From 7f3bc56bb6b11d99afaa5824f7a4e1828c2cbfdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michele Alberti <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 13:36:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove old standalone version.

 standalone/           | 216 ----------------------
 standalone/config.mli          |  28 ---
 standalone/dune                |  15 --
 standalone/           | 328 ---------------------------------
 standalone/engine.mli          |  11 --
 standalone/             | 206 ---------------------
 standalone/          | 156 ----------------
 standalone/marabou.mli         |   7 -
 standalone/            | 199 --------------------
 standalone/model.mli           |  39 ----
 standalone/         | 229 -----------------------
 standalone/property.mli        |  55 ------
 standalone/property_lexer.mll  |  81 --------
 standalone/property_parser.mly | 110 -----------
 standalone/property_types.mli  |  35 ----
 standalone/            |  56 ------
 standalone/pyrat.mli           |   7 -
 standalone/           |  42 -----
 standalone/solver.mli          |  63 -------
 standalone/            |  14 --
 standalone/utils.mli           |   9 -
 21 files changed, 1906 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/config.mli
 delete mode 100644 standalone/dune
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/engine.mli
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/marabou.mli
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/model.mli
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/property.mli
 delete mode 100644 standalone/property_lexer.mll
 delete mode 100644 standalone/property_parser.mly
 delete mode 100644 standalone/property_types.mli
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/pyrat.mli
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/solver.mli
 delete mode 100644 standalone/
 delete mode 100644 standalone/utils.mli

diff --git a/standalone/ b/standalone/
deleted file mode 100644
index 56a8b53..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Base
-module Format = Caml.Format
-module Sys = Caml.Sys
-module Filename = Caml.Filename
-type version =
-  | Unknown
-  | Version of string
-[@@deriving show { with_path = false }, yojson]
-type t = {
-  name: string;
-  exe: string;
-  version: version;
-[@@deriving yojson, show]
-type full_config = t list [@@deriving yojson, show]
-let exe_path_of_solver solver =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  (* We want the complete path of [exe] in $PATH: we use `command -v [exe]'
-     and retrieve the result, if any. *)
-  let tmp = Filename.temp_file "command" in
-  let _retcode =
-    Sys.command
-      (Filename.quote_command
-         ~stdout:tmp ~stderr:tmp
-         "command" ["-v"; S.exe_name])
-  in
-  let in_channel = Stdlib.open_in tmp in
-  let found, exe =
-    try true, Stdlib.input_line in_channel
-    with End_of_file -> false, S.exe_name
-  in
-  Stdlib.close_in in_channel;
-  Utils.remove_on_normal_mode tmp;
-  if found
-  then Ok exe
-  else begin
-    match Sys.getenv_opt "DIR" with
-    | None ->
-      Error (Format.asprintf "Cannot find the executable of `%s'."
-    | Some dir ->
-      (* The env variable should already provide the path to the executable: we
-         first check that the path exists, refers to a directory and it is
-         absolute, then we concatenate the [exe] name to it. *)
-      if not (Sys.file_exists dir && Sys.is_directory dir)
-      then
-        Error (Format.sprintf "`%s' not exist or is not a directory." dir)
-      else
-      if Filename.is_relative dir
-      then
-        Error
-          (Format.sprintf
-             "`%s' is a relative path. An absolute path is required for DIR."
-             dir)
-      else
-        let exe =
-          if Filename.check_suffix dir Filename.dir_sep
-          then dir ^ exe
-          else Format.sprintf "%s%s%s" dir Filename.dir_sep exe
-        in
-        Ok exe
-  end
-let version_of_solver solver s =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  try
-    (* We suppose that the first occurrence that matches [re_version] is indeed
-       the version of the concercend [solver]. *)
-    ignore (Str.search_forward S.re_version s 0);
-    Version (Str.matched_string s)
-  with Stdlib.Not_found ->
-    Logs.debug (fun m -> m "No recognizable version found.");
-    Unknown
-let default_config_file =
-  let filename = ".caisar.conf" in
-  match Sys.getenv_opt "HOME" with
-  | None -> filename
-  | Some p -> p ^ "/.caisar.conf"
-let retrieve_full_config file =
-  let open Result in
-  match full_config_of_yojson (Yojson.Safe.from_file file) with
-  | Error _ | exception _ ->
-    []
-  | Ok full_config ->
-    begin
-      Logs.debug (fun m ->
-          m "Configuration in file `%s':@ %a"
-            file
-            pp_full_config full_config);
-      full_config
-    end
-let retrieve ~file solver =
-  let open Result in
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
- (fun m ->
-      m "Reading configuration file `%s' for solver `%s'." file;
-  if not (Sys.file_exists file)
-  then Error (Format.sprintf "Configuration file `%s' not exist." file)
-  else begin
-    (* Read all solver configs present in the given configuration file. *)
-    let full_config = retrieve_full_config file in
-    (* Search for a [config] with [solver]. *)
-    match List.find ~f:(fun cs -> String.equal full_config with
-    | None ->
-      Error
-        (Format.asprintf
-           "No solver `%s' found in configuration file `%s'."
-  file)
-    | Some ({ name; version; _ } as config) ->
-      begin
- (fun m -> m "Found `%s' `%s'." name (show_version version));
-        Ok config
-      end
-  end
-(* All solver instances. *)
-let default_solvers =
-  [ (module Pyrat: Solver.S); (module Marabou: Solver.S) ]
-let detect_default_solvers () =
-  try
-    let config =
-      List.filter_map
-        ~f:(fun solver ->
-            match exe_path_of_solver solver with
-            | Error msg ->
-     (fun m -> m "%s" msg);
-              None
-            | Ok exe ->
-              (* We detect whether solver is available in $PATH, or in the
-                 provided path via env variable, by executing `solver
-                 --version' command. *)
-              let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-              let tmp = Filename.temp_file "detect" in
-              let cmd =
-                Filename.quote_command
-                  ~stdout:tmp ~stderr:tmp
-                  exe
-                  [S.exe_default_option]
-              in
-              Logs.debug (fun m ->
-                  m "Executing command `%s' to detect `%s'."
-                    cmd;
-              let retcode = Sys.command cmd in
-              let cmd_output =
-                let in_channel = Stdlib.open_in tmp in
-                let buf = Buffer.create 512 in
-                try
-                  while true do
-                    Stdlib.Buffer.add_channel buf in_channel 512;
-                  done;
-                  assert false
-                with End_of_file ->
-                  Stdlib.close_in in_channel;
-                  Buffer.contents buf
-              in
-              if retcode <> 0
-              then begin
-       (fun m -> m "No solver `%s' found.";
-                None
-              end
-              else begin
-                Utils.remove_on_normal_mode tmp;
-                (* If available, we save a [config] for solver. *)
-                let version = version_of_solver solver cmd_output in
-                let config = { name =; exe; version; } in
-       (fun m ->
-                    m "Found solver `%s' `%a' (%s)."
-                      pp_version version
-                      exe);
-                Some config
-              end)
-        default_solvers
-    in
-    Ok config
-  with _ ->
-    Error "Unexpected failure."
-let detect ~file =
-  let open Result in
-  (* Detect default supported solvers in $PATH or $DIR. *)
-  detect_default_solvers () >>= fun default_full_config ->
-  (* Retrieve the current configuration from [file]. *)
-  let current_full_config = retrieve_full_config file in
-  (* Create new configuration file. *)
-  Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Creating new configuration file `%s'." file);
-  let out_channel = Stdlib.open_out file in
-  (* Build [full_config] by first appending [default_full_config] to
-     [current_full_config], and then deduping the result. *)
-  let full_config =
-    (* TODO: This comparison is not optimal but sufficient as long as we register
-       solver as simply as done in [detect_default_solvers]. *)
-    let compare cs1 cs2 = in
-    List.dedup_and_sort
-      ~compare
-      (List.append current_full_config default_full_config)
-  in
-  (* We write all solver configs in the configuration file, as JSON data. *)
-  let full_config_json = full_config_to_yojson full_config in
-  Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_channel out_channel full_config_json;
-  Stdlib.close_out out_channel;
-  Ok ()
diff --git a/standalone/config.mli b/standalone/config.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb1caa..0000000
--- a/standalone/config.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-type version =
-  | Unknown
-  | Version of string
-type t = private {
-  name: string;
-  exe: string;
-  version: version;
-(** Path to default configuration file. *)
-val default_config_file: string
-(** The list of supported solvers by default. *)
-val default_solvers: Solver.instance list
-(** [detect ~file] searches for solvers in $PATH, or in the path provided in env
-    variable $DIR, and save the configurations in [file]. *)
-val detect: file:string -> (unit, string) Result.t
-(** @return the [solver] configuration, if any, from the given [file]. *)
-val retrieve: file:string -> Solver.instance -> (t, string) Result.t
diff --git a/standalone/dune b/standalone/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eea482..0000000
--- a/standalone/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-  (modules property_lexer))
-  (modules property_parser)
-  (flags --table))
-  (name main)
-  (public_name caisar-standalone)
-  (modules_without_implementation property_types)
-  (libraries menhirLib yojson cmdliner logs logs.cli logs.fmt fmt.tty base unix str ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime)
-  (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving.ord ppx_deriving.eq))
-  (package caisar)
diff --git a/standalone/ b/standalone/
deleted file mode 100644
index 129235d..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Base
-open Property_types
-module Format = Caml.Format
-module Sys = Caml.Sys
-module Filename = Caml.Filename
-(* Verification task submitted to a solver. *)
-type task = {
-  (* Identifier. *)
-  id: string;
-  (* Original goal name. *)
-  goalname: string;
-  (* Subgoal identifier.
-     Typically a goal is translated to multiple subgoals by a solver.
-     [None] means the goal has no subgoals. *)
-  subgoal: int option;
-  (* The formula to verify. *)
-  formula: string;
-  (* Verification result.
-     [None] means no verification yet. *)
-  result: (task_result, string) Result.t option;
-(* Result of a well-terminated task. *)
-and task_result = {
-  (* Solver result. *)
-  solver_result: Solver.Result.t;
-  (* Time elapsed to compute the result. *)
-  elapsed_time: float;
-let check_availability solver config =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  Logs.debug (fun m -> m "Checking actual availability of `%s'.";
-  try
-    (* Execute command `solver --version' to check actual availability. *)
-    let tmp = Filename.temp_file "avail" in
-    let cmd =
-      Filename.quote_command
-        ~stdout:tmp ~stderr:tmp
-        config.Config.exe
-        [S.exe_default_option]
-    in
-    Logs.debug (fun m ->
-        m "Executing command `%s' to check `%s' availability." cmd;
-    let retcode = Sys.command cmd in
-    let in_channel = Stdlib.open_in tmp in
-    Stdlib.close_in in_channel;
-    if retcode = 0
-    then begin
-      Utils.remove_on_normal_mode tmp;
-      Ok ()
-    end
-    else
-      Error
-        (Format.sprintf
-           "Command `%s' failed. \
-            Try to launch the configuration process again."
-           cmd)
-  with Stdlib.Not_found | End_of_file | Failure _ | Sys_error _ ->
-    Error "Unexpected failure."
-let check_compatibility solver model =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  if S.is_model_format_supported model.Model.format
-  then Ok ()
-  else
-    Error
-      (Format.asprintf
-         "No support yet for `%s' and model format `%s'."
-         (Model.show_format model.format))
-let tasks_of_property solver { axioms; goals } =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  let make_task goalname subgoal formula =
-    let id =
-      Format.sprintf "%s%s"
-        goalname
-        (Option.value_map subgoal
-           ~default:""
-           ~f:(fun idx -> Format.sprintf ".%d" idx))
-    in
-    { id;
-      goalname;
-      subgoal;
-      formula = Format.asprintf "%a" S.pretty formula;
-      result = None; }
-  in
-  let hypothesis =
-    match axioms with
-    | [] ->
-      (* Axioms are non-empty lists. *)
-      assert false
-    | [ { formula; _ } ] ->
-      formula
-    | a :: aa ->
-      List.fold_left aa ~init:a.formula ~f:(fun acc a -> And (acc, a.formula))
-  in
-  let table = Hashtbl.create (module String) in
-  List.iter
-    goals
-    ~f:(fun { name; formula; } ->
-        let elts = S.(repr (translate ~hypothesis ~goal:formula)) in
-        let tasks =
-          if List.length elts = 1
-          then [ make_task name None (List.hd_exn elts) ]
-          else List.mapi elts ~f:(fun idx elt -> make_task name (Some idx) elt)
-        in
-        Hashtbl.set table ~key:name ~data:tasks);
-  table
-let build_command ~raw_options solver config model task =
-  let open Result in
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  (* Write property to temporary file. *)
-  begin
-    try
-      let tmp = Filename.temp_file "prop" in
-      let out_channel = Stdlib.open_out tmp in
-      let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
-      Format.fprintf fmt "%s@?" task.formula;
-      Stdlib.close_out out_channel;
-      Ok tmp
-    with Sys_error e ->
-      Error (Format.sprintf "Unexpected failure:@ %s." e)
-  end >>= fun property ->
-  (* Build actual command-line. *)
-  try
-    let log = Filename.temp_file "log" in
-    let output = Filename.temp_file "output" in
-    let options = S.options ~model:model.Model.filename ~property ~output in
-    let command =
-      let args = options @ raw_options in
-      Filename.quote_command ~stdout:log ~stderr:log config.Config.exe args
-    in
-    Ok (command, property, log, output)
-  with Failure e ->
-    Error (Format.sprintf "Unexpected failure:@ %s." e)
-let extract_solver_result solver ~log ~output =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
- (fun m -> m "Extracting result of verification.");
-  let output =
-    let content file =
-      let in_channel = Stdlib.open_in file in
-      let buf = Buffer.create 512 in
-      try
-        while true do
-          Stdlib.Buffer.add_channel buf in_channel 512;
-        done;
-        assert false
-      with End_of_file ->
-        Stdlib.close_in in_channel;
-        buf
-    in
-    let output = content output in
-    if Buffer.length output > 0
-    then output
-    else content log
-  in
-  let output = Buffer.contents output in
-  let results = [ Solver.Result.Valid; Invalid; Timeout; Unknown ] in
-  List.fold
-    results
-    ~init:Solver.Result.Failure
-    ~f:(fun acc result ->
-        let regexp = S.re_of_result result in
-        let found =
-          try Str.search_forward regexp output 0 >= 0
-          with Stdlib.Not_found -> false
-        in
-        if found
-        then result
-        else acc)
-let exec_tasks ~raw_options solver config model tasks_htbl =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  let open Result in
- (fun m -> m "Launching verification with `%s'.";
-  (* Run one task at a time and modify its status. *)
-  Hashtbl.map_inplace
-    tasks_htbl
-    ~f:(fun tasks ->
-          tasks
-          ~f:(fun task ->
-     (fun m ->
-                  m "Verifying goal `%s'%s."
-                    task.goalname
-                    (Option.value_map task.subgoal
-                       ~default:""
-                       ~f:(fun subgoal ->
-                           Format.sprintf ", subgoal %d (%s)"
-                             subgoal;
-              let task_result =
-                (* Build the required command-line. *)
-                build_command ~raw_options solver config model task
-                >>= fun (cmd, prop, log, output) ->
-                (* Execute the command. *)
-       (fun m -> m "Executing command `%s'." cmd);
-                try
-                  let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
-                  let retcode = Sys.command cmd in
-                  let elapsed_time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. start_time in
-                  (* We extract the solver result first before looking at
-                     [retcode] as the solver may crash after having produced a
-                     result. *)
-                  let solver_result =
-                    extract_solver_result solver ~log ~output
-                  in
-                  if retcode <> 0
-                     && Solver.Result.equal solver_result Solver.Result.Failure
-                  then
-                    Error (Format.sprintf "Command `%s' has failed." cmd)
-                  else begin
-                      (fun m -> m "Result of `%s': %a (%.3fs)."
-                          Solver.Result.pretty solver_result
-                          elapsed_time);
-                    if Solver.Result.equal solver_result Solver.Result.Failure
-                    then
-             (fun m ->
-                          m "See error messages in `%s' for more information."
-                            log)
-                    else begin
-                      Utils.remove_on_normal_mode log;
-                      Utils.remove_on_normal_mode prop;
-                      Utils.remove_on_normal_mode output;
-                    end;
-                    Ok { solver_result; elapsed_time; }
-                  end
-                with _ ->
-                  Error "Unexpected failure."
-              in
-              { task with result = Some task_result; }));
-  tasks_htbl
-let consolidate_task_results solver tasks_htbl =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-    tasks_htbl
-    ~f:(fun tasks ->
-        let consolidated_task_result =
-          List.fold
-            ~init:None
-            ~f:(fun accum { result; _ } ->
-                let task_result =
-                  match result with
-                  | None ->
-                    None
-                  | Some Ok result ->
-                    Some (result.solver_result, result.elapsed_time)
-                  | Some Error _ ->
-                    Some (Failure, 0.)
-                in
-                match accum, task_result with
-                | _, None ->
-                  accum
-                | None, result ->
-                  result
-                | Some (r1, t1), Some (r2, t2) ->
-                  Some (S.consolidate r1 r2, t1 +. t2))
-            tasks
-        in
-        consolidated_task_result, tasks)
-let pretty_summary tasks_htbl =
-  let pretty_task_status fmt { id; result; _ } =
-    let result = Option.value_exn result in
-    let result_string =
-      match result with
-      | Ok r ->
-        Format.asprintf "%a (%.3fs)"
-          Solver.Result.pretty r.solver_result
-          r.elapsed_time
-      | Error msg ->
-        msg
-    in
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[-- %s: @[<hov>%s@]@]" id result_string
-  in
-  let pretty_tasks _fmt = function
-    | [] | [ _ ] ->
-      (* We don't print task details: the consolidated goal result is enough. *)
-      ()
-    | tasks ->
-      Format.printf "@ %a"
-        (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space pretty_task_status)
-        tasks
-  in
-  let pretty_goal_tasks fmt (goalname, (consolidated_task_result, tasks)) =
-    let consolidated_result, consolidated_time =
-      Option.value_exn consolidated_task_result
-    in
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>- %s: @[%a (%.3fs)@]%a@]"
-      goalname
-      Solver.Result.pretty consolidated_result
-      consolidated_time
-      pretty_tasks tasks
-  in
- (fun m ->
-      m "@[<v 2>Summary:@ %a@]"
-        (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space pretty_goal_tasks)
-        (Hashtbl.to_alist tasks_htbl))
-let exec ~raw_options solver config model property =
-  let open Result in
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  (* Check solver availability. *)
-  check_availability solver config >>= fun () ->
-  (* Check solver and model compatibility. *)
-  check_compatibility solver model >>= fun () ->
-  (* Translate property into tasks. *)
-  tasks_of_property solver property |>
-  (* Run verification process. *)
-  exec_tasks ~raw_options solver config model |>
-  (* Consolidate task results for every goal. *)
-  consolidate_task_results solver |>
-  (* Pretty print a summary on results. *)
-  pretty_summary |> fun () ->
-  Ok ()
diff --git a/standalone/engine.mli b/standalone/engine.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index ad36710..0000000
--- a/standalone/engine.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(** [exec ~raw_options config model property] runs a solver wrt the given
-    [config] on [property] for [model] with the provided [raw_options]. *)
-val exec:
-  raw_options:string list ->
-  Solver.instance -> Config.t -> Model.t -> Property.t -> (unit, string) Result.t
diff --git a/standalone/ b/standalone/
deleted file mode 100644
index 425cc9d..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Base
-open Cmdliner
-module Format = Caml.Format
-let caisar = "caisar"
-(* Logs. *)
-let pp_header =
-  let x = match Array.length Caml.Sys.argv with
-    | 0 -> Caml.(Filename.basename Sys.executable_name)
-    | _ -> Caml.(Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0))
-  in
-  let pp_h ppf style h =
- ppf "[%s][%a] " x Fmt.(styled style string) h in
-  fun ppf (l, h) ->
-    (let open Logs_fmt in
-     match l with
-     | Logs.App ->
- ppf "[%a] " Fmt.(styled app_style string) x
-     | Logs.Error ->
-       pp_h ppf err_style (match h with None -> "ERROR" | Some h -> h)
-     | Logs.Warning ->
-       pp_h ppf warn_style (match h with None -> "WARNING" | Some h -> h)
-     | Logs.Info ->
-       pp_h ppf info_style (match h with None -> "INFO" | Some h -> h)
-     | Logs.Debug ->
-       pp_h ppf debug_style (match h with None -> "DEBUG" | Some h -> h))
-let setup_logs =
-  let setup_log level =
-    Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ~style_renderer:`Ansi_tty ();
-    Logs.set_level level;
-    Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ~pp_header ())
-  in
-  Term.(const setup_log $ Logs_cli.level ())
-(* Commands. *)
-let config cmd detect file () =
-  Logs.debug
-    (fun m -> m "Command `%s' with configuration file `%s'." cmd file);
-  if detect
-  then begin
-    match Config.detect ~file with
-    | Ok () -> (fun m -> m "Configuration saved in `%s'." file)
-    | Error e -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "%s" e)
-  end
-let verify cmd raw_options config_file model property solver () =
-  let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-  Logs.debug
-    (fun m ->
-       m "Command `%s' with@ model `%s',@ property `%s' and@ solver `%s' \
-          (using configuration file `%s')."
-         cmd model property config_file);
-  let do_verify () =
-    let open Result in
- ~filename:model >>= fun model ->
- ~filename:property >>= fun property ->
-    Config.retrieve ~file:config_file solver >>= fun config ->
-    Engine.exec ~raw_options solver config model property
-  in
-  match do_verify () with
-  | Ok () -> (fun m -> m "Done.")
-  | Error e -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "%s" e)
-(* Command line. *)
-let config_cmd =
-  let cmdname = "config" in
-  let dirvar = "DIR" in
-  let envs =
-    [ Term.env_info
-        ~doc:"Absolute path to the directory containing the executable \
-              of a solver."
-        dirvar ]
-  in
-  let detect =
-    let doc =
-      Format.sprintf "Detect solvers in \\$PATH (or \\$%s, if specified)." dirvar
-    in
-    Arg.(value & flag & info ["d"; "detect"] ~doc)
-  in
-  let filename =
-    let docv_filename = "FILE" in
-    let doc =
-      Format.sprintf "$(b,FILE) to write the %s configuration to." caisar
-    in
-    Arg.(value & pos 0 string Config.default_config_file
-         & info [] ~docv:docv_filename ~doc)
-  in
-  let doc = Format.sprintf "%s configuration." caisar in
-  let exits = Term.default_exits in
-  let man = [
-    `S Manpage.s_description;
-    `P (Format.sprintf "Handle the configuration of %s." caisar); ]
-  in
-  Term.(ret
-          (const (fun cmdname detect filename _ ->
-               if not detect
-               then `Help (`Pager, Some "config")
-               else
-                 (* TODO: Do not only check for [detect], and enable it by
-                    default, as soon as other options are available. *)
-                 `Ok (config cmdname true filename ()))
-           $ const cmdname $ detect $ filename $ setup_logs)),
- cmdname ~sdocs:Manpage.s_common_options ~envs ~exits ~doc ~man
-let verify_cmd =
-  let cmdname = "verify" in
-  let docv_solver = "SOLVER" in
-  let solver =
-    let solver_names =
-        Config.default_solvers
-        ~f:(fun solver ->
-            let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-            String.lowercase
-    in
-    let doc =
-      Format.asprintf
-        "The solver to use for verification. \
-         $(docv) must be chosen among: %a."
-        (Format.pp_print_list
-           ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_string fmt ", ")
-           Format.pp_print_string)
-        solver_names
-    in
-    let solvers =
-      Arg.enum
-        (
-           Config.default_solvers
-           ~f:(fun solver ->
-               let module S = (val solver: Solver.S) in
-               String.lowercase, solver))
-    in
-    Arg.(required
-         & pos 2 (some solvers) (Some (module Pyrat: Solver.S))
-         & info [] ~docv:docv_solver ~doc)
-  in
-  let docv_model = "MODEL" in
-  let model =
-    let doc = "$(b,FILE) of a neural network model." in
-    Arg.(required & pos 0 (some file) None & info [] ~docv:docv_model ~doc)
-  in
-  let docv_property = "PROPERTY" in
-  let property =
-    let doc = "$(b,FILE) of a property to verify." in
-    Arg.(required & pos 1 (some file) None & info [] ~docv:docv_property ~doc)
-  in
-  let solver_raw_options =
-    let doc = "Additional options provided to the solver." in
-    Arg.(value & opt (list ~sep:' ' string) []
-         & info ["raw"; "raw-options"] ~doc)
-  in
-  let config_filename =
-    let doc = "$(b,FILE) to read the configuration from." in
-    Arg.(value & opt file Config.default_config_file
-         & info ["c"; "config"] ~doc)
-  in
-  let doc = "Property verification of neural networks." in
-  let exits = Term.default_exits in
-  let man = [
-    `S Manpage.s_description;
-    `P (Format.sprintf
-          "Verify $(i,%s) on $(i,%s) by using $(i,%s)."
-          docv_property docv_model docv_solver); ]
-  in
-  Term.(const verify
-        $ const cmdname
-        $ solver_raw_options
-        $ config_filename
-        $ model $ property $ solver
-        $ setup_logs),
- cmdname ~sdocs:Manpage.s_common_options ~exits ~doc ~man
-let default_cmd =
-  let doc = "Framework for neural networks property verification and more." in
-  let sdocs = Manpage.s_common_options in
-  let man =
-    [ `S Manpage.s_common_options;
-      `P "These options are common to all commands.";
-      `S "MORE HELP";
-      `P "Use `$(mname) $(i,COMMAND) --help' for help on a single command.";
-      `S Manpage.s_bugs;
-      `P "Email bug reports to <...>" ]
-  in
-  let version = "0.0" in
-  Term.(ret (const (fun _ -> `Help (`Pager, None)) $ const ())),
- caisar ~version ~doc ~sdocs ~exits:Term.default_exits ~man
-let () =
-  match Term.(eval_choice default_cmd [ verify_cmd; config_cmd ]) with
-  | `Error _ -> Caml.exit 1
-  | _ -> Caml.exit (if Logs.err_count () > 0 then 1 else 0)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 205fcc1..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Property_types
-type t = Property.disjunct Property.nform
-let name = "Marabou"
-let exe_name = "Marabou"
-let exe_default_option = "--version"
-let re_version = Str.regexp "[0-9]\\(\\.[0-9]\\)*\\(\\.?[A-Za-z-+]\\)*"
-let re_of_result result =
-  Str.regexp
-    (match result with
-     | Solver.Result.Valid ->
-       (* The original formula is valid iff [result], computed on the negation
-          of the original formula as typical in SAT/SMT, is unsat. *)
-       "^\\(u\\|U\\)nsat\\|UNSAT"
-     | Invalid ->
-       (* The original formula is invalid iff [result], computed on the negation
-          of the original formula as typical in SAT/SMT, is sat. *)
-       "^\\(s\\|S\\)at\\|SAT"
-     | Timeout -> "\\(t\\|T\\)imeout\\|TIMEOUT"
-     | Unknown -> "\\(u\\|U\\)nknown\\|UNKNOWN"
-     | Failure -> assert false)
-let is_model_format_supported = function
-  | Model.Nnet _ -> true
-  | Onnx -> false
-let options ~model ~property ~output =
-  let verbosity_level =
-    match Logs.level () with
-    | None | Some (App | Error | Warning) -> 0
-    | Some Info -> 1
-    | Some Debug -> 2
-  in
-  [ "--property"; property;
-    "--input"; model;
-    "--verbosity"; Int.to_string verbosity_level;
-    "--summary-file"; output ]
-(* Recall that Marabou is a SAT/SMT-like solver that supports conjunctive
-   formulae only, meaning that disjunctive formulae need to be split into
-   multiple files. If consolidation of formulae is needed, then the original
-   formula, ie before taking the negation as typical in SAT/SMT, was a
-   conjunctive formula: we consolidate wrt logical and-operator semantics. *)
-let consolidate r1 r2=
-  match r1, r2 with
-  | result, Solver.Result.Valid | Solver.Result.Valid, result -> result
-  | Invalid, _ | _, Invalid -> Invalid
-  | Failure, _ | _, Failure -> Failure
-  | Timeout, _ | _, Timeout -> Timeout
-  | Unknown, Unknown -> Unknown
-(* Transform [k_y_0 + ky_1 + ... + ky_n cop ky_n+1] into [ky_n+1 + k_y_0 +
-   ky_1 + ... + ky_n cop 0], taking care of the sign. *)
-let rec constant_rhs formula =
-  match formula with
-  | Constraint (terms, cop, General (sign_opt, cst_opt, var)) ->
-    let terms =
-      match sign_opt, cst_opt with
-      | _, Some Int i when i = 0 -> terms
-      | _, Some Float f when Base.Float.(=) f 0. -> terms
-      | (None | Some Plus), None ->
-        General (Some Minus, None, var) :: terms
-      | (None | Some Plus), Some cst ->
-        let negcst =
-          match cst with
-          | Int i -> Int (~- i)
-          | Float f -> Float (~-. f)
-        in
-        General (Some Plus, Some negcst, var) :: terms
-      | Some Minus, _ ->
-        General (Some Plus, cst_opt, var) :: terms
-    in
-    Constraint (terms, cop, Constant (Int 0))
-  | Constraint (_, _, Constant _) ->
-    formula
-  | And (p1, p2) ->
-    And (constant_rhs p1, constant_rhs p2)
-  | Or (p1, p2) ->
-    Or (constant_rhs p1, constant_rhs p2)
-(* Marabou does not support greater-than (ie Gt) and less-than (ie Lt)
-   comparison operators. Then, transform these into their non-strict versions by
-   adding (Gt) or subtracting (Lt) an [epsilon]. For example, [k_y_0 > c] iff
-   [k_y_0 >= c + epsilon]. *)
-let rec epsilon_rhs ~epsilon formula =
-  match formula with
-  | Constraint (terms, Gt, Constant cst) ->
-    let fcst =
-      (match cst with
-       | Int i -> Float.of_int i
-       | Float f -> f)
-      +. epsilon
-    in
-    Constraint (terms, Ge, Constant (Float fcst))
-  | Constraint (terms, Lt, Constant cst) ->
-    let fcst =
-      (match cst with
-       | Int i -> Float.of_int i
-       | Float f -> f)
-      -. epsilon
-    in
-    Constraint (terms, Le, Constant (Float fcst))
-  | Constraint _ ->
-    formula
-  | And (p1, p2) ->
-    And (epsilon_rhs ~epsilon p1, epsilon_rhs ~epsilon p2)
-  | Or (p1, p2) ->
-    Or (epsilon_rhs ~epsilon p1, epsilon_rhs ~epsilon p2)
-let translate ~hypothesis ~goal =
-  let goal = Property.negation goal in
-  let goal = constant_rhs goal in
-  let goal = epsilon_rhs ~epsilon:0.00001 goal in
-  Property.dnf_of_formula (And (hypothesis, goal))
-let repr = Property.get_disjuncts
-let pretty fmt t =
-  let pp_terms fmt terms =
-    match terms with
-    | [] ->
-      assert false (* Terms are non-empty lists by construction. *)
-    | [ t ] ->
-      Property.pretty_term fmt t
-    | t :: tt ->
-      let pp_term = Property.pretty_term ~pp_sign:true in
-      Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a %a@]"
-        pp_term t
-        (Format.pp_print_list
-           ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_char fmt ' ')
-           pp_term) tt
-  in
-  let rec pp_formula fmt formula =
-    match formula with
-    | Constraint (terms, cop, term) ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "%a %a %a"
-        pp_terms terms
-        Property.pretty_cop cop
-        (Property.pretty_term ~pp_sign:true) term
-    | And (p1, p2) ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "%a@\n%a" pp_formula p1 pp_formula p2
-    | Or _ ->
-      (* Marabou does not handle Or connectives directly. Anyway, it should
-         not happen as in [translate] we convert the original goal into a
-         dnf-like form where we retrieve only the final conjuncts. *)
-      assert false
-  in
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" pp_formula t
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf7a73..0000000
--- a/standalone/marabou.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Solver.S
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deleted file mode 100644
index f95352d..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Base
-module Format = Caml.Format
-module Sys = Caml.Sys
-module Filename = Caml.Filename
-type nnet = {
-  n_layers : int;
-  n_inputs: int;
-  n_outputs: int;
-  max_layer_size: int;
-  layer_sizes: int list;
-  min_input_values: float list;
-  max_input_values: float list;
-  mean_values: float list * float;
-  range_values: float list * float;
-} [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
-type format = Onnx | Nnet of nnet [@@deriving show { with_path = false}]
-type t = {
-  format: format;
-  filename: string;
-(* Nnet format handling. *)
-let nnet_format_error s =
-  Error (Format.sprintf "Nnet format error: %s condition not satisfied." s)
-let nnet_delimiter = Str.regexp ","
-(* Parse a single Nnet format line: split line using [nnet_delimiter] as
-   delimiter, and convert each string into a number by means of converter [f]. *)
-let handle_nnet_line ~f line =
-  List.filter_map
-    ~f:(fun s -> try Some (f (String.strip s)) with _ -> None)
-    (Str.split nnet_delimiter line)
-(* Skip the header part, ie comments, of the Nnet format. *)
-let handle_nnet_header filename in_channel =
-  let exception End_of_header in
-  let pos_in = ref (Stdlib.pos_in in_channel) in
-  try
-    while true do
-      let line = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
-      if not (Str.string_match (Str.regexp "//") line 0)
-      then raise End_of_header
-      else pos_in := Stdlib.pos_in in_channel
-    done;
-    assert false
-  with
-  | End_of_header ->
-    (* At this point we have read one line past the header part: seek back. *)
-    Stdlib.seek_in in_channel !pos_in;
-    Ok ()
-  | End_of_file ->
-    Error (Format.sprintf "Nnet model not found in file `%s'." filename)
-(* Retrieve number of layers, inputs, outputs and maximum layer size. *)
-let handle_nnet_basic_info in_channel =
-  try
-    let line = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
-    match handle_nnet_line ~f:Stdlib.int_of_string line with
-    | [ n_layers; n_inputs; n_outputs; max_layer_size ] ->
-      Ok (n_layers, n_inputs, n_outputs, max_layer_size)
-    | _ ->
-      nnet_format_error "second"
-  with End_of_file ->
-    nnet_format_error "second"
-(* Retrieve size of each layer, including inputs and outputs. *)
-let handle_nnet_layer_sizes n_layers in_channel =
-  try
-    let line = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
-    let layer_sizes = handle_nnet_line ~f:Stdlib.int_of_string line in
-    if List.length layer_sizes = (n_layers + 1)
-    then Ok layer_sizes
-    else nnet_format_error "third"
-  with End_of_file ->
-    nnet_format_error "third"
-(* Skip unused flag. *)
-let handle_nnet_unused_flag in_channel =
-  try
-    let _ = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
-    Ok ()
-  with End_of_file ->
-    nnet_format_error "forth"
-(* Retrive minimum values of inputs. *)
-let handle_nnet_min_input_values n_inputs in_channel =
-  try
-    let line = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
-    let min_input_values = handle_nnet_line ~f:Stdlib.float_of_string line in
-    if List.length min_input_values = n_inputs
-    then Ok min_input_values
-    else nnet_format_error "fifth"
-  with End_of_file ->
-    nnet_format_error "fifth"
-(* Retrive maximum values of inputs. *)
-let handle_nnet_max_input_values n_inputs in_channel =
-  try
-    let line = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
-    let max_input_values = handle_nnet_line ~f:Stdlib.float_of_string line in
-    if List.length max_input_values = n_inputs
-    then Ok max_input_values
-    else nnet_format_error "sixth"
-  with End_of_file ->
-    nnet_format_error "sixth"
-(* Retrieve mean values of inputs and one value for all outputs. *)
-let handle_nnet_mean_values n_inputs in_channel =
-  try
-    let line = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
-    let mean_values = handle_nnet_line ~f:Stdlib.float_of_string line in
-    if List.length mean_values = (n_inputs + 1)
-    then
-      let mean_input_values, mean_output_value =
-        List.split_n mean_values n_inputs
-      in
-      Ok (mean_input_values, List.hd_exn mean_output_value)
-    else
-      nnet_format_error "seventh"
-  with End_of_file ->
-    nnet_format_error "seventh"
-(* Retrieve range values of inputs and one value for all outputs. *)
-let handle_nnet_range_values n_inputs in_channel =
-  try
-    let line = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
-    let range_values = handle_nnet_line ~f:Stdlib.float_of_string line in
-    if List.length range_values = (n_inputs + 1)
-    then
-      let range_input_values, range_output_value =
-        List.split_n range_values n_inputs
-      in
-      Ok (range_input_values, List.hd_exn range_output_value)
-    else
-      nnet_format_error "eighth"
-  with End_of_file ->
-    nnet_format_error "eighth"
-(* Retrieves [filename] Nnet model metadata wrt Nnet format specification (see
- for details.) *)
-let retrieve_nnet_metadata filename =
-  let open Result in
-  let in_channel = Stdlib.open_in filename in
-  try
-    handle_nnet_header filename in_channel >>= fun () ->
-    handle_nnet_basic_info in_channel >>= fun (n_ls, n_is, n_os, max_l_size) ->
-    handle_nnet_layer_sizes n_ls in_channel >>= fun layer_sizes ->
-    handle_nnet_unused_flag in_channel >>= fun () ->
-    handle_nnet_min_input_values n_is in_channel >>= fun min_input_values ->
-    handle_nnet_max_input_values n_is in_channel >>= fun max_input_values ->
-    handle_nnet_mean_values n_is in_channel >>= fun mean_values ->
-    handle_nnet_range_values n_is in_channel >>= fun range_values ->
-    Stdlib.close_in in_channel;
-    Ok
-      { n_layers = n_ls;
-        n_inputs = n_is;
-        n_outputs = n_os;
-        max_layer_size = max_l_size;
-        layer_sizes;
-        min_input_values;
-        max_input_values;
-        mean_values;
-        range_values; }
-  with Failure msg ->
-    Error (Format.sprintf "Unexpected error: %s." msg)
-(* Generic model. *)
-let build ~filename =
-  let open Result in
- (fun m -> m "Checking format of model file `%s'." filename);
-  if Sys.file_exists filename
-  then
-    begin
-      if Filename.check_suffix filename "onnx"
-      then Ok Onnx
-      else
-        retrieve_nnet_metadata filename >>= fun nnet ->
-        Ok (Nnet nnet)
-    end >>= fun format ->
- (fun m ->
-        m "Model format recognized as `%s'."
-          (match format with Onnx -> "ONNX" | Nnet _ -> "NNet"));
-    Ok { format; filename }
-  else
-    Error (Format.sprintf "No such file `%s'." filename)
diff --git a/standalone/model.mli b/standalone/model.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index fdc61c7..0000000
--- a/standalone/model.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(** Nnet model metadata. *)
-type nnet = private {
-  (** Number of layers. *)
-  n_layers : int;
-  (** Number of inputs. *)
-  n_inputs: int;
-  (** Number of outputs. *)
-  n_outputs: int;
-  (** Maximum layer size. *)
-  max_layer_size: int;
-  (** Size of each layer. *)
-  layer_sizes: int list;
-  (** Minimum values of inputs. *)
-  min_input_values: float list;
-  (** Maximum values of inputs. *)
-  max_input_values: float list;
-  (** Mean values of inputs and one value for all outputs. *)
-  mean_values: float list * float;
-  (** Range values of inputs and one value for all outputs. *)
-  range_values: float list * float;
-} [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
-type format = Onnx | Nnet of nnet [@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
-type t = private {
-  format: format;
-  filename: string;
-(** Builds a model out of the given [filename], if possible. The model is
-    inferred from the [filename] extension for the Onnx case, while Nnet models
-    are parsed for metadata retrieval and conformity checks. *)
-val build: filename:string -> (t, string) Result.t
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deleted file mode 100644
index b440ac4..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Base
-open Property_types
-module Format = Caml.Format
-module Sys = Caml.Sys
-module Lexer = Property_lexer
-module Parser = Property_parser
-module MI = Parser.MenhirInterpreter
-module ER = MenhirLib.ErrorReports
-module LU = MenhirLib.LexerUtil
-type t = Property_types.t
-type 'a printer = Caml.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
-(* [show text (pos1, pos2)] displays a range of the input text [text]
-   delimited by the positions [pos1] and [pos2]. *)
-let show text positions =
-  ER.extract text positions
-  |> ER.sanitize
-  |> ER.compress
-  |> ER.shorten 20 (* max width 43 *)
-(* The parser has succeeded and produced a property. *)
-let succeed (property: t) =
-  Ok property
-(* The parser has encountered a syntax error. *)
-let fail text buffer (_ : t MI.checkpoint) =
-  (* Indicate where in the input file the error occurred. *)
-  let location = LU.range (ER.last buffer) in
-  (* Show the tokens just before and just after the error. *)
-  let indication =
-    Format.sprintf "Syntax error %s." ( (show text) buffer)
-  in
-  (* Show these three components. *)
-  Error (Format.sprintf "%s%s" location indication)
-let build ~filename =
-  (* Read the file; allocate and initialize a lexing buffer. *)
-  let text, lexbuf = filename in
-  (* Wrap the lexer and lexbuf together into a supplier, that is, a
-     function of type [unit -> token * position * position]. *)
-  let supplier = MI.lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier Lexer.token lexbuf in
-  (* Equip the supplier with a two-place buffer that records the positions
-     of the last two tokens. This is useful when a syntax error occurs, as
-     these are the token just before and just after the error. *)
-  let buffer, supplier = ER.wrap_supplier supplier in
-  (* Fetch the parser's initial checkpoint. *)
-  let checkpoint = Parser.Incremental.main lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
-  (* Run the parser. *)
-  try MI.loop_handle succeed (fail text buffer) supplier checkpoint
-  with
-  | Property_lexer.Error msg ->
-    Error (Format.sprintf "%s" msg)
-(* Printing. *)
-let pretty_cop fmt cop =
-  let string_of_cop = function
-    | Eq -> "="
-    | Ge -> ">="
-    | Le -> "<="
-    | Gt -> ">"
-    | Lt -> "<"
-  in
-  Format.pp_print_string fmt (string_of_cop cop)
-let pretty_var fmt = function
-  | Input s | Output s -> Format.pp_print_string fmt s
-let pretty_cst fmt = function
-  | Int i -> Format.fprintf fmt "%d" i
-  | Float f -> Format.fprintf fmt "%f" f
-let pretty_term ?(pp_sign=false) fmt = function
-  | Constant cst ->
-    pretty_cst fmt cst
-  | General (sign_opt, cst_opt, var) ->
-    begin match sign_opt, cst_opt with
-      | _, Some Int i when i = 0 -> ()
-      | _, Some Float f when Float.(=) f 0. -> ()
-      | (None | Some Plus), None ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s%a@]"
-          (if not pp_sign then "" else "+")
-          pretty_var var
-      | (None | Some Plus), Some cst ->
-        let is_cst_negative =
-          match cst with
-          | Int i -> Int.is_negative i
-          | Float f -> Float.is_negative f
-        in
-        Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s%a%a@]"
-          (if not pp_sign || is_cst_negative then "" else "+")
-          pretty_cst cst
-          pretty_var var
-      | Some Minus, None ->
-        Format.fprintf fmt "@[-%a@]" pretty_var var
-      | Some Minus, Some cst ->
-        let negcst, is_negcst_negative =
-          match cst with
-          | Int i -> Int (~- i), i > 0
-          | Float f -> Float (~-. f), Float.(>) f 0.
-        in
-        Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s%a%a@]"
-          (if not pp_sign || is_negcst_negative then "" else "+")
-          pretty_cst negcst
-          pretty_var var
-    end
-let pretty_terms pp_term fmt terms =
-  match terms with
-  | [] ->
-    assert false (* Terms are non-empty lists by construction. *)
-  | [ t ] ->
-    pp_term fmt t
-  | t :: tt ->
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a %a@]"
-      pp_term t
-      (Format.pp_print_list
-         ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_char fmt ' ')
-         pp_term) tt
-let rec pretty_formula fmt formula =
-  match formula with
-  | Constraint ([], _, _) ->
-    (* Non-empty list by construction. *)
-    assert false
-  | Constraint (terms, cop, term) ->
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a %a %a@]"
-      (pretty_terms pretty_term) terms
-      pretty_cop cop
-      (pretty_term ~pp_sign:false) term
-  | And (p1, p2) ->
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ &&@ %a@]" pretty_formula p1 pretty_formula p2
-  | Or (p1, p2) ->
-    Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ ||@ %a@]" pretty_formula p1 pretty_formula p2
-let pretty_goal fmt goal =
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>goal %s:@ @[<hov>%a@]@]"
-    pretty_formula goal.formula
-let pretty_axiom fmt axiom =
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>axiom %s:@ @[<hov>%a@]@]"
-    pretty_formula axiom.formula
-let pretty fmt t =
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]@\n@[<v>%a@]"
-    (Format.pp_print_list pretty_axiom) t.axioms
-    (Format.pp_print_list pretty_goal) t.goals
-(* Transformations and normal forms. *)
-let rec negation f =
-  let negate_cop = function
-    | Eq -> assert false (* We do not support Neq for the moment. *)
-    | Ge -> Lt
-    | Le -> Gt
-    | Lt -> Ge
-    | Gt -> Le
-  in
-  match f with
-  | Constraint (tt, cop, t) ->
-    let ncop = negate_cop cop in
-    Constraint (tt, ncop, t)
-  | And (f1, f2) ->
-    let nf1 = negation f1 in
-    let nf2 = negation f2 in
-    Or (nf1, nf2)
-  | Or (f1, f2) ->
-    let nf1 = negation f1 in
-    let nf2 = negation f2 in
-    And (nf1, nf2)
-type conjunct = formula
-type disjunct = formula
-type 'a nform = formula list
-let combine ~f f1 f2 =
-  if List.is_empty f1 || List.is_empty f2
-  then assert false
-  else begin
-    let rec loop (l1: formula list) l2 acc =
-      match l1 with
-      | [] ->
-        acc
-      | t :: tt ->
-        loop tt l2 List.(rev_append (map ~f:(fun x -> f t x) l2) acc)
-    in
-    List.rev (loop f1 f2 [])
-  end
-let rec convert_to_nf ~and_ ~or_ formula =
-  match formula with
-  | Constraint _ ->
-    [ formula ]
-  | And (p1, p2) ->
-    and_ (convert_to_nf ~and_ ~or_ p1) (convert_to_nf ~and_ ~or_ p2)
-  | Or (p1, p2) ->
-    or_ (convert_to_nf ~and_ ~or_ p1) (convert_to_nf ~and_ ~or_ p2)
-let cnf_of_formula (formula: formula) =
-  let and_ = function
-    | [] -> assert false
-    | [ _ ] as f -> f
-    | t :: tt -> [ List.fold tt ~init:t ~f:(fun acc f -> And (acc, f)) ]
-  in
-  convert_to_nf
-    ~and_:(fun l1 l2 -> and_ (List.append l1 l2))
-    ~or_:(combine ~f:(fun x y -> Or (x, y)))
-    formula
-let dnf_of_formula (formula: formula) =
-  convert_to_nf
-    ~and_:(combine ~f:(fun x y -> And (x, y)))
-    ~or_:List.append
-    formula
-let get_conjuncts =
-let get_disjuncts =
diff --git a/standalone/property.mli b/standalone/property.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c6eb5..0000000
--- a/standalone/property.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Base
-open Property_types
-type t = Property_types.t
-(** Builds a property out of the content of the given [filename], if possible. *)
-val build: filename:string -> (t, string) Result.t
-(** {2 Pretty printing.} *)
-type 'a printer = Caml.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
-(** Comparison operator pretty printer. *)
-val pretty_cop: cop printer
-(** Variable pretty printer. *)
-val pretty_var: var printer
-(** Constant pretty printer. *)
-val pretty_cst: constant printer
-(** Term pretty printer.
-    @param pp_sign determines whether the printer should print the sign also
-    for monomial terms.
-val pretty_term: ?pp_sign:bool -> term printer
-(** Term list pretty printer given one for a term. *)
-val pretty_terms: term printer -> term list printer
-(** [pretty property] pretty prints [property]. *)
-val pretty: Caml.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-(** {2 Transformations and normal forms.} *)
-val negation: formula -> formula
-type conjunct
-type disjunct
-type 'a nform
-val cnf_of_formula: formula -> conjunct nform
-val dnf_of_formula: formula -> disjunct nform
-val get_conjuncts: conjunct nform -> formula list
-val get_disjuncts: disjunct nform -> formula list
diff --git a/standalone/property_lexer.mll b/standalone/property_lexer.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index 8647c71..0000000
--- a/standalone/property_lexer.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-  open Property_parser
-  exception Error of string
-(* Identifiers for input and output variable regexps: an input variable starts
-   with 'x' followed by a number, while an output variable starts with 'y'
-   followed by a number. *)
-let input = 'x'['0'-'9']+
-let output = 'y'['0'-'9']+
-(* Keywords. *)
-let goal = "goal"
-let axiom = "axiom"
-(* Macros. *)
-let space = [' ' '\t' '\r']
-let dec     = ['0'-'9']
-let dec_sep = ['0'-'9' '_']
-let lalpha = ['a'-'z']
-let ualpha = ['A'-'Z']
-let alpha  = (lalpha | ualpha)
-let suffix = (alpha | dec_sep)*
-let ident = alpha suffix
-(* This rule analyzes multiple lines until eof and turns them into a stream of
-   tokens. *)
-rule token = parse
-| [' ' '\t' '\r']
-    { token lexbuf }
-| '\n'
-    { MenhirLib.LexerUtil.newline lexbuf; token lexbuf }
-| input as i
-    { INPUT i }
-| output as o
-    { OUTPUT o }
-| axiom
-    { AXIOM }
-| goal
-    { GOAL }
-| (ident as gid) space* ":"
-    { ID gid }
-| ('-'|'+')?['0'-'9']+'.'['0'-'9']+ as f
-    { FLOAT (float_of_string f) }
-| ('-'|'+')?['0'-'9']+ as i
-    { INT (int_of_string i) }
-| "+"
-    { PLUS }
-| "-"
-    { MINUS }
-| "="
-    { EQ }
-| ">"
-    { GT }
-| "<"
-    { LT }
-| ">="
-    { GE }
-| "<="
-    { LE }
-| "&&"
-    { AND }
-| "||"
-    { OR }
-| '('
-    { LPAREN }
-| ')'
-    { RPAREN }
-| eof
-    { EOF }
-| _
-    { raise (Error (Format.sprintf "Property lexer at offset %d: unexpected character." (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf))) }
diff --git a/standalone/property_parser.mly b/standalone/property_parser.mly
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b8b351..0000000
--- a/standalone/property_parser.mly
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* Tokens. *)
-%token <int> INT
-%token <float> FLOAT
-%token <string> INPUT OUTPUT ID
-%token EQ GT LT GE LE
-%token PLUS MINUS
-%token AND OR
-%token AXIOM GOAL
-%token EOF
-(* Starting rule. *)
-%start <Property_types.t> main
-%{ open Property_types %}
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* We parse a property given by
-   a non-empty list of axioms
-   a non-empty list of goals
-   followed by an end-of-file. *)
-let main :=
-  axioms = nonempty_list(axiom); goals = nonempty_list(goal); EOF; { { axioms; goals; } }
-(* An axiom is a conjunctive formula over constraints. *)
-let axiom ==
-  AXIOM; name = ID; formula = and_formula(constraint_); { { name; formula; } }
-(* A goal has a name and a formula. *)
-let goal :=
-  GOAL; name = ID; ~ = formula; { { name; formula; } }
-(* A formula is given by disjunctions of conjuctions of (delimited) formulae. *)
-let formula ==
-  or_formula(and_formula(delimited_formula))
-(* A disjunctive formula is a left-associative list of formulae, separated by OR
-   (i.e. ||) connective. *)
-let or_formula(elem) :=
-  | elem
-  | ors = or_formula(elem); OR; ~ = elem; { Or (ors, elem) }
-(* A conjunctive formula is a left-associative list of formulae, separated by
-   AND (i.e. &&) connective. *)
-let and_formula(elem) :=
-  | elem
-  | ands = and_formula(elem); AND; ~ = elem; { And (ands, elem) }
-(* A delimited formula is
-   either a constraint
-   or a parenthesized formula. *)
-let delimited_formula :=
-  | constraint_
-  | delimited(LPAREN, formula, RPAREN)
-(* A constraint is the application of a comparison operator to a non-empty list
-   of terms and a constant or a term. *)
-let constraint_ :=
-  | terms = nonempty_list(term); ~ = cop; ~ = constant; { Constraint (terms, cop, Constant constant) }
-  | terms = nonempty_list(term); ~ = cop; ~ = term; { Constraint (terms, cop, term) }
-(* A term is a constant coupled with a variable, possibly with a sign. *)
-let term :=
-  s = ioption(sign); c = ioption(constant); ~ = variable; { General (s, c, variable) }
-(* A constant is an integer or float value. *)
-let constant :=
-  | ~ = INT; <Int>
-  | ~ = FLOAT; <Float>
-(* A variable is either input or output. *)
-let variable :=
-  | ~ = INPUT; <Input>
-  | ~ = OUTPUT; <Output>
-(* Signs. *)
-let sign ==
-  | PLUS;  { Plus }
-  | MINUS; { Minus }
-(* Comparison operators. *)
-let cop ==
-  | EQ; { Eq }
-  | GE; { Ge }
-  | LE; { Le }
-  | GT; { Gt }
-  | LT; { Lt }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9b9c048..0000000
--- a/standalone/property_types.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-type cop = Eq | Ge | Le | Gt | Lt
-type sign = Plus | Minus
-type constant =
-  | Int of int
-  | Float of float
-type var =
-  | Input of string
-  | Output of string
-type term =
-  | Constant of constant
-  | General of sign option * constant option * var
-type formula =
-  | Constraint of term list * cop * term
-  | And of formula * formula
-  | Or of formula * formula
-type named_formula = {
-  name: string;
-  formula: formula;
-type t = {
-  axioms: named_formula list;
-  goals: named_formula list;
diff --git a/standalone/ b/standalone/
deleted file mode 100644
index b2fdd49..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Property_types
-type t = Property.conjunct Property.nform
-let name = "PyRAT"
-let exe_name = ""
-let exe_default_option = "-v"
-let re_version = Str.regexp "[0-9]\\(\\.[0-9]\\)*\\(\\.?[A-Za-z-+]\\)*"
-let re_of_result result =
-  Str.regexp
-    ("^Result: " ^
-     match result with
-     | Solver.Result.Valid -> "True"
-     | Invalid -> "False"
-     | Timeout -> "Timeout"
-     | Unknown -> "Unknown"
-     | Failure -> assert false)
-let is_model_format_supported = function
-  | Model.Nnet _ -> true
-  | Onnx -> false
-let options ~model ~property ~output:_ =
-  model :: property ::
-  match Logs.level () with
-  | None | Some (App | Error | Warning) -> []
-  | Some (Info | Debug) -> [ "--verbose" ]
-let consolidate _r1 _r2 = assert false
-let translate ~hypothesis ~goal =
-  Property.cnf_of_formula (And (hypothesis, goal))
-let repr = Property.get_conjuncts
-let pretty fmt t =
-  let rec pp_formula fmt formula =
-    match formula with
-    | Constraint (terms, cop, term) ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "%a %a %a"
-        Property.(pretty_terms (pretty_term ~pp_sign:false)) terms
-        Property.pretty_cop cop
-        (Property.pretty_term ~pp_sign:false) term
-    | And (p1, p2) ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "%a@\n%a" pp_formula p1 pp_formula p2
-    | Or (p1, p2) ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "%a or %a" pp_formula p1 pp_formula p2
-  in
-  Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" pp_formula t
diff --git a/standalone/pyrat.mli b/standalone/pyrat.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf7a73..0000000
--- a/standalone/pyrat.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-include Solver.S
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6b7dc37..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Base
-open Property_types
-module Format = Caml.Format
-module Result = struct
-  type t =
-    | Valid
-    | Invalid
-    | Timeout
-    | Unknown
-    | Failure
-  [@@deriving show { with_path = false }, eq]
-  let pretty fmt t =
-    Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (String.uppercase (show t))
-(* Solver instances. *)
-module type S = sig
-  type t
-  val name: string
-  val exe_name: string
-  val exe_default_option: string
-  val re_version: Str.regexp
-  val re_of_result: Result.t -> Str.regexp
-  val is_model_format_supported: Model.format -> bool
-  val options: model:string -> property:string -> output:string -> string list
-  val consolidate: Result.t -> Result.t -> Result.t
-  val translate: hypothesis:formula -> goal:formula -> t
-  val repr: t -> formula list
-  val pretty: Caml.Format.formatter -> formula -> unit
-type instance = (module S)
diff --git a/standalone/solver.mli b/standalone/solver.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 6934a70..0000000
--- a/standalone/solver.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Property_types
-(** Solver possible results. *)
-module Result: sig
-  type t =
-    | Valid
-    | Invalid
-    | Timeout
-    | Unknown
-    | Failure
-  [@@deriving show, eq]
-  val pretty: Caml.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-(** Solvers common interface. *)
-module type S = sig
-  type t
-  (** The name of the solver. *)
-  val name: string
-  (** The executable name. *)
-  val exe_name: string
-  (** The default option of the executable. Typically, `--version'. *)
-  val exe_default_option: string
-  (** Regexp for extracting the solver version when running the solver on the
-      default option. *)
-  val re_version: Str.regexp
-  (** @return regexp for extracting the given result from the solver output. *)
-  val re_of_result: Result.t -> Str.regexp
-  (** @return whether the given model format is supported by the solver. *)
-  val is_model_format_supported: Model.format -> bool
-  (** @return solver options to execute the solver on the given [model] and
-      [property] files, while using [output] as file to store the result. *)
-  val options: model:string -> property:string -> output:string -> string list
-  (** @return consolidated result of the given ones. *)
-  val consolidate: Result.t -> Result.t -> Result.t
-  (** Encodes the given formulae into the solver internal representation. *)
-  val translate: hypothesis:formula -> goal:formula -> t
-  (** Decodes the internal representation into formulae. *)
-  val repr: t -> formula list
-  (** Solver pretty-printing of formulae. *)
-  val pretty: Caml.Format.formatter -> formula -> unit
-(** An actual instance of solver interface [S]. *)
-type instance = (module S)
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deleted file mode 100644
index d39033e..0000000
--- a/standalone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-let remove_on_normal_mode filename =
-  let verbose =
-    match Logs.level () with
-    | Some Info | Some Debug -> true
-    | _ -> false
-  in
-  if not verbose
-  then Sys.remove filename
diff --git a/standalone/utils.mli b/standalone/utils.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index c2851d9..0000000
--- a/standalone/utils.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of Caisar.                                          *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(** [remove_on_normal_mode filename] removes the given file from the file system
-    when caisar is run without any active verbosity. *)
-val remove_on_normal_mode: string -> unit