonKey : 'runable Dem.t * 'runable -> daemon_key
+  (** Basic daemons *)
+  module Basic = struct
+    module type T = Egraph.Wait.Dem
+    let register (s : (module T)) =
+      let module S = (val s) in
+      Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module S)
+  end
+  (** {3 Attach daemons } *)
+  (** wakeup when the dom of the node change *)
+  let attach_dom :
+      Egraph.t ->
+      ?direct:bool ->
+      Node.t ->
+      'a DomKind.t ->
+      (Egraph.Ro.t -> Node.t -> enqueue) ->
+      unit =
+    Egraph.attach_dom
+  (** wakeup when the dom of any node change *)
+  let attach_any_dom :
+      Egraph.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> (Egraph.Ro.t -> Node.t -> enqueue) -> unit =
+    Egraph.attach_any_dom
+  (** wakeup when a value is attached to this equivalence class *)
+  let attach_value :
+      Egraph.t ->
+      Node.t ->
+      ('a, 'b) Value.Kind.t ->
+      (Egraph.Ro.t -> Node.t -> 'b -> enqueue) ->
+      unit =
+    Egraph.attach_value
+  (** wakeup when any kind of value is attached to this equivalence class *)
+  let attach_any_value :
+      Egraph.t ->
+      Node.t ->
+      (Egraph.Ro.t -> Node.t -> Value.t -> enqueue) ->
+      unit =
+    Egraph.attach_any_value
+  (** wakeup when any node is registered *)
+  let attach_reg_any : Egraph.t -> (Egraph.Ro.t -> Node.t -> enqueue) -> unit =
+    Egraph.attach_reg_any
+  (** wakeup when this node is registered *)
+  let attach_reg_node :
+      Egraph.t -> Node.t -> (Egraph.Ro.t -> Node.t -> enqueue) -> unit =
+    Egraph.attach_reg_node
+  (** wakeup when a new semantical class is registered *)
+  let attach_reg_sem :
+      Egraph.t ->
+      ('a, 'b) ThTerm.Kind.t ->
+      (Egraph.Ro.t -> 'b -> enqueue) ->
+      unit =
+    Egraph.attach_reg_sem
+  (** wakeup when a new value is registered *)
+  let attach_reg_value :
+      Egraph.t ->
+      ('a, 'b) Value.Kind.t ->
+      (Egraph.Ro.t -> 'b -> enqueue) ->
+      unit =
+    Egraph.attach_reg_value
+  (** wakeup when it is not anymore the representative class *)
+  let attach_repr :
+      Egraph.t -> Node.t -> (Egraph.Ro.t -> Node.t -> enqueue) -> unit =
+    Egraph.attach_repr
+  (** wakeup when a node is not its representative class anymore *)
+  let attach_any_repr : Egraph.t -> (Egraph.Ro.t -> Node.t -> enqueue) -> unit =
+    Egraph.attach_any_repr
+(** {3 Helpers } *)
+module Init = struct
+  let add_default_theory = Egraph.add_default_theory
+module Debug = struct
+  include Colibri2_popop_lib.Debug
+  let decision = Egraph.print_decision
+  let contradiction = Egraph.print_contradiction
 exception UnwaitedEvent = Nodes.UnwaitedEvent
-(** Can be raised by daemon when receiving an event that they don't
-    waited for. It is the sign of a bug in the core solver *)
+(** Can be raised by daemon when
+   receiving an event that they don't waited for. It is the sign of a bug in the
+   core solver *)
+(** {3 For schedulers} *)
+(** The following functions are necessary only to the scheduler *)
+module ForSchedulers = struct
+  module Backtrackable = Egraph.Backtrackable
+  let default_theories = Egraph.default_theories
+module Demon = Demon
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/ b/src_colibri2/core/
index 065b5fe71..685c97647 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module Hashtbl(S:Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype) : Sig with type key :
       type t = a option Context.Ref.t S.H.t
       let name = name end
-    let key = Env.Unsaved.create_key (module M) in
+    let key = Env.Unsaved.create (module M) in
     let init _ = S.H.create 5 in
     let iter f = S.H.iter (fun k r -> match Context.Ref.get r with None -> () | Some v -> f k v) in
     let pp = Colibri2_popop_lib.Pp.(iter2 iter semi arrow S.pp pp) in
@@ -121,6 +121,13 @@ module type Sig2 =  sig
   val set : 'a t -> Egraph.t -> key -> 'a -> unit
   val find : 'a t -> Egraph.t -> key -> 'a
   val change : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> Egraph.t -> key -> unit
+  module Ro: sig
+    val set : 'a t -> Egraph.Ro.t -> key -> 'a -> unit
+    val find : 'a t -> Egraph.Ro.t -> key -> 'a
+    val change : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> Egraph.Ro.t -> key -> unit
+  end
 module Hashtbl2(S:Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype) : Sig2 with type key := S.t = struct
@@ -137,7 +144,7 @@ module Hashtbl2(S:Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype) : Sig2 with type key
       type t = a t'
       let name = name end
-    let key = Env.Unsaved.create_key (module M) in
+    let key = Env.Unsaved.create (module M) in
     let init _ = { h = S.H.create 5; def } in
     let iter f h = S.H.iter (fun k r -> f k (Context.Ref.get r)) h.h in
     let pp = Colibri2_popop_lib.Pp.(iter2 iter semi arrow S.pp pp) in
@@ -165,6 +172,30 @@ module Hashtbl2(S:Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype) : Sig2 with type key
     let v = f (Context.Ref.get r) in
     Context.Ref.set r v
+  module Ro = struct
+    let find_aux t d k =
+      let h = Egraph.Ro.get_unsaved_env d t in
+      match S.H.find_opt h.h k with
+      | Some r -> r
+      | None ->
+        let r = Context.Ref.create (Egraph.Ro.context d) (h.def (Egraph.Ro.context d)) in
+        S.H.add h.h k r;
+        r
+    let find t d k =
+      Context.Ref.get (find_aux t d k)
+    let set t d k v =
+      let r = find_aux t d k in
+      Context.Ref.set r v
+    let change f t d k =
+      let r = find_aux t d k in
+      let v = f (Context.Ref.get r) in
+      Context.Ref.set r v
+  end
 module type Memo =  sig
@@ -191,7 +222,7 @@ module Memo(S:Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype) : Memo with type key :=
       type t = a t'
       let name = name end
-    let key = Env.Unsaved.create_key (module M) in
+    let key = Env.Unsaved.create (module M) in
     let init _ = { h = S.H.create 5; def } in
     let iter f h = S.H.iter (fun k r -> f k r) h.h in
     let pp = Colibri2_popop_lib.Pp.(iter2 iter semi arrow S.pp pp) in
@@ -227,7 +258,7 @@ module Push = struct
       type t = a Context.Push.t
       let name = name end
-    let key = Env.Unsaved.create_key (module M) in
+    let key = Env.Unsaved.create (module M) in
     let init = Context.Push.create in
     let pp = Colibri2_popop_lib.Pp.(iter1 Context.Push.iter semi pp) in
     Env.Unsaved.register ~init ~pp key;
@@ -256,7 +287,7 @@ module Ref = struct
       type t = a Context.Ref.t
       let name = name end
-    let key = Env.Unsaved.create_key (module M) in
+    let key = Env.Unsaved.create (module M) in
     let init d = Context.Ref.create d v in
     let pp = Context.Ref.pp pp in
     Env.Unsaved.register ~init ~pp key;
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/datastructure.mli b/src_colibri2/core/datastructure.mli
index bcbbd8eee..d64124ca0 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/datastructure.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/datastructure.mli
@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ module type Sig2 =  sig
   val set : 'a t -> Egraph.t -> key -> 'a -> unit
   val find : 'a t -> Egraph.t -> key -> 'a
   val change : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> Egraph.t -> key -> unit
+  module Ro: sig
+    val set : 'a t -> Egraph.Ro.t -> key -> 'a -> unit
+    val find : 'a t -> Egraph.Ro.t -> key -> 'a
+    val change : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> Egraph.Ro.t -> key -> unit
+  end
 module Hashtbl2 (S:Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype) : Sig2 with type key := S.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/ b/src_colibri2/core/
index 6b04a2094..f01dfb1c4 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/
@@ -18,710 +18,260 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Nodes
-let debug = Debug.register_info_flag
-  ~desc:"for the specialized demons"
-  "Demon.all"
-module Create = struct
-    type 'b event =
-    | EventDom      : Node.t * 'a DomKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventAnyDom   : 'a DomKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventValue    : Node.t * 'a ValueKind.t * 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventAnyValue : Node.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventRegAny   : 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventRegCl    : Node.t           * 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventChange   : Node.t           * 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventChangeAny: 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventRegSem   :        'a ThTermKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    | EventRegValue :      'a ValueKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    let pp fmt = function
-      | EventDom      (node, dom, _) ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "dom:%a of %a" DomKind.pp dom Node.pp node
-      | EventAnyDom    (dom, _) ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "dom:%a any" DomKind.pp dom
-      | EventValue    (node, value, _) ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "value:%a of %a" ValueKind.pp value Node.pp node
-      | EventAnyValue    (node, _) ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "any value of %a" Node.pp node
-      | EventRegCl  (node, _)    ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "registration of %a" Node.pp node
-      | EventRegAny  (_)    ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "any registration"
-      | EventChange   (node, _)    ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "changeNode of %a" Node.pp node
-      | EventChangeAny   (_)    ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "changeAnyNode"
-      | EventRegSem (sem, _)    ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "regsem for %a" ThTermKind.pp sem
-      | EventRegValue (value, _)    ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "regvalue for %a" ValueKind.pp value
-    type 'b t = 'b event list
+module type Attach = sig
+  type 'a arg
+  type 'a env
+  type result
+  val attach_dom :
+    (?direct:bool -> Node.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> (Node.t -> result) env -> unit)
+    arg
+  val attach_any_dom : ('a DomKind.t -> (Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
+  val attach_value :
+    (Node.t -> ('a, 'b) ValueKind.t -> (Node.t -> 'b -> result) env -> unit) arg
+  val attach_any_value :
+    (Node.t -> (Node.t -> Value.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
+  val attach_reg_any : ((Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
+  val attach_reg_node : (Node.t -> (Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
+  val attach_reg_sem : (('a, 'b) ThTermKind.t -> ('b -> result) env -> unit) arg
+  val attach_reg_value :
+    (('a, 'b) ValueKind.t -> ('b -> result) env -> unit) arg
+  val attach_repr : (Node.t -> (Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
+  val attach_any_repr : ((Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
-type 'k alive =
-| AliveReattached
-| AliveStopped
-| AliveRedirected of 'k
+module type Simple =
+  Attach
+    with type 'a arg := Egraph.t -> 'a
+     and type 'a env := Egraph.t -> 'a
+     and type result := unit
-module Key = struct
+module Simple = struct
+  module Make (Info : sig
+    val name : string
-  type ('d,'k,'i) daemon_state =
-    | Alive of 'd Events.Fired.t * 'i
-    | Dead
-    | Redirected of 'k
-  let print_daemon_state fmt = function
-    | Alive _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "alive"
-    | Dead -> Format.fprintf fmt "dead"
-    | Redirected _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "redirected"
-  module type DemTable = sig
-    module Key: Popop_stdlib.Datatype
-    type data
-    type info val default: info
-    val state : (data, Key.t, info) daemon_state Key.M.t
-  end
+    val delay : Events.delay
+  end) =
+  struct
+    module D = struct
+      type runable = Egraph.t -> unit
-  type ('k,'d,'i) demtable =
-    (module DemTable with type Key.t = 'k and type data = 'd
-                                          and type info = 'i)
-  type ('k,'d,'i) t = {
-    dk_id : ('k * 'd, 'k) Events.Dem.t;
-    dk_data : ('k,'d,'i) demtable Env.Saved.t;
-  }
-  let create (type k d i) name =
-    { dk_id   = Events.Dem.create_key (module struct
-          type t = k * d
-          type nonrec d = k
-          let name = name
-        end);
-      dk_data = Env.Saved.create_key (module struct
-          type t = (k,d,i) demtable
-          let name = name
-        end)
-    }
+      let print_runable = Fmt.nop
-  module type S = sig
-    module Key: Popop_stdlib.Datatype
+      let delay = Info.delay
+      let key =
+        Events.Dem.create
+          (module struct
+            type t = Egraph.t -> unit
+            let name =
+          end)
+      let run d f = f d
+    end
+    let () = Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module D)
+    let wrap_node f _ n = Events.EnqRun (D.key, fun d -> f d n)
+    let wrap_node_and_other f _ n v = Events.EnqRun (D.key, fun d -> f d n v)
+    let wrap_other f _ v = Events.EnqRun (D.key, fun d -> f d v)
+    let attach_dom d ?direct n dom f =
+      Egraph.attach_dom d ?direct n dom (wrap_node f)
+    let attach_any_dom d dom f = Egraph.attach_any_dom d dom (wrap_node f)
+    let attach_value d n v f = Egraph.attach_value d n v (wrap_node_and_other f)
+    let attach_any_value d v f =
+      Egraph.attach_any_value d v (wrap_node_and_other f)
+    let attach_reg_any d f = Egraph.attach_reg_any d (wrap_node f)
-    module Data: Popop_stdlib.Printable
+    let attach_reg_node d n f = Egraph.attach_reg_node d n (wrap_node f)
-    type info
-    val default: info
+    let attach_reg_sem d th f = Egraph.attach_reg_sem d th (wrap_other f)
-    val key: (Key.t, Data.t, info) t
+    let attach_reg_value d th f = Egraph.attach_reg_value d th (wrap_other f)
-    val delay: Events.delay
-    val wakeup:
-      Egraph.t -> Key.t -> Data.t Events.Fired.t ->
-      info -> Key.t alive
-    (** the Events.t in wakeup is a subset of the one given in watch *)
+    let attach_repr d n f = Egraph.attach_repr d n (wrap_node f)
+    let attach_any_repr d f = Egraph.attach_any_repr d (wrap_node f)
-  (** mark it attached if it is not already the case *)
-  let mark_dem :
-  type k d i. Egraph.t -> (k,d,i) t -> k -> unit =
-    fun d dem k ->
-      try
-        let module DemTable = (val (Egraph.get_env d dem.dk_data)) in
-        let module DemTable' = struct
-          include DemTable
-          let state = DemTable.Key.M.change (function
-              | None -> Some (Alive([],DemTable.default))
-              | Some Dead -> raise AlreadyDead
-              | Some (Redirected _) -> raise AlreadyRedirected
-              | Some (Alive _) -> raise Exit)
-              k DemTable.state
-        end in
-        Egraph.set_env d dem.dk_data (module DemTable')
-      with Exit -> ()
-  module Register(D:S) = struct
-    let rec run d k =
-      let module DemTable = (val (Egraph.get_env d D.key.dk_data)) in
-      match DemTable.Key.M.find k (DemTable.state) with
-      | Dead ->
-        Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Demon] @[Daemon %a for %a is dead@]"
-          Events.Dem.pp D.key.dk_id DemTable.Key.pp k;
-        None
-      | Redirected k' ->
-        Debug.dprintf6 debug
-        "[Demon] @[Daemon %a for %a is redirected to %a@]"
-        Events.Dem.pp D.key.dk_id DemTable.Key.pp
-        k DemTable.Key.pp k';
-        run d k'
-      | Alive (events,info) ->
-        Debug.dprintf6 debug "[Demon] @[Run daemon %a for %a:@[%a@]@]"
-          Events.Dem.pp D.key.dk_id DemTable.Key.pp k
-          (Format.list ~sep:Format.newline Events.Fired.pp) events;
-        (** event can be added during wakeup *)
-        let module DemTable' = struct
-          include DemTable
-          let state = DemTable.Key.M.add k (Alive([],info)) (DemTable.state)
-        end
-        in
-        Egraph.set_env d D.key.dk_data (module DemTable');
-        (** wakeup *)
-        let alive = D.wakeup d k events info in
-        (** delay can be modified *)
-        begin match alive with
-          | AliveStopped | AliveRedirected _ ->
-            let demstate = match alive with
-              | AliveStopped -> Dead
-              | AliveRedirected k' -> mark_dem d D.key k'; Redirected k'
-              | AliveReattached -> assert false  in
-            Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Demon] @[Stop daemon %a %a@]"
-              Events.Dem.pp D.key.dk_id DemTable.Key.pp k;
-            begin
-              let module DemTable =
-                (val (Egraph.get_env d D.key.dk_data)) in
-              (** Dead even if event have been added *)
-              let state' = DemTable.Key.M.add k demstate (DemTable.state) in
-              let module DemTable' = struct
-                include DemTable
-                let state = state'
-              end
-              in
-              Egraph.set_env d D.key.dk_data (module DemTable')
-            end
-          | AliveReattached ->
-            Debug.dprintf0 debug "[Demon] @[Reattach daemon@]";
-        end;
-        None
-    let enqueue d event =
-      let module DemTable = (val (Egraph.Ro.get_env d D.key.dk_data)) in
-      let change_state k l =
-          Debug.dprintf6 debug
-          "[Demon] @[schedule %a for %a with %a@]"
-          Events.Dem.pp D.key.dk_id D.Key.pp k
-          Events.Fired.pp event;
-        let module DemTable' = struct
-          include DemTable
-          let state = DemTable.Key.M.add k l DemTable.state
-        end in
-        Egraph.Ro.set_env d D.key.dk_data (module DemTable')
-      in
-      let rec update_state k data =
-        match DemTable.Key.M.find_opt k DemTable.state with
-        | None -> assert false (* should have been marked *)
-        | Some Dead ->
-          Debug.dprintf4 debug
-            "[Demon] @[Dem %a is dead for %a@]"
-            Events.Dem.pp D.key.dk_id Events.Fired.pp event;
-          Events.Wait.EnqStopped
-        | Some (Redirected k') -> update_state k' data
-        | (Some Alive([],info))  ->
-          change_state k (Alive([data],info));
-          Events.Wait.EnqRun k
-        | Some Alive(l,info) ->
-          change_state k (Alive(data::l,info));
-          Events.Wait.EnqAlready
-      in
-      let k, event =
-        let open Events.Fired in
-        match event with
-        | EventDom      (a, b , (k,d))   -> k, EventDom(a, b, d)
-        | EventValue    (a, c, (k,d))   -> k, EventValue(a, c, d)
-        | EventSem      (a, b, c, (k,d)) -> k, EventSem(a, b, c, d)
-        | EventReg      (a, (k,d))       -> k, EventReg(a, d)
-        | EventRegNode  (a, (k,d))       -> k, EventRegNode(a, d)
-        | EventChange   (a, (k,d))       -> k, EventChange(a, d)
-        | EventRegSem (a, (k,d))         -> k, EventRegSem(a, d)
-        | EventRegValue (a, (k,d))       -> k, EventRegValue(a, d) in
-      update_state k event
+  module FixingModel = Make (struct
+    let name = "Demon.Simple.FixingModel"
+    let delay = Events.FixingModel
+  end)
-    let () =
-      let print_demtable fmt ((module DT): (D.Key.t,D.Data.t, demtable) =
-        let open Format in
-        let aux = pair ~sep:(const char ';') D.Key.pp print_daemon_state in
-        let l = DT.Key.M.bindings DT.state in
-        Format.list ~sep:newline aux fmt l
-      in
-      Env.Saved.register print_demtable D.key.dk_data;
-    (** Interface for generic daemon *)
-    let module Dem = struct
-      type runable = D.Key.t
-      let print_runable = D.Key.pp
-      let run = run
-      type event = D.Key.t * D.Data.t
-      let print_event fmt (k,d) =
-        Format.fprintf fmt "(%a: %a)" D.Key.pp k D.Data.pp d
-      let enqueue = enqueue
-      let key = D.key.dk_id
-      let delay = D.delay
-    end in
-    Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module Dem)
-    let init d =
-      let module DemTable = struct
-        module Key = D.Key
-        type data = D.Data.t
-        type info = let default = D.default
-        let state = Key.M.empty
-      end in
-      Egraph.set_env d D.key.dk_data (module DemTable);
+  module DelayedBy1 = Make (struct
+    let name = "Demon.Simple.DelayedBy1"
+    let delay = Events.Delayed_by 1
+  end)
+  include DelayedBy1
+module WithFilter = struct
+  module D = struct
+    type runable = Egraph.t -> unit
+    let print_runable = Fmt.nop
+    let delay = Events.Delayed_by 1
+    let key =
+      Events.Dem.create
+        (module struct
+          type t = Egraph.t -> unit
+          let name = "Demon.WithFilter"
+        end)
+    let run d f = f d
-  let attach :
-    type k d i. Egraph.t -> (k,d,i) t -> k -> d Create.t -> unit =
-    fun t dem k events ->
-      mark_dem t dem k;
-    (** record waiters *)
-      let iter ev =
-        Debug.dprintf2 debug "[Demon] @[Attach event %a@]"
-          Create.pp ev;
-        match ev with
-        | Create.EventDom (node,dom,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_dom t node dom dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventAnyDom (dom,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_any_dom t dom dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventValue (node,value,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_value t node value dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventAnyValue (node,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_any_value t node dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventChange (node,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_node t node dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventChangeAny (data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_any_node t dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventRegCl (node,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_reg_node t node dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventRegAny (data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_reg_any t dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventRegSem (sem,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_reg_sem t sem dem.dk_id (k,data)
-        | Create.EventRegValue (value,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_reg_value t value dem.dk_id (k,data)
-      in
-      List.iter iter events
-  type ('k,'i) state =
-  | SUnborn
-  | SAlive of 'i
-  | SDead
-  | SRedirected of 'k
-  let is_attached (type k) (type d) (type i) t (dem: (k,d,i) t) (k:k) =
-    let module DemTable = (val (Egraph.get_env t dem.dk_data)) in
-    match DemTable.Key.M.find_opt k DemTable.state with
-    | None -> SUnborn
-    | Some (Alive(_,i)) -> SAlive i
-    | Some Dead -> SDead
-    | Some (Redirected k') -> SRedirected k'
-  exception NotAlive
-  let set_info (type k) (type d) (type i) t (dem: (k,d,i) t) (k:k) (i:i)  =
-    let module DemTable = (val (Egraph.get_env t dem.dk_data)) in
-    match DemTable.Key.M.find_exn NotAlive k DemTable.state with
-    | Alive(w,_) ->
-      let module DemTable' = struct
-        include DemTable
-        let state = DemTable.Key.M.add k (Alive(w,i)) DemTable.state
-      end
-      in
-      Egraph.set_env t dem.dk_data (module DemTable')
-    | _ -> raise NotAlive
-  exception CantBeKilled
-  let kill (type k) (type d) (type i) t (dem: (k,d,i) t) (k:k) =
-    try
-      let module DemTable = (val (Egraph.get_env t dem.dk_data)) in
-      Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Demon] @[Kill dem %a %a@]"
-        Events.Dem.pp dem.dk_id DemTable.Key.pp k;
-      let module DemTable' = struct
-        include DemTable
-        let state = DemTable.Key.M.change (function
-          | Some Dead -> raise Exit
-          | _ -> Some Dead)
-          k DemTable.state
-      end in
-      Egraph.set_env t dem.dk_data (module DemTable')
-    with Exit -> ()
+  let () = Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module D)
+  let wrap_node f d n =
+    match f d n with
+    | None -> Events.EnqAlready
+    | Some g -> Events.EnqRun (D.key, g)
+  let wrap_node_and_other f d n v =
+    match f d n v with
+    | None -> Events.EnqAlready
+    | Some g -> Events.EnqRun (D.key, g)
+  let wrap_other f d v =
+    match f d v with
+    | None -> Events.EnqAlready
+    | Some g -> Events.EnqRun (D.key, g)
+  let attach_dom d ?direct n dom f =
+    Egraph.Ro.attach_dom d ?direct n dom (wrap_node f)
+  let attach_any_dom d dom f = Egraph.Ro.attach_any_dom d dom (wrap_node f)
+  let attach_value d n v f =
+    Egraph.Ro.attach_value d n v (wrap_node_and_other f)
+  let attach_any_value d v f =
+    Egraph.Ro.attach_any_value d v (wrap_node_and_other f)
+  let attach_reg_any d f = Egraph.Ro.attach_reg_any d (wrap_node f)
+  let attach_reg_node d n f = Egraph.Ro.attach_reg_node d n (wrap_node f)
+  let attach_reg_sem d th f = Egraph.Ro.attach_reg_sem d th (wrap_other f)
+  let attach_reg_value d th f = Egraph.Ro.attach_reg_value d th (wrap_other f)
+  let attach_repr d n f = Egraph.Ro.attach_repr d n (wrap_node f)
+  let attach_any_repr d f = Egraph.Ro.attach_any_repr d (wrap_node f)
-module Fast = struct
-  (** Instead of sending every wakeup event to the scheduler, a specific queue
-     is used. In order to keep some fairness, the number of event hendle each
-     time is limited by throttle *)
-  type 'd t = {
-    dk_id : ('d, unit) Events.Dem.t;
-    dk_data : 'd Events.Fired.event Context.Queue.t Env.Unsaved.t;
-    (** for throttling *)
-    mutable dk_remaining: int; (** 0 if the demon is not the current one *)
-  }
-  let create (type d) name
-    = {
-      dk_id   = Events.Dem.create_key (module struct
-          type t = d
-          type d = unit
-          let name = name
-        end);
-      dk_data = Env.Unsaved.create_key (module struct
-          type t = d Events.Fired.event Context.Queue.t
-          let name = name
-        end);
-      dk_remaining = 0;
-    }
+module Key = struct
+  type state = Wait | Stop
   module type S = sig
+    module Key : Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype
-    module Data: sig
-      type t
-      val pp: t Format.printer
-    end
-    val key: Data.t t
+    val delay : Events.delay
-    (** never killed *)
-    val delay: Events.delay
-    val throttle: int (** todo int ref? *)
-    (** number of time run in a row *)
-    val wakeup: Egraph.t -> Data.t Events.Fired.event -> unit
+    val run : Egraph.t -> Key.t -> state
+    val name : string
+  module Register (S : S) = struct
+    type state' = Wait | Scheduled | Stop [@@deriving show]
+    module H = Datastructure.Hashtbl2 (S.Key)
+    let h = H.create pp_state' (fun _ -> Wait)
-  module Register(D:S) = struct
-    let run d () =
-      assert (D.key.dk_remaining = 0);
-      let queue = Egraph.get_unsaved_env d D.key.dk_data in
-      D.key.dk_remaining <- D.throttle;
-      let rec run_one () =
-        match Context.Queue.dequeue queue with
-        | None -> ()
-        | Some event ->
-          Debug.dprintf6 debug
-            "[Demon] @[Run daemon fast %a:@[%a@ %a@]@]"
-            Events.Dem.pp D.key.dk_id Events.Fired.pp event
-            D.Data.pp (Events.Fired.get_data event);
-          D.wakeup d event;
-          Debug.dprintf0 debug "[Demon] @[Done@]";
-          (match D.delay with
-           | Immediate -> ()
-           | Delayed_by _ | LastEffort _ | FixingModel -> Egraph.flush_internal d);
-          D.key.dk_remaining <- D.key.dk_remaining - 1;
-          if 0 < D.key.dk_remaining then run_one () in
-      try
-        run_one ();
-        assert (D.key.dk_remaining >= 0);
-        D.key.dk_remaining <- 0;
-        if Context.Queue.is_empty queue then None else begin
-           Some ()
-        end
-      with exn -> (** Normally Contradiction *)
-        assert (D.key.dk_remaining >= 0);
-        D.key.dk_remaining <- 0;
-        raise exn
-    let enqueue d event =
-      assert (D.key.dk_remaining >= 0);
-      Debug.dprintf4 debug
-        "[Demon] @[schedule %a for %a@]"
-        Events.Dem.pp D.key.dk_id Events.Fired.pp event;
-      let queue = Egraph.Ro.get_unsaved_env d D.key.dk_data in
-      Context.Queue.enqueue queue event;
-      if D.key.dk_remaining = 0 && Context.Queue.length queue = 1 then
-          Events.Wait.EnqRun ()
-      else
-        Events.Wait.EnqAlready
+    let key =
+      Events.Dem.create
+        (module struct
+          type t = S.Key.t
+          let name =
+        end)
     let () =
-      let print_demtable = Context.Queue.pp ~sep:Fmt.(any ",") Events.Fired.pp in
-      Env.Unsaved.register ~init:Context.Queue.create ~pp:print_demtable D.key.dk_data;
-    (** Interface for generic daemon *)
-    let module Dem = struct
-      type runable = unit
-      let print_runable = Popop_stdlib.DUnit.pp
-      let run = run
-      type event = D.Data.t
-      let print_event = D.Data.pp
-      let enqueue = enqueue
-      let key = D.key.dk_id
-      let delay = D.delay
-    end in
-    Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module Dem)
+      Egraph.Wait.register_dem
+        (module struct
+          let key = key
-  end
+          let delay = S.delay
+          let run d k =
+            match H.find h d k with
+            | Stop -> ()
+            | Wait -> raise Impossible
+            | Scheduled -> (
+                H.set h d k Wait;
+                match d k with Wait -> () | Stop -> H.set h d k Stop)
+          type runable = S.Key.t
+          let print_runable = S.Key.pp
+        end)
+    let wrap k d =
+      match H.Ro.find h d k with
+      | Stop -> Events.EnqStopped
+      | Wait ->
+          H.Ro.set h d k Scheduled;
+          Events.EnqRun (key, k)
+      | Scheduled -> Events.EnqAlready
+    let wrap_node k d _ = wrap k d
+    let wrap_node_and_other k d _ _ = wrap k d
+    let wrap_other k d _ = wrap k d
-  let attach d dem events =
-    let open Create in
-    let iter ev =
-      Debug.dprintf2 debug "[Demon] @[Attach event %a@]" Create.pp ev;
-      match ev with
-        | EventDom      (node,dom,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_dom d node dom dem.dk_id data
-        | EventAnyDom   (dom,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_any_dom d dom dem.dk_id data
-        | EventValue    (node,value,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_value d node value dem.dk_id data
-        | EventAnyValue    (node,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_any_value d node dem.dk_id data
-        | EventRegCl  (node,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_reg_node d node dem.dk_id data
-        | EventRegAny  (data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_reg_any d dem.dk_id data
-        | EventChange   (node,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_node d node dem.dk_id data
-        | EventChangeAny   (data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_any_node d dem.dk_id data
-        | EventRegSem (sem,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_reg_sem d sem dem.dk_id data
-        | EventRegValue (value,data) ->
-          Egraph.attach_reg_value d value dem.dk_id data
-    in
-    List.iter iter events
-  let register_init_daemon
-    (type a)
-    ~name
-    ?(delay=Events.Delayed_by 1)
-    ?(throttle=100)
-    (thterm: (module Nodes.RegisteredThTerm with type t = a) )
-    (f:Egraph.t -> a -> unit)
-    (init_d:Egraph.t)
-    =
-    let module ThTerm = (val thterm) in
-    let module DaemonInit = struct
-      let key = create name
-      module Data = Popop_stdlib.DUnit
-      let delay = delay
-      let throttle = throttle
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventRegSem(thterm,()) ->
-          let thterm = ThTerm.coerce_thterm thterm in
-          f d thterm
-        | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-    end in
-    let module RDaemonInit = Register(DaemonInit) in
-    attach init_d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventRegSem(ThTerm.key,())]
-  let register_init_daemon_value
-    (type a)
-    ~name
-    ?(delay=Events.Delayed_by 1)
-    ?(throttle=100)
-    (value: (module Nodes.RegisteredValue with type t = a) )
-    (f:Egraph.t -> a -> unit)
-    (init_d:Egraph.t)
-    =
-    let module Val = (val value) in
-    let module DaemonInit = struct
-      let key = create name
-      module Data = Popop_stdlib.DUnit
-      let delay = delay
-      let throttle = throttle
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventRegValue(value,()) ->
-          let thterm = Val.coerce_nodevalue value in
-          f d thterm
-        | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-    end in
-    let module RDaemonInit = Register(DaemonInit) in
-    attach init_d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventRegValue(Val.key,())]
-  let register_change_repr_daemon
-      ~name
-      ?(delay=Events.Delayed_by 1)
-      ?(throttle=100)
-      (f:Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit)
-      (init_d:Egraph.t)
-    =
-    let module DaemonInit = struct
-      let key = create name
-      module Data = Popop_stdlib.DUnit
-      let delay = delay
-      let throttle = throttle
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventChange(node,()) ->
-          f d node
-        | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-    end in
-    let module RDaemonInit = Register(DaemonInit) in
-    attach init_d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventChangeAny(())]
-  let register_any_new_node_daemon
-      ~name
-      ?(delay=Events.Delayed_by 1)
-      ?(throttle=100)
-      (f:Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit)
-      (init_d:Egraph.t)
-    =
-    let module DaemonInit = struct
-      let key = create name
-      module Data = Popop_stdlib.DUnit
-      let delay = delay
-      let throttle = throttle
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventReg(node,()) ->
-          f d node
-        | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-    end in
-    let module RDaemonInit = Register(DaemonInit) in
-    attach init_d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventRegAny(())]
-  let register_change_domain_daemon
-    (type a) (type b)
-    ~name
-    ?(delay=Events.Delayed_by 1)
-    ?(throttle=100)
-    ?(pp=Fmt.nop)
-    (dom:a DomKind.t)
-    (f:Egraph.t -> Node.t -> b -> unit)
-    =
-    let module DaemonInit = struct
-      let key = create name
-      module Data = struct
-        type t = b
-        let pp = pp
-      end
-      let delay = delay
-      let throttle = throttle
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventDom(node,dom',data) ->
-          assert (DomKind.equal dom dom');
-          f d node data
-        | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-    end in
-    let module RDaemonInit = Register(DaemonInit) in
-    let attach d n data =
-      attach d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventDom(n,dom,data)];
-      match Egraph.get_dom d dom n with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some _ -> f d n data
-    in
-    attach
-  let register_any_change_domain_daemon
-    (type a)
-    ~name
-    ?(delay=Events.Delayed_by 1)
-    ?(throttle=100)
-    (dom:a DomKind.t)
-    (f:Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit)
-    =
-    let module DaemonInit = struct
-      let key = create name
-      module Data = Unit
-      let delay = delay
-      let throttle = throttle
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventDom(node,dom',()) ->
-          assert (DomKind.equal dom dom');
-          f d node
-        | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-    end in
-    let module RDaemonInit = Register(DaemonInit) in
-    (fun d ->
-      attach d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventAnyDom(dom,())]
-    )
-  let register_get_value_daemon
-    (type a) (type b)
-    ~name
-    ?(delay=Events.Delayed_by 1)
-    ?(throttle=100)
-    ?(pp=Fmt.nop)
-    (value: (module Nodes.RegisteredValue with type s = a) )
-    (f:Egraph.t -> Node.t -> a -> b -> unit)
-    =
-    let module Val = (val value) in
-    let module DaemonInit = struct
-      let key = create name
-      module Data = struct
-        type t = b
-        let pp = pp
-      end
-      let delay = delay
-      let throttle = throttle
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventValue(node,value,data) ->
-          let v = Opt.get_exn Impossible (Value.value Val.key value) in
-          f d node v data
-        | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-    end in
-    let module RDaemonInit = Register(DaemonInit) in
-    let attach d n data =
-      match Egraph.get_value d n with
-      | None -> attach d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventValue(n,Val.key,data)]
-      | Some v ->
-        match Value.value Val.key  v with
-        | None -> attach d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventValue(n,Val.key,data)]
-        | Some v ->
-          f d n v data
-    in
-    attach
-  type waiter = {
-    for_dom: 'a. Egraph.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> Node.t -> (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) -> unit;
-    for_value: 'a. Egraph.t -> 'a ValueKind.t -> Node.t -> (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) -> unit;
-    for_any_value: 'a. Egraph.t -> Node.t -> (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) -> unit;
-  }
-    let register_simply
-    ?(delay=Events.Delayed_by 1)
-    ?(throttle=100)
-    name
-    =
-    let module DaemonInit = struct
-      let key = create name
-      module Data = struct
-        type t = Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit
-        let pp = Fmt.nop
-      end
-      let delay = delay
-      let throttle = throttle
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventDom(node,_,f) ->
-          f d node
-        | Events.Fired.EventValue(node,_,f) ->
-          f d node
-        | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-    end in
-    let module RDaemonInit = Register(DaemonInit) in
-    let for_dom d dom n f =
-      attach d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventDom(n,dom,f)];
-      match Egraph.get_dom d dom n with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some _ -> f d n
-    in
-    let for_value d value n f =
-      attach d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventValue(n,value,f)];
-      match Egraph.get_value d n with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some _ -> f d n
-    in
-    let for_any_value d n f =
-      attach d DaemonInit.key [Create.EventAnyValue(n,f)];
-      match Egraph.get_value d n with
-      | None -> ()
-      | Some _ -> f d n
-    in
-    {for_dom; for_value; for_any_value}
+    let attach_dom d ?direct n dom f =
+      Egraph.attach_dom d ?direct n dom (wrap_node f)
+    let attach_any_dom d dom f = Egraph.attach_any_dom d dom (wrap_node f)
+    let attach_value d n v f = Egraph.attach_value d n v (wrap_node_and_other f)
+    let attach_any_value d v f =
+      Egraph.attach_any_value d v (wrap_node_and_other f)
+    let attach_reg_any d f = Egraph.attach_reg_any d (wrap_node f)
+    let attach_reg_node d n f = Egraph.attach_reg_node d n (wrap_node f)
+    let attach_reg_sem d th f = Egraph.attach_reg_sem d th (wrap_other f)
+    let attach_reg_value d th f = Egraph.attach_reg_value d th (wrap_other f)
+    let attach_repr d n f = Egraph.attach_repr d n (wrap_node f)
+    let attach_any_repr d f = Egraph.attach_any_repr d (wrap_node f)
+  end
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/demon.mli b/src_colibri2/core/demon.mli
index c673010c0..4b0325822 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/demon.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/demon.mli
@@ -18,203 +18,77 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Nodes
-module Create : sig
-  type 'b event =
-    (** the domain dom of the class is watched *)
-    | EventDom      : Node.t * 'a DomKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** the domain dom of any class is watched *)
-    | EventAnyDom   : 'a DomKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** the value of the class is watched *)
-    | EventValue    : Node.t * 'a ValueKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** the values of the class is watched *)
-    | EventAnyValue    : Node.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** Warn when any class registered *)
-    | EventRegAny    : 'b -> 'b event
-    (** Warn when this class is registered *)
-    | EventRegCl    : Node.t           * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** Warn when the class is not the representant of its eq-class anymore *)
-    | EventChange   : Node.t           * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** Warn when a class is not the representant of its eq-class anymore *)
-    | EventChangeAny   : 'b -> 'b event
-    (** a new theory term 'a appear *)
-    | EventRegSem   :        'a ThTermKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** a new value 'a appear *)
-    | EventRegValue :      'a ValueKind.t  * 'b -> 'b event
-  val pp: 'b event Format.printer
-  type 'b t = 'b event list
-type 'k alive =
-| AliveReattached
-| AliveStopped
-| AliveRedirected of 'k
+module type Attach = sig
+  type 'a arg
-module Key: sig
+  type 'a env
-  type ('k,'d,'i) t
-  val create: string -> ('k,'d,'i) t
+  type result
-  module type S = sig
-    module Key: Popop_stdlib.Datatype
+  val attach_dom :
+    (?direct:bool -> Node.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> (Node.t -> result) env -> unit)
+    arg
-    module Data: Popop_stdlib.Printable
+  val attach_any_dom : ('a DomKind.t -> (Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
-    type info val default: info
+  val attach_value :
+    (Node.t -> ('a, 'b) ValueKind.t -> (Node.t -> 'b -> result) env -> unit) arg
-    val key: (Key.t, Data.t, info) t
+  val attach_any_value :
+    (Node.t -> (Node.t -> Value.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
-    val delay: Events.delay
-    val wakeup:
-      Egraph.t -> Key.t -> Data.t Events.Fired.t ->
-      info -> Key.t alive
-      (** the Events.t in wakeup is a subset of the one given in watch *)
-  end
+  val attach_reg_any : ((Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
-  module Register (_:S): sig
-    val init: Egraph.t -> unit
-    (** to run for each new delay *)
-  end
+  val attach_reg_node : (Node.t -> (Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
-  type ('k,'i) state =
-  | SUnborn
-  | SAlive of 'i
-  | SDead
-  | SRedirected of 'k
+  val attach_reg_sem : (('a, 'b) ThTermKind.t -> ('b -> result) env -> unit) arg
-  val attach: Egraph.t -> ('k,'d,'i) t -> 'k -> 'd Create.t -> unit
-  (** raise AlreadyDead if this key is already dead *)
+  val attach_reg_value :
+    (('a, 'b) ValueKind.t -> ('b -> result) env -> unit) arg
-  val is_attached: Egraph.t -> ('k,'d,'i) t -> 'k -> ('k,'i) state
+  val attach_repr : (Node.t -> (Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
-  val set_info: Egraph.t -> ('k, 'd, 'i) t -> 'k -> 'i -> unit
+  val attach_any_repr : ((Node.t -> result) env -> unit) arg
-  exception CantBeKilled
-  val kill : Egraph.t -> ('a, 'b,'c) t -> 'a -> unit
+module type Simple =
+  Attach
+    with type 'a arg := Egraph.t -> 'a
+     and type 'a env := Egraph.t -> 'a
+     and type result := unit
+module Simple : sig
+  include Simple
+  module FixingModel : Simple
+module WithFilter :
+  Attach
+    with type 'a arg := Egraph.Ro.t -> 'a
+     and type 'a env := Egraph.Ro.t -> 'a
+     and type result := (Egraph.t -> unit) option
-module Fast: sig
-  type 'd t
-  val create: string -> 'd t
+module Key : sig
+  type state = Wait | Stop
   module type S = sig
+    module Key : Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype
-    module Data: sig
-      type t
-      val pp: t Format.printer
-    end
-    val key: Data.t t
+    val delay : Events.delay
-    (** never killed *)
-    val delay: Events.delay
-    val throttle: int (** todo int ref? *)
-    (** number of time run in a row *)
-    val wakeup: Egraph.t -> Data.t Events.Fired.event -> unit
+    val run : Egraph.t -> Key.t -> state
+    val name : string
-  module Register (_:S): sig
+  module Register (S : S) : sig
+    include
+      Attach
+        with type 'a arg := Egraph.t -> 'a
+         and type 'a env := S.Key.t
+         and type result := unit
-  val attach: Egraph.t -> 'd t -> 'd Create.t -> unit
-  (** helper *)
-  val register_init_daemon:
-    name:string ->
-    ?delay:Events.delay ->
-    ?throttle:int ->
-    (module RegisteredThTerm with type t = 'a) ->
-    (Egraph.t -> 'a -> unit) ->
-    Egraph.t ->
-    unit
-    (** *)
-  (** helper *)
-  val register_init_daemon_value:
-    name:string ->
-    ?delay:Events.delay ->
-    ?throttle:int ->
-    (module RegisteredValue with type t = 'a) ->
-    (Egraph.t -> 'a -> unit) ->
-    Egraph.t ->
-    unit
-    (** *)
-  (** helper *)
-  val register_change_repr_daemon:
-    name:string ->
-    ?delay:Events.delay ->
-    ?throttle:int ->
-    (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) ->
-    Egraph.t ->
-    unit
-    (** *)
-    (** helper *)
-  val register_any_new_node_daemon:
-    name:string ->
-    ?delay:Events.delay ->
-    ?throttle:int ->
-    (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) ->
-    Egraph.t ->
-    unit
-    (** *)
-  (** helper *)
-  val register_change_domain_daemon:
-    name:string ->
-    ?delay:Events.delay ->
-    ?throttle:int ->
-    ?pp:('b Fmt.t) ->
-    'a DomKind.t ->
-    (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> 'b -> unit) ->
-    (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> 'b -> unit)
-    (** *)
-    (** helper *)
-  val register_any_change_domain_daemon:
-    name:string ->
-    ?delay:Events.delay ->
-    ?throttle:int ->
-    'a DomKind.t ->
-    (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) ->
-    (Egraph.t -> unit)
-    (** *)
-  (** helper *)
-  val register_get_value_daemon:
-    name:string ->
-    ?delay:Events.delay ->
-    ?throttle:int ->
-    ?pp:('b Fmt.t) ->
-    (module RegisteredValue with type s = 'a) ->
-    (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> 'a -> 'b -> unit) ->
-    (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> 'b -> unit)
-    (** *)
-  type waiter = {
-    for_dom: 'a. Egraph.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> Node.t -> (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) -> unit;
-    for_value: 'a. Egraph.t -> 'a ValueKind.t -> Node.t -> (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) -> unit;
-    for_any_value: 'a. Egraph.t -> Node.t -> (Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit) -> unit;
-  }
-  (** helper *)
-  val register_simply:
-    ?delay:Events.delay ->
-    ?throttle:int ->
-    string ->
-    waiter
-    (** *)
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/ b/src_colibri2/core/
index 06fc49f25..f775c4a18 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/
@@ -44,25 +44,28 @@ let stats_register =
 module DecTag = DInt
 (** For each kind of domain *)
-type 'a domtable = {
+type ('ro,'a) domtable = {
   (** For each representative node its associated domain if any *)
   table : 'a Node.M.t;
   (** Events: the domain of this node changed *)
-  events : Events.Wait.t Bag.t Node.M.t;
+  events : ('ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) Bag.t Node.M.t;
   (** Events: the domain of any node  changed *)
-  reg_events : Events.Wait.t list;
+  reg_events : ('ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) Bag.t;
-module VDomTable = DomKind.MkVector (struct type ('a,'unused) t = 'a domtable end)
+module VDomTable = DomKind.MkVector (struct type ('a,'ro) t = ('ro,'a) domtable end)
-module VSemTable = ThTermKind.Vector
+module VSemTable = ThTermKind.MkVector (struct type (_,'b,'ro) t = ('ro -> 'b -> Events.enqueue) Bag.t end)
-type valuetable = {
-  values : Value.t Node.M.t;
-  events : Events.Wait.t Bag.t Node.M.t ValueKind.M.t;
-  reg_events : Events.Wait.t list ValueKind.M.t;
+type ('ro,'a) valuetable = {
+  (** Events: the value of this node changed *)
+  events : ('ro -> Node.t -> 'a -> Events.enqueue) Bag.t Node.M.t;
+  (** Events: the value has been registered *)
+  reg_events : ('ro -> 'a -> Events.enqueue) Bag.t;
+module ValueTable = ValueKind.MkVector (struct type (_,'b,'ro) t = ('ro,'b) valuetable end)
 (** Environnement *)
 (** mutable but only contain persistent structure *)
@@ -72,38 +75,41 @@ module Def = struct
   type saved = {
       saved_repr  : Node.t Node.M.t;
       saved_rang  : int Node.M.t;
-      saved_event_repr : Events.Wait.t Bag.t Node.M.t;
-      saved_event_any_repr : Events.Wait.t list;
-      saved_event_value : Events.Wait.t Bag.t Node.M.t;
-      saved_event_reg : Events.Wait.t list Node.M.t;
-      saved_event_any_reg : Events.Wait.t list;
+      saved_event_repr :  event_node Bag.t Node.M.t;
+      saved_event_any_repr : event_node Bag.t;
+      saved_event_value : (delayed_t -> Node.t -> Value.t -> Events.enqueue) Bag.t Node.M.t;
+      saved_event_reg : event_node Bag.t Node.M.t;
+      saved_event_any_reg : event_node Bag.t;
       saved_dom   : delayed_t VDomTable.t;
-      saved_sem   : Events.Wait.t list VSemTable.t;
-      saved_value : valuetable;
+      saved_sem   : delayed_t VSemTable.t;
+      saved_value : delayed_t ValueTable.t;
+      saved_values : Value.t Node.M.t;
       saved_envs  : Env.Saved.VectorH.t;
+  and event_node = (delayed_t -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue)
   and t = {
     (** Union Find *)
       mutable repr  : Node.t Node.M.t;
       mutable rang  : int Node.M.t;
       (** Events: the representative of this node changed *)
-      mutable event_repr : Events.Wait.t Bag.t Node.M.t;
+      mutable event_repr : event_node Bag.t Node.M.t;
       (** Events: the representative of any node changed *)
-      mutable event_any_repr : Events.Wait.t list;
+      mutable event_any_repr : event_node Bag.t;
       (** Events: the value of this node has been set *)
-      mutable event_value : Events.Wait.t Bag.t Node.M.t;
+      mutable event_value : (delayed_t -> Node.t -> Value.t -> Events.enqueue) Bag.t Node.M.t;
       (** Events: this node have been registered *)
-      mutable event_reg : Events.Wait.t list Node.M.t;
+      mutable event_reg : event_node Bag.t Node.M.t;
       (** Events: any node have been registered *)
-      mutable event_any_reg : Events.Wait.t list;
+      mutable event_any_reg : event_node  Bag.t;
       (** Events: semantic term of this kind has been registered *)
-      sem   : Events.Wait.t list VSemTable.t;
+      sem   : delayed_t VSemTable.t;
       (** Information on the domains, data is {!'a domtable} *)
       dom   : delayed_t VDomTable.t;
       (** Value *)
-      mutable value : valuetable;
+      value : delayed_t ValueTable.t;
+      mutable values: Value.t Node.M.t;
       (** Environment saved during backtrack point *)
       envs  : Env.Saved.VectorH.t;
       (** Environment not saved during backtrack point, they should use !{Context} *)
@@ -175,13 +181,13 @@ type choice_state = Def.choice_state =
 (** {2 Define events} *)
+let schedule_immediate t d = Queue.push (RunDem d) t.todo_immediate_dem
+let schedule t d = t.sched_daemon d
 module WaitDef = struct
   type delayed = delayed_t
-  let schedule_immediate t d = Queue.push (RunDem d) t.todo_immediate_dem
-  let schedule t d = t.sched_daemon d
   type delayed_ro = delayed_t
-  let readonly x = x
 module Wait : Events.Wait.S with type delayed = delayed_t and type delayed_ro = delayed_t =
@@ -205,20 +211,22 @@ module Hidden = Context.Make(struct
         saved_event_any_reg = t.event_any_reg;
         saved_dom = VDomTable.copy t.dom;
         saved_sem = VSemTable.copy t.sem;
-        saved_value = t.value;
+        saved_value = ValueTable.copy t.value;
+        saved_values = t.values;
         saved_envs = Env.Saved.VectorH.copy t.envs;
     let restore (s:saved) (t:t) =
       t.repr <- s.saved_repr;
       t.rang <- s.saved_rang;
+      t.values <- s.saved_values;
       t.event_repr <- s.saved_event_repr ;
       t.event_value <- s.saved_event_value ;
       t.event_reg <- s.saved_event_reg ;
       t.event_any_reg <- s.saved_event_any_reg;
-      t.value <- s.saved_value;
       VDomTable.move ~from:s.saved_dom ~to_:t.dom;
       VSemTable.move ~from:s.saved_sem ~to_:t.sem;
+      ValueTable.move ~from:s.saved_value ~to_:t.value;
       Env.Saved.VectorH.move ~from:s.saved_envs ~to_:t.envs;
       Def.emptied t.delayed
@@ -232,11 +240,18 @@ let get_table_dom t k =
   VDomTable.get_def t.dom k
     { table = Node.M.empty;
       events = Node.M.empty;
-      reg_events = [] }
+      reg_events = Bag.empty }
 let get_table_sem t k =
   Nodes.check_thterm_registered k;
-  ThTermKind.Vector.get_def t.sem k []
+  VSemTable.get_def t.sem k Bag.empty
+let get_table_value t k =
+  Nodes.check_value_registered k;
+  ValueTable.get_def t.value k
+    { events = Node.M.empty;
+      reg_events = Bag.empty;
+    }
 exception UninitializedEnv of string
@@ -275,7 +290,7 @@ module T = struct
     get_direct_dom t dom node
   let get_direct_value t node =
-    Node.M.find_opt node t.value.values
+    Node.M.find_opt node t.values
   let get_value t node =
     let node = find_def t node in
@@ -312,19 +327,6 @@ end
 open T
 (** {2 For debugging and display} *)
-let _print_env fmt t =
-  let printd (type a) dom fmt (domtable:a domtable) =
-    let aux =
-      Format.(pair ~sep:(const char ';') Node.pp (Bag.pp (const char ',') Events.Wait.pp))
-    in
-    let aux fmt m = Node.M.bindings m |> Format.(list ~sep:newline aux) fmt in
-    Format.fprintf fmt "%a:@[%a@]" DomKind.pp dom aux
-  in
-  VDomTable.pp Format.newline Format.silent
-    {VDomTable.printk = Format.silent}
-    {VDomTable.printd} fmt t.dom
 let dot_to_escape = Str.regexp "[{}|<>]"
 let escape_for_dot pp v =
@@ -364,13 +366,14 @@ let output_graph filename t =
             DomKind.pp dom (escape_for_dot (VDom.print_dom dom) s);
         with Not_found -> ()
-      let print_value fmt valuetable =
+      let print_value fmt values =
-          let s = Node.M.find node valuetable.values in
+          let s = Node.M.find node values in
           (match Value.kind s with
            | Value.Value (kind, value) ->
-          Format.fprintf fmt "| {%a | %s}"
-            ValueKind.pp kind (escape_for_dot (print_value kind) value))
+             let (module S) = Nodes.get_value kind in
+             Format.fprintf fmt "| {%a | %s}"
+               ValueKind.pp kind (escape_for_dot S.pp value))
         with Not_found -> ()
       let print_sem fmt node =
@@ -381,7 +384,7 @@ let output_graph filename t =
           | Some thterm ->
             match Only_for_solver.sem_of_node thterm with
             | Only_for_solver.ThTerm(sem,v) ->
-              let (module S) = get_thterm sem in
+              let (module S) = Nodes.get_thterm sem in
               Format.fprintf fmt "| {%a | %s}"
                 ThTermKind.pp sem (escape_for_dot S.pp v)
@@ -399,7 +402,7 @@ let output_graph filename t =
         (if is_repr t node
          then print_value
          else Format.silent)
-        t.value
+        t.values
     let vertex_attributes node =
       let label = Format.to_string pp node in
@@ -448,6 +451,7 @@ let draw_graph =
 module Delayed = struct
   open T
   type t = delayed_t
+  type ro = delayed_t
   let context t = Hidden.creator t.env.history
@@ -481,28 +485,43 @@ module Delayed = struct
   let is_registered t node =
     is_registered t.env node
+  let new_pending_daemon (type d) t (dem : d Events.Dem.t) runable =
+    let module Dem = (val Wait.get_dem dem) in
+    let daemonkey = Events.Wait.DaemonKey (dem, runable) in
+    match Dem.delay with
+    | Immediate -> schedule_immediate t daemonkey
+    | _ -> schedule t daemonkey
+  let run_event t apply e =
+    match apply t e with
+    | Events.EnqStopped -> None
+    | EnqAlready -> Some e
+    | EnqRun (dem,runable) ->
+      new_pending_daemon t dem runable;
+      Some e
+    | EnqLast (dem,runable) ->
+      new_pending_daemon t dem runable;
+      None
+  let run_events t apply events =
+    Bag.filter_map_homo (run_event t apply) events
   let set_value_direct t node0 new_v =
     Debug.incr stats_set_value;
     let node = find t node0 in
-    let valuetable = t.env.value in
-    let valuetable = {
-      valuetable with
-      values = Node.M.add node new_v valuetable.values;
-    } in
-    t.env.value <- valuetable;
+    t.env.values <- Node.M.add node new_v t.env.values;
     (match Value.kind new_v with
-     | Value.Value(valuekind,_) ->
+     | Value.Value(valuekind,new_v) ->
        let events =
-         let open Option in
-         let* events = ValueKind.M.find_opt valuekind in
-         Node.M.find_opt node events
+         let events = (get_table_value t.env valuekind).events  in
+         Node.M.find_def Bag.empty node events
        (* deletion of events are not taken into account for that kind *)
-       ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_bag Events.Wait.translate_value t events (node,new_v))
+       ignore (run_events t (fun t e -> e t node new_v) events)
-    let events = Node.M.find_opt node t.env.event_value in
+    let events = Node.M.find_def Bag.empty node t.env.event_value in
     (* deletion of events are not taken into account for that kind *)
-    ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_bag Events.Wait.translate_value t events (node,new_v))
+    ignore (run_events t (fun t e -> e t node new_v) events)
   let add_pending_merge (t : t) node node' =
     Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Egraph] @[add_pending_merge for %a and %a@]"
@@ -530,29 +549,25 @@ module Delayed = struct
       let new_events, node_events = Node.M.find_remove node t.env.event_reg in
       t.env.event_reg <- new_events;
       (* deletion of events are not taken into account for that kind *)
-      ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_list Events.Wait.translate_regnode t node_events node);
+      ignore ( (run_events t (fun t e -> e t node)) node_events);
       (** reg *)
       (* deletion of events are not taken into account for that kind *)
-      ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_list Events.Wait.translate_reg
-                t (Some t.env.event_any_reg) node);
+      ignore (run_events t (fun t e -> e t node) t.env.event_any_reg);
       (** reg_sem *)
       match Only_for_solver.open_node node with
       | Only_for_solver.ThTerm thterm ->
         begin match Only_for_solver.sem_of_node thterm with
-          | Only_for_solver.ThTerm(sem,_) ->
+          | Only_for_solver.ThTerm(sem,thterm) ->
             let reg_events = get_table_sem t.env sem in
             (* deletion of events are not taken into account for that kind *)
-            ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_list Events.Wait.translate_regsem
-                      t (Some reg_events) (thterm))
+            ignore (run_events t (fun t e -> e t thterm) reg_events);
       | Only_for_solver.Value nodevalue ->
         begin match Value.kind nodevalue with
-          | Value(value,_) ->
-            let valuetable = t.env.value in
-            let reg_events = ValueKind.M.find_opt value valuetable.reg_events in
+          | Value(value,nodevalue') ->
+            let reg_events = (get_table_value t.env value).reg_events in
             (* deletion of events are not taken into account for that kind *)
-            ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_list Events.Wait.translate_regvalue
-                      t reg_events (nodevalue));
+            ignore (run_events t (fun t e -> e t nodevalue') reg_events);
             set_value_direct t node nodevalue
@@ -571,12 +586,12 @@ module Delayed = struct
         (** wakeup the daemons register_node *)
         let event, other_event = Node.M.find_remove node0' t.env.event_repr in
         (* can be always removed *)
-        ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_bag Events.Wait.translate_change t other_event node0');
+        ignore ( (run_events t (fun t e -> e t node0')) other_event);
         t.env.event_repr <- event;
         (* deletion of events are not taken into account for that kind *)
-        ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_list Events.Wait.translate_change t (Some t.env.event_any_repr) node0');
+        ignore (run_events t (fun t e -> e t node0') t.env.event_any_repr);
         (** set the value if node0' is one *)
-        match Node.M.find_opt node t.env.value.values, Nodes.Only_for_solver.nodevalue node0' with
+        match Node.M.find_opt node t.env.values, Nodes.Only_for_solver.nodevalue node0' with
         | _, None -> ()
         | None, Some value ->
           set_value_direct t node0 value
@@ -617,7 +632,7 @@ module Delayed = struct
     let other_events, woken_events = Node.M.find_remove node in
     let domtable = { domtable with table = new_table; events = other_events } in
     VDomTable.set t.env.dom dom domtable;
-    let woken_events = Wait.wakeup_events_bag Events.Wait.translate_dom t woken_events (node,dom) in
+    let woken_events = (run_events t (fun t e -> e t node)) woken_events in
     begin match woken_events with
       | None -> ()
       | Some woken_events ->
@@ -630,7 +645,7 @@ module Delayed = struct
         VDomTable.set t.env.dom dom domtable;
     (* deletion of events are not taken into account *)
-    ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_list Events.Wait.translate_dom t (Some domtable.reg_events) (node,dom))
+    ignore (run_events t (fun t e -> e t node) domtable.reg_events)
   let flag_choose_repr_no_value =
@@ -688,28 +703,30 @@ module Delayed = struct
   let merge_dom ?(dry_run=false) t node1_0 node2_0 inv =
     let node1 = find t node1_0 in
     let node2  = find t node2_0  in
-    let dom_not_done = ref false in
-    let iteri (type a) (dom : a DomKind.t) (domtable : a domtable) =
+    let dom_done = ref true in
+    let iteri (type a) (dom : a DomKind.t) (domtable : (t,a) domtable) =
       let s1 = Node.M.find_opt node1 domtable.table in
       let s2  = Node.M.find_opt node2  domtable.table in
       let (module Dom) = VDom.get_dom dom in
       if not (Dom.merged s1 s2)
       then begin
-        dom_not_done := true;
+        dom_done := false;
         if not dry_run then
             (SetMergeDomNode(dom,node1_0,node2_0,inv)) t.todo_merge_dom
+        else
+          Debug.dprintf6 debug_few "[Egraph.few] Domain %a not merged between %a and %a"
+            DomKind.pp dom Node.pp node1 Node.pp node2
     VDomTable.iter_initializedi {VDomTable.iteri} t.env.dom;
-    !dom_not_done
+    !dom_done
   let merge_values t node0 node0' =
     let node  = find t node0 in
     let node' = find t node0'  in
-    let valuetable = t.env.value in
-    let old_s   = Node.M.find_opt node  valuetable.values in
-    let old_s'  = Node.M.find_opt node' valuetable.values in
+    let old_s   = Node.M.find_opt node  t.env.values in
+    let old_s'  = Node.M.find_opt node' t.env.values in
     Debug.dprintf12 debug
       "[Egraph] @[merge value (%a(%a),%a)@ and (%a(%a),%a)@]"
       Node.pp node Node.pp node0
@@ -735,8 +752,8 @@ module Delayed = struct
   let check_mergeable_values t node node' =
-    let old_s   = Node.M.find_opt node  t.env.value.values in
-    let old_s'  = Node.M.find_opt node' t.env.value.values in
+    let old_s   = Node.M.find_opt node  t.env.values in
+    let old_s'  = Node.M.find_opt node' t.env.values in
     match old_s, old_s' with
     | None, None
     | Some _, None
@@ -767,8 +784,8 @@ module Delayed = struct
       Node.pp repr_node Node.pp repr_node0;
     let event, other_event = Node.M.find_remove other_node t.env.event_repr in
-    let other_event = Wait.wakeup_events_bag
-        Events.Wait.translate_change t other_event other_node
+    let other_event =
+ (run_events t (fun t e -> e t other_node)) other_event
     (** move node events *)
@@ -781,7 +798,7 @@ module Delayed = struct
     (** move dom events  *)
-    let iteri (type a) (dom : a DomKind.t) (domtable: a domtable) =
+    let iteri (type a) (dom : a DomKind.t) (domtable: (t,a) domtable) =
       match Node.M.find_opt other_node with
       | None -> ()
       | Some other_events ->
@@ -794,16 +811,16 @@ module Delayed = struct
     VDomTable.iter_initializedi {VDomTable.iteri} t.env.dom;
     (** move value events by valuekind  *)
-    let mapi _ events =
-      match Node.M.find_opt other_node events with
-      | None -> events
-      | Some other_events ->
-        Node.M.add_change (fun x -> x) Bag.concat repr_node other_events
-            events
+    let mapi _ (table: _ valuetable) =
+      { table with events =
+          match Node.M.find_opt other_node with
+            | None ->
+            | Some other_events ->
+              Node.M.add_change (fun x -> x) Bag.concat repr_node other_events
+      }
-    t.env.value <- { t.env.value with events =
-                                        ValueKind.M.mapi {mapi}
-                   };
+    ValueTable.map_initializedi {mapi} t.env.value;
       let event, other_event = Node.M.find_remove other_node t.env.event_value in
@@ -820,12 +837,10 @@ module Delayed = struct
     (** wakeup the daemons *)
     t.env.event_any_repr <-
-      Option.value ~default:[] @@
-      Wait.wakeup_events_list
-        Events.Wait.translate_change t (Some t.env.event_any_repr) other_node
+      run_events t (fun t e -> e t other_node) t.env.event_any_repr
   let continue_merge t node1_0 node2_0 inv  =
-    let dom_not_done = merge_dom t node1_0 node2_0 inv in
+    let dom_not_done = not (merge_dom t node1_0 node2_0 inv) in
     if dom_not_done
     then begin
       Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Egraph] @[merge %a %a dom not done@]"
@@ -860,9 +875,7 @@ module Delayed = struct
   let rec do_pending_daemon delayed (Events.Wait.DaemonKey (dem,runable)) =
     let (module Dem) = Wait.get_dem dem in
-    match delayed runable with
-    | None -> ()
-    | Some runable -> Wait.new_pending_daemon delayed dem runable
+ delayed runable
   and do_pending t =
     draw_graph t.env;
@@ -882,7 +895,7 @@ module Delayed = struct
     else match t.todo_delayed_merge with
       | Some(node1_0,node2_0,inv) ->
         t.todo_delayed_merge <- None;
-        assert (not (merge_dom ~dry_run:true t node1_0 node2_0 inv));
+        assert (merge_dom ~dry_run:true t node1_0 node2_0 inv);
         (** understand why that happend.
             Is it really needed to do a fixpoint? *)
         continue_merge t node1_0 node2_0 inv;
@@ -969,82 +982,82 @@ module Delayed = struct
   (** {2 API for attaching event} *)
-  let attach_dom (type a) t node (dom : a DomKind.t) dem event =
+  let attach_dom (type a) t ?(direct=true) node (dom : a DomKind.t) f =
     let node = find_def t node in
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
     let domtable = get_table_dom t.env dom in
     let domtable = {
       domtable with
-      events = Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node event
+      events = Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node f
-    VDomTable.set t.env.dom dom domtable
+    VDomTable.set t.env.dom dom domtable;
+    if direct then
+      match get_dom t dom node with
+      | None -> ()
+      | Some _ ->
+        ignore (run_event t (fun t f -> f t node) f)
-  let attach_value (type a) t node (value : a ValueKind.t) dem event =
+  let attach_value (type a b) t node (value : (a,b) ValueKind.t) (f: ro -> Node.t -> b -> Events.enqueue) =
     let node = find_def t node in
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
-    let valuetable = t.env.value in
-    let valuetable = {
-      valuetable with
-      events =
-        ValueKind.M.add_change
-          (fun event -> Node.M.singleton node (Bag.elt event))
-          (Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node)
-          value event
-    } in
-    t.env.value <- valuetable
-  let attach_node t node dem event =
+    match Node.M.find_opt node t.env.values with
+    | None ->
+      let valuetable = get_table_value t.env value in
+      let valuetable = {
+        valuetable with
+        events = Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node f
+      }
+      in
+      ValueTable.set t.env.value value valuetable
+    | Some v ->
+      match Nodes.Value.kind v with
+      | Value (value',v) ->
+        match ValueKind.Eq.eq_type value value' with
+        | Neq -> (* Already registered with different value *)
+          Debug.dprintf0 debug_few "[Egraph] Strange value wait with different value than already set";
+        | Eq ->
+          ignore (run_events t (fun t f -> f t node v) (Bag.elt f))
+  let attach_repr t node f =
     let node = find_def t node in
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
-    t.env.event_repr <- Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node event t.env.event_repr
+    t.env.event_repr <- Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node f t.env.event_repr
-  let attach_any_node t dem event =
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
-    t.env.event_any_repr <- event :: t.env.event_any_repr
+  let attach_any_repr t f =
+    t.env.event_any_repr <- Bag.add f t.env.event_any_repr
-  let attach_any_value t node dem event =
+  let attach_any_value t node f =
     let node = find_def t node in
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
-    t.env.event_value <- Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node event t.env.event_value
-  let attach_reg_node t node dem event =
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
+    match Node.M.find_opt node t.env.values with
+    | None ->
+      let node = find_def t node in
+      t.env.event_value <- Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node f t.env.event_value
+    | Some v ->
+      ignore (run_event t (fun t f -> f t node v) f)
+  let attach_reg_node t node f =
     match find t node with
     | node -> (** already registered *)
-      ignore (Wait.wakeup_events_list Events.Wait.translate_regnode t (Some [event]) node)
+      ignore (run_event t (fun t e -> e t node) f)
     | exception NotRegistered ->
-      (* deletion of events are not taken into account *)
-      ignore (t.env.event_reg <-
-                Node.M.add_change Lists.singleton Lists.add node event t.env.event_reg)
+      t.env.event_reg <-
+        Node.M.add_change Bag.elt Bag.add node f t.env.event_reg
-  let attach_reg_any t dem event =
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
+  let attach_reg_any t f =
     (* todo already registered ? *)
-    (* match find t node with
-     * | node -> (\** already registered *\)
-     *   Wait.wakeup_events_list Events.Wait.translate_regnode t (Some [event]) node
-     * | exception NotRegistered -> *)
-      t.env.event_any_reg <- event::t.env.event_any_reg
-  let attach_reg_sem (type a) t (sem : a ThTermKind.t) dem event =
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
+    t.env.event_any_reg <- Bag.add f t.env.event_any_reg
+  let attach_reg_sem (type a) t (sem : (a,_) ThTermKind.t) f =
     let reg_events = get_table_sem t.env sem in
-    let reg_events = event::reg_events in
-    ThTermKind.Vector.set t.env.sem sem reg_events
-  let attach_reg_value (type a) t (value : a ValueKind.t) dem event =
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
-    let value_table = t.env.value in
-    let reg_events = event::(ValueKind.M.find_def [] value value_table.reg_events) in
-    t.env.value <-
-      {value_table with reg_events =
-                          ValueKind.M.add value reg_events value_table.reg_events}
-  let attach_any_dom (type a) t (dom : a DomKind.t) dem event =
-    let event = Events.Wait.Event (dem,event) in
+    let reg_events = Bag.add f reg_events in
+    VSemTable.set t.env.sem sem reg_events
+  let attach_reg_value (type a) t (value : (a,_) ValueKind.t) f =
+    let table = get_table_value t.env value in
+    ValueTable.set t.env.value value
+      { table with reg_events = Bag.add f table.reg_events }
+  let attach_any_dom (type a) t (dom : a DomKind.t) f =
     let dom_table = get_table_dom t.env dom in
-    let reg_events = event::dom_table.reg_events in
+    let reg_events = Bag.add f dom_table.reg_events in
     VDomTable.set t.env.dom dom {dom_table with reg_events}
@@ -1062,16 +1075,14 @@ module Backtrackable = struct
       repr = Node.M.empty;
       rang = Node.M.empty;
       event_repr = Node.M.empty;
-      event_any_repr = [];
+      event_any_repr = Bag.empty;
       event_value = Node.M.empty;
       event_reg = Node.M.empty;
-      event_any_reg = [];
+      event_any_reg = Bag.empty;
       dom = VDomTable.create 5;
       sem = VSemTable.create 5;
-      value = { reg_events = ValueKind.M.empty;
-                values = Node.M.empty;
-                events = ValueKind.M.empty;
-              };
+      value = ValueTable.create 5;
+      values = Node.M.empty;
       envs = Env.Saved.VectorH.create 5;
       unsaved_envs = Env.Unsaved.VectorH.create 5;
@@ -1190,39 +1201,51 @@ end
 module Getter : Getter with type t = Backtrackable.t = Backtrackable
 module type Ro = sig
+  type ro
   type t
   include Getter with type t := t
-  (** {3 Immediate information} *)
   val register : t -> Node.t -> unit
+  (** Add a new node to register *)
   (** {3 Attach Event} *)
   (** todo rename events and attachment *)
-  val attach_dom: t -> Node.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_dom: t -> ?direct:bool -> Node.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when the dom of the node change *)
-  val attach_any_dom: t -> 'a DomKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_any_dom: t -> 'a DomKind.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when the dom of any node change *)
-  val attach_value: t -> Node.t -> 'a ValueKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_value: t -> Node.t -> ('a,'b) ValueKind.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> 'b -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when a value is attached to this equivalence class *)
-  val attach_any_value: t -> Node.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_any_value: t -> Node.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Value.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when any kind of value is attached to this equivalence class *)
-  val attach_reg_any: t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_reg_any: t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when any node is registered *)
-  val attach_reg_node: t -> Node.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_reg_node: t -> Node.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when this node is registered *)
-  val attach_reg_sem: t -> 'a ThTermKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_reg_sem: t -> ('a,'b) ThTermKind.t -> (ro -> 'b -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when a new semantical class is registered *)
-  val attach_reg_value: t -> 'a ValueKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_reg_value: t -> ('a,'b) ValueKind.t -> (ro -> 'b -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when a new value is registered *)
-  val attach_node: t -> Node.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_repr: t -> Node.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when it is not anymore the representative class *)
-  val attach_any_node: t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_any_repr: t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when a node is not its representative class anymore *)
-module Ro : Ro with type t = Delayed.t = Delayed
+type ro = Delayed.t
+module Ro : Ro with type t = Delayed.t and type ro = Delayed.t = Delayed
 let check_initialization () =
   VDom.is_well_initialized () && Wait.is_well_initialized ()
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/egraph.mli b/src_colibri2/core/egraph.mli
index 9473dbe20..6e9d69e5e 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/egraph.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/egraph.mli
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ module type Getter = sig
 module type Ro = sig
+  type ro
   type t
   include Getter with type t := t
@@ -69,33 +70,44 @@ module type Ro = sig
   (** {3 Attach Event} *)
   (** todo rename events and attachment *)
-  val attach_dom: t -> Node.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_dom: t -> ?direct:bool -> Node.t -> 'a DomKind.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when the dom of the node change *)
-  val attach_any_dom: t -> 'a DomKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_any_dom: t -> 'a DomKind.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when the dom of any node change *)
-  val attach_value: t -> Node.t -> 'a ValueKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_value: t -> Node.t -> ('a,'b) ValueKind.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> 'b -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when a value is attached to this equivalence class *)
-  val attach_any_value: t -> Node.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_any_value: t -> Node.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Value.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when any kind of value is attached to this equivalence class *)
-  val attach_reg_any: t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_reg_any: t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when any node is registered *)
-  val attach_reg_node: t -> Node.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_reg_node: t -> Node.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when this node is registered *)
-  val attach_reg_sem: t -> 'a ThTermKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_reg_sem: t -> ('a,'b) ThTermKind.t -> (ro -> 'b -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when a new semantical class is registered *)
-  val attach_reg_value: t -> 'a ValueKind.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_reg_value: t -> ('a,'b) ValueKind.t -> (ro -> 'b -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when a new value is registered *)
-  val attach_node: t -> Node.t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_repr: t -> Node.t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when it is not anymore the representative class *)
-  val attach_any_node: t -> ('event,'r) Events.Dem.t -> 'event -> unit
+  val attach_any_repr: t -> (ro -> Node.t -> Events.enqueue) -> unit
   (** wakeup when a node is not its representative class anymore *)
-module Ro : Ro
+type ro
+module Ro : Ro with type t = ro and type ro = ro
 type t = private Ro.t
-include Ro with type t := t
+include Ro with type t := t and type ro := Ro.t
 (** {3 Immediate modifications} *)
 val set_dom  : t -> 'a DomKind.t -> Node.t -> 'a -> unit
@@ -128,7 +140,7 @@ val register_decision: t -> choice -> unit
     [choose_decision] of the [Cho] will be called at that time to know
     if the decision is still needed. *)
-val register_delayed_event: t -> (_,'a) Events.Dem.t -> 'a -> unit
+val register_delayed_event: t -> 'a Events.Dem.t -> 'a -> unit
 (** register an event for later. *)
 val contradiction: t -> 'b
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/ b/src_colibri2/core/
index bad08ebd9..7f018748a 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/
@@ -18,274 +18,109 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-open Colibri2_popop_lib
-open Nodes
-let debug = Debug.register_info_flag ~desc:"for the events" ""
 (** Dem *)
-module Dem = Keys.Make_key2(struct end)
-module Print = struct (** Cutting the knot for pp *)
-  type pdem_event = { mutable
-      pdem_event : 'k 'd. ('k,'d) Dem.t -> 'k Format.printer}
+module Dem = Keys.Make_key ()
-  let pdem_event : pdem_event =
-    {pdem_event = fun _ _ _ -> assert false} (** called too early *)
-  let dem_event dem fmt s = pdem_event.pdem_event dem fmt s
+module Print = struct
+  (** Cutting the knot for pp *)
-  type pdem_runable = { mutable
-      pdem_runable : 'k 'd. ('k,'d) Dem.t -> 'd Format.printer}
+  type pdem_runable = {
+    mutable pdem_runable : 'd. 'd Dem.t -> 'd Format.printer;
+  }
+  (** called too early *)
   let pdem_runable : pdem_runable =
-    {pdem_runable = fun _ _ _ -> assert false} (** called too early *)
+    { pdem_runable = (fun _ _ _ -> assert false) }
+type delay = Immediate | Delayed_by of int | LastEffort of int | FixingModel
-module Fired = struct
-  type 'b event =
-    (** the domain dom of the class change *)
-    | EventDom    : Node.t * 'a DomKind.t  *      'b -> 'b event
-    (** the value of the class has been set *)
-    | EventValue    : Node.t * Value.t * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** a new theory term 'a point to this class (not complete) *)
-    | EventSem    : Node.t * 'a ThTermKind.t * 'a * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** we want to register a class *)
-    | EventReg    : Node.t *                'b -> 'b event
-    (** we want to register this class *)
-    | EventRegNode  : Node.t *                'b -> 'b event
-    (** This class is not the representant of its eq-class anymore *)
-    | EventChange : Node.t *                'b -> 'b event
-    (** a new semantical term 'a appear *)
-    | EventRegSem : ThTerm.t * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** a new value 'a appear *)
-    | EventRegValue : Value.t * 'b -> 'b event
-  let pp fmt = function
-    | EventDom      (node, dom, _) ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "dom:%a of %a" DomKind.pp dom Node.pp node
-    | EventValue    (node, value, _) ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "value:%a of %a" Value.pp value Node.pp node
-    | EventSem      (node, sem, v, _) ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "sem:%a of %a with %a"
-        ThTermKind.pp sem Node.pp node (print_thterm sem) v
-    | EventReg      (node, _)    ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "any registration of %a" Node.pp node
-    | EventRegNode    (node, _)    ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "registration of %a" Node.pp node
-    | EventChange   (node, _)    ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "change of %a" Node.pp node
-    | EventRegSem (thterm, _) ->
-      let node = Only_for_solver.node_of_thterm thterm in
-      begin match Only_for_solver.sem_of_node thterm with
-        | Only_for_solver.ThTerm(sem,v) ->
-          Format.fprintf fmt "registration of sem:%a of %a with %a"
-            ThTermKind.pp sem Node.pp node (print_thterm sem) v
-      end
-    | EventRegValue (nodevalue, _) ->
-      let node = Only_for_solver.node_of_nodevalue nodevalue in
-      begin match Value.kind nodevalue with
-        | Value(value,v) ->
-          Format.fprintf fmt "registration of value:%a of %a with %a"
-            ValueKind.pp value Node.pp node (print_value value) v
-      end
-  let get_data = function
-    | EventDom      (_, _ , d)   -> d
-    | EventValue    (_, _ , d)   -> d
-    | EventSem      (_, _, _, d) -> d
-    | EventReg    (_, d)       -> d
-    | EventRegNode  (_, d)       -> d
-    | EventChange   (_, d)       -> d
-    | EventRegSem (_, d) -> d
-    | EventRegValue (_,d) -> d
-  type 'b t = 'b event list
-type delay =
-  | Immediate
-  | Delayed_by of int
-  | LastEffort of int
-  | FixingModel
+type enqueue =
+  | EnqRun : 'r Dem.t * 'r -> enqueue  (** Schedule a daemon run *)
+  | EnqLast : 'r Dem.t * 'r -> enqueue
+      (** Same as EnqRun but remove the waiting event *)
+  | EnqAlready : enqueue  (** Don't run but keep the waiting event *)
+  | EnqStopped : enqueue  (** Stop and don't run *)
 module Wait = struct
-  type t =
-    | Event: ('k,'d) Dem.t * 'k -> t
-  let pp fmt = function
-    | Event (dem, event) ->
-      let f (type k) (type d) (dem:(k,d) Dem.t) (event : k) =
-        Format.fprintf fmt "Demon %a event %a"
-          Dem.pp dem (Print.dem_event  dem) event
-      in
-      f dem event
-  type _ enqueue =
-    | EnqRun: 'r -> 'r enqueue
-    | EnqLast: 'r -> 'r enqueue
-    | EnqAlready: _ enqueue
-    | EnqRedirected: ('e,'r) Dem.t * 'e -> _ enqueue
-    | EnqStopped: _ enqueue
-  type daemon_key =
-    | DaemonKey: ('k,'runable) Dem.t * 'runable -> daemon_key
-  type 'a translate = { translate : 'd. 'a -> 'd -> 'd Fired.event}
-  let translate_dom =
-    {translate = fun (node,dom) data -> EventDom(node,dom,data)}
-  let translate_value =
-    {translate = fun (node,value) data -> EventValue(node,value,data)}
-  let translate_reg =
-    {translate = fun node data -> EventReg(node,data)}
-  let translate_regnode =
-    {translate = fun node data -> EventRegNode(node,data)}
-  let translate_change =
-    {translate = fun node data -> EventChange(node,data)}
-  let translate_regsem =
-    {translate = fun thterm data -> EventRegSem(thterm,data)}
-  let translate_regvalue =
-    {translate = fun nodeval data -> EventRegValue(nodeval,data)}
+  type daemon_key = DaemonKey : 'runable Dem.t * 'runable -> daemon_key
   module type S = sig
     type delayed
     type delayed_ro
-    module type Dem =
-    sig
+    module type Dem = sig
       type runable
-      val print_runable : runable Format.printer
-      val run : delayed -> runable -> runable option
-      type event
-      val print_event : event Format.printer
-      val enqueue : delayed_ro -> event Fired.event -> runable enqueue
-      val key : (event, runable) Dem.t
-      val delay : delay
-    end
-    val register_dem : (module Dem with type event = 'k and type runable = 'd) -> unit
-    val get_dem : ('k, 'd) Dem.t -> (module Dem with type event = 'k and type runable = 'd)
+      val print_runable : runable Format.printer
-    val get_priority: daemon_key -> delay
+      val run : delayed -> runable -> unit
-    val print_dem_event : ('a, 'b) Dem.t -> 'a Format.printer
+      val key : runable Dem.t
-    val print_dem_runable : ('a, 'b) Dem.t -> 'b Format.printer
+      val delay : delay
+    end
-    val new_pending_daemon : delayed -> ('a, 'b) Dem.t -> 'b -> unit
+    val register_dem : (module Dem with type runable = 'd) -> unit
-    val wakeup_event : 'a translate -> delayed -> 'a -> t -> t option
+    val get_dem : 'd Dem.t -> (module Dem with type runable = 'd)
-    val wakeup_events_list :
-      'a translate -> delayed -> t list option -> 'a -> t list option
+    val get_priority : daemon_key -> delay
-    val wakeup_events_bag :
-      'a translate -> delayed -> t Bag.t option -> 'a -> t Bag.t option
+    val print_dem_runable : 'b Dem.t -> 'b Format.printer
     val is_well_initialized : unit -> bool
-  module Make(S:sig
-      type delayed
-      val schedule_immediate: delayed -> daemon_key -> unit
-      val schedule: delayed -> daemon_key -> unit
-      type delayed_ro
-      val readonly : delayed -> delayed_ro
-    end) : S with type delayed = S.delayed
-              and type delayed_ro = S.delayed_ro = struct
+  module Make (S : sig
+    type delayed
+    type delayed_ro
+  end) : S with type delayed = S.delayed and type delayed_ro = S.delayed_ro =
+  struct
     type delayed = S.delayed
     type delayed_ro = S.delayed_ro
     module type Dem = sig
       type runable
-      val print_runable: runable Format.printer
-      val run: delayed -> runable -> runable option
-      type event
-      val print_event: event Format.printer
-      val enqueue: delayed_ro -> event Fired.event -> runable enqueue
+      val print_runable : runable Format.printer
+      val run : delayed -> runable -> unit
+      val key : runable Dem.t
-      val key: (event,runable) Dem.t
-      val delay: delay
+      val delay : delay
-    module Registry = Dem.Make_Registry(struct
-        type ('k,'d) data = (module Dem with type event = 'k and type runable = 'd)
-        let ppk (type k) (type d) (dem: (k,d) data) =
-          let module Dem = (val dem) in
-          Dem.print_event
-        let ppd (type k) (type d) (dem: (k,d) data) =
-          let module Dem = (val dem) in
-          Dem.print_runable
-        let key (type k) (type d) (dem: (k,d) data) =
-          let module Dem = (val dem) in
-          Dem.key
-      end
-      )
+    module Registry = Dem.Make_Registry (struct
+      type 'd data = (module Dem with type runable = 'd)
+      let pp (type d) (dem : d data) =
+        let module Dem = (val dem) in
+        Dem.print_runable
+      let key (type d) (dem : d data) =
+        let module Dem = (val dem) in
+        Dem.key
+    end)
     let register_dem = Registry.register
     let get_dem = Registry.get
     let get_priority = function
-      | DaemonKey(dem,_) ->
-        let module Dem = (val get_dem dem) in
-        Dem.delay
+      | DaemonKey (dem, _) ->
+          let module Dem = (val get_dem dem) in
+          Dem.delay
-    let print_dem_event = Registry.printk
-    let () = Print.pdem_event.Print.pdem_event <- print_dem_event
+    let print_dem_runable = Registry.print
-    let print_dem_runable = Registry.printd
     let () = Print.pdem_runable.Print.pdem_runable <- print_dem_runable
     let is_well_initialized = Registry.is_well_initialized
-    let new_pending_daemon (type k) (type d) t (dem:(k,d) Dem.t) runable =
-      let module Dem = (val get_dem dem) in
-      let daemonkey = DaemonKey(dem, runable) in
-      match Dem.delay with
-      | Immediate -> S.schedule_immediate t daemonkey
-      | _ -> S.schedule t daemonkey
-    let wakeup_event translate t info wevent =
-      match wevent with
-      | Event (dem,event) ->
-        let rec f : type event r. S.delayed -> (event,r) Dem.t -> event -> _ -> _ =
-          fun t dem event wevent ->
-            let module Dem = (val get_dem dem) in
-            let event = translate.translate info event in
-            match Dem.enqueue (S.readonly t) event with
-            | EnqStopped -> None
-            | EnqAlready -> Some wevent
-            | EnqRedirected(dem,event) -> f t dem event (Event(dem,event))
-            | EnqRun runable -> new_pending_daemon t dem runable; Some wevent
-            | EnqLast runable -> new_pending_daemon t dem runable; None
-        in
-        f t dem event wevent
-    let wakeup_events_list translate t events info =
-      match events with
-      | None | Some [] ->
-        Debug.dprintf0 debug "[Egraph] @[No scheduling@]";
-        None
-      | Some events ->
-        Some (Lists.filter_map_homo (wakeup_event translate t info) events)
-    let wakeup_events_bag translate t events info =
-      let is_empty = match events with
-        | None -> true
-        | Some events -> Bag.is_empty events in
-      if is_empty then (Debug.dprintf0 debug "[Egraph] @[No scheduling@]"; None)
-      else Some (Bag.filter_map_homo (wakeup_event translate t info) (Opt.get events))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/events.mli b/src_colibri2/core/events.mli
index 1ea239304..66cd00bd7 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/events.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/events.mli
@@ -18,126 +18,57 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-open Colibri2_popop_lib
-open Nodes
-module Fired : sig
-  type 'b event =
-    (** the domain dom of the class change *)
-    | EventDom      : Node.t * 'a DomKind.t  *      'b -> 'b event
-    (** the value of the node has been set *)
-    | EventValue    : Node.t * Value.t * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** a new semantical term 'a point to this class (not complete) *)
-    | EventSem      : Node.t * 'a ThTermKind.t * 'a * 'b -> 'b event
-    (** we want to register a class *)
-    | EventReg      : Node.t *                  'b -> 'b event
-    (** we want to register this class *)
-    | EventRegNode  : Node.t *                  'b -> 'b event
-    (** This class is not the representant of its eq-class anymore *)
-    | EventChange   : Node.t *                  'b -> 'b event
-    (** a new semantical term 'a appear *)
-    | EventRegSem   : ThTerm.t *               'b -> 'b event
-    (** a new value 'a appear *)
-    | EventRegValue : Value.t *             'b -> 'b event
-  val pp: 'b event Format.printer
-  val get_data: 'b event -> 'b
-  type 'b t = 'b event list
-module Dem: Keys.Key2
+module Dem : Keys.Key
 type delay =
   | Immediate
-  | Delayed_by of int
-  (** Must be strictly positive *)
+  | Delayed_by of int  (** Must be strictly positive *)
   | LastEffort of int
-  (** Should try to ensure that a model exists, must be strictly positive *)
+      (** Should try to ensure that a model exists, must be strictly positive *)
   | FixingModel
-module Wait : sig
-  type t =
-    | Event: ('k,'d) Dem.t * 'k -> t
-  type _ enqueue =
-    | EnqRun: 'r -> 'r enqueue
-    (** Schedule a daemon run *)
-    | EnqLast: 'r -> 'r enqueue
-    (** Same as EnqRun but remove the waiting event *)
-    | EnqAlready: _ enqueue
-    (** Don't run but keep the waiting event *)
-    | EnqRedirected: ('e,'r) Dem.t * 'e -> _ enqueue
-    (** Run another daemon *)
-    | EnqStopped: _ enqueue
-    (** Stop and don't run *)
+type enqueue =
+  | EnqRun : 'r Dem.t * 'r -> enqueue  (** Schedule a daemon run *)
+  | EnqLast : 'r Dem.t * 'r -> enqueue
+      (** Same as EnqRun but remove the waiting event *)
+  | EnqAlready : enqueue  (** Don't run but keep the waiting event *)
+  | EnqStopped : enqueue  (** Stop and don't run *)
-  type daemon_key =
-    | DaemonKey: ('k,'runable) Dem.t * 'runable -> daemon_key
-  val pp: t Format.printer
-  type 'a translate = { translate : 'd. 'a -> 'd -> 'd Fired.event}
-  val translate_dom      : (Node.t * 'a DomKind.t) translate
-  val translate_value    : (Node.t * Value.t) translate
-  val translate_reg      : Node.t translate
-  val translate_regnode  : Node.t translate
-  val translate_change   : Node.t translate
-  val translate_regsem   : ThTerm.t translate
-  val translate_regvalue : Value.t translate
+module Wait : sig
+  type daemon_key = DaemonKey : 'runable Dem.t * 'runable -> daemon_key
   module type S = sig
     type delayed
     type delayed_ro
-    module type Dem =
-    sig
+    module type Dem = sig
       type runable
-      val print_runable : runable Format.printer
-      val run : delayed -> runable -> runable option
-      (** The function run after the delay,
-          a new run can be scheduled using the result *)
-      type event
-      val print_event : event Format.printer
-      val enqueue : delayed_ro -> event Fired.event -> runable enqueue
-      val key : (event, runable) Dem.t
-      val delay : delay
-    end
-    val register_dem : (module Dem with type event = 'k and type runable = 'd) -> unit
-    val get_dem : ('k, 'd) Dem.t -> (module Dem with type event = 'k and type runable = 'd)
+      val print_runable : runable Format.printer
-    val get_priority: daemon_key -> delay
+      val run : delayed -> runable -> unit
+      (** The function run after the delay *)
-    val print_dem_event : ('a, 'b) Dem.t -> 'a Format.printer
+      val key : runable Dem.t
-    val print_dem_runable : ('a, 'b) Dem.t -> 'b Format.printer
+      val delay : delay
+    end
-    val new_pending_daemon : delayed -> ('a, 'b) Dem.t -> 'b -> unit
+    val register_dem : (module Dem with type runable = 'd) -> unit
-    val wakeup_event : 'a translate -> delayed -> 'a -> t -> t option
+    val get_dem : 'd Dem.t -> (module Dem with type runable = 'd)
-    val wakeup_events_list :
-      'a translate -> delayed -> t list option -> 'a -> t list option
+    val get_priority : daemon_key -> delay
-    val wakeup_events_bag :
-      'a translate -> delayed -> t Bag.t option -> 'a -> t Bag.t option
+    val print_dem_runable : 'b Dem.t -> 'b Format.printer
     val is_well_initialized : unit -> bool
+  module Make (S : sig
+    type delayed
-  module Make(S:sig
-      type delayed
-      val schedule_immediate: delayed -> daemon_key -> unit
-      val schedule: delayed -> daemon_key -> unit
-      type delayed_ro
-      val readonly : delayed -> delayed_ro
-    end) : S with type delayed = S.delayed and type delayed_ro = S.delayed_ro
+    type delayed_ro
+  end) : S with type delayed = S.delayed and type delayed_ro = S.delayed_ro
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/ b/src_colibri2/core/
index a4bf75be8..28dd54fe5 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ module Term = struct
   include T
   include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.MkDatatype(T)
-  let key = ThTermKind.create_key (module struct type t = T.t let name = "ground" end)
+  let name = "ground"
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ module ClosedQuantifier = struct
   include T
   include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.MkDatatype(T)
-  let key = ThTermKind.create_key (module struct type t = T.t let name = "ClosedQuantifier" end)
+  let name = "ClosedQuantifier"
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ module NotTotalyApplied = struct
   include T
   include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.MkDatatype(T)
-  let key = ThTermKind.create_key (module struct type t = T.t let name = "ClosedLambda" end)
+   let name = "ClosedLambda"
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ let register_converter d f =
   Datastructure.Push.push registered_converter d f
 let dom_tys =
-  DomKind.create_key
+  DomKind.create
     (module struct
       type nonrec t = Ty.S.t
@@ -458,21 +458,19 @@ let add_ty d n ty =
 let init d =
-  Demon.Fast.register_init_daemon ~name:"Ground.convert"
-    (module ThTerm)
+  Demon.Simple.attach_reg_sem d
+    ThTerm.key
     (fun d g ->
        let n = ThTerm.node g in
        let s = ThTerm.sem g in
        add_ty d n s.ty;
        Defs.converter d g;
-       Datastructure.Push.iter registered_converter d ~f:(fun f -> f d g))
-    d;
-  Demon.Fast.register_init_daemon ~name:"Ground.convert"
-    (module ThClosedQuantifier)
+       Datastructure.Push.iter registered_converter d ~f:(fun f -> f d g));
+  Demon.Simple.attach_reg_sem d
+    ThClosedQuantifier.key
     (fun d g ->
        let n = ThClosedQuantifier.node g in
        add_ty d n Ty.bool
-    d
 include ThTerm
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/ground.mli b/src_colibri2/core/ground.mli
index 9439eb713..cefc6c277 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/ground.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/ground.mli
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ module Ty: sig
   (** The type of propositions *)
   val bool : t
-  (** Alias for {prop}. *)
+  (** Alias for {!prop}. *)
   val unit : t
   (** The unit type. *)
@@ -101,8 +101,6 @@ module Term: sig
-  val key: t ThTermKind.t
   include Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.Datatype with type t := t
@@ -145,3 +143,25 @@ module ClosedQuantifier : sig
 module ThClosedQuantifier : RegisteredThTerm with type s = ClosedQuantifier.t
+module NotTotalyApplied : sig
+    type t =
+      | Lambda of {
+        subst: Subst.t;
+        ty_vars: Expr.Ty.Var.t list;
+        term_vars: Expr.Term.Var.t list;
+        body: Expr.Term.t;
+        ty: Ty.t;
+      }
+      | Cst of Expr.Term.Const.t
+      | App of {
+          app: Node.t;
+          tyargs : Ty.t list;
+          args : Node.t IArray.t;
+          ty: Ty.t;
+        }
+    [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
+module ThNotTotalyApplied : RegisteredThTerm with type s = NotTotalyApplied.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/ b/src_colibri2/core/
index b66b688d0..6ccb08641 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module Data = struct
   (* let reg_node = Datastructure.Push.create Fmt.nop "Interp.reg_node" *)
   let env =
-    Env.Saved.create_key
+    Env.Saved.create
       (module struct
         type t = env
@@ -348,21 +348,10 @@ module WatchArgs = struct
     let print_runable = Fmt.nop
-    type event = t
-    let print_event = Fmt.nop
-    let enqueue _ event =
-      match event with
-      | Events.Fired.EventValue (_, _, d) -> Events.Wait.EnqRun d
-      | _ -> raise Impossible
     let key =
-      Events.Dem.create_key
+      Events.Dem.create
         (module struct
-          type d = runable
-          type t = event
+          type t = runable
           let name = "Interp.WatchArgs"
@@ -376,17 +365,17 @@ module WatchArgs = struct
         if IArray.length args <= i then None else check_if_set d args i
     let attach d r i =
-      Egraph.attach_any_value d (IArray.get (Ground.sem r.ground).args i) key r
+      Egraph.attach_any_value d (IArray.get (Ground.sem r.ground).args i)
+        (fun _ _ _ -> Events.EnqRun (key, r))
     let run d r =
       let o_current = Context.Ref.get r.current in
       assert (o_current < IArray.length (Ground.sem r.ground).args);
-      (match check_if_set d (Ground.sem r.ground).args o_current with
+      match check_if_set d (Ground.sem r.ground).args o_current with
       | None -> r.callback d r.ground
       | Some current ->
           assert (current <> o_current);
-          attach d r current);
-      None
+          attach d r current
     let create d callback ground =
       if IArray.is_empty (Ground.sem ground).args then callback d ground
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/structures/ b/src_colibri2/core/structures/
index 5e6239f6a..e64e0eab1 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/structures/
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/structures/
@@ -22,63 +22,40 @@ open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Popop_stdlib
 exception BrokenInvariant of string
-exception SolveSameRepr
-exception UnwaitedEvent
-exception AlreadyDead
-exception AlreadyRedirected
-let debug_create = Debug.register_info_flag
-  ~desc:"for the core solver class creation information"
-  "index"
-module ThTermKind = Keys.Make_key(struct end)
-module ValueKind  = Keys.Make_key(struct end)
+exception SolveSameRepr
-module type ThTerm = sig
-  include Popop_stdlib.Datatype
-  val key: t ThTermKind.t
+exception UnwaitedEvent
-module ThTermRegistry = ThTermKind.Make_Registry(struct
-    type 'a data = (module ThTerm with type t = 'a)
-    let pp (type a) ((module ThTerm): a data) = ThTerm.pp
-    let key (type a) ((module ThTerm): a data) = ThTerm.key
-  end)
+exception AlreadyDead
-let check_thterm_registered = ThTermRegistry.check_is_registered
-let print_thterm = ThTermRegistry.print
-let get_thterm = ThTermRegistry.get
+exception AlreadyRedirected
-module type Value = sig
-  include Popop_stdlib.Datatype
-  val key: t ValueKind.t
+let debug_create =
+  Debug.register_info_flag
+    ~desc:"for the core solver class creation information" "index"
-module ValueRegistry = ValueKind.Make_Registry(struct
-    type 'a data = (module Value with type t = 'a)
-    let pp (type a) ((module V): a data) = V.pp
-    let key (type a) ((module V): a data) = V.key
-  end)
+module ThTermKind = Keys.Make_key2 ()
-let check_value_registered = ValueRegistry.check_is_registered
-let print_value = ValueRegistry.print
-let get_value = ValueRegistry.get
+module ValueKind = Keys.Make_key2 ()
 module Node = struct
   type 'a r =
-    | ThTerm  : int * 'a ThTermKind.t * 'a -> [`ThTerm] r
-    | Value  : int * 'a ValueKind.t * 'a -> [`Value] r
+    | ThTerm : int * ('a, _) ThTermKind.t * 'a -> [ `ThTerm ] r
+    | Value : int * ('a, _) ValueKind.t * 'a -> [ `Value ] r
   type t' = All : _ r -> t' [@@unboxed]
-  type thterm = [`ThTerm] r
-  type nodevalue = [`Value] r
-  let tag: t' -> int = function
-    | All(ThTerm(tag,_,_)) -> tag
-    | All(Value(tag,_,_)) -> tag
+  type thterm = [ `ThTerm ] r
+  type nodevalue = [ `Value ] r
+  let tag : t' -> int = function
+    | All (ThTerm (tag, _, _)) -> tag
+    | All (Value (tag, _, _)) -> tag
   let names = Simple_vector.create 100
   let used_names : (* next id to use *) int DStr.H.t = DStr.H.create 100
   (** remove the empty string *)
@@ -88,10 +65,13 @@ module Node = struct
     Format.pp_print_char fmt '@';
     Format.pp_print_string fmt (Simple_vector.get names (tag x))
-  module T = Popop_stdlib.MakeMSH(struct
-      type t = t' let tag = tag
-      let pp = pp
-    end)
+  module T = Popop_stdlib.MakeMSH (struct
+    type t = t'
+    let tag = tag
+    let pp = pp
+  end)
   include T
@@ -101,330 +81,388 @@ module Node = struct
     let s = Strings.find_new_name used_names s in
     Simple_vector.set names (tag node) s
-  module ThTermIndex = ThTermKind.MkVector
-      (struct type ('a,_) t = 'a -> thterm end)
+  module ThTermIndex = ThTermKind.MkVector (struct
+    type ('a, _, _) t = 'a -> thterm
+  end)
   let semindex : unit ThTermIndex.t = ThTermIndex.create 8
-  let thterm sem v : thterm =
-    ThTermRegistry.check_is_registered sem;
-    ThTermIndex.get semindex sem v
+  let thterm sem v : thterm = ThTermIndex.get semindex sem v
-  module ValueIndex = ValueKind.MkVector
-      (struct type ('a,'unedeed) t = 'a -> nodevalue end)
+  module ValueIndex = ValueKind.MkVector (struct
+    type ('a, 'unedeed, _) t = 'a -> nodevalue
+  end)
   let valueindex : unit ValueIndex.t = ValueIndex.create 8
-  let nodevalue value v : nodevalue =
-    ValueRegistry.check_is_registered value;
-    ValueIndex.get valueindex value v
+  let nodevalue value v : nodevalue = ValueIndex.get valueindex value v
   let of_thterm : thterm -> t = fun t -> All t
   let of_nodevalue : nodevalue -> t = fun t -> All t
-  let index_sem   sem v = of_thterm (thterm sem v)
-  let index_value sem v = of_nodevalue (nodevalue sem v)
+  let index_sem sem v = of_thterm (thterm sem v)
+  let index_value sem v = of_nodevalue (nodevalue sem v)
-module ThTerm = struct
-  include Popop_stdlib.MakeMSH(struct
-      type t = Node.thterm
-      let tag: t -> int = function
-        | Node.ThTerm(tag,_,_) -> tag
-      let pp fmt : t -> unit = function
-        | Node.ThTerm(_,sem,v) -> print_thterm sem fmt v
-    end)
-  let index = Node.thterm
-  let node = Node.of_thterm
+module type NamedDatatype = sig
+  include Popop_stdlib.Datatype
+  val name : string
 module type RegisteredThTerm = sig
   type s
-  val key: s ThTermKind.t
-  (** thterm *)
+  module SD : NamedDatatype with type t = s
   include Datatype
+  (** thterm *)
+  val key : (s, t) ThTermKind.t
-  val index: s -> t
+  val index : s -> t
   (** Return a thterm from a semantical value *)
-  val node: t -> Node.t
+  val node : t -> Node.t
   (** Return a node from a thterm *)
-  val sem: t -> s
+  val sem : t -> s
   (** Return the sem from a thterm *)
-  val thterm: t -> ThTerm.t
-  val of_thterm: ThTerm.t -> t option
+  val thterm : t -> Node.thterm
+  val of_thterm : Node.thterm -> t option
+  val coerce_thterm : Node.thterm -> t
+module ThTermRegistry = ThTermKind.Make_Registry (struct
+  type ('k, 'd) data =
+    (module RegisteredThTerm with type s = 'k and type t = 'd)
+  let ppk (type k d) ((module ThTerm) : (k, d) data) = ThTerm.SD.pp
+  let ppd (type k d) ((module ThTerm) : (k, d) data) = ThTerm.pp
+  let key (type k d) ((module ThTerm) : (k, d) data) = ThTerm.key
+let check_thterm_registered = ThTermRegistry.check_is_registered
+let print_thterm = ThTermRegistry.printk
+let get_thterm = ThTermRegistry.get
+module type RegisteredValue = sig
+  type s
+  module SD : NamedDatatype with type t = s
+  include Datatype
+  (** nodevalue *)
+  val key : (s, t) ValueKind.t
+  val index : ?basename:string -> s -> t
+  (** Return a nodevalue from a valueantical value *)
+  val node : t -> Node.t
+  (** Return a class from a nodevalue *)
+  val value : t -> s
+  (** Return the value from a nodevalue *)
+  val nodevalue : t -> Node.nodevalue
+  val of_nodevalue : Node.nodevalue -> t option
+  val coerce_nodevalue : Node.nodevalue -> t
+module ValueRegistry = ValueKind.Make_Registry (struct
+  type ('k, 'd) data = (module RegisteredValue with type s = 'k and type t = 'd)
+  let ppk (type k d) ((module Value) : (k, d) data) = Value.SD.pp
+  let ppd (type k d) ((module Value) : (k, d) data) = Value.pp
+  let key (type k d) ((module Value) : (k, d) data) = Value.key
+let check_value_registered = ValueRegistry.check_is_registered
+let print_value = ValueRegistry.printk
+let get_value = ValueRegistry.get
+module ThTerm = struct
+  include Popop_stdlib.MakeMSH (struct
+    type t = Node.thterm
+    let tag : t -> int = function Node.ThTerm (tag, _, _) -> tag
-  val coerce_thterm: ThTerm.t -> t
+    let pp fmt : t -> unit = function
+      | Node.ThTerm (_, sem, v) -> print_thterm sem fmt v
+  end)
+  let index = Node.thterm
+  let node = Node.of_thterm
+module RegisterThTerm (D : NamedDatatype) : RegisteredThTerm with type s = D.t =
+  module All = struct
+    module SD = D
+    let key =
+      ThTermKind.create
+        (module struct
+          let name =
+          type t = D.t
-module RegisterThTerm (D:ThTerm) : RegisteredThTerm with type s = D.t = struct
+          type d = Node.thterm
+        end)
-  module HC = Hashcons.MakeTag(struct
+    module HC = Hashcons.MakeTag (struct
       open Node
       type t = thterm
       let next_tag = Node.next_tag
-      let incr_tag = Node.incr_tag
-      let equal: t -> t -> bool = fun a b ->
-        match a, b with
-        | ThTerm(_,sema,va), ThTerm(_,semb,vb) ->
-          match ThTermKind.Eq.coerce_type sema D.key,
-                ThTermKind.Eq.coerce_type semb D.key with
-          | Poly.Eq, Poly.Eq -> D.equal va vb
+      let incr_tag = Node.incr_tag
-      let hash: t -> int = fun a ->
+      let equal : t -> t -> bool =
+       fun a b ->
+        match (a, b) with
+        | ThTerm (_, sema, va), ThTerm (_, semb, vb) -> (
+            match
+              ( ThTermKind.Eq.coerce_type sema key,
+                ThTermKind.Eq.coerce_type semb key )
+            with
+            | Poly.Eq, Poly.Eq -> D.equal va vb)
+      let hash : t -> int =
+       fun a ->
         match a with
-        | ThTerm(_,sema,va) ->
-          let Poly.Eq = ThTermKind.Eq.coerce_type sema D.key in
-          (D.hash va)
+        | ThTerm (_, sema, va) ->
+            let Poly.Eq = ThTermKind.Eq.coerce_type sema key in
+            D.hash va
-      let set_tag: int -> t -> t =
-        fun tag (ThTerm(_,sem,v)) -> ThTerm(tag,sem,v)
+      let set_tag : int -> t -> t =
+       fun tag (ThTerm (_, sem, v)) -> ThTerm (tag, sem, v)
-      let tag: t -> int = fun (ThTerm(tag,_,_)) -> tag
+      let tag : t -> int = fun (ThTerm (tag, _, _)) -> tag
       let pp fmt x =
         Format.pp_print_char fmt '@';
         Format.pp_print_string fmt (Simple_vector.get names (tag x))
-  include HC
-  type s = D.t
-  let key = D.key
-  let tag: t -> int = function
-    | Node.ThTerm(tag,_,_) -> tag
-  let index v =
-    let node =
-      HC.hashcons2
-        (fun tag sem v -> Node.ThTerm(tag,sem,v))
-        D.key v in
-    let i = tag node in
-    Simple_vector.inc_size (i+1) Node.names;
-    begin
-      if Simple_vector.is_uninitialized Node.names i then
-        let s = Strings.find_new_name Node.used_names ""
-        (** TODO use ThTerm.pp or Sem.print_debug *) in
-        Debug.dprintf3 debug_create "[Egraph] @[@@%s is %a@]"
-          s D.pp v;
-        Simple_vector.set Node.names i s
-    end;
-    node
-  let node = Node.of_thterm
+    include HC
-  let sem : t -> D.t =
-    fun (Node.ThTerm(_,sem,v)) ->
-      let Poly.Eq = ThTermKind.Eq.coerce_type sem D.key in v
+    type s = D.t
-  let thterm: t -> ThTerm.t = fun x -> x
+    let tag : t -> int = function Node.ThTerm (tag, _, _) -> tag
-  let of_thterm: ThTerm.t -> t option = function
-    | Node.ThTerm(_,sem',_) as v when ThTermKind.equal sem' D.key -> Some v
-    | _ -> None
+    let index v =
+      let node =
+        HC.hashcons2 (fun tag sem v -> Node.ThTerm (tag, sem, v)) key v
+      in
+      let i = tag node in
+      Simple_vector.inc_size (i + 1) Node.names;
+      if Simple_vector.is_uninitialized Node.names i then (
+        let s =
+          Strings.find_new_name Node.used_names ""
+          (* TODO use ThTerm.pp or Sem.print_debug *)
+        in
+        Debug.dprintf3 debug_create "[Egraph] @[@@%s is %a@]" s D.pp v;
+        Simple_vector.set Node.names i s);
+      node
-  let coerce_thterm: ThTerm.t -> t =
-    fun (Node.ThTerm(_,sem',_) as v) -> assert (ThTermKind.equal sem' D.key); v
+    let node = Node.of_thterm
-  let () =
-    ThTermRegistry.register (module D: ThTerm with type t = D.t);
-    Node.ThTermIndex.set Node.semindex D.key index
+    let sem : t -> D.t =
+     fun (Node.ThTerm (_, sem, v)) ->
+      let Poly.Eq = ThTermKind.Eq.coerce_type sem key in
+      v
+    let thterm : t -> ThTerm.t = fun x -> x
-module Value = struct
-  include Popop_stdlib.MakeMSH(struct
-      type t = Node.nodevalue
-      let tag: t -> int = function
-        | Node.Value(tag,_,_) -> tag
-      let pp fmt : t -> unit = function
-        | Node.Value(_,value,v) -> print_value value fmt v
-    end)
+    let of_thterm : ThTerm.t -> t option = function
+      | Node.ThTerm (_, sem', _) as v when ThTermKind.equal sem' key -> Some v
+      | _ -> None
-  let index = Node.nodevalue
-  let node = Node.of_nodevalue
-  let value : type a. a ValueKind.t -> t -> a option =
-    fun value (Node.Value(_,value',v)) ->
-      match ValueKind.Eq.eq_type value value' with
-      | Poly.Neq -> None
-      | Poly.Eq  -> Some v
-  type kind =
-    | Value: 'a ValueKind.t * 'a  -> kind
+    let coerce_thterm : ThTerm.t -> t =
+     fun (Node.ThTerm (_, sem', _) as v) ->
+      assert (ThTermKind.equal sem' key);
+      v
+  end
-  let kind: t -> kind = function
-    | Node.Value (_,value,v) -> Value(value,v)
+  let () =
+    ThTermRegistry.register
+      (module All : RegisteredThTerm with type s = D.t and type t = All.t);
+    Node.ThTermIndex.set Node.semindex All.key All.index
+  include All
-module type RegisteredValue = sig
-  type s
-  module V : Value with type t = s
-  val key: s ValueKind.t
-  (** nodevalue *)
-  include Datatype
-  val index: ?basename:string -> s -> t
-  (** Return a nodevalue from a valueantical value *)
+module Value = struct
+  include Popop_stdlib.MakeMSH (struct
+    type t = Node.nodevalue
-  val node: t -> Node.t
-  (** Return a class from a nodevalue *)
+    let tag : t -> int = function Node.Value (tag, _, _) -> tag
-  val value: t -> s
-  (** Return the value from a nodevalue *)
+    let pp fmt : t -> unit = function
+      | Node.Value (_, value, v) -> print_value value fmt v
+  end)
-  val nodevalue: t -> Value.t
-  val of_nodevalue: Value.t -> t option
+  let index = Node.nodevalue
-  val coerce_nodevalue: Value.t -> t
+  let node = Node.of_nodevalue
+  let value : type a b. (a, b) ValueKind.t -> t -> a option =
+   fun value (Node.Value (_, value', v)) ->
+    match ValueKind.Eq.eq_type value value' with
+    | Poly.Neq -> None
+    | Poly.Eq -> Some v
+  type kind = Value : (_, 'b) ValueKind.t * 'b -> kind
-module RegisteredValueRegistry = ValueKind.Make_Registry(struct
-    type 'a data = (module RegisteredValue with type s = 'a)
-    let pp (type a) (value: a data) =
-      let module RegisteredValue = (val value) in
-      RegisteredValue.V.pp
-    let key (type a) (value: a data) =
-      let module RegisteredValue = (val value) in
-      RegisteredValue.key
-  end)
+  let kind : t -> kind = function
+    | Node.Value (_, value, _) as x -> Value (value, Obj.magic x)
-let get_registered_value = RegisteredValueRegistry.get
+module RegisterValue (D : NamedDatatype) : RegisteredValue with type s = D.t =
+  module All = struct
+    let key =
+      ValueKind.create
+        (module struct
+          let name =
+          type t = D.t
-module RegisterValue (D:Value) : RegisteredValue with type s = D.t = struct
+          type d = Node.nodevalue
+        end)
-  module All = struct
+    module SD = D
-  module V = D
-  module HC = Hashcons.MakeTag(struct
+    module HC = Hashcons.MakeTag (struct
       open Node
       type t = nodevalue
       let next_tag = Node.next_tag
-      let incr_tag = Node.incr_tag
-      let equal: t -> t -> bool = fun a b ->
-        match a, b with
-        | Value(_,valuea,va), Value(_,valueb,vb) ->
-          match ValueKind.Eq.coerce_type valuea D.key,
-                ValueKind.Eq.coerce_type valueb D.key with
-          | Poly.Eq, Poly.Eq  -> D.equal va vb
+      let incr_tag = Node.incr_tag
-      let hash: t -> int = fun a ->
+      let equal : t -> t -> bool =
+       fun a b ->
+        match (a, b) with
+        | Value (_, valuea, va), Value (_, valueb, vb) -> (
+            match
+              ( ValueKind.Eq.coerce_type valuea key,
+                ValueKind.Eq.coerce_type valueb key )
+            with
+            | Poly.Eq, Poly.Eq -> D.equal va vb)
+      let hash : t -> int =
+       fun a ->
         match a with
-        | Value(_,valuea,va) ->
-          let Poly.Eq = ValueKind.Eq.coerce_type valuea D.key in
-          (D.hash va)
+        | Value (_, valuea, va) ->
+            let Poly.Eq = ValueKind.Eq.coerce_type valuea key in
+            D.hash va
-      let set_tag: int -> t -> t = fun tag x ->
-        match x with
-        | Value(_,value,v) -> Value(tag,value,v)
+      let set_tag : int -> t -> t =
+       fun tag x -> match x with Value (_, value, v) -> Value (tag, value, v)
-      let tag: t -> int = function
-        | Value(tag,_,_) -> tag
+      let tag : t -> int = function Value (tag, _, _) -> tag
       let pp fmt x =
         Format.pp_print_char fmt '@';
         Format.pp_print_string fmt (Simple_vector.get names (tag x))
-  include HC
+    include HC
-  type s = D.t
-  let key = D.key
+    type s = D.t
-  let tag: t -> int = function
-    | Node.Value(tag,_,_) -> tag
+    let tag : t -> int = function Node.Value (tag, _, _) -> tag
-  let index ?(basename="") v =
-    let node =
-      HC.hashcons2
-        (fun tag value v -> Node.Value(tag,value,v))
-        D.key v in
-    let i = tag node in
-    Simple_vector.inc_size (i+1) Node.names;
-    begin
-      if Simple_vector.is_uninitialized Node.names i then
+    let index ?(basename = "") v =
+      let node =
+        HC.hashcons2 (fun tag value v -> Node.Value (tag, value, v)) key v
+      in
+      let i = tag node in
+      Simple_vector.inc_size (i + 1) Node.names;
+      if Simple_vector.is_uninitialized Node.names i then (
         let s = Strings.find_new_name Node.used_names basename in
-        Debug.dprintf3 debug_create "[Egraph] @[@@%s is %a@]"
-          s D.pp v;
-        Simple_vector.set Node.names i s
-    end;
-    node
-  let node = Node.of_nodevalue
+        Debug.dprintf3 debug_create "[Egraph] @[@@%s is %a@]" s D.pp v;
+        Simple_vector.set Node.names i s);
+      node
-  let value : t -> D.t = function
-    | Node.Value(_,value,v) ->
-      let Poly.Eq = ValueKind.Eq.coerce_type value D.key in v
+    let node = Node.of_nodevalue
-  let nodevalue: t -> Value.t = fun x -> x
+    let value : t -> D.t = function
+      | Node.Value (_, value, v) ->
+          let Poly.Eq = ValueKind.Eq.coerce_type value key in
+          v
-  let of_nodevalue: Value.t -> t option = function
-    | Node.Value(_,value',_) as v when ValueKind.equal value' D.key -> Some v
-    | _ -> None
+    let nodevalue : t -> Value.t = fun x -> x
-  let coerce_nodevalue: Value.t -> t = function
-    | Node.Value(_,value',_) as v -> assert (ValueKind.equal value' D.key); v
+    let of_nodevalue : Value.t -> t option = function
+      | Node.Value (_, value', _) as v when ValueKind.equal value' key -> Some v
+      | _ -> None
+    let coerce_nodevalue : Value.t -> t = function
+      | Node.Value (_, value', _) as v ->
+          assert (ValueKind.equal value' key);
+          v
   include All
-  let () =
-    ValueRegistry.register (module D: Value with type t = D.t);
-    RegisteredValueRegistry.register (module All: RegisteredValue with type s = D.t);
-    Node.ValueIndex.set Node.valueindex D.key index
+  let () =
+    ValueRegistry.register
+      (module All : RegisteredValue with type s = D.t and type t = All.t);
+    Node.ValueIndex.set Node.valueindex All.key index
 module Only_for_solver = struct
-  type sem_of_node =
-    | ThTerm: 'a ThTermKind.t * 'a  -> sem_of_node
+  type sem_of_node = ThTerm : (_, 'b) ThTermKind.t * 'b -> sem_of_node
-  let thterm: Node.t -> ThTerm.t option = function
-    | Node.All Node.Value _ -> None
+  let thterm : Node.t -> ThTerm.t option = function
+    | Node.All (Node.Value _) -> None
     | Node.All (Node.ThTerm _ as x) -> Some x
-  let sem_of_node: ThTerm.t -> sem_of_node = function
-    | Node.ThTerm (_,sem,v) -> ThTerm(sem,v)
+  let sem_of_node : ThTerm.t -> sem_of_node = function
+    | Node.ThTerm (_, sem, _) as v -> ThTerm (sem, Obj.magic v)
-  let nodevalue: Node.t -> Value.t option = function
-    | Node.All Node.ThTerm _ -> None
+  let nodevalue : Node.t -> Value.t option = function
+    | Node.All (Node.ThTerm _) -> None
     | Node.All (Node.Value _ as x) -> Some x
   let node_of_thterm : ThTerm.t -> Node.t = ThTerm.node
   let node_of_nodevalue : Value.t -> Node.t = Value.node
   type opened_node =
     | ThTerm : ThTerm.t -> opened_node
-    | Value  : Value.t -> opened_node
+    | Value : Value.t -> opened_node
   let open_node : Node.t -> opened_node = function
     | Node.All (Node.ThTerm _ as x) -> ThTerm x
     | Node.All (Node.Value _ as x) -> Value x
   let is_value : Node.t -> bool = function
-    | Node.All(Node.ThTerm _) -> false
-    | Node.All(Node.Value _) -> true
+    | Node.All (Node.ThTerm _) -> false
+    | Node.All (Node.Value _) -> true
 let check_initialization () =
-  ThTermRegistry.is_well_initialized () &&
-  ValueRegistry.is_well_initialized ()
+  ThTermRegistry.is_well_initialized () && ValueRegistry.is_well_initialized ()
diff --git a/src_colibri2/core/structures/nodes.mli b/src_colibri2/core/structures/nodes.mli
index 200d5181a..0740eff1a 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/core/structures/nodes.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/core/structures/nodes.mli
@@ -26,28 +26,32 @@ open Popop_stdlib
 (** {2 General exceptions (to move away) } *)
 exception BrokenInvariant of string
 exception SolveSameRepr
 exception UnwaitedEvent
 exception AlreadyDead
 exception AlreadyRedirected
+module ThTermKind : Keys.Key2
-module ThTermKind: Keys.Key
-module ValueKind: Keys.Key
+module ValueKind : Keys.Key2
 (** Node *)
 module Node : sig
   include Datatype
-  val rename: t -> string -> unit
+  val rename : t -> string -> unit
   (** Change the pretty printed string for this node, to use with care
       preferably at the start *)
-  val index_sem: 'a ThTermKind.t -> 'a -> t
+  val index_sem : ('a, _) ThTermKind.t -> 'a -> t
   (** Return the corresponding node from a theory term *)
-  val index_value: 'a ValueKind.t -> 'a -> t
+  val index_value : ('a, _) ValueKind.t -> 'a -> t
   (** Return the corresponding node from a value *)
@@ -55,27 +59,19 @@ end
 (** Basically a theory term type is just something with an ordering.
     For each theory terms a unique node is associated. *)
-module type ThTerm = sig
-  include Datatype
-  val key: t ThTermKind.t
+val check_thterm_registered : _ ThTermKind.t -> unit
 (** {3 Generic Handling of theory terms} *)
-val get_thterm: 'a ThTermKind.t -> (module ThTerm with type t = 'a)
-val check_thterm_registered: 'a ThTermKind.t -> unit
-val print_thterm : 'a ThTermKind.t -> 'a Format.printer
+val print_thterm : ('a, _) ThTermKind.t -> 'a Format.printer
-module ThTerm: sig
+module ThTerm : sig
   include Datatype
-  val index: 'a ThTermKind.t -> 'a -> t
+  val index : ('a, _) ThTermKind.t -> 'a -> t
   (** Return the corresponding node from a theory term *)
-  val node: t -> Node.t
+  val node : t -> Node.t
   (** Returns the node associated to this theory term *)
 (** {3 Construction of a theory terms } *)
@@ -85,31 +81,37 @@ module type RegisteredThTerm = sig
   type s
   (** the user given type *)
-  val key: s ThTermKind.t
+  module SD : NamedDatatype with type t = s
-  (** thterm *)
   include Datatype
+  (** thterm *)
+  val key : (s, t) ThTermKind.t
-  val index: s -> t
+  val index : s -> t
   (** Return a theory term from the user type *)
-  val node: t -> Node.t
+  val node : t -> Node.t
   (** Return a class from a thterm *)
-  val sem: t -> s
+  val sem : t -> s
   (** Return the sem from a thterm *)
-  val thterm: t -> ThTerm.t
-  val of_thterm: ThTerm.t -> t option
+  val thterm : t -> ThTerm.t
+  val of_thterm : ThTerm.t -> t option
   (** Return the user type if the ThTerm belongs to this module *)
-  val coerce_thterm: ThTerm.t -> t
+  val coerce_thterm : ThTerm.t -> t
   (** Return the user type. Raise if the ThTerm does not belong to this
       module *)
-module RegisterThTerm (D:ThTerm) : RegisteredThTerm with type s = D.t
+module RegisterThTerm (D : NamedDatatype) : RegisteredThTerm with type s = D.t
+val get_thterm :
+  ('a, 'b) ThTermKind.t ->
+  (module RegisteredThTerm with type s = 'a and type t = 'b)
 (** {2 Values } *)
@@ -118,101 +120,93 @@ module RegisterThTerm (D:ThTerm) : RegisteredThTerm with type s = D.t
     terms is that only one value of a kind can be in an equivalence
     class. The solver keep track of which value is associated to an
     equivalence class (like it does for domains) *)
-module type Value = sig
-  include Datatype
-  val key: t ValueKind.t
+val print_value : ('a, _) ValueKind.t -> 'a Format.printer
-val print_value : 'a ValueKind.t -> 'a Format.printer
-val get_value: 'a ValueKind.t -> (module Value with type t = 'a)
-val check_value_registered: 'a ValueKind.t -> unit
+val check_value_registered : _ ValueKind.t -> unit
 (** {3 Module for handling generically values} *)
-module Value: sig
+module Value : sig
   include Datatype
-  val index: 'a ValueKind.t -> 'a -> t
+  val index : ('a, _) ValueKind.t -> 'a -> t
   (** Return the corresponding node from a value *)
-  val node: t -> Node.t
-  val value: 'a ValueKind.t -> t -> 'a option
+  val node : t -> Node.t
-  type kind =
-  | Value: 'a ValueKind.t * 'a -> kind
+  val value : ('a, _) ValueKind.t -> t -> 'a option
-  val kind: t -> kind
-    (** give the value associated with a node, make sense only for not merged
-        class. So only the module solver can use it *)
+  type kind = Value : (_, 'b) ValueKind.t * 'b -> kind
+  val kind : t -> kind
+  (** unpack a value *)
 (** {3 For building a particular value} *)
 module type RegisteredValue = sig
   type s
-  module V : Value with type t = s
-  val key: s ValueKind.t
-  (** nodevalue *)
+  module SD : NamedDatatype with type t = s
   include Datatype
+  (** nodevalue *)
-  val index: ?basename:string -> s -> t
+  val key : (s, t) ValueKind.t
+  val index : ?basename:string -> s -> t
   (** Return a nodevalue from a valueantical term.
       Basename is used only for debug
-  val node: t -> Node.t
+  val node : t -> Node.t
   (** Return a class from a nodevalue *)
-  val value: t -> s
+  val value : t -> s
   (** Return the value from a nodevalue *)
-  val nodevalue: t -> Value.t
-  val of_nodevalue: Value.t -> t option
+  val nodevalue : t -> Value.t
-  val coerce_nodevalue: Value.t -> t
+  val of_nodevalue : Value.t -> t option
+  val coerce_nodevalue : Value.t -> t
-module RegisterValue (D:Value) : RegisteredValue with type s = D.t
+module RegisterValue (D : NamedDatatype) : RegisteredValue with type s = D.t
-val get_registered_value: 'a ValueKind.t -> (module RegisteredValue with type s = 'a)
+val get_value :
+  ('a, 'b) ValueKind.t ->
+  (module RegisteredValue with type t = 'b and type s = 'a)
-val check_initialization: unit -> bool
+val check_initialization : unit -> bool
 (** Check if the initialization of all the sem and value have been done *)
 (** {2 Only for the solver } *)
-module Only_for_solver: sig
-  type sem_of_node =
-    | ThTerm: 'a ThTermKind.t * 'a -> sem_of_node
+module Only_for_solver : sig
+  type sem_of_node = ThTerm : (_, 'b) ThTermKind.t * 'b -> sem_of_node
-  val thterm:
-    Node.t -> ThTerm.t option
-    (** give the sem associated with a node, make sense only for not merged
+  val thterm : Node.t -> ThTerm.t option
+  (** give the sem associated with a node, make sense only for not merged
         class. So only the module solver can use it *)
-  val sem_of_node:
-    ThTerm.t -> sem_of_node
-    (** give the sem associated with a node, make sense only for not merged
+  val sem_of_node : ThTerm.t -> sem_of_node
+  (** give the sem associated with a node, make sense only for not merged
         class. So only the module solver can use it *)
-  val nodevalue:
-    Node.t -> Value.t option
-    (** give the value associated with a node, make sense only for not merged
+  val nodevalue : Node.t -> Value.t option
+  (** give the value associated with a node, make sense only for not merged
         class. So only the module solver can use it *)
-  val node_of_thterm: ThTerm.t -> Node.t
-  val node_of_nodevalue: Value.t -> Node.t
+  val node_of_thterm : ThTerm.t -> Node.t
+  val node_of_nodevalue : Value.t -> Node.t
   type opened_node =
     | ThTerm : ThTerm.t -> opened_node
-    | Value  : Value.t -> opened_node
+    | Value : Value.t -> opened_node
-  val open_node: Node.t -> opened_node
-  val is_value: Node.t -> bool
+  val open_node : Node.t -> opened_node
+  val is_value : Node.t -> bool
diff --git a/src_colibri2/popop_lib/ b/src_colibri2/popop_lib/
index f7701f515..fa2e3fafe 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/popop_lib/
+++ b/src_colibri2/popop_lib/
@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ module type Datatype = sig
   include Base.Hashtbl.Key.S with type t := t
+module type NamedDatatype = sig
+  include Datatype
+  val name : string
 module type Printable = sig
   include OrderedHashedType
   val pp: t Pp.pp
diff --git a/src_colibri2/popop_lib/popop_stdlib.mli b/src_colibri2/popop_lib/popop_stdlib.mli
index 48930dafd..df138f324 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/popop_lib/popop_stdlib.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/popop_lib/popop_stdlib.mli
@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ module type Datatype = sig
   include Base.Hashtbl.Key.S with type t := t
+module type NamedDatatype = sig
+  include Datatype
+  val name : string
 module type Printable = sig
   include OrderedHashedType
   val pp: t Pp.pp
diff --git a/src_colibri2/solver/ b/src_colibri2/solver/
index f596b2303..d892f816a 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/solver/
+++ b/src_colibri2/solver/
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ type solve_step =
 type t =
   { mutable choices    : Prio.t;
-    daemons : Events.Wait.daemon_key Context.TimeWheel.t;
-    lasteffort : Events.Wait.daemon_key Context.TimeWheel.t;
-    fixing_model : Events.Wait.daemon_key list Context.Ref.t;
+    daemons : Events.daemon_key Context.TimeWheel.t;
+    lasteffort : Events.daemon_key Context.TimeWheel.t;
+    fixing_model : Events.daemon_key list Context.Ref.t;
     mutable prev_scheduler_state : bp option;
             solver_state      : Egraph.Backtrackable.t;
     (* global *)
diff --git a/src_colibri2/stdlib/ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
index 22c2d756a..fc875259c 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/stdlib/
+++ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ module type Key = sig
         argument otherwise taise BadCoercion *)
-  val create_key: (module NamedType with type t = 'a) -> 'a t
+  val create: (module NamedType with type t = 'a) -> 'a t
   module MkVector(D:sig type ('a,'b) t end)
     : Vector_hetero.S1 with
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module Make_key(X:sig end): Key = struct
   let fold f acc = K.fold f.fold acc
   let hint_size = K.hint_size
-  let create_key (type a) (module NT : NamedType with type t = a) : a t =
+  let create (type a) (module NT : NamedType with type t = a) : a t =
   (** the 'a k can be used as equality witness because K gives fresh values *)
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ module type Key2 = sig
   type iter = {iter : 'k 'd. ('k,'d) t -> unit}
   val iter : iter -> unit
-  val create_key: (module NamedType2 with type t = 'a1
+  val create: (module NamedType2 with type t = 'a1
                                       and type d = 'a2)
                   -> ('a1,'a2) t
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ module Make_key2(X:sig end) : Key2 = struct
   type iter = {iter : 'k 'd. ('k,'d) t -> unit}
   let iter f = K.iter f.iter
-  let create_key (type a1) (type a2) (module NT : NamedType2 with type t = a1
+  let create (type a1) (type a2) (module NT : NamedType2 with type t = a1
                                                               and type d = a2)
     : (a1,a2) t =
diff --git a/src_colibri2/stdlib/comp_keys.mli b/src_colibri2/stdlib/comp_keys.mli
index b7cf2fca4..b5647cc6b 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/stdlib/comp_keys.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/comp_keys.mli
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module type Key = sig
         argument otherwise taise BadCoercion *)
-  val create_key: (module NamedType with type t = 'a) -> 'a t
+  val create: (module NamedType with type t = 'a) -> 'a t
   module MkVector(D:sig type ('a,'b) t end)
     : Vector_hetero.S1 with
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ module type Key2 = sig
   type iter = {iter : 'k 'd. ('k,'d) t -> unit}
   val iter : iter -> unit
-  val create_key: (module NamedType2 with type t = 'a1
+  val create: (module NamedType2 with type t = 'a1
                                       and type d = 'a2)
                   -> ('a1,'a2) t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/stdlib/ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
index ecca80e99..0c6a46d4f 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/stdlib/
+++ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
@@ -201,6 +201,11 @@ module Make2
   let fold_initializedi (f: ('b, 'c) fold_initializedi) (seed : 'c) (m : 'b t) : 'c =
     H.fold (fun _ (Pair(k,v)) sofar -> f.foldi sofar k v) m seed
+  type ('b,'c) map_initializedi =
+    { mapi: 'a1 'a2. ('a1,'a2) key -> ('a1,'a2,'b) data -> ('a1,'a2,'b) data  }
+  let map_initializedi (f: ('b, 'c) map_initializedi) (m : 'b t) : unit =
+    H.filter_map_inplace (fun _ (Pair(k,v)) -> Some (Pair(k,f.mapi k v))) m
   let copy : 'b t -> 'b t = H.copy
   let move ~from ~to_ =
     H.reset to_;
diff --git a/src_colibri2/stdlib/ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
index 9aa896b0b..7c5d33527 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/stdlib/
+++ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
@@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ module type S2 = sig
   val fold_initializedi :
      ('b,'c) fold_initializedi -> 'c -> 'b t -> 'c
+  type ('b,'c) map_initializedi =
+    { mapi: 'a1 'a2. ('a1,'a2) key -> ('a1,'a2,'b) data -> ('a1,'a2,'b) data}
+  val map_initializedi :
+     ('b,'c) map_initializedi -> 'b t -> unit
   val copy : 'b t -> 'b t
   (* shallow *)
   val move: from:'b t -> to_:'b t -> unit
diff --git a/src_colibri2/stdlib/ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
index b6f03cf53..a107a843c 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/stdlib/
+++ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module Make_key(X:sig end) = struct
   let all_keys = AllKeys.create 17
   let used_names : (* next id to use *) int StringH.t = StringH.create 17
-  let create_key (type a) (module NT : NamedType with type t = a) : a t =
+  let create (type a) (module NT : NamedType with type t = a) : a t =
     let module TMP = struct
       type _ gadt += K : NT.t gadt
     end in
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ module Make_key2(X:sig end) : Key2 = struct
                      id   : int;
                      iseq : 'b1 'b2. ('b1,'b2) gadt -> ('k*'d,'b1*'b2) Poly.iseq }
-  let pp fmt x = String.pp fmt
+  let pp fmt x = Format.pp_print_string fmt
   let equal a b = =
   let hash x =
   let tag    = hash
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ module Make_key2(X:sig end) : Key2 = struct
   let all_keys = AllKeys.create 17
   let used_names : (* next id to use *) int StringH.t = StringH.create 17
-  let create_key (type a1) (type a2) (module NT : NamedType2 with type t = a1
+  let create (type a1) (type a2) (module NT : NamedType2 with type t = a1
                                                               and type d = a2)
     : (a1,a2) t =
     let module TMP = struct
diff --git a/src_colibri2/stdlib/ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
index 8db21311c..c0d9ce5b2 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/stdlib/
+++ b/src_colibri2/stdlib/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ module type Key = sig
         argument otherwise taise BadCoercion *)
-  val create_key: (module NamedType with type t = 'a) -> 'a t
+  val create: (module NamedType with type t = 'a) -> 'a t
   module MkVector(D:sig type ('a,'b) t end)
     : Hashtbl_hetero.S1 with type 'a key = 'a t
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ module type Key2 = sig
   type 'b fold = {fold : 'a1 'a2. ('a1,'a2) t -> 'b -> 'b} [@@unboxed]
   val fold : 'b fold -> 'b -> 'b
-  val create_key: (module NamedType2 with type t = 'a1
+  val create: (module NamedType2 with type t = 'a1
                                       and type d = 'a2)
                   -> ('a1,'a2) t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/generate_tests/ b/src_colibri2/tests/generate_tests/
index 6c2442232..6d7adb841 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/generate_tests/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/generate_tests/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let result = Sys.argv.(2)
 let print_test cout file =
   Printf.fprintf cout
-    "(rule (action (with-stdout-to %s.res (run %%{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %%{dep:%s}))))\n"
+    "(rule (action (with-stdout-to %s.res (run %%{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %%{dep:%s}))))\n"
     file file;
   Printf.fprintf cout
     "(rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle %s.res)))\n"
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/steplimitreached/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/steplimitreached/
index 48f937957..6a6fa62c3 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/steplimitreached/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/steplimitreached/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "steplimitreached\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to bag-BagImpl-addqtvc.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:bag-BagImpl-addqtvc.psmt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to bag-BagImpl-addqtvc.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:bag-BagImpl-addqtvc.psmt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle bag-BagImpl-addqtvc.psmt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/unsat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/unsat/
index ec4a39965..21e378d7b 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/unsat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/all/unsat/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "unsat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to bag-BagImpl-createqtvc.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:bag-BagImpl-createqtvc.psmt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to bag-BagImpl-createqtvc.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:bag-BagImpl-createqtvc.psmt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle bag-BagImpl-createqtvc.psmt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to fact-FactRecursive-fact_recqtvc.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:fact-FactRecursive-fact_recqtvc.psmt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to fact-FactRecursive-fact_recqtvc.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:fact-FactRecursive-fact_recqtvc.psmt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle fact-FactRecursive-fact_recqtvc.psmt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_1.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_1.psmt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_1.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_1.psmt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_1.psmt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_2.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_2.psmt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_2.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_2.psmt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle interval-Convexe-exists_memqtvc_2.psmt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/sat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/sat/
index 578b32831..2d7a5ec3a 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/sat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/sat/
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "sat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to anomaly_agetooold.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:anomaly_agetooold.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to anomaly_agetooold.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:anomaly_agetooold.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle anomaly_agetooold.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to anomaly_agetooold2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:anomaly_agetooold2.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to anomaly_agetooold2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:anomaly_agetooold2.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle anomaly_agetooold2.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to assertion_fail.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:assertion_fail.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to assertion_fail.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:assertion_fail.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle assertion_fail.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to fuzzing1.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:fuzzing1.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to fuzzing1.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:fuzzing1.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle fuzzing1.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to fuzzing2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:fuzzing2.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to fuzzing2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:fuzzing2.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle fuzzing2.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to par8-1-c.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:par8-1-c.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to par8-1-c.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:par8-1-c.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle par8-1-c.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:pigeon-2.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:pigeon-2.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle pigeon-2.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-3.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:pigeon-3.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-3.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:pigeon-3.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle pigeon-3.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-4.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:pigeon-4.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-4.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:pigeon-4.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle pigeon-4.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to quinn.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:quinn.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to quinn.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:quinn.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle quinn.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to simple_v3_c2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:simple_v3_c2.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to simple_v3_c2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:simple_v3_c2.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle simple_v3_c2.cnf.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/unsat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/unsat/
index cb881c555..f060f0461 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/unsat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/dimacs/unsat/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "unsat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to anomaly_agetooold.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:anomaly_agetooold.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to anomaly_agetooold.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:anomaly_agetooold.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle anomaly_agetooold.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to modus_ponens.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:modus_ponens.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to modus_ponens.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:modus_ponens.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle modus_ponens.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-1.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:pigeon-1.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-1.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:pigeon-1.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle pigeon-1.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:pigeon-2.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-2.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:pigeon-2.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle pigeon-2.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-3.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:pigeon-3.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-3.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:pigeon-3.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle pigeon-3.cnf.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-4.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:pigeon-4.cnf}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to pigeon-4.cnf.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:pigeon-4.cnf}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle pigeon-4.cnf.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/sat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/sat/
index 93d4bd675..7dc32608e 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/sat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/sat/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "sat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to enum.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:enum.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to enum.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:enum.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle enum.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to list0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:list0.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to list0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:list0.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle list0.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to list1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:list1.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to list1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:list1.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle list1.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to tree1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:tree1.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to tree1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:tree1.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle tree1.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to tree2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:tree2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to tree2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:tree2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle tree2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to tree3.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:tree3.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to tree3.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:tree3.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle tree3.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/unsat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/unsat/
index a8533a278..431244517 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/unsat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_adt/unsat/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "unsat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to enum.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:enum.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to enum.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:enum.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle enum.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to enum2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:enum2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to enum2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:enum2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle enum2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to list0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:list0.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to list0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:list0.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle list0.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to list1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:list1.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to list1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:list1.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle list1.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to list2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:list2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to list2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:list2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle list2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to list3.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:list3.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to list3.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:list3.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle list3.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to list4.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:list4.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to list4.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:list4.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle list4.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to parlist0.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:parlist0.psmt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to parlist0.psmt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:parlist0.psmt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle parlist0.psmt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/sat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/sat/
index 20107a851..4af3d51a2 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/sat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/sat/
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "sat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_CombiRepr_normalize.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_CombiRepr_normalize.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_CombiRepr_normalize.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_CombiRepr_normalize.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_CombiRepr_normalize.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_conflict_add_disequality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_conflict_add_disequality.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_conflict_add_disequality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_conflict_add_disequality.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_conflict_add_disequality.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_conpoly.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_conpoly.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_conpoly.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_conpoly.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_conpoly.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_decide_must_test_is_dis_equal.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_decide_must_test_is_dis_equal.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_decide_must_test_is_dis_equal.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_decide_must_test_is_dis_equal.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_decide_must_test_is_dis_equal.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_init_always_merge_itself.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_init_always_merge_itself.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_init_always_merge_itself.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_init_always_merge_itself.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_init_always_merge_itself.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_init_and_propa_must_be_ordered.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_init_and_propa_must_be_ordered.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_init_and_propa_must_be_ordered.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_init_and_propa_must_be_ordered.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_init_and_propa_must_be_ordered.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_case1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_merge_case1.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_case1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_merge_case1.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_merge_case1.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_case_4.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_merge_case_4.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_case_4.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_merge_case_4.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_merge_case_4.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_case_4_bis.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_merge_case_4_bis.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_case_4_bis.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_merge_case_4_bis.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_merge_case_4_bis.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_itself_coef_of_repr_is_one.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_merge_itself_coef_of_repr_is_one.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_itself_coef_of_repr_is_one.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_merge_itself_coef_of_repr_is_one.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_merge_itself_coef_of_repr_is_one.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_itself_last_case.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_merge_itself_last_case.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_itself_last_case.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_merge_itself_last_case.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_merge_itself_last_case.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_itself_pivot_not_in_p12.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_merge_itself_pivot_not_in_p12.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_itself_pivot_not_in_p12.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_merge_itself_pivot_not_in_p12.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_merge_itself_pivot_not_in_p12.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_must_use_find.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_merge_must_use_find.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_must_use_find.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_merge_must_use_find.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_merge_must_use_find.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_mult_explication.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_mult_explication.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_mult_explication.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_mult_explication.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_mult_explication.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_mult_not_linear_in_conflict.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_mult_not_linear_in_conflict.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_mult_not_linear_in_conflict.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_mult_not_linear_in_conflict.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_mult_not_linear_in_conflict.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_normalize_use_find_def.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_normalize_use_find_def.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_normalize_use_find_def.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_normalize_use_find_def.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_normalize_use_find_def.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_own_repr.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_own_repr.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_own_repr.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_own_repr.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_own_repr.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_propacl.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_propacl.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_propacl.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_propacl.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_propacl.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_subst_and_conflict_add.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_subst_and_conflict_add.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_subst_and_conflict_add.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_subst_and_conflict_add.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_subst_and_conflict_add.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_zero_dom.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_zero_dom.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_zero_dom.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_zero_dom.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_zero_dom.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to attach_only_when_dom_present.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:attach_only_when_dom_present.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to attach_only_when_dom_present.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:attach_only_when_dom_present.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle attach_only_when_dom_present.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to init_not_repr.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:init_not_repr.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to init_not_repr.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:init_not_repr.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle init_not_repr.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to le.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:le.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to le.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:le.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle le.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to le2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:le2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to le2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:le2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle le2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to sem_invariant_in_learnt_dec.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:sem_invariant_in_learnt_dec.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to sem_invariant_in_learnt_dec.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:sem_invariant_in_learnt_dec.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle sem_invariant_in_learnt_dec.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_add_pexp_cl.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:solver_add_pexp_cl.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_add_pexp_cl.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:solver_add_pexp_cl.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle solver_add_pexp_cl.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_arith_homogeneous_dist_sign.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:solver_arith_homogeneous_dist_sign.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_arith_homogeneous_dist_sign.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:solver_arith_homogeneous_dist_sign.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle solver_arith_homogeneous_dist_sign.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_merge_itself_repr_inside.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:solver_merge_itself_repr_inside.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_merge_itself_repr_inside.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:solver_merge_itself_repr_inside.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle solver_merge_itself_repr_inside.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_set_pending_merge_expsameexp.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:solver_set_pending_merge_expsameexp.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_set_pending_merge_expsameexp.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:solver_set_pending_merge_expsameexp.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle solver_set_pending_merge_expsameexp.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_subst_eventdom_find.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:solver_subst_eventdom_find.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_subst_eventdom_find.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:solver_subst_eventdom_find.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle solver_subst_eventdom_find.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to to_real.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:to_real.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to to_real.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:to_real.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle to_real.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to to_real2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:to_real2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to to_real2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:to_real2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle to_real2.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/unsat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/unsat/
index 419d393cf..d4988bfdf 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/unsat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_lra/unsat/
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "unsat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_ExpMult_by_zero.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_ExpMult_by_zero.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_ExpMult_by_zero.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_ExpMult_by_zero.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_ExpMult_by_zero.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_case2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:arith_merge_case2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to arith_merge_case2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:arith_merge_case2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle arith_merge_case2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to le.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:le.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to le.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:le.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle le.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to le2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:le2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to le2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:le2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle le2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to repr_and_poly.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:repr_and_poly.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to repr_and_poly.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:repr_and_poly.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle repr_and_poly.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to repr_fourier.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:repr_fourier.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to repr_fourier.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:repr_fourier.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle repr_fourier.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_merge_itself_repr_empty.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:solver_merge_itself_repr_empty.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_merge_itself_repr_empty.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:solver_merge_itself_repr_empty.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle solver_merge_itself_repr_empty.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_set_sem_merge_sign.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:solver_set_sem_merge_sign.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to solver_set_sem_merge_sign.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:solver_set_sem_merge_sign.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle solver_set_sem_merge_sign.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to to_real.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:to_real.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to to_real.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:to_real.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle to_real.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to to_real2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:to_real2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to to_real2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:to_real2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle to_real2.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/sat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/sat/
index 9904173a9..8a3302bc1 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/sat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/sat/
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "sat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to ceil.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:ceil.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to ceil.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:ceil.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle ceil.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:div_pos.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:div_pos.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle div_pos.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos_lt.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:div_pos_lt.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos_lt.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:div_pos_lt.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle div_pos_lt.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_commut.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_commut.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_commut.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_commut.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_commut.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_commut2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_commut2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_commut2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_commut2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_commut2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_pos.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_pos.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_pos.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos_lt.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_pos_lt.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos_lt.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_pos_lt.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_pos_lt.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/unsat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/unsat/
index 483f0dfcc..661c18824 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/unsat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_nra/unsat/
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "unsat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to ceil.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:ceil.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to ceil.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:ceil.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle ceil.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:div_pos.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:div_pos.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle div_pos.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos_lt.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:div_pos_lt.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos_lt.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:div_pos_lt.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle div_pos_lt.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos_lt_to_real.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:div_pos_lt_to_real.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to div_pos_lt_to_real.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:div_pos_lt_to_real.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle div_pos_lt_to_real.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to floor.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:floor.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to floor.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:floor.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle floor.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_commut.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_commut.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_commut.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_commut.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_commut.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_commut2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_commut2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_commut2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_commut2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_commut2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_pos.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_pos.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_pos.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos_lt.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_pos_lt.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos_lt.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_pos_lt.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_pos_lt.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos_zero_le.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:mul_pos_zero_le.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to mul_pos_zero_le.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:mul_pos_zero_le.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle mul_pos_zero_le.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_quant/sat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_quant/sat/
index f03644ff1..2e21c514e 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_quant/sat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_quant/sat/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "sat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to exists.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:exists.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to exists.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:exists.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle exists.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall0.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall0.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall0.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall3.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall3.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall3.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall3.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall3.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall4.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall4.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall4.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall4.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall4.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_quant/unsat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_quant/unsat/
index 9d7e931a8..331cd6230 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_quant/unsat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_quant/unsat/
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "unsat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to exists.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:exists.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to exists.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:exists.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle exists.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to exists2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:exists2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to exists2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:exists2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle exists2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall0.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall0.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall0.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall1.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall1.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall1.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall1.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall3.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall3.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall3.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall3.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall3.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall4.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall4.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall4.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall4.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall4.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall5.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall5.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall5.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall5.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall5.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall6.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall6.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall6.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall6.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall6.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall7.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall7.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall7.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall7.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall7.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall8.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:forall8.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to forall8.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:forall8.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle forall8.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/sat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/sat/
index a6b45388b..e53203681 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/sat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/sat/
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "sat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to bad_conflict.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:bad_conflict.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to bad_conflict.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:bad_conflict.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle bad_conflict.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to bcp_dont_like_duplicate.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:bcp_dont_like_duplicate.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to bcp_dont_like_duplicate.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:bcp_dont_like_duplicate.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle bcp_dont_like_duplicate.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to bool_not_propa.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:bool_not_propa.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to bool_not_propa.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:bool_not_propa.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle bool_not_propa.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to boolexpup.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:boolexpup.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to boolexpup.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:boolexpup.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle boolexpup.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to clause_normalization.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:clause_normalization.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to clause_normalization.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:clause_normalization.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle clause_normalization.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to clmerge.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:clmerge.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to clmerge.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:clmerge.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle clmerge.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to conflict_complete_needed_cl.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:conflict_complete_needed_cl.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to conflict_complete_needed_cl.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:conflict_complete_needed_cl.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle conflict_complete_needed_cl.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to directdom_not.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:directdom_not.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to directdom_not.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:directdom_not.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle directdom_not.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to dis_dom_before_first_age.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:dis_dom_before_first_age.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to dis_dom_before_first_age.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:dis_dom_before_first_age.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle dis_dom_before_first_age.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to dom_merge_equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:dom_merge_equality.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to dom_merge_equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:dom_merge_equality.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle dom_merge_equality.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:equality.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:equality.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle equality.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to equality_condis.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:equality_condis.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to equality_condis.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:equality_condis.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle equality_condis.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to equality_get_sem.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:equality_get_sem.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to equality_get_sem.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:equality_get_sem.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle equality_get_sem.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to exp_sem_equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:exp_sem_equality.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to exp_sem_equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:exp_sem_equality.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle exp_sem_equality.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to explimit_cl_equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:explimit_cl_equality.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to explimit_cl_equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:explimit_cl_equality.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle explimit_cl_equality.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to implication.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:implication.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to implication.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:implication.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle implication.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to intmap_set_disjoint.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:intmap_set_disjoint.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to intmap_set_disjoint.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:intmap_set_disjoint.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle intmap_set_disjoint.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to is_equal_not_propagated.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:is_equal_not_propagated.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to is_equal_not_propagated.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:is_equal_not_propagated.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle is_equal_not_propagated.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to ite_sem_bool.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:ite_sem_bool.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to ite_sem_bool.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:ite_sem_bool.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle ite_sem_bool.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to polyeq_genequality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:polyeq_genequality.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to polyeq_genequality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:polyeq_genequality.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle polyeq_genequality.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to substupfalse_equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:substupfalse_equality.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to substupfalse_equality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:substupfalse_equality.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle substupfalse_equality.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/unsat/ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/unsat/
index 0b7a4dca9..7bb19eb5e 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/unsat/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/solve/smt_uf/unsat/
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
 (rule (action (with-stdout-to oracle (echo "unsat\n"))))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to NEQ004_size4__decide_eq_us.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:NEQ004_size4__decide_eq_us.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to NEQ004_size4__decide_eq_us.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:NEQ004_size4__decide_eq_us.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle NEQ004_size4__decide_eq_us.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to deltaed0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:deltaed0.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to deltaed0.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:deltaed0.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle deltaed0.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to diff_to_value_for_bool.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:diff_to_value_for_bool.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to diff_to_value_for_bool.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:diff_to_value_for_bool.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle diff_to_value_for_bool.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to diff_value_substupfalse.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:diff_value_substupfalse.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to diff_value_substupfalse.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:diff_value_substupfalse.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle diff_value_substupfalse.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to distinct.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:distinct.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to distinct.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:distinct.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle distinct.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to eq_diamond2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:eq_diamond2.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to eq_diamond2.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:eq_diamond2.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle eq_diamond2.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to equality_norm_set.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:equality_norm_set.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to equality_norm_set.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:equality_norm_set.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle equality_norm_set.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to fundef.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:fundef.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to fundef.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:fundef.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle fundef.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to get_repr_at__instead_of__equal_CRepr.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:get_repr_at__instead_of__equal_CRepr.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to get_repr_at__instead_of__equal_CRepr.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:get_repr_at__instead_of__equal_CRepr.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle get_repr_at__instead_of__equal_CRepr.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to many_distinct.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:many_distinct.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to many_distinct.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:many_distinct.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle many_distinct.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to polyeq_genequality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:polyeq_genequality.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to polyeq_genequality.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:polyeq_genequality.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle polyeq_genequality.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to polyeq_genequality_deltaed.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:polyeq_genequality_deltaed.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to polyeq_genequality_deltaed.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:polyeq_genequality_deltaed.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle polyeq_genequality_deltaed.smt2.res)))
-(rule (action (with-stdout-to xor.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3000 %{dep:xor.smt2}))))
+(rule (action (with-stdout-to xor.smt2.res (run %{bin:colibri2} --max-steps 3500 %{dep:xor.smt2}))))
 (rule (alias runtest) (action (diff oracle xor.smt2.res)))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/ b/src_colibri2/tests/
index 51a9ce69f..686905671 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ let ($$) f x = f x
 let run = Scheduler.run_exn ~nodec:() ~theories
 let recognize_float32 _ =
-  let a = fresht (Ty.float 8 24) "a" in
-  let b = fresht (Ty.float 8 24) "b" in
-  let t = Term.eq a b in
+  let a = fresht (Expr.Ty.float 8 24) "a" in
+  let b = fresht (Expr.Ty.float 8 24) "b" in
+  let t = Expr.Term.eq a b in
   let an = Ground.convert a in
   let bn = Ground.convert b in
   let tn = Ground.convert t in
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ let recognize_float32 _ =
   assert_bool "a = b" (is_equal env an bn)
 let recognize_float64 _ =
-  let a = fresht (Ty.float 11 53) "a" in
-  let b = fresht (Ty.float 11 53) "b" in
-  let t = Term.eq a b in
+  let a = fresht (Expr.Ty.float 11 53) "a" in
+  let b = fresht (Expr.Ty.float 11 53) "b" in
+  let t = Expr.Term.eq a b in
   let an = Ground.convert a in
   let bn = Ground.convert b in
   let tn = Ground.convert t in
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ let recognize_float64 _ =
   assert_bool "a = b" (is_equal env an bn)
 let basic = "FP.Basic" &: [ recognize_float32; recognize_float64 ]
-let tests = test_list [basic]
\ No newline at end of file
+let tests = test_list [basic]
diff --git a/src_colibri2/tests/ b/src_colibri2/tests/
index 7126bab7c..07e0ada52 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/tests/
+++ b/src_colibri2/tests/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 open OUnit2
-open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Colibri2_core
 let debug = Debug.register_flag
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ let is_equal = Egraph.is_equal
 (** without decisions *)
 type t =
-  { wakeup_daemons    : Events.Wait.daemon_key Queue.t;
+  { wakeup_daemons    : Events.daemon_key Queue.t;
     solver_state      : Egraph.Backtrackable.t;
     context : Colibri2_stdlib.Context.context;
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/ b/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/
index 724351bf9..71a6e05cf 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module D = struct
     | One c -> fmt "%i(%a)" (Field.M.pp Node.pp) c.fields
   let key =
-    DomKind.create_key
+    Dom.Kind.create
       (module struct
         type nonrec t = t
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ module D = struct
     Egraph.set_dom d key n2 s
-let () = DomKind.register (module D)
+let () = Dom.register (module D)
 let upd_dom d n d2 =
   match Egraph.get_dom d D.key n with
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ end = struct
     Option.bind (Egraph.get_value d n') (Value.value key)
   let[@ocaml.always inline] set_value (type b)
-      (value : (module ValueKind.Registered with type s = b)) n'
-      (v' : b option option monad) : unit monad =
+      (value : (module Value.S with type s = b)) n' (v' : b option option monad)
+      : unit monad =
    fun d n ->
     if Node.equal n n' then ()
@@ -191,9 +191,8 @@ end = struct
   let[@ocaml.always inline] ( let+ ) a (f : 'b -> 'a) d n = f (a d n)
-let wait = Demon.Fast.register_simply "GotDomInterval"
 (** {2 Initialization} *)
 let converter d (f : Ground.t) =
   let r = Ground.node f in
   let reg n = Egraph.register d n in
@@ -202,19 +201,20 @@ let converter d (f : Ground.t) =
   | { app = { builtin = Expr.Tester { adt; case; _ }; _ }; args; _ } ->
       let e = IArray.extract1_exn args in
       reg e;
-      wait.for_value d Boolean.BoolValue.key r
-        (set e
-           (let+ vr = getb r in
-            if vr then D.Unk (Case.S.singleton case)
-            else
-              let s = Case.S.remove case (case_of_adt adt) in
-              if Case.S.is_empty s then (
-                Debug.dprintf4 Egraph.print_contradiction
-                  "[ADT] tester %a removed the only case %a of the type" Node.pp
-                  r Case.pp case;
-                Egraph.contradiction d)
-              else D.Unk s));
-      wait.for_dom d D.key e
+      Daemon.attach_value d r Boolean.BoolValue.key (fun d n _ ->
+          (set e
+             (let+ vr = getb r in
+              if vr then D.Unk (Case.S.singleton case)
+              else
+                let s = Case.S.remove case (case_of_adt adt) in
+                if Case.S.is_empty s then (
+                  Debug.dprintf4 Egraph.print_contradiction
+                    "[ADT] tester %a removed the only case %a of the type"
+                    Node.pp r Case.pp case;
+                  Egraph.contradiction d)
+                else D.Unk s))
+            d n);
+      Daemon.attach_dom d e D.key
         (setb r
            (let+ ve = get e in
             match ve with
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ let converter d (f : Ground.t) =
         upd_dom d e (One { case; fields = Field.M.singleton field r })
       let nothing _ = () in
-      wait.for_dom d D.key e
+      Daemon.attach_dom d e D.key
            (let+ ve = get e in
             match ve with
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/ b/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/
index 8fc328b3a..7ff8d2357 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/
@@ -48,16 +48,10 @@ module T' = struct
   include T
   include MkDatatype (T)
-  let key =
-    ValueKind.create_key
-      (module struct
-        include T
-        let name = "ADT.value"
-      end)
+  let name = "ADT.value"
-include ValueKind.Register (T')
+include Value.Register (T')
 let interp d n = Opt.get_exn Impossible (Egraph.get_value d n)
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/adt_value.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/adt_value.mli
index 65b7b6374..7b88e25c6 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/adt_value.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/ADT/adt_value.mli
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type ts = {
   fields : Value.t Field.M.t;
-include ValueKind.Registered with type s := ts
+include Value.S with type s := ts
 val th_register : Egraph.t -> unit
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ val propagate_value : Egraph.t -> Ground.t -> unit
 val sequence_of_cases :
   Egraph.t ->
-  Term.ty_const ->
+  Expr.Term.ty_const ->
   Ground.All.ty list ->
-  Ty.adt_case array ->
+  Expr.Ty.adt_case array ->
   int Base.Sequence.t ->
   Value.t Interp.SeqLim.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
index 413086f98..7da6179fb 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 open Fp_value
 module N32 = struct let name = "Float32" end
-module Float32 = ValueKind.Register(MakeFloat(Farith.B32)(N32))
+module Float32 = Value.Register(MakeFloat(Farith.B32)(N32))
 include Float32
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ let init_ty d =
 (* let init_check d = Interp.Register.check d (...) *)
 let init env =
-  init_ty env
\ No newline at end of file
+  init_ty env
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/float32.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/float32.mli
index 51b03a489..1b971f2a8 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/float32.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/float32.mli
@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-include ValueKind.Registered with type s = Farith.B32.t
+include Value.S with type s = Farith.B32.t
-val init : Egraph.t -> unit
\ No newline at end of file
+val init : Egraph.t -> unit
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
index 5150c7d99..eb1d80dce 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 open Fp_value
 module N64 = struct let name = "Float64" end
-module Float64 = ValueKind.Register(MakeFloat(Farith.B64)(N64))
+module Float64 = Value.Register(MakeFloat(Farith.B64)(N64))
 include Float64
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ let init_ty d =
 (* let init_check d = Interp.Register.check d (...) *)
 let init env =
-  init_ty env
\ No newline at end of file
+  init_ty env
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/float64.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/float64.mli
index 60539cac2..f17a8c646 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/float64.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/float64.mli
@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-include ValueKind.Registered with type s = Farith.B64.t
+include Value.S with type s = Farith.B64.t
 val init : Egraph.t -> unit
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
index 4a5142a5c..a40c709cb 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ open Popop_stdlib
 module type FloatName = sig val name : string end
-(** Extends a module of type [Farith.S] to be of type [ValueKind.Value] *)
+(** Extends a module of type [Farith.S] to be of type [Value.Kind.Value] *)
 module MakeFloat (F : Farith.S) (N : FloatName) = struct
   (** Extends a module of type [Farith.S] with [hash_fold_t] and [sexp_of_t] *)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module MakeFloat (F : Farith.S) (N : FloatName) = struct
   module S = Extset.MakeOfMap(M)
   module H = XHashtbl.Make(HF)
-  let key = ValueKind.create_key (module struct type t = F.t let name = end)
+  let name =
@@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ let posint_sequence_without_zero =
 (** Generate the sequence of positive integers (without 0) *)
 let posint_sequence =
-  Base.Sequence.shift_right posint_sequence_without_zero
\ No newline at end of file
+  Base.Sequence.shift_right posint_sequence_without_zero
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/fp_value.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/fp_value.mli
index 5d2caa0ee..876601c9f 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/FP/fp_value.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/FP/fp_value.mli
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ val posint_sequence : Z.t Base.Sequence.t
 (** Names (string) wrapped in a module *)
 module type FloatName = sig val name : string end
    Helper to extend a module of type [Farith.S] into a module of
-   type [ValueKind.Value]
+   type [Value.Kind.Value]
-module MakeFloat (F : Farith.S) (N : FloatName) : ValueKind.Value with type t = F.t
\ No newline at end of file
+module MakeFloat (F : Farith.S) (N : FloatName) : Colibri2_popop_lib.Popop_stdlib.NamedDatatype with type t = F.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/LRA.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/LRA.mli
index 040771d54..a958f427e 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/LRA.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/LRA.mli
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 module RealValue : sig
-  include ValueKind.Registered with type s = Q.t
+  include Value.S with type s = Q.t
   val cst': Q.t -> t
   val cst:  Q.t -> Node.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
index a9787bc8c..1670f393e 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
@@ -28,39 +28,15 @@ let debug = Debug.register_info_flag
 module D = Colibri2_theories_LRA_stages.Interval_domain
-let dom = DomKind.create_key (module struct type t = D.t let name = "ARITH" end)
+let dom = Dom.Kind.create (module struct type t = D.t let name = "ARITH" end)
-let () = DomKind.register(module struct
+let set_dom = Dom.lattice (module struct
     include D
     let key = dom
-    let merged i1 i2 =
-      match i1, i2 with
-      | None, None -> true
-      | Some i1, Some i2 -> D.equal i1 i2
-      | _ -> false
-    let merge d (i1,cl1) (i2,cl2) _ =
-      assert (not (Egraph.is_equal d cl1 cl2));
-      match i1, cl1, i2, cl2 with
-      | Some i1,_, Some i2,_ ->
-        begin match D.inter i1 i2 with
-          | None ->
-            Debug.dprintf8 Egraph.print_contradiction
-              "[LRA/Dom] The intersection of %a and %a is empty when merging %a and %a"
-              D.pp i1 D.pp i2
-              Node.pp cl1
-              Node.pp cl2;
-            Egraph.contradiction d
-          | Some i ->
-            if not (D.equal i i1) then
-              Egraph.set_dom d dom cl1 i;
-            if not (D.equal i i2) then
-              Egraph.set_dom d dom cl2 i
-        end
-      | Some i1, _, _, cl2 | _, cl2, Some i1, _ ->
-        Egraph.set_dom d dom cl2 i1
-      | None,_,None,_ -> raise Impossible
-  end)
+    let is_singleton d =
+ (fun x -> RealValue.nodevalue @@ RealValue.index x) (is_singleton d)
+  end
 let is_zero_or_positive d n =
   match Egraph.get_dom d dom n with
@@ -93,15 +69,6 @@ let is_integer d n =
   | None -> false
   | Some p -> D.is_integer p
-let set_dom d node v =
-  match D.is_singleton v with
-  | Some q ->
-    let cst = RealValue.cst' q in
-    Egraph.set_value d node (RealValue.nodevalue cst)
-  | None ->
-    (** the pexp must be in the dom *)
-    Egraph.set_dom d dom node v
 module ChoLRA = struct
   let make_decision node v env =
@@ -155,7 +122,7 @@ end = struct
   type 'a monad = Egraph.t -> Node.t -> 'a
   let [@ocaml.always inline] get_dom dom n' = fun d _ ->
     Egraph.get_dom d dom n'
-  let [@ocaml.always inline] set_dom (type b) (dom:b DomKind.t) n' v' d n =
+  let [@ocaml.always inline] set_dom (type b) (dom:b Dom.Kind.t) n' v' d n =
     if Node.equal n n' then () else
         (fun (v':b) -> Egraph.set_dom d dom n' v')
@@ -171,7 +138,7 @@ end = struct
     let* v = Egraph.get_value d n' in
     Value.value key v
   let [@ocaml.always inline] set_value (type b)
-      (value:(module ValueKind.Registered with type s = b))
+      (value:(module Value.S with type s = b))
       n' (v':b option option monad) : unit monad =
     fun d n ->
     if Node.equal n n' then () else
@@ -188,9 +155,6 @@ end = struct
-let wait =
-  Demon.Fast.register_simply "GotDomInterval"
 let neg_cmp = function
   | `Lt -> `Ge
   | `Le -> `Gt
@@ -224,8 +188,8 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
       set a  (let+ vb = get b and+ vr = getb r in
               backward (if vr then cmp else (neg_cmp cmp)) vb)
-    List.iter (fun n -> wait.for_dom d dom n wakeup) [a;b];
-    wait.for_value d Boolean.BoolValue.key r wakeup
+    List.iter (fun n -> Daemon.attach_dom d n dom wakeup) [a;b];
+    Daemon.attach_value d r Boolean.BoolValue.key (fun d n _ -> wakeup d n)
   match Ground.sem f with
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.Base; _ }; tyargs = _; args = _; ty }
@@ -243,7 +207,7 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
       set a (let+ vb = get b and+ vr = get r in D.minus vr vb) &&
       set b (let+ va = get a and+ vr = get r in D.minus vr va)
-    List.iter (fun n -> wait.for_dom d dom n wakeup) [a;b;r]
+    List.iter (fun n -> Daemon.attach_dom d n dom wakeup) [a;b;r]
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.Sub}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
     let (a,b) = IArray.extract2_exn args in
     reg a; reg b;
@@ -252,7 +216,7 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
       set a (let+ vb = get b and+ vr = get r in D.add vr vb) &&
       set b (let+ va = get a and+ vr = get r in D.minus va vr)
-    List.iter (fun n -> wait.for_dom d dom n wakeup) [a;b;r]
+    List.iter (fun n -> Daemon.attach_dom d n dom wakeup) [a;b;r]
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.Minus}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
     let a = IArray.extract1_exn args in
     reg a;
@@ -260,7 +224,7 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
       set r (let+ va = get a in D.mult_cst Q.minus_one va) &&
       set a (let+ vr = get r in D.mult_cst Q.minus_one vr)
-    List.iter (fun n -> wait.for_dom d dom n wakeup) [a;r]
+    List.iter (fun n -> Daemon.attach_dom d n dom wakeup) [a;r]
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.Lt}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
     let a,b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
     cmp (function | Uncomparable | Le -> None | Lt -> Some true | Ge | Gt -> Some false) `Lt a b
@@ -276,12 +240,11 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   | _ -> ()
 let init env =
-  Demon.Fast.register_init_daemon_value
-    ~name:"RealValueToDomInterval"
-    (module RealValue)
+  Daemon.attach_reg_value env
+    RealValue.key
     (fun d value ->
        let v = RealValue.value value in
        let s = D.singleton v in
        Egraph.set_dom d dom (RealValue.node value) s
-    ) env;
+    );
   Ground.register_converter env converter
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_interval.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_interval.mli
index d610137c3..2e5d10ea8 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_interval.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_interval.mli
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ val init: Egraph.t -> unit
 module D: sig type t end
-val dom : D.t DomKind.t
+val dom : D.t Dom.Kind.t
 val is_zero_or_positive: Egraph.t -> Node.t -> bool
 val is_not_zero: Egraph.t -> Node.t -> bool
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
index 539e44f5f..243272c3b 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ let debug = Debug.register_info_flag
   ~desc:"for the arithmetic theory of polynome"
-let dom = DomKind.create_key (module struct type t = Polynome.t let name = "ARITH_POLY" end)
+let dom = Dom.Kind.create (module struct type t = Polynome.t let name = "ARITH_POLY" end)
 module T = struct
   include Polynome
-  let key = ThTermKind.create_key (module struct type nonrec t = t let name = "SARITH_POLY" end)
+  let name = "SARITH_POLY"
-module ThE = ThTermKind.Register(T)
+module ThE = ThTerm.Register(T)
 let node_of_polynome t = ThE.node (ThE.index t)
@@ -215,13 +215,12 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   | _ -> ()
 let init env =
-    Demon.Fast.register_init_daemon_value
-    ~name:"RealValueToDomPoly"
-    (module RealValue)
+    Daemon.attach_reg_value env
+    RealValue.key
     (fun d value ->
        let v = RealValue.value value in
        let cl = RealValue.node value in
        let p1 = Polynome.of_list v [] in
        assume_poly_equality d cl p1
-    ) env;
+    );
     Ground.register_converter env converter
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_polynome.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_polynome.mli
index 1b28c48f4..bfd1d86e7 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_polynome.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_polynome.mli
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 val assume_poly_equality: Egraph.t -> Node.t -> Polynome.t -> unit
-val dom: Polynome.t DomKind.t
+val dom: Polynome.t Dom.Kind.t
 val init: Egraph.t -> unit
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
index f12b3a0ee..9ca609428 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ type t = {
 let pp fmt t = fmt "%a,%a" Product.pp t.repr Product.S.pp t.eqs
-let dom = DomKind.create_key (module struct type nonrec t = t let name = "ARITH_PROD" end)
+let dom = Dom.Kind.create (module struct type nonrec t = t let name = "ARITH_PROD" end)
 module T = struct
   include Product
-  let key = ThTermKind.create_key (module struct type nonrec t = t let name = "SARITH_PROD" end)
+  let name = "SARITH_PROD"
-module ThE = ThTermKind.Register(T)
+module ThE = ThTerm.Register(T)
 let node_of_product t = ThE.node (ThE.index t)
@@ -305,21 +305,18 @@ module ChangePos = struct
         let l = Th.part d (p.repr::Product.S.elements p.eqs) in
         let l = Lists.product l l in
         ignore (Th.solve d l))
-      ns;
-    None
-  type event = unit
-  let print_event = Unit.pp
-  let enqueue d = function
-    | Events.Fired.EventDom(n,dom',()) -> begin
-      assert (DomKind.equal Dom_interval.dom dom');
-      match Node.HC.Ro.find_opt used_in_poly d n with
-      | Some ns -> Events.Wait.EnqRun ns
-      | None -> Events.Wait.EnqAlready
-    end
-    | _ -> assert false
+      ns
   let delay = Events.Delayed_by 10
-  let key = Events.Dem.create_key (module struct type t = unit type d = Node.S.t
+  let key = Events.Dem.create (module struct type t = Node.S.t
       let name = "Dom_product.ChangePos" end)
+  let init d =
+    Events.attach_any_dom d Dom_interval.dom
+      (fun d n ->
+         match Node.HC.Ro.find_opt used_in_poly d n with
+         | Some ns -> Events.EnqRun (key,ns)
+         | None -> Events.EnqAlready)
 let () = Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module ChangePos)
@@ -351,9 +348,6 @@ let factorize res a coef b d _ =
   | _ -> ()
-let wait =
-  Demon.Fast.register_simply "GotDomInterval"
 (** {2 Initialization} *)
 let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   let res = Ground.node f in
@@ -366,7 +360,7 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.Div}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
     let num,den = IArray.extract2_exn args in
     reg num; reg den;
-    wait.for_dom d Dom_interval.dom den
+    Daemon.attach_dom d den Dom_interval.dom
       (fun d _ ->
          if Dom_interval.is_not_zero d den then
            assume_poly_equality d num (Product.of_list [res,;den,])
@@ -374,16 +368,15 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.Add}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
     let a,b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
     reg a; reg b;
-    List.iter (fun x -> wait.for_dom d dom x (factorize res a b)) [a;b]
+    List.iter (fun x -> Daemon.attach_dom d x dom (factorize res a b)) [a;b]
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.Sub}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
     let a,b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
     reg a; reg b;
-    List.iter (fun x -> wait.for_dom d dom x (factorize res a Q.minus_one b)) [a;b]
+    List.iter (fun x -> Daemon.attach_dom d x dom (factorize res a Q.minus_one b)) [a;b]
   | _ -> ()
 let init env =
-    Demon.Fast.register_any_change_domain_daemon
-      ~name:"DomPolyToDomProd"
+    Daemon.attach_any_dom env
       (fun d n ->
          match Egraph.get_dom d Dom_polynome.dom n with
@@ -394,10 +387,9 @@ let init env =
              if Q.equal q then
                let p1 = Product.of_list [cl,] in
                assume_poly_equality d n p1
-      ) env;
-    Demon.Fast.register_any_change_domain_daemon
-      ~name:"DomProdToDomPoly"
-      dom
+      );
+    Daemon.attach_any_dom env
+      Dom_polynome.dom
       (fun d n ->
          match Egraph.get_dom d dom n with
          | None -> ()
@@ -411,6 +403,6 @@ let init env =
            aux p.repr;
            Product.S.iter aux p.eqs
-      ) env;
+      );
     Ground.register_converter env converter;
-    Egraph.attach_any_dom env Dom_interval.dom ChangePos.key ()
+    ChangePos.init env
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_product.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_product.mli
index 06de5f286..df6be3b0c 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_product.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/dom_product.mli
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ val node_of_product: Product.t -> Node.t
 type t
-val dom: t DomKind.t
+val dom: t Dom.Kind.t
 val get_repr: Egraph.t -> Node.t -> Product.t option
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
index 4258775bb..a751a3b82 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
@@ -220,33 +220,28 @@ let fm (d:Egraph.t) =
   aux eqs vars
 module Daemon = struct
-  type event = unit
-  let print_event = Unit.pp
+  let key =
+    Events.Dem.create
+      ( module struct
+        type t = unit
+        let name = "LRA.fourier"
+      end )
   let enqueue d _ =
     if Datastructure.Ref.Ro.get scheduled d
-    then Events.Wait.EnqAlready
+    then Events.EnqAlready
     else begin
       Datastructure.Ref.Ro.set scheduled d true;
-      Events.Wait.EnqRun ()
+      Events.EnqRun (key,())
-  let key =
-    Events.Dem.create_key
-      ( module struct
-        type d = unit
-        type t = unit
-        let name = "LRA.fourier"
-      end )
   let delay = Events.Delayed_by 64
   type runable = unit
   let print_runable = Unit.pp
-  let run d () = fm d; None
+  let run d () = fm d
 let () = Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module Daemon)
@@ -257,11 +252,11 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   match Ground.sem f with
   | { app = {builtin = (Expr.Lt|Expr.Leq|Expr.Geq|Expr.Gt)}; tyargs = []; args } ->
     let attach n =
-      Egraph.attach_dom d n Dom_polynome.dom Daemon.key ();
-      Egraph.attach_node d n Daemon.key ();
+      Egraph.attach_dom d n Dom_polynome.dom Daemon.enqueue;
+      Egraph.attach_repr d n Daemon.enqueue;
     IArray.iter ~f:attach args;
-    Egraph.attach_value d (Ground.node f) Boolean.dom Daemon.key ();
+    Egraph.attach_value d (Ground.node f) Boolean.dom (fun d n _ -> Daemon.enqueue d n);
     Datastructure.Push.push comparisons d f;
     Egraph.register_delayed_event d Daemon.key ();
     Egraph.register_decision d (Boolean.chobool (Ground.node f))
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
index 415dd7e44..2d078b586 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
@@ -18,12 +18,11 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-let attach =
-  Demon.Fast.register_get_value_daemon
-    ~name:"Mul.get_value"
-    (module RealValue)
-    (fun d _ q (mul,other) ->
-       Dom_polynome.assume_poly_equality d mul (Polynome.monome q other)
+let attach d n (mul,other) =
+  Daemon.attach_value d n
+    RealValue.key
+    (fun d _ q ->
+       Dom_polynome.assume_poly_equality d mul (Polynome.monome (RealValue.value q) other)
 let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
index 4cc827f26..fa6ef5cdc 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ open Colibri2_core
 open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Colibri2_stdlib.Std
-module RealValue = ValueKind.Register(struct
+module RealValue = Value.Register(struct
     include Q
-    let key = ValueKind.create_key (module struct type t = Q.t let name = "Q" end)
+    let name = "Q"
 include RealValue
@@ -35,25 +35,11 @@ let cst c = node (cst' c)
 let zero = cst
 let one = cst
-let wait_for_this_node_get_a_value =
-  Demon.Fast.register_get_value_daemon
-    ~name:"GotRealValue"
-    ~pp:Fmt.nop
-    (module RealValue)
-    (fun d n v f -> f d n v)
-let wait_for_this_node_get_a_value_bool =
-  Demon.Fast.register_get_value_daemon
-    ~name:"GotRealValue.bool"
-    ~pp:Fmt.nop
-    (module Boolean.BoolValue)
-    (fun d n v f -> f d n v)
 module Monad : sig
   type ('a,'b) monad = Egraph.t -> Node.t -> 'a -> 'b
-  val get: Node.t -> (Q.t,Q.t option) monad
+  val get: Node.t -> (RealValue.t,Q.t option) monad
   val set: Node.t -> ('a,Q.t option) monad -> ('a,unit) monad
-  val getb: Node.t -> (bool,bool option) monad
+  val getb: Node.t -> (Boolean.BoolValue.t,bool option) monad
   val setb: Node.t -> ('a,bool option) monad -> ('a,unit) monad
   val (let+): ('a,'b option) monad -> ('b -> 'c) -> ('a,'c option) monad
   val (let*): ('a,'b option) monad -> ('b -> 'c option) -> ('a,'c option) monad
@@ -61,13 +47,17 @@ module Monad : sig
   val (&&): ('a,unit) monad -> ('a,unit) monad -> ('a,unit) monad
 end = struct
   type ('a,'b) monad = Egraph.t -> Node.t -> 'a -> 'b
-  let [@ocaml.always inline] get' key n' = fun d n v ->
-    if Node.equal n n' then Some v else
+  let [@ocaml.always inline] get' : type c b.
+      (module Value.S with type s = b and type t = c) ->
+      Node.t -> (c, b option) monad =
+    fun value n' d n v ->
+    let module V = (val value) in
+    if Node.equal n n' then Some (V.value v) else
       let open CCOpt in
       let* v = Egraph.get_value d n' in
-      Value.value key v
-  let [@ocaml.always inline] set' : type b.
-      (module ValueKind.Registered with type s = b) ->
+ ~f:V.value (V.of_nodevalue v)
+  let [@ocaml.always inline] set' : type c b.
+      (module Value.S with type s = b and type t = c) ->
     Node.t -> ('a,b option) monad -> ('a, unit) monad =
     fun value n' v' d n v ->
     let module V = (val value) in
@@ -75,9 +65,9 @@ end = struct
         (fun (v':b) -> Egraph.set_value d n' (V.nodevalue (V.index v')))
         (v' d n v)
-  let [@ocaml.always inline] get a = get' key a
+  let [@ocaml.always inline] get a = get' (module RealValue) a
   let [@ocaml.always inline] set a = set' (module RealValue) a
-  let getb a = get' Boolean.BoolValue.key a
+  let getb a = get' (module Boolean.BoolValue) a
   let setb a = set' (module Boolean.BoolValue) a
   let [@ocaml.always inline] (let+) a (f:'b -> 'a) = fun d n v -> f (a d n v)
   let [@ocaml.always inline] (let*) a (f:'b -> 'a option) = fun d n v -> Option.bind (a d n v) f
@@ -199,6 +189,9 @@ module Check = struct
     Interp.WatchArgs.create d f g
+let wait_for_this_node_get_a_value d n =
+  Daemon.attach_value d n RealValue.key
       (** {2 Initialization} *)
 let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   let r = Ground.node f in
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/realValue.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/realValue.mli
index 4bfd3fa33..0dc4824cb 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/realValue.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/LRA/realValue.mli
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-include ValueKind.Registered with type s = Q.t
+include Value.S with type s = Q.t
 val cst': Q.t -> t
 val cst:  Q.t -> Node.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/.ocamlformat-ignore b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/.ocamlformat-ignore
index 79df3ce7b..63183a891 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/.ocamlformat-ignore
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/.ocamlformat-ignore
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/ b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/
index 8598cef8e..fdcb9c426 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ let debug = Debug.register_info_flag
   ~desc:"for the boolean theory"
-let dom = ValueKind.create_key (module struct type t = bool let name = "bool" end)
-module BoolValue = ValueKind.Register(struct
+module BoolValue = Value.Register(struct
     include DBool
-    let key = dom
+    let name = "bool"
+let dom = BoolValue.key
 let value_true = BoolValue.index ~basename:"⊤" true
 let values_true = BoolValue.nodevalue value_true
 let node_true = BoolValue.node value_true
@@ -135,16 +135,10 @@ module TwoWatchLiteral = struct
     let print_runable = Fmt.nop
-    type event = t
-    let print_event fmt r = Ground.pp fmt r.ground
     let key =
-      Events.Dem.create_key
+      Events.Dem.create
         (module struct
-          type d = runable
-          type t = event
+          type t = runable
           let name = "Interp.TwoWatchLiteral"
@@ -176,32 +170,32 @@ module TwoWatchLiteral = struct
         if i = stop then LimitReached else
           check_if_equal_or_set d args absorbent incr stop i n
-    let attach d r i =
-      Egraph.Ro.attach_value d
-        (IArray.get (Ground.sem r.ground).args i) BoolValue.key key r;
-      Egraph.Ro.attach_node d (IArray.get (Ground.sem r.ground).args i) key r
+    let run d r = r d
-    let run d r = r d; None
+    let rec attach d r i =
+      Egraph.Ro.attach_value d
+        (IArray.get (Ground.sem r.ground).args i) BoolValue.key (fun d _ _ -> enqueue d r);
+      Egraph.Ro.attach_repr d (IArray.get (Ground.sem r.ground).args i) (fun d _ -> enqueue d r);
-    let enqueue d r =
+    and enqueue d r =
       let o_from_start = Context.Ref.get r.from_start in
       let o_from_end = Context.Ref.get r.from_end in
       let args = (Ground.sem r.ground).args in
-      if o_from_start = o_from_end then Events.Wait.EnqStopped
+      if o_from_start = o_from_end then Events.EnqStopped
         match Egraph.Ro.get_value d (Ground.node r.ground) with
         | Some v when not (Value.equal v r.absorbent) ->
           Context.Ref.set r.from_end o_from_start;
-          Events.Wait.EnqLast(fun d -> IArray.iter ~f:(fun a -> Egraph.set_value d a v) args)
+          Events.EnqLast(key,fun d -> IArray.iter ~f:(fun a -> Egraph.set_value d a v) args)
         | _ ->
           let n_end = IArray.get args o_from_end in
           match check_if_equal_or_set d args r.absorbent (+1) o_from_end o_from_start
                   n_end with
           | LimitReached ->
             Context.Ref.set r.from_start o_from_end;
-            Events.Wait.EnqLast(fun d -> Egraph.merge d n_end (Ground.node r.ground))
+            Events.EnqLast(key,fun d -> Egraph.merge d n_end (Ground.node r.ground))
           | Absorbent ->
-            Events.Wait.EnqLast(fun d -> Egraph.set_value d (Ground.node r.ground) r.absorbent)
+            Events.EnqLast(key,fun d -> Egraph.set_value d (Ground.node r.ground) r.absorbent)
           | ToWatch from_start ->
             if from_start <> o_from_start then (
               Context.Ref.set r.from_start from_start;
@@ -211,22 +205,15 @@ module TwoWatchLiteral = struct
             match check_if_equal_or_set d args r.absorbent (-1) from_start o_from_end n_start with
             | LimitReached ->
               Context.Ref.set r.from_end from_start;
-              Events.Wait.EnqLast (fun d -> Egraph.merge d n_start (Ground.node r.ground))
+              Events.EnqLast (key,fun d -> Egraph.merge d n_start (Ground.node r.ground))
             | Absorbent ->
-              Events.Wait.EnqLast (fun d -> Egraph.set_value d (Ground.node r.ground) r.absorbent)
+              Events.EnqLast (key,fun d -> Egraph.set_value d (Ground.node r.ground) r.absorbent)
             | ToWatch from_end when from_end = o_from_end ->
-              Events.Wait.EnqAlready
+              Events.EnqAlready
             | ToWatch from_end ->
               Context.Ref.set r.from_end from_end;
               attach d r from_end;
-              Events.Wait.EnqAlready
-    let enqueue d event =
-      match event with
-      | Events.Fired.EventValue (_, _, r)
-      | Events.Fired.EventChange  (_, r) ->
-        enqueue d r
-      | _ -> raise Impossible
+              Events.EnqAlready
     let create d absorbent ground =
       let args = (Ground.sem ground).args in
@@ -273,13 +260,8 @@ module TwoWatchLiteral = struct
   let create = Daemon.create
-let wait_for_this_node_get_a_value =
-  Demon.Fast.register_get_value_daemon
-    ~name:"GotBoolValue.bool"
-    ~pp:Fmt.nop
-    (module BoolValue)
-    (fun d n v f -> f d n v)
+let wait_for_this_node_get_a_value d n =
+    Daemon.attach_value d n BoolValue.key
 let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   let res = Ground.node f in
@@ -302,12 +284,13 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
     let a,b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
     reg_args args;
     let wait d n v =
-      if Node.equal n res then
+      let v = BoolValue.value v in
+      if Egraph.is_equal d n res then
         if not v then (set_bool d a true; set_bool d b false);
-      if Node.equal n a then
-        (if v then (if is_true d res then set_bool d b true)
+      if Egraph.is_equal d n a then
+        (if v then Egraph.merge d res b
          else set_bool d res true);
-      if Node.equal n b then
+      if Egraph.is_equal d n b then
         if v then set_bool d res true
         else if is_true d res then set_bool d a false
@@ -315,8 +298,8 @@ let converter d (f:Ground.t) =
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.Neg}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
     let a = IArray.extract1_exn args in
     reg_args args;
-    wait_for_this_node_get_a_value d a (fun d _ v -> set_bool d res (not v));
-    wait_for_this_node_get_a_value d res (fun d _ v -> set_bool d a (not v))
+    wait_for_this_node_get_a_value d a (fun d _ v -> set_bool d res (not (BoolValue.value v)));
+    wait_for_this_node_get_a_value d res (fun d _ v -> set_bool d a (not (BoolValue.value v)))
   | { app = {builtin = Expr.True}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
     assert ( IArray.is_empty args);
     reg _true
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/boolean.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/boolean.mli
index b44c27b84..013097eb5 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/boolean.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/boolean.mli
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-val dom: bool ValueKind.t
 val _true : Node.t
 val _false : Node.t
 val _and  : Node.t list -> Node.t
@@ -44,7 +42,9 @@ val chobool: Node.t -> Egraph.choice
 (* val make_dec: Variable.make_dec *)
-module BoolValue : ValueKind.Registered with type s = bool
+module BoolValue : Value.S with type s = bool
+val dom: (bool,BoolValue.t) Value.Kind.t
 val value_true : BoolValue.t
 val value_false: BoolValue.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/ b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/
index 8afe5938c..0819e5929 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/
@@ -22,143 +22,183 @@ open Colibri2_popop_lib
 open Popop_stdlib
 open Colibri2_core
-let debug = Debug.register_info_flag
-  ~desc:"for the equality and disequality predicate"
-  "disequality"
+let debug =
+  Debug.register_info_flag ~desc:"for the equality and disequality predicate"
+    "disequality"
 (** {2 theory term} *)
-type t = Node.S.t
 (** Is there two elements equal *)
-let sem = ThTermKind.create_key (module struct type nonrec t = t let name = "Eq" end)
 module Th = struct
   let inv s = not (Node.M.is_empty s || Node.M.is_num_elt 1 s)
   let only_two s =
     assert (inv s);
     if Node.M.is_num_elt 2 s then
       let enum = Node.M.start_enum s in
-      let (cl1,()), enum = Opt.get (Node.M.val_enum enum), Node.M.next_enum enum in
-      let (cl2,())       = Opt.get (Node.M.val_enum enum) in
-      Some (cl1,cl2)
+      let (cl1, ()), enum =
+        (Opt.get (Node.M.val_enum enum), Node.M.next_enum enum)
+      in
+      let cl2, () = Opt.get (Node.M.val_enum enum) in
+      Some (cl1, cl2)
     else None
   module T : OrderedHashedType with type t = Node.S.t = struct
     include Node.S
-    let hash s = Node.S.fold (fun e acc -> Hashcons.combine acc (Node.hash e)) s 29
+    let hash s =
+      Node.S.fold (fun e acc -> Hashcons.combine acc (Node.hash e)) s 29
     let pp fmt s =
       assert (inv s);
       match only_two s with
-      | Some (cl1,cl2) ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "%a=@,%a" Node.pp cl1 Node.pp cl2
+      | Some (cl1, cl2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a=@,%a" Node.pp cl1 Node.pp cl2
       | None ->
-        let aux fmt m = Node.S.elements m
-                        |> Format.(list ~sep:(const char ',') Node.pp) fmt
-        in
-        Format.fprintf fmt "or=(%a)" aux s
+          let aux fmt m =
+            Node.S.elements m |> Format.(list ~sep:(const char ',') Node.pp) fmt
+          in
+          Format.fprintf fmt "or=(%a)" aux s
   include T
-  include MkDatatype(T)
-  let key = sem
+  include MkDatatype (T)
+  let name = "Eq"
-module ThE = ThTermKind.Register(Th)
+module ThE = ThTerm.Register (Th)
 (** {2 disequality domains} *)
 module Dis : sig
   type t
   type elt
-  val pp: t Format.printer
-  val pp_elt: elt Format.printer
-  val empty: t
-  val of_node: ThE.t -> elt
-  val to_node: elt -> ThE.t
-  val test_disjoint: (elt -> unit) -> t -> t -> t
+  val pp : t Format.printer
+  val pp_elt : elt Format.printer
+  val empty : t
+  val of_node : ThE.t -> elt
+  val to_node : elt -> ThE.t
+  val test_disjoint : (elt -> unit) -> t -> t -> t
   val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
   val singleton : elt -> t
   val inter : t -> t -> t
   val is_empty : t -> bool
   val choose : t -> elt
   val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
 end = struct
   type t = ThE.S.t
   type elt = ThE.t
   let empty = ThE.S.empty
   let pp_elt = ThE.pp
   let pp fmt s =
     let aux fmt m =
       ThE.M.bindings m
-      |> Format.(list ~sep:(const char ';')
-                   (pair ~sep:(const char ',') ThE.pp Pp.nothing)) fmt
+      |> Format.(
+           list ~sep:(const char ';')
+             (pair ~sep:(const char ',') ThE.pp Pp.nothing))
+           fmt
     Format.fprintf fmt "{%a}" aux s
   let of_node x = x
   let to_node x = x
   let test_disjoint f m1 m2 =
-    ThE.M.union (fun k () () -> f k; Some ()) m1 m2
+    ThE.M.union
+      (fun k () () ->
+        f k;
+        Some ())
+      m1 m2
   let disjoint = ThE.S.disjoint
   let singleton = ThE.S.singleton
   let is_empty = ThE.S.is_empty
   let inter m1 m2 = ThE.S.inter m1 m2
   let choose m1 = ThE.S.choose m1
   let iter = ThE.S.iter
-let dom = DomKind.create_key (module struct type t = Dis.t let name = "dis" end)
+let dom =
+  Dom.Kind.create
+    (module struct
+      type t = Dis.t
-(** For each value key give the value *)
-module MValues = ValueKind.MkMap(struct type ('a, _) t = 'a end)
+      let name = "dis"
+    end)
 module D = struct
   type t = Dis.t
-  let merged (b1:t option) (b2 :t option) =
-    match b1,b2 with
-    | Some b1, Some b2 -> Equal.physical b1 b2 (** not Dis.equality *)
+  let merged (b1 : t option) (b2 : t option) =
+    match (b1, b2) with
+    | Some b1, Some b2 -> Equal.physical b1 b2 (* not Dis.equality *)
     (* Really? Explanation needed...*)
     | None, None -> true
     | _ -> false
-  let merge d (s1,cl1) (s2,cl2) _ =
-    match s1, s2 with
+  let merge d (s1, cl1) (s2, cl2) _ =
+    match (s1, s2) with
     | None, None -> raise Impossible
-    | Some s, None ->
-      Egraph.set_dom d dom cl2 s
-    | None, Some s ->
-      Egraph.set_dom d dom cl1 s
+    | Some s, None -> Egraph.set_dom d dom cl2 s
+    | None, Some s -> Egraph.set_dom d dom cl1 s
     | Some s1, Some s2 ->
-      let s = Dis.test_disjoint (fun c ->
-          Debug.dprintf6 Egraph.print_contradiction
-            "[Equality] The currently merged %a and %a are different since %a"
-            Node.pp cl1 Node.pp cl2 Dis.pp_elt c;
-          Egraph.contradiction d) s1 s2 in
-      Egraph.set_dom d dom cl1 s;
-      Egraph.set_dom d dom cl2 s
+        let s =
+          Dis.test_disjoint
+            (fun c ->
+              Debug.dprintf6 Egraph.print_contradiction
+                "[Equality] The currently merged %a and %a are different since \
+                 %a"
+                Node.pp cl1 Node.pp cl2 Dis.pp_elt c;
+              Egraph.contradiction d)
+            s1 s2
+        in
+        Egraph.set_dom d dom cl1 s;
+        Egraph.set_dom d dom cl2 s
   let pp fmt s = Dis.pp fmt s
   let key = dom
-let () = DomKind.register(module D)
+let () = Dom.register (module D)
 let set_dom d cl s =
-  let s = match Egraph.get_dom d dom cl with
+  let s =
+    match Egraph.get_dom d dom cl with
     | Some s' ->
-      Debug.dprintf4 debug "[%a %a]" Dis.pp s Dis.pp s';
-      Dis.test_disjoint (fun _ -> (* append if after a decision the truth value
-                                     is set before removing the daemon *)()) s' s
-    | None -> s in
+        Debug.dprintf4 debug "[%a %a]" Dis.pp s Dis.pp s';
+        Dis.test_disjoint
+          (fun _ ->
+            (* append if after a decision the truth value
+               is set before removing the daemon *)
+            ())
+          s' s
+    | None -> s
+  in
   Egraph.set_dom d dom cl s
 let check_sem v cl =
@@ -172,333 +212,225 @@ let equality cll =
     let fold acc e = Node.S.add_new Exit e acc in
     let s = List.fold_left fold Node.S.empty cll in
     ThE.node (ThE.index s)
-  with Exit ->
-    Boolean._true
+  with Exit -> Boolean._true
 let disequality cll = Boolean._not (equality cll)
 let is_equal t cl1 cl2 = Egraph.is_equal t cl1 cl2
 let is_disequal t cl1 cl2 =
-  not (Egraph.is_equal t cl1 cl2) &&
+  (not (Egraph.is_equal t cl1 cl2))
+  &&
   let dom1 = Egraph.get_dom t dom cl1 in
   let dom2 = Egraph.get_dom t dom cl2 in
-  match dom1, dom2 with
+  match (dom1, dom2) with
   | Some s1, Some s2 -> not (Dis.disjoint s1 s2)
   | _ -> false
+(** each instance of this tag must not be == *)
 let new_tag n =
   let n = Dis.of_node n in
-  n, fun () -> Dis.singleton n (** each instance of this tag must not be == *)
+  (n, fun () -> Dis.singleton n)
 exception Found of Node.t * Node.t
 let find_not_disequal d s =
-  let is_disequal (dis1,values1) (dis2,values2) =
-    (match dis1, dis2 with
-     | Some dis1, Some dis2 when not (Dis.disjoint dis1 dis2) -> true
-     | _ -> false) ||
-    (match values1, values2 with
-     | Some v1, Some v2 -> not (Value.equal v1 v2)
-     | _ -> false)
+  let is_disequal (dis1, values1) (dis2, values2) =
+    (match (dis1, dis2) with
+    | Some dis1, Some dis2 when not (Dis.disjoint dis1 dis2) -> true
+    | _ -> false)
+    ||
+    match (values1, values2) with
+    | Some v1, Some v2 -> not (Value.equal v1 v2)
+    | _ -> false
   let get_dis_and_values cl =
-    Egraph.get_dom d dom cl,
-    Egraph.get_value d cl
+    (Egraph.get_dom d dom cl, Egraph.get_value d cl)
   assert (Th.inv s);
   let rec inner_loop cl1 s1 enum2 =
-    match enum2, s1 with
-    | [],_ -> ()
-    | (_,d1)::enum2,d2 when is_disequal d1 d2 ->
-      inner_loop cl1 s1 enum2
-    | (cl2,_)::_,_ ->
-      raise (Found (cl1,cl2))
+    match (enum2, s1) with
+    | [], _ -> ()
+    | (_, d1) :: enum2, d2 when is_disequal d1 d2 -> inner_loop cl1 s1 enum2
+    | (cl2, _) :: _, _ -> raise (Found (cl1, cl2))
   let rec outer_loop enum1 =
     match enum1 with
     | [] -> ()
-    | (cl1,s1)::enum1 ->
-      inner_loop cl1 s1 enum1;
-      outer_loop enum1 in
+    | (cl1, s1) :: enum1 ->
+        inner_loop cl1 s1 enum1;
+        outer_loop enum1
+  in
-    let s = Node.M.fold_left (fun acc cl () ->
-        (cl,get_dis_and_values cl)::acc) [] s in
+    let s =
+      Node.M.fold_left
+        (fun acc cl () -> (cl, get_dis_and_values cl) :: acc)
+        [] s
+    in
     outer_loop s;
-    (** Here we are keeping data because currently
+    (* Here we are keeping data because currently
         we are not keeping data for domains globally *)
     `AllDiff s
-  with Found (cl1,cl2) ->
-    `Found (cl1,cl2)
+  with Found (cl1, cl2) -> `Found (cl1, cl2)
 let norm_set d the =
   let v = ThE.sem the in
   let own = ThE.node the in
-    ignore (Node.S.fold_left (fun acc e0 ->
-        let e = Egraph.find_def d e0 in
-        Node.M.add_change (fun _ -> e0)
-            (fun e0 e0' -> raise (Found(e0',e0)))
-            e e0 acc)
-        Node.M.empty v);
+    ignore
+      (Node.S.fold_left
+         (fun acc e0 ->
+           let e = Egraph.find_def d e0 in
+           Node.M.add_change
+             (fun _ -> e0)
+             (fun e0 e0' -> raise (Found (e0', e0)))
+             e e0 acc)
+         Node.M.empty v);
-  with Found (_e1,_e2) ->
-    (** TODO remove that and choose what to do. ex: int real *)
+  with Found (_e1, _e2) ->
+    (* TODO remove that and choose what to do. ex: int real *)
     Boolean.set_true d own;
 module ChoEquals = struct
-  let make_equal the (cl1,cl2) d =
+  let make_equal the (cl1, cl2) d =
     Debug.dprintf6 Egraph.print_decision
-      "[Equality] @[decide on merge of %a and %a in %a@]"
-      Node.pp cl1 Node.pp cl2 ThE.pp the;
+      "[Equality] @[decide on merge of %a and %a in %a@]" Node.pp cl1 Node.pp
+      cl2 ThE.pp the;
     Egraph.register d cl1;
     Egraph.register d cl2;
     Egraph.merge d cl1 cl2
-  let make_disequal the (cl1,cl2) d =
+  let make_disequal the (cl1, cl2) d =
     Debug.dprintf6 Egraph.print_decision
-      "[Equality] @[decide on merge of %a and %a in %a@]"
-      Node.pp cl1 Node.pp cl2 ThE.pp the;
+      "[Equality] @[decide on merge of %a and %a in %a@]" Node.pp cl1 Node.pp
+      cl2 ThE.pp the;
     Egraph.register d cl1;
     Egraph.register d cl2;
     let _dis, stag = new_tag the in
-    List.iter (fun cl -> set_dom d cl (stag ())) [cl1;cl2]
+    List.iter (fun cl -> set_dom d cl (stag ())) [ cl1; cl2 ]
   let choose_decision the d =
     let v = ThE.sem the in
     let own = ThE.node the in
-      Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Equality] @[dec on %a for %a@]"
-        Node.pp own ThE.pp the;
-      if Boolean.is_false d own
-      then Egraph.DecNo
-      else if norm_set d the
-      then Egraph.DecNo
-      else
-        match find_not_disequal d v with
-        | `AllDiff _ ->
+    Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Equality] @[dec on %a for %a@]" Node.pp own ThE.pp
+      the;
+    if Boolean.is_false d own then Egraph.DecNo
+    else if norm_set d the then Egraph.DecNo
+    else
+      match find_not_disequal d v with
+      | `AllDiff _ ->
           Boolean.set_false d own;
-        | `Found (cl1,cl2) ->
-          DecTodo [make_equal the (cl1,cl2);make_disequal the (cl1,cl2)]
-  let mk_choice the = {
-    Egraph.choice = choose_decision the;
-    prio = 1;
-  }
+      | `Found (cl1, cl2) ->
+          DecTodo [ make_equal the (cl1, cl2); make_disequal the (cl1, cl2) ]
+  let mk_choice the = { Egraph.choice = choose_decision the; prio = 1 }
 let norm_dom d the =
   let v = ThE.sem the in
   let own = ThE.node the in
-  if norm_set d the
-  then Demon.AliveStopped
-  else begin
-    Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Equality] @[norm_dom %a %a@]"
-      Node.pp own Th.pp v;
+  if norm_set d the then DaemonWithKey.Stop
+  else (
+    Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Equality] @[norm_dom %a %a@]" Node.pp own Th.pp v;
     match d own with
     | Some false ->
-      let _dis, stag = new_tag the in
-      Debug.dprintf2 debug "[Dis: %a]" Dis.pp (stag ());
-      Node.S.iter (fun cl -> set_dom d cl (stag ())) v;
-      Demon.AliveStopped
-    | Some true ->
-      begin match Th.only_two v with
-        | Some (cl1,cl2) ->
-          Egraph.merge d cl1 cl2; Demon.AliveStopped
-        | None ->
-          match find_not_disequal d v with
-          | `AllDiff _ ->
-            Boolean.set_false d own; (** contradiction *)
-            raise Impossible
-          | `Found _ ->
-            Demon.AliveStopped
-      end
-    | None ->
-      match find_not_disequal d v with
-      | `AllDiff _ ->
-        Boolean.set_false d own;
-        Demon.AliveStopped
-      | `Found _ -> (** they are still not proved disequal *)
-        Demon.AliveReattached
-  end
+        let _dis, stag = new_tag the in
+        Debug.dprintf2 debug "[Dis: %a]" Dis.pp (stag ());
+        Node.S.iter (fun cl -> set_dom d cl (stag ())) v;
+        DaemonWithKey.Stop
+    | Some true -> (
+        match Th.only_two v with
+        | Some (cl1, cl2) ->
+            Egraph.merge d cl1 cl2;
+            DaemonWithKey.Stop
+        | None -> (
+            match find_not_disequal d v with
+            | `AllDiff _ ->
+                Boolean.set_false d own;
+                (* contradiction *)
+                raise Impossible
+            | `Found _ -> DaemonWithKey.Stop))
+    | None -> (
+        match find_not_disequal d v with
+        | `AllDiff _ ->
+            Boolean.set_false d own;
+            DaemonWithKey.Stop
+        | `Found _ ->
+            (* they are still not proved disequal *)
+            DaemonWithKey.Wait))
 (** Propagation *)
-module DaemonPropa = struct
-  let key = Demon.Key.create "Equality.DaemonPropa"
-  module Key = Th
-  module Data = DUnit
-  type info = unit let default = ()
+module DaemonPropa = Demon.Key.Register (struct
+  module Key = ThE
   let delay = Events.Delayed_by 1
-  let wakeup d v _ev () =
-    norm_dom d (ThE.index v)
-module RDaemonPropa = Demon.Key.Register(DaemonPropa)
-module DaemonInit = struct
-  let key = Demon.Key.create "Equality.DaemonInit"
-  module Key = DUnit
-  module Data = DUnit
-  type info = unit let default = ()
-  let delay = Events.Immediate
-  let wakeup d () ev () =
-    List.iter
-      (function Events.Fired.EventRegSem(clsem,()) ->
-        begin
-          let clsem = ThE.coerce_thterm clsem in
-          let v = ThE.sem clsem in
-          let own = ThE.node clsem in
-          Node.S.iter (Egraph.register d) v;
-          let r = norm_dom d clsem in
-          begin match r with
-          | Demon.AliveReattached ->
-            let events = Node.S.fold (fun cl acc ->
-              (Demon.Create.EventChange(cl,()))::
-              (Demon.Create.EventDom(cl,dom,()))::
-              (Demon.Create.EventAnyValue(cl,()))::
-              acc
-              ) v [] in
-            let events = Demon.Create.EventValue(own,Boolean.dom,())::events in
-            Demon.Key.attach d DaemonPropa.key v events;
-            if true (* GenEquality.dodec (Th.get_ty v) *) then begin
-              Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Equality] @[ask_dec on %a for %a@]"
-                Node.pp own Th.pp v;
-              Egraph.register_decision d (ChoEquals.mk_choice clsem)
-            end
-          | _ -> ()
-          end
-        end
-      | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-      ) ev;
-    Demon.AliveReattached
-module RDaemonInit = Demon.Key.Register(DaemonInit)
+  let run = norm_dom
+  let name = "Equality.DaemonPropa"
+let attach_new_equalities d =
+  Daemon.attach_reg_sem d ThE.key (fun d clsem ->
+      let v = ThE.sem clsem in
+      let own = ThE.node clsem in
+      Node.S.iter (Egraph.register d) v;
+      let r = norm_dom d clsem in
+      match r with
+      | DaemonWithKey.Wait ->
+          Node.S.iter
+            (fun cl ->
+              DaemonPropa.attach_repr d cl clsem;
+              DaemonPropa.attach_dom d cl dom clsem;
+              DaemonPropa.attach_any_value d cl clsem)
+            v;
+          DaemonPropa.attach_value d own Boolean.dom clsem;
+          if true (* GenEquality.dodec (Th.get_ty v) *) then (
+            Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Equality] @[ask_dec on %a for %a@]" Node.pp
+              own Th.pp v;
+            Egraph.register_decision d (ChoEquals.mk_choice clsem))
+      | _ -> ())
 (** ITE *)
-module ITE = struct
-  module TITE = struct
-    type t = {cond: Node.t; then_: Node.t; else_: Node.t}
-    [@@deriving eq,ord,hash]
-    let pp fmt x =
-      Format.fprintf fmt "ite(%a,%a,%a)"
-        Node.pp x.cond Node.pp x.then_ Node.pp x.else_
-  end
-  include TITE
-  include MkDatatype(TITE)
-  let key = ThTermKind.create_key (module struct type nonrec t = t let name = "ite" end)
-type ite = ITE.t = {cond: Node.t; then_: Node.t; else_: Node.t}
-module EITE = ThTermKind.Register(ITE)
+let simplify d own cond then_ else_ =
+  let branch = if cond then then_ else else_ in
+  (* Egraph.register d branch; *)
+  Egraph.merge d own branch
-let ite cond then_ else_ =
-  Node.index_sem ITE.key { cond; then_; else_}
+let delay = Events.Delayed_by 1
-module DaemonPropaITE = struct
-  let key = Demon.Fast.create "ITE.propa"
+let throttle = 100
-  module Data = EITE
-  let simplify d the b =
-    let v = EITE.sem the in
-    let own = EITE.node the in
-    let branch = if b then v.then_ else v.else_ in
-    Egraph.register d branch;
-    Egraph.merge d own branch
-  let delay = Events.Delayed_by 1
-  let throttle = 100
-  let wakeup d = function
-    | Events.Fired.EventValue(cond,_,clsem) ->
-      let v = EITE.sem clsem in
-      assert (Egraph.is_equal d cond v.cond);
-      begin match d v.cond with
-        | None -> assert false
-        | Some b -> simplify d clsem b
-      end
-    | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-module RDaemonPropaITE = Demon.Fast.Register(DaemonPropaITE)
-module DaemonInitITE = struct
-  let key = Demon.Fast.create "ITE.init"
-  module Key = DUnit
-  module Data = DUnit
-  let delay = Events.Delayed_by 1
-  let throttle = 100
-  let wakeup d = function
-    | Events.Fired.EventRegSem(clsem,()) ->
-      begin
-        let clsem = EITE.coerce_thterm clsem in
-        let v = EITE.sem clsem in
-        let own = EITE.node clsem in
-        match d v.cond with
-        | Some b ->
-          DaemonPropaITE.simplify d clsem b
-        | None ->
-          let clsem = EITE.index v in
-          assert (Node.equal (EITE.node clsem) own);
-          Egraph.register d v.cond;
-          Egraph.register d v.then_;
-          Egraph.register d v.else_;
-          Egraph.register_decision d (Boolean.chobool v.cond);
-          let events = [Demon.Create.EventValue(v.cond,Boolean.dom,clsem)] in
-          Demon.Fast.attach d DaemonPropaITE.key events
-    end
-    | _ -> raise UnwaitedEvent
-module RDaemonInitITE = Demon.Fast.Register(DaemonInitITE)
+let new_ite d own cond then_ else_ =
+  Daemon.attach_value d cond Boolean.dom (fun d _ v ->
+      simplify d own (Boolean.BoolValue.value v) then_ else_)
 (** {2 Link between diff and values} *)
 (** If can't be a value it they share a diff tag, are different *)
 (** Give for a node the values that are different *)
-let iter_on_value_different
-    ~they_are_different
-    (d:Egraph.t)
-    (own:Node.t) =
+let iter_on_value_different ~they_are_different (d : Egraph.t) (own : Node.t) =
   let dis = Opt.get_def Dis.empty (Egraph.get_dom d dom own) in
   let iter elt =
     let iter n =
       if not (Egraph.is_equal d own n) then
         match Egraph.get_value d n with
         | None -> ()
-        | Some v ->
-          they_are_different n v
+        | Some v -> they_are_different n v
     Node.S.iter iter (ThE.sem (Dis.to_node elt))
   Dis.iter iter dis
 (** Give for a value the nodes that are different *)
-let init_diff_to_value (type a) (type b)
-    ?(already_registered=([]: b list))
-    d0
-    ((module Val): (module Colibri2_core.ValueKind.Registered with type s = a and type t = b))
-    ~(they_are_different:(Egraph.t -> Node.t -> a -> unit)) =
+let init_diff_to_value (type a b) ?(already_registered = ([] : b list)) d0
+    (module Val : Colibri2_core.Value.S with type s = a and type t = b)
+    ~(they_are_different : Egraph.t -> Node.t -> a -> unit) =
   let propagate_diff d v =
     let own = Val.node v in
     let dis = Opt.get_def Dis.empty (Egraph.get_dom d dom own) in
@@ -511,133 +443,85 @@ let init_diff_to_value (type a) (type b)
     Dis.iter iter dis
-  let key = Demon.Fast.create (Format.asprintf "DiffToValue.%a" ValueKind.pp Val.key)
-  in
-  let module D = Demon.Fast.Register(struct
-      module Data = Val
-      let key = key
-      let throttle = 100
-      let delay = Events.Delayed_by 1
-      let wakeup d = function
-        | Events.Fired.EventDom(_,_,v) ->
-          propagate_diff d v
-        | _ -> raise Impossible
-    end)
-  in
-  let init d (v:Val.t) =
+  let init d (v : Val.t) =
     propagate_diff d v;
-    Demon.Fast.attach d key [Demon.Create.EventDom(Val.node v,dom,v)]
+    Daemon.attach_dom d (Val.node v) dom (fun d _ -> propagate_diff d v)
-  Demon.Fast.register_init_daemon_value
-    ~name:(Format.asprintf "DiffToValue.Init.%a" ValueKind.pp Val.key)
-    (module Val)
-    init
-    d0;
   List.iter (init d0) already_registered
 (** {3 For booleans} *)
 (* Since the module Bool is linked before *)
 let bool_init_diff_to_value d =
-  init_diff_to_value
-    d (module Boolean.BoolValue)
+  init_diff_to_value d
+    (module Boolean.BoolValue)
     ~they_are_different:(fun d n b ->
-        if not b then Boolean.set_true d n
-        else Boolean.set_false d n
-      )
-    ~already_registered:[Boolean.value_true;Boolean.value_false]
+      if not b then Boolean.set_true d n else Boolean.set_false d n)
+    ~already_registered:[ Boolean.value_true; Boolean.value_false ]
 (** {2 Interpretations} *)
-(* let () =
- *   let interp ~interp t =
- *     try
- *       let fold acc e = Value.S.add_new Exit (interp e) acc in
- *       let _ = Node.S.fold_left fold Value.S.empty t in
- *       Boolean.values_false
- *     with Exit ->
- *       Boolean.values_true
- *   in
- *   Interp.Register.thterm sem interp
- * 
- * let () =
- *   let interp ~interp (t:ITE.t) =
- *     let c = Boolean.BoolValue.value (Boolean.BoolValue.coerce_nodevalue (interp t.cond)) in
- *     if c then interp t.then_ else interp t.else_
- *   in
- *   Interp.Register.thterm ITE.key interp *)
 let init_check d =
   Interp.Register.check d (fun d t ->
       let interp n = Opt.get_exn Impossible (Egraph.get_value d n) in
-      let (!>) n =
-        Boolean.BoolValue.value
-          (Boolean.BoolValue.coerce_nodevalue (interp n))
+      let ( !> ) n =
+        Boolean.BoolValue.value (Boolean.BoolValue.coerce_nodevalue (interp n))
-      let check r =
-        Some (Value.equal r (interp (Ground.node t)))
-      in
-      let (!<) b =
+      let check r = Some (Value.equal r (interp (Ground.node t))) in
+      let ( !< ) b =
         let r = if b then Boolean.values_true else Boolean.values_false in
         check r
       match Ground.sem t with
-      | { app = {builtin = Expr.Equal}; tyargs = [_]; args; ty = _ } ->
-        assert (IArray.not_empty args);
-        !< (IArray.for_alli_non_empty_exn ~init:interp ~f:(fun _ a t -> Value.equal a (interp t)) args)
-      | { app = {builtin = Expr.Equiv}; tyargs = [_]; args; ty = _ } ->
-        let a,b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
-        !< (Value.equal (interp a) (interp b))
-      | { app = {builtin = Expr.Distinct}; tyargs = [_]; args; ty = _ } ->
-        begin
+      | { app = { builtin = Expr.Equal }; tyargs = [ _ ]; args; ty = _ } ->
+          assert (IArray.not_empty args);
+          !<(IArray.for_alli_non_empty_exn ~init:interp
+               ~f:(fun _ a t -> Value.equal a (interp t))
+               args)
+      | { app = { builtin = Expr.Equiv }; tyargs = [ _ ]; args; ty = _ } ->
+          let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+          !<(Value.equal (interp a) (interp b))
+      | { app = { builtin = Expr.Distinct }; tyargs = [ _ ]; args; ty = _ } -> (
             let fold acc v = Value.S.add_new Exit (interp v) acc in
             let _ = IArray.fold ~f:fold ~init:Value.S.empty args in
             check Boolean.values_true
-          with Exit ->
-            check Boolean.values_false
-        end
-      | { app = {builtin = Expr.Ite}; tyargs = [_]; args; ty = _ } ->
-        let c,a,b = IArray.extract3_exn args in
-        check (if (!> c) then interp a else interp b)
-      | _ -> None
-    )
+          with Exit -> check Boolean.values_false)
+      | { app = { builtin = Expr.Ite }; tyargs = [ _ ]; args; ty = _ } ->
+          let c, a, b = IArray.extract3_exn args in
+          check (if !>c then interp a else interp b)
+      | _ -> None)
-let converter d (t:Ground.t) =
+let converter d (t : Ground.t) =
   let res = Ground.node t in
   let of_term n =
     Egraph.register d n;
-  let reg n =
+  let reg n = Egraph.register d n in
+  let reg_and_merge n =
     Egraph.register d n;
     Egraph.merge d res n
   match Ground.sem t with
-  | { app = {builtin = Expr.Equal}; tyargs = [_]; args = l; _ } ->
-    reg (equality ( of_term (IArray.to_list l)))
-  | { app = {builtin = Expr.Equiv}; tyargs = [_]; args; _ } ->
-    let a,b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
-    reg (equality [of_term a;of_term b])
-  | { app = {builtin = Expr.Distinct}; tyargs = [_]; args; _ } ->
-    reg (disequality ( of_term (IArray.to_list args)))
-  | { app = {builtin = Expr.Ite}; tyargs = [_]; args; _ } ->
-    let c,a,b = IArray.extract3_exn args in
-    reg (ite (of_term c) (of_term a) (of_term b))
-  | { app = {builtin = Expr.Xor}; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
-    let a,b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
-    reg (disequality ([of_term a;of_term b]))
+  | { app = { builtin = Expr.Equal }; tyargs = [ _ ]; args = l; _ } ->
+      IArray.iter ~f:reg l;
+      reg_and_merge (equality (IArray.to_list l))
+  | { app = { builtin = Expr.Equiv }; tyargs = [ _ ]; args; _ } ->
+      let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+      reg_and_merge (equality [ of_term a; of_term b ])
+  | { app = { builtin = Expr.Distinct }; tyargs = [ _ ]; args; _ } ->
+      IArray.iter ~f:reg args;
+      reg_and_merge (disequality (IArray.to_list args))
+  | { app = { builtin = Expr.Ite }; tyargs = [ _ ]; args; _ } ->
+      let c, a, b = IArray.extract3_exn args in
+      new_ite d res (of_term c) (of_term a) (of_term b)
+  | { app = { builtin = Expr.Xor }; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
+      let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
+      reg_and_merge (disequality [ of_term a; of_term b ])
   | _ -> ()
 let th_register env =
-  RDaemonPropa.init env;
-  RDaemonInit.init env;
-  Demon.Key.attach env
-    DaemonInit.key () [Demon.Create.EventRegSem(sem,())];
-  Demon.Fast.attach env
-    DaemonInitITE.key [Demon.Create.EventRegSem(ITE.key,())];
+  attach_new_equalities env;
   Ground.register_converter env converter;
   bool_init_diff_to_value env;
   init_check env;
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/equality.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/equality.mli
index c9cbc7b0f..eff091369 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/bool/equality.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/bool/equality.mli
@@ -18,17 +18,15 @@
 (*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
-val equality    : Node.t list -> Node.t
-val disequality : Node.t list -> Node.t
+val equality : Node.t list -> Node.t
-val is_equal    : Egraph.t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> bool
-val is_disequal : Egraph.t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> bool
+val disequality : Node.t list -> Node.t
-val ite : Node.t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> Node.t
+val is_equal : Egraph.t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> bool
-val iter_on_value_different:
-  they_are_different:(Node.t -> Value.t -> unit) ->
-  Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit
+val is_disequal : Egraph.t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> bool
+val iter_on_value_different :
+  they_are_different:(Node.t -> Value.t -> unit) -> Egraph.t -> Node.t -> unit
 val th_register : Egraph.t -> unit
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
index 632f809a7..c8e4a7c39 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ type t = {
 let _ = pp
+(* let pp fmt _ = fmt "Info" *)
 (** because it is currently not hidden and too long *)
 let pp = Fmt.nop
@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ let merge d ~other ~repr info info' =
 let empty = { parents = F_Pos.M.empty; apps = F.M.empty }
 let dom =
-  DomKind.create_key
+  Dom.Kind.create
     (module struct
       type nonrec t = t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/info.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/info.mli
index 700c2c538..a4c3229f1 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/info.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/info.mli
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ val merge : Egraph.t -> other:Node.t -> repr:Node.t -> t -> t -> t
 val empty : t
-val dom : t DomKind.t
+val dom : t Dom.Kind.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
index 31107280f..dc5d72ea1 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ let rec match_term d (substs : Ground.Subst.S.t) (n : Node.t) (p : t) :
           (fun acc n ->
             let { = f; tyargs = tyl; args; _ } = Ground.sem n in
-            assert (Term.Const.equal f pf);
+            assert (Expr.Term.Const.equal f pf);
             let substs = List.fold_left2 match_ty substs tyl ptyl in
             if Ground.Subst.S.is_empty substs then acc
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ let rec check_term d (subst : Ground.Subst.t) (n : Node.t) (p : t) : bool =
         (fun n ->
           let { = f; tyargs = tyl; args; _ } = Ground.sem n in
-          assert (Term.Const.equal f pf);
+          assert (Expr.Term.Const.equal f pf);
           List.for_all2 (check_ty subst) tyl ptyl
           && IArray.for_all2_exn ~f:(check_term d subst) args pargs)
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ let match_any_term d subst (p : t) : Ground.Subst.S.t =
         (fun acc n ->
           let { = f; tyargs = tyl; args; _ } = Ground.sem n in
-          assert (Term.Const.equal f pf);
+          assert (Expr.Term.Const.equal f pf);
           let substs = List.fold_left2 match_ty subst tyl ptyl in
           let substs =
             IArray.fold2_exn args pargs ~init:substs ~f:(match_term d)
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/pattern.mli b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/pattern.mli
index c32d8c7be..f96c4a5bc 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/pattern.mli
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/pattern.mli
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ val match_any_term : Egraph.t -> Ground.Subst.S.t -> t -> Ground.Subst.S.t
    for each substitution. Each return substitution corresponds to one given as
    input. *)
-val get_pps : t -> PP.t list Term.Var.M.t
+val get_pps : t -> PP.t list Expr.Term.Var.M.t
 (** [get_pps pat] return the parent-parent pairs in [pat] for each variables *)
 val env_ground_by_apps : Ground.t Context.Push.t F.EnvApps.t
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
index b45025676..421efa065 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
@@ -138,18 +138,10 @@ let process_inverted_path d n acc =
 module Delayed_find_new_event = struct
-  type event = unit
-  let print_event = Unit.pp
-  let enqueue _ _ = assert false
   let key =
-    Events.Dem.create_key
+    Events.Dem.create
       (module struct
-        type d = Node.t * InvertedPath.t list
-        type t = unit
+        type t = Node.t * InvertedPath.t list
         let name = "Quantifier.new_event"
@@ -160,15 +152,13 @@ module Delayed_find_new_event = struct
   let print_runable = pp_runable
-  let run d (n, ips) =
-    process_inverted_path d n ips;
-    None
+  let run d (n, ips) = process_inverted_path d n ips
 let () = Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module Delayed_find_new_event)
 let () =
-  DomKind.register
+  Dom.register
     (module struct
       type t = Info.t [@@deriving show]
@@ -215,11 +205,10 @@ let skolemize d (e : Ground.ClosedQuantifier.t) =
   Egraph.register d n;
-let attach =
-  Demon.Fast.register_get_value_daemon ~name:"Quantifier.get_value"
-    (module Boolean.BoolValue)
-    (fun d n b th ->
-      match (Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.sem th, b) with
+let attach d th =
+  Daemon.attach_value d (Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.node th)
+    Boolean.BoolValue.key (fun d n b ->
+      match (Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.sem th, Boolean.BoolValue.value b) with
       | ({ binder = Exists; _ } as e), true
       | ({ binder = Forall; _ } as e), false ->
           Debug.dprintf2 debug "[Quant] Skolemize %a"
@@ -241,7 +230,7 @@ let attach =
 let quantifier_registered d th =
   let n = Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.node th in
   if Boolean.is_unknown d n then Egraph.register_decision d (Boolean.chobool n);
-  attach d n th
+  attach d th
 (** Verify that this term is congruent closure to another already existing term
    So it is useless. f(a) is useless if a == b and f(a) == f(b) and f(b) is
@@ -300,10 +289,8 @@ let add_info_on_ground_terms d thg =
   Context.Push.iter (fun trg -> Trigger.match_ d trg res) trgs
 let th_register d =
-  let delay = Events.Delayed_by 10 in
-  Demon.Fast.register_init_daemon ~delay ~name:"Quantifier.new_quantifier"
-    (module Ground.ThClosedQuantifier)
-    quantifier_registered d;
+  (* let delay = Events.Delayed_by 10 in *)
+  Daemon.attach_reg_sem d Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.key quantifier_registered;
   Ground.register_converter d (fun d g ->
       if not (application_useless d g) then add_info_on_ground_terms d g)
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
index b087c792f..06bcff579 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
@@ -172,7 +172,9 @@ let get_user_triggers (cq : Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.t) =
         | [ pat ] ->
             let sty, st =
-              Expr.Term.free_vars (Ty.Var.S.empty, Term.Var.S.empty) pat
+              Expr.Term.free_vars
+                (Expr.Ty.Var.S.empty, Expr.Term.Var.S.empty)
+                pat
             if Expr.Ty.Var.S.subset tyvs sty && Expr.Term.Var.S.subset tvs st
@@ -212,18 +214,10 @@ let instantiate_aux d tri subst =
   Egraph.merge d n (Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.node tri.form)
 module Delayed_instantiation = struct
-  type event = unit
-  let print_event = Unit.pp
-  let enqueue _ _ = assert false
   let key =
-    Events.Dem.create_key
+    Events.Dem.create
       (module struct
-        type d = t * Ground.Subst.t
-        type t = unit
+        type nonrec t = t * Ground.Subst.t
         let name = "delayed_instantiation"
@@ -240,8 +234,7 @@ module Delayed_instantiation = struct
       subst Ground.ThClosedQuantifier.pp tri.form Pattern.pp tri.pat
       Fmt.(list ~sep:comma Pattern.pp)
-    instantiate_aux d tri subst;
-    None
+    instantiate_aux d tri subst
 let () = Egraph.Wait.register_dem (module Delayed_instantiation)
diff --git a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
index 1dcca5ac3..490978b08 100644
--- a/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
+++ b/src_colibri2/theories/quantifier/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ open Colibri2_core
  *   include T
  *   include MkDatatype(T)
- *   let key = ThTermKind.create_key (module struct type nonrec t = t let name = "UF" end)
+ *   let key = ThTermKind.create (module struct type nonrec t = t let name = "UF" end)
  * end
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ open Colibri2_core
 module USModel = struct
   type usv = { id : DInt.t; ty : Ground.Ty.t }
-  module US = ValueKind.Register (struct
+  module US = Value.Register (struct
     module T = struct
       type t = usv = { id : DInt.t; ty : Ground.Ty.t }
       [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
@@ -217,13 +217,7 @@ module USModel = struct
     include T
     include MkDatatype (T)
-    let key =
-      ValueKind.create_key
-        (module struct
-          type nonrec t = t
-          let name = "US"
-        end)
+    let name = "US"
   module H = Datastructure.Memo (Ground.Ty)
@@ -300,12 +294,8 @@ module UFModel = struct
     let h = HConst.find env d { tc =; ta = g.tyargs } in
     Hargs.set h lv v
-  let waiter =
-    Demon.Fast.register_simply ~delay:FixingModel
-      "Uninterp.UFModel.propagate_value"
   let on_uninterpreted_domain d g =
-    let check_or_update g d _ =
+    let check_or_update g d _ _ =
       let interp n = Base.Option.value_exn (Egraph.get_value d n) in
       let s = Ground.sem g in
       let lv = ~f:interp s.args in
@@ -319,7 +309,9 @@ module UFModel = struct
             Egraph.contradiction d)
       | None -> set d s lv v
-    let f d g = waiter.for_any_value d (Ground.node g) (check_or_update g) in
+    let f d g =
+      Daemon.FixingModel.attach_any_value d (Ground.node g) (check_or_update g)
+    in
     f d g
   let init_attach_value d g =