From 2e3169a260b25912040d4cf4228a75f3d060cd48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michele Alberti <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:36:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [log] Rework logging API and tag names. Also update the doc.

 doc/usage.rst                  |  5 ++--
 src/                 | 10 ++++++--
 src/logging.mli                | 17 +++++++------
 src/                    |  2 +-
 src/            |  5 ++--
 tests/cvc5.t                   |  4 ++--
 tests/dataset.t                | 44 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 tests/interpretation_acasxu.t  |  6 ++---
 tests/interpretation_dataset.t | 10 ++++----
 tests/marabou.t                | 18 +++++++-------
 tests/pyrat.t                  | 18 +++++++-------
 tests/pyrat_onnx.t             |  6 ++---
 tests/verify_json.t            |  4 ++--
 13 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/usage.rst b/doc/usage.rst
index 2386eb5..9e00ec4 100644
--- a/doc/usage.rst
+++ b/doc/usage.rst
@@ -63,8 +63,9 @@ verbosity level allows logging with all tags enabled. To enable a particular
 tag, use the option ``--ltag=TAG``, with ``TAG`` one of the following:
 * ``Autodetect``: display the output of the autodetect routine of CAISAR described in :ref:`prover-registration`
-* ``Specification``: display the actual specification provided to the prover
-* ``CallProver``: display the actual command used to call the prover
+* ``ProverSpec``: display the actual specification provided to the prover
+* ``ProverCall``: display the actual command used to call the prover
+* ``StackTrace``: display the stack trace upon a CAISAR error
 Built-in properties
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2a2e468..559260d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -21,10 +21,16 @@
 let src_autodetect = Logs.Src.create "Autodetect" ~doc:"Prover autodetection"
-let src_spec = Logs.Src.create "Spec" ~doc:"Prover-tailored specification"
-let src_call = Logs.Src.create "Call" ~doc:"Call prover"
+let src_prover_spec =
+  Logs.Src.create "ProverSpec" ~doc:"Prover-tailored specification"
+let src_prover_call = Logs.Src.create "ProverCall" ~doc:"Prover call"
 let src_stack_trace = Logs.Src.create "StackTrace" ~doc:"Print stack trace"
+let all_srcs () =
+  [ src_autodetect; src_prover_spec; src_prover_call; src_stack_trace ]
 let is_debug_level src =
   match Logs.Src.level src with Some Debug -> true | _ -> false
diff --git a/src/logging.mli b/src/logging.mli
index b957d9b..48e43c3 100644
--- a/src/logging.mli
+++ b/src/logging.mli
@@ -20,16 +20,19 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-(** {2 Debug Tags} *)
-val src_autodetect : Logs.src
-val src_spec : Logs.src
-val src_call : Logs.src
+(** {2 Sources} *)
+val src_autodetect : Logs.src
+val src_prover_spec : Logs.src
+val src_prover_call : Logs.src
 val src_stack_trace : Logs.src
+val all_srcs : unit -> Logs.src list
+(** @return all available sources. *)
 (** {2 Logs} *)
 val is_debug_level : Logs.src -> bool
-val setup : Fmt.style_renderer option -> Logs.level option -> Logs.src list -> unit
+val setup :
+  Fmt.style_renderer option -> Logs.level option -> Logs.src list -> unit
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 83d8014..ea8183c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let () =
 (* -- Logs *)
 let log_tags =
-  let all_tags = Logs.Src.list () in
+  let all_tags = Logging.all_srcs () in
   let doc =
     Fmt.str "Logging tags. Available $(docv)s: %s."
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2a2953b..3aa186a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 open Why3
 open Base
-module Filename = Caml.Filename
 module File = struct
   type t =
@@ -164,7 +163,7 @@ let build_command config_prover ~nn_filename =
 let log_prover_task driver task =
   let print fmt task = ignore (Driver.print_task_prepared driver fmt task) in
-  Logs.debug ~src:Logging.src_spec (fun m ->
+  Logs.debug ~src:Logging.src_prover_spec (fun m ->
     m "@[Prover-tailored specification:@.%a@]" print task)
 let call_prover_on_task limit config command driver task =
@@ -302,7 +301,7 @@ let open_file ?format env file =
 let verify ?format ~loadpath ?memlimit ?timelimit ?dataset prover ?prover_altern
   file =
-  let debug = Logging.(is_debug_level src_call) in
+  let debug = Logging.(is_debug_level src_prover_call) in
   (if debug then Debug.(set_flag (lookup_flag "call_prover")));
   let env, config = create_env loadpath in
   let main = Whyconf.get_main config in
diff --git a/tests/cvc5.t b/tests/cvc5.t
index 7565e7c..e55696f 100644
--- a/tests/cvc5.t
+++ b/tests/cvc5.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Test verify
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=CVC5 --ltag=Spec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=CVC5 --ltag=ProverSpec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
   > theory CVC5
   >   use TestNetworkONNX.AsTuple as TN
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Test verify
   >      (0.0:t) .< y1 .< (0.5:t) /\ (0.0:t) .< y2 .< (1.0:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   ;; produced by cvc5.drv ;;
   (set-logic ALL)
   (set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)
diff --git a/tests/dataset.t b/tests/dataset.t
index 4b2abb4..0e96584 100644
--- a/tests/dataset.t
+++ b/tests/dataset.t
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --ltag=Spec --prover=PyRAT --dataset=test_data.csv - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --ltag=ProverSpec --prover=PyRAT --dataset=test_data.csv - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
   > theory T
   >   use TestNetwork.AsArray as TN
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   >    robust TN.model dataset (0.0100000000000000002081668171172168513294309377670288085937500000:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   ;;; produced by PyRAT/VNN-LIB driver
   ;;; produced by VNN-LIB driver
   ;; X_0
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
       (and (>= Y_4 Y_1))
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   ;;; produced by PyRAT/VNN-LIB driver
   ;;; produced by VNN-LIB driver
   ;; X_0
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
       (and (>= Y_4 Y_0))
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   ;;; produced by PyRAT/VNN-LIB driver
   ;;; produced by VNN-LIB driver
   ;; X_0
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
       (and (>= Y_4 Y_1))
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   ;;; produced by PyRAT/VNN-LIB driver
   ;;; produced by VNN-LIB driver
   ;; X_0
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   Goal G: Unknown ()
   Goal H: Unknown ()
-  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --ltag=Spec --prover=Marabou --dataset=test_data.csv - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  $ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --ltag=ProverSpec --prover=Marabou --dataset=test_data.csv - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
   > theory T
   >   use TestNetwork.AsArray as TN
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   >    robust TN.model dataset (0.0100000000000000002081668171172168513294309377670288085937500000:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.0
   x1 >= 1.0
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.776470588000000017103729987866245210170745849609375
   +y0 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.0
   x1 >= 1.0
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.776470588000000017103729987866245210170745849609375
   +y2 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.0
   x1 >= 1.0
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.776470588000000017103729987866245210170745849609375
   +y3 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.0
   x1 >= 1.0
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.776470588000000017103729987866245210170745849609375
   +y4 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.94117647100000001447739350624033249914646148681640625
   x0 <= 0.94117647100000001447739350624033249914646148681640625
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.0392156859999999996002628677160828374326229095458984375
   +y1 -y0 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.94117647100000001447739350624033249914646148681640625
   x0 <= 0.94117647100000001447739350624033249914646148681640625
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.0392156859999999996002628677160828374326229095458984375
   +y2 -y0 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.94117647100000001447739350624033249914646148681640625
   x0 <= 0.94117647100000001447739350624033249914646148681640625
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.0392156859999999996002628677160828374326229095458984375
   +y3 -y0 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.94117647100000001447739350624033249914646148681640625
   x0 <= 0.94117647100000001447739350624033249914646148681640625
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.0392156859999999996002628677160828374326229095458984375
   +y4 -y0 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.01000000000000000020816681711721685132943093776702880859375
   x1 >= 0.9899999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.7864705880000000259855141848674975335597991943359375
   +y0 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.01000000000000000020816681711721685132943093776702880859375
   x1 >= 0.9899999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.7864705880000000259855141848674975335597991943359375
   +y2 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.01000000000000000020816681711721685132943093776702880859375
   x1 >= 0.9899999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.7864705880000000259855141848674975335597991943359375
   +y3 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.01000000000000000020816681711721685132943093776702880859375
   x1 >= 0.9899999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.7864705880000000259855141848674975335597991943359375
   +y4 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.93117647100000000559560930923908017575740814208984375
   x0 <= 0.95117647100000002335917770324158482253551483154296875
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.049215686000000001543153160810106783173978328704833984375
   +y1 -y0 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.93117647100000000559560930923908017575740814208984375
   x0 <= 0.95117647100000002335917770324158482253551483154296875
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.049215686000000001543153160810106783173978328704833984375
   +y2 -y0 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.93117647100000000559560930923908017575740814208984375
   x0 <= 0.95117647100000002335917770324158482253551483154296875
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ Test verify on dataset
   x4 <= 0.049215686000000001543153160810106783173978328704833984375
   +y3 -y0 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.93117647100000000559560930923908017575740814208984375
   x0 <= 0.95117647100000002335917770324158482253551483154296875
   x1 >= 0.0
diff --git a/tests/interpretation_acasxu.t b/tests/interpretation_acasxu.t
index af2dd1e..28695a7 100644
--- a/tests/interpretation_acasxu.t
+++ b/tests/interpretation_acasxu.t
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Test interpret on acasxu
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover PyRAT --ltag=Spec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover PyRAT --ltag=ProverSpec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
   > theory T
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
   >   use bool.Bool
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Test interpret on acasxu
   >       not (advises nn i clear_of_conflict)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   -0.328421367053318091766556108268559910356998443603515625 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.67985927880386987087746319957659579813480377197265625
   -0.499999999999967081887319864108576439321041107177734375 <= x1
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Test interpret on acasxu
   x4 <= -0.450000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125
   y0 <= 3.991125645861615112153231166303157806396484375
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   -0.328421367053318091766556108268559910356998443603515625 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.67985927880386987087746319957659579813480377197265625
   -0.499999999999967081887319864108576439321041107177734375 <= x1
diff --git a/tests/interpretation_dataset.t b/tests/interpretation_dataset.t
index 2f0c09f..eb6ef3e 100644
--- a/tests/interpretation_dataset.t
+++ b/tests/interpretation_dataset.t
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover Marabou --ltag=Spec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover Marabou --ltag=ProverSpec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
   > theory T
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
   >   use bool.Bool
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   >     robust nn dataset eps
   > end
   > EOF
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   x4 <= 1.151470588000000017103729987866245210170745849609375
   +y0 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   x4 <= 1.151470588000000017103729987866245210170745849609375
   +y2 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.0
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Test interpret on dataset
   x4 <= 1.159313725000000072640204962226562201976776123046875
   +y1 -y0 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.0
diff --git a/tests/marabou.t b/tests/marabou.t
index f424b8e..8ded847 100644
--- a/tests/marabou.t
+++ b/tests/marabou.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Test verify
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=Marabou --ltag=Spec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=Marabou --ltag=ProverSpec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
   > theory T
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
   >   use bool.Bool
@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ Test verify
   >       (nn@@i)[1] .< (nn@@i)[0] \/ (nn@@i)[0] .< (nn@@i)[1]
   > end
   > EOF
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.5
   y0 <= 0.0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.5
   y0 >= 0.5
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.5
   x1 >= 0.5
@@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ Test verify
   y0 <= 0.0
   y0 <= 0.5
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.5
   x1 >= 0.5
   x1 <= 1.0
   y1 <= 0.0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.5
   x1 >= 0.5
   x1 <= 1.0
   y1 >= 0.5
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.5
   x1 >= 0.5
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Test verify
   +y1 -y0 >= 0
   +y0 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.0
   x0 <= 0.5
   x1 >= 0.5
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Test verify
   +y1 -y0 >= 0
   +y0 -y1 >= 0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   x0 >= 0.75
   x0 <= 1.0
   x1 >= 0.5
diff --git a/tests/pyrat.t b/tests/pyrat.t
index 20802e8..f34d87e 100644
--- a/tests/pyrat.t
+++ b/tests/pyrat.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Test verify
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=PyRAT --ltag=Spec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=PyRAT --ltag=ProverSpec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
   > theory PyRAT
   >   use TestNetwork.AsTuple
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
@@ -30,52 +30,52 @@ Test verify
   >       ((0.0:t) .< (nn@@i)[0] \/ (0.5:t) .< (nn@@i)[0]) /\ (0.0:t) .< (nn@@i)[1] .< (0.5:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.0 <  y0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   y0 <  0.5
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   (0.0 <  y0 or 0.5 <  y0)
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   0.0 <  y1
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   y1 <  0.5
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.375 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.75
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   (0.0 <  y0 or 0.5 <  y0)
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.375 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.75
   0.5 <= x1
   x1 <= 1.0
   0.0 <  y1
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.375 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.75
   0.5 <= x1
diff --git a/tests/pyrat_onnx.t b/tests/pyrat_onnx.t
index c0a18ae..2c983e6 100644
--- a/tests/pyrat_onnx.t
+++ b/tests/pyrat_onnx.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Test verify
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=PyRAT --ltag=Spec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  $ caisar verify --format whyml --prover=PyRAT --ltag=ProverSpec - 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
   > theory PyRAT_ONNX
   >   use ieee_float.Float64
   >   use bool.Bool
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ Test verify
   >       (0.0:t) .< (nn@@i)[0] .< (0.5:t)
   > end
   > EOF
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   0.0 <  y0
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   0.0 <= x0
   x0 <= 0.5
   y0 <  0.5
diff --git a/tests/verify_json.t b/tests/verify_json.t
index a087029..d34b2e3 100644
--- a/tests/verify_json.t
+++ b/tests/verify_json.t
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ Test verify-json
   $ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
-  $ caisar verify-json --ltag=Spec config.json 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
-  [DEBUG]{Spec} Prover-tailored specification:
+  $ caisar verify-json --ltag=ProverSpec config.json 2>&1 <<EOF | ./
+  [DEBUG]{ProverSpec} Prover-tailored specification:
   ;;; produced by PyRAT/VNN-LIB driver
   ;;; produced by VNN-LIB driver
   ;; X_0