diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/mdr_params.ml b/src/plugins/markdown-report/mdr_params.ml
index ce052fa96fddda7cf1c709be133ad75ca4847083..6f1cbcdc05bc66e19863216f63f59e08a4315ec4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/mdr_params.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/mdr_params.ml
@@ -112,3 +112,10 @@ module Stubs = String_list(
     let arg_name = "f1,...,fn"
     let help = "list of C files containing stub functions"
+module PrintLibc = True(
+  struct
+    let option_name = "-mdr-print-libc"
+    let help =
+      "when set (default), reports include information about libc elements."
+  end)
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/mdr_params.mli b/src/plugins/markdown-report/mdr_params.mli
index 34d405af386b627dbf467ce1ac4b6a94b921c1fa..b626fb5227135f8780c9a7e499bb3915d836818c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/mdr_params.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/mdr_params.mli
@@ -45,3 +45,6 @@ module Date: Parameter_sig.String
 (** Value of [-mdr-stubs]. *)
 module Stubs: Parameter_sig.String_list
+(** Value of [-mdr-print-libc]. *)
+module PrintLibc: Parameter_sig.Bool
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/sarif_gen.ml b/src/plugins/markdown-report/sarif_gen.ml
index 407b4f064e11bcd4a183d05a5aaa36a895413558..6a8607eaf036792bb7bad366df352d6bfeaf3303 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/sarif_gen.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/sarif_gen.ml
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ module Analysis_cmdline =
 let gen_invocation () =
   let cl = Analysis_cmdline.get () in
+  (* The first argument is _always_ the binary name, but to avoid printing it
+     as an absolute path to binlevel.opt, we replace it with 'frama-c' *)
+  let cl = "frama-c" :: List.tl cl in
   let commandLine = String.concat " " cl in
   let arguments = List.tl cl in
   Invocation.create ~commandLine ~arguments ()
@@ -107,27 +110,51 @@ let make_message alarm annot remark =
   Message.create ~text ~markdown ()
+let kf_is_in_libc kf =
+  let g = Kernel_function.get_global kf in
+  Cil.hasAttribute "fc_stdlib" (Cil_datatype.Global.attr g)
+let ip_is_in_libc ip =
+  match Property.get_kf ip with
+  | None ->
+    (* possibly an identified lemma; check its attributes *)
+    begin
+      match ip with
+      | IPAxiomatic {iax_attrs=attrs}
+      | IPLemma {il_attrs=attrs}
+      | IPAxiom {il_attrs=attrs} ->
+        Cil.hasAttribute "fc_stdlib" attrs
+      | _ ->
+        false
+    end
+  | Some kf ->
+    kf_is_in_libc kf
 let opt_physical_location_of_loc loc =
   if loc = Cil_datatype.Location.unknown then []
   else [ Location.of_loc loc ]
+(* Cil_types *)
 let gen_results remarks =
   let treat_alarm _e kf s ~rank:_ alarm annot (i, rules, content) =
-    let prop = Property.ip_of_code_annot_single kf s annot in
-    let ruleId = Alarms.get_name alarm in
-    let rules =
-      Datatype.String.Map.add ruleId (Alarms.get_description alarm) rules
-    in
-    let label = "Alarm-" ^ string_of_int i in
-    let kind = kind_of_status (Property_status.Feedback.get prop) in
-    let level = level_of_status (Property_status.Feedback.get prop) in
-    let remark = get_remark remarks label in
-    let message = make_message alarm annot remark in
-    let locations = opt_physical_location_of_loc (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc s) in
-    let res =
-      Sarif_result.create ~kind ~level ~ruleId ~message ~locations ()
-    in
-    (i+1, rules, res :: content)
+    if not (Mdr_params.PrintLibc.get ()) && kf_is_in_libc kf then
+      (* skip alarm in libc *)
+      (i, rules, content)
+    else
+      let prop = Property.ip_of_code_annot_single kf s annot in
+      let ruleId = Alarms.get_name alarm in
+      let rules =
+        Datatype.String.Map.add ruleId (Alarms.get_description alarm) rules
+      in
+      let label = "Alarm-" ^ string_of_int i in
+      let kind = kind_of_status (Property_status.Feedback.get prop) in
+      let level = level_of_status (Property_status.Feedback.get prop) in
+      let remark = get_remark remarks label in
+      let message = make_message alarm annot remark in
+      let locations = opt_physical_location_of_loc (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc s) in
+      let res =
+        Sarif_result.create ~kind ~level ~ruleId ~message ~locations ()
+      in
+      (i+1, rules, res :: content)
   let _, rules, content =
     Alarms.fold treat_alarm (0, Datatype.String.Map.empty,[])
@@ -153,7 +180,11 @@ let gen_status ip =
 let gen_statuses () =
   let f ip content =
-    if is_alarm ip then content else (gen_status ip) :: content
+    let exclude =
+      is_alarm ip ||
+      (not (Mdr_params.PrintLibc.get ()) && ip_is_in_libc ip)
+    in
+    if exclude then content else (gen_status ip) :: content
   List.rev (Property_status.fold f [])
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/libc.c b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/libc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2458ae945850e9542e76ad75cc73312d981910a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/libc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/* run.config
+   LOG: @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/with-libc.sarif.clean
+   EXECNOW: @frama-c@ @PTEST_FILE@ -no-autoload-plugins -load-module eva,from,scope,markdown_report -eva -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-out @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/with-libc.sarif && sed -e "s:$FRAMAC_SHARE:REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_FRAMAC_SHARE:g" -e "s:$FRAMAC_LIB:REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_FRAMAC_LIB:g" -e "s:$FRAMAC_PLUGIN:REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_FRAMAC_PLUGIN:g" -e "s:$PWD:REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_PWD:g" @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/with-libc.sarif > @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/with-libc.sarif.clean && rm -f @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/with-libc.sarif
+   EXECNOW: @frama-c@ @PTEST_FILE@ -no-autoload-plugins -load-module eva,from,scope,markdown_report -eva -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-out @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/without-libc.sarif -mdr-no-print-libc && sed -e "s:$FRAMAC_SHARE:REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_FRAMAC_SHARE:g" -e "s:$FRAMAC_LIB:REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_FRAMAC_LIB:g" -e "s:$FRAMAC_PLUGIN:REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_FRAMAC_PLUGIN:g" -e "s:$PWD:REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_PWD:g" @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/without-libc.sarif > @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/without-libc.sarif.clean && rm -f @PTEST_DIR@/oracle/without-libc.sarif
+#include <string.h>
+int main() {
+  char *s = "hello world";
+  int n = strlen(s);
+  return n;
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/libc.res.oracle b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/libc.res.oracle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..189063ded537cd8d9a0b69bc5f876b303efb3543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/libc.res.oracle
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[kernel] Parsing tests/sarif/libc.c (with preprocessing)
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif.clean b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif.clean
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c6bcc8f3da44520a80a326fd695339cabd89351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif.clean
@@ -0,0 +1,9563 @@
+  "$schema":
+    "https://github.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/blob/master/Documents/CommitteeSpecificationDrafts/v2.1.0-CSD.1/sarif-schema-2.1.0.json",
+  "version": "2.1.0",
+  "runs": [
+    {
+      "tool": {
+        "driver": {
+          "name": "frama-c",
+          "fullName": "frama-c-21.1+dev (Scandium)",
+          "version": "21.1+dev (Scandium)",
+          "semanticVersion": "21.1+dev",
+          "downloadUri": "https://frama-c.com/download.html"
+        }
+      },
+      "invocations": [
+        {
+          "commandLine":
+            "frama-c -check tests/sarif/libc.c -no-autoload-plugins -load-module eva,from,scope,markdown_report -eva -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-out tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif",
+          "arguments": [
+            "-check", "tests/sarif/libc.c", "-no-autoload-plugins",
+            "-load-module", "eva,from,scope,markdown_report", "-eva",
+            "-mdr-gen", "sarif", "-mdr-out",
+            "tests/sarif/oracle/with-libc.sarif"
+          ],
+          "exitCode": 0,
+          "executionSuccessful": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "originalUriBaseIds": {
+        "PWD": {
+          "uri": "REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_PWD"
+        }
+      },
+      "artifacts": [
+        {
+          "location": { "uri": "tests/sarif/libc.c" },
+          "roles": [ "analysisTarget" ],
+          "mimeType": "text/x-csrc"
+        }
+      ],
+      "results": [
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term __fc_strtok_ptr in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 261,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 261,
+                  "endColumn": 27,
+                  "byteLength": 15
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strcpy."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 356,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 356,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
+                  "byteLength": 7
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strnlen." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 135,
+                  "startColumn": 14,
+                  "endLine": 135,
+                  "endColumn": 21,
+                  "byteLength": 7
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strcasecmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 50,
+                  "startColumn": 11,
+                  "endLine": 50,
+                  "endColumn": 21,
+                  "byteLength": 10
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strpbrk."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 214,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 214,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
+                  "byteLength": 7
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strncat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 433,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 433,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
+                  "byteLength": 7
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term *(s + (0 ..)) in function strtok_r."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 288,
+                  "startColumn": 10,
+                  "endLine": 288,
+                  "endColumn": 16,
+                  "byteLength": 6
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior partial in function strncpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 378,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 378,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
+                  "byteLength": 1
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strcat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 414,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 414,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
+                  "byteLength": 7
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default in function strrchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 195,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 195,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
+                  "byteLength": 1
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "dest_null_terminated." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 417,
+                  "startColumn": 34,
+                  "endLine": 417,
+                  "endColumn": 77,
+                  "byteLength": 43
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function bzero." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 40,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 40,
+                  "endColumn": 17,
+                  "byteLength": 5
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior new_str in function strtok_r." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 327,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 327,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
+                  "byteLength": 1
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term __fc_strtok_ptr in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 272,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 272,
+                  "endColumn": 27,
+                  "byteLength": 15
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest + (strlen{Old}(dest) .. strlen{Old}(dest) + n)) in function strncat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 439,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 439,
+                  "endColumn": 48,
+                  "byteLength": 36
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 486,
+                  "startColumn": 29,
+                  "endLine": 486,
+                  "endColumn": 49,
+                  "byteLength": 20
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "room_string." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 438,
+                  "startColumn": 26,
+                  "endLine": 438,
+                  "endColumn": 64,
+                  "byteLength": 38
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s_or_delim_not_found." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 258,
+                  "startColumn": 6,
+                  "endLine": 260,
+                  "endColumn": 70,
+                  "byteLength": 120
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_create_shift." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 230,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 232,
+                  "endColumn": 63,
+                  "byteLength": 147
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "StrChr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 168,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 170,
+                  "endColumn": 82,
+                  "byteLength": 146
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function memmove."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 107,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 107,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
+                  "byteLength": 7
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 173,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 173,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
+                  "byteLength": 1
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcscmp_zero." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
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+        {
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+        {
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strsignal."
+          },
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+        {
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strdup."
+          },
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+        },
+        {
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+          "level": "none",
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+        {
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+          "level": "none",
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strndup."
+          },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+                  "startLine": 493,
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+        },
+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "not_first_call." },
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+            {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function memchr." },
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+            {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term *saveptr in function strtok_r."
+          },
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+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+                  "endLine": 364,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "acsl_c_equiv." },
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest + (0 .. n - 1)) in function strncpy."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "initialization." },
+          "locations": [
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+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "memcmp_strlen_left." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
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+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strlcat." },
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+            {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+                  "endLine": 451,
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+        {
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+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "danglingness." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 74,
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+                  "endLine": 75,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_delim." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 245,
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+                  "endLine": 245,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "allocation." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "memcmp_strlen_right." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_null." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *((char *)dest + (0 .. n - 1)) in function memcpy."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+                },
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+        },
+        {
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+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "initialization." },
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+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+        },
+        {
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+          "message": { "text": "result_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 168,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 59,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strerror."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_shift." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior not_found in function strrchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "cannot_allocate." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strcasestr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "ptr_subset." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strncpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_s1." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                },
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+                  "endLine": 55,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior complete in function strncat." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strcoll."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 153,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "result_valid_string_bounded_and_same_prefix."
+          },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
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+            {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior allocation in function strndup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(__fc_strtok_ptr + (0 ..)) in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "char_not_found." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 189,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "disjoint clause in function strtok." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strndup."
+          },
+          "locations": [
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+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "s_not_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 9,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_accept." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 34,
+                  "endLine": 213,
+                  "endColumn": 59,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior not_found in function memchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 88,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strspn." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "initialization." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 58,
+                  "startColumn": 32,
+                  "endLine": 58,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_before_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 90,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strlen." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 129,
+                  "startColumn": 14,
+                  "endLine": 129,
+                  "endColumn": 20,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strlcpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 393,
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+                  "endLine": 393,
+                  "endColumn": 14,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "separation." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 354,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 354,
+                  "endColumn": 59,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default in function strchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 173,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "complete clause in function strtok_r." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 327,
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+                  "endLine": 327,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest + (strlen{Old}(dest) .. strlen{Old}(dest) + n)) in function strncat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 425,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 425,
+                  "endColumn": 50,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior no_allocation in function strdup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 484,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 484,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+                }
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strcat." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 420,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 420,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "StrCmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 143,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 147,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_at_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 92,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 93,
+                  "endColumn": 61,
+                  "byteLength": 86
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(*saveptr + (0 ..)) in function strtok_r."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 290,
+                  "startColumn": 10,
+                  "endLine": 290,
+                  "endColumn": 25,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strspn." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 210,
+                  "startColumn": 14,
+                  "endLine": 210,
+                  "endColumn": 20,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s2." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 138,
+                  "startColumn": 30,
+                  "endLine": 138,
+                  "endColumn": 51,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_char." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 80,
+                  "startColumn": 25,
+                  "endLine": 80,
+                  "endColumn": 45,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strlcpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "endLine": 388,
+                  "endColumn": 24,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *((char *)s + (0 .. n - 1)) in function bzero."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 37,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_in_str." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 81,
+                  "startColumn": 27,
+                  "endLine": 83,
+                  "endColumn": 54,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strtok_r."
+          },
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+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strtok."
+          },
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+        },
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+          "level": "none",
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+        },
+        {
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+          "level": "none",
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function memset." },
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+        {
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+        {
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+          "level": "none",
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+        },
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+        {
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+          "level": "none",
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "WMemChr." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strcmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s1." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function bzero." },
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+            {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest + (0 .. strlen{Old}(src))) in function strcpy."
+          },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_delim." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior partial in function strncat." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
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+          "message": { "text": "result_ptr." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_ptr." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strdup." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
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+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "equal_contents." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strstr." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strchrnul."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+                  "startLine": 176,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
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+            {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+                  "endLine": 93,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strcmp."
+          },
+          "locations": [
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strdup." },
+          "locations": [
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
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+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
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+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_ptr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strlcat." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "disjoint clause in function strtok_r." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(__fc_strtok_ptr + (0 ..)) in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+                  "endColumn": 32,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_nstring_src." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term *saveptr in function strtok_r."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function stpcpy."
+          },
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function memset."
+          },
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+            {
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+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_src." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_neg." },
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+            {
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+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_internal_str." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strncpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_reject." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcschr_def." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 4,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_shift." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "not_first_call." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 311,
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+                  "endLine": 311,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_null_or_in_haystack." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s1." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_src." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 351,
+                  "endColumn": 53,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_bounded." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 133,
+                  "endColumn": 64,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "acsl_c_equiv." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "allocates/frees clause in function strndup."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_nul_terminated." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 35,
+                  "endLine": 344,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_dest." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 409,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strcpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_not_zero." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 95,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 97,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_null_or_same_base." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "startColumn": 4,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strncat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "danglingness." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(*saveptr + (0 ..)) in function strtok_r."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "can_allocate." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 491,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 175,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_haystack." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 231,
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+                  "endLine": 231,
+                  "endColumn": 63,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function memchr."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 76,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 76,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strtok_r." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 288,
+                  "startColumn": 10,
+                  "endLine": 288,
+                  "endColumn": 16,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "complete clause in function strtok." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 283,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 283,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term __fc_heap_status in function strdup."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s2." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 47,
+                  "startColumn": 28,
+                  "endLine": 47,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function memset." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "logic_spec." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+                  "endLine": 63,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strxfrm." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_accept." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 205,
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+                  "endLine": 205,
+                  "endColumn": 59,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest + (0 .. n - 1)) in function strxfrm."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior resume_str in function strtok." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_create." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "memchr_def." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "s_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function memcmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 65,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strerror." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 347,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior complete in function strncpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 378,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 378,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_dest." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 92,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "char_not_found." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 85,
+                  "startColumn": 28,
+                  "endLine": 85,
+                  "endColumn": 49,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strtok_r."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 305,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strpbrk." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 218,
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+                  "endLine": 218,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "allocates/frees clause in function strdup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "startColumn": 14,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_bounded." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term *(s + (0 ..)) in function strtok_r."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 304,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 304,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strcmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 142,
+                  "startColumn": 11,
+                  "endLine": 142,
+                  "endColumn": 17,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "char_found." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "endLine": 160,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "saveptr_subset." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 323,
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+                  "endLine": 323,
+                  "endColumn": 67,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_saveptr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 287,
+                  "startColumn": 26,
+                  "endLine": 287,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strndup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 506,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 506,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_sup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 103,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 105,
+                  "endColumn": 51,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "StrLen." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 4,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strncat." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "endLine": 431,
+                  "endColumn": 58,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "dynamic_allocation." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_alloc_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 39,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 41,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "s_not_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 298,
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+                  "endLine": 298,
+                  "endColumn": 34,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "room_string." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "endLine": 397,
+                  "endColumn": 55,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "saveptr_subset." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 308,
+                  "startColumn": 28,
+                  "endLine": 308,
+                  "endColumn": 54,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strsignal." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 523,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 523,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strlen." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 129,
+                  "startColumn": 14,
+                  "endLine": 129,
+                  "endColumn": 20,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strsep." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 331,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 331,
+                  "endColumn": 20,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_internal_str." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 343,
+                  "startColumn": 33,
+                  "endLine": 343,
+                  "endColumn": 59,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "MemSet." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 68,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 70,
+                  "endColumn": 70,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *((char *)s + (0 .. n - 1)) in function memset."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 116,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 116,
+                  "endColumn": 32,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strrchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strndup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_subset." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "behavior no_allocation in function strndup."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "allocates/frees clause in function strndup."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 173,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcsncmp_zero." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 252,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strcspn."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 199,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strchrnul." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_char." },
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "WcsChr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
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+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 266,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strlcat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_same_base." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+                  "startLine": 162,
+                  "startColumn": 30,
+                  "endLine": 162,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strcspn." },
+          "locations": [
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "bounded_result." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "copied_contents." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 29,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_valid_string." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "room_string." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endColumn": 70,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_zero." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strdup."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 470,
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+                  "endLine": 470,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strcasestr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 239,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 239,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strcasecmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 50,
+                  "startColumn": 11,
+                  "endLine": 50,
+                  "endColumn": 21,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "bounded_result." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 391,
+                  "startColumn": 28,
+                  "endLine": 391,
+                  "endColumn": 50,
+                  "byteLength": 22
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strncat." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 439,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 439,
+                  "endColumn": 48,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest + (strlen{Old}(dest) .. n)) in function strlcat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 451,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 451,
+                  "endColumn": 33,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_create." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 111,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 113,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strcasecmp."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 48,
+                  "startColumn": 10,
+                  "endLine": 48,
+                  "endColumn": 17,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior resume_str in function strtok_r." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 327,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 327,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function memmove." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 111,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 111,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
+                  "byteLength": 1
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strtok_r." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 303,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 303,
+                  "endColumn": 20,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior found in function strrchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 195,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 195,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_dest." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 449,
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+                  "endLine": 449,
+                  "endColumn": 50,
+                  "byteLength": 18
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 212,
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+                  "endLine": 212,
+                  "endColumn": 49,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "cannot_allocate." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 479,
+                  "startColumn": 29,
+                  "endLine": 479,
+                  "endColumn": 53,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_create_shift." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 115,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 117,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strtok_r."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 292,
+                  "startColumn": 10,
+                  "endLine": 292,
+                  "endColumn": 17,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_nul_terminated." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "startColumn": 35,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "sum_of_lengths." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term __fc_heap_status in function strndup."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+            {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "separation." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strchr."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_dest." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term *saveptr in function strtok_r."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "copied_contents." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strsep." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest +\n                      (strlen{Old}(dest) ..\n                                           strlen{Old}(dest) +\n                                           strlen{Old}(src))) in function strncat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 431,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 431,
+                  "endColumn": 58,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "sum_of_lengths." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 434,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strcpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 355,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *((char *)dest + (0 .. n - 1)) in function memmove."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 106,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 106,
+                  "endColumn": 35,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_before_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 204,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 205,
+                  "endColumn": 76,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "ptr_subset." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 279,
+                  "startColumn": 24,
+                  "endLine": 279,
+                  "endColumn": 77,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strcasestr."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 233,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 233,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "allocates/frees clause in function strdup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 484,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 484,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strncat." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 444,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 444,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function memmove." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 106,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 106,
+                  "endColumn": 35,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_src." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 448,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strcspn." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 202,
+                  "startColumn": 14,
+                  "endLine": 202,
+                  "endColumn": 21,
+                  "byteLength": 7
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function memcmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 65,
+                  "startColumn": 11,
+                  "endLine": 65,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strncmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 149,
+                  "endColumn": 18,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strncasecmp."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "memcmp_strlen_shift_left." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function memcmp."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 61,
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+                  "endLine": 61,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "src_fits." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strncmp."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "memcmp_zero." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 39,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
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+                  "byteLength": 184
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_in_length." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "initialization." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 57,
+                  "startColumn": 32,
+                  "endLine": 57,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "StrNCmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strndup."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 502,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strncasecmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 57,
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+                  "endLine": 57,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strcoll." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 155,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest +\n                      (strlen{Old}(dest) ..\n                                           strlen{Old}(dest) +\n                                           strlen{Old}(src))) in function strcat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 411,
+                  "endColumn": 58,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function memcpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 101,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 101,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "separation." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior new_str in function strtok." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function memchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_sup." },
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+            {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term *(s + (0 ..)) in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s1." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_haystack." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term *stringp in function strsep."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "separation." },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior found in function strchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strcmp_zero." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 4,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 468,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior not_found in function strchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "WcsCmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
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+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+                  "startLine": 240,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strtok_r." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_null_or_same_base." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "initialization." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 416,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "equal_contents." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_pos_or_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strdup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strdup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_valid_string_and_same_contents." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strtok." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "room_nstring." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "memcmp_strlen_shift_right." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "src_too_long." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strsignal." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "can_allocate." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_pos_or_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 197,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strncmp_zero." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 4,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s1." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
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+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strsep."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
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+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior allocation in function strdup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endColumn": 49,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "char_not_found." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endColumn": 40,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_needle." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 34,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior found in function memchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_same_base." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 186,
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+                  "endLine": 186,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_bounded." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 208,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "acsl_c_equiv." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_not_zero." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
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+        {
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+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strdup."
+          },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strrchr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "allocation." },
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+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
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+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strncat." },
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+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+                  "endLine": 425,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "never_allocable." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+                },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strndup." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_valid_string." },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "WcsNCmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
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+                "artifactLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "sum_of_bounded_lengths." },
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strxfrm."
+          },
+          "locations": [
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+              "physicalLocation": {
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function memcpy."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wmemchr_def." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strtok." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
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+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 261,
+                  "endColumn": 27,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strnlen."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 132,
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+                  "endLine": 132,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest + (0 .. strlen{Old}(src))) in function stpcpy."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 400,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_subset." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 278,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strxfrm." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 460,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strncasecmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 57,
+                  "startColumn": 11,
+                  "endLine": 57,
+                  "endColumn": 22,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "room_nstring." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 385,
+                  "startColumn": 27,
+                  "endLine": 385,
+                  "endColumn": 48,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "room_string." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 352,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_ptr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 427,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_dest." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 458,
+                  "startColumn": 25,
+                  "endLine": 458,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strspn."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 206,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 206,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strerror." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 347,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 347,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_src_too_large." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 437,
+                  "endColumn": 49,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "MemCmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 39,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 42,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "wcslen_zero." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 216,
+                  "endColumn": 60,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strncpy."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 368,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function memcpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 96,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "specialization of valid_string_s at stmt 2."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri":
+                    "REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_PWD/tests/sarif/libc.c"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 11,
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+                  "endLine": 11,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_stringp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 329,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strlen_neg." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 84,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 87,
+                  "endColumn": 22,
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strstr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 229,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_needle." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 34,
+                  "endLine": 221,
+                  "endColumn": 59,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "initialization." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "memset_def." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_ptr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strncat."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 426,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strlcpy."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 389,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strchrnul." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 179,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "acsl_c_equiv." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
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+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strlen."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text":
+              "from clause of term *(dest + (0 .. n - 1)) in function strlcpy."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 388,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function strncmp." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 149,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strndup." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 492,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 492,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_delim." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 33,
+                  "endLine": 330,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strpbrk." },
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+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 218,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 218,
+                  "endColumn": 13,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_null." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 482,
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+                  "endLine": 482,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_memory_area." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 36,
+                  "startColumn": 32,
+                  "endLine": 36,
+                  "endColumn": 63,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s_or_delim_not_found." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 300,
+                  "startColumn": 6,
+                  "endLine": 302,
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+              }
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strspn."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 207,
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+                  "endLine": 207,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_ptr." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 119,
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+              }
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term __fc_strtok_ptr in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strcat." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 411,
+                  "endColumn": 58,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "behavior default! in function stpcpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 405,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "zero_initialized." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 39,
+                  "startColumn": 28,
+                  "endLine": 39,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "result_char." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 185,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_s2." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function stpcpy." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "endLine": 400,
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+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strstr."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 222,
+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 222,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term \\result in function strrchr."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startColumn": 12,
+                  "endLine": 182,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
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+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "assigns clause in function strnlen." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
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+                  "startLine": 135,
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+                  "endLine": 135,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_s2." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/strings.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 54,
+                  "startColumn": 28,
+                  "endLine": 54,
+                  "endColumn": 53,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "from clause of term *(s + (0 ..)) in function strtok."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 246,
+                  "startColumn": 10,
+                  "endLine": 246,
+                  "endColumn": 16,
+                  "byteLength": 6
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "valid_string_src." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/string.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 408,
+                  "startColumn": 31,
+                  "endLine": 408,
+                  "endColumn": 53,
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+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": { "text": "strchr_def." },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri": "/libc/__fc_string_axiomatic.h",
+                  "uriBaseId": "FRAMAC_SHARE"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 168,
+                  "startColumn": 4,
+                  "endLine": 170,
+                  "endColumn": 82,
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+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "defaultSourceLanguage": "C",
+      "taxonomies": [
+        {
+          "name": "frama-c",
+          "rules": [
+            {
+              "id": "user-spec",
+              "shortDescription": {
+                "text": "User-written ACSL specification."
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "contents": [ "nonLocalizedData" ]
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif.clean b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif.clean
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba8d4dd7921a16588bbc57a8427e80c08307586d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif.clean
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+  "$schema":
+    "https://github.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/blob/master/Documents/CommitteeSpecificationDrafts/v2.1.0-CSD.1/sarif-schema-2.1.0.json",
+  "version": "2.1.0",
+  "runs": [
+    {
+      "tool": {
+        "driver": {
+          "name": "frama-c",
+          "fullName": "frama-c-21.1+dev (Scandium)",
+          "version": "21.1+dev (Scandium)",
+          "semanticVersion": "21.1+dev",
+          "downloadUri": "https://frama-c.com/download.html"
+        }
+      },
+      "invocations": [
+        {
+          "commandLine":
+            "frama-c -check tests/sarif/libc.c -no-autoload-plugins -load-module eva,from,scope,markdown_report -eva -mdr-gen sarif -mdr-out tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif -mdr-no-print-libc",
+          "arguments": [
+            "-check", "tests/sarif/libc.c", "-no-autoload-plugins",
+            "-load-module", "eva,from,scope,markdown_report", "-eva",
+            "-mdr-gen", "sarif", "-mdr-out",
+            "tests/sarif/oracle/without-libc.sarif", "-mdr-no-print-libc"
+          ],
+          "exitCode": 0,
+          "executionSuccessful": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "originalUriBaseIds": {
+        "PWD": {
+          "uri": "REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_PWD"
+        }
+      },
+      "artifacts": [
+        {
+          "location": { "uri": "tests/sarif/libc.c" },
+          "roles": [ "analysisTarget" ],
+          "mimeType": "text/x-csrc"
+        }
+      ],
+      "results": [
+        {
+          "ruleId": "user-spec",
+          "kind": "pass",
+          "level": "none",
+          "message": {
+            "text": "specialization of valid_string_s at stmt 2."
+          },
+          "locations": [
+            {
+              "physicalLocation": {
+                "artifactLocation": {
+                  "uri":
+                    "REPLACED_FOR_PTESTS_PWD/tests/sarif/libc.c"
+                },
+                "region": {
+                  "startLine": 11,
+                  "startColumn": 10,
+                  "endLine": 11,
+                  "endColumn": 19,
+                  "byteLength": 9
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "defaultSourceLanguage": "C",
+      "taxonomies": [
+        {
+          "name": "frama-c",
+          "rules": [
+            {
+              "id": "user-spec",
+              "shortDescription": {
+                "text": "User-written ACSL specification."
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "contents": [ "nonLocalizedData" ]
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file