diff --git a/src/autodetect.ml b/src/autodetect.ml
index a7f5c262e029882bcaa7a9c30240bb6900ddbe0e..6d739a8214518f247b31de1baba29f4af8b8146a 100644
--- a/src/autodetect.ml
+++ b/src/autodetect.ml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
 open Why3
 open Base
-let null = if Caml.Sys.unix then "/dev/null" else "NUL"
 let rec lookup_file dirs filename =
   match dirs with
   | [] -> raise Caml.Not_found
@@ -32,7 +30,8 @@ let rec lookup_file dirs filename =
     let file = Caml.Filename.concat dir filename in
     if Caml.Sys.file_exists file then file else lookup_file dirs filename
-let autodetection ?(debug = false) () =
+let autodetection () =
+  let debug = Logging.(is_debug_level () || is_dtag_enabled Autodetect) in
   if debug then Debug.set_flag Autodetection.debug;
   let caisar_conf =
     lookup_file Dirs.Sites.config "caisar-detection-data.conf"
@@ -50,6 +49,6 @@ let autodetection ?(debug = false) () =
       :: acc)
-  let config = Whyconf.init_config (Some null) in
+  let config = Whyconf.init_config (Some Caml.Filename.null) in
   let provers = Autodetection.compute_builtin_prover provers config data in
   Whyconf.set_provers config provers
diff --git a/src/autodetect.mli b/src/autodetect.mli
index ccd02cb04380aeb0a6a8fa50d1cc4010f42c9a20..540f357fe60835f3f0843ae15cd5cb34c938e3d5 100644
--- a/src/autodetect.mli
+++ b/src/autodetect.mli
@@ -20,7 +20,5 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-val autodetection : ?debug:bool -> unit -> Why3.Whyconf.config
-(** Perform the autodetection of provers.
-    @param debug activates debug information. *)
+val autodetection : unit -> Why3.Whyconf.config
+(** Perform the autodetection of provers. *)
diff --git a/src/convert_xgboost.ml b/src/convert_xgboost.ml
index c6cc71c31fa766dc2e1ce768fcee237b59da8476..5e54ede75d076da6e4daaf9e07d93496a85411e6 100644
--- a/src/convert_xgboost.ml
+++ b/src/convert_xgboost.ml
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ let prove_and_print ?memlimit ?timelimit env config prover task =
   Fmt.pr "result: %a@." Why3.Call_provers.print_prover_answer answer.pr_answer
 let verify ?memlimit ?timelimit ~xgboost ~dataset ~prover () =
-  let env, config = Verification.create_env ~debug:false [] in
+  let env, config = Verification.create_env [] in
   let task = None in
   let th_real = Why3.Env.read_theory env [ "real" ] "Real" in
   let task = Why3.Task.use_export task th_real in
diff --git a/src/dune b/src/dune
index 9d7cf5b389c6ee9705358ddf0ebdbc96b395fa61..013aad1ad73f2872edafa7fb997432b281d29898 100644
--- a/src/dune
+++ b/src/dune
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+  fmt.cli
diff --git a/src/logging.ml b/src/logging.ml
index ebe3f2dd672423f106bdba3c88cfddae78025f21..6158ee4f3008ff27a01519e4505b612471307d8d 100644
--- a/src/logging.ml
+++ b/src/logging.ml
@@ -20,47 +20,98 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-module Category = struct
-  type t = Specification [@@deriving show]
+type dtag =
+  | Autodetect
+  | Specification
+[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
-  let list_available () = [ Specification ]
-  let of_string = function "specification" -> Some Specification | _ -> None
-  let to_string = function Specification -> "specification"
+let dtags_available () = [ Autodetect; Specification ]
+let dtag_defs_enabled = ref []
-let spec_tag_def =
-  Logs.Tag.def ~doc:"Specification sent to prover." "specification" Fmt.string
+let dtag_def_auto =
+  Logs.Tag.def "autodetect" ~doc:"Prover autodetection" Fmt.string
-let spec_tag () = Logs.Tag.(empty |> add spec_tag_def "specification")
+let dtag_def_spec =
+  Logs.Tag.def "spec" ~doc:"Prover-tailored specification" Fmt.string
-let pp_header =
-  let x =
-    match Array.length Caml.Sys.argv with
-    | 0 -> Caml.(Filename.basename Sys.executable_name)
-    | _ -> Caml.(Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0))
+let dtag_def_of_dtag = function
+  | Autodetect -> dtag_def_auto
+  | Specification -> dtag_def_spec
+let dtag_auto = Logs.Tag.add dtag_def_auto "AUTO"
+let dtag_spec = Logs.Tag.add dtag_def_spec "SPEC"
+let add_dtag = function Autodetect -> dtag_auto | Specification -> dtag_spec
+let dtag dt = add_dtag dt Logs.Tag.empty
+let is_dtag_enabled dtag =
+  let dtag_def = dtag_def_of_dtag dtag in
+  List.memq dtag_def !dtag_defs_enabled
+let is_debug_level () =
+  match Logs.level () with Some Debug -> true | _ -> false
+let pp_header ~pp_h ppf (l, (h : string option)) =
+  match l with
+  | Logs.App -> (
+    match h with None -> () | h -> pp_h ppf Logs_fmt.app_style "" h)
+  | Logs.Error -> pp_h ppf Logs_fmt.err_style "ERROR" h
+  | Logs.Warning -> pp_h ppf Logs_fmt.warn_style "WARNING" h
+  | Logs.Info -> pp_h ppf Logs_fmt.info_style "INFO" h
+  | Logs.Debug -> pp_h ppf Logs_fmt.debug_style "DEBUG" h
+let pp_header ~space =
+  let pp_h ppf style default h =
+    Fmt.pf ppf "[%a%a]%s"
+      Fmt.(styled style string)
+      default
+      Fmt.(styled style (option (any ":" ++ string)))
+      h
+      (if space then " " else "")
-  let pp_h ppf style h = Fmt.pf ppf "[%s][%a] " x Fmt.(styled style string) h in
-  fun ppf (l, h) ->
-    let open Logs_fmt in
-    match l with
-    | Logs.App -> Fmt.pf ppf "[%a] " Fmt.(styled app_style string) x
-    | Logs.Error ->
-      pp_h ppf err_style (match h with None -> "ERROR" | Some h -> h)
-    | Logs.Warning ->
-      pp_h ppf warn_style (match h with None -> "WARNING" | Some h -> h)
-    | Logs.Info ->
-      pp_h ppf info_style (match h with None -> "INFO" | Some h -> h)
-    | Logs.Debug ->
-      pp_h ppf debug_style (match h with None -> "DEBUG" | Some h -> h)
+  pp_header ~pp_h
-let specification_enabled = ref false
+let dtag_defs_available = List.map dtag_def_of_dtag (dtags_available ())
-let setup_log level categories =
-  Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ~style_renderer:`Ansi_tty ();
-  Logs.set_level level;
-  let () =
-    match categories with
-    | Some [ Category.Specification ] -> specification_enabled := true
-    | _ -> ()
+let reporter ppf =
+  let report _src level ~over k msgf =
+    let k _ =
+      over ();
+      k ()
+    in
+    let with_tags ~header ~tags k ppf fmt =
+      let tag =
+        Base.List.filter_map dtag_defs_available ~f:(fun td ->
+          Logs.Tag.find td tags)
+        |> List.hd
+      in
+      Fmt.kpf k ppf
+        ("%a{%a} @[" ^^ fmt ^^ "@]@.")
+        (pp_header ~space:false) (Logs.Debug, header)
+        Fmt.(styled Logs_fmt.debug_style string)
+        tag
+    in
+    msgf @@ fun ?header ?tags fmt ->
+    match tags with
+    | None ->
+      Fmt.kpf k ppf
+        ("%a@[" ^^ fmt ^^ "@]@.")
+        (pp_header ~space:true) (level, header)
+    | Some tags ->
+      let dtag_is_enabled =
+        not
+          Base.(
+            List.filter_map !dtag_defs_enabled ~f:(fun td ->
+              Logs.Tag.find td tags)
+            |> List.is_empty)
+      in
+      if is_debug_level () || dtag_is_enabled
+      then with_tags ~header ~tags k ppf fmt
+      else Fmt.kpf k Format.str_formatter fmt
-  Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ~pp_header ())
+  { Logs.report }
+let setup style_renderer level dtags =
+  dtag_defs_enabled := List.map dtag_def_of_dtag dtags;
+  Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ?style_renderer ();
+  Logs.set_level level;
+  Logs.set_reporter (reporter Fmt.stdout)
diff --git a/src/logging.mli b/src/logging.mli
index 04be9381f876e9e472d97626629fecf117a292c1..dea68e42a9a7fbc17157d4bf9357a3aedf038d5e 100644
--- a/src/logging.mli
+++ b/src/logging.mli
@@ -20,14 +20,18 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-module Category : sig
-  type t = Specification [@@deriving show]
+(** {2 Debug Tags} *)
-  val list_available : unit -> t list
-  val of_string : string -> t option
-  val to_string : t -> string
+type dtag =
+  | Autodetect
+  | Specification
+[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
-val specification_enabled : bool ref
-val spec_tag : unit -> Logs.Tag.set
-val setup_log : Logs.level option -> Category.t list option -> unit
+val dtags_available : unit -> dtag list
+val dtag : dtag -> Logs.Tag.set
+val is_dtag_enabled : dtag -> bool
+(** {2 Logs} *)
+val is_debug_level : unit -> bool
+val setup : Fmt.style_renderer option -> Logs.level option -> dtag list -> unit
diff --git a/src/main.ml b/src/main.ml
index e82a636db6edfdbd1f8d720542d904d55a77a002..bf5ae617a7982acc22103e2c7dc7eb6225c7b35c 100644
--- a/src/main.ml
+++ b/src/main.ml
@@ -34,40 +34,35 @@ let () =
   Marabou.init ();
   Vnnlib.init ()
-(* -- Logs. *)
+(* -- Logs *)
-let log_categories =
-  let all_categories = Logging.Category.list_available () in
+let log_debug_tags =
+  let all_debug_tags = Logging.dtags_available () in
   let doc =
-    Fmt.str "Logging categories. Available are $(docv)s: %a."
-      (Fmt.list ~sep:Fmt.comma Fmt.string)
-      (List.map ~f:Logging.Category.to_string all_categories)
+    Fmt.str "Logging debug tags. Available $(docv)s: %a."
+      (Fmt.list ~sep:Fmt.comma Logging.pp_dtag)
+      all_debug_tags
-  let enum_log_categories =
-    Arg.enum
-      (List.map ~f:(fun c -> (Logging.Category.to_string c, c)) all_categories)
+  let enum_log_debug_tags =
+    Arg.enum (List.map ~f:(fun c -> (Logging.show_dtag c, c)) all_debug_tags)
-    & opt (some (list enum_log_categories)) None
-    & info [ "c"; "log-category" ] ~doc ~docv:"LOGTAG")
+    & opt_all enum_log_debug_tags []
+    & info [ "debug-tag"; "dtag" ] ~doc ~docv:"DTAG")
 let setup_logs =
-  Term.(const Logging.setup_log $ Logs_cli.level () $ log_categories)
+  Term.(
+    const Logging.setup $ Fmt_cli.style_renderer () $ Logs_cli.level ()
+    $ log_debug_tags)
-let log_level_is_debug () =
-  match Logs.level () with Some Debug -> true | _ -> false
-(* -- Commands. *)
+(* -- Commands *)
 let config detect () =
   if detect
   then (
     Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Automatic detection");
-    let config =
-      let debug = log_level_is_debug () in
-      Autodetect.autodetection ~debug ()
-    in
+    let config = Autodetect.autodetection () in
     let open Why3 in
     let provers = Whyconf.get_provers config in
     if not (Whyconf.Mprover.is_empty provers)
@@ -128,14 +123,13 @@ let log_theory_answer =
 let verify ?format ~loadpath ?memlimit ?timelimit ?dataset prover ?prover_altern
   files =
-  let debug = log_level_is_debug () in
   let memlimit = Option.map memlimit ~f:memlimit_of_string in
   let timelimit = Option.map timelimit ~f:timelimit_of_string in
   let theory_answers =
     List.map files
-        (Verification.verify ~debug ?format ~loadpath ?memlimit ?timelimit
-           ?dataset prover ?prover_altern)
+        (Verification.verify ?format ~loadpath ?memlimit ?timelimit ?dataset
+           prover ?prover_altern)
   List.iter theory_answers ~f:log_theory_answer;
@@ -429,5 +423,5 @@ let () =
     Cmd.group ~default:default_cmd default_info
       [ config_cmd; verify_cmd; verify_json_cmd; verify_xgboost_cmd ]
     |> Cmd.eval ~catch:false |> Caml.exit
-  with exn when not (log_level_is_debug ()) ->
+  with exn when not (Logging.is_debug_level ()) ->
     Logs.err (fun m -> m "@[%a@]" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn)
diff --git a/src/verification.ml b/src/verification.ml
index 54579457e7a652dd0e2cf9d6a199c6de87369bdc..2106b78de172ef8c5f40a49c2a0400b12586b01e 100644
--- a/src/verification.ml
+++ b/src/verification.ml
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ let () =
   Language.register_onnx_support ();
   Language.register_ovo_support ()
-let create_env ?(debug = false) loadpath =
-  let config = Autodetect.autodetection ~debug () in
+let create_env loadpath =
+  let config = Autodetect.autodetection () in
   let config =
     let main = Whyconf.get_main config in
     let dft_timelimit = 20.0 (* 20 seconds *) in
@@ -164,11 +164,13 @@ let build_command config_prover ~nn_filename =
 let log_prover_task driver task =
   let print fmt task = ignore (Driver.print_task_prepared driver fmt task) in
-  Logs.info (fun m ->
-      m ~tags:(Logging.spec_tag ()) "[SPEC]\n@[%a@]" print task)
+  Logs.app (fun m ->
+    m
+      ~tags:Logging.(dtag Specification)
+      "@[Prover-tailored specification:@.%a@]" print task)
 let call_prover_on_task limit config command driver task =
-  if !Logging.specification_enabled then log_prover_task driver task;
+  log_prover_task driver task;
   let prover_call =
     Driver.prove_task_prepared ~command ~config ~limit driver task
@@ -300,10 +302,11 @@ let open_file ?format env file =
     let th = Json.theory_of_input env jin in
     (Unix.getcwd () (* TODO *), Wstdlib.Mstr.singleton th.th_name.id_string th)
-let verify ?(debug = false) ?format ~loadpath ?memlimit ?timelimit ?dataset
-  prover ?prover_altern file =
-  if debug then Debug.set_flag (Debug.lookup_flag "call_prover");
-  let env, config = create_env ~debug loadpath in
+let verify ?format ~loadpath ?memlimit ?timelimit ?dataset prover ?prover_altern
+  file =
+  (if Logging.is_debug_level ()
+   then Debug.(set_flag (lookup_flag "call_prover")));
+  let env, config = create_env loadpath in
   let main = Whyconf.get_main config in
   let limit =
     let memlimit = Option.value memlimit ~default:(Whyconf.memlimit main) in
diff --git a/src/verification.mli b/src/verification.mli
index 645834243a14eae1befe979ff7e0083f3fc8656a..b6da390487261aa64221d12fbb7f76e7ff9d9f38 100644
--- a/src/verification.mli
+++ b/src/verification.mli
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ and additional_info = private
       (** A prover answer per data point. *)
 val verify :
-  ?debug:bool ->
   ?format:string ->
   loadpath:string list ->
   ?memlimit:int ->
@@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ val verify :
     launches a verification of the given [file] with the provided [prover] and
-    @param debug when set, enables debug information.
     @param format is the [file] format.
     @param loadpath is the additional loadpath.
     @param memlimit
@@ -75,5 +73,4 @@ val verify :
       for each theory, an [answer] for each goal of the theory, respecting the
       order of appearance. *)
-val create_env :
-  ?debug:bool -> string list -> Why3.Env.env * Why3.Whyconf.config
+val create_env : string list -> Why3.Env.env * Why3.Whyconf.config
diff --git a/tests/aimos.t b/tests/aimos.t
index 1d53b28be70d30bd8d289b5c4a8806518ca8a475..0ac820383c49c20deff4bb1dbcc441a94ab251a2 100644
--- a/tests/aimos.t
+++ b/tests/aimos.t
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Test verify
   >   goal G: meta_robust model dataset (1.0:t) ("reluplex_rotation":string) ("config/custom_transformations.py":string) ("classif_min":string) (0:int) (0:int) (0:int)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar] Goal G: Valid
+  Goal G: Valid
diff --git a/tests/autodetect.t b/tests/autodetect.t
index cd2e8efe01d966b015262f540b62f7773338cf02..3aea5500e65117b0211a03840ad0ab3c3bce6be1 100644
--- a/tests/autodetect.t
+++ b/tests/autodetect.t
@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ Test autodetect
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar config -d -vv 2>&1 | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
-  [caisar][DEBUG] Execution of command 'config'
-  [caisar][DEBUG] Automatic detection
+  $ caisar config -d --dtag=Autodetect -v 2>&1 | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
   <autodetect>Run: ($TESTCASE_ROOT/bin/nnenum.sh --version) > $TMPFILE 2>&1
   <autodetect>Run: ($TESTCASE_ROOT/bin/pyrat.py --version) > $TMPFILE 2>&1
   <autodetect>Run: ($TESTCASE_ROOT/bin/saver --version 2>&1 | head -n1 && (which saver > /dev/null 2>&1)) > $TMPFILE 2>&1
@@ -57,14 +55,14 @@ Test autodetect
   <autodetect>Found prover SAVer version v1.0, OK.
   <autodetect>Found prover AIMOS version 1.0, OK.
   <autodetect>11 prover(s) added
-  [caisar] AIMOS 1.0
-           Alt-Ergo 2.4.0
-           CVC5 1.0.2
-           Marabou 1.0.+
-           PyRAT 1.1
-           PyRAT 1.1 (ACAS)
-           PyRAT 1.1 (VNNLIB)
-           SAVer v1.0
-           alpha-beta-CROWN dummy-version
-           alpha-beta-CROWN dummy-version (ACAS)
-           nnenum dummy-version
+  AIMOS 1.0
+  Alt-Ergo 2.4.0
+  CVC5 1.0.2
+  Marabou 1.0.+
+  PyRAT 1.1
+  PyRAT 1.1 (ACAS)
+  PyRAT 1.1 (VNNLIB)
+  SAVer v1.0
+  alpha-beta-CROWN dummy-version
+  alpha-beta-CROWN dummy-version (ACAS)
+  nnenum dummy-version
diff --git a/tests/cvc5.t b/tests/cvc5.t
index 2ce662deaa765ea13de7fb5eff82b7721333960f..e424af71308ed68f0b590f0be55b4efca0e28d34 100644
--- a/tests/cvc5.t
+++ b/tests/cvc5.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Test verify
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=CVC5 - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
+  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=CVC5 --dtag=Specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
   > theory CVC5
   >   use TestNetworkONNX.AsTuple as TN
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
@@ -17,262 +17,218 @@ Test verify
   >      (0.0:t) .< y1 .< (0.5:t) /\ (0.0:t) .< y2 .< (1.0:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar] Goal G: Unknown (unknown)
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=CVC5 --verbosity=info --log-category=specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
-  > theory CVC5_oracle
-  >   use TestNetworkONNX.AsTuple as TN
-  >   use ieee_float.Float64
-  > 
-  >   goal G: forall x1 x2 x3.
-  >      (0.0:t) .< x1 .< (0.5:t) ->
-  >      let (y1,y2) = TN.nn_apply x1 x2 x3 in
-  >      (0.0:t) .< y1 .< (0.5:t) /\ (0.0:t) .< y2 .< (1.0:t)
-  > end
-  > EOF
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   ;; produced by cvc5.drv ;;
-                        (set-logic ALL)
-                        (set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)
-                        ;;; generated by SMT-LIB2 driver
-                        ;;; SMT-LIB2 driver: bit-vectors, common part
-                        ;;; SMT-LIB2: integer arithmetic
-                        ;;; SMT-LIB2: real arithmetic
-                        (define-fun fp.isFinite64 ((x Float64)) Bool (not (or (fp.isInfinite x) (fp.isNaN x))))
-                        (define-fun fp.isIntegral64 ((x Float64)) Bool (or (fp.isZero x) (and (fp.isNormal x) (= x (fp.roundToIntegral RNE x)))))
-                        (declare-sort uni 0)
-                        (declare-sort ty 0)
-                        ;; "sort"
-                        (declare-fun sort (ty
-                          uni) Bool)
-                        ;; "witness"
-                        (declare-fun witness (ty) uni)
-                        ;; "witness_sort"
-                        (assert (forall ((a ty)) (sort a (witness a))))
-                        ;; "int"
-                        (declare-fun int () ty)
-                        ;; "real"
-                        (declare-fun real () ty)
-                        ;; "t"
-                        (declare-fun t () ty)
-                        ;; "mode"
-                        (declare-fun mode () ty)
-                        ;; "add_div"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
-                            (=>
-                              (not (= z 0.0))
-                              (= (/ (+ x y) z) (+ (/ x z) (/ y z))))))
-                        ;; "sub_div"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
-                            (=>
-                              (not (= z 0.0))
-                              (= (/ (- x y) z) (- (/ x z) (/ y z))))))
-                        ;; "neg_div"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real))
-                            (=> (not (= y 0.0)) (= (/ (- x) y) (- (/ x y))))))
-                        ;; "assoc_mul_div"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
-                            (=>
-                              (not (= z 0.0))
-                              (= (/ (* x y) z) (* x (/ y z))))))
-                        ;; "assoc_div_mul"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
-                            (=>
-                              (and (not (= y 0.0)) (not (= z 0.0)))
-                              (= (/ (/ x y) z) (/ x (* y z))))))
-                        ;; "assoc_div_div"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
-                            (=>
-                              (and (not (= y 0.0)) (not (= z 0.0)))
-                              (= (/ x (/ y z)) (/ (* x z) y)))))
-                        ;; "CompatOrderMult"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
-                            (=> (<= x y) (=> (<= 0.0 z) (<= (* x z) (* y z))))))
-                        ;; "max_real"
-                        (declare-fun max_real () Real)
-                        ;; "max_int"
-                        (declare-fun max_int () Int)
-                        ;; "sqr"
-                        (declare-fun sqr (Real) Real)
-                        ;; "sqr'def"
-                        (assert (forall ((x Real)) (= (sqr x) (* x x))))
-                        ;; "sqrt"
-                        (declare-fun sqrt1 (Real) Real)
-                        ;; "Sqrt_positive"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real))
-                            (=> (<= 0.0 x) (<= 0.0 (sqrt1 x)))))
-                        ;; "Sqrt_square"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real))
-                            (=> (<= 0.0 x) (= (sqr (sqrt1 x)) x))))
-                        ;; "Square_sqrt"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real))
-                            (=> (<= 0.0 x) (= (sqrt1 (* x x)) x))))
-                        ;; "Sqrt_mul"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real))
-                            (=>
-                              (and (<= 0.0 x) (<= 0.0 y))
-                              (= (sqrt1 (* x y)) (* (sqrt1 x) (sqrt1 y))))))
-                        ;; "Sqrt_le"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((x Real) (y Real))
-                            (=>
-                              (and (<= 0.0 x) (<= x y))
-                              (<= (sqrt1 x) (sqrt1 y)))))
-                        ;; "relu"
-                        (declare-fun relu (Float64) Float64)
-                        ;; "relu'def"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((a Float64))
-                            (ite (fp.lt (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) a)
-                              (= (relu a) a)
-                              (= (relu a) (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))))
-                        (declare-datatypes ((tuple2 2))
-                          ((par (a
-                           a1) ((Tuple2 (Tuple2_proj a)(Tuple2_proj1 a1))))))
-                        ;; "tuple2"
-                        (declare-fun tuple21 (ty
-                          ty) ty)
-                        ;; "Tuple2"
-                        (declare-fun Tuple21 (ty
-                          ty
-                          uni
-                          uni) uni)
-                        ;; "Tuple2_sort"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
-                            (forall ((x uni) (x1 uni))
-                              (sort (tuple21 a3 a2) (Tuple21 a3 a2 x x1)))))
-                        ;; "Tuple2_proj_1"
-                        (declare-fun Tuple2_proj_1 (ty
-                          ty
-                          uni) uni)
-                        ;; "Tuple2_proj_1_sort"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
-                            (forall ((x uni))
-                              (sort a3 (Tuple2_proj_1 a3 a2 x)))))
-                        ;; "Tuple2_proj_1'def"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
-                            (forall ((u uni) (u1 uni))
-                              (=>
-                                (sort a3 u)
-                                (= (Tuple2_proj_1 a3 a2 (Tuple21 a3 a2 u u1)) u)))))
-                        ;; "Tuple2_proj_2"
-                        (declare-fun Tuple2_proj_2 (ty
-                          ty
-                          uni) uni)
-                        ;; "Tuple2_proj_2_sort"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
-                            (forall ((x uni))
-                              (sort a2 (Tuple2_proj_2 a3 a2 x)))))
-                        ;; "Tuple2_proj_2'def"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
-                            (forall ((u uni) (u1 uni))
-                              (=>
-                                (sort a2 u1)
-                                (= (Tuple2_proj_2 a3 a2 (Tuple21 a3 a2 u u1)) u1)))))
-                        ;; "tuple2_inversion"
-                        (assert
-                          (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
-                            (forall ((u uni))
-                              (=>
-                                (sort (tuple21 a3 a2) u)
-                                (= u (Tuple21
-                                       a3
-                                       a2
-                                       (Tuple2_proj_1 a3 a2 u)
-                                       (Tuple2_proj_2 a3 a2 u)))))))
-                        ;; Goal "G"
-                        ;; File "stdin", line 5, characters 7-8
-                        (assert
-                          (not
-                          (forall ((x1 Float64) (x2 Float64) (x3 Float64))
-                            (=>
-                              (and
-                                (fp.lt (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) x1)
-                                (fp.lt x1 (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
-                              (match (let ((n_id_1_2 x3))
-                                       (let ((n_id_1_1 x2))
-                                         (let ((n_id_1_0 x1))
-                                           (let ((n_id_2_1 (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_0 (fp #b1 #b01111111100 #b0010110110101110110001100000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_1 (fp #b0 #b01111111100 #b0001010101101010011100100000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_2 (fp #b1 #b01111111100 #b0001110001000101101000100000000000000000000000000000)))))
-                                             (let ((n_id_2_0 (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_0 (fp #b1 #b01111111100 #b0010110110101110110001100000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_1 (fp #b0 #b01111111100 #b0001010101101010011100100000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_2 (fp #b1 #b01111111100 #b0001110001000101101000100000000000000000000000000000)))))
-                                               (let ((n_id_3_1 (fp.add RNE n_id_2_1 (fp #b1 #b01111111110 #b0001011011111110000011100000000000000000000000000000))))
-                                                 (let ((n_id_3_0 (fp.add RNE n_id_2_0 (fp #b0 #b01111111101 #b0110010010001010001001100000000000000000000000000000))))
-                                                   (let ((n_id_4_1 (relu
-                                                                     n_id_3_1)))
-                                                     (let ((n_id_4_0 (relu
-                                                                      n_id_3_0)))
-                                                       (let ((n_id_5_1 (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) (fp.mul RNE n_id_4_0 (fp #b1 #b01111111101 #b0111110011110010111010000000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_4_1 (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0100011001000110100010000000000000000000000000000000)))))
-                                                         (let ((n_id_5_0 (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) (fp.mul RNE n_id_4_0 (fp #b1 #b01111111101 #b0111110011110010111010000000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_4_1 (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0100011001000110100010000000000000000000000000000000)))))
-                                                           (let ((n_id_6_1 (fp.add RNE n_id_5_1 (fp #b1 #b01111111110 #b0011101101010011010001100000000000000000000000000000))))
-                                                             (let ((n_id_6_0 (fp.add RNE n_id_5_0 (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0011000001100111100001000000000000000000000000000000))))
-                                                               (let ((y2 n_id_6_1))
-                                                                 (let ((y1 n_id_6_0))
-                                                                   (Tuple2
-                                                                     y1
-                                                                     y2)))))))))))))))) (
-                                ((Tuple2 x x4) (and
-                                                 (and
-                                                   (fp.lt (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) x)
-                                                   (fp.lt x (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
-                                                 (and
-                                                   (fp.lt (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) x4)
-                                                   (fp.lt x4 (fp #b0 #b01111111111 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))))))))))
-                        (check-sat)
-                        (get-info :reason-unknown)
-  [caisar][INFO] Verification results for theory 'CVC5_oracle'
-  [caisar] Goal G: Unknown (unknown)
+  (set-logic ALL)
+  (set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)
+  ;;; generated by SMT-LIB2 driver
+  ;;; SMT-LIB2 driver: bit-vectors, common part
+  ;;; SMT-LIB2: integer arithmetic
+  ;;; SMT-LIB2: real arithmetic
+  (define-fun fp.isFinite64 ((x Float64)) Bool (not (or (fp.isInfinite x) (fp.isNaN x))))
+  (define-fun fp.isIntegral64 ((x Float64)) Bool (or (fp.isZero x) (and (fp.isNormal x) (= x (fp.roundToIntegral RNE x)))))
+  (declare-sort uni 0)
+  (declare-sort ty 0)
+  ;; "sort"
+  (declare-fun sort (ty
+    uni) Bool)
+  ;; "witness"
+  (declare-fun witness (ty) uni)
+  ;; "witness_sort"
+  (assert (forall ((a ty)) (sort a (witness a))))
+  ;; "int"
+  (declare-fun int () ty)
+  ;; "real"
+  (declare-fun real () ty)
+  ;; "t"
+  (declare-fun t () ty)
+  ;; "mode"
+  (declare-fun mode () ty)
+  ;; "add_div"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
+      (=> (not (= z 0.0)) (= (/ (+ x y) z) (+ (/ x z) (/ y z))))))
+  ;; "sub_div"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
+      (=> (not (= z 0.0)) (= (/ (- x y) z) (- (/ x z) (/ y z))))))
+  ;; "neg_div"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real))
+      (=> (not (= y 0.0)) (= (/ (- x) y) (- (/ x y))))))
+  ;; "assoc_mul_div"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
+      (=> (not (= z 0.0)) (= (/ (* x y) z) (* x (/ y z))))))
+  ;; "assoc_div_mul"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
+      (=>
+        (and (not (= y 0.0)) (not (= z 0.0)))
+        (= (/ (/ x y) z) (/ x (* y z))))))
+  ;; "assoc_div_div"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
+      (=>
+        (and (not (= y 0.0)) (not (= z 0.0)))
+        (= (/ x (/ y z)) (/ (* x z) y)))))
+  ;; "CompatOrderMult"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
+      (=> (<= x y) (=> (<= 0.0 z) (<= (* x z) (* y z))))))
+  ;; "max_real"
+  (declare-fun max_real () Real)
+  ;; "max_int"
+  (declare-fun max_int () Int)
+  ;; "sqr"
+  (declare-fun sqr (Real) Real)
+  ;; "sqr'def"
+  (assert (forall ((x Real)) (= (sqr x) (* x x))))
+  ;; "sqrt"
+  (declare-fun sqrt1 (Real) Real)
+  ;; "Sqrt_positive"
+  (assert (forall ((x Real)) (=> (<= 0.0 x) (<= 0.0 (sqrt1 x)))))
+  ;; "Sqrt_square"
+  (assert (forall ((x Real)) (=> (<= 0.0 x) (= (sqr (sqrt1 x)) x))))
+  ;; "Square_sqrt"
+  (assert (forall ((x Real)) (=> (<= 0.0 x) (= (sqrt1 (* x x)) x))))
+  ;; "Sqrt_mul"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real))
+      (=>
+        (and (<= 0.0 x) (<= 0.0 y))
+        (= (sqrt1 (* x y)) (* (sqrt1 x) (sqrt1 y))))))
+  ;; "Sqrt_le"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((x Real) (y Real))
+      (=> (and (<= 0.0 x) (<= x y)) (<= (sqrt1 x) (sqrt1 y)))))
+  ;; "relu"
+  (declare-fun relu (Float64) Float64)
+  ;; "relu'def"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((a Float64))
+      (ite (fp.lt (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) a)
+        (= (relu a) a)
+        (= (relu a) (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))))
+  (declare-datatypes ((tuple2 2))
+    ((par (a a1) ((Tuple2 (Tuple2_proj a)(Tuple2_proj1 a1))))))
+  ;; "tuple2"
+  (declare-fun tuple21 (ty
+    ty) ty)
+  ;; "Tuple2"
+  (declare-fun Tuple21 (ty
+    ty
+    uni
+    uni) uni)
+  ;; "Tuple2_sort"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
+      (forall ((x uni) (x1 uni)) (sort (tuple21 a3 a2) (Tuple21 a3 a2 x x1)))))
+  ;; "Tuple2_proj_1"
+  (declare-fun Tuple2_proj_1 (ty
+    ty
+    uni) uni)
+  ;; "Tuple2_proj_1_sort"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
+      (forall ((x uni)) (sort a3 (Tuple2_proj_1 a3 a2 x)))))
+  ;; "Tuple2_proj_1'def"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
+      (forall ((u uni) (u1 uni))
+        (=> (sort a3 u) (= (Tuple2_proj_1 a3 a2 (Tuple21 a3 a2 u u1)) u)))))
+  ;; "Tuple2_proj_2"
+  (declare-fun Tuple2_proj_2 (ty
+    ty
+    uni) uni)
+  ;; "Tuple2_proj_2_sort"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
+      (forall ((x uni)) (sort a2 (Tuple2_proj_2 a3 a2 x)))))
+  ;; "Tuple2_proj_2'def"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
+      (forall ((u uni) (u1 uni))
+        (=> (sort a2 u1) (= (Tuple2_proj_2 a3 a2 (Tuple21 a3 a2 u u1)) u1)))))
+  ;; "tuple2_inversion"
+  (assert
+    (forall ((a2 ty) (a3 ty))
+      (forall ((u uni))
+        (=>
+          (sort (tuple21 a3 a2) u)
+          (= u (Tuple21 a3 a2 (Tuple2_proj_1 a3 a2 u) (Tuple2_proj_2 a3 a2 u)))))))
+  ;; Goal "G"
+  ;; File "stdin", line 5, characters 7-8
+  (assert
+    (not
+    (forall ((x1 Float64) (x2 Float64) (x3 Float64))
+      (=>
+        (and
+          (fp.lt (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) x1)
+          (fp.lt x1 (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
+        (match (let ((n_id_1_2 x3))
+                 (let ((n_id_1_1 x2))
+                   (let ((n_id_1_0 x1))
+                     (let ((n_id_2_1 (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_0 (fp #b1 #b01111111100 #b0010110110101110110001100000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_1 (fp #b0 #b01111111100 #b0001010101101010011100100000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_2 (fp #b1 #b01111111100 #b0001110001000101101000100000000000000000000000000000)))))
+                       (let ((n_id_2_0 (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_0 (fp #b1 #b01111111100 #b0010110110101110110001100000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_1 (fp #b0 #b01111111100 #b0001010101101010011100100000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_1_2 (fp #b1 #b01111111100 #b0001110001000101101000100000000000000000000000000000)))))
+                         (let ((n_id_3_1 (fp.add RNE n_id_2_1 (fp #b1 #b01111111110 #b0001011011111110000011100000000000000000000000000000))))
+                           (let ((n_id_3_0 (fp.add RNE n_id_2_0 (fp #b0 #b01111111101 #b0110010010001010001001100000000000000000000000000000))))
+                             (let ((n_id_4_1 (relu n_id_3_1)))
+                               (let ((n_id_4_0 (relu n_id_3_0)))
+                                 (let ((n_id_5_1 (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) (fp.mul RNE n_id_4_0 (fp #b1 #b01111111101 #b0111110011110010111010000000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_4_1 (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0100011001000110100010000000000000000000000000000000)))))
+                                   (let ((n_id_5_0 (fp.add RNE (fp.add RNE (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) (fp.mul RNE n_id_4_0 (fp #b1 #b01111111101 #b0111110011110010111010000000000000000000000000000000))) (fp.mul RNE n_id_4_1 (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0100011001000110100010000000000000000000000000000000)))))
+                                     (let ((n_id_6_1 (fp.add RNE n_id_5_1 (fp #b1 #b01111111110 #b0011101101010011010001100000000000000000000000000000))))
+                                       (let ((n_id_6_0 (fp.add RNE n_id_5_0 (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0011000001100111100001000000000000000000000000000000))))
+                                         (let ((y2 n_id_6_1))
+                                           (let ((y1 n_id_6_0)) (Tuple2 y1 y2)))))))))))))))) (
+          ((Tuple2 x x4) (and
+                           (and
+                             (fp.lt (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) x)
+                             (fp.lt x (fp #b0 #b01111111110 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
+                           (and
+                             (fp.lt (fp #b0 #b00000000000 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) x4)
+                             (fp.lt x4 (fp #b0 #b01111111111 #b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))))))))))
+  (check-sat)
+  (get-info :reason-unknown)
+  Goal G: Unknown (unknown)
diff --git a/tests/dataset.t b/tests/dataset.t
index 33e886ed577adfb7608d5b9dbdf8277ac72c1e18..6089fa8783e9ed024bf95608327e5802d1bab264 100644
--- a/tests/dataset.t
+++ b/tests/dataset.t
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Test verify on dataset
   >    robust TN.model dataset (0.0100000000000000002081668171172168513294309377670288085937500000:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar] Goal G: Unknown ()
-  [caisar] Goal H: Unknown ()
+  Goal G: Unknown ()
+  Goal H: Unknown ()
   $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=Marabou --dataset=test_data.csv - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
   > theory T
@@ -43,5 +43,5 @@ Test verify on dataset
   >    robust TN.model dataset (0.0100000000000000002081668171172168513294309377670288085937500000:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar] Goal G: Unknown ()
-  [caisar] Goal H: Unknown ()
+  Goal G: Unknown ()
+  Goal H: Unknown ()
diff --git a/tests/interpretation_acasxu.t b/tests/interpretation_acasxu.t
index 16b95f3aaa82ccbd840db8cd08a83bad462a7246..601fa4677969244b35966213dcd10d87df9378b1 100644
--- a/tests/interpretation_acasxu.t
+++ b/tests/interpretation_acasxu.t
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Test interpret on acasxu
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover PyRAT --verbosity=info --log-category=specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover PyRAT --dtag=Specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
   > theory T
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
   >   use bool.Bool
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Test interpret on acasxu
   >       not (advises nn i clear_of_conflict)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   -0.328421367053318091766556108268559910356998443603515625 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.67985927880386987087746319957659579813480377197265625
   -0.499999999999967081887319864108576439321041107177734375 <= x1
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Test interpret on acasxu
   x4 <= -0.450000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125
   y0 <= 3.991125645861615112153231166303157806396484375
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   -0.328421367053318091766556108268559910356998443603515625 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.67985927880386987087746319957659579813480377197265625
   -0.499999999999967081887319864108576439321041107177734375 <= x1
@@ -131,6 +131,5 @@ Test interpret on acasxu
   0.299999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875 <= x4
   (((y0 >= y1 or y0 >= y2) or y0 >= y3) or y0 >= y4)
-  [caisar][INFO] Verification results for theory 'T'
-  [caisar] Goal P1: Unknown ()
-  [caisar] Goal P3: Unknown ()
+  Goal P1: Unknown ()
+  Goal P3: Unknown ()
diff --git a/tests/interpretation_dataset.t b/tests/interpretation_dataset.t
index ea4b43ec83b5576861d422261f940138a71dbc79..fdbae74c333313102e5108c3956aa9ade2970982 100644
--- a/tests/interpretation_dataset.t
+++ b/tests/interpretation_dataset.t
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover Marabou --verbosity=info --log-category=specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover Marabou --dtag=Specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
   > theory T
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
   >   use bool.Bool
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   >     robust nn dataset eps
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   x4 <= 1.151470588000000017103729987866245210170745849609375
   +y0 -y1 >= 0
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   x4 <= 1.151470588000000017103729987866245210170745849609375
   +y2 -y1 >= 0
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   x4 <= 1.159313725000000072640204962226562201976776123046875
   +y1 -y0 >= 0
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -145,5 +145,4 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   x4 <= 1.159313725000000072640204962226562201976776123046875
   +y2 -y0 >= 0
-  [caisar][INFO] Verification results for theory 'T'
-  [caisar] Goal G: Unknown ()
+  Goal G: Unknown ()
diff --git a/tests/marabou.t b/tests/marabou.t
index 77ba163cb9b56bbb617b773ef0e6d43e230fd398..231406ef49e589d25918f81abcee06da214e599c 100644
--- a/tests/marabou.t
+++ b/tests/marabou.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Test verify
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=Marabou - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=Marabou --dtag=Specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
   > theory T
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
   >   use bool.Bool
@@ -41,7 +41,63 @@ Test verify
   >       (nn@@i)[1] .< (nn@@i)[0] \/ (nn@@i)[0] .< (nn@@i)[1]
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar] Goal G: Unknown ()
-  [caisar] Goal H: Unknown ()
-  [caisar] Goal I: Unknown ()
-  [caisar] Goal J: Unknown ()
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  x0 >= 0.0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  y0 <= 0.0
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  x0 >= 0.0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  y0 >= 0.5
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  x0 >= 0.0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  x1 >= 0.5
+  x1 <= 1.0
+  y0 <= 0.0
+  y0 <= 0.5
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  x0 >= 0.0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  x1 >= 0.5
+  x1 <= 1.0
+  y1 <= 0.0
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  x0 >= 0.0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  x1 >= 0.5
+  x1 <= 1.0
+  y1 >= 0.5
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  x0 >= 0.0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  x1 >= 0.5
+  x1 <= 1.0
+  +y1 -y0 >= 0
+  +y0 -y1 >= 0
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  x0 >= 0.0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  x1 >= 0.5
+  x1 <= 1.0
+  +y1 -y0 >= 0
+  +y0 -y1 >= 0
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  x0 >= 0.75
+  x0 <= 1.0
+  x1 >= 0.5
+  x1 <= 1.0
+  +y1 -y0 >= 0
+  +y0 -y1 >= 0
+  Goal G: Unknown ()
+  Goal H: Unknown ()
+  Goal I: Unknown ()
+  Goal J: Unknown ()
diff --git a/tests/pyrat.t b/tests/pyrat.t
index f9e4df2749311c5496ae7de9d3d409033f3af50f..ae8cb450f97dd9691ba50d553e0cd2c3d11500fd 100644
--- a/tests/pyrat.t
+++ b/tests/pyrat.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Test verify
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=PyRAT - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=PyRAT --dtag=Specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
   > theory PyRAT
   >   use TestNetwork.AsTuple
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
@@ -30,68 +30,57 @@ Test verify
   >       ((0.0:t) .< (nn@@i)[0] \/ (0.5:t) .< (nn@@i)[0]) /\ (0.0:t) .< (nn@@i)[1] .< (0.5:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar] Goal G: Unknown ()
-  [caisar] Goal H: Unknown ()
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=PyRAT --verbosity=info --log-category=specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
-  > theory PyRAT_oracle
-  >   use TestNetwork.AsTuple
-  >   use ieee_float.Float64
-  >   use bool.Bool
-  >   use int.Int
-  >   use interpretation.Vector
-  >   use interpretation.NeuralNetwork
-  > 
-  >   constant nn: nn = read_neural_network "TestNetwork.nnet" NNet
-  > 
-  >   goal H:
-  >     forall i: vector t.
-  >       has_length i 5 ->
-  >       ((0.0:t) .<= i[0] .<= (0.5:t) \/ (0.375:t) .<= i[0] .<= (0.75:t)) /\ (0.5:t) .<= i[1] .<= (1.0:t) ->
-  >       ((0.0:t) .< (nn@@i)[0] \/ (0.5:t) .< (nn@@i)[0]) /\ (0.0:t) .< (nn@@i)[1] .< (0.5:t)
-  > end
-  > EOF
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  0.0 <= x0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  0.0 <  y0
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
+  0.0 <= x0
+  x0 <= 0.5
+  y0 <  0.5
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   (0.0 <  y0 or 0.5 <  y0)
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   0.0 <  y1
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   y1 <  0.5
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.375 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.75
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   (0.0 <  y0 or 0.5 <  y0)
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.375 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.75
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   0.0 <  y1
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.375 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.75
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   y1 <  0.5
-  [caisar][INFO] Verification results for theory 'PyRAT_oracle'
-  [caisar] Goal H: Unknown ()
+  Goal G: Unknown ()
+  Goal H: Unknown ()
diff --git a/tests/pyrat_onnx.t b/tests/pyrat_onnx.t
index b38d1b17d59126cbe1a37caad36cbcbb709fea01..856cf83bafbf56c585d3bb74c6f5d699f4469dd9 100644
--- a/tests/pyrat_onnx.t
+++ b/tests/pyrat_onnx.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Test verify
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=PyRAT --verbosity=info --log-category=specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=PyRAT --dtag=Specification - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
   > theory PyRAT_ONNX
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
   >   use bool.Bool
@@ -23,15 +23,14 @@ Test verify
   >       (0.0:t) .< (nn@@i)[0] .< (0.5:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.0 <  y0
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   y0 <  0.5
-  [caisar][INFO] Verification results for theory 'PyRAT_ONNX'
-  [caisar] Goal G: Unknown ()
+  Goal G: Unknown ()
diff --git a/tests/saver.t b/tests/saver.t
index 56387c8ebdf9ac41f0bf45865f3295c16f63fad1..a05fc8d70b7392ac79a4251c7a461197041700d3 100644
--- a/tests/saver.t
+++ b/tests/saver.t
@@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ Test verify
   >   goal I: cond_robust model dataset (8.0:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [caisar] Goal G: Valid (2/2)
-  [caisar] Goal H: Invalid (1/2)
-  [caisar] Goal I: Unknown (0/2)
+  Goal G: Valid (2/2)
+  Goal H: Invalid (1/2)
+  Goal I: Unknown (0/2)
diff --git a/tests/verify_json.t b/tests/verify_json.t
index 84575dbcee5f00539f317818b730665a5044f457..11090b9afb78f6817e4b3ac92582cfb900ecfa02 100644
--- a/tests/verify_json.t
+++ b/tests/verify_json.t
@@ -14,78 +14,77 @@ Test verify-json
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify-json config.json --verbosity=info --log-category=specification 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
-  [caisar][INFO] [SPEC]
+  $ caisar verify-json --dtag=Specification config.json 2>&1 <<EOF | ./filter_tmpdir.sh
+  [DEBUG]{SPEC} Prover-tailored specification:
   ;;; produced by PyRAT/VNN-LIB driver
-                        ;;; produced by VNN-LIB driver
-                        ;; X_0
-                        (declare-const X_0 Real)
-                        ;; X_1
-                        (declare-const X_1 Real)
-                        ;; X_2
-                        (declare-const X_2 Real)
-                        ;; X_3
-                        (declare-const X_3 Real)
-                        ;; X_4
-                        (declare-const X_4 Real)
-                        ;; Y_0
-                        (declare-const Y_0 Real)
-                        ;; Y_1
-                        (declare-const Y_1 Real)
-                        ;; Y_2
-                        (declare-const Y_2 Real)
-                        ;; Y_3
-                        (declare-const Y_3 Real)
-                        ;; Y_4
-                        (declare-const Y_4 Real)
-                        ;; axiom_ge_x0
-                        (assert (>= X_0 0.0))
+  ;;; produced by VNN-LIB driver
+  ;; X_0
+  (declare-const X_0 Real)
+  ;; X_1
+  (declare-const X_1 Real)
+  ;; X_2
+  (declare-const X_2 Real)
+  ;; X_3
+  (declare-const X_3 Real)
+  ;; X_4
+  (declare-const X_4 Real)
+  ;; Y_0
+  (declare-const Y_0 Real)
+  ;; Y_1
+  (declare-const Y_1 Real)
+  ;; Y_2
+  (declare-const Y_2 Real)
+  ;; Y_3
+  (declare-const Y_3 Real)
+  ;; Y_4
+  (declare-const Y_4 Real)
+  ;; axiom_ge_x0
+  (assert (>= X_0 0.0))
   ;; axiom_le_x0
-                        (assert (<= X_0 0.299999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875))
+  (assert (<= X_0 0.299999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875))
   ;; axiom_ge_x1
-                        (assert (>= X_1 0.6999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875))
+  (assert (>= X_1 0.6999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875))
   ;; axiom_le_x1
-                        (assert (<= X_1 1.0))
+  (assert (<= X_1 1.0))
   ;; axiom_ge_x2
-                        (assert (>= X_2 0.484313724999999972720132745962473563849925994873046875))
+  (assert (>= X_2 0.484313724999999972720132745962473563849925994873046875))
   ;; axiom_le_x2
-                        (assert (<= X_2 1.0))
+  (assert (<= X_2 1.0))
   ;; axiom_ge_x3
-                        (assert (>= X_3 0.0))
+  (assert (>= X_3 0.0))
   ;; axiom_le_x3
-                        (assert (<= X_3 0.319607843000000002575688995420932769775390625))
+  (assert (<= X_3 0.319607843000000002575688995420932769775390625))
   ;; axiom_ge_x4
-                        (assert (>= X_4 0.476470588000000028205960234117810614407062530517578125))
+  (assert (>= X_4 0.476470588000000028205960234117810614407062530517578125))
   ;; axiom_le_x4
-                        (assert (<= X_4 1.0))
+  (assert (<= X_4 1.0))
   ;; Goal robust_record0_y1
-                        (assert
-                          (or
-                            (and (>= Y_0 Y_1))
-                            (and (>= Y_2 Y_1))
-                            (and (>= Y_3 Y_1))
-                            (and (>= Y_4 Y_1))
-                            ))
-  [caisar][INFO] Verification results for theory 'JSON'
-  [caisar] Goal property: Unknown ()
+  (assert
+    (or
+      (and (>= Y_0 Y_1))
+      (and (>= Y_2 Y_1))
+      (and (>= Y_3 Y_1))
+      (and (>= Y_4 Y_1))
+      ))
+  Goal property: Unknown ()