diff --git a/headers/header_spec.txt b/headers/header_spec.txt
index be54e37a3dc0c73d4d706c57e79d045741616754..f488982453657e5eaa4999f023d968dc7f52fa4f 100644
--- a/headers/header_spec.txt
+++ b/headers/header_spec.txt
@@ -1121,10 +1121,6 @@ src/plugins/qed/collection.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/qed/engine.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/qed/export.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/qed/export.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/qed/export_altergo.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/qed/export_altergo.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/qed/export_coq.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/qed/export_coq.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/qed/export_why3.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/qed/export_why3.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/qed/export_whycore.ml: CEA_WP
@@ -1696,10 +1692,6 @@ src/plugins/wp/ProofSession.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProofSession.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProofScript.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProofScript.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.mli: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.ml: CEA_WP
-src/plugins/wp/ProverErgo.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.mli: CEA_WP
 src/plugins/wp/ProverSearch.ml: CEA_WP
diff --git a/opam/opam b/opam/opam
index da3874d70e0f39db1f87982bee7664efe60adad0..b7c3f147d041645e31f22f9a08626b5a440b6ff6 100644
--- a/opam/opam
+++ b/opam/opam
@@ -137,11 +137,6 @@ depopts: [
-messages: [
-  "The Frama-C/Wp native support for Coq is deprecated and only activated with Coq.8.13.x (use TIP or Why-3 instead)."
-  {coq:installed}
 post-messages: [
   "Why3 provers setup: rm -f ~/.why3.conf ; why3 config detect"
diff --git a/share/autocomplete_frama-c b/share/autocomplete_frama-c
index 9c996616dc130fe18d77ed34128ef64b1c33565d..5b1d86283067ec54e0d2aa043579fa320c96999a 100644
--- a/share/autocomplete_frama-c
+++ b/share/autocomplete_frama-c
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ _frama-c ()
       local prefix=; [[ $cur == *,* ]] && prefix="${cur%,*},"
       advance_options="$(frama-c -wp-detect | grep -E -o " \[.*" | grep -E -o "[^][|]*")"
-      advance_options+=" none script tip native:coq native:coqide"
+      advance_options+=" none script tip"
       local ambigous="$(bind -v | grep show-all-if-ambiguous)"
       ambigous="${ambigous##* }"
       if [[ "$ambigous" == "on" ]]
diff --git a/src/plugins/qed/Makefile b/src/plugins/qed/Makefile
index 9562883200252930fcf30501f88e412ffd0db844..fd4255b62dc97a0a5e7f454b222fe3feb96377f6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/qed/Makefile
+++ b/src/plugins/qed/Makefile
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PLUGIN_CMO:= \
 	plib pretty export \
 	export_whycore \
 	export_why3 \
-	export_coq \
 PLUGIN_CMI:= logic engine
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ QED_API= \
 	plib.mli pretty.mli engine.mli export.mli \
 	export_whycore.mli \
 	export_why3.mli \
-	export_coq.mli \
 QED_MLI=$(addprefix $(Qed_DIR)/, $(QED_API))
diff --git a/src/plugins/qed/export_coq.ml b/src/plugins/qed/export_coq.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index aa39074635d604c21455ec6561e9b7675bf43797..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/qed/export_coq.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Exportation Engine for Coq                                         --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-open Logic
-open Format
-open Plib
-open Engine
-open Export
-module Make(T : Term) =
-  module T = T
-  module E = Export.Make(T)
-  module Env = E.Env
-  open T
-  type tau = (Field.t,ADT.t) datatype
-  type trigger = (var,Fun.t) ftrigger
-  type typedef = (tau,Field.t,Fun.t) ftypedef
-  class virtual engine =
-    object(self)
-      inherit E.engine
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Types                                                              --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method t_int = "Z"
-      method t_real = "R"
-      method t_bool = "bool"
-      method t_prop = "Prop"
-      method t_atomic = function
-        | Int | Real | Bool | Prop | Tvar _ -> true
-        | Array _ -> false
-        | Data(_,[]) -> true
-        | Data _ -> false
-        | Record _ -> true
-      method pp_array fmt t =
-        fprintf fmt "array %a" self#pp_subtau t
-      method pp_farray fmt a b =
-        fprintf fmt "farray %a %a" self#pp_subtau a self#pp_subtau b
-      method pp_tvar fmt k =
-        if 1 <= k && k <= 26 then
-          let c = int_of_char 'A' + (k-1) in
-          pp_print_char fmt (char_of_int c)
-        else
-          fprintf fmt "A%d" k
-      method virtual datatype : T.ADT.t -> string
-      method pp_datatype adt fmt = function
-        | [] -> pp_print_string fmt (self#datatype adt)
-        | ts -> Plib.pp_call_apply ~f:(self#datatype adt) self#pp_subtau fmt ts
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Primitives                                                         --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method callstyle = CallApply
-      method op_scope = function Aint -> Some "%Z" | Areal -> Some "%R"
-      method pp_int _amode fmt z = pp_print_string fmt (Z.to_string z)
-      method pp_real fmt q =
-        fprintf fmt "( %s / %s )%%R"
-          (Z.to_string q.Q.num)
-          (Z.to_string q.Q.den)
-      method e_true  = function Cterm -> "true"  | Cprop -> "True"
-      method e_false = function Cterm -> "false" | Cprop -> "False"
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Arithmetics                                                        --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method op_add (_:amode) = Assoc "+"
-      method op_sub (_:amode) = Assoc "-"
-      method op_mul (_:amode) = Assoc "*"
-      method op_div = function Aint -> Call "Cdiv" | Areal -> Call "Rdiv"
-      method op_mod = function Aint -> Call "Cmod" | Areal -> Call "Rmod"
-      method op_minus (_:amode) = Op "-"
-      method op_real_of_int = Call "IZR"
-      method op_eq  (c:cmode) (a:amode) =
-        match c , a with
-        | Cprop , _ -> Op "="
-        | Cterm , Aint  -> Call "Zeq_bool"
-        | Cterm , Areal -> Call "Req_bool"
-      method op_neq  (c:cmode) (a:amode) =
-        match c , a with
-        | Cprop , _ -> Op "<>"
-        | Cterm , Aint  -> Call "Zneq_bool"
-        | Cterm , Areal -> Call "Rneq_bool"
-      method op_lt  (c:cmode) (a:amode) =
-        match c , a with
-        | Cprop , _ -> Op "<"
-        | Cterm , Aint  -> Call "Zlt_bool"
-        | Cterm , Areal -> Call "Rlt_bool"
-      method op_leq  (c:cmode) (a:amode) =
-        match c , a with
-        | Cprop , _ -> Op "<="
-        | Cterm , Aint  -> Call "Zle_bool"
-        | Cterm , Areal -> Call "Rle_bool"
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Connectives                                                        --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method op_not   = function Cterm -> Call "negb"  | Cprop -> Op "~"
-      method op_or    = function Cterm -> Call "orb"   | Cprop -> Assoc "\\/"
-      method op_and   = function Cterm -> Call "andb"  | Cprop -> Assoc "/\\"
-      method op_imply = function Cterm -> Call "implb" | Cprop -> Assoc "->"
-      method op_equiv = function Cterm -> Call "eqb"   | Cprop -> Op "<->"
-      method op_equal = function Cterm -> Call "Aeq_bool" | Cprop -> Op "="
-      method op_noteq = function Cterm -> Call "Aneq_bool" | Cprop -> Op "<>"
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Conditional                                                        --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method pp_conditional fmt a b c =
-        match Export.pmode self#mode with
-        | Negative ->
-            begin
-              fprintf fmt "branch@ %a@ %a@ %a"
-                self#pp_atom a self#pp_atom b self#pp_atom c ;
-            end
-        | Positive ->
-            begin
-              fprintf fmt "itep@ %a@ %a@ %a"
-                self#pp_atom a self#pp_atom b self#pp_atom c ;
-            end
-        | Boolean ->
-            begin
-              fprintf fmt "@[<hov 0>if " ;
-              self#with_mode Mterm (fun _ -> self#pp_atom fmt a) ;
-              fprintf fmt "@ then %a" self#pp_atom b ;
-              fprintf fmt "@ else %a" self#pp_atom c ;
-              fprintf fmt "@]" ;
-            end
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Arrays                                                             --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method pp_array_cst fmt k v =
-        let pp_domain fmt v =
-          try self#pp_tau fmt (T.typeof v)
-          with Not_found -> pp_print_string fmt "_"
-        in
-        fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>(const@ %a :@ farray@ %a@ %a)@]"
-          self#pp_atom v self#pp_tau k pp_domain v
-      method pp_array_get fmt m k =
-        fprintf fmt "%a.[ %a ]" self#pp_atom m self#pp_flow k
-      method pp_array_set fmt m k v =
-        fprintf fmt "%a.[ %a <- %a ]" self#pp_atom m self#pp_flow k self#pp_flow v
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Records                                                            --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method virtual field : T.Field.t -> string
-      method pp_get_field fmt r f =
-        fprintf fmt "%s@ %a" (self#field f) self#pp_atom r
-      method pp_def_fields fmt fvs =
-        begin
-          fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>{|" ;
-          Plib.iteri
-            (fun i (f,v) -> match i with
-               | Ifirst | Imiddle ->
-                   fprintf fmt "@ @[<hov 2>%s := %a ;@]" (self#field f) self#pp_flow v
-               | Isingle | Ilast ->
-                   fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%s := %a@]" (self#field f) self#pp_flow v
-            ) fvs ;
-          fprintf fmt "@ |}@]" ;
-        end
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Atomicity                                                          --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method op_spaced = is_identifier
-      method is_atomic e =
-        match T.repr e with
-        | Kint z -> Z.leq Z.zero z
-        | Kreal _ -> true
-        | Apply(_,[]) | Rdef _ -> true
-        | Apply _ | Acst _ | Aset _ | Aget _ | Rget _ -> false
-        | Eq _ | Neq _ | Lt _ | Leq _
-        | And _ | Or _ | Imply _ | Bind _ | Fun _ | If _ -> false
-        | _ -> T.is_simple e
-      method pp_let fmt (_:pmode) x e =
-        fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>let %s := %a in@]@ " x self#pp_flow e
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Higher Order                                                       --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method pp_apply _cmode e fmt es =
-        begin
-          fprintf fmt "@[<hov 3>(%a" self#pp_atom e ;
-          List.iter (fun a -> fprintf fmt "@ %a" self#pp_atom a) es ;
-          fprintf fmt ")@]"
-        end
-      method private pp_param fmt (x,t) =
-        fprintf fmt "(%a : %a)" self#pp_var x self#pp_tau t
-      method pp_forall tau fmt = function
-        | [] -> ()
-        | x::xs ->
-            fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>forall (%a" self#pp_var x ;
-            List.iter (fun y -> fprintf fmt "@ %a" self#pp_var y) xs ;
-            fprintf fmt "@ : %a),@]" self#pp_tau tau
-      method pp_exists tau fmt = function
-        | [] -> ()
-        | x::xs ->
-            fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>exists %a : %a@],"
-              self#pp_var x self#pp_tau tau ;
-            List.iter
-              (fun x ->
-                 fprintf fmt "@ @[<hov 2>exists %a : %a@],"
-                   self#pp_var x self#pp_tau tau) xs
-      method pp_lambda fmt xs =
-        Plib.iteri
-          (fun i x -> match i with
-             | Isingle -> fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>fun %a =>@]@ " self#pp_param x
-             | Ifirst  -> fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>fun %a" self#pp_param x
-             | Imiddle -> fprintf fmt "@ %a" self#pp_param x
-             | Ilast   -> fprintf fmt "@ %a =>@]@ " self#pp_param x
-          ) xs
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      (* --- Declarations                                                       --- *)
-      (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-      method private pp_declare_poly fmt n =
-        if n > 0 then
-          begin
-            fprintf fmt " (" ;
-            for i=1 to n do fprintf fmt "%a " self#pp_tvar i done ;
-            fprintf fmt " : Type)" ;
-          end ;
-      method declare_type fmt adt n = function
-        | Tabs ->
-            begin
-              fprintf fmt "Parameter %s" (self#datatype adt) ;
-              self#pp_declare_poly fmt n ;
-              fprintf fmt " : Type.@\n"
-            end
-        | Tdef def ->
-            begin
-              fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>Definition %s" (self#datatype adt) ;
-              self#pp_declare_poly fmt n ;
-              fprintf fmt " : Type :=@ %a@].@\n" self#pp_tau def ;
-            end
-        | Trec fts ->
-            begin
-              fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>Record %s" (self#datatype adt) ;
-              self#pp_declare_poly fmt n ;
-              fprintf fmt " : Type := {@[<hv 2>" ;
-              Plib.iteri
-                (fun idx (f,t) ->
-                   match idx with
-                   | Ifirst | Imiddle ->
-                       fprintf fmt "@ %s : %a ;" (self#field f) self#pp_tau t
-                   | Isingle | Ilast ->
-                       fprintf fmt "@ %s : %a" (self#field f) self#pp_tau t
-                ) fts ;
-              fprintf fmt "@]@ }@].@\n" ;
-            end
-        | Tsum cases ->
-            begin
-              fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>Inductive %s" (self#datatype adt) ;
-              self#pp_declare_poly fmt n ;
-              fprintf fmt " : Type :=" ;
-              let result = Data(adt,Kind.type_params n) in
-              List.iter
-                (fun (c,ts) ->
-                   fprintf fmt "@ | @[<hov 2>%s : " (link_name (self#link c)) ;
-                   List.iter (fun t -> fprintf fmt "@ %a ->" self#pp_tau t) ts ;
-                   fprintf fmt "@ %a@]" self#pp_tau result ;
-                ) cases ;
-              fprintf fmt ".@]@\n" ;
-            end
-      method declare_signature fmt f ts t =
-        begin
-          fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>Parameter %s :" (link_name (self#link f)) ;
-          List.iter (fun t -> fprintf fmt "@ %a ->" self#pp_tau t) ts ;
-          fprintf fmt "@ %a.@]@\n" self#pp_tau t ;
-        end
-      method declare_inductive fmt f ts t l =
-        begin
-          fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>Inductive %s :" (link_name (self#link f)) ;
-          List.iter (fun t -> fprintf fmt "@ %a ->" self#pp_tau t) ts ;
-          fprintf fmt "@ %a :=" self#pp_tau t ;
-          List.iter
-            (fun (lemma,xs,(_:trigger list list),p) ->
-               fprintf fmt "@ | @[<hov 2>%s: %a@]" lemma self#pp_prop (T.e_forall xs p)
-            ) l ;
-          fprintf fmt ".@]@\n"
-        end
-      method declare_definition fmt f xs t e =
-        self#global
-          begin fun () ->
-            fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>Definition %s" (link_name (self#link f)) ;
-            List.iter
-              (fun x ->
-                 let a = self#bind x in
-                 let t = T.tau_of_var x in
-                 fprintf fmt "@ (%a : %a)" self#pp_var a self#pp_tau t
-              ) xs ;
-            fprintf fmt "@ : %a :=@ " self#pp_tau t ;
-            fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@]@].@\n" (self#pp_expr t) e ;
-          end
-      method declare_fixpoint ~prefix fmt f xs t e =
-        begin
-          self#declare_signature fmt f (List.map tau_of_var xs) t ;
-          let fix = prefix ^ (link_name (self#link f)) in
-          self#declare_axiom fmt fix xs []
-            (e_eq (e_fun ~result:t f (List.map e_var xs)) e) ;
-        end
-      method declare_axiom fmt lemma xs (_:trigger list list) p =
-        self#global
-          begin fun () ->
-            fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>Hypothesis %s: %a@].@\n"
-              lemma self#pp_prop (T.e_forall xs p)
-          end
-    end
diff --git a/src/plugins/qed/export_coq.mli b/src/plugins/qed/export_coq.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ae4f8c41367b7497c744aadf9e0c22c99c804f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/qed/export_coq.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Logic
-open Format
-(** Exportation Engine for Coq.
-    Provides a full {{:Export.S.engine-c.html}engine}
-    from a {{:Export.S.linker-c.html}linker}. *)
-module Make(T : Term) :
-  open T
-  module Env : Engine.Env with type term := term
-  type trigger = (var,Fun.t) Engine.ftrigger
-  type typedef = (tau,Field.t,Fun.t) Engine.ftypedef
-  class virtual engine :
-    object
-      inherit [Z.t,ADT.t,Field.t,Fun.t,tau,var,term,Env.t] Engine.engine
-      method marks : Env.t * T.marks
-      method op_spaced : string -> bool
-      method declare_type : formatter -> ADT.t -> int -> typedef -> unit
-      method declare_axiom : formatter -> string -> var list -> trigger list list -> term -> unit
-      method declare_fixpoint : prefix:string -> formatter -> Fun.t -> var list -> tau -> term -> unit
-      method declare_signature : formatter -> Fun.t -> tau list -> tau -> unit
-      method declare_inductive : formatter -> Fun.t -> tau list -> tau -> (string * var list * trigger list list * term) list -> unit
-      method declare_definition : formatter -> Fun.t -> var list -> tau -> term -> unit
-    end
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Cmath.ml b/src/plugins/wp/Cmath.ml
index d0cb850341f5042f1903ec314dbce891052717a9..44bef2bd6b3758c3a0a7d6b07850804280812116 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Cmath.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Cmath.ml
@@ -180,19 +180,12 @@ let builtin_strict_leq lfun ~domain ~zero ~monotonic a b =
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 let f_iabs =
-  extern_f ~library:"cmath"
-    ~link:{
-      why3     = Qed.Engine.F_call "IAbs.abs";
-      coq      = Qed.Engine.F_call "Z.abs";
-    } "\\iabs"
+  extern_f ~library:"cmath" ~link:(Qed.Engine.F_call "IAbs.abs") "\\iabs"
 let f_rabs =
   extern_f ~library:"cmath"
     ~result:Real ~params:[Sreal]
-    ~link:{
-      why3     = Qed.Engine.F_call "RAbs.abs";
-      coq      = Qed.Engine.F_call "R.abs";
-    } "\\rabs"
+    ~link:(Qed.Engine.F_call "RAbs.abs") "\\rabs"
 let () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiList.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiList.ml
index 8363dfff62d8716da907ec99747353c581f0cccd..5db3d2b3246d8776a21304559f7179cd4032057b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiList.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiList.ml
@@ -151,9 +151,6 @@ class pane (gprovers:GuiConfig.provers) =
           [ VCS.Qed ; VCS.Tactical ] ;
-        let prv = Wp_parameters.Provers.get () in
-        if List.mem "native:coq" prv then
-          self#create_prover VCS.NativeCoq ;
         ignore (list#add_column_empty) ;
         list#set_selection_mode `MULTIPLE ;
         gprovers#connect self#configure ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
index 62afceed657f1dab08ae6c86a185833febe6bb88..d92911dc44128a9145abc4e61097cc1aa67aeb5e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiNavigator.ml
@@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ class behavior
           | _ ->
               let mode = match mode , prover with
                 | Some m , _ -> m
-                | None , VCS.NativeCoq -> VCS.Edit
                 | _ -> if VCS.is_auto prover then VCS.Batch else VCS.Fix in
               schedule (Prover.prove w ~mode ~result prover) ;
               refresh w
@@ -288,8 +287,6 @@ class behavior
     val popup_qed  = new Widget.popup ()
     val popup_tip  = new Widget.popup ()
-    val popup_ergo = new Widget.popup ()
-    val popup_coq  = new Widget.popup ()
     val popup_why3_auto = new Widget.popup ()
     val popup_why3_inter = new Widget.popup ()
     val mutable popup_target = None
@@ -331,10 +328,6 @@ class behavior
         popup_why3_inter#add_item ~label:"Check Script" ~callback:(self#popup_run VCS.Batch) ;
         popup_why3_inter#add_item ~label:"Edit Script" ~callback:(self#popup_run VCS.Edit) ;
         popup_why3_inter#add_item ~label:"Fixup Script" ~callback:(self#popup_run VCS.FixUpdate) ;
-        self#add_popup_proofmodes popup_ergo
-          [ "Run",Batch ; "Open Altgr-Ergo on Fail",Edit ; "Open Altgr-Ergo",Edit ] ;
-        self#add_popup_proofmodes popup_coq
-          [ "Check Proof",Batch ; "Edit on Fail",Edit ; "Edit Proof",Edit ] ;
     method private popup w p =
@@ -344,7 +337,6 @@ class behavior
         match p with
         | None | Some Tactical -> popup_tip#run ()
         | Some Qed -> popup_qed#run ()
-        | Some NativeCoq -> popup_coq#run ()
         | Some (Why3 _ as p) ->
             if VCS.is_auto p
             then popup_why3_auto#run ()
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/GuiProver.ml b/src/plugins/wp/GuiProver.ml
index 7de00bf46aee7be0c66323f3b969a41ac5e24549..2ff42a0eb2c54072ddc1ad675415a0d51e147003 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/GuiProver.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/GuiProver.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let wg_status = `Share "theme/default/surely_invalid.png"
 let smoke_status = `Share "theme/default/valid_under_hyp.png"
 let filter = function
-  | VCS.Qed | VCS.Tactical | VCS.NativeCoq -> false
+  | VCS.Qed | VCS.Tactical -> false
   | VCS.Why3 _ -> true
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
index e62d3942fbc02ab763d2820d054dcb116af1939c..7b8ec88560b335b8eea63e14982d58d7614c04fb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.ml
@@ -104,23 +104,13 @@ let lemma_id l = Printf.sprintf "Q_%s" (avoid_leading_backlash l)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-type 'a infoprover =
-  {
-    why3   : 'a;
-    coq    : 'a;
-  }
+type 'a infoprover = 'a
 (* generic way to have different informations for the provers *)
-let infoprover x = {
-  why3    = x;
-  coq     = x;
+let infoprover x = x
-let map_infoprover f i = {
-  why3    = f i.why3;
-  coq     = f i.coq;
+let map_infoprover f i = f i
 type library = string
@@ -256,8 +246,8 @@ struct
   type t = adt
   let basename = function
-    | Mtype a -> basename "M" a.ext_link.why3
-    | Mrecord(r,_) -> basename "R" r.ext_link.why3
+    | Mtype a -> basename "M" a.ext_link
+    | Mrecord(r,_) -> basename "R" r.ext_link
     | Comp (c,KValue) -> basename (if c.cstruct then "S" else "U") c.corig_name
     | Comp (c,KInit) -> basename (if c.cstruct then "IS" else "IU") c.corig_name
     | Atype lt -> basename "A" lt.lt_name
@@ -328,7 +318,7 @@ let datatype ~library name =
   Mtype m
 let record ~link ~library fts =
-  let m = new_extern ~link ~library ~debug:link.why3 in
+  let m = new_extern ~link ~library ~debug:link in
   let r = { fields = [] } in
   let fs = List.map (fun (f,t) -> Mfield(m,r,f,t)) fts in
   r.fields <- fs ; Mrecord(m,r)
@@ -524,7 +514,7 @@ let extern_p ~library ?bool ?prop ?link ?(params=[]) ?(coloring=false) () =
     | _ , _ , Some info -> info
     | _ , _ , _ -> assert false
-  let debug = Export.debug link.why3 in
+  let debug = Export.debug link in
   Model {
     m_category = Logic.Function;
     m_params = params ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
index a508d69de73eef2e5d291ddd00897ddd85e0b8dc..43d479e650309b770ab49f4060d56790f6ddc349 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Lang.mli
@@ -33,12 +33,9 @@ type library = string
 (** Name for external prover.
-    In case a Qed.Engine.link is used, [F_subst] patterns
-    are not supported for Why-3. *)
-type 'a infoprover = {
-  why3   : 'a;
-  coq    : 'a;
+    In case a Qed.Engine.link is used, [F_subst] patterns are not supported. *)
+type 'a infoprover = 'a
 (** generic way to have different informations for the provers *)
 val infoprover: 'a -> 'a infoprover
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/LogicBuiltins.ml b/src/plugins/wp/LogicBuiltins.ml
index 4d012aefea216dbc20cf4f76598c39462da2d9e4..9790a06df5a90580d34fbb83e393808d7b61c6c4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/LogicBuiltins.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/LogicBuiltins.ml
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ let add_logic ~source result name kinds ~library ?category ~link () =
 let add_predicate ~source name kinds ~library ~link () =
   let params = List.map skind kinds in
-  let lfun = Lang.extern_fp ~library ~params ~link link.why3 in
+  let lfun = Lang.extern_fp ~library ~params ~link link in
   register ~source name kinds (LFUN lfun)
 let add_ctor ~source name kinds ~library ~link () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in b/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
index ed8e8a09187910fc4b88a8c415dbbd9e477f78cb..e0d4f620803ca394f56cbd1ba015bd08e7418946 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Makefile.in
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ifneq ("$(FRAMAC_INTERNAL)","yes")
 include $(FRAMAC_SHARE)/Makefile.config
-# Coq Resources Installation
+# Resources Installation
 include $(PLUGIN_DIR)/share/Makefile.resources
 # Extension of the GUI for wp is compilable
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ PLUGIN_CMO:= \
 	MemMemory MemTyped MemRegion MemVal \
 	wpReached wpRTE wpTarget \
 	CfgCompiler StmtSemantics \
-	VCS script proof wpo wpReport \
+	VCS script wpo wpReport \
 	Footprint Tactical Strategy \
 	TacClear TacSplit TacChoice TacRange TacInduction \
 	TacArray TacCompound TacUnfold \
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ PLUGIN_CMO:= \
 	TacSequence \
 	TacCongruence TacOverflow Auto \
 	ProofSession ProofScript ProofEngine \
-	ProverTask ProverCoq \
+	ProverTask \
 	filter_axioms Cache ProverWhy3 \
 	driver prover ProverSearch ProverScript \
 	Factory \
@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ endif
 	$(Wp_DIR)/Makefile.in \
-	$(Wp_DIR)/share/Makefile.coqwp \
 	$(Wp_DIR)/share/Makefile.resources \
@@ -303,13 +302,10 @@ clean::
 ## All relative to share/
-ALL_COQ_SOURCES= $(addprefix coqwp/, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA) $(COQ_LIBS_INRIA))
 ALL_WHY3_SOURCES= $(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/, $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA))
 	wp.driver \
@@ -324,22 +320,6 @@ clean::
 $(Wp_DIR)/share/instwp: $(Wp_DIR)/share/install.ml
 	$(OCAMLC) $(WARNINGS) -w -70 -o $@ unix.cma $^
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Pre-Compiled Coq Libraries                                         ---
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ifeq ($(WP_COQC_ENABLED),yes)
-include $(Wp_DIR)/share/Makefile.coqwp
-byte:: coqwpcompile
-opt:: coqwpcompile
-clean:: wp-coq-clean
-endif #($(WP_COQC_ENABLED),yes)
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --- Installation                                                       ---
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -350,7 +330,7 @@ install:: clean-install
 		-i $(Wp_DIR)/share \
 		-d $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp \
+		$(ALL_RESOURCES) -f -b
 	$(PRINT_RM) WP shared files
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Plang.ml b/src/plugins/wp/Plang.ml
index f67bbaa35648f67879d15b843d33f180ff8e71cf..e6aa02a41fa981c382c95f23bb4405cc550bbf58 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Plang.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Plang.ml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class engine =
     inherit E.engine as super
     inherit Lang.idprinting
-    method infoprover w = w.why3
+    method infoprover w = w
     (* --- Types --- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 75a1361e434a0a813ada48324e9da4cbd8584f8f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,671 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Prover Coq Interface                                               --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-open Cil_types
-open Qed
-open Lang
-open Definitions
-let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "prover"
-let cluster_file c =
-  let dir = WpContext.directory () in
-  let base = cluster_id c in
-  Printf.sprintf "%s/%s.v" (dir :> string) base
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- External Coq Libraries                                             --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Applies to both WP resources from the Share, and User-defined libraries *)
-let option_file = LogicBuiltins.create_option
-    (fun ~driver_dir x -> driver_dir ^ "/" ^ x)
-    "coq" "file"
-type coqlib = {
-  c_id : string ; (* Identifies the very original file. *)
-  c_source : string ;  (* Original file directory. *)
-  c_file : string ;    (* Relative Coq source file. *)
-  c_path : string ;    (* Relative Coq source directory. *)
-  c_name : string ;    (* Module package. *)
-  c_module : string ;  (* Full module name. *)
-(* example:
-   {
-   c_id="/mydir/foobar:a/b/User.v" ;
-   c_source="/mydir/foobar" ;
-   c_file= "a/b/User.v" ;
-   c_path = "a/b" ;
-   c_name = "a.b" ;
-   c_module  = "a.b.User" ;
-   }
-(* Take the directory name and changes all '/' into '.' *)
-let name_of_path path =
-  if path = "." then ""
-  else
-    String.map (fun c -> if c = '/' || c = '\\' then '.' else c) path
-let find_nonwin_column opt =
-  let p = String.rindex opt ':' in
-  if String.length opt >= 3 &&
-     opt.[1] = ':' && (opt.[2] = '/' || opt.[2] = '\\') && p = 1 then
-    (* windows absolute path, not <source>:<dir>/<file.v> format. *)
-    raise Not_found
-  else p
-(* Parses the coq.file option from the driver. *)
-let parse_c_option opt =
-  try
-    (* Format "<source>:<dir>/<file.v>" *)
-    let p = find_nonwin_column opt in
-    let c_source = String.sub opt 0 p in
-    let c_file = String.sub opt (p+1) (String.length opt - p - 1) in
-    let c_path = Filename.dirname c_file in
-    let c_name = name_of_path c_path in
-    let coqid = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename c_file) in
-    let c_module =
-      Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" c_name
-        (String.capitalize_ascii coqid)
-    in
-    { c_id = opt ; c_source ; c_file ; c_path ; c_name ; c_module }
-  with Not_found ->
-    (* Format "<source>/<file.v>" *)
-    let c_source = Filename.dirname opt in
-    let c_file = Filename.basename opt in
-    let c_module =
-      String.capitalize_ascii (Filename.chop_extension c_file)
-    in
-    { c_id = opt ; c_source ; c_file ; c_path = "." ; c_name = "" ; c_module }
-let coqlibs = Hashtbl.create 128 (*[LC] Not Projectified. *)
-let c_option opt =
-  try Hashtbl.find coqlibs opt
-  with Not_found ->
-    let clib = parse_c_option opt in
-    Hashtbl.add coqlibs opt clib ; clib
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Dependencies                                                       --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-type depend =
-  | D_cluster of cluster (* Generated in <out>/<model>/A.v *)
-  | D_coqlib of coqlib   (* From <source>/ or <out>/coqwp/ *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Exporting Formulae to Coq                                          --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let engine =
-  let module E = Qed.Export_coq.Make(Lang.F.QED) in
-  object(self)
-    inherit E.engine as super
-    inherit Lang.idprinting
-    method infoprover p = p.coq
-    method! pp_fun cmode fct ts =
-      if fct == Vlist.f_concat
-      then Vlist.export self ts
-      else super#pp_fun cmode fct ts
-  end
-class visitor fmt c =
-  object(self)
-    inherit Definitions.visitor c
-    inherit ProverTask.printer fmt (cluster_title c)
-    val mutable deps : depend list = []
-    (* --- Managing Formatter --- *)
-    method flush =
-      begin
-        Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
-        List.rev deps
-      end
-    (* --- Files, Theories and Clusters --- *)
-    method add_coqfile opt =
-      let clib = c_option opt in
-      Format.fprintf fmt "Require Import %s.@\n" clib.c_module ;
-      deps <- (D_coqlib clib) :: deps
-    method on_library thy =
-      let files = LogicBuiltins.get_option option_file ~library:thy in
-      List.iter self#add_coqfile files
-    method on_cluster c =
-      self#lines ;
-      Format.fprintf fmt "Require Import %s.@\n" (cluster_id c) ;
-      deps <- (D_cluster c) :: deps
-    method on_type lt def =
-      begin
-        self#lines ;
-        engine#declare_type fmt (Lang.adt lt) (List.length lt.lt_params) def ;
-      end
-    method private gen_on_comp kind c fts =
-      begin
-        self#paragraph ;
-        let adt = match kind with
-          | KValue -> Lang.comp c
-          | KInit -> Lang.comp_init c
-        in
-        let t = match fts with
-          | None -> Qed.Engine.Tabs
-          | Some fts -> Qed.Engine.Trec fts
-        in
-        engine#declare_type fmt adt 0 t ;
-      end
-    method on_comp = self#gen_on_comp KValue
-    method on_icomp = self#gen_on_comp KInit
-    method on_dlemma l =
-      begin
-        self#paragraph ;
-        engine#declare_axiom fmt
-          (Lang.lemma_id l.l_name)
-          l.l_forall l.l_triggers
-          (F.e_prop l.l_lemma)
-      end
-    method on_dfun d =
-      begin
-        self#paragraph ;
-        match d.d_definition with
-        | Logic t ->
-            engine#declare_signature fmt
-              d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) t ;
-        | Function(t,mu,v) ->
-            let pp = match mu with
-              | Rec -> engine#declare_fixpoint ~prefix:"Fix"
-              | Def -> engine#declare_definition
-            in pp fmt d.d_lfun d.d_params t v
-        | Predicate(mu,p) ->
-            let pp = match mu with
-              | Rec -> engine#declare_fixpoint ~prefix:"Fix"
-              | Def -> engine#declare_definition
-            in pp fmt d.d_lfun d.d_params Logic.Prop (F.e_prop p)
-        | Inductive dl ->
-            engine#declare_inductive fmt
-              d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) Logic.Prop
-              (List.map (fun l -> (Lang.lemma_id l.l_name,
-                                   l.l_forall,
-                                   l.l_triggers,
-                                   (F.e_prop l.l_lemma))
-                        ) dl)
-      end
-  end
-let write_cluster c =
-  let f = cluster_file c in
-  Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Generate '%s'" f ;
-  let deps = Command.print_file f
-      begin fun fmt ->
-        let v = new visitor fmt c in
-        v#lines ;
-        v#printf "Require Import ZArith.@\n" ;
-        v#printf "Require Import Reals.@\n" ;
-        v#on_library "qed" ;
-        v#vself ;
-        v#flush ;
-      end
-  in Wp_parameters.print_generated f ; deps
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Assembling Goal                                                    --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Returns whether source was modified after target *)
-let need_recompile ~source ~target =
-  try
-    let t_src = (Unix.stat source).Unix.st_mtime in
-    let t_tgt = (Unix.stat target).Unix.st_mtime in
-    t_src >= t_tgt
-  with Unix.Unix_error _ -> true
-(* Used to mark version of clusters already available *)
-module CLUSTERS = WpContext.Index
-    (struct
-      type key = cluster
-      type data = int * depend list
-      let name = "ProverCoq.FILES"
-      let compare = cluster_compare
-      let pretty = pp_cluster
-    end)
-(* Used to mark coqlib versions to use *)
-module Marked = Set.Make
-    (struct
-      type t = depend
-      let compare d1 d2 =
-        match d1 , d2 with
-        | D_coqlib _ , D_cluster _ -> (-1)
-        | D_cluster _ , D_coqlib _ -> 1
-        | D_cluster c1 , D_cluster c2 -> Definitions.cluster_compare c1 c2
-        | D_coqlib c1 , D_coqlib c2 -> String.compare c1.c_id c2.c_id
-    end)
-type included = string * string
-(* -R <path> <name>, name possibly empty, use -I instead *)
-type coqcc = {
-  mutable marked : Marked.t ;
-  mutable includes : included list ; (* (reversed) includes with as *)
-  mutable sources : string list ;    (* (reversed) file .v to recompile *)
-let add_include coqcc dir =
-  if not (List.mem dir coqcc.includes) then coqcc.includes <- dir :: coqcc.includes
-let add_source coqcc file =
-  if not (List.mem file coqcc.sources) then coqcc.sources <- file :: coqcc.sources
-(* Recursive assembly: some file need further dependencies *)
-let rec assemble coqcc d =
-  if not (Marked.mem d coqcc.marked) then
-    begin
-      coqcc.marked <- Marked.add d coqcc.marked ;
-      match d with
-      | D_cluster cluster -> assemble_cluster coqcc cluster
-      | D_coqlib clib -> assemble_coqlib coqcc clib
-    end
-and assemble_cluster coqcc c =
-  let (age,deps) = try CLUSTERS.find c with Not_found -> (-1,[]) in
-  let deps =
-    if age < cluster_age c then
-      let deps = write_cluster c in
-      CLUSTERS.update c (cluster_age c , deps) ; deps
-    else deps in
-  List.iter (assemble coqcc) deps ;
-  add_source coqcc (cluster_file c)
-and assemble_coqlib coqcc c =
-  let compiled = Printf.sprintf "%s/%so" c.c_source c.c_file in
-  if Sys.file_exists compiled then
-    let dir = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" c.c_source c.c_path in
-    add_include coqcc (dir,c.c_name)
-  else
-    begin
-      let tgtdir = Wp_parameters.get_output_dir "coqwp" in
-      let source = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" c.c_source c.c_file in
-      let target = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" (tgtdir :> string) c.c_file in
-      let dir = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" (tgtdir :> string) c.c_path in
-      if need_recompile ~source ~target then
-        begin
-          Wp_parameters.make_output_dir dir ;
-          Command.copy source target ;
-        end ;
-      add_include coqcc (dir,c.c_name) ;
-      add_source coqcc target;
-    end
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Assembling Goal                                                    --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let assemble_goal ~pid axioms prop =
-  let title = Pretty_utils.to_string WpPropId.pretty pid in
-  let model = WpContext.directory () in
-  let id = WpPropId.get_propid pid in
-  let file = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s.coq" (model :> string) id in
-  let goal = cluster ~id ~title () in
-  let deps = Command.print_file file
-      begin fun fmt ->
-        let v = new visitor fmt goal in
-        v#printf "Require Import ZArith.@\n" ;
-        v#printf "Require Import Reals.@\n" ;
-        v#on_library "qed" ;
-        v#vgoal axioms prop ;
-        let libs = Wp_parameters.CoqLibs.get () in
-        if libs <> [] then
-          begin
-            v#section "Additional Libraries" ;
-            List.iter v#add_coqfile libs ;
-            v#hline ;
-          end ;
-        v#paragraph ;
-        engine#global
-          begin fun () ->
-            v#printf "@[<hv 2>Goal@ %a.@]@."
-              engine#pp_prop (F.e_prop prop) ;
-          end ;
-        v#flush
-      end in
-  let coqcc = { marked = Marked.empty ; includes = [] ; sources = [] } in
-  List.iter (assemble coqcc) deps ;
-  let includes = ((model :> string) , "") :: List.rev coqcc.includes in
-  let sources = List.rev coqcc.sources in
-  includes , sources , file
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Running Coq                                                        --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-open Task
-open VCS
-let coq_timeout () =
-  let coqtimeout = Wp_parameters.CoqTimeout.get () in
-  let gentimeout = Wp_parameters.Timeout.get () in
-  max coqtimeout gentimeout
-let coqide_lock = Task.mutex ()
-let emacs_regexp = Str.regexp_string_case_fold "emacs"
-let is_emacs cmd =
-  try ignore (Str.search_forward emacs_regexp cmd 0) ; true
-  with Not_found -> false
-class runcoq includes source =
-  let base = Filename.chop_extension source in
-  let logout = base ^ "_Coq.out" in
-  let logerr = base ^ "_Coq.err" in
-  object(self)
-    inherit ProverTask.command "coq"
-    method private project =
-      let dir = Filename.dirname source in
-      let p = Wp_parameters.CoqProject.get () in
-      Command.pp_to_file (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" dir p)
-        begin fun fmt ->
-          List.iter
-            (fun (dir,name) ->
-               if name = "" then
-                 Format.fprintf fmt "-R %s ''@\n" dir
-               else
-                 Format.fprintf fmt "-R %s %s@\n" dir name
-            ) includes ;
-          Format.fprintf fmt "-arg@\n" ;
-        end
-    method private options =
-      begin
-        List.iter
-          (fun (dir,name) ->
-             if name = "" then
-               self#add ["-R";dir;""]
-             else
-               self#add ["-R";dir;name]
-          ) includes ;
-      end
-    method failed : 'a. 'a task =
-      begin
-        let name = Filename.basename source in
-        Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty:`Message "[Coq] '%s' compilation failed." name ;
-        if Wp_parameters.verbose_atleast 1 then
-          begin
-            ProverTask.pp_file ~message:"Coqc (stdout)" ~file:logout ;
-            ProverTask.pp_file ~message:"Coqc (stderr)" ~file:logerr ;
-          end ;
-        Task.failed "Compilation of '%s' failed." name ;
-      end
-    method compile =
-      let cmd = Wp_parameters.CoqCompiler.get () in
-      self#set_command cmd ;
-      self#options ;
-      self#add [ source ] ;
-      self#timeout (coq_timeout ()) ;
-      Task.call
-        (fun () ->
-           let name = Filename.basename source in
-           Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty:`Transient
-             "[Coq] Compiling '%s'." name) ()
-      >>= self#run ~logout ~logerr
-      >>= fun r ->
-      if r = 127 then Task.failed "Command '%s' not found" cmd
-      else if r <> 0 then self#failed
-      else Task.return ()
-    method check =
-      let cmd = Wp_parameters.CoqCompiler.get () in
-      self#set_command cmd ;
-      self#options ;
-      self#add [ source ] ;
-      self#timeout (coq_timeout ()) ;
-      self#run ~logout ~logerr () >>= function
-      | 127 -> Task.failed "Command '%s' not found" cmd
-      | 0 -> Task.return true
-      | 1 -> Task.return false
-      | _ -> self#failed
-    method coqide =
-      let coqide = Wp_parameters.CoqIde.get () in
-      self#set_command coqide ;
-      if is_emacs coqide then
-        begin
-          self#project ;
-          self#add [ source ] ;
-        end
-      else
-        begin
-          self#options ;
-          self#add [ source ] ;
-        end ;
-      Task.sync coqide_lock (self#run ~logout ~logerr)
-  end
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Compilation Helpers                                                --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let shared_demon = ref true
-let shared_headers : (string,unit Task.shared) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 120
-let shared includes source =
-  try Hashtbl.find shared_headers source
-  with Not_found ->
-    if !shared_demon then
-      begin
-        shared_demon := false ;
-        let server = ProverTask.server () in
-        Task.on_server_stop server (fun () -> Hashtbl.clear shared_headers) ;
-      end ;
-    let shared = Task.shared ~retry:true
-        (fun () -> (new runcoq includes source)#compile)
-    in Hashtbl.add shared_headers source shared ; shared
-let rec compile_headers includes forced = function
-  | [] -> Task.nop
-  | source::headers ->
-      let target = source ^ "o" in
-      if forced || need_recompile ~source ~target then
-        begin
-          let cc = shared includes source in
-          Task.share cc >>= fun () -> compile_headers includes true headers
-        end
-      else compile_headers includes forced headers
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Coq Prover                                                         --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let ontty = `Feedback
-open Wpo
-type coq_wpo = {
-  cw_pid : WpPropId.prop_id ;
-  cw_gid : string ;
-  cw_goal : string ; (* filename for goal without proof *)
-  cw_script : string ; (* filename for goal with proof script *)
-  cw_headers : string list ; (* filename for libraries *)
-  cw_includes : included list ; (* -R ... ... *)
-let make_script w script closing =
-  Command.print_file w.cw_script
-    begin fun fmt ->
-      Command.pp_from_file fmt w.cw_goal ;
-      Format.fprintf fmt "Proof.@\n%s%s@\n@." script closing ;
-    end
-let try_script w script closing =
-  make_script w script closing ;
-  (new runcoq w.cw_includes w.cw_script)#check
-let rec try_hints w = function
-  | [] -> Task.return false
-  | (kind,script,closing) :: hints ->
-      Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty "[Coq] Goal %s : %s" w.cw_gid kind ;
-      try_script w script closing >>= fun succeed ->
-      if succeed then
-        let required,hints = WpPropId.prop_id_keys w.cw_pid in
-        let keys = List.merge String.compare required hints in
-        Proof.add_script_for ~gid:w.cw_gid keys script closing ;
-        Task.return true
-      else
-        try_hints w hints
-let try_prove w =
-  begin
-    match Proof.script_for ~pid:w.cw_pid ~gid:w.cw_gid with
-    | Some (script,closing) ->
-        Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty "[Coq] Goal %s : Saved script" w.cw_gid ;
-        try_script w script closing
-    | None -> Task.return false
-  end
-  >>= fun succeed ->
-  if succeed then
-    Task.return true
-  else
-    try_hints w (Proof.hints_for ~pid:w.cw_pid)
-let try_coqide w =
-  let script,closing =
-    Proof.script_for_ide ~pid:w.cw_pid ~gid:w.cw_gid in
-  make_script w script closing ;
-  (new runcoq w.cw_includes w.cw_script)#coqide >>= fun st ->
-  if st = 0 then
-    match Proof.parse_coqproof w.cw_script with
-    | None ->
-        Wp_parameters.feedback "[Coq] No proof found" ;
-        Task.return false
-    | Some(script,closing) ->
-        if Proof.is_empty_script script then
-          begin
-            Proof.delete_script_for ~gid:w.cw_gid ;
-            Task.canceled () ;
-          end
-        else
-          begin
-            let req,hs = WpPropId.prop_id_keys w.cw_pid in
-            let hints = List.merge String.compare req hs in
-            Proof.add_script_for ~gid:w.cw_gid hints script closing ;
-            Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty "[Coq] Goal %s : Script" w.cw_gid ;
-            try_script w script closing
-          end
-  else if st = 127
-  then Task.failed "CoqIde command '%s' not found" (Wp_parameters.CoqIde.get ())
-  else Task.failed "CoqIde exits with status %d." st
-let prove_session ~mode w =
-  begin
-    compile_headers w.cw_includes false w.cw_headers >>=
-    begin fun () ->
-      match mode with
-      | Batch | Update -> try_prove w
-      | Edit -> try_coqide w
-      | Fix | FixUpdate ->
-          begin
-            try_prove w >>> function
-            | Task.Result true -> Task.return true
-            | Task.Failed e -> Task.raised e
-            | Task.Canceled | Task.Timeout _ | Task.Result false -> try_coqide w
-          end
-    end
-  end
-  >>= Task.call (fun r -> if r then VCS.valid else VCS.unknown)
-let gen_session w =
-  begin
-    make_script w "  ...\n" "Qed." ;
-    Wp_parameters.print_generated w.cw_script ;
-    Task.return VCS.no_result
-  end
-let prove_session ~mode w =
-  if Wp_parameters.Generate.get () then
-    gen_session w
-  else
-    prove_session ~mode w
-let prove_prop wpo ~mode ~axioms ~prop =
-  let pid = wpo.po_pid in
-  let gid = wpo.po_gid in
-  let model = wpo.po_model in
-  let context = Wpo.get_context wpo in
-  let script = DISK.file_goal ~pid ~model ~prover:NativeCoq in
-  let includes , headers , goal =
-    WpContext.on_context context (assemble_goal ~pid axioms) prop
-  in
-  prove_session ~mode {
-    cw_pid = pid ;
-    cw_gid = gid ;
-    cw_goal = goal ;
-    cw_script = script ;
-    cw_headers = headers ;
-    cw_includes = includes ;
-  }
-let prove_annot wpo vcq ~mode =
-  Task.todo
-    begin fun () ->
-      let prop =
-        WpContext.on_context (Wpo.get_context wpo)
-          (GOAL.compute_proof ~pid:wpo.po_pid) vcq.VC_Annot.goal in
-      prove_prop wpo ~mode ~axioms:None ~prop
-    end
-let prove_lemma wpo vca ~mode =
-  Task.todo
-    begin fun () ->
-      let lemma = vca.VC_Lemma.lemma in
-      let depends = vca.VC_Lemma.depends in
-      let prop = F.p_forall lemma.l_forall lemma.l_lemma in
-      let axioms = Some(lemma.l_cluster,depends) in
-      prove_prop wpo ~mode ~axioms ~prop
-    end
-let prove mode wpo =
-  match wpo.Wpo.po_formula with
-  | GoalAnnot vcq -> prove_annot wpo vcq ~mode
-  | GoalLemma vca -> prove_lemma wpo vca ~mode
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.mli b/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 35287cc626049deb497a95353d6737e3e44b587a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverCoq.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-open Task
-open VCS
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Alt-Ergo Theorem Prover                                            --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val prove : mode -> Wpo.t -> result task
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml
index ffdbeed2d2d9c31f449b8e316b9237bcde3162a5..9b4df821321a90605ab696180861dc73c5037a7d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverScript.ml
@@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ struct
   let stage = function
     | Prover( Qed , { verdict = Valid } ) -> 0
     | Prover( Why3 _ , { verdict = Valid } ) -> 1
-    | Prover( NativeCoq , { verdict = Valid } ) -> 2
-    | Tactic _ -> 3
-    | Prover _ -> 4
-    | Error _ -> 5
+    | Tactic _ -> 2
+    | Prover _ -> 3
+    | Error _ -> 4
   let time = function
     | Tactic _ | Error _ -> 0.0
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverTask.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverTask.ml
index 1811bf0a2bb5d253b8cd144f23ca4b5a5cf0a5cf..cb0989a0c924cd1133d9837c78ebbb812dd920e7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverTask.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverTask.ml
@@ -302,7 +302,6 @@ let server ?procs () =
       let np = getprocs procs in
       let s = Task.server ~procs:np () in
       Why3Provers.set_procs np ;
-      Task.on_server_stop s Proof.savescripts ;
       server := Some s ; s
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
index a21e48d0d86a6ae13935ac743ae2ca4de7b55051..e89b87890f82921162f173f4fec10d8bfd3b42c8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/ProverWhy3.ml
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ let lfun_name (lfun:Lang.lfun) =
   | ACSL f -> Qed.Engine.F_call (Lang.logic_id f)
   | CTOR c -> Qed.Engine.F_call (Lang.ctor_id c)
   | Model({m_source=Generated(_,n)}) -> Qed.Engine.F_call n
-  | Model({m_source=Extern e}) -> e.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
+  | Model({m_source=Extern e}) -> e.Lang.ext_link
 let coerce ~cnv sort expected r =
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ let coerce ~cnv sort expected r =
   | _ -> r
 let name_of_adt = function
-  | Lang.Mtype a -> a.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
-  | Mrecord(a,_) -> a.Lang.ext_link.Lang.why3
+  | Lang.Mtype a -> a.Lang.ext_link
+  | Mrecord(a,_) -> a.Lang.ext_link
   | Comp (c, KValue) -> Lang.comp_id c
   | Comp (c, KInit) -> Lang.comp_init_id c
   | Atype lt -> Lang.type_id lt
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
index 9adac2908d3a76ddd90e4364f97ecb507c446dbc..2faa6011629180a42c57748deef6e8074fd42600 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.ml
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ let dkey_shell = Wp_parameters.register_category "shell"
 type prover =
   | Why3 of Why3Provers.t (* Prover via WHY *)
-  | NativeCoq     (* Direct Coq and Coqide *)
   | Qed           (* Qed Solver *)
   | Tactical      (* Interactive Prover *)
@@ -42,12 +41,6 @@ type mode =
 let parse_prover = function
   | "" | "none" -> None
   | "qed" | "Qed" -> Some Qed
-  | "native-coq" (* for wp-reports *)
-  | "native:coq" | "native:coqide" | "native:coqedit"
-    ->
-      Wp_parameters.warning ~once:true ~current:false
-        "native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead" ;
-      Some NativeCoq
   | "script" -> Some Tactical
   | "tip" -> Some Tactical
   | "why3" -> Some (Why3 { Why3.Whyconf.prover_name = "why3";
@@ -83,7 +76,6 @@ let parse_mode m =
 let name_of_prover = function
   | Why3 s -> Why3Provers.print_wp s
-  | NativeCoq -> "native:coq"
   | Qed -> "qed"
   | Tactical -> "script"
@@ -92,7 +84,6 @@ let title_of_prover = function
       if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_shell
       then Why3Provers.name s
       else Why3Provers.title s
-  | NativeCoq -> "Coq (native)"
   | Qed -> "Qed"
   | Tactical -> "Script"
@@ -119,13 +110,12 @@ let sanitize_why3 s =
 let filename_for_prover = function
   | Why3 s -> sanitize_why3 (Why3Provers.print_wp s)
-  | NativeCoq -> "Coq"
   | Qed -> "Qed"
   | Tactical -> "Tactical"
 let is_auto = function
   | Qed -> true
-  | Tactical | NativeCoq -> false
+  | Tactical -> false
   | Why3 p ->
       match p.prover_name with
       | "Alt-Ergo" | "CVC4" | "Z3" -> true
@@ -145,9 +135,6 @@ let cmp_prover p q =
   | Tactical , Tactical -> 0
   | Tactical , _ -> (-1)
   | _ , Tactical -> 1
-  | NativeCoq , NativeCoq -> 0
-  | NativeCoq , _ -> (-1)
-  | _ , NativeCoq -> 1
   | Why3 p , Why3 q -> Why3Provers.compare p q
 let pp_prover fmt p = Format.pp_print_string fmt (title_of_prover p)
@@ -331,7 +318,6 @@ let pp_result fmt r =
 let is_qualified prover result =
   match prover with
   | Qed | Tactical -> true
-  | NativeCoq -> result.verdict <> Timeout
   | Why3 _ -> result.cached || result.prover_time < Rformat.epsilon
 let pp_cache_miss fmt st updating prover result =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.mli b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.mli
index 544d259d47e23e193e085865b6e3ceb1ed9e13e2..7d81ce1743c382abc88859f5c3fc9b9f6e5363f9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/VCS.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/VCS.mli
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 type prover =
   | Why3 of Why3Provers.t (** Prover via WHY *)
-  | NativeCoq     (** Direct Coq and Coqide *)
   | Qed           (** Qed Solver *)
   | Tactical      (** Interactive Prover *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.ml b/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.ml
index 204b5adac9cc3198cf8ed535afe360e8cc849dbe..87dc9ab818146f8fd3a6a76e9d1138f8ca9196b6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/Vlist.ml
@@ -40,14 +40,8 @@ let library = "vlist"
 let t_list = "\\list"
 let l_list = Lang.infoprover "list"
 let l_concat = Lang.infoprover (E.F_right "concat")
-let l_elt = Lang.(E.({
-    why3 = F_call "elt" ;
-    coq = F_subst "(cons %1 nil)" ;
-  }))
-let l_repeat = Lang.(E.({
-    why3 = F_call "repeat" ;
-    coq = F_call "repeat" ;
-  }))
+let l_elt = E.(F_call "elt")
+let l_repeat = E.(F_call "repeat")
 (*--- Typechecking ---*)
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/driver.mll b/src/plugins/wp/driver.mll
index 400780fc71d0bafcd88602899de0d5c30747847f..e2c95f53cd26e6b9e19ed7c3ddd6779839d1d939 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/driver.mll
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/driver.mll
@@ -285,11 +285,9 @@ and bal = parse
         skip input; Lang.infoprover link
       | RECLINK l ->
         skip input ;
-        begin try
-          {Lang.why3    = conv_bal def (List.assoc "why3" l);
-                coq     = conv_bal def (List.assoc "coq" l) }
+        begin try conv_bal def (List.assoc "why3" l);
         with Not_found ->
-          failwith "a link must contain an entry for 'why3' and 'coq'"
+          failwith "a link must contain an entry for 'why3'"
       | _ -> failwith "Missing link symbol"
@@ -299,11 +297,9 @@ and bal = parse
         skip input ; Lang.infoprover f
       | `RecString l ->
         skip input ;
-        begin try
-          {Lang.why3    = List.assoc "why3" l;
-                coq     = List.assoc "coq" l }
+        begin try List.assoc "why3" l
         with Not_found ->
-          failwith "a link must contain an entry for 'why3' and 'coq'"
+          failwith "a link must contain an entry for 'why3'"
       | _ -> failwith "Missing link symbol"
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/proof.ml b/src/plugins/wp/proof.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index f9d54288e6a9df846fbc65c55b020a8951065f07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/proof.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Proof Script Database                                              --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let scriptbase : (string, string list * string * string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 81
-(* [ goal name -> sorted hints , script , closing ] *)
-let scriptfile = ref None (* current file script name *)
-let needback   = ref false (* file script need backup before modification *)
-let needsave   = ref false (* file script need to be saved *)
-let needwarn   = ref false (* user should be prompted for chosen scriptfile *)
-let sanitize hint =
-  try
-    let n = String.length hint in
-    if n <= 0 then raise Exit ;
-    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
-      match hint.[i] with
-      | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' | '-' | '*' -> ()
-      | _ -> raise Exit
-    done ; true
-  with Exit -> false
-let register_script goal hints proof closing =
-  let hints = List.sort String.compare (List.filter sanitize hints) in
-  Hashtbl.replace scriptbase goal (hints,proof,closing)
-let delete_script_for ~gid =
-  Hashtbl.remove scriptbase gid
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Proof Scripts Parsers                                              --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-open Script
-let is_empty_script script =
-  try
-    for i=0 to String.length script - 1 do
-      match script.[i] with '\n' | ' ' | '\t' -> () | _ -> raise Exit
-    done ; true
-  with Exit -> false
-let parse_coqproof file =
-  let input = Script.open_file file in
-  try
-    let rec fetch_proof input =
-      match token input with
-      | Proof(p,c) -> Some(p,c)
-      | Eof -> None
-      | _ -> skip input ; fetch_proof input
-    in
-    let proof = fetch_proof input in
-    Script.close input ; proof
-  with e ->
-    Script.close input ;
-    raise e
-let collect_scripts input =
-  while key input "Goal" do
-    let g = ident input in
-    eat input "." ;
-    let xs =
-      if key input "Hint" then
-        let xs = idents input in
-        eat input "." ; xs
-      else []
-    in
-    let proof,qed =
-      match token input with
-      | Proof(p,c) -> skip input ; p,c
-      | _ -> error input "Missing proof"
-    in
-    register_script g xs proof qed
-  done ;
-  if token input <> Eof
-  then error input "Unexpected script declaration"
-let parse_scripts file =
-  if Sys.file_exists file then
-    begin
-      let input = Script.open_file file in
-      try
-        collect_scripts input ;
-        Script.close input ;
-      with e ->
-        Script.close input ;
-        raise e
-    end
-let dump_scripts file =
-  let out = open_out file in
-  let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out in
-  try
-    Format.fprintf fmt "(* Generated by Frama-C WP *)@\n@\n" ;
-    let goals = Hashtbl.fold (fun goal _ gs -> goal::gs) scriptbase [] in
-    List.iter
-      (fun goal ->
-         let (hints,proof,qed) = Hashtbl.find scriptbase goal in
-         Format.fprintf fmt "Goal %s.@\n" goal ;
-         (match hints with
-          | [] -> ()
-          | k::ks ->
-              Format.fprintf fmt "Hint %s" k ;
-              List.iter (fun k -> Format.fprintf fmt ",%s" k) ks ;
-              Format.fprintf fmt ".@\n");
-         Format.fprintf fmt "Proof.@\n%s%s@\n@." proof qed
-      ) (List.sort String.compare goals) ;
-    Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
-    close_out out ;
-  with e ->
-    Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
-    close_out out ;
-    raise e
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Scripts Management                                                 --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let rec choose k =
-  let file = Printf.sprintf "wp%d.script" k in
-  if Sys.file_exists file then choose (succ k) else file
-let savescripts () =
-  if !needsave then
-    match !scriptfile with
-    | None -> ()
-    | Some file ->
-        if Wp_parameters.UpdateScript.get () then
-          try
-            if !needback then
-              ( Command.copy file (file ^ ".back") ; needback := false ) ;
-            if !needwarn then
-              ( needwarn := false ;
-                Wp_parameters.warning ~current:false
-                  "No script file specified.@\n\
-                   Your proofs are saved in '%s'@\n\
-                   Use -wp-script '%s' to re-run them."
-                  file file ;
-              ) ;
-            dump_scripts file ;
-            needsave := false ;
-          with e ->
-            Wp_parameters.abort
-              "Error when dumping script file '%s':@\n%s" file
-              (Printexc.to_string e)
-        else
-          Wp_parameters.warning ~once:true ~current:false
-            "Script base modified : modification will not be saved"
-let loadscripts () =
-  let user = Wp_parameters.Script.get () in
-  if !scriptfile <> Some user then
-    begin
-      savescripts () ;
-      begin
-        try parse_scripts user ;
-        with e ->
-          Wp_parameters.error
-            "Error in script file '%s':@\n%s" user
-            (Printexc.to_string e)
-      end ;
-      if Wp_parameters.UpdateScript.get () then
-        if user = "" then
-          (* update new file *)
-          begin
-            let ftmp = choose 0 in
-            Wp_parameters.Script.set ftmp ;
-            scriptfile := Some ftmp ;
-            needwarn := true ;
-            needback := false ;
-          end
-        else
-          (* update user's file *)
-          begin
-            scriptfile := Some user ;
-            needback := Sys.file_exists user ;
-          end
-      else
-        (* do not update *)
-        begin
-          scriptfile := Some user ;
-          needback := false ;
-        end
-    end
-let find_script_for_goal ~gid =
-  loadscripts () ;
-  try
-    let _,proof,qed = Hashtbl.find scriptbase gid in
-    Some(proof,qed)
-  with Not_found ->
-    None
-let update_hints_for_goal goal hints =
-  try
-    let old_hints,script,qed = Hashtbl.find scriptbase goal in
-    let new_hints = List.sort String.compare hints in
-    if Stdlib.compare new_hints old_hints <> 0 then
-      begin
-        Hashtbl.replace scriptbase goal (new_hints,script,qed) ;
-        needsave := true ;
-      end
-  with Not_found -> ()
-let rec matches n xs ys =
-  match xs , ys with
-  | x::rxs , y::rys ->
-      let c = String.compare x y in
-      if c < 0 then matches n rxs ys else
-      if c > 0 then matches n xs rys else
-        matches (succ n) rxs rys
-  | _ -> n
-let rec filter xs ys =
-  match xs , ys with
-  | [] , _ -> ys
-  | _::_ , [] -> raise Not_found
-  | x::rxs , y::rys ->
-      let c = String.compare x y in
-      if c < 0 then raise Not_found else
-      if c > 0 then y :: filter xs rys else
-        filter rxs rys
-let most_suitable (n,_,_,_) (n',_,_,_) = n'-n
-let find_script_with_hints required hints =
-  loadscripts () ;
-  let required = List.sort String.compare required in
-  let hints = List.sort String.compare hints in
-  List.sort most_suitable
-    begin
-      Hashtbl.fold
-        (fun g (xs,proof,qed) scripts ->
-           try
-             let n = matches 0 hints (filter required xs) in
-             (n,g,proof,qed)::scripts
-           with Not_found -> scripts)
-        scriptbase []
-    end
-let add_script_for ~gid hints proof =
-  needsave := true ; register_script gid hints proof
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* --- Prover API                                                         --- *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let script_for ~pid ~gid =
-  let found = find_script_for_goal ~gid in
-  ( if found <> None then
-      let required,hints = WpPropId.prop_id_keys pid in
-      let all = List.merge String.compare required hints in
-      update_hints_for_goal gid all ) ;
-  found
-let rec head n = function [] -> []
-                        | x::xs -> if n > 0 then x :: head (pred n) xs else []
-let hints_for ~pid =
-  let default = match Wp_parameters.CoqTactic.get () with
-    | "none" -> []
-    | tactic -> ["Default tactic",Printf.sprintf "  %s.\n" tactic,"Qed."]
-  in
-  if Wp_parameters.TryHints.get () then
-    let nhints = Wp_parameters.Hints.get () in
-    if nhints > 0 then
-      let required,hints = WpPropId.prop_id_keys pid in
-      let scripts = find_script_with_hints required hints in
-      default @ List.map (fun (_,_,s,q) -> "Hint",s,q) (head nhints scripts)
-    else default
-  else default
-let script_for_ide ~pid ~gid =
-  match find_script_for_goal ~gid with
-  | Some script -> script
-  | None ->
-      let required,hints = WpPropId.prop_id_keys pid in
-      let hints = find_script_with_hints required hints in
-      let script =
-        if hints = [] then
-          begin
-            match Wp_parameters.CoqTactic.get () with
-            | "none" -> ""
-            | tactic -> Format.asprintf "(* %s. *)\n" tactic
-          end
-        else
-          begin
-            let nhints = Wp_parameters.Hints.get () in
-            Format.asprintf "%t"
-              (fun fmt ->
-                 List.iter
-                   (fun (_,g,script,_) ->
-                      Format.fprintf fmt
-                        "(*@ --------------------------------------\n  \
-                         @ From '%s': \n%s*)\n%!" g script
-                   ) (head nhints hints))
-          end
-      in script , "Qed."
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/proof.mli b/src/plugins/wp/proof.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fb4c7f14a7e12645cfb358da664d216c1bf64b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/proof.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               *)
-(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
-(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
-(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
-(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
-(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
-(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
-(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
-(*                                                                        *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(** Coq Proof Scripts *)
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-open WpPropId
-val is_empty_script : string -> bool
-(** Check a proof script text for emptyness *)
-val delete_script_for : gid:string -> unit
-(** [delete_script ~gid] remove known script for goal. *)
-val add_script_for : gid:string -> string list -> string -> string -> unit
-(** [new_script goal keys proof qed] registers the script [proof]
-    terminated by [qed] for goal [gid] and keywords [keys] *)
-val parse_coqproof : string -> (string * string) option
-(** [parse_coqproof f] parses a coq-file [f] and fetch the first proof. *)
-val savescripts : unit -> unit
-(** If necessary, dump the scripts database into the file
-    specified by [-wp-script f]. *)
-val script_for : pid:prop_id -> gid:string -> (string * string) option
-val script_for_ide : pid:prop_id -> gid:string -> string * string
-val hints_for : pid:prop_id -> (string * string * string) list
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml b/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
index 7ba0c5f0a554a5319d8711a69fcda4c4c28e7301..4483cf24c32f0571871134cd696ecbded8eb93cb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/prover.ml
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ let dispatch ?(config=VCS.default) mode prover wpo =
     match prover with
     | Qed | Tactical -> Task.return VCS.no_result
-    | NativeCoq -> ProverCoq.prove mode wpo
     | Why3 prover ->
         let smoke = Wpo.is_smoke_test wpo in
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.coqwp b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.coqwp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bdd3d154b0096059f1d5a09c6a4877def52982a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.coqwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-#                                                                        #
-#  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           #
-#                                                                        #
-#  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               #
-#    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              #
-#         alternatives)                                                  #
-#                                                                        #
-#  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   #
-#  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       #
-#  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              #
-#                                                                        #
-#  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 #
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
-#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   #
-#                                                                        #
-#  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 #
-#  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            #
-#                                                                        #
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---  Coq Compilation
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.PHONY: coqwpcompile
-coqwpcompile: $(COQWPBINARIES)
-$(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/%.vo: $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/%.v
-	echo "Coqc         $<"
-	coqc -w none $(COQWPINCLUDES) $<
-$(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/%.ide: $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/%.v
-	echo "Coqide       $<"
-	coqide $(COQWPINCLUDES) $<
-$(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/.depend: $(addprefix $(WPLSHARE)/, $(WP_COQ_SOURCES))
-	echo "Coqdep       $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp"
-	@coqdep $(COQWPINCLUDES) $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/*.v $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/**/*.v > $@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---  Additional Targets
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.PHONY: wp-coq-compile wp-coq-clean wp-coq-install wp-coq-uninstall
-wp-coq-compile: coqwpcompile
-	@echo "Run 'make wp-coq-install' to install all precompiled libraries"
-	find $(Wp_DIR) \( -name "*.vo" -or -name "*.glob" -or -name ".*.aux" \) -delete
-	rm -f $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/.depend
-	$(PRINT_INSTALL) "Coq Libraries"
-	$(INSTALL_SHARE) -f -p -s \
-		-i $(Wp_DIR)/share \
-		-d $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp \
-	$(PRINT_RM) "Coq Libraries"
-	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/why3/*.vo
-	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/coqwp/*.vo
-	@rm -f $(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/wp/coqwp/*/*.vo
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---  Coq Dependencies
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),distclean)
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),smartclean)
-sinclude $(WPLSHARE)/coqwp/.depend
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
index 4fea780bb2adefba6f7d67c28ebf9904ab6f2adb..f28c1d26ae72c9c86b50ff23477f1a55a46bbc51 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/Makefile.resources
@@ -39,93 +39,6 @@ WHY3_LIBS_CEA:=	\
 ## Used in share/why3
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---  Coq Libraries
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-## Used in share/coqwp
- ArcTrigo.v     \
- Bits.v 	\
- Cbits.v 	\
- Cfloat.v 	\
- Cint.v 	\
- Cmath.v 	\
- Square.v 	\
- ExpLog.v       \
- Memory.v 	\
- Qed.v 		\
- Qedlib.v 	\
- Vset.v 	\
- Vlist.v	\
- Zbits.v
- BuiltIn.v 	\
- HighOrd.v 	\
- bool/Bool.v 	\
- int/Abs.v 	\
- int/ComputerDivision.v	\
- int/EuclideanDivision.v \
- int/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v \
- int/Exponentiation.v	\
- int/Int.v 	\
- int/MinMax.v 	\
- int/Power.v 	\
- map/Map.v 	\
- map/Const.v 	\
- real/Abs.v 	\
- real/FromInt.v \
- real/MinMax.v 	\
- real/Real.v 	\
- real/RealInfix.v \
- real/Square.v \
- real/ExpLog.v \
- real/PowerReal.v \
- real/Trigonometry.v
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---  Alt-Ergo Libraries
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Used in share/ergo
- ArcTrigo.mlw   \
- Cbits.mlw 	\
- Cfloat.mlw 	\
- Cint.mlw 	\
- Cmath.mlw 	\
- Square.mlw 	\
- ExpLog.mlw     \
- Memory.mlw 	\
- Qed.mlw 	\
- Vset.mlw	\
- Vlist.mlw
- bool.Bool.mlw 	\
- int.Abs.mlw 	\
- int.ComputerDivision.mlw \
- int.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.mlw \
- int.Int.mlw 	\
- int.MinMax.mlw \
- map.Map.mlw 	\
- map.Const.mlw 	\
- real.Abs.mlw 	\
- real.FromInt.mlw \
- real.MinMax.mlw \
- real.Real.mlw 	\
- real.RealInfix.mlw \
- real.Square.mlw \
- real.Truncate.mlw \
- real.ExpLog.mlw \
- real.PowerReal.mlw \
- real.Trigonometry.mlw \
- real.Hyperbolic.mlw \
- real.Polar.mlw
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---  LICENSES
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -135,23 +48,13 @@ ERGO_LIBS_INRIA:= \
 	wp.driver \
 	why3/coq.drv \
-	$(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/,  $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA)) \
-	$(addprefix coqwp/, $(COQ_LIBS_CEA)) \
-	$(addprefix ergo/,  $(ERGO_LIBS_CEA))
+	$(addprefix why3/frama_c_wp/,  $(WHY3_LIBS_CEA))
 	install.ml \
 	Makefile.resources \
-	Makefile.coqwp \
-	$(addprefix coqwp/, $(COQ_LIBS_INRIA))
-	$(addprefix ergo/,  $(ERGO_LIBS_INRIA))
 # Local Variables:
 # mode: makefile
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver b/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
index 48a312726cbf71bd861b9b850b99053ab64ae39c..92fcd8039c8d53ea7bff2188cad2a46b63075dc5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/share/wp.driver
@@ -21,63 +21,39 @@
 library qed:
-coq.file += "coqwp/BuiltIn.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:bool/Bool.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp/HighOrd.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:int/Int.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:int/Abs.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:int/ComputerDivision.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:int/EuclideanDivision.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:int/ComputerOfEuclideanDivision.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/Real.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/RealInfix.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/FromInt.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:map/Map.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp:bool/Bool.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp/Qedlib.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp/Qed.v";
 why3.import += "int.Abs:IAbs";
 why3.import += "frama_c_wp.qed.Qed";
 why3.qualifier := "frama_c_wp.qed";
 library const:
-coq.file += "coqwp:map/Const.v";
 why3.import += "map.Const";
 library minmax_int:
-coq.file += "coqwp:int/MinMax.v";
 why3.import += "int.MinMax:Ig";
 logic integer "\\max"(integer,integer) =
-      {coq="Zmax";why3="Ig.max"};
+      {why3="Ig.max"};
 logic integer "\\min"(integer,integer) =
-      {coq="Zmin";why3="Ig.min"};
+      {why3="Ig.min"};
 library minmax_real:
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/MinMax.v";
 why3.import += "real.MinMax:Rg";
 logic real "\\max"(real,real) =
-      {coq="Rmax";why3="Rg.max"};
+      {why3="Rg.max"};
 logic real "\\min"(real,real) =
-      {coq="Rmin";why3="Rg.min"};
+      {why3="Rg.min"};
 library cint:
-coq.file += "coqwp/Bits.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp/Zbits.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp/Cint.v";
 why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cint.Cint";
 library cbits: cint
 logic boolean "bit_test"(integer,integer) := \bit_test_stdlib;
-coq.file += "coqwp/Cbits.v";
 why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cbits.Cbits";
 library cfloat: cmath sqrt
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/Abs.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp/Cfloat.v";
 why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cfloat.Cfloat";
 type "rounding_mode"   = "Rounding.mode";
 ctor "\\Up"()          = "Rounding.RTP";
@@ -100,33 +76,24 @@ logic float64 "\\round_double"(rounding_mode,real) = "round_double";
 library vset:
 type set = "set";
-coq.file := "coqwp/Vset.v";
 why3.import := "vset.Vset";
 library vlist:
-coq.file := "coqwp/Vlist.v";
 why3.import := "frama_c_wp.vlist.Vlist";
 library memory:
-coq.file := "coqwp/Memory.v";
 why3.import := "frama_c_wp.memory.Memory";
 library sqrt: cmath
 why3.import += "real.Square";
-coq.file += "coqwp/Square.v";
 why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cmath.Square";
 library exponential: qed
 why3.import += "real.ExpLog" ;
 why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cmath.ExpLog" ;
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/ExpLog.v" ;
-coq.file += "coqwp/Exp.v" ;
 library power: exponential sqrt
 why3.import += "real.PowerReal" ;
-coq.file += "coqwp:int/Exponentiation.v" ;
-coq.file += "coqwp:int/Power.v" ;
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/PowerReal.v" ;
 library truncate: qed
 why3.import += "real.Truncate" ;
@@ -134,17 +101,12 @@ why3.import += "real.Truncate" ;
 library cmath: qed
 why3.import += "real.Abs:RAbs" ;
 why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cmath.Cmath";
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/Abs.v" ;
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/Square.v";
-coq.file += "coqwp/Cmath.v";
 library trigonometry: sqrt cmath
 why3.import += "real.Trigonometry";
-coq.file += "coqwp:real/Trigonometry.v";
 library arctrigo: trigonometry
 why3.import += "frama_c_wp.cmath.ArcTrigo";
-coq.file += "coqwp/ArcTrigo.v";
 library hyperbolic: sqrt exponential
 why3.import += "real.Hyperbolic";
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.ml b/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.ml
index 18a0bdb55351abd6caec31e62c573887bb5830b8..56f0e0a3e6d676db2e5a28960f18fda513676512 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.ml
@@ -885,105 +885,6 @@ module BackTrack = Int
          Limits backtracking when applying strategies."
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module Script =
-  String(struct
-    let option_name = "-wp-coq-script"
-    let arg_name = "f.script"
-    let default = ""
-    let help = "Set user's file for Coq proofs."
-  end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module UpdateScript =
-  True(struct
-    let option_name = "-wp-update-coq-script"
-    let help = "If turned off, do not save or modify user's proofs."
-  end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module CoqTimeout =
-  Int(struct
-    let option_name = "-wp-coq-timeout"
-    let default = 30
-    let arg_name = "n"
-    let help =
-      Printf.sprintf
-        "Set the timeout (in seconds) for Coq (default: %d)." default
-  end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module CoqCompiler =
-  String(struct
-    let option_name = "-wp-coqc"
-    let default = "coqc"
-    let arg_name = "cmd"
-    let help =
-      Printf.sprintf
-        "Set the command line to run Coq Compiler (default 'coqc')."
-  end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module CoqIde =
-  String(struct
-    let option_name = "-wp-coqide"
-    let default = "coqide"
-    let arg_name = "cmd"
-    let help =
-      Printf.sprintf
-        "Set the command line to run CoqIde (default 'coqide')\n\
-         If the command-line contains 'emacs' (case insentive),\n\
-         a coq-project file is used instead of coq options."
-  end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module CoqProject =
-  String(struct
-    let option_name = "-wp-coq-project"
-    let default = "_CoqProject"
-    let arg_name = "file"
-    let help =
-      Printf.sprintf
-        "Set the Coq-Project file to used with Proof General (default '_CoqProject')"
-  end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module CoqTactic =
-  String
-    (struct
-      let option_name = "-wp-coq-tactic"
-      let arg_name = "proof"
-      let default = "auto with zarith"
-      let help = "Default tactic for Coq"
-    end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module TryHints =
-  False
-    (struct
-      let option_name = "-wp-coq-tryhints"
-      let help = "Try scripts from other goals (see also -wp-hints)"
-    end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module Hints =
-  Int
-    (struct
-      let option_name = "-wp-coq-hints"
-      let arg_name = "n"
-      let default = 3
-      let help = "Maximum number of proposed Coq scripts (default 3)"
-    end)
-let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
-module CoqLibs =
-  String_list
-    (struct
-      let option_name = "-wp-coq-lib"
-      let arg_name = "*.v,*.vo"
-      let help = "Additional libraries for Coq"
-    end)
 let () = Parameter_customize.set_group wp_prover_options
 let () = Parameter_customize.no_category ()
 module Why3Flags =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.mli b/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.mli
index b5c36d48cb38d5f1f99942b848452293fc2425bc..e1b72778280ab32247250c2c94c2bdc4746cb71d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wp_parameters.mli
@@ -118,24 +118,14 @@ module CacheEnv: Parameter_sig.Bool
 module CacheDir: Parameter_sig.String
 module CachePrint: Parameter_sig.Bool
 module Drivers: Parameter_sig.String_list
-module Script: Parameter_sig.String
-module UpdateScript: Parameter_sig.Bool
 module Timeout: Parameter_sig.Int
 module SmokeTimeout: Parameter_sig.Int
 module InteractiveTimeout: Parameter_sig.Int
 module TimeExtra: Parameter_sig.Int
 module TimeMargin: Parameter_sig.Int
-module CoqTimeout: Parameter_sig.Int
-module CoqCompiler : Parameter_sig.String
-module CoqIde : Parameter_sig.String
-module CoqProject : Parameter_sig.String
 module Steps: Parameter_sig.Int
 module Procs: Parameter_sig.Int
 module ProofTrace: Parameter_sig.Bool
-module CoqLibs: Parameter_sig.String_list
-module CoqTactic: Parameter_sig.String
-module Hints: Parameter_sig.Int
-module TryHints: Parameter_sig.Bool
 module Why3Flags: Parameter_sig.String_list
 module Auto: Parameter_sig.String_list
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml b/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
index 91b006ef291d742097c1cfa6365f5d2490ac9cc8..a309ee7ed01ee5101ff5e455e720ff4298f7056f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/wpo.ml
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ struct
     let ext = match prover with
       | Qed -> "qed"
       | Why3 _ -> "why"
-      | NativeCoq -> "v"
       | Tactical -> "tac"
     let id = WpPropId.get_propid pid in
@@ -117,7 +116,6 @@ struct
     let ext = match prover with
       | Qed -> "qed"
       | Why3 _ -> "why"
-      | NativeCoq -> "v"
       | Tactical -> "tac"
     let id = (Kf.vi kf).vname in
@@ -468,7 +466,7 @@ module ProverType =
       type t = prover
       include Datatype.Undefined
       let name = "Wpo.prover"
-      let reprs = [ NativeCoq; Qed ]
+      let reprs = [ Qed ]
 (* to get a "reasonable" API doc: *)
 let () = Type.set_ml_name ProverType.ty (Some "Wpo.prover")